
ScottKYour thought it probably a good one though ...00:00
BarkingFishI've got 160 in the laptop, 500GB external, plus a spare 360GB external which is currently empty since I don't have anymore sockets to attach it to :)00:01
BarkingFishand I'll be danged if I'm gonna use a hub. Those things are about as stable as charles manson00:01
ScottKThis looks like a tough one.00:01
ScottKUpstream code is untouched in years http://gizmod.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gizmod/gizmod3/00:02
BarkingFishI'll pull the code along with you, and we'll have a shot at fixing it.00:02
BarkingFishI'm off work after tomorrow for a week, I've got nothing else to do00:02
ScottKThe package is not in Debian (since we're a Debian derivative, often they will have fixed stuff like this already)00:03
BarkingFishSo what's stopping us from fixing it up?00:04
ScottKsize_t is in stddef.h00:05
ScottKBarkingFish: So if we add stddef.h to the includes, that might help.00:08
BarkingFishI'm just untarring the code00:08
ScottKEach release of GCC gets pickier about what assumptions is made in the code.00:08
ScottKSo this is probably something that's related to using a newer GCC than when this was developed.00:09
ScottKBarkingFish: Progress http://paste.debian.net/128430/00:11
BarkingFishrighty ho. It's still missing the size_t from DynamicBuffer.hpp though00:12
ScottKNext we run into boost porting issues.00:13
ScottK/home/gizmod-3.4/libGizmod/Processes.cpp:157:27: error: 'class boost::filesystem3::directory_entry' has no member named 'string'00:13
ScottKGoogle turns up some similar errors.00:18
BarkingFishi'm just perusing the code...00:19
BarkingFishlooks like that's been pulled in from an include00:21
ScottKThe last time this package was built was with boost1.42 and we're on boost1.46 now, so I'm sure it's an API change in boost.00:21
ScottKhttp://paste.debian.net/128432/ - is the patch from mapnik-viewer to get it to build with the newer API.00:22
ScottKObviously not directly applicable, but illustrative.00:22
BarkingFishlooks like I need to do some updating, I haven't got any of boost's headers 00:25
ScottKapt-get build-dep gizmod will get you all the packages you need.00:27
ScottKUnfortunately if you're on natty you'll get boost1.42 and not 1.46.00:27
ScottKThis is one of those cases you could use pbuilder-dist oneiric login to work in a oneiric environment.00:27
ScottKmicahg: If you could include a sentence about why we want to do the sync in Bug 840829 and not just why you think it needs an FFe, that'd be nice.00:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840829 in enemylines3 (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync enemylines3 1.2-7 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84082900:29
BarkingFishScottK, ok, well I've already started getting 1.42 now...00:30
BarkingFishi'll login to oneiric in a moment and pull 1.46 off00:30
ScottKSo this is, obviously, not Kubuntu specific work, but all of the Ubuntu variants share a common archive.00:31
ScottKWe're in the phase of the release where we want to get everything cleaned up and as many bugs as possible fixed.00:31
ScottKOne goal is to make sure all the packages can be built with the current libs in the release.00:31
OffToHadessorry about that ScottK - I got disconnected for some reason.00:33
=== BarkingFish is now known as Guest768
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
ScottKOK BarkingFish.  What's the last thing you got from me?00:35
BarkingFish<ScottK> So this is, obviously, not Kubuntu specific work, but all of the Ubuntu variants share a common archive.00:35
ScottK[20:31:27] <ScottK> We're in the phase of the release where we want to get everything cleaned up and as many bugs as possible fixed.00:36
ScottK[20:31:45] <ScottK> One goal is to make sure all the packages can be built with the current libs in the release.00:36
BarkingFishI'm having issues with the oneiric login atm00:36
vddloggershadeslayer: no, we do not have to change the script we have to fix the flipping upstream sources manually and get the fix in for 4.7.2 and then shitstorm all over kde for breaking stuff all the time00:36
ScottKI'm going to need to run off soon, but if you can keep beating on this until you can get it to build, then I can help you convert this into a proper package update and get it in the archive.00:36
BarkingFishIt only wants to log me in as root, and tells me when I try to apt-get build-dep gizmod that I need to add some sources00:37
ScottKBarkingFish: Yes, it's a very minimal chroot.00:37
BarkingFishI'm going to bed soon, ScottK - I'm at work in 7 hours :)00:37
