
silverarrow1have you installed restricteds?00:00
silverarrow1I think java comes with the restricted packs00:00
silverarrow1there are two lubuntu ones in package manager00:00
mewaythe command to intsall restricted packs would be?00:01
silverarrow1do you have to do it from terminal?00:02
mewaypreferred yes00:02
silverarrow1sudo apt-get restricted lubuntu?00:02
silverarrow1no, it would be lubuntu-restricted-extras00:04
silverarrow1I think that should work00:04
* phillw as always look at the FAQ. if you REALLY need that area of Java, then head over to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#Some_Java_applications_don.27t_work.2C_I_want_proprietary_Oracle_Java.00:05
silverarrow1that gives general java runtime environment00:05
mewaybla I will just look it up in the package manager >.<00:06
silverarrow1the restricted package version works with most stuff like bank, chats, general online java run stuff00:06
mewaythis is not helping00:06
mewaythere found it that way00:07
silverarrow1my first suggestion00:08
phillwmeway: that set of instructions where written by devs. Please let me know in what way that you cannot follow them for your system as they obviously have them working on their own systems.00:08
mewayphillw: I refuse to do research when I asked for a command not a list of links and urls00:10
mewaybut thanks for pointing me in the correct direction in any case00:10
phillwmeway: before you leave, can I teach you something? All of us are volunteers and do support free of charge. I am biting my tongue on your attitude.00:12
phillw10... 9 ... 8.... 7 .... 6..... 5..... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1....00:13
silverarrow1well, some are more demanding that others00:14
phillw;glower | meway00:14
DragonEyesmeway: do you want DragonEyes to test out the kickban function on you :P00:14
mewayI have no attitude I was just simply stating that what you gave me was not what I asked for.00:14
phillwmeway: then go and pay for support?00:15
mewayDragonEyes: I just started using this os 2 days ago thats highly inappropriate.00:15
phillwMicrosoft charge lots of money for it?00:15
mewayphillw: sorry if I have offended you00:15
phillwDragonEyes: say hello to meway00:16
DragonEyesphillw: "hello to meway"00:16
mewayinteresting :)00:16
phillwmeway: pop onto #lubuntu-offtopic00:16
phillw;part #lubuntu00:17
silverarrow1should lubuntu autodetect  a usb bluetooth device?01:29
silverarrowanyone good with repositories?03:38
silverarrowI have a made a mess with my update03:38
ManDayUsing LUBUNTU, with neither Pulse nor JACK installed (possible traces of ESD), pidgin crashes with a segfault and an error "Cannot connect to server socket; Jack server not running or cannot be started" once a voice call is attempted. Receiving voice calls is also impossible, though does not result in a segfault. The "Sound Preview" in the Preferences appears mute, too, and all settings regarding the05:54
ManDayoutput target (the list offers ESD, ALSA, Default, Beep, etc., but neither Pulse nor Jack) are apparently ignored. Any ideas?05:54
maheanuuGood evening /morning to all from Tahiti06:41
maheanuuI did a lubuntu install for my daughter on an older NEC tower and all went well until I started getting an error message and the computer drops out and reboots......06:43
maheanuuI know that it is the labor day weekend in the usa, just hoping that there might be a guru around06:44
JohnDoe_71Rusmaheanuu: recovery mode does not start to?06:45
maheanuuJohnDoe, this is the error I am getting I am receiving the following message in Lubuntu (Process :229) GLib WARNING **: getpwuid_r () failed due to unknown user id (0)06:48
maheanuubeing a pretty new noob, I am lost06:48
maheanuuHave you seen this before?06:49
maheanuuWhen I get this I get hung in a reboot loop06:50
maheanuuIt first happened when I was using terminal to get Skype....06:51
maheanuuIt seems to happen when I am working from the command line, or trying to work from there06:52
maheanuuI do not get to a recovery mode or at least I am not recognizing it if it is happening06:52
maheanuuJohnDoe, the only way I can get out of it is to power down and then reboot....06:58
JohnDoe_71RusGLib WARNING **: getpwuid_r () failed due to unknown user id (0) i see this warning. but then system work normal06:59
JohnDoe_71Rusmaheanuu: see log to error06:59
maheanuuI had just finished doing a driver install for a hp printer and was in the process of downloading and installing skype when this started...  The computer is not here with me it is at my daughters house and I am home for the evening and will be going back in the morning07:01
JohnDoe_71RusI think it a shared problem ubuntu. Not lubuntu07:03
