
ballDoes Xubuntu benefit at all from the GPUs in those new AMD APU things?00:00
ball(or Unity Ubuntu for that matter)00:02
ali1234xubuntu: no00:02
ali1234unity: depends if theres a driver same as any video card00:03
ballHmm... okay.00:03
ballWondering what to replace my daughter's PC with.00:03
ali1234a pony?00:03
ballOkay, I should go and work on this numberplate before it gets too dark00:04
ballali1234: Her birthday's this month and I would have bought her a bicycle, but she's not allowed to ride one at the moment.00:04
ballOh well.  I'll probably be back later.00:06
=== Summer is now known as Autumn
=== Autumn is now known as AirHead
AirHeadLeast this aint taken01:11
HazRPGokay... so I just told brasero to burn at 4x speed (DVD) - yet its still writing at 7x - 9.3x (disc supports up to 16x) - is brasero just trying to annoy me?01:45
MartijnVdSprobably the drive that doesn't support low-speed burning04:21
MartijnVdSHazRPG: also, DVD writing = CLV (constant linear velocity, changing RPM all the time), high-speed CDs as well04:22
MartijnVdSlow-speed CD burning is CAV (constant _angular_ velocity, i.e. unchanging RPM)04:23
MartijnVdSor was it very-high-speed burning?04:23
MartijnVdSone of the two :)04:23
MartijnVdSanyway, it's that - CLV vs CAV04:24
Azelphurhmm, might buy this http://www.bitcoinclassifieds.net/ad/524_Toshiba_Qosmio_Laptop/ :o04:34
AzelphurI have the BTC for it and it looks awesome.04:34
HazRPGMartijnVdS: iirc, the drive should support low speed burning06:21
HazRPGthat's the odd thing06:21
HazRPGI remember burning at 4x on this drive06:21
HazRPGAzelphur: how do you have BTC? o.O?06:22
AzelphurI mine?06:22
MartijnVdSALL MINE 8-)06:23
Azelphuranyway, havn't slept yet, going to do that now06:24
* Azelphur waves06:24
MooDoohello all06:55
tris2468too early :S07:10
DJonesMorning all07:11
* daubers intends to go ask to be taught to paint war hammer miniatures07:12
daubersHooray for days off07:12
brobostigongood morning everyone.07:27
MooDoomorning brobostigon07:30
brobostigonmorning MooDoo07:30
TheOpenSourcereryo brobostigon07:32
brobostigonmorning TheOpenSourcerer07:33
popeyMorning all07:35
* daubers could spend this afternoon on webby type funness07:35
* daubers goes to catch a bus07:51
MartijnVdShttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PutOnABus ? :(07:53
JamesTaitHappy Monday, everyone!08:07
MooDoohowdy JamesTait08:11
bigcalmGood moaning08:11
czajkowskigrrrr at lappy, it keeps saying it needs to report an issue, but doesn't tell me what;s failing and when I click report DIDDLY SQUAT happens08:20
gordi have a deep hate for apport08:20
czajkowskigord: well this is oneiric I upgraded expected *some* issues but this is being bloody annoying08:21
czajkowskiif I click anything it appears08:21
* TheOpenSourcerer noticed that trying to run skype on Oneric (so it run minimised to system tray) fails. On each login the skype gui opens.08:21
jpdsczajkowski: It's trying to report a user error?08:23
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: I think there is something in the oneiric release notes about skype08:23
MooDooyup it doesn't work :D08:24
* TheOpenSourcerer goes to google.08:24
gordczajkowski, yup, something crashed a long time ago, but apport notices you are around so thinks "hey lets give the user an error report" - least thats what happens to me08:25
gordthen nothing happens because apport hates us08:25
gordi just disable apport, i know how to file bugs08:25
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: That is different I think. Skype works (Oneric is on my little Eee PC and 32bit).08:26
TheOpenSourcererIt just opens full screen rather than just the icon on the top bar.08:26
AlanBellyeah, it is not quite right, I just recalled seeing something as I skimmed the notes08:26
czajkowskigord: indeed it won't bugger off and die either08:27
AlanBellit really makes oneiric a bit untestable08:30
AlanBellglobal menu keeps coming and going, the screen jiggles about, you can't click on things and apport is constantly popping up and being useless08:30
HazRPGhey all \o08:30
MartijnVdS\o haz08:31
brobostigonmorning HazRPG08:31
HazRPGbrobostigon: morning :)08:32
HazRPGMartijnVdS: :) \o08:32
HazRPGSeems people didn't like my tutorial on using irc through empathy08:32
HazRPGit wasn't meant to be a "Empathy is amazing! Use it for IRC!" type video, it was just meant to be a "if you want to use empathy for irc, then this is how you do it..."08:33
HazRPGoh well08:33
TheOpenSourcererLove the Freddie Mercury Doodle on Google today: http://www.google.co.uk/08:40
HazRPGTheOpenSourcerer: Hehe, I spotted it last night on .co.nz ;)08:41
* czajkowski kicks apport 08:41
czajkowskifecking work08:41
* TheOpenSourcerer is surprised czajkowski isn't kicking people rather than inanimate collections of code ;-)08:42
jpdsczajkowski: /etc/default/apport08:42
* MooDoo wants to be beaten by czajkowski he's a sucker for punihement08:42
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: nobody here to kick08:42
jpdsczajkowski: Then /kline them.08:42
czajkowskithsnkd jpds08:43
LewisCawtehmm, when did I set that meeting for... should probably add it to my calendar..08:54
evilchristelMooDoo: i say!08:54
MooDooevilchristel: what do you say?08:55
czajkowskiMooDoo: you are a glutten for punishment08:56
MooDooczajkowski: i know, must like you or something ;)08:57
MooDooevilchristel: :P back :D08:57
evilchristelMooDoo: may i suggest that you go see a film in november?08:58
