
=== saeid is now known as Guest25890
amin`salam bar baro bach e grhol10:40
amin`aghayon man ye partition ro toi fstab toi masir /EXTRA add kardam ama moshkel injas ke be ghir user root tosh nemitonam chizi kopy konam10:42
amin`chekar bayad bekonam man10:42
* amin` Linux user need assistence10:42
AliTarihiخط fstab10:43
amin`AliTarihi: ghorban finglish minevisi man rtoi irssi hastam10:47
amin`AliTarihi: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/470606/10:49
AliTarihiamin`: mount shode ?10:51
amin`AliTarihi: baleh ghorban mount shodeh vali faghat user root betoni tosh read and write cone10:52
AliTarihils -l begirid a khoruji bezarid10:52
amin`AliTarihi: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/470607/10:52
AliTarihiamin`: ajibe10:53
AliTarihiman daghighan moshabehe shoma daram partition ro vali kamel up e ...10:53
amin`ghorban khat 9 pastebin avali10:54
amin`ro migham10:54
AliTarihiare manam mesle shoma10:54
AliTarihi /Ali10:54
amin`AliTarihi: ^^10:54
AliTarihire-mount mishe10:54
amin`in 0 1 ro bayad ye taghiri bedam10:54
amin`ino yadam miyad10:55
AliTarihiman ino hanuz 0 1 daram va okeye10:55
amin`ya bayad yejori group wheel ro toi fstab bechaponam10:55
amin`ama nemidonam chetori10:55
AliTarihi1 210:55
AliTarihina baba wheel bi  khial sho10:55
AliTarihi1 2 kon10:55
AliTarihi  /dev/sda6               /media/EXTRA        ext4            defaults                1 210:56
AliTarihiamin`: fek konam in okey kone10:56
amin`test mekonam khabar midam10:59
amin`yek donya mamnoon10:59
amin` 1 210:59
amin`yani chi?10:59
amin`AliTarihi: ^^11:19
AliTarihiamin`: karkard?11:30
* dark-sun be bax salam mide...14:16
Nu^253rsalam dark-sun14:20
dark-sunNu^253r: salam dude, man hanoz gire slide hastam.. kheyli khar bazi dar miare. (daram google mikonam)14:20
Nu^253rslide chi dark-sun ?14:21
dark-sunNu^253r: slide maghale zconf dige :)14:22
Nu^253raslan to jaryan nistam :D14:22
=== hamid_ is now known as Guest79304
Guest79304kesi nist j bede?15:11
Guest79304salamon alaik15:11
everplaysGuest79304, eshtebah oomadi, inja channel-e arabic nist15:14
Guest79304manam arab nistam15:15
Guest79304سوال دارم کسی هست جواب بده؟15:16
dark-sun!ask | Guest7930415:17
lubotu3Guest79304: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:17
Nu^253rdark-sun be inchiza nist15:19
Guest79304The file '/media/01CC081C5F6D3200/Setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bi15:19
Guest79304این ارور رو میده15:19
Guest79304The file '/media/01CC081C5F6D3200/Setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bi15:20
Nu^253rGuest79304 say kon to pastebin.com copy koni15:20
Nu^253rva in ye file exe hast vase windows che rabti be linux dare?!15:20
dark-sunGuest79304: kanal injast !15:21
Guest79304مگه نمیگن میشه با واین برنامه های اگزه رو اجرا کرد رو لینوکس15:21
Nu^253rhameye hamero na15:22
Nu^253rvali axarano mishe15:22
Guest79304من رو هر برنامه ای میزنم این ارور رو میده15:22
Guest79304بعد میگه باید از پروپرتیس15:22
Guest79304رو پرمیژن بزنی15:23
Guest79304اونجا که میخوام فعال کنم تیک نمیخوره15:23
Nu^253rba PlayOnLinux emtehan kon Guest7930415:24
Guest79304اینم مثل واینه؟15:24
