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sorenWill Ubuntu's ARM stuff work with a Pandaboard? Everyone seems to talk about Beagleboards, and I have no clue how similar they are.09:00
hrwit does09:04
sorenhrw: Excellent, thanks. They seem much beefier than Beagleboards and only a bit more expensive. Is there any particular reason by Beagleboards are still the center of attention (which is the impression I get)?09:06
hrwbeagleboard is easy to buy09:10
hrwand if you want to make own hw then omap3 cpu is also easy to buy09:11
hrwso companies are buying beagleboards to experiment and then develop own hw09:11
sorenFunny you should say that. The reason I ask about Pandaboards is exactly because those actually seem to be available, while Beagleboards seemed to be out-of-stock in most places.09:12
soren...but thanks for clarifying. Your other points make lots of sense.09:12
hrwI worked for company which went that route ;)09:23
sorenOk :)09:26
infinitysoren: Beagles aren't the center of attention by any means.09:42
infinitysoren: Pandas are out target proof-of-concept platform for most of what we do right now.09:43
infinitysoren: (And the omap4 images are built specifically with Pandaboards in mind)09:43
infinitys/out target/our target/09:43
soreninfinity: I must either not be paying attention or be paying attention to the wrong folks :)09:45
infinitysoren: To put that in perspective, my desk has Pandas, an i.MX53, an i.MX51, a Toshiba AC100, an LG-P999, but no Beagleboards. :P09:45
ogra_panda ftw !09:46
* soren commences twiddling thumbs until his shiny new Pandaboard arrives09:46
* ogra_ sees that soren finally made it to the bright side of HW :)09:47
infinitysoren: We *do* try to make sure the Beagle images continue to function, because there are a TON of them in the community, but our *current* proof-of-concept platforms are the Panda, i.MX53, and the AC100, and the Panda is the only one we fully support on a corporate level as well as community.09:47
infinity(Well, for some value of the word "support" that I would refuse to commit to in any capacity more official than an IRC channel)09:47
infinityBeing a dev board, the word "support" tend to always have "proof-of-concept" floating around it somewhere. ;)09:48
* ogra_ prefers "reference" :)09:48
ogra_(sounds less unfinished)09:49
infinityogra_: Well, it's sticky.  It's our ref platform for desktop and "mobile", but it's a POC platform for server, since the Panda is pretty effin' obviously not server hardware. ;)09:49
infinityIt's really not desktop hardare either, to be honest.09:49
infinityMobile is all I'm comfy calling it.09:50
sorenogra_: I did play around with an NSLU2 a couple of years ago, but it wore out my patience pretty quickly. I get the impression things have changed ever so slightly since then :)09:50
infinityOr "a giant cell phone".09:50
infinitysoren: The Panda's quite nice, modulo a couple of kernel bugs that we've finally got a handle on.09:50
ogra_nuslu2 makes a good NAS :)09:50
infinitysoren: And the fact that all your I/O is over USB, which can get frustrating.09:50
ogra_-u indeed09:51
infinitysoren: But they're speedy, other than that.09:51
soreninfinity: Oh, no SD card or anything?09:51
hrwinfinity: anything omap based is mobile09:51
soreninfinity: (or is that connected over a USB bus?)09:51
ogra_soren, SD is the default boot media09:51
infinitysoren: The SD reader isn't on USB, but how that would make you happy, I don't know. :P09:51
infinitysoren: Given that SD isn't exactly "fast".09:51
ogra_and in our preinstalled images also the default rootfs media, but of you want to use the board in production you want USB root09:51
soreninfinity: Err... Right you are.09:52
infinitysoren: The ethernet, and any external storage you might attempt, will be over USB2, however.  Which isn't AWEFUL, it's just not ideal.09:53
infinitysoren: Still, they're good little boards, for what they are.  And the price point is nice for a dev kit.09:53
infinity(As is the price point for an iMX.53, if you're in a collecting mood).09:53
ogra_they surely can cope with the low end atoms speed wise09:54
infinityOh, all the ARM kit on my desk blows my Atom netbook out of the water.09:54
ogra_sadly not IO wise09:54
infinityI only still use the Atom because it has a sane SATA controller, and, like, a portably form factor. :P09:54
sorenThe ethernet adaptor is hooked up to the USB bus?09:55
infinity(The i.MX53 has sane SATA, the AC100 has a good form factor, if only I could combine the two...)09:55