MooDooevilchristel: what film?08:59
* evilchristel shhows off a bit08:59
evilchristel(http://www.imdb.com/video/wab/vi1450220569/ for trailerage)09:00
evilchristeland ill have you know that the post-editing is being done using free software09:00
* evilchristel nods09:00
MooDoocool :D09:00
AlanBello/ evilchristel09:03
evilchristelhellooo AlanBell \o/09:03
AlanBellfor those who missed it so far . . . http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1257/detail/09:04
=== wcooke_ is now known as willcooke
AlanBelltop tip, before raging at the brokenness of pulse audio, check you have the microphone and headphone plugs in the right sockets09:13
MartijnVdSOn oneiric, flash is broken again wrt pulse09:14
MartijnVdSyou can either play sound through pulseaudio, OR have audio in flash09:14
MartijnVdSnot both at the same time09:14
LewisCawteAnd that you don't have stuff muted in your sound preferences... that happens automaticly whenever I plug in stuff (strange...)09:14
Laney"When/if you show up, you agree to the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.", weird09:26
davmor2morning all10:02
MooDoomorning davmor210:03
davmor2MooDoo: morning dude10:03
davmor2morning czajkowski how's life?10:03
MooDoodavmor2: how are you bud?10:04
czajkowskidavmor2: ello10:04
tris2468hey people10:04
davmor2MooDoo: Tell your missus to get a move on or I'll lose out on the baby pool ;)10:04
davmor2MooDoo: I'm good dude nicely rested but not enjoying my inbox :(10:05
evilchristelgosh, she still hasnt hatched?10:05
MooDoodavmor2: pmsl10:06
popeytwitter seems broken, i typed in the web interface but clicking the button does nothing10:07
MooDooevilchristel: nope, 5 days over now10:07
popeymy tweet doesn't post10:07
popeyreload page works10:08
davmor2MooDoo: I've got +7 and 2 hours in the baby pool  so around 2 am in two days would be good ;)10:10
MooDoodavmor2: it's got to be before sat....got to be10:10
popeyMooDoo: tried curry / washing the car / painting / sex ?10:11
MooDoopopey: yes all those...10:11
MooDoostubborn little tyke just doesn't want to come out10:11
popeymy mother in law was induced by car washing, my son was induced by painting10:11
MooDooi just don't want them born on sat as that is number 1 son's 3rd birthday10:12
* Myrtti shakes head and goes to make tea, giggling10:13
DJonesMooDoo: A neighbour had a baby girl on sunday morning, she was about a week late, saturday was the neighbours 21st birthday, baby arrived about 3am on sunday morning10:13
popeymy kids birthdays are a week apart10:13
popeySon is 5 tomorrow :D10:13
bigcalmMine is 3 days after my sister's10:13
MooDoomy wife's is 20 mins before mine :D10:14
davmor2popey: and you still forget when they are, man you're an evil dad ;)10:15
Myrttiwell I guess this would make organizing Ubuntu UK pubnights easier10:16
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie
Myrtti"In September, can't do, our kids have their birthdays"10:17
AlanBellthey should put some better stuff on the telly at christmas really10:17
LewisCawteChristmas TV used to be good... theres never any films on anymore10:24
DJonesLewisCawte: Thats because they've already been broadcast by Sky during the year, so definately very little in the way of new blockbusters10:25
Myrttithere used to be a musical or a really good film on in Finnish tv after midnight on the 23rd of December10:26
LewisCawteah, well they should put Myhtbusters christmas specials on BBC1 then :P10:26
MartijnVdSMyrtti: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinner_for_One ?10:27
LewisCawteReally not wanting to go back to school... just seen my timetable for the year10:27
Myrttisince the Christmas dinner is on 24th here, people bake the Christmas Ham on the 23rd/24th10:27
LaneyChristmas Ham... sounds nicer than turkey10:27
evilchristelmost things are nicer than turkey!10:28
MyrttiMartijnVdS: that they show on new years10:28
MartijnVdSMyrtti: Strange custom, that :)10:28
bigcalmevilchristel: Greece?10:30
bigcalmThank you, I'm here all week10:30
Myrttitry the fish10:30
MooDooevilchristel: why are you evil today?10:32
evilchristelsometimes you just wake up in a devilish mood10:33
* evilchristel tickles MooDoo 10:33
MooDooevilchristel: you can stop that now....*giggle*10:33
Featurefreakhi guys.. was trying to listen to a radio stream in DeaadBeef, anyone used deadbeef?11:01
Featurefreakadd Llocatoin it just doesn't seem to like the url, banshee has no problem with it, but i want deadbeef, much lighter11:02
popeynever heard of it11:02
Featurefreakdnbradio works, but everadio isn't working11:03
Featurefreakdnb is an msu url, eve-radio is a listen.pls11:04
Featurefreakmaybe it just odesn't support pls..11:04
Featurefreakjust for your interst11:04
Featurefreaki have to say i like it.11:04
Featurefreakso far anywa, other than this pls issue11:04
popeylook lean11:05
Featurefreakyup, great for my Eeepc11:05
Featurefreakwas doing a search for lightweight players yesterday, so far this one is onhe surface the best i've tried11:06
FeaturefreakGuayadeck is another11:06
Featurefreakand one other i tried.. what was it..11:06
FeaturefreakI was blown away at how HEVAY Exaile is11:06
Featurefreakwrose than rhythmbox or banshee on ram11:07
MartijnVdSand those are hogs already11:07
Featurefreakthat's why i'm looking for a banshee alternative11:08
MartijnVdSrhythmbox :)11:09
