
didrocksgood morning06:03
MacSlowgreetings everybody07:07
htorquegood morning! which component is responsible for drawing (or getting the data for) the progress bar on the nautilus launcher item?07:18
RAOFhtorque: I'm not sure, but I'd guess it'll be the unity compiz plugin, with libunity for the client-side communication.07:21
htorqueRAOF: thanks. it seems to draw the progress bar in the wrong direction, so i guess "unity" is affected anyways: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/149883.png07:23
didrockshtorque: indeed, it's unity07:37
htorquedidrocks: thanks. no bug report found, so i'll open one. :)07:38
didrockssure :)07:38
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kamstrupdidrocks: https://launchpad.net/zeitgeist-extensions/trunk/0.0.11 should fix the buggers08:49
didrockskamstrup: you are eating versions like buns! Trying to race with chrome? :-)08:50
didrockskamstrup: do you have the bug # fixed?08:50
kamstrupdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/zeitgeist-extensions/+bug/72276208:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 722762 in Zeitgeist Extensions "zeitgeist-daemon using ~100% of CPU" [Critical,Triaged]08:51
didrockskamstrup: only this one? all the rest are duplicates, isn't it?08:52
kamstrupdidrocks: yeah, just dupe hunting right now :-)08:52
didrockskamstrup: excellent, trying this and pushing :)08:52
kamstrupdidrocks: hold on I have a handy test script for you...08:53
didrockskamstrup: oh nice! :)08:53
kamstrupdidrocks: kill zg and run http://paste.ubuntu.com/682426/ and restart zg... this should trigger a reindex because of missing cjk metadata08:54
kamstrupand this was one particular place the race is very likely to occur08:55
seifdidrocks, we should have the return of kamstrup celebrated as a ubuntu holiday08:55
didrocksseif: I agree, less than a week he's back and he already triggered a critical bug! what a score :-)08:55
didrockskamstrup: trying trying ;)08:55
didrockskamstrup: what should be sys.argv[1]? zeitgeist?08:57
seifstrupday :P09:04
seifdidrocks, sounds good right09:04
didrockskamstrup: ok, it worked (no crash), but as I didn't get the issue on Friday… let me push that, thanks!09:09
kamstrupdidrocks: ah, sorry sys.argv[1] should be ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/fts.index, but I also tested it numerous times here; and I could in fact reproduce it before this patch09:10
didrockskamstrup: great! ;)09:11
seifkamstrup, u rock09:57
Andy80good morning!09:58
Andy80mardy: hi :)10:02
mardyAndy80: hi :-)10:02
Andy80mardy: a little question about your last comment. how do I delete the ref at the end? Using g_object_unref (but please note that m_nautilusIface is a Qt object) or using a "delete" in the destructor?10:04
mardyAndy80: use delete; or, if the QDBusInterface takes a "QObject *parent" parameter, you can pass "this" to it, so you don't need to worry about deletion10:05
Andy80mardy: let me check...10:06
Andy80mardy: yes, it should support it: QDBusInterface ( const QString & service, const QString & path, const QString & interface = QString(), const QDBusConnection & connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), QObject * parent = 0 )10:07
mardyAndy80: good, then just append "this" as last parameter, and that should do the trick10:08
Andy80mardy: committed/pushed :) p.s: the line is not exactly 80 chars or it would have splitted in 5 lines... there are even longer lines than mine :P anyway I splitted a bit10:16
kamstrupseif: check twitter, I am on a roll today! ;-)10:32
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kamstrupmhr3: I have fixed a range of races and other oddities in zg fts trunk. Maybe you wont need ForceReindex() after all ;-)10:53
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mhr3kamstrup, now that would be awesome, but let me test that first :)11:40
kamstrupmhr3: indeed. you probably already have your own ways to trigger this, but if not I posted some hints on how in the two bugs I tweeted11:41