BarkingFishI'll crack on with this tomorrow after I get home from work at about 4pm UTC00:37
ScottKSo apt-get install vim and the vim /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the deb-src entry and then apt-get udpate00:37
vddloggerDarkwingDuck, ryanakca: go and deploy the new wiki theme... though a rollout of similar website theme would seem sensible... you might want to ask sysadmins if that is possible etc though00:37
ScottKIt's normal when logged into a chroot to be root.00:38
BarkingFishWill do.  In the mean time, I need to go get some sleep if I'm going to be fit for work. 00:38
ScottKIt's the chroot's root, not the systems.00:38
BarkingFishI could call in a sicky I suppose :P00:38
ScottKOK.  Have a good night.00:38
ScottKNah, save that for later when you're more involved.00:38
BarkingFishSee you tomorrow evening, I'll let you know how I get on00:38
vddloggerBarkingFish: I'll unfortunately not have time until tuesday at earliest, feel free to hit me, though I might not be actually useful until wendsday ;)00:38
BarkingFishno prob vddlogger - I'll see you then, I'm off all week after tomorrow's shift00:39
BarkingFish*today's shift00:39
BarkingFishsee ya, have a good night/morning/whatever it is00:39
vddloggeron a related note, vlc dev days are over00:40
=== vddlogger is now known as parislogger
parisloggerthere we go00:40
parisloggertomorrow we are going to visit the love apparently00:40
micahgScottK: sure, there's an RC bug, but I"ll comment in the bug about it01:51
micahgScottK: actually, I'm going to close the bug, apparently we don't have the issue, it can wait, I thought I test built the current version before but can't find the record, nor anything in the rebuild01:57
DarkwingDuckparislogger, A new website theme to match is in the works.02:29
ScottKmicahg: OK.  Thanks for double checking.03:18
micahgScottK: BTW, gnash uploaded, so one less boost dep down03:20
ScottKCool. Thanks.03:20
markeyparislogger: who are you going to marry?03:59
markeymysterious... ;)04:01
markeymorning, btw04:03
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanScottK: Thanks for tutoring BarkingFish.08:07
QuintasanGood to have another packager onboard.08:08
didrocksdebfx: hey, have a small quesiton, seems that in Qt 4.7.4, there is not anymore any /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/qmltooling/libtcpserver.so08:23
didrocksdebfx: did you make some tweaks for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/754942/comments/1 ?08:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 754942 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "The qmltooling/tcpserver plugin is missing" [High,Fix released]08:23
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
debfxdidrocks: no, I just noticed that libtcpserver is already in the package10:09
didrocksdebfx: hum, it's not aymore with 4.7.4 :/10:10
didrocksand I don't find a commit ref for that10:10
didrocksneither any news in the changes-4.7.410:10
debfxhm, gitorious times out as usual10:17
debfxdidrocks: looks like it has been renamed to libqmldbg_tcp10:26
didrocksdebfx: oh? how did you spot it?10:27
debfxI downloaded the diff from your ppa upload10:27
didrocksdebfx: ah ok, I think you found the magical commit or whatever :)10:28
didrocksdebfx: ok, looks good then, thanks for looking at it! :)10:28
debfxnope, gitorious fails and I don't feel like cloning the repository10:29
debfxdidrocks: https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/commit/9ed28d039da0f3745ca84203efa92203f31e97e710:34
debfxat least google work reliably :)10:34
didrocksdebfx: heh, indeed :-) thanks a lot for your investigation! :)10:34
milianwhere can I get qt 4.7.4 for ubuntu 11.04?11:02
bulldog98_work!find qt11:19
ubottuFound: appmenu-qt, ibus-qt4, libavahi-qt3-1, libavahi-qt3-dev, libavahi-qt4-1, libavahi-qt4-dev, libdbusmenu-qt-dev, libdbusmenu-qt-doc, libdbusmenu-qt2, libibus-qt-dev (and 342 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all11:19
bulldog98_workmilian: haven´t found that in natty11:24
milianbulldog98_work: :-/11:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: ping13:07
Quintasanrbelem: ping13:07
bulldog98_workmilian: think about upgrading to the latest an best Kubuntu Version ;-)13:10
milianbulldog98_work: I need to work hence need a stable system13:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: ssup13:11
* shadeslayer was just watching Air Force One for the umpteenth time13:13
Quintasanshadeslayer: Do you has my mobile numberz13:13
shadeslayeruh .. no13:13
shadeslayerparislogger: i be scared of kde-devel@kde.rog13:14