maheanuuI have been using Ubuntu for the past 8 months and find it excellent, this is my first time with Lubuntu and actually I do like it.   I believe that it will work good on the lower memory older 32 bit machines that I restore and give to the kids who normally would not have computers here in the islands07:05
maheanuuI believe so, according to what I have managed to read so far, but I am too new to really know where to look or how to report it.  I am the only Linux user in a 5 island area and no one even has any idea about Linux here in the leeward iles07:07
ManDayUsing LUBUNTU, with neither Pulse nor JACK installed (possible traces of ESD), pidgin crashes with a segfault and an error "Cannot connect to server socket; Jack server not running or cannot be started" once a voice call is attempted. Receiving voice calls is also impossible, though does not result in a segfault. The "Sound Preview" in the Preferences appears mute, too, and all settings regarding the07:07
ManDayoutput target (the list offers ESD, ALSA, Default, Beep, etc., but neither Pulse nor Jack) are apparently ignored. Any ideas?07:07
JohnDoe_71Rusmaheanuu: can you just login to console to read logs ?07:08
maheanuuNot until tomorrow morning, I will be back at my daughters then, she is at work now....07:10
maheanuuI will do that tomorrow first thing, I have done a copy and paste and saved all for use there in the morning thank you.07:10
pete__hey Unit193, cool seeing you again07:22
pete__I'm sure I could google fu this, but for whatever reason, lubuntu 11.04 seems to autocorrect to ubuntu... anyways, how do I set the touchpad off during keyboard use?07:24
Unit193Got a problem?07:24
pete__is it xorg?07:24
ubot5For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad07:25
Unit193I think I should point here07:25
pete__"Go to System > Preferences > Mouse > Touchpad and uncheck 'Disable touchpad while typing' and 'Enable mouse clicks with touchpad'"07:26
pete__can't doesn't exist in Lubuntu07:26
Unit193That guide is for Gnome mainly it seems07:27
pete__dinner, brb07:29
Unit193!info gpointing-device-settings07:30
ubot5gpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-4 (natty), package size 58 kB, installed size 584 kB07:30
pete__install that?07:32
Unit193I've never used Lubuntu on a laptop, but IIRC, that's what you install07:32
Unit193jmarsden: Sorry to ping, but for later, that's the replacement for gsynaptics?07:33
Unit193If I remember correctly07:33
JohnDoe_71RusDate & Time. Can't change settings. autorised not activ. can remove some need packages07:35
pete__:) Unit193, I installed gpointing-device-settings, and it doesn't have a setting for "turn off touchpad while typing"08:17
pete__though it does have "palm detection"08:17
Unit193Alright, I was going to go to bed a half hour ago, but take a look here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics#Disable_Trackpad_while_Typing (Just do not note what site it's on ;) )08:29
pete__:) Cheers,08:30
pete__go to bed08:30
pete__am signing off too08:32
pete__Thanks for all your help08:32
Unit193Hope something helps!08:32
pete__take it easy08:32
pete__it will08:32
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silverarroware anyone in lubuntu now?17:55
silverarrowis it possible to play this in gnome or vlc ? http://www.dr.dk/nu/live#/DR217:56
silverarrowgnome mplayer that is17:56
silverarrowI am having trouble with adobe,  cpu heavy17:56
KM0201it's flash, how would you plan on playing it in mplayer/vlc17:57
silverarrowI copy and paste address in "location"17:57
KM0201that's not hw that works17:57
silverarrowgnome handles some streams fine17:57
KM0201but not flash17:58
silverarrowvlc used to though17:58
KM0201lol, ok17:58
KM0201vlc has never been able to stream flash.17:58
silverarrowwhat is it streaming then?17:58
KM0201could be anything, but its not flash17:58
silverarrowwhen watching youtube, onlie tv,17:59
Unit193Flash player does play flvs and VLC does handle that17:59
KM0201youtube, is flash.. you cannot stream youtube to flash17:59
silverarrowvlc runs youtube17:59
KM0201Unit193, of course vlc can play flv's, but it can't stream flash videos (from for instance, youtube)17:59
KM0201silverarrow, ok..17:59
Unit193YouTube it can handle, but only because they set that up to work18:00
silverarrowyou might have trouble with vlc and youtube right now, but only because youtube keeps changing stuff, but there are ways about ti18:01
silverarrowI struggle with settings though ?18:01
silverarrowwhat about the flash replacer in firefox then?18:02
silverarrowany idea?18:02
Unit193https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flashvideoreplacer/ This?18:04