mhr3kamstrup, btw is the new fts backwards-compatible?11:46
kamstrupmhr3: yes11:46
mhr3i mean will it work if i upgrade now without the xapian patches?11:46
mhr3if it will, we can just package it and throw to synapse users11:47
mhr3kamstrup, ^^?12:06
Andy80a quick question: are you aware of this regression in Oneiric: using the dash, once you have found (for example) "Text Editor", you cannot select it using TAB?12:09
kamstrupmhr3: yes, it should work with and without the xapian patches12:13
kamstrupAndy80: hmmm don't know - but arrow keys definitely work...12:13
kamstrupnjpatel: ^^ ?12:14
njpatelgord, ^^^12:14
Andy80kamstrup: let me try arrows...12:17
gordlooks like a bug with nux, tab is broken12:17
mhr3kamstrup, and will it upgrade properly if one is to use the new version now and later upgrade to oneiric? :)12:17
kamstrupmhr3: yes12:18
kamstrupmhr3: you should be able to ix and match any way you choose12:18
Andy80kamstrup: uhm... they work (arrows) only if you first press arrow-down then you move with left-right... I think it's a regression.12:18
kamstrupAndy80: I think gord just volunteered to fix it ;-)12:19
Andy80kamstrup: perfect :)12:19
Andy80kamstrup, gord: same thing also happens in Unity-2D, if it's not too hard, I can see how you fix it in Unity and apply the same method to Unity-2d, just let me know :)12:20
mhr3kamstrup, ok then12:20
njpatelkamstrup, forgot to ask, did you have any luck with python and libunity? Did the sample port over okay?12:52
kamstrupnjpatel: i've been hunting down bugs in zg-fts ever since I opened my editor to hack on the Python lens sample12:54
kamstrupnjpatel: but I think I have it under control now :-)12:54
kamstrupso python lens slowly bubbling back up to top prio :-)12:54
njpatelkamstrup, heh, sweet12:55
njpatelI might end up playing around with it tonight too, i Need to get something ready for the app devel week thing tomorrow12:55
njpatelweird capitalisation there12:55
kamstrupnjpatel: hehe :-D12:55
kamstrupnjpatel: i'll grab some tea and then be on it12:56
njpatelthanks dude13:04
kamstrupnjpatel: there seems to be some magic incantations I miss for unity to pick up my .lens file...14:02
njpatelkamstrup, do a dance14:03
kamstrupnjpatel: I have /usr/share/unity/lenses/sample/python.lens14:03
kamstrupnjpatel: or must the .lens be names as the parent dir?14:03
kamstrupsudo mv /usr/share/unity/lenses/{sample,python}14:04
kamstrupbracket expressions is TEH awesome14:04
kamstrupnjpatel: I have something working here!14:19
kamstrupnjpatel: but I also managed to segfault unity ;-)14:19
kamstrupnjpatel: yeah, I know!? unity is bug free so it must be a bug in g++14:19
njpatelkamstrup, exactly!14:20
kamstrupnjpatel: on a related note... I can't open files from the files lens14:20
kamstrupnjpatel: nothing happens when I click them14:20
njpatelkamstrup, the files lens should be getting the activate trigger, is it printing out anything?14:21
njpatelit seems to work okay here14:21
njpatelalthough I do need to upgrade to latest O14:21
kamstrupnjpatel: odd... now it works again14:22
kamstrupdarn gremlins14:22
njpatelmaybe input issues?14:23
njpatelor do you get the prelight square etc?14:23
kamstrupnjpatel: just for ref I am pushing my stuff here as I go along lp:~unity-team/unity-lens-sample/unity-place-python14:27
kamstrupstill some work before it makes sense, but it is "runnable" if you know *exactly* how to deploy it ;-)14:28
njpatelkamstrup, heh, awesome dude, will check it out after I'm done breaking, er fixing, the dash14:29
davidcallenjpatel, kamstrup, on a related note, is it possible to activate something like "xdg-open file://somefile" from a python lens?14:31
kamstrupdavidcalle: it should be, but no one has tried it yet :-)14:36
kamstrupdavidcalle: you normally don't want to use xdg-open from a Python program - use something like Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri("http://google.com", None) instead14:39
kamstrupit'll "do the right thing"14:39
