
ricardoHello? any1?05:59
Atharvaricardo : Whats the problem ?05:59
ricardohi atharva06:02
ricardothe problem is>06:02
ricardoi am trying to install my intel graphics drive06:02
ricardobut i have read several sites but since i am a beginner not very able to compile or do all that stuffs that are required06:03
ricardoi dont even know how to compile or so :(06:03
Atharvago to -> System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers06:04
ricardolet me check06:04
ricardoand it lists only 1 driver (my Wireless card)06:05
ricardoso far i have followed this>06:06
AtharvaHave you enabled it ?06:06
ricardoyeap it is enabled06:06
ricardobut that one iw working fine, what i am trying to get is the intel graphics one06:07
ricardonot the wireless06:07
ricardothat is what i have tried to follow06:07
ricardowhen i try to do my ./autogen.sh for my card it says: dri2proto required.06:08
AtharvaTell me one thing what do you want on graphics....06:08
ricardoi need to get my HDMI port working fine, i cannot get the audio tru hdmi or the appropiate screen resolution once connected to my TV06:08
ricardothe driver description says i required the driver installed for hdmi audio/video working properly, but apparently i need tocompile since i cannot fine an specific package for ubuntu :(06:10
ricardoand also i want to know if installing the driver i can get HD playback to work properlysince i get laggy playback only :(06:12
ricardo(in win7 it works fine. but in ubuntu not working fine :(06:13
AtharvaActually I have never tried this before...06:13
Atharvasry cant help ....06:13
ricardodont worry man06:14
txadmMay I ask for some help setting up ubuntu as an http/ftp server?07:13
urlin2utxadm, you can ask that at #ubuntu more people on there. :D07:15
txadmAh, as I asked on here someone replied on #ubuntu, thank you so much! :)07:15
=== Puck` is now known as Akos
henry_Can anybody help me?  i have just installed the latest Ubuntu and want to use my adaptec aha 2940 scsi card.  How do I do this?10:50
haqkinghenry_: hi, is that an old 50 pin scsi ?10:57
henry_Yes .  Not sure of the date but adaptec do provide Vista drivers.  I am trying to use my Epson gt30000 scanner which is vital to me and I would prefer not to have to use windows in a virtual machine.10:59
haqkingyes i see, i think there is a few issues with it but a modprobe shoulod yield some results, wait one sec just having a quick look around11:01
henry_Oh by the way .... thanks for being here!11:02
haqkingno problem ;-)11:03
haqkingi am pretty sure you will need to custom build your kernel with that module see here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man4/ahc.4.html11:04
haqkingit is for old version of ubunut but i think the aicxxx is being replaced11:04
haqkingsorry but dont think i can be of much more help than that, someone with direct experience of that card i thinkn would need to chime in, have you posted on the forum ?11:05
Sidewinder1henry_, Someone here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=332   may be able to give specific instructions for that card. It'll take longer, but you'll get more exposure, over time.11:09
henry_Thanks for the link.  Had a look and that is all way beyond my abilities!11:11
haqkingbest bet it is to post in the forum with link above ^ and see if anyone else has experience with that card11:11
haqkingbest of luck11:11
Sidewinder1henry_, You could do a search for that card; in lieu of that, just start a new thread.11:12
henry_Thanks both I will wander over to the forum and see what can be done.  All a shame as I am desperate to become Microsoft free and it is things like this that stop me!11:13
Sidewinder1henry_, It can be frustrating at times, but if you patiently persevere, you'll be rewarded, I'm sure. :-)11:14
haqkingeven if you used MS in a virtual machine, it still needs to be seen in your Host to be virtualised in the guest11:17
henry_Oh blow! another good Idea squashed11:21
haqkingmay a i suggest a scsi to USB adapter instead http://www.ratocsystems.com/english/products/U2SCX.html11:24
haqkingany need to use your SCSI card per se, its only for the scanner right ?11:24
henry_Yes just for the scanner.  Been thinking about an adapter they seem expensive at about £60 second hand on ebay especially when I have a card sitting in the machine.  Do these adapters all work OK with Ubuntu?11:31
haqkingjust looking around for a cheaper model11:40
haqkingseems cheap in the USA, discontinued alot over here in the UK11:40
haqkingyeah if you cant help in the forum then a adapter might be your only option im afraid11:42
haqking*get help11:42
henry_I think I will watch this thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1812231&highlight=adaptec+2940)....seems I am not the only one.  The other thing about the adapters is they appear to be slow at 480 Mbi v 1280 Mbit for the scsi12:01
