
bazhangX_already_in_use, ##hardware00:00
BlueEaglehidensoft: Did you follow the post by Julian in the link I gave you?00:00
soreauX_already_in_use: Thats fine, just be careful when moving the machine..00:00
hidensoftBlueEagle, yeah00:00
BlueEaglehidensoft: It seems that /etc/default/timidity has TIM_ALSASEQ=true commented out. That could explain why you don't have the sequencer module.00:00
hidensofti read it more than 3000:00
BlueEaglehidensoft: Was that the case with your installation?00:01
X_already_in_usesoreau: thnx, nah the tower/case don't move its in a comfortable position on a desk.00:01
Sudo412370894So I am wounder what are the this list and channels and how do I make  my own chat room.00:01
hidensoftthere is no file :  /etc/default/timidity00:01
hidensoft/etc/default/ is not exist00:01
bazhang!alis | Sudo41237089400:01
ubottuSudo412370894: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*00:01
bazhangSudo412370894, for help with making a channel, check #freenode00:01
BlueEaglehidensoft: did you just say that the directory /etc/default/ does not exist?00:02
BlueEaglehidensoft: Are you running off a liveCD?00:02
hidensoft i don't know but its exist now !!!!!00:03
Sudo412370894So where can I go for some gimp help? My problem is not well taking care of.00:03
BlueEaglehidensoft: and when you type in the terminal `cd /etc/default/` you receive an error that it does not exist?00:03
hidensoftbefore this yes , but not anymore00:03
bazhangSudo412370894, try the gimp channel00:03
bazhangSudo412370894, /msg alis list *gimp*00:04
BlueEaglehidensoft: When you type do you use auto complete with the tabulator: ie cd /etc/def[TAB] ?00:04
BlueEaglehidensoft: where [TAB] is you pressing the tabulator key once or twice?00:04
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happiewhat is flex /00:05
zykotick9BlueEagle, "tabulator" is that really what's it's full name is?  Wow, I don't think i've ever heard that before ;)  Sounds funny00:05
soreau!info flex00:05
ubottuflex (source: flex): A fast lexical analyzer generator.. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.35-10ubuntu1 (natty), package size 228 kB, installed size 540 kB00:05
BlueEaglezykotick9: It hails from the type-writer days when that key was used to align tables with.00:05
zykotick9BlueEagle, thanks00:05
PolahOh wow I'm smart. I just found wine1.3.25 in the official repos00:06
happiehi polah00:06
PolahHi, happie!00:06
BlueEaglehidensoft: So, have you now found /etc/default/timidity and opened the file?00:06
happiecan you guide me how to start in ubuntu i am new here00:07
hidensoftBlueEagle: yes dude00:07
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bazhang!manual | happie start here00:07
ubottuhappie start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:07
Sudo412370894It a problem with me trying to add stuff to the Gimp folder and I get permission denied every time.00:07
BlueEaglehidensoft: Do you find a line like: ;TIM_ALSASEQ = true or #TIM_ALSASEQ = true ?00:07
soreauhappie: It depends on what you want to do00:07
Polahhappie: Most people in here can help a bit. Just ask any questions and we'll try to answer them.00:07
bazhang!wiki | happie step two here00:07
ubottuhappie step two here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.00:07
hidensoftyes , i found : #TIM_ALSASEQ=false , and i change it to TIM_ALSASEQ=true00:07
slipkid08hello all00:08
happiehow to format a pendrive in ubuntu ?00:08
BlueEaglehappie: Insert it in the USB-port. Wait for the icon to pop up on your desktop. Right-click and choose Format.00:08
BlueEaglehappie: (I think)00:08
hidensoftBlueEagle: is correct ? or not ?00:08
happieno how from terminal00:09
soreauhappie: d! dd | happie00:09
soreau! dd | happie00:09
soreau!info dd | happie00:09
ubottuhappie: Package dd does not exist in natty00:09
BlueEaglehappie: The ? was part of the question. The key is the ; or # in the beginnig of the line. These characters denote comments in configuration files.00:09
BlueEaglehappie: Sorry, wrong nick. :)00:09
BlueEaglehidensoft: The ? was part of the question. The key is the ; or # in the beginnig of the line. These characters denote comments in configuration files.00:09
Polahhappie: Format as in wipe files from it, wipe it completely (totally destroy the data) or change the file system?00:09
happieok thanks polah00:10
hidensoftBlueEagle: forget that , its work :D00:10
BlueEaglehidensoft: If the line starts with one of those characters remove it and save the file and do: sudo /etc/init.d/timidity restart00:10
Sudo412370894happie; You right click the device Icon and there should be a Format above compress.00:10
happieanyone knows about flex ?00:10
BlueEagle!anyone | happie00:10
ubottuhappie: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:10
BlueEagle!info flex | happie00:11
ubottuhappie: flex (source: flex): A fast lexical analyzer generator.. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.35-10ubuntu1 (natty), package size 228 kB, installed size 540 kB00:11
bazhanghappie, whats the exact question regarding flex, just saying does anyone know will get zero help00:11
Polahhappie: cd /path/to/drive  and then rm *     will remove the files if that's what you want, make sure you have cd'ed to the drive properly before doing rm * destroying the data or changing the filesystem is a bit more complicated.00:11
hidensoftBlueEagle: thank you very very very much00:11
happiehow to link to flex library ?00:11
BlueEaglehidensoft: You're most welcome. Just for my future reference, was it the line that was commented out that caused the issue?00:11
Polahhappie: Install it (sudo apt-get install flex) and then anything that needs it should know where to look to use it00:12
bazhanghappie, to achieve what, exactly: please be clear *full details*00:12
happiei installed it thanks00:12
Sudo412370894I have a problem with gimp when I trying to add stuff to the Gimp folder and I get permission denied every time.00:12
WinCamXPcan you use a wildcard with a suffix in bash, like '*.class'?00:12
happiehow to compile using gcc ?00:13
BlueEagleWinCamXP: Yes you can.00:13
dr_willisSudo412370894,  unless you need stuff added for every user on thesystem. You shold beadding things to your users .gimp folder00:13
bazhangWinCamXP, bash with a jar?00:13
BlueEaglehappie: If you have to ask then you really need to read some manuals.00:13
bazhang!compile > happie00:13
ubottuhappie, please see my private message00:13
soreau! compile | happie00:13
ubottuhappie: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall00:13
BlueEagle(or stop trolling)00:13
hidensoftBlueEagle: yes , but after that i change the MIDI port in tuxguitar sounds settings , and its work00:14
BlueEaglehidensoft: Very good. :)00:14
bazhanghappie, please take a moment to read the many links we have given you. most of your questions are answered there already00:14
Polahhappie: What are you trying to compile, it may be in the repos00:14
Sudo412370894Thats what I have been trying. I am not new to Linux at all I have been using for about year.00:14
happiei am trying to compile a c program ?00:15
soreauSudo412370894: What command are you running and what is the output? Use a pastebin service if necessary00:15
soreau! compile | happie00:15
BlueEaglehappie: That is covered in the link sent by ubottu.00:16
soreauhappie: try #programming for general programming questions00:16
happieyeah thanks !00:16
bazhanghappie, any connection to ubuntu here? did you read the links provided yet?00:16
bazhanghappie, what is the package.00:16
bazhanghappie, you want to compile gcc?00:16
happieno, a c program.00:17
soreauhappie: What program00:17
happie.c file.00:17
bazhanghappie, what package?00:17
BlueEaglehappie: Did you write the file yourself?00:17
xqix9u2vin ubunu?00:17
bazhanghappie, okay, check out the programming channel then00:17
Sudo412370894I just take the file and try to drop it into usr/share/gimp and I this error :  Error moving file: Permission denied.:00:18
happiewhere is programming channel ?00:18
Polahhappie: type /join #programming00:18
soreauhappie: //j ##programming00:18
Sudo412370894I need more sleep. Lol00:18
xqix9u2vis there some sort of password tool to try to i need to get some password00:18
happiewhere to type ?00:18
dr_willisSudo412370894,  for /usr/share/gimp thats a system dir. you must use root permissions/method to put stuf fin there.00:18
soreauhappie: Here00:19
PolahSudo412370894, use sudo to move it00:19
Polahxqix9u2v, what kind of password do you need to fetch?00:19
happie/j ##programming00:19
dr_willisSudo412370894,   somthing like sudo cp foo /usr/share/gimp   OR as i mentioned.. the user has a .gimp* in their home you can put things in.00:19
BlueEaglehappie: How did you enter this channel?00:19
soreauhappie: Sorry, only one forward slash00:19
BlueEaglehappie: You just pressed random keys and ended up in here?00:20
soreauhappie: /j #channel00:20
BlueEaglehappie: ...and you want to compile a c-program you wrote yourself and you want anyone in here to believe you are not trolling?00:20
bazhangBlueEagle, lets move on please00:20
BlueEaglebazhang: I agree.00:21
Polahxqix9u2v, the root account is inaccessible by default. Use sudo and gksudo to do anything you need to do as root.00:21
noobactually, with xchat, when you connect to ubuntu server it auto joins this room00:21
dr_willisgcc tutorial --->  http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~beechung/ref/gcc-intro.html00:21
soreauhappie: FWIW, I do not think flex is a library and thus, you cannot link to it00:21
Sudo412370894Ok thanks. I have to leave know I was sitting at coffee store for about 5 hours our so. ^_^00:21
xqix9u2vok thank you00:21
yekomsokay, ive tried all i know, and i booted into a live CD and its distorted on desktop too.00:22
happiesoreau flex has a library aanuals.nd we can link to it read m00:22
soreauhappie: Ok, well it's beyond the scope of this channel anyway00:23
happiesoreau flex is a library and we can link to it .00:23
happieok thanks for your help.00:23
soreauhappie: Great. But flex is not ubuntu-specific00:23
happiethat i don't know.00:24
soreauI do ;)00:24
happieyou from which country soreau.00:24
yekomsi guess ubuntu dont line widescreen notebooks :P00:24
Polahyekoms: Installed proprietary drivers through jockey-gtk?00:24
bazhang!ot | happie00:24
ubottuhappie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:24
yekomsi cant get that far.00:24
soreauhappie: This isn't a general chat channel either, sorry00:24
dr_willisyekoms,  its more x/driver specific then ubuntu specfic.00:25
bazhanghappie, not the chat channel here00:25
yekomsi cant get a useable desktop to try.00:25
yekomshow do i select the driver before the CD boots into install mode?00:25
Polahyekoms: Oh, it doesn't show up at all, not the problem I thought it was then, sorry.00:25
soreauyekoms: What's wrong with it?00:25
happieok sorry00:25
yekomsits distorted. into three over lapping sections00:25
soreauyekoms: What gpu?00:25
yekomsnvidia 630m00:26
yekomsubuntu worked GREAT on my dell.00:26
yekomsi wish freebsd had a simple desktop based install so i dont have to manually configure the xserver00:26
dr_willisyekoms,  you may want to try the nomodeset option.00:26
yekomshow do i select that?00:27
soreauyekoms: I guess that's nouveau being funny.. you can add nouveau.dontloadme=1 to kernel line so the kernel module is never loaded.. and it should revert to vesa00:27
urlin2u!ot | soreau yekoms00:27
ubottusoreau yekoms: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:27
soreauyekoms: Otherwise, try nouveau.modeset=0 to disable modesetting00:27
yekomsand i do that how when booting from cd?00:27
soreauurlin2u: Since when is graphics driver issues off topic?00:27
dr_willissoreau,  i NEVER can rember that option. :)00:27
soreauyekoms: Very carefully ;)00:28
urlin2usoreau, your chatting00:28
soreaudr_willis: heh00:28
bazhangurlin2u, they're doing support00:28
yekomsim not careful....lol00:28
soreauurlin2u: No I'm not.. I'm helping yekoms00:28
soreauPlease pipe down00:28
urlin2ubazhang, hard to tell with mentions of freebsd00:28
soreauyekoms: You hit Esc when it first boots00:28
bazhangurlin2u, passing reference, nothing else00:28
soreauyekoms: Then select the kernel line and hit 'e' to edit if I remember correctly00:29
Polahsoreau, yekoms: Esc? Isn't it holding shift?00:29
bazhangsoreau, its shift00:29
soreaubazhang: Polah: On the live cd, I think you have to hit Esc when you see the running man at the bottom of the screen00:30
soreauotherwise, it will autoboot00:30
Polahsoreau: I recall holding shift to get to the CD menu00:30
_Techie_is there any way to issue a PPPoA connection over ethernet from ubuntu00:30
soreauPolah: Yes, that's for grub00:30
soreaunot the live session00:30
soreauPolah: Grub2, specifically00:30
yekomsima try a few others and see if its just ubuntu acting weird.00:31
Polahsoreau: Yes, but I specifically recall it being for the CD as well, I remember seeing a menu with "verify CD integrity" or something along those lines00:31
yekomsim not liking this windows enviroment at all00:31
vehemothis it fine to use a symlink for my .mozilla folder between distros?00:31
yekomsactually it sucks period.00:31
soreauyekoms: Then put that after the kernel line where it says stuff like '...ro quiet splash'00:31
soreauPolah: Huh, maybe Shift and Esc works to stop the 'auto-selector'00:32
bazhang_Techie_, pppoe you mean? sure00:32
_Techie_bazhang, no, PPPoA... i was very specific when typing that00:32
bazhang_Techie_, care to be explicit on that then? check network-manager?00:33
_Techie_bazhang, no ISPs in my country support PPPoE, and im trying to avoid buying a new modem with a PPPoE bridge or a PPTP tunnel00:33
dr_willisvehemoth,  if the users uid/gid differ on the differnt disrtos it can cause an issue00:33
_Techie_bazhang, and unfortunately moving country is out of the question... as much as i would like to move somewhere with faster internet00:34
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/SpeedTouch   _Techie_ this may be relevant00:35
vehemothWhat's the best way to share bookmarks between distros for firefox without using sync?00:38
Polahvehemoth: Copying ~/.mozilla/firefox/<userprofile>/places.sqlite    might not work though due to different user profiles. Give it a try00:40
insigne? br00:40
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:40
bazhanginsigne, #ubuntu-br00:40
Knuxgeni have broadcom driver installed but still no wifi can be seen.. any suggestions?00:42
noobcat5 cable?00:42
thomedyhey i need adobe can i use wine to do so00:42
noobsorry, joke00:42
thomedyi need illustrator and photoshop00:42
zykotick9vehemoth, use the export/import to html option - seriously00:43
thomedyim not familiar with gimp yet im trying to use it right now but my project would already be done i knew more about it00:43
furyoshonenthomedy you can also try inkscape00:43
thomedyhow good is it00:44
thomedyi thought that gimp was premier for linux00:44
thomedyi just need the tools im familiar with right now00:44
furyoshonenit is an illustrator replacement, and many consider it to be better than illustrator00:44
noobinkscape is great and easy to use, also has great manual for beginners00:44
vehemothzykotick9: Is it possible to automatically run that on exit because I'll constantly need to go back and forth between distros00:44
bazhangthomedy, check the appdb00:44
bazhang!appdb | thomedy00:44
ubottuthomedy: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:44
xqix9u2vinkscape is easy and fun to00:44
Knuxgenthomedy:  50 % at the best00:44
bazhangthomedy, /join #winehq00:44
thomedyoooh thank you for that00:45
zykotick9thomedy, just because you're not familiar with an application - does not make it bad!  I'm a gimp idiot - i can do what i need only... good luck00:45
furyoshonengimp is a photoshop replacement, it has many tools photoshop doesn't but photoshop has some tools that gimp doesn't00:45
thomedyi talked to someone who said gimp is great so im sure it is im just not familiar with it00:45
furyoshonenI use primarily gimp, but switch over to photoshop ever once in a while, when there is that tool I need.00:45
zykotick9vehemoth, ummm, that makes things more difficult for sure!  No good suggestion for that sorry00:45
djskiddHi guys00:45
thomedyoooh is there a gimp room let me see00:46
thomedyoh there is00:46
bazhangthomedy, #gimp perhaps00:46
djskiddGlad my client goes here first00:46
thomedymaybe they can help me familiarize myself with gimp tools00:46
thomedyokay thank you for your advice00:46
djskiddBecause I have a question00:46
karmstHow do I find out what the terminal exec. command is for a program in the applications menu?00:46
djskiddI'm downloading Debian XFCE right now00:47
Fudgeanyone know if u can run apps like firefox for example in xorg without running gnome, say from xterm maybe?00:47
vehemothzykotick9: is it possible to set up the same uid and gid between ubuntu, debian, and arch. All use the same username, but different groups00:47
djskiddand I want to put it on a USB key00:47
zykotick9karmst, open the menu editor and you can see the path/executable00:47
djskiddand install from there00:47
djskiddhow do I do that?00:47
furyoshonengimp has a bunch of tutorials: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/00:47
th0rFudge: look at a lighter deskopt like xfce or lxde00:47
thomedythat was inkscape vector drawing00:48
zykotick9vehemoth, yes - i do that for services sometimes, tricky but possible - good luck00:48
th0rFudge:  you do need a desktop to run things like firefox, but it doesn't have to be gnome00:48
djskiddgotta change song00:48
bazhangdjskidd, and your asking about debian in here?00:48
thomedyand i was going to look for tutorials but im not even sure how to describe what im trying to do to look up a good tutorial00:48
vehemothzykotick9: so that will allow me to just symlink the .mozilla directory?00:48
Fudgeyeah th0r  i know about ligher weight desksops but wondered about xterms usability00:48
bazhangdjskidd, #debian00:48
Fudgemaybe ill google what it can actually do00:48
djskiddYeah, that makes more sense00:48
djskiddOn freenode?00:48
th0rFudge: you can start them from the terminal, but you need some kind of window manager to provide the titlebar, borders, etc00:49
furyoshonenthere are a bunch of good tutorials on youtube as well00:49
th0rFudge: you can run a browser like lynx from the terminal if you just want text00:49
Fudgeyeah theyre after ff or something but thanks th0r00:50
zykotick9vehemoth, sharing .mozilla is a bad idea - i've tried it.  Your ORIGIONAL question was how to share without sync, and i suggested the HTML cause it's what i've personally used to share bookmarks of firefox between different distros/versions - I've personally given up on trying to "sync" mozilla across versions00:50
Fudgeplenty of really basic wm's that  could serve the purpose i guess00:50
karmstperfect that's what I needed00:50
th0rzykotick9: have you looked at sync via something like spideroak? I use it to sync my opera bookmarks between computers and OS's00:52
zykotick9vehemoth, it is possible to edit the number UID/GID value to be the same across multiple distros / versions - for an example, I've used the UID/GID 200 for apt-cacher-ng across multiple system successfully - but you have to know what you're doing!  Good Luck.00:52
vehemothzykotick9: there might be a setting to use bookmarks.html instead of sql but I don't know of the performance. Yes it was, I wasn't sure if it would work better just by copying the whole folder00:52
dr_willismain reason ive switched to chrome browser. :) it can sync across all my pc's  easialy.00:52
zykotick9th0r, without using "the cloud"!  That key for me.  Remote sync is EASY, but personally i don't subscribe.00:53
th0rzykotick9: no, admittedly it does use the cloud, but they claim everything on the server is encrypted and even they can't access it00:53
dr_willisCloud Phobic :)00:53
alecbenzerclang users: does clang++ work out of the box for you? mine can't find the iostream header00:54
zykotick9dr_willis, yup00:54
bazhangalecbenzer, clang?00:54
bazhang!info clang00:54
ubottuclang (source: clang): Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), C language family frontend. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 3708 kB, installed size 9612 kB00:54
dr_willisthe feds may want my Bash Tutorial bookmarks! Oh Noes!00:54
joebob777as7I'm getting: Could not find an open hard disk with UUID which is odd because I just shut it down and now it won't start. I'm hesitant to remove the VM and add the VDI file to a new one because i don't know how it will handle the snapshots00:54
vehemothzykotick9: I found this in about:config "browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML" I'll try it out00:54
joebob777as7can someone give me a hand/00:54
bazhangjoebob777as7, with what00:54
xanguavehemoth: there is also xmarks addon, to sync bookmarks not only on firefox but also on chromium, explorer and safari00:55
bazhangsudo blkid joebob777as7 ?00:55
alecbenzerbazhang: also http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/lucid/clang00:55
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zykotick9vehemoth, let me know if it works!  the old .html file seem empty recently with firefox ?  It used to update and be easy just to share the file.00:55
joebob777as7lol oops wrong channel :/00:55
stricklydont go00:56
alecbenzerhttp://clang.llvm.org/get_started.html seems to detail a fix to the problem I'm having, but I imagine the intention would be that the ubuntu version would work by itself00:56
joebob777as7sry bazhang00:56
bazhangjoebob777as7, you trying to export the vdi to the hdd?00:56
joebob777as7bazhang, trying to open a virtualmachine. i'm asking in vbox now (doubt i'll get any help there though)00:57
alecbenzer(if anyone wants to check reproduce error by `apt-get install clang`, write a small C++ program that uses `#include <iostream>`, and do `clang++ name_of_your_file.cpp`00:57
bonhofferdoesn't lsof -i | grep 3000, tell me which process is using port 300000:59
bonhofferi get "command not found"00:59
vehemothzykotick9: It seems to work as there is now contents in the bookmarks.html file, do you know why they changed it? maybe speed or something01:00
zykotick9vehemoth, no idea, seems like a regression to me01:00
MacRohardAnyone know why I can't get wifi to work using the iwconfig tool but it works using the network manager? this is for an open wifi (so no wpa supplicant stuff). I'm just setting the essid, channel, the key to open and then ifconfig it up - but it never associates with an ap.01:01
bazhangMacRohard, what are the commands? please pastebin any actual error output01:01
zykotick9vehemoth, cool thanks (now to try it in iceweasel 6.0)01:01
vehemothit works01:02
vehemoththat's what I'm using01:02
MacRohardbazhang: http://pastebin.com/fqWr3e4501:04
WalexMacRohard: associating sometimes is not automatic, and happens only when prompted by the app; you can use 'wpasupplicant' for that, or sometimes up/down the interface.01:04
zykotick9I'd just just like to say vehemoth's firefox about:config "browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML" to true does recreate the old bookmark.html file in ~/.mozilla/firefox   Why isn't this true by default, silly?01:06
bazhangMacRohard, whats the chipset of the NIC01:06
bazhangAccess Point: Not-Associated   <--- thats the problem01:07
thomedyyou know i could really go for photoshop is there no way of getting that in linux01:08
bazhangthomedy, check the appdb for CS01:09
jdolan_both Firefox and Chromium hang my system within a couple minutes.  11.04, radeon 6970 w/fglrx.01:09
bazhangthomedy, with wine01:09
jdolan_this happens in unity and in classic.01:09
thomedyokay i can do taht what is the thing you just said is taht command line01:09
jdolan_anyone else seen something like this?01:09
thomedyappd in command line01:09
thomedyand i already grabbed wine  so thats good01:09
bazhangthomedy, its a website to check wine apps supported01:09
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:09
thomedythank you ill do that01:10
bazhangthomedy, something like cs5 or cs601:10
bluelighti am using eeebuntu (aurora os) , i need to install okular. the preset repositories in synaptic only have eeebuntu repositories. how can i enable the ability to install okular ?01:10
bazhangbluelight, add them to /etc/apt/sources.list01:10
MacRohardbazhang, well i've tried three.. wlan0 is the laptops's built in wifi (atheros AR928X) and I tried two usb ones that are rtl8187s - both have the same issue - work with network manager don't do anything with iwconfig. iwlist <interfacE> scan works tho'01:11
bazhangMacRohard, stick with the atheros01:11
MacRohardwell that's wlan0 the one i'm using at the moment01:11
bluelightwell, i do not mind adding repositories via synaptic. the problem is, i do not know what the repository is ..01:11
bazhangpackages.ubuntu.com bluelight to check01:12
bluelighti was there, it seemed to be a catalog. i was not aware it hasd the actual server names in its site .. i will examine it further. thanks bazhang01:13
zykotick9bluelight, fyi mixing repositories between distributions leads to problems, if you're gonna add the ubuntu repo and do updates, you should probably actually just reinstall with ubuntu (for less "issues")  Good luck.01:17
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bluelightzykes-: i simply would like to install oklular. this is all i intend to do.. is there a better way ?01:19
kandinskiwhat does one use to resize a FAT disk these days?01:19
bluelightzykotick9:  i simply would like to install oklular. this is all i intend to do.. is there a better way ?01:19
Jordan_Ukandinski: GParted.01:19
kandinskiI am a fdisk man, but the disk has data in it01:19
kandinskiJordan_U: thanks01:19
Doonzanyone here using irssi and the nicklist.pl script for somereason i cant get it to work even tho it worked a few hours ago01:19
Jordan_Ukandinski: You're welcome.01:19
zykotick9bluelight, i have no idea what oklular is?01:19
tardisDoonz: try asking #irssi01:19
kandinskiJordan_U: and is there any way to convert the disk to NTFS onl the fly like Windows does?01:19
Jordan_Ukandinski: No.01:19
kandinskiJordan_U: cheers. gparted it is then01:20
zykotick9Jordan_U, i agree, no01:20
bluelightitm is the most useful pdf viewer for linux, it includes features such as bookmarks, highlighting, inserted notes, etc ... eeebuntu comes with gnome...01:20
zykotick9bluelight, fyi - eeebuntu isn't supported here01:21
bluelightand oklular is KDE based01:21
zykotick9bluelight, oh is that the kde 3 thing?01:21
bluelighti know. i mention it to state i only have gnome01:21
bluelighti do not know zykotick9, i do know i use it on my laptop ...01:21
zykotick9bluelight, well, good luck (what ever you're doin') :)01:22
bluelightzykotick9:  would it be alright to install okular and disable the extra repositories during updates ?01:23
zykotick9bluelight, i have no idea dude, i can't help ya, good luck01:23
luc_hi   everyone01:23
X-Huntermy problem is whenever I try to boot from my usb cd drive with ubuntu live 10.04 in it, the bios freezes01:23
bluelightok, zykotick9 , thanks for the warning ..01:23
X-Hunterany ideas as to whats happening01:24
zykotick9bluelight, install ubuntu rather then using eeebuntu would be my suggestion ;)01:24
Jordan_UX-Hunter: Does this happen with other bootable CDs as well?01:26
zykotick9X-Hunter, if it's actually the BIOS that freezes there's not much anyone here can do.  Do you get anything on the monitor?01:26
X-Hunterno, i can boot from xubuntu live and opensuse live too01:27
X-Hunterzykotick, i get the bios screen on the monitor01:27
Jordan_UX-Hunter: Xubuntu 10.04?01:27
X-Hunterxubuntu 11.0401:28
X-Hunterthat works01:28
X-Hunterubuntu 10.04 LTS is what fails01:28
CarlFKX-Hunter: doubtful that the _bios_ freezes. but whatever.. your box is hung.01:28
X-Hunteri guess ill just burn another disk and hope for the best01:29
Jordan_UX-Hunter: Have you done an md5sum check of the burned CD?01:29
}i{Can I ask for little help please? to like this page. I sell hamsters in my region http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ambon-Hamster/26508033351156901:29
Jordan_U}i{: No advertising here please.01:29
X-HunterI use windows currently, too scared to ditch windows and too short on HDD space to dual boot01:30
}i{It is not. I need 15 user to make a username. since when you'll buy hamsters from Indonesia? lol :p01:31
X-Hunter}i{ this channel is for ubuntu tech support only01:32
}i{sorry me :{01:32
X-Hunterif you must talk to others, use #ubunut-gen01:32
X-Hunterwhoops i mean #ubuntu-gen01:33
tardisthey actually mean #ubuntu-offtopic :\01:34
kensumwas trying to correct some issues with firefox and I went in and unchecked the unity plugin. Lost everything off the desktop. what is the best way to get it back?01:34
FlyingFoX13i am using ubuntu-classic and got the problem, that my global shortcuts don't work anymore (i.e. start/stop playing music) it worked under unity. any clues what i can do to make them work again?01:35
ubunwhat does this command do? "sudo mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql"01:36
urlin2uFlyingFoX13, have you tried setting them up?01:36
zykotick9FlyingFoX13, check "Keyboard Shortcuts" for Gnome Media keyboard stuff01:36
FlyingFoX13they all appear under the keyboard shortcuts menu01:36
FlyingFoX13and i tried to reset them to make sure the keys work01:36
FlyingFoX13googling found me something that compiz might interfere.01:37
zykotick9FlyingFoX13, gnome compatibility is an option in ccsm somewhere (don't know if it would help in your case)01:38
con-manI need help with the following error, which is causing my system to lock up01:41
con-manSep  3 19:36:39 puladorkyisanor gdm-session-worker[1439]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory01:41
con-manSep  3 19:36:39 puladorkyisanor gdm-session-worker[1439]: GLib-GObject-CRITICAL: g_value_get_boolean: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN (value)' failed01:42
bungholiouse pastebin01:42
MacRohardahh. i may have figured it out.. there was a wpa_supplicant running from dbus that was probably fucking things up.01:42
con-manit was just 2 lines but in the future I will01:42
con-manany ideas01:42
bazhangMacRohard, okay, in future please dont curse here01:44
BarkingFishguys, can I just check with you, all the bugs in kubuntu go onto the ubuntu launchpad, don't they?01:44
tardisBarkingFish: Kubuntu like to report things upstream if it's a KDE issue. Ask #kubuntu-devel01:44
BarkingFishI've discovered a very severe security bug in kubuntu 11.04, and want to speak to a dev about it in pm if possible, tardis - I don't know if it's just a KDE bug or not.01:45
tardisBarkingFish: pay a visit to the aforementioned channel, then ;)01:45
BarkingFishI'm in there, I've asked and nobody is responding01:45
tardisBarkingFish: be patient01:46
BarkingFishIt's 2.45 am, and I need to get some sleep soon :)   I don't know how much patience a tired guy has!01:46
BarkingFishi'm guessing it's not a lot if I'm anything to go by01:47
Pilif12pBarkingFish: Find one in Mozilla's code, get $5k01:47
cypherAnyone there to answer a question?01:48
LibZenithalway's cypher, not sure if I know the awsner though haha01:49
LibZenithbut enough people here, so my guess, someone will know the awsner :P01:50
cypherI was just wondering if anyone used/liked mint before I waste my time01:50
urlin2ucyphase, mint is ubuntu in a green dress and not supported here.01:51
BarkingFishthere's a channel here for mint support, cypher - but there's only 2 people in it right now01:52
BarkingFishtry ##mint the next time you come on01:52
urlin2ucypher, yeah01:52
cypherproblem is... if they are using it... they probably like it... lol01:52
cypherwell thanks for the help in any case.01:53
thomedyis anyone using natty wahrhol01:53
thomedyor whatever 11.04 is01:53
tardis!mintsupport | BarkingFish: for future reference01:54
ubottuBarkingFish: for future reference: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:54
tardisthe channel's not on freenode ;)(01:54
Polahthomedy: I'm using Natty Narwahl, I could help you with that. I don't know what a wahrhol is though :/01:54
zykotick9thomedy, most people probably are ;)  Ask you're real question.01:54
BarkingFishtardis, according to alis, it is01:56
BarkingFish##mint                                               2 :Welcome to the Linux Mint support channel. | Linux Mint site- http://www.linuxmint.com/ | New release: Linux Mint 10 RC - http://linuxmint.com/rel_julia_whatsnew.php01:57
tardisBarkingFish: that isn't the Linux Mint support channel.01:57
tardiseven the name of it (two hashes) makes that obvious ;)01:57
zykotick9BarkingFish, irc.spotchat.org01:57
rypervencheBarkingFish: It's #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:57
BarkingFishok then, I can only go by what I see in the alis listings, if it's not official it should be shut01:58
tardisBarkingFish: that's not what freenode policy says :)01:58
BarkingFishwell they're purporting to be something they're not01:59
BarkingFishThey're not the Linux Mint support channel01:59
urlin2uBarkingFish, one user hehe01:59
tardisno they aren't. The channel having two # in its name explicitely denotes it as an unofficial or offtopic channel.01:59
urlin2uBarkingFish, needs to to purport.01:59
KronsbyI am bored. What should I do with my newly installed Ubuntu?02:01
rypervencheKronsby: learn the command line :)02:02
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KronsbyHow should I go about doing so?02:02
KronsbyIs there like an all encompassing how to learn the command line?02:03
rypervencheKronsby: http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php "Download it ehre"02:03
rypervenchehere even02:03
KronsbyAh cool cool02:03
Guest61066Hello guy I have a question I'm on Parted magic and I've never installed windows on top of ubuntu always the other way around Can I repartition the space following  the ubuntu partion for windows 7 without major problems? Just wanna know so I can know how best to proceed02:04
Kronsbyrypervenche, only 521 pages left!02:05
marknighInstalled Oneiric Beta today. The system will not boot. I tried a reinstall and it booted. It won't boot without the flash drive and will not install. Any thought?02:05
robin0800Kronsby, if you feel really brave as well as bored you could always install a development version ubuntu 11.10 beta102:06
thomedysorry i saw that you guys responded earlier just now im multi tasking... my question is02:06
zykotick9marknigh, good question for #ubuntu+102:06
thomedyi just now did somehting on accident i want to duplicate02:06
thomedyi presssed some combination of buttons that split my screen into all its active windows on the same workspace i was trying to do alt+tab02:06
Kronsbyrobin0800, How different is it? is there a way to just upgrade or do i have to do complete reinstall?02:06
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thomedyso it is some where around there i havent been able to duplicate it yet02:07
thomedyis that a bad explination or do you guys have any idea02:07
Guest61066Hello guy I have a question I'm on Parted magic and I've never installed windows on top of ubuntu always the other way around Can I repartition the space following  the ubuntu partion for windows 7 without major problems? Just wanna know so I can know how best to proceed02:08
rypervenchethomedy: windows key + w or e02:08
thomedyYAAAAAAAY thank you02:08
thomedyfreakin awesome02:09
ESphynxHey guys, do you know which package contains libintl.h ?02:09
thomedyim setting up my new install of natty warhol02:09
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Gentoo64Guest61066, yes but youll have to redo grub02:09
thomedy i know its not that but i keep thinking andy warhol02:09
thomedyso it stuck in  my head02:09
GasseusErm... I installed ubuntu 11.04 on my grandma's laptop, a Compaq Presario V2000, and after I installed the driver from synaptic people say is necessary, network manager is oblivious to the wifi card... Can someone help me fix that?02:09
robin0800Kronsby, a bit different gtk3 not 2 gnome shell and unity 2d02:10
thomedyplus andy warhol is pretty cool02:10
GI_Jackanyone know how to handle a mass import of vcard files?02:11
Kronsbyi do not like unity. what is different about unity 2d?02:11
urlin2uKronsby, no 3d02:12
GasseusKronsby very little.02:12
KronsbyDo people generally like unity?02:12
KronsbyI find it hard to navigate and bulky02:12
spexii'm not usin02:13
GI_Jackdepends on what02:13
GI_Jackits great on a netbook, it'd be really cool on a tablet02:13
spegheadI think the layout is hindersome but thats just my opinion02:13
GI_Jackbut as a desktop UI no thanks02:13
robin0800Kronsby, in 11.10 the choice is unity or gnome shell02:13
GI_Jackgnome shell isn't much better from what I here02:14
GI_JackI like metacity, there must be an option to "just keep using metacity"02:14
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GI_Jackor will metacity cease development, and stop working with GTK at somepoint02:15
KronsbyI can not decide. I could just force myself to use unity if that is how it is going to stay02:15
Kronsbyand once I use it a lot i think I will like it02:15
vehemothkronsby: I don't like it and I'm on a netbook, I'm sure it will get better and once it does I think a few more people will switch to it02:15
jeremy-77I lost my network indicator from my panel I cant find it to add it back ? anyone know how to get it back?02:15
Kronsbyright click the panel and say add to panel02:16
GlowballHi. I'm having troubles with my internet lately, and I noticed I got an update for dhcp3-client and dhcp3-common on August 16. Is it possible that is related? Problem is: if I try to force the version of dhcp3-common down to the previous one, Synaptic forces me to remove dhcp3-client and ubuntu-minimal.02:16
w30jeremy-77, indicator-applet02:16
Glowballthat it is *02:16
jeremy-77Kronsby,  I tried that it is not in the list unless it is by different name02:16
Kronsbyindicator-applet like w30 said02:17
robin0800GI_Jack, gnome shell is still buggy but unity is really smooth now02:17
Kronsbyrobin0800, is it smooth?02:17
jeremy-77oh ok02:17
jeremy-77found it02:17
kermithow would i have my audio come out a different computer, but stay in sync with the video on this computer?02:17
KronsbyI want a vote. Should I force myself to use it or not02:18
GI_Jackanyway, what programs allow mass imports of vcards instead of one at a time02:18
GI_Jackor is this just a bug with gnome or something02:19
astropirateAnyone know of a working webdav client?  Very much prefer a GUI one02:19
robin0800Kronsby, talking of different names how about "gnome tweak tool" appears as "advanced settings"02:19
Kronsbyrobin0800, what?02:20
Kronsbyrobin0800, What did you just say?02:23
robin0800Kronsby, well it installs under one name but when you search for it its not found as I said because its not called that02:24
Kronsbyrobin0800, Sorry I had to get off for a sec. Did you say somethign?02:25
robin0800Kronsby, well it installs under one name but when you search for it its not found as I said because its not called that02:26
bluelightzykotick9: i found this -> http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/okular <- though, i do not see where it shows me what the url is for adding the repository to synaptic is ...02:26
Kronsbyrobin0800, I have no idea what you are talking about. What does this pertain to. sorry man I am lost02:26
TheGoofwhy does ubuntu download recommend 32bit version?02:27
djskiddI WAS at #debian02:28
TheGoofI have 64bit machine ... why are they saying 32bit is best, without regard to ones architecture?02:28
djskiddBut to get it installed, I have to know root password02:28
djskiddI installed through wubi02:28
gaelfxTheGoof: because it's the most widely used, and almost anyone can use it02:28
djskiddwhat was my root password or how do I find out02:28
zykotick9bluelight, from that post it appears you need to add the natty repo to your source.list file?  Are you NOT running natty currently?02:28
bazhangdjskidd, its the sudo password02:28
djskiddI installed through wubi02:29
TheGoofgaelfx : what does that mean? does it mean that some people are too stupid to use 64bit?02:29
bazhangdjskidd, same thing02:29
djskiddIt never asked for a sudo password02:29
KronsbyI used wubi too. Kinda regret it02:29
thomedyokay so its saying in order to install internet explore i have to rename one of my directories but it doesn't say waht too... or anything like that so i don't wnat to screw up my install and be with out a machine02:29
gaelfxTheGoof: anyone with 64-bit can run 32-bit, but no one with 32-bit can run 64-bit02:29
thomedyany ideas02:29
bazhangdjskidd, sure it did. its your user password02:29
djskiddI am entering that alongside the command02:29
djskiddsu -c "fdisk -l"\02:29
djskiddsu -c "fdisk -l"02:29
gaelfxTheGoof: no, it means that 32-bit is better tested than 64-bit is (since it has more users and has been around longer)02:30
bazhangdjskidd, no02:30
TheGoofso, it seems that they are saying that most people are too stupid to know if they have 32bit or 64bit machine....l because if tha tis the only reason02:30
TheGoofok, that makes sense to me... thankis02:30
bluelightno, i chose natty because that is  the ubuntu version on my laptop... the system with eeebuntu is on a netbook.02:30
gaelfxTheGoof: no, there are still applications out there that don't run natively on 64-bit, Skype is a good example02:30
djskiddso what password DO I enter for that command?02:30
GlowballTheGoof: It's saying "If you know what this means, choose accordingly. If you don't, you're better off with the 32 bit version"02:30
TheGoofso they are implying they they have not robustly tested 64bit because their major resource of test is user community02:30
bazhangdjskidd, dont use su02:30
zykotick9TheGoof, honestly, 32bit is easier, and ubuntu aim's for easy compatibility for most people - use 32bit is easier.  FYI if you go 64bit and run into library issues check out getlibs.02:30
bluelightzykotick9: i plan ot install on a glash drive and give the okular install a try there, so i do not risk damaging my main install02:31
djskiddThe good folks at #debian sent me that command02:31
robin0800Kronsby, perhaps I should not have directed that to you it was some one looking to replace the network indicator applet of course its not called that02:31
TheGoofok, so it is a matter of better softwarer driver support02:31
bazhangdjskidd, they thought you were on debian, which you said you were, here earlier, and then in #debian02:31
djskidds good/<  >\02:31
TheGoofok now thanks... now i am seeing the bull in the eye02:31
Kronsbyahhhhhhhh ok wow I was just not sure what was going on. Sorry!02:31
Kronsbywhy does xchat never remember my nickname and what not?02:32
robin0800Kronsby, but you will need gnome tweak tool to theme unity02:32
djskiddSo I am on Ubuntu and want to get my flashdisk's SD<something> command02:32
zykotick9bluelight, if okular is a built in package you should have close to nothing to worry about.  But i have no personal knowledge of what okular is...02:33
djskiddLike sda, sdb, sdc.02:33
KronsbyI do not want unity. I just switched from classic to unity for a second and HATED it. I do not think I can do it...02:33
bazhangdjskidd, the uuid?02:33
bazhangor the partition scheme djskidd02:33
vehemothgaelfx: skype has a 64bit version now02:33
GlowballI'm having troubles with my internet lately, and I noticed I got an update for dhcp3-client and dhcp3-common on August 16. Is it possible that is related? Problem is: if I try to force the version of dhcp3-common down to the previous one, Synaptic forces me to remove dhcp3-client and ubuntu-minimal. How can I solve this?02:33
djskiddThe SD* name like sdb02:34
gaelfxvehemoth: that's news to me02:34
bazhangdjskidd, sudo fdisk -l02:34
TheGoofit surer is downloading slowly ..l. it can't me my isp, i hope (scumcast ... i mean comcast) bedause it says 7minutes for only 600MB that is insanely slow!!!02:34
bluelightzykotick9: i am seeking the address of the repository that will alow me to install okular :) thats all. i am taking your warning about possable conflicts with updates...02:34
zykotick9bluelight, natty02:34
djskiddbrb, going to pastebin02:35
Kronsbyrobin0800, Genome 3 looks a bit better than Unity02:35
GlowballTheGoof: Almost 1.5MB/s insanely slow? You're just spoiled, really.02:35
bluelightzykotick9: i do not actually care what version. i chose natty because it has the version of okular i am using on my laptop... this way edited files should be ok between the laptop and netbook02:35
GlowballTheGoof: I'm on 0.5MB/s max.. :(02:36
MauriceJUbuntu 10.04.1 Hello, I recently changed the colour in my gnome panel but the parts where Applications, Places, the time, etc show up are still the default theme.  Is there any way to get those to be the same colour as the rest of the panel?02:36
TheGoofGlowball : oh nok i'm use to downlaoed 600mb in about 1 to 2 minutes02:36
TheGoofno spoiled just that ubuntu site god aweful slow02:36
TheGoof.5mb/s ? damn, i'd blow my brains out02:37
gaelfxTheGoof: try the .torrent instead02:37
MauriceJ600 megs in 1 to 2 minutes?  That's nearly as fast as over a LAN.02:37
GlowballTheGoof: Yea, like I said, you're spoiled :P02:38
niborhey guys i was wondering if you could tell me how to edit my xconfig02:38
MauriceJSpoiled, big time.02:38
nibori have dual monitors, i set them up a long time ago, but now i want to switch them and i cant remember how to get the one on the left to the right and the one on the right to the left02:38
niborany thoughbs?02:38
vehemothnibor: settings; preferences; monitors02:39
vehemothnibor: sorry, system;preferences;monitors02:39
bluelightdoes any one know what the address is for the natty repository ?02:39
nibori tried that but i have the ati catylist running it so i cant use those preferences02:40
zykotick9vehemoth, that works of opensource drivers only BTW. nibor02:40
