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chrisjohnstonI've been getting this for a week when trying to upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/682242/   What should I do with it?00:56
jtaylorchrisccoulson: can you do a dist-upgrade?00:57
jtaylorchrisjohnston: ^00:57
chrisjohnstonjtaylor: that was dist-upgrade01:00
jtaylordo you need ia32-libs? do you have multiarch enabled?01:00
jtaylor echo foreign-architecture i386 | sudo tee /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch01:01
jtaylorand apt-get update, then try again01:01
chrisjohnstonjtaylor: its upgrading.. thanks01:05
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urlin2ujust reinstalled and got ubinty and the gnome shell running with the cube ah spinning in unity, yipee01:24
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blsh0purlin u here?01:42
urlin2uyep which distro is it this is for 11.10?01:42
blsh0pno, its natty nharwal01:42
blsh0pbut why is my install doing that?01:44
urlin2unot sure and this is the wrong chanell #ubuntu is correct this command will confirm your distro   lsb_release -a01:44
blsh0pdude its natty warwhall01:46
jo-erlendcan someone confirm for me that desktopcouch is broken in oneiric?01:46
urlin2ujo-erlend, depends on the user I had unity broke with gonome shell working yeterday, today with a fresh install and the identical setup both work perfectly.01:52
jo-erlendurlin2u, what exactly are you talking about? I'm talking about desktopcouch, not unity.01:53
urlin2unever heard of desktop couch thought it was a misspelling, lots of dektop problems now , my bad01:58
jo-erlenddesktopcouch is a thing that enables users to have a CouchDB each.  CouchDB is usually run system-wide and uses a specific port, so only one instance can be run on a single system. Desktopcouch uses random ports and enables you to find the instance, log in, store things, etc. Really quite nice. Except that it doesn't work .)02:00
urlin2ucool, thanks for the explanation. :D  will look at the web before I type in the future.02:01
ElTimoI've figured out that my laptop is overheating because Ubuntu is using the wrong fan.03:18
ElTimoMy vent is expelling cold air, but I can feel the heat through my keyboard.03:18
ElTimoSo my question is, how do I turn on the second fan?03:19
urlin2uElTimo, sounds blocked or broken, does it work on other OS's03:24
ElTimourlin2u: It works fine on Windows 7. I haven't really tried any other distributions since this is my main computer and it has Optimus.03:25
urlin2uElTimo, you might google your computer model and ubuntu, and fans to see if you get no answer here03:27
ElTimourlin2u: The ubuntu compatibility list says it's fully supported when preinstalled. Obviously, it wasn't preinstalled though.03:28
urlin2uit's been years since I had to mess with fans and cooling stuff so I don't remember the apps.03:29
ElTimoI'm assuming there's something to edit in /proc?03:30
urlin2uhere are some ubuntu forums threads tagged might be some answers there. http://ubuntuforums.org/tags.php?tag=cooling+fan03:34
elslunkoHello all. I have a strange issue in that I have an application installed but when I try to run it via terminal, it says it's not installed.04:00
urlin2uelslunko, wha is the app04:10
elslunkoJust looked in /usr/bin and double clicking rapid-photo-downloader returned this04:14
elslunkoThis link cannot be used, because its target "../share/rapid-photo-downloader/rapid-photo-downloader" doesn't exist.04:14
urlin2uelslunko, how did you install it?04:23
ElTimourlin2u: Sorry I disappeared. Supernatural came on.04:24
elslunkoFirst time through the software center, then removed it and tried it through terminal04:26
urlin2uelslunko, not sure but this may help http://damonlynch.net/rapid/documentation/04:30
urlin2uElTimo, lol tv eh.04:30
ElTimourlin2u: lol Can't get enough of that show. Anyway, I can't seem to find anything on the forums about my specific laptop.04:31
urlin2ui'm not sure really if it was me I would want actual temps t start with.04:32
ElTimourlin2u: Yeah. I'll get on that tomorrow. I'll make a post about it on the forums and see what I come up with.04:35
ElTimourlin2u: The weird part is that on windows, the vent expels hot air like it's supposed to, but on ubuntu it blows out cold air. The keyboard is still hot.04:36
elslunkoThank you urlin2u04:39
urlin2uelslunko, your welcome was the link helpful?04:40
elslunkourlin2u, Still looking it over04:42
urlin2uelslunko, cool I have never used, it but google can be our mutual friend04:43
nomegohey, is flash on 64 bit a known issue (unsolvable dependencies) ?04:50
micahgnomego: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2011-August/000886.html04:52
nomegocool, but I already had that in that file .. ?04:55
nomegobecause I guess you don't meant I should remove it?04:57
