
=== tardis is now known as evilrww
=== evilrww is now known as rww
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== McPeter_ is now known as Noob`s
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savvashello, I would like to activate my ubuntu member cloak: https://launchpad.net/~medigeek11:14
IdleOneircc ^^11:17
IdleOnesavvas: just sit and someone will get that done for you :)11:17
savvasalrighty, thank you!11:17
savvasIdleOne: I don't have to be here to actually finish the cloaking do I? If so, I'll do it some other time. :)11:36
IdleOnesavvas: yes you need to be here but you are welcome to come back anytime11:36
IdleOnebtw congrats on membership11:36
savvasthanks, it was a month ago hehe, I just remembered to activate the cloaking :P11:37
savvasI'll join back some other day :)11:37
savvasthank you for your help!11:37
IdleOneok, welcome.11:37
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
=== Fuchs is now known as evilfuchs
DJonesA question just asked in -uk by somebody helping a spanish speaking friend is whether ubuntu.com is available in spanish15:56
IdleOnenot that I can see15:57
m4vDJones: http://www.ubuntu-es.org/15:57
m4vis not ubuntu.com though15:57
DJonesm4v: I've pointed them at that one, I got the impression that was more the .es loco rather than ubuntu.com15:57
DJonesThanks, I'll let them know anyway15:58
m4vis not the es LoCo either15:58
DJonesRight, my spanish was never that good, always mixed up with spanish & french15:58
m4vthe es LoCo is a bit dead at the moment, their site is http://www.ubuntuspain.org/ and it wasn't updated in yaers15:59
DJonesThanks for the info anyway16:01
=== evilfuchs is now known as Fuchs

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