
bigbashping Cheesehead02:11
Cheeseheadbigbash: pong02:17
bigbashI was just going to leave a message for you02:18
bigbashI have a favor to ask please02:18
bigbashI am being summoned by my family to a baptism tomorrow and most likely won't' be back in time for the bug jam :( Do you think you might be able to be the facilitator/mentor?02:19
CheeseheadConsider it done.02:19
bigbashI'm not very happy I have to go, I'm still waiting to power to come back on at work so we can get our servers back up02:19
bigbashI appreciate it :)02:20
CheeseheadAre you asking for a just-in-case? Or do think it's pretty realistic you will be late/absent?02:20
bigbashpretty realistic02:20
CheeseheadNo problem.02:20
bigbashI really appreciate it02:21
CheeseheadFamily time is more important than anonymous internet geeks...02:21
Cheesehead...or so my spouse keeps telling me.02:21
CheeseheadI believe her.02:21
bigbashha, that's what my wife and parents said02:21
CheeseheadWe can geek out on IRC anytime.02:22
CheeseheadFamily time is rarer and wonderful.02:22
bigbashwell I'll be reading the logs when I get back so I can learn from the master on how to facilitate a bug jam02:22
CheeseheadYou'll need to watch a *real* master at work, then. I'm just the guy show showed up and lost the coin toss.02:23
CheeseheadAnd who apparently cannot spell02:24
bigbashI love the analogy02:24
CheeseheadIf you saw the Brainstorm Jam, you'll see the participants did all the real work02:24
bigbashThanks again, I'm going to head to bed, up early to check on the power situation for work before I get ready and head down to Milwaukee02:25
bigbashI started reading the logs, but I didn't finish had to go to inlaws02:25
bigbashnight everyone02:25
=== bigbash is now known as bigbash_away
CheeseheadEvent Reminder: Wisconsin LoCo is running an IRC Bug Jam, Sunday 1700 UTC (four hours from now), in this channel. Great training opportunity for people new to bugs. If you have a favorite bug, bring it along!12:54
CheeseheadTest: Bug 82834614:08
lubotu1Launchpad bug 828346 in Ubuntu "unable to use volume control and brightness control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82834614:08
Cheeseheadheh heh heh14:08
trinikronobug jam?15:07
trinikronoi think i am 2 hours early lol15:08
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: Indeed, 1:42 from now15:18
lostson hope you have a good turnout and squash some bugs15:44
Cheeseheadlostson: Thanks16:01
CheeseheadEvent Reminder: Bug Jam in this channel in 0:2716:33
yotuxCheesehead:  Thanks,  are we going to use two channels or just one like yesterday16:46
Cheeseheadyotux: Let's start with one, and spread out as-needed16:48
yotuxCheesehead: okay16:48
CheeseheadWe'll need to see how many new-to-bugs participants we have, and how many experienced-jump-right-in folks16:50
yotuxCheesehead: I understand it was fun yesterday,  bug are a little more scary to mean.  I am printing the triage guide at the moment to go over again16:52
yotuxsorry I can't seem to type this morning  bugs are scary to me16:52
CheeseheadThat's what makes the group-format nice. Nobody needs to know everything, and there's time to look stuff up16:53
Cheesehead...and use the bathroom and eat lunch, etc16:53
ashamsyotux: Hi, I never heared about such guide "the triage guide"16:54
Cheeseheadashams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage16:54
CheeseheadYou don't know about it until somebody tells you.16:55
yotuxashams:  as cheeshead said https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/16:55
EgyParadoxdid the ugj start?16:55
CheeseheadNot really, we're all just eager!16:55
* Cheesehead goes to #ubuntu-bugs to give the 5-minute warning16:55
ashamsCheesehead: thanx, I assumed they finally made a consistent PDF :D16:56
yotuxashams:  it fits nicely into 10 pgs16:56
yotuxI used lib office to paste and print16:56
CheeseheadThe types of bugs change over time, so it's a dynamic guide.16:57
CheeseheadA few years ago, there were a lot more X and pulseaudio and printing bugs16:57
trinikronoi just got hggh to edit it16:58
trinikronoso it has a new piece in the section invaliditing16:59
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: Great! That's changed since I last invalidated a bug...I learn more about bugs each time I touch one.16:59
CheeseheadHello, everyone here for the Wisconsin Bug Jam.17:00
CheeseheadActivity in this channel is logged - you can get the logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/09/04/%23ubuntu-us-wi17:00
CheeseheadAll abilities are welcome, no experience necessary!17:00
CheeseheadLet's see how many participants we have here. Could everyone active in this channel please give a response?17:00
yotuxHere +217:00
* Cheesehead laughs17:01
CheeseheadI know we have more than that. Lag, perhaps.17:01
CheeseheadEverybody else, feel free to jump in!17:01
CheeseheadThere are a few goals here today:17:01
Cheesehead1) Meet new people and have fun17:01
Cheesehead2) If you brought a bug along, work it together17:01