robin0800djskidd, it is sudo -c "fdisk -l" then hit return and it will ask for your password02:40
niborand when i click on monitors it says RANDR etension is not present02:41
djskiddI got it02:41
Lucid1Running into a few issues.  When using either Ubuntu Software manager or Syntamic package manager, my DL's either flow at around 20/b per second or will not DL at all.  Any ideas?02:42
Lucid1If i jump into window's, they fly by.02:42
djskiddAlright, I am running a command given to me02:43
djskiddand it says permission denied02:43
djskiddcat debianlivediskfilename.iso > /dev/sdc02:43
robin0800Kronsby, it does but have you registered with freenode?02:44
djskiddonly the name for the ISO is different and it's actually an IMG\02:44
djskiddonly the name for the ISO is different and it's actually an IMG02:44
Kronsbyahhh nope... sorry i am dumb02:44
Lucid1Running into a few issues.  When using either Ubuntu Software manager or Syntamic package manager, my DL's either flow at around 20/b per second or will not DL at all.  Any ideas how to increace DL rate or general TSing steps to work out kinks?02:45
djskiddHow do I run  cat debianlivediskfilename.iso > /dev/sdc as root?02:46
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=== Mierda is now known as Merdam
aeon-ltddjskidd: using sudo or log in as root02:47
zykotick9djskidd, fyi iso != IMG - they aren't the same02:47
wildgoosenibor: xrandr02:47
djskiddso add sudo before that command?02:48
Lucid1No advice?02:48
zykotick9djskidd, gnu/linux can't mount IMG files the same way as ISOs02:48
vehemothLucid1: is that the download speed inside synaptic?02:49
djskidddebian-live-6.0.2-i386-xfce-desktop.img - I want to mount this onto a USB disk and boot to it02:49
fayimorahey guys am trying to couple up a set of devicess to have my personal server…I however need suggestions, preferably links to a good system unit/cpu and router02:49
Lucid1< 100 b/s for all DL's.  Tried Iced Tea, pidgin, htop, etc.02:50
vehemothdjskidd: is there not an iso download?02:50
djskiddGoing to look now02:50
=== GHTU2 is now known as Mic00001
zykotick9djskidd, lol - seeking debian support in ubuntu - you're funny.  Good luck.02:50
Lucid1On router, sharing between 1 desktop and streaming Netflix.  Windows DL fly by.02:50
fayimoraany help????02:51
djskiddIf there is, I hope it's not another 1hr 15min DL.02:51
vehemothzykotick9: better than seeking ubuntu support in debian XD02:51
bazhangMic00001, hello02:51
Mic00001i have ubuntu02:51
Mic00001yes me <-02:51
xanguadjskidd: just use unetbootin02:51
zykotick9vehemoth, that's common :P02:51
fayimoraany help????02:51
Mic00001and for some reason there is no harddisk space left02:51
djskidd@zykotick9, I'm in #ubuntu and #debian both.02:51
vehemothLucid1: do you use wireless?02:51
Mic00001is there a folder for temp stored files ?02:51
bazhangfayimora, ##hardware not here02:51
MauriceJMic00001: /tmp02:51
niborwhat is xrandr02:51
Lucid1vehemoth: I do..02:52
fayimorabazhang: ok thanks02:52
Mic00001MauriceJ can i delete everything inside it ?02:52
bazhangMic00001, wubi install?02:52
bluelightdoes any one know what addresses are used  to add ubuntu repositories to synaptic ?02:52
MauriceJMic00001: I don't know.  Hopefully somebody else does.02:52
Mic00001what is wubie install?02:52
djskiddxangua: how do I do that?02:52
vehemothLucis1: do you use propriety drivers?02:52
MauriceJMic00001: Meaning are you using a USB pendrive ubuntu?02:52
bazhangMic00001, from inside windows02:53
* MauriceJ shuts up now.02:53
bazhangbluelight, sure. take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list02:53
zykotick9bluelight, seriously, /etc/apt/source.list does control apt/aptitude/synaptic/U.S.C02:54
clop2my xdvi has no menu to let me zoom ... any ideas?02:54
zykotick9typo above ^^ bazhang has correct filename!02:54
vehemothlucid1: do you use non-free drivers for your wireless device?02:55
Lucid1Vehemoth:  My own drivers02:56
Pancakezhello, I'm trying to setup a samba share.  Everything's working, except whenever I create a directory it's made with 755 permissions, and files are made with 644.  I've tried changing the relevant portion of the config to this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/681561/ , but it doesn't seem to make a difference, anybody know how to fix this?02:57
Lucid1vehemoth: They were detected upon install with 11.04.02:57
KronsbyOk so Who thinks I should do beta 1 of 11.10?02:57
bazhangKronsby, dont poll here02:57
PancakezI"m trying to change both permissions to 775, it doesn't seem to work :P02:57
Kronsbyyes sir02:57
Kronsbybazhang, sorry02:57
vehemothLucid1: so you didn't click the install non-free thing then; well in that case have you tried it with a cable?02:58
Lucid1vehemoth: I have not yet.  It might be my only option but if i swtich to Windows 7 which i have installed on the same machine, installs fly by at the typical HS cable modem speeds (100MB - 750MB)03:00
zykotick9Kronsby, the only point of running +1 is to report bugs, do you want to do that?  if so by all means install the beta version.03:01
Lucid1Right now I am looking at Bits.  Not mega bits.03:01
vehemothLucid1: I was saying that to test where the problem is, if it's fine on cable then post on http://ubuntuforums.org or similar with details from lspci (if inbuilt) or lsusb (if addon usb device)03:02
Lucid1vehemoth:  Sounds like good advice.  Appreciate the support.03:02
jllI can't get sound with any of my games. help. thanks03:03
vehemothjil: are they native linux games, and does sound work with other applications03:03
octocppwhat is the name of a xscreensaver that just uses your pictures as a slideshow?03:04
jllyes on the other applications but the game is metal blob solid. it worked fine with fusia linux but now that I installed ubuntu, the sound for this game won't work.03:04
hermanlfI have a webcam running on a remote server that only has enough bandwidth to stream to 1 or 2 clients. I would like to setup another server with unlimited bandwidth to embed and rebroadcast this stream. Possible?03:04
variableI just installed ubuntu 10.10, made some basic changes (installing dev utils, updating firefox, etc) and then activated the only less-free driver available (a graphics one). Now I get an error when starting X "No devices detected"03:05
variableI don't mind reverting to the original driver, or getting this one to work03:05
JoeR1My friend conjectures that "Empty Trash" as a label is stored somewhere in the operating system in plain text format that could be modified to say something else and I would very much so like to find that file, does anyone know where such a file would be and what it would be names03:05
dodo3773jill: have you tried using pulseaudio wrapper        "pasp  /path/to/game/whatever"03:06
jlldodo3773, Please tell me how to do that. thank you.03:07
zykotick9variable, if you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file move it to another name03:08
dodo3773jill: actually it is  "padsp"   Do you use pulseaudio?03:08
variablezykotick9: fixed, thanks03:08
jlldodo, I just installed everything last night, so I don't know what all I have03:09
variablezykotick9: I wasn't sure what the "proprietary driver installer" did03:09
dodo3773open a terminal and type  "padsp /path/to/game" Do you know where your game is located?03:10
zykotick9variable, ^^ your quote above is really funny in a GNU/Linux RMS fashion ;)  You might be able to fix that though...03:10
dodo3773jill: try opening a terminal and typing "whereis nameofgame"03:11
zykotick9jll, what game is it?03:12
jllmetal blob solid03:12
variablezykotick9: I meant, I knew it installed a driver, but I wasn't sure if it did more than editing xorg.conf.    As you could from my cloak I prefer fully-free code anyways. This is for a friend :-p03:12
zykotick9jll, metal blob solid sorry03:12
zykotick9variable, what's the output of "lspci | grep -i vga"03:12
variablezykotick9: oops, friend just took the computer03:13
jllit's an arcade game.03:13
variablezykotick9: next time he brings it to me I'll fsck around with it :-)03:13
zykotick9jll, if you start the game from a terminal could you pastebin the output?03:14
variablezykotick9: thanks for your help though03:14
jllI'll try03:14
zykotick9!paste | jll just in case03:15
ubottujll just in case: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:15
swaroopn00b from Bangalore here03:15
swaroopi need help mounting my XP partition guys03:15
swaroopanybody could help?03:15
jllbrb, need to reboot03:15
swaroopI tried using fdisk -l03:16
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swaroopand mounting each partition to /media/a,b,c......03:16
urlin2uswaroop, is it not mounting like normal? Is it is the fstab?03:16
swaroopnormal mount first urlin2u03:16
swaroopthen maybe fstab03:16
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swaroopim unable to mount it :/03:17
tool_kithello can someone help get a copy of the perl.ddos03:17
swaroopall my mp3/docs are in it03:17
urlin2uswaroop, look at it with gparted and see if it is being read.03:17
bazhangtool_kit, for what03:17
niboranyone help with dual monitors?03:17
swaroopok hold on gotta dl Gparted...............03:17
tool_kitbazhang for study purposes03:17
swaroopi hope i didn't del the XP part.!03:17
urlin2uswaroop, disk utility works as well.03:17
swaroopthat would be like DISASTER :/03:17
bazhangtool_kit, how does that relate to ubuntu support03:17
Lasersswaroop: Or a blessing in DISGUISE. :)03:18
swaroophold on & thank you urlin2u :)03:18
tool_kitbazhang because im using ubuntu and im gonna run it on ubuntu.03:18
* zykotick9 just wants to point out i don't help with FAT/NFTS file mounting issues, but does point out whenever someone tries to apply POSIX permissions to them...03:18
swaroop30 GB of mp303:18
knob_hello all03:18
tool_kithi knob03:18
swaroopi need to reload 'em all from my F******* up iPod classic03:18
swaroopI hate Apple & its prop. s/w!03:18
urlin2uswaroop, did you delete it?03:19
tool_kitswaroop what do use for your ipod... i cant install itunes on ubuntu03:19
swaroopI hate Win 7 too03:19
swaroopask someone else tool_kit :)03:19
swaroopmy fav ,media player is Amarok03:19
swaroopdunno if it can 'read' lame Apple03:19
swaroopcause Apple sucks03:19
tool_kitand expensive03:19
zykotick9swaroop, there seems to be something wrong with your enter key "/msg ubottu enter"03:19
swaroopUbuntu ROCKS!03:20
swaroopI mean win 7 is like CRAP!03:20
swaroopwhich u pay for lol03:20
bazhangswaroop, stop that03:20
bazhang!ot | swaroop03:20
ubottuswaroop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:20
swaroopsorry " ubottu03:21
ktwohig9howdy folks03:21
swaroopbut plz understand my predicament03:21
swaroopi put up with Win 7 for 6 ,months!03:22
swaroopim exasperated & at my wits end!03:22
bazhangswaroop, and you are not stopping. please stop03:22
ssbplshello,i come to a problem: i am using a notebook "10.1" and i have a 17' crt displayer, and i want to display my notebook screen to the crt, but when i use the command 'xrandr' to display the mode of the two screen ,it come to black screen both and doesn't work! I am using the ubuntu 9.1003:22
swaroopim screwed :/03:23
swarooperr i screwed up03:24
swaroopi formateed my win 7 :/03:24
swaroopi just have the recovery partition03:24
swaroopoh well03:24
swaroopthank heavens for backups03:24
swaroopnow all i gotta do is delete the RECOVERY partition03:25
bazhang!gparted > swaroop03:25
ubottuswaroop, please see my private message03:25
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:25
swaroopthanks mate03:25
swaroopbut i confirmed it03:25
swaroopi deleted my XP partition03:26
swaroopmy HD is 160 GB03:26
swaroopa Hp Mini 210 2 GB 667 Mhz Intel Atom 1.66 Ghz03:26
swaroopi need to get Ubuntu Netbook remix03:26
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bazhang!une | swaroop03:26
ubottuswaroop: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.03:26
swaroopnow my primary Ubuntu partition has like Lion's share of the space (145 GB)03:27
swaroopthe rest is the boot drive (MBR)03:27
Lasers!9.10 | ssbpls03:27
swaroop& my recovery drive & D drive03:27
ubottussbpls: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.03:27
h4v_hey, has anyone gotten ttysnoop to work with sshd ?03:28
swaroopubottu,  what is Unity?03:28
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:28
ubottuStarting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.03:28
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.03:28
swaroopOk shell for GOME03:28
palmjea echo a03:28
swaroopi'm been away from Ubuntu for far too long  :/03:28
Lasers!enter | swaroop03:29
ubottuswaroop: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:29
palmjea {echo a}03:29
swaroopthanks for all the help guys....breakfast time will be back some time soon take care all03:31
sridwhy do the fonts still suck after installing the msttfcorefonts package?03:35
lilith_hi everyone03:38
pritambaralHey, where are the 'No Proxy' settings in 11.10?03:39
lilith_say does Ubuntu install onto EFI Macs making them immediately bootable, without messing about rFit or grub?03:39
TropolisIs it possible to force OpenSSH to use key-auth for a specific user but password for another? I can't find any way to do this aside from setting the users min-pw-change date to 10,000 years, and not telling them what their password is? Forcing them to use the public key they provide me with.03:40
jllhi, I found the location of the game I'm having trouble with.  I can't get sound with metal blob solid game. please help.03:43
MauriceJTropolis: If you're concerned about security then that is a very very bad idea.03:43
pritambaralWhy is the beta 1 DVD iso asking for at least 8.5 gb of free space??03:43
TropolisMauriceJ, what precisely is a bad idea?03:45
urlin2upritambaral, oneiric is  #ubuntu+103:46
Tropolisand why?03:46
doctarican anyone help with movie player?03:47
urlin2udoctari, what's the problem?03:49
Hot2Trotwhat would be the easiest way to make it so every time I opened a new virtual terminal it would run screen?04:00
kasansweatDoes anyone know of a solid way to find duplicate *folders* in one hard drive?04:02
wildbatTropolis: you can make the account passwordless like the root br default in ubuntu , ssh don't allow login without password.04:04
urlin2ukasansweat, from google several choose this. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-find-duplicate-copies-of-files-using-fdupes-in-ubuntu.html04:04
=== Merdam is now known as Dilberto
kasansweaturlin2u, right, but that's for FILES. I'll be more specific:  does anyone know a good way to find duplicate directories in a hard drive, in such a way that it only reports the largest possible directories? (e.g. if /foo/mydir and /bar/mydir are identical, it reports those, but NOT /foo/mydir/subdir and /bar/mydir/subdir?)04:06
doctariurlin2u can you helpme?04:07
urlin2udoctari, I can try what is up?04:08
Tropoliswildbat, I don't want to make the account password-less. I want to give it an extremely strong password, but I want the specific account to _only_ have the ability to login via public key auth. While still allowing other users to have password-based auth04:10
doctariok urlin2u I'm having a problem with Movie player04:10
urlin2udoctari, what is the evidence of a problem?04:11
doctarianytime I play a dvd, if any dialog boxes are opened for any reason that part of the screen stays blanked eved after the dialog  box closes04:11
urlin2udoctari, not sure there, I use vlc, or the Mplayer skin smplayer04:12
doctarisometimes urlin2u I have to totally close movie player and restart. I have to bw very careful what I do while the movie plays04:12
Mic00001i have 1.2GB space left on my ubuntu and whenever i download anyting on firefox that space is taken by something04:12
urlin2udoctari, have you tried vlc, the totem=mplayer is a rather simple setup.04:12
Mic00001it become less than 200MB04:12
doctarivlc has problems with keeping the audio in sync if you try to go to another part of the video04:12
gaelfxdoctari: smplayer is pretty awesome04:13
Mic00001why is this happening?04:13
doctariisi smplayer in the repository?04:13
gaelfxdoctari: it's a GUI for mplayer, and yes, it's in the repos04:13
wildbatTropolis: passwordless mean impossible to login with password ~ , unless you need to remain the feature to login with password locally. passwordless stronger then any password.04:13
urlin2udoctari, yeah04:13
TropolisOh does it?04:14
doctariOK i'm installing smplayer now04:14
Mic00001anyone in here cares to understand my problem?04:15
doctarisure shoot Mic0000104:15
Tropoliswildbat, do I just create an account with no password? Or how do I do it04:15
urlin2uMic00001, you need more space that is way to small of a margin.04:15
Mic00001doctari i'm downloading files using firefox to a shared harddisk on the local network04:16
Mic00001the problem the PC with ubuntu got only about 1.2GB space left04:16
Mic00001so i'm not using the harddisk on that PC to store the files04:16
Hot2Trotwhat is the easiest way to make every virtual terminal I bring up automatically  start screen? How can I start screen without an introductoin page?04:16
Mic00001but whever i download anything on that PC using firefox the space is taken by something04:16
doctariyeah you may want to restrict your cache size to something smaller04:17
urlin2uMic00001, you need more space that is way to small of a margin.04:17
Mic00001urlin2u what if it's a netbook?04:17
Tropolisthanks for suggestion wildbat04:17
Mic00001old one with limited space04:17
Mic00001you are welcome to buy me a bigger SSD04:17
wildbatTropolis: you create the the account as normal ~ then ssh in and put in the key as needed , then exit out sudo passwd -d <USER>04:17
urlin2uMic00001, how many gigs with the internal, is this a eeepc with the ssd ?04:18
SirFunkhey, so i'm upgrading from 11.04 -> 11.10 beta on a netbook i use for messing around on... it has taken about 12 hours so far and says it has about 4 hours left... this is REDICULOUS... there is about 1200mb free memory and the cpu doesn't seem maxed, what could be causing the slowdown?04:18
doctariI would lower my cache size and change my default download directory to that network drive Mic0000104:18
Spaceman_can't wait for those SSDs to get cheaper04:18
Mic00001urlin2u yeah eeepc04:18
Mic00001guys guys i want a solution not an opinion04:18
Mic00001i'm not storing anyting on that PC. i used shared hdd on a LAN04:19
urlin2uMic00001, so a 4gig ssd and a 8 gig I think? install bleachbit and clean out the cruft, and as suggested use the external as the download if not already.04:19
wildbatTropolis: -dl  sorry was missing the l04:20
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wildbatSirFunk: #ubuntu+104:21
SirFunkwildbat: thanks04:22
Hot2Trotwhat is the easiest way to make every virtual terminal I bring up automatically  start screen? How can I start screen without an introductoin page?04:22
dtigueis this the place to ask questions and get help for 11.10?04:22
rwwdtigue: no, #ubuntu+1 is04:22
urlin2udtigue, #ubuntu+104:23
wildbatHot2Trot: put screen  in your ~/.bashrc, may be?04:24
rwwHot2Trot: run byobu, tell it to do that. it includes scripts to do it properly.04:24
rwwHot2Trot: (byobu is a set of configurations and scripts for screen)04:24
rwwwildbat: screen starts bash when you first run it. which would then start screen. which would start bash. which would start screen...04:25
dtigueHot2Trot you should be able to do that with .screenrc04:25
dtigueoh wait no i read that wrong :)04:25
Hot2Trotchaning settings for screen will make it so that evyer time I open a virtual terminal screen will start?04:25
wildbatrww: arrrr~ didn't think about that ;p ~04:26
Hot2Trotseems like I would need to change something with terminal04:26
rwwbyobu will do it for you.04:26
Hot2Trotrww: byobu seems to give me a bottom little thing showing me stats or something04:27
rwwthat's another optional thing it does, yes04:27
tool_kithow do i run a psybnc on ubuntu04:27
Hot2Trotrww: well thank you, I'm going to toy around with it, see if I can't make it work04:28
ApleWhen I set a certain file type to open with Sublime Text, it does, but then if I try to set another file type to open with it in the Open With dialog (without navigating to the actual file, but by just actually clicking on the little shortcut it provided) it says, "Text ended before matching quote was found for '. (The text was ''/home/cory/apps/Sublime')"04:28
steventrHello I keep getting this error message when trying to open a luks volume: Error unlocking device: cryptsetup exited with exit code 251: Command failed: Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping.04:29
steventrCheck kernel for support for the aes-xts-plain64 cipher spec and verify that /dev/sdh2 contains at least 508 sectors04:29
steventrany ideas?04:29
RangerMauveHey, I was wondering which Ubuntu distro would be best for ruinning on a virtual machine. I'm looking for something with few frills. I mostly just want it for testing Java stuff.04:29
ApleSo if I go ahead and navigate to the actual file, it sets up the association with that file (inconvenient, but works). Now, it also adds another "sublime_text" file type to that "Open With" dialog.04:29
RangerMauveOr should I look at a different OS altogether? As I said, I need something with support for Java.04:29
ApleSo I've set up html, css, php, python to open with it, and I have 4 instances of "sublime_text" on that Open With dialog.04:29
ApleRangerMauve: I don't know much about Java, but I've got a virtualenv with Python on Ubuntu Wubi and it works fine04:30
ApleI'm pretty sure Ubuntu could handle the Java stuff just the same. Any distro would be fine IMO. But again, I'm a newb who doesn't know much other than it works fine with Python.04:31
RangerMauveAple: I was looking at running Ubuntu within the virtual machine running on my windows compy.04:32
=== Dilberto is now known as Merdam
Elv13Aple: first, there is better IRC room than this for your question, but my advice would to install sun-jdk and remove openjdk04:33
ApleWhat does that have to do with the Open With env04:34
ApleSure you're not getting me confused with RangerMauve?04:34
ApleMy question was about the "Open With" dialog you can pop up within the contextual menu in Nautilus04:35
Elv13oh, I was thining you had problem with the text editor04:35
ApleNah, having a problem with the open with dialog04:35
=== rohit is now known as Guest31943
Elv13is your app in java?04:36
ApleNo. No nevermind.04:36
Elv13ok, then I dont know04:36
ApleHow do I remove symlinks?04:37
rwwAple: with rm, like normal files04:37
rwwAple: it will remove the symlink and not the file it points to04:37
Aplek thnx04:37
daniel hello, I am trying to setup a local area network. I am no expert on this, so please help me. I have a laptop that I want to connect to a LAN that does not have access to internet. My laptop has a wifi card and I can connect but I would like to connect both to the internet with the wifi card and to the LAN with an ethernet cable. Is there anything that I can do?04:38
danielis it even possible?04:38
Dr_Willisdaniel:  trying to gain extra speed? or just have one as a fallback?04:39
* Dr_Willis rere-rereads what daniel said..04:39
SIFTUdaniel: yes it's possibe, just need to understand routing..04:40
danielDr_Willis, I have a network with other pcs, printer, etc so I just want to be able to use both network cards at the same time04:40
SIFTUdaniel: i.e. set your default router to the wifi cards, and use static routes for your local subnets04:40
HypothesisFroghi. I've got a problem with Xorg using 99% of CPU.04:40
danielSIFTU, :( I have no idea how to do it... Any webpage/tutorial that may tell me how to do it?04:41
TheGoofhey, can ubuntu safely torrent ... that is run tor ?04:42
Dr_Willisdaniel:  i think you need to clarify your network layout and what you want to acomplish a bit more..04:42
Dr_WillisTheGoof:  theres dozens of torrent clients out for ubuntu and linux. thats not related to 'tor' at all. :)04:43
zHammeRzHi everyone04:43
TheGoofwell, tor says not to use it to bitorrent04:43
TheGoofbecause it will flood servers but they have a bitorrent client I thunk04:44
rwwNo, they don't.04:44
rwwUbuntu can run Tor. I don't intend on telling you how, because I enjoy tor servers not being laggy from silly people using them for Bittorrent.04:44
Dr_WillisTheGoof:  correct you should not use Tor for Torrenting. It will  be very slow.04:44
SIFTUDr_Willis: daniels explanation sounds pretty straight forward.. his LAN has no internet access but he need to use it, but his wifi/wimax has internet which he would like to use of the same machine04:44
TheGoofby tor i mean tor browser04:44
Dr_WillisTheGoof:  Tor is not a browser... so now you have us all confused04:44
TheGoofTor Browser bundle?04:45
RangerMauveThere's a modified firefox that automatically uses tor for you to browse04:45
RangerMauveI think he means that.04:45
RangerMauveIt's what all the "HARDCORE DEEPWEB" kiddies use.04:45
silvertip257I tried piping to gedit today and found out that it doesn't work = bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/gedit/+bug/9054 ... but the last comment is that fix was released.  How long might it be until this fix is backported to older supported releases?04:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 9054 in gedit (Ubuntu) "gedit does not read from a pipe" [Low,Fix released]04:45
TheGoofbut never the who hey who04:46
danielDr_Willis, I just want to setup a network to share information across my PCs and have a printer attached to the network as well. all my devices are far from the router and cabling to add internet to my LAN is very expensive for me. I do not need access to internet on the LAN since my PCs have a wireless card...04:46
TheGoofi wish ppl would learn before they think they know wtf they are talking about04:46
RangerMauveAre you cute?04:46
RangerMauveWanna cybr?04:47
rwwRangerMauve: don't.04:47
tbocsOMG ...04:47
tbocsFirst time ever here ...04:47
tbocsPls someone say hello to me? I feel like I am dreaming ...04:48
rwwtbocs: hello!04:48
tbocsthank you.04:48
MauriceJtbocs: Welcome.04:48
tbocsrww: thank you.04:48
ApleIs there a way to symlink to the desktop from Nautilus contextual menu?04:48
tbocsMauriceJ: thank you.04:48
Dr_WillisAple:  nautilus has a scripting feture that lets you do about anything you want.04:48
tbocsI am learning Linux Programming ...04:49
ApleWindows equiv: Right click > Sent to Desktop (create Shortcut)04:49
Dr_WillisAple:  theres likely allready example scripts that do that.  check the gnome-look and nautiuls scripting sites.04:49
MauriceJLinux Programming or bash scripting?04:49
tbocsbash and C++ and X11 and Qt ...04:49
tbocsbtw, also first time for me to use IRC ...04:50
ApleDr_Willis: I know you walked me through making a script the other night, but care to do it again? I found the script, just forgot how to do this.04:50
Dr_WillisAple:  #!/bin/bash   then your commands  afterwards.. theres hunderds of bash scripting guides out there.04:51
=== Merdam is now known as MerdamAFK
ApleDo I just make a text document anywhere, save and run that?04:51
spec_is there a ubuntu newbie channel or is this channel ok for dumb questions? I want to make my ubuntu machine visible on the local network so i can ssh over to it04:52
Hot2Trotthis byobu thing is difficulter than I want04:53
dnivraspec_: this is ubuntu support. you can ask here. there is #ubuntu-beginner too I think but this would be a good place too.04:53
UbuN2should be visble04:53
Dr_Willisspec_:  install a ssh server. and have a ssh good time. :)04:53
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:54
spec_drwillis - i can't even ping it.04:54
Dr_WillisI forget the ssh package name.. its like 'openssh-server' or similer.04:54
dnivra!info openssh-server04:54
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 303 kB, installed size 820 kB04:54
Dr_Willisspec_:  firewall rules can block pings.. but allow ssh in.04:54
Dr_Willisspec_:  or they can block it all :)04:54
dnivraDr_Willis: even on a local network? why would someone do that?04:55
Dr_Willisdnivra:  no idea.. ive seen silier firewall setups...04:55
Dr_Willissillier :)04:55
silvertip257spec_: check ifconfig on the computer you want connected - see if the interface(s) are working properly04:55
dnivraDr_Willis: ha ha LOL!04:55
kanhawhat command is used for rolling back using bazaar?04:56
Dr_WillisHmm. heres a neat little nautilus scripting in python guide i found.   http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-script-linux-desktop-2/?ca=drs-04:56
Kotakeoye oye04:56
Kotakealguien tiene wiro?04:56
KotakeDr_Willis: y tu que, le entras a los tiros? fumas?04:56
spec_how do you page up/page down in the terminal window?04:56
Kotakesi no, se respeta04:56
zHammeRzI must say getting used to Unity took some time, but once I found where everything was, it rocks compared to 'classic'04:56
Kotakeyo vendo04:57
Kotakepero a 10 soles una bolsita04:57
spec_what am i looking for in the ifconfig? i did the apt-get install openssh-server and that went in.04:57
IAmNotThatGuyKotake, English Please04:57
Kotakey si los veo muy jovenes los ahuyento04:57
Kotakeno quiero arruinar vidas04:57
ApleDr_Willis: lol, missed the "Make Link" item on contextual menu. Don't need a custom script. Nice to know though. Thanks ;)04:57
KotakeIAmNotThatGuy: Uno escribe en el idioma que quiera, yanqui de mierda.04:57
Kotakebuen kick04:58
dnivra!es | Kotake04:58
ubottuKotake: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:58
rwwKotake: Please read the messages you just got from ubottu.04:58
tbocspage up down ... hmmm good question ...04:58
ApleKeyboard shortcut for desktop? Anyone?04:58
Kotakerww: leidos04:59
tbocsuse ctrl + shift + arrow to move one line up /down04:59
tbocsbut what about page...04:59
Kotakeparece que no sirven para nada04:59
Kotakeni uno de ustedes04:59
Kotaketbocs: oe mongol, RTFM04:59
Apletbocs: Whoa!04:59
spec_tbocs ahh it's shift + pageup04:59
tbocsyea thank you05:00
ApleWhat's this ctrl + alt arrow key stuff in Ubuntu?05:00
tbocsspec_, thank you05:00
zHammeRzswitching workspaces is sweet05:00
ApleWtf :o05:00
IAmNotThatGuyAple, language05:00
dnivraAple: check the keyboard shortcuts settings and change them if you want.05:00
ApleWhat's it for?05:00
tbocsAple, yes05:00
tbocsAple, yes workspace05:00
Aplednivra: Where can you change keyboard shortcuts? Without Compiz. I don't think Compiz works with Ubuntu Classic05:01
ApleWell, not the keyboard shortcut thing anyway05:01
zHammeRzAple, it's basically multiple desktops.  Makes things simple as you can set a specific set of programs to one window05:01
ApleSo all my dev stuff in one place05:01
ApleAll my internet stuff05:01
ApleAll my chat05:01
theadminAple: all your base05:01
tbocsAple: you can go to keyboard shortcut in the system setting05:01
theadminSorry, couldn't hold back xD05:01
silvertip257zHammeRz: you can hard code firefox to use desktop #2 ?05:01
zHammeRzyup..music, streaming, etc05:02
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dnivraAple: I don't know how in Unity. Probably someone else does.05:02
silvertip257hmmm - I gotta find some info on that ... might be nice05:02
zHammeRzsilvertip257, I dunno I never tried...desktop1 is fine for me05:02
tbocsUnity the same, gnome the same05:02
silvertip257hah - might be way too restrictive and annoying to set an app to only use one desktop - zHammeRz05:03
dnivratbocs: but the menu isn't there is it? "Applications, Places and System"?05:03
tbocsdnivra, yes, but you can search it in the dash05:03
zHammeRzI just moved it to #2 and it was just fine.  What are you trying to do?05:03
tbocsdnivra, press the "windows" button and it will pop out, then search anything you want05:03
tbocsdnivra, in Gnome 3 it is the same thing. But I really like Gnome 305:04
silvertip257zHammeRz: was saying that it might be nice that you pre-configure which application can use which desktop ... as in firefox always uses #2 and never the others, but in hindsight that would be utterly stupid05:04
dnivratbocs: yeah I'm familiar that feature. And I'm a KDE user. Least for sometime now :)05:04
tbocsdnivra, how do you like KDE?05:04
zHammeRzsilvertip257, ahh as far as I can tell the apps will launch in whatever desktop you're in when you click it05:04
zUR05Lbmy first time in irc ubuntu ####05:05
tbocszUR05Lb, welcome. Same for me minutes ago.05:05
zHammeRzI really like Unity so far..for the first time it feels more like an operating system to me, rather than just a flavor of linux built around gnome or kde05:05
dnivratbocs: That might be OT here but well it's pretty good. I'm having difficulty adjusting after being a dedicated GNOME user for two years. But yeah it's cool-the looks are awesome.05:05
tbocszHammeRz, yea but you will love Gnome 3. Haha ...05:05
dnivratbocs: any more questions, drop by the offtopic channel :)05:06
dnivra!ot | tbocs05:06
ubottutbocs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:06
=== lilith_ is now known as lilith
spec_how do you log out of x to install drivers?05:06
ApleYeah, can't assign Show Desktop to Keyboard Shortcuts05:06
tbocsubottu, sorry I thought I was sort of "supporting" here ...05:07
ubottutbocs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:07
urlin2uspec_, crtl-alt-f2 to tty05:07
simple-sleepyi didn't think you had to log out to install drivers05:07
dnivratbocs: i was referring to your question on KDE to me :D. and u"bot"tu is a bot.05:07
theadminurist_: That's not helpful, X would still be running05:07
theadminspec_: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop05:07
tbocsspec_: basically you go to the terminal, and stop gdm05:07
tbocsgdm stop...05:08
tbocsor stop gdm ... can't remember05:08
spec_so just stop gdm?05:08
theadminspec_: yeah05:08
[DeVil-BoY]can some one help05:08
spec_i do that from the tty terminal?05:08
spec_or from any term?05:08
tbocsdnivra, ok ... i just got that ...05:08
[DeVil-BoY]trying to follow this tutorial05:08
theadminspec_: Anywhere05:08
=== bryan is now known as Guest15890
tbocs[DeVil-BoY], looking at tit05:08
* [DeVil-BoY] is away, auto-away after 20 minutes (19h 10m 45s ago)05:08
spec_how do i get back to gnome from tty?05:08
dnivraspec_: Ctrl + Alt + F7 I think.05:09
theadminspec_: C-M-F705:09
theadminspec_: (Ctrl+Alt+F7)05:09
[DeVil-BoY]the part when i'm suppose to lead the kernel is not working05:09
spec_ahh. you guys are nice, thanks.05:09
Myrtti!away | [DeVil-BoY]05:09
ubottu[DeVil-BoY]: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»05:09
spec_i'm not a lunix guy at all. i wrote some nice cuda library and i'm just trying to get gnu compliant makefiles so i need a term to write them in. heh.05:10
tbocsspec_: I have done cuda on one machine and it's great05:10
theadminspec_: I see.05:10
spec_stop gdm says it failed to aquire org.gnome.DisplayManager05:10
theadminspec_: it's "sudo service gdm stop"05:10
spec_hm. the gdm stop killed x alright but i don't have a shell now. just some [ OK ] statements and a hung cursor.05:12
tool_kitcan i run psybnc on your shell?05:13
penosif you rsync the other side do you also get sync'ed on the home side?05:15
spec_tbocs - sudo service gdm stop is not getting me a shell unfortunately. just a few statements followed by [ OK ] and a hung cursor.05:15
tbocsspec_: did you try it in the gdm?05:15
tbocsi mean did you try it in the gnome?05:15
tbocsor kde or whatever?05:15
tbocsinstead of a pure terminal05:16
theadminspec_: You should Ctrl+Alt+F205:16
tbocstheadmin, yea that's the point. btw are you THE ADMIN?05:16
theadmintbocs: Nope05:16
tool_kitwhere can i get a psybnc05:16
spec_i just typed it in in the terminal in gnome05:17
theadmin!find psybnc05:17
ubottuFile psybnc found in openvas-plugins-dfsg, pisg05:17
tbocsspec_, basically ctrl+alt+ Fx bring you away from graphics user interface, and you can do anything you want ...05:17
theadminspec_: I don't suggest tty1 though, it's usually flooded with kernel messages05:18
bambanxhow i can do backslash in ubuntu05:18
tbocsbut beware that it may cut you off from the irc channel05:18
tool_kit!find psybnc05:18
bambanxor configure a key for backslash05:18
theadminbambanx: Sorry?05:18
ubottuFile psybnc found in openvas-plugins-dfsg, pisg05:18
tajysI'm trying to get into some MUDs and I installed Tinyfugue (twice, I think x.x) but I can't find it to run it... It's not in my Applications list anywhere... Any ideas? =/05:18
bambanxtheadmin sorry what?05:18
theadminbambanx: What did you mean?05:18
bambanxread again05:18
tbocsbambanx, yea backslash is "\" right?05:19
tool_kitopenvas-plugins-dfsg, pisg ?05:19
theadminbambanx: It makes no sense, rephrase.05:19
tbocsbambanx, so just type that05:19
bambanxdont work05:19
tbocsbambanx, what?05:19
theadminbambanx: You can't type it? It's usually to the right of the ] key, on a standard US keyboard at least.05:19
tbocsbambanx, I know you are not kidding me, but are you kidding me?05:19
spec_wow. installing drivers on linux is rather more challenging than doing it on windows.05:19
Dr_Willis   \ \ \ \ \  :) above my enter key,05:19
bambanxwtf kids05:20
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=== Guest17117 is now known as ward1234
Dr_Willisspec_:  ive rarely needed to install any drivers for stuff in linux. compared to the massive downloads ive had to use in windows for 'common'hardware. :)05:20
theadminbambanx: Do you mean you're trying to type the backslash character in a terminal? You want to type \\ instead05:20
zHammeRzThe only driver's I have had to install were the nvidia one's after the OS was loaded05:20
zHammeRzeverything else just works, and works like it's supposed too05:21
Dr_WilliszHammeRz:  yep. thats about it here.05:21
simple-sleepyi disagree spec05:21
bambanxyes and its dont work05:21
spec_Dr_Willis i'm trying to install cuda.05:21
spec_and "The distribution-provided pre-install script failed!" :(05:21
tbocsspec_, everything should work, really.05:21
Dr_Williscant say im even sure what cuda is..05:21
bambanxforget ..05:21
theadminDr_Willis: Well it sounds like a Japanese anme05:21
spec_ok i disabled nouveau.. hm05:21
Dr_Willissounds familer..  but  im getting old and forgetfull.05:21
spec_it's pretty big stuff dr willis. it's gpgpu library.05:22
spec_for launching kernels on gpu.05:22
tbocsspec_, ya make sure you uninstall everything else NVIDIA05:22
Dr_Willisspec_:  sounds like somthing i wont ever use. :)05:22
tbocsspec_, like those other drivers, and everything should work easily.05:22
tbocsspec_, I remember I followed one great tutorial on ubuntu forum, but I cannot find it in my bookmarks.05:22
tajysNo ideas, then?05:22
Dr_Willisconflicting drivers.. can cause conflicts. ;) had nouveau and nvidia fight during beta testing..05:23
spec_so far so good.05:23
theadminJust don't load both modules at the same time huh05:23
Dr_Willistbocs:  thats why i always use delicious.com now for my bookmarking needs.05:23
tajysThe install seemed to go fine, no errors... I just can't find it to run it =/05:23
spec_that's weird. i installed nv's dev driver for cuda and rebooted. now ubuntu gnome has a windows-7 style app launch sidebar on the left.05:23
theadmintajys: It's a MUD, so probably it runs trough a terminal05:23
spec_and i just installed the OS 45 mins ago.05:23
tbocstbocs, I did have delicious before, but that site is no longer delicious to me anymore.05:23
Dr_Willistajys:  use synaptic, examine the packages contents. see what files it installed..05:24
tbocsspec_, because it's Unity.05:24
theadminspec_: loool, this is Ubuntu's new GUI, Unity. It didn't work because your old drivers provided no 3D accel05:24
theadmin!classic | spec_05:24
ubottuspec_: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".05:24
tbocsspec_, it (probably) means the Unity UI knows your GPU supports it05:24
spec_are there rotating cubes and a thumping techno soundtrack?05:24
tbocsspec_, but the most important identity of Cuda is that you can see a splash screen of the Nvidia right before login screen05:25
spec_ya geesh, subtle guys.05:25
tbocsspec_, so you got that? run some cool cuda examples then!05:25
tajystheadmin, I had KildClient which has a shortcut under both Games and Internet =/ But it randomly stopped working, so I decided to try TinyFugue...05:26
urlin2uspec_, no thumping techno but a glittery ball and disco track plugin05:26
tajysDr_Willis, Okay.... I found it in synaptic, but I'm not sure what I should be looking for >.< I've never had a problem installing stuff, so I'm pretty lost right now05:26
spec_omg thx guys.05:26
crshbndctif i have 11.04 installed with wubi, why cant i see the drive its installed to?05:27
spec_libcuda.so is now in /usr/lib.. i can actually link my code.05:27
spec_that wasn't so bad.05:27
urlin2ucrshbndct, it is in media, wubi is just a file in windows.05:27
tbocscrshbndct, because Wubi allows you to store everything ubuntu file system into a file on windows05:27
tajysIt says usr/games.... so.... You know what, I'll be back I'm going to try restarting and see what happens05:27
tajysThanks for the help ^.^;05:27
urlin2umedia I think anyway. crshbndct05:28
spec_is it just me or does the interface feel less responsive with unity?05:28
urlin2uspec_, what's your specs05:29
tbocsspec_, (probably) because Unity use more power to render its beautiful UI.05:29
Dr_Willistajys:  right click, properties.. or somthing like that.. shows what files it installed.05:29
spec_core2duo and some relatively crappy nv gpu like an 8600m.05:29
tbocsspec_ no wonder ...05:29
urlin2uspec_, what about ram?05:30
tbocsspec_ well 4gb is not bad. mine is 4gb too ...05:30
Dr_Willistajys:  you may need to use the full path to the binary it installed..  some old-skool progs install to the /usr/games dir that mayno tbe in the default paths05:30
crshbndcti have the following setup. 1st partition is linux, 50gb(running arch, but wanna switch to ubuntu) 2nd is windows, 30gb, and the remaining 2.7Tb is a storage partition. i decided to give the 11.10 nightly build a try, and installed it with wubi.05:30
urlin2uspec_, you running 64  bit?05:30
spec_i'm guessing unity uses vram window compositing like aero does?05:30
tbocsspec_, probably core 2 is the problem.05:30
crshbndcti installed it using wubi to the 2.7tb partition. and now i cant see the big partition05:31
tbocsspec_, you can install a unity 2d.05:31
urlin2ucrshbndct, #ubuntu+1 is your channel.05:31
crshbndctok thanks urlin2u05:31
spec_it's ok for now.05:31
urlin2utbocs, should be there already05:31
spec_i'll give it a shot. maybe i'll buy one of those sweet new samsung mbpro clones next month.05:31
theadmincrshbndct: The partition wubi installs to is mounted under /host05:31
crshbndctahhhh thanks05:32
tbocsurlin2u, oh yea ...05:32
spec_tbocs do you do gpgpu much?05:32
urlin2utbocs, "D'05:32
tbocsspec_, a little with OpenCV.05:32
crshbndctthanks guys. i will give the ocelot a try and maybe switch over if it works. natty was a nightmare for me05:32
spec_tbocs - i've started writing a cuda tutorial http://www.moderngpu.com/  it's basically case studies of advanced kernels. my first one is a radix sort that is especially high performance. very scan-centric tutorial, focusing on gpgpu strategy rather than just stuff like using the API05:35
MneumonicWhat is the consensus on the beta of 11.10?  11.04 is nothing but trouble on my laptop05:35
tbocsspec_, OMG that's so nice. I never looked into those APIs, but I really should. Thanks.05:35
urlin2uMneumonic, in development unstable, ask at #ubuntu+105:36
=== tajha is now known as tajys
spec_the sort i wrote sorts 1.31billion 32-bit keys per sec on a GTX 570. pretty speedy.05:36
HypothesisFrogHi. xorg is constantly taking up about 98% of cpu. How can that be?05:36
tbocsHypothesisFrog, wow. Does that persist after you reboot?05:37
zHammeRz11.04 has run great so far on my amd 6 core system.  I have 4gb of memory and I used the 32bit recommended version and the kernel had PAE enabled by default so it sees all my ram05:37
HypothesisFrogtbocs haven't tried rebooting. Just noticed that according to top, xorg is on 98% since last night.05:37
PolahzHammeRz: You should've gone 64-bit, PAE isn't a very good substitute for 64-bit05:38
tbocsHypothesisFrog, well then I think that really depends on what else you are running.05:38
spec_are you guys europeans mostly or something because you're nicer than the efnet irc people i usually talk to.05:38
spec_efnet is like a mad max world.05:39
tbocsspec_, Los Angeles, CA05:39
rwwspec_: not particularly, we just have rules ;)05:39
stonecoldhello evryone05:39
spec_i'm LA as well.05:39
tbocsspec_, whoa!05:39
zHammeRzPolah, yea I thought about it.  In my years of testing and playing with distro's a lot of stuff don't work so well in 64bit05:39
spec_Pasadena actually.05:39
lightahi guys, oh is it offtopic ?05:39
tbocsspec_, but we should stop talking about that ... offtopic05:39
Polahlighta: Yes, it is!05:40
stonecoldis there any hacking room in here ?05:40
PolahzHammeRz: Sure, there may be some incompatibility but it's not really all that common.05:40
tajysOkay, that didn't work.... Dr_Willis what should I be looking for in the installed files? =/05:40
lightadamn I wanted to launch a offtopic question about hosting :(05:40
dnivra!ot | lighta05:40
ubottulighta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:40
Dr_Willistajys:  the binary would be like in /usr/bin or /usr/games/bin or somthing...05:40
Dr_Willistajys:  whats the exact program you installed?05:40
spec_when writing makefiles, how do you suggest separating debug and release builds ?05:40
spec_i usually use VC and it takes care of all that for me05:41
stonecoldhave a good day05:41
tbocsspec_, do you use CMake? i think that makes your life easier.05:41
sgo11hi, I have been asking this question for some days. After I use a projector and use nvidia-settings to configure twinview and 1024x768, my laptop boots to 1024x768 from that point on. I have to manually use nvidia-settings to change it after reboot. how to fix this problem? I tried (1) rm xorg.conf. (2) rm ~/nvidia-settings-rc (3) sudo nvidia-xconfig . no luck.05:41
