
valoriesorry I'm late, darkwing duck17:14
valoriehmmm, where is he?17:14
valorieoh, i'm early and can't do basic math, I guess.....17:33
valoriegreetings DarkwingDuck!18:03
DarkwingDuckHello everyone!18:06
DarkwingDuckSorry I'm a couple of minutes late. :)18:07
DarkwingDuckHow many are here for the Doc Jam?18:07
jjesseme :)18:07
DarkwingDuckOkay, :D18:08
DarkwingDuckvalorie, ping18:08
DarkwingDuckjjesse, did you hvae a chance to read over https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Documentation ?18:09
jjesseyes but can't remember it18:09
jjessei'll be more here once my son goes to bed for his nap :)18:09
valorieI have Kubuntu-docs downloaded already, let me update18:09
valoriejust in case18:09
DarkwingDuckvalorie, that last link I just gave to jjesse is a neat little handbook.18:10
DarkwingDuckHere is work items list https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-documentation-review18:10
DarkwingDuckIf you scroll down you will see the Documents Work Items.18:10
DarkwingDuckChange Kubuntu.Documentation to your LP name18:11
valorie$ bzr update18:11
valorieTree is up to date at revision 222 of branch /home/valorie/kubuntu_bzr/kubuntu-docs18:11
DarkwingDuckand the TODO to INPROGRESS18:11
DarkwingDuckAlso, if you are using Kate to edit the docs... There is one change you need to make to kate18:12
valoriehalf a sec18:13
DarkwingDuckSettings > Configure18:13
DarkwingDuckUnder the Advanced tab under 'Backup on Save' uncheck local files18:13
DarkwingDuckvalorie, take a few moments to look at this. https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Documentation18:18
DarkwingDuckI'm hoping it will help with the docs.18:18
valorieI'm not sure what you mean by "Change Kubuntu.Documentation to your LP name" - where?18:18
DarkwingDuckScroll down18:19
DarkwingDuckIn the whiteboard.18:19
valorieI'm not seeing the whiteboard18:20
valorieDependency Tree, with the diagram18:20
valoriethen Nearby18:20
valorieand I am logged in18:21
DarkwingDuckUp from the dependency18:21
valorieok, see it18:21
valoriealrighty, there are a load of kubuntu.documentation items in the todo18:23
valoriepick one?18:23
DarkwingDuckWhat ever one you want to do yes.18:24
valorieok, the liveCD is on top, so I'll do that18:26
jjesseyay for merges :)18:27
valorieso in Kate, I open that bit?18:28
valoriehmmm, that topic I don't see in /docs18:30
DarkwingDuckIt's not, I'll take that one. :)18:30
DarkwingDuckIt's changeing the live CD... Sorry.18:30
valorieI'll do about, then18:31
valorieso, work on C, or po ?18:32
jjessepo is the translation portion18:32
DarkwingDuckThis is why I need more then one monitor...18:32
* DarkwingDuck explains it to the wife. :P18:32
BarkingFishAfternoodles everyone.  I'm looking to get some docs done for Subtitle Editor, it doesn't appear that there is any, and the prog needs some explanation.  I just need something easier to write the docs in, and some advice on how to actually get them to work :)18:35
DarkwingDuckBarkingFish, Just general how to docs?18:36
BarkingFishsort of, yes18:37
BarkingFishI started making one for Subtitle Editor, but it was so long winded, and when I tried to get it to work, it moaned about an index being missing or something18:37
valorieso DarkwingDuck, can I change something like "utilize" to "use"?18:39
valoriebecause utilize is one fugly word18:39
DarkwingDuckany changes like that to make things flow better is good.18:41
DarkwingDuckIt also makes translations simplier.18:44
DarkwingDuckvalorie, What one are you working on?18:44
valorieshould anything be added about unity?18:47
DarkwingDuckNo, Unity doesn't effect Kubuntu/KDE at all.18:47
valorieI'm near the end of the doc and have made a couple of small changes18:47
valorieTo install &kubuntu;'s Plasma Desktop, the18:48
valorie<application>kubuntu-desktop</application> package must be installed. To install18:48
valorie&ubuntu;&apos;s &gnome; desktop, the <application>ubuntu-desktop</application>18:48
valoriepackage is required.18:48
valorieis that still true then?18:48
valoriethat one can still install Gnome18:48
valorienot Unity by default?18:48
valoriebecause this is sounding a bit dated to me18:49
valorieno mention of Unity at all18:49
DarkwingDuckYou can add that.18:49
valoriehmmm, I will have to think, then18:49
valoriemoar coffee needed18:50
DarkwingDuckvalorie, add your name to the whiteboard on all the topics you want to take. jjesse you as well.18:54
valorielet's see how this one goes18:55
DarkwingDuckvalorie, any questions?18:58
valorieI'm just wondering how much mention of Unity is wise18:59
valoriebut I'm pretty sure it needs to be mentioned at least once19:00
