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roadmrhey folks! looks it's time for the Ubuntu Friendly meeting!15:00
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep  5 15:01:08 2011 UTC.  The chair is roadmr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:01
roadmrhm, new bot...15:01
* holstein would like to thank akgraner officially for presenting at our LUG yesterday about ubuntu friendly15:01
roadmrvictorp, go ahead15:02
victorpI would like to say thanks too to akgraner!15:02
victorp ;)15:02
victorproadmr, what is the agenda for today?15:03
roadmrok, first topic on the agenda15:03
roadmr[TOPIC] Ubuntu Friendly sprint and comments on the mockups for the websites15:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Friendly sprint and comments on the mockups for the websites
roadmrAs you probably know there was an Ubuntu Friendly sprint last week, and a big push was done towards having all the Ubuntu Friendly components ready15:05
roadmrAra kept a detailed log of work done for the UF sprint on her blog, here's the link if you want to have a look:15:05
roadmr[LINK] http://arapulido.com/15:05
roadmrthe blog includes mockups from the website, and the ones shown there are pretty close to what the actual website looks / will look like, so if you'd like to comment, either here or on the mailing list, we'd really appreciate it.15:06
roadmrakgraner, go!15:07
akgranerI like it!  It even makes sense to me  --and the mobile stuff +115:07
akgranerand once I can play around on the site even better...15:08
roadmrthanks! it's not just mockups, an actual working version of the website is in the works and it looks great, we'll announce on the mailing list when it's available for playing with.15:09
akgranerthank you!15:09
roadmrwell, a lot of UF memberd pitched in, so it's been great teamwork on this.15:10
roadmrSo if there are no further comments on this topic (but please remember that we welcome all feedback on the mailing list as well, if you need more time to look at things), let's move on...15:11
roadmr[TOPIC] Ubuntu Global Jam and Ubuntu Friendly15:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Global Jam and Ubuntu Friendly
roadmrAs I understand it the UGJ was this weekend, and I remember there were going to be some talks about UF. I thought it'd be good to hear something about that here, if anyone can comment on it.15:13
roadmrakgraner: go ahead!15:13
akgranerThe new system testing failed on Oneiric in 3d - so I fell back to Natty and ara's blog posts15:14
akgranerthe LUG group I presented it to was really excited and they are looking forward to giving you all feedback15:14
akgranerI will be blogging about it all later today after App Dev Week Day one has ended - but over all the comments were good15:15
akgranerand people are looking forward to participating15:15
roadmrAwesome, thanks! Looking forward to reading the blog entry on that!15:15
akgranerI'll drop the link in here and the mailing list as well15:16
akgranerI meant -quality15:17
roadmrthanks, much appreciated!15:17
roadmranyone else on UGJ? questions for akgraner maybe?15:18
roadmrok then, thanks so much for the report akgraner. And apologies on the trouble with system testing on Oneiric, which is actually next topic on the agenda today...15:20
roadmr[TOPIC] System testing on Oneiric Beta 1 and beyond15:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: System testing on Oneiric Beta 1 and beyond
roadmrFirst, we have some reports that checkbox (system testing) fails to start on Oneiric, we're tracking down the causes and will have a fix in a bit.15:20
roadmrAlso, the actual list of tests that will be done as part of Ubuntu Friendly will be in checkbox 0.12.5, I thought this was supposed to ship with Beta 1 but I have reports that b1 still has version
roadmr I'll announce in the mailing list when 0.12.5 is available as an update, as we would really appreciate feedback on the tests that run by default.15:21
roadmrvictorp, go ahead15:22
victorp12.0.5 intalls when you do update15:22
victorpI have installed15:22
victorpb1 and works fine if you do not update15:22
victorpas soon as you install updates system testing stops working15:23
victorpas reported by akgraner15:23
victorpI wonder if it is a problem with 12.0.515:23
victorpanyhow, once this is fixed15:23
victorpwe really need people to submit their systems15:23
victorpso we can test the website with real data15:23
victorpmaybe we can send an email when it is fixed and with instructions to update to the latest version15:24
roadmrthanks for the info, will be helpful in pinpointing the cause of the problem!15:24
roadmryes, we'll try to get this fixed and published ASAP15:25
roadmr#action checkbox developers to email when system testing problem is fixed with instructions on how to get the fix running15:25
meetingologyACTION: checkbox developers to email when system testing problem is fixed with instructions on how to get the fix running15:25
roadmrIdleOne: go ahead!15:26
IdleOnesorry was going to say I am testing checkbox-cli and it seems to be working but it isn't for me.15:26
IdleOneso, no good news.15:26
roadmrIdleOne: yep, it's only with the gtk interface.15:27
roadmrIf you're interested in following progress solving this, look at this launchpad bug15:27
roadmr#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/checkbox/+bug/83967515:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839675 in checkbox "Gdk.color_parse error in oneiric" [Critical,Confirmed]15:27
IdleOne-gtk won't even start, thanks for the link.15:28
roadmrakgraner: go ahead!15:28
akgranerone I should have checked and tested my system earlier on Friday before my presentation, but also is there a list of who to ping during a milestone over a weekend when things go wrong?15:28
akgranerasking the community to test then not knowing who to ping during the milestone is/was frustrating a little15:29
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roadmrakgraner, well that would be useful to have, some of us may be hanging around during the weekend and may be able to help. We'll see if it's possible to create such a list.15:30
akgranerthank you - not all weekends just during major milestones :-)15:30
roadmrvictorp: go ahead!15:31
victorpshould akgraner not just email uf control?15:31
roadmryep exactly what I was going to say (not poaching victorp's idea, honest!)15:31
roadmrakgraner: if there's trouble with system testing you can always email ubuntu-friendly mailing list, it's very closely monitored by checkbox developers too15:32
akgranernoted - and will do thanks15:32
roadmrwe could also potentially report showstopper bugs in checkbox to the mailing list, but I'd hesitate to do that as it will be a lot of technobabble15:33
roadmrso maybe a quick heads-up on the mailing list when checkbox has serious trouble would be worth it, all interested parties keep their eye on the list.15:34
roadmrany more comments on system testing on Oneiric?15:35
roadmrok then, let's move on to...15:36
roadmr[TOPIC] Any Other Business15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Any Other Business
roadmrgot something to share with the Ubuntu Friendly community? now's the chance!15:37
roadmrnothing? :)15:39
roadmrwell then, let's wrap up. Don't forget that you can always speak up on the next meeting, or on the ubuntu-friendly mailing list. We like to get feedback!15:39
roadmrthanks everyone for showing up, we really appreciate your comments and participation, we'll get working on the agreed actions, see you next time!15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep  5 15:41:01 2011 UTC.15:41
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-05-15.01.moin.txt15:41
akgranerroadmr, thank you! great meeting15:41
roadmrakgraner: thanks ! yep, we had some interesting stuff to discuss15:43
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