spec_hm so i hear.. but i'd rather just stick with gnu make since i've been reading the o'reilly book and have some understanding now.05:42
lightawhat's your make issue spec_ ?05:42
PolahzHammeRz, 64-bit architectures also typically run a bit quicker than 32-bit.05:43
spec_lighta ahh well in general it's how to cleanly support parallel directories and binaries for debug and release builds05:43
tajysDr_Willis, I tried doing it from the instructions on the tinyfugue page, but then I found something that said I could do "sudo apt-get install tf", so I tried that, too =/ I see a usr/games/tf05:43
Dr_Willis!info tf05:43
ubottutf (source: tf): Tinyfugue MUD client for TinyMUDs, DikuMUDs, and LPMUDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.0s1-17 (natty), package size 251 kB, installed size 856 kB05:43
theadminspec_: https://pzt.me/6bir@raw - something like that.05:43
Dr_Willistajys:  so is that /usr/games/tf a dir? or a binary?05:44
Dr_Willistajys:  try just rynning 'tf' from a terminal?05:44
zHammeRzPolah, true...but I have 1333 memory, 6core cpu, and a solid state drive.  If it is faster I most likely won't notice it unless I have a millisecond timer or something :)05:44
lightaah yeah hmm I'm only making it quite simple, with different states, like tags/trunk etc for those case.05:44
spec_theadmin - it's ok that those are phony rules and not actual targets?05:45
theadminspec_: No, that's exactly the target specification05:45
spec_release is the target specification, not a phony?05:46
tajysDr_Willis, I... don't know how to tell if it's a dir or a binary (I haven't used my linux box for much more than internetsing and wordprocessing stuff so I'm kind of a newb)05:46
theadminspec_: Well, yeah...05:46
spec_theadmin hm ok. i'll keep reading this book until it makes sense to me :)05:46
Dr_Willistajys:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/i386/tf/filelist    'tf' is the binary you run it seems...05:47
theadminspec_: It's also good to have a "clean" target with something like "find $PWD -iname '*.out' -delete" as the command05:47
tbocsspec_, never actually use a makelist before, so sorry.05:47
i_is_brokecan someone tell me the proper way of shuting off autologin. cause its about to cause me to switch distros.05:47
Dr_Willisi_is_broke:  theres a gdm config item in the menus  you an use to disable it..05:47
PolahzHammeRz: Oh sure, it's not noticeably faster but it's a bit more efficient and quicker. To a computer it's faster, even if you don't notice. There's also benefits from having more available virtual memory, someone could probably link you to an article for that05:47
theadmini_is_broke: System -> Administration -> Login screen?05:47
j_c_xuti_is_broke: set correctly upon installation to begin with.05:47
i_is_brokebeen to both . thank you.05:48
Dr_Willisi_is_broke:  thats how ive enabled and disabled it just recently...05:48
Dr_Willistheres alwyas the gdm config files in /etc/gdm* i think05:48
Dr_Willisassuming you are using gdm..05:48
zHammeRzCan anyone recommend a hardware temp monitoring suite?05:48
sgo11anyone have any ideas about my resolution problem? This is just weird.05:48
tbocszHammeRz, xsensors05:48
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.05:48
tbocsubottu, you are smart ...05:49
ubottutbocs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:49
bobweaverhi there I was wondering about righting a script05:49
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:49
tbocsbobweaver, you mean writing a shell script?05:50
bobweavertbocs:  yes05:50
tbocsbobweaver, I just learned it this morning. Beginning Linux Programming ...05:50
i_is_brokedr.willis. ive tried most ways even went to as far as changing to metacity and ubuntu classic.05:50
tbocs# btw is this off-topic?05:50
i_is_brokestill slams me with it.05:50
i_is_broketbocs, no05:51
bobweaverno I need too learn more about sed command and the awak05:51
tbocsi_is_broke, thx.05:51
bobweaverso I had gnome 205:51
=== MerdamAFK is now known as Merdam
i_is_brokei cant switch windows manager either. ive tried all of the ways i can think05:51
bobweaverswiched to plasma 4.6705:52
bobweaverswiched to plasma 4.705:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:52
i_is_brokei know in slack there is a command to switch them in terminal ?05:52
dnivra!msgthebot | sgo1105:52
ubottusgo11: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:52
i_is_brokesgo11, do you have the additional driver installed?05:52
REK_007How to extract a DSDT from ubuntu ?05:53
sgo11i_is_broke, yeah, of course. I am using nvidia-settings tool.05:53
bobweaverno all programs that I have under ect/skel are named alacarte-made-###.desktop instead of the nameof program .desktop05:53
bobweaverthis makes /etc/xdg/menu real confussing05:53
sgo11i_is_broke, the resolution is just OK before I use the projector. now, I have to manually switch the resolution to correct one after each reboot.05:54
sgo11s/is just OK/was just OK/05:54
theadmini_is_broke: Get rid of GDM, install LXDM -- it's easy to configure by just editing a text file and it's desktop-independent05:54
zHammeRzThanks..heh my cpu is 19.5c05:54
i_is_broketheadmin, thanks ill try it.05:54
i_is_brokewhat can happen smoke...lol05:54
i_is_brokebbiab with an update05:55
bobweaverbut if I do a say sudo nano alacarte-application-1.desktop05:55
bobweaverI can see the name of the program05:55
tbocszHammeRz, no way ...05:55
PolahzHammeRz: For a hex-core? That's seems very low, even for water cooling05:55
bobweaverso i was wondering how to write bash script that pulls the name out of it and renames the file by the name it pulls out05:56
almoxarifeis 11.10? safe for general use as a desktop?05:56
bobweaverbeta today almoxarife05:56
Kronsbyis there any way to play netflix instantly on ubuntu?05:56
bobweaveror yesterday ??05:56
theadminbobweaver: I can do that for you. Can you give me an example of a line that contains the filename?05:56
zHammeRzIt's liquid cooled..with a corsair H8005:56
almoxarifebobweaver: its also gnome based, yes?05:56
dnivra!11.10 | almoxarife05:56
ubottualmoxarife: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:57
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org05:57
dnivraalmoxarife: it's still not stable yet. it's still under development.05:57
Kronsbyis there any way to play netflix instantly on ubuntu?05:57
Dr_WillisKronsby:  Not really. They dont support linux yet.05:57
zHammeRzWhen I ran windows I used cpu temp programs and it said basically the same thing give or take a few 'c'.  Full prime95 it only gets to 37c.  The H80 is a great cpu cooler.05:57
Kronsbythanks Dr_Willis05:57
MneumonicI use Virtualbox to run windows in a virtualbox and then netflix through that05:57
Dr_WillisKronsby:  vbox + windows xp. is one way to 'do it'  but its annoying.05:58
Mneumonicworks great05:58
Kronsby:( dumb people. Does hulu support linux?05:58
Kronsbyah thanks05:58
Dr_WillisKronsby:  Hulu works fine.05:58
Kronsbyi am dual booting so that works05:58
tbocsKronsby, yea, i have done that before .05:58
Dr_WillisKronsby:  as does the Amazon Prime.05:58
KronsbyAH i have amazon prime05:58
Kronsbysweet I always forgetn about that05:58
tbocsMneumonic, is it because Netflix requires Microsoft Silverlight?05:58
tbocsDr_Willis, yea Amzn and hulu works great.05:59
KronsbyThanks Dr_Willis!05:59
Dr_WillisBeen playing with screen recorders today also. heh..05:59
danielwhere can I find a tutorial on how to create a LAN without internet connection for a couple of computers with ubuntu and windows?06:00
Dr_Willisdaniel:  just plug them in.. they are networked....06:00
Dr_Willisdaniel:  you will want one dhcp server on the home network  I imagine. or a router to handle it.06:00
danielDr_Willis, I think so... how can I do it?06:00
tbocsdaniel, yea just buy a router and hook every computer up with that06:01
Dr_Willisdaniel:  do what? Plug them in? get router.. plug in cables...06:01
Dr_Willisor use a switch/hub and set up the linux box with a dhcp server..06:01
danielI have a switch06:01
tbocsand you may would like to set a static IP for every machine.06:01
Dr_Willisor set them all static ips and no dhcp needed.06:01
Dr_Williseasier to use dhcp.06:01
danielcan I use a thin client to set it up as a dhcp server?06:01
bobweaveralmoxarife: yes gnome and kde06:02
Dr_Williscan you install a dhcp server on it daniel?06:02
bobweaverI think that theadmin is writing script06:02
Dr_Willisthin clients normally dont do server tasks. :)06:02
danielI dont know06:02
almoxarifebobweaver: thnks,06:02
bobweaveralmoxarife: no thank you06:02
danielI just want to learn how to setup my own network06:02
danielis ubotu asleep? hehe06:03
spec_ok, last thing is that i still can't ssh to my new ubuntu install. i think it may be a router setting but am not sure. generally can't identify that machine from my windows box on the same router.06:03
Dr_Willisdaniel:  theres dozens of 'networking for beginner' sites out there..   you allready have been told the basics.06:03
tbocsdaniel, i think you really need to refer to a tutorial, pretty general way.06:03
ubottuUm thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...06:03
almoxarifebobweaver: fine then, does remote desktop have a built in time out?06:03
Dr_Willisspec_: try sshing in to its ip# not its name perhps.06:04
bobweaverumm not sure I use sysv-rc-conf to shut down vnc06:04
KronsbyDr_Willis, Just found out students get free 1 month of Hulu Plus :D06:05
spec_dr willis - ah that is interesting. by ip it does work.06:05
Dr_Willisspec_:  i never use ssh and the hostname :)06:05
spec_why is that06:06
Dr_Willisspec_:  at least not from a windows box../putty06:06
spec_i chose a cool hostname tho i feel bad i gotta type in dotted quads.06:06
Dr_Willisthe hostname is discovered via windbind/samba ibelive.. so if you dont have samba running.. well. itcant discover it.06:06
tbocsKronsby, thanks for letting me know (off-topic though_)06:06
Dr_Willisedit your  hosts file i guess..06:06
Lasers(or ~/.ssh/config)06:07
bobweaveri could be wrong                         sudo /ect/init.d/ssh start06:08
spec_lasers - you mean do that on the client's .ssh/config?06:08
tbocsspec_, yea i think you can set static ip and change hosts file06:08
Lasersspec_: If you edit your ssh config, you could ssh into a particular machine/server by just typign something like this "ssh xps" or "ssh mia"06:08
Lasersspec_: Very easier than "ssh chris@<ip/.local>"06:09
tool_kitanyone with extra shell?06:09
bobweaverdo you have to start ssh before you can use ??06:10
bobweaveror is it in boot06:10
bobweaverand is 22 open all the time ?06:10
Lasersbobweaver: That machine need to be running sshd if you want to connect to that machine. Ubuntu generally start it automatically.06:10
bobweaverLasers: what about ports06:10
bobweaverthey need to be open on router ?06:11
Lasersbobweaver: Port forwarding if you want to access your machine from outside.06:11
mordofJust went through the process of installing gnome3 on 11.04.. Now when it boots I get a black screen. Alt+f keys bring to TTY cli .. Can anyone help get a GUI back?06:11
Lasersbobweaver: Otherwise, local network -- Is fine.06:11
Lasersmordof: Try ALT+7 for GUi06:11
tbocs mordof, i had that same thing too. that probably because ubuntu cannot support your GPU driver06:11
bobweavermordof:  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:11
spec_oh.. :(  i can ssh into my ubuntu notebook only when it's physically plugged into the router. over wifi it doesn't find the machine.06:12
Lasersspec_: Wifi probably gave your machine different IP number?06:12
tbocsmordof, wait! if the screen is black, simply use the key to increase the brightness06:12
theadminbobweaver: Can you reply to my question in the PM session?06:12
spec_nope it's the same one.06:12
spec_i think it's some router thing.06:12
mordofLasers, bobweaver: no such luck. Both don't work06:13
tbocsmordof, adjust brightnesss ...06:13
mordofAlt+f7 gives black screen and gdm restart just flickers, states a restart, and brings back to tty106:14
tbocsmordof, by the way what GPU do you have?06:14
Lasers!gnome3 | mordof06:15
bobweavermordof: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:15
spec_ehh ubuntu doesn't install vim? that's funny package selection.06:15
ubottumordof: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.06:15
bobweavermordof: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:15
mordofTbocs...... Wtf? Brightness has absolutely nothing to do with it. Gtx460xt I believe. Worked just fine in gnome206:15
Lasersmordof: You would be better off testing it in VirtualBox (or using Gnome3's ISO ; or use distros that explicitly supports Gnome3 already)06:15
urlin2uardeex, it be working. :D06:15
mordofLasers: greeaT..06:15
mordofLasers: so I'm essentially screwed -.-;06:16
Lasersmordof: http://gnome3.org/tryit.html06:16
Dr_Willisspec_:  it installs vim-tiny variant by default as far as i know.06:16
tbocswell I have gnome 3 installed on my 11.0406:16
mordofLasers: I have no web on my pc06:17
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Lasersmordof: No web browser? Use elinks or lynx or w3m -- Download the ISO or use LiveCD (how you installed Ubuntu in first place, I presume?)06:18
urlin2umordof, you can probably install lxde and have a desktop.06:18
mordofLasers: no net access. I'm currently on my phone (while ubuntu worked my phone gave net to it.. But now that isn't working)06:19
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urlin2umordof, go to net root in recovery plugin a ethernet and install a simple desktop.06:20
mordofUrlin2u: I have no Ethernet Internet...06:21
urlin2umordof, hmm, and nobody you know does?06:22
mordofIf this can't be reversed without installing something new, my only option is a format06:22
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mordofWas hoping someone would know how to fix this but I guess not :( thanks for the assistance06:25
bobweavertry startx ?06:25
learnermordof, cud u pst ur problem again?06:26
mordofOmfg bobweaver you're my hero! PROGRESS!06:26
* Dr_Willis has totally missed mordof's original problem.06:26
bobweavernow reset gdm06:26
learnermordof, guess your problem is solved06:27
mordofBobweaver: I'm logged in - is restarting gdm a good idea?06:27
mordofLearner: question is - why is it behaving like this06:28
bobweaveryes ctrl+alt+f1 then sign in and do a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart  then reboot06:28
learnerwhy is wat behaving like wat?06:28
Sidewinder1learner, He's working with gnome3.06:29
ps-axguys, do u know if we can change the colour scheme for gnome (ubuntu 11.04)06:29
learnerSidewinder1, ok06:30
erryright click desktop->change background image and click theme?06:30
foobarzi'm running ubuntu and kubuntu under qemu-kvm, and the mouse disappears at various places around the screen... is there a fix for this?06:30
errythen you can click one and customize or install your own06:30
erryps-ax, [what i sad]06:31
damnowhenever I try to install any emerald theme from the emerald theme manager it shows an error:  "error calling tar"  what's the problema?06:31
Dr_Willisdamno:  could be the archive files are bad.06:31
ps-axerry.. hmm i downloaded a theme from gnome-look06:32
mordofBobweaver: x isn't starting at all unless I do it manually in TTY on a reboot06:32
Dr_Willisemerald is basically a dead project damno.06:32
noob$ ping -c 1 `dc -e '192 256 3 ^ * 168 256 2 ^ * + 1 256 1 ^ * + 1 256 0 ^ * + f'06:32
noobhu hu hu06:32
ps-axand it said (extract in /usr/share/themes)06:32
erryps-ax, ok, right click desktop -> change background, click theme, and drag the theme into that window06:32
damnoDr_Willis: its happening with all the theme archives06:32
erryiirc that does it :>06:32
Dr_Willisps-ax:  theres 'theme' parts. and then theres complete themes.. you can put them in your users ~/.themes directory06:32
Dr_Willisps-ax:  and not mess with the system wide theme dir.06:33
damnoDr_Willis: I'm trying with theme parts06:33
ps-axha.. worked06:33
bobweavermordof:  what is vga ?06:34
damnoany idea?06:34
Dr_Willisdamno:  normally you can drag/drop the files onto the theme-appearance tool window and it will copy them to the right .theme dir/place06:34
bobweavermordof: lspci -nn | grep VGA06:34
damnoDr_Willis: ok..let me see. I was trying the import button import06:34
Dr_Willisdamno:  but as i mentioned.. emerald is basically dead. its not worth putting much effort into.06:35
bobweaverany one can help with bash script06:35
lnxn3rdhey ..06:35
mordofBobweaver: nvidia Corp gf104 [gtx 460]06:35
lnxn3rdcan i ask u guys a question ..06:35
Stanley00bobweaver: try jon #bash06:35
bobweavermordof: install additional drivers06:35
lnxn3rdabout security or hacking ?06:35
bobweaverthanks Stanley0006:35
bobweaverlnxn3rd: no06:36
Dr_Willislnxn3rd:  both are very very broad topics. :)06:36
mordofI have the nvidia drivers installed already06:36
bobweaverabout menu06:36
bobweavermordof: reinstall06:36
bobweavermordof: then look at what is going on in dmesg06:36
_r0x_lnxn3rd: you can ask anything you want06:36
_r0x_regarding answers though...06:37
lightabobweaver, did you try #bash ?06:38
damnothis channel is always(at least most of the time :) very serious  unlike the puppy channel06:38
_r0x_lnxn3rd: are you in egypt? :)06:38
Dr_Williswhen you can have 3000+ people in the channel.. youhave to be that way. :)06:38
lnxn3rdwow .. :)06:39
bobweaverI am there06:39
bobweaverlighta: I am there06:39
lnxn3rdhow to hell did u know?06:39
lightaok =)06:39
_r0x_lnxn3rd: i detect sarcasm...06:40
_r0x_how to hell?06:40
_r0x_like how to get there ya mean?06:40
_r0x_i'm confused06:40
_r0x_<lnxn3rd>how to hell did u know?06:41
mordofBobweaver: drivers downloading now.. Will take a few06:41
lnxn3rdaha .. lol06:41
lnxn3rdok i wanna ask06:41
lnxn3rda friend of mine he is an known security guy he is called lnxg33k ..06:41
Coreylnxn3rd: Did you have a support question?06:42
lnxn3rdhe told me to learn python cause python is most powerful lang. for hacking06:42
Corey!ot | lnxn3rd06:42
ubottulnxn3rd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:42
Dr_Willisanytime the term 'for hacking' is used...  its most likely just vague rambling.. python is a handy language.. go learn it if you want to learn a language....06:43
spec_so any idea why i can ssh to my linux box when it's plugged into the router, but can't when it's on wifi? i'm looking at the router settings now but nothing pops out at me.06:43
Coreyquan: /join #ubuntu cn06:43
Dr_WillisPython is very handy, and easy to learn thebasics. and has the power to grow with your skill.06:43
zHammeRzspec, are you getting a different subnet on wireless vs wired?06:43
_r0x_lnxn3rd: quit the hacking stuff and get a real job06:44
Dr_Willisspec_:  you are using the right ip# ? the pc  mayhave a differnt ip# for the wireless and the wired connection.06:44
spec_same ip each time.06:44
Dr_Willisspec_:  that is weird.. i alwayshave differnt ip's06:44
Dr_Willisspec_:  in fact.. my pcs canbe connected to wired and wireless at the same time..06:44
spec_it's on wired right now... at least the ubuntu bar at the top shows eth0 connection.06:45
smwspec_, are you sure they are the same IP? I doubt it.06:45
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spec_maybe i was on both networks.06:45
Sidewinder1lnxn3rd, For security issues, have a look here; it's dated but still applicable: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081206:45
Dr_Willisifconfig command is handy. :)06:45
_r0x_lnxn3rd: hacking - tisk tisk - abuse@tedata.net ;)06:45
shaunsingh14you know this place isn't as lively as the Debian IRC room.06:47
shaunsingh14So. . . who here has contributed to the Ubuntu project?06:48
spec_dr willis - ok when disconnected from eth0, putty definitely does not connect to the ubuntu machine over wifi06:49
spec_my friend says it may be client isolation but i'm not sure how to determine that.06:49
Dr_Willisspec_:  check the ip#. and see if ping works06:49
kyfbnyfbhy everybody06:49
bobweavershaunsingh14: I have06:49
spec_ping fails.06:49
zHammeRzspec, you sure your connected to the wifi06:49
spec_ya i get lolcats.06:49
learnershaunsingh14, this is a  support channel means this id not for chit chat...pls reffer channel rules06:50
Dr_Williscan the linux box ping the windows box spec_?06:50
kyfbnyfbwhat is this much intersting talking about ubuntu06:50
kyfbnyfbwhat is this much intersting in talkking about ubuntu06:50
spec_dr willis nope.06:51
spec_i'm guessing it's a router thing but really dunno.06:51
_r0x_shaunsingh14, don't mind learner - he had one mai tai too many if you know what i mean06:51
spec_you can smoke mai tai?06:51
_r0x_spec, apparently06:52
Dr_Willisspec_:  so the linux box can web surf when on wireless just fine?06:52
spec_i just can't putty into it.06:52
zHammeRzhave the firewall on?06:52
Dr_Willisspec_:  sounds like the router mayhave some security settings on the wirleess network.06:52
spec_the router firewall is disabled.06:52
_r0x_spec, what version of windows?06:53
zHammeRzI meant the firewall on ubuntu?06:53
spec_rox - i can putty into ubuntu when the ubuntu machine is plugged into the router, but not when it's on wifi.06:53
spec_i dunno about the firewall on ubuntu06:53
_r0x_must be an IP thing06:53
_r0x_wifi is on another subnet06:53
zHammeRzsounds like the router is not routing one subnet to the other.  Is it a router like a linksys or something or you have it set up for vlans?06:54
learner_r0x_, i only informed him tat this is a support channel...if he dint knew.06:54
_r0x_learner - i'm just messing around - your nick is very telling06:55
spec_it's for both wifi and hard connection.06:55
zHammeRzthat's the netmask06:55
freeb0yhey why when I log in it doesn't require a password?06:55
spec_it's 192.168.10.x06:55
_r0x_spec, is your ip the same on both wired and wifi?06:55
spec_on wired it is given 10.109 and on wifi 10.108.06:56
mordofbobweaver: reinstalling drivers didn't do anything06:57
Dr_WillisHmm.. i wonder if the linux box can ping its own ip. :)  ping and 109     Just for laughs...06:57
Dr_Willisfreeb0y:  you set up autologin during the install..06:57
_r0x_Freeboy, you have a blank password06:58
freeb0yDr_willis,through gui i checked the ask password on login screen box06:58
spec_yah it can ping itself on the wifi.06:58
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zHammeRzsounds like sshd is only listening on the eth0 instead of wlan0, or localhost06:59
bobweavermordof: arghh07:00
bobweavernot sure07:00
Dr_Willisthat wouldent explain why he cant ping the thing however..07:00
mordofBobweaver trying a ppa-purge07:01
mordofBobweaver: and will use VM's in the future to test things :/07:02
bobweavermordof: :)07:02
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spec_is it possible sshd is booting before my wlan0 is setup or something?07:04
spec_wtf i thought freenode didn't split.07:04
doc|homespec_: I hope that's sarcasm07:04
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spec_doc i dunno.07:04
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spec_doc - i can't ssh into my ubuntu box when it's on the wifi, but i can when it's hardwired.07:05
doc|homespec_: firewall?07:05
spec_i dunno. what do i do to check07:05
doc|homesorry, don't know enough about how your machine is set up.07:06
doc|homenor about what might cause this07:06
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Fudgedoes natty have a ppc release07:13
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ07:14
doc|homeanyone using back in time gotten a folder like "20110904-000003-380" ? These folders won't rsync to my nas like the ones from a previous release would. Is this an error number? The error log isn't showing anything.07:15
Ohkieis anyone able to help me with a ndiswrapper/wireless issue?07:15
domedagenIs there a way to manage advanced sound settings such as PCM and stuff?07:17
Dr_Willisdomedagen:  manage in what way? theres numerous pulse audio tools. Some are not installed by default07:17
domedagenDr_Willis: In openSUSE I had these sliders that you could play around with to get your speakers to work07:18
Dr_Willisthats a little vague domedagen...  my speakers work.. i have a volume control slider....07:19
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tool_kithow do i increasemy internet speed07:20
tool_kitparticular in download07:20
urlin2utool_kit, try a different mirror07:20
domedagenDr_Willis: The second post in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149150307:20
tool_kiti tried it already07:21
tool_kitis there any other way07:21
Dr_Willistool_kit:  clarify the details a bit more....07:21
domedagen"PulseAudio volume control" is this really the preinstalled sound tool?07:22
domedagentool_kit: Are you using WLAN?07:22
domedagenAre you using WPA?07:23
domedagenAnd how bad is it?07:24
tool_kit17% complete, 125 MiB of 699 MiB, 4.66 KiB/s.07:25
auronandacetool_kit: what are you downloading?07:26
domedagenhaha lol. Got DC:ed07:26
tool_kitfriday 2 next07:26
FloodBot1tool_kit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
domedagentool_kit: You seem to have the same problem as me. People recommend using WEP instead of WPA07:27
tool_kitdoes it work?07:27
j_c_xutdon't use wep. old and unsecure.07:28
gaelfx5337when I play a video in SMPlayer with subtitles, they mostly show up fine, but occasionally I get white-boxes where some of the letters should be, and the boxes are even the right size for the letter is should be, anyone know what's going wrong?07:29
domedagentool_kit: I dont know. WEP is not an option for me. This is my dl speed in linux "392 Kbps" and on my iMac I get like 2Mbit/s07:29
knightstalkerHello,on 11.10 I am having problems with nautilus search box,anyone have the same issue?07:29
auronandace!11.10 | knightstalker07:29
ubottuknightstalker: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:29
domedagentool_kit: Sure, the iMac have better hw but 400Kb/s?07:29
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tool_kityes imac is better. but im on the desktop now07:30
knightstalkerThanks auronandace,knew that such a channel exists but wasn't on topic07:30
SwedeMikeany hw from the past 10 years can easily do tens of megabits/s.07:30
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domedagenSwedeMike: Pics or it didn't happen07:31
wildbatanyone know if anyway in linux can do SSD+HDD as  http://cdn.macrumors.com/article/2011/05/11/100949-intel_srt_slide.jpg can?07:31
gaelfxSwedeMike: patently untrue07:31
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mordofbobweaver: whew.. managed to revert without too many issues.. though there are some conflicts still to be resolved07:35
mordofbobweaver: i think with a bit of package management i should be able to get those ironed out though. back in Ubuntu classic~07:35
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domedagenIf the buzzing sound still is there when the computer is turned off, can I really blame Ubuntu?07:41
Xrhstaras_yesterday after some updates i cnat boot my system..i have acer2930z and ubuntu 11.0407:42
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Xrhstaras_can i see any logfile?07:43
MoveImageshi....i got a HD with lots of folders with different files and images inside....i would like to move all images contained in the HD in a folder called JPG but preserving folder structure, how could I do that? do you understand what i mean?07:45
doc|homedoes anyone know of something like backintime but that actually works?07:46
MuNk_if i want to detect what compression a file is using whats the best method (via terminal)07:46
bambanxanyone know a program like babylon pro forubuntu?07:46
Stanley00MuNk_: try file command07:47
mordofit would appear my gnome-icon-theme is having trouble configuring.. as such a bunch of programs aren't configuring right as a result07:47
Xrhstaras_can anone help me...i cant boot after some updtes07:48
domedagenXrhstaras_: What do you mean by "can't boot my system"?07:48
laiboohello everyone07:48
MuNk_Stanley00, ty :)07:48
Xrhstaras_domedagen, yes07:48
mordofdpkg: error processing gnome-icon-theme (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 207:48
domedagenXrhstaras_: what happems?07:48
mordofanyone know how to solve this?07:48
Stanley00MuNk_: you are welcome :)07:48
Stanley00bambanx: you can use goldedict, it's powerfull07:49
Lasersmordof: Try this... Me think.07:49
domedagenXrhstaras_: Do you see anything?07:49
Lasers!aptfix | mordof07:49
ubottumordof: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »07:49
bambanxok i ill google it07:49
Stanley00bambanx: it on software center already07:49
Stanley00bambanx: you just need to download dicttion nary file for it, since it dont have it by default07:50
domedagenWho decides what to put in Software Center?07:50
mordofLasers: has nothing to do with the dpkg being locked07:50
mordofLasers: tried it, doesn't do anything07:50
bambanxStanley00 its have a triggers like babylon?07:50
Lasersmordof: Yeah, dpkg not locked -- but 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'07:50
Stanley00bambanx: do you mean scan pop-up? if so, yes07:51
Xrhstaras_I have two problems. The first is that, because the first installation was greek, and i was loging with english, now the console shows a mix og some greek and many unread charachters.07:51
Lasersmordof: Could try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-icon-theme"07:51
Xrhstaras_the othes problem is that cant boot07:51
mordofLasers: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: gnome-icon-theme is broken or not fully installed07:51
tool_kithow do i erase my shell history07:52
tool_kiti forgot. bit rusty07:52
Laserstool_kit: ~/.bash_history07:52
urlin2udomedagen, the software center is full of the same apps as synaptic basically, whats in the repos you have.07:52
domedagenXrhstaras_: the console? Have you been able to log in?07:52
Xrhstaras_yes i have console07:53
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Xrhstaras_domedagen, :07:54
domedagenXrhstaras_: You chose to boot in a fail-safe console mode?07:54
Xrhstaras_domedagen, yes but i can start the x\07:55
urlin2uXrhstaras_, you tried startx07:55
Xrhstaras_domedagen, yes...but not work07:56
MoveImageshi....i got a HD with lots of folders with different files and images inside....i would like to move all images contained in the HD in a folder called JPG but preserving folder structure, how could I do that? do you understand what i mean?07:56
urlin2uXrhstaras_, does this coincide with any driver installs? Have you tried the failsafe option from recovery?07:57
Xrhstaras_domedagen, can i fix te console to print english?I cant read the console, because of greek07:57
Xrhstaras_urlin2u, yes i hale already ry the failsafe07:57
Xrhstaras_urlin2u, yes i have already try the failsafe07:58
domedagenXrhstaras_: sudo set-language07:58
LasersMoveImages: Option 1: Do it manually. :(07:58
MoveImagesthere are 40,000 images in there :)07:59
Xrhstaras_domedagen, i havnt this command07:59
beingdoes anyone know anything about installing mac os x back onto a mac08:00
beingafter installing ubuntu?08:00
domedagenXrhstaras_: http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/how-to-change-the-language-keyboard-layout-in-ubuntu/08:01
nmepntgrmhmm same as installing windows after ubuntu08:01
beingdoesn't work08:02
beingi even tried partition to hfs+08:02
beingsomething with the EFI08:02
Lasersbeing: Wrong channel. You want #MacOSX08:02
Lasers(or ##apple)08:02
beingyes but i'm running ubuntu08:02
domedagenXrhstaras_: I'm sure there is a smart way of solving this but have you considered just reinstalling everything?08:02
Lasersbeing: Still. Check with them first.08:02
domedagenXrhstaras_: Using an USB-stick and a live CD you can save your importand documents and then reinstall08:03
urlin2ubeing, I have yet to see a apple power user here, most are beginners dualbooting ubuntu08:03
beingmactel actually08:05
domedagenXrhstaras_: ?08:05
Xrhstaras_domedagen, i cant rescue ths sstem?08:05
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Xrhstaras_domedagen, i cant rescue ths system?08:06
domedagenXrhstaras_: IIRC the live has that option08:06
Xrhstaras_domedagen, sorry?08:07
domedagenInsert it then choose repair system instread of install08:07
domedagenXrhstaras_: The Live CD08:07
heyheyheyis this card supported in linux? cannot find anything suggesting either yes or no http://is.gd/za459b08:07
Xrhstaras_domedagen, okay..i will try with live cd08:08
MoveImageshi....i got a HD with lots of folders with different files and images inside....i would like to move all images contained in the HD in a folder called JPG but preserving folder structure, how could I do that? do you understand what i mean?08:08
domedagenXrhstaras_: Good luck!08:09
Xrhstaras_domedagen, thanks!08:09
heyheyheyis this card supported under ubuntu or linux in general? cannot find anything suggesting either yes or no http://is.gd/za459b08:11
domedagenXrhstaras_: Does it work?08:13
urlin2uheyheyhey, I see no references on the web running ubuntu, here is the listed that work. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported08:14
heyheyheyurlin2u: awww shame, I was gonna get it so I could run Ubuntu but if no-one has it I'm not willing to risk it :-(08:15
Xrhstaras_domedagen, i need to burn one cd08:15
jigaldoes anyone already use netbeans 7 on ubuntu?08:17
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morthwould mount -l show everything that is mounted?08:23
zHammeRzShould just able to type mount in a terminal and it should list it08:24
morthzHammeRz: aight cool, thanks.08:24
zHammeRzyea mount and mount -l show the same results for me (using ubuntu 11)08:25
morthzHammeRz: same here - 11.0408:26
misaqhello ubuntu guys08:27
laiboois anyone here compiled the ubnt sdk ?08:27
misaqhow can I change my ubuntu startup configuration?08:27
Stanley00misaq: which config exactly do you need to change?08:28
Stanley00misaq: normally, config files for system are in /etc, and for your personal is somewhere in ~/08:29
misaqStanley00:  I want to configure it in a way not to mount /windows on startup08:30
Stanley00misaq: in that case, try edit /etc/fstab08:30
zHammeRzrem it out in /etc/fstab assuming it's a different physical hard drive08:30
laiboothe "make menuconfig" always build failed08:30
misaqzHammeRz: rem it out?08:30
zHammeRzput a # in front of the line08:31
misaqzHammeRz: ok08:31
Stanley00misaq: man fstab is your friend ;)08:31
misaqStanley00: You're right;-)08:32
morthquestion - what is /media/system reserved for?08:33
Stanley00morth: nothing, do you have any partition label system?08:33
morthcouldn't tell ya08:33
misaqhow to override file read-only attibute?08:34
konrIn this step of the installation http://philscomputerrepair.com/images/ubuntu_08.jpg you can print the selected keyboard layout to check if it matches yours. How does the program generate these keyboards, or what program is this?08:35
Polahmisaw: Use chmod to change permissions, or in the case of an NTFS drive you'll need to remount it with rw permissions08:35
Stanley00misaq: if you need edit /etc/fstab, you need root private to do that08:36
Stanley00misaq: try sudo nano /etc/fstab instead08:36
Polahkonr: I've never heard of being able to print keyboard layouts at that point. You can type to test keys are correct.08:36
misaqStanley00: Do you mean I need to logout and log back in as root?08:37
konrPolah: I think that after it guesses the keyboard layout, it prints it08:37
Polahmisaq: No, use sudo to open a command-line text editor to edit /etc/fstab or gksudo to use a GUI editor to do it08:37
konrPolah: do you know what that program is called, so to find the source code?08:37
najwahai u all08:37
Polahkonr: No. I've never heard of the installer ever printing anything.08:37
Stanley00misaq: no, just run sudo nano /etc/fstab or gksu gedit /etc/fstab to edit that file08:38
konrPrint to the screen in a new window, of course08:38
Polahkonr: Oh, just display the layout on screen? I thought you meant actual printing, like paper printing.08:38
misaqStanley00 and Polah: o08:38
konrPolah: haha, no08:38
Polahkonr: System > Preferences > Keyboard shows a layout of the keyboard I think, but that's not in the installer. If you selected "Try Ubuntu" before "Install Ubuntu" you should be able to get to it08:39
konrPolah: Thanks!08:40
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rautamiesI have a problem with ubuntu & iptables nat forwarding. My eth1 interface keeps loosing it's default gw after a while when there is forwarded traffic through nat.08:48
rautamiesThere are some things in log when the machine boots and interfaces are loaded up, and I don't quite understand what those lines mean if the problem is there08:49
rautamiesCould someone look for these few loglines if I pastebin them?08:50
henry-which mapping tool is the one that works best on ubuntu? zeroradiant, gtkradiant...?08:51
rautamiesand both interfaces are working fine when used alone to connect to internet without forwarding08:52
Polahrautamis: Is there any reason you need NAT?08:54
pietrang77there is some people can help me on one problem on ubuntu ??? pleaseeeeeeeeeee08:56
rautamiesisp give me 3 dhcp ip addresses and I have 5 devices to connect to internet08:56
Stanley00pietrang77: Good aftermoon! and just ask your question...08:56
Polahpietrang77: Just ask and someone might be able to08:56
pietrang77i have installed ubuntu .. is perfect ... but with connection ppp0 i cant ping on wlan008:57
pietrang77thanks in advace08:57
ChristofferHi! How do I disable unity commands <super>+<#>?08:57
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ChristofferI want to do this because I toogle between workspaces with the same combination08:57
PolahChristoffer, search for "Keyboard Shortcuts" and disable the ones you don't want08:57
ChristofferPolah Thank you08:58
pietrang77i have understand is a configuration on iptables ... but not understand08:58
ChristofferIs it possible to change Workspace layout to have them all in one row instead of 2x2?08:58
TimvdeI'm having troubles with my internet lately, and I noticed I got an update for dhcp3-client and dhcp3-common on August 16. Is it possible that is related? Problem is: if I try to force the version of dhcp3-common down to the previous one, Synaptic forces me to remove dhcp3-client and ubuntu-minimal. How can I solve this?08:58
PolahChristoffer: Search "Workspace" and it might give you something. I don't know how to do it in Unity really.08:59
PolahTimvde: What problems exactly?08:59
Stanley00Christoffer: you can do this via ccsm or gconf tools08:59
TimvdePolah: Random disconnects my sister doesn't have on her Windows laptop08:59
Polahpietrang77: You'd need to switch to wlan0 to ping on that. Is your wireless working, assuming it's a wireless interface?09:00
Stanley00Christoffer: I dont remember the right key yes, just a momment09:00
PolahYou'll need to install ccsm before being able to use it09:00
cristian_cI've got a keyboard called Media Wireless Desktop by Labtec. I tried to set the keyboard shortcuts directly from the Applications-> Settings-> Xfce4 settings manager -> Keyboard-> Applications shortcuts. I clicked on Add and for example I typed the command 'evolution'. I pressed Ok and then the system asked me to type the key on the keyboard.09:00
rawfodogI had ubuntu on my primary install. I made apartician then installed windows 7. I just used gparted to delete that partician, made a new NTFS so I can install xp. When I launch the installer it says there is no harddrive attached. Is this microsoft trolling ubuntu ?09:00
ChristofferStanley00 I tried to find it in ccsm but didn't find it there any longer with 11.0409:00
cristian_cIn this case the key was correctly recognized as XF86Mail and has been included in the list of shortcuts. But if I press the mail key, it always happens the same problem, that instead of opening evolution, the pc goes into stand-by. Is anyone able to understand what the problem is due? I even tried keytouch editor and it recognized the keys.09:00
pietrang77polah : yes without ppp0 my wireless function correctely09:01
Polahrawfodog: The Windows installer? If so, ask in #ubuntu09:01
cristian_cBut after setting up the keyboard with keytouch, if I press the 'mail' key, the PC goes always on standby for no reason09:01
Polahpietrang77: But with wlan0 it doesn't?09:01
pietrang77if i connect ppp0 on internet and another PC on Wlan009:01
pietrang77when i make ping all traffic go to ppp009:01
pietrang77infact if i ping not function .... if i ping google work fine09:02
TimvdePolah: I really suspect those dhcp-* packages to be the culprit, I really want to downgrade them and see if it solves my problem.09:03
pietrang77if i ping i want the traffic go on wlan0 ... now return "Operation not permitted" if ppp0 is connected return "host unreachable" is pppp0 is disconnected09:03
PolahTimvde: You'll probably have to build from source to downgrade09:03
TimvdeOh.. What the hell? Why?09:04
Stanley00Christoffer: I cant find it in oneiric...09:04
TimvdePolah: Can you assure me I won't break anything if I remove those packages and install them again later?09:04
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PolahTimvde: Because when packages get upgraded it's because their candidacy has been replaced in the repos. I don't know if old packages remain and you could perhaps get them if you knew the exact package name09:05
Stanley00Christoffer: you can install gconf-editor and search for key num of workspace or something like that, I think09:05
ChristofferStanley00 I found it now... http://wiki.compiz.org/GeneralOptions#Desktop_Size09:05
PolahTimvde: I can make no guarantees, no. If it goes wrong you'd probably have to recreate your network interfaces and routes09:05
TimvdePolah: Synaptic gives me the option to downgrade.09:05
Christofferin ccsm09:05
TimvdeBut it then forces me to remove those other packages I mentioned09:06
PolahTimvde: Oh really? I haven't seen that09:06
Stanley00Christoffer: yep, that's it :)09:06
ChristofferStanley00 Thank you for trying, really appreciate it!09:06
Stanley00Christoffer: you are welcome :)09:06
TimvdePolah: It would be nice to have a way to downgrade them without uninstalling those other packages, or otherwise just to have an assurance nothing will break when I remove them (and reinstall them later manually)09:07
PolahTimvde: Install isc-dhcp-client and isc-dhcp-common09:07
cristian_cStevenR, How can I discover it, about the keyboard?09:08
rawfodogok, how do I remove grub loader ?09:08
TimvdePolah: They're not in Synaptic. I should mention that I'm still on Maverick, maybe.09:08
PolahTimvde: isc-dhcp-client and common are the packages, dhcp3-client and common are transitional, they're the same packages though it seems. Exact same version09:08
PolahTimvde: Ah, perhaps isc-dhcp is only on 11.04 and the transitionals are only on maverick09:08
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PolahTimvde: I see maverick packages for them.09:11
TimvdePolah: They don't appear in Synaptic09:12
blobI'm looking into a sensible way to install ubuntu to an usb stick: highest performance, least affected by wear, full persistence09:13
blobany suggestions?09:13
PolahTimvde:  Are you running 64-bit?09:14
blob(in case it makes any difference, I want to install a 32 bit version to the stick, but my machine runs 64 bit)09:14
Polahblob: startup disc creator has an option for persistence09:14
TimvdePolah: Yes, I am09:14
TimvdeAnd there was such a random disconnect09:14
jrib!install | blob09:15
ubottublob: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:15
blobPolah: it doesn't really seem to do what I want09:16
PolahTimvde: That's explain it, I only see 32-bit packages for it09:16
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blobI still need to choose a language and a keyboard layout on every boot09:16
pietrang77there is some people know better me the network ???09:16
Polahblob: Yes, persistence is only for keeping some files.09:16
bloband I still have an "Install ubuntu" icon on the desktop09:16
pietrang77i think yes ... can help me?09:16
Polahblob: What you want is a proper install, not a live session09:16
Polahpietrang77: Could try #networking09:17
blobso I'm looking for information on that one09:17
blobis there any best practice for doing that?09:17
pietrang77ok great09:17
blobthis is not for me (I'm quite comfortable installing/using most things *nix)09:17
blobit's for a friend where every tiny bit of complexity is too much09:17
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Dr_Willisso he needs to decide what language hes going to use at every boot? he cant decide on one? ;)09:18
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morth"cal -309:18
Stanley00blob: ubuntu on USB is not a good idea for daily uses.09:18
PolahStanley00, why would that be?09:19
Dr_Willisyou can do a normal install to a usb flash drive.. ive done that befor. rarely had an issue..09:19
Stanley00Polah: I have test that, via usb-creator,09:19
Dr_Willismoving a full install usb to differnt machines can casuse some issues depending on the video chipset.09:19
Stanley00Polah: install oneiric on my usb stick and oneiric keep stuck time to time :)09:19
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PolahStanley00, that's because Oneiric isn't stable09:20
quizmasterashblob: keep USB drive plugged-in while installing Ubuntu, it identifies it as SDB (orsdc depending on your system).. install it on sdb... it's simple but isn't recommended09:20
aleixoskhello everybody, I've tried to resize a partition with gparted a couple of times and it would freeze every time. All I know is it was "scanning inode table" as it freezed. Can anyone recommend me another program or help me solve the problem?09:20
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TimvdePolah: So, do you think I can uninstall those packages safely for a while?09:21
Stanley00Polah: but oneiric is working fine now, on my hard drive :)09:21