Cheesehead3) Learn how to Triage some of the wide variety of bugs17:01
Cheesehead4) If you're new to bugs, learn the life cycle of bugs, the tools, and where to begin17:01
CheeseheadYou *don't* need to be a bug guru already! The great thing about working together is that everybody learns17:02
CheeseheadSETTING UP17:02
CheeseheadA couple questions to gauge the expertise level in the room - feel free to throw out answers:17:02
CheeseheadQuestion: Did anybody bring a favorite bug that they want to work?17:02
CheeseheadQuestion: Does anybody here consider themselves pretty experienced with any kind of bugs?17:02
CheeseheadQuestion: Is anybody here interested in any particular kind of bug?17:02
trinikronoi just applied to bug control17:03
yotuxdidn't bring a bug,  new / some apport experience, open minded17:03
* trinikrono goes looking for a bug17:04
Cheeseheadashams: How much bug experience do you want to have?17:05
ashamsCheesehead: a lot17:05
CheeseheadAll right! I can just go sleep on the couch then!17:05
CheeseheadDoes anyone want to see the text on (simplified) bug-life-cycle?17:06
CheeseheadDoes anyone not know what a Launchpad Account is?17:06
CheeseheadEveryone ready to jump in the pool? (Shallow end first)17:07
ashamsCheesehead: Have a nice dreams :D17:07
yotuxI know what a lauchpad account is17:08
trinikronogo ahead17:08
CheeseheadLet's start with an easy one: Bug 82834617:08
lubotu1Launchpad bug 828346 in Ubuntu "unable to use volume control and brightness control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82834617:08
CheeseheadJump in and share your thoughts.17:08
CheeseheadWe'll reach a consensus before acting17:09
* trinikrono raises hand17:09
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: go ahead anytime17:09
trinikronono apport info!17:09
CheeseheadIs it a crash?17:09
Cheesehead(apport usually only generates a report during a crash)17:09
yotuxseems the package is wrong17:10
Cheeseheadyotux: Good eyes!17:10
CheeseheadIt indeed lacks a package!17:10
CheeseheadWhat else?17:10
ashamslacks files17:10
yotuxalso the doc bar is not directly controlled by nvidia package.17:10
Cheeseheadyotux: Great spotting!17:11
yotuxwhat package did the user install?17:11
CheeseheadPerhaps we have an inexperienced reporter?17:11
yotuxI would ask what package was installed17:11
CheeseheadWhat package would an inexperienced user claim 'recommends' a proprietary video driver?17:11
yotuxI would assume this17:12
yotuxbut we can't send assumptions to devs / upstream17:12
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: Yes!17:12
yotuxI would says ask for me info.  wait a while and then possible invalid17:13
CheeseheadLet's explore Jockey for a second.17:13
CheeseheadImagine you are the user.17:13
CheeseheadJockey tells you to install NVIDAI proprietary17:14
CheeseheadYou restart, and video is great...17:14
CheeseheadBut now your FN-hotkeys  stop working17:14
CheeseheadCould this be what the user is trying to say?17:14
yotuxIt could be,   the screen shot makes it look like even gui stopped working17:15
Cheeseheadtrinikrono, ashams: What do you think?17:15
trinikronoi think17:16
trinikronoit sounds the same17:16
trinikronobut wont the nvidia package be at fault17:16
trinikronoand not jockey?17:16
ashamsCheesehead: don't know, maybe Xorg needs reconfig?17:16
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: Excellent point!17:17
CheeseheadHow can we help the user narrow the possible problems?17:17
trinikronotry the nouveo driver :D17:17
CheeseheadLet's try something else - somebody try a quick Google search for the keywords. See if any similar complaints pop up.17:18
CheeseheadSOmebody else, try searching the Launchpad bugs, see if this might be a duplicate of an already-reported issue17:19
trinikronoyou mean to search for similar bugs17:19
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: Correct!17:19
ashamsCheesehead: Why did he think that changing system name would help?17:19
trinikronoyes i wondered about that also17:20
Cheeseheadashams: People do all kinds of strange stuff.17:20
* trinikrono needs to goto the grocery for 20mins brb sorry!17:20
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: See you back soon!17:20
CheeseheadWhen I have a problem, I do strange stuff, too.17:21
CheeseheadThen, later, I wonder - why did I do that?17:21
CheeseheadAnother great place to check is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses17:21
Cheeseheadto see if any similar class of bugs already has a prepared response17:22
yotuxI have something close bug 12845217:23
lubotu1Launchpad bug 128452 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "brightness control usability issues." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12845217:23
* Cheesehead is reading it...17:25
ashamsCheesehead: found a lot on lp, but none of them the same as ours17:26
CheeseheadOkay, so seems like nothing close enough to be considered a duplicate yet.17:27
CheeseheadWhat's your impression - is this really a bug? Or is it a support request?17:27
yotuxI would lean toward support17:28
