
goshawki'm testing ubuntu oneiric in a server and there is an issue with grub2. if the server is down due to a power cut when it boots it gets stuck on grub menu waiting for keyboard input. i think it's a very dangerous setting for a server...12:58
letozaf_hello I need to ask a question about laptop testing, can someone help me ?13:26
goshawkif there are some free developers around please take a look at13:32
letozaf_hello there, is someone willing to help on laptop testing ?13:37
goshawkletozaf_, just ask your question13:38
letozaf_thank you13:38
letozaf_I was testing Oneiric Beta 1 on my laptop a HP-6213:39
letozaf_some applications crashed or stopped working13:39
letozaf_but when I tried to report a bug I got a message saying that I have obsolete packages installed and that13:39
letozaf_I should upgrade13:39
letozaf_My question is: I have no problem launching a apt-get dist-upgrade, but on the laptop testing tracker there is an iso to download and test13:40
letozaf_if I upgrade the packages are the tests still ok, or will I be testing on wrong  packages ?13:41
goshawkletozaf_, do this command13:45
goshawklsb_release -a13:45
goshawkgimme the output13:45
letozaf_I get the message:13:46
letozaf_No LSB modules are available.13:46
letozaf_why ?13:46
goshawkan then ?13:46
goshawku should see more13:46
letozaf_o sorry yes...13:47
letozaf_I get13:47
letozaf_distributor ID: UBUNTU13:47
letozaf_description: Ubuntu Oneiric (development branch)13:47
letozaf_release: 11.1013:47
letozaf_codename: Oneiric13:47
letozaf_thats all13:47
goshawku can update13:48
goshawksudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:48
goshawkand report bugs13:48
goshawkremember to include the package version when u submit a new bug13:48
letozaf_ok thank you, but will the tests for the laptop testing tracker still be ok ?13:49
letozaf_thank you very much :)13:49
goshawkbtw who said u that u have a not updated packagE ?13:51
goshawkthe testing tracker ?13:51
letozaf_no, when for instance the software center closed inaspectadly13:52
letozaf_I tried to report a bug with apport13:52
letozaf_but instead of proceding with the bug report I got a window13:53
letozaf_with a message saying that I had obsolete packages and that13:53
letozaf_I should update them13:53
goshawkdid it tell u the packages ?13:53
letozaf_and that the bug could not be reporte13:53
letozaf_yes I had a list of packages13:53
letozaf_If you want I'll try to reproduce the problem13:54
goshawkno no it's not necessary13:54
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astraljavaHey gang, anyone else not seeing a divider for allocating space when installing alongside of an existing system? Xubuntu oneiric post-beta1, is what I'm using.20:59
astraljavaI didn't see a bug for it, but could be that I'm not using the right terms.20:59
charlie-tcanot enough space?21:10
astraljavacharlie-tca: 80GB hard-drive, with one entire-disk installation before.21:14
charlie-tcaThat would be a bug, then21:15
astraljavaOk, I'll be filing it, then.21:15
charlie-tcaThank you21:16

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