gr8QI need to bridge my wireless card with my ethernet card how can i make it ?06:17
jo-erlendgr8Q, what do you mean bridge? Do you want to share internet connection?06:19
gr8Qyes sharing internet on the ethernet plug06:20
jo-erlendgr8Q, that's very easy. Select the  brb06:20
gr8Qlend: i dont follow you06:22
jo-erlendgr8Q, sorry about that. Phone :)06:22
gr8QDo i need to edit any setting in a file ?06:23
jo-erlendgr8Q, it's only a few clicks. Click the network icon and select Edit preferences, or what it says. I'm using Norwegian, but you'll find it. Select your wired interface, click edit. In the IPv4 Settings tab, select Method: shared with other computers. Done.06:24
gr8Qjo: okay it took a while but it worked!06:34
gr8Qjo: but im still facing something odd, DNS doesnt work at all ??06:35
gr8Qanyone here can help me to get DNS forwarded or pass -thru06:39
rohdefwhere do I find the package skype:i386 ?06:54
gr8Qroh: did you try software centre07:04
rohdefwhere do I find the package skype:i386 ? (I have tried using the package managers, yes)07:19
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bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/12139/does-ubuntu-support-usb-3-0 BlackAss08:16
BlackAssHello, I have a intensity pro and intensity shuttle, which never worked in Fedora 14,15,16. So i am thinking if "Ubuntu 11.10", will be able to recognize USB 3.0 or PCI cards? ( http://www.kdenlive.org/sites/default/files/blackmagic.png ) ?08:16
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1782330 BlackAss08:17
BlackAssbazhang, thanks a lot it solves the Intensity Pro (PCI express). But can USB 3.0 work, i have that also.08:19
bazhangBlackAss, see the post above, yep for usb 3.0 support, for quite a while now08:20
BlackAssbazhang, excellent thank you i will install the USB 3.0 with latest Ubuntu and see how far it goes.08:21
bazhangBlackAss, the latest stable I hope you mean, ie 11.0408:22
Lynourektogias: no need to install usb 3.0, it comes with the kernel.08:22
LynoureBlackAss, I meant08:23
Lynourektogias: sorry about the typo highlight08:23
bazhangmajor tab fail :)08:23
Lynourebazhang: just used wrong hand, right finger, and right location :)08:24
BlackAssbazhang, Intensity shuttle (USB 3.0) notes: http://www.blackmagic-design.com/media/11201/DeckLink_Linux_7.9.4.txt08:24
bazhangLynoure, hehe08:24
BlackAssThey are not supporting Ubuntu ? greater then 10.10?08:24
BlackAssLynoure, thanks i understand now, its fully compatible with USB 3.0. But my card maybe not.08:24
BlackAssIn there USB 3.0 readme file saying tested on: * Ubuntu 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10, 10.04, 10.1008:25
BlackAssI am not sure 11.04 is supported? Because i had same issue in Fedora 14,15,16-alpha.08:25
BlackAssThis is also confusing me. I have a PC with miniPCI, there i have a miniPCI to USB 3.0 converter. In that converter i have Intensity shuttle. Will Ubuntu recognize all this mess to reach USB 3.0? (mostly pci express are native)08:34
hifiminiPCI is a standard PCI bus so i shouldn't have any problems wit the PCI device08:35
hifithe problem is is there a USB 3.0 driver that supports the controller on that miniPCI device08:35
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ssargenntoanybody having problems with their volume slider graphic?08:48
qziossargennto: i have glithces with the usage of the volume slider in the top right bar.08:48
ssargenntoqzio: same here, no matter what volume level i have my speakers set at it shows the slikder as full08:50
qziooh, i dont have that...08:50
ssargenntowhat is yours doing?08:50
qzioif i press the volume thingie, and then try to switch the volumue, it closes, and I have to click the icon again, and then the slider is selected and i can change the volume.08:51
ssargenntothat also happens to me08:52
ssargenntoyeah... just playing with the slider a bit right there made my desktop freeze for a couple seconds and now the sound indicator cant be clicked or anything08:53
qziohowever, i have less glitches like this with 11.10 than any prior version08:55
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
rbasakI have a mostly broken upgrade to oneiric. The packaging system thinks everything is fine, yet I have lots of things crashing, including apport-gtk. I think perhaps it's an undeclared dependency somewhere.09:07
rbasakapport-gtk keeps crashing with "TypeError: glib.markup_escape_text() takes at most 1 argument (2 given)"09:07
Onlyodinrbasak, I don't know if anyone else has suggested this already, but if you're having issues, find a bug to add yourself to or submit a new bug manually.09:25
rbasakOnlyodin: thanks, I'm working my way through it. I seem to have about ten different issues. I suspect that they might be caused by one :-/09:26
rbasakIt doesn't help that apport itself is crashing :-/09:27
