
wgrantelmo, nigelb: At least U1 was changing their comboloader stuff a few weeks ago... and YUI is pretty awesome at falling back to the CDN silently if your comboloader misses something.00:07
wgrantI guess +decide probably uses some module that isn't in the comboloader.00:08
wgrant(it has some expandy JS stuff)00:08
wgrantReally good for security.00:08
bjsnideris lsb installed by default on the ppa builders?02:46
wgrantbjsnider: You must build-depend on anything that is not build-essential.02:48
jo-erlendhow do I remove a package from my PPA? I did a test build a while ago, and now it refuses to build new packages for me because the one already in the archive has a higher version number, but it's wrong.03:40
jo-erlendI've been waiting for hours for this to finish (:03:42
jo-erlendwhere can I learn how to use Launchpad to properly build packages? I'm spending days and days just to make a package so I can test on other computers. I hate this stuff. I want to program :(03:51
wgrantjo-erlend: Click "View package details", then "Delete packages"03:53
wgrantYou may have to wait for up to an hour before you can upload a lower version. You should not rely on this in future.03:53
wgrantAnd, even once deleted, you can never upload the same version again.03:54
wgrantHave you read https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA and the Ubuntu Packaging Guide?03:54
jo-erlendI have been able to upload packages before, by packaging and then pushing it to launchpad. But since I _really_ hate this kind of distraction, I wanted to make use of the daily builds. But it doesn't work, and I don't understand why.03:57
jo-erlendwgrant, that seems like _a lot_ to learn just to distribute a simple Python application?04:01
wgrantjo-erlend: Not all of the documents are relevant to that use case, and you should be able to find simple examples. But packaging some things can be extremely non-trivial, so the full documents are not small.04:04
nigelbwgrant: Interesting04:05
wgrant#ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-packaging may be helpful.04:07
wgrantnigelb: Hm?04:07
nigelbI've never used it :) Always used jQuery :P04:07
jo-erlendI guess I'll stick with zipfiles.04:08
jo-erlendwgrant, how long time do you think I'll have to set aside to understand these packaging things? Are we talking weeks or months?04:10
wgrantjo-erlend: A couple of hours should be fine to package a Python app.04:25
wgrantAnd once you learn how to do it, a trivial packaging job can take just a few minutes, depending on the software being packaged.04:26
wgrantTools like pkgme are being developed to make this easy, but they depend very much on your software following language-specific conventions.04:27
jo-erlendright. But is there anything I can read that will help me package python applications? Because they all refer to compiling C applications and other completely uninteresting things.04:27
wgranthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Python#The_debhelper_way may be helpful.04:31
wgrantBut #ubuntu-packaging or #ubuntu-motu can probably offer better advice; there's nothing Launchpad-specific about this, and the tools have evolved significantly in the couple of years since I last did a lot of packaging work.04:32
jo-erlendyes, but the single goal is to get daily builds from launchpad to work. I'04:35
jo-erlendthe less I learn about packaging, the better. :)04:36
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wgrantjo-erlend: To package something you need to know how to package it.04:39
wgrantjo-erlend: Daily builds are no exception.04:39
wgrantThey just automatically update and build the package as you tell them to.04:40
jo-erlendwell... Typing "quickly share" isn't all that complicated. :)04:43
wgrantquickly is quite a special case; you didn't say you were using it :)04:45
jo-erlendin what way is it special?04:47
wgrantIt's designed with pretty much exactly this in mind.04:48
wgrantSo it goes to great lengths to make its projects easily packagable in an automated fashion.04:49
jo-erlendyes, but can I make launchpad use it?04:49
StevenKquickly package ; make a branch, point a recipe at the two branches, profit?04:50
jo-erlendbtw... I just deleted the packages now. Do I have to wait some time before I upload and request a build, or can I do that right away?04:50
wgrantUnless quickly has built-in Launchpad recipe support, you will probably need to run 'quickly package' and extract the generated debian/ and put it in a branhc.04:50
jo-erlenddamn. I just realized that quickly-widgets can't be published that way even. So I guess I'll have to start from scratch anyway.04:51
