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exobuzzerm - i386 8 598 jobs (11 hours)  holy cr*p that's a bit queue. have some of the builders been taken off to do something else ?04:46
exobuzzonly 3 amd64 and 5 i386 builders. :(04:47
StevenKexobuzz: Yes, they are dealing with kernel SRUs.04:47
exobuzzi see.04:48
exobuzzthanks for the info.04:51
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apwhave the archive keys changed for onieirc?  getting BADSIG all of a sudden on 'update'11:22
cjwatsonapw: not as far as I know11:34
cjwatsonmight be transient Release vs. Release.gpg skew?11:34
apwcjwatson, yeah i'll monitor it for a bit and see if it goes away ..11:35
cjwatsonwe probably ought to roll over the keys to something stronger at some point, but it's not currently planned11:36
and7eyHi all! Need your help to compile openzwave-control-panel (http://code.google.com/p/openzwave-control-panel/source/browse/) Ubuntu 10.04. Now I am getting an error that file is not found - http://askubuntu.com/questions/59972/how-to-compile-openzwave-control-panel-on-ubuntu-10-0413:05
and7eyhow can I fix the following error: configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in "." "./.." "./../.."13:16
and7eywhat should I install to get rid of the following error: configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in "." "./.." "./../.."  ?13:32
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Chipzzand7ey: this is not the correct channel to be asking these questions in; the topic specifically mentions "not app development"14:54
Chipzzand the package you're missing is probably libtool or autoconf or somesuch14:54
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and7eyChipzz: ok15:08
shnatselhello everybody15:53
shnatselwould anybody point me where can I get the code for building images from seeds?15:54
sladenshnatsel: -> #launchpad  might be able to point you to the specific code16:31
shnatselsladen: thanks!16:31
shnatselsladen: I've been looking for something I could run locally, actually :)16:31
sladenshnatsel: I must say, my mind has gone completely blank about how this stuff works at a low-level anymore16:33
sladenshnatsel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization  might offer some guidance16:33
shnatselsladen: that's a good sign. That's a sign of progress and ease of development :)16:33
sladenshnatsel: if not, check about in 24 hours when the Monday-Friday people will be around16:34
shnatselsladen: thanks!16:34
shnatselsladen: that wiki page describes lots of manual ways to do it, I tried lots of them in the past and ended up using UCK. But I know Ubuntu uses something simple and automatic that parses seeds, so I'm looking for it :)16:36
shnatselsladen: I think I'll write some documentation as soon as I find it16:36
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jtaylordoko__: now that pari built on arm genus2reduction should build too17:17
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Florianhello, I have a question about building a package using bzr bd17:40
FlorianI created a patch using dquilt and refreshed, but when I issue bzr bd -- -S --us -uc it complains about not finding the patch file17:41
FlorianIs there something I forgot?17:41
Florianthe error I got was: "dpkg-source: error: cannot read monster-masher-1.8.1.orig.dVBshx/debian/patches/add-esound-as-dependency.patch: No such file or directory"17:42
jelmerFlorian: is the patch file versioned?17:46
Florianwhat exactly do you mean? I did add the dquilt patch according to the debain maintainer guide http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/modify.en.html17:47
jtaylordid you commit the patch? you ahve to do bzr add patch-file17:48
jelmerFlorian: if you run "bzr st" the patch should be listed as "added" rather than "unknown"17:50
Florianjelmer, the patch is listed as unknown: unknown:17:52
Florian  .pc/.quilt_patches17:52
Florian  .pc/.quilt_series17:52
Florian  .pc/add-esound-as-dependency.patch/17:52
Florian  debian/patches/add-esound-as-dependency.patch17:52
jelmerFlorian: you should be able to add it by running "bzr add debian/patches/add-esound-as-dependency.patch"17:52
Florianthanks, that did it!17:53
highvoltagestgraber: this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/speechd-up/+bug/31651118:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316511 in speechd-up (Ubuntu) "udev rule is almost certainly wrong" [Critical,Confirmed]18:45
shbkhello, I've found function   man 2 getcpu.  I included it successful, but when I compile I receive error: no such function. I opened file  /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-33/include/linux/getcpu.h  and noticed that there are not any description of funcition, only this http://paste.debian.net/128405/    . what is this ? there is function?19:32
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mdkepitti: sorry for being a pain, but please could you take a look at bug 841340 some time in the next couple of weeks, it will be needed to reenable stripping of documentation translations into the language packs for oneiric21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841340 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "Needs to strip translations from /usr/share/help" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84134021:13
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ApteryxCould someone help me figure out how the build process works for the pulseaudio package? I'm trying to package 0.99.3 (instead of the 0.9.22 currently available), and am stuck on how quilt is used in the process.23:45
TheMusoApteryx: What version of Ubuntu are you trying to package for?23:48
ApteryxTheMuso, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 natty (32 bits).23:54
Apteryxand packaging for it.23:54
TheMusoApteryx: Ok. The way quilt is used in the pulseaudio package is actually part of the source package format. Version 3.0 of the source package format uses quilt as the patch system, so the packager themselves do not need to include quilt commands in the rules file, or in the build dependencies.23:54
TheMusoSo when you unpack a source format 3 package with patches included, these patches automatically get applied.23:54
ApteryxTheMuso, but for pulseaudio I don't think they are using format 3.023:55
ApteryxThere was nothing in ./debian/source/23:55
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ApteryxSo when building there was only a warning stating it was going to use 1.023:56
TheMusoApteryx: Yes you are correct, the natty pulse package is not source format 3, and uses quilt in the rules file and is a build dependency.23:56
ApteryxTheMuso, in the ./debian/rules file I tried to understand the "update-patch-series" target. They are using git format-patch to produce the series file (which I thought was processed by quilt).23:59

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