Quintasansince yofel is on holidays Id want someone to let me know when there is new shipment of hp touchpads13:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: its going to be a couple of weeks13:14
shadeslayerlike ... atleast 3-4 13:15
QuintasanI has monies saved soley for the purpose of buying that13:15
* Quintasan goes back to homework13:15
shadeslayerhehe :D13:15
QuintasanI ain't even buying school textbooks to buy that :P13:15
bulldog98_workmilian: it will be stable in around a month13:16
shadeslayerQuintasan: i'm kinda out of steam about the device13:17
shadeslayerstarted to have second thoughts ... :P13:17
milianbulldog98_work: and even there it seems stuck at 4.7.313:17
milianwhat a mess13:17
shadeslayerand it would probably help if someone in here knew someone in HP so that we get devices for testing13:17
* debfx wonders what's so important about qt 4.7.413:35
shadeslayerbulldog98_work: are all your branches ready for merging?13:38
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/parley] Rohan Garg * 17 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release14:08
rbelemQuintasan, pong14:16
bulldog98_shadeslayer: yes14:16
shadeslayeryep, looking at them right now14:17
Quintasanrbelem: Ill be uploading stuff shortly14:17
rbelemQuintasan, awesome :)14:18
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kstars] Rohan Garg * 5 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release14:18
rbelemQuintasan, i commited yesterday a small fix to runtime14:18
rbelemand i got kubuntu mobile running14:19
rbelemon tje lenovo ideapad14:19
Quintasanrbelem: you commited directly to the packaging branch or we need to merge it14:20
rbelemQuintasan, i think we can upload contour now, since it is beta quality now14:21
rbelemQuintasan, to the pkg branch14:21
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
rbelemQuintasan, may i get countour ready to upload?14:26
Quintasanrbelem: I'm still against uploading it to repos14:26
Quintasankeep this in a PPA ffs14:26
Quintasanyou can update it as often as you wish there14:26
Quintasanbut that's only me14:27
QuintasanYou'd better ask ScottK though14:27
* rbelem pokes ScottK 14:28
=== dpm is now known as dpm__
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
shadeslayerbulldog98: you haven't bumped kde-sc-dev-latest in qtruby14:43
shadeslayerah ... no such package14:44
shadeslayerin build depends ... which is weird14:44
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtruby] Rohan Garg * 8 * debian/changelog New upstream release14:44
bulldog98shadeslayer: qtruby says the name I guess? parislogger?14:44
bulldog98that’s why I haven’t added it14:45
shadeslayerhmm .. probably14:45
shadeslayeri've never looked at its packaging before, which is why i was a bit surprised14:45
MamarokI was just wondering: no announcement for Amarok 2.4.3 in http://kubuntu.org, but it is in Oneiric. Any backports to Natty?14:48
shadeslayerMamarok: i can backport it, have some free time14:48
Mamarokshadeslayer: that was more a question about why there is no announcement14:49
shadeslayerwell ... i don't have the credentials to login anymore14:50
Mamarokbut if there are indeed no backports for Natty yet it would be nice to have14:50
MamarokScottK: ^14:50
shadeslayernope ... no backports for natty14:50
shadeslayerbulldog98: please update the wiki14:53
bulldog98shadeslayer: can you merge kletters manually, cause lp goes oops when I try to propose a merge for it14:54
bulldog98shadeslayer: and you haven’t merged rocs, have you?14:56
shadeslayeri ... don't remember doing that14:56
bambeeparislogger: Does it make sense to disable everything in davros ?14:56
dpmhey Kubuntu devs, we've got a last-minute free slot on today's Ubuntu App Developer Week schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek/Timetable - it'd be great to have KDE/Qt representation. Would anyone be up for a session on developing in Kubuntu, or KDE, or with Qt... ?14:56
bambeeeverything = warnings, errors, fatals, and debug14:57
shadeslayerdpm: parislogger would be the ideal guy imo14:57
shadeslayerbulldog98: yer branch is named wrong i think14:57
bambeeparislogger: I would like to change DebugLevel to QtMsgType (which does not have a debugnone)14:58
shadeslayerparislogger: ~bulldog98/kubuntu-packaging/kletters -> ~bulldog98/kubuntu-packaging/klettres14:58
shadeslayerplz fix14:58
shadeslayerbulldog98: ^14:58
bulldog98shadeslayer: made to many branches so,14:58
shadeslayerhehe :)14:59
shadeslayerlet me know when you've fixed that14:59
bulldog98shadeslayer: I hope we can fix that14:59
shadeslayerbulldog98: yeah, just push your branch again to lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-packaging/klettres15:00