brobostigonVLC :)11:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Bell] Open Source Sells Planes - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/09/05/open-source-sells-planes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=open-source-sells-planes11:09
FeaturefreakMartijnVdS: it's no better than banshee11:09
Featurefreak6 months old, but shows the releative weightiness of 5 players according to this guys tests anyway. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/omg-5-five-lightweight-music-players/11:10
Featurefreakand there was one i saw with a screen grab of system monitor with amarok, rhythmbox banshee Exhail(or is it Exaile) and a few others11:12
Featurefreakrhythmbox is supprisingly no better than banshee according to that11:12
Featurefreakand Exaile(yeh i thinks that was it) wwas almost another 50% ram on top of those11:12
Featurefreakpitty, i like python11:13
MartijnVdShave yo utried quodlibet?11:13
* Featurefreak eye's his as yet unread Wrox C++ professional book11:13
MartijnVdSmpd + mpc?11:14
Featurefreakquodlibet,, hmm, searching11:14
MartijnVdSguayadeque - lightweight music player11:16
Featurefreakyup, looked that up, but not sure it's as light as DeadBeef, or as feature rich, though i've not finished trying it out yet11:16
Featurefreakmpd mpc looks interesting,,11:16
Featurefreakjust when i tried DeadBeef, it's options were just very well thought out11:17
Featurefreakmade more sense than anything else so far11:17
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
Featurefreaktrying out mpd+mpc, guayadeque, deadbeef and maybe one more, if anyone has a suggstion,, i'll post something about my tests on my massively neglected blog11:18
MartijnVdSNot quodlibet?11:20
Featurefreakoh, soryr, yeh, i'll keep that one in the list11:20
Featurefreakhmm, lot of packages for that one, quote fragmented packaging11:21
MartijnVdSapt-get install quodlibet11:22
Featurefreakmm, quote=quite11:23
Featurefreakwee, more dist-packages noise in my python path11:23
FeaturefreakMartijnVdS: yes i know11:23
FeaturefreakMartijnVdS: just saying it pulled 12 packages, as opposed to the normal 1 or 2 at most11:23
Featurefreaklotta python, not holding out hope for it's efficiency here.11:24
MartijnVdSFeaturefreak: it's fast and doesn't keep everything in memory11:24
MartijnVdSthat counts as "small" to me11:24
Featurefreaksure, just saying.11:25
Featurefreaki'm being all judgy cause this is my test, and i'm gonna be hyper critical, just cause i can :)11:25
Featurefreakhmm, quodlibet, mpd+mpc, Deadbeef, guayadeque,, one more? can't write a blog post that's not "list of 5 xyz's"11:38
czajkowskihttp://likeknow.com/ *sigh*  really in this day and age :/11:38
Featurefreakczajkowski: hehe, flashblock is doing a number on that site.11:40
czajkowskiI don't see it as being funny11:41
Featurefreakwhat? the message of it's ok to copy pastte code that you don't fully understand and expect to be ok to submit as work?11:42
FeaturefreakI don't see anything wrong with that at alll </sarcasm>11:42
Featurefreakhehe, it's funny, my internet speeds up when i /part #ubuntu11:44
DJonesAlanBell: Another MS dodgy dealing for you from wikileaks http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http://www.fhimt.com/2011/09/04/microsoft-et-ben-ali-wikileaks-confirme-les-soupcons-d%25E2%2580%2599une-aide-pour-la-surveillance-des-citoyens-tunisiens/11:46
kvarleyI get "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" when I try and login to mysql on my machine. what am I doing wrong?11:55
diplokvarley: Incorrect password12:02
diploOr no password set and you are trying to log in with one12:02
kvarleydiplo: DOH!12:02
kvarleydiplo: I was one character off getting the pass right! I was confused cos I thought passsword: YES meant I got it right :/12:02
kvarleydiplo: Sorry for my noobyness! :P12:03
kvarleyThank you12:03
=== OmNomDeFrog is now known as OmNomDeBonBon
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
davmor2MooDoo: is it nearly here yet?13:11
MooDoodavmor2: no sign yet, only 5 days late...13:12
davmor2MooDoo: is it nearly here yet?13:13
* MooDoo slaps davmor2 13:13
davmor2:D man I'm evil13:13
czajkowskiyou don't say13:13
davmor2MooDoo: it was as close to the back of the car chant as I could get it13:14
davmor2czajkowski: no I did say honest it's a few lines up13:14
czajkowskino I disgread that as unreadable pixels from you13:14
czajkowskihands up who is running Oneiric ?13:15
davmor2czajkowski: so how did you know what I said to comment on it :P13:15
MooDooczajkowski: o/13:15
czajkowskiif so can you right click the trash can as it's been renamed now and click empty, how long before it actually empties13:15
davmor20/ amounst others13:15
MooDooczajkowski: pretty much straight away, but i'm using SSD so that may be a factor?13:16
czajkowskishouldb't be13:16
czajkowskion natty it would do it pretty much straight away13:16
czajkowskigwibber now showing 106 messages13:16
czajkowskican't open still13:16
MooDoo#dontrunthisreally sudo apt-get --purge remove gwibber* ;)13:17
davmor2czajkowski: straight away did you hide the popup dialogue by any chance?13:18
czajkowskidavmor2: I click empthy trash13:18
czajkowskitrash dialgoue is still up for about 4 mins the decides to empty it13:19
davmor2czajkowski: and that throws up a dialogue boxes asking for confirmation13:19
czajkowskidavmor2: aye not yet it hasn't13:19
davmor2czajkowski: then you broke oneiric works fine here13:20
Featurefreakmmmm, oneirik,, 1 month,, looking forward to new unity13:20
czajkowskihow do I file a bug against trash13:20