davidcallekamstrup, nice14:39
njpatelindeed, I was just looking for the pythonic version of that call :)14:39
kamstrupdavidcalle: and the None param can be a Gio.LaunchContext you can use to control which desktop it's spawned on and such, but normally the default is ok14:39
kamstrupAnyone knows why ewe reject to run 'unity --advanced-debug' from a gnome-terminal and insist on a tty?14:44
kamstrupit sucks because the nvidia drivers really don't like switching to a tty all that much14:45
oier_question: in Oneiric should the indicators that want to draw attention turn green or blue?15:19
om26ernjpatel_, Hi there is a bug 839200 where unity will hand and wont start at all on a netbook and maybe other resolutions15:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 839200 in unity (Ubuntu) "Trying to minimize Unity Dash to make it fit on a 1024x768 screen makes Unity freeze and then, after I log out by killing X, never start again" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83920015:20
om26erthis happens on un-maximing the dash15:21
njpatel_om26er, will investigate15:21
njpatel_assigned it to myself15:21
om26ernjpatel_, cool, i'll assign it to you then.15:21
davidcalleoier_, I believe that blue is now being used to indicate a new communication. Red for a warning requesting user action.15:22
njpatel_done :)15:22
oier_I maintain an indicator, should the natty version turn green and the oneiric version blue?15:23
davidcalleoier_, and if I recall correctly, green is for availablity/success15:23
ephanom26er, I thought you weren't coming to IRC today, but it's good to see you here15:23
davidcalleoier_, which indicator?15:23
om26erephan, internet became stable after I knocked their heads on the call ;-)15:24
davidcalleoier_, isn't blue being used for the messaging-menu on natty? Don't remember.15:24
oier_green in natty for messaging menu15:25
oier_it was changed for oneiric15:25
andyrockJohnLea, blacklisting a cd-rom makes everything harder to do... but not problem i will find the best solution15:34
JohnLeaandyrock; thx!  Btw do you agree that some people may not want their CD rom to appear in the Launcher?15:35
ephanThe Unity source code changed a lot since I last browsed it two weeks ago, time to update myself.15:35
andyrockJohnLea, of course... But blacklist a cd-rom can mean: "blacklist all the cd-roms" or "blacklist just one cd-rom e.g. Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 1 cd-rom"15:37
jbichaI prefer to have all mount points (CDs, USB, or just partitions) only show in the Files app15:37
andyrockand what happens if there are more than one cd-rom readers?15:38
andyrockjbicha, at the moment you can hide all device icons from ccsm15:38
andyrocki'm working to remove this option but you can easily blacklist one or more (or all) devices15:39
jbichayes, it was just especially annoying in Natty when the default icons would overflow the launcher on netbooks or even laptops15:40
andyrockjbicha, even it natty you can hide this icons but you should use gsettings (or dconf-editor for a gui)15:41
jbichaandyrock: I never use ccsm ;-)15:42
JohnLeaandyrock; Per CD as this is more in line with how we treat other removable storage?15:42
JohnLeaandyrock, note the item 3 in the bug description that covers the difference between ejecting storage and removing it from the Launcher15:43
andyrockJohnLea, so if i blacklist "Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 1" cd-rom and then I insert another cd-rom "Debian..." this cd-rom should be shown?15:44
JohnLeaandyrock; yes, but what are your thoughts on this?15:45
andyrockJohnLea, well blacklisting per CD is more in line whit the other devices but i'm not sure that exist a method in gio to identify a single cd-rom15:48
andyrocka single partition has an uuid15:48
andyrocki'm thinking: do you know /etc/fstab?15:49
JohnLeaandyrock; if you can't identify specific CD roms it's ok to go with the other option of removing the specific CD rom drive.  But it would be better to do it on a CD by CD basis if possible.15:50
