
SoItBeginsQuestion: Does Ubuntu have contextual menus? And how can you bring them up on a single-button mouse?00:15
urlin2uSoItBegins, could you give a definition of contextual menus00:32
SoItBeginsMenus containing commands, which appear at the location of your mouse cursor containing commands tailored to what you have clicked on, when you right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac OS X).00:32
urlin2uSoItBegins, you using a apple mouse?00:33
SoItBeginsNo. An apple laptop trackpad.00:33
urlin2uah, hmm not sure there are right click menu's not sure om your setup how though, sorry00:34
SoItBeginsOK... thank you.00:36
urlin2uSoItBegins, found this though it is possible.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook_Santa_Rosa#Fix_Touchpad00:40
urlin2uSoItBegins, check this out in synaptic emulates the mouse with keys.  mouseemu00:43
No_i am sorry  i am off topic. but maybe you know how to install stardics on windows00:45
urlin2uNo_, #windows is where you need to be00:48
No_sorry but i need it for work00:49
No_but i still need ubuntu performance :)00:50
urlin2uNo_, we help on dualbootng issues, but can't on windows only.00:50
No_ok i try search myself, still thanx00:52
ubot2`Factoid 'hi' not found03:46
Unit193Bah, it's on some. Howdy and good day!03:46
bobweaverany one here that can help me write a script06:17
bobweavershould be real easy I just dont understand awk and sed06:22
geirhabobweaver: for f in *.desktop; do echo mv "$f" "$(awk -F= '$1=="Name"{print $2".desktop";exit}' "$f")"; done08:00
geirhaAdded an echo for testing in there.08:00
aleixosk_hello everybody, I've tried to resize a partition with gparted a couple of times and it would freeze every time. All I know is it was "scanning inode table" as it freezed. Can anyone recommend me another program or help me solve the problem?09:38
aleixoskhello everybody, I've tried to resize a partition with gparted a couple of times and it would freeze every time. All I know is it was "scanning inode table" as it freezed. Can anyone recommend me another program or help me solve the problem?11:20
kristian-aalborghi all13:17
kristian-aalborgI made a holstein yesterday - found two gigs of memory in a pile of garbage ;)13:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cinematicHello anyone home?20:58
cinematicI am having alot of trouble booting from USB on my macbook pro 4,1. I want to install on a small 20GB partition formatted in FAT32, I followed instructions for creating a usb install on the ubuntu wiki, but when i try to boot all i get is either no bootable device or non-system disk. Any other suggestions?21:01
holsteinhey cinematic21:11
cinematichello holstein21:11
holsteini would burn a CD21:11
cinematicI would if I could, however my superdrive is toast21:12
holsteincinematic: well, you'll need to troubleshoot why your macbook is not booting USB21:12
cinematicI was told that the 11.10b1 build fixed the booting on macs21:12
holsteincinematic: i booted 10.04 on a mac21:12
holsteini would go to another machine21:12
cinematicfrom usb?21:12
holsteinconfirm that the stick is good21:12
holsteinthen, troubleshoot from there21:13
cinematicShould i create the boot drive on windows?21:13
holsteincinematic: i read the the macbook couldnt boot USB21:13
holsteini have an older one though21:13
holsteincinematic: its not the creation, its the testing21:13
cinematicI have a 4,1 early 200821:13
holsteinright now.. you have a USB stick that you dont know if it works or now21:13
cinematicIve tried it on 2 sticks21:14
holsteinso, i would want to confirm it works on something that for sure boot USB21:14
holsteincinematic: right, but you dont know if its the mac, or the way you are making the sticks21:14
holsteinit literally wont hurt to confirm that what you are making is bootable21:14
cinematichold on im gonna test the stick on a windows laptop21:15
holsteinthen, you dont have to wonder... is the stick bad? or is the mac not booting USB21:15
holsteinnot that the stick is bad... just inproperly configured21:15
holsteinbad image21:15
geirhaAlso, please note that you can't install Ubuntu on a FAT32 filesystem. You'll have to remove that partition and create one with ext4 or similar. You can do that from the usb once you get it to boot though.21:15
cinematicwhat key lets you choose boot order21:17
holsteincinematic: thats really based on that particular machine21:18
holsteinthats the issue21:18