davmor2czajkowski: it works for everyone else in the entire universe so it's only you I'm afraid :P  bug == fix release confiscate all of czajkowski computers :D13:22
czajkowskidavmor2: don't tempt me13:23
czajkowskiI've had about 3 regression bugs so far13:23
czajkowskiand 3 non workings13:23
czajkowskiok have to get ready13:23
czajkowskiback later folks13:23
Featurefreakczajkowski: dmesg or syslog or anything intersting when you click or when it finishes it's 4minute wait?13:23
davmor2czajkowski: works fine here, seriously.  Have you updated this morning?13:23
czajkowskidavmor2: yes13:24
czajkowskiand all weekend during the UGJ when I was working on stuff13:24
czajkowskiback later13:24
diploThought the channel had gone quite14:00
diploMy ssh connection had dropped :P14:00
MooDooalthough it is quiet too14:01
The_FredDoes anyone know if xdotool works withhhhhhhhhhunity?14:01
diploHadn't seen anything since 1pm but not taken much notice either14:01
The_Fred*curses stupid usb keyboard14:01
diploand thought i'd say afternoon, and had a broken pipe :)14:02
The_FredI'll try again: Does anyone w if xdotool works with Unity?14:02
daubers!info xdotool14:03
lubotu3xdotool (source: xdotool): simulate X11 keyboard/mouse input. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.20100701.2961-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 35 kB, installed size 116 kB14:03
The_Fredthanks daubers14:03
daubersThe_Fred:  No idea :) Don't see why it wouldn't if it's working at the X layer14:03
The_Fredah! I though Unity was a complete re-wor from X..... good to know - cheers14:03
daubersNope, it's essentially a set of compiz plugins (fwiu)14:04
The_FredDoes anyone else have problems with usb keyboards getting confused when typing quickly?14:04
* The_Fred listens to the roar of silence14:05
diploNope not really The_Fred14:06
diplocheap one ?14:06
diploI use Dell/MS ones and never had an issue14:06
The_FredThis is some sub £10 BUSH keyboard from Argos...14:06
diploBut... cheap Kensington one I used to have may have been problematic but not used it in years14:06
The_FredI was told that the firmware of USB keyboards can be re-flashed, but I've no idea where to get a better .hex file to upgrade this one...14:07
diploThe_Fred: I can say I have never tried, I'd just get a better keyboard ?14:15
ali1234what's a name for free bundled software that the OEM was paid to include?14:16
The_FredI'll see what I can do, and maybe post a 'how-to'...14:16
The_Fredali1234, bloat?14:17
MooDooali1234: bundled software i would say14:17
ali1234i need a snappy word for it14:17
ali1234that is derogatory but not offensive14:17
ali1234bloatware is not really specific enough14:18
The_Fredali1234,  about proprietary payload?14:18
MooDoodon't think there is one, it's always been bundled software14:18
ali1234i want to say crapware but i don't want to put a swearword in a professional document14:18
ali1234but i still want to use rhetoric lol14:18
DJonesali1234: Have you seen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-installed_software14:19
ali1234yes i am reading it now14:19
DJonesI like "Craplets"14:19
DJonesShovelware :)14:20
daubersDunno why, but opera seems quite appropriate when it's hammering down with rain14:20
MooDooDJones: you don't like non linux stuff do you :)14:21
ali1234shovelware was another one i tried but it doesn't really mean the same thing14:21
DJonesMooDoo: I wouldn't say that, I just don't use it if I don't have to, if it works, does the job efficiently and properly, I don't have anything against it14:22
dogmatic69anyone know that site you can visit and it shows os / browser etc14:22
DJonesdogmatic69: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/detect.html14:23
dogmatic69it was a bit more than that14:24
dogmatic69for dumb users to help sys admins etc14:24
DJonesdogmatic69: You mean, Admin speaking to user "What browser are you using", reply "Google" As my dad keeps saying whether he's using Chrome/Firefox/IE etc14:25
dogmatic69send them to site xyz prints out all web2.0 browser, os, screen size etc etc14:26
DJonesOne of these days, I'll change his search engine to bing to confuse him14:26
dogmatic69omg. why did you change my OS14:27
The_Freddogmatic69, would wolframalpha be the one to use? they have all kinds of sts14:28
* The_Fred *stats14:28
=== lukeb is now known as kazade
dogmatic69The_Fred: its a purpose made site14:29
The_FredIs anyone else here now going to be taking Stanford Uni's free course in A.I. ?14:29
AlanBellali1234: the retailers call it a supplimental revenue opportunity14:39
ali1234ha ha that's perfect14:39
AlanBellfor the kickbacks from the trials14:39
AlanBellwe were telling a major high street brand about the awesomeness of pre-installed Ubuntu14:40
AlanBelland that we had no silly trial copies of software, office suites, anti-virus etc.14:40
AlanBellwe include everything, full versions14:40
AlanBell"where are my supplimental revenue opportunities then?"14:41
ali1234that's not really the same thing14:44
=== lukeb is now known as kazade
AlanBelldifferent part of the chain, but same motivations14:59
AlanBellthey were mad about Kaspersky anti-virus14:59
popeygood kickback?15:00
AlanBellI asked if it was better than others15:00
AlanBellyes, about double the kickback15:00
popeyfancy that15:00
AlanBellthey didn't even register that there was another way to measure "good"15:00
popeywith the low profit margin on hardware, its not surprising they seek revenue streams elsewhere15:01