shadeslayerand i'll merge it15:00
* shadeslayer is looking at recruiting new people for kubuntu15:00
bulldog98shadeslayer: pushed15:01
CIA-89[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/klettres] Rohan Garg * 9 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release15:02
* bulldog98 is trying to convince mac people15:02
bulldog98that kubuntu is better :)15:02
shadeslayerbulldog98: uh .. do you want a fair opinion on that matter?15:02
shadeslayermac vs kubuntu?15:02
bulldog98shadeslayer: I can’t really get along with mac15:03
bulldog98I mean I can work with that but I feel, that there is something missing. (KDE)15:03
shadeslayerbulldog98: i just left my macbook pro running OS X on sleep for the entire day .. it consumed just 5% of the battery15:03
shadeslayertry that with kubuntu :P15:03
bulldog98shadeslayer: they can only do that, cause they know on exactly which hardware they’ll run :P15:04
shadeslayeridk how they do it, but whatever magic they do, it works (tm)15:04
shadeslayerbulldog98: agreed, but you simply can't do that on kubuntu15:04
shadeslayerthats all i'm saying15:04
bulldog98shadeslayer: you could get the same, if you would by nearly 5% of the kernel hackers your hardware :P15:05
shadeslayeri wish i had that kind of money15:05
* bulldog98 too15:05
shadeslayeri'd buy each and every kernel hacker awesome hardware15:05
shadeslayerand tell them to get cracking15:05
shadeslayerjjesse: there's a oh-my-zsh theme named after you, did you make that?15:06
bulldog98shadeslayer: fun is Intel and Amd do that (in limeted amount)15:06
bulldog98shadeslayer: do you really use oh-my-zsh?15:06
* bulldog98 has a costum one15:06
shadeslayertrue, i've heard AMD is giving more <3 to open source software now15:06
shadeslayerbulldog98: again, it gets the job done15:07
* shadeslayer likes software that gets the job doe15:07
kubotushadeslayer meant: "likes software that gets the job done"15:07
bulldog98shadeslayer: have a look to my repro kde:sratch/kolberg/zsh-folder15:07
shadeslayerbulldog98: when using the git plugin, my hard disk goes crazy when i enter the kdelibs checkout15:08
bulldog98shadeslayer: mine does with bzr :P15:08
* bulldog98 has more than dobled his karma in 2 days15:10
* bulldog98 needs to do that more often :)15:10
ScottKMamarok: Maybe ryanakca will have time to put up an announcement.  I'm not feeling well today.15:13
bulldog98shadeslayer: what should be the first day I put into a Kubuntu Developer Meeting doodle? one week ahead or two?15:16
shadeslayerwait what15:17
shadeslayerbulldog98: i don't understand the question15:17
bulldog98shadeslayer: I want to doodle for a meeting15:17
bulldog98shadeslayer: what should be the first entry if I send out a mail today(TM)15:17
shadeslayerbulldog98: ok, what the agenda is all about15:18
bulldog98shadeslayer: becoming a member15:18
shadeslayerfirst entry would be something like "Kubuntu Meeting"15:19
shadeslayerand then second would be the main agenda15:19
* shadeslayer is thinking whether or not to apply for developer status15:19
ScottKOooh.  Nice.  The author of https://www.ubersoft.net/ is a Kubuntu user.15:21
ScottKshadeslayer: Did an existing developer tell you that you should apply?15:22
ScottK(hint: this should help answer that question)15:22
shadeslayernope, i guess that pretty much answers it :P15:26
shadeslayerdebfx: pign15:29
shadeslayererm .. ping15:30
shadeslayerdebfx: i was looking at amarok and i see a bunch of not installed files15:32
shadeslayera couple of them are dbus servers15:32
kubotushadeslayer meant: "a couple of them are dbus interfaces"15:32
shadeslayeris that intentional?15:33
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/118405/ << entire list-missing output15:33
shadeslayeruh .. why? :)15:34
debfxit's clearly wrong to install interface files with generic names like org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.player.xml, that would lead to file conflicts15:36
debfxwe could install the other ones but afaik they are not really useful15:37
shadeslayeralright, but what about usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.kde.amarok.App.xml  and the likes?15:37
shadeslayerhmm .. i wonder what the org.kde.amarok.Mpris2Extensions.Player.xml does ...15:37
bulldog98shadeslayer: providing the Mpris2 Player interface15:38
shadeslayerbulldog98: don't think so .. more like ..extending it somehow15:38
bulldog98it’s a generic dbus interface for media players15:38
shadeslayeryep, i know what it is, i've used it before ;)15:39
shadeslayer-./usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.kde.amarok.Collection.xml is deprecated, so thats fine15:44
