
jbrouhardxrdodrx,  I'm assuming your keyboard worked on the live CD ?01:02
xrdodrxjbrouhard, indeed it did, i would have preferred console but i'm sure an i5 and 4GB of RAM were plenty for the graphical install :)01:03
jbrouhardDoes the keyboard work, at all, in console mode ?01:04
xrdodrxright before i get to the debian-installer01:04
xrdodrxit works at the boot menu01:04
xrdodrxbut not past01:04
jbrouhardMouse works tho?01:04
jbrouhardthe hell01:04
xrdodrxfirst computer i ever built lol01:04
jbrouhardTry plugging it into a different USB port01:04
xrdodrxi was nervous enough, flipped when the keyboard wasn't working :P01:05
jbrouhardI'd check BIOS tho.. Just cause keyboard works in bios doesn't mean it'll work in the OS.  Be sure that you have USB settings set up properly01:05
xrdodrxbut jbrouhard01:05
jbrouhardone way to tell if the keyboard's working is to hit the number lock button :)01:05
xrdodrxit worked on the boot menu01:05
xrdodrxinstall xubuntu/ check disk for errors / memtest, etc01:06
jbrouhardYeah.. you said that.01:06
xrdodrxi tried everything in BIOS i could think of01:06
jbrouhardTry a different USB port just to see what happens01:06
jbrouhardif the numberlock indicator come son when you push the button it *SHOULD* be working01:06
xrdodrxit already installed but i'll give it a whirl soon :)01:06
xrdodrxi didn't even think of that01:06
xrdodrxjbrouhard, i built this compy with xubuntu in mind, actually :D01:07
jbrouhardit's a good way to tell if the keyboard is "working" in terms of getting a signal from the computer01:07
jbrouhard*ANY* computer can run Xubuntu01:07
xrdodrxbut i've been completely free as in freedom at home since 2006 :)01:07
jbrouhardgood for ya ;)01:08
xrdodrxi'll try that usb thing, i alsoo found a very similar bug against debian-installer01:08
xrdodrxi'm not sure how old the version in xubuntu is01:08
xrdodrxbut i'll definitely report whatever i find to launchpad01:08
jbrouhardWhich version of Xubuntu did you install?01:08
jbrouhardlatest is 11.0401:08
xrdodrx11.04, amd6401:08
jbrouhardSame version as mine then01:09
Dice-Manhi guys01:45
Dice-Man(and girl if any)01:45
Dice-Manhow to change my ssh server motd ?01:46
Dice-Mani've edited /etc/motd but the file mysteriously become the same as it was by default01:46
Dice-Mani'm running under xubuntu 10.1001:46
GridCubeDice-Man, try asking on #openssh01:54
Unit193Dice-Man: Check things in /etc/update-motd.d and chmod -x the ones you don't want01:55
Dice-ManUnit193: great thank man !02:56
Unit193Dice-Man: Sure! I take it that's exactly what you wanted? Or something else too?03:00
Dice-ManUnit193: yes exactly03:04
Dice-ManUnit193: i struggled hard to make a good bash script03:05
Dice-Manbut it's ok now :)03:05
Unit193Heh, I love mine too :D03:05
Dice-Manmoreover most of ascii art are not adapted to terminal03:05
Dice-Manyou launch the script and it prints ugly text but i've found nice ones03:06
Dice-ManUnit193: ping ?04:03
Dice-ManUnit193: where is xubuntu's task manager ?04:12
Dice-Mantoo lazy to google i shal go to bed soon04:12
Unit193Menu > System04:19
raevolanyone gotten the banshee appindicator to work in xubuntu?04:46
raevolnevermind the indicator applet removes my menus on all my windows, not going to use it04:49
Dice-Manxubuntu mess with the cmd quotas05:43
Dice-Manquotacheck -vagum05:44
csenger41hy everyone :)07:47
csenger41someone pls help me how can i install global menu on xubuntu 11.04?07:49
csenger41is there anyone here?07:54
knobydobs1my windows in my default user have no escape buttons and you cannot move the windows either. most of the time there is a X an the mouse or no mouse at all. how do i fix this. all is fine in the root user09:13
madnickYou can --replace xfwm09:13
madnickLet me look for the entire command :)09:13
madnickxfwm4 --replace09:15
madnickHowever, you need to save the session probably, you can easily do that by logging out and make sure "save this session" is marked09:16
knobydobs1the screen flashed a couple of times and now the terminal has gone weird09:16
madnickOh, you should probably not have done this in tty709:16
madnickSorry, I have not been sleeping for over 30 hours :)09:17
knobydobsthanks madnick but now when i log in the keyboard does not work09:21
knobydobswell it works once or twice but i cannot type into terminal09:23
knobydobsi have an idea09:23
madnickNo text at all?09:23
knobydobsif i boot into recovery mode the keyboard works09:23
knobydobsbut nothing in a user session09:24
madnickLikley the session somehow got mixed up and stuff isnt starting properly, there is a simple way of fixing that, but I do not have the link09:24
ubottuTo clear your session, go to Settings > Settings Manager > Session and Startup (tab Session), quit any programs you don't want to open and click "Save Session". The next time you log out, uncheck the "Save session for future logins" -checkbox from the quit menu.09:24
knobydobsok thankyou09:25
madnickThere is acctually a FAQ somewhere, with session problematics on it, but I cannot find it09:26
knobydobsthanyou madnick all is now well09:46
madnickglad to hear that :)09:46
knobydobs1 thing09:46
knobydobswhen i boot up i get error:hd0 out of disk09:47