holsteini cant tell you that21:18
holsteinits on a per/machine basis21:18
cinematicits an old windows laptop21:18
cinematicnot my mac21:18
holsteincinematic: doesnt matter21:18
cinematicit usually only 1 of 3 keys21:18
holsteinfor my asus eee's its esc21:19
holsteinive seen f9, f10, options in the bios21:19
cinematicas in eeepc?21:19
holsteinif could be anything21:19
holsteineeepc netbook21:19
geirhaThe manual for the computer will tell you21:19
holsteini mean, if you would like some help googling, i'll do that, but i need to know the modle21:19
cinematicits F1221:20
cinematicits not booting off usb on this machine either, so it has to be creation error21:21
holsteinthere you go21:21
holsteini use unetbootin21:21
holsteinive used that from win and lin21:21
cinematicthe mac build of that isnt very good21:21
holsteini would check the md5 sum of whatever image you downloaded as well21:21
holsteincinematic: ?21:22
holsteini would say whatever you are using is *not* very good21:22
cinematicI was doing it through terminal21:22
holsteincinematic: you trying to dd it over?21:22
holsteinyou're supposed to be able to dd the new ones21:22
holsteini havent tried it yet21:23
cinematicwhich iso should i use?21:25
cinematicthe regular 11.04?21:25
holsteincinematic: thats a matter of opinion21:26
holsteinim running 10.04, the latest LTS21:27
holsteinpretty sure only the 11.10 iso's are hybrid21:27
* holstein looking21:27
holsteinyeah... http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-11-10-ISOs-to-be-hybrid-CD-USB-images-1261923.html21:28
holsteinyou wont be able to dd any stable iso's... not 11.04, nor 10.0421:28
cinematiccan i unetbootin it?21:29
holsteincinematic: i do21:29
cinematicthis one? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/ 64bit macimage?21:31
holsteincinematic: that depends21:31
holsteini mean, if you are asking me what i would use? thats the 32bit 10.04 one21:31
holsteinif you have a 64bit machine, you might want the 64bit version21:31
holsteinand you might want 11.0421:31
cinematici have a 64bit intel core 2 duo21:32
holsteini say, since they are live, just try them live, and see what you thinkg21:32
bodhizazengo for 11.10 beta =)21:33
holsteinyeah, at this point, i would not be afraid to run 11.1021:33
holsteinyou can dd the iso's to the USB stick :)21:34
cinematicthe beta is the one ive been trying to use21:34
holsteincinematic: 11.10?21:34
holsteinthat *should* dd21:35
holsteinbut, you shoud try it with unetbootin21:35
bodhizazenunetbootin *usually* works, but if it does not, reformat the flash drive ant try again21:35
cinematicim using unetbootin to create it now21:38
cinematicthe stick is supposed to be in FAT32 right?21:38
holsteincinematic: you wont be able to do it wrong21:39
holsteinfat32 is what it should be21:39
bodhizazenfor unetbootin yes, does not matter with dd21:39
cinematici will be right back, im gonna test it21:43
cinematicDidnt work21:53
cinematicrEFIt recognized it as a linux usb though21:53
cinematicim gonna try a different image i think21:53
cinematicor could it be the way the partition table is21:54
holsteinon the stick?21:54
cinematicShouldn't it be MBR?21:54
holsteinif you are not familiar with booting sticks, i would just try making one21:54
holsteinamybe with a 32bit iso21:54
holsteinmake one that boots on another machine21:55
cinematicIt depends, if the parition table is GUID instead of MBR it might boot21:55
holsteinthen, take that one to the mac21:55
holsteinyou just need to run it live... you can install another 64bit version later21:55
holsteinwhen you get more comfortable creating media21:55
holsteincinematic: i would suggest a mac channel for that21:57
holsteinim not familiar with the tools in OSX21:57
holsteini usually just boot alive CD with gparted on it21:57
holsteinit wont hurt for you to try all 3 though21:58
holsteinmbr is probably the way i end up doing it... id have to look to conrfirm21:58
cinematicI think...im gonna try this22:00
cinematicim thinking if i can get gparted to boot, i can run it and format the bootcamp partition as ext4, then try and boot it22:00
holsteinive never used boot camp22:01
holsteini tried 10.04 on my macbook22:01
holsteinit was awful22:01
holsteini wouldnt worry too much about it til you see something running live on there22:01
holsteinlinux/ubuntu runs great virtualized... in vitualbox for example22:02
cinematicive been using ubuntu since 8.04, I can run it virtualized but i need physical hardware access for the OS to do what i need to do22:05