Nu^253rdark-sun ?! lubotu3 package haro ham mige?!15:25
dark-sunNu^253r: fek nakonam sho-oresh ro dashte bashe :)15:25
Nu^253razash bepors dark-sun15:26
Nu^253rage nadasht mizanim to saresh15:26
dark-sunSorry, I don't know anything about 'sho-oor'15:26
Nu^253rsho`or ke na dark-sun15:26
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:26
lubotu3gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.15:26
lubotu3firefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins15:26
lubotu3WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:27
Guest79304منم انسان بی شعوریم15:27
Nu^253rchera in hichi nadare dark-sun ?!15:27
Nu^253rki in boto ovorde?!15:27
Nu^253rGuest79304 to google search kon15:27
Guest79304خسته نباشی15:28
dark-sunNu^253r: yatime badbakht, fek konam inja gedaee mikone :D15:28
Guest79304بیخیال بگو اینجا چه خبره15:28
everplaysGuest79304, chmod +x /media/01CC081C5F6D3200/Setup.exe15:28
everplaysGuest79304, wine /media/01CC081C5F6D3200/Setup.exe15:28
everplaysina ro ejra kon15:28
Nu^253rdark-sun money ro chi goft?15:29
dark-sunNu^253r: tebghe mamool15:30
Nu^253rghablan migoft log mishod15:31
Nu^253rdige log nemishe?!15:31
Guest79304رفیق این دستو را رو معنی میکنی؟15:33
Nu^253rkodom dastor Guest79304 ?!15:33
Guest79304chmod +x /media/01CC081C5F6D3200/Setup.exe                             wine /media/01CC081C5F6D3200/Setup.exe15:34
Guest79304everplay   chi shod azizam?15:36
dark-suneverplays: راه حل رو می‌دی، باید توضیحاتش رو هم بنویسی. ساندویچ اضافه با سس و سالاد هم روش15:37
Guest79304بابا میخوام یاد بگیرم. عجب آدمی هستیا15:37
Guest79304دمت گرم15:37
everplaysGuest79304, avali permission-e ejra shodan ro behesh mide15:38
Guest79304گه حخوردم15:38
everplaysdovomi ham ba wine ejrash mikone15:38
* dark-sun thinks "la gente esta muy loca"....15:38
everplaysGuest79304, inja bayad sabr koni, age bekhay bepari too channel va tep javab begiri eshtebah mikoni15:38
Guest79304آهان مرسی خیلی باحالی15:38
dark-suneverplays: زمان ما می‌گفتن ار تی اف ام.. دمت خیلی چیزه دادا15:38
everplaysdark-sun, oon zamana dorost boode haji :)15:39
Guest79304فرقی زیاد نمیکنه جفتش یکیه15:39
Guest79304فقط اوسکولشیم15:39
Nu^253rman farsisho kesi naneveshte ?!15:39
Nu^253rvase dastorate sade?!15:39
Nu^253rman-fa man ?!15:40
Guest79304میام دوستان15:40
dark-sunNu^253r: age kasi anjamesh bede k "man-in-the-middle" mishe :)))15:41
Nu^253rchera man in the middile?!15:41
dark-sunmasalan ba in syntax : man-fa man <command>15:42
dark-sunNu^253r: just kidding15:42
Nu^253rna dark-sun15:43
Nu^253rman-fa khode dastore :D15:43
Nu^253rman-fa man15:43
Nu^253rman-fa bash15:43
Nu^253rva ...15:43
dark-sunkho age 1i bezane "man man-fa" chi? :))15:43
dark-sunkernel panic!15:44
* dark-sun barmigarde... [comming soon]15:44
=== dark-sun is now known as dark-sun|away
=== dark-sun|away is now known as dark-sun
=== alabd1 is now known as alabd
Guest79304baba inke nashod zendegiiiii . vala ba in noonashun16:09
alabdGuest79304: inja roome offtopic ya fun nist16:15
Guest79304pas chie?16:20
lubotu3Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:25
=== alabd1 is now known as alabd

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