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morthhow can i change my mount so i can run my commands and such, - example if i want to get into /dev/sda209:22
quizmasterashOK, so here's my problem. In Ubuntu 11.04, Empathy, Gwibber and Liferea keeps crashing without any warning or error. It's so effing annoying.09:22
quizmasterash Empathy crashes as soon as I open a chat window,09:22
quizmasterash Gwibber is one step ahead, crashes when I try to authorize an account,09:22
quizmasterash Liferrea crashes when I click on a feed or when I try to sync with Google Reader.09:22
jribmorth: be more specific09:22
quizmasterashany solutions?09:23
jribquizmasterash: run them in a terminal and check for output; check ~/.xsession-errors09:23
Dr_Willismorth:  you can mount filesystems whever you want.09:23
Dr_Willis!mount |  morth09:23
ubottumorth: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:23
morthjrib: well my ubuntu is set for /dev/loop0 and i want to be able to check my windows files from ubuntu (through terminal) - cd /dev/sda2 then ls etc..09:23
Dr_Willismorth:  you mount a device to a directory.. then cd to the diretory..09:24
Dr_Willismorth:  ie: /media/wndows  not /dev/sdxx09:24
jribmorth: your first step is to mount /dev/sda2 somewhere in your filesystem.  Then access it where you mounted it.  I don't know what you mean by "my ubuntu is set for /dev/loop0"09:24
morthjrib: saw mount on / - for /dev/loop009:25
PolahTimvde: I can't guarantee internet functionality after reinstalling09:26
TimvdePolah: Damn. But I think I am going to take the risk, just got another disconnect and I'm really fed up with it09:27
morthjrib: got it working, thanks09:29
morthjrib: i already had it mounted, just forgot about which /media it was - is there a way i can rename it?09:29
blobStanley00: quizmasterash : thanks for the hints on usb stick install, I know it's not recommended, but it's only an alternative option09:29
jribmorth: how did you mount it?  Through your /etc/fstab?09:30
bloba temporary stopgap fix for a friend's rotten windows machine09:30
morthjrib: because its like /media/123456789C09:30
Evelynnis it possible for a script to change directory outside of script (if in script is cd a; after script is executed i would be cd'ed into directory a)09:30
Dr_Willisblob:  ive ran ubuntu on a 8gb flash drive for months on end. :) heh..09:30
Stanley00blob: you are welcome :)09:30
morthjrib: i already had it mounted before, just did "df -h" in terminal and it listed them.09:30
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jribmorth: pastebin your /etc/fstab and the output of the « mount » command09:30
azzorcistdo you guys have a working solution to Intel KMS problem which causes black screen?09:31
morthjrib: http://pastebin.com/QFbC5R1i09:32
jribmorth: I asked for two things and you gave me neither :/09:33
morthjrib: how do i pastebin my /etc/fstab and the output?09:33
jribmorth: open /etc/fstab in a text editor, copy contents, paste09:33
morthjrib: i dont even have /etc/fstab saying term~09:33
morthbash: cd: /etc/fstab: Not a directory09:34
jribmorth: gedit /etc/fstab09:34
morthjrib: http://pastebin.com/37FE4p5809:35
jrib!label | morth09:35
ubottumorth: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.09:35
azzorcisti have intel gma4500mhd which causes black screen in recent kernel.09:35
jribmorth: change the label for that partition that you are mounting09:35
jigaldoes anyone already use netbeans 7 on ubuntu?09:36
jribjigal: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)09:36
jigaldoes anyone already use netbeans 7 on ubuntu?  how should i update from 6.9.x to 7.0 ?09:37
morthjrib: thanks!09:37
lokken9is there any problem to use Ubuntu 11.04?09:37
lokken9somebody recommended me to use 10.10LTS rather than 11.0409:38
Dr_Willislokken9:  many people use it  with no problems.. it depends on your needs.09:38
bazhang10.10 is not lts lokken909:38
Stanley00lokken9: as I know, there isn't :))09:38
jriblokken9: there is no such thing as 10.10 LTS.  10.10 is not LTS09:38
lokken9i see09:38
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)09:38
lokken9what about 10.04LTS?09:38
azzorcist11.04 introduces new desktop which is specific to ubuntu, unity.09:38
lokken9oh i see09:39
Dr_Willisone issue with the LtS is that .. well its old.. so ifyou have a brand new laptop or other just relesed hardware.. it might have issues.09:39
lokken9that's right09:39
Dr_WillisIve heard of some other disrtos porting unity to their stuff. :)09:39
lokken9ok I will keep using 11.0409:39
Tixosguys, im having a keyboard layout issue, where upon restart it changes my settings09:39
lokken9Thank you for answering my concern09:39
azzorcistdr_willis: they stopped the effort.09:40
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jribTixos: did you determine if it was a gconf issue?09:40
Tixoswell, the change didnt work09:40
thegladiatoris there any good softwre to join videos ?09:40
jribTixos: what change?09:41
Tixosi thought that was all you suggested09:41
bullgard4_[Natty, GNOME 2] What is the filename of  a kind of GNOME error log? (It is not in the /var/log/ directory). If I remember right, it or its directory starts with a dot (for "hidden").09:41
Tixosremoving US from the key09:41
jribthegladiator: there's avimerge for AVIs.  Pretty straightforward09:41
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thegladiatorflv's too?09:41
jribTixos: after you removed US from the key, did gnome-keyboard-properties reflect your change?09:41
Tixosi think it disappeared09:42
azzorcistthegladiator: is join "editing" video or just join diwnloaded video which in parts?09:42
jribTixos: you need to actual check, otherwise this is not very useful09:42
thegladiatordonloaded in parts from u tube09:43
Tixosthe fact that the key is replaced09:43
Tixossort of suggests it didnt work does it09:43
Tixoswhat sets this on boot?   /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd09:43
jribTixos: can you just check what I asked, we can start there09:43
linuxuz3rhi guys09:44
azzorcistcat can join files. cat a.flv b.flv c.flv > abc.flv09:44
Tixosits gone from Keyboard Preferences09:44
Polahazzorcist: Does that work for all files then?09:44
thegladiatorreally ?09:44
jrib!who | Tixos09:44
ubottuTixos: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:44
jribTixos: so you edited /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd using gconf-editor to be what exactly?  And then what did you see in gnome-keyboard-properties afterwards?09:45
Tixosjrib it was [gb,us] , i edited the key and removed the us. keyboard prefs says only GB now09:45
azzorcistpolah: afaik yes. split to split, cat to join. concatenate.09:45
Stanley00thegladiator: you can try mencoder (and mplayer), I dont know much about it, but I think it could...09:46
Stanley00thegladiator: or a better way, search for some video editor tool in software center :D09:47
jribTixos: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:47
thegladiatorhow can I join flv's files though ? cat a.flv b.flv > c.flv ---does this work ??09:48
Tixosjrib   http://pastebin.com/YahPkjrv09:48
azzorcistthegladiator: it's terminal command.09:48
morthis there a command similar to "ls -lSr" but for all directories? - i want to view all my files on my mount -trying to locate my video folder but can't find it.09:49
Stanley00thegladiator: best to test it yourself  ;)09:49
jribTixos: at the login screen, what keyboard layout do you choose?09:49
thegladiatorI know cat command - but lol wouldnt flv have header09:49
Tixoshmm, i dont, i just login, should i logout and check?09:49
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jribTixos: yes, please09:49
Stanley00morth: if you just want to locate your file, try find instead09:50
pietrang77help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help ! help !09:50
bazhangpietrang77, with what09:50
oCeanpietrang77: please stop that09:50
thegladiatorcat wont work09:50
quizmasterashpietrang77: what?09:50
pietrang77i have problem betwheen pp0 and wlan009:51
Stanley00thegladiator: why dont you use a video editor tool instead?09:51
pietrang77when is connected ppp0 to internet i can make ping with wlan009:51
thegladiatordidint find any searched in software09:51
Stanley00thegladiator: how about avidemux?09:52
oCeanmorth: once built (sudo updatedb) there is a locate database for your filesystems. You can use the command  locate video  for example to find all files/directories09:52
Tixosok jrib i think that was it :)09:53
azzorcistthegladiator i don't undersand09:53
thegladiatorokay I will try avidemux , it doesnt mention flv but will try09:53
bullgard4_[Natty, GNOME 2] What is the filename of  a kind of GNOME error log? (It is not in the /var/log/ directory). If I remember right, it or its directory starts with a dot (for "hidden").09:53
pietrang77in the specific ... in wlan0 i have gateway and want ping, when ppp0 is connected i have resonce "Operation not permittted09:53
jribTixos: no problem.  There is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmflcomp/+bug/598475 open by the way09:53
thegladiatorwhat azzorcist , video files I need to join09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 598475 in kmflcomp (Ubuntu) "keyboard layout preference changing at boot" [Undecided,New]09:53
pietrang77 is ppp0 is not connected i have "host unreacable"09:53
azzorcisthow to make modeset stable? mine always playing game "now you see it, now you dont"09:54
azzorcistthegladiator: i use cat to join videos splitted with hjsplit or totalcommander from internet. but if you want to join in specific frame, you might need video editor like avidemux, openshot, etc09:57
=== mattan is now known as Mattan
koustuvhey i am new on ubuntu 11.04 .. anybody plz help got a problem10:00
Stanley00koustuv: just ask your problem here...10:01
koustuvcannot find the application called "dash"10:01
Stanley00koustuv: what is it for?10:01
Myrttidefault shell :-\10:02
koustuvdunno saw it in 'new features' of ubuntu that dash is used to search items10:02
knightstalkerdo you see the ubuntu icon in the left side of your monitor?10:03
koustuvbut clicking it didnt help10:03
Myrttiit is a terminal shell, koustuv10:03
knightstalkerkoustuv,nothing opened? oO10:03
koustuvthe 'applications' opened10:03
koustuvand nothing else10:03
knightstalkerwhat version of Ubuntu you are using btw?10:04
koustuvubuntu 11.0410:04
kurt_Guys, why is it when I convert from .WAV audio files into any other format using "SoundKonverter" all the tags are removed and the end audio files have "no name" etc10:05
Stanley00koustuv: well, what do you think dash will do?10:05
kurt_It only happens if i convert from .Wav if i convert from smething else liek .FLAC tags are left intact10:05
koustuvdash is supposed to search items..10:05
azzorcistthegladiator: i just test it by myself. yes, cat won't work. sorry. openshot can.10:05
koustuvin ur px10:05
knightstalkerkoustuv,yeah,it does,type things :p10:05
YBH_1Any one here into penguin sex voyerism?10:05
oCeanYBH_1: please stop that10:06
koustuvbut why i am not getting it? :P10:06
oCean!guidelines | YBH_110:06
ubottuYBH_1: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:06
Stanley00koustuv: then, press <meta>+f, I think10:06
kurt_anyone know why my audio convert tool removes tags from .wav files when converted ?10:06
koustuvmeta + f?? whats f?10:06
Stanley00koustuv: Dash is what you get when you press <meta> or <window> or <supper> :))10:07
koustuvpressed it many a times.. didnt work :P10:07
Stanley00koustuv: Can you see unity launch-bar on the left side?10:08
koustuvall i see a top panel which has apllications, places, system  and indicators10:09
Stanley00koustuv: did you do a fresh install or an upgrade?10:09
koustuvfresh install10:09
koustuvi am a linux newbie :P10:09
Stanley00koustuv: OK, I see10:09
knightstalkerkoustuv,you are on classic mode?10:09
knightstalkertop panel is on classic view10:09
devishi recently formatted i ntfs parttion to make it to ext4 but now its not recognise by partioner at start what to do?10:09
koustuvno,not now..10:09
koustuvdont think so10:09
koustuvbecause its all glossy and stuff, not like a classic one10:10
devishwhile formatting with gparted does the table loses10:10
Stanley00koustuv: It's fall-back mode, in case you dont like classic stuff10:10
kurt_anyone know why my tags are removed from .wav music files when they get converted ?10:10
devishhow to check10:10
koustuvthen what to do?10:11
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:11
Stanley00koustuv: do you have any video card?10:11
koustuvstanley: no, all i have internal 64mb10:11
devishany one ?10:11
Stanley00koustuv: that's the reason, unity need more resoource...10:12
knightstalkerkoustuv,you should note that if your hardware is weak it will automatically switch to classic10:12
knightstalkerkoustuv,if Jockey(Additional Drivers) cant find any solution,then I wont know anyways regarding running unity on your hardware10:12
Stanley00koustuv: you can try unity-2d, it looks the same as unity, but dont need vodeo card10:13
koustuvoh.. so should i switch to previous versions of ubuntu like 10.4 or should i continue with 11.04?10:13
awise12!hi matrixiumn10:13
YBH_1what is the best porn viewer for Linux?10:13
koustuvstanley: ya thnx good advice..saw a link somewhre of unity 2d10:13
knightstalkerkoustuv,you should be fine with 11.04,as ubuntu will keep you on classic =),you can also go to login manager and completely switch to GNOME 2.x so it simply looks like 10.04,just a little more polished10:14
Stanley00koustuv: just run "sudo apt-get install unity-2d" and wait... ;)10:14
* macer1 say hi10:14
koustuvwill do that10:15
koustuvthnx guys .. :) :)10:15
knightstalkerwelcome :p10:16
bullgard4_[Natty, GNOME 2] What is the filename of  a kind of GNOME error log? (It is not in the /var/log/ directory). If I remember right, it or its directory starts with a dot (for "hidden").10:16
kurt_does anyone know why my program "SoundKonverter" loses all audio information such as artist, track name track number etc when I convert from .Wav ?10:16
tsimpsonbullgard4_: ~/.xsession-errors (in your $HOME)10:17
koustuv@stanley: one more qs, if i want can i unistall unity 2d later?10:17
kurt_the output files are titled "Unkown artist-unknown track" etc10:17
Stanley00koustuv: surely you can10:17
koustuvwhre from?10:17
kurt_anyonw ?10:17
Stanley00koustuv: just run "sudo apt-get remove unity-2d"10:18
matrixiumncan I use pen drive linux on a u3 smart drive?10:18
koustuvcool..thnx a lot again :)10:18
Stanley00koustuv: you are welcome :)10:18
kurt_matrixiumn, im just guessin but i think you should be able to10:19
kurt_if you remove all the u3 stuff and turn it into a normal memory stick10:19
bullgard4_tsimpson: Yes indeed! Thank you very much for your help.10:19
kurt_does anyone know why my program "SoundKonverter" loses all audio information such as artist, track name track number etc when I convert from .Wav ?10:20
kurt_the output files are titled "Unkown artist-unknown track" etc10:20
=== matrixiumn is now known as CHUCK_NORRIS
kurt_or are .wav files not tagged ?10:22
kurt_or do i need to rip audio from my cd's another way for the wav to be tagged correctly ?10:22
azzorcisthow to prevent black screen with intel kms? i refuse to use nomodeset all the time10:22
=== CHUCK_NORRIS is now known as CHUCKNORRIS
hplpbkurt_: as far as I know .wav files don't contain tags10:23
taffflashhi guys10:23
kurt_so thats my problem lol10:23
hplpbkurt_: does the program you use rip and encode to other formats or just do wav?10:24
Malangmic is not working on ubuntu what to do10:24
kurt_it encodes to .flac and .mp3 and .wavpack10:24
MalangI have already installed alsamixer10:24
Malangbut not working10:24
taffflashIm having a notebook issue,I got dual boot on this notbook and cant boot into win xp or ubuntu, The GNU screen comes up with Grub is it? how can I boot into it?10:24
kurt_I wanted to use .wav if possible since its uncompressed lossless quality, i want top quality for my music on this laptop lol10:25
andrew_46kurt_: Consider using flac perhaps10:25
hplpbkurt_: flac10:25
kurt_ok a quick question though10:25
kurt_flac is supposed to be lossless right, but it compresses :s if it compresses wont there be quality loss ?10:26
hplpbkurt_: or you could have it format the filenames with the artist, album, track info, etc if it does that10:26
_Flyin dentify ilovemay10:26
NetAmpHello people - any Grub(2) experts in here?10:27
kurt_is flac definatly lossless with 0 quality loss ? since it shaves like 10-15MB of my tracks10:27
* NetAmp kinda messed up his boot loader *sigh*10:27
hplpbkurt_: I'd give flac a try.. I still prefer mp3 because of the size, but flac sounds excellent IMO.. try ripping to flac and wav and compare them10:27
Stanley00NetAmp: just ask your question, someone may know the answer10:27
* NetAmp tried to install grub again, then update it. Still, only the grub> prompt will show at boot time :-(10:28
hplpbI really dont' notice a difference, but my ears aren't all that great, lol10:28
kurt_thanks for your time :) think i should be using flac instead then if tags work properly :P10:28
kurt_lol ok10:28
NetAmpGrub will not show me the selection menu.10:28
sunilhow to save password automatically in ubuntu 11.0410:28
sqrt7744I'm on 11.10 beta, but can't seem to get the proprietary nvidia drivers working... either through the "additional drivers" GUI, or through the command line. X won't start, unless I delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf and let nouveau take over. My card is: nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce 9500 GT] (rev a1). Has anyone had a similar problem?10:28
Stanley00NetAmp: did you try update-grub ?10:28
awise12NetAmp: try http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/124210:28
krasnozerhi, i'd like to do a minimal install (debian netinstall-style), whith full disk encryption, which ubuntu iso should i get ?10:28
taffflashIm having a notebook issue,I got dual boot on this notbook and cant boot into win xp or ubuntu, The GNU screen comes up with Grub is it? how can I boot into it?10:29
Malangcan someone give me the link to backtrack channel10:29
Stanley00krasnozer: it's depend, netboot or alternate will be good10:29
IdleOne!minimal | krasnozer10:29
ubottukrasnozer: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:29
sunilhow to save username and password automatically in ubuntu11.0410:29
awise12!backtrack | Malang10:29
ubottuMalang: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:29
NetAmpStanley00: Yes I tried update-grub (after 'chroot'-ing from my Live CD), and it found the OS'es installed10:30
krasnozernetboot requires network at install i presume ?10:30
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IdleOnekrasnozer: correct10:30
NetAmpStanley00: But somehow that dit not restore the boot menu...10:30
Stanley00krasnozer: yes, but it's just down lode what you need, and no more10:30
sqrt7744taffflash, you should just be able to select the OS you want and press enter. Do you get error messages?10:30
morthoCean: is there some sort of "locate video /media/namehere/" ? i want to locate all files but in /media/namehere instead of EVERYTHING.10:31
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taffflashsqrt7744 i cant boot into xp or ubuntu10:31
Stanley00NetAmp: hmm, strange...10:31
NetAmpawise12: That web page is more like a brainstorm/feature-request place :-\10:32
* NetAmp will have to ponder this some more...10:32
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jrib!away > NetAmp|AFK10:32
ubottuNetAmp|AFK, please see my private message10:32
azzorcisttaffflash chroot and do grub-install?10:33
taffflashim getting a gnu grub screen10:36
azzorcisttaffflash i mean reinstall grub10:36
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taffflashhow can i boot into it?10:36
taffflashhow can i reinstall grub10:36
morthhow do i locate something in a specific folder -ie: locate video /media/namehere, i want to locate all the videos in /media/namehere.10:36
Stanley00taffflash: here you are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:37
Malanghow to install .rpm via shell10:37
Stanley00morth: try find command10:37
MyrttiMalang: what are you installing?10:37
RistovskiI need help10:37
RistovskiI cant run any program10:38
azzorcisttaffflash u use livecd and mount the partition and chroot to it10:38
Malangit is an .rpm package file10:38
Ristovskion my ubuntu 10.0410:38
Ristovskiplease help!10:38
knightstalkerMalang,Ubuntu is Debian based,try to find Debian equivalent of the rpm software if not you should go the dirty way and use softwares like alien10:38
Stanley00!enter | Ristovski10:38
ubottuRistovski: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:38
taffflashi not got a cdrom10:38
knightstalker.rpm is used by RedHat based distros(CentOS and...)10:38
taffflashits a netbook10:38
MalangI have install alien but alien is not working for me. :D10:38
MyrttiMalang: the reason I'm asking is that if it is possible to find the application in another form like debian package or in the package management, then use those instead of rpm10:38
morthStanley00: How would i use the find command with what im looking for - video /media/namehere10:38
Ristovskianyone help me please?10:38
oCeanRistovski: try to describe your issue (detailed, and what you tried to fix it) in a single line in the channel10:38
knightstalkerMalang,yeah,thats why its dirty10:39
azzorcisttaffflash use usb flashdisk with unetbootin10:39
taffflashok how do i do that?10:39
Malangyeah It is dirty, I don't wanna lose this application, what should I do now?10:39
Stanley00morth: I dont know much, some thing like cd to /media/somewhere, and then file -iname "file pattern"10:39
Stanley00morth: s/file/find :D10:39
=== bl4ckcomb|bnc is now known as bl4ckcomb
oCeanMalang: alien is not supported. Try to find the software in a debian package10:40
MalangCan you please give me the link of Blackhat channel, sorry to say but I am new to linux and new to IRC. :P10:41
hplpbany opinions on what would be best for a netbook? ubuntu (unity), lubuntu, or xubuntu?10:41
Stanley00Malang: try /msg alis help10:41
MalangMy learning progress of learning linux is fantastic that is why I love linux.10:41
morthblackhat hackers?10:42
oCean!alias | Malang10:42
oCean!alis | Malang10:42
ubottuMalang: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*10:42
Jackneillwhat is X? when i trying to install emacs i get error, i need to install X10:42
knightstalkerX is display manager10:43
Stanley00Jackneill: yep!10:43
knightstalkerYep,its packages under xorg10:43
knightstalkerin Debian/Ubuntu packages10:43
Jackneillso i need to install xorg10:43
jribJackneill: if you don't want X.org, look for the emacs package with "nox" in it10:43
Jackneilli run gnome on ubuntu 11.04, why i need xorg?10:44
jribJackneill: you already have X.org then.10:44
Jackneillbut the ./configure fails with that error10:44
MyrttiJackneill: because xorg is what gives you pretty colours and a mouse cursor instead of a black screen with white text and a blinking text cursor10:44
jribJackneill: why are you not using a package manager to install emacs?10:44
Jackneillchecking for X... no10:44
Jackneillchecking for X... true10:44
Jackneillgood question jrib10:45
jribJackneill: :D  yes, use apt10:45
knightstalkeryou do not have development headers then10:45
knightstalkeror something like that10:45
Jackneillmyrtti: ok i'll install xorg10:45
Jackneillsudo apt-get install emacs?10:45
knightstalkerlol,or that10:45
knightstalkerbut I think the reason it doesn't find xorg is not that xorg doesn't exist,its because libx11-dev is not there10:46
knightstalkerWhen I compiled ages ago,stuff failed not because the main thing wasn't there,but because development headers were not existant10:46
Jackneillso i need to install libx11-dev too10:47
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jribJackneill: no, just install emacs through apt10:47
Jackneilli did10:47
knightstalkerJackneill,if you don't want to go through apt10:47
jribJackneill: then you are done.10:48
Jackneillok, thanks10:48
knightstalkeryep,then you are done,you need x11 dev when you want to compile from source10:48
carreraGreetings!  :)10:48
=== No1 is now known as UbuN2
CHUCKNORRISdo I have to uninstall the u3 software?10:52
Serythhow do I set a screensaver?10:55
MalangCan we install backtrack tools in ubuntu? if yes than how?10:58
popeyMalang: backtrack is not supported here, they have their own support channel, which I believe is ##backtrack-linux10:59
jribthat's an ubuntu question though :/10:59
popeyjrib: feel free to answer it then11:00
jribMalang: do you know the specific programs you want to install.  I think most (all?) are in ubuntu's repositories11:00
No1why are everyone pinging11:00
No1me included11:00
MyrttiMalang: if you install applications from Backtrack repositories, it can break your system, and we can't help you if you do11:03
awise12Malang: watch www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sHKQSiZYog11:03
Djackiequestion >> I want to change the boot sequence from XP to ubuntu, I remember doing this in /boot/grub/menu.lst, unfortunatelw I dont have a menu.lst at this location (anymore) any clue ?11:04
jrib!grub | Djackie11:04
ubottuDjackie: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:04
morthokay so heres the problem, im trying to access my folder which i had a Shortcut.lnk how would i open it in linux, im trying to figure out where it goes because i believe that's where my video folder is :S11:05
jribmorth: open it in a text editor11:05
thunsuckermorth, it will give you a path11:06
DjackieI dont have lost grub -.-11:06
morthjrib: Could not open the file /media/6858AAA458AA710C/…ies/Videos - Shortcut.lnk.11:06
thunsuckermorth, something like /home/user/videos11:06
jribDjackie: read the link about configuring grub11:06
jribmorth: how did you try?11:06
David__i have ibm A30 (it has only USB 1.0) and on it ubuntu 10.04, when i plug edimax ew-7318ug it dmesg shows : new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2 and then device descriptor read/64, error -71. In ubuntu 10.04 should are drivers rt73usb, rt2500usb . Does anyone knows how to lower USB speed, or what is wrong ?11:06
morthjrib: right clicked the videos-shortcut.lnk and selected open with text editor.11:07
jribmorth: this is from your windows partition right?11:07
morthjrib: correct11:07
Johnny_GigglesI have a webcam built into my laptop.  Is there a program that allows me to record a video from that webcam?11:07
jribmorth: what is the full error message?11:07
morthjrib: gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.11:07
morthPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.11:07
morthSelect a character encoding from the menu and try again.11:07
jribmorth: open it in nano11:08
morthsorry for spam, thought it would stay in 1 line.11:08
thunsuckerDavid__, this is for ubuntu 9.04 but it should still work: http://www.jcrdevelopments.com/tags/ubuntu/installing-edimax-ew-7318ug-wireless-usb-dongle-ubuntu-90411:08
David__thanks i will try11:08
morthjrib: nano?11:08
Johnny_Gigglesnano is the best text editor11:09
* Johnny_Giggles dons flame proof suit11:09
jribmorth: in a terminal: nano /path/to/file11:09
thunsuckermorth, right click on the shortcut and go to properties, look for the "Location"11:09
awise12!skyperecording | Johnny_Giggles11:09
ubottuJohnny_Giggles: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:09
David__thunsucker, i try it, but first, my computer does not recognize it11:09
thunsuckermorth, Oops I mean look for the "Link Target"11:09
Johnny_Gigglesawise12: So Skype can just record a video?  I'm not talking about having a video chat11:09
David__lsusb shows only Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub11:10
thunsuckerDavid__, then there is a good chance that is a usb 2.0 only device11:10
David__it worked on the computer few years ago11:11
thunsuckerDavid__, but continue with the instructions on the page, never know it might work ;)11:11
awise12Johnny_Giggles: try to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SkypeRecordingHowto might help ;)11:11
David__thunsucker, ok11:11
thunsuckerDavid__, you have updated your 10.04 install correct?11:12
horisIs there an xbuntu channel?11:12
jpdshoris: #xubuntu ?11:12
David__thunsucker, you mean all updates ? not yet11:12
morththunsucker: i see Location but not Link Target.11:12
horisjoinchannel #xubuntu11:13
David__i will try and then return11:13
thunsuckerDavid__, ubuntu has drivers for ew-7318ug out of the box11:13
thunsuckerDavid__, so you need to make sure to do a sudo apt-get update and then a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, reboot and try again11:13
Tixosguys, is there a pptp GUI for ubuntu?11:14
thunsuckermorth, are you trying to locate what the shortcut was pointing to?11:14
morththunsucker: yep11:15
awise12!pptp > Tixos11:15
Tixosthanks? :P11:16
Tixosive got pptp-linux installed, but there only seems to be a network manager plugin for it, which has very little options ...11:16
=== bl4ckcomb|bnc is now known as bl4ckcomb
awise12Tixos have you tried http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-ubuntu.phtml11:17
Tixosim looking at that at the moment,11:17
Tixosbut  pptpconfig does not work11:17
morththunsucker: yes, i am trying to figure out where the shortcut was pointing to.11:17
Tixoshmm, its not in repos maybe11:17
awise12Tixos: pptp is not good read http://www.schneier.com/pptp.html11:18
Tixosi dont have a choice, the provider has screwed me over11:18
Tixosmy other vpns are all openvpn11:18
tataHi, I am new here, on linux, ubuntu,and need some help about my video problem11:19
thunsuckermorth, you are running linux right?11:19
morththunsucker: ubuntu yes,11:19
thunsuckermorth, it's possible that the path doesn't exist anymore, which would be why the shortcut doesn't work. is there something that you're specificially looking for/11:20
awise12morth : do you want to find a file ?11:20
morththunsucker: yes im looking for my videos but i cant remember where they are.11:21
thunsuckermorth, do you know what kind of videos they are? is the extension .avi or something similiar?11:21
morththunsucker: all kinds avi, wmv etc11:22
awise12morth : read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles11:22
thunsuckermorth, try a search for them, this command should work: sudo find / | grep *.avi11:22
tatais anybody help me about fullscreen problem?''11:22
awise12morth : also locate filename.filetype does the same11:23
vanquish449i screwed up compiz11:24
morthhow about something like, /media/namehere - list all videos? or smallest to biggest files etc11:24
vanquish449and i acdently restarted my computer11:24
vanquish449how can i reanble it11:24
BobSaget69I am setting up a ubuntu server and I need help is the right channel to be in?11:25
StevenRBobSaget69: yes. There's also #ubuntu-server11:26
awise12BobSaget69: #ubuntu-server11:26
vanquish449please i really need help11:27
vanquish449i need to be able to start compz from command line11:28
thunsuckertata, post your problem11:29
tatawhy I cant sea fullscrean good, on you tube, video is like a slide show, why?11:29
KnightmareHi, I have a audio problem, can't get it to work, the card is detected and the correct driver is loaded11:29
awise12vanquish449: click Click on "Systems" on the task bar to bring up the System menu. From the System menu select "Preferences". From the Preference menu select "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings11:30
vanquish449i cant11:30
vanquish449awise12: i accidently messed somthing up and the task bar isnt showing up11:30
vanquish449or anything11:30
vanquish449so i need to start it from terminal to fix it11:30
thunsuckertata, did you try turning the youtube video settings?11:31
awise12vanquish449: update-menus in terminal11:31
tatano, how?11:31
vanquish449awise12: ok11:32
vanquish449i think i got it11:32
vanquish449cssm from terminal and just set the settings back11:32
awise12vanquish449: nice11:32
thunsuckertata, in the bottom right it will say som,ething like "360p" click that11:32
morthsometimes when i put a command out and if it displays too much stuff i can't scroll all the way up, is there a way to have a never-ending terminal;scroll sort of speak?11:33
awise12vanquish449: I wish I can use compiz :(11:33
=== David is now known as Guest4165
awise12morth : use | less after the command11:34
Stanley00morth: yes, you can, edit in profiles11:34
tataok wait11:34
=== marcelo is now known as Guest32446
Guest32446I am tring to change the hostname of my machine with the command hostname, but on each reboot it comes back to the old name, why?11:35
Stanley00morth: Edit\profile settings... look up for scrolling tab, tick on Unlimited11:36
morthStanley00: found it, thanks.11:36
Guest4165i have updated, still no change11:36
Stanley00morth: but remember that is not a good idea, since it may use many memory, try less is a better habit11:37
Guest4165i do not think, that not seeing device in lsusb is good and reinstalling driver will help itt11:37
tataok and...11:37
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:38
RistovskiI installed ubuntu on USB using UnetBootin ut ti wont boot! I changed first boot device to Removable Dev. in bios11:38
Guest4165how can i change guest to previous name?11:38
yeatsGuest4165: you have to change it in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, then run '/etc/init.d/hostname.sh' (or reboot11:38
awise12Guest4165: type /nick previousname11:39
=== Guest4165 is now known as David__
David__awise12, thanks11:39
Ristovskiany help please? Im really pissed off im triying to boot it for 3 hours11:39
awise12David__: no problem11:39
yeatsDavid__: sorry - wrong "Guest" - meant that for someone else who has apparently left the channel11:40
Sidewinder1Ristovski, Did you md5sum the ISO image, prior to installing it on USB?11:40
RistovskiSidewinder1 : nope , how to do that?11:41
Sidewinder1!md5sum | Ristovski11:41
ubottuRistovski: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:41
Sidewinder1!hashes | Ristovski11:41
David__awise12, do you know what is wrong with my edimax ew7318ug, i did not remember how I fixed it the previous time, but know i connect it in ubuntu 10.04 on IMB A30 and lsusb shows nothing11:41
ubottuRistovski: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.11:41
David__awise12, can it by also drivers problem ?11:41
awise12David__: sorry no idea maybe someone will help you if you stay much longer11:42
RistovskiSidewinder1 : nope , how to do that1 : I dont know how to do that!11:42
David__awise12, ok11:42
Sidewinder1Ristovski, If you're burning the ISO to CD/DVD, prior to installing to USB, make sure that you burn it at the slowest speed.11:43
RistovskiEhh Im using live cd11:43
RistovskiI dont have ubuntu on installed11:44
Ristovskialso I burned at 8x11:44
=== Timvde is now known as Glowball
RistovskiSideWinder1 : what should I do?11:45
David__how can i create a file blacklist.conf in etc ?11:46
RistovskiI mean it started to see the USB (in bios) then it booted windows instead11:46
awise12David__: I have you tried http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gui-installer-for-rt73-ralink-devices-beta.html11:46
Sidewinder1Ristovski, This link may have the answers to your problem and other questions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php11:46
morthis there a "ls -lSr" but for ALL the files of the computer? not just the directory that i'm in?11:46
RistovskiSideWinder1 : tried didnt help11:46
learneris there any software to pasword protect a folder in ubuntu?11:47
Sidewinder1Ristovski, Then it may be a bad install on the USB; Did you try to reinstall?11:47
awise12morth: installing searchmonkey will also help apt-get install searchmonkey11:47
rumpe1morth, du -h | sort -h | less   (sorted list of all files starting from . )11:47
Th3_DudEHey Guys, Just a quick question. How do I use Tor with Ubuntu? Can it be downloaded from the software centre?11:47
RistovskiSideWinder1 : 4 times11:47
Ristovskiusing warious methods11:48
Th3_DudEnvm found it11:49
morthrumpe1: is there a way i can do like /media/namehere du -h | sort -h | less11:49
RistovskiSideWinder1 : help please?11:49
Sidewinder1Well, perhaps the UDB is incomparable (doubtful), or a BIOS issue; I know, you said you already reset the BIOS. Perhaps someone else would be better to help you trouble-shoot; sorry... :-(11:50
learnerTh3_DudE, is better you ad the tor source and install it..11:50
Stanley00learner: gpg is a good choice :D11:50
awise12Th3_DudE: apt-get install vidalia might help11:50
Sidewinder1USB, even...11:50
vltHello. I added an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS machine to landcsape and triggered a restart. The restart action is listed as pending and the "cancel" button is gray. Why doesn't it restart now and how can I prevent a surptising restart on Monday morning?11:50
tatathunsucker: what now?11:50
jetscreamercatch a console and hit ctrl alt del ?11:50
learnerStanley00, can we password protect any folder wit gpg?11:51
morthawise12: alright sweet thanks, i think this might work!11:51
awise12morth: no problem11:51
Stanley00learner: I just heard about it, never use that tool before,11:51
Stanley00learner: I am the only user on my pc:D11:52
learnerStanley00, ok thanks for thr support11:52
Stanley00learner: info gpg is your friend :D11:52
David__thanks to everyone i surrender it11:52
vltIs there a landscape support channel?11:53
BluesKajhowdy all11:54
Sidewinder1Ristovski, Unfortunately I've only installed to USB once and it worked flawlessly so I never really had to trouble-shoot. Someone else, more knowledgeable will probably chime in if you describe your problem once again. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.11:54
Sidewinder1Mornin' Blue11:54
RistovskiSideWinder1 : I cant say everything again Im tired of triyng to install11:54
Sidewinder1Ristovski, I understand your frustration. :-(11:55
awise12bye all11:57
nmvictorHi, my vlc (1.1.11, The Luggage) is broken. Audio and Video are not in sycn, I am running it on Natty Narwhal. Anyone with a fix to this?11:58
auronandace!ppa | nmvictor12:00
ubottunmvictor: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa12:00
RistovskiSideWinder1 : also why cant Iu run apps on my ubuntu?12:01
RistovskiSideWinder1 : ?12:02
Sidewinder1Ristovski, Certain programs, like installing things are sometimes not persistent when running Live CD.12:03
RistovskiThats why I need my ubuntu on USB12:03
nmvictorauronandace: whats all that for, I know ppa. I tried changing ppa, in fact the version I mentioned is from ppa:n-muench/vlc ppa and its still behaving the same way.12:03
auronandacenmvictor: re-read the warning12:04
Stanley00nmvictor: it means if you have some problems with ppa, dont ask for support here, I think ;)12:04
Sidewinder1Ristovski, If you're having problems running many programs (non-install), perhaps it IS a bad download of the ISO; that's why one shouls always md5sum the image after download.12:04
Sidewinder1should, even.12:05
RistovskiOnly some programs12:05
RistovskiI mean nothing happens12:05
Sidewinder1Ristovski, Which programs?12:06
Ristovskilike The-powder-toy12:06
Ristovskiand others12:07
Sidewinder1Ristovski, Never heard of that one, sorry. I run 10.04 Lucid Lynx.12:07
RistovskiIts downlodable12:08
Ristovski10.04.03 LTS?12:08
Ristovskii have the same version12:08
Ristovskias you12:08
auronandace!usb | Ristovski12:10
ubottuRistovski: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:10
Sidewinder1Ristovski, Please keep in mind Live CD is primarily for TRYING Ubuntu; checking that video, sound, and other variables. If your problem is the USB install... I can't help further. :-(12:11
nmvictorauronandace: Sidewinder1: Ubuntu does not support the non-ppa vlc or what? We have a vlc version that is is packages.ubuntu.com, I guess thats not in a ppa, Well that vlc also had the same problem, so could we talk about that?12:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:11
tataristovski: da li se razumemo?12:11
RistovskiSiedWinder1 : is there a chance something cn crew up if I install ubuntu?12:11
Ristovskitata :da?12:11
auronandacenmvictor: why not use the vlc in the repos?12:11
tatamožeš li mi nešto objasniti, ja sam nov sa linuxom12:12
=== raven is now known as Guest55840
nmvictorU dint get me, I used that initially and it had the same problemso i turned 2 ppa hoping 2 resolve  the problem and still no luck.12:12
Ristovskitata :ok12:12
Sidewinder1Ristovski, You should read fully: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php  And understand exactly what you need to know and go from there.12:13
auronandacenmvictor: ahh, sorry12:13
auronandacenmvictor: what are you trying to play with vlc?12:13
CT1Hi.  How can I have a @reboot cron job start *after* everything else has started (namely "vboxdrv: Successfully loaded version 4.1.2 (interface 0x00190000).")12:14
tatanemogu da gledam fullscreen na you tubu-u, kad to uključim slika mi bude kao fotografije, kao slide show12:14
tatao čemu se tu radi12:14
Ristovskitata : neam pojma12:14
Ristovskiprobaj reinstalirati flash player12:14
Sidewinder1Ristovski, It also looks like this might have your answer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:14
nmvictorauronandace: ok, i just purged that ppa, im gonna fallback to the repo version so we can talk on the same line. Ah, with vlc am trying to play anything from .mp4, .avi to movies (.vob) and they all have that flaw.12:15
tatamisliš adobe?12:15
tataok, sad mi je adobe 10.3...12:15
tatadali isti?12:15
vlt!hr | tata12:16
ubottutata: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala.  Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr12:16
tataok, hvala12:16
auronandacenmvictor: hmm, i've never had a problem with vlc (i'd suspect the files you are playing, but it sounds that they used to work fine)12:17
Striker3070how do you upgrade the transmission bit torrent client on 11.04?12:19
auronandace!latest | Striker307012:19
ubottuStriker3070: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:19
Striker3070<ubottu> so if I am getting errors during use that asks me to update, I should ignore12:20
Monotokoubottu is a bot12:21
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.12:21
Gentoo64Striker3070, you need transmission ppa12:21
Striker3070Gentoo64 , how do i add that ppa12:22
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates12:22
CHUCKNORRISit fixed it's self12:23
CHUCKNORRISoh sorry wrong channel12:25
jforjackjohnsonbah darn me12:32
MrSassyPantshow do I create a windows network share in xubuntu (xfce4) (samba or whatever) url to howto would be appreciated12:34
auronandace!samba | MrSassyPants12:35
ubottuMrSassyPants: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:35
Ristovskican I copy casper-rw from Usb o DVD to use persistency on dvd?12:36
MrSassyPantsauronandace, is there a guy that saves me time consuming file editing?12:36
MrSassyPantsnot guy12:36
[DeVil-BoY]what could cause xine to fail decoding video after fast forward a video file12:37
auronandaceMrSassyPants: sorry, i don't know, i've never needed samba12:37
joeSimpsonI want to run a cpu intensive task when the computer is ide and vice versa , Any suggestions ?12:38
[DeVil-BoY]is it a known bug? can someone point me in the right direction?12:38
usr13MrSassyPants: It's not that difficult, roll up your sleaves and get your hands dirty.12:39
Ristovskican I copy casper-rw from Usb o DVD to use persistency on dvd?12:40
MrSassyPantsusr13, I'm meaning to make a vm, and if I couldn't remember myself how to create / mount a share, how would the other idiots who aren't used to ubuntu do it? fail.12:41
pietrang77hello ALL !! there is some one can help me on routing table?12:41
ben_I'm just installing Natty with full-disk encryption. Does this mean the swap partition will be encrypted - with one-time random keys, specifically?12:42
soreaupietrang77: Not unless you ask..12:42
vltben_: Usually the whole disk is encrypted using one key, including swap12:42
soreaupietrang77: ##networking might be a better channel12:42
Ristovskican I copy casper-rw from Usb o DVD to use persistency on dvd?12:43
pietrang77thanks soreau, but not body responce me!12:43
ben_vlt: There was no way I could see to set up random one-time keys for the swap. Presumably I can do this after the installation?12:43
soreaupietrang77: Ah yes, you may have to be more patient there12:44
soreaupietrang77: What is your question?12:44
vltben_: To be more precise: You end up with two partitions on your disk. One is used for grub and the kernel to boot, the second one is fully encrypted and holds all other "partition" (devices) as LVM volumes.12:45
Ristovskiill try to boot from USB12:45
usr13!samba | MrSassyPants12:45
ubottuMrSassyPants: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:45
vltben_: A different approach would be to first use LVM and then encrypt every single volume (you want to).12:45
=== quizmasterash1 is now known as quizmasterash
vltben_: Then you could use one-time random keys for swap.12:46
pietrang77soreau: i go to internet with pp0 and i need go to local network wit wlan0, but is impossible, ping on wlan0 not responce12:46
pietrang77if i ping google is ok12:46
vltben_: Or to do double encryption, of course.12:46
SoftarPaulHi everyone! I'm trying to run OpenSSH on my Ubuntu, so I can give "Tesla" permission to connect with my PC. But when I run the SSH, nothing happens12:46
pietrang77if pp0 is connected sndmsg responce "operation not permitted" if pp0 is not connected to internet, ping responce "host unreachable"12:47
MyrttiSoftarPaul: how are you running it and what happens? can you paste the outcome to pastebin?12:47
ben_vlt: Thanks for the help. I'll have to use double-encryption because it's already installing now. Unless volume encryption can be altered afterward?12:48
SoftarPaulMyrtti: I'm trying to run it via terminal12:48
MyrttiSoftarPaul: how12:48
Johnny_GigglesI've installed Skype on my laptop.  How am I supposed to use it to record a video?12:48
soreaupietrang77: Do you want to share the connection?12:48