silverarrowdo you have it added?18:05
Unit193It's an addon, just hit add to firefox18:07
silverarrowyes, I have to get firefox again18:08
silverarrowI have only chromium18:08
Unit193You asked about the one in firefox, I told you about the one in firefox -_-18:09
silverarrowsorry, i was thinking out loud18:12
silverarrowI think the firefox fvr, is a pluging for the gnome mplayer18:12
silverarrowI'm not shore18:12
Unit193Only works for YouTube, Blip.tv, and Vimeo18:13
silverarrowcan you play this in either vlc or gnome? http://www.dr.dk/nu/live#/DR218:14
Unit193Can't check now18:15
silverarrowit's all right18:15
silverarrowmaybe there is a way to make it work18:16
Unit193Pupuser1: It's not recommended to IRC as root18:16
silverarrowwhat exactly is the gnome mplayer?18:18
silverarrowI used to think it was build on mplayer18:19
Unit193!info gnome-mplayer18:19
ubot5gnome-mplayer (source: gnome-mplayer): A GTK+ interface for MPlayer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 374 kB, installed size 1728 kB18:19
silverarrowthanks Unit19318:20
silverarrowI shall have to google it, to get any wiser it seems18:21
Unit193Google is my good friend, take good care of him and he will do the same to you18:21
silverarrowso, flash video replacer is not for lubuntu?19:11
silverarrowIf I get the latest firefox, from their site, how will lubuntu take it?19:11
silverarrowI need an addon19:12
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=== PythonCat is now known as MichealH
silverarrowhow do I tweak gnome-player in chromium, to choose gnome in stead of adobe?20:21
silverarrowpreferred applications would be the obvious place to go, but...20:24
silverarrowwhy does adobe override gnomeplayer?20:29
micahgsilverarrow: gnomeplayer plays flas?20:32
silverarrowI think it does20:32
silverarrowstreams at least20:33
strycoresilverarrow, it doesn't work that way, there are several types of playing videos on the web20:33
silverarrowthing is, with gecko and some stuff, it does stream online tv,20:34
silverarrowsite made to work with microsoft media player20:34
strycorethe oldest is embeding a video, which use the system's media player (usually  a .mov, .mpg, .wmv or .asf); then there's flash video that can only be played by flash player, gnash or swfdec and the last one is html5 video which is played direcly by the browser20:35
strycoreso, even if totem or gmplayer can play swfs it won't override Flash Player20:36
silverarrowwhich is annoying20:36
silverarrowfire fox has a good addon20:37
strycoreyou can try fetching the video with cclive then play it with your media player20:37
tomeoI just dd:ed lubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso to my USB-drive and tried to boot from it to no avail. Do I have to use a specific version?20:37
strycoreor with an addon20:37
silverarrowfirefox, flashvideoreplacer, but it's not in lubuntu package manager20:37
silverarrowwhat kind off trouble would I expect from firefox 6 downloaded from their site, in lubuntu?20:38
micahgsilverarrow: we dropped almost all firefox addons from the archive due to rapid release20:41
micahgsilverarrow: also, what's wrong with firefox from the archive?20:42
silverarrowmicahg: it doesn't have flashplayerreplacer20:45
micahgsilverarrow: you can install it from the firefox in the archive20:45
micahgupstream doesn't include that eitehr20:46
tomeoIsnt the Lubuntu-installer supposed to work from USB-sticks?20:46
silverarrowI have searched in package manager?20:46
silverarrowtomeo, yes20:46
micahgsilverarrow: I assume flashvideoreplacer is a firefox addon, if you install firefox and go to tools -> addons, you can search for and install it20:47
* silverarrow googles lubuntu fireforx archive20:47
micahgsilverarrow: I meant Firefox in the Ubuntu archive20:47
silverarrowMichealH: oh i see20:47
silverarrowmicahg: I see20:47
silverarrowI used to have firefox, but thought the addon-function where taken out20:48
silverarrow*in the buntus20:48
micahgsilverarrow: no, we just removed the addons from the archive so they don't show up in the package manager, you can still get them from the firefox addon manager (which is what we prefer since they auto-update)20:49
silverarrowmicahg: me too really, it's just I assumed they weren't there20:49
* phillw as lubuntu uses Chromium, for Firefox issues could I politely suggest you head over the a fantastic guy at http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=649167 If neither of his sections are of help. I'll have a chat with him. it is a onour to call him a friend.20:53
silverarrowI have tried to stay with chromium exclusively20:56
silverarrowbut firefox have very good addons some times20:56
