
notlisteningLockzi, what is the bug?00:00
nessonicnotlistening: yes, about 360 free, I only want to make ~100 gb NTFS partition for my internal windows drive00:00
notlisteningnessonic, yeah that should be fine and not wipe anything, if you want a good way to do it I recoomend gparted it is pretty fool proof ;)00:01
Lockzinotlistening:  There is no bug. I need PHP5 to get an updated version of the accompanying PCRE library (which is from 2008)00:01
propmanfremen_ might try   sudo lshw -c video00:01
nessonicnotlistening: alright, thank you, it saves me about 4 hours of backing up my stuff to this external as a "just in case"00:01
fremen_propman: thank you propman :) i also have problem with system testing program, it does not shutdown and it does not shown at process table at system monitor, what should i do ?00:02
notlisteningnessonic, well i always would say backup a drive before playing with partitions, how critical is the data?00:02
projectzromneptok: thanks for your help but i have to go. i guess ill have to suck it up and use my windows machine00:03
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notlisteningLockzi, there is also a way to ask questions on Launchpad to all the php gurus out there00:03
nessonicit's just movies and music, stuff I've had to re-upload many times over. A hassle, but not serious00:03
propmanfremen_  will have to let someone else answer that  question :)00:04
notlisteningnessonic, well i am sure that you will be fine, just don't like loosing unrecoverable stuff, gparted is a good thing to have a copy of anyways, you have to burn it to CD00:05
nessonicnotlistening: okay, thank you00:05
notlisteningfremen_, try sudo ps -A and look for it00:05
notlisteningor better sudo pa -A | grep "process name"00:06
CT1fremen_: lspci | grep vga might give some indication00:10
Repyhello guys... what's the difference between the java vm in sun-java-bin and the one in openjdk? I can run java programs from both but i dunno the difference...00:10
Repyin both*00:10
fremen_notlistening: i see many processes but none of them has name like system testing, is this make it a zombie process ?00:11
fremen_CT1: sorry ct1, it didnt return anything00:12
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Picifremen_: I think the process name is 'checkbox' or something similar.00:14
fremen_Pici: i killed the checkbox process but it wasnt that process00:16
Picifremen_: well, if you can see the window that is frozen, you could use xkill00:17
KNUBBIGHey, I got my apache throwing a segmentation fault (11) for a child since some time and after a certain amount of these faults, it stops acceptint any incoming connections and has to be restarted manually. Any idea what could cause that?00:18
fremen_Pici: it worked thanks :)00:18
Khisanthheh so it handles requests until all the children die from segfaults? :)00:23
makarahi. firefox says adobe flash isn't installed, but it is. what can I do?00:23
KNUBBIGKhisanth: i dunno, the logs are so meaningless :(00:24
Khisanthhmm not entirely00:24
urlin2umakara, how did you install flash?00:24
Khisanththere is an option to start apache without spawing extra children, you can use that and reply the requests until it segfaults00:25
zykotick9_fremen_, FYI you need to use "lspci | grep -i vga" or "lspci | grep VGA"00:25
KNUBBIGKhisanth: what would that help me?00:25
Khisanthyou can use gdb to find the approximate location00:25
makaraurlin2u - i really can't remember. but sometimes I'll disable it from firefox to save bandwidth00:26
Khisanthbut this doesn't seem like the right place for that sort of issue00:26
urlin2umakara, how are you disabling it?00:26
crash1hdwhat size does the usb stick have to be to create an ubuntu live usb?00:27
KNUBBIGKhisanth: okay, where should I ask? I'm bad with gdb, only accustomed to the Java debugger ;)00:27
makaraurlin2u - from the add-on menu in firefox00:27
urlin2ucrash1hd, i gig00:27
xanguacrash1hd: igb at least00:27
crash1hdi gig? or do you mean 1gb?00:27
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urlin2ucrash1hd, same thing.00:28
crash1hdwell sorta i is a letter not a number lol :)00:28
crash1hdbut thanks00:28
urlin2ucrash1hd, duh00:28
urlin2ucrash1hd, :D00:29
lilithis anyone running ubuntu on a efi PC?00:29
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crash1hdI guess when I think about it (its kinda a dumb question as it has to fit on a cd lol)00:29
fremen_zykotick9_: i see the vga compatiable controller with this and ati graphic card, but can i able to see if there are problems with it or not ?00:29
zykotick9_fremen_, sorry i can't help with ATI, good luck.00:29
Guest92958Hi how do I burn an iso to a usb in ubuntu. I do not have any blank cds with me at the moment.00:29
fremen_zykotick9_: ok thanks very much anyway00:30
Guest92958I plan on mounting Backtrack 5 r1 to it.00:30
KhisanthKNUBBIG: well there is #httpd00:30
KNUBBIGKhisanth: oh cool, thanks. I'll try there00:31
urlin2uGuest92958, use the startup disc creator or unetbootin00:31
Guest92958Is that all ready installed or do I have to dl it?00:32
urlin2uGuest92958, just so you know we don't support backtrack here, so after this your on your own, and you will have to use unetbootin.00:32
Stanley00fremen_: you can use sudo lspci -v | grep vga -C 12 to reduce the output, and try look for kernel module,00:32
Stanley00fremen_: it there's such kernel module, then your card is installed00:33
zykotick9_Stanley00, but "grep vga" is case sensitive ans will probably fail00:33
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Stanley00zykotick9_: yep, thanks for that00:33
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fremen_Stanley00: it returned nothing00:34
Stanley00fremen_: sudo lspci -v | grep -i "vga" -C 1200:34
xsrvis there a way to see wifi connection status via terminal?00:34
CT1zykotick9_: grep -i iGnOreCasE00:34
urlin2uxsrv, ifconfig00:34
Stanley00xsrv: ifconfig and iwconfig will  do00:35
Guest92958I know that. Also another question is there a better way to mange dual OS's. Because the default on is not so good for beginners.00:35
xsrvi need to rum these without sudo00:35
Crovsterhi guys, is it possible to have two audio outputs? now i have one for the headphones, the mic input, which i use for mic, and line in, which i want to turn into output. any ideas?00:35
Stanley00xsrv: thay dont need sudo to just print the status00:35
urlin2uGuest92958, if you mean manage=boot have the second OS be  grub2 type and have grub in that OS be the control.00:36
P05TMANHello. I'm tring to install 11.04 along side windows 7, but bootloader failed to install. It seems that I'm able to choose any option either.00:36
Khisanthyou want the line *in* into an output? O_o00:36
urlin2uP05TMAN, you jnstall with a thumb?00:37
CT1Crovster: If you have 2 soundcards or more you can send (per application) the output to whatever output pulse can see00:37
fremen_Stanley00: it worked thanks :), it returned vga cotroller and SMbus and a part of info before that section, is SMbus related to the graphics card ?00:37
P05TMANurlin2u, no it was a disk from canonical00:37
Stanley00fremen_: nope, it just reduce the long out put, the number 12 is just an example ;)00:37
CrovsterCT1: that wasnt my idea, i have one soundcard, with one free jack, which i want to turn into a second output jack (with the same sound like the original output jack)00:37
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urlin2uP05TMAN, was it from windows=wubi?00:38
Guest92958Ok thanks. I wish I could help more out here I am pretty smart when It come down to general knowledge of most Operating Systems and there weakness.\00:38
Khisantha splitter would be much simpler :)00:38
P05TMANurlin2u, no, it was to be for dual boot.00:38
urlin2uKhisanth, please tab the nics.00:38
xsrvStanley00: a complete listing of available wifi networks would be better00:39
fremen_Stanley00: so it gives me 12 line to up from the end of VGA controller ?00:39
Stanley00xsrv: then try ifconfig -a ;)00:39
Crovsterwell yea, but my PC case is kinda weird and if i get a splitter, i wouldnt be able to put the microphone cable to his own jack00:40
urlin2uP05TMAN, cool lets have you run a script, pastebin the RESULTS.txt generated to a pastebin. Boot the ubuntu cd and run this script.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/00:40
Stanley00fremen_: it print 12 lines before, and 12 lines after the matching line,00:40
xsrvStanley00: are you sure that will list available WIFI networks?00:40
xsrvStanley00: anyway, thanks, I'll try00:40
Guest92958I have a dual OS's Ubuntu  and Backtrack. I was wondering if there was a better way of choosing the os I want to start up.00:40
Stanley00fremen_: I think use -A 12 is better, since it just print 12 lines after the matching line :D00:40
CrovsterKhisanth: any software solutions for that?00:41
Stanley00fremen_: I just realize that...00:41
P05TMANurlin2u, it is in the middle of install, I fear that if I cancel I won't be able to boot my pc00:41
Guest92958Sorry for the repeat  but I feel I asked the question wrongly.00:41
urlin2uGuest92958, what do you want to start up, BT 5 is which grub, legacy or grub200:41
P05TMANurlin2u, should I choose "cancel install"?00:41
xsrvStanley00: just tried ifconfig -a, it doesn't list wifi networks00:42
fremen_Stanley00: thanks very much :) so if i see it as a VGA controller and if system doesnt report anything, then its ok and working without any problems ?00:42
urlin2uP05TMAN, I think your probably okay it should put the grub boot in the mbr.00:42
zombieSLAYERcan someone point me to a room that can help coding a webpage?00:42
xsrvonly the network I'm connected to00:42
xanguaGuest92958: tries startup-manager ¿00:42
somsipzombieSLAYER: what language?00:42
Stanley00xsrv: sorry, I misunderstood.00:42
xsrvzombieSLAYER: language?00:42
notlisteningCrovster, are you trying to do lineout to mic?00:43
Stanley00fremen_: did you see kernel modules?00:43
xangua!info startupmanager | Guest9295800:43
somsipzombieSLAYER: what programming language?00:43
ubottuGuest92958: startupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (natty), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB00:43
urlin2uP05TMAN, the where to put grub is in the something else choice=custom set up.00:43
zombieSLAYERoh html5/js/css00:43
somsipzombieSLAYER:  then #html, #javascript, #css depending on what you're having trouble with00:44
Crovsternotlistening: no, i have mic, working, i have lineout, working, i want linein to became second lineout with the same output, so i can connect my reciever and my headphones at the same time to the pc00:44
urlin2uxangua, startup manager is a bad idea it does not change with kernel updates.00:44
KhisanthCrovster: doesn't seem likely very likely to me but there are many possibilities with different soundcard hardware and driver combinations00:44
Stanley00xsrv: you can try iwlist  wlan0 scanning, I hopt00:44
Stanley00xsrv: hope*00:44
xsrvStanley00: will try00:45
notlisteningCrovster, do you have a case with extra outputs like three at the bad and two at the front?00:45
urlin2uGuest92958, don't use startup manager there are other up to date boot apps.00:45
fremen_Stanley00: yes i can see it : "Kernel Modules: fglrx, radeon"00:45
Crovsternotlistening: thats not an option, the audio cable of the case were cutted00:45
notlisteningKhisanth, I agree some 5.1, 7.1 cards are quite configurable00:45
xsrvStanley00: works without sudo, but then it doesn't list all the available wifi networks, only the one I'm connected to00:46
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Khisanthnotlistening: my previous on board could do it too, at least on windows :)00:46
CT1Crovster:  what sound card do you have? (lspci | grep -i multimedia)00:46
notlisteningCrovster, well you might look at replacing the cables as that will be so much easier00:46
Stanley00fremen_: okie.00:46
Stanley00xsrv: hmm...00:47
CrovsterCT1: Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)00:47
notlisteningKhisanth, windows is much friendlier for audio00:47
Khisanthnotlistening: well I never looked into whether I could do it on linux, no reason to00:47
Crovsterthe cables are unreplaceble00:47
fremen_Stanley00: so it means that is it working fully operational ?00:47
Guest92958urline2u What are they becuse I am clueless what to use or even look for?00:47
P05TMANurlin2u, ok, but my pc is still in the middle of install with the warning that bootloader failed to install. It asks me to choose a different device (none of the options work), continue without bootloader (if I select this, nothing happens), and cancel installation warning that my computer may not be able to boot.00:47
Stanley00fremen_: hopefully00:48
xsrvStanley00: actually, I have to write a program that gets info about networks00:48
Khisanthnotlistening: although being able to plug  things in without having to care which port you are sticking things in is very convenient :)00:48
notlisteningCrovster, have you had a poke in pulseaudio config?00:48
KhisanthCrovster: your audio cables are soldered to the case?00:48
Stanley00xsrv: hmm, I think there will be a tool somewhere in iw* command,00:48