vltben_: What are you actually trying to achieve?12:48
SoftarPaulMyrtti: http://pastebin.com/qHVrGv1K That's the error12:48
SoftarPaulMyrtti: "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start"12:49
pietrang77soreau: no, i don't want share connection, i want all thetraffic with class 100.100.100.x go on wlan012:49
MyrttiSoftarPaul: so what happens if you do what the error message suggests you to do?12:49
soreaupietrang77: You probably want to set the wlan0 interface up as an AP and let the other component connect to it instead of the other way around..12:49
MyrttiSoftarPaul: SSH should start automatically, tho12:49
vltben_: Do you want contents of swap device being unreadable after reboot?12:49
ben_vlt: that's exactly what /i want12:49
SoftarPaulMyrtti: I don't get the error-message... What should I do?12:50
pietrang77soreau: yes12:50
MyrttiSoftarPaul: sudo service ssh start12:50
usr13MrSassyPants: To launch SWAT just run your favorite web browser and point it at "http://localhost:901/"12:50
SoftarPaulMyrtti: start: Job is already running: ssh12:50
MyrttiSoftarPaul: then it is already running, congratulations12:51
MrSassyPantsusr13, I'm missing some part of that conversation, this is the first reference to swat I hear12:51
MrSassyPantsah wait, I just opened the urls12:51
vltben_: Two possible solutions: Either double encrypt or (if you swap often, what shouldn't be the case on a properly configured machine) create a third partition and configure it as random key swap device.12:51
MrSassyPantsdidn't actually read the text >_>12:52
usr13MrSassyPants: sudo apt-get install swat12:52
=== root is now known as Guest43429
vltben_: For the latter you'll have to shrink the encrypted device (and all its logical columes before) either from initrd shell or better from a live CD (like grml.org).12:53
ben_vlt: The second one feels tidier. So once the install's finished, I'll resize my encrypted data-partition, make a new swap in the free space & set it up for one-time key encryption. Then I'll get ubuntu to use that rather than the original swap within the encrypted data-partition12:53
=== Guest43429 is now known as Mitnik85
usr13SoftarPaul: Do you have openssh-server installed on the server side?12:55
v4nelleguys anybody who knows java?12:55
usr13SoftarPaul: sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:55
theadminv4nelle: Ask in the appropriate channel, likely #java12:55
Myrttiusr13: you're a bit late12:55
ben_vlt: OK, thanks. Is it easy to tell ubuntu to use the new swap partition rather than its original one? How do I get rid of the original one within the main encrypted partition?12:55
usr13Myrtti: Oh, sorry12:56
SoftarPaulMyrtti: I can't connect with Tesla...12:56
vltben_: You _can_ do it from within the running system too. But I doubt the running kernel will accept changes to the partition layout while using one partition as source device for LUKS.12:56
vltben_: Just edit /etc/fstab12:56
MyrttiSoftarPaul: Tesla is what, SSH software?12:56
SoftarPaulMyrtti: Kind of, it is a remote12:56
usr13remote what?12:56
ben_vlt: OK. I've got a LiveCD laying around I can use12:56
vltben_: Replace the old swap line by your new one. and edit /etc/crypttab to load your one-time random swap device before12:56
SoftarPaulusr13: For controlling VLC etc.12:57
ben_vlt: Ok, there will be instructions somewhere on how to do that12:57
usr13SoftarPaul: You need to turn on the VNC server?12:57
vltben_: This is an example from my /etc/crypttab: "swap    /dev/mapper/vg_cooper-swap      /dev/urandom    swap"12:57
MyrttiSoftarPaul: could you give an URL to that app, I'm having difficulties grasping what you are aiming at12:58
vltben_: This is crypt-on-lvm, not full disk12:58
=== ajf|offline is now known as ajf
ben_vlt: I sort of understand. LVM is quite new to me so I'm feeling my way around12:59
SoftarPaulMyrtti: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/android-tesla/wiki/Instructions12:59
systemclientI am in a public wifi, do I need a firewall or something like that?12:59
vltben_: LVM is one of the greatest things I discoverd in the recent years.12:59
and7eyHi all! Need your help to compile openzwave-control-panel (http://code.google.com/p/openzwave-control-panel/source/browse/) Ubuntu 10.04. Now I am getting an error that file is not found - http://askubuntu.com/questions/59972/how-to-compile-openzwave-control-panel-on-ubuntu-10-0412:59
PsiKloPxg'morning, is it possible to change the default email client to Thunderbird in the messaging menu? I've already made the change in 'Preferred Applications' but the messaging menu will only launch Evolution.12:59
theadminsystemclient: Ubuntu has a built-in firewall called iptables. You normally do not need to worry about setting it up.12:59
theadminPsiKloPx: No, Thunderbird isn't a part of Gnome so doesn't integrate with the menues13:00
ben_vlt: I'll need to do some reading on it I think.13:00
theadminPsiKloPx: You may google around and end up finding some dirty hack, though13:00
MyrttiSoftarPaul: so are you with the Tesla and the PC with ssh in the same network?13:00
PsiKloPxtheadmin: Thanks, guess I'll have to wait for .10...Google wasn't much help...13:00
vltben_: LVM is one or more devices in, one or more devices out. Resizing, renaming, taking snapshots can be done all while the machine is running.13:00
systemclientPsiKloPx: dirty hack could be to replace /usr/bin/evolution with a link to thunderbord13:01
systemclienttheadmin: okay, so my computer would be safe against the normal attacks in a public wifi?13:01
theadminsystemclient: Freaking brilliant :D13:01
usr13SoftarPaul: So did you get Tesla installed on your phone?13:01
theadminsystemclient: Normally yeah13:01
SoftarPaulusr13: yes13:01
systemclienttheadmin: okay, so even if I am in the IT Department of my university where probably some jerks lurk?13:01
SoftarPaulMyrtti: Yes13:02
vltben_: Consider LVM an abstraction layer between your real hard drives and devices available to the system.13:02
usr13SoftarPaul: sudo apt-get install openssh-server    #On your ubuntu system?13:02
Myrttiusr13: he did13:02
theadminsystemclient: Well, possibly. It's not like Linux is easy to hack or damage via the network13:02
ben_vlt: I see13:02
Myrttiusr13: and the sshd is running13:02
usr13Myrtti: SoftarPaul Good to go then.13:02
Myrttiusr13: indeed13:02
vltben_: Or rather between any two layers of devices (as you can see in the hd -> partition -> crypt -> LVM example.13:02
usr13SoftarPaul: What is the problem?  Are you using a valid user name and IP address to connect?13:03
systemclienttheadmin: A friend of mine uses firewallbuilder in his network … so that would be overkill thne?13:03
Sidewinder1systemclient, You're probably safe from attack; I would not, however transmit sensitive data such as Soc.# account#s, etc. over public WIFI.13:03
theadminsystemclient: Presumably so. I'm not so sure, my router has a built-in firewall, but I never bothered to configure it13:03
usr13SoftarPaul: Do you know the username and IP of your Ubuntu system?  Is the phone connected to the wireless network?13:03
and7eywhich IRC channel should I use to ask questions about apps compilation for ubuntu?13:04
usr13SoftarPaul: You DO have a WiFi router.  Right?13:04
theadminand7ey: #ubuntu-devel13:04
RistovskiI need help13:04
SoftarPaulusr13: Yes!13:04
vltben_: ... where you feed the encrypted partition into LUKS, and then the decrypted "device" into LVM as "source" device (aka "physical volume")13:04
systemclientRistovski: with what? just ask :)13:04
usr13SoftarPaul: What kind of phone is it?13:04
SoftarPaulusr13: ZTE Blade13:05
usr13SoftarPaul: Android?13:05
RistovskiI cant boot from my USB and Im using Live cd , is there a way to make the BIOS think my USB is a CD or , using the USB just for persistency ???13:05
systemclientSidewinder1: sure, that can be sniffed. I already saw that the wifi login page is only HTTP …13:05
SoftarPaulusr13: Yes13:05
pr0zoidAnyoen know what the best way is to mount a windows fileshare in linux (the two systems are on different networks) The Windows box is my home pc behind a router and the ubuntu box is available via direct internet connection13:05
Sidewinder1and7ey, You might find this interesting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware?highlight=%28%28CompilingEasyHowTo%29%2913:05
systemclientRistovski: what do you want to achieve with that?13:05
usr13SoftarPaul: What is it exactly you are wanting to do?  File sharing?13:05
and7eySidewinder1: thanks, I'll check that13:05
Ristovskisystemclient : I want to have persistency without installing ubuntu but cant boot from USB13:06
ben_vlt: OK, I'll have to do some reading into how to set that up, but thanks for explaining it. Just finished installing so I'll have a go now13:06
SoftarPaulusr13: Nope, I wan't to use the phone as a remote-controller for VLC13:06
systemclienttheadmin: well, I do share a router with houndreds of people here13:06
Sidewinder1and7ey, NP.13:06
systemclientRistovski: you could just save all your data onto the USB stick13:06
zappushey everyone13:06
vltpr0zoid: ssh-forwarding of the needed samba ports or maybe much easier OpenVPN.13:06
systemclientRistovski: just mount it in the home folder13:06
RistovskiI cant save installed programs13:06
theadminsystemclient: If you're so worried, sudo apt-get install gufw13:06
usr13SoftarPaul: Well, have you tried to make the connection?13:06
Ristovskior settings13:06
Ristovskisystemclient : please help me Im trying to get persistency for 2 days now13:07
SoftarPaulusr13: I get an error in Tesla. "Host is not reachable"13:07
systemclientRistovski: what do you want to persist? User data?13:08
Ristovskiand programs13:08
RistovskiI mean everything I can13:08
MrSassyPantsok I think I'm going about it the wrong way, what if I just install kde? what's the best way to just install a full kde on a xubuntu?13:08
usr13SoftarPaul: You must be using the wrong IP address.  On the ubuntu machine do    ifconfig    and verify correct IP13:08
systemclienttheadmin: but I guess I do not know enough about the network to improve on it …13:08
RistovskiI want to use ubuntu without installing systemclient13:08
theadminMrSassyPants: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:08
SoftarPaulusr13: It's the right!13:08
theadminsystemclient: Well then13:09
SoftarPaulusr13: Must I open any port?13:09
usr13SoftarPaul: Is the phone connected to your WiFi AP?13:09
ransaki need help, i purchased a wnda3100v2 yesterday and cannot get it to work.. any help is greatly appreciated!13:09
theadminsystemclient: No sniper has tracked you down and killed you yet, right? So I guess you're safe enough ;)13:09
Ristovskisystemclient : is there a way?13:09
usr13SoftarPaul: What is the IP of your phone?  (That will tell you wheather you are really in the same subnet.13:09
systemclientRistovski: using for what? You can mount your USB drive as the home drive and save your files there.13:10
systemclienttheadmin: hmm, I cannot see any snipers … but that does mean anything13:10
systemclientthey could be very good13:10
SoftarPaulusr13: How to check?13:10
Ristovskisystemclient : every day I eould have to download all the programs again13:10
Ristovskithat sucks13:11
usr13SoftarPaul: If you have file expert installed, just fire that up and click on Web Sharing and it will tell you.13:11
systemclientRistovski: okay, then you need to persist also /lib and /usr13:11
systemclientRistovski: sorry, but why don't you want to install?13:11
RistovskiIm afraid it will screw my PC13:12
Ristovskielse I would have done it ages ago13:12
systemclientRistovski: you could install it in a virtual machine13:12
Ristovskisystemclient : ive heardthat win and linux on same drive arent very compatible13:12
systemclientI assume you have windows installed there, too?13:12
systemclientRistovski: that sounds pretty wrong13:13
Ristovskisystemclient : cant I downloaded 64 bit version VMS are 32 bit13:13
SoftarPaulusr13: They are in the same wifi!13:13
systemclientRistovski: the problem is to move an existing Windows installation13:13
Ristovskisystemclient : yes i have windows13:13
systemclientRistovski: if you plan for it before you install windows, and there is space left, you can install windows there13:13
RistovskiI have 2 drives13:13
systemclientah, linux13:13
systemclientRistovski: if you have an empty drive somewhere, you an install linux there13:13
usr13SoftarPaul: Ok then, should be just SoftarPaul@   #where is your PC13:14
Ristovskibut there is system volume information13:14
systemclientis there something else on it?13:14
Ristovskiiots the same HDD only 2 partitions13:14
yeatsRistovski: you can shrink the Windows partition to free up space13:14
Ristovskisystemclient : I dont want to insztall linux on the D partition wjere system vlume info is13:14
Ristovskiyeas : is it dangerous?13:15
SoftarPaulusr13: Now I get another message! "Failed to connect to SSH server, is it running?"13:15
Sidewinder1Ristovski, The link that I gave you earlier will give you step by step instructions to set up dual-boot.13:15
systemclientRistovski: just do a backup of the windows before you start13:15
usr13SoftarPaul: I use ConnectBot on my android. I'm not familiar with Tesla.   I can only suppose they work the same, but that is how you normally initiate a ssh connection.13:15
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Ristovskisystemclient : I hate site tutorials someone saying it is better13:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:15
KrazyKrivda1When my computer screen goes to idle/sleep and flashplayer is active, it often will not return, I will only be able to see the cursor, what can I do?!13:15
yeatsRistovski: no - there's a built in  "Shrink Partition" utility - a quick google would reveal many sites with instructions13:15
Ristovskiyeats : shall i backup?13:16
yeatsRistovski: on Windows Vista/7 that is13:16
yeatsRistovski: YES13:16
usr13SoftarPaul: You can test.   On the Ubuntu system do:   ssh SoftarPaul@
SoftarPaulusr13: Can I use ConnectBot as a remote?13:16
Ristovskiyeats yeah I have win 713:16
=== iqpi is now known as AnaRosa
SoftarPaulusr13: What do you mean?13:16
yeatsRistovski: you should set up a regular backup routine anyway, IMHO ;-)13:16
Ristovskiyeats : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/resize-a-partition-for-free-in-windows-vista/13:16
usr13SoftarPaul: With ConnectBot you can initiate an ssh connection to your ubutnu machine and issue CLI commands.13:17
Bergson_PCI problems configuring WinTV-PVR-150 on ubuntu 11.0413:17
yeatsRistovski: yep - that's it13:17
Ristovskican you guide me please?13:17
RistovskiI mean I want to ask you and stuff , in query13:17
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Sidewinder1Ristovski, Not only back-up, but if you're planning to shrink an NTFS/fat32 partition, make CERTAIN that you defragment it, at least twice prior to shrinking. :-)13:17
SoftarPaulusr13: "You can test. On the Ubuntu system do: ssh SoftarPaul@" What do you mean?13:17
ransaki'm using ubuntu in vmware and cannot get my usb wireless adapter to work.. cany anyon help please?13:17
yeatsRistovski: fraid not - the guide is very clear13:17
usr13SoftarPaul: If you run   export DISPLA=:0.0    you can issue GUI commands13:17
RistovskiSidewinder : I defragged yesterday13:18
Ristovskiyeats : I dunno how much to shrink13:18
SoftarPaulWhere should I run "export DISPLA=:0.0"? Or what?13:18
usr13SoftarPaul: On your ubuntu maching do  ssh username@ip.add.ress      and you will connect to your own openssh-server  to verify that it is in fact running and accepting connections.13:19
usr13SoftarPaul: What is the user name?   What is the IP address?13:19
yeatsRistovski: I can't really advise you on that, but the Shrink Partition facility is "smart" and will stop you if you're trying to shrink too far13:19
Ristovskiyeats : so will 20GB do the job?13:19
SoftarPaulusr13: simon@
ktwohig9howdy folks13:20
SoftarPaulusr13: Should I run it in terminal?13:20
and7eyhow can I fix the following error: configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in "." "./.." "./../.." ?13:20
yeatsRistovski: if you plan on using Ubuntu as your primary OS, no - I would go for at least 30GB if possible13:20
SoftarPaulusr13: "ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host"13:20
yeatsRistovski: keep in mind that you can always change things later13:20
oCean!br | insigne13:20
ubottuinsigne: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:20
Ristovskiyeats : which should I shrink? C - 50Gb left , D -334Gb left13:20
Ristovskibut on D theres the System  Volume inforamtion folder13:21
usr13SoftarPaul: Must be wrong IP address.    ifconfig    will tell you what your IP address is.13:21
yeatsRistovski: sorry - can't advise you there13:21
KrazyKrivda1My display doesn' treturn after the screen dims and stay idle for a while.  What can I do?13:22
SoftarPaulusr13: I tried, and it worked on my computer13:22
usr13Ok, then do the same on the phone13:23
SoftarPaulusr13: "Error whilst connecting to device: Host is not reachable"13:25
aLeSDwhy the unity left bar sometimes doesn't autohide anymore ?13:25
usr13SoftarPaul: When you get a half hour or so, check out this site:  http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/networkbasics/13:26
phong_hi guys, how can i tell what is my current cpu speed in ubuntu?13:26
phong_and how much ram do i have?13:26
MrSassyPantsquestion: how do I install localization for kubuntu-desktop ?13:26
usr13SoftarPaul: When you issue command   ifconfig   on your ubuntu machine, what do you see for IP address?13:27
phong_anyone know how to check the size of the RAM install on pc and the speed of a cpu?13:27
Stanley00phong_: try cat /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/meminfo D:13:27
usr13phong_: cat /proc/cpuinfo13:28
Omegaphong_: system monitor13:28
Stanley00phong_: and be patient then :D13:28
Stanley00Omega: good point :D13:28
usr13SoftarPaul: Does it ping?   ping    #Press Ctrl-c to stop13:28
thunsucker!rules | Vengativo13:28
ubottuVengativo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:28
Omega!spam | Vengativo13:29
Sidewinder1!ops Vengativo13:29
phong_Stanley00, is this it? DirectMap2M:    12439552 kB13:29
phong_is that what am i lookign at for ram?13:29
OmegaSidewinder1: Not an emergency13:29
theadminOmega: Apparently it is.13:29
SoftarPaulusr13: Yes it does13:29
Stanley00phong_: memtotal actually, you can try system monitor then13:29
Sidewinder1Omega, oCean seemed to think so. :-)13:30
usr13SoftarPaul: Next question:  Is the phone connected to the same router?13:30
SoftarPaulusr13: Yes!13:30
phong_Stanley00, ok that's it. what about cpu speed?13:30
usr13Should work then.13:30
OmegaSidewinder1: no, they just got notified.13:30
phong_Stanley00, nevermind i got it13:30
Stanley00phong_: I think the output of that file is very "easy", so just digging more in there13:30
Sidewinder1Omega, Looks to me like kicked.13:30
phong_Stanley00, yeah. it was way up top lol..thanks13:31
Omegaok, you win, him getting kicked totally makes it an emergency.13:31
oCeanOmega: please move on13:31
theadminOmega: Yeah, except the trigger didn't actually work due to wrong syntax13:31
OmegaThat is what I did.13:31
usr13SoftarPaul: Install FileExpert on the phone and you can verify what IP address you have on the phone right now.  See that it is in the same subnet.13:32
and7eywhat should I install to get rid of the following error: configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in "." "./.." "./../.."  ?13:32
phong_why it c an't play adobe flash?13:32
usr13phong_: On firefox?13:32
theadminand7ey: What *are* you installing, and how?13:32
phong_it keeps asking me to install flash plugin an di did13:32
usr13phong_: restart firefox13:33
phong_usr13, lol. it works13:33
=== KrazyKrivda1 is now known as KrazyKrivda
and7eytheadmin: http://code.google.com/p/openzwave-control-panel/13:37
zombieSLAYERcan someone tell me why this circle player works in Chrome but not firefox?13:38
meegoooi dont have eth0, can i rename eth1 to eth0 ?13:39
theadminmeegooo: There's no need for that, just use eth1 for everything13:40
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meegoootheadmin: im using flexnet licensing server which checks only eth013:40
theadminmeegooo: You could make a link13:41
xanguazombieSLAYER: does play for me on firefox 7 beta13:41
oCeanmeegooo: edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules13:41
theadminOr what oCean said13:42
=== marcelo is now known as Guest69857
Guest69857hi, what is the proper way to count the number of lines in a file, cat file | wc -l is good?13:42
BlueEagleand7ey: do you run /path/to/installfiles/configure or cd /path/to/installfiles && ./configure13:42
theadminGuest69857: Yes, that'll work fine13:43
mikkiесть русские?13:43
theadminGuest69857: Apart from the useless use of cat, you can just use wc -l file13:43
and7eyBlueEagle: I use second approach13:43
theadmin!ru | mikki13:43
ubottumikki: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:43
BlueEagle!ru| mikki13:43
Guest69857theadmin: thanks13:43
CAstrENHi! How can I remove package sources, that I have added once?13:43
MrSassyPantsok, I want to find & install the german language pack for libreoffice. How do I do that?13:43
phong_i don't see running ubuntu in real install any faster then ubuntu in vmware13:43
phong_they both are same speed.13:44
GunClivehi. sudo usermod -aG groupname username does not add my user to the group. why? thanks.13:44
MrSassyPantshow do I figure out what the name of the pack would be?13:44
phong_do you guys agree with me?13:44
xanguaphong_: just install it via Language settings13:44
CAstrENEverytime I use apt-get update it complains about a web server that not longer exists. I added the server once, but now i would like to remove it13:44
Stanley00phong_: it depends13:44
Gentoo64phong_, a proper machine iwll be faster13:44
Gentoo64not always noticebale13:44
phong_it's like "not always noticeable"13:45
BlueEagleand7ey: Are the files present and does the user running configure have access to them?13:45
Stanley00MrSassyPants: why dont you try software center?13:45
phong_Gentoo64, so is it better not to install as real install?13:45
phong_in my case should i just stick with vmware and get rid of real installation?13:45
Gentoo64phong_, i would install as a proper install13:45
Gentoo64a proper install is faster, more stable, and you get to use your proper hardware13:46
phong_Gentoo64, i see that ubuntu is way faster then MacOSX13:46
Gentoo64idk about mac13:46
phong_fuking mac os x sux shlt..cant' really do much with it.13:46
bampersandHey guys, i'm wanting to download youtube videos and have them converted to mp3 through the command line, youtube-dl seems to be pretty decent. Ideally i'd like to only download the mp3s and not the movies (firefox addons convert them to mp3 on their server so you only download the mp3s, though i'm wanting to download complete playlists at a time), any ideas?13:46
Gentoo64cant swear in here phong_13:46
Sidewinder1CAstrEN, Go into Synaotic Package Mgr. and "untick" that server.13:47
Sidewinder1Synaptic, even.13:47
Gentoo64phong_, just try it for a bit in vm and if it suits you then run proper13:47
CAstrENSidewinder1: Unfortunaltly I am only able to use the command line13:47
phong_Gentoo64, i guess i stick with reall installed...since it is install inside windows disk13:47
home-alonehi...how to un-install libre office...?13:47
Gentoo64phong_, with wubi?13:48
phong_and it only take 17GB13:48
Fr4nany ideas why when starting, ubuntu didnt recognized my sata and swap partitions? I had to comment them from the fstab file.13:48
Sidewinder1CAstrEN, I absolutely "stink" at CL, sorry. :-(13:48
phong_Gentoo64, is that good?13:48
Gentoo64phong_, if you do it proper, or dual boot, you can use ext4 filesystem13:48
meegooooCean: eth0 is also there13:48
Gentoo64phong_, i never used wubi but dont like the sound if it13:48
Stanley00home-alone: try do that in USC or synaptic13:48
meegooooCean: but why i cant see it by ifconfig ?13:48
phong_you meant ext4 is way faster?13:48
theadminphong_: Why yes, it is13:48
home-aloneStanley00,  how in terminal13:49
Gentoo64phong_, not faster, but its a linux fs and doesnt fragement as much as ntfs13:49
Stanley00home-alone: it some thing like sudo apt-get remove <your apt name>13:49
IdleOneCAstrEN: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list - either add a # in front of the line you don't want used or delete it completely from the file. make sure to run sudo apt-get update after editing that file.13:49
oCeanmeegooo: is your install a "real" one or virtual (vbox etc?) - a hardwareaddress might have changed. You can see the actual hwaddress in ifconfig -a output13:49
meegooooCean: no vbox13:50
home-aloneStanley00,  libre-office ??13:50
Stanley00home-alone: maybe,13:50
CAstrENIdleOne: I already looked in the sources.list it is not in there13:50
meegooooCean: just eth1 and lo13:50
IdleOneCAstrEN: maybe in sources.list.d13:50
oCeanmeegooo: well, I don't know your configuration, if you're certain you have 2 network devices, both should show up in ifconfig -a output (when proper drivers are loaded)13:51
oCeanmeegooo: you can still change the eth1 in the udev/rules.d files to eth0, to get a working eth0 interface13:51
meegooooCean: thanks13:51
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CAstrENIdleOne: Yes! There are the files!13:51
home-aloneStanley00,  it says unable to locate13:52
CAstrENIdleOne: Can I just delete them? Or do I have to somehow "uninstall" them13:52
theadminCAstrEN: You can just plainly remove the files.13:52
Stanley00home-alone: then may be libre-office*13:52
CAstrENIdleOne, theadmin : Thanks a lot!13:52
IdleOneCAstrEN: they aren't "files" but links to repositories, yes you can just delete them.13:52
Stanley00home-alone: it's libreoffice*13:53
usr13SoftarPaul: CORRECTION:  Earlier I said   export DISPLA=:0.0    it's   export DISPLAY=:0.013:53
IdleOneCAstrEN: but don't delete sources.list or sources.list.d just delete the offending lines in the files13:53
Stanley00home-alone: that's why I rarely use apt-get to remove apt I dont install via apt-get install :))13:53
phong_Gentoo64, i have i7 2600k , fast right?13:53
CAstrENIdleOne: Thanks again!13:54
Gentoo64phong_, yea13:54
CAstrENHave a good day, guys, bye!13:54
crash1hdif you where to get a new system what amd processor would you get?13:56
sosaitedI am trying to share my 3G connection (ppp0) over wifi with my PCI atheros adapter. My android can successfully connect to the AP and get IP. But I can't browse anything. I followed http://www.sailsarana.com/share_3G_data_internet_over_wifi.php . Can someone tell what could be the problem?13:57
zappuswill there be any noticable difference if i get a netbook with ssd instead of hdd for ubuntu?13:57
thunsuckercrash1hd, depends on the system but also depends on the price, never hurts to go for a good one that is on sell :)13:57
erkan^I cannot found Sun Java in the Software Centre13:57
sosaitedBTW instead of dhcp3-server , I have isc-dhcp-server.13:57
thunsuckerzappus, it will be more 'quiet' :)13:57
crash1hdthunsucker, :) very true kinda looking for what people think is the cream of the crop (if not worried about price)13:58
Stanley00zappus: and a bit faster, I think13:58
thunsuckercrash1hd, do you have the $$$ to buy it/13:58
crash1hdno but I am curious what is out there13:58
crash1hdI ended up picking up this one http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX34247(ME).aspx?cc=113:58
thunsuckercrash1hd, http://www.hardware-revolution.com/best-cpu-spring-2011/13:58
zappusis it worth the extra cost? :P13:58
Gentoo64zappepcs, faster, no noise, lesss power = more battery life13:58
Gentoo64zappus, ^13:58
crash1hdthunsucker, thanks :) thats kinda what I was looking for :)13:59
Gentoo64zappus, check the ssd though some are slow, some are amazingly fast13:59
thunsuckercrash1hd, google is your friend ;)13:59
crash1hdthunsucker, last chip I bought was a 775 it was over 5 years ago13:59
zappusok fair enough :D13:59
crash1hdthunsucker, true but google doesnt give personal experience as easy13:59
Gentoo64zappus, are you from uk?14:00
zappusno, im from canada :P14:00
Gentoo64zappus, i was going to say in the uk some good offer on ssd14:00
Gentoo64zappus, you can always buy the laptop with a hdd then buy a decent ssd14:01
Gentoo64vertex 2 is very good and cheap14:01
zappusGentoo64, well im thinking of getting thinkpad x1 or x20014:01
zappusboth offer ssd as an option14:01
Gentoo64i dont know naything about laptops tbh. work out the price with/without the ssd, if the ssds decent go for it14:01
zappusbut i lose 160gb and pay extra 300$14:01
Gentoo64if not get the hdd one and fork out little extra for good ssd14:01
Gentoo64you will always lose disk space, but the ssd benefits make up for it loads14:02
Gentoo64think about it theyre ideal for laptop14:02
zappusok then im sticking with ssd :D14:02
zappusyeah thats true14:02
zappusbesides i don't really need that much space on a netbook anyway14:02
zappusGentoo64, what would you say about gorrila glass screen?14:03
zappusif you know what that is14:03
Gentoo64no idea what it is14:03
thunsuckercrash1hd, i googled that in 2 seconds and i don't have an amd14:03
zappusoh ok14:03
crash1hdthunsucker, :) right14:04
thunsuckercrash1hd, big difference between attempting to find an answer and only aking for the answers :)14:04
pr0zoidcan i duplicate my server simply by backing up all the files and restoring them to new ubuntu instance?14:04
thunsuckerpr0zoid, that will backup the files but not the applications14:04
pr0zoiddamn it..14:05
Gentoo64pr0zoid, try clonezilla14:05
Merdamcan anybody here explain wth happened to my friend vengativo?14:05
Gentoo64just image then restore it14:05
Merdamhe told me about everything14:05
thunsuckerpr0zoid, yes clonezilla is amazing14:05
Merdamnobody would answer his questions anywhere14:06
Merdamand he flipped out14:06
pr0zoidthe problem is that i don't have a place to store the backup on the server..14:06
IdleOneMerdam: we don't discuss removals in this channel.14:06
macer1Hi. I have a question. Is there ppa for THIS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7NBWPzFKYw&feature=player_embedded ?14:06
theadminMerdam: You should visit #ubuntu-ops14:06
ViaNocturna85Merdam, sometimes either a question cant be answered or they are busy, its all about patience14:06
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=== kit is now known as tool_kit
pr0zoidGentoo64/thunsucker: i was thinking of mounting a windows share but i can't seem to access the file share from outside my network.14:07
GunClivehi. id does not show all the groups i am in. why?  thanks.14:08
anonissimusI am experiencing a problem with my display, I didn't change any settings and now when my screen is turned of because of inactivity it doesnt switch back on when I move my mouse14:08
pr0zoid(ie. share on my local machine mounted on my linux server to create the location to store the backup)14:08
thunsuckerpr0zoid, a single backup won't "clone" your server. read about clonezilla live cd. it can make a 100% copy on your server and it really really easy to use14:09
usr13pr0zoid: If you try to access it from outside your network, you will have to take that up with your router, (or your sysadmin).14:09
GeetI have problem with ubuntu10.10 its hanging continously please help me14:10
usr13Geet: memtest14:11
theadmin!details | Geet14:11
ubottuGeet: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:11
macer1No answer for my question?14:12
Geeti was trying to download my song but at the remaing 26 seconds it got hanged then i had to switched off14:12
=== yawin is now known as Yawin
Stanley00macer1: just wait for oneiric, it's default in there :)14:13
macer1Stanley00: no its not14:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:13
StaticPhillyafternoon, any ideas why my wireless would stop receaving all packets when doing some heavey downloading14:13
sosaitedWill adding " iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE"  stop the ppp0 working on the local machine? And how can I remove this line later on?14:14
Geetsomtimes it gets hang when its use only to play songs or some documentry in my ubuntu version 10.1014:14
yeatsmacer1: can you re-ask your question in such a way that doesn't require anyone to view a youtube video? ;-)14:14
=== Taftse2 is now known as Taftse
macer1When this super cool effect, new aero-snap and this cool looking icons will be in oneiric?!14:14
macer1(can ubottu short links?)14:15
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:15
xanguamacer1: how about you read the post ;) If it doesn’t manage to find a way in to the release of Oneiric in  October, the April release of 12.04 should certainly play home to it.14:15
pr0zoidusr13: Yes.  I tried moving that machine to the dmz but that didn't help as well as port forward.14:15
xanguathat's what it says14:15
macer1But I am asking for PPA or source code14:16
usr13pr0zoid: Well, that's what it takes, port forwarding.14:16
usr13pr0zoid: Or create an alias on the router for it, (that is if you have another outside IP).14:17
GeetWhen i was running ubuntu version 10.10 but gradullay it hanged and stop working so i had to switched it off14:17
pr0zoidmaybe it was the wrong port.... read the docs though...was trying with smbfs on the linux box14:17
SoftarPaulHi! I've got an application that should run on port 8889, but I can't connect... I think another application/program is running via this port. How to check which program?14:18
jforjackjohnsonMultiple applications can listen on the same port technically, look at Pygopherd.14:18
BlessJahmacer1: actually it's only 1500 nicks here, there are more crowded channels14:18
jforjackjohnsonxyzzy_, Hi.14:18
pr0zoidusr13: trying to mount windows fileshare here what i was trying to do - http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/08/mount-windows-shares-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-terminal/14:19
usr13pr0zoid: but if you expose the server directly to the internet, you loose the security of being behind the router.14:19
pr0zoidusr13: my local machine(win7) is behind a router the server(ubuntu10.04) is on the net14:20
usr13pr0zoid: samba file sharing is designed to be done within a LAN14:20
pr0zoidlooks like im stuck then...14:21
usr13pr0zoid: Punching a whole trhough a router for a samba share is beyond the scope of ubuntu support.14:21
MAbeeTThi, How could I now why my computers does noy hibernate and just sometimes suspend works? I'v more swap than ram. Thanks.14:22
pr0zoidyes i know.14:22
pr0zoidi know how to do it.. but not sure what ports are being used.14:22
usr13pr0zoid: nmap14:22
s093294Anyone who can direct me to the right channel, doing c or c++ and want to know about how to make decent gui application(been doing console only sofar).14:23
theadminpr0zoid: samba ports are commonly 139 and/or 44514:23
ikonias093294: /join ##c or ##c++14:23
theadmins093294: wxwidgets, qt and gtk are your obvious friends ;)14:24
Stanley00MAbeeTT: you could try pm-hibernate and see its output to know why14:24
pr0zoidtheadmin: i thought so... those are the ones i'm using on my firewall.14:24
pr0zoidtheadmin:  i guess the ubuntu server should be blocking it as well..14:25
usr13pr0zoid: http://pastebin.com/6G4vxeqY14:25
dan_can i aks here a question about 11.10b?14:25
Stanley00dan_: join #ubuntu+1 please14:25
AznLostyso i installed ubuntu 11.04 today and realised i do not know how to separate the audio from the HDMI connection on my video card14:26
MAbeeTTStanley00: mmm, but doing sudo pm-hibernate the system "starts" to hibernate, then wen I turn it on nothing happens. Uptime=0min14:26
AznLostyanyone have experience with it?14:26
s093294theadmin, I know about windows gui (from dot net) so can you tell me which of the three i would properly like the most14:27
voxcroixEmpathy 2.34.0 <--- found missing botton on windows. (windows cant close)14:27
theadmins093294: .NET? System.Windows.Forms?14:27
IdleOnejforjackjohnson: Please quit sending me unsolicited private message about your choice of beverage.14:27
theadmins093294: Qt is a bit similar I guess...14:27
IdleOneI don't care.14:27
Stanley00MAbeeTT: and you get back to the moment before you hibernate?14:27
AgionHello! I'm trying to install Ubuntu to my old computer and the installation cannot find any drive space at "Allocate Drive Space" so there's no option to choose.. Any ideas? I've tried this with older ubuntu installation cd's and the current one I want to install is the newest ubuntu.14:28
ikonias093294: try ##c++ and ##c channels14:28
usr13pr0zoid: netstat -pantu |grep smbd14:28
jforjackjohnsonIdleOne, I was quoting that I am now sane. You can't take light-heartedness. Do you ever challenge other operators?14:28
IdleOnejforjackjohnson: not when they are right.14:28
MAbeeTTStanley00: I don't, the uptime starts again, everything starts in 0.14:28
MAbeeTTStanley00: free -m | egrep 'Mem|Swap'14:28
MAbeeTTMem:          5981       2297       3683          0        195        64814:28
MAbeeTTSwap:         6234          0       623414:28
BarkingFishafternoon all.  Anyone able to help me with a problem concerning the Ubuntu developers guide to packaging? The instructions in it aren't correct, and I'm now stuck at the point where I issue my public key.14:28
theadminjforjackjohnson: and, ops are right most of the time here :P14:29
sagaciBarkingFish, have you created your gpg key using gpg --gen-key14:29
BarkingFishsagaci, yes14:30
jforjackjohnsonIdleOne, You are now challenging God, the ultimate op everywhere. I am now sane, so think 2ce b4 u do things.14:30
BarkingFishThe bit which doesn't work is the send keys option, sagaci14:30
sagaciwhat error(s) are you getting14:30
Stanley00MAbeeTT: I cant figure out why, sorry.14:30
BarkingFishi tried to issue my keys using gpg --send-keys  followed by the ID, and got a message telling me that there was no known keyserver, and that send failed, Bad URI14:31
usr13MAbeeTT: memtest14:31
jforjackjohnsonWell I have been banned from #ubuntu-*, so can't get to the ops actions discussion channel. Have to do it here.14:31
MAbeeTTStanley00: I've more swap than ram.14:31
BlouBlouikonia: ^14:31
BarkingFishit doesn't say in that tutorial that I have to add a keyserver, sagaci14:31
AminI want ubuntu to automount my 100gb ext4 filesystem on login. I added the mount point /mount/sda5 for this partition (/dev/sda5) with the option defaults in /etc/fstab. it is mounted automatically but only root can write in it. how can a regular user without root permissions write in it?14:31
winutanyone reported dvd burning problems on 11.04?14:31
ikoniajforjackjohnson: please message me and I will explain it14:31
jforjackjohnsonikonia, You actually closed my client. HOW DARE YOU?14:31
MAbeeTTusr13: memtest? ram works ok14:31
sagaciBarkingFish, what version of ubuntu are you using14:31
usr13MAbeeTT: Sorry, just a suggestion.14:32
Stanley00Amin: add user option to that line, I think14:32
winutmy old man cant burn disks, they are screwing up at last step14:32
BarkingFishI'm not using Ubuntu, i'm on Kubuntu, 11.04 sagaci - but the instructions for setup are the same, from the Ubuntu wiki14:32
winutusing ubuntu 64bit 11.0414:32
usr13MAbeeTT: But did you run    memtest   ?14:32
pr0zoidusr13: returns nothing14:32
MAbeeTTusr13: yes. When I buy memory I do memtest.14:33
AminStanley00, I've already done that but no effects. do I have to reboot after a fstab edit?14:33
pr0zoidusr13: couldn't load up your pastebin14:33
Gentoo64Amin, yes14:33
usr13winut: Are you using   k3b  ?14:33
winutburner works fine on other os14:33
Stanley00Amin: sorry, misunderstood, try chmod +w /mount/sda5 then :D14:33
Gentoo64but im nut sure if users lets you write as user14:33
Gentoo64i think you need chmod14:33
Gentoo64for ext414:33
winuttrying both k3b and brasero, same issue14:33
thegladiatoris 11.4 with upgrade same as 11.10 beta14:33
AznLostyno one knows how to fix the nvidia hdmi/audio issue?14:33
AminStanley00, is that command need to be entered after every login?14:33
sagaciBarkingFish, so you're running gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com $GPGKEY14:34
Stanley00Amin: you just need that only one14:34
=== allen_ is now known as Guest34226
BarkingFishsagaci, no, because that's not what the wiki says to do :)14:34
Stanley00Amin: you are welcome :)14:34
winuti'm trying to get him to use linux but i think he wants to uninstall it now!14:34
usr13pr0zoid: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/securing-samba.html14:34
sagaciBarkingFish, then try that method, replacing $GPGKEY with yours14:34
Stanley00winut: then, let he do that ;)14:34
thegladiatoris 11.4 with upgrade same as 11.10 beta nyone14:34
BarkingFishthe instructions from the wiki are: Next, you need to upload the public part of your key to a keyserver so the world can identify messages and files as yours. To do so, enter: - $ gpg --send-keys <KEY ID>14:34
sagacithe wiki could be outdated14:35
winutbut it took a lot of work to get him to try it, okay14:35
Stanley00thegladiator: maybe, if there isn't a config conflict...14:35
BarkingFishok sagaci - i'll try that method14:35
BarkingFishone moment14:35
thegladiatorok ty Stanley0014:35
usr13winut: What error do you get from k3b ?14:36
winutill have to ask him14:36
auronandacethegladiator: no, they are not the same14:36
winutmaybe i can get a pastebin14:36
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
BarkingFishThat did it, sagaci - I'll see if I can join the wiki, and edit that page to correct the step14:36
sagaciBarkingFish, you might have to wait a while for it to sync properly to upload to launchpad, if that's your intention14:37
usr13Port 137/UDP - used by nmbd14:37
usr13Port 138/UDP - used by nmbd14:37
usr13Port 139/TCP - used by smbd14:37
BarkingFishno problem, sagaci - the update needs to be done since that step is wrong, and if people are gonna follow it for a setup guide, there's gonna be more people like me whom it doesn't work for :)14:38
usr13pr0zoid: See my PM14:38
sagaciBarkingFish, nah I just meant your gpg upload14:38
lxyuhello, recently the tmux on my vps not working. When I type tmux, I get this error "create session failed: : No such file or directory", but `sudo tmux` works.14:38
PARAG0Dcan you install backtrack on top of ubuntu 8; ubuntu for windows... Ubuntu runs as a windows application. stable so far14:38
sagaciPARAG0D, short answer is no14:39
lxyuand strace give out this: "open("/dev/ptyp0", O_RDWR)        = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)"14:39
lxyuany one give me a hint on this?14:39
sagacilxyu, looks like you need superuser privs to run it14:40
PARAG0Dis there a way i can learn terminal for ubuntu.. im a noob for linux distro...14:40
sagaci!terminal > PARAG0D14:40
ubottuPARAG0D, please see my private message14:40
MAbeeTTusr13: well, an official document about suspend and hibernate? I've stfw.14:40
=== GridCube is now known as Grid^3
lxyusagaci: yeah, but why is that? It used to be working before.14:41
Sidewinder1PARAG0D, Here are some links (contained within), to get you started. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17150714:41
=== Grid^3 is now known as GridCube
sagacilxyu, have you changed anything about tmux14:42
PARAG0Di am having trouble with my passive wireless adaptor; confused i bought alpha wireless adaptor and the forums say that it should be able to put into passive mode but cant seem to do it14:43
BarkingFishsagaci, Bug filed per the feedback instructions on the site - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+bug/84107514:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841075 in Ubuntu Developer Portal "Packaging guide setup instructions are incorrect/outdated" [Undecided,New]14:43
sagaciPARAG0D, what model is it14:44
sagaciBarkingFish, thanks14:45
sagaciPARAG0D, try asking in #aircrack-ng14:45
PARAG0Dim trying to get my hardware working before i take wifu14:45
Wowwwis there a way to bring the gnome-panel in gnome 3 shell14:46
egoproctordoes ubuntu use the mkinitrd.conf file?14:46
PARAG0Daircrack-ng wow i have been there tons of times......im a tard14:46
sagaciPARAG0D, well maybe you should have gotten the correct model :)14:46
PARAG0Dyeah... im learning... alot different from my commadore 12814:47
Wowwwhello is there a way to bring the gnome-panel in gnome 3 shell14:47
auronandaceWowww: gnome3 isn't supported in 11.04 and under14:47
Wowwwi am using 11.1014:48
ikoniaauronandace: correct14:48
oCeanWowww: support for beta is in #ubuntu+1 channel14:48
ikoniaauronandace: sorry, I thought you where saying "wow" not someones nick14:48
auronandace!11.10 | Wowww14:48
ubottuWowww: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:48
* akerl looks at calendar. Is it October yet?14:48
auronandaceikonia: no worries :)14:48
usr13MAbeeTT: Turn off hibernate14:49
usr13MAbeeTT: or switch to suspend14:50
lxyusagaci: no, it's several weeks since last time I use tmux on my vps14:50
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:51
usr13MAbeeTT: http://truejournals.com/2009/10/13/suspend-vs-hibernate/  http://www.linux.com/news/hardware/laptops/8253-how-to-suspend-and-hibernate-a-laptop-under-linux14:51
Wowww12.04 will be LTS?14:51
usr13MAbeeTT: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-suspend-hibernate-functionality-support/14:51
macer1Woww: yes14:51
oCeanWowww: correct14:51
usr13Wowww: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS14:52
ubuntu__keke ?14:52
ubuntu__keke ?14:53
Wowwwhi raghevendra14:54
BarkingFishsagaci, any idea how I remove an unwanted key please?14:57
BarkingFishI accidentally created 2 of them, and I only want one14:57
Dice-Manhow t14:57
Dice-Mani want to set up quota for my ssh server14:57
Dice-Manthen i've downloaded and installed quota14:57
hidensofthi all, what is the best way to install flash player for firefox ?14:58
djskiddTo not14:58
djskidd*Not to14:58
auronandacehidensoft: using the package manager14:58
Wowwwflash player is fail14:58