AlanBellindeed, the lack of trialware and general crapware in Ubuntu makes it hard to get pre-installed15:02
AlanBellbasically on an average PC the cost of windows is offset by the revenue from the crapware15:02
popeyis there a kaspersky for linux? ;)15:03
AlanBellthere is now, yes15:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Bazaar Explorer Talk in 2 hours - http://blogs.kde.org/node/447515:09
diplothere has been Kaspersky for linux for some time, I used to use it on our linux servers15:12
davmor2AlanBell: The Cask is a good call for a pub in London after being there myself :)15:16
davmor2AlanBell: although the Wifi sucks and it's loud so more drinking and shouting than talking unless you take over the PUB :)15:18
suprengr...and - at last - the truth we all knew http://activepolitic.com:82/Outside_News/9720.html15:20
davmor2popey: put that sheep down you don't know where it's been15:40
suprengrbigcalm, take that mint out of your mouth, you don't know where it's been15:41
suprengrthinking of identities: definiton requested - in Ubuntu-UK's terminology - when a 'LUG' is mentioned, would that be a *Linux* User Group or a *Local* User Group [as in a group for local *Ubuntu* users]?15:42
jpdssuprengr: Linux.15:42
jpdssuprengr: Local User Group is LoCo team.15:42
lubotu3Lug's are Linux User Groups. You can find your local group here: http://www.linux.org/groups/15:42
suprengrok -I got the hint15:43
popeyhome time15:43
* suprengr spots popey leaving work early15:44
DJonespopey: part timer15:44
gr33npeaceafternoon all... I'm trying to recommend ubuntu to a spanish speaking friend... is ubuntu.com available in Spanish?15:49
The_Fredtry google translate???15:49
gr33npeaceI couldn't see an option to change the language on the website!15:49
gr33npeaceThe_Fred: thanks... but have you ever used Google Translate to translate technical information??  :)15:50
DJonesgr33npeace: This might help (I think its more the loco channel though) http://www.ubuntu-es.org/15:51
The_Fredyea, I know - but it was just a quick suggestion15:51
gr33npeaceThe_Fred: hehe, no worries... appreciate it!15:55
The_Fredgr33npeace, np, its all good15:55
gr33npeaceDJones: thanks, I'll check it out!  Was really surprised that the main website doesn't have a language switcher!15:56
ali1234i am surprised by this too15:57
ali1234maybe we should open a bug report15:57
jmlapp dev week starting right now15:57
ali1234what's that?15:58
jmlUbuntu App Developer Week is a week of sessions aimed at enabling and inspiring developers to write applications that scratch their itches.15:59
DJonesgr33npeace: Just asked the question, ubuntu.com isn't available in spanish, the website I suggested was the one thats just been suggested to me15:59
gr33npeaceDJones: thanks mate, I've directed him straight to the download page on ubuntu.com and passed him the link to the community as well16:07
gr33npeaceDJones: interestingly the installer works nicely and detects your language using your IP address (if on a wired connection)16:08
popey\o/ home16:33
Myrttioh boy17:14
Myrttithe whole Queen at Wembley is in Youtube ♥17:14
brobostigonMyrtti: link please. :)17:15
Myrttihttp://www.youtube.com/user/queenofficial (or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPUqQrMEs2Y )17:15
brobostigonthank you Myrtti :)17:15
jacobwMyrtti: :D17:45
davmor2I'm going to watch it on dvd after I think :)17:49
jacobwlol @ freddie's yodelling18:04
olyhi, guys i am after a signed certificate any recomendations ? or anyone doing it for free ?18:06
MartijnVdSNot diginotar :)18:06
MartijnVdSoly: do you mean certificate for a website, or a PGP/GnuPG key?18:07
olycurrently been doing self signed google results in a free free ones but not sure if there legit :p18:07
olycertificate for a website18:07
MartijnVdSoly: if you register your domain with gandi.net, they'll give you a certificate free for a year18:07
olyto get rid of the my website is untrusted error :p18:07
olythe domains are already registered18:07
MartijnVdSoly: also, certificates start at around £10/year18:07
olyyeah i saw 123reg doing them for £10 a year18:08
MartijnVdSStick to a well-trusted party to get your certificates18:08
olyyeah that was my main intrest is are there any free trust worthy ones :p18:08
MartijnVdSnot really, no18:09
MartijnVdSoly: I know these are good -- http://www.networking4all.com/en/18:09
olycheers MartijnVdS will check them out18:10
MartijnVdSthey're a bit more expensive than £1018:10
MartijnVdSbut they're _good_ and give a lot of support18:11
MartijnVdSWorth it if you're selling stuff through that web site18:11
MartijnVdSoly: http://www.networking4all.com/en/ssl+certificates/wizard/site/no+ev/no+company/no+mobile/no+san/no+wildcard/no+sgc/one+server/ -- cheapest option (least features)18:11
olymobile device support ? surely thats the same as any other browser :p18:13
MartijnVdSoly: Mostly, but some mobile devices don't include CAs18:13
MartijnVdSnot all common ones, anyway18:13
olyah did not realise that18:13
MartijnVdSwell back in the WAP days, phone memory was precious18:14
MartijnVdSalso, if it's for some private thing, go for the cheapest18:17
MartijnVdSif it's for a company/work, go with something better/more expensive (fewer "lost visitors" and if you go for EV certs, also a cool nice green address bar)18:18
olyyeah it private mainly / testing got my own email server and website but its all using self signed so you get those annoying messages18:18