valoriein particular, that sentence I put above is factually wrong19:00
valorieubuntu-desktop does not install Gnome19:01
* DarkwingDuck nods19:04
DarkwingDuckNot too much, but make it the truth19:05
valorieoh, and will they still call it GDM?19:10
DarkwingDuckvalorie, That I am not sure of.19:11
valorieso, question, DarkwingDuck: &gnome; should be changed to Unity, or &unity;19:12
DarkwingDuckHave not used the main ubuntu since Intrepid19:12
DarkwingDuckI would say yes.19:12
valorieI've only used it briefly, in frustration19:12
valorieyes which?19:12
DarkwingDuckDo Unity19:12
DarkwingDuckBRB, update reboot. :)19:14
DarkwingDuckvalorie, I know that this is a dumb question but, you are bouncing everything you are doing off of Oneiric right?19:17
valorielooking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta119:18
valorieand we decided NOT to do lightDM, correct?19:18
DarkwingDuckAre you running Oneiric in a VM or on your machine?19:19
valorieI haven't run a VM for a long time19:20
DarkwingDuckYou are going to want to as you go deeper in the documentation.19:20
DarkwingDuckesp path to19:20
valorieby "bouncing off of" you mean "write in light of"19:20
valorieI assume19:20
valorieDarkwingDuck: I'm willing to do that in the future, even tomorrow19:21
valoriebut not today19:21
valoriei came back early from the cabin for this meeting19:21
valorieand will go back up this afternoon19:21
DarkwingDuckThe doc freeze is the 15th19:23
DarkwingDuckI was hoping for more people today.19:23
frankboothDarkwingDuck if there's anything I can help out with, without having access to a machine with Oneiric, please let me know19:25
DarkwingDuckfrankbooth, valorie pretty much grabbed the one that is a general overview... The rest is ensuring that the information is correct for Oneiric.19:27
jjessei'b made notes19:30
jjesseon what i'm working on but if someone was tackle those now i'm fine19:30
DarkwingDuckFill out the work idems.19:31
DarkwingDuckIf I put my name on what you were working on change it.19:31
valorieok, should I save, or save as ?19:31
DarkwingDuckNo sense doubled effort19:31
DarkwingDuckBefore you commit make sure you update again.19:31
DarkwingDuckUpdate then follow this https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Documentation/Submitting19:32
DarkwingDuckAnd merge via Launchpad.19:34
valorieyou don't want to check my work?19:34
DarkwingDuckI will there :)19:35
DarkwingDuckProposing for a merge will allow me to review the diff, approve it then make the merge.19:35
DarkwingDuckWell, any of us with Kubuntu access.19:35
valorieso these changes are not in response to bug reports, correct?19:36
valorieoh good lord, how do I save this benighted text describing my changes?19:38
valorieis this vi or vim or what?19:38
jjessenano i think19:38
jjessectrl x19:38
jjesseif i remember correctly19:38
jjessedon't have my ubuntu vm right now19:39
jjessedid that work?19:40
valorieI guess19:40
jjessewhat do you see now?19:40
valorielet's see if I can create a diff.txt19:40
valorieCommitting to: /home/valorie/kubuntu_bzr/kubuntu-docs/19:42
valoriemodified docs/about/C/about.xml19:42
valorieCommitted revision 223.19:42
valorievalorie@valorie-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~/kubuntu_bzr/kubuntu-docs$ bzr bundle > diffname.txt19:42
valorieUsing saved parent location "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/kubuntu-docs/" to determine what changes to submit.19:42
valorieEnter passphrase for key '/home/valorie/.ssh/id_rsa':19:42
valorieEnter passphrase for key '/home/valorie/.ssh/id_rsa':19:42
valorieBundling 1 revision(s).tching revisions:Get stream source19:42
valoriedoes that all look right?19:42
valoriein for a dime, in for a dollar; about to finish this19:44
valoriewhat the hell, I was going to link to a blueprint, but there is nothing suitable offered19:46
jjesseshould be oneric but if you can't find thats fine19:46
DarkwingDuckDon't worry about the blueprint.19:46
valorieok, go back and forget that?19:46
valorieor use the lucid one19:47
DarkwingDuckForget it.19:47
* DarkwingDuck doesn't know why oneiric isn't working19:47
DarkwingDuckI'll fix that for P19:47
valorieproposed merge19:48
valoriethis is exciting19:48
jjesseDarkwingDuck after the approve do i merge it ? n ever really figured these out very weel19:49
DarkwingDuckYeah, I'll explain that to ya in a min19:49
DarkwingDuckjjesse, you at that merge request page?19:50
jjesseargh caps19:50
jjessereading the diff right now19:50
DarkwingDuckUnder status you can claim the review and all of that.19:51
jjessepowering up kubuntu vm19:51
valorieI believe I'll be able to do the CLI one without installing a VM19:53