djskiddUse HTML5 if at all possible14:58
hidensoftauronandace: witch software i need to install ?14:59
drehdzinstall the addon "flash-aid"14:59
sagacihidensoft, not really a "best" way but using the software centre is usually the easiest14:59
hidensofti install anything but flash is not work14:59
hidensoftdrehdz: i install it yesterday14:59
djskiddHow fast is your computer hidensoft?14:59
drehdzonce you install the addon you need to run it15:00
Ristovski_does installing download something?15:00
th4iWow it works15:00
Ristovski_please tell me faster im in a hurry15:00
hidensoftdjskidd, cpu : CoreI7 , 4GIG DDR3 Ram , i think is fast15:00
auronandaceRistovski_: depends15:00
djskiddYeah, do HTML5.15:00
Ristovski_auronandace : depends?15:00
djskiddIn the website where you want to use Flash, poke around in settings (like YouTube)15:00
Ristovski_say how much15:01
sagaciBarkingFish, pretty sure you can, as long as you have the passphrase and private key15:01
djskiddLook for an HTML5 option15:01
djskiddand choose it15:01
djskiddMake sure your browser can handle HTML5.15:01
linus_49hallo together15:01
djskiddChromium and Firefox latest release can handle it15:01
auronandaceRistovski_: if you've already downloaded it then no, if not then obviously it will need to download it to install it15:01
Ristovski_How much does installing ubuntu download?15:01
Ristovski_Im in a hurry15:01
djskiddI never use it cause my computers are all to slow15:01
BarkingFishsagaci, I managed to get the instructions, the key i didn't want is gone, along with the secret key attached to it15:01
Ristovski_please tell me15:02
djskiddRistovski_: What method are you using to install?15:02
auronandace!please | Ristovski_15:02
ubottuRistovski_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:02
MAbeeTTusr13: I do know search in google, the idea is to find ubutu's documentantion.15:02
Ristovski_Im running it on Live CD15:02
Ristovski_I have downloaded the iso15:02
djskiddRistovski_: Install from Live CD won't download anything, install will take from 10 min - 1hr15:03
sagaciBarkingFish, I wouldn't worry about it, if you publish your key on your website and/or Launchpad, people are only going to worry about that one15:03
djskiddAny developers here?15:04
Wowwwwhen i type sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk i get some error like package not found what is wrong?15:04
Stanley00Ristovski_: if you chose update while download, it will take much, if you are in a hurry, just disconnect and cancel the update.15:04
BarkingFishsagaci, I'm all done regards the key. It's registered on the launchpad, I've signed the code of conduct, looks like I'm set there.15:04
Stanley00Ristovski_: *while install*15:04
auronandace!sun | Wowww15:04
auronandace!java | Wowww15:05
ubottuWowww: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:05
djskiddHow can I find what my wireless chip is?15:05
th4iI am looking for ditto that will help me run bt4 I use blackbuntu supposed to be for n00bs but I had more luck with bt415:06
hidensoftdjskidd : lspci15:06
djskiddIn terminal?15:06
auronandace!backtrack | th4i15:06
ubottuth4i: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:06
hidensoftyeah dude15:06
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:07
sagaciBarkingFish, yeah, don't worry about "ghost" keys, it'll be like they aren't there anyway15:07
djskiddOh, I should try there as well15:07
hidensoftoh, i don't know about mint15:07
oversemanI was thinking their should be a section in the documentation about using ubuntu to rescue other systems. ie windows. I've been searching through the documentation and I haven't found much. What is there is scattered. Any other thoughts on it?15:07
djskiddI use Knoppix when I rescue other systems15:07
wolfricwhat do you call that tool that gives you like a web gui managmeent of a linux box.. something like hadmin or h something... runs on port 8001 or something15:07
xyzzy_Is it possible to make a LUKS encrypted volume un-recoverable? You can for Truecrypt volumes by deleting the volume header (first few bytes), thus destroying the master keys15:07
djskiddPuppy works even better15:08
djskiddYES YES YES15:08
djskiddSomeone FINALLY made a TI calculator with a COLOR DISPLAY!15:08
theadminwolfric: I think it was... webmin?15:08
oversemanWell I've used ubuntu on several occassions so I thought if their was enough intrest in it then we could approach the Docs team and be like, "Yo, add this stuff!"15:09
wolfrictheadmin: spot on thanks15:09
auronandace!webmin | wolfric15:09
ubottuwolfric: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:09
Wowww_why doesn't ubuntu add multiverse and partner by default :P15:09
theadminWowww_: You need to understand that those packages are unsupported15:10
Wowww_i see15:10
BarkingFishThis is nuts.15:10
gentoo-intelBarkingFish, what is?15:10
wolfricauronandace: i was just going to ask, i could have sworn i saw it in the package repo but it wasn't there when i saw it15:10
BarkingFishI've got to the next step in the packaging guide, creating an ssh key, gentoo-intel15:10
wolfricauronandace: is there an article on what exactly it breaks?15:10
auronandacewolfric: not sure sorry, never used it15:10
BarkingFishI do the setup, enter the passphrase i want, and the key refuses to save, I get Permission denied15:11
Wowww_atleast they should give a message like the package is not supported do you want to install [Y] or [N]15:11
gentoo-intelWowww_, they intentially dont make it that easy, because it isnt supported15:12
theadminwolfric: Check these: http://alternativeto.net/software/webmin/?platform=linux15:12
BarkingFishAnyone got any thoughts on how to fix this?  If I'm going to set up to package, I need an ssh key generating and saving.15:12
=== Wowww_ is now known as Wowww
Wowwwgentoo-intel: not very ideal ;)15:13
necreohow can I make `cal` start with monday? man cal specifies the -M parameter, but that wont work here15:13
Trenthow can i install xfce desktop environment without installing all of its default programs aswell?15:13
HeGurunecreo: its small -m not capital M. and it works here15:14
gentoo-intelnecreo, i think its somewere in the locales15:14
gentoo-intelill have to google it15:14
gentoo-intelTrent, not as far as i know15:14
gentoo-inteli think xfce nly comes complete15:14
necreoHeGuru: cal -m 9 2011 still prints sunday first here15:14
TrentWhat about lfxe xD ?? i have tried before, but i just get a programs double up, having programs for GNOME and xfce at the same time, headache !15:15
necreogentoo-intel: yes I changed the en_US locale to weekday 2, and the gnome calendar applet got changed, but not cal15:15
gentoo-inteloh ok, im not sure then :s15:15
gentoo-intelTrent, you will always have gnome stuff because your installing 2 des15:16
gentoo-intelTrent, you could use openbox or similar15:16
gentoo-inteland install nothing15:16
gentoo-inteljust make the obmenu link to gnome stuff15:16
necreoHeGuru: if you try `cal -m` it prints calendar for this month, monday first? it requires an argument here15:17
gentoo-intelTrent, why not use another ubuntu like xubuntu?15:17
Trentto be honest, i am using xubuntu now, however i wanted to try lxde, but i don't wish to install all of it's default programs :S !!15:17
gentoo-intelTrent, there isnt any for lxde really..15:18
gentoo-intellxterm, lxpanel15:18
gentoo-inteldont come with much15:18
theadmingentoo-intel: Thunar15:18
gentoo-intelthats xfce15:18
gentoo-intelor does xubuntu use thunar now?15:18
BarkingFishnvm about the ssh-keygen thing, i found out it was because .ssh in my home dir was owned and controlled by root :)15:19
theadmingentoo-intel: Oh...15:19
gentoo-intellubuntu* i mean15:19
HeGurunecreo: can you run cal -V15:20
necreoHeGuru: invalid option (-V)15:21
necreosame for -v and --version15:21
HeGurunecreo: ok i am using cal from util-linux you're using ncal (which is the default) I remember facing the same issue, had to download (maybe compile) cal to replace the standard15:21
GasseusHow do I make deja-dup go on a schedual in natty?15:22
M4d3Lhi. I have this error when I try to extact a 800mo file. "Cannot mkdir: No space left on device"  I have 1% use of my disk of 1TB15:23
GasseusM4d3L What folder are you trying to extract to? The ~ folder?15:23
M4d3LGasseus: ./ in my /home/myuser15:24
GasseusM4d3L Do you make use of Encrypt My Home Partition?15:24
M4d3L... idk. its an backup migration from my other cpanel server15:26
GasseusM4d3L Two CPanel servers?15:27
M4d3Lcpanel to virtualmin15:27
GasseusDo you make use of disk quota's?15:27
M4d3LI never configured disk cota15:27
M4d3Lits not colloc server15:28
GasseusHow did you partition the hard drive on the server?15:28
M4d3Ltechnician of iweb did.15:29
GasseusType in mount in the commands for me15:29
M4d3Lits a standard install15:29
Gasseusdoes the last line say /home/myuser/.Private on /home/myuser type ecryptfs?15:29
PARAG0Dhow do you install after downloading FF udate15:29
GasseusPARAG0D install after downloading firefox update?15:29
PARAG0Di extracted15:30
GasseusPARAG0D You use synaptic. Any other method of installation is unsupported.15:30
PARAG0Dsynaptic..? i went to FF url... dl new version... i extracted to desktop is it run-mozilla-sh15:31
M4d3Lmaybe tmp folder is too small?15:31
GasseusPARAG0D Backports are not supported15:31
Sidewinder1PARAG0D, What Gasseus  said.15:31
BluesKajPARAG0D, what's the file extension ?15:32
PARAG0Dok thank you15:32
GasseusM4d3L no... /tmp isn't seperate in most cases15:32
Gasseussuch as yours15:32
M4d3LI have /dev/sda3 on /tmp type ext4 (rw)15:32
lynx____How do I do apt-get clone?15:32
ikoniaapt-get clone ?15:32
Gasseuslynx____ as in?15:32
Featurefreakhiya folks, i'm looking at a good option for netbook music player, banshee is just a bit heavy, found a few on google, just wondering does anyone have any good or bad experiences with lightweight music players?15:33
sagaciapt-get clone15:33
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)15:33
lynx____Well recently I installed redhat-lsb 4.0 from another operating system (I'm using debian) and it messed up my /etc/rc*.d or init.d files15:33
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lynx____I wondered if I could boot from a live cd and type chroot /media/hdc5 at a livecd root terminal and then use aptitude/apt-get clone to reinstall everything15:33
GasseusFeaturefreak banshee is the default. You could try amorak15:33
Gasseuslynx____ and you're running redhat?15:34
ViaNocturna85PARAG0D, its not officially supported but inside the folder is a file called 'firefox' just run that15:34
M4d3Lyeah! my tmp folder is totally full15:35
M4d3Lis it possible to add extra tmp space?15:36
GasseusM4d3L not necessarily. Try rebooting.15:36
FeaturefreakGasseus: amarok is a beast by comparison , really heavy,, naw, i'm looking at things like DeadBeef, Guayadeck, radio-tray and such15:36
littletinybabyI just installed thunderbird, and I want to declutter my email notifications panel. How do I remove the evolution mail stuff from that area?15:37
M4d3Lwhy reboot? tmp folder is 1.8go. and my file extracted extracted on my windows computer make 3go15:37
Sidewinder1Featurefreak, Don't know if it'll work for netbooks but did you look at Juk?15:37
FeaturefreakSidewinder1: nope, thanks i'll check that out too15:37
GasseusM4d3L Because a reboot will cause /tmp to remove alot of unneccessary junk15:37
Sidewinder1Featurefreak, It seemed kinda' simple to me.15:38
lynx____I am running Debian/.  I installed redhat-lsb-4.02-el5.centos.src.rpm15:38
lynx____and it messed up my system15:38
lynx____that's why I'm asking, how do I use aptitude clone15:38
ikonialynx____: ask in #debian15:38
GasseusFeaturefreak: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/deadbeef-ultimate-music-player-for-gnulinux.html15:38
ikonialynx____: and you should never install packages from another distro15:38
lynx____I can't ask in debian, I got banned from there15:38
ikonialynx____: then you can't ask here15:38
BluesKajlynx____, sounds like you don't listen to advice , put yourself in an unfixable situation and expect ppl to bail you out15:39
M4d3LGasseus: my tmp folder after the tar fail return to 35mo use15:40
M4d3LI need more space in /tmp to extract15:40
GasseusM4d3L Try downloading it to your local computer and splitting it up into separate tar files.15:40
M4d3Lits a migration backup. virtualmin will not understand it if I change it15:41
M4d3Lcan I unmount the /tmp and create a folder tmp in /?15:41
ikoniamdsmeu: yes, if nothing is using /tmp15:42
Gasseusm4d3l probably15:42
ikoniaM4d3L: yuees, if nothing is currently using /tmp15:42
M4d3Likonia: and if something is using it? like virtualmin and webmin15:42
ikoniaM4d3L you know you shouldn't really be using tools like webmin as they have major security risks ?15:43
ikoniaM4d3L the easy way is to remove it from /etc/fstab and just reboot15:43
angelicalmaddri have an old computer a cdrom and a usb pen drive. i would like to install ubuntu in the pen drive . my old computer dont accept fat32 on the the usb pen drive so right know im restricted to 4gb(fat16). would like to try a boot partition in fat16 and then a larger partition with ubuntu in fat32. anyone can help?15:43
GasseusI can vouch for what ikonia says about webmin15:43
ikoniaangelicalmaddr: don't try to run ubuntu on fat15:43
Sidewinder1robertf, Mornin'.15:44
M4d3Lwhat are the security risk?15:45
angelicalmaddrikonia , maybe on ext4 but i really need a fat16 boot partition15:45
robertfI'm using ubuntu 10.10. In command line, i can't use wifi connection. It worked before15:45
ikoniaM4d3L research them15:45
ikoniaangelicalmaddr you do'nt need a fat16 boot partition15:45
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:45
ikoniaangelicalmaddr: you can boot directly from ext415:45
robertfit works with System / Preferences / network connections15:45
robertfbut i'd like to use it in command line15:46
angelicalmaddrikonia , are you sure any computer can do that?15:46
M4d3Lall admin pannel have security risk15:46
ikoniaangelicalmaddr yes15:46
angelicalmaddri guess ive tryed taht and system got stuck at motherboard logo15:47
M4d3Loh and I use webmin locally only anyway. via ssh tunnel15:47
angelicalmaddrikonia , i guess ive tryed taht and system got stuck at motherboard logo15:47
ikoniaangelicalmaddr that's nothing to do with the file system15:47
GasseusM4d3L There's basically no enforcement of logging in on webmin.15:47
Sidewinder1angelicalmaddr, Just out of curiosity, how old is your 'puter?15:47
M4d3Lso I dont care about this risk with ssh tunnel ;)15:47
GasseusM4d3L is it set to only accept connections by localhost?15:48
angelicalmaddrikonia , 7 ,8 years15:48
robertfcan you help me ?15:48
M4d3LGasseus: yup15:48
BluesKajM4d3L, then whynot just use the -X command with ssh ?15:48
Gasseusm4d3l and you use key based authentication?15:48
Featurefreaklol.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck  that's awsome,15:48
GasseusBluesKaj thats x forwarding, right?15:48
ikoniaFeaturefreak: any reason you've just randomly posted this15:49
GasseusFeaturefreak: #ubuntu-offtopic15:49
Featurefreakwhen i went searching for DeadBeef re my question on liht weight music player, beef came up in the repos15:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:49
Sidewinder1angelicalmaddr, My system is at least that old and ubuntu works fine; although I can't address your pendrive situation; just a reassurance, I guess. :-)15:49
Featurefreakikonia: Gasseus: sorry if it's OT, just never seen that before, and couldn't help myself.15:50
angelicalmaddr2sidewinder1 , 7 ,8 years15:50
ikoniaFeaturefreak: please try to help yourself in future15:50
BluesKajGasseus, yes15:50
FiReSTaRTangelicalmaddr: 7-8 years? so that's a mid-P4 range.. should work without an issue.. hell, it runs on atom.. just tell me it's not a Dell machine (they like to get cute with their hardware)15:50
angelicalmaddr2ikonia , if it s not the file system why does it boot on fat1615:51
GasseusBluesKaj not every computer has an x-server installed on it. X forwarding is pointless on ubuntu-server15:51
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2 no idea15:51
Sidewinder1angelicalmaddr, Yes, it's a Dell Dimension 4550, circa about 2002. :-(15:51
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2: the boot sector is on the masterboot sector of the disk, not the file ysstem, so I suspect you hav enot installed the master boot record properly15:51
FiReSTaRTSidewinder1: yeah, i had mixed results with dell machines.. that's why i'm using a dual-xeon server as a paperweight15:52
Featurefreakhow can i use a tool like radiotray or alltray in Unity?15:52
Featurefreaki run radiotray but i get no tray icon, would seem a little annoying that the tray isn't supported yet they're still in the main repo's15:53
* Sidewinder1 Now is totally embarrassed that he's using an antique; once I save some duckettes, watch my smoke.15:53
angelicalmaddr2ikonia , i always used the same method (usb creator from live cd) whatever the file system ive tryed15:53
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2 that doesn't change what I've said15:53
neverbluehi guys, how do I get a Live CD off the Ubuntu.com website ?15:54
angelicalmaddr2FiReSTaRT , it is not a dell machine15:55
ikonianeverblue: click the download link15:55
FiReSTaRTangelicalmaddr2: another oem maybe? i'm sure they all got cute at some point, dell more so than the others.. ibm/hp have been reasonably cool though15:55
neverblueikonia: ha ha, hardy, harr, harr15:55
angelicalmaddr2ikonia , do you have some idea i can try?15:56
petoHi, anyone knows help? I lost a bar with max, min and close buttons, i have ubuntu15:56
Sidewinder1neverblue, Please see this link: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php15:56
ikonianeverblue: why is that funny ?15:56
neverblueikonia: i would like the Live CD15:56
BluesKajGasseus, no kidding ,  what has webmin got to do with a headless server15:56
ikonianeverblue: the livecd IS the install CD - tha tyou get from ubuntu.com when you click download15:56
neverblueikonia: and I am assume that you are trying to help me15:56
ikonianeverblue correct, so go to ubuntu.com and click download15:56
neverblueikonia: so there is not physical distinction between the two now ?15:56
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ikonianeverblue: what ? just go to ubuntu.com and click the "get ubuntu" button15:58
neverbluei guess the next release is Oct ?15:58
kamskyhi, do you know some easy video editor for ogv format? just cut and copy frames, and add some text to it15:58
ikonianeverblue: or the "download" button15:58
ikonianeverblue: correct15:58
neverblueikonia: your repetiion is quite simply annoying15:58
ikonianeverblue because you didn't seem to believe what I was telling you so I was clarifying the two button options15:58
petoHi, anyone knows help? I lost a bar with max, min and close buttons15:58
neverbluewhat is the alternate releases ?15:59
Abhijitkamsky, kdenlive15:59
ikonianeverblue: it's the same release with a ncurses based installer, not a livecd15:59
Abhijit!panel | peterhil15:59
kamskyAbhijit, thanks , i'll take a look at it15:59
Abhijit!panels | peto15:59
ubottupeto: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:59
neverblueso now the Live portion of the media has been moved simply to a menu selection upon boot ?16:00
ikonianeverblue it just boots into the desktop by default which is the livecd16:00
devishAbhijit and to restart the panel16:00
kensumpeto; go into appearance and  click customize and the window boarders. choose a new style and see if that gives it back to you.16:00
neverblueikonia: im performing this in a VM16:00
ikonianeverblue that doesn't change anything16:00
Abhijitdevish, amm?? O.o16:01
neverblueikonia: i don't appreciate your aggressive attitude16:01
ikonianeverblue I'm not being agressive, I'm stating running it in a VM doesn't change anything16:01
neverblueplease, let others assist me, instead16:01
angelicalmaddr2ikonia , i have no dual boot , does master boot still applies?16:01
Abhijitdevish, restart gnome-panel16:01
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2: correct16:01
devishAbhijit sure ?  is there is a way with using gdm restart16:03
Abhijitdevish, gdm is for login manager. but you want panels?16:03
angelicalmaddr2ikonia , if i install ubuntu on ext4 file system will i be able to access fat16 partitions?16:03
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2: yes16:03
devishAbhijit some times the whole X manager hangs then i have to restart the whole X manager16:05
BluesKaj, BBL16:06
devishAbhijit my friend did that with gdm something ,normally i go in console and kill xorg then so starx16:07
computerxHowdy, so which file should I put my svnserve command in so it starts with my PC?16:07
Uma__Does anyone know how to make World of Warcraft function on Ubuntu 11.04 Seems to say before installing insuffiecient CPU? How Can I fix it?16:08
Abhijitdevish, no idea16:09
computerxUma__: That surprises me. I run it on a AMD 3000 (single core), though it's terrible. What CPU do you have?16:09
jakehello, is anyone else having trouble reaching mirrors.us.kernel.org?16:09
Abhijitjake, try asking in ##linux16:09
computerxjake: It's not responding to pings here16:09
Uma__computerx, I have 1.73ghz Intel Core i7 Asus16:10
jakeOk, Abhijit and computrex, thanks I'll head over the ##linux16:10
devishUma__lol i think your computer conf is too high for it16:10
computerxUma__: I assume it's the installer complaining, is that a multi-core? I'm not that up on CPUs tbh16:10
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computerxUma__: Have you tried the latest beta from the wine ppa?16:11
Uma__computerx, No I haven't16:11
angelicalmaddr2ikonia, ill install ubuntu on a ext4 partition and system will get stuck on motherboard logo. i will need to disconnect the usb pen drive in order to proceed with the live cd. what do i need to do next?16:11
computerxUma__: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa - off you go then :)16:11
wolfo9best place to get cheap hard drives?16:11
Abhijitwolfo9, try in ##hardware16:12
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2: just burn an install CD and install from that, it will be easlier16:12
angelicalmaddr2ikonia, that is what i always do but it only boots when i use a 16fat formatted partition16:13
computerxSo anyway, I want to start the svnserve daemon with my PC. Which file do I put the command in?16:13
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2: I suspect you are installing the boot loader wrong16:14
MonkeyDustcomputerx: is this of any help http://www.csoft.net/docs/svnserve.html.en16:14
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computerxMonkeyDust: cron, got it. Thanks16:15
angelicalmaddr2ikonia, installing boot loader?  dont see no option about boot loader when using install cd16:15
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2: it's called grub16:15
wolfo9angelicalmaddr2: use apt-get install grub-pc in terminal16:17
angelicalmaddr2ikonia, when installing from live cd grub is not mentioned16:18
ikoniaangelicalmaddr2: it should be16:18
wolfo9after you install, keep running the live cd16:18
angelicalmaddr2wolfo9 , and then?16:19
wolfo9and then use "apt-get install grub-pc" in terminal16:19
CPMaster_baby nigger16:19
FloodBot1CPMaster_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:19
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Guest72946I need help16:23
Guest72946with my wireless card16:23
theadmin!enter | Guest7294616:23
ubottuGuest72946: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:23
wolfo9i can help16:23
Guest72946okay sorry  but the problem is I max out at 4 Mbps down on wifi and 98Mbps on ethernet I have wireless16:24
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wolfo9how far are you from the access point?16:24
Guest72946in the same room16:24
wolfo9what wifi card do you use?16:25
Guest72946a built in intel wireless card16:25
wolfo9so you said earlier that you max at 4mbps down, not up, on the wifi card16:25
wolfo9is that correct?16:26
Sidewinder1computerx, jake, Perhaps they are dealing with this:http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/08/31/linux_kernel_security_breach/16:26
Guest72946yes up I max out a 8Mbps wifi and 10Mbps on ethernet16:26
dexter_hi, nobody in the #firefox channel answers me, im trying here: I cannot use any of my bookmarks, can anyone help me to edit the file in 6240aogr.default inside .mozilla/firefox?16:26
computerxSidewinder1: Oh dear, no. I'm not going to beable to show my face to all those windows users I mercilessly mocked.16:27
jiohdidexter_, try www.symbaloo.com16:27
wolfo9wifi is usually slower that ethernet16:27
bonhofferi don't understand, i just added a user but they don't have any binaries16:27
bonhofferruby -v, for example is empty16:28
robertfI need help. I'm using ubuntu 10.10. I can't use wireless connection in command line. Before it worked16:28
jiohdidexter_, you create an account and your books marks can appear on any browser you use16:28
Sidewinder1computerx, Know exactly how 'ya feel. :D16:28
xanguajiohdi: how does that help16:28
Abhijitdexter_, try on irc.mozilla.org in #firefox16:28
Guest72946ya but on windows I can get full speed on trasmission I max out at 600Kbps it shouldnt be that much slower16:28
xanguadexter_: tried with a fresh firefox profile¿16:29
jiohdixangua, you do not have to worry about bookmarks ever again16:29
wolfo9600kbps is around 6mbps16:29
BuddMy system is sporadically ignoring IPv6 router advertisements, and deconfiguring IPv6. v4 is fine.16:29
Guest72946no 600 kilobits16:29
dexter_xangua, yes, and it can  work, but losing all the add ons congfigurations in place16:29
Buddtcpdump shows the advertisements, but radvdump doesn't. help?16:29
dexter_something i prefer  not to do16:29
wolfo9and here you said you get 8MBps16:30
wolfo9mb is bigger than kb16:30
Guest72946I know16:30
xanguadexter_: you can use FEBE addon to export/import addons and preferences16:30
wolfo9so you actually get faster internet here :D16:30
Guest72946no lol it is 12MBPS on ethernet .6MBPS on wifi16:31
wolfo9well you are probably using a wifi card that was built by your laptop/pc manufacturer16:32
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wolfo9those ones are usually alot slower than other wifi cards16:32
Guest72946I have an HP with an intel wifi card16:32
Guest72946and it works fine on windows16:32
=== angelicalmaddr2 is now known as angelicaldumb
karnivorehi. I was wondering how gnome login handles password input and whether it is possible to pipe the password information to a script. This is to allow automatic mapping of network drives requiring authentication.16:33
wolfo9karnivore: no16:33
computerxkarnivore: Is this a cifs/samba/windows mapping?16:33
karnivorei have the script that works16:34
karnivorebut i have to use zenity to prompt user for the password again16:34
wolfo9Guest72946: go to the ##hardware channel16:34
computerxUse the mount option -o password=secret16:34
Featurefreakok, so if i minimize an app that sets a "minize to tray icon" option, is there anyway  to recover the app while in Unity?16:34
FeaturefreakI was hoping for a method to recover the running app rrather than kill it.16:35
karnivorecomputerx password=secret will that pull the password from whatever they have logged in with16:35
crash1hdI am going from an intel chip to an amd chip (New motherboard) and was wondering am I going to run into headaches upgrading ubuntu or am I better off doing a fresh install?16:35
BluesKajcrash1hd, clean install is best16:36
computerxkarnivore: No, that will take a plain, typed in password, unless you can source it from elsewhere like an environment variable, file etc in which case (assuming you're running mount as a command) you can use backticks `` like mount -o password=`cat mypasswordfile`16:37
crash1hdI know it always best, but my mobo died and I never got a chance to back stuff up (I guess I could do livecd and grab the data onto another hdd right?)16:37
grendal-primehaving a problem getting my router to forward traffic to another machine16:38
grendal-primeiptables...grrr dnat16:38
BluesKajcrash1hd, yes16:38
Bandit_hello guys i need help16:38
Bandit_installing themes16:38
crash1hdBluesKaj, lol the only thing that I am worring about is my deluge config lol16:39
* Bandit_ i need help installing themes anyone can help via teamview?16:39
crash1hdCan you do livecd from usb?16:39
BuddI find that on my just-upgraded ubuntu (to 11.04), doesn't auto-configure link-local addresses. Activating IPv6 under "edit connections" doesn't help.16:39
karnivorecomputerx: my script already prompts user for the password with zenity and maps the drives properly, I was wondering if it was possible to skip that step and have the password piped straight from the login screen16:39
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esmohi evry one16:40
Abhijit Bandit_ you got theme from where in which format?16:40
Bandit_i neeeeed help installingggggggggg themes16:40
Bandit_ anyone16:41
computerxkarnivore: If it has to come from the password entered via login, I'm a bit stuck, sorry16:41
karnivorelol, bugger16:41
karnivoredoes anyone know where the gnome login script code lives?16:42
Bandit_does anyone know how to install themes onto ubuntu if so please help me?16:42
Bandit_does anyone know how to install themes onto ubuntu if so please help me?16:42
th0rBandit_: whining just turns most of us off16:42
computerxkarnivore: I suspect you'll need the gnome team to answer that16:42
karnivoreaye, do they have an irc channel or is this a mailing list business?16:43
computerxkarnivore: Perhaps investigate alternate login shells?16:43
xanguakarnivore: they have an irc network :P16:43
computerxkarnivore: I took a guess and typed /join #gnome16:43
xanguairc.gnome.org karnivore16:43
chaoshaxRight, I am trying to mount a windows share however I can't create directories.16:44
chaoshaxOr write.16:44
Bandit_who can helppp16:44
chaoshaxI can only write if I am root, what can I do?16:44
crash1hdI am having a blonde moment can anyone tell me if this processor is 32 or 64? http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX34247(ME).aspx?cc=116:45
computerxchaoshax: Does your fstab or mount options have rw,uid=yourusername?16:45
chaoshaxComputer, No, and is that username the host username?16:45
cinematicIs there still no way to install ubuntu from a flash drive on a early 2008 pre-unibody macbook pro?16:45
esmohi pllese give me ubuntu bulgaria chanel16:46
jfarrellhey guys, i am trying to install Ubuntu on my netbook from USB16:46
jfarrelli extracted usb-creator and ran it successfully16:46
computerxchaoshax: The local machine. To give you an example, I connect to my wife with // /media/storage cifs username=vikki,password=xxx,rw,uid=computerx,nounix16:46
Abhijitesmo, #ubuntu-bg16:46
chaoshaxcomputerx I see, will try.16:47
jfarrellbut when I run my netbook it seems to hang on the initial messagesays "SYSLINUX 3.82 200-06-09 EBIOS Copyright (C) 1994-2009 H/ Peter Anvin et al"16:47
jfarrellany ideas?16:47
OerHekscinematic there is, did you follow the mac pages ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook16:47
computerxjfarrell: Without a clue really, it would suggest it's having problems accessing the USB stick after bootstrapping. I don't suppose you can use a cd?16:48
giselahola comoestan??16:48
jfarrellcomputerx, afraid not, no cd rom on this machine16:48
Sidewinder1!es | gisela16:49
ubottugisela: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:49
M4d3Likonia: yeah! just remove the /tmp from fstab and it work like a charm :)16:49
LockziHello, how can I find out what options/flags php is compiled as when doing "apt-get install php5"? I need to compile my own version with an added flag for pcre16:49
computerxjfarrell: Far from the answer you'd hope for, I'd go googling the make of your netbook with "usb problem"16:49
cinematicOerHeks: I've definitely tried that before I believe16:49
hareldvdEven though the numlock is on numeric keyboard does the arrows. Any idea?16:50
hareldvdP.S. It's a laptop on a docking station.16:50
awaxaI am trying to repurpose use my Asus eeepc 1201n with a broken display as an xbmc box using Ubuntu Lucid LTS.  Since it wouldn't need > 100Mbit io for this, I want to pxe boot and nfsroot it off my fileserver.  It uses the atl1c driver for the nic, I have added it to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and unpacked the initrd to confirm the lodule is in it, yet it still errors in the same was as it did before the module was in the initrd.  Ideas?16:50
computerxLockzi: There's a package that should include the pcre tools, I think it's php5-dev16:50
Lockzicomputerx: Maybe so, but it would not include a version of pcre above 8 as I need. Therefore I've compiled my own pcre version, but now need to compile PHP5 with that support16:51
computerxLockzi: Though if you really want to know, php -r 'phpinfo();'16:51
computerxLockzi: You might want to increase your scrollback buffer for it, or add | grep configure16:52
Lockzicomputerx: Ah, smart! Thankx! :D16:52
rokraCurrently I have the disk mounted in / . I would like to mount an other disk to set up the /home. Do the user will be created automatically in the new /home?16:52
Paolo_CTYesterday, after I reboot my computer, I couldnt access to my home folder (and its encrypted), after I rebooted I could see all the encrypet files in the home folder (Not in .Priveta) and the system created again all the needed folders, so I tryed to unencrypt, but I lost all the main folders after that (Documents, Images, etc).16:53
Paolo_CTWhat could I do? Is this because I encrypted the home?16:53
computerxLockzi: Now I've suggested that and tried it myself, it doesn't appear to include it on a packaged version /sigh16:53
alpicolarokra: You have to mount the disk you want for /home first, then any new users you create will have their folers created on that disk.  Otherwise, they'll be on the disk you're using for /.16:54
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Paolo_CTAt the end I have all my folders, except the ones that are created by defalt (images, documents, desktop)16:55
jfarrellcomputerx, looks like I might have gotten it16:55
rndmthe lyx application doesn't work well with the unity shared menubar, is there a way to selectively disable the global menu? i like unity16:55
jfarrelli needed to use one of my higher quality USB sticks16:55
rndm(disable just for lyx)16:55
jfarrelli think it MIGHT have been a space issue, it is now booting, but well see if it gets through the install16:55
computerxjfarrell: lol, good luck :)16:55
* jfarrell pets his high quality USB sticks purchased in Akiba16:56
cinematicTheres no documentation for my macbook pro model, am i going to run in to install problems?16:56
rokraalpicola: it s not possible to migrate old user to the new /home?16:56
ubuntu__how i can install windows instollar16:57
macer1cinematic: what problems? I have a macbook pro, i can help :P16:57
cinematicI have a macbook pro 4,1 the pre-unibody (early 2008) model, I've tried isntalling ubuntu over USB stick before and had no luck16:57
cinematicI can't install off disk since my superdrive crapped out on me16:57
macer1you can boot macs from usb, but only ubuntu >11.10 beta116:58
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macer1oh one more thing ubuntu 11.04 is breaking Macs - fixed in 11.10 beta16:58
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alpicolarokra: Sure.  Mount the new drive somewhere (e.g. /home-new), then  mv /home/user /home-new16:59
ktwohig9howdy folks17:00
cinematicmacer1: so the 11.10 b1 should boot off the USB for me?17:00
macer1yup :)17:00
alpicolarokra: Then when you mount the new drive to /home, everything should work just fine.17:00
cinematiclink? or should i jsut google17:00
macer1cinematic: link for what?17:00
cinematic11.10 b1?17:00
TH4Iis there a good practice program to start using cmd line for ubuntu17:00
macer1(it is always better to use daily isos)17:01
macer1download oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso17:01
OerHeksTH4I, this page is a good start > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:01
cinematicfor i686?17:01
Sidewinder1TH4I, You might look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17150717:01
macer1cinematic: don't you have x64 processor?17:01
TH4Ithank u 0erH17:02
cinematictheres a onieric-desktop-amd64+mac iso too17:02
macer1don't use that, cinematic17:02
macer1+mac really means just +noefi - but mac's efi installing is fixed in 11.10, so no need for this.17:03
OerHeksSidewinder1 +1 thnx, i bookmark that url17:03
Gorillackfhowdy o/717:03
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TH4Ilearning OS all over again17:05
macer1is there any launchpad admin here? if yes, please message me...I have a small question...17:07
Lockzicomputerx:  I can't find the compile flags in phpinfo (http://screenscrap.froxi.se/phpinfo.php)17:08
computerxSimple command to show all open files?17:11
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jribcomputerx: lsof17:13
overdubcomputerx, lsof17:13
jriboverdub: too slow17:13
makaraon 10.04: Firefox 3.6.20 says "Package 'flashplugin-installer' is already installed" What to do?17:13
overdubi was within 1/100th, but yeah, I lost17:13
jrib!cookie | overdub17:13
ubottuoverdub: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:13
Paolo_CTYesterday, after I reboot my computer, I couldnt access to my home folder (and its encrypted), after I rebooted I could see all the encrypet files in the home folder (Not in .Priveta) and the system created again all the needed folders, so I tryed to unencrypt, but I lost all the main folders after that (Documents, Images, etc).17:14
Paolo_CTWhat could I do? Is this because I encrypted the home?17:14
chaoshaxcomputerx, I have done that, I can create directories but not write files.17:14
computerxThanks jrib, overdub17:16
computerxchaoshax: Perhaps it's a umask issue, try adding umask=017:16
computerxI think. I'm not too hot with umask, it should not deduct any permissions from the mount, so it'll all effectively be 077717:17
computerxOr something like that17:17
computerx... he says waiting for someone to correct him17:17
macer1I will repeat my question..."iis there any launchpad admin here? if yes, please message me...I have a small question.." - there are 1526 users on this channel, but no Launchpad admins :/ ?17:18
computerxmacer1: It may draw someone out if you ask the question17:19
rumpe1Paolo_CT, i read it five times and still don't get it17:19
chaoshaxcomputerx, Still not allowing it.17:19
computerxAt least I know I'm more inclined to help "can you help with ..." than "can you help"17:20
computerxchaoshax: Have you considered blind panic as a viable solution?17:20
computerxI jest...17:20
computerxWindows permissions all OK?17:20
Paolo_CTrumpe1: After I reboot, I couldnt access my home folder17:20
chaoshaxWell it's actually a tv box ;p17:20
Paolo_CTrumpe1: and as it was encrypted17:21
usr_how can I make a bridge connection using wlan and eth?17:21
computerxAfter you create the folder, what does ls -l have to say about it. Also, can you create files in pre-existing folders?17:21
chaoshaxBut the mod currently only supports smb and not anything else.17:21
sosaitedI am following this guide to share my ppp0 connection to wifi . www.sailsarana.com/share_3G_data_internet_over_wifi.php My android connects successfully but I can't browse anything. I have also added ip_forwarding bit in proc and nat and masq in iptables.17:21
Paolo_CTrumpe1: I tryed to mount it (unencrypting it)17:21
computerxchaoshax: And the owner from ls -l, does it match you?17:22
Paolo_CTrumpe1: But, I dont know why, I recovered all but the main folders (docs, images) with were erased and created again17:22
krasnozeri tried to install ubuntu from usb (because notebook) using the alternate cd (for minimal install & lvm encryption) but the installer fall at the cd mounting step "Install CD-ROM not Found", any idea ?17:22
chaoshaxcomputerx, it should be like nas,root right?17:22
chaoshaxNas is username17:23
computerxchaoshax: After the uid setting in the mount option, it should be your local username "chaoshax", for example17:23
computerxLemmie verify that17:23
macer1I am using "macer" nick generally, registred on launchpad as macer1, because macer was reseved. "macer" account was created when importing bugs from old bugtracker 5 years ago(and not used after that). Is there any chance that i can take over that nick?17:23
chaoshaxComputer, yeah it is17:23
rumpe1Paolo_CT, you configs weren't in your encrypted home-container?17:23
Picimacer1: Please ask in #launchpad17:23
macer1good idea17:24
littletinybabyHow do I remove evolution's stuff from my mail notifications bar?17:24
computerxchaoshax: So the ls -l shows the directory owner to be nas, and you're accessing it as the user nas?17:24
Picimacer1: Unless you're asking about your IRC account, in which case #freenode is the right place.17:24
TechnicusHello . . . I have a server running ( this is the first time I have ever managed a server ), I have configured it for ZoneMinder video surveillance following the tutorial: < http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_Server_10.10_32-bit_with_ZoneMinder_1.24.2_from_source,_FFmpeg,_libjpeg-turbo,_Webmin,_Cambozola >.  I am having troubles logging into the web admin interface.  How do I make a user and grant permission to login17:24
computerxPici: He's asking about his launchpad web account17:24
Paolo_CTrumpe1: I dont know what you mean, I didnt change anything after I installed ubuntu 11.04 (fresh install), so I guess thats a yes17:24
macer1Pici: no irc account, just launchpad17:25
computerxchaoshax: Well then, that's crazy. I don't see how linux would be failing the file creation. Either it's a weird samba option, or the nas box itself17:25
chaoshaxUmm I will keep playing17:25
chaoshaxcomputerx, I am pretty new to this stuff, should the group be root?>17:26
computerxGroup won't matter, because as your ls showed me, it's group not-writable anyway17:26
Paolo_CTrumpe1: It was so sudden, after I reboot, I got a message from nautilus saying I could not create the necessary folders, and that I should manually do it (I didnt do it)17:26
computerxIn this case, as you're the user, and it's owned by you, your rights take precidence17:26
chaoshaxcomputerx, thanks for your help, I will keep trying.17:27
rumpe1Paolo_CT, you sure the mounting of your encrypted container "erased" data or were it just covered by the mounting? If you unmount your encrypted container, do the erased folders reappear?17:27
chaoshaxcomputerx, should I be able to chmod the mount?17:27
computerxCan't hurt17:27
computerxYou'll have to umount first though17:28
computerxWanna throw me the fstab or mount line, /msg is fine. Take out your password.17:28
chaoshaxcomputerx, k one sec17:29
computerxchaoshax: tbh, I have toothache and I'm restructuring a fileserver's svn, samba and file structure. I'm happy to have the distraction of other people's problems.17:29
urist_where do I check what version of ubuntu im running?17:29
Piciurist_: lsb_release -a17:30
urist_cool. thanks Pici17:30
Paolo_CTrumpe1: OK, I just unmount it (Not very familiar with encrypted folders) and now I just see the readme and the access your private data files17:30
mrhI got dvorak layout in my keyboard pref. if i remove the layout it reappears the next time i login. how can I remove it permanentlyŋ17:31
mrhis there a conf file17:31
TH4IHello y'all17:33
computerxHello y'...you.17:34
usr_hello, how can I share an internet connection using my computer?17:34
usr_I have two network interfaces and only one of them connects to the internet. Can I share it with other devices/17:35
OerHeksusr_ yes you can17:35
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing17:35
ubottu'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.17:36
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.17:36
fantomasHi all. How can I purge Evolution? useless stuff17:37
Paolo_CTrumpe1: Ok, I just unmount and mount it again, and I get the usual folders plus a lot of encrypted folders (The ones that go in .Private and that should be unencrypted)17:37
OerHekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharingDHCP3 also intresting17:37
usr_is it possible to boost up my internet connection using a switch?17:37
OerHeksfantomas, just uninstall it tru softwarecentre17:37
Knuxgenmy live cd system can't see hdd and therefore install itself: http://imgur.com/3SHDF17:38
Knuxgenwat do?17:38
computerxI know this isn't a chat channel, but... I just spent 10 minutes trying to work out why svnserve wasn't showing in ps, and trying to shut it down. 10 minutes for me to realise, actually, it's not running.17:38
fantomasOerHeks: o'rly? :) Ok, I'll try. Afair it was built deep inside ubuntu before17:38
rumpe1Paolo_CT, that's always the case, when you mount something atop of a mountpoint. It just covers the former content. Quite handy sometimes.17:39
xaphirhow do I tell apt-get to show all installed .deb packages?17:39
bazZtihi folks, how can i set up a startdelay for xbmc?17:39
jribxaphir: dpkg -l | grep '^ii'17:39
xaphirjrib: thank you17:39
fantomasOerHeks: uninstalling. thanks )17:40
usr13Anyone encountered: "Xsession:  unsupported number of arguments (2): falling back to default session"17:40
xaphirjrib: the grep grabs installed packages?17:40
doc|homeanyone using back in time gotten a folder like "20110904-000003-380" ? These folders won't rsync to my nas like the ones from a previous release would. Is this an error number? The error log isn't showing anything.17:41
usr13(It is particular to lxdm  If you switch back to gdm it goes away.)  (And if you get that error, your only option is to click on (okay) and then you have desktop with no menubar.)17:42
Paolo_CTrumpe1: So, I havent lost the data?17:44
