
TheMusoApteryx: I think that rule is somewhat obsolete, and its not used by anybody I know who packages pulse for Ubuntu, myself being one of them.00:00
TheMusoApteryx: So I wouldn't worry about it.00:00
ApteryxTheMuso... so shouldn't it be cleaned out?00:00
TheMusoApteryx: Debian may still use it, so we leave it there to make sure the delta between Ubuntu and Debian is minimal.00:01
ApteryxTheMuso, ok.00:02
ApteryxTheMuse so in order to remove obsolete patches, I just delete them from the source folder?00:02
Apteryx(I was commenting them in the series file, but they were applied anyway)00:02
TheMusoApteryx: Yes, and remove them from the series file in debian/patches.00:02
ApteryxI'd still like to get the big picture about what is going on during build process... pbuilder calls the rule file as a makefile... and then all the job gets done from there (and included *.mk) ?00:04
TheMusoYes, cdbs does a lot of the heavy lifting for us.00:04
ApteryxIs the rule file cdbs tailored? Or it could be used without it also?00:05
ApteryxOk, just reread the cdbs part and the ./debian/rules file seem to be cdbs specific ;)00:06
ApteryxStill think the rpmbuild system was easier to figure out, though :D00:07
ApteryxTheMuso thanks for helping :)00:08
TheMusoApteryx: np, and cdbs doens't have to be used, but the rules file would be bigger as a consequence.00:09
TheMusoHaving said that, it may be much the same size if the new debhelper 7 system was used.00:09
TheMusoRpm only having one spec file for everything seems ilogical to me.00:09
ApteryxTheMuso for a newbie like me it was simpler, everything labeled and put in the same place ;)00:10
ApteryxTheMuso, also everytime I start pbuilder it seems to reinstall the dependencies... I've seen a bit about pbuilder sessions to save the chroot state, but did not really understand how to do that.00:11
TheMusoI don't know much about pbuilder, I don't use it. I use sbuld instead.00:11
ApteryxTheMuso, would you recommend it over pbuilder?00:12
LaserJockApteryx: sbuild usually takes more hard drive space, but it can be faster and in some way simpler to use00:17
ApteryxLaserJock, ok.00:19
ApteryxOther more general question: is it possible to build also x86_64 packages from a 32 bits host?00:19
LaserJockI'm not positive but I don't think so. You can go the other way around, x86_64 can build i386 too00:21
TheMusoThe only way it could be done is if you were to set up a cross-compiler.00:28
TheMusoBut I am still not 100% sure about that, given the different number of registers...00:28
ApteryxTheMuso, I've deleted the 0096-lp533877-handle-digmic.patch in /debian/patches and also in the /debian/patches/series file... and it still fails with: "Patch 0096-lp533877-handle-digmic.patch does not apply (enforce with -f)00:30
Apteryxdon't know where its coming from to haunt me ;)00:30
TheMusoApteryx: Do you have any patches applied in your current working tree? TO be sure, look in the .pc directory.00:31
ApteryxTheMuso, no, not that I can see. (Would this be in the pbuilder building tree or already present?)00:33
TheMusoApteryx: Oh right, you are getting that when you test build...00:33
ApteryxTheMuso, yes.00:33
TheMusoApteryx: How are you running pbuilder?00:34
ApteryxTheMuso... you just rang the bell ;)00:34
ApteryxTheMuso, pbuild --build pulseaudio... .dsc00:34
ApteryxI guess the .dsc needs to be refreshed first?00:35
TheMusoIt seems the patch is still in your source package for some reason.00:35
TheMusoWhy I don't know.00:35
TheMusoThat would help.00:35
ApteryxI'll try that.00:35
RAOFIf you installed an amd64 kernel you could easily build x86_64 packages in a chroot (such as provided by sbuild or pbuilder).  There be dragons lurking in that area, though, particularly if you're using proprietary drivers.00:38
ApteryxRAOF, ok. I don't see why would proprietary drivers affect the builds? (If these builds don't depend on them)00:40
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RAOFApteryx: Oh, no.  Proprietary drivers won't affect the builds; they just might not work properly if you're using a 32bit userspace with 64bit kernel.00:40
RAOFSo the *builds* would work, but 3D, X, etc might not :)00:40
ApteryxRAOF, ok. Never attempted to run 3D in a chroot anyway. Anything is possible in a chroot?00:43