urlin2uP05TMAN, so you are not actually installed it has failed correct?   open gparted take a screenshot and imagebin it.00:49
Stanley00xsrv: I trying to find out now.00:49
fremen_Stanley00: ok thanks very much again00:49
Stanley00fremen_: you are welcome :)00:49
notlisteningKhisanth, just imagining you lying on the floor plugging 3.5 mm sockets in and only doing it once :D00:49
xsrvStanley00: alright00:49
loverbearSo, I have about 9 hours of battery in windows... In ubuntu (live media, I know) I'm seeing not even 5. What's up? I should be able to squeeze at least 9 out of linux. :S00:49
Crovsternotlistening: keep talking? Khisanth yep, and i cant replace them, cause im tech geek00:49
xsrvStanley00: I'm pretty sure my program could run as root, but then it would be dangerous00:50
notlisteningloverbear, are you using cpu throttling and display dimming?00:50
loverbearnotlistening: I haven't checked throttling, will look now thanks00:50
urlin2uGuest92958, what is it you actually want I doubt you need a boot manager.00:51
loverbearnotlistening: I'm more worried if ubuntu has too many "features" running00:51
n2ihi all! i have using pekwm as my WM, and using "login screen" to set autologin with default session is pekwm.00:52
Guest92958I want to make the screen to look more user friendly because girl friend gets mad at me because she can tell what OS she is booting.00:52
urlin2uloverbear, look in startup applications to start with and turn off what you don't need, if you do need it it will run.00:52
loverbearn2i: Awesome! :)00:52
notlisteningloverbear, which version have you installed?00:53
P05TMANurlin2u, when I select gparted, I get an error, failed to run /usr/sbin/gparted as user root.00:53
Stanley00xsrv: hmm, cant find out...00:53
KhisanthGuest92958: does she need to use both?00:53
n2ibut if i do that or even start pekwm by "startx"00:53
loverbearnotlistening: Scaling is on and the display is as dim as I can get it. Showing 4:45 left (90%)... Using 11.04 live flash00:53
n2ipekwm will not run smoothly00:54
loverbearnotlistening: CPU's are being scaled down to 800mhz from their usual 2.5ghz00:54
CT1Crovster: Sorry, I can't find any answer.  AND, to add insult to injury, I just dumped a bunch of old hardware, including 4 "old" sound cards00:54
Guest92958Only Ubuntu. But I need to use both.00:54
xsrvStanley00: hmm… well, thanks anyway00:54
notlisteningloverbear, have you actually done a test to see how reliable that battery data is?00:54
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CrovsterCT1: thanks anyway00:55
urlin2uP05TMAN, gparted wont run while the installer is running, a of now grub sounds like it has not been put in the mbr, in order to triage your setup, you need to stop, and reboot the cd, and get a screen shot or run the script, we need more info to see whats up.00:55
Stanley00xsrv: I cant help you, sorry. :(00:55
P05TMANurlin2u, and yes, sorry, I'm not installed and it had failed00:55
n2ion other hand, if i select pekwm from display manager and then login so every thing is ok00:55
CrovsterCT1: any ideas how i can make two soundcards to play the same signal?00:55
loverbearnotlistening: I used this laptop every day for over a month with 6+ hours off power using mathematica/wifi/oneNote... Most days I'd still have at least 1:35 estimated leftover.00:56
n2ihow to fix this problem?00:56
P05TMANurlin2u, so I should select "cancel the installation"?00:56
urlin2uP05TMAN, even if you have no boot to windows if everything is in order we can at the least put a bootloader in the mbr that will work if needed to boot windows.00:56
notlisteningloverbear, i am getting at the point have you run it till the battery dies?00:56
loverbearn2i: When using startx you're not starting up most of the usual ubuntu services. From GDM (your login screen) ubuntu handles a lot of the grunt-work.00:57
urlin2uP05TMAN, your there you have been getting errors how would I know every bit.00:57
alpicolaxsrv: maybe check out iwlist?00:57
loverbearnotlistening: In ubuntu? I haven't.00:57
loverbearnotlistening: In windows I got bored after the 8th hour and went to bed.00:57
n2ilovebear and what about when i set autologin?00:58
P05TMANurlin2u, ok...i thought so but the message was so ominous...I didn't mean to imply that you should know, I apologize & appreciate your assistance00:58
YBH_1Help stop Penguin p0rn! http://bit.ly/w3er00:58
loverbearn2i: I'm not certain on the specifics surrounding GDM, but if you select pekwm as your session on login it should startup what's neccessary.00:58
urlin2uP05TMAN, in other words it seems you have the cart before the horse we are in cleanup mode to get that straight, we need info to to that, no biggie, but some decisions you have to make. :D00:59
loverbearn2i: Can you describe what happens when you start from startx? Do you get screen tearing? High cpu usage?00:59
urlin2uloverbear, starts x00:59
urlin2uthe desktop01:00
loverbearurlin2u: No kidding. He said he was having issues with pekwm though when using it and not gdm's session chooser.01:00
CT1Crovster: That's also beyond my scope. Sorry :(01:00
n2ii have just using pekwm beautifully on Arch which is started by startx, but i dont remember how to do it.01:00
urlin2uloverbear, sorry I was thimking you were asking a question, my bad01:00
Crovsteralright, good night then :)01:01
notlisteningloverbear, try installing powertop01:01
loverbearurlin2u: I came across a bit sarcastic, sorry. :-P trying to figure this out.... urlin2u: Yar. Check arch's man pages? I can help you translate it into ubuntu most likely.01:01
P05TMANurlin2u, sounds good. I'm going to cancel the install and see what happens. If I'm good with a boot, I'll install 10.10, then upgrade to 11.04. I should have fine that from the beginning01:01
n2ino! pekwm cannot display wallpaper(using feh)01:02
AlexJbHas anybody else had the problem, where when botting up and getting past the grub menu, it just get stuck on a black screen with blinking cursor?01:02
xsrvalpicola: the problem is, I want to list all the available wireless networks without using "sudo wlist"01:02
xsrvalpicola: only "iwlist"01:03
urlin2uP05TMAN, okay but are you familiar with partition limitations in the amounts, and if you have a standard mbr partitioning setup, Grub not installing should not be distro specific.01:03
loverbearn2i: Oh that's easy. :) Just add it to your x init script.01:03
n2ithe screen was displayed like a windows os error. there are so many window when i trying to drap by mouse01:04
Hot2Trotwhat is the quickest, fastest apt-get package to install a web server?01:04
g0thwhat's wrong with this script?01:04
urlin2uloverbear, you will have to work harder on the sarcasm I missed that. :D01:04
loverbearn2i: Ahh, yeah. Try adding a desktop setting command to your .xinitrc01:04
Khisanthxsrv: what is wrong with using sudo?01:04
g0thit works if I type in the commands individually on the command line and copy and paste the outputs instead of using variables01:04
loverbearurlin2u: It's supposed to be subtle (this is offtopic.)01:04
CT1 Hot2Trot: Depends what you want. lighttpg is VERY fast and light01:05
notlisteningloverbear, try that app its very good01:05
alpicolaxsrv: Only other things I can think of is making iwlist suid root, or invoking it with a script that is.01:05
n2ilovebear what i should add to .xinitrc?01:05
CT1 Hot2Trot: lighttpd*01:05
xsrvKhisanth: I want to get the output of iwlist through a PHP script that will run remotely, and running the web server as root would be dangerous01:06
P05TMANurlin2u, windows is booting. I guess I just panicked. I'm going to delete the partition Ubuntu tried to install, them start over with an install of 10.1001:06
loverbearn2i: Double check in feh ---help, but you should be looking for something like feh --bg-scale /path/to/my/desktop.jpg01:06
n2imy .xinitrc contains only "exec pekwm"01:06
Khisanthxsrv: you don't need root to use sudo ...01:06
loverbearn2i: Right, add another line with feh on it (after pekwm)01:06
P05TMANurlin2u, thanks for your counsel, I really appreciate it.01:06
urlin2uP05TMAN, just remember that 4 primary partitions is the limit on a standard HD, many windows setups have 4 already.01:07
loverbearxsrv: The whole point of sudo is to allow you to use root-only commands while logged in as an unprivilaged user01:07
urlin2uP05TMAN, no problem. :D01:07
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P05TMANurlin2u, I forgot about that! Thanks, I'll try it on my other drive.01:08
notlisteningloverbear, actually my mouse keep going to sleep which is great for power saving but quite annoying always having to wake it up :D01:08
xsrvoverbear, Khisanth: I know that, but then the user would have to store the root password in a plaintext php file, or send it in plaintext through the internet01:08
n2ilovebear thank you! i will try to fix it and come back to show you the result.01:08
xsrvoverbear, Khisanth: since the script will run remotely01:08
Khisanthxsrv: no root password involved01:09
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loverbearxsrv: Prompt for password interactively?01:09
urlin2uP05TMAN, a extended with 3 primaries is okay the extended will take the logical ext4's for ubuntu and a shared ntfs for ubuntu and windows, you may know all of this , but we want you safe. :D01:09
xsrvloverbear: "send it in plaintext through the internet"01:09
xsrvKhisanth: how would I use sudo without root pass?01:10
loverbearxsrv: All sudo requires the the user to be on the sudoers file and have their own user password. So while running the script just have it be authenicated by the local user in your ssh sessoin that you're running the file in.01:10
Khisanthxsrv: you can also configure passwordless sudo for a specific user to run a specific command01:10
notlisteningright fixed my mouse :D01:11
Khisanthxsrv: but it should never be the root pass anyway01:11
P05TMANuin2u, yes, thank you! Until next time! :^}01:11
xsrvKhisanth, overbear: that would still be a risk01:11
loverbearnotlistening: Congratulations. I'm thinking I'll just work on a funtoo set up since I can keep things more tidy01:12
xsrvKhisanth, overbear: as long as you can get a root shell with that pass...01:12
carl_first time on here, any tips?01:12
loverbearxsrv: My way is run in SSH (secure), the password is transmitted securely to the machine, is only a local user password (not root) and you can even run it as a user with only permission to run the commands needed.01:12
loverbearxsrv: Honestly if you need more secure you shouldn't be asking on irc.01:13
urlin2ucarl_, be sure to enjoy yourself, and stay hydrated. :D01:13
xsrvloverbear: i'm just trying to list available wifi networks, i just don't think you really need a password for that01:13
loverbearxsrv: Oh lol. That's easy.01:14
loverbearxsrv: Well, if you use wicd it is. I dunno about NM-applet01:14
NingirsuHow can I use Boot Repair when I have to boot from its iso?01:14
urlin2uNingirsu, can you tell us what the problem actually is?01:15
xsrvloverbear: originally, I was just asking if there was a way to list available wifi networks without running the program as root, then someone asked what was the problem with using "sudo", and here we are01:15
loverbearxsrv: Haha wow. Alright. Let me take a little look around. Haven't used nm-applet01:16
NingirsuWell, my Grub doesn't work because I recently removed an unused partition of my hard drive and I need to use Boot Repair but I can't do it on my live session because my damn Trisquel distro won't allow it01:16
notlisteningxserv, could you run the script to check networks under crontab as root and output to a file readable by the users/process that needs it?01:17
urlin2uNingirsu, if your setting it up for possible future failures it is a cheat tool you can do the same with a live cd, much more accurately.01:17
xsrvloverbear: wicd might do it, but I didn't want to make people install that only to run my PHP script properly01:17
loverbearYeah exactly01:17
loverbearLet me look around. xsrv, this is meant to be run only on ubuntu machines? or all machines?01:18
Ningirsuurlin2u: No, it's actually necessary to fix my recent grub problem01:18
urlin2uNingirsu, what OS's are still on the computer?01:18
Ningirsuurlin2u: There's Trisquel Taranis 4.1 and Windows 701:19
MarkasI've got a problem in instaling Ubuntu01:19
loverbearxsrv: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/ Check that out, particularly iwlist.01:19
MarkasI want to install it with two partions01:19
Markasand I formated my HD01:20
xsrvloverbear: I'll make and test it to run in Ubuntu only, it may be ok to run it in other distros, but if it will run properly or not is not my problem01:20
loverbearMarkas: Please use one line if possible for your question. :)01:20
Markasbut I can't make the boot point for thses partions to the root dir01:20
xsrvloverbear: I'll take a look at that :)01:20
urlin2uNingirsu, so first your on the wrong channel, if Trisquel Taranis 4.1 is a bootable OS I suspect easybcd will boot it, so use a recvery disc or install disc of W7 to boot to a recovery terminal, and run bootrec.exe /fixmbr to get windows back at this time.01:21
Markasloverbear sorry ,do you got it or want me to use a single line ?01:21