DrknzzHi guys! i am trying to configure my new Bluetooth dongle as of http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/bluetooth-guide.xml, but when i try to connect to my device i get "Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Function not implemented". Can anyone help? [The Ubuntu documentation on bluetooth doesnt work, neither the GUI tool included in 11.04[17:44
rumpe1Paolo_CT, you have to check but i highly doubt you lost any data by mounting/unmounting.17:45
unicumhi.. having an incomprehensible problem here.. trying to connect ubuntu to an ad-hoc network which is actually listed by "ewlist wlan0 scan" and by the network manager as well.. but it just won't connect... WHY?17:48
TrusardiHey folks - my girl just bought a laptop with i5 - she wants to install ubuntu and im thinking 64 or 32 variant? what are risks/advantages/disadvantages17:49
auronandaceTrusardi: i'd go 64 bit17:51
eliezeris there a way to password protect any application ?17:52
macer1elizer: more details?17:52
edbianeliezer: Only allow root to run it17:52
macer1edbian: oh, good idea ;)17:53
eliezeredbian: any how to that i can see,i dont clearly understar,,im sorry totally newbie ;)17:54
MneumonicI have a problem with xubuntu 11.04 that I think I figured out the solution to but can't figure it out in xubuntu17:54
martin_what was the name of the offtopic channel please somebody give a link...17:54
MneumonicWhen starting certain games fullscreen my system locks up.  In Ubuntu I was able to install compizsettings manager thing and disable "sync to vbank".  Is there a way to do this in xubuntu 11.0417:55
MneumonicI didn't think xubuntu used compiz17:55
edbianeliezer: Read about file permissions: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html   But basically if you run sudo chmod 700 /path/to/program   and sudo chown root:root /path/to/program  then only root can run it and they'll have to sudo program    which asks for a passwor.d17:55
edbianMneumonic: I can17:55
edbianMneumonic: it can*17:55
shadowmanwhere to copy iso after installing grub2 on usb17:55
eliezeredbian: thanks17:55
edbianMneumonic: Install ccsm and run it in xfce and see if it fixes the problem17:56
Dr_WillisMneumonic:  it dosent.17:56
Mneumonicdoing that now17:56
Dr_WillisMneumonic:  im not even sure how a compiz setting lik ethat wold be affecting a game.  - what game were having the issues?17:56
DrknzzHi guys! i am trying to configure my new Bluetooth dongle as of http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/bluetooth-guide.xml, but when i try to connect to my device i get "Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Function not implemented". Can anyone help? [The Ubuntu documentation on bluetooth doesnt work, neither the GUI tool included in 11.04[17:57
dbinojdoes new files created by root automatically given ownership of 1st user created after root?17:57
MneumonicEnemy territory and the gfceu emulator, it is the compiz setting in regular Ubuntu, it fixed it for a lot of people on the forum and myself when using ubuntu17:57
wolfricwhat's the disk utility program named? Or how would you even find out. if i say, wanted to execute it from command line17:58
edbianwolfric: The way I find out is to drag it on the desktop, then look at the properties17:58
mrhI got dvorak layout in my keyboard pref. if i remove the layout it reappears the next time i login. how can I remove it permanently?17:58
edbianwolfric: palimpsest    btw17:58
mrhis there a conf file I can look into?17:59
wolfricedbian: thanks17:59
edbianwolfric: sure17:59
MneumonicNope, that didn't fix it17:59
Dr_WillisMneumonic:  what video chipset/drivers are you using?17:59
MneumonicI didn't think it would, since I didn't think xubuntu uses compiz17:59
MneumonicATI Radeon HD 565017:59
Mneumonicusing the catalyst 11.817:59
MneumonicI don't have this issue in ubuntu/xubuntu 10.1018:00
auronandaceMneumonic: you need to run compiz --replace18:00
Dr_WillisMneumonic:  i would check the catalyst control panel tool - see if theyhave some  vblak settings18:00
MneumonicTheres nothing in the catalyst except changing my primary graphics card and my power settings18:00
Dr_Willisodd. cagalyst control panel on the one ati box here had a whole lot of settings.  there maybe a way to enable it in the xorg.conf then it would do it for all the desktops/wm's18:01
MneumonicI have wait for vertical refresh to off, unless application specifies18:01
Dr_Willistry turning that setting on?18:01
Barridusanyone know the best way to add exfat file system support for usb drives?18:02
Mneumonicput vertical refresh on?18:02
dbinojdoes new files created by root automatically given ownership of 1st user created after root?18:02
Mneumonicgonna try it, might freeze up, brb18:02
xaphirjribas: I thought that dpkg -l got installed packages, but your grep tells me that's not the whole story18:02
Barridusi found this but it seems cumbersome http://apcmag.com/how-to-enable-exfat-in-ubuntu.htm18:03
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hareldvdEven though the numlock is on numeric keyboard does the arrows. Any idea? ( It's a laptop on a docking station.)18:04
MneumonicSame problem with Vertical Refresh on18:04
BarkingFishhareldvd, sometimes there's a problem with reversed leds18:05
BarkingFishtry hitting your numlock button until the led goes out, then switch it on again18:05
BarkingFishif that doesn't work, try it with the led off18:05
Trusardihey one question what could not work if i install 64 bit version of ubuntu?18:06
MneumonicI wish I would not have bought a switchable graphics ATI laptop, nothing but issues with linux18:06
Icculusanyone help me out? PS i am very new to ubuntu...18:07
PriceyIcculus: What's up?18:07
IcculusWell i want to watch something on my projector from my laptop, with U Studio 11.04 on it... but I cant seem to figure out how to get my s-video output working18:08
Dr_WillisMneumonic:  yep - new 'cutting edge' stuff like that - can be an issue. but normally they get sorted out in the following months.18:08
unicumso.. any ideas to.. ubuntu being stupid on handling ad-hoc connections?18:08
Icculusi tried so many things, but as i said i am a newb and have trouble understanding some stuff18:08
Dr_WillisIcculus:  whats the video chipset on the laptop?18:08
Icculusi believe it is a nvidia card18:09
hareldvdBarkingFish, didn't help. Any more ideas?18:09
kyle__Is anyone here familiar, really familiar, with running ubuntu-server on a core2 based mac-mini?18:09
Dr_WillisIcculus:  check the lspci command output and be sure.18:09
BarkingFishhareldvd, which laptop do you have?18:09
hareldvdIt's an old Fujitsu Siemens S7020 or something.18:10
BarkingFishone moment18:11
MneumonicIs ubuntu 11.04 this buggy for other people also?18:11
MneumonicIt seems kinda frustrating so far18:11
downsWhen i go to play MMO games such as alien arena my internet is disconnected and it will not find the master server to list all game servers is there something i can do to fix this?18:11
IcculusAlright Dr_Willis... I guess i will have to troubleshoot it later, i am on my windows PC now, dont have my laptop near18:11
BarkingFishhareldvd, from the looks of that laptop, the numeric keyboard is built in to the regular keyboard, not as a seperate pad, right?18:12
IcculusJust mad i wiped windows off my laptop cause s-video worked in 1 click on that, baaahhh18:12
kyle__Mneumonic: It's been a bit troublesome, but most of the issues are unity-related.  If you don't have autologin turned on, you can select your session before you log in, so with 11, I always choose gnome :)18:12
mongyMneumonic,  sudo aticonfig --vs=off and reboot18:12
libertyhello all18:12
Mneumonicif this works i love you mongy18:12
Dr_WillisIcculus:  for my nvidia based machines. I install the nvidia drivers. use the nvidia-settings tool and enable the tv out...    if its not nvidia.. well.. no idea18:12
jiohdiis there a way to get ubuntu to force nvdia cards to run in a normal mode that does not require nvdia drivers?18:12
mongyMneumonic, I use the opposite to get rid of tearing18:12
hareldvdBarkingFish, Yea, however I use a docking station to which a regular keyboard is attached.18:13
downsWhen i go to play MMO games such as alien arena my internet is disconnected and it will not find the master server to list all game servers is there something i can do to fix this?18:13
Dr_WillisIcculus:  ive had svideo out work on nvidia machines befor with no clicking needed. :) but even finding a machine with svideo out these days is getting rare.18:13
hareldvdIt used to be OK. I guess I misconfigured something.18:13
Barridusjiohdi, not if you want to have any form of opengl or video acceleration18:13
BarkingFishit may be then, that the docking station needs a different keyboard layout to the one you have on the laptop, it's obviously interpreting the attached keyboard as the keymap on the laptop.18:13
libertycan I ask for a bit of help?18:14
Icculustrue.... I did actually install the nvidia-settings tool, and when i open it it tells me something like i need to edit a X file or whatever... uhg sorry i feel so dumb cause i JUST started using ubuntu hah18:14
BarkingFishthe two of which are likely to be different layouts, hareldvd18:14
kyle__mongy: Wait, what does that do?  I had a weeks worth of frustration after trying to disable the ati closed source driver.18:14
downsWhen i go to play MMO games such as alien arena my internet is disconnected and it will not find the master server to list all game servers is there something i can do to fix this?18:14
jiohdiBarridus, I run openbox I do not believe I need all that do I?18:14
BarkingFishWhat layout is the normal keyboard? QWERTY 105 Key?18:14
mongykyle__,  sets vsync off18:14
mongykyle__, man aticonfig18:14
Darkenvywhats the command to check free disk space? free -v?18:14
Dr_WillisIcculus:  you set the settings.. and save the settings. they save to the xorg.conf   then you restart the X server normally18:15
Dr_WillisIcculus:  you  need to enable 'twinview'18:15
hareldvdBarkingFish, I think I use qwerty 105 how can I verify?18:15
MneumonicThat didn't work either18:15
Mneumonicas soon as my game goes fullscreen it locks up18:15
Mneumonicits weird because it doesn't do it to Sauerbraten or WoW through wine18:15
Mneumoniconly a few other games18:15
BarkingFishhareldvd, does it have a QWERTY layout and a seperate number pad to the right?18:15
BarkingFishif so, it's likely that's a 105 key18:15
mongyMneumonic, have you also set the option in CCC?18:16
Mneumonicwhat option18:16
BarkingFishone moment because I have to ask the crew here for help :)18:16
hareldvdBarkingFish, Sorry I thought you refered to configuration.18:16
Icculusalright, i will try to figure that out... the nvidia program gives me an error right when i run it... i guess i need to grab my laptop and try stuff out18:16
BarkingFishGuys, where is the system preferences option in Ubuntu to change the keyboard layout?18:16
mongyMneumonic, well in catalyst 11.xx you have tear free option (which I disable as it slows things down a lot) and then there is the setting in 3D18:16
computerxBefore I screw up my whole PC, can I make one mount in /home/storage, and a line under in the fstab, make another mount in /home/storage/other ?18:17
Mneumonic11.8 catalyst doesn't have that option18:17
mongyMneumonic, mine it does18:17
BarkingFishhareldvd, the layout on your laptop and the keyboard on the docking station are most likely mismatched.  It sounds to me like the laptop is interpreting the keypresses as being on its own keymap (for the laptop keyboard) rather than the keymap for the one you have plugged in.18:17
hareldvdBarkingFish, mongy I still use 10.0418:17
mongyMneumonic, Display options has tear free and More Settings has the vsync18:18
MneumonicI have Welcome, Information, and under 3D its Anti-Aliasing, Anti-Aliasing Mode, Anisotropic Filtering, Mipmap Detail, and More settings18:18
Dr_Willismongy:  i was thinking the same thing. I saw some tear-free settings when i was testing out differnt disrtos on this ati box.18:18
Mneumonicmy CCC doesnt have display options18:18
hareldvdBarkingFish, Interesting. Any tip how to cure this problem?18:18
BarkingFishThis is what I'm trying to find out from the guys here, hareldvd - I use kubuntu, not ubuntu, and some of the prefs are in different places :)18:19
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Dr_WillisMneumonic:  you using 10.04 11.04? or what version exactly of ubuntu/xubuntu?18:19
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout18:19
MneumonicXubuntu 11.04 with the ATI 11.8 catalyst from ati.com18:19
MneumonicI have to use 11.7 or 11.8 because i have switchable graphics and those are the only catalysts that support it18:19
BarkingFishhareldvd, try looking at what ubottu just posted up, that may be what you need18:19
Mneumonicwell 11.5 and 11.6 do, but its really buggy18:20
Dr_Williscould be the linux tools/drivers for the ati card. are not fully aware of that chipsets features. and are not showing everything. Mneumonic18:20
mongyMneumonic, and you dont see  this   ? http://i.imgur.com/wQb6p.png18:20
hareldvdBarkingFish, Didn't find any settings for the different keyboards.18:20
Mneumonicnope, under vertical refresh i only have the slider18:21
mongyDr_Willis, Mneumonic  true, might be chipset thing.  mine is 465018:21
Dr_WillisI got some old wimpy built in ati on this desktop.18:21
mongyMneumonic, so set it all way to left18:21
Dr_Willisits the only ati machine i have left. :)18:21
=== Taftse2 is now known as Taftse
Dr_Williswait for efresh - quality - enavbles the syncing. i would thinlk.18:22
Mneumonicbut i want vertical refresh in games...and it always worked fine in Ubuntu 10.1018:22
Dr_WillisMneumonic:  you had 10.10 on that laptop befor?18:22
Paolo_CTrumpe1: Solved it, I just needed to erase the folders that were in with the encryped one (I dont know why they were together)18:22
Paolo_CTrumpe1: Thanks for your help18:22
IcculusAhh okay my laptop has an ATI graphics card with s-video out... maybe I can problemsolve from there on18:22
MneumonicYes I've run 10.10 both Ubuntu and Xubuntu, and also Mint 9 and 1018:22
Mneumonicthey run really well18:23
Mneumonicno issues with any games freezing full screen18:23
Dr_WillisIcculus:  :) it does help to know if you got ati or nvidia.. :)18:23
hareldvdBarkingFish, Nothing.18:23
MneumonicI would honestly still be running 10.10 but there is one really annoying bug i couldn't figure out18:23
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Icculusyea, like i said i am a computer idiot, haha18:24
Mneumoniceverytime i turn my computer on in anything older than 11.04 my brightness starts at 0 and i have to turn it up18:24
MneumonicIt got really annoying after about 100 times18:24
BarkingFishhareldvd, I guess I'm gonna have to turn you over to the ubuntuites then :)  I'm sorry I've not been able to help you.18:24
Dr_Willisgo test the next release. see if it still does it.. file a bug report if it does Mneumonic.. it might get fixed.18:25
BarkingFishFigured to go through the easy stuff first.18:25
mongyDr_Willis, fglrx works in 11.10?18:25
domn8rzMnemonic it might be better to run virtual in either virtual Box, or Win virtual PC, or even VM ware... I run 10.04 in VM Ware workstation, and I've never had problems18:26
SoothsayerWhy are files I'm accessing on NTFS drives of Windows when I'm dual booting into in Ubuntu getting corrupt?18:26
cousin_luigiThe keymap indicator disappeared: how can I get it back on my panel? (11.04/gnome)18:26
MneumonicI'd prefer to not have to have windows on my laptop18:27
Mneumonici used to dual boot and do the virtualbox thing18:27
domn8rzcousin_luigi you may not have partitioned the drive for your ubuntu image properly18:27
Mneumonicif I'm going to run windows and then ubuntu in a virtualbox it seems to defeat the purpose of running linux18:28
domn8rzMneumonic, i understand where you're coming from, but since I work in the IT field I have to run both :(18:28
hareldvdBarkingFish, Thanks.18:28
cousin_luigidomn8rz: WHAT?18:28
BarkingFishcousin_luigi, I think he's mixed you up with the poster above you :)18:29
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BarkingFishdomn8rz, i think your post was directed to Soothsayer :)18:29
Dr_Willismongy:  i imagineit depends on your chipset..18:29
libertyI'm trying to compile wxwidgets with opengl and although I have all the required packages, including the dev ones, the libgl1 library it's not present. Have any of you bumped in to this?18:29
hareldvdBarkingFish, When I say guys. Do they really listen?18:30
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domn8rzBarkingFish, thanks that is who I meant18:30
domn8rzcousin_luigi, I appologize18:30
mongyDr_Willis, it usually wont build in newer ubuntu releases until kernel freeze and right up to the final release...usually anyway so I have not even bothered trying in this one.. heh18:30
SoothsayerBarkingFish, cousin_luigi : basically, system dual boots windows & ubuntu. When I modify or create new files in the NTFS drives through Ubuntu, it appears corrupt on both Windows & Ubuntu after a reboot18:31
Dr_Willismongy:  on this desktop box - the gpl drivers work for me in unity and movies - so i rarely even notice.18:31
domn8rzSoothsayer, you may not have partitioned the drive for your ubuntu image properly18:31
cousin_luigiSoothsayer: sounds like unclean unmounting.18:31
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: ntfs3g?18:31
=== Guest8536 is now known as nihil39
BarkingFishSoothsayer, it's domn8rz who is assisting you :)  I was merely pointing him in the right direction :D18:32
mongyDr_Willis, radeon driver works ok but the heat/fullspeed fans is a show stopper18:32
Soothsayercousin_luigi, domn8rz this has been happening since the first day I installed Ubuntu . (I'm on 11.04)18:32
Dr_WillisSoothsayer: how are you mounting that ntfs? you using a fstab entry? if so paste it here.18:32
cousin_luigiSoothsayer: Have you tried explicitly unmounting the ntfs partition before shutdown?18:32
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, I'm not sure what package is being used. But I remember installing that package.18:32
BarkingFishand hareldvd - I would assume they listen, the channel is quite busy so if you just ask your question again, and hold on, someone else will pick you up in a bit :)18:32
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domn8rzSoothsayer, are you runnign dual boot, or virtual, or just ubuntu18:32
SoothsayerDr_Willis, I'm mounting it using Nautilus or I have those drive icons in my ubuntu top panel.18:33
Soothsayerdomn8rz, dual boot.18:33
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  so its auto-mounting on access.18:33
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: IIRC using the ntfs kernel module produces such effects, make sure ntfs3g is used.18:33
SoothsayerDr_Willis, Yes18:33
cousin_luigimy bad about the keyboard18:33
nihil39hi, i have a laptop with sandybridge core i3 processor. i'm using intel graphic card built in the cpu. how can i get mplayer with va-api support?18:33
cousin_luigiit was already there, but for some reason I couldn't see it:)18:33
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, IIRC?18:34
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: IIRC=if I recall correctly18:34
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  there wsa some old options (rarely used) to auto convert cr/lf  in files on ntfs. that can mess thingd up. but i dont think it would be the default for how you are mounting them. You could  mount them by hand via ntfs-3g andsee if the problem still happens18:34
SoothsayerDr_Willis, Master ok, I could try ntfs-3g. Do I have to remove anything first?18:34
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  it should allreadybe installed.. nothing to do but use the command as needed18:35
domn8rzIAW Dr_Willis18:35
Dr_Willisdomn8rz:  Huh?18:35
nihil39is there anyone with a sandybridge processor that is using the intel integrated video card?18:35
SoothsayerDr_Willis, MasterOfDisaster  : I'm just looking at my Synpatic Package Manager.. ntfs-3g is already installed.18:35
rhizmoegrr, apt-get + ffmpeg = WARNING: library configuration mismatch18:35
domn8rzIAW= I Agree With18:36
resc_user_2043someone talk spanish+18:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:36
rhizmoeme gusta un burrito18:36
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rhizmoedonde esta casa de pepe18:36
zproodhi ~18:36
mongyrhizmoe,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095  super easy guide to compiling latest ffmpeg with no restrictions18:37
ActionParsnipis there no ppa?18:37
tab1293hey does anyone know of an mp3 organizer for linux18:37
Dr_WillisI thought medibuntu had ffmpeg with the extra stuff compiled in. or at least it did at one time.18:37
mongyActionParsnip, probably is..18:37
MasterOfDisastertab1293: try easytag18:37
rhizmoemongy: yeah, doing manual build now :/18:37
hareldvdBarkingFish, Thanks.18:38
rhizmoejust griping about the repo version being broken18:38
BarkingFishno problem18:38
=== Zer0 is now known as Guest47762
hareldvdEven though the numlock is on numeric keyboard does the arrows. Any idea? ( It's a laptop on a docking station.)18:38
mongyI got a script to do it all,, run it every now and then just to keep up18:38
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nothingspecialDr_Willis: It does and the guide mentions that, but it is not always the latest ffmpeg18:38
SoothsayerDr_Willis, which command am I looking for in ntfs-3g?18:39
Dr_WillisI do recall using ffmpeg from source - causing some other issues...18:39
nihil39has anyone managed to watch a hd video with intel integrated card?18:39
nihil39 mplayer i mean18:39
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  you just use the command to mount the fs..    sudo ntfs-3g /dev/whatever  /media/whereever    make a few test files, unmount it...   mount it back.. se eif they are good.18:39
rhizmoe'n stuff18:40
=== Andy_ is now known as Guest90338
ActionParsniptab1293: how do you mean 'organizer'?18:42
doc|homeanyone using back in time gotten a folder like "20110904-000003-380" ? These folders won't rsync to my nas like the ones from a previous release would. Is 380 an error number? The error log isn't showing anything.18:44
bjvHow do you enable access to /dev/mem?    i have rebooted with 'strict-devmem=0' but still get:    "failed to mmap /dev/mem for physical memory: Operation not permitted"18:45
bjvwhen i run "sudo memtester -p 0x13084000 1"18:45
w30I want to make a list of my menu but I can only find files that parse other files to generate the menu. Other than using a pencil and paper, How could I do this?18:47
wamichois there a way of tweaking desktops icons arrangement18:47
SoothsayerHow do I run fsck for an ntfs drive?18:49
Soothsayersudo fsck -F ufs -y /dev/sdb318:49
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: I'd suggest booting windows18:49
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, and?18:49
MasterOfDisasterrunning chkdsk there18:49
OerHeksfsck does not work on ntfs afaik18:50
kyle__OerHeks: There's actually a fsck binary for each FS, so theoretically, there could be one for linux.  But why would anyone bother?18:50
MasterOfDisasteryou could check out ntfsprogs too, but chkdsk is a *much* safer bet.18:51
Antonishello I have a question folks. Is there a replacement applet for showing the desktop or any way I could change the icon to something.. transparent? while my whole panel is transparent and beautiful this specific icon/applet has a dark gray background which is kind of annoying. thanks18:51
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Barridusis the next ubuntu going to support exfat file system usb drives out of the box?18:53
kyle__exfat? Good god, is that what people are doing to poor lil usb drives?18:53
qinAntonis: Try DustSand theme18:53
=== kreative is now known as Kreative`
Barriduskyle__, is that a yes or a no?  XD18:54
Antonisqin, do you have a link to that theme? I am quite good with ambiance but I want to give it a try anyway18:54
kyle__Barridus: It's the first I've heard anyone actually using it.  I've seen many students use NTFS on their dlarge drives, but never actually seen someone using exfat.18:55
qinAntonis: It is build in theme18:55
kyle__x-large not dlarge.18:55
Barriduskyle__, ntfs is designed for spinning hdd's, exfat is designed for flash18:55
w30Antonis, well, you could dig through your icons, find the png graphic and replace it with a transparent one. I have done such but it is a lot of hunting and digging.18:56
Antonisqin, oh.. I tried it but it won't make it transparent =)18:56
kyle__Barridus: It's a version of fat, so "designed" would be a stretch.  Yes I'm biased, but still.  It's an extention to fat.  Not good.18:56
Antonisw30, I thought of that but I guess I was too lazy to dig around before asking.. :P18:56
qinAntonis: then w30 is more than right, licate files of package.18:57
Barriduskyle__, i ralize it's MS, but it's true that's what it's for18:57
w30Antonis, you also have to find the right sized one 32x32 or whatever *sigh*18:57
rumpe1Barridus, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exfat: "..  a license from Microsoft is required in order to make and distribute exFAT implementations"  sounds wonderful :X18:57
kyle__Barridus: My guess is it will come with ubuntu by default as soon as the FUSE driver is out of beta.18:58
Barridusah it's in beta, ok good enough answer for now thanks kyle18:58
SoothsayerYes, chkdisk in windows is showing errors on certain index entries18:58
kyle__Barridus: And again, it's designed to let users use something other than NTFS on removable media.  I see nothing reading what little info I can find that says it was actually designed for flash :)18:58
Antonisw30, I could make on myself no problem.. I just have to find the right icon.. any help with that? where could it be loaded? I think all applets come from a gnome package or something?18:59
deanHi all could anyone tell me if they have managed to get mintbackup running in ubuntu 11.04?18:59
kyle__Barridus: Oooh wait.  Looks like they have pattents for contiguous file allocation, so yea, it would be specifically for flash. My bad!18:59
Barridusyeah heh19:00
Antonisw30, also, I change to a theme that also changes the icon of the applet BUT the background itself remains colored :\ so I guess no luck in changing the icon19:00
w30Antonis, poke around in /usr/share/icons; and have a lot of patience and time.19:00
Barriduskyle__, it does work brilliantly on unmentionable operating system #7 at work :)19:01
usr_I already asked this before, but I need to know if it is possible to share an internet connection. On the tutorial that I was reading I need a crossover cable. Is there any other approach whithout using a crossover cable? I have my desktop with two network cards, one is connected to internet via wifi and the other to the switch or router via ethernet19:02
rwwusr_: Generally, crossover cables aren't necessary these days. Adapters will automatically detect the situation and adapt. You might try a regular ethernet cable.19:03
usr_rww I tried but it does not work :(19:03
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:03
rwwI've used that guide in the past and it worked fine. Yay networking hardware :|19:04
usr_rww, I followed the instructions from that page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:04
usr_well, I want to share my connection with a router instead of another computer19:05
usr_is it possible to configure the router?19:05
usr_rww I mean, is it possible to configure the router as the receiver and then redirect it to other devices?19:06
SoothsayerI am facing the exact issue described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148957319:06
OerHeksusr_ so you like to have eth cable in your pc, ICS to an router ? why not put the cable in the router direct ?19:06
SoothsayerWhat do I do ?19:06
BatBlasterI have a problem with an sd card19:07
usr_OerHeks, I only have access to internet via wifi and I want to connect my printer, hdd and another computer and share internet19:07
usr_OerHeks, I have a wireless network card and an ethernet card. I would like to connect the router to my ethernet PC card and use it as the source of internet19:08
OerHekswireless router ?19:09
kyle__Anyone out here know how to reboot a mac-mini running ubuntu-server remotely?  Issuing a standard reboot hangs at the end, as does a standard shutdown -h now.  I can power the boxes off remotely using "poweroff", but they won't wake on lan, so that's not useful.19:09
MasterOfDisasterkyle__: any log output that can help find out why it's hanging?19:09
w30usr_, they make hardware for that, I don't know the cost though.19:10
kyle__MasterOfDisaster: Not available remotely.  It's something to do with EFI (macs don't have a traditional bios persey).19:10
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Paolo_CTMy home encrypted folder is unmounting by itself after a couple of minutes :/  What could be happening?19:11
BatBlasterwhere'd ryone go19:12
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Paolo_CTOnly solution I have is to restart the sesion19:12
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, you here?19:12
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: jup19:13
w30usr_,people using hotel wifi do stuff like that with they want their phone, ipad, etc. sync'ed together.19:13
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, in Windows. Running chkdsk, it seems to be deleting all those corrupt index entries. This thread explains the problem I'm facing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148957319:13
Logan_!netsplit | BatBlaster19:14
ubottuBatBlaster: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:14
usr_w30, how can I do it?19:15
BatBlasterOkay, what about my sd card19:15
w30usr_,buy the right hardware.19:15
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: you could try using ext2fsd on your ubuntu homedir (use ext3, not ext4) for data exchange19:16
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: no idea why ntfs3g fouls up your ntfs volume19:16
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, I didn't get that. Are you implying that I need to move to ext3 instead of ext4 ?19:17
w30usr_, I doubt if Wal Mart has it but TigerDirect and NewEgg would have such devices.19:17
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: ext2fsd has support for ext2 and ext3 only, so if you want to use it, no ext4 for you.19:18
BatBlasterhello, my sd card19:18
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, the ext2fsd page says "Open source ext3/4 file system driver for Windows " http://www.ext2fsd.com/19:18
rumpe1BatBlaster, tell19:19
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: ok, sorry then - last time I checked, ext3 support was fairly new and no talk of ext419:19
BatBlasterlook at the photo19:19
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MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: be careful though19:20
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, ye, it doesn't look stable.19:20
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, ok see. I have unallocated free space on my drive to create new partitions. I guess I'll just create a new ext3 partition to share files between windows and ubuntu. Makes sense?19:21
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: ext2 support (ext3 can be mounted as ext2) is acceptable, I'm using it regularly.19:21
BatBlasterhello, argh i was in the middle of cleaning.,..19:22
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: yes, that's a good idea19:22
tomodachiMasterOfDisaster: ext4 can also be mounted as ext2 i believe19:22
tomodachisince ext3 is only ext2 with journaling19:22
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, but when I try to create a new partition in disk utility under ubuntu, it tells me that I already have the max no. of partitions that can be created (4)19:22
Terabytewhat's the easiest way to get the latest ubuntu on a laptop with no cd drive19:22
penguin terabyte: use USB with unetinbootin19:23
penguin'will load like a champ19:23
rhizmoeis there a way for me to change the color/formatting of the virtual desktop selector thingy in the taskbar?19:23
rhizmoei wouldn't mind having a red border or something around the active one19:23
BatBlasterwhat doi i do with my sd card19:24
MasterOfDisastertomodachi, Soothsayer: https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Can_I_mount_existing_Ext3_as_Ext4.3F_And_vice_versa.3F_Similarly_from_Ext2_to_Ext4_and_its_reverse.3F19:25
rhizmoethis ffmpeg make is going to take forever19:26
rhizmoeprobably time enough to go for a bike ride19:26
xi902are there any physical books (non-lulu) which cover openoffice.org 3.2 that are included in ubuntu 10.04? I was looking at "a conceptual guide to openoffice 3" although am unsure which version of openoffice.org this covers.19:27
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, accessing an ext3 on Windows won't be too complicated, would it? And would be as efficient as a normal ntfs drive on windows to work with?19:27
filsufwhat is the best video-editing in linux?19:28
MasterOfDisasterhaven't done much performance testing, using the gui ext2fsd comes with it's easy enough.19:29
jack__probobaly gtk-sreenrecorder19:29
quidnuncHow do I resolve the apt conflict? http://paste.ubuntu.com/682048/19:29
xi902filsuf: i like openshot19:29
jack__known as recordmydesktop19:29
xi902filsuf: openshot is very stable and easy to use19:29
filsufCinelerraCV ... did you use it xi902 ?19:30
Bucaneirowhat is the package to download youtube videos?19:30
MasterOfDisasterBucaneiro: youtube-dl?19:30
jack__recordmydesktop is also a good video encoder19:30
xi902filsuf: i never could figure that program out... have tried older versions19:30
filsufi c xi90219:30
filsuflet me see openshot19:30
filsufbtw .. does it easily open flip's movie?19:31
xi902http://www.openshotvideo.com/ and you can install it via the software center19:31
Soothsayerif I already have 4 partitions and there's more unallocated space which I want to use, I've to create an extended partition?19:32
xi902filsuf: probably. although i don't know for sure. my mom actually uses it more than i do... and she has not had any issues taking videos off her digital camera which takes video.19:32
filsufi c xi902 .. it's just a regular mp4 file anyway19:32
filsufI mean that flip's movie19:32
xi902filsuf: i believe most of the video editing programs will import the same content as they are using a back end that is similar/same. there are only a few different back-ends i believe.19:33
xi902filsuf: i'm almost 100% confident it can open it without issue19:33
jack__does anyone know what ubuntu version jolicloud 1.2 is based on??19:33
xunubiEvenin' all... Could anyone point me in the right direction? I'm looking for how the sound server + GUI are set up for ubuntu, ubuntu is the only linux distro I can use which configures my sound device correctly (all others result in my mic playing through my speakers), even xubuntu / kubuntu have this issue, so I would like to strip down the currently installed sound server /configuration and mimic that of ubuntu if poss19:34
IdleOnejack__: check the jolicloud site19:34
=== bl4ckcomb|bnc is now known as bl4ckcomb
Trashihi guys. after my pc wakes up from stanbdy i get the following errors: could not set wlan0 up / networkmanager: wpa_supplicant couldnt grab interface / wpa_supplicant: failed to initialize driver interface ... if i reboot all works fine ... can someone help to fix please? thanks!19:34
IdleOnejack__: side note, we don't support jolicloud here.19:34
victor_hi all19:35
BatBlasterI KNOWWWW19:35
victor_can some one help me install the driver for lexmark z2300 it give me this error Lua error detected: While parsing install.lua: install.lua:118: Overflow detected: Not enough space for widget.19:36
jweinbergI've got a serial mouse on my ubuntu box, input attach is telling me can't set line discipline19:37
MasterOfDisasterwhen rebooting, resolv.conf is empty (using dhcp) - resolvconf is installed and has been reinstalled, no change. running ifdown && ifup makes it behave correctly. Ideas?19:37
jweinbergbut --dump shows output19:37
xi902victor_ you are better off getting a new printer. hp's the only company which produces good printers for free software operating systems. you could go high end laser and be alright although not because the manufacturers are making an effort to support free software. just because they use a standard called postscript.19:38
xi902victor_ look at thinkpenguin.com...19:38
kajinoi need to make an executable that make me switch from dhcp to manual specific ip... and another file to set dhcp up again.19:39
kopecitoHello, is this a know bug? http://i.imgur.com/kOgNp.png And how to correct it please : )19:39
computerxIt's theme specific I believe19:40
computerxChange the theme and see how that looks19:40
guntbert!bug | kopecito19:40
ubottukopecito: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:40
BatBlasterwhat language is that in19:40
MasterOfDisasterkajino: switch /etc/network/interfaces around with a script and restart networking?19:41
kajinoyep...  :D19:41
guntbertkopecito: there you will also find instructions on how to look for bug reports19:41
kajinoi've 5 ip and i've to switch among them.. and sometimes i've to get back to dhcp server19:41
quentusrexAnyone know of a good process to update perl in ubuntu 11.04?19:42
MasterOfDisasterdoesn't network-manager have support for different profiles?19:42
kajinoMasterOfDisaster,  i think it's something with ifconfig wlan0 address .. but i've to make executable and it should not have conflict with wicd possibly ^^;;19:42
IdleOnevictor_: take a look at comment #6 on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112661319:42
kajinohm? i think not..19:42
LinuxNoobHello, can someone tells me, how can i set a password for root19:43
quentusrexI'm running into a perl segfault in 5.10 that is fixed in later releases, but they are not yet backported to 11.04.19:43
victor_ok thanks IdleOne19:43
kopecitoguntbert, thanks19:43
kajinoin windows i used a bat file with netsh command19:43
guntbert!root  LinuxNoob19:43
guntbert!root | LinuxNoob19:43
ubottuLinuxNoob: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:43
IdleOnevictor_: there are a few different solutions and links in that thread but one should hopefully work for you.19:43
MasterOfDisasterkajino: have a look at network-manager, perhaps it's already capable of the thing you want19:44
muktiI'm having a problem with my sound. When I log in and turn on my computer, it makes the correct sounds. When I am logged in and I try to play a song or an online video, there is no sound.19:44
kajinomaybe u're right :D19:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:44
kajinoi try, thanks19:44
MasterOfDisasterkajino: I use it on my laptop, it's nice for managing wireless networks.19:44
robin0800mukti, have you installed any codecs?19:45
thrillERboyHI, is there an IRC channel for Deja Dup ?19:45
muktirobin0800: no, it just suddenly stopped working19:46
kajinoMasterOfDisaster,  but u speak about the usual network manager  in ubuntu10? :D19:46
muktirobin0800: I watched a youtube video earlier, and the sound did work.19:46
MasterOfDisasterkajino: yes19:46
robin0800mukti, don't know then19:46
muktirobin0800: also, videos and songs wont play19:47
muktiI'll just restart my computer lol it will probably fix it19:47
robin0800mukti, have you got mute turned on physical/software?19:48
LinuxNooberr, im now looged as root, but i cant install grub19:48
FlannelthrillERboy: probably on irc.gnome.org19:49
doitis there documentation for securing an ubuntu install similar to the debian security howto?19:49
quidnunc!ask | LinuxNoob19:50
ubottuLinuxNoob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:50
abstraktok, so. i've been searching everywhere for this19:50
abstrakthow do I get ubuntu server to link me up to my ssh-agent properly when I log in?19:50
LinuxNooberr how can i install grub? i got 2 linux OS but my last linux deleted the entry of my first linux.19:50
abstrakteach time I log in I can see ssh-agent running as a process, but I can't ssh to anything until I first run exec ssh-agent bash19:50
LinuxNoob!ask doesnt work19:51
ubottuLinuxNoob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:51
muktiokay, that worked. How would I restart my sound without restarting my computer? /etc/init.d/alsa restart ?19:51
abstraktthe problem being, if I add "exec ssh-agent bash" to my .bashrc it hangs my system19:51
LinuxNoob!ask install-grub19:51
quidnuncLinuxNoob: No, stop19:51
downsWhen i go to play MMO games such as alien arena my internet is disconnected and it will not find the master server to list all game servers is there something i can do to fix this?19:51
doodmanghi, my laptop isn't detecting when it is off AC power19:52
kyle__heh, wrong window19:52
IdleOne!grub | LinuxNoob19:52
ubottuLinuxNoob: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:52
quidnuncLinuxNoob: Those are bot triggers19:52
quidnuncLinuxNoob: Any sane Linux distro installer should detect previous installs19:52
muktidowns: you need to be connected to the internet19:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:52
muktiHow would I restart my sound without restarting my computer, /etc/init.d/alsa restart ?19:52
IdleOneLinuxNoob: read the info given. there is no magic irc command to fix your grub19:53
downsmukti, i am lol19:53
muktidowns: Oh, I thought you said that your internet was disconnected, my bad19:53
filsufxi902 :: for installing cinelerra .. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175030019:53
downsmukti, no when the games go to poll the master server it disconnects my lan connection19:55
IcculusAnyone have an ATI Video Card and know how to enable s-video output?19:56
LinuxNoobok, done. thx bot19:57
BatBlasteri cut off the offending piece19:58
IcculusATI graphics card, ubuntu studio 11.04 - svideo?19:59
evilgenhallo, ist hier irgendwo ein channel für ubuntu remix (ylmf)20:00
evilgenhow change channel?20:01
IdleOneevilgen: ylmfos is not supported here. check the website and see if they have a irc channel.20:01
IdleOne/join #channel20:01
doitdoes anyone know how to get spdif output tow work in ubuntu?20:01
evilgen"/join !ylmfos" right?20:02
Icculuswell someone PM me if you wanna help a big NOOB get svideo workin on ATI20:02
BarkingFishevilgen, ylmfos hat hier keine kanal20:03
BarkingFishund /join #<kanal namen hier>20:03
evilgenwie jetzt? kein kanal im ubuntu server?20:04
MasterOfDisasterevilgen: frag un #ubuntu-de20:04
BarkingFishylmfos hat keine kanal am freenode20:04
tmusWhere can I find "Ubuntu Core"?? Looks like something that might be incredibly useful for some of my projects, but I can't find it anywhere??20:04
doodmangWhat does one do when they don't get an answer to a question after asking the forums and IRC20:04
th0rdoodmang: I would do some research and try to figure it out myself20:05
guntbertdoodmang: you should/could repeat your question after some time here, and then you might want to give more details20:06
Polahtmus: You can get it here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/11.10/beta-1/  and you may want to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core and http://www.canonical.com/engineering-services/ubuntu-core      , seeing as it's oneiric it won't be totally stable.20:07
tmusPolah, aaah, thanks a lot :-)20:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:08
lucaaaaaaaa /msg ubottu !bot20:08
IdleOne^ no space20:09
guntbert!bot > lucaaaaaaaa20:09
ubottulucaaaaaaaa, please see my private message20:09
lilithdoes anyone know if the latest release installs properly onto EFI PCs?20:19
ninjinxNo idea20:20
Triscar0load average: 1.53, 1.23, 0.9220:21
Triscar0is that bad ?:D20:21
RussellAlanOkay, so been trying to fix this for several days.... I installed Ubuntu to /sda3 with /sda4 ext-2 ... Windows 7 is on /sda1 ... When it asked me.. where do I want to install "boot loader" I chose /sda3 ... so now no Grub is loading at all... need help20:22
GasseusUmm... I had a hard disk failure, and I need to delete the LVM it was a part of. How would I force this with the server install disk?20:22
RussellAlanShould I just reinstall ubuntu with bootloader on /sda1?20:22
littletinybabyAnyone know of any good linux blogs that teach commands and tips?20:23
GasseusRussellAlan /dev/sda never /dev/sda120:23
RussellAlanOr use boot repair, although boot repair did not give me the option to have multiple os boot20:23
RussellAlansorry Gasseus, tis what i mean20:23
GasseusAnd yeah. It will automatically detect20:23
RussellAlanWhat will, boot loader? because it didnt give me the option for /dev/sda120:23
RussellAlani mean boot repair Gasseus20:24
GasseusThe boot loader installer program will automatically detect all os's and kernel's on the disk20:24
Gasseuseven if it says it doesn't detect it.20:25
Gasseus(much to my shagrin)20:25
RussellAlanGasseus: but when I told the Live CD ubuntu installer... I told it to install boot loader on /dev/sda3, so I'm taking it that it is not loading from that partition first and not seeing it.20:26
SerythOkay, so opera crashed after loading a HD video, which with my internet takes a long, long time. Is this vid stored in the cache somewhere? If so, where? /home/.opera/cache?20:28
computerxSeryth: There's no guarantee it'll have downloaded the whole thing20:29
computerxWas it streaming video, HTML5?20:29
Serythwhy not? The video had loaded completely. It was a vimeo vid20:29
Serythvimeo, HD, 1hr long .__. dunno about the html520:29
computerxDepending on the video, it may have tried to seek randomly through it20:30
computerxLemmie see what my opera cache has20:30
Serythcomputerx damn. If it had downloaded it, where woul---oh oaky20:30
kyle__I don't suppose there are any eucalyptus users in here, awake?20:31
computerxI happen to have written a number of video heavy websites, but I cleared my cache recently. I'll go watch one and brb20:31