Onlyodinyes, for me too. hence the suggestion to submit 'manually'09:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839464 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed with TypeError in ui_present_crash : glib.markup_escape_text takes at most 1 argument 2 given " [Undecided,In progress]09:29
rohdefwhere can I find skype:i386? The wiki instructs me to install it, but it seems it isn't present in my package manager09:45
jtaylordo you have the natty partner repository enabled?09:45
jtaylor+ multiarch09:46
rohdefnot natty, but I have oneiric parter as far as I can see09:48
rohdefand yup I have multiarch set up :)09:48
jtaylorskype is not in oneiric partner yet09:49
rohdefjtaylor, would it be in natty partner? That doesn't make sense, does it?09:49
jtaylorpartner gets added later in the cycle09:49
rohdefah ok09:49
rohdefupdating package lists, now lets see09:50
gnomieinteresting. firefox hides dash09:55
gnomiewrong wording. more like firefox remains atop dash09:56
gnomiei was kinda expecting dash to take precedence if invoked. i guess i should just get used to it. i just kinda fail to see the practical sense of apps covering the dash.10:04
gnomieperhaps one could find file on dash and drag/drop to app window? then again, that would make some sense if the app is nautilus. /shrugs10:08
gnomieit's a difficult choice10:09
gnomietop or not to top10:09
gnomiethere are possible uses for topping the dash10:10
gnomiegray area reached! o.@10:11
gnomieam more biased toward having dash take precedence10:13
OnlyodinBoth unity and gnome-shell and broken for me now :(10:22
Onlyodinunity has no titlebars and window borders, and gnome-shell has no panel or launcher.10:22
gnomieOnlyodin: maybe you should try: unity --reset10:25
OnlyodinI believe I have, but I can try that again if you think it will help...10:26
gnomieheard that works for some values of borked10:26
gnomieoh.. i see10:26
rohdefhow come aptitude be unable to properly handle multiarch?10:26
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
psaldendoes anybody have some experience on how the current beta runs with fglrx drivers?11:33
gnomiepsalden: i have a radeon 5450 here running quite nicely. however, i'm not using the proprietary driver. thought i'd mention it anyway ;)11:41
psaldenheh alright :)11:42
psaldenyeah I'm running the opensource driver myself too, but just wondering11:42
billybigriggerfglrx seems to be ok on my hd4200 M11:44
gnomiemine is hd type as well..11:54
erkan^gnomie, i see that ubuntu 11.10 is better than 11.0412:03
Gredeuhow stable is the beta 1 ?  i know that the beta release maps have changed since ages past does breakage happen12:27
jbichaGredeu: yes, beta 1 still has plenty of bugs12:28
Gredeuis it September and release date is October 13th ?12:28
OnlyodinCalendar Success.12:29
Gredeuthank you12:29
Gredeuits worth it12:29
Gredeusudo update-manager -d ?12:29
OnlyodinNot today.12:29
OnlyodinMy install is pretty stuffed at present12:30
Onlyodinalthough I guess it could be just me.12:30
Andy80a quick question: how do I change the keyboard layout in Oneiric? I've installed my system in english, but I want the keyboard in italian. I'm testing a live image and I cannot find how to configure it12:37
hacked_kernelI'm using   "Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM" and Ubuntu 11.10 Beta,   how can I always keep the window controls buttons visible not when hovering??12:37
popeyAndy80: press the super (windows) key to open the dash, and type 'keyboard'12:38
popeyAndy80: one of the tabs in the dialog is 'Layout'12:38
Andy80popey: I'm sorry, but "Keyboard" settings doesn't have layout anymore :\12:39
Andy80wait wait...12:40
Onlyodinmetacity --replace gives me Window Titlebar and Borders, but no panels.  gnome-shell --replace crashes, and unity --replace gives me a launcher and top panel, but window borders/titlebars disappear.12:40
Andy80popey: you mean "Keyboard Layout" application? It's available on Oneiric I installed on my virtual machine, but it's not available on live image12:40
popeyAndy80: click the off button and go to system settings?12:41
popey(top right)12:41
Andy80popey: same thing.... it's available on Oneiric installed on my virtual machine, but it's not available on the beta1 LIVE image that I'm testing on a real laptop...12:42
Stanley00Onlyodin: maybe you may need to purge all the config file in your home folder12:42
coz_hacked_kernel,  just hold on..someone will get to you :)12:42
Andy80popey: I can do a screenshot if you don't belive me :D12:43
Andy80I try to submit this as a "bug"12:45
Andy80but I don't know which package to target..12:46
popeygnome-system-settings I guess12:46
Gredeuis oneiric truely multiarch with ia32-libs ?12:47
Andy80popey: nice :)12:47
jbichaAndy80: it's not really a bug any more as that was fixed after Beta 112:47