jo-erlendperhaps I should just go to sleep and have another look at it when I'm not so tired. Perhaps it won't look quite so daunting then. :)04:58
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Linuxsapienmorning, just a simple question, how do I change my real name in my launchpad account please?09:56
wgrantLinuxsapien: https://launchpad.net/~/+edit09:58
Linuxsapienive used taht wgrant but it still uses old name10:00
Linuxsapienthat link10:00
wgrantWhat still uses the old name?10:01
Linuxsapienthe account10:01
wgrantWhere is the old name shown?10:01
Linuxsapienon that link you gave me10:02
wgrantIn the form?10:02
Linuxsapienif I change it to something else, then I use my launchpad for openID it still uses old name10:02
wgrantAh. Launchpad doesn't serve OpenID... it delegates to login.ubuntu.com. Try changing it there instead.10:03
Linuxsapieni will try10:04
Linuxsapien thanks10:04
chrisccoulsonis it not possible to use the same e-mail address for more than 1 account in launchpad?10:16
wgrantchrisccoulson: It's not.10:18
chrisccoulsonwgrant, thanks10:18
wgrantchrisccoulson: Launchpad uses email addresses as identifiers in lots of places. Incoming email, references in emails, Changed-By/Maintainer in packages, etc.10:18
chrisccoulsonwgrant, yeah, that makes sense then :)10:19
wgrantTo have them not unambiguously identify a person or team, when that can reasonably be assumed to be the case, would be troublesome.10:19
htorquehi everyone! is there a gpg key problem: "https://private-ppa.launchpad.net oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 2AF0E92042F834EC Launchpad ppa"10:33
htorquei'm getting this when doing apt-get update - the ppa in question contains the beta mono font10:33
wgranthtorque: If you run 'ls -l /var/lib/apt/lists/*walled-garden*', is there a 0-byte Release file?10:43
wgrantAt least I'm assuming this is walled-garden we are talking about.10:43
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htorquewgrant, there is no walled-garden, but a "private-ppa.launchpad.net_ubuntu-font-beta-testing_ppa_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_Release" with 0 bytes. delete and retry?11:11
htorquewgrant: well, deleting that file worked, thanks! i just wonder how this could have happened.11:14
shadeslayerhi, i was wondering how do i close merge requests in launchpad using bzr ?11:31
wgrantshadeslayer: Have you committed and pushed the merge?11:34
shadeslayerwgrant: yes11:35
shadeslayercurrently i have to manually go to each merge and set it to merged11:35
wgrantDo you have an example?11:35
shadeslayerwgrant: one sec :)11:35
shadeslayerwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kubuntu-packaging/kdegames/+merge/7395711:37
shadeslayeri just merged that branch a couple of seconds ago11:37
wgrantMerged into lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegames at revision 13211:38
wgrantIt worked fine.11:38
wgrantIt can take a minute or so to detect that, however.11:39
bulldog98the proposals for merge requests are not that good as they should be11:43
bulldog98eg https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kubuntu-packaging/kiten/+register-merge11:43
bulldog98i want to merge that into lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kiten but that’s what I don’t get proposed (that’s everytime)11:44
wgrantbulldog98: It's because you're abusing projects :(11:44
wgrantkubuntu-packaging doesn't make sense as a project.11:45
wgrantBecause you have dozens of different codebases.11:45
wgrantThey should be either real Ubuntu packaging branches, or branches of the upstream projects.11:45
wgrantIt's not intended that people should maintain dozens of trunks within a single project.11:45
wgrantYou are doing a KDE again, except this time with projects instead of packages :(11:46
bulldog98wgrant: but that’s what we do because it makes most sence11:47
wgrantIt's not at all how Launchpad is designed to be used, so it's not going to work very well.11:48
wgrantSo it definitely doesn't make the most sense.11:48
bulldog98wgrant: otherwise we gain karma in kdepim, but we haven’t done any kdepim code11:48
wgrantbulldog98: I'm not sure that karma is a good justification :)11:56
wgrantKarma wasn't really designed to work in any particular way. Everything else was designed under the rough assumption that one codebase is one project.11:57
wgrantViolating that on a scale like this is probably not going to end well.11:57
wgrantWhat prevents you from using Ubuntu packaging branches?11:57