infinitysoren: Yes.09:55
ogra_soren, well ...09:55
sorenHm. Ok.09:55
ogra_the ethernet adapter *is* the host afaik09:55
ogra_its one chip09:55
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infinityNot that it matters.  USB2 is 480Mbps, the ethernet is only 100Mbps. :P09:56
infinitysoren: Wait... I thought you were living in the US these days?09:57
ogra_infinity, i have the ac100 datasheet, you could write a PCIe driver and use SATA SSDs09:57
infinitysoren: What are you doing awake at this ungodly hour?09:57
soreninfinity: Good grief, no.09:58
infinitysoren: Oh, you're in .dk?09:58
soreninfinity: Yup. Not planning on going anywhere either :)09:58
* infinity wonders where he got the US idea...09:58
soreninfinity: What are *you* doing up at this ungodly hour? Or did you move to a more sensible timezone?09:58
* ogra_ was about to ask the same09:59
infinityogra_: That would be more tempting if I they had PC105 keyboard variants.09:59
infinitysoren: Long weekend, lots of gin, I dunno.  DON'T JUDGE ME.09:59
infinityI don't work tomorrow, I'm travelling on Tuesday, and at Plumbers on Wednesday.10:00
infinityI'm not sure that sane sleep patterns matter between now and then.10:00
sorenYou're in UTC-5? Or -6?10:00
sorenOoh, lunchtime.10:01
infinityI don't often eat lunch at 4am.10:01
infinityBut sure.10:01
infinity(Okay, who am I kidding, there's nothing I don't often do at 4am)10:01
* ogra_ considers breakfast ...10:01
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lilsteviepersia: ping me when you are about11:51
lilstevieogra_: so the ac100 has an unused mini pci-e?11:52
ogra_lilstevie, well, depends on the model, all of them have a PCIe slot, but we only have a driver for the USB part of ot atm12:21
ogra_all non 3G models dont have a header soldered to the socket though12:22
lilsteviesounds like what we have on the transformer12:22
ogra_that makes using the slot a bit difficult  on the non 3G ones12:22
lilsteviethe non 3G tf has the port with no header12:22
lilstevieand well same deal with the usb part only having a driver12:23
lilstevietrimslice has a driver for its pci-e12:23
lilsteviewonder if that would help at all12:23
ogra_i doubt its a 1x1 replacement12:24
ogra_so even if they have a driver, that would likely only be a base to build on12:24
ogra_i think there is also a driver in the old harmony kernels12:25
lilstevieone good thing is they are all AP5012:25
sebjan /join #linaro12:43
lilstevieogra_: do you have a good test of egl for the ac100?12:47
ogra_not atm, i think janimo did some gles testing on ac10012:48
lilstevieogra_: hm, what about that quake3 port?12:48
ogra_ask phh, i think he has something like that12:49
lilstevieheh ok,12:49
phhok i need to find the url.12:49
ogra_not sure thats usable on a std ubuntu though, i think he adjusted it for the nvidia overlay stuff12:49
lilstevieI have been running CrOS kernel and u-boot on the tf12:49
phhogra_: no12:49
ogra_ah, k12:50
phhlilstevie: it's pandora's quake3 port12:50
phhogra_: well ok there is one change, i changed the hardcoded :0 to :112:50
lilsteviewhich also is compatible with the L4T stuff12:50
ogra_heh, well, that should probably work on all tegras12:50
phhlilstevie: http://kotelett.no/ac100/phh/Android2.1/Games/openarena.tar12:51
lilsteviephh: ah ok, well I have that12:51
phhsed -ie s/:1/:0/g on the binary12:51
lilsteviephh: did that libflashplayer.so come from an android flash apk?12:52
phhlilstevie: no, it comes from Atrix' L4T12:53
phhyou can't use android's libflashplayer.so12:53
lilstevieah ok12:53
phhwell not as is12:53
lilstevieyeah I found that out :p12:53
lilstevieI attempted with flash 10.3 apk12:53
phhand making it work on "standard" linux would be REALLY painful12:54
lilstevieI'm also having a strange problem in oneiric, I don't know if it is my fault though12:57
lilsteviedefault route is not being set when wifi connects12:57
ogra_works fine here, its usually the duty of NM12:58
ogra_might be that your driver does not expose the bits and pieces the right way for NM12:59
lilstevieit works perfect in natty12:59
lilstevieit is the brcmfmac staging driver12:59
ogra_well, might be an NM bug, but i definitely dont see it here12:59
ogra_so i would guess driver ...13:00
lilsteviehmm ok13:03
lilstevieso looking at the network manager logs, i have <warn> Failed to add route Invalid input data or parameter13:04
lilsteviebut that is for setting ipv6 stuff which I don't use cause I don't have13:04