haqkingbest of luck ;-)12:07
haqkingsorry couldnt be of more help on that one12:07
KentHey, anyone know of a way that I can automatically bring a particular nautilus window to the front?13:01
KentSometimes I have so many windows open that I suddenly want to get back to my nautilus window that's set up how I like it13:01
KentCan't find a keyboard shortcut for it13:02
Kenthever mind13:07
KentI found something13:07
M0hiparticular window?13:11
vohehello, can i get information about "usable" programs here?14:15
vohei look for a calendar program, that can use google-calendar (online, not downloaded ics) AND that is able to print in different ways. (e.g. filofax pages)14:17
holsteinvohe: i have often wished google would just do that :/14:18
voheholstein: I wish that too. Google could do that, but only in english locals i need that in german! and...14:20
voheunder windows i found "sunbird" that can do some "extra" print formats. There i have to use the add on fgprinters.14:21
holsteini cant imagine sunbird *not* supporting Gcal14:21
vohebut sunbird is out of development and fgprinters only work with old versions...14:21
holsteinoh... hehe :)14:21
voheso... what?14:21
holsteinyou already tried it...14:22
voheis there any program under ubuntu that can print more than a "month" preview of the calendar files?14:22
holsteinis lightning dead? http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/ ?14:23
vohei tried, evolution, thunderbird...14:23
holsteinvohe: i mean, its linux, and its all open, so all of them do whatever you want to make them do... in theory14:23
voheholstein: yes, in case of print lists - it is dead!14:23
holsteinas for in practice, we would just have to try them, and see14:23
J4r3dIs anyone here?14:58
holsteinwe're all here :)14:58
holsteinJ4r3d: if you would, take a moment and review the /topic14:58
holsteinjust type /topic in whenever you join an official support channel14:59
holsteinsome of them are more strict than others14:59
J4r3dAh ok. Thank you I was just about to ask how to do that. :)14:59
holsteindepending on the chat client you are using, you can sometimes see it easier than other times14:59
holsteini forget what that freenode webchat looks like...15:00
J4r3dI am getting an error. Insufficient arguments for command. I apologize this is my first venture into any sort of chat.15:01
holsteinJ4r3d: no worries15:02
holsteinhow did you get here?15:02
holsteinis there a webpage?15:02
holsteinor just searching through freenode?15:02
J4r3dYes. I was looking for support on Ubuntu and was directed to this channel. I tried the ubuntu-beginners-team channel but no one was answering.15:03
holsteinJ4r3d: but, are you in the web browser?15:03
holsteinat http://webchat.freenode.net/ ??15:03
J4r3dYes. I clicked the link for the channel and thus I ended up here15:04
holsteinJ4r3d: thats actually good to know15:05
holsteinyou dont get the topic that way in the webchat...15:05
* holstein_test is testing15:05
J4r3dAh. I was also looking at downloading xchat to use as my client however I was having trouble figuring out how to download and install it with Ubuntu.15:06
holsteinxchat is nice15:06
holsteinJ4r3d: you can do that in many ways15:06
holsteini would suggest trying the software center if you have that15:06
J4r3dOh! I forgot about that. Brb. And thank you. :)15:07
haqkingyes xchat is in software centre or with sudo apt-get install xchat from terminal15:08
J4r3dDownloading now. Pardon the silly question but what is sudo?15:09
haqkingsee here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:09
holstein!sudo | J4r3d15:10
ubot2`J4r3d: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:10
haqkingit is for temporary elevating to admin privelege and is preferred method in ubuntu as the root account is disabled by default15:10
J4r3dOk. Im not sure I understand but I just finished the download of xchat so Im going to boot that up and be back in just a sec.15:12
haqkingbasically when you want to do something of an admin anture to your system you tell it you have the privelege to do to by prefixing the command with sudo15:13
haqkingit will then ask for your password to confirm you really do and checks your account has sudo privelege15:13
haqkingthen carries it out15:13
holsteinJ4r3d will be back from xchat soon :)15:13
haqking*admin nature15:13
haqkingwelcome back j43rd15:15
haqkingj4r3d even ;-)15:16
j4r3dThank you :)15:16
j4r3dNow I understand how the /topic command works. What did you mean by the root account being disabled by default? Perhaps I should do a bit more reading to understand the technical details beforehand?15:17
holsteinj4r3d: its not working in the webchat though15:18
holstein /topic15:18
holsteinwhich is good to know... i usually suggest that, and i didnt know it didnt work the same there15:18
