
raevolglobal jamming in san diego, torrenting beta1 cd atm01:14
raevolany thoughts on using PCManFM doe xubuntu instead of thunar? just curious if it's been suggested04:07
raevoldoe means on04:08
raevolhow did i even do that...04:08
micahgraevol: no, we're an Xfce based distro, so unless Thunar becomes horribly broken, we'd stick with that04:12
raevolhmm, i'm going to switch to it until oeneric, because of the issue i've been having with it04:13
micahgraevol: what issue is that?04:13
raevolthe first time i run it after booting it takes up to 2 minutes to launch, and usually launches 2 instances04:14
micahgraevol: BTW, you're free to install whatever software you like on your machine, as I'm sure you know04:14
raevolyup, that's why i just switched my FM, i just love xubuntu, so i figured i'd suggest it if it hadn't been suggested before04:14
micahgraevol: sounds like a possibly corrupted session that was saved04:14
raevolso i don't have thunar saved in my session, does thunar have its own session management?04:15
raevolthis is when i manually launch thunar after booting04:15
micahgoh, hmm04:15
micahgidk, I haven't dug into the xfce internals yet, I'm just a starting xubuntu-dev :)04:15
raevolwoop wrong window04:15
raevolwell, if i am still seeing the issue after oeneric i'll be back here to whine some more :) wish 11.04 would get the latest thunar updated in it though04:16
micahgraevol: generally, we don't update stable releases except with targetted bug fixes due to the risk of regression and interaction with other pieces of the software stack04:17
raevolmakes sense04:17
raevolam i the only one seeing this issue then?04:17
micahgraevol: idk, I've been on oneiric for xubuntu since a couple weeks after release, maybe ask in #xubuntu?, our main QA person is offline at the moment, we have a community meeting Monday at 19:00 UTC, you're welcome to attend04:19
raevoli'll try to make it, where are the community meetings held?04:19
micahgraevol: right ehre04:20
raevolok cool04:20
raevoli'll be at work at that time, but i have my work computer set up to be idling here when i am there :)04:20
Unit193Xfce doesn't let you fully switch to PCManFM, just to let you know04:22
raevolwhat's going to break?04:23
Unit193If you put a link on the desktop for example, it'll still open in thunar04:25
raevolhmm, don't have any of those04:25
raevolit's just temporary though, so no worries, sorry for spamming up -devel04:31
=== GridCube is now known as Grid^3
=== Grid^3 is now known as GridCube
GridCubetoday is meeting day?15:38
GridCubeor the minutes are just old?15:38
GridCubegood evening charlie-tca 15:57
GridCubetoday is community meeting?15:57
charlie-tcaGood evening15:57
charlie-tcatomorrow this week15:57
charlie-tcaMonday at 19:00 UTC15:58
GridCubeupdate community meeting minutes please :P16:00
GridCube:/ there is a known bug for compiz, people can't use it on 11.04, because emerald is broken16:32
GridCubenot only on xubuntu, but in ubuntu too16:33
GridCubeso people is having even more problems whit it and xubuntu :(16:33
charlie-tcaokay, I will update the agenda today16:35
charlie-tcacompiz is not needed for xubuntu, they should use the built in compositor. If they really want Unity, they should stay with Ubuntu16:35
GridCubeunity =/= compiz16:36
charlie-tcaemerald has not been in development for a long time already16:36
GridCubei don't know 16:36
charlie-tcaYes, unity means using compiz, and the work on compiz is designed now to enhance unity16:36
GridCubeoh i see16:36
GridCubewell people want to use compiz whit xubuntu16:37
charlie-tcayes, and then they complain about how slow it is, or how bad the video is, etc16:37
GridCubewell you take the bad whit the good (or however its said on engresh)16:38
charlie-tcaNO, they only want the good, and want help getting it to work the way they want it to16:39
charlie-tcaA good example right there... (#xubuntu)16:41
GridCubecharlie-tca, im doing today's test16:42
GridCubewant me to do an encrypted or standard install?16:42
charlie-tcaeither one is fine16:43
astraljavaHey gang, who's doing what? I can do two tests tonight still.18:38
GridCubeim doing alternate full18:38
GridCubeauto resize18:38
astraljavaOkay, I'll use desktop, then.18:44
* micahg is busy with other things...DigiNotar and such18:48
olbiyesterday I had one-conf error, but it was while I was using Ubuntu Software Center19:41
charlie-tcaolbi: known bug19:56
charlie-tcaa fix is in progress19:56
GridCubeyay! if i put the wrong password on lightdm it just stays like that all in purple20:05