xsrvloverbear: again… iwlist doesn't list ALL the available networks if it's not running as root, lol01:21
notlisteningloverbear, that program i recomend actually is quite cool, it gives some great pointers as to how to save power but only makes the changes temporary to test them out01:21
loverbearxsrv: it looks a bit messy so you might need to clean up the output a bit... Also not sure if it shows all since I only have one access point nearby01:21
loverbearnotlistening: Powertop? Yeah. :) I use it a lot, but this is a liveUSB so no point.01:22
xsrvloverbear: yeah, I would clean the output :)01:22
loverbearMarkas: Please format your question using a single line of words, like so, so that people who want to help you don't have to go searcing through multiple messages.01:22
notlisteningoh yeah, you don't have a persistent data area?01:22
xsrvloverbear: but still, I tested it here, when not running as root it shows only the access point you are connected to01:23
loverbearnotlistening: I'm still looking at distros since ubuntu doesn't seem right for me. :-P01:23
loverbearxsrv: I'll keep poking around a bit.01:23
Ningirsuurlin2u,: I know that I'm on the wrong channel but the most detailed descriptions on how to use this software is situated on Ubuntu's page so I figured that there might be somebody who knows how to make it work01:23
xsrvloverbear: thanks01:24
Ningirsuurlin2u, : What's easybcd?01:24
loverbearxsrv: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/wi-fi-command-line They use iwlist here as well. Saying that each nearby point should give a new cell.01:24
urlin2uNingirsu, it is a bootloader you can install in windows to boot other OS's like XP if needed and linux stuff.01:24
loverbearHuh. Unity managed to impress me, hotplugging a new monitor yeilded (near) good results.01:25
urlin2uNingirsu, lots of windows users use it if they want to keep the ms boot in the mbr.01:25
notlisteningxsrv, do you have to disconnect to scan?01:25
MarkasI formated my Harddisk ,and I wanted to install Ubuntu with partitioning it to three partitions, one for Ubuntu and 2 free ,but it wont able to set the / dirc as a mount point for those 2 free partitions ?01:25
devcalaisCan anyone point me in the direction of where I can change my login screen / screensaver lock screen? (11.04 / Unity)..01:26
Ningirsuurlin2u, :The problem is that I don't have a rescue disk of anything besides Trisquel and my problem is that I have to make this software work somehow01:26
loverbearMarkas: No.  / is your root folder, so you can't mount multiple disks there easily, you'll want to mount them somewhere else or not at all.01:26
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urlin2uNingirsu, if you have a ubuntu cd you can install llio to boot windows do you have a ubuntu live cd?01:27
loverbearMarkas: If you want the other partitions for other OSs just leave them unmounted and install onto them later (then add to your existing grub), if you want them as backup or data partitions just have them mount on say, /mnt/my_disk1 and so on.01:28
Ningirsuurlin2u,: If I have an Ubuntu liveUSB, won't I have Boot Repair anyway? :S01:28
Markasloverbear I've mountem them in somewhere else but , they don't apear in the "Places" list in the Application menu ?01:28
urlin2uNingirsu, I have never used boot repair, that is for noobs.01:28
silverarrow1is there a way to check a usb connected bluetooth?01:29
Ningirsuurlin2u, : Rescatux?01:29
loverbearMarkas: Right, so if you want them to be recognized as internal/spare/external drives you just unmount and don't have them assigned to mount anywhere. HAL (or whatever ubuntu uses) will pick them up as internal storage devices and you can mount them from that menu01:29
urlin2uNingirsu, I don't like hidden processes in other words that app just save the mbr I believe and needs the OOS it was installed in still there.01:29
Markasloverbear How I can do that ?01:30
urlin2uNingirsu, I have a simple fix here that is all I can offer.01:30
silverarrow1does anyone have an external bluetooth device in ubuntu?01:30
urlin2uNingirsu, here is the lilo instructions if you need them its dinner time for me now.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/681328/01:31
silverarrow1any bluetooth users?01:31
loverbearMarkas: You'll want to edit /etc/fstab (if ubuntu is like other distros I've used) and just remove the two drives entries. You might want to do some research on what fstab is and be very careful. :)01:31
achromatsilverarrow1: I have a bluetooth keyboard set up on 10.401:31
NingirsuOk. So let me rephrase my question: How can I install Boot Repair from its CD using a terminal?01:32
xsrvnotlistening: I didn't understand your question01:32
silverarrow1achromat: then it should work01:32
Markasloverbear thank you so much :)01:32
achromatsilverarrow1: Yes, are you having a problem with bluetooth?01:32
xsrvloverbear: they use sudo01:32
loverbearMarkas: I'm about to leave this channel but if you need help (or want me to check your fstab before you save it <--- Good idea) just PM me.01:32
silverarrow1achromat: it is a usb device, and light is blinking there, but nothing detected in os?01:32
zombieSLAYERcan anyone tell me why this player works in Chrom but not firefox?01:33
loverbearxsrv: I'm missing something. :S01:33
loverbearzombieSLAYER: Works fine for me.01:33
xsrvloverbear: read again, it says "To scan your environment for available networks, do the following:01:33
xsrvsudo iwlist wlan0 scan01:33
loverbearxsrv: Gah you're right.01:34
zombieSLAYERin firefox?01:34
zombieSLAYERthe top circle?01:34
loverbearzombieSLAYER: On ubuntu live CD with nothing aded the bottom circle works fine01:34
loverbearzombieSLAYER: Top one flails though.01:34
achromatsilverarrow1: is the adapter detected by the os?01:34
zombieSLAYERyea the bottom one is from the demo01:34
silverarrow1achromat: no, I cannot see anything01:35
zombieSLAYERthe top one is mine. all i did was change the song it points to01:35
loverbearzombieSLAYER: Are you using a different codec? Chrome supports more formats then firefox iirc.01:35
silverarrow1achromat: maybe though, since device indicator light is on?01:35
xsrvloverbear: I guess my script will be only able to give info about the current network :(01:35
zombieSLAYERi encoded the song to m4a using itunes01:35
loverbearzombieSLAYER: Firefox actually even pops us saying it needs more codecs01:35
zombieSLAYERis there a way to encode m4a that is firefox compatable?01:36
urlin2uNingirsu, you are on the wrong channel in the end this is for ubuntu only support you do not have ubuntu. In spite of that I have given you some options, so ethoier use them or go to a channel that might help.01:37
loverbearzombieSLAYER: Ask #firefox or something. I've no idea.01:37
blsh0pok currently i use ubuntu with a laptop. Everytime i start ubuntu with my laptop plugged in, i get the normal background and gui. However, if i start it without being plugged in, my gui turns into this crappy windows 97 crap look, same with my windows and buttons, even for google chrome and all my apps. WTF is going on!!???01:37
zombieSLAYERso it just works in firefox01:37
loverbearzombieSLAYER: Try some other formats too. :)01:38
achromatsilverarrow1: I didn't have much trouble setting my adapter up. is it listed in lsusb?01:38
blsh0phow come when i start ubuntu without my laptop plugged in, it turns into a crappy gui that looks like windows 9701:38
silverarrow1achromat: , terminal ?01:38
loverbearblsh0p: You're probably loosing compositing or something of the effect.01:38
notlisteningWas there even a windows 97 :D01:38
achromatsilverarrow1: Yes.01:39
urlin2ublsh0p, which release?01:39
rectec794613Hello. Right now my /dev/core file claims to be 128TB, which is *impossible*. Could somebody explain me what this file is?01:39
th0rblsh0p: been on earth long?01:39
blsh0pit starts off normal, but after 5 seconds, it turns into crap 97 look01:39
urlin2ublsh0p, not a real release is it 11.10?01:39
blsh0pth0r what do u mean?01:39
notlisteningth0r, lol01:39
th0rblsh0p: there is no 11.0701:39
silverarrow1achromat: , yes "D 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)" Must be active then?01:39
blsh0pok, 11.1001:40
blsh0pnatty nharwall01:40
silverarrow1achromat: thanks for the command tip01:40
urlin2ublsh0p, reboot it and go to #ubuntu+1 my install did that earlier today.01:40
urlin2ublsh0p, natty is 11.04.01:40
achromatsilverarrow1: it should be, what happens when you go to System >Preferences > Bluetooth?01:40
blsh0purlin, what is ubuntu+101:41
NingirsuI see. Despite the fact that I'm asking on which commands to use on the terminal which is the same language on any distro,it seems that Ubuntu is already on its way to become another monopole or join the Windows-Apple OS cartel01:41
silverarrow1achromat: then it must be something in the other end; printer and mobile phone?01:41
blsh0pwait what is 11.1001:41
NingirsuGood luck to y'all then01:41
^Mikeubottu: msn01:41
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete01:41
urlin2ublsh0p, 11.10 Oneiric in development, are you sure that s not what you have?01:41
blsh0pi have 11.0401:41
blsh0pnatty nharwall01:41
awise12!info weechat01:42
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB01:42
blsh0pwhy does it keep doing that?01:42
rectec794613Hello. Right now my /dev/core file claims to be 128TB, which is *impossible*. Could somebody explain me what this file is?01:42
notlisteningrectec794613, what reports that?01:43
rectec794613notlistening: nautilus01:44
rectec794613notlistening: and Glary Utilities' Disk Analysis01:44
luzifer_hello my mouse is cyborg rat3. can i design the botons01:44
notlisteningrectec794613, mine is also huge :D01:45
silverarrow1achromat: cannot find anything, mind you, I have lubuntu, much the same, but not exactly as regular Ubuntu01:45
rectec794613notlistening: it's obviously not actually taking up that much space our our pc's would explode.01:45
rectec794613notlistening: but what is it?01:45
notlisteningrectec794613, it says program crash data01:46
luzifer_que tengan todos una buena noche01:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:47
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rectec794613isnt there like a cheese command or somehting like that?01:47
silverarrow1achromat: I'm sorry I started this and cannot follow through, my head is mush, fogged up by computer issues, and need  a break01:48
achromatsilverarrow1: Well good luck in the future then. Sorry I couldn't help.01:48
silverarrow1achromat: probably sort it out tomorrow01:49
silverarrow1achromat: thanks anyway01:49
heather_good evening01:49
rectec794613hows it goin01:49
heather_checking this out01:49
rectec794613anybody got any more info on that insane core file?01:50
urlin2urectec794613, where is it reading it that way?01:50
rectec794613and where it gets the !es cajones to claim it's 128TB01:50
notlisteningrectec794613, I get bad crash dumps from evolution, I have a few years of mail in there and it doesn't like that, do you get many crashes?01:50
Dr_WillisIt may be a quirk of how the file works...01:50
rectec794613urlin2u: it shows that under the file name in nautilus01:51
rectec794613notlistening: not anymore since I started using compiz with gnome like ur sopposed to :P01:51
notlisteningrectec794613, it is actually linked to /proc/kcore01:51
notlisteningSo you don't want to go messing with that01:51
blsh0pwhat is UBUNTU SERVER?01:52
rectec794613notlistening: well as long as it01:52
Dr_Willisblsh0p:  a server edition of ubuntu....01:52
rectec794613notlistening: is not as big as it claims01:52
notlisteningdo you have 128 GB of ram?01:52
Dr_Willishttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/whats-the-dev-core-device-706205/    It maybe  thats the max that a system could have.. 128gb...01:53
notlisteningWell mine reports 1gb and i have 8 installed :P01:53
warning123hi all01:54
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rectec794613well if it says it's 128TB it's probably just lieing01:55
warning123i am running a game server in my terminal and suddenly my terminal dissapeared , how to go back to that live terminal from another terminal?01:55
rectec794613I have only 59GB allocated to Ubuntu on a 250GB hdd, if there's actually a 128TB file on it then it must be fake01:56
vectoryrectec794613: do `du -s /dev/core' or ll /dev/core01:56
rectec794613vectory: 0b01:57
KoolaidJunkieHey, anyone here?01:57
rectec794613or kb whatever the measurement it01:57
vectoryrectec794613: for me, too, but but "ll -h" shows 128T idd O.o01:57
KoolaidJunkieIs this a good place to get help with Ubuntu Server?01:58
vectory/j ubuntu-server perhaps01:58
blsh0pwhat is ubuntu  server???!?!?!?01:59
vectorybut only makes sense if its specifically server related, KoolaidJunkie ^01:59
warning123KoolaidJunkie, #ubuntu-server01:59
cbarnardoHow do I upgrade a package of the same but from a different repo? I want to install python 2.7.2 but I already 2.7.1 installed https://launchpad.net/~n-muench/+archive/calibre-lucid please help I beg you01:59
KoolaidJunkieVectory, Thanks you, and Yes its server related - need help with ddclient01:59
notlisteningredrocket, yeah the proc directory provides a window into the kernel and takes up no real space on your hard disk02:00