debfxamarok will still provide those dbus interfaces even if we don't install the interface files15:49
debfxafaik they are only useful for language bindings15:49
shadeslayerright ...15:53
shadeslayerquestion, can we still get a brand new pacakge into the archive?16:10
QuintasanWe can if you bribe someone to get it accepted16:18
Quintasanthat reminds me I need to bribe ScottK to accept ne libs and runtime upload16:18
QuintasanShouldn't we rollout 4.7.1 to oneiric?16:19
shadeslayerdid someone test it?16:19
QuintasanI'm running it16:19
bulldog98Quintasan: it’s not offically released yet, is it?16:19
Quintasanno problems so far16:19
shadeslayerbulldog98: it is16:19
bulldog98shadeslayer: I’m downloading it atm16:20
bulldog98shadeslayer: ok16:20
bulldog98Quintasan: roll out16:20
shadeslayerwell .. if everything works ... 16:20
debfxshadeslayer: 4.7.1 isn't released yet16:21
shadeslayerdebfx: uh .. i saw a email on the kde-devel mailing list16:22
shadeslayeri read 4.8 as 4.7.1 in class16:22
shadeslayeri need to be kicked -.-16:23
* Quintasan kicks shadeslayer16:24
QuintasanThere you go16:24
shadeslayerthanks :P16:24
QuintasanBarkingFish: Hey, hey, we've got someone who wants to get hit ^16:24
BarkingFishQuintasan, I'm doing some work at the moment on trying to fix a package which is refusing to build16:25
QuintasanHow's it going?16:25
QuintasanYou can ask me or shadeslayer since I'm just testing KDE atm16:26
BarkingFishI was talking with Scott about it last night, we're trying to package gizmod for oneiric, but there's been some code changes within the API, and it won't build16:26
BarkingFishthe biggest problem is updating the code, since it uses boost - the last version was 1.4.2, and if we're building it for oneiric, we need to port that to 1.4.616:27
BarkingFishanyway, nose back to the grindstone16:29
bulldog98guys take the git survey: https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitSurvey201116:33
bulldog98shadeslayer: btw parislogger put the translation into oneiric16:43
shadeslayerplz2update wiki16:43
bulldog98shadeslayer: I think so, cause I got kde-i18n-de and eo on my laptop16:44
bulldog98shadeslayer: thats Haralds job16:44
shadeslayertrue that16:45
bulldog98and I checked apt-cache policy16:46
* shadeslayer waves fist at nepomuk16:47
bulldog98shadeslayer: yeah sometimes nepomuk sucks, but only because of that shity messages, users don’t want to see that, that’s the problem of akonadi, too16:51
bulldog98shadeslayer: so my message is out16:56
bulldog98Riddell’s talk is starting17:02
shadeslayerah nvm17:04
=== parislogger is now known as transitlogger
BarkingFishhi guys, just a quick question - how do you regenerate a dsc file when you change the code in a package?17:14
BarkingFishi've done some work, but now the sha checksums and filesizes in the dsc don't match the size of the original tar.gz file with the code in17:14
LaserJockyou can run debuild -S17:15
BarkingFishagainst the tar.gz, LaserJock?17:16
BarkingFishor on its own?17:16
LaserJockon it's own, in the root directory of the package17:16
LaserJocki.e. the level above the debian/17:16
BarkingFishah, on17:16
LaserJockit should find the orig.tar.gz in ../17:17
bulldog98BarkingFish: debuild -S -sa17:19
LaserJockyeah, the -sa will be needed it it's a new package or a new upstream tarball of an existing package17:21
BarkingFishok this is now officially weird.17:28
BarkingFishI've pulled the source for the file I want, but I can't run debuild -S -sa against it, it presents a fatal error and says "Are you in the source code tree?"17:28
BarkingFishI'm in the same place all the other files go to when I do pull-lp-source17:29
shadeslayerBarkingFish: what does your file structure look like currently?17:29
BarkingFishHard to say really.  All I know is when I do pull-lp-sources gizmod  I get 3 files and none of them look like what I'm expecting17:31
BarkingFishit's sort of looking right now. Back in a tick17:32
bulldog98BarkingFish: you have to cd into the PACKAGENAME-VERSION dir17:33
BarkingFishyeah, I did that the first couple of times and they were comprised of 2 unextracted .tar.gz files and a .dsc17:34
BarkingFishnothing had actually extracted17:34
BarkingFishthe package is running through debuild but still refusing to finish, because someone's key is not available to sign it.  Which file do I change to get it to clearsign with my key?17:39
bulldog98BarkingFish: debian/changelog17:40
bulldog98BarkingFish: use dch -i to write into that17:40
bulldog98but change the version to *ubuntu*~ppa1 where * is the number of the last entry17:41