Apteryx(with /sys and such bindings) ?00:44
RAOFEverything except the kernel.  You'll need to be running the 64bit kernel.00:44
ApteryxOk. Thanks :)00:44
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ApteryxTheMuso, any flags that I should set for sbuild? It says "no distribution defined".01:11
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ApteryxMy command right now looks like this: sbuild -As -p successful  pulseaudio_0.99.3-0ubuntu1.dsc01:12
TheMusoApteryx: You need to use the -d flag. man sbuild for more info.01:12
ApteryxTheMuso, I recall there was a command to return distribution name, but forgot it... Any idea what it is?01:13
RAOFYou can also set the default distribution in ~/.sbuildrc01:14
ApteryxTheMuso, found it, it's `lsb_release -cs`01:15
ApteryxRAOF, cool01:17
Apteryxanyone knows a good tuto about getting start with sbuild? Now it tells me I don't have chroots defined in /etc/schroot/schroot.conf01:24
ApteryxThis might be enough to get me started: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot01:25
RAOFApteryx: mk-sbuild01:29
RAOFApteryx: There's a wiki page on sbuild, but really all you need to know is mk-sbuild (unless you're doing freaky stuff)01:30
ApteryxRAOF, ok ;)01:33
ApteryxHello, the debuild manpage seems incomplete. What exactly do the -S, -a, and -s flag do?02:52
ApteryxMy command is debuild -S -sa02:52
ApteryxI guess one of these is to sign the packages02:52
Apteryx-s maybe02:52
ApteryxOh... these are dpkg-buildpackage flags!02:54
Apteryxthe manual of dpkg-buildpackage does not explain the -sa flag either :S02:55
RAOFYou sometimes have to traverse the stack there ☹ - dpkg/debuild pass the unrecognised flags down to their tools02:57
RAOF-sa is “include .orig.tar.gz”, so it's probably a dpkg-source flag.02:57
ApteryxRAOF, ok!02:58
RAOFBah, no of course.02:58
RAOFIt's actually a dpkg-genchanges flag.  It sticks the .orig.tar.* in the _changes_ file102:59
Apteryxok. It's listed in the dpkg-source manual too!03:00
ApteryxIt says "use the .tar file to generate the diff"03:00
ApteryxHehe, so we don't really know which uses it ;)03:01
ApteryxRAOF, if I run sbuild with the '--purge-deps successful' shouldn't the dependencies be preserved in chroot as long as the build does not succeed?03:28
RAOFApteryx: But you'll be using a throwaway overlay chroot, which will likely have been cleaned up.03:29
Apteryxmy exact command is: sbuild -As -p successful --purge-deps successful -d natty-i386 ../pulseaudio_0.99.3-0ubuntu1.dsc03:30
ApteryxWhat do I have to tell it if I want it to preserve my dependencies while I test a build that fails?03:31
ApteryxCause right now it's downloading & installing 214 dependencies everytime... not exactly productive xD03:34
ApteryxOn fedora, mock at least cached the packages (though it reinstalled it).03:35
Apteryxsbuild also says: "Not cleaning session: cloned chroot in use" when my build fails03:38
RAOFApteryx: Oh!03:41
RAOFApteryx: Yeah, right.  You want to do something about that ;)03:41
RAOFThere are a couple of options; you can edit /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab and bind-mount /var/cache/apt/archives, and your existing apt cache will be available in the chroot.  Or you could do what I do, which is to run squid-deb-proxy and add an /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ snippet setting that proxy.03:42
ApteryxSo I've added this line: /var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/apt/archives none rw,rbind 0 003:51
ApteryxWe'll see if it helps ;)03:52
* micahg uses apt-cacher-ng03:52
pittiGood morning04:15
pittimdke: oh sure, will have a look04:15
ApteryxRAOF, sorry to bother yet again. Still having issues with sbuild ;)04:16
RAOFApteryx: Ah, you'll need to do something slightly special with your fstab?04:17
Apteryxyeah it's still downloading :(04:18
Apteryxbut I have a new issue with gpg04:18
ApteryxDo I have to do something special for the fstab to be read?04:18
Apteryxlogout / login or something?04:18
RAOFBah, no, sorry.04:19
RAOFI was forgetting the context that schroot's fstab is interpreted in.04:19
Apteryxwhat do you mean?04:19
ApteryxI thought it should have worked04:19
RAOFI was thinking of my local-packages thingy, which *does* need special handling.04:19
