
Flannelshrug.  I don't think we should endorse it, but the only valid use-case I can see for it in #u I think a regular google would suffice.00:00
Flannel(that use-case being, "If you want to explore more on your own, try searching with a search engine!"00:00
ikoniaFlannel I won't be endorsing it00:01
Flannel(The situation that it was used in #u was not a valid use case) ("Hi I need help, I can'00:01
Flannel(The situation that it was used in #u was not a valid use case) ("Hi I need help, I can't help, try searching with this instead!")00:02
ikoniathat's how bob works00:02
ikoniabobweaver just throws random stuff, but the connection I'm on at the moment isn't best placed to deal with it/him00:02
=== tardis is now known as evilrww
=== vddlogger is now known as parislogger
=== evilrww is now known as rww
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=== skynet is now known as jtrucks
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhang<Darkr> Sorry, got disconnected.08:54
bazhangtempted to give the !work factoid, must resist09:07
Jordan_Ubazhang: AptonCD has been known to sit around on the couch all day.09:09
bazhangJordan_U, hehe nice09:10
ubottuIn ubottu, pc_ said: 7 <ubottu> fan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html11:09
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
* Myrtti lies on the floor in awaitance of the death blow13:26
IdleOnethat doesn't sound good13:26
MyrttiI'm sure someone will tell me off for cussing in the channel13:27
Myrttiso I'll just wait here for the tut-tut's13:27
* Myrtti lies back down13:27
IdleOneyou cursed?13:27
=== parislogger is now known as transitlogger
popeyI just installed xchat-gnome and opened it for the first time, it drops me in #ubuntu. Is that wise?19:09
Myrttimany IRC clients do that19:09
popeyI thought they put you in #ubuntu-XX19:10
MyrttiI don't know if that is something that can be set during the localisation phase19:11
rwwnope, they all put you in #ubuntu19:11
rwwthat was one of the things discussed in That LP Bug about #ubuntu, thoughts were that it'd be a pain for small LoCos or something, iono.19:12
jribshould open both19:16
tsimpsonimplementation of that ^ is also non-trivial19:27
Myrttimy internet died...20:26
knomerest in peace20:28
Myrttistupid elisa20:29
knomeglorious nebula20:29
Tm_Tinternet is dead, long live internet20:29
knomeyay for private backbone!!20:31
oCeanhmm.. in the DevelopmentCodeNames page, in the List of adjectives "pink" has already "panther" appended20:40
Myrttiover 30 minutes now20:47
MyrttiDinux17 :-(20:55
Myrttihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XrRwruU8DE WHEEEEEEeeee20:59
knomeMyrtti, lol21:14
knomehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuF8RLnTnlA awesomeness21:16
Kotakewhy am I banned in #ubuntu?23:48
KotakeI don't remember being on the channel at all, if anyone could dig it up it'd be appreciated23:48
popeyhello Kotake23:48
rwwI think this one's mine, one sec.23:49
rwwah, right23:50
rwwKotake: repeated problematic comments in Spanish23:50
rwwon 2011-09-0423:50
Kotakeanyway, thank you23:51
Kotakehaha I remember that lol23:51
rwwCam: Something we can help you with?23:51
Kotakedidn't recall the targets though23:51
Camrww: asl?23:51
CamYo no hablo ingles senor23:51
rwwCam: We don't do spectators here, please find somewhere else amusing to play :)23:51
CamDebo salir... adios.23:51
Camrww: it's just sodamn funny though.23:51

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