
X_already_in_useanyone here a pro at using Transmission BitTorrent client on their lubuntu?02:02
Unit193I haven't really ever used Transmission as I don't like it, but there are 90 nicks in #transmission if you would like to ask there02:04
X_already_in_useI tried no one is answering, and I only use torrent when I want a quickie download of the file, cuz using the browser i get about 150-300 kB/s with torrent i get 1.4 mB/s02:07
X_already_in_useUsually closing the client should turn off the upload speed right? just wondering if that's the end of it, I've had other bad experience with other BitTorrent program like Pandora Media Booster than runs in the background and upload stuff without my knowledge, lol, took me a few days to figure it out, my internet was going nuts.02:09
Unit193If you close it and there is no tray icon, it's dead02:10
Unit193Also, you can open htop and make real sure it's not running if you don't trust it02:10
X_already_in_useopen htop ? what's that02:12
Unit193!info htop02:12
ubot5htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2 (natty), package size 57 kB, installed size 204 kB02:12
X_already_in_usety ill use that02:15
jmarsdenUnit193: Why do you need htop for that?  ps -C transmission02:15
X_already_in_useps -C transmission is that a command line02:17
X_already_in_usei tried it on the terminal it says   PID TTY          TIME CMD02:18
jmarsdenYes.  Then you don't have any processes called transmission running.02:18
X_already_in_usewell actually I do... :O02:19
X_already_in_useoh nvm its called transmission-gtk02:20
jmarsdenI don't think so.  maybe transmission-something...   right.02:20
X_already_in_usethnx for that command, ill save that on my Linux-Command.odt02:20
X_already_in_use:>  brb trying out other distro02:20
jmarsdenYou can also do   ps -ax |grep transmission    # to find processes with transmission in their name...02:21
Unit193jmarsden: You don't, it can just be easier for SOME02:37
jmarsdenOK... Lubuntu is abotu being lightweight, so... if you can do something with the default install, IMO you should do so, not add extra programs unless they are really needed.02:38
Unit193Ah, I forgot that wasn't installed by default02:39
AlchemikHi all.06:19
GenscherHey - are the daily builds useable? (and better in compare to the beta?)12:08
silverarrowhardly better12:08
silverarrowin general12:08
silverarrowmight get an update or fix you look for though12:09
head_victimBasically it's the same as a beta that has been updated.12:09
silverarrowbut I would consult the makers of them12:09
silverarrowfor example, VLC 2 is stable enough to trust it seems12:10
Genscherah nice to know. I'm going for a vacation with my netbook and wonder if Lubuntu can be trusted for that12:14
head_victimI've used Lubuntu for 2 releases now, it's always been good to me12:14
GenscherThanks for your help :) Will download the daily and try it12:15
head_victimIf you want stability I don't think a beta release is your best bet though unless you're used to dealing with developmental releases12:16
silverarrowyes, lubuntu have been trustworthy here too12:16
GenscherWell, as long as I don't get kernel panics.... ;)12:16
silverarrowthough I would bring the live cd12:16
silverarrowI have had updates mess up grub12:17
Genscheronly using the laptop for simple web surfing + gps routing12:17
silverarrowit works for any application really12:18
Genscherand i guess it beats Suse Linux anyway (came with Netbook preinstalled, left 10MB of 1,5GB free so I couldn't even play a normal video) :D12:18
silverarrowSUSE has grown big?12:19
head_victimGenscher: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall would also be a good look for a small hdd12:20
silverarrowhow did you make lubuntu install Genscher ?12:21
GenscherUsing http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ on USB drive. 1.5GB RAM i meant, not HDD :)12:21
silverarrowI see12:22
silverarrowfor usb booting puppy linux has some advantages12:23
silverarrowI'm not shore about 256MB RAM but it has a savefile function that works well12:24
Trusardihey how to set keyboard shortcuts in lubuntu?12:36
Trusardiis it ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml file?12:36
head_victimhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#I_want_to_bind_a_key_to_lock_my_screen.2C_how_do_I_do_it.3F that's better sorry for the long link12:39
head_victimIt shows how to bind a key to the lock screen but you can use it as an example to bind keys to other commands.12:39
GenscherThe graphicall installer doesn't like my netbook ;) "Unknown video mode 314" ;)12:47
Genscherwell, old debian users need only test install mode right? ;)12:49
head_victimThe text installer is a part of the alternate cd12:49
usr13Anyone know how to map F12 to lxterminal15:41
Genschergoogle? ;)15:43
Genschernah, i just have a question: Does anybody know how to circumvent the black screen bug?15:43
Genscherwhenever the screensaver kicks in and i wan tto wake up the pc again, it stays almost black15:44
Genscher(i can see a glimpse of some windows, very dark)15:44