silverarrowwhat is gonme really21:02
silverarrowwhen it's not the gnome mplayer21:03
MichealHsilverarrow, ?21:10
silverarrowsorry, I figured it out; desktop environment21:11
jmarsdensilverarrow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME .  In general, when asking "what is X?" use Google and/or wikipedia first, then ask for any more specific details once you already know the basics.21:22
silverarrowfirefox is back on my puter21:22
silverarrowjmarsden: thanks, I will. Somehow gnome mplayer, mplayer and gnome desktop environment got me confused. no connection to either21:23
themuffinmanis there a way to remove chromium from my computer without having to uninstall lubuntu-desktop and getting firefox installed as synaptic package manager tells me?21:24
jmarsdensilverarrow: One more tip: when the thing you are asking about is a Ubuntu package name, you can do  !info somepackage and get a short description of it here from ubottu21:24
silverarrowI shall remember that21:25
silverarrowvery clever21:25
jmarsdenthemuffinman: uninstalling lubuntu-desktop is 100% safe.  if you need to uninstall it, just do so.  It is just a meta package.21:25
jmarsden!info gnome-mplayer21:25
ubot5gnome-mplayer (source: gnome-mplayer): A GTK+ interface for MPlayer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 374 kB, installed size 1728 kB21:25
jmarsdenLike that :)21:25
themuffinmanthank you but what about firefox getting installed automatically? I already installed google chrome instead and wouldn't like more browsers installed21:26
jmarsdenthemuffinman: You are saying that uninstalling lubuntu-desktop automatically installs firefox?  Hmmm, I thought that issue had been fixed... what version of Lubuntu are you running?21:26
silverarrowI installed FF6 now, from package manager21:28
silverarrowworks fine so far21:28
themuffinmanit was a fresh install with a minimal disk21:28
silverarrowI am lubuntu 11.04 too21:28
jmarsdenthemuffinman: OK.  Unfortunately I need to go AFK, but I will try to check on that when I get back (in a few hours).  I seem to remember an issue related to that, but I thought a package update had taken care of it.21:29
silverarrowthemuffinman: sorry misunderstood you21:29
jmarsdenAnyway, sorry for the bad timing but I need to go now :)21:29
silverarrowI actually went for default chromium and like it21:29
silverarrowhave a fine evening jmarsden21:30
themuffinmanthanks, ill keep looking for it on google anyways21:30
silverarrow...or whatever time there is where you are jmarsden21:30
themuffinmansilverarrow lucky you, chromium for me was slow at almost everything21:32
silverarrowit was?21:32
silverarrowi had trouble with adobe flash player21:33
silverarrowonly thing21:33
silverarrowi know, different systems act different21:33
themuffinmanye that's just a plugin, but maybe i did something wrong while installing it or not, but everytime i tried to switch a tab or type an adress in the bar it would take a while21:33
silverarrowyou just have to try and see what works21:33
themuffinmanlooks like it21:34
silverarrowpretty fast and easy here, on a minimal laptop21:34
silverarrowI remember a version of puppy linux, only browser that didn't act up, was opera21:35
silverarrowreally weird, because specs are not tiny for Opera21:35
silverarrowsea monkey, chrome, firefox, all messed up the system21:35
silverarrowthemuffinman: midori is well worth trying too21:38
silverarrowlight and fast, with all usual features21:39
themuffinmani tried it before, couldnt get used to it tho :p21:40
silverarrowI can get buy on almost any browser,21:44
silverarrowmidori has the regular features, but you have to go look for them, and mark them off, like toolbar, link bar, ...21:44
silverarrowif i remember correctly21:45
silverarrowfirefox ruined gnomeplayer21:55
silverarrownothing works anymore21:55
silverarrowand it stole plugin from chromium21:55
silverarrowno respons on the lubuntu forum yet22:03
* silverarrow wonders if he should burn an alpha lubuntu, and do a reinstallation 22:03
micahgsilverarrow: actually gecko-mediaplayer needs someone to test, should work again with the version in natty-proposed22:05
silverarrowthey do?22:05
silverarrowI have gecko installed22:06
micahgwell, I need someone to test it, so I can push it to -security, -updates...22:06
silverarrow....I think22:06
silverarrowlet me see if I have the proposed packages marked of for22:06
silverarrowI have a worrying trouble with update manager, it is stuck22:57
silverarrowI cannot close it22:57
tomeoI cant press "Make startup disk" in usb-creator.exe, why could that be?23:18
tomeoThe button is disabled23:18

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