wgrantOr potentially a custom distribution.11:57
wgrantJust to hold the branches for each source package.11:57
wgrantbulldog98, shadeslayer: ^^11:58
bulldog98wgrant: ask vddlogger11:58
shadeslayerwgrant: KDE 5 will have even more splits, so making a project for each package right now doesn't make sense11:59
wgrantWhy not?12:00
shadeslayerbecause it involves too much work that we will have to do again at the point KDE 5 releases  ...12:00
shadeslayeriirc we discussed this on the kubuntu-devel ML12:01
wgrantAny idea why you're not using real Ubuntu branches?12:02
bulldog98everytime I try to propose a merge I get Error ID: OOPS-2073J3512:06
wgrantWe want to support this sort of thing well. The way you're doing it now is probably not going to work well, so it would be handy to know what other options you've considered and discarded, and why.12:06
wgrantbulldog98: Is that for a branch you've just pushed?12:06
bulldog98wgrant: yes12:06
bulldog98no 7 min ago12:07
bulldog98or later12:07
bulldog98again that’s the 12 time that’s happening12:08
bulldog9821 min ago the branch was created12:08
bulldog98that one failed again12:10
shadeslayerwgrant: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2011-June/005292.html12:19
bulldog98again trying to propose the same merge the 25th time (and 30min after branch creation) Error ID: OOPS-2073AV3712:20
bulldog98Error ID: OOPS-2073DZ2912:33
bulldog98wgrant: what’s going wrong there :'(12:33
StevenKbulldog98: It's obvious there is a problem. Performing the same action over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity. And you clog up our reporting system and skew our numbers by doing so, so please stop.12:35
vddloggerbulldog98, wgrant: I'll need a summary of whatever you were talking about as I am rather busy ATM12:35
bulldog98vddlogger: why don’t we use ubuntu-style branches?12:36
vddloggerdefine ubuntu style branches12:36
bulldog98vddlogger: that must wgrant define12:37
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vddloggerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/580090 spam16:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 580090 in kcm-touchpad (Ubuntu) "Circular Scrolling not working" [Undecided,Fix released]16:22
shnatselhello everybody16:32
shnatselI'm building an Ubuntu derivative using seeds. I'm looking for the code that parses seeds and builds ISO images according to them. Where can I get it?16:33
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macer1 I am using "macer" nick generally, registred on launchpad as macer1, because macer was reseved. "macer" account was created when importing bugs from old bugtracker 5 years ago(and not used after that). Is there any chance that i can take over that nick?17:26
nigelbmacer1: Hi, today being a weekend the launchpad folks may not be here. You can either ask a question against launchpad at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad or ask again on Monday.17:28
macer1Ok, thanks. I will try on Monday.17:28
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AlanBellhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/~baldbrad seems to be spamming bug reports17:42
macer1If some admins will be seeing my question later, they can contact me, my mail is on my launchpad profile - macer1 ;)17:48
macer1AlanBell - you are right17:50
macer1f*ckin spammer -_-17:50
ubot5Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.17:50
macer1oops, sorry17:50
macer1*alanbell is right, this user IS a spammer.17:51
nigelbAlanBell: I'd suggest opening a question. I can do that if you don't have time at the moment.17:51
macer1AlanBell: this baldbrad is not active for some time17:52
macer1if i am right17:53
macer1btw. what do i have to do to become launchpad admin? Just asking  out of curiosity17:55
nigelbWork for Canonical. :)17:55
macer1no other ways ?17:56
nigelbNo, there are private projects, private branches, etc.17:56
nigelbEven some profile information which is private.17:56
macer1Ok. I get it ;)17:56
macer1i understand17:57
macer1btw. work for canonical - maybe i will but canonical does not have section in my country17:58
macer1I am member of Polish Translators team for translations, member of bug squad for helping with bugs, is there any other things that users(not-canonical) can help ;)?18:00
AlanBellthat doesn't matter much18:00
nigelbAlanBell: opened a question for that user.18:00
AlanBellquite a lot of canonical jobs just specify that you should be in a European or American timezone18:00
AlanBellnigelb: I saw that :)18:00
nigelbActually, I think there's already someone in Poland.18:01
