
* bkerensa is listening to: Lil' Kim - Notorious Kim - How Many Licks (feat. Sisqo) - (0:35/3:52)03:37
bkerensahmm perl though03:37
wontonI'm a wonton07:43
wontonthefinn93: Do you like Wonton Soup?07:44
wontonthefinn93: Do you like Wonton Soup?07:45
wontonthefinn93: Why?07:45
Brian_Hanyone here familiar with using ldap and sss for caching credentials?20:50
tgm4883Brian_H, not I, although I've been looking at setting up LDAP at my home and having a way for my laptops to still work while away21:00
Brian_Hit works :)21:01
Brian_HI just have an odd issue, where I can't shutdown properly21:01
Brian_HI have ipsec to work from home so after kde fires up the networking I can get connected (sss works)21:02
Brian_Hbut when I go to shutdown, I think whats happening is networking is going away and sss doesn't know how to handle it very well so it just sits there at a black screen with a cursor21:02
Brian_HI can shutdown right as a regular, non-sss, user.  just not as an ldap user :/21:03
Brian_Hkind of a tricky issue to troubleshoot21:04
bkerensaBrian_H: I got word back from Council on Banner + Logo thing so I'm gonna shoot you a e-mail21:42
Brian_HOK cool I'm pretty sure we can help :)22:25

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