cinematichmmm looks like windows cant read a GUID partition table22:06
holsteinsure, im just giving you my user experience, and suggesting that you explore it live before wasting a lot of time22:07
holsteini needed that too22:07
cinematicThe only thing i dont like about 11.04 is the unity interface, i prefer the classic desktop22:08
holsteingnome2 is still there in 11.0422:08
holsteingive xubuntu a look if you like gnome222:09
holsteini think XFCE is the most gnome2 like, and its quite nice22:09
philipballewQUESTION does this look like a good thing?23:09
holsteineh... i dont think its worth paying shipping, and taking the risk23:09
holsteini got a similar card for $1023:10
philipballewi need a new graphics card as my new monitor doesnt like my integrated vga port holstein23:10
philipballewbut i can find one cheeper?23:11
holsteinsure.. but nice new cards are not much more than that23:11
holstein40 or 50 bucks gets you something new from the egg23:11
holsteinyou'll have 25 or 30 bucks in that thing23:11
holsteinand my 10 dollar card is similarly spec'd23:12
philipballewhum. the desktop is like 5 years old though23:12
holsteindo what you feel23:13
holsteini dont think its worth the shipping and all...23:13
holsteinbut its probably a nice-ish card23:13
cinematiceven if a desktop is 5yrs old dropping a newer graphics card in to it, will speed it up you can snag a slightly dated Radeon card for $20-$50 depending23:13
philipballewwhats the best graphics card then for ubuntu or linux in general?23:14
holsteinintel ;)23:14
cinematicintel doesnt make cards23:14
holsteini like ATI's, but the one i got for 10 bucks was invidia, and i didnt look the gift horse in the mouth23:14
cinematiconly embedded graphics chips23:14
holsteini dont mean to split hairs... intel chips are usually well supported23:15
philipballewtrue, this laptop is intel and really nice23:16
cinematicphilipballew: does the desktop have PCI or PCI-E 1.x or PCI-E 2.x23:16
philipballewPCI-E GRAPHIC CARD is what im looking for23:17
philipballewholstein, http://imagebin.org/17105523:18
philipballewsee it would work but I aggree now that you say it, it might not be worth the risk23:18
holsteinwell, if it were 10 bucks and local, id say go for it23:19
holsteinbut, for approaching 30?, you can get something new23:19
philipballewmaybe I can continue to look23:20
philipballewcollege students get free amazon shipping23:20
holsteini mean... unless you really want that model for some reason23:21
holsteinthen, go for it23:21
philipballewnope. i just wan something too work23:21
cinematicthat top slot looks like an AGP slot23:21
cinematicis it?23:21
holsteinanyways... i gotta run for a bit... BBL23:21
cinematicwait no nvm 3 pin banks23:22
cinematicphilipballew: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?CatId=1558&name=PCI%20Express%20Video%20Cards23:23
cinematictheres a decent list for you23:23
cinematicthe top card for $35 is a great deal23:23
philipballewis this bad http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-PCI-Express-Graphics-Warranty-512-P3-1300-LR/dp/B004BQKQ8A/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1315178567&sr=1-123:24
cinematicthats a pretty crappy card23:24
cinematichere http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6681269&CatId=155823:24
cinematicthat will fit your needs and its a pretty decent card, especially for $3523:24
philipballewnever herd of sparkle23:25
cinematicnah go with the card i linked you to. its got 1GB of GDDR323:25
philipballewive never herd of it?23:25
cinematicand its rated 4.8/523:25
cinematicSparkle just makes the card, the chipset on it is nVidia23:26
cinematicits got a nVidia 8400GS 1GB DDR3 chipset in it23:26
philipballewi have nivida now and its kinda pissing me off. but thats intragrated23:26
cinematicyeah integrated chips from nvidia usually suck23:26
cinematicThats why the majority of manufacturers use intel HD chips for embedded graphics23:27
philipballewmy laptop is intel. its amazing23:27
cinematicim actually on a mac right now with the mobile version of the card i linked you to23:27
cinematicand i can edit real time 1080p HD with no drop frames23:28
cinematicits a pretty decent card23:28
philipballewi'll look for this on amazon and see if its there23:29
philipballewi get free shipping on there23:30

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