lilstevieogra_: are builds still taking 70 minutes when you build locally on your ac100?13:27
ogra_kernel ?13:28
ogra_i havent built locally for quite some time, and before i always had a configured tree, so only changed files were rebuilt13:29
lilstevieheh yeah13:29
lilsteviebuilding with debuild cleans the tree every time though :/13:29
ogra_yeah, i dont do that for tests13:30
ogra_and for binary packages i just use the archive :)13:30
lilstevieyeah I am building this not as a test though, trying to seed it into an image13:30
lilsteviebut also making sure that it builds13:31
lilstevieso if I send it to persia that it doesn't get rejected again :p13:31
lilstevieI'm not lucky enough to have an archive that I can upload it to :p13:32
ogra_just get more sponsored packages in ... and then apply for upload rights ;)13:33
lilstevieheh, well I don't have one yet13:33
lilstevieogra_: though some massive stuff has happened for us with the transformer13:35
lilsteviewe got a u-boot port13:35
ogra_we have a u-boot port for the ac100 as well13:36
lilstevieworking well?13:36
ogra_its just not usable without any input device support13:36
lilstevieah yeah, similar space then13:36
ogra_seems to work if you have soldered a serial port on13:36
lilstevietrying to figure out how to to get the stupud EC keyboard to work with it13:36
lilsteviekeyboard gives us some input, just it is random noise13:37
lilsteviebut I have interaction through boot.scr :p13:38
=== parislogger is now known as transitlogger
plmthe ubuntu for omap will works in this board too? http://igloocommunity.org/18:24
plmof course is omap.. but my question is about the board.. or just pandaboard with omap4 is supported?18:24
infinityThe Snowball isn't OMAP.18:32
plminfinity: ahh sorry.. is just cortex-A918:33
infinityOf course, Ubuntu's userspace will run fine on Snowballs, we just don't ship a kernel or installer for them currently.18:33
plminfinity: but.. they say that supported by ubuntu18:33
plminfinity: but what ubuntu I get to install in snowball?18:34
infinitySee above.  We don't have a Snowball installer.18:34
plminfinity: because don't have a ubuntu for ARM. just for omap18:34
infinityAll of our packaged software will work fine on them.  Just, like I said, no kernel or installer.18:35
infinityLinaro's hwpacks should work for Snowball.18:35
plminfinity: yes.. option is linaro18:35
infinityAnd you could, for instance, use linaro-image-create with an ubuntu-core tarball as the rootfs and a snowball hwpack, to create a Snowball image.18:35
infinityWe're working on trying to make this whole "every board is different, so we can't have a unified installer" business a bit less messy going forward.18:37
infinityBut building 32 different images isn't the way to go. :P18:37
plminfinity: maybe is better use entire linaro.. because has modified kernel and apps to works with board.. like, acell, GPIO, gps and so one18:38
infinityIt will, ultimately, be about leveraging linaro hwpack type stuff with Ubuntu rootfses, I imagine.18:38
infinityHrm?  Other than the kernel, "linaro" is Ubuntu.  Well, except that they rebuild binaries to test their toolchain.18:38
infinityIf you want your userspace to be supported sanely, Ubuntu userspace with a linaro kernel is the way to go.18:39
infinityWhich is what you get with a linaro hwpack.18:39
infinityAnd an ubuntu tarball.18:39
plminfinity: so I use just kernel of linaro and the rest is the same ubuntu used in ubuntu for omap?18:40
infinityYes... There is no "Ubuntu for OMAP".18:41
infinityDon't confuse installers with the archive.18:41
plmso for arm :-)18:41
infinityOur OMAP images are Ubuntu with an OMAP kernel and an installer that knows how to boot the system.18:41
plmubuntu for arm :-)18:41
plmbut the packages are ported/recompiled for arm arch.. is not the same use in cisc right18:42
infinityThe ubuntu/arm packages are just generic armv7, they work on anything.18:42
infinityWell, anything v7 and up.18:42
plminfinity: are there in "cookbook" or a tutorial for to do that.. linaro kernel + ubuntu?18:43
infinitylinaro-image-tools takes an argument for a rootfs tarball.  You'd just need to point it at an ubuntu-core tarball, and that would be that.18:43
infinityI'm sure there's l-i-t documentation somewhere, but other than manpages, I'm not sure where to point you online.18:44
plminfinity: thanks.. that is a good start point :-)18:44
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