j4r3dAh ok. I put in the command and read up on it. Thank you :).15:20
haqkingroot is the superuser in linux, in Ubuntu it is disabled and it is preferred to carry out superuser tasks using sudo15:21
haqkingwhich is like being root for a short period without logging in as root and without putting your system in too much danger of messing it up as root15:22
j4r3dAh ok. That makes sense. Thanks15:22
haqkingread the link posted earlier at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:22
Sidewinder1j4r3d, Two of my favorite links for learning about ubuntu are: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php And: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812 Enjoy! :-)15:25
holsteinso, apparently, /topic just doenst work from the webchat... the topic is at the top of the page all the time though15:26
j4r3dI peered at it. Its open on my browser for me to look at later. :) I did have a question though. I decided I wanted to try out Ubuntu before completely getting rid of Windows. So I downloaded and installed it with the Wubi installer. Now that Ive play with it a little bit, Id like to use it to completely replace Windows but Im not sure how to go about that. Do I uninstall Ubuntu first and then reinstall with the task of eradicating Windows while i r15:26
j4r3deinstall? Or is there a way to get rid of Windows and simply boot from Ubuntu?15:26
j4r3dThanks Sidewinder1 :) Ill be sure to take a look at those.15:27
Sidewinder1j4r3d, Please see my links above, especially the psychocats one.15:27
holsteinyou can to whatever really... no reason to keep that wubi install in place though15:28
holsteinj4r3d: are you going to wipe windows?15:28
j4r3dI plan on it yes.15:28
holsteinif you want to dual boot, i would unistall wubi, then install ubuntu15:28
holsteinif you are going to wipe the drive, do whatever you want15:28
holsteinnothing about that wubi will prevent that install from happening15:29
j4r3dHmmm. Ok.15:30
Sidewinder1j4r3d, You might want to install and dual boot for a while until you're completely comfortable with ubuntu. You can always remove Win at a later date.15:30
holsteinyeah, and the only reason i say remove the wubi first is just to clear up the hard drive space, and simplify the process a bit15:30
holsteinyou dont *have* to do that first15:30
holsteinif i were you, i would use the wubi for a few more weeks, then install 11.10 :)15:31
Sidewinder1j4r3d, One important thing if you need to shrink an NTFS/fat32 partition; make sure to defragment it at least twice prior to shrinking.15:31
j4r3dI think thats actually good advise. I just started using Ubuntu and I think I may have gotten ahead of myself. I will work on becomimg familiar with it before I kill Windows.15:35
holsteinj4r3d: also, break that wubi :)15:36
holsteinbefore installing, do some things in there15:36
holsteinsince you are going to wipe the drive anyways... its better to learn on it15:36
* Sidewinder1 Is not a big fan of WUBI; but I guess it serves it's purpose of allowing win. folks to try ubuntu, within the win os.15:37
holsteinyeah... it helped me transition15:37
Sidewinder1I never used it (wubi), went straight to dual-boot. But I've seen many questions in #u where wubi is the problem. I think the mistake is that folks try to use it on a long term basis.15:39
holsteinyup.. it was breaking my LAN on that machine somehow... i forget now15:40
j4r3dI think Ill use Wubi for a couple weeks and then setup a dual boot for windows.15:45
Sidewinder1Sounds like a plan. :D15:47
=== raju1 is now known as genupulas
Sidewinder1Good Afternoon.17:36
spartan-11510I need some help for packaging, i'm sorry if my question hav not place here17:37
spartan-11510I search the minimal option in makefile17:38
Sidewinder1Are you familiar with this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware?highlight=%28%28CompilingEasyHowTo%29%2917:39
spartan-11510No i read that and if i've any question i ask you. Thank you very much17:40
Sidewinder1spartan-11510, I ask only because I'm not real familiar with compiling software. Also if compiling is your goal, you might be better off asking in #ubuntu, rather than a beginners channel.17:41
Sidewinder1Hope it helped. :-)17:42
spartan-11510Ok thank you very much ;)17:42
Sidewinder1You're welcome.17:42
tdnHow do I change system language (menus and the like) to Danish?18:29
urlin2utdn, your on which release, in Natty look at language support I believe.18:32
tdnurlin2u, lucid18:36
tdnurlin2u, LTS18:36
tdnurlin2u, I would really like to do it from command line if possible. And for all users.18:36
urlin2uI haven't used lucid in a long time, and am not really sure to be honest, the #ubuntu channel is a bit busier you might try there as well18:38
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