ashamsSupport reques17:28
ashamsis it in acpi pkg?17:28
CheeseheadCould it be a bug in the NVIDIA driver?17:28
CheeseheadOr int he way the kernel uses the driver?17:28
ashamsNvidia works fine17:28
ashamswhen the Nvidia got installed it changed some config17:29
ashamsmaybe in xorg or acpi I assume!17:29
CheeseheadSo perhaps he should revert to the open driver and see if the issue goes away?17:29
Cheeseheadashams: Excellent point!17:29
ashamslet's order him to uninstall Nvidia then install open driver17:30
* ashams brb after 10 mins, sorry17:31
Cheeseheadashams: See you back in 1017:31
Cheesehead(oh, no, everybody's leaving!)17:31
* Cheesehead laughs17:32
yotuxSorry I'm still here17:32
CheeseheadWell, what do you think we ought to do with the poor fellow?17:32
yotuxI would say he need to revert to open source driver17:33
yotuxSee if this help out17:33
yotuxI also noticed he install a custom doc bar on the button17:33
CheeseheadI missed that!17:33
yotuxOther software could be effecting configs.  Start with open source driver17:33
yotuxVolume doesn't appear disabled just muted17:34
CheeseheadHe heh. A doc bar that undoes all the Unity design work...17:34
Cheeseheadhi, komputes!17:34
komputeshi Cheesehead17:35
Cheeseheadwe were just admiring bug 82834617:35
lubotu1Launchpad bug 828346 in Ubuntu "unable to use volume control and brightness control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82834617:35
Cheeseheadyotux: Do you think it's possible that one of tose other cusomizations may be trapping the FN-keys?17:36
yotuxCheesehead: I not sure how the dock bar works17:36
komputesCheesehead: looking...17:36
yotuxCheesehead:  it could change the way gnome interacts17:36
CheeseheadNor I. If it were my system, I would revert to working, and install one-at-a-time untill it breaks...17:37
CheeseheadA few iterations in different order until I caould isolate the culprit17:37
yotuxCheesehead: I would agree17:37
Cheesehead...assuming that installing something really is the culprit17:38
yotuxCheesehead:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock17:39
yotuxlooks like this is the doc bar he installed17:39
komputesCheesehead: would be useful to get the hardware info. assign to linux and ask for apprt-collect bugnumber17:40
Cheeseheadkomputes: Is there a clue that this is a kernel issue?17:40
komputesCheesehead: I was saying that just to get the hardware info, in fact these should be two seperate bugs AFAICT17:41
Cheeseheadkomputes: Whew. I questioned my grip on reality there for a moment!17:42
yotuxso we need more info to proceed17:43
yotuxI would say leave user a comment for more info,  possible even give instruction on how to get more info17:43
Cheeseheadyotux: Agreed. I always try to hand-hold the user along the next step if more info is needed.17:44
CheeseheadIf the user is new to the process (and who han;t been?), then how are they supposed to knw?17:44
yotuxI myself am not sure what commands to tell him to run17:45
yotuxI use apport to report most / all of my bugs17:45
komputesit's highly likely this is hardware specific17:46
CheeseheadWell, for the hardware data collection, I suppose 'apport-collect 828346'17:46
Cheeseheadkomputes: Do you think it's worthwhile for the user to check for an install conflict? The NVIDIA driver? Cairo-dock?17:47
komputesask for apport info, mark incomplete.17:48
komputesand subscribe for the follow-up17:48
crogCheesehead: hey there17:48
Cheeseheadcrog: Welcome!17:48
Cheeseheadcrog: Just arrived? Or been following?17:48
crogjust arrived, but read everything up to now...17:48
komputesI would check (if the user has many customizations) to see if it's reproducable in a neutreal testing environment such as a USB installation or LiveCD (latter causing issues if testing nvidia binary)17:49
CheeseheadSo apport info, check for reproducability, mark incomplete, assign to Linux, subscribe for follow-up?17:50
Cheesehead...advise submitter to check for reproducability...17:50
yotuxCheesehead:  agree17:50
crognewbie question:  Does apport help if there wasn't a crash?17:51
CheeseheadApport can be run manually17:51
CheeseheadIt helps in some situations other than crashes17:51
CheeseheadLike gathering hardware info17:51
CheeseheadReady for the next one?17:52
croggot it - we need to ask the submitter to run it on his machine, and we'll get config details....17:52
CheeseheadNext: Bug 83164717:52
lubotu1Launchpad bug 831647 in Ubuntu "Unable to change language from System settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83164717:52
CheeseheadThis seems like a pretty easy one at first glance.17:53
ashamsCheesehead: Hi again, Ready for the next one17:54
CheeseheadWelcome back! We're admiring Bug 83164717:55
lubotu1Launchpad bug 831647 in Ubuntu "Unable to change language from System settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83164717:55
crog3rd posted text file: couple local settings are set to gl_ES, but LANG still shows en_US.17:55
crogIs next step to try an reproduce?  (or possibly some searching first?)17:56