nigelbI'm not sure if he still is though.18:01
macer1nigelb: can you subscribe me to this question? I am interested what will happen to that bug :p18:01
macer1i mean18:02
macer1that user18:02
macer1what will happen to that spammer user18:02
macer1AlanBell: cool, I am in European timezone :D18:02
macer1AlanBell: so maybe if i will have 18+ years old, I will work for Canonical, but I don't think I now can :D18:04
nigelbWell, at some point tomorrow, an admin will see it and set that user's status to inactive.18:04
macer1OK, but can you subscribe me please ;)?18:06
macer1OK, i subscriber myself...18:10
macer1nobody answered my question on top: I help with translations, and with bug, are they any other options? I really like to help :D18:13
macer1*and with bugs18:13
ESphynxHey guys, do you know why my brand image doesn't show up in the homepage? :\18:27
macer1link to page?18:28
macer1your program logo?18:30
macer1it displays18:30
ESphynxthe brand18:30
macer1Ok, so i don't know.18:31
macer1I am not admin ;)18:31
ESphynxlooks like it's not used :(18:31
ESphynxbugs is 2 years old :( Is launchpad still maintained ? :S18:31
macer1where do you expect it to be?18:31
ESphynxI just spent some time making a nice brand image but it's not used :P   https://launchpadlibrarian.net/78979371/brand.png18:31
ESphynxOn the Overview page somewhere :P18:32
macer1isnt better to make this as logo?18:32
ESphynxI made this as a 192x19218:32
ESphynxlogo is 64x64 too small for all that18:33
macer1I don't know :/18:35
ESphynxoh well :P18:36
ESphynxSo how do we get a package to make it into Ubuntu? :P18:36
macer1so you have deb-source-package?18:37
macer1and want it go to software-center?18:37
macer1do you have a working ppa?18:37
ESphynxwe haven't done a release yet though18:37
ESphynxbut we had a ppa that built on i38618:38
ESphynxwe fixed the code so it should build on amd64 as well now18:38
macer1how abour armel and powerpc :D? this will be interesting18:38
ESphynxproblem is I was not the one who made the ppa last time :P i'm trying to have someone else to manage the PPAs18:38
* macer1 is searching for how-to in google18:39
micahgESphynx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages, #ubuntu-motu can help18:39
ESphynxThis was our last ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ecere-team/+archive/ppa18:39
ESphynxmicahg: thanks!18:39
ESphynxone problem is that Ubuntu is very unstable on my machine :(18:40
macer1what version and hardware?18:41
ESphynxI think it's 10 I have installed, and hardware is nothing fancy! A Q6600, ASUS motherboard I think18:42
ESphynx10.04 or something18:43
ESphynxwas it LTS? I forget18:44
macer1it is LTS - try newest non-lts - new drivers, new kernels, more stability ;18:44
ESphynxI thought LTS stood for good 'Support' :(18:44
macer1well, it is...18:45
ESphynxI shall try a newer version.18:45
macer1but it containts old stable versions of eveything18:45
jussithe lts worked well on my q6600/asus p5q...18:45
macer1i was never hinking that old software works more stable...18:45
ESphynxseems to be a problem with my audio driver perhaps18:45
ESphynxI have an Audigy 2 I think18:45
ESphynxSkype would always freeze it very easy.18:46
ESphynxthough it could happen just in a browser18:46
macer111.04 + updates works just fine. and stable18:47
macer1I never liked LTS - old software...18:47
macer1because of that I am using oneiric now :D18:47
micahgsupport for ubuntu is in #ubuntu18:49
macer1where are list of all ubuntu channels?18:57
macer1i am searching for something like #ubuntu-xorg18:58
micahgmacer1: #ubuntu-x18:59
micahgmacer1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:59
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rippsLaunchpad is having trouble importing a repo from github https://code.launchpad.net/~ripps818/gmpc/glyr-git19:34
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jelmerripps: hi21:09
jelmerripps: that repository contains submodules, which we can't import yet (as there's nothing in bzr to convert them to)21:10
jo-erlendI've uploaded and built a package on my PPA, but it says "Note: Some binary packages for this source are not yet published in the repository". How come? And how long does that take?21:46
tumbleweedjo-erlend: IIRC publishing happens every 20 mins21:51
jo-erlendah. Right it's periodical. I had forgotten about that. I published a package earlier today and then it appeared immediately. Guess that was just lucky timing then? :)21:51
wgrantjo-erlend: Every 5 minutes, so not *too* lucky.22:50
jo-erlendoh, ok.22:50

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