xanguacbarnardo: just add the ppa, the instructions are there02:00
notlisteningblsh0p, a commandline only version of ubuntu for running on servers02:00
cbarnardoxangua: I did but apt-get upgrade did nothing do I do something else?02:01
vectorywhat makes it different from the minimal install?02:01
xanguacbarnardo: and nobody but you is responsible off add it02:01
notlisteningrectec794613,  yeah the proc directory provides a window into the kernel and takes up no real space on your hard disk02:01
VerbrosaHello can someone PM me about Java, i'm new to ubuntu/linux OS and having problems understanding02:01
xanguacbarnardo: well it says it only has packages for lucid, you are not runing lucid then02:01
vectory,java! vebrosa02:01
notlisteningVerbrosa, you can ask here as it help others which similar questions02:01
rectec794613ok good02:02
rectec794613sorry I was busy changing some settings02:02
cbarnardoxangua: oh you are right I am on natty. sorry.02:02
VerbrosaOkay, well let me try something ONE second I may be back =-) if this doesn't work02:02
notlisteningdon't panic rectec794613 :D02:02
rectec794613sorry I was busy panicking02:02
vectory!java, Verbrosa02:02
vectoryubottu: java02:03
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.02:03
notlisteninglol rectec794613, its good to learn these things ;)02:03
rectec794613ubottu: test02:03
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )02:03
rectec794613oh yeah?02:03
rectec794613ubottu: testicles02:04
rectec794613oh well02:04
rectec794613lol last time I was on #Kubuntu we were having hella fun with ubuttu02:04
notlisteningor did i misunderstand that :D02:04
notlisteninglol rectec79461302:04
notlisteningubottu: gimp02:05
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.02:05
achromatOkay, I've googled this many times and haven't found a solution that worked for me yet. On both 10.4 and 11.04 Ubuntu crashes when trying to connect to wifi. I'm using the 2.6.38-8generic kernel and ath9k drivers on an eeepc 1001P. Has anyone solved this?02:05
rectec794613ubottu:  what's up?02:05
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:05
rectec794613here we go02:05
xanguanotlistening: rectec794613you can play with the bot in private, don't here please02:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:05
VerbrosaI'm unable to go into https sites..... due to this limited internet I have atm...02:05
rectec794613yeah yeah yeah02:05
notlisteningsorry xangua ;)02:06
rectec794613I know a bunch of you guys would come out and get mad :P02:06
* rectec794613 has experience02:06
xanguaachromat: no issues with 2.6.38 kernel, you are gonna need to be more specific02:06
warning123if u lose a processing terminal , how to get back to that live terminal that is processing? when viewing things from ssh for instant02:06
Dr_Williswarning123:  this is why people often use screen with ssh.02:07
Dr_Willisyou can easially reconnect to the session.02:07
KronsbyIs there a fix for the minecraft linux key sticking bug?02:07
notlisteningwarning123, generally the process dies as the ssh session is broken, what processing where you doing and did you run it from the ssh terminal?02:07
Dr_WillisKronsby:  perhaps a check of the minecraft forums/support ?02:07
warning123i started a game server notlistening02:07
notlisteningwarning123, can you see it still running?02:08
warning123notlistening, yes server dies , how can i make server still run , while i leave the ssh session? and how can i get back to it for checking for instant to perform tasks like /changemap etc..02:08
notlisteningTry what the Dr suggested02:09
qinwarning123: screen, byobu, tmux02:09
jerry128I am trying to install a PHP script, and for some reason the folder that contains the PHP (outside of the folder, that is)is not showing in HTTP document root under Apache02:09
jerry128no htaccess file installed02:10
achromatxangua: well, the system just locks up and doesn't spit out any errors and I'm forced to do a hard shutdown. I've tried 2 versions of ubuntu in both live, and installed environments, and I've tried using both wicd as well as the default applet that comes with 11.04 to connect. Eth0 works fine. All the hardware is running smoothly. And i've tried connecting to both encrypted and unencrypted02:10
warning123notlistening, qin Dr_Willis , i have putty installed , if i save a session can a friend use the same session?02:10
warning123notlistening, qin Dr_Willis , and will the same processing session show ( as in the live game server terminal console )02:11
notlisteningachromat, can you switch to a virtual terminal after enabling wifi or is it a hard reset?02:11
octavio-rdzhi room does any body knows if there is a migration path from evolution to thunderbird?02:11
notlisteningwarning123, what game server is it?02:12
achromatachromat: no I cannot. I tried a dmesg | tail -f to see if it spit out anything as it was locking up but nothing printed to the console.02:12
achromatnotlistening: oops, somehow I just addressed myself.02:12
notlisteningachromat, have you checked the logs are reboot?02:13
qinachromat: dmesg | tail or tail -f /var/log/dmesg02:13
r0z4Hi, somebody can help me with my sound in ubuntu 10 04, i can only record sound from my computer ex when i play a sound from my pc i can, but whe i talk in ky michophone i cant02:14
notlisteningRight need sleep night all02:15
achromatqin: are you saying do this after a reboot or before enabling the wifi?02:15
notlisteningachromat, have it running in a terminal you can see02:15
qinachromat: Just pointing that -f is likely to not work with pipe.02:15
warning123notlistening, its running mumble aka voice chat application02:16
warning123notlistening, i dont want the console window to be on my computer all the time , i just want to start the server and leave and check back to it from time to time thats all02:17
octavio-rdzhi room does any body knows how to migrate  a evolution backup file to thunderbird02:17
chuck_anyone here help out a noob with installing ubuntu 11.04?02:17
r0z4i only can record with the first configuration with the second is imposible to me but i cant record with my michrophone http://imagebin.org/17106602:17
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achromatnotlistening and qin: I'll check that now. I didn't know -f wouldn't work when piped.02:18
octavio-rdzcuck_ hi what is the problem with the installer?02:19
warning123whenever i close the ssh session the server closes , is their a way to make it keep running?02:19
warning123and is their a way to get back to check that running console server02:20
chuck_when i tried to install it on my asus 1015 pem netbook it started fine but then i kept gettting a message that said "ubi-partman failed on exit exit code 127"02:20
JRWRI am having a issue with mod_shared_roster_ldap - It seems to be crashing, here is a related pastebin with all the info that should help, http://pastebin.com/yMVVKN5W02:20
zykotick9_warning123, check out "screen" it's old school but very cool02:20
chuck_i tried googling it but no luck, so i went ahead and decided to try it anyway, it has been sitting on the slideshow now for almost 1.5 hours02:21
Dr_Williswarning123:  with screen... yes02:21
Dr_Williswarning123:  or the tweaked screen byobu02:21
Dr_Willisalternative to screen is tmux i think02:21
Dr_Willis!info tmux02:21
ubottutmux (source: tmux): terminal multiplexer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2+squeeze1 (natty), package size 178 kB, installed size 460 kB02:21
zykotick9_warning123, byobu is probably better - certainly better maintained, which is a HUGE plus02:21
Dr_Willis!info byobu02:21
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 3.33-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 61 kB, installed size 608 kB02:22
Dr_Willisbyobu is a teaked screen setup for beginners. :)  and old timers02:22
achromatnotlistening and qin: Nothing prints when the OS crashes, and nothing relevant is in dmesg after reboot.02:23
chuck_so is that a normal install time or did i screw something up, and if so what should be done now?02:24
warning123Dr_Willis, il try screen , any commands to get back to the processing service ( console terminal ) when i end session then want to get back and check02:25
urlin2uchuck_, did you md5sum the ISO?02:25
notlisteningchuck, do you have raid02:25
zykotick9_warning123, "screen -ls" and "screen -r #"02:26
notlisteningwarning123, do you need to issue the server commands or just check its logs, best way to run it would be as a service and just login and check the log files02:26
warning123thanks alot zykotick9_02:27
chuck_yes i did md5sum the iso it is good02:27
chuck_don't know what raid is02:28
zykotick9_warning123, glad to help02:28
warning123zykotick9_, what a pro what a pro <3=) party whenever you go02:28
octavio-rdzchuck are you downloading internate updates? are you upgrading form other version?02:29
warning123notlistening, whats the command to run it as a service>02:29
chuck_i downloaded the desktop version, never had anything but windows 7 starter on that computer, i am trying to dual boot it02:30
urlin2uchuck_, so what distro is it did you click the download updates buttons, and how fast is your internet service? tha is a long time but these factors play in on that.02:30
WebETGUser815Hi guys02:30
=== WebETGUser815 is now known as kolix
notlisteningwarning you need to go into /etc/init.d/ and check if there is a file there the same names as the voice server02:31
chuck_the distro is ubuntu 11.04 32 bit desktop, yes i clicked download updates, my internet connection is fairly quick, but it is wireless, wireless on the asus is working fine02:31
kolixI'm currently running apache on ubuntu server 11.04...However, my machine is currently behind a router./...How do i configure the router to so i can ssh and see my web stuff?02:31
troubleagainI installed my boot partition on an external usb flash drive which also contains the dm-crypt keyfiles. How do I mount the this USB drive during the boot process (I added the appropriate entry to HOOKS) and how would I reference the keyfiles in /etc/crypttab?02:31
kolixbtw, I've got my "outside ip" by ipchicken02:31
notlisteningkolix, ssh for remote login, or http to see webpages?02:32
warning123notlistening, im logged as root  , whats the command to make it a session so it doesnt timeout when i leave or end's02:32
mightymshello test02:32
ApleHow do I upgrade Python on Ubuntu?02:32
mightymsapt-get update?02:32
kolixnotlistening, you dont understand, my machine is behind a router...I can ssh when I'm on the same network...but fails when i connect from outside the LAN02:32
notlisteningwarning I am not sure about that when doing it with ssh02:33
urlin2uchuck_, hars to say a straight install is about 20 min, with all the updates for natty, it would longer for sure.02:33
notlisteningyes kolix is was just confusing the terminology your using02:33
ibuRhow do I install ubuntu to boot up from a pen drive / flash drive?02:33
chuck_urlin2u, think i should just wait?  been almost 2 hrs now, or can i exit somehow and start from scratch?02:34
notlisteningkolix, first I would really recommend using RSA certificates if you open it up the the whole world02:34
urlin2uibuR, load the iso to a usb with unetbootin.02:34
kolixbut i found on google i need to port forwward02:34
zykotick9_kolix, you need to forward ports 22 (ssh) and 80 (html) on your router to point to the IP of your server (can be tricky if you're using DHCP).  Good luck.02:34
notlisteningcheck_, you need to restart02:34
ibuRurlin2u will try, thank you02:34
urlin2uchuck_, you can always shut it down, are there any other OS's on the hd?02:34
kolixI'm in the router now...i'll poke around and test some things. I"ll be back :)02:34
urlin2uibuR, your welcome.02:34
notlisteningkolix yeah you do but you need it to be secure before you open it up02:34
kolixthanks guys02:34
chuck_urlin2u, yes windows 7 starter02:35
Aplemightyms: "sudo apt-get update python" returns "E: The update command takes no arguments"02:35
warning123notlistening, their is init in /etc/ init file , how to edit it ? gededit? i remember useing that back from dapper02:35
urlin2uchuck_, did you check on how many partitions were there to begin with?02:35
notlisteningkolix on my router you assign an internal IP to the port so traffic comming in from the outside world hits that port on your internal machine and gets serviced02:35
chuck_pretty sure there were 4 but not 100%02:36
notlisteningno warning you need to get into /etc/init.d/02:36
notlisteningwarning, that is a directory02:36
Aplemightyms: Oh, it was "upgrade" instead of "update". Works fine now. ;)02:36
urlin2uchuck_, if you had four another will make the hd go dynamic, 4 primaries per HD is the limit.02:36
warning123notlistening, thanks , im in now02:36
urlin2uchuck_, unless a uuid gpt.02:37
zykotick9_Aple, FYI you should always run update before you run upgrade02:37
chuck_alright, so i need to turn it off and manually partition?02:37
notlisteningurlin2u, would playing with the f6 options help him?02:37
warning123notlistening, i see acpid - apf - and alot of other stuff like kudzu nfslock rdisc02:38