DarkwingDuckgive it a shot. :)19:53
DarkwingDuckI've been running Oneiric since Alpha 219:54
DarkwingDuckrather alpha 319:54
valoriethe only new thing I've seen recently is apt-add-repository19:54
valoriecli is pretty stable19:54
jjessebeta was a pain in my arse yesterday19:55
DarkwingDuckI've been pretty good... There are some minor issues.19:56
DarkwingDuckAnyway jjesse19:56
DarkwingDuckOnce you have claimed the review and approved it.19:56
jjesseok claiming it right now19:56
DarkwingDuckAt the top of the page https://code.launchpad.net/~valorie-zimmerman/kubuntu-docs/valorieEdits/+merge/74028 you will see the following.19:57
DarkwingDuckNeeds review Edit status19:57
DarkwingDuckProposed branch: lp:~valorie-zimmerman/kubuntu-docs/valorieEdits19:57
DarkwingDuckMerge into: lp:kubuntu-docs19:57
DarkwingDuckDiff against target: 64 lines (+8/-9) 1 file modified19:57
DarkwingDuckTo merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~valorie-zimmerman/kubuntu-docs/valorieEdits19:57
DarkwingDuckThat last one is the one...19:57
DarkwingDuckIn your bzr:/kubuntu-docs19:57
jjesseok checking to make sure i'm up to date :)19:57
DarkwingDuckbzr merge lp:~valorie-zimmerman/kubuntu-docs/valorieEdits20:00
jjesseok approved   starting the merge20:00
DarkwingDuckThat will merge it into the system20:00
jjessemerging and commiting20:00
jjesseyay valorie rocks20:01
DarkwingDuckwhat version?20:02
jjesserevision 22420:05
DarkwingDuckJust got a call.. have to pick up the wife... other car broke down.20:05
DarkwingDuckI'll be back... jjesse you going to be around for a couple hours incase someone else comes in?20:06
DarkwingDuckin case20:06
mdkeI will idle in here20:07
mdkeand try and help if poss20:07
DarkwingDuckawesome. Thanks mdke20:08
mdkelooks like some good stuff going on!20:08
DarkwingDuckWe will knock it out.20:09
DarkwingDuckmdke, who handles the server doc stuff?20:09
mdkeDarkwingDuck: no one specific at the moment - currently whoever is willing to review patches. Connor and Jeremy have both been doing some reviewing20:10
mdkehopefully someone will step up from the serverteam as a maintainer20:10
DarkwingDuckmdke, Okay, Is that still docbook or, is that mallard?20:10
mdkeMallard isn't really suited to a long book style document like the serverguide20:12
DarkwingDuckOkay, I'll take a look. I use Ubuntu Server here at home on my local server.20:13
DarkwingDuckPlus, ScottK and I work together with Kubuntu and working together with server docs would be simple20:13
DarkwingDuckmdke, will talk later.. .have to run!20:14
mdkeokay, cya20:18
mdkeanyone using Ubuntu Oneiric around?20:18
j1mcmdke: i'll be putting it in a vm shortly.20:21
jjessei have a Kubuntu Oneric vm and a my netbook is running oneric natively20:23
mdkeI'm looking at this bug but struggling as I can't find the application referred to?20:24
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 840905 in gnome-user-docs "color-whyimportant missing" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:25
mdkeis my version so outdated that it is missing this application?20:25
j1mci think that is new to oneiric20:26
j1mci need to step away. bbiab.20:26
mdkeI'm using a live usb from Friday, maybe I should get a newer one, but seems strange they would introduce a new application since then20:27
* mdke zsyncs20:27
jjesseDarkwingDuck changed the copyright, it was on the TODO/Workitems and i don't have access to edit the blueprint20:38
jjesseDarkwingDuck also made some other minor changes20:38
jjesseDarkwingDuck: also on the whiteboard it says change OpenOffice to LibreOffice which I took care awhile back.  I reviewed and thought I caught all of them.  I also changed the menus-ent to reference LibreOffice20:40
jjesseDarkwingDuck please confirm i made all of the change20:40
jjesseDarkwingDuck also the netbook folder was empty so removed it from the branch20:42
jjesseDarkwingDuck let me knwo if removing breaks anything :)20:42
mdkehey jbicha21:27
valorieok, proposed merge for the CLI section21:33
valoriedo we have some style guide that means we have to use "e-mail"?21:35
valoriethat looks antiquated to me21:35
valoriein Contact21:36
* valorie changes21:36
valoriehmmm, there is a problem, because no one has reviewed my previous proposed merge, I guess21:55
valorienot sure what to do about that, and I'm sort of out of time21:56
valorieI'll be back home later tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest21:56
mdkevalorie: if you commit to the same branch and continue to propose the merge, it should work22:01
mdkevalorie: agreed re e-mail22:01

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