yotuxfirst set would be to reproduce17:57
ashamsI think that he's not using the right way, so let's advice him first17:57
crogalso first sentence says: "trying to set language, and havn't found a proper way"17:57
crogSo probably look for documentatoin...17:57
yotuxalso this is alpha distro so how important is this17:58
yotuxsuggest doc,  but doc may not be done yet if doc team hasn't gotten to it17:58
Cheeseheadcrog: I think you found a vital piece of evidence in that text file.17:58
CheeseheadMany locale settings were changed, but the system language was still en_us, not gl_es17:59
yotuxI now see that17:59
crogregarding docs - I suspect something like "how to change your language" doesn't really change much from version to version17:59
crogcommunity docs:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingLanguages18:00
CheeseheadI don't see the language-support-gl package in his list of installed packages18:01
crogThis says.... this language will be used for newlyl created users, but not for your future sessions.18:01
crogTo change for your next session, you need to change it from your login screen.18:01
crogI have 11.10 in a virtual machine.  Is it worth taking the time to follow these steps and see if there are any problems?18:02
yotuxthe names have changed and the structure has changed also18:02
crogOr should we just point the user to this wiki page?18:03
yotuxI would say refer to wiki18:03
yotuxits easy to get to the right place from there18:03
yotuxsystem settings -> lang. support18:03
yotuxThis is the new unity was18:03
CheeseheadLaunchpad has a feature to convert support requests into Launchpad Answers18:04
yotuxwas = way sorry18:04
yotuxI read something about that18:04
CheeseheadRight-hand-column: Convert to a question18:04
crogCheesehead: Yeah - seems like that's the way to go..18:04
yotuxI agree18:05
CheeseheadSo, the consensus is convert to a Launchpad Question, and the answer explains and points to the wiki?18:05
yotuxCheesehead:  since the wikik direction are from back in 2009 do we also need to make a doc request to update?18:06
ashamsCheesehead: wait18:06
ashamswe need to ask him to use the right way before converting to a request18:06
ashamswe're not sure if it's abug of not18:06
Cheeseheadyotux: Most wiki updates are user-created. So you and I can do that.18:06
Cheeseheadashams: That's an excellent point!18:07
crogbefore updating wiki, I'd verify the steps, and try out another language for a session or two.18:07
Cheeseheadcrog: Definitely!18:07
ashamscrog: gr818:08
CheeseheadSo the consensus is to:18:08
Cheesehead1) Ask the user to try it the right way - confirm if it's a bug or not18:08
Cheesehead2) If it's not a bug, convert to a question18:08
Cheesehead3) Spend a bit of time updating the Wiki (submitter may want to help?)18:09
* ashams agrees18:09
Cheesehead4) Subscribe to the bug for follow-up, of course18:09
CheeseheadAny final comments on this bug?18:10
crognope - sounds good18:11
ashamsnope, sounds very good18:11
CheeseheadHere's one I had a second look at: Bug 8689618:11
lubotu1Launchpad bug 86896 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt's daily cron job locks the apt lists against package managers" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8689618:11
CheeseheadBefore trying to figure out the problem...18:12
Cheesehead...see if there is anything strange going on.18:12
crogsubmitter changed to confirmed...18:13
Cheeseheadcrog: Yes indeed. Confirmiong your own bug is a big no-no18:13
crogother than that - this is for Jaunty - need to have him try on a current version18:14
crogI havne't had a chance to review the Triage guide in full, but I'd look for a way to mark it invalid18:15
crogIf it's a problem, it can be resubmitted.18:15
CheeseheadYeah, it's 4 years old.18:15
CheeseheadBut, um...what's the problem?18:16
crogwell, since you said not to look at that yet...  (jk)18:16
ashamsWhy would apt-get hang, bad connection, broken packages, a crash?18:16
crogmight it be waiting for a lock as well?18:17
crogahhh - any in his post marked "repeating"18:17
crogHis apt is looking for a feisty file, and not finding it.18:18
Cheeseheadcrog: AWESOME spotting!18:18
CheeseheadIs this really a bug at all?18:18
crogsmall chance it could be, but most likely a confirguration issue18:19
crogman... irc lets through a whole lot more typos and mispellings than email.18:19
Cheeseheadcrog: Sure does.18:20
ashamscrog: Excellent18:20
ashamsIt is a bug18:20
crogI don't know that it's a bug18:21
ashamsbecause apt isn't updated by system update18:21
CheeseheadIs this issue (bug or misconfiguration) going to be reproducable?18:21
ashamsI think it's not a misconfig, because it was made auto18:22
crogit's logging the reason18:22
crogashams: do we know that?18:22
ashamscrog: Not sure :P18:22
crogCheesehead: not on those versions18:23
CheeseheadShouldn't /var/lib/apt/lists be cleaned during a release-upgrade?18:23
* ashams has no idea18:23
crogCheesehead: perhaps... Again, it maybe something that has already been fixed.18:24