kolixwhere would i configure my router to port forward...under what option?02:38
mightyms<Aple>: great ^^02:38
notlisteningyeah you are looking for the name of the server in there02:38
urlin2uchuck_, hard to say you are there and without any definitive info we are not able to help, shutting it down and posting a screen shot of the gparted partitioner on the cd would be helpful.02:38
troubleagainI installed my boot partition on an external usb flash drive which also contains the dm-crypt keyfiles. How do I mount the this USB drive during the boot process (I added the appropriate entry to HOOKS) and how would I reference the keyfiles in /etc/crypttab?02:38
urlin2unotlistening, for what, a install on a HD with 4 primaries possibly.02:38
notlisteningkolix what router do you have?02:39
chuck_does it help at all if i say it ran fine in live mode?02:39
chuck_i am using a live usb02:39
urlin2uchuck_, no02:39
urlin2uchuck_, ;ive it is not using the hd.02:39
notlisteningurlin2u, well I was just unsure about his hardware that's all, worth a quick try i thought02:39
kolixwireless G02:40
urlin2unotlistening, read the posts.02:40
notlisteningkolix model?02:40
notlisteningurlin2u, okay02:40
chuck_urlin2u, i was attempting to install from a live usb, sorry i am totally new at this02:40
warning123notlistening, should server be running first to show their? i see webmin and netconsole which may be the probable things , will it be better to launch through webmin ? i tried but once i loged out sesion is ended also02:41
urlin2uchuck_, no problem hopefuly you have not damaged your windows are you backed up and do you have a recovery disc for windows?02:41
kolixwould it be under firewall?02:41
chuck_urlin2u, yes all my data is backed up, windows boots fine, just turned it off and rebooted02:42
notlisteningkolix, might be under virtual servers02:42
itaylor57!webmin | warning12302:42
ubottuwarning123: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.02:42
chuck_urlin2u yes the hdd has 4 partions02:42
Osmondquestion, I would like to make a function that will display all the keys and values of a table, how would I do this?02:43
notlisteningwarning123, the files you see in there are like startup scripts if there is not one for the voice server then try google to find for it, there might be an example online with instructions02:43
warning123notlistening, thanks =)02:44
urlin2uchuck_, okay if you have not made the HD dynamic one will have to go to get a extended type partition in to put the logical type partition for ubuntu and a swap partition.02:44
chuck_ok urlin2u, not quite sure what that means02:44
urlin2uchuck_, lest confirm the HD set up with a screenshot of gparted before you do anything though02:44
notlisteningkolix you going to need to configure the firewall as well02:45
chuck_urlin2u, i am using easeus partion master on windows to look at it02:45
urlin2uchuck_, I want to see a gparted picture off the ubuntu cd, a windows partitioner can hide stuff we want to see.02:46
chuck_ok, i will reboot it02:46
urlin2uchuck_, cool thanks.02:46
urlin2uchuck_, widows has its own built in partitioner that will shrink the running system that is your best tool for shrinking any W7 active=c partitions if needed.02:48
chuck_urlin2u, silly question but how do i take a screen shot in ubuntu02:48
urlin2uchuck_, prtsc okey r there is a screenshot tool02:49
urlin2uchuck_, prtsc key or there is a screenshot tool02:49
urlin2uchuck_, you can paste it here then post the url. http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add02:50
chuck_thanks urlin2u, just waiting on it to finish loading now02:50
urlin2uchuck_, no problem.02:51
Luke_007hi, urlin2u! can i use PrtSc to take screen shot in gnome3?02:52
urlin2uLuke_007, probably, what distro are you running?02:53
=== Crazy is now known as Crazymonkey112
Luke_007fedora 1502:53
th0rLuke_007: and you asked in ubuntu because....?02:54
urlin2uLuke_007, you know of the fedora channel I assume we can't actually help on the OS.02:54
Luke_007Uhh, I used to be a ubuntu user...02:54
Luke_007I just trying fedora for few days02:55
yekomshttp://denied-inter.net:81/help.jpg is what problems im having installing ubuntu02:56
IdleOneI used to drive a ford but they won't guaranty my toyota02:56
yekomsgentoo, freebsd, ubuntu, mandrivia. all of them do this.02:56
IdleOneLuke_007: ask in #fedora02:56
Luke_007Ok... Thanks a lot02:57
wjieUBUNTU11.10 要发布了,期待啊02:57
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:57
dancallojoin irc.freenode.net02:58
yekomsno ideas?02:58
stephenthemartyris it possible to upgrade something or download something without synaptic and apt removing others software i want to keep02:58
Flannelstephenthemartyr: That's far too vague for us to answer precisely, but in general: no, things depend on each other for a reason.02:59
urlin2uyekoms, a picture says nothing hows about some backgound.03:00
yekomsuhm, i cant install or boot liveCDs cause of this.03:00
yekomsand im not sure on howto fix it03:00
Stanley00!cn | wjie03:00
ubottuwjie: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:00
stephenthemartyri want to downoad guitarix 2 without it removing tangostudios which is all my music programs03:01
Dr_Willisguitarix is in the repos?03:01
Dr_Willis!info guitarix03:01
stephenthemartyrFlannel: still there must be a way03:01
ubottuguitarix (source: guitarix): Rock guitar amplifier for Jack. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.11.1-1 (natty), package size 712 kB, installed size 2536 kB03:01
urlin2uyekoms, try tapping f12 at powering on the computer to get a boot from menu, and choose the cd reader, or usb what ever your trying to boot,.03:01
yekomsuhm ive been doing that03:02
Flannelstephenthemartyr: Let me take a look at these particular packages03:02
Dr_Willis!info  tangostudio03:02
ubottuPackage tangostudio does not exist in natty03:02
urlin2u!cn | wjie03:02
ubottuwjie: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:02
stephenthemartyrits 10.4 lucid03:02
Flannelstephenthemartyr: Do you have an actual package name for tango studio?03:02
stephenthemartyrits a distro based off 10.4 lucid03:02
Flannelstephenthemartyr: guitarix isn't in 10.0403:03
urlin2uyekoms, tab nics so we can see who you are responding to when you hit f12 what menu do you get?03:03
stephenthemartyrit has many synths that are not in any "regukar" distro03:03
yekomsboot from CDROM or HARDDRIVE03:03
stephenthemartyrin tangostudio it is,plus ive added ppa's03:03
Flannelstephenthemartyr: I think it might be best to ask through their support channels then.  Obviously we've never heard of it, and have no idea how it was packaged.03:03
urlin2uyekoms, what is the computer model and manufacturer?03:03
metbsdubuntu sucks03:04
yekomshp dv670003:04
dungeon_archl我因为在#ubutnu-cn  不说中文被鄙视了,来这里说两句,证明没问题03:04
Flannelmetbsd: Please help keep this channel on topic (support related), thanks.03:04
stephenthemartyrthey dont have one really03:04
stephenthemartyryou could help me but ur bieng upitiy03:05
rwwdungeon_archl: English here, please.03:05
swaroopI need help03:05
swaroopi formatted my XP sys with ext303:05
rwwstephenthemartyr: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu and its official derivatives. You are not using either of these. Please ask your distribution for support.03:05
swaroopis there a way to recover my files?03:05
Flannelstephenthemartyr: http://tangostudio.tuxfamily.org/forum/03:05
th0rswaroop: did you say goodbye first?03:05
swaroopno :/03:06
swaroopi have backup of most fioles03:06
swaroopIm ;lazy03:06
metbsddungeon_archl, keep going03:06
swaroop& i have a prop. dumb mp3 [player aka Apple iPod Classic03:06
Flannelstephenthemartyr: We can't help you.  I have no idea what sound system you're using in tango studio (the one you don't want removed), as far as I can see, guitarix installs just fine into regular Ubuntu.03:06
SucKiTtry UbuntuStudio, you might find it better than tangostudio03:06
metbsddungeon_archl, speak that little language of yours.03:06
swaroopall my music is in the ipOd03:06
swaroophow can i transfer it to my ext3 fs on Ubuntu?03:06
[THC]AcidRainswaroop, gtkpod helped me03:07
swaroopok will try03:07
metbsdhey what i do?03:07
swaroopmy batt. is low :/03:07
Flannelstephenthemartyr: It's either a problem with your distro, or a problem with the guitarix PPA.  I think the only support you'll be able to get is from one of those two places.03:07
stephenthemartyrFlannel: its not in english03:07
swaroopneed to shutdown03:07
[THC]AcidRainswaroop, its actually a buggy piece of software still. but its came along way if you seen it at first03:07
swaroopthanks th0r03:07
stephenthemartyrubuntu sucks ass03:07
swaroop& [THC]AcidRain03:07
nevoprossi have a problem03:08
[THC]AcidRaini think ubuntu is great <303:08
urlin2uyebyen, I think you are seeing a firmware screen mixed up not sure why we see gentoo, I would contact HP and find out what is going on or search the web I see different scenarios with diofferent computer manufacturers as far as keys to hit.03:08
urlin2uyekoms, I think you are seeing a firmware screen mixed up not sure why we see gentoo, I would contact HP and find out what is going on or search the web I see different scenarios with diofferent computer manufacturers as far as keys to hit.03:08
[THC]AcidRainurlin2u, plz dont flood03:08
urlin2u!cn | dungeon_archl03:08
ubottudungeon_archl: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:08
yekomsALL linux/bsd do it.03:09
yekomsnot just ubuntu03:09
urlin2u[THC]AcidRain, I wasn't I was just making sure the user was getting the info relax man.03:09
dungeon_archlmetabill: ok, you see now.03:09
Luke_007I'm using ubuntu 10.04 now, so I can stay here?03:09
[THC]AcidRainLuke_007, yes03:09
nevoprossHelp meee03:10
[THC]AcidRainLuke_007, regardless what version of ubuntu you have. you can pm me. ill always help ya03:10
chuck_urlin2u http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5/image1lu.png/03:10
[THC]AcidRainnevopross, ask your question. i cant help unless i know what is wrong03:10
nevoprossi have a problem wiht toten + youtube03:10
[THC]AcidRainwhat the problem...03:10
nevoprossDel: español03:11
nevopross 03:11
nevoprossAl: inglés03:11
nevopross 03:11
nevoprossTraducción de texto o de páginas web03:11
FloodBot1nevopross: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:11
nevoprossgstreamer totem03:11
chuck_urlin2u, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5/image1lu.png/03:12
[THC]AcidRainfirst if you have a spanish error. you should join a spanish channel03:12
nevoprossGStreamer encountered a general error in the library support.03:12
nevoprossok, friend.03:12
xanguanevopross: already told you to try minitube & minitube ppa03:12
urlin2uchuck_, okay yes you have 4 and the last on the right the sda4 is not being recognized, probably a firmware partition, not really needed, so you can with gparted remove that one and shrink the sda3 leaving unallocated for ubuntu.03:13
Luke_007AcidRain, I appricate for that, :)03:13
Aplezykotick9_: Why run update before upgrade? Out of curiosity.03:13
chuck_urlin2u, how much space does ubuntu need? sda 3 is an empty recovery partion that has plenty of space03:14
zykotick9_Aple, it guarantees you get the most current version of everything in your upgrade run03:14
yekomsshould i try ubuntu11 for this? i have been trying 10.1003:14
urlin2uchuck_, if that works we will put a partitioning setup in the unallocated for ubuntu. For size ubut u unpacks to about 3.5 gigs so think of what beyond that you need.03:15
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SucKiTAple: you can always run update after the upgrade is done, no harm in repeating a command.03:15
urlin2uchuck_, if sda3 ias empty you can just delete it and we can put a exetended partition there, and ubuntu inside and another ntfs and you will have a shared ntfs that will show as D in W7.03:16
ApleIt's weird. It says I have Python 2.7.1+, but 2.7.2 is the current release. Is the apt-get behind on this or am I doing it wrong? :)03:17
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:17
chuck_urlin2u, yes it is empty, just waiting on ubuntu to boot again, got tired of waiting earlier and got the screen shot through a live usb of puppy that i had on hand03:18
urlin2uchuck_, I would be careful though the sda3 shows 3 gigs somethng is there.03:18
ApleAh, I see. Figured it was such. Good to know for sure.03:18
ApleThanks guys03:18
kolixHi guys. I set up an Apache server and bought a domain name. Now how do i map my domain to my apache server?03:18
kolixi'm running ubuntu server 11.403:19
zHammeRzkolix, you set up dns to point to your outside IP address03:19
zykotick9_urlin2u, chuck_ according to the requirements page, standard Ubuntu requires 5GB minimum hard drive space...03:20
urlin2uchuck_, lol that is puppy I missed that, so you know what the 3 gigs is in sda3?03:20
zHammeRzkolix, which should be done through your domain name you bought03:20
kolixzHammeRz, i installed a DNS thingy when i installed ubutnu server03:20
kolixdo i confiugre it through that or just goto where i bought my domain and eneter my ip there?03:20
zHammeRzkolix, the latter.03:20