bulldog98Riddell: can you moderate my mail in kubuntu-devel?17:47
BarkingFishwoohoo!  I managed to sign the dsc and changes files :)17:51
CIA-89[lp:~bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools/trunk] Jonathan Kolberg * 130 * TODO Updated TODO18:03
shadeslayerbulldog98: i'm getting spammed by your merges18:14
bulldog98shadeslayer: yes I approved them for the list18:14
bulldog98shadeslayer: kubuntu-devel18:15
shadeslayerwtf dude18:15
bulldog98should I have rejected them?18:15
shadeslayerwell .. uh ... its better than spamming everyone at once @_@18:15
bulldog98shadeslayer: now it’s too late(TM)18:16
bulldog98shadeslayer: nice :P use kontact18:17
shadeslayerand get spameed by knotifications18:18
Quintasanbambee: I think we have touchegg in repos now18:18
bambeeQuintasan: touchegg was already in repos18:19
bambeedo you mean touchegg-gui?18:19
Quintasanbulldog98: Y U SPAM MY INBOX18:19
tsimpsonshadeslayer: this is why I switched to web-based email18:19
shadeslayertsimpson: i think GMail nailed the web based frontend18:20
bulldog98Quintasan: sorry lauchpad should have sent them at the right time(TM)18:20
* Quintasan goes apreshit18:20
bulldog98shadeslayer: you can turn them off18:20
bambeeQuintasan: ?18:21
QuintasanI just got over 9000 merge requests emails18:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: inorite18:21
Quintasanbambee: 18:21
Quintasan[~]% apt-cache search touchegg                                                                                   (quintasan@nightwalker:~)18:21
Quintasantouchegg - Multitouch gesture recognizer18:21
* Quintasan forgot to do his physics homework18:23
bambeeQuintasan: it has been approved and pushed in repos one week ago (or two... whatever)18:23
Quintasanbambee: What's with the forwarded email the?18:24
* bulldog98 should configure his configuration for kubuntu-devel ML18:24
bulldog98Quintasan: can have been more than around 7018:24
bambeeQuintasan: are you talking about the email sent to kubuntu-devel?18:25
Quintasanbambee: Yes18:25
bambeewell, it's a new release includings bugsfixes18:25
BarkingFishi'm sure I'm doing this right, but something is not working here.18:25
Quintasanbambee: Ask ScottK18:25
* bulldog98 takes all the resposibility and will give guys how complian today a beer (next time he sees them18:25
QuintasanWe need a sensible policy on what the fuck is being sent to us18:27
BarkingFishI updated the code, altered the changelog, ran debuild -S -sa and signed it.  Then I rebuilt the tar.gz using the changed code, and went to pbuilder-dist oneiric gizmod_3.4-0ubuntu5.dsc18:27
bambeepersonnally, I prefer ask ScottK about touchegg-gui :)18:28
BarkingFishwhich doesn't like the file, apparently18:28
BarkingFishdpkg-source: error: File ./gizmod_3.4.orig.tar.gz has size 141401 instead of expected 13374918:28
BarkingFishand that's after regenerating the dsc with all the correct data in it18:28
QuintasanBarkingFish: Changes to the code must be made as a patch18:28
QuintasanI didn't tell you that, did I?18:29
BarkingFishif you had, i wouldn't have done it18:29
QuintasanBarkingFish: Okay, copy over the files you modfied somewhere18:29
BarkingFishyou explained about patches and the order they got applied in, but not that I couldn't explicitly alter the code18:29
BarkingFishyou just want the two files I changed?18:30
BarkingFishI'll pastebin them up for you18:30
Quintasanno no no18:30
Quintasandon't paste em18:30
Quintasanjust copy em somewhere from the source directory18:30
Quintasanonly the files you modfied18:30
* BarkingFish is developing a headache. It's called Gizmod :)18:31
bulldog98Quintasan: your merge requests are in query too18:31
Quintasanreject them18:31
QuintasanBarkingFish: done?18:31
bulldog98Quintasan: done18:32
bulldog98Quintasan: you should add an account for your @kubuntu.org and set it to send no mail18:33
QuintasanBarkingFish: Now then, delete the modfied source directory and extract the orginal one (with no modifications18:33
Quintasanbulldog98: What, where?18:33
bulldog98shadeslayer: here are some of yours too18:33
bulldog98Quintasan: sing up with your @kubuntu and then settings uncheck recieve mail18:33
shadeslayerbulldog98: some emails from rohangarg @ kubuntu ?18:34
QuintasanBarkingFish: then cd to the source tree18:34
bulldog98rbelem: you have mails there too18:34
Quintasanln -s debian/patches patches18:34
shadeslayerbulldog98: are they ... important?18:34
Quintasanquilt push -a18:34
Quintasanquilt new <patch name>18:34
BarkingFishQuintasan, 18:34
shadeslayerif not, trash them18:34
shadeslayeruse your discretion18:34
BarkingFishbe with you in a sec18:34