crogmay also be that apt was fine, and there was a power outage when he upgraded from Feisty to Jaunty18:24
CheeseheadOr some other non-critical error that prevented the cleaning18:25
crogSomeone with the expertise could re-read through the install scripts to see whether such a cleanup step exists18:25
crogto confirm whether it's a bug.18:25
CheeseheadSince it's 4 years old, should we check with the submitter to see if it's still a issue?18:26
ashamsCheesehead: yep18:27
CheeseheadA response like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Old_untouched_bugs ?18:28
Cheeseheadand mark incomplete, and subscribe to the bug for follow-up?18:28
ashamsCheesehead: I hate those tedious responses18:28
Cheeseheadashams: They do have their place.18:29
ashamsCheesehead: copy-n-paste reponses and reporters will fly away ;)18:29
CheeseheadIt's nice to know that the pre-written response is polite, appropriate for the situation, and covers most use cases. You can always personalize it more.18:30
CheeseheadPerhaps "I've been looking this over, and I noticed that... and then a second paragraph incorparating the pre-written response."18:30
Cheeseheadashams: Great point - sometimes the pre-written response is mistaken nor not-caring.18:31
CheeseheadI have seen copy-n-paste responses used inappropriately, too.18:32
ashamsCheesehead: I usually love to refine them before replying18:32
ashamsCheesehead: let's focus on triage :D18:32
CheeseheadEveryone having fun?18:32
CheeseheadAnyone learning anything?18:33
ashamsyep, a lot18:33
CheeseheadHow about Next: Bug 34041718:33
lubotu1Launchpad bug 340417 in cron (Ubuntu) "cron crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34041718:33
CheeseheadHere you see apport in action on a crash.18:34
ashamsbad description:(18:35
Cheeseheadashams: What's bad about it?18:35
ashamsCheesehead: 1 line description, strange18:36
Cheeseheadashams: It can be hard to describe what's important, especially if you are too close ot the problem18:36
* ashams convinced18:37
CheeseheadIn this case, when you get to the comments, you can see a triager has already been here.18:37
crogI think jdstrand has already asked the important questions18:38
ashamsyeah, and no response since that18:38
crogbased on the stacktrace - looks like it's mostly system calls18:38
crogCould be cron18:38
crogCould be kernel18:38
crogcould be hard-ware dependant18:39
CheeseheadQuestion: When a triager asks a question, what change should you make to the bug to indicate that a reply is expected?18:39
crogIt says this is in a virtual machine - so could be that18:39
ashamsif HW-dependent, itmight be the VM18:39
ashamscrog: bingo18:39
CheeseheadAnyone know how to mark a bug?18:40
crogCheesehead: Change status to Incomplete...18:40
Cheeseheadcrog: ding ding ding!18:40
crogso for this one, we probbaly just do that and move on.18:41
CheeseheadThat's right. So jdstrand didn't mark the bug Incomplete.18:41
CheeseheadWhat can we do about it?18:42
Cheesehead(Triage is all about people, and people make mistakes all the time. Just look at my spelling!)18:42
crogI think we should just mark the bug and go on...18:43
crogwe could (maybe should) send jdstrand an email18:43
ashamscrog: why, he already did his job18:44
CheeseheadOr, perhaps, jump into #ubuntu-bugs, and see if he's there?18:44
crogI probably wouldn't18:44
ashamsmay be we need to remind the reporter18:44
crogbecause not everyone likes to see their errors pointed out.18:44
crogBut... if we don't let them know, they may continue missing this important step.18:44
ashams9.04 is almost at EOL18:44
Cheesehead"jdstrand: On bug 340417, is it okay if I mark the bug Incomplete?"18:45
lubotu1Launchpad bug 340417 in cron (Ubuntu) "cron crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34041718:45
* trinikrono back :D18:45
Cheeseheadwelcome back!18:45
CheeseheadI generally recommend checking with a previous triager before trying to redo their work18:45
CheeseheadWe have all been in a situation where two teachers try to teach the same thing...18:46
crogCheesehead: Yes, Jamie is in that channel now - it's a good idea!18:46
Cheeseheadand step all over each other.18:46
CheeseheadOr a restaurant or store where two people interfere with each other and give you (the customer) a bad experience18:47
Cheeseheadand we have all had some work partner who made *more* work for us instead of less18:47
CheeseheadI predict 95% chance that jdstrand doesn;t remember this bug and has not problem with us going ahead and marking it incomplete...18:48
crogCheesehead: a big factor is if you know the person...18:48
CheeseheadBut in the Ubuntu community it's still polite to ask and check first18:48
crogif youre on the same page, it's probably find to just go ahead.18:49
Cheeseheadcrog: Well, now you'll know him.18:49
crogre: asking first - yes, great idea18:49
Cheeseheadheh heh. I just left a message fro crog in #ubuntu-bugs18:50
trinikronoso what are we working on now18:50
trinikronoi see alot went on18:50
CheeseheadWe're wrapping up 34041718:50