urlin2uzykotick9_, gee golee wally did you actually think I was going to advise something under 5 gigs.03:21
kolixzHammeRz, ok so my promary host name server is my external ip?03:21
kolix( i did no configuration of DNS on my ubutnu server machine)03:22
zykotick9_urlin2u, sorry, was just trying to be helpful03:22
urlin2uzykotick9_, I like your work you have a lot of skills beyond me I'm sure but a trigger finger in this area.03:22
zHammeRzno, the primary host name server is the one handling your domain names dns.03:22
kolixzHammeRz, so how di configure that?03:23
ndxtgis there anything wrong with ubuntu server? I can't reload the repo in synaptic03:23
zHammeRzwhen you set up your domain name you should have been given the option to create dns records.  you then create an A-Record in the hosting companies dns server that points to your external ip address03:24
zHammeRzand if you don't have those options you're going to have to call them for support.03:25
kolixzHammeRz, but I'm running my own servers03:25
kolixI have apache on my own machine03:26
kolixI'm just trying to point my domianname.com to point to my apache03:26
kolixdo i need to configure anything on my end?03:26
achromatkolix: log into whatever you use to manage your domain name.03:27
achromatthen point the dns nameservers to whatever dynamicdns service you are using.03:28
zHammeRzwhich is what I said initially :)03:28
hranolIs ubuntu coming with openssh package / client or server by default ?03:28
achromatzHammeRz: Sorry, I just started reading.03:28
achromatStill haven't fixed this wireless problem.03:29
zykotick9_hranol, no.  Install openssh-server or openssh-client03:29
zHammeRznp, he's confusing ubuntu's dns server with something with his domain, at the moment one has nothing to do with the other :)03:29
kolixsorry guys03:29
kolixI'm a newb03:29
kolixBTW, THANKS A LOT for helping03:30
kolixachromat, slow down a bit03:30
achromatkolix: Too much caffeine.03:30
kolixhow do i find out wich dynamicdns serverice I'm using for my server03:31
achromatkolix: it is something you have to manually set up. So if you haven't done it, you don't have one.03:31
kolixachromat: ok. Whne i installed ubuntu server I also installed a DNS package. Now do i set up this dynamicdns on my end then?03:33
kolixok awesome03:33
kolixso how do i do this then?>03:33
achromatkolix: do you know what the name of the service is?03:33
chuck_urlin2u sorry got distracted looking03:34
chuck_urlin2u, sorry got distracted trying to find out what it was03:35
blabblahhi all, i just upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04...everything finished, and it seemed that there were no errors03:35
blabblahhowever, on restarting.../usr/bin/bash was gone03:35
urlin2uchuck_, no problem so you know what is the sda3, it shows 3 gigs in gparted?03:35
blabblahand i am only given a commandline login03:35
blabblahwhat can/should i do to fix this?03:35
kolixachromat: how do i find out what the name of the service is?03:35
achromatkolix: I'm going to link you to a guide that should walk you through it. If you have more questions feel free to ask. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS03:36
chuck_urlin2u, no i am not sure, i guess it would be safest to just shrink it rather than deleting it03:36
kolixachromat: thank you man03:36
urlin2ublabblah, do you have an nvidio card03:36
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blabblahthis is a parallels VM03:36
blabblahon an intel mac03:36
blabblahi mounted the drive and verified that /usr/bin/bash is indeed missing03:36
blabblahso something clearly went wrong during the upgrade03:37
urlin2uchuck_, yeah it is hidden you can mess with that later or open the hidden folders option.03:37
urlin2uchuck_, now we are assuming that the sda4 can just be removed in order to get a linux partion in the instaed.03:38
urlin2uthere instead*03:38
kolixahh ok.03:38
chuck_urlin2u, i have see hidden folders selected and windows shows nothing there03:38
kolixso i just need to submit my static IP and domainame to one of these registrats and then they will give me the nameservers?03:39
silverarrowanyone good with update manager? I have made a mess with repositories03:39
Joknkolix: whose hosting the dns zone file for your domain?03:39
urlin2uchuck_, hmm, well you understand what I'm saying thogh about a partition needs to be removed to get the Ubuntu partitions set up right?03:39
i1920x1080Anybody use coLinux on Windows 7?03:39
kolixi bouhgt the domain off onednr03:40
laiboois smw here ?03:40
warning123zykotick9_, 1 question about screen , i accidently deteached server and i lost it, how to get back to that console window now lol03:40
silverarrowhow do you clean up update manager :-/03:40
=== jtrucks is now known as skynet
Richashilaiboo,are you still working with UBNT?03:40
chuck_urlin2u, yes i understand that, i will be trying that shortly, right now i am trying recreating my live usb cause i wouldn't boot anymore off the one i had03:40
Joknkolix: do they offer dns hosting? You have to set up a zone file with a dns host and put your records there.03:40
smwlaiboo, you wanted me?03:40
Joknkolix: if you're wanting to setup an A record then do it with your dns host.03:41
zykotick9_warning123, use "screen -ls" and take just the number beside the right session on put in in "screen -r ####" type thing03:41
smwlaiboo, are you sure you got the right person?03:41
kolixJokn: so besides the actual purchase of the domain name i have to set up a dns host too?03:41
warning123yes but i accidently detached it and its not available now on the screen -ls = list03:41
laiboosmw, sorry03:41
urlin2uchuck_, cool you probably got grub installed to the thumb, when you boot a thumb sometimes it becomes sda, which the Ubuntu will default to with the grub bootloader install.03:41
Joknkolix: you may not have to purchase it, depends on the registrar.  Also if you have webhosting, a lot of hosts will provide DNS hosting.03:42
zykotick9_warning123, they you didn't "detach" you "closed" which is different03:42
kolixno rented servers. I'm running apache on my machine03:42
zykotick9_warning123, use ctrl+alt+d to detach03:42
warning123control A+ D = detach03:42
laiboosmw,i'm talking with my friend, he got the same name with you03:42
zykotick9_warning123, sorry wrong!03:42
zykotick9_warning123, ctrl+a+d03:43
smwlaiboo, not on freenode he doesn't :-)03:43
Joknkolix: check if onednr has dns hosting03:43
warning123zykotick9_, how is my server running even though its not in the screen -ls?03:43
zykotick9_warning123, you didn't start it from inside or using screen would be my guess03:43
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:43
Joknkolix: or run your own DNS server, bind.  I'd recommend using the service you have though if its free.03:43
laiboosmw, oh ,i see03:44
urlin2uchuck_, it sounds like your hip to open source do you know what a extended, and logical partitions are?03:44
chuck_urlin2u, nope, honestly just started looking into this stuff a few days ago, got interested cause of android and then decided it might help revive a ancient laptop i had, kinda snowballed from there03:45
urlin2uchuck_, cool I didn't want to waste your time if not needed,  will be on so just let me know when your ready to put the Ubuntu partitions in, we will start with a extended using gparted, when you have shrunk the sda3 and removed the sda4.,03:47
chuck_irlin2u, i will take any knowledge you can lay on me, i am fairly convinced that open source is the way to go, which means i need to learn this stuff03:48
urlin2uchuck_, I would start with at least 10 gigs unallocated for ubuntu but go for 20 gigs I think you will use it once you hip to it03:48
=== skynet is now known as jtrucks
kolixJokn, I'm using onednr.com...I've tried calling them but noone picked up...03:49
kolixi don't know if they do dns hosting or not03:49
chuck_urlin2u, ok finally back into ubuntu03:49
urlin2uchuck_, cool just ask when needed.03:50
Joknkolix: look in the user control panel, see if you can find anything for DNS hosting otherwise host your own bind server.03:50
Joknkolix: and then you'll go in and point the domain to your server as the name server03:50
=== tum is now known as Guest70977
morthanyone here do encryption of some sort? i have some documents i need to put on my work computer and i dont want my assistant snooping through my files.03:52
morthim just curious on what i should do to keep my files safe from people i don't want seeing.03:52
chuck_urlin2u, so you think 20 gigs unallocated is enough? any advantage to using more?  I have about 110gb i can play with without touching the windows partition03:53
morthand don't say use USB drive, because that just not enough.03:53
urlin2uchuck_, the more the merrier really use as much as you like. ;D03:53
zHammeRzmorth, did you tell ubuntu to encrypt your home drive upon installation?03:54
urlin2uchuck_, it is hard to say what any newer user might want.03:54
morthzHammeRz: i believe so, - this meaning i cannot access my Ubuntu folder from my windows folder right? - because if so then yes.03:54
zHammeRzno, just test it yourself.  Make another user account, login too it, and see if you can access your home folder03:55
urlin2uchuck_, also notice if gparted s showing the hd as sda still.03:55
kolixthse are my options03:55
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chuck_urlin2u, ok i now have about 90 gigs unallocated, do i need to do anything with that, or should i just try to install again?03:55
urlin2uchuck_, is the sda4 gone03:55
chuck_urlin2u, shows partitions as sba1, sba2, sba3, and unallocated03:56
chuck_sda rather03:56
morthzHammeRz: that's not all though, i want to make 100% sure my word document is safe, even if someone had access to my files etc.03:56
zHammeRzthey would have to have access to your account03:56
[THC]AcidRainmorth, change permissions03:56
urlin2uchuck_, cool I personally format ahead of time only about 5 mins extra work and may be helpful for you to know.03:56
elslunkoanyone here using rapid photo downloader with 11.10? Have a weird issue going on.03:56
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chuck_urlin2u, no worries, how should i format it?03:57
Joknkolix: that looks like they're updating the name servers only03:57
elslunkoI have an application installed, but when I try to run it via terminal it says it's not installed. Never had this issue before. On 11.10.03:58
urlin2uchuck_, so in gparted you can put a extended partion in the unallocated right click the unallocated then new then extended at create as.03:58
kolixJokn, i guess i'll wait for their return call and ask them03:58
kolixJokn, thanks again for helping03:58
urlin2uchuck_, the hit the run green arrow.03:58
chuck_urlin2u, ok now it is showing an 88 gig extended partion and right below that unallocated exactly the same size03:59
morthzHammeRz: [THC]AcidRain , i have to make sure i secure it more than just changing the permission i want to know for 100% if someone broke into my house, computer ETC that i can rely on a encription for my documents -Word documents/pdfs, i understand nothing is 100% safe but having that would increase the security.03:59
ramuhow can i update package information in offline pc03:59
ramu how can i update package information in offline pc04:00
urlin2uchuck_, tha is normal, now right click the partition and make a ext4 with space after it equal to your ram amount. that space is for a swap partiton04:00
ramu how can i update package information in offline pc04:00
rww!repeat | ramu04:00
ubotturamu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:00
Joknkolix: no problem.  As a last resort look into bind server.  I'd recommend finding somebody to host your DNS until you're more familiar with DNS though.04:01
chuck_urlin2u, ok, now have a swap partition04:02
urlin2uchuck_, does that make sense the space after the ext4 for the swap partition is inside the extended.04:02
urlin2uchuck_, did you make a ext4 then a swap after04:02
chuck_urlin2u, yes, makes sense, i have a 1 gig swap partion and 87 gig unallocated inside the extended04:03
chuck_urlin2u, the swap partition i made is ext4, and at the end of the extended04:03
urlin2uchuck_, the swap is just for when the ram is gotten to high you need a ext4 for the ubuntu install as well.04:04
chuck_urlin2u, what should i format the rest of the unallocated as?04:04
urlin2uchuck_, ext4 and swap are different they can't be the same04:04
mattei am new to ubuntu04:05
urlin2uchuck_, so at the beginning of the extended lets call it that noe it is a 1 gig swap.04:05
mattei wanted to set my default irc program but i don't know the path for it, anyone know?04:05
seanwalkeri need help installing ubuntu on mac osx lion using a USB disk...04:06
chuck_urlin2u, ok guess i mis understood you, ok, now my extended has a 1 gig swap partition at the from the the rest is formatted as ext4, is that right?04:07
melhuishj@matte Ummmm, I though all programs were stored in /usr/bin/, but I haven't messed with that in a while04:07
matteokie let me take a look04:07
urlin2uchuck_, that will work make sur you run it with the green check and take a screen shot and imagebin to to be on the safe side04:08
