
_mup_ensemble/machine-with-type r337 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com00:59
_mup_machine state includes provider type00:59
kim0Hey folks .. is LXC deployment actually working right now12:23
kim0Another questions, is Ensemble known to run successfully client-side and cloud-side on Ubuntu 10.04+ ?12:34
hazmatkim0, no to both13:28
hazmatkim0, there used to be some compatible fixes for 10.04 cloud-init, but those got yanked, so it no longer works13:28
kim0hazmat: so supported versions are 11.04+ ?13:29
hazmatthe lxc work is in dev, i'm hoping to get it to a testing state for those who want to try off a branch by the end of the week, but first plumbers13:29
kim0client and cloud ?13:29
hazmatkim0, for client 10.04 is fine13:29
hazmatfor the cloud portion we need 11.04 or newer13:29
kim0got it13:29
hazmatkim0, are you going to be at plumbers?13:29
kim0Dustin is however13:30
hazmatkim0, oh.. i thought you where co-track lead?13:30
fwereadehazmat: btw, I have done my best to review everything, but I ended up a bit tired by the time I got to bcsaller's LXC branch -- can I ask you to pick that one up please?13:50
hazmatfwereade, absolutely13:52
hazmatfwereade, also fwiw today's a national holiday in the us13:52
fwereadehazmat, cheers :)13:52
fwereadehazmat: ah, I missed that13:52
hazmatso the review queue might be sitting through till tomorrow.. i'll try to dig into some of that today though13:52
fwereadehazmat: no rush, I don't mean to demand you work on a day off ;)13:53
hazmati'm going to spend most of the day getting ready for a presentation on wednesday anyways13:53
hazmatfwereade, no worries,  wasn't planning on taking the day off13:53
* niemeyer waves15:17
fwereadeniemeyer: heyhey15:18
fwereadeniemeyer: hope you're ok?15:18
niemeyerfwereade: Yeah, mostly alright15:19
fwereadeglad to hear it :)15:20
niemeyerfwereade: Thanks to modern medicine :-)15:35
fwereadeniemeyer: what happened?15:36
niemeyerfwereade: Fuzzed around with a minor tooth issue a bit too much and made it into a bigger issue15:37
fwereadeniemeyer: ouch :(15:37
fwereadeniemeyer: I'd been vaguely wondering if you were, I dunno, into extreme mountain fighting or something ;)15:38
niemeyerfwereade: Haha, no.. I might feel less silly if that was the case, though :-)15:39
niemeyerfwereade: Thanks for the docstring changes16:03
niemeyerfwereade: Very nice to have it being standardized16:03
niemeyerfwereade: I'm slightly concerned it might be going overboard in terms of syntax in some cases.. not sure if the benefit of the linkage is worth the reduced readability in the code itself16:04
niemeyerfwereade: Simple example:16:04
niemeyer-        @param instance_id: instance_id of the `ProviderMachine` you want.16:05
niemeyer316+        :param str instance_id: :attr:`instance_id` of the16:05
niemeyer317+            :class:`ensemble.machine.ProviderMachine` you want.16:05
hazmatit reads better html16:13
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, I'm just not sure if the benefit of the linkage in HTML is worth the reduced readability in the code itself16:22
niemeyerhazmat: I suspect we'll be reading the code more often than the HTML16:23
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. that particular example is a bit obtuse16:23
hazmatand self referential16:23
fwereadeI did wonder about that, but I found it very hard to justify not having stuff linked if it were there16:25
fwereadeI felt on balance that the awesomeness of the linkage made up for the ugliness of the code, for the simple reason that when we're reading the code we're reading the *code* -- I trust docstrings about as much as I trust comments, which is to say not at all ;)16:27
fwereadeand so I end up viewing the docstrings as targeted more to a reader of the docs than a reader of the code16:27
hazmatfwereade, instance_id = opaque string identifier specific to the provider16:27
hazmatfwereade, where you able to build the html output?16:28
fwereadeI was, yes, are yu having problems?16:28
hazmatfwereade, haven't tried.. jim mentioned some issue, wasn't clear if it was endemic or not16:28
hazmatfwereade, was that with the code linked using autodoc?16:29
fwereadehazmat: I didn't end up hitting jim's issue, so I'm not sure if it's waiting to trip me up as I rationalise the rest, or whether it was just an artifact of his approach16:29
niemeyerWill get some "food".. biab16:29
hazmatniemeyer, cheers16:29
fwereadehazmat: instance_id -- yes, I know; but I don't follow your train of thought16:30
fwereadehazmat: they're also how we identify machines at the provider level16:30
hazmatfwereade, ah.. i think i missed the context of the diff16:30
hazmati thought that was on a provider machine, but ic now its actually   more likely get_machine16:31
fwereadehazmat: I'd be sympathetic to an approach in which we used machine_id throughout, but it doesn't seem very convenient atm ;)16:31
hazmatfwereade, but you are using autodoc when building the html output?16:31
fwereadehazmat: yes, but I have a little script that does more than and less than that script jim linked the other day to build the structure we want16:32
fwereadehazmat: I output a very few directives basically just saying "autodoc this module here"16:32