crogwe're ready for another one, right?18:50
CheeseheadIs the consesnsus to check with jdstrand, then invalidate the bug?18:50
ashamsit's just a mistake, what can it be else?18:51
ashamsjdstrand: made a simple mistake, no more, I assume18:51
CheeseheadAgreed, I'm sure it's a mistake. But it's polite to ask.18:51
trinikronoi think better to just mark it incomplete18:52
trinikronounless you know jdstrand personally18:52
CheeseheadIs there a hurry? It's been open a year?18:52
CheeseheadI don't know jdstrand personally.18:52
crogCheesehead: right, but if you don' change it, it will be another year18:52
ashamsWe can just reply again and mark it incomplete, thus we cover jdstrand ;)18:53
trinikronoit looks like it should of been marked incomplete in the first place18:53
trinikronosince it was questions he asked18:53
CheeseheadOne more moment on this issue - this is actually pretty important.18:53
trinikronoi think the best thing18:53
CheeseheadIn this case, I go back to the Code of Conduct18:53
trinikronois to ask if the user still experiences the problem18:53
ashamswhat CoC can do?18:54
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: That's also a valid course of action.18:54
ashamscan Coc do?*18:54
CheeseheadThe Code of Conduct: Patience and Respect18:54
CheeseheadWe don;t know the culture of either the submitter or jdstrand,18:54
Cheeseheadso we should be as polite as possible18:54
CheeseheadThere are cultures where it's okay to dive in (India), and other where it's not (Japan)18:55
ashamsbut if we told him about such a mistake, we may cause Embarrassment18:55
CheeseheadWe can tell him in an indirect way, by asking if he approves this course of action.18:56
CheeseheadEvery culture has a way of pointing out mistakes. Me must simply use an apprporate way18:56
crogCheesehead: yes - your approach @ 13:45 is the best approach. In this case we know how to reach them.18:57
CheeseheadOoh, lots of mispellings there!18:57
crogWhat if we didn't?  leave it open?18:57
crogI suspect this is not a huge important bug, or it would have been dealt with sooner.18:57
CheeseheadIf we simply closed it, then we might be making extra wlor for somebody else.18:57
crogBut a bug that sits in limbo doesn't healp anyone18:57
crogNo - don't close it.18:58
crogmake a best effort to ask first, and then mark incomplete18:58
Cheeseheadcrog: Agreed.18:58
ashamscrog: I agree too18:58
ashamsconsensus ?18:58
CheeseheadWe all make mistakes. We all want to be told nicely about them. We all want to improve.18:58
CheeseheadConsensus: Contact jdstrand, then makr Incomplete?18:59
* Cheesehead curses his fumbly fingers18:59
* Cheesehead laughs19:00
CheeseheadNext: Bug 8338919:00
lubotu1Launchpad bug 83389 in htdig (Ubuntu) "weekly cron job fails" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8338919:00
Cheesehead(Yes, a cron theme today)19:00
CheeseheadIs anyone unfamiliar with the apt-cache commands?19:02
crogeckhofer confirmed the bug, but the status is not confirmed19:03
crogCheesehead: I am19:03
Cheeseheadcrog: Good spotting of confirmation19:03
Cheeseheadapt-cache is an incredibly handy little utility19:03
Cheeseheadpop open a terminal and do a 'apt-cache search firefox'19:04
CheeseheadIt will show you every package in the cache with the word firefox in the title or description19:04
CheeseheadThen, try apt-cache show firefox for the database entry for the package19:04
Cheeseheadincluding description and dependencies19:05
CheeseheadSince it's all text, it's greppable (very handy)19:05
CheeseheadIn this bug, do the comments indicate that we seem to have a missing dependency?19:05
crogright -  but I'd need to install htdig to check this.19:06
Cheeseheadno, you just need apt-cache19:06
crogor I know synaptic lists the dependancies, so I'd probably go there.19:06
crogyeah - I see...19:06
Cheeseheadapt-cache and synaptic pull from the same source.19:06
CheeseheadTry 'apt-cache depends htdig'19:07
crogawesome tool then19:07
CheeseheadAnd then try 'apt-cache rdepends htdig', too.19:07
CheeseheadVery handy for looking for something specific, like packaged that handle dotty files: 'apt-cache search dotty'19:07
CheeseheadSo, what are the current lockfile dependencies for htdig?19:08
crogthe dependency is listed - so the problems' likely already fixed19:08
Cheeseheadashams: What do you think?19:09
crogId' ask them to try again on a current version19:09
Cheeseheadtrinikrono: Any opinion?19:09
crogor better - track down the specific version that contains the fix19:09
Cheeseheadcrog: http://changelogs.ubuntu/com19:09
Cheeseheadyotux: Still with us?19:10
ashamsCheesehead: I don't know why you check deps?19:10
Cheeseheadashams: Becasue of this comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/htdig/+bug/83389/comments/319:11
lubotu1Launchpad bug 83389 in htdig (Ubuntu) "weekly cron job fails" [Low,New]19:11
crogashams: the person that said they confirmed specifically mentioned that was the cause of the problem - a missing dependency19:11
CheeseheadBut then they didn't do the next step...19:11