urlin2uchuck_, here is the imagebin again for your convenience.  http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add04:10
chuck_urlin2u, yep, i have ran the operations, uploading the screenshot now04:10
mattetyvm worked like a charm now04:10
urlin2uchuck_, cool04:10
mattemy next question is about empathy program04:11
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matteit lacks a lil console so you don't really know what is going on, it says network error when i try to use it04:12
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chuck_urlin2u, http://imageshack,us/photo/my-images/189/screenshotte.png/04:12
mattecan it simply be cause i need a jabber account or?04:12
chuck_urlin2u, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/189/screenshotte.png/04:13
melhuishjI wish I could help...but I'm not really familiar with it other than using it to log into IRC.  What kind of console do you mean?04:13
urlin2uchuck_, that is not working did you hit the submit buton04:14
matteah okay, it's like a letter on your taskbar04:14
chuck_urlin2u, use the second link i posted04:14
urlin2uchuck_, cool hold on.04:14
melhuishjOh, like a button up at the top?04:15
matteyeah beside the volume04:15
mattei think it's an applet04:15
urlin2uchuck_, cool looks good so you can hit install, at the where you want it installed hit something else and when there hold and let me know when there.04:16
matteit's an instant msg application for gnome called Empathy04:17
melhuishjYeah, pardom my lack of technical terms. Hmmm...is it supposed to run when you start empathy?04:17
urlin2uchuck_, at the something else area we will confirm the grub bootloader destination and set up the install to sda604:17
mattei just wonder about the program cause i pressed the show nearby04:18
matteand it only loads and nothing04:18
mattei think it's a great idea but i am very new to it04:18
chuck_urlin2u, it isn't giving me the option of where to install like it did before, that is really weir04:19
urlin2uchuck_, it is about 3 gui's in to the process.04:19
mattedo i need a jabber account to use Empathy?04:19
urlin2uchuck_, it is called something else.04:19
melhuishjYeah, I noticed that option, I don't really know what it is or how it works though.  So, I just installed it on my Ubuntu machine and no applet.  No, I don't have one and I'm using it to chat with you right now04:20
urlin2uchuck_, choices are alongside , whole disc..etc and something esle04:20
chuck_urlin2u, yeah i know what screen you're talking about i just thought it was at the beginning, ok, let me try this again, with a little more patience on my part04:20
urlin2uchuck_, cool04:21
mattenp melhuishj it was very nice of you to try to help04:21
urlin2uchuck_, just click and read each gui, carefully.04:22
chuck_yep, i am just waiting on it now, it says ubiquity just crashed, is that anything to worry about?04:22
urlin2uchuck_, you installing natty or oneiric?04:24
chuck_urlin2u, natty04:24
urlin2uchuck_, it happens should not be a problem it usuall restrts.04:24
urlin2uusually restarts04:24
bao_hello every04:25
urlin2uchuck_, getting a little water brb04:26
morthurlin2u: keep hydrated for us. :)04:26
p01hey room. i've got a question about evolution and indicator-applet.04:27
chuck_urlin2u, no worries, this thing ain't the fastest machine around04:27
melhuishjSo, I have a bit of an issue with sudo: if I type sudo /something/something/something option it says /something/something/something isn't a command04:27
urlin2uchuck_, yeah one gig will run clunky at times, with ubuntu now.04:28
urlin2uchuck_, that can be tweaked though.04:28
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chuck_urlin2u, yeah i am probably gonna up it to 2 soon, ram is so cheap these days,04:29
Dr_Willisive heard ram prices are supposed to drop here soon...04:29
morthchuck_: agreed, just saw some DDR3 going for $15/gig04:29
Luke_007ram is cheap04:29
elbetovlc wont play movies, im running ubuntu studio 11.04, ?04:30
MK`I need help: How do I look at all the recent events/commands run in the terminal I am running on?04:30
chuck_morth, yeah fry's near my house wants $21 for a 2 gig stick of ddr3, at that price why not?04:30
p01is it okay that evolution closes instead of hiding in indicator-applet? i mean, how do i get it work in background and check my messages every, say, 10 minutes?04:30
Dr_Williselbeto:  run it from a terminal. look for error messages04:30
morthchuck_: agreed i've been wanting to upgrade my motherboard ram is so damn cheap its work upgrading to DDR3 lol04:31
awise12MK`: type history04:32
p01because i can't get the point of indicator-applet, if it works just like folded panel with sortcuts.04:32
morthchuck_: 8gb of DDR3-1333 is only 34.99 heh04:32
AtharvaDoes Ubuntu-studio 11.04 Has Unity as default enviornment ?04:32
elbetothanks, ill try04:32
chuck_urlin2u, ok i am at the screen where i can pick something else04:32
MK`Oh, useful. Doesn't have the information I need, however... I was typing in my office suite when I was suddenly logged out. The screen went to the terminal and threw me back into the login screen.04:33
chuck_morth, yeah, but this is on a little netbook, max of 2 gigs according to asus04:33
elbetonope, gnome 2, thank god04:33
Dr_Willisp01:  huh? programs can have special indicator icons in that area to give feedback..   theres a push to remove the old 'systray' type thing and have ONLY indicator-applets in that area now. a lot of the old 'programs' do not havce their icons appear there due to how its configured.04:33
urlin2uchoose that and then look at the dropdown below th3 partitions and make sure it is pointed at sda04:33
MK`As if I had hit the magic sysreq key, but I most assuredly did not. What else can cause that?04:33
morthchuck_: bummer04:33
Dr_WillisI cant even find the magic sysreq key on this keyboard. :)04:33
awise12!enter | MK`04:33
ubottuMK`: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:33
MK`Sorry, stream of thought.04:34
chuck_urlin2u, i has /dev/sda  chosen04:34
urlin2uDr_Willis, and you call yourself a dr04:34
urlin2uchuck_, cool now click the sda6 the change04:34
p01Dr_Willis, okay, but Evolution uses indicator-applet by default, right?04:34
Dr_Willisurlin2u:  its a 'condensed' layout keyboard new from logitech. - theres no key lavbled sysreq anywhere.04:34
chuck_morth, eh what can you expect, it weighs 2.5 lbs and cost $199 on sale04:34
Dr_Willisp01:  i dont use evolution. so no idea. I imagine it would.04:34
chuck_urlin2u, ok selected sda604:35
p01what a crap.04:35
urlin2uchuck_, when you see the nnext screen the make it ext4 click format and in mount choose ? and then close that gui.04:35
urlin2umount / chuck_04:36
urlin2usorry chuck_04:36
morthchuck_: sweet, i could use a laptop heh04:36
urlin2uchuck_,  so ext4 format and in mount / if that makes sense .04:37
chuck_urlin2u, so i have to click format on the ext4?04:37
urlin2uchuck_,yeah I know it seems counter intuitive.04:38
urlin2uchuck_, and the / in mount04:38
wh1zz0What's the difference btw installing installing ssh and installing openssh-server ?04:39
chuck_urlin2u, so i have the ext4 selected, for use as i selected "ext4 journaling file system" i checked "format the partition", and under mount point selected "/"  good?04:39
rwwwh1zz0: ssh installs openssh-client too if it isn't already installed04:39
urlin2uchuck_, that is it close that gui and hit continue or install what ever it is a fwe more gui's to set a user name apassword you are set. :D04:40
chuck_morth, it is actually a pretty sweet little netbook, good battery life and the new dual core atom n550 processor04:40
wh1zz0thanks rww .. So this means i'd be better of doing sudo apt-get install ssh .. rather than sudo apt-get install openssh-sever04:40
chuck_morth, it is actually a pretty sweet little netbook, good battery life and the new dual core atom n550 processor04:40
rwwwh1zz0: sure, though I doubt it'll make any difference04:40
chuck_urlin2u, thanks so much for all your help04:40
wh1zz0rww: Okie thanks04:41
urlin2uchuck_, your welcome the first time is daunting, and knowing the custom install, goes a long ways.04:41
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chuck_urlin2u, yeah, i wouldn't have figured any of that out on my own, the community is one thing i really like about open source04:42
urlin2uchuck_, yeah I learned it all in the trenches, with the help of others, and wiping the OS enough times to not mention the numbers.04:43
chuck_urlin2u, haha, even though i have all my data backed up i am still hoping to avoid wiping anything, but they say "good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment"04:44
urlin2uchuck_, yeah good luck and stop by when needed. :D04:45
mneptokchuck_: keep that in mind during your dating career04:45
chuck_mneptok, i have shown enough so much bad judgment in my dating life, I oughta be some kinda genius by now04:46
chuck_cheers guys, ya'll rock!04:47
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oberststenHi! I accidentaly deleted /usr/bin/locale and I can't get it back, I tried purging and installing "locales" but I can't get the /usr/bin/locale again04:47
rwwoberststen: try libc-bin instead04:49
rwwreinstalling, that is04:49
nomegois problems with flash on 64 bit oneiric a known issue?04:49
rwwoberststen: oh, and use sudo apt-get --reinstall install libc-bin instead.04:49
rwwnomego: ask #ubuntu+104:49
nomegorww, thanks04:50
oberststenrww: amazing, it works again :) thanks04:50
oberststenand now I'm back to my original problem, I'm getting this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/682344/04:51
oberststenit appeared today after doing an upgrade04:51
wh1zz0rww: Looks like ssh is already installed by default on natty which I am on04:52
rwwwh1zz0: the package 'ssh' is not installed by default. 'openssh-client' is.04:52
rwwoberststen: there's a command for that. sudo locale-gen, I think04:53
oberststenrww: yeah, already tried it, still getting the same04:53
rwwoberststen: does "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" do anything on ubuntu?04:53
illmortalHey guys... trying to jailbreak my HP Touchpad using ubuntu, I downloaded a java application which communicates with my touchpad, the java application is called, "WebOSQuickInstall-4.2.3.jar" and when I double click it, it is giving me an error that it is blocked04:54
oberststenrww: yes, after using locale-gen and trying that i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/682348/04:55
wh1zz0rww: ohhh I see.. So that's the difference.. Okie cool.. But something that kinda looks strange is this, for instance.. say my box which im chatting from is ubuntubox, when I do ssh [IP] isn't it supposed to first of all ask me for the username? But rather what I see is wh1zz0@IP's password:04:55
MK`For anyone interested, I found the source of my crash: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/77497804:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774978 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "xserver crashes in RecordAReply when XRecord is enabled in syndaemon" [High,Fix released]04:55
rwwwh1zz0: ssh defaults to your current username. use ssh username@IP if you don't want it to do that04:56
wh1zz0rww: Like it's attaching my current username to the remote IP04:56
wh1zz0rww: Thanks04:56
rwwoberststen: hrm, no idea. there's usually a simple fix with locale errors, but I don't know what that one is :\04:56
oberststenrww: i'll try to find something, btw, using the command "locale -a" i get two times "en_US" is that normal?04:57
warning123zykotick9_, thanks a bunch , it was using a diffrent name weird , now i figured it out lol04:57
rwwoberststen: mine doesn't have that, could be another symptom04:57
rwwoberststen: (I have C, en_US.utf8, and POSIX)04:58
oberststeni get C, en_GB, en_GB.utf8, en_us, en_us.utf8, en_us and posix, is there any way i coudl reset it? i just want en_us.utf8 btw04:58
zykotick9_warning123, glad to help - glad you figured it out :)04:58
rwwoberststen: I'm on Debian, and that dpkg-reconfigure command gives me the option to do so. Dunno how Ubuntu does it :\04:59
terr_gawd the installer options are confusing.  Can someone help me sort this out?  I do have a catch 22 to get around.  I can't access the USB on my debian machine.  I probably can from my openbsd server but I likely don't have a browser installed on it.  I have a mac available but the target machine is a PC.  There is no CD or DVD on the PC.05:00
oberststensadly, no, or any way i could delete some locales?05:00
terr_I see version 10.04 and I think the laterst is 10.10.  Correct?05:00
edbianterr_: 11.04 is the latest05:00
edbianterr_: but 10.04 is the latest LTS05:00
terr_edbian: not sure what LTS means.05:02
zykotick9_terr_, Long Term Support05:02
edbianterr_: Long term support.  It means this release will receive updates for a long time.05:03
edbianterr_: A long time is 3 - 5 years (I think)05:03
illmortalanyone know how to get a .jar file to open? keep getting an error that it's blocked from executing.05:03
terr_I shuold be able to run with 10.10.  Why wouldn't i?05:03
edbianillmortal: It's just a .zip I believe05:03
edbianillmortal: chmod +x /path/to/file.jar   to make it executable (not sure if that's meaningful on a .jar)05:03