RAOFYeah, I think it should work.04:19
Apteryxi used "rbind" instead of bind, because /sys was already mounted with that04:20
RAOFYeah, sorry, I think that what you've done should work.04:21
RAOFWhat was your problem again?04:21
Apteryx1st problem is dependency being redownloaded at every sbuild try04:22
Apteryx2nd problem is gpgv issue: http://pastebin.com/qAyTBsfG04:23
Apteryxman... loosing patience. time to sleep ;)04:30
ApteryxRAOF, thanks for all the hints! I'm sure I'll get over it tomorrow.04:30
micahgpitti: hi, good morning, would you mind if we pushed back the final langpack push for maverick till the end  of the month?05:31
pittimicahg: sounds fine to me; I'll just follow your plan there05:31
micahgpitti: thanks, I'll keep you updated as soon as I have a new timeline05:32
RAOFOh, dear.  qt4-x11 has a different API on arm.  Joy!05:46
pittiRAOF: trying to create .symbols files?05:47
pittisince natty or so, the symbols files are different on all architectures05:47
RAOFpitti: No, trying to work out whether a bunch of doko_ 's FTBFS filed against mesa are actually a problem in mesa.05:47
RAOFThis is bug #840679, by the way.  qt4-x11 broke API and ABI on arm in 4:4.7.3-4ubuntu105:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840679 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "conflicting types in GLES2/gl2.h and GL/glext.h" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84067905:49
micahgRAOF: here's a little writeup that janimo did for the Ubuntu Developer week about it if it helps any: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/FTBFS05:50
RAOFmicahg: Ah, good.  That's known, and I'll re-assign any further ftbfs bugs misfiled against mesa to you :)05:52
micahgheh, I still haven't successfully fixed any of those yet :)05:53
RAOFThey're non-trivial.05:53
RAOFThe whole fixed-function pipeline that a lot of the old GL-using programs will be using is *gone* in GLES2.05:53
RAOFYou get to rewrite things as vertex programs!05:54
micahgsounds like fun...05:54
didrocksgood morning06:03
mdkepitti: great, thanks06:41
doko_RAOF, it might be wrong; I found in another report that Qt is ported to GLES, but e.g. vtk is not ...07:05
doko_maybe rsalveti does know a bit more07:05
RAOFdoko_: Yeah; micahg pointed me at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/FTBFS which you'll notice has a section "OpenGL and Qt"07:06
RAOFBasically, anything on arm which directly or indirectly includes that Qt header and which uses, directly or indirectly OpenGL is going to blow up in roughly the same way.07:06
dholbachgood morning07:07
RAOFI think that anything that's currently *built* and uses that bit of Qt as well as GL will either fail to load with conflicting symbols, or, even better, not work in an even less obvious fashion, like not drawing properly.07:08
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diwicCould I have a core dev upload pulseaudio for me? PulseAudio as of this morning fails to start due to bug #84164909:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841649 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Module "module-jackdbus-detect" should be loaded once at most" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84164909:17
diwicand the fixed stuff is already in lp:~ubuntu-audio-dev/pulseaudio/ubuntu.oneiric09:17
* pitti fixes usb-creator10:17
diwicpitti, IIRC I submitted a merge proposal for that a day or two ago10:20
pittidiwic: oh, for the set_cursor() call?10:21
diwicNone -> False10:21
pittidiwic: sorry, didn't check for this before, it was an one-minute thing to just fix10:21
diwicbetter fix twice than not at all :-)10:22
dupondjeSomebody knows if the primary group really needs to be the same as the username ?10:25
dupondjecause if its not the case, it seems to break alot of things10:25
cjwatsondupondje: anything that breaks if it isn't is a bug10:32
cjwatsonit's a lazy assumption10:32
cjwatsonfor instance, the Canonical data centre machines are set up such that the primary group is not the same as the username10:33
dupondjewell I changed my default group to 'users' instead of my own group that got created. And that caused to break adding printers/ network connections / etc10:33