bulldog98shadeslayer: they should go to the list, as I said to Quintasan add an account for that and turn of mail recieve18:35
QuintasanWhere did you find that option?18:37
shadeslayeri can't find that option myself18:37
bulldog98Quintasan: first of the options18:37
Quintasanbut where?18:37
bulldog98Quintasan: login into the https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-devel 18:38
BarkingFishQuintasan, that now tells me that patch 04_ftbfs_oneiric.patch is now on top18:39
Quintasanquilt new <name of the patch> <-- the patch name should generally tell others what it's supposed to fix18:39
BarkingFishi did that already18:40
BarkingFishthat's what gave me the result I showed you18:40
Quintasanquilt add path/to/the/file/you/want/to/modify18:41
Quintasanyou can add multiple files at once18:41
BarkingFishwhen I did the quilt push -a it said "no patches in series", am I doing this right?18:41
Quintasanmost likely18:41
BarkingFishi hope so :)18:42
BarkingFishright, the two files I wanted to modify have been added18:42
Quintasannow do the changes that you wanted to do18:42
Quintasanyou can copy over those modfied files18:42
Quintasanquilt refresh18:44
Quintasanquilt pop -a18:44
Quintasannow you should mention adding a patch in debian/changelog18:44
Quintasanthen you can debuild -S18:44
Quintasanand pbuild it18:44
BarkingFisher, dunno about you, but I think that looks a bit wrong :)18:45
BarkingFishI did the quilt pop -a and got: Removing patch 04_ftbfs_oneiric.patch - Restoring libH/DynamicBuffer.cpp - Restoring libH/Average.cpp18:46
BarkingFishNo patches applied18:46
Quintasanit removed the patches18:46
Quintasandebuild -S will attempt to apply them again18:46
Quintasanyou don't want to reapply applied patches :P18:46
bulldog98yofel_: either set up a @gmx in kubuntu-devel ML or change your prefered one in lp18:47
BarkingFishnope- total failure, fatal18:47
BarkingFishI'll paste the output18:47
Quintasango do source directory18:49
Quintasanrm patches18:49
BarkingFishgo again on debuild -S?18:50
Quintasanln -s does a symbolic link in case you didnt know18:50
Quintasanshould work now18:50
Quintasanif not the move your debian/ out of the source dir18:50
Quintasanremove the source, unpack it and copy over the debian/ and try again18:50
BarkingFishbugger it. I forgot to redo the changelog :P18:51
BarkingFishright, round 6 :)18:56
BarkingFishbuilding now18:56
QuintasanBarkingFish: So every time you want to modify upstream source you have to do it like this18:59
BarkingFishI take it I also have to apply that patch to the control file, right?18:59
Quintasanno no no18:59
Quintasanyou can modify debian/* normally18:59
BarkingFishWell the build went through, but it hasn't worked.19:00
BarkingFishThe changes I made haven't applied to the code19:00
QuintasanCan I see the build log?19:00
QuintasanBarkingFish: Can you upload the debian/ directory and link me to it?19:04
BarkingFishgive me a few moments19:04
BarkingFishcan't work out how to share the whole folder, I'll tar.gz it and send it that way19:07
BarkingFishQuintasan, http://www.4shared.com/file/LkxSyv9k/debian.html19:10
BarkingFishbbiab, got to go get some food19:10
Quintasanwhat the19:11
Quintasanlol @ patches19:13
Quintasanevery release has it's own ftbfs patch19:13
QuintasanI see19:14
Quintasanshadeslayer: ping19:15
QuintasanSince I have to go19:16
Quintasantell BarkingFish to remove debian/patches/series file19:16
Quintasangizmod it totally out of date and it uses cdbs magic to apply patches19:16
Quintasanonce he does that it should work19:16
QuintasanSee you tomorrow19:17
* shadeslayer is making tp-kde idiot proof19:17
shadeslayerBarkingFish: remove the debian/patches/series file19:17
shadeslayerBarkingFish: http://paste.kde.org/11853719:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelbulldog98: huh? I should be subscribed to kubuntu-devel with @gmx19:25
shadeslayeryofel: aren't you supposed to be on a holiday? :P19:25
BarkingFishshadeslayer, repeat of the last time, build failed 19:26
shadeslayerBarkingFish: can i have the log?19:27
bulldog98yofel: really then lp does something wrong19:27
bulldog98yofel: I’ll check that19:27
BarkingFishshadeslayer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/682796/19:27
bulldog98yofel: you are right lp does something wrong19:28
BarkingFishwait a moment19:28
BarkingFishi know what I did wrong.19:28
BarkingFishI didn't remove the series file from the tar.gz it's being built against.  I took it out of the source tree.19:28
yofelshadeslayer: sitting at the balcony at the sea connected to the net, what's strange about that? :P19:29