Gredeuthat was an awesome move12:48
jbichaAndy80: bug 83452312:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 834523 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Can't change the keyboard layout from a default install" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83452312:48
Andy80jbicha: oh nice! Sorry if I didn't think to upgrade the Beta1, but I was just testing the Beta1 live image, for the laptop testing team :) I'll try in a different way then12:49
vega-https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/ ... uh, unity really ready for the masses?12:49
Andy80vega-: I don't think so12:49
vega-yea.. me neither12:50
Andy80vega-: LTS versions are ready for the masses12:50
Andy80vega-: all the other versions are for power users, developers ecc.... :)12:50
Andy80vega-: but this is just my opinion...12:50
jbichavega-: everything reasonably complex has bugs: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=product%3A%22gnome-panel%2212:51
jbichayou should look at Firefox's bug tracker...12:51
OnlyodinStanley00, any idea which config files or directories? ~/.gconf?12:52
Stanley00Onlyodin: try .config* .compiz* .gconf .gnome*12:53
Gredeuubuntu works very well with modern hd web cams.12:54
Stanley00Onlyodin: and .dbus12:54
hacked_kernelis it possible to use the Gnome Shell notification way in Unity?12:55
Gredeuis bug reporting function working on beta 1 linked to launchpad account ?12:57
Prettodoes anybody noticed  that sound notification is not working anymore? now it not show volume percentage like before12:59
Prettowhen you increase or decrease it shows the bar always full, and I dont know where is the correct package to file a bug for it13:01
OnlyodinStanley00, Thanks, that worked.  Didn't need to do .dbus though.13:25
Stanley00Onlyodin: Congrats! I just list .dbus for sure, ;)13:26
BluesKajHiyas all13:34
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SMJare people having problems with nvidia-current?15:45
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IdleOneconfirmation needed please https://bugs.launchpad.net/checkbox/+bug/83967515:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839675 in checkbox "Gdk.color_parse error in oneiric" [Critical,Confirmed]15:54
IdleOnewell it is confirmed15:55
SMJ1) I switch to nvidia-current with the restricted driver tool and reboot: no effect, no GLX.  2) I switch to nvidia-current with nvidia-xconfig and reboot: no X.16:00
BluesKajSMJ, some ppl have to use nomodeset beside quiet splash in grub16:00
SMJNVIDIA driver never used to work with framebuffer things... I have been suspecting libdrm-nouveau1a for this16:03
SMJI'll try nomodeset16:03
BluesKajSMJ, that whay I had to do after installing nvidia-current16:03
knightstalkerJust filed another bug,I <3 filing bugs,lol :p16:04
knightstalkerbtw,any reason to use Propriety Graphic driver when nv driver(The default one) is running unity perfectly?16:04
knightstalkerAny one using Ubuntu One over here?16:13
knightstalkerI receive 'Value could not be retrieved. (Unauthorized: ('unauthorized', 'Authentication required.'))' after installing what it instructs me to install for additional sync options16:13
falstaffHello, trying to use nouveau driver with libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental, but I have no 3d at all... do I have to activate that somehow (other than installing this package?).16:14
pooltablehi i am testing lubuntu 11.10 i just installed firefox but in is on the beta version 7.0 i want 6.0.1 installed how do i downdrage change it ???16:24
jtaylordownload the deb from launchpad (is in natty)16:25
jtaylorbut if you don't want beta versions, don't use oneiric16:26
knightstalkerHey matte16:47
mattenot much happening here16:47
matteoo someone said something16:47
knightstalkerNot at the moment :(16:47
knightstalkerYeah,I did ;D16:47
mattei am looking for some support lol16:47
mattebut i guess they are busy codeing lol16:47
knightstalkerwant to try the bug I found one more and then ask here if someone can reproduce it16:47
knightstalkeryou could ask,someone might answer :p16:47
matteyeah true16:47
mattei only have problem with my flash playing to fast and my sound working when i test it, but not in skype16:48
matteprobably very minor problems but all the same annoying16:48
knightstalkernever tried skype16:50
knightstalkerI hate the linux edition,I hate their android edition,so I forgot about skype :p16:50
mattei use skype cause it's free and it usally works16:50
knightstalker^.^ It does,I use Google Talk and Fring =)16:52
knightstalkermatte,btw,the flash was always pain in ubuntu :p16:52
matteugh, but why16:53
knightstalkerNot sure,but the Adobe Flash Plugin 10 in Software Center worked better then Adobe Flash Plugin for me16:54