dupondjeit just shows I don't have permissions to do those actions10:34
dupondjeall grayed out10:34
cjwatsonsure, I'm not saying it's bound to work, I'm saying that you should file bugs about such things and that people should not be rejecting them10:34
cjwatsonand you can quote me on that10:34
dupondjehehe ok10:34
dupondjewell just needed to know if it was a requirement to be on your own group :)10:34
dupondjeseems not, so there are some bugs then :D10:35
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debfxcjwatson: have you got my mail about the kubuntu packageset I sent 2 weeks ago?10:53
cjwatsondebfx: oh, yeah, sorry, I'll have a look at it now10:57
doko_I like this one ...11:15
doko_checking for 64 bit compilation flags... let's see what happens11:15
doko_checking for 64 bit CFLAGS... -m64 -fPIC11:15
doko_checking for 64 bit FCFLAGS... -m64 -fPIC11:15
doko_checking for 64 bit CXXFLAGS... -m64 -fPIC11:15
doko_checking size of void*... 811:15
doko_checking to see if we got 64 bits... oh yes11:15
doko_checking for dummy main to link with Fortran libraries... unknown11:16
doko_configure: error: in `/home/packages/tmp/u/elmerfem-6.1.0.svn.5272.dfsg/eio':11:16
doko_configure: error: linking to Fortran libraries from C fails11:16
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cjwatsonmicahg: re the gnash/armel build failure, what do you think is the right thing to do?  Just disable the OpenGL renderer on armel?  I see upstream has a GLES renderer, but it's not in our package yet11:33
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* doko_ cries ...11:57
doko_# Homemade configure file for the ERESI project11:57
doko_yes, homemade ...11:57
jamespagedoko_: just got an OK on #ubuntu-release for those two FFE's (bug 837979 and bug 837990)12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837979 in maven-plugin-tools (Ubuntu) "[FFE] Sync maven-plugin-tools 2.8-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83797912:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 837990 in jtidy (Ubuntu) "[FFE] Sync jtidy 7+svn20110807-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83799012:24
Apteryx'morning ;)13:22
chrisccoulsondoko_, gcc has started crashing when building firefox - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79032680/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.firefox_7.0%7Eb4%2Bbuild2%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:27
chrisccoulsonevery mozilla build has started failing on oneiric today13:27
chrisccoulsonon i38613:27
doko_chrisccoulson, looking13:38
chrisccoulsondoko_, thanks13:38
chrisccoulsoni'll start a build on osageorange in a moment. i guess that anything useful from that build has probably long gone now hasn't it?13:39
doko_ls -l /scratch/packages/tmp/insighttoolkit-3.20.0/obj-arm-linux-gnueabi/Wrapping/WrapITK/Modules/IntensityFilters/wrap_itkMaskImageFilterPython.cxx14:02
doko_-rw-r--r-- 1 doko doko 25294455 Sep  5 14:46 /scratch/packages/tmp/insighttoolkit-3.20.0/obj-arm-linux-gnueabi/Wrapping/WrapITK/Modules/IntensityFilters/wrap_itkMaskImageFilterPython.cxx14:02
doko_30MB sources are actually better than the 300MB sources generated by ghc ...14:03
sorendoko_: Wow. Just... wow.14:21
* tumbleweed hopes doko enjoys insighttoolkit :P14:22
* doko_ passes tumbleweed paraview14:23
* tumbleweed hides14:25
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ApteryxHello :) I'm currently stuck in the process of building an Ubuntu Natty pulseaudio 0.99.3 package.14:29
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ApteryxIt used to go further, but now it fails on doing "debuild -S -sa". Result shown here: http://pastebin.com/UaAbGtzk14:31
cjwatsonApteryx: so remove pulseaudio_0.99.3-0ubuntu1_i386.build from your tree - that almost certainly shouldn't be in the source package anyway14:37
cjwatsonmaybe you ran pbuilder in the wrong directory at some point or something14:37
diwicApteryx, you might be better off starting with the daily packaging I made at lp:~ubuntu-audio-dev/pulseaudio/packaging.upstream.master14:38
diwicApteryx, IIRC that's for both Oneiric and Natty14:38
diwicApteryx, in case you get stuck starting with the Oneiric packaging14:39
diwicof 0.99.3 that is14:39