BarkingFishever had one of those days where you wish the floor would open up and just swallow you whole?  If you have, welcome to the club. I'm having one right now.19:29
BarkingFishyou know what, I'm calling it a night for now.  I need to go calm down, and since I have the rest of the week off work, I'll come back tomorrow after a damn good sleep.19:35
BarkingFishSorry to have bothered you all tonight, i'm not thinking straight.19:36
BarkingFishsee ya in the morning19:36
shadeslayeryofel: hahah :D19:37
shadeslayeryofel: where are you ?19:37
bulldog98shadeslayer: has my mail about application reached you and the ml?19:42
shadeslayernothing yet19:43
bulldog98mh how slow is mailman?19:43
shadeslayerofcourse ... after your merge mail, its taking a break :P19:44
yofelshadeslayer: crotia - novi vinodolski19:45
bulldog98shadeslayer: can you add that to our topic? http://doodle.com/8hh6gkaczp4hbk5d19:49
yofelbulldog98: topic isn't locked19:49
* bulldog98 has to edit the doodle before 19:50
bulldog98it’s to early (I’m not at home at that time)19:51
yofelbulldog98: why a kubuntu dev meeting?19:53
bulldog98yofel: thought that would be the name19:53
debfxI guess s/dev/council/19:53
yofelbulldog98: for *what*19:54
bulldog98yofel: for a meeting where I get approved :)19:54
yofelbulldog98: as?19:54
bulldog98yofel: Kubuntu member19:54
yofelthen you need the council as debfx said19:54
yofelwhich would then be a regular kubuntu meeting19:55
* bulldog98 is renaming that19:56
=== bulldog98 changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Feature Freeze in effect - 11.10 Beta 1 Released | TODO: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kubuntu.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Kubuntu Meeting doodle: http://doodle.com/8hh6gkaczp4hbk5d
bulldog98kdeutils has a new tarball20:02
shadeslayeri'm off to sleep20:02
shadeslayernight guys20:02
bulldog98shadeslayer: gn20:04
* yofel is off again20:09
* bulldog98 goes to sleep, too20:11
DaskreechSomeone to blame!!20:25
Daskreechnixternal: What's up?? :-D20:53
Daskreechwhat you been doing?20:57
DaskreechHow's Chicago this fine summer?20:57
nixternalconsulting, riding, and being lazy this summer. been a warm one, but now it is starting to cool down21:00
Daskreechlazy riding?21:04
DaskreechOr lazy consulting? :)21:04
nixternala lot of racing this summer21:06
BarkingFishScottK, you about?21:11
ScottKQuintasan: You don't need me to upload libs/runtime now that it won't hit New again.  The archive isn't frozen.21:12
BarkingFishI think we've got more problems in the code of gizmod than we first thought.  I've just sucked the entire codebase into kdevelop as a CMake project, and a trial compile is presenting some rather interesting errors.21:12
ScottKbambee and Quintasan: I think updating touchegg and addint touchegg-gui makes sense.21:12
ScottKBarkingFish: Yes.21:12
bambeeI agree21:13
ScottKBarkingFish: Given that it hasn't been touched upstream in a couple of years, it may be more trouble than it's worth.21:13
ScottKBarkingFish: If you're up for giving a go at fixing it, you're welcome to try, but given it's state, I think removal is probably more sensible.21:14
BarkingFishI'd be inclined to agree there.  I've applied a patch to it to clear up the size_t issues, by adding #include <stddef.h> in a couple of places, and the patch didn't do a dang thing21:14
BarkingFishall the errors we initially had in the build are still there.  Call it a loss and move on?21:14
ScottKBarkingFish: dammit is the next one on my list.21:17
BarkingFishsame as before, just pull it and see if it will build?21:18
BarkingFishbuilding for oneiric?21:22
BarkingFishok, doing now21:22
ScottKBTW, Bug #770797 is now a request for removal...21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770797 in gizmod (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Please remove gizmod and all binaries from Oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77079721:22
ScottKI'm not feeling well today, so I'm going to go crash for a bit.21:23
BarkingFishbuild failed, ScottK - I'll paste up the output and memo you the url21:24
ScottKEither a missing include or an API change.  Consult with Google.21:27
ScottKReally off now ...21:27
BarkingFishok then, no probs. Take care21:27
BarkingFishIf I want to pass extra commands to the compiler, I can't add those to the pbuilder-dist command, can I?21:33
BarkingFishmind if I go a bit nuts for a second???22:23
BarkingFishafter a shedload of debugging and picking apart, dammit has built for oneiric.22:24
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
ryanakcaMamarok: What needs announcing?23:56

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