CheeseheadWhat is the next step?19:11
crogI think we want to assume they're correct - though its possible the submitter and confirmer are not looking at exactly the same problem, it's most likly the case19:12
ashamsCheesehead: Yeah, now I see, thanks :D19:12
Cheeseheadashams: That's way we do this together!19:12
ashamsbut why the daily runs when weekly does?19:13
CheeseheadGreat question!19:13
CheeseheadTake a look at your crontabs. When do your daily and weekly run?19:14
CheeseheadOne day each week, mine run 22 minutes apart.19:15
CheeseheadThe daily has 22 minutes to finish before weekly runs.19:15
CheeseheadIn this case, weekly cannot create a lockfile.19:17
CheeseheadNormally, that should happen only if daily is still running.19:17
ashamsI see19:18
CheeseheadAnacron will also affect it19:18
crogCheesehead: you mentioned http://changelogs.ubuntu.com19:18
crogI think it was faster to go to19:18
crogunless there's a good way to search  the changlogs site19:18
Cheeseheadashams: If you turn oun your computer, sometime around when they bothe run, anacron will reschedule them so they don;t try to run at the same time.19:19
crogThis was fixed in feisty19:19
Cheeseheadcrog: Great point! I never though of that!19:19
crogclosed but #36402219:19
CheeseheadBug 34602219:19
lubotu1Launchpad bug 346022 in Whyteboard "Fill tool doesn't get saved" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34602219:19
CheeseheadBug 36402219:19
lubotu1Launchpad bug 364022 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "can not preview thumbnail of media file in nautilus" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36402219:19
crogI mean closes bug #  yeah, you know19:20
CheeseheadWas that a gnome bug?19:20
crogmaybe a typo in the bug number in the change log?19:20
ashamsCheesehead: you are brilliant :D19:20
* ashams brb in 10 mins, sorry :(19:21
CheeseheadNo, I'm just the guy who showed up. You should meet my brother. *He's* incredible.19:21
crogif we could find the bug it really fixes, we could mark as duplicate, link them, close this one19:21
crogOr... just mark this as fix released.19:21
Cheeseheadcrog: Exactly19:21
* Cheesehead is cruising, looking for that bug19:22
crogCheesehead: might the bug number in the change log be an upstream number, or is that a Ubuntu-specific thing?19:23
CheeseheadI googled the string "htdig now depends on lockfile-progs"19:23
CheeseheadIt's a Debian bug number19:24
lubotu1Debian bug 364022 in htdig "should depend on lockfile-progs because of /etc/cron.weekly/htdig" [Serious,Fixed]19:24
CheeseheadAnother option is to upstream thi bug to Debian.19:24
CheeseheadLaunchpad will figure out that it's fixed and close the bug for us.19:25
CheeseheadChangelog link (for reference): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/htdig/1:3.2.0b6-119:26
EgyParadoxBug 119:26
CheeseheadEgyParadox: Hello!19:26
CheeseheadFunny that the 'bot didn;t pick it up19:26
CheeseheadBug #119:26
EgyParadoxyeah lol19:26
CheeseheadBug #000119:26
EgyParadoxthe most important bug I believe19:27
CheeseheadOh, well.19:27
CheeseheadTrue, working on it...19:27
EgyParadoxDoes anybody have issues with the document viewer?19:27
CheeseheadWell, mine doesn't make me a sandwich.19:28
CheeseheadBut mine's not 11.1019:28
CheeseheadWhat sorts of problems?19:28
ashamsCheesehead: pick a bug for evince?19:28
CheeseheadOkay, one moment...19:29
EgyParadoxit turns out the files are corrupt :S19:29
ashamsEgyParadox: it might be the doc itself19:30
CheeseheadEgyParadox: Do they open in other viewers? Or older versions?19:30
ashamsEgyParadox: Files relly corrupted19:30
CheeseheadHere we are: Bug 28764619:32
lubotu1Launchpad bug 287646 in evince (Ubuntu) "Default window size is unhelpfully small" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28764619:32
Cheesehead(I like that bot)19:32
CheeseheadYou can see that we haven;t even *touched* real traiging, we're still just wading through non-bugs, and old, un-followed-up stuff19:33
CheeseheadThat's why it's considered good practice to subscribe to the bugs you work, and follow up on them19:34
CheeseheadSo nobody comes along a year or three later and asks "Why is this still open?"19:34
CheeseheadYou can see that following up on bugs is a weakness in our community.19:35
crogI'm not even seeing what the problem is...19:35
CheeseheadEgyParadox, ashams: What do you think?19:36
ashamsnot evince at all19:37
CheeseheadWhat could it be?19:38
ashamsbug 730495 is fixed, we should ask reporter if it still exists19:39
lubotu1Launchpad bug 730495 in compiz (Ubuntu) "unity-window-decorator doesn't start on secondary X session" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73049519:39
CheeseheadCommets #5 and #6 on that blocking bug seem related to this problem19:39
CheeseheadAgreed that asking the submitter if it's still an issue is the way to go.19:40
CheeseheadBut why didn't the last triager (Martin Wildam) do that?19:41
CheeseheadAny ideas on why our bug was left hanging?19:42
crogas i read the description, and see the screenshot - i think it's not a bug19:43