fwereadehazmat: but the resulting structure is (IMO) nicer, and tests get excluded withot enormous hassle16:33
fwereadehazmat: anyway, I must dash, ttyl :)16:35
* hazmat lunches16:44
hazmatfwereade, cheers16:44
hazmatniemeyer, the formulas/ -> formulas- change was to accomodate openstack's s3server which didn't like the "/" separator on a key name18:06
hazmati'm not entirely sure why as the trunk code of it, seems to do the right thing with the key (hash on key name b4 store in dir).. its possible its interacting poorly with the route dispatch logic18:07
hazmatbut it seemed more expedient to change our storage key then pushing the fixes upstream...18:07
hazmatkirkland, ping18:09
niemeyerhazmat: WTF, seriously?18:13
hazmatniemeyer, indeed18:13
niemeyerhazmat: Cool, thanks for the explanation.. +118:14
hazmatniemeyer, its the bug where upstream explicitly noted s3 compatibility isn't a goal.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/82988018:14
_mup_Bug #829880: object store doesn't like key with '/'  <Ensemble:Triaged by hazmat> <OpenStack Compute (nova):Confirmed> <ensemble (Ubuntu):New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/829880 >18:14
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, it's just not clear anymore why we're even talking about S3 in this context now18:15
hazmatniemeyer, well it is *just* enough s3 for  ec2 compatibility.. which is all ensemble needs as well atm.... 18:16
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, I commented on it even.. it just wasn't so obvious to me until now that it's another beast entirely18:16
* hazmat gets back to work on his presentation18:17
hazmatniemeyer, also fwiw, i'll be offline most of tomorrow morning, entransit to plumbers18:18
niemeyerhazmat: Sounds great, thanks for your assistance today, btw18:20
thebishophello, I'm interested in the new "Orchestra" feature.  I know it's not the primary use, but can Orchestra be used as a Proxmox "private cloud" replacement as well?18:35
hazmatthebishop, proxmox ve looks like a commericial ovirt?... orchestra+ensemble+openstack is effectively auto private cloud provisioning.. its not clear what exactly proxmox ve is doing outside of providing a web ui ontop of a virt mechanism (kvm or openvz)18:42
hazmatah.. ic http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Vision18:43
hazmatso ensemble does real encapsulation at a service level instead of just virtual image appliance management18:44
hazmatbut it doesn't include backup/restore builtin or live migration atm18:44
hazmatlxc support for the latter features is still in the works18:45
hazmatugh.. i really want to use the local dev for the talk19:51
_mup_ensemble/machine-with-provider-type r359 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com19:55
_mup_pull machine-with-type into local dev pipeline19:55
_mup_ensemble/no-regex-option r338 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net20:07
_mup_Dropped unused class var, as pointed out by William.20:07
_mup_ensemble/trunk r337 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net20:10
_mup_Merged no-regex-option branch [r=fwereade,hazmat]20:10
_mup_This removes the regex configuration type, and renames 'str' to 'string'.20:10
_mup_For the second change, it also introduces backwards compatibility logic20:10
_mup_so that we can continue to work with 'str' for the moment while we warn20:10
_mup_authors to move out of it.20:10
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
_mup_ensemble/trunk r338 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net20:18
_mup_Merged simplify-iface-schema branch [r=hazmat,fwereade]20:18
_mup_Minor simplification in the implementation of the interface schema.20:18
_mup_ensemble/go r3 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net20:35
_mup_Merged go-iface-schemas branch [r=fwereade,hazmat]20:35
_mup_This kicks off the formula schema support in the Go port.20:35
_mup_ensemble/go r4 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net20:43
_mup_Merged go-initial-formula-meta branch [r=fwereade,hazmat]20:43
_mup_This introduces metadata.yaml parsing in the Go port.20:43
_mup_ensemble/go r5 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net20:46
_mup_Merge go-rename-short-types branch [r=hazmat,fwereade,jkakar] (!)20:46
_mup_This makes the schema.M/L types more readable, as suggested by Kapil.20:46
_mup_ensemble/go r6 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net20:48
_mup_Merged go-final-formula-meta branch [r=fwereade,hazmat]20:48
_mup_This completes the parsing of metadata.yaml in the Go port.20:48
_mup_ensemble/go-formulas r14 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net21:44
_mup_Added formula(_test).go files with the generic bits that were21:44
_mup_all together in meta.go at first.21:44
_mup_ensemble/go-formulas r15 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net22:31
_mup_Implemented initial config parsing. No variable validation using the22:31
_mup_parsed schema yet.22:31
_mup_Bug #842195 was filed: config.yaml handling is necessary in Go port <Ensemble:In Progress by niemeyer> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/842195 >22:36

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