edbianillmortal: You allow any file to be executable with chmod +x, but that doesn't means executing the file will do anything.05:04
illmortali see.. ya apparently it's just a java app (GUI) that allows you to view the file system of WebOS on the HP Touchpad05:04
edbianillmortal: I'm jealous of your touchpad :)05:05
edbianillmortal: well try chmod +x05:05
illmortalhaha.. ok will do, thank you for your assistance :D05:05
edbianillmortal: also, this: http://www.petefreitag.com/item/24.cfm05:06
terr_I'm going to use k3b to create a bootable CD.  I'd like 10.10 KDE version for 32 bit PC (amd processor) - where do I find it?05:07
oberststenrww: i found the solution here: http://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/Perl_warning_Setting_locale_failed_unter_Debian but after doing the steps at the bottom it worked, however, closing the connection (it's a server through ssh) when i go on again, it doesn't work again, i dea?05:08
zykotick9_illmortal, try "java -jar /path/to/file.jar"05:08
illmortalya just caught that05:09
muktiHas anyone installed the HDAPS daemon (HDD fall/shock protection) on a Thinkpad?05:09
illmortalthat did the trick, zykotick9_05:10
illmortalthanks a lot guys! was dreading thinking of using windows to jailbreak my touchpad lol05:10
edbianillmortal: :)05:10
terr_can someone tell me where to find the KDE live CD version 10.10 for an AMD PC?  I see 10.10 in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto but everywhere else I see onlu 10.04 and no reference to KDE05:11
muktiHas anyone installed the HDAPS daemon (HDD fall/shock protection) on a Thinkpad?05:12
edbianterr_: Any particular reason you want 10.10  ?05:12
rwwterr_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.10/05:14
rwwterr_: you probably want kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso on that page05:14
edbianterr_: Don't be fooled by the AMD64 and Intel X86 names (they're a little misleading)05:15
edbiandokken: hello05:18
dokkenwhat up05:18
edbiandokken: nothing...05:19
dokkensame here05:19
Atharva<dokken> : Your question ?05:19
dokkeni am new05:19
edbiandokken: This is ubuntu support.  You ask us questions about how to use Ubuntu05:19
dokkenyea i am new05:20
terr_edbian: far as I know its a 32 bit AMD.  COuld be a 64 however!  dual processor chip05:20
edbianterr_: dual core does not guarantee 64bit although it implies it.05:21
edbianterr_: How much ram you got?05:21
terr_edbian: I don't know.  I've never turned it on.  Probably lots.05:22
edbianterr_: haha, 'lots'   :)  Well if it's 4Gb or more than you probably have a 64bit processor and you want 64 bit Ubuntu05:23
terr_edbian: this stupoid firefox browser will NOT download anything.05:23
edbianterr_: firefox is not stupid05:23
muktiHas anyone installed the HDAPS daemon (HDD fall/shock protection) on a Thinkpad?05:23
terr_edbian: I'll dl the 32 bit tonight just to get this going.05:23
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edbianterr_: sounds great :)05:24
KrnlPaniccan someone tell me why fdisk -l returns nothing?05:24
zykotick9_KrnlPanic, "sudo fdisk -l"05:24
asdjaputraKrnlPanic, sudo fdisk -l05:24
* edbian joins in05:25
KrnlPaniczykotick9_, asdjaputra : Thank you05:25
edbiansudo fdisk -l KrnlPanic05:25
terr_edbian: I have to d/l with wget!05:25
asdjaputraterr_, what's wrong with wget?05:25
edbianterr_: wget is great :)05:25
terr_edbian: its just this browser refuses to d/l anything.05:26
asdjaputraterr_, why?05:26
edbianterr_: Strange.  Look at firefox -> downloads (or in your downloads folder)05:26
terr_asdjaputra: dunno.  It use to work a few years ago.  somehow it quit05:26
asdjaputrafew years? o.O05:26
edbianterr_: A few years ago?  What firefox 2 ?05:27
AlessonZaireWget is great, incredible, amazing and freaking awesome XD05:27
asdjaputraedbian, it was called mozilla back then05:27
edbianasdjaputra: firebird05:27
terr_Sep  4 20:14:11 io kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 0  why would i get this?05:27
asdjaputraedbian, huh?05:27
edbianasdjaputra: Back in the day it was called firebird05:27
asdjaputraedbian, but it changes because of copyright issues, right?05:28
edbianasdjaputra: I don't know05:28
zykotick9_terr_, do you even have a floppy drive?  if not, that's probably why you get that error05:28
terr_zykotick9_: have the drive.  No floppy in it.  Havn't used it for years05:28
edbianterr_: perhaps turn the drive off completely in bios?05:28
asdjaputraterr_, what, are you going to install ubuntu in floppy?05:28
asdjaputra:D cool05:29
terr_the machine I need to install to has no fdd and no CD.  Its only got a USB and I can't access the USB from this debian desktop05:29
terr_asdjaputra: I have considered this.05:29
asdjaputraterr_, fdd=floppy disk drive?05:29
terr_asdjaputra: I have a number of 200 mHz PI's and I cna install the IDE 160 GB into one of them and do the install.05:29
edbianasdjaputra: yes05:30
edbian200Mhz! :D05:30
terr_asdjaputra: they have FDD's.  ya.  floppies.  I even have 5 1/43!05:30
terr_asdjaputra: they have FDD's.  ya.  floppies.  I even have 5 1/4!05:30
edbianterr_: You probably can't run Ubuntu on 200Mhz05:30
asdjaputratry xubuntu05:30
terr_edbian: I only need to run the installer.05:30
edbianterr_: There is little difference05:30
edbianterr_: The liveCD is an entire OS.  I suggest using the alternate installer05:31
terr_edbian: installer can be and IMHO should be text based.05:31
asdjaputrai was 3 years old when these PII came in05:31
terr_edbian: I want to check out a USB DVD burner.05:31
asdjaputraTerabyte, unetbootin?05:31
asdjaputraTerabyte, sorry tab-completed05:32
terr_asdjaputra: well I have machines older than that.  I just tossed a 486!05:32
terr_asdjaputra: use to run 36 GB's and up on them.05:32
KaereyAnyone here familiar with ubuntu on a netbook?05:32
KrnlPanicStill have my 486dx66 in the basement..  :) Can't let that rascal go05:32
asdjaputraPentium 4 is the latest on my computer05:33
asdjaputraby latest i meant LATEst05:33
terr_asdjaputra: this one is a PIII tualtin 1.3 gHz core cpu on a 1998 MB.05:33
asdjaputraterr_, no please05:33
asdjaputraterr_, stoppp i can't handle it05:33
asdjaputrathe HORROR05:34
terr_asdjaputra: still loaded with SCSI stuff like a DLT7000, optical drives... lots of old toys including exabytes05:34
asdjaputraubuntu won't run in old computers05:34
KrnlPanicHow do you get your proc info in term? Isn't it something like cat /something/proc?05:34
terr_asdjaputra: still does the job except I need some new featuers.  I've got another machine anyways.05:34
asdjaputraeven if it does, it'll run very slowly05:34
asdjaputrahardware specs are increasing in every release05:35
terr_asdjaputra: this is going to take an hour.  I'm going to go watch a movie05:35
asdjaputrago ahead05:35
do0hello guys05:38
kuzushiI've got BIND and DHCP setup, and I was hoping someone might know how I could capture all HTTP requests and redirect them to another server of my choice (similar to a login process at a hot-spot)05:38
arabicakuzushi: squid can probably do that05:38
do0Is there any tools/software like dreamwaver web developing please?05:38
muktiHas anyone installed the HDAPS daemon (HDD fall/shock protection) on a Thinkpad?05:39
arabicado0: try aptitude search wysiwyg05:39
kuzushiI was wondering if there was a way to setup a common record type that'd just match everything05:40
kuzushi<- not a networking guy05:40
arabicait doesn't work that way05:40
arabicaDNS happens before the http request05:40
arabicaif you want to redirect at the DNS level, it has nothing to do with HTTP05:40
kuzushiright, so can I say on any request return ?05:40
arabicayou can say on any DNS resoltuion, resolve to, but you cannot specify the protocol.05:41
arabicait's only for mapping names to ips, thats it05:41
kuzushiarabica, and what would a common record type like that look like?05:41
arabicaI don't know, I've never configured bind.05:41
kuzushi*    IN   A
arabicathere's a chan for it, though.05:41
kuzushiokay, I will check there.05:42
morthofftopic but - has anyone gone to school for Computer Systems Technician - Networking? please /msg me05:42
pr0t0c0nwhois TH4i05:42
kuzushiarabica, ha, it's *.05:43
do0Am i  connected?05:43
rwwdo0: yes05:43
morthdo0: aye.05:43
cbarnardoDoes anyone know how to fix this? Compiling /usr/local/lib/python2.7/zipfile.py ... make: *** [libinstall] Error 1. Trying to build python 2.7.2 on natty. Please help I beg you.05:43
cbarnardoI asked in #python but they said to come here05:44
cbarnardoI don't understand how its a distro probelm but w/e05:44
pr0t0c0nhuh ubuntu seems to be running slow on this old gateway05:44
pr0t0c0nprobibly becuase the hardware in 9 years older than god05:44
ApleWhat's a good Java install for loading apps on the web?05:46
tbocsAple, you mean java applets?05:47
ApleI'm not sure really, I'm trying to use screenr.com05:47
ApleIt says "Detecting Java > You don't have it"05:48
ApleLooked up Java to dl but there are a few options: Sun, Open, Teabag05:48
arabicalol, teabag05:48
arabicaicedtea you mean05:48
ApleYeah that one05:48
arabicaget it05:48
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.05:48
tbocshmmm ... I have installed java, but it doesn't work.05:49
tbocsi tested it before ...05:49
arabicayou need the icedtea plugin05:49
tbocsyea I think we have to find some plugin05:49
awise12!info iron05:49
ubottuPackage iron does not exist in natty05:49
ricardoalguien habla espanol?05:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:50
do0rww, morth really? which one?05:50
tbocsAple, yea icedtea browser plugin05:50
ricardothanks :)05:50
rwwdo0: which one what?05:50
MasterOfDisastertbocs, Aple, arabica: why not sun-java6-plugin? works fine here...05:50
tbocsoh yea it works, Aple05:50
ricardoHi, any1 willing to help me compiling dri2proto??05:50
tbocsMasterOfDisaster, no it doesn't work.05:51
arabicaMasterOfDisaster: there was no reason in my suggesting icedtea over the other05:51
ApleOk, so IcedTea? MasterOfDisaster says sun works fine05:51
tbocsAple, i repeat, icedtea plugin works05:51
ApleI just installed05:51
do0rww, I mean dreamwaver like softer for ubuntu?05:51
MasterOfDisasterAple: if it works, stick with it.05:51
rwwdo0: no idea, I was just answering your "am I connected" question05:52
tbocsdo0, Aptana studio?05:52
do0rww, oh05:52
tbocsdo0, but it's mostly coding, not design ...05:52
do0tbocs, i see... Any designing software?05:53
tbocsdo0, try this? http://www.kompozer.net/screenshots.php05:54
tbocsI am afraid there is no killer apps for that for now, do005:54
ricardois there an specific channel for newbies in linux that we can ask for help?05:56
tbocsricardo, that might be ... wiki.ubuntu.com or askubuntu.com or simply google?05:57
tbocsbut if you have quick questions, just shoot here .05:57
suboneCna someone help me get back into my system? I think there was a problem installing upstart and now it hangs on boot at inti-bottom05:57
ApleEh, half-worked.05:57
Atharva<ricardo> #ubuntu-beginners05:57
ricardothanks tbocs, but i am a beginner so not sure05:58
tbocsAple, because that's open software ... if you want to use JAVA from software, you may have to download it to machine ... i don't know ...05:58
ricardoi will try that one atharva, thanks05:58
ghazi_savashhi there05:58
tbocsAple, I once went into a website that requires java, and it let me download a script05:58
Atharva<ricardo> : Thanks. :)05:58
Hoythi , i got a wired problem http://pastebin.mozilla.org/132239105:58
ghazi_savashgot a question here05:58
Hoyt'apt-get update' died05:59
tbocsAple, and it worked after running that script.05:59
ApleGonna try MasterOfDisaster's Java plugin ;)06:00
ApleYeah, that worked much better06:02
ApleSweet! Accidentally hit Win+D and it showed desktop06:03
ApleBeen trying to figure that out for weeks06:03
nommersHi :D Where can I go for help installing something from a PPA?06:03
tbocsAple, haha you just know that?06:03
tbocsAple, same for windows. try Win + W if you haven...06:04
ApleYou have no idea how many times I've asked and have been given the craziest of suggestions06:04
ghazi_savashI cant boot into my ubuntu 10.04 server06:04
morthanyone have a job or going to school for computers - /msg plz06:04
ghazi_savashhere is the Log http://pastebin.mozilla.org/132239206:04
tbocsnommers, go to launchpad.com and go to any ppa project, and there is instruction06:04
ghazi_savashI can mount the root FS manually though06:05
nommersI followed them, I added the ppa, downloaded the packages, and did sudo apt-get update06:05
nommersBut I feel like something is missing06:05
rwwmorth: you're perhaps looking for #ubuntu-offtopic06:05
Apletbocs: Are there hotkeys for navigating that win+w stuff?06:05
suboneCan anyone help me with "cannot create /dev/null" from chroot dpkg command06:05
Apletbocs: Numpad would be awesome but it doesn't work06:05
tbocsAple, what do you mean by hotkey? i don't know ... probably from ccsm...06:05
morthrww: true, thanks.06:05
mcl0vincan someone please help me with sensors applet06:06
tbocsmcl0vin, use xsensors or lm-sensor06:07
mcl0vini have dell power edge 860 1u server06:08
tbocsmcl0vin, oh i see, you man you have a problem with that?06:08