
Laciearlug active ?01:57
kwadrokearlug? you mean the website?02:03
kwadrokeis that what you're taking about, Lacie?02:05
Laciedoes arlug exist?02:19
kwadrokearlug is a website to list lugs in arkansas02:20
kwadrokeI run arlug.org02:20
Lacienm, nwarlug website is dead02:21
kwadrokereally all LUGs in arkansas are dead, unfortunately02:22
kwadrokeI run the websites for carlug.org & hsalug.org, which is why they're still up02:23
kwadrokeI need to do some clean up on arlug.org02:23
Lacieheh, carlug02:23
Lacielike taht02:23
kwadrokesince broadband has become more available, it seems the need for Lugs have deminished02:24
Lacieas a result of info on the web?02:25
Lacieor because of inet & windows02:25
kwadrokeinfo on the web mostly02:26
kwadrokeand linux is easier to use02:26
Lacieya ya, easier to use 4 sure02:26
Laciestill, if you really want to sysadmin something, it's nice to have amigos around02:26
kwadrokeIRC works well for this :)02:26
Laciewell, guess i'm headed home for the evening ... l8r02:28

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