Mamarokthat£s not related to Ubuntu BTW, it's the Flash adaptation to Liux in general, 64bit in particular16:54
matteyeah that's what i thought16:55
matteso does that mean it'll never work16:55
knightstalkerIt does work16:55
matteyeah, but work correctly lol16:55
Mamarokit does work fine here, just causers a lot of CPU load16:55
mattereally? mine just plays the video extremtly fast16:56
knightstalkerIt got better actually,my graphic got messed up before,new versions magically fixed that16:56
lcbHi. after an unsuccessfull "loading of additional drivers", not getting up to the login dialog in my Kubuntu, i tried to 'aticonf --initial'(no results), then removed fglrx and reinstalled (no results), then dpkg-reconfigure fglrx and still i can't get the system to go to the login dialog. my ~/.xsession-errors "says" "run-parts: failed *** /etc/X11/Xsession.d/10fglrx: No such file or directory" and indeed doesn't exist. I pastedbin some additional info:16:56
lcbhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/682681/ . Could you please help me with this.16:56
knightstalkermatte,Works normally here16:56
mattehmm weird16:56
knightstalkerHmm,Unity indicator(which will be triggered when for example you are copying something)will not move or progress while copy is being done,is that affecting you as well?16:57
mattei have a small issue thou, i want my applications to show like a taskbar16:58
lcbbtw, i'm running in live media mode, on the same machine...16:58
matteme or lcb ?16:58
knightstalkeryou as in everyone in this channel :p17:00
mattei don't know, i haven't gotten to that yet17:01
mattebut i think it's far down the list of things to fix lol17:01
knightstalkerbut I also like to report them :P17:03
matteyeah :)17:03
matteis there a gui that you can easilly mount dics and such?17:03
nomegohow can I verify that the open source radeon kms is on in oneiric?17:05
knightstalkermatte,you cant mount using nautilus?17:08
matteno idea, i never used it17:10
cwillu_at_workanyone know offhand what's the state of grub2 re: booting from btrfs without separate boot?17:34
* cwillu_at_work is well aware of "don't use btrfs, it eats small children"17:35
* cwillu_at_work munches on a childs arm17:35
cwillu_at_work(specifically, grub2 as it exists in oneiric :p)17:35
bjsnidernow, would that be veal?17:35
cwillu_at_workbjsnider, tastes like... gristly pork17:36
photonin the upcoming 12.04 LTS release, will I be able to uninstall Unity completely and install GNOME instead?17:56
jacobwphoton: you can do that now17:58
gnomiephoton needs install package sarcasm which does not exist in oneiric17:58
photonjacobw: I know, I'm just asking if that will be possible in the next LTS. I prefer GNOME, but I'm not sure if it will still be available in the repos or if uninstalling Unity will break anything.17:59
cwillu_at_workphoton, you might want to clarify if you mean the classic desktop or gnome 317:59
jacobwa) unity is gnome, b) gnome-shell will be in the repositories just like every other major desktop environment/shell is18:00
gnomiethat's still out of the scope of ubuntu+1..18:01
gnomieit will be when we get there.. for now, 11.1018:02
thebishophello, I'm interested in the new "Orchestra" feature.  I know it's not the primary use, but can Orchestra be used as a Proxmox "private cloud" replacement as well?18:10
thebishopthe built-in cache and monitoring would be very nice to have along with the normal virtualization services18:11
SMJthanks, nomodeset worked18:24
SMJnow, I can't seem to use my USB DVB-T stick18:25
* SMJ rephrases18:25
SMJnow it seems I can't use my USB DVB-T stick18:26
SMJin Gentoo I had to download some piece of firmware to be included in the kernel18:27
SMJin Ubuntu it has usually worked without18:27
SMJis there some package which includes the proper modules?18:28
SMJso I can check whether I have it installed...18:29
jacobwdo you still have access to the installation in which it worked?18:29
SMJhow would that be useful? no.18:30
* SMJ reorders18:31
SMJno. would that be useful?18:31
BluesKajdvbtune even18:31
jacobwoldbox# dpkg -l > foo; scp foo you@newbox; newbox# dpkg -l > bar; diff foo bar18:32
bjsniderSMJ, prefer that you speak in reverse time magazine sentences, i would18:32
SMJthe problem with using premature software is not knowing when the hardware is broken18:37
BluesKajSMJ, install v4l-dvb for starters18:37
BluesKajwhat playback app do you use ..I had to use mplayer/mencoder to get mine to work ...it's an avermedia18:39
SMJBluesKaj: where is v4l-dvb? I don't see any in the default repositories18:40
SMJBluesKaj: I've used VLC and tuned manually, I don't watch so much TV18:41
BluesKajSMJ, good , I couldn't get mine to work on vc ...seems v4l-dvb is no longer available18:43
BluesKaj I haven't tried the usb dvb stick lately18:45