frankboothusr13 you can add your own keybinds in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml15:45
frankboothusr13 like this:  <keybind key="F12"><action name="Execute"><command>lxterminal</command></action></keybind>15:47
Genscheris there a way to disable the screensaver?15:48
Genscher(finally got lubuntu installed, it's almost impossible on 576 screen height)15:49
Genscherandif lubuntu is supposed to be light, i wonder why there are 15 games installed ;)15:51
frankboothGenscher the games are like 200kb big in total, to disable screensaver: Lubuntu-menu -> Preferences -> Screensaver15:55
Genscherfrankbooth, thank you for your answer. Helped me alot :)15:56
Genscherbtw: I love that lubuntu uses the "old style" menu! No Unity, Gnome 3 and stuff16:14
usr13Xsession:  unsupported number of arguments (2): falling back to default session16:37
usr13I get desktop background but no lxpanel16:38
usr13Actually, the error message is displayed in a window in the middle of the screen with  (okay) at bottom.  You click on (okay) and then you get desktop background but no lxpanel16:39
Genscherwlan didn't work since 3 packages were missing (broadcom) but works fine now :)16:52
=== eyes_ is now known as EyesIsMine
svkoskinhello. is the installer included with lubuntu cd images similar to one in official ubuntu?16:58
svkoskinI need to shrink a NTFS partition and I'd especially like to know if the installer can do that16:59
usr13svkoskin: Yes17:39
svkoskinokay great17:39
svkoskinit won't boot17:47
Unit193Oh do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man....17:56
jmarsdensvkoskin: The installer on the Lubuntu LiveCD is ubiquity, and is *exactly* the same installer used on Ubuntu LiveCDs.  By the way, Lubuntu is "official Ubuntu" now, see the release announcement for the latest Oneiric Beta :)18:52
svkoskinI found that out a while ago :)18:53
jmarsdenOk, good.18:54
svkoskinthe installer is finally as good as debian-installer used to be18:54
jmarsdenWell, it has a tendency to demand more disk space than it really should for Lubuntu installs at the moment, but I'm working on fixing that...18:55
svkoskinSYSLINUX didn't work on my hardware, but I managed to make a bootable USB stick with unetbootin18:55
svkoskinand it worked perfectly18:55
svkoskinLXDE seems quite a nice software to my use even though I have got less than a year old laptop18:56
jmarsdenOK... the other way around (unetbootin fails, but syslinux is fine) is more common -- but what matters it that you got it to work :)18:56
jmarsdensvkoskin: Yes, there are people who like a lightweight desktop even on modern hardware.  It's good that we can give people that option with Lubuntu.18:57
svkoskinI liked KDE 3 but I don't find ánything I fancy on current Unity, KDE or Gnome18:58
svkoskinso it's great you bundle such a distro18:58
jmarsdenThanks!  gilir is the main developer of Lubuntu, I just help out here and there when I can.  And pcman is the driving force behind LXDE itself.19:00
shellyI've got a fresh lubuntu install, and wonder if it's possible I might have messed something up.  When I move a window, it kind of skips across the screen rather than dragging smoothly.  This didn't happen in XP, so there's got to be a way in lub.  Older box with a celeron processor.20:56
silverarrow1I have discovered something new22:34
silverarrow1lubuntu system monitor easts up cpu and ram like massive22:34
silverarrow1htop is much lighter, runs in terminal22:35
silverarrow1shows more accurate loads22:35
silverarrow1especially for minimal systems22:37
silverarrow1any one who have experienced gnome freezing entire computer?23:13
silverarrow1anyone here this late?23:15
phillwpresent... does not use gnome23:15
silverarrow1gnome is usually rather good here23:15
silverarrow1sorry gnome mplayer23:16
silverarrow1that would be confusing23:16
silverarrow1I have found Tor packages in synaptic too23:16
silverarrow1which I am wondering about23:16
phillwsilverarrow1: I'm actually busy trying to find out where some of our wiki pages vanished to in response to a request from the main forum area..... To say I am not pleased, would be an understatement!23:17
silverarrow1so there's no common reason why session freezes?23:17
silverarrow1linux or ubuntu?23:18
silverarrow1I am really happy with lubuntu, but issues do pop up23:18
phillwsilverarrow1: the boys who play with programs would be better to help you. If none are about on IRC, you could be really cheeky and use ML. :P23:19
silverarrow1I have puppy too, but it's not full install,23:19
phillwMailing List :P23:19
silverarrow1if they allow amateurs23:19
phillwsilverarrow1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ContactUs23:20
phillwsilverarrow1: They allow me :D23:21
silverarrow1and you are not elevated above mere mortal user ?23:22
phillwsilverarrow1: The decision was taken that none of us would wear 'badges'.23:28
phillwif you pop onto #lubuntu-offtopic I can better exaplain.23:28
mewayhow do I get java to work?23:58
mewayor actually what command to install java?23:58

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