andyrockJohnLea, we can use the device name but is't errors prone... I mean: what happens if there are two different devices with the same name both without an uuid?15:51
andyrocklet me think, btw i will try to do it15:51
JohnLeaandyrock; good luck, thx! ;-)15:52
andyrockJohnLea, btw i really like this design :)15:52
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andyrockJohnLea, we can use the same format of mount command16:19
andyrockso we can blacklist by LABEL UUID16:20
andyrockor by name (/dev/sda)16:20
andyrockusing the gui we can blacklist just the label and the uuid16:21
andyrocksomething like it: if the device has an uuid blacklist his uuid16:21
andyrockif a blacklist has not an uuid (e.g. cd-rom) blacklist his label16:22
andyrockpower users can be able to blacklist devices by name16:23
andyrocke.g. /dev/sdc1 to blacklist all CD-ROMs16:23
andyrocknaturally editing properly the blacklist file16:23
JohnLeaandyrock; sounds good ;-)16:42
jonoRAOF, you working today?17:42
jonoRAOF, oops, wrong nick, sorry17:43
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andyrockJohnLea, ping20:19
andyrockJohnLea, about https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/841941 i need more info about the correct behavior. The virtual drives should be treated as removable drives or un-removable ones?20:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 841941 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity Launcher shows only physical drives, not virtuals such as FTP" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:34
andyrockso a un-removable drives is shown on the launcher otherwise it is blacklisted (read unpinned)20:35
andyrocka removable drives is shown on the launcher if isn't blacklisted and afterall if it's connected20:36
andyrocka virtual drive (ftp://...) can be both a un-removable drives and a removable drives20:37
andyrocki mean20:38
andyrockit's anun-removable drive becuase it's virtual...20:38
andyrockbut it's alo a removable drives because once it can be umount20:40
andyrockthe problem is:20:40
andyrockthe un-removable drive can be easy listed20:40
andyrockthe virtual drive cannot be easy listed (each uri on the Internet can be a virtual drive =) )20:41
andyrockfinally, i need detailed as possible info or the license to decide :)20:42
Cimi__andyrock: Trevinho : I think I found a bug in the dropdown menus21:05
Cimi__Trevinho: do you know where's the code for them?21:05
Cimi__Trevinho: I think the menu is shifted 1px on the left21:05
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andyrockCimi, dropdown menus? do you mean launcher quicklists?21:06
Cimiandyrock: menubar and indicators21:06
Cimiandyrock: they look aligned, because I added an offset in the menuitem21:06
Cimiandyrock: but my feeling is that the dropdown menu is shifted 1px on the left21:07
andyrockCimi, ok... so do want to know where the dropdown mene is drawn right?21:07
Cimiandyrock: yep21:08
andyrockCimi, i think that it's drawn in unity-panel-service21:09
andyrockbut we decide the postion21:10
andyrockin PanelInidcatorObjectEntryView.cpp (or something like this)21:10
andyrockmmm... i've just found this21:11
andyrock proxy_->ShowMenu(GetAbsoluteX() + 1, //cairo translation21:11
andyrock                     GetAbsoluteY() + PANEL_HEIGHT,21:11
andyrock                     time(NULL),21:11
andyrock                     nux::GetEventButton(button_flags));21:11
andyrockthe "+1" is weird...21:11
Cimiandyrock: yep21:13
Cimiandyrock: without looking at the code, I imagined it21:13
andyrockyou rock we know :)21:13
mhr3Cimi sees the code21:46
mhr3it's like matrix :)21:46
Cimiin matrix21:46
Cimihe can see a beautiful blonde girl in a red dress21:47
CimiI'm still not able to do that21:47
mhr3Cimi, just open a browser ;)21:47
Cimibut that's not code :D21:47
mhr3the end result is what matters, no? :)21:48

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