MartijnVdSI used the free one I got with my domain for my NAS :)18:18
olyi hate the fact i need to pay though just to prove my site is trusted to a browser i only want the encryption :p18:19
jacobwyou don't have to18:19
olywell you do to get rid of the browser warning else anyone i give a link to get told my sites may be untrustworthy18:21
MartijnVdSyou can make your very own CA18:22
MartijnVdSand add it to the "trusted CAs" list of your browser/system18:22
MartijnVdSbut it's more hassle :)18:22
olyyeah and only works for me :p18:22
olyalways seemed a bit silly, why does making a website encrypted magically make it untrustworthy, i dont get warned google may be untrustworth if i access it as http://www.google.co.uk/18:24
MartijnVdSyeah with the whole DigiNotar hack that's now surfacing (after 2 months!) people might start looking for better ways to model trust18:24
olyi can hope :)18:26
MartijnVdSbut that doesn't help you _now_ :)18:26
olynope, will have to just get a certificate :)18:26
ali1234what you should actually do is give your users the right certificate to install in their browsers18:28
ali1234this is especially what banks should do as well18:28
ali1234banks should all be self signing their webpages18:28
olybut my users would be friends and family not like an organisation where i can deploy one out to everyone18:30
ali1234so in other words they are getting something for nothing?18:30
ali1234then if they don't like it, they know what to do :)18:30
ali1234anyway the point is the problem isn't the ssl model of trust18:31
ali1234the problem is users don't understand it, and the websites don't want to educate them on how to use it properly18:31
ali1234so we end up with a few root certificates that everyone uses, which makes a single point of failure18:32
olyi guess thats the thing its not the trust part its the encryption, why cant you use encryption with out trust with out the warning18:32
ali1234that is also part of the problem18:32
ali1234but there is good reason18:33
ali1234when you visit an encryted web page you have no pre shared key18:33
ali1234so an attacker ca easily do a mitm attack on you18:33
ali1234since the mitm is the only one who could snoop the connection anyway18:34
ali1234this would make https sites completely pointless18:34
ali1234so really if you want that you might as well just turn off encryption18:34
olyyeah i get your point, still annoying though18:35
ali1234the only solution is a really easy method for swapping certificates that any joe random can do18:36
ali1234inegrate it on facebook or something18:36
olyhum, interesting idea social trust network sort of thing18:37
ali1234not really18:37
ali1234its just about getting people the keys18:37
olywhy not, i mean like i create my certificate put it on a site and it distributes to other people that i trust ?18:38
olythen they would not get the warning18:38
ali1234you give your certificate (the public part) to everyone18:38
ali1234the thing is the certs don't model the web of trust18:41
ali1234they only verify identity18:41
ali1234it's still up to the user whether they trust the person or not18:41
olyokay think i get you,18:42
ali1234if people understood this, it wouldn't matter if the certificate houses would sign certs for "mr bankrobber"18:42
ali1234as long as they didn't give him a cert in the name of barclays or whatever, which is what happened here18:43
ali1234because merely having a signed certificate is not supposed to prove you are trustworthy18:43
ali1234just that you are the person the cert says you are, good or bad18:43
=== evilchristel is now known as evilcookie
AlanBellmmm evilcookies18:48
=== evilcookie is now known as christel
zleaptrying to get my head round the xchat program in 11,04  seems quite a few of the options are possibly hidden somewhere19:05
popeythats xchat-gnome I suspect19:06
popeyit's a dumbed down xchat19:06
zleapah no wonder i can't find stuff,19:06
MartijnVdSI wonder what they'll strip for xchat-gnome319:06
popeyyou'll start it and it will autojoin one giant channel called #gnome-love19:06
zleapi thought it was simplky goingto be xchat but using the gnome libs etc19:06
zleappopey, a good idea would be having auto join #ubuntu19:07
popeyit auto joins your localised ubuntu channel19:07
popeyyou dont want lots of non-en speaking people dumped in an en-only channel19:07
zleapi was going to suggest that too,  have it auto detect where you are and auto join accordingly19:08
popeyit does exactly that19:08
zleapmaybe i need to install xchat too19:08
popeyIt's dropped me in #ubuntu19:09
popeythats not optimal19:09
zleapits things like this that make it very hard to write docs for people on how to joiin a channel e.g the local lug channel19:09
popeydont use a client, point them at webchat?19:09
zleapi do but its helpful to help them set up xchat sometimes19:10
zleapbut I can do that at physical lug meets19:10
zleapohh thanks i can add that to my website19:10
popeyyeah, you can embed it in a page too19:10
popeyhttp://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/live/ like that19:11
zleapthat would be useful19:11
popeyit seems I was wrong, it does put you in #ubuntu, not #ubuntu-xx, sorry zleap19:11
zleappopey, no probs19:11
zleapis it possible to do that,  auto connect to a local channel19:11
jacobwlol @ reetleet.org19:12
jacobwvery possible19:12
zleapjoin #dclg19:18
zleapjoin #dcug19:18
zleapsorry about that typed /server instead of /newserver19:19
zleaphi balor19:22
zleaphi krimzon19:25