Apteryxcjwatson, I tried deleting all those already, keeping only source tree and .orig.tar.gz14:41
ApteryxI saw somewhere I should run distclean, but this program is not installed on ubuntu.14:41
Apteryxdiwic, you're building this daily?14:41
Apteryxdiwic, so this is the latest latest I can get?14:42
cjwatsonApteryx: well, the error message says otherwise, so I would check if I were you14:42
cjwatsonI expect that meant 'make distclean' - but that typically only removes files the build system knows about, which I wouldn't expect to include pulseaudio_0.99.3-0ubuntu1_i386.build14:43
diwicApteryx, it broke down a few days ago (I should ping someone in launchpad about that) but other than that it should be okay14:43
diwicApteryx, it does not include my jack detection patches though14:43
diwicsince they are not yet upstream14:43
diwicApteryx, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/pulse-testing14:44
diwicApteryx, oh, actually it's only the Oneiric ones that are down, so you can take the Natty version there and you'll have the latest (maybe lag a day or two compared to upstream)14:45
Apteryxdiwic, why does the version says 1:0.98 ? shouldn't it be 1:0.99.3 ?14:46
diwicApteryx, because it's taken from git master and as such does not have a fixed number14:47
diwicApteryx, you might also be interested in http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/Notes/0.9914:47
Apteryxdiwic, thanks. My goal was primarily to test latest pulseaudio so I'll give your ppa a shot first.14:52
doko_ScottK: zope packages shouldn't stay partially converted to dh_python2, you know this calls for trouble15:26
ScottKdoko_: I agree.15:26
ScottKI didn't say that an FFe shouldn't be given, but "It's Universe, so FF doesn't apply" is wrong.15:27
doko_well, you could have told the former too ;)15:27
ScottKSure, but at the time all I had was the one bug mail to look at.15:29
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AnAntwhere do I request for a package to be added in Canonical's partner repository ?15:45
roadmrhey folks! Gdk.color_parse used to return a tuple (Boolean,Gdk.Color) but at some point last week it started returning just the Gdk.Color. Anyone got any idea which package update caused this?15:50
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cjwatsonAnAnt: um, normally only the relevant commercial partner would request that15:54
AnAntcjwatson: oh15:54
AnAntcjwatson: ok, here's the problem, Google's googleearch package sucks !15:54
AnAntcjwatson: they ship Qt libraries with the package (and for some wierd reason the package depends on alien !!!)15:55
AnAntthe problem with the shipped Qt libraries, is that the non-latin support (for ex. arabic) is not working properly15:55
AnAntin old versions of googleearth, it was possible to remove those shipped Qt libs, and use system's Qt libs, and the problem would be fixed15:56
AnAntbut in new versions, some symbol errors happen, and hence googleearth crashes15:56
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cjwatsonAnAnt: I'm having trouble seeing what this has to do with partner, since there's no googleearth package in partner15:57
AnAntcjwatson: oh, I was hoping that if Canonical maintains the package (like it does with skype), that this would be fixed15:58
cjwatsonGoogle would need to use (IIRC) http://www.canonical.com/partners/isv15:59
cjwatsonI guess you could ask Brian Thomason but I have no idea whether this is something we can initiate16:00
cjwatsonwhy not make sure the googleearth-package installer package in multiverse works propery?16:00
AnAntcjwatson: ok, will try that16:06
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micahgcjwatson: now that we have the libav fix for gnash, I can merge the git snapshot from Debian, maybe that will help16:24
cjwatsonmicahg: if you think that's a better idea than a targeted fix, sure ...16:25
micahgcjwatson: well, we generally take the latest gnash anyways, I'll make sure there are no crazy packaging changes and get an FFe if there are feature changes upstream, anyways, gnash is something that should actually be SRUd regularly due to flash changing16:27
victorpcjwatson, quick question16:47
victorpcjwatson, nevermind got an answer in another channel ;)16:49