CheeseheadAlso, take a look at the original report date19:43
Cheeseheadcrog: What do you think it is?19:44
crogCheesehead: ??  user expectation?19:44
crogre: reported dates 08/intrepid... "same behavior in natty 2011"19:45
CheeseheadIn Ubuntu, behavior that is clearly wrong or unexpected can be safely considered a bug.19:46
CheeseheadThe developer didn't intend for the evince window to be unusably small19:46
ashamsmwildam is not a bug triager, probably he didn't know what to do19:48
crogI'm still not seeing it - even zooming in on the screenshot - where is the "small unreadable" evince?19:48
Cheeseheadashams: Good spot! He was probably new, and untrained.19:48
Cheeseheadashams: Lots of new, untrained people hanging around, and he perhaps didn't ask for advice in #ubuntu-bugs19:49
crogagree w/ ashams19:49
ashamsI just checked his lp profile, https://launchpad.net/~mwildam19:50
ashamshe's not amember of bugsquad19:50
ashamsmay be GreaseMonkey scripts can help on this19:50
CheeseheadWhen you run across somebody like this, interested but unskilled...19:50
Cheeseheadwe have all been in that position, too.19:51
CheeseheadAnd we will see many more as Ubuntu grows19:51
ashamsyeah, just had to19:51
CheeseheadWhat can we do about this bug?19:51
ashamshttps://launchpad.net/launchpad-gm-scripts does the job every time i need to know some about reporters/commenters19:52
CheeseheadYes it does!19:52
CheeseheadYou can also just click on their name.19:52
ashamsCheesehead: If we're sure it's a dup of bug 730495, let's just mark it19:53
lubotu1Launchpad bug 730495 in compiz (Ubuntu) "unity-window-decorator doesn't start on secondary X session" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73049519:53
CheeseheadIt may not be a dupe.19:53
CheeseheadOr, rather, I am not skilled enough to say that it's a dupe.19:53
CheeseheadWe could ask in #ubuntu-bugs if they think the two are dupes19:54
ashamsnice idea, let's do it19:54
Cheeseheadashams: Go for it!19:54
CheeseheadWhoa! Look at the time!19:55
CheeseheadHas everyone had a good time?19:55
CheeseheadLearned anything?19:55
crogmuch! - thanks Cheesehead19:55
Cheeseheadcrog: What do you think of bugs now?19:56
CheeseheadI hope you got something out of it.19:56
ashamsCheesehead: Thank you very nuch :D19:56
crogyes indeed19:56
Cheeseheadashams: Thanks for coming by and contributing so much!19:56
ashamsCheesehead: :D19:57
ashamscrog: :D19:57
Cheeseheadcrog: Thanks for SIX HOURS of your holiday weekend!19:57
crog5 1/219:57
crogand as you say - no work tomorrow!!!19:57
ashamsthanks all19:57
CheeseheadThanks so much for a successful bug jam!19:58
* Cheesehead heads out to the atrium for a drink19:58
ashamsCheesehead: go to #ubuntu-bugs19:59
Cheeseheadashams: I saw20:01
CheeseheadI'll contact the previous triager, and ask the original submitter if it's still an issue.20:02
ashamsCheesehead: correct step20:03
ashamsgood luck20:03
CheeseheadYou saw that the #ubuntu-bugs people are friendly and helpful.20:04
CheeseheadA great resource when you get stuck!20:04
Cheeseheadkomputes, trinkono, crog, ashams, EgyParadox, yotux: Thanks for coming by, contributing, and making this jam a success!20:06
komputeswoohoo \0/20:06
ashamsCheesehead: thanks to you20:06
crogyeah - thanks a bunch20:07
EgyParadoxthanks alot :D20:10
EgyParadoxwhen will the ubj end?20:11
ashamsIt have just ended20:13
CheeseheadPhilospohy: Does anything ever truly end?20:18
Cheesehead(not including hardware warranties, which really do end)20:19
EgyParadoxI mean20:24
crogubj event site says Sept 2-420:24
crogThe WI loco event was today from 12-3pm (CST).20:25
EgyParadoxThe Ubuntu Global Jam is an incredible opportunity for the Ubuntu community to unite together around the weekend of 2 - 4 September 201120:25
EgyParadoxoh ok20:25
crogI think EgyParadox  is asking if we're done in our channel... is there someplace else he can help out?20:25
crogSince the weekend isn't over yet...20:25
crogI don't know the answer...20:26
crogor maybe that's not what you were asking.20:26
ashamsEgyParadox: In Egypt, we still have today, sept 4th, to do it again ;)20:26
ashamsEgyParadox: 1 1/2 hrs left20:27
CheeseheadHey, you don't need me. You guys did all the work anyway!20:34
trinikrono  thanks for having us :D20:36
* Cheesehead goes to start preparing dinner for the family20:36
trinikrononot bread and cheese i hope20:36
CheeseheadSeptember, so the in-deason foods are grilled corn and hamburgers.20:37
ashamsCheesehead: Bon a Petit20:40
ashamsbye guys, I had a real great time with you :D20:45
ashamsThanks for the gr8 session20:46
EgyParadoxCheesehead: Do you manage any projects on launchpad?21:00
CheeseheadEgyParadox: I do not. Why?21:01
EgyParadoxjust asking21:01
CheeseheadI spend quite a bit of time over at Brainstorm...21:02
CheeseheadThe I-have-an-idea-and-don't-know-what-to-do-about-it website.21:03
EgyParadoxI see21:07
EgyParadoxoh that portal for suggestions/ideas21:10
CheeseheadThat's the one.21:10
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