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mongythis is new to me, never seen this before. I have an ati 4650hd and in jockey there are 2 drivers to choose from. "Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators" and "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX driver". the latter is the one I always see, and use, so what is the other?19:05
gnomiefirst might be referring to the open source one , mongy19:10
mongybut isnt that the one I am using automatically?19:11
gnomieif you have never activated fglrx , then yes19:11
mongyI know its enabled because compiz works, and the boot splash is nice.  just wondered what that "amd" driver was all about.19:12
gnomieamd owns ati .. all radeon cards are amd radeon since last year i think19:13
mongyto me, they both are the same thing, from the description.19:13
SMJhttp://goo.gl/i4Pr7 http://goo.gl/3lvLl19:13
gnomiefurthermore, i have effects active without fglrx, fyi19:14
gnomieso, you might think you are running the proprietary .. but effects works under the opensource one too19:15
mongyI never said I was running the fglrx19:17
mongyI said, I know the opensource driver in in use because of plymouth and compiz works19:17
gnomienot arguing that at all.. just commenting19:18
mongywell thats what I meant.  Im still lost to what the difference is between those 2 drivers.19:18
gnomieso, what you think is that both listed drivers are proprietary..? i think you're confusing yourself and me now19:19
mongywell they are both labelled as proprietary19:20
gnomiegive me the command you used to dig that info ..19:21
thotzhello i get black stripes when i close firefox in oneiric19:21
mongyhttp://i.imgur.com/SKxwj.png   http://i.imgur.com/ORP42.png19:21
mongyfglrx I know and use (but not in 11.10, yet)19:22
mongythe other, well its down as 3d, and amd, well so is fglrx19:22
mongyIm confused.19:22
thotzok thanks19:23
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gnomietop one is wifi driver, next one down is opensource driver, and bottom one is proprietary.. but you're right, one of the VIDEO ones should be active and it's not showing up as such19:24
gnomiebut default is the opensource one regardless19:25
gnomieso its a jockey bug19:25
gnomiemongy: i just checked my 'additional drivers' and now i see what you speak of. they are both listed as proprietary and none of them are active anyway..19:30
mongyI see.  ok thanks for clearing it up19:31
gnomiethen again, the opensource one is not going to be listed in there because it is not 'extra'19:31
gnomiewhy there are two proprietary ones available is kinda odd indeed19:32
BluesKajthe nvidia jockey doesn't recall which driver is in use ...been like that for a while now . but as long as the driver works , I guess the fixers are busy with more imporant stuff19:34
gnomiei guess that's a correct assumption19:35
gnomieit be funny it is just about the whole rebranding issue and it's the exact same driver anyway19:41
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escotthas anyone chased down the cause of gnome-shell crashes that started about a week ago (basically with the beta release)20:13
Q-FUNKwhich firefox 4 component was it again that installed the mozilla crash reporter plugin back during natty development?20:16
micahgQ-FUNK: the crash reporter in in all Firefox stable releases now20:19
Q-FUNKthat crash reporter is hasardous for the hardware.  it prevents laptops from going into sleep/hibernation if FF crashes during the preparation to freeze/hibernate.20:19
micahgQ-FUNK: sounds like a bug, it shouldn't prevent anything like that20:20
Q-FUNKit indeed is a bug, but against what do I report it?20:20
micahgQ-FUNK: firefox20:21
micahgQ-FUNK: it'll get reassigned if it's wrong20:21
Q-FUNKfair enough :)20:21
Q-FUNKbug #84212720:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842127 in firefox (Ubuntu) "mozilla crash reporter prevents laptop from going into freeze/hibernate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84212720:31
mongyinstalling audacious on 64bit makes it wanna remove my zsnes:i386 installation.  any workaround to keep both20:31
micahgsounds like something isn't multiarched properly20:34
jtaylorprobably not, some dependency of both is probably not multiarch coinstallable20:34
jtaylormaybe it helps if you don't install recommends20:34
mongy--no-install-recommends right?20:35
jtaylormaybe also install audacious:i386 although probably not all its depends are multiarched :720:36
mongyjust waiting for my slower than slow nightly internet to finish.20:36
mongycould I just install ia32libs ?20:37
micahgaudacious doesn't need it20:37
mongyrather than have all these :386 packages and being a nuisance20:37
jtaylornwithout recommends does not help20:38
mongyno recommends still wants to remove zsnes and other 386 packages20:38
micahgmongy: ia32-libs won't help since zsnes is an i386 package20:39