jjardonhello, anyone with problem loading the datetime preferences from the control center?16:51
dokojamespage, still online?16:53
cjwatsonvictorp: ok16:59
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roadmrsorry for the dumb question, who should I put as reviewer on a FFe merge request? (ubuntu-release perhaps?)17:15
jamespagedoko: yep17:19
micahgroadmr: you need a bug  for the FFe and you can link it to the merge proposal17:19
dokojamespage, who did approve the FFe's? I can't see anything in the bug reports17:20
jamespage"iulian: jamespage: Looks good, please go ahead and get them in."17:21
dokojamespage, hmm, which report?17:25
iuliandoko: That was on -release. I should've added a comment to the report, sorry for the confusion caused.17:28
cjwatsonroadmr: as micahg says; for the merge request itself, please don't make ubuntu-release the reviewer; ubuntu-sponsors is usual17:28
dokojamespage, iulian: ahh, ok. just didn't see it17:29
dokolooking at gauche, the 23rd scheme implementation ...17:31
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roadmrcjwatson, micahg : thanks!! putting ubuntu-sponsors as reviewer then17:33
hyperaircan someone from ubuntu-sru please ack https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/816632 please?18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 816632 in unity (Ubuntu) "Memory leak in IndicatorObjectEntryProxyRemote::GetPixbuf" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:15
hyperairi posted that patch slightly over a month ago, and it's just gotten ignored.18:16
dokojamespage, synced18:16
dokojamespage, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~xranby/ubuntu/oneiric/libxerces2-java/lp834068 ?18:16
hyperairi completely forgot about it until some update from natty-proposed came and overrode my unity package and it suddenly started leaking again.18:16
jamespagedoko: already have - LGTM18:17
jamespage(see MP comments)18:17
jamespagedoko: did you sync all four packages?18:18
* jamespage goes to look18:18
hyperairer actually i really meant core-dev earlier, not ubuntu-sru.18:19
dokojamespage, yes18:22
AnAntcjwatson: googleearth-package has same problem19:01
AnAntcjwatson: btw,  I think it can make use of multiarch19:02
cjwatsondon't confuse me for somebody who cares about googleearth :-)  I was just trying to advise on partner19:02
cjwatsonI expect it could, yes19:02
micahgcjwatson: I take it we're not going to make the openssl transition complete for oneiric then, are efforts best spent elsewhere then?19:06
cjwatsonmicahg: the point of openssl098 wasn't giving up on the openssl transition, it was more that I'm aware that libssl is quite likely to be linked into third-party binaries19:14
cjwatsonso it's more worth a compat package than usual, IMO19:14
micahgcjwatson: ok, thanks19:16
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AnAntLP 83379120:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833791 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "Please merge texinfo 4.13a.dfsg.1-8 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83379120:08
AnAntjust changed status to confirmed20:08
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SeqDoes anybody know where empathy keeps it's account credentials? It seems to forget all of my accounts at every login, but they are in .mission-control/accounts/accounts.cfg, so it must also track them elsewhere?21:15
SeqAlso, I have a plain-text keyring (I use auto login), but my keyring keeps re-encrypting itself. I'mm clear the passphrase with seahorse and confirm the login.keyring is plain ascii text. Time will pass and I reboot, and my login.keyring is encrypted again. Does anybody know how to fix this?21:17
tmusIs there a known issue with fglrx in Oneiric lately? I just upgraded my natty laptop to Oneiric, and fglrx just won't load properly - I constantly end up with radeon loaded22:30
Sarvatttmus: theres a problem with the blacklist not getting used if you have cryptsetup installed (which puts the drm modules end up in the initrd) leading to radeon/nouveau loading too early, you can get around it by adding your own blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/ and update-initramfs -u after23:18
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