knobydobswhat is it and can i fix it09:48
madnickSorry, I don't know09:48
knobydobsits ok09:48
knobydobswhen i find a way to get on to inernet i will look up09:49
knobydobsits a grub error09:50
Arpad2in the panel Window Buttons isnt working good13:40
Arpad2when I click on the pannel to the application button the app doesnt appear on the screenû13:41
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Dice-Manhey guys14:58
Dice-Manhow install disk quotas for my ssh server ?14:59
Sysithat's more of #ubuntu-server business14:59
Sysiyou could check if ubuntu server documentation has something about it14:59
Dice-Mani'm running it under xubuntu desktop version15:00
Dice-Mani hope they won't laugh at me15:00
GridCubewhy would they, desktop have not much to do whit what you do whit your computer, and they shouldnt interfere whit your work Dice-Man15:05
Sysiyou won't be laughed at on ubuntu channels15:06
Dice-Manerr okay15:07
Sysi(you're also not first to run xfce on server)15:08
oso1I come from ubuntu but my computer is old and decided to install xubuntu e compiz but nothing works and works made ​​jelly windows without window frames Depue many tutorials and thousands of things to install compiz and emerald of anything, the question is that I like and I xfmw4 have it with compiz effects due15:47
oso1anyone can help me15:47
oso1estoy aqui16:18
Mito125hi, I installed a minimal version of ubuntu, after installation, i wrote in shell apt-get install xorg xfce4, i started X with startx command and in shell i wrote apt-get install xubuntu-default-settings... After restart, I'm block at gdm login...16:19
GridCubeMito125, thats not how you should install xubuntu16:21
Mito125How should I install xubuntu???16:22
GridCubesudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:22
Mito125xubuntu-desktop have more packages that i don't want...For example firefox...16:25
GridCubeMito125, use --no-recomends16:26
GridCubethere >sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends16:27
GridCubethat should not install all that stuff16:28
Mito125I'm trying... two minute...16:28
Mito125thanks for now :)16:29
Mito125sorry for my english, i'm italian... Now I do a restart...16:32
Mito125It don't work... it stopped in the same point16:33
GridCubeyou fixed it?16:35
GridCubeso whats your problem then?16:36
Mito125I'm block at gdm login. if I login, gdm hide it and reshown16:38
charlie-tcaIt does it because you don't have enough of the required apps installed to make Xfce work16:39
Mito125What can I do?16:39
charlie-tcaI would say either install xubuntu, or, if it is too much for the computer, install Lubuntu intead.16:40
GridCubeid recommend you to install a plain xubuntu distro from scratch16:40
GridCubemaybe whit the free software option enabled16:40
charlie-tcaIf you are running something you designed yourself, we won't be able to help you with it16:40
Mito125ok thank u... bye16:41
charlie-tcaWe can't really help someone that decides they only want half of what is needed16:42
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pauldI'm using xubuntu 11.04 and I'm having some ui problems.  There are not minimize/maximize/close buttons on the windows, I cannot alt-tab to switch apps, I cannot use the terminal when any other application is open as the keyboard won't focus there, when I choose reboot or shutdown it only logs me out.  What should I check to try to fix this?16:58
tMH-re *17:38
tMH-ppl, I just installed xubuntu on my 3rd computer from the 90s but the system won't load - showing 3/4 of screen with 'loading [ok]' and then stops. I suppose it is ACPI stuff (which bothered me on my 2nd PC with Ubuntu) - so the question - how do I change boot settings to disable ACPI usage?17:39
tMH-should I boot from CD again and then edit some file on installed hdd?17:41
tMH-seammy: it's ok for your IQ level.17:41
tMH-keep trying.17:41
SaaMmYsorry I have little problem17:41
Unit193SaaMmY: There should be something like other options at the bottom of the CD menu, that's where you disable it17:43
tMH-unit193: is your answer for me or really for saammy?;)17:43
Unit193tMH-: Oh, yeah. You17:43
tMH-Unit193 - ok, I got it. I think I should load from installation CD in live mode and then modify boot load parameters. just one small Q: - if there is NO GRUB(2) menu appearance - does it mean that GRUB(2) is not installed at all?17:44
tMH-and if it is - what file on installed hdd should I modify to disable ACPI at all ?17:45
PiciJust hold down shift when you boot and you will see the grub prompt.17:45
PiciPress e to edit and you can change paramters there.17:46
tMH-pici: I see!17:46
Unit193tMH-: Installed system? My bad17:46
tMH-thanks A LOT!17:46
tMH-Unit193 - yeah17:46
tMH-ACPI fscking again, fsck it.17:46
Unit193Wow I'm tired...17:46
* tMH- is gone. Away after 10 minutes of inactivity [Since: 09/04/11 21:56:24 MSK]17:56
tMH-ok, it seems now passing through the stuff but won't load GUI...18:09
tMH-I understand it's an _old_ nvidia Vanta with 8mb ram18:09
tMH-but the xubuntu liveCD works nice with it18:09
tMH-what should I do to make GUI appear from installed hdd?18:10
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