mongyi'll leave audacious for now then20:40
bassoi cant install skype :(20:50
bassoerr no20:50
bassoi cant run skype20:50
bassowhy must the world be so evil :(20:52
bjsniderstar it from the console and it will tell you why20:57
ior3kbasso, are you sure it's not running? Mine currently doesn't show the notification icon, but it's there20:57
ior3ktry ps ax | grep skype20:57
bassoskype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:58
bjsnideryeah so install libxss120:58
jtaylorenable multiarch and install skype:i38620:58
Sanveanis beta 1 i assume ok for normal desktop use ?  not too bad with bugs that it drags you down ?21:00
Sanveanword processor, irc, chromium-browser, music, audiobooks, etc21:00
jtaylornot recommended for production21:00
cwillu_at_workthe version numbers change, the people asking silly questions stay the same :)21:01
cwillu_at_workSanvean, nobody will have any sympathy if it eats your masters thesis21:02
Sanveannewbies are always silly :)21:02
Sanveanthanks for that tip21:02
antiheroubuntu isn't recognising my soundcards again21:08
antiheroit seems to be fairly random, sometimes it does on reboot21:08
antiheromostly it doesn't21:08
antiheroSeems to be an alsa problem, as aplay -l does not see them21:08
urlin2uA fresh install fixed many of the problems, the fresh s identical to the install that was problematic.21:09
urlin2ufor me anyway.21:09
antiherosudo aplay -l sees them21:10
antiheroaplay -l does not21:10
antiheroits as if my user doesnt have access21:11
antiherobut this is insane21:12
BluesKajantihero, which card does alsamixer list ?21:25
bassooh my god21:33
bassothe system is reporting a problem21:33
basso"System program problem detected"21:33
bassoand i report the problem21:34
bassoand i pop up again21:34
bassoand again21:34
bassoand again21:34
imarkusing oneiric?21:34
mongysame here21:35
mongyI leave it alone, it stays there21:35
RRRRubeYeah, I'm getting that too. It's really annoying.21:36
sergio91ptuse apport-cli, its the only way21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839464 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed with TypeError in ui_present_crash : glib.markup_escape_text takes at most 1 argument 2 given " [Undecided,In progress]21:57
RRRRubeThanks for that sergio91pt, it seems to have helped.22:06
tjoyI want to install a headless server, which installation media should I download?22:14
Sanveanis proposed repo never safe to update ?22:16
urlin2uSanvean, not really supported, and not a god idea really, unless you wany chances of breakage in a development.22:22
micahgurlin2u: -proposed isn't for the devel release22:24
micahg*isn't open22:24
urlin2umicahg, that is what I said.22:24
Sanveanthank you urlin2u22:32
ExodusHi, anyone using gnome-shell currently? I'd like to confirm a bug22:41
ssargenntoanybody having problems with their volume slider graphic?22:51
ssargenntono matter what volume level i have my speakers set at it shows the slider as full22:51
Exodusssargennto, as in it not moving?22:51
Exodusssargennto, yeah, me22:51
Exodusssargennto, I'm actually looking to see if it's reported22:51
ssargenntoExodus: good to know I'm not the only one22:52
Exodusssargennto, this happens in gnome-shell for me, is this happening to you in Unity?22:54
ssargenntoExodus: yup, currently using unity22:55
Sanveangnome-shell !  gross !22:59
ExodusO RLY22:59
ssargenntoi cant get gnome shell to display correctly yet :)22:59
Sanveani like unity22:59
ExodusThere's a saying in my language22:59
ExodusEntre gustos y colores no han escrito los autores23:00
Sanveanhere we go, your break another heart, your gonna tell another lie.23:00
Sanveangood for you23:00
ExodusRough translation is between tastes and colours there hasn't been written authors23:00
Sanveani've been in court all day.  patch through from home.  and other resources that are very reliable23:01
Exodusssargennto, my gnome-shell currently crashes and leaves this menu on top that belongs to nautilus23:01
jbichaOneiric's GNOME Shell is a slightly older version, I think once the newer 3.1.90 or 3.1.91 gets in, it will be smoother23:02
Exodusssargennto, I reported this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/84139923:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841399 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell segfault error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.2918.0" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:02
jbichaGNOME Shell has a lot of dependencies though so it's not immediate23:02
Sanveancheese saved my life.  not literally.  saved me from pain.  inspiration is a great thing, so are is medication :)  yay for ubuntu it was more than sufficient23:03
Sanveansorry for offtopic.  ubuntu also grew me a brain though.23:04