=== heaven is now known as Guest33938
Serythcomputerx okay, thanks. I've not restarted opera in case it auto clears, is that right?20:33
muktiSome applications heat up my computer dramatically, to almost dangerous levels. Is there any way to prevent this?20:33
MasterOfDisastermukti: Install fans20:34
muktiMasterOfDisaster: its a laptop20:34
MasterOfDisastermukti: take it apart, clean it20:34
Knuxgenmukti: make sure its clean20:34
muktiits only a few weeks old, and only a couple of programs do it20:35
abstraktwhy doesn't ubuntu server read my ~/.ssh/id_rsa by default when I log in? ubuntu desktop does this20:35
wolf85kunstive just a question about warmux, linux game.20:35
computerxSeryth: I've just viewed one of my own videos, done a few "find" commands and got nothing of value20:35
wolf85kunsthow to play in full screen ?20:36
Serythdamn. Okay, thanks computerx :)20:36
wolf85kunstanybody can help me20:36
computerxSeryth: Can I PM you a moment?20:36
SerythGo for it20:36
RussellAlanno one help me fix my grub2?20:37
andeeeukHey everyone20:37
andeeeukdoes anyone here know if there is a joomla irc?20:37
smwandeeeuk, #joomla20:38
andeeeuksmw thanks!20:38
smwandeeeuk, you could have just guessed that :-P20:38
andeeeuklol, yeah dfe20:38
Paolo_CTI have a really weird problem, after a couple of minutes my encrypted home folder will unmount by itself, and I have to keep using    ecryptfs-mount-private   in order to be able to use it.20:39
Paolo_CTIf I dont use ecryptfs-mount-private, I will get 2 files,  a readme and the "Access-your-private..."20:40
nooneNeed grub help?20:40
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:40
tokamHi, how to select ubuntu classic (not unity) if the user does not require a password when lgging in20:41
ScrotieMcBoogerbjust wondering how does everyone feel about unity being the default desktop?20:41
th0rtokam: log out...it will take you to the proper screen20:41
guntberttokam: log out, select the user, select the other session and log in again ... that choice is saved20:41
ScrotieMcBoogerbthere is a config file somewhere wher eyou can change default session try googleing it20:42
guntbert!ot | ScrotieMcBoogerb20:42
ubottuScrotieMcBoogerb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:42
wolf85kunstwho play to starcraft 2 on Linux ??20:42
zoopp@ScrotieMcBoogerb: I like it though I must admit I was b1tching about it as well when it replaced gnome.20:42
tokamguntbert: when selecting the user, you are already logged in.20:43
zooppMight someone have any idea why most of the time I start my system I get no wireless connections? This happens very often ..maybe 7 times out of 10.20:44
guntberttokam: not in 11.0420:44
zooppTo be able to connect to the internet I have to reboot the system until I get network results from iwlist20:45
Jordan_URussellAlan: Like Gasseus told you, grub's boot sector needs to be installed to /dev/sda *not* to a partition like /dev/sda1.20:45
con-manI seem to have lost my window decorator20:46
RussellAlangotcha, should i redo it within livecd Jordan_U, or reinstall would be easier?20:46
Jordan_URussellAlan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot20:47
con-manwhere do I load my widow decorator?20:47
SoothsayerCan a swap partition be inside an extended partition?20:47
con-manwhere would the setting be?20:47
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, you here?20:47
Jordan_USoothsayer: Yes.20:47
=== Senix is now known as Senix|pieces
=== Senix|pieces is now known as Senix
Jordan_URussellAlan: After you are booted into Ubuntu again make sure you also run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and make sure that '/dev/sda' is selected as an install device. If you don't then grub *will* break again with future updates.20:48
SoothsayerJordan_U, ok. Cause I can't create more than 4 partitions which are primary it says. So I'm deleting swap. Creating an extended partition first and then going to create swap and my other partitions inside this extended partition. Sounds right?20:48
Paolo_CTI have a really weird problem, after a couple of minutes my encrypted home folder will unmount by itself, and I have to keep using    ecryptfs-mount-private   in order to be able to use it.20:48
Paolo_CTIf I dont use ecryptfs-mount-private, I will get 2 files,  a readme and the "Access-your-private..."20:48
con-manjoin #emerald20:48
guntberttokam: if you are talking about 11.10 -> #ubuntu+120:48
Jordan_USoothsayer: Yes.20:48
tokamits my father calling20:48
tokamhe says he has this issue20:49
tokamhe has issues with the panels and w-lan hold on.20:49
RussellAlanJordan_U:  i am just trying to make sure it doesnt delete my Windows, because I've done that before20:49
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: yup20:49
RussellAlanJordan_U: so you say I can just go into livecd, and run those commands? Or Should I just reinstall with bootloaer at /dev/sda20:49
Jordan_URussellAlan: Whichever you prefer.20:50
blsh0peverytime i start my computer without a cord on, my ubuntu display changes from a really modern look to a window xp shitty look20:50
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, back in Ubuntu. Chkdsk removed all corrupt files. Now I'm going to create an ext3 and share it with windows. Do you happen to know if windows will be able to read/write an ext3 if it's within an extended partition too ? using that tool u linked me to20:50
blsh0plike all my boxes and my tool bar at the top turns grey and old looking20:50
IdleOneblsh0p: please keep the language clean20:50
blsh0pok sorry20:51
funkeyyHi all!! i have a litlebit of a problem over here... my Document viewer does not allow me to open external links in pdfs.. if i click a link it says "Failed to execute child process "../firefox" (Permission denied)".. how can i fix that?20:51
IdleOnethank you,20:51
blsh0ppoopy look20:51
blsh0panyone know whats going on with my pc?20:51
blsh0plike, my folder icons also turn old20:51
zooppMight anyone know why 70% of the times I start my system my wireless adapter can't pickup any networks ?20:51
blsh0pand grey looking20:51
barberanzoopp, you are too far away from the access point ?20:52
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: doesn't matter if it's a primary partition or a logical drive in an extended partition.20:52
blsh0pi turn on my pc and everything looks normal, but after 3 seconds it turns into a old crappy windows xp look20:52
zooppbarberan: no, I have a few dozens networks around me the only issue is that I can't pickup any of them.20:52
blsh0pwhat the heck is going on20:52
zooppbarberan: iwlist scan returns 'no scan results'20:53
barberanzoopp, what helps you connect after all ?20:53
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, should I copy the files from my NTFS drive (which keeps getting corrupt) to this new ext3 drive I'm making via ubuntu or windows?20:53
cinematicIt appears im unable to install ubuntu off a flash drive on my macbook pro 4,120:54
zooppbarberan: rebooting the system until it is able to pickup network's around me20:54
funkeyyYEAH, RIGHT!20:54
zooppbarberan: sometimes I don't mind doing it..but heck...yesterday I had to reboot 10 times :D20:54
barberanzoopp, what's your hardware ?20:55
cinematicanyone have any suggestions? I've followed the guides, even tried 11.10 b1, and i can't get it to boot, all it says is non-system disk20:55
cinematicis it my macs EFI?20:55
zooppbarberan: "04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)"20:55
zooppbarberan: I did activate the driver trough the 'Additional Drivers'20:56
tab1293hey guys i am going away to college and i am setting up a server at home. I would like to set up NFS or something similar so i can mount a drive on my server on my laptop but i dont see how this would be secure over the internet. does anyone know of any alternatives?20:56
barberanzoopp, don't you think that there are some hindering waves, obstacles etc ?20:56
con-man no matter what I do my window decorators won't load (gtk-window-decorator, emerald...)20:57
con-manany ideas20:57
barberantab1293, VPN ?20:57
zykotick9_tab1293, use ssh / sshfs for remote mounting/sharing20:57
zooppbarberan: No it's impossible. As I told you I've get a few dozens of access points around me. I even got one in the next room and It also happens when I'm like 1m away from it.20:57
tab1293barberan, yes if i set up a vpn that would be better. but im assuming while im on campus my ip address will constantly change so i cant configure NFS to remember me20:58
tab1293zykotick9_, i looked at that but ir seems outdated20:58
zooppbarberan: It's got to be a driver issue.20:58
barberanzoopp, haven't you ever tried another OS ?20:58
Jordan_Ucinematic: Why can't you use a CD? It makes things a lot simpler with intel macs.20:58
zooppbarberan: no, but few months ago I was using OpenSuse and I had on such problems.20:59
barberanzoopp, yeah, I'm going to exclude hardware issues by recommending you trying some other operating system20:59
barberanzoopp, I'd recommend some live-cd(live-usb) distros as they have all the stuff you need and fresh(another) drivers21:00
zooppbarberan: well I had no problem while using OpenSUSE.. so I'm a bit confused21:01
cinematicJordan_U: Because my super drive is toast, usb is my only option.21:01
barberanzoopp, have not you tried googling about your Wi-Fi adapter and operating system you use ?May be it is quite widespread ?21:02
zooppbarberan: well it is actually..I had found a fix for it back in the 10.10  time but I don't seem to find it again.21:04
Jordan_Ucinematic: Follow the mac specific directions @ http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download and do *not* use the +mac iso.21:04
SoothsayerJordan_U, MasterOfDisaster : I created a new ext3 partition using gparted. But I can't seem to paste or create files inside it. How exactly do permissions work in such new partitions?21:06
jack_Soothsayer: why not? are you getting errors?21:06
jack_are the files just not showing up?21:06
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: cd /mnt ; ls -lhA21:06
SomelauwI want to install smart: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/smartmontools But I don't know my architecture. amd64 or i386? I want it because I want to check an external usb harddisk from hitachi. I suspect it is broken.21:06
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: use chown on the mountpoint21:07
Soothsayerjack_, it's a new partition. so there's nothing in it except the lost+found directory21:07
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, hmm21:07
Dr_Willis!info smartmontools21:07
jack_Soothsayer: isn't that to be expected?21:07
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.39.1+svn3124-2 (natty), package size 380 kB, installed size 1052 kB21:07
Jordan_USomelauw: Why aren't you using Ubuntu Software Center / apt-get ?21:07
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, ls -lhA is gives a "total 0"21:07
MasterOfDisasterSoothsayer: or /media or whereever it's mounted21:07
SoothsayerMasterOfDisaster, right, It seems to be owned by 'root'21:08
SomelauwJordan_U: Or aptitude? Because I was searching for smarttcl while it it called smartmontools. But I found it in te list.21:09
robin0800Soothsayer, did you run gparted using sudo?21:10
Soothsayerrobin0800, well yes, it asks me for a password the moment I launch it right.21:10
zooppbarberan: I think I'll do something stupid, I'll install the package from oneric for my wireless card. Maybe it'll fix it..21:10
barberanzoopp, in your case you should try everything) but do not forget about data backup, etc.21:11
robin0800Soothsayer, so anything you create will be owned by root21:11
Soothsayerrobin0800, oh right. Did a -->  sudo chown -R foo:foo 'myvolume'21:12
Mitnik_85hi =)21:12
tatahello, I got problem vith video card: VIA, vIA chepset21:14
victoriustata: what's your problem and have you tried googling it?21:15
victoriusHi Spooky21:15
SpookySpeak Portuguese?21:16
Dr_Willisvia makes video cards? hmm. is that a S3>21:16
tatayes, S321:17
AlessonZaireSpooky  I do21:17
SpookyPreciso de ajuda...21:17
tataproblem is bad googlearth and very bad fullscreen on you tube21:17
AlessonZaireSpooky  open a pvt with me please, it's wrong to speak portuguese on international channels21:18
Dr_Willistata:  any time ive seen the terms 's3' and 'linux' together.. the results are never good.21:20
BluesKaj!pt > AlessonZaire > Spooky21:20
ubottuBluesKaj: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:20
Dr_Willistata:  You may consider yoirself lucky the system is even useable. :(21:20
BluesKaj!pt > AlessonZaire21:20
ubottuAlessonZaire, please see my private message21:20
AlessonZaireBluesKaj  no need for that, I'm also there21:21
TechnicusI have an external hard drive that will all of the sudden not mount.  How can I correct this?21:22
Dr_WillisTechnicus:  what filesystem is on it?21:22
tataDr: ok21:22
TechnicusDr_Willis; I am not sure . . . probably NTFS or fat 32 . . .21:22
Dr_WillisTechnicus:  check dmesg logs. If the filesystem is currupted. it may refuxe to mount it. You should boot to windows and check the filesystem in that case.21:23
TechnicusDr_Willis; now suddenly it is mounted but super slow.21:23
Dr_WillisTechnicus:  you can try mounting it by hand also and force it to mount.21:23
Dr_WillisTechnicus:  time to look at dmesg output.21:23
Technicus Dr_Willis; where is the dmesg output?21:24
usr_hello, this is a simple question. how can I know the IP of the devices attached to my network?21:24
Dr_Willistype dmesg in a terminal Technicus21:24
Dr_Willisusr_:  i nmap scan the network and figure out whats what21:24
=== christian is now known as Guest16458
anavarroHi there!! I have a Samsung scx-4521f and I can't get the scanner work21:26
TechnicusDr_Willis: What am I supposed to look for?21:26
Dr_WillisTechnicus:  any error messages metoning hard drives /dev/sdXX devices21:27
zooppbarberan: so far I rebooted 3 times...it worked every time21:28
usr_Dr_Willis, can you give me an example on how to use nmap? I need to find out the ip of a device to do ssh21:29
Dr_Willisnmap has gui front ends. nmap -sP 192.168.1.*21:31
TechnicusHow can I share a wireless internet connection from one Ubuntu Desktop that has a wireless nic and a wired nic to a second Ubuntu Desktop that only has a wired nic?  Does it require an ethernet cable that is rewired to be a crossover?21:36
Dr_Willis1000 speed nic's can crossover automaticallt21:38
Dr_Willisotherwise you need a crossover cable, or a switch/hub21:39
SomelauwDoes smartctl usually delete stuff by the way?21:41
ac_slatercan someone PLEASE help me install an updated "light-themes" package in Lucid (10.04)21:42
ac_slaterie - I cant find a repo which contains the backported updates ... and I dont want to install the deps by hand21:42
TechnicusDr_Willis: what can I do to find out what the hardware avaliable to me supports?21:43
notlisteningEvening all21:43
taiahi all21:45
mancohi all21:45
mancolol, hi taia21:45
Dr_Willis!info ethtool21:45
ubottuethtool (source: ethtool): display or change Ethernet device settings. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.6.37-1 (natty), package size 76 kB, installed size 296 kB21:45
satanrmif i upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 using the upgrade button will it download the full .iso or some patches only?21:46
Dr_WillisTechnicus:  ethtool command can tell you some specs on the nic.   most likely that stuff is not 1000speeds.. unless its decently new21:46
Dr_Willissatanrm:  it downloads packages... so neither one.  :)21:46
Dr_Willissatanrm:  it will download several 100mb of packages. perhaps even more then the iso file syze21:47
satanrmDr_Willis: what will be the download size in total if i upgrade will it be more?21:47
Dr_Willisit all depends on what you have installed.21:47
satanrmi thought it will be less than the size of the iso21:47
Dr_WillisYou are basically upgradeing EVERY package on the system...21:48
henry-why doesn't keyboard work when I use it on wrong computer?21:48
satanrmso better is the clean install from .iso i wanted to save internet bandwidth actually21:48
Dr_Willisi always do clean installs when possible21:48
notlisteninghenry, you need to give more details21:49
satanrmthought it might upgrade in just 100MB :P instead of the full size iso21:49
henry-the keyboard is attached to my other computer and it's not working with this computer I'm using21:49
henry-while it is still attached to the other computer, why?21:49
notlisteninghenry is it a standard keyboard, usb etc?21:49
henry-it's usb21:50
satanrmwhat is the lightest 11.04 version for netbook?21:50
notlisteninghenry, you have the keyboard connected to the computer you want to use it with right?21:50
satanrmand smallest in size :P21:50
satanrmthe desktop one or any other is there?21:51
henry-no it's connected to the other computer21:51
Dr_Willissatanrm:  lubuntu would be the lightest in resources21:51
notlisteningsatanrm, server / desktop?21:51
satanrmi will use on netbook21:51
Dr_Willisnetbook dosent matter.... :)21:51
satanrmwhich runs 10.10 atm21:51
satanrmi dont use apache21:51
satanrmnot running a server21:52
Dr_Willisand your point is? :)21:52
satanrmto get a build that has the least size in mb :P21:52
notlisteninghenry, if you want to use it with a different computer then you have to unplug it and connect it to the computer you want to use it with, or do you want to control the other computer from the one it is connected to?21:52
victoriusWell, the server version is alot lighter :)21:52
satanrmand which starts first21:52
Dr_Willisgo to the download site and look.. most are all right at 700mb21:53
henry-I just want to type to this computer21:53
satanrmwhat is difference between server version and desktop21:53
Dr_WillisIf you want a TINY linux disrto and dont care if its ubuntu or not. theres tiny core linux 10-40mb or Puppylinux 100mb.21:53
satanrmi think the desktop one can also run apache21:53
Dr_Willisdesktop has the desktop....21:53
Dr_Willisany of them can run apache..21:53
satanrmah ;p21:53
OerHekshmm netbook-server21:54
notlisteninghenry, plug the keyboard into that computer then21:54
satanrmserver doesnt have x window?21:54
satanrmits terminal?21:54
victoriussatanrm: Server version is without graphic interface and another scheduler21:54
henry-why can't I use this keyboard I already have attached to this computer?21:54
Dr_WillisServer is server.. not a desktop.. thus no X...21:54
satanrmthen i wont download it ;)21:55
victoriusBut both server and desktop versions share the same apt repositories. So installing a server on a desktop version is easy. And installing a graphic interface on a server version is also easy21:55
notlisteninghenry, unplug the keyboard that does nto work and then plug it in, in a terminal type dmesg and post to pastebin and give us the link21:55
* Dr_Willis mentions again. Lightest desktop in recources and size would be 'lubuntu' 21:55
henry-but this keyboard works just fine21:56
satanrmwill ubuntu support it?21:56
satanrmi mean lubuntu21:56
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.21:57
victoriussatanrm: looks like lxde21:57
notlisteninghenry, so plug two keyboards in at the same time and do what i said so you can type21:57
Dr_Willisit is lxde....21:57
notlisteninghenry you are trying to diagnose the keyboard with the problem21:57
henry-I don't need two keyboards21:57
victoriussatanrm: You can also just use the default ubuntu and install XFCE and use that21:58
notlisteninghenry-, sorry i am not really understanding your problem then, anyone else?21:58
henry-but I don't have a problem21:58
g0thHow do I search and play a youtube video from the command line?21:59
kk9822i want to clean the unwanted stuff in my harddisk as it incicates less space21:59
conathanHello, I was attempting to build an executable that will run on ubuntu [running LFS], but getting  /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found.  Do I need a cross compiler?  or can I just link against a copy of ubuntu's libc?21:59
kk9822can u  pl give the terminal command pl21:59
satanrmalso lubuntu feels more like windows :P22:00
g0thI would like to specify a search term, the command line script should search youtube with these search terms, fetch the first result and give me back the url22:00
victoriusg0th: You'll need some program or script to do that. Have you tried googling it?22:00
satanrmfrom the screenshots22:00
g0thvictorious: yes22:00
SoothsayerHow do I mount an ext3 partition from Ubuntu under windows? I was recommended Ext2Fsd earlier, but when I assign a drive letter toe the ext3 partition, nothing happens22:00
conathanSoothsayer: I think there is a service you have to start...22:01
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org22:01
g0thI feel confident that I can  continue once I know the "url" of the video22:01
Dr_Willisthat fs-driver.org stuff worked decently well last i used it22:02
victoriusg0th: Why from command line? Also, you might be able to write your own using wget to fetch a path from youtube or google even22:02
g0thteh search works as follows: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=SEARCH_QUERY22:02
conathanDr_Willis: ext2fsd is finaly getting some updates, in fact I think they're partially supporting ext4 now.22:02
g0thvictorius: because I want to use it in a script22:02
Soothsayerconathan, i think so. i remember something about some service in the faqs.22:02
victoriusg0th: If youtube doesn't provide an api for this, then you have to parse the returned html22:02
Dr_Willisconathan:  thats supriseing. :)22:02
g0thbut I was hoping someone already did that22:03
g0thand I think they do provide an api22:03
conathanDr_Willis: I know,  set it up for my brother a month ago,  even seems more stable now22:03
g0thbut I dont want to waste 10 hours on this22:03
victoriusAh, ok. I unfortunately do not have a clue :)22:03
SoothsayerDr_Willis, fs-driver is safe for writes too?22:03
conathanSoothsayer: based on a month old memory, but I think things started working either after a reboot, or turning on the service22:03
notlisteningSoothsayer, Google "Google CL"22:03
conathanSoothsayer: let's just say there's no guarantee's.  probably never will be22:03
g0thGoogle CL just works for your own videos?22:04
notlisteningconathan, reboot windows always fixed everything :D22:04
g0thdoes someone know how to use google cl with arbitrary stuff? not my own stuff22:04
Dr_WillisSoothsayer:  no idea. Ive not used it in ages..  would use it as little as possible.. i find its windows that crashes and can cause issues with fs-driver. so i always unmounted my linux stuff after i was done with it.22:04
Soothsayernotlistening, ?22:04
conathannotlistening: if you say so...  it's been a month since I had to find out22:04
notlisteningSorry That was for g0th Soothsayer #22:04
Soothsayerconathan, would you pick fs-driver or ext2fsd?22:04
notlisteningFollowing two convs22:04
conathanSoothsayer: a year ago, both seemed to have issues in windows 7,  since then,  ext2fsd actually have updates.  I usually prefer software that's being updated22:05
conathanSoothsayer: and it supports some features better (256 inode size).22:05
conathanSoothsayer: but, no clue how trustworthy it is22:06
Soothsayerconathan, cool.just going to try a reboot22:06
* conathan only has research, never used either on my own computer...22:06
conathanbtw, I take it nobody can answer my gcc link to alternative libc question?22:07
AlessonZaireCould anyone please recommend me a C/C++ compiler similar to Dev C++? Thanks in advance22:08
conathanwell, gcc...22:08
conathanuse that with mingw32 (mingw.sf.net), or mingw64 (mingw-w64.sf.net)22:08
LockziHow can I find out what flags PHP was compiled with?22:10
AlessonZaireOh, does it have a GUI? Sorry if my question is stupid, I just recently switched to linux22:10
Dr_WillisYou are getting compilers and 'IDE" 's confused. :)22:10
conathanoh, no.  mingw builds 32 or 64bit windows applications.22:10
conathannot sure what's out there... I use vim myself.22:10
conathanand make22:11
notlisteningg0th, http://yubnub.org/22:11
AlessonZaireOh I see...22:11
g0thnotlistening: that doesnt help, it is not command line22:11
conathanbluefish, had some neat features,22:11
AlessonZaireThank you conathan  :D22:12
conathanit's a text editor, but reminds me a bit of a ide22:12
notlisteningg0th, really?22:12
conathanin fact, if I recall, could even hand the textfile over to gcc to compile it22:12
conathan[30% chance I remember that right]22:12
Dr_Willisthats how it used to be done. :)22:12
g0thnotlistening: yeah, just over the web22:12
AlessonZaireAlright, I'll give bluefish a try :D22:13
g0thnow that I check again I found some interesting links, yubnubtools or sthg like that22:13
AlessonZaireIt seems to be more for web development but should fit just right XD22:14
conathanAlessonZaire: good luck with it.  Seemed to have a lot of good tools for development, although I preferred vim so never dug that deeply22:14
AlessonZaireconathan  thank you very much for the tips ^^22:15
conathanyour welcome22:15
Soothsayerconathan, a reboot did the job. Now how do I give it write access? it's read-only right now.22:16
conathanSoothsayer: properties, had a flag for that...22:16
conathanSoothsayer: just to warn you, I'm moving from half knowing, to guessing at this point22:16
conathanSoothsayer: but I do recall you could write to it22:17
notlisteningg0th, googlecl still looks like your best bet22:17
Soothsayerconathan, you were right :)22:18
conathan:)  I ran out of knowledge now22:18
g0thnotlistening: can I use it for general youtube searches?22:20
g0thI thought it only searches "your videos"22:20
raffaeleciao a tutti22:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:21
Luig1Where exactly is the text configuration file for the main menu kept in Ubuntu 10.10?22:22
i1920x1080Anybody use coLinux on Windows and run the latest Ubuntu?22:22
zykotick9_Luig1, i don't think it is a text file, i imagine it's storied in gconf (similar to MS's registry), only why I know to edit it is through alacarte (Menu editor in the menu)22:24
overdubwhere can I change the time before the screen locks and requires a pass word?22:24
overdubi'm not very impressed with the crappy applications layout22:25
overdubit's hard to find programs22:25
Luig1Alright, I'll check gconf, thanks zykes-22:25
Luig1zykotick9_, I mean22:25
overdubinstead of a list of programs to run, I get it telling me what's installed, and what useless garbage I can install if i choose22:26
overdubi just want a menu for the programs and options on the computer22:26
PolahIs it possible to stop Ubuntu One syncing ~/Ubuntu One?22:26
g0thnotlistening: I managed to install yncs, a commandline utility for yubnub22:27
g0thbut it always opens the browser :(22:27
overdubi fear it might be time to leave Ubuntu as it goes down the tubes trying to be . . . user, dumbed down22:27
g0thI would like it to return the link to me, not open it in a browser22:28
overdubg0th, yes, this is exactly the type of thing i'm on about22:28
photonhi. totem worked fine until now, it does not start playing movies or songs. it starts normally, doesn't hang, it just does not play or show anything. what can I do to fix this?22:28
BarkingFishoverdub, sometimes you *have* to dumb down a little for the sake of the general public - not everybody is as advanced as you appear to be22:28
overdububuntu seems to think it's cool to control the users experience22:29
BarkingFishjust like windows22:29
overdubBarkingFish, i very much dislike the trend22:29
BarkingFishget used to it.22:29
BarkingFishThe more people we have coming to linux as an alternative, the more we're gonna have to make things easier for them22:29
BarkingFishNot everyone comes to linux being thoroughly conversant in the workings of *nix and other stuff.22:30
overdubor move to another distribution and enjoy the power and freedom of Linux as I have for many years22:30
BarkingFishSome see it as an alternative to paying £149 for an OS which is broken out of the box, like windows22:30
collosioverdub: what distro do you use?22:30
overdubBarkingFish, do you know which hoops I could jump through to adjust my screen lock time?22:30
jribBarkingFish, overdub: #ubuntu-offtopic please22:31
overdubcollosi, ubuntu, but I just recently upgraded22:31
collosioverdub: you should try gentoo if you really want freedom, and go one step further with LFS22:31
overdubcollosi, yes, that would be the extreme, but I like how ubuntu handles drivers and gets everything working22:32
overdubbut i don't like the lack of control and the "guided" experience22:32
=== rww is now known as tardis
collosioverdub: yes, this is why I no longer use gentoo, I really don't have time for it22:32
jriboverdub, collosi: I'd prefer not to have to kick people.  Move the distro conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic22:32
BarkingFishno disrespect intended, but I can't see how a conversation about the ubuntu distro is offtopic in an ubuntu channel, but I will abide by your decision jrib :)22:35
BarkingFishi've dropped out of the conversation anyway22:35
jribBarkingFish: this channel is dedicated to support :D22:35
overdubI can respect that, and if anyone had a hint where I can change the suspend timing, I'd appreciate it22:37
jriboverdub: isn't that exposed in gnome-power-manager?22:37
SomelauwMy external harddisk is behaving bad again.22:37
jriberm, gnome-power-preferences22:38
overdubjrib, there's a lead, thanks, I go poke around22:38
SomelauwIt doesn't respond to ls.22:38
ActionParsnipSomelauw: does dmesg show anything?22:38
BarkingFishSomelauw, are you the guy who's got the disk connected via a hub?22:38
SomelauwBarkingFish: yes22:40
BarkingFishhm. Got any spare ports on your hub?22:40
BarkingFishmight be a duff usb port22:40
SomelauwActionParsnip: No and syslog doesn't show any infor anymore either.22:41
BarkingFishor alternatively, you might need a new cable.  I've had to replace mine once for a similar thing.22:41
ActionParsnipSomelauw: is it ok if you direct connect it? Remember to safetly remove the device before you unplug it22:41
SomelauwIt justs stops in the middle of making a backup.22:42
SomelauwActionParsnip: Without a usb cable? I don't think that is possible.22:43
BarkingFishsomelauw - how is it connected to the hub?22:43
SomelauwBarkingFish: Using a cable. Ah, I get what you mean.22:44
ActionParsnipSomelauw: no, without a hub. Are you using a USB hub?22:44
pr0t0c0nanyone wanna play some UT22:45
pr0t0c0nim bored22:45
BarkingFishIf you have a free usb socket on your computer, unplug the cable from the hub and directly attach it to the socket on your computer, just remember to remove the usb device safely before you unplug it22:45
ActionParsnippr0t0c0n: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic22:45
SomelauwActionParsnip: The usb cable directly connects the harddisk to my computer.22:45
ActionParsnipSomelauw: ahh i see. Is the partition healthy?22:46
SomelauwActionParsnip: What is the usual way to check if it is healthy?22:47
ActionParsnipSomelauw: unmount it then use fsck22:47
mneptokSomelauw: if you're trying to copy files >4GB, is the filesystem something that can handle that (hint: FAT32 can't)22:47
SomelauwIt just did another reset.22:47
BarkingFishThat sounds like a dud cable22:48
Somelauw[14851.130193] usb 2-6: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 422:48
BarkingFishIf it keeps resetting the drive, that's a dud cable22:48
BarkingFishThat is exactly what happened to mine, and replacing the cable solved it22:48
SomelauwBarkingFish: Did you bring it to the shop?22:49
BarkingFishno, I bought a new cable for it and replaced it myself22:49
SomelauwBarkingFish: Is there a way to check if the cable is bad? I will check the partition as well. I am still waiting hopeful for it to finish.22:50
BarkingFishwhat type of USB connection is it to the drive? Mini USB or one of the USB B plugs?22:51
projectzrofinally im on here -.-  anyway i have a PSP Go and im trying to transfer files to it but when it is plugged in ubuntu only sees it as a media device and not removable memory. any help would be great.22:51
BarkingFishLook at these pics and say which is the connection to your drive, Somelauw: http://pinouts.ru/connectors/usb_a_b_male.gif22:51
projectzrooh im on 11.0422:51
PolahIf I want to link a directory in my home to a directory on another drive, should I use a symlink or a hard link?22:52
projectzroi have a PSP Go and im trying to transfer files to it but when it is plugged in ubuntu only sees it as a media device and not removable memory. any help would be great.22:54
BarkingFishSomelauw, how are you getting on?22:54
SomelauwI am still unmounting it.22:55
SomelauwBarkingFish: It looks like A.22:56
SomelauwIt is rectangular.22:56
BarkingFishThat's the bit that plugs into your hard drive?22:56
SomelauwYes, it is A22:56
SomelauwBarkingFish: no, the one in my computer22:57
BarkingFishNo, I need to know which one plugs into the drive please :)22:57
mneptokSomelauw: take the hub out of the equation before purchasing cables. plug the drive directly into the USB port of the computer.22:58
BarkingFishmini B - ok.22:59
BarkingFishYou can get leads like that from some mobile phone stores, a lot of cellphones have that type of plug for attaching to usb22:59
BarkingFishYou need USB - A to Mini USB B23:00
mneptokSomelauw: you need to take the hub away before purchasing cables.23:00
Somelauwmneptok: I am not using a USB hub.23:01
BarkingFishSomelauw, I think you already said you'd got the drive attached directly, didn't you?23:01
BarkingFishIf it's still not reading when directly attached, I'd almost certainly say you need to try a new cable on it.23:01
mneptokSomelauw: what format is the partition you're trying to use on that device?23:01
SomelauwIt is drive - cable - computer.23:01
oneiros_FadeHello.  Where would I go about an apparent issue between LightDM and DockBarX?23:02
Somelauwmneptok: NTFS23:02
mneptokSomelauw: NTFS write support in Linux can be shaky. does the drive exhibit odd symptoms doing similar tasks in Windows?23:03
Somelauwmneptok: I haven't tested that recently.23:03
mneptokSomelauw: before spending money, you might want to check. what are you using to run a backup in Linux?23:04
Somelauwmneptok: rsync23:04
mneptokSomelauw: try "rsync -rtvu --modify-window=1 --progress /path /path"23:06
mneptokSomelauw: the --modify-window may help when using NTFS23:06
mneptok(and drop --progress if it's a ton of small files)23:06
PolahDoes Dropbox conflict with Ubuntu One? I have Dropbox and Ubuntu One syncing the same directory, Dropbox syncs properly but Ubuntu One claims it's synced but doesn't actually do anything with the files23:07
vaihiariiHello from French Polynesia, I just installed Lubuntu 10.04 on qn older NEC tower for my daughter qnd I am not finding the HP printer23:08
tokamif you change the vpn settings, and allow a system wide usage of an existing connection, in this step the password gets lost23:09
tokamplease fix this!23:09
Somelauwmneptok: Okay. I will try.23:09
SomelauwThanks everyone for helping me by the way.23:09
Polahtokam: File a launchpad bug report, we can't fix anything, we're just volunteers that help.23:09
vaihiariiWhere should I look for drivers for a HP psc1350 all in one printer scanner23:11
somsipvaihiarii: hplink?23:13
LostyJaihey guys23:13
somsipSomelauw: hpplip - sorry23:13
LostyJaiis the 9600GT compatible with 11.04 ?23:13
somsipvaihiarii: sorry - hplip23:13
Somelauwmneptok: The harddisk doesn't work anymore23:14
vaihiariisomsip is that a link or website?23:14
somsipvaihiarii: a package23:14
SomelauwEven more stuff in syslog: http://pastebin.com/D9Hba3mb23:16
SomelauwI think I will give up23:16
vaihiariisomsip So I can do q sudo apt-get install hplip23:16
vaihiariisorry qbout the q i q, used to q ,urican kybd23:17
SomelauwThanks for helping me anyway23:17
somsipvaihiarii: yes - the driver may not be in there so it's worth checking on hplip website, but if you've not checked the package yet for the driver, it's probably the first easiest step23:17
vaihiariibrb going there now23:17
mneptokSomelauw: that's FAT, not NTFS.23:19
mneptokSomelauw: you'll encounter file size issues (no files >4GB), open descriptor issues, and timestamp issues when using rsync with FAT3223:20
mneptokSomelauw: but you have bad blocks all over that disk. it's certainly time to think about reformatting, and if that does not help, replace the media.23:21
Somelauwmneptok: my bad23:22
mneptokSomelauw: an fsck.fat32 is in order. or use diagnostic tools in Windows.23:23
mneptoksorry, fsck.vfat23:23
bennishey, i'm in unity and my network app on my panel keeps only appearing in one of the two users i log into. For example, i log into A and i can connect to the internet, but tehn when i log in to B i can't. The reverse is true after a reboot if i loginto B first23:23
Ultimateeai galera23:24
mneptok!en | Ultimate23:25
ubottuUltimate: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:25
SomelauwThen I will reformat it to ntfs, I think.23:25
bennishey, i'm in unity and my network app on my panel keeps only appearing in one of the two users i log into. For example, i log into A and i can connect to the internet, but tehn when i log in to B i can't. The reverse is true after a reboot if i loginto B first23:29
andaiI'm gradually getting into programming and software development, but i still kinda suck so i like to work from a plan. Is there any basic cross-platform ( windows, mac not necessary ) flowchart software... like... really small/basic..23:34
Polahandai: LibreOffice and OpenOffice Draw has flowcharting tools.23:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:35
Arv3nHello all. I am having a wireless problem on my Inspiron 1750 laptop on Ubuntu 10.04. It keeps disconnecting me after a while and I have to plug in my ethernet cord. This happens with B43 and STA drivers.23:36
projectzroanyone here willing to help me?23:37
mneptok!ask | projectzro23:38
ubottuprojectzro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:38
CT1Hi. Where can I place/register a script that will run when I "sudo shutdown -P now" and will be guaranteed to complete (or fail) before the system goes down?23:38
ikoniaCT1: look at how upstart manages scripts and dependencies23:39
projectzrosorry last time i asked a question i was ignored, i figured i would test to see if people could actually see what im typing23:39
projectzroI have a PSP Go and im trying to mount it to see the internal memory but no go no mater what i do23:40
ikoniaprojectzro: what file system is on it ?23:40
projectzro6.39 OFW and CFW on Ubuntu 11.0423:40
ikoniaprojectzro does linux support those file systems ?23:41
projectzroi honestly am not sure what you mean by file system23:41
mneptokprojectzro: you're referring to homebrew OS mods with OFW and CFW, yes?23:41
vaihiariiInstalled hplips and still not seeing the printer23:42
ikoniaprojectzro the device has to have a file system on it to store the files, what is that file system23:42
projectzro i have tried oficial sony firmware and the custom firmware23:42
mneptokprojectzro: this is why i stick with stock Sony firmwares. my PSP works flawlessly with Linux, and has for the past 4 years.23:42
projectzrooh sorry it should be fat1623:42
projectzroit was formatted by the psp itself23:42
ikoniaprojectzro: does the device have a /dev file system identifier ?23:42
ikoniamneptok: ahh, you've done this before....you're in then23:43
mneptokikonia: i have never done it with hacked firmware that violates my EULA and TOS ;)23:43
ikoniamneptok: but you know the process though, I'm assuming it's just seen as  device in /dev23:43
mneptokikonia: yes, and is auto-mounted in /media23:44
newbie_Hey guys, I have a big big problem with grub2 :( it can't found my Windows 7 :( :'(23:44
ikoniamneptok: makes sense23:44
vaihiariiMy dqughter is running q HP psc 1350 qall in one printer and I cant seem to find any driver23:44
projectzroit's not giving me one. it shows up in my computer as "SONY "PSP" MS" im assuming the "MS" part is for memory stick but i dont have one in im using the 16GB internat memory23:44
bobweavernewbie_: sudo update-grub     <--------------yet23:45
LockziHi, what is the best way to update to PHP 5.3.8 on Ubuntu 10.04, download yourself and compile?23:45
mneptokLockzi: nothing in the backports repo?23:45
newbie_bobweaver: I run it, but it can't find any windows :(23:45
ikoniaLockzi: I'd not sugget doing that at all23:45
bobweavernewbie_: oh23:46
mneptokprojectzro: first thing i'd tell you is to install the stock Sony firmware23:46
Arv3nHello all. I am having a wireless problem on my Inspiron 1750 laptop on Ubuntu 10.04. It keeps disconnecting me after a while and I have to plug in my ethernet cord. This happens with B43 and STA drivers.23:46
Lockzimneptok:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-backports/php/ I can't find it23:46
projectzroalready did. technically it was never on custom it was just patched. when it is turned of the custom firmware is gone23:46
Lockziikonia:  Care to elaborate on what you would do? :)23:46
ikoniaLockzi: I guess the first question is why do you need that version ?23:47
newbie_bobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/682198/23:47
mneptokprojectzro: something is mounting when you plug it in. there is only one piece of media in the device. so why do you think it's broken?23:48
Lockziikonia:  In order to get PCRE module above version 8, which is required by The Bug Genie (php equivalent of Trac)23:48
bobweavernewbie_: what about gparted does that see it23:48
ikoniaLockzi: what version is in 10.04 ?23:48
mneptokprojectzro: go look at the contents of what gets mounted. you may find it's the internal memory you're looking for.23:48
Lockziikonia: PCRE Library Version 7.8 2008-09-0523:49
projectzroit is i just cant get to it. it only shows that i can and i cant do anything with it23:49
LockziOld as hell...23:49
fremen_hello everyone, how can i see the graphics cards and which one is currently in use in ubuntu 10.10 at an Asus laptop23:49
ikoniaLockzi: sorry, I meant what version of php23:49
Lockziikonia:  PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.923:49
mneptokprojectzro: ls -la /media23:50
Stanley00fremen_: try lspci -v23:50
newbie_bobweaver: yes23:50
bobweavernewbie_: well that is good news it is there23:50
Stanley00fremen_: or use system monitor,23:50
ikoniaLockzi: I'd log an update request and see if you can get a backport23:50
Lockziikonia: What's the normal time for back ports to be done? You can't really ask for much considering Open Source… :)23:51
bobweavernewbie_: I am not a grub guy but I am sure that there is some one here that can hep23:51
newbie_bobweaver: :) so what I need to do please :)23:51
ikoniaLockzi depends on the individual to be honest,23:51
=== owner is now known as pap3r
ikoniaLockzi: if you can get in contact with someone who maintains it directly that makes it go quicker23:51
bobweavernewbie_: something to do with grub23:51
newbie_ah ok, thx any way bobweaver :)23:51
ikoniait doesn't look like a massive jump23:51
ikoniamore so if it's already in 10.10 or 1.0423:51
bobweavernewbie_: you try googlubuntu.com <------ that trouble23:51
Lockziikonia: I am sorry, but where do I begin to do a request? Never done that before23:52
newbie_ok bobweaver :D23:52
projectzrothis is my output : total 823:52
projectzrodrwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2011-09-04 05:58 .23:52
projectzrodrwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 2011-08-24 02:31 ..23:52
ikoniaLockzi: launchpad.net23:52
mneptokprojectzro: with the device plugged in?23:52
fremen_Stanley00: thanks stanly, is capabilities : access denied means that that hardware is not in use ?23:52
projectzroyes and in USB mode23:53
mneptokprojectzro: and the icon is showing on the desktop?23:53
=== Ttech is now known as evilttech
projectzromaybe it has to do with im using Ubuntu on a CR-48 from google23:53
projectzrono just in my computer23:53
bobweavernewbie_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103599923:53
mneptokprojectzro: df -h  <--- where do you see the PSP mounted?23:54
newbie_I tryed it :) does'nt work for me :(23:55
newbie_thx any way bobweaver23:55
Stanley00fremen_: not sure about that...23:55
nessonicIf I use fdisk to add a partition to an internal media only drive (not the boot drive) will it rewrite everything?23:55
bobweavernewbie_ /boot/grub/menu.lst23:55
Lockziikonia: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5 says that the maintainers are "Ubuntu Developers"23:55
bobweaverohh you are gone23:56
projectzroit doesnt show. when i go into its preferences it is listed as Computer:///23:56
mneptokprojectzro: you said the media appeared on your desktop. now you say it does not.23:56
ikoniaLockzi so there should be a group you can contact called "ubuntu developers"23:56
Stanley00fremen_: got it! try run sudo lspci -v ;)23:57
projectzrono i said it appeared in "my computer" sorry for the confusion23:57
Lockziikonia:  But it says "Ubuntu Developers does not use Launchpad. " when I click on the maintainer… Out of luck? Feel really stupid at this point haha23:57
notlisteningnessonic, is there any free space (unpartitioned) on the drive in question?23:58
=== evilttech is now known as ttech
ikoniaLockzi: not at all, it can be confusing23:58
ikoniaLockzi: log a bug against the package and it should get a response quickly, and you can discuss then23:58
notlisteningLockzi, all the people listed on php are the maintainers in one form or another23:59
fremen_Stanley00:  oh of course :) but the information is too much here, is there a command to get more spesific info about graphics cards and its current state ?23:59
Lockzinotlistening:  Do you agree with ikonia's advice to report this as a bug or should I try harder to find them?23:59
projectzrosorry once again it appears in "computer:///" but not /Desktop23:59

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