charlie-tcayou get purple?20:06
GridCubeoh... rite it was just taking a lot of time20:06
charlie-tcamine are blue or pink20:06
* charlie-tca is sure it is definitely pink, no mistaking it for purple20:06
GridCubeweeell pink20:06
charlie-tcamight depend on your monitor, too20:07
astraljavaubiquity crashing for others on desktop installs?20:23
astraljavaKeeps on installing, though.20:23
astraljavaStill the extra ; in the plymouth stuff, it seems.20:34
astraljavaOh the pink! The pink!20:34
GridCubenot a single crash, no bluetooth yet, rebooting works, update works, pidgin works(?)20:37
GridCubesheet updated20:41
astraljavaOh, this was while installing.20:41
astraljavaApparently, when you think about it, you don't use ubiquity at other times. ;p20:42
GridCubenot knowing what ubiquity is i concur20:43
astraljavaIt's the piece that does the live installer stuff.20:46
GridCube:) then you dont need it later XD20:47
astraljavaYep. :)20:47
astraljavaOops. No divider for installing alongside of an existing system.20:48
charlie-tcaIt has a minimum space requirement, if the existing partition is smaller than the minimum, it won't let you do it.21:11
charlie-tcaAlthough, you may still be able to do a manual partitioning and install21:11
astraljavacharlie-tca: Oh? That's not the auto-resize thingie?21:13
charlie-tcaIf the minimum size of the existing partition is too small, autosize will not work21:14
charlie-tcasounds like a bug21:15
astraljavaIt's an 80GB hard disk with only one entire-disk installation prior to this.21:15
astraljavaUh oh. Now ubiquity crashed on me again, and when I tried to report the problem, I was notified I have an obsolete version of upstart.21:20
astraljavaPossibly the issue I'm seeing is collateral?21:21
astraljavaLP bug 84136521:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841365 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No divider for space allocation in Xubuntu oneiric "alongside" installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84136521:26
astraljavaAm I using the wrong sheet for tracking the testing? I'm not seeing GridCube's report for today.21:29
astraljavaHmm... what's this pad.lv thingie?21:31
knomehey astraljava 21:34
astraljavaMoikka Pasi. :)21:43
knomewoo, finnish21:46
* knome needs to choose a new ringtone since the nokia tune is embarrassing21:48
astraljavaA nokia whatever is embarrassing these days. :)21:49
knomeas long as i can call and send sms's...21:49
astraljava...you could be using any friggin' phone. Exactly. :D21:50
knometrue too21:50
knomebut if i'd buy something else, that'd need to be android, and then i'd want a HTC, and if i'd buy a HTC, then it would need to be some model that is >400e21:51
knomebuying a very basic nokia is cheaper than that21:51
astraljavaYep, and I must admit, in some cases, I'm pretty disappointed with the androids.21:51
knomeyep, that is one of the most biggest things that's stopping me from buying an android21:52
astraljavaAnd if I'm truly honest, I'd have wanted the N9, had it had a physical qwerty.21:52
knomeoh, i have one more requirement for a phone21:52
knomeit must not be iphone21:52
knomecomparing to that, nokia is fine21:53
knomei have 2730 classic21:53
knomeand even that is a bit too "modern" for me, ironically21:53
astraljavaI like to play with them, but admittedly I hardly ever utilize their full potential.22:04
charlie-tcaastraljava: pad.lv is a shortcut to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/???22:10
charlie-tcainstead, you can use http://pad.lv/???22:10
charlie-tcaupstart out of date should not affect the partitioner22:11
astraljavacharlie-tca: Yup, found out about it, and updated the sheet as well.22:19
astraljavacharlie-tca: Well, mentioned it in there anyhow. If I have time in the coming days, I'll look into the logs more deeply.22:19
micahghi charlie-tca 22:44
charlie-tcaHello, micahg 22:54
micahgmr_pouit: I'm a little busy this week, but will try to get some of the build hardening just done in Debian into oneiric before release22:54
micahgcharlie-tca: I had something to tell you but I can't remember22:54
charlie-tcamr_pouit: we do not have any way to add network printers in oneiric22:54
* micahg was wondering why his printer didn't work22:55
charlie-tcaThey changed the thing in Settings Manager -> Printing, and you get to choose whether to use cups or bsd type printers, but you can not add any printer, that I can find.22:56
charlie-tcaI don't think you can even add a local printer now22:56

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