RRRRubeExodus, I've been getting this too. I've actually switched back to Unity, because Gnome Shell was becoming unusable for me. I'm going to mark your bug as affecting me too.23:04
astraljavaIt's possible. Just as likely as is medication, though.23:04
ExodusRRRRube, Yeah, this is me, typing from Unity hehe23:05
RRRRubeExodus, It's always nice to know you're not the only one :)23:05
ExodusRRRRube, I actually like gnome-shell a lot more than Unity for a couple of reasons like the activities screen and the fact that I do not like the menu on top like OS X23:05
* Exodus hides from the Unity Developers until they make the gobal menu go away or give it an option to disable23:06
ExodusRRRRube, can you comment on my bug so it can get coverage23:06
RRRRubeExodus, I love it. As soon as I started using it, I knew I wasn't going back to Unity. Well, except when it breaks!23:06
RRRRubeExodus, Yeah, I'm just about to23:06
ExodusRRRRube, I was actually opening a terminal to open gnome-shell again after it crashed just to keep using it23:07
Exoduschanging between windows through the Activities feels rather smooth and I've stopped alt tabbing cause of it23:07
RRRRubeExodus, I was doing that too. I kept trying to restart it, and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Logging out and logging in again didn't always fix the prob either. A restart was required.23:08
jbichaExodus: you should be able to just uninstall indicator-appmenu to get rid of the global menu23:08
ExodusRRRRube, last thing I was doing when it became incredibly unusable was restarting X through: sudo service lightdm restart23:09
Exodusjbicha, thanks, I'll give it a try. I'm a photographer and process my RAW files with GIMP and the global menu is hell with gimp having lots of windows23:09
ExodusClick a brush and you loss the menu cause you're in the brush window and the menu was on the image window heh, very annoying.23:10
ExodusGimp 2.7.3 has the single window thing so that should be less annoying for gimp users who like Unity.23:10
RRRRubeExodus, I hadn't tried restarting X. I had thought logging out and back in again would cure it (plus that was the only think I could actually do, everything else had crashed. Couldn't even get a terminal to launch) It seemed to start yesterday for me, I tried to open Calibre (the ebook software) and the whole system kinda went belly-up.23:11
jbichamaybe gimp 2.8 will be in Perky Penguin or Porky Pig or whatever...23:12
ExodusRRRRube, hehe, what an annoying occurance. Well I did this. Ctrl Alt F1, entered my login information. sudo service lightdm restart. That pretty much kills Xorg, gnome, w/e is up graphically and I can give it another try.23:12
jbichaa workaround for GNOME Shell is to use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to a virtual terminal, DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-shell --replace23:12
jbichathen switch back using Ctrl+Alt+F7 and hope it works, unfortunately sometimes it takes several tries23:13
jbichathe --replace is even unnecessary since gnome-shell has crashed23:13
Exodusjbicha, yeah, I was actually trying something like that. I think I was passing display as the gnome-shell parameter '-d' but didn't remember the display terminology, wrote 0:0 but didn't get me anything23:14
Exodusjbicha, is it ":0.0"' ?23:14
RRRRubeExodus, Well, if I'm still having problems tomorrow, I'll give that a try. I'm off to type my bug report now :)23:14
Exodus:0.0  <--- that?23:15
jbichaExodus: yes23:15
ExodusRRRRube, I've been updating my sources until I see a gobject update or gnome-shell update23:15
ExodusIn my bug report I noted down it had something to do with libgobject23:15
urlin2upejorative penguin23:16
ExodusI need a mix between Unity and gnome-shell23:17
RRRRubeExodus, I did download all updates earlier tonight and restarted, but no joy.23:18
ExodusRRRRube, haha yeah me too, did exactly that.23:18
ExodusEven updated 15min ago hoping for a gnome-shell or libgobject update but all I got was mono stuff ¬¬23:19
astraljavaImagine all that disappointment... in... stereo...23:20
Prettoany moto here that could help about Bug 836601?23:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836601 in Nautilus Image Manipulator "Menu not showing in Nautilus after installation " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83660123:41
hacked_kernelI installed gnome-shell-extensions from PPA but how can I use it, I installed theme and some others, where can i find and use these extensions?23:51
urlin2uhacked_kernel, This PPA is EXPERIMENTAL and MAY BREAK YOUR SYSTEM"\ did you read this "23:54
jbichahacked_kernel: you can try Alt+F2, lg but the easier way is to install gnome-tweak-tool23:54
hacked_kernelI have the gnome-tweak-tool but in the shell theme sections its disabled,  "couldn't list shell extensions"23:57

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