
brouschthey will strap it to a turtle to make sure it arrives on time00:03
snap-lWell, that's what I figured00:04
snap-land also thought it was priority mail, not UPS00:04
snap-lpriority mail would show up whenever00:04
snap-lUPS would send it to the moon so it arriveson day 2400:04
snap-lHang on to your hats00:37
snap-lIt's windy out there.00:37
_stink_lightning is putting on quite a show, too00:44
snap-lWEll, something is on fire by us00:48
snap-lI unplugged everything00:48
snap-lstill have power, but damn00:48
snap-lsaw green arcs in the sky00:48
_stink_yeah, green all over00:53
_stink_we were just driving back from Target on Coolidge, so coming south00:53
_stink_toward it00:54
_stink_crazy show00:54
snap-lYeah, I'm hoping that folks are OK00:55
_stink_looks like the worst stayed south00:55
snap-lYeah, we have some downed lines00:57
snap-lfortunately we still have power00:57
_stink_there is this ominous tree in our backyard that we badly need to remove00:58
brouschwe've had nothing all day01:02
_stink_ruh roh01:03
_stink_hope that wasn't his power01:03
_stink_snap-l: thought that might've been your power.01:20
snap-lNah, we're fine.03:24
snap-lDidn't lose power, fortunately.03:24
snap-lFinishing up the lococast.03:24
snap-lUgh, too early, and no sleep11:38
rick_h_ugh, no sleep?12:02
snap-lLow levels because of allergies12:06
snap-lUploading lococast to dropbox12:06
snap-lGave it a quick listen, will listen in the car to see if there's any major boo-boos12:06
snap-lrick_h_: ^^12:07
rick_h_snap-l: cool, thanks for the heads up12:14
rick_h_will try to get it a listen12:14
brouschicloud on amazon? bwahahahahah http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/02/icloud_runs_on_microsoft_azure_and_amazon/12:49
rick_h_heh, did you doubt?13:11
rick_h_not like it's going to run on apple xserve :)13:11
brouschi assumed a bsd13:12
brouschor linux13:13
rick_h_well ec2 is linux13:14
rick_h_I am curious what azure stuff...13:14
rick_h_snap-l: sounds good here13:20
rick_h_strange listening to myself while at the gym13:20
rick_h_some kind of meta stuff there13:20
rick_h_anyone want to buy a http://pckeyboards.stores.yahoo.net/en104bl.html in black?13:27
brouschrick_h_: gym and diet?13:42
brouschyou're gonna be lean and mean13:42
rick_h_brousch: heh, will settle for "better"14:00
jrwrenicloud?  apples?15:11
jrwrenif it runs on azure and amazon, wtf are those huge apple datacenters for?15:11
rick_h_well I tohght there was only one huge datacenter15:16
jrwrenthat article said striped over the two. i'll bet its more like same data on both, so that they can leverage the other for cost.15:23
rick_h_and is that officially online? I guess I kept hearing it was close, but never heard it got started15:24
jrwren"MSFT is cheaper, lower your price" while at the same time "AMZN is cheaper, lower your price"15:24
rick_h_yea, well I'm guessing it's not going to rely on one for everything15:24
jrwrenand being able to move to one or the other instantly is a lot of leverage15:24
rick_h_even to be able to start out like this, make it compatible with your own DC, and as you need to scale can leverage outside sources15:24
rick_h_slow down the need for a second DC15:24
brouschi just love the idea of icloud hosted by microsoft15:58
jrwrenrick_h_: exactly. it sounds like a great strategy. its nice to see someone using that strat, instead of all-in with a single vendor.16:13
snap-lrick_h_: Awesome. Yeah, sounded OK in the car to me23:25
snap-lplaylist is updated23:25
rick_h_heh cool23:26
rick_h_just got up the post23:26
rick_h_will add that in then23:26
snap-lI mean it's the same one that was uploaded23:26
snap-lno changes since this AM23:27
snap-lJust got back from Put-In-Bay23:27
snap-lman, that whole town is dedicated to boats and alcohol. :)23:27
rick_h_sounds good23:27
rick_h_yea sorry, was lookiung in the show notes23:27
rick_h_ok, so want me to push tonight?23:29
rick_h_or wait?23:30
rick_h_snap-l: really like the music this time around23:35
snap-lThanks. :)23:43
snap-lrick_h_: I say just push it.23:43
snap-lWe can promote it later if you want23:43
rick_h_I put it all out23:44
snap-lLove the photo. :)23:44
snap-lDefinitely check out Lorenzo's music23:44
snap-lIt's Tom Ray (of Music Manumit)23:45
snap-lOK, off to eat. bbl.23:45
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=== TeamXlin is now known as TeamXlink

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