
=== rww is now known as tardis
tardisbazhang helping someone running unofficial derivative. never thought I'd see it.01:12
bazhangtardis, easy fix, better to get him on his way then escalate01:13
=== tardis is now known as rww
bazhangdjskidd asks ubuntu questions in #debian , and debian questions in #ubuntu . I think I see a pattern here02:59
bazhang<tool_kit> hello can someone help get a copy of the perl.ddos03:18
bazhang<tool_kit> do you have ddos script  <--- PM03:24
bazhanggoing to get lunch . may want to check swaroop03:27
rwwGoogleUrMom: As has been made abundantly clear to you in the past, you are banned from the #ubuntu* namespace. Your current presence in it is a violation of network policy.04:29
rwwGoogleUrMom: I am not willing to discuss this with you in PM.04:30
rwwin case anyone was wondering from #ubuntu, ecafllort.jpg is nerdtalk for that "trollface" picture04:49
code8Any niggers?07:50
code8Ubuntu niggers?07:50
Myrttioh boy10:04
Myrttilook at koustuv's "problem"10:04
IdleOnehello Merdam14:07
Merdamcan anybody explain to me why my friend Vengativo was refused answers to his questions...   he skyped me a half hour ago14:07
Merdamit started in #gaygeeks14:08
Merdamand thenhe tried to get answers in #freenode14:08
Merdamnobody helped him14:08
IdleOneWe don't normally discuss removals/bans/quiets with third party but your friend was very rude and impolite.14:08
Merdamand then he flipped out14:08
Merdamhe sent me the logs14:08
Merdambut they were insulting him14:08
Merdamin #freenode and then banned him14:08
Merdamhe was calm until then14:08
ikoniaask in #freenode14:08
IdleOneok, well in that case you know why he was quieted14:08
Merdamhe was fine before then14:08
ikoniaMerdam: this channel is Ubuntu-ops for Ubuntu channel issues14:09
Merdamhe shouldn't have flipped out14:09
IdleOneright then joined #ubuntu and started cursing at the channel in spanish14:09
MerdamI was just wondering if anybody saw what happened BEFORE then anywhere else14:09
ikoniaif you have problems with other channels, talk to them, not us14:09
Merdamthey weren't much help14:09
Merdambut thanks14:09
ikoniaask him, not us,14:09
IdleOneMerdam: We don't monitor every single channel on freenode.14:09
IdleOneask the ops in the channel he was banned in.14:09
ikoniaif he wants to solve his ban he's welcome to join this channel to disscuss it14:10
oCeanhe's klined not long after14:10
ikoniaahhh urban dictonary swearing part message14:11
IdleOneSelf appointment jail house lawyer14:12
ikoniaprobably the same guy14:12
* IdleOne is tired of these trolls :/14:12
ikonia05:33 -!- Dilberto is now known as Merdam14:14
ikoniaknown troll14:14
oCeanThe otherone, he's referring to, also: <mrmist> Danneskjold: Because you continued to ignore the channel wishes to use English and then proceeded to evade a number of quiets and bans.14:17
ikoniahas there been some sort of drawn out ammount of time wasters while I've been away14:17
ikonia(well, I am still away until tomorrow)14:18
oCeanlots of time wasters indeed14:18
oCeanoh lawd, here goes <jforjackjohnson> again?14:19
popeyoh gawd, jforjackjohnson is a brit?!15:05
popeyI'm so sorry.15:05
ikoniaha ha h15:05
ikoniapopey: I hold you responsible for all Brits behaviour15:07
popeyall sorted?15:07
ikoniavery much15:08
popeyyou confuse me with your multi-channel chat! :D15:08
ikoniaI guessed as much15:08
ikoniahence my response in here15:08
ikoniathe irony of Howie complaining in #freenode about people trolling in #defocus15:11
ikoniaafter all the attemps he's done to troll #ubuntu-*15:12
ikoniahello impiza16:54
ikoniaimpiza: how can we help you ?16:54
Coreyimpiza: Pleaes don't idle here.16:57
rwwwait, popey's responsible for my behavior? sweeeeet18:29
MyrttiBLAME POPEY18:30
jussiooh, its blame popey day? excellent!!18:33
* rww runs through #ubuntu without clothes on, singing something about Debian18:34
Myrtti(blaming popey means you're not blaming me for being a bad rolemodel and not being a good IRC godmother, *sniff*)18:35
mneptokMyrtti: i'm still working on the fairy dust with hypnotic and hallucinatory effects. USDA is holding up my reindeer tears.19:00
Myrttimneptok: aww19:02
rwwWhat's the counter on jforjackjohnson's bans now? I forgot if it was a week or two weeks.19:08
IdleOneright now I think it has reached the email ircc stage19:09
jussiyeah, thats the last I see from him.19:10
oCeanjack__ is my guess19:36
MyrttiI'm tempted to say to xi902 "be helpful"19:39
oCean [LinuxNoob] (~ylmfos@p5B07DB2B.dip.t-dialin.net): live session user on ylmfos19:50
oCeanwhat's ^that again?19:50
rwwsomething we don't support :D19:50
* oCean starts google19:50
rwwI think that one's Chinese?19:50
oCeanenglish edition released http://www.ylmf.org/en/19:51
IdleOneI think #ubuntu-cn tolerates it19:51
Flanneloh this should be good.20:55
IdleOnethat nick is sickening20:56
=== rww is now known as tardis
ikoniaanyone seen that ?23:53
FlannelThere needs to be a syllable removed in there.23:53
ikoniasomeone just pushed it in #ubuntu, I've never seen it23:54
FlannelLooks like it's just a custom site(s) search23:54
ikonialooks cack to me23:54
Flanneloh, and it requires javascript.23:54
Piciis cack good or bad?23:55
elkyAnd old.23:56
PiciI've seen plenty of legit and popular sites not update their copyright dates.23:56
Piciit annoys me23:57
ikoniaFlannel: just narrow sites and to be honest, google does it better or google.com/linux23:57
mneptokor use Duck Duck Go ...23:57
* tardis quacks23:57
Flannelshrug.  I don't see this as bad.  I don't see it as good either.23:57
* mneptok honks and dematerializes, stealing tardis' thunder23:58
ikoniaFlannel: I don't think it's bad as in evil, just a bit rubbish23:58
tardisnow all we need is a lmgutfy23:59
FlannelIt winds up being a wikipage for most things, advises against ultimatix,23:59
ikoniathat's not a bad thing23:59
ikoniaanything advising ultimatix can't be wrong23:59

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