zleapwell that was a waste of time,  i connect to my local lug channel and its hardly active19:26
=== MichealH is now known as PythonCat
=== PythonCat is now known as MichealH
daubersHow goes the rest of the world this evening?20:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Five Years At Canonical - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/05/five-years-at-canonical/20:09
gordhaving a hard time convincing a friend of mine to get a revo... he keeps talking about getting some terrible WD thing20:13
StevenRgord: revo? little atom computer thing?20:15
StevenRWD thing?20:16
gordthey make for excellent media players with xbmc20:16
gordWD live or something like that, i don't know, its WD and its cheep so it'll break within a yera20:16
* StevenR uses mythtv instead :)20:17
* tris2468 loves mythtv20:17
* funkyHat is probably going to be using mythtv soon. Need to find a good tuner card though20:17
funkyHatI found a dual hauppage one but I couldn't find it listed on the linuxtv wiki20:18
StevenRfunkyHat: which?20:18
StevenRthe nova dvb thing?20:18
funkyHatHang on20:18
* StevenR uses a couple of usb ones....they work reasonably20:18
tris2468i ahve 4 tuners on mine all able to do 5 from the dmux, so can record 15 chnnels at a time20:18
StevenRtris2468: umm.. how does that work? 4x5 is 20....20:19
tris2468yeah... one of them isnt working20:19
* StevenR has 2x220:19
funkyHatStevenR: yeah, that's the one http://www.ebuyer.com/113962-hauppauge-wintv-nova-t-dvb-t-digital-freeview-usb-tv-tuner-stick-29420:20
funkyHathuh... perhaps not. I see no mention of dual channels on there :/20:20
StevenRfunkyHat: that's what I use, it's only a single tuner, but you can record multiple streams from the same mux20:20
TheOpenSourcerertris2468: Out of interest what card do you use?20:21
StevenRfunkyHat: I have two of them20:21
funkyHatI don't know what that means, but ok :D20:21
tris2468TheOpenSourcerer: ooh two are built into the Acer Aspire Idea 510, other is a dual USB hauppuage Nova stick thing20:21
TheOpenSourcerercool. thanks.20:22
TheOpenSourcererHave been contemplating building a tv box thingy for ages...20:22
StevenRfunkyHat: digital TV in the UK is transmitted as 6 multiplexes. You tune the device's radio receiver to a multiplex, and then select one or more digital channels out of that20:22
StevenRfunkyHat: so I can record bbc1 and bbc2 at the same time on one tuner, but I need two tuners to get bbc1 and itv2 for example20:23
funkyHatOnly issue is I don't know if we can get freeview with our aerial... we're just using free satellite channels at the moment (well, we also have cable -_-)20:23
ali1234technically speaking each mux is a mpeg transport stream with multiple program streams20:23
funkyHatIdeally I'd like to replace both the sky box and the cable box but dvb-(c|s) cards I've found have been very expensive20:24
hamitronali1234: how do-able to record everything?20:24
ali1234trivial in fact20:24
ali1234all you need is 6 tuners20:24
* hamitron doesn't want to sound greedy20:24
StevenRand lots of disk20:24
ali1234BBC did it 6 years ago using linux and a raid20:24
mgdmsomeday it'll be doable with one nice big software-defined radio \o/20:25
ali1234recorded everything for 1 week20:25
ali1234mgdm: no, you still need 6 radios20:25
mgdmali1234: Yes, just now. Not once SDRs with enough bandwidth exist.20:25
hamitronhow many Gb per day?20:25
diploevening all20:25
funkyHatSo is mythtv smart enough to figure out all of the dmux switching stuff for me, I can just plug in a couple of tuners and let it do the rest?20:25
ali1234hamitron: each mux is 26mbit/s20:26
StevenRfunkyHat: you plug in tuners, tell myth to scan for stuff20:26
ali1234funkyHat: yes, it knows how to optimize the tuners to record multiple programs20:26
funkyHatCool ⢁)20:26
funkyHatAnyone using cable or satellite tuner cards?20:26
tris2468funkyHat: no i'd love to try though20:27
hamitronso i just need a 2Tb disk for each days recording20:27
StevenRfunkyHat: there's a little bit of work in setting it up, in terms of scanning, etc.... then you jsut say "record all of these shows"20:27
funkyHatStevenR: and how is it for watching live tv?20:28
ali1234hamitron: about 9TB for 7 days programs20:28
hamitrontera bytes?20:28
StevenRfunkyHat: I can sit on the end of a wireless network and watch tv (I pause it for about 6 secnds on startup to give it some buffer/jitter space, but that's down to the wireless)20:28
StevenRfunkyHat: it's just tv. just works.20:29
funkyHatThis will be just on the mythtv server box for the most part, so I'm guessing that's even simpler ⢁)20:29
StevenRfunkyHat: I can watch tv on my pc and laptop at the same time, and record at the same time.20:29
ali1234mythtv kind of sucks for livetv20:29
StevenRfunkyHat: yeah, my pc is my server is my VM host20:29
ali1234it works tho20:29
funkyHatali1234: what sucks about it?20:30
StevenRfunkyHat: you can also set up a one-off recording schedule20:30
ali1234the UI is kind of rubbish20:30
ali1234setting up remote control is arcane20:30
ali1234hamitron: http://promise.tv/images/prototype_board.jpg20:30
funkyHatWell as long as once it's set up with a remote control it carries on working, that's ok20:31
ali1234yeah if you have the patience to set up mythtv front end properly it can work really well20:31
hamitrononce there are 6Tb drives, i may consider20:31
hamitronsuppose 3Tb is fine20:31
ali1234hamitron: the thing is, there's no point20:32
ali1234because about 2/3 of the channels are shopping channels20:32
hamitronI guess20:33
ali1234and 1/2 of the rest is 24h pop music20:33
hamitronmaybe easier to just record everything though20:33
ali1234yes, but only for certain channels20:34
hamitronset it to rescan channels, record everything20:34
ali1234you might want to record the live shopping channels in case something amusing happens20:34
gordconvinced the friend to get a revo! by telling him to send it to me so i can set it up and ship to him ;)20:34
hamitronali1234: what is the nice female selling stuff live has an "embarasing" moment? ;/20:35
funkyHatgord is gonna keep the revo ;(20:35
gordfunkyHat, i already have two :P20:35
hamitronoh damn, brb20:35
funkyHatgord is gonna set up a beowulf cluster of revos ;(20:35
* hamitron gone20:35
funkyHatI can't quite keep a straight face saying beowulf cluster though20:35
The_Fredis there a way to adapt an install cd/dvd to copy itself to ram when more than 1Gb of memory is installed to speed up an instal?20:47
The_Fredno clues?21:08
StevenRoh dear21:11
* czajkowski offers gord a jammy dodger 21:13
gordnote to self, buy more jammy dodgers -_-21:13
hamitronThe_Fred: probably21:14
The_Fredhamitron, yea, its ok, good old google....21:15
hamitronyeh :)21:15
hamitronI did actually show an interest in what you are21:16
hamitronbut then realised most my systems don't have the mmeory21:16
zleapyummy jammy dodgers21:16
The_Fredi was installing ubuntu onto a laptop with 2 Gb of Ram, and realised its running off the cd, and i though to myself "why not from all that ram?"21:17
ali1234because disk cache21:19
ali1234copying it to ram wouldn't gain you anything21:20
cbx333hey guys21:20
ali1234but it would make the livecd take a lot longer to boot21:20
cbx333anyone know anything about ureadahead21:20
The_Fredali1234, ah ok, thanks for that - learn something every day :)......21:21
cbx333my pack files are only 600k21:22
cbx333why is ureadahead taking 10 seconds during boot :S21:22
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Membership Process Survey Report and Next Steps - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/05/ubuntu-membership-process-survey-report-and-next-steps/22:09
gordhttp://onliveinformer.com/2011/09/04/community-hack-allows-linuxwine-users-to-experience-onlive/ :D22:47
AlanBellI should know what onlive is should I?22:48
ali1234that thing where you play games over a video stream22:49
gordits a neat idea, you don't have to have a powerful system, you just stream the game and send keypresses to their server22:49
AlanBelloh, I remember talking about that before it existed22:49
gordalways thought its the perfect way for ubuntu to get big budget games22:50
gordi really want to see onlive in the software centre someday22:50
zleapwhat is onlive ?22:51
AlanBellplaying games over vnc22:52
AlanBellapparently with more success than you would expect22:53
gordthey put a lot of effort in to reducing latency and its hardware encoded into a video stream, the only problem really is the quality of video, but its not terrible22:54
* popey notes as more interesting that the person who made the video uses unity23:00
popey*shock* not everyone switched to xfce23:01
AlanBellunity is fine once you fix the app lens :)23:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] Ch-ch-ch-changes. - http://zrmt.com/2011/09/05/ch-ch-ch-changes./23:09
popeydoes this mean andylockran works with mez now?23:10
* The_Fred is away: Gone for Coffee23:11
* popey looks suspiciously at The_Fred 23:12
Laneycoffee at this time of night: definitely suspicious23:13
AlanBellnice cup of cocoa perhaps23:13
The_Fredsuspicion? its only coffee23:28
hamitronI'll be getting another coffee in a bit23:37
hamitroncan't sleep without tbh23:38
The_FredI've a sleeping proble, sometimes i dont sleep for days on end, other times I can get sleep normally23:40
hamitronI have no problem sleeping any time :/23:41
hamitronjust need coffee to keep the system functioning23:41
hamitroncake and biscuits are also nice23:42
The_FredI know that tonight sleep will not happen, so i myt as well stay up and complete some work23:42
hamitronmakes sense23:42
* funkyHat made a cake today23:42
hamitronanyways, brb coffee23:42
The_FredfunkyHat, I like cake23:43
The_Fredwhat sort of cake?23:43
funkyHatCake is awesome23:43
funkyHatVictoria sponge sandwich cake23:43
funkyHatWith strawberry jam23:43
The_Fredah, yea, i remeber you mentioning it earlier23:44
funkyHatTesting out my new silicone cake "tins"23:44
The_FredSometimes I bake my own bread, which is very morish23:45
funkyHatI haven't tried baking bread yet23:50
The_FredIts worth the effort, esp making a special loaf with walnuts23:52
hamitronbox of thornton's toffee's completed23:52
hamitronnow I got more desk space \o/23:52
The_Fredhehe cool23:53
The_Fred..did you wold the whole lot today?23:53
hamitronnot sure that sort of "clearing up" that was supposed to be done on my desk though :/23:54
hamitronno, I've had them for about a month23:54
hamitronbut eaten half of them today23:54
The_Fredtalk about gutsy gibbon :-)23:54
The_Fredmore like a hungry hamitron23:55
hamitronI kinda like that23:56
The_FredAAAaaaaarrrrrrgggh! my android app is spiraling into a complicated unruly mess of methods and object .... all over the place23:57
The_Fredtempted to restart23:57
The_Fredim trying to run a service which uses the sensors from a timer to mitigate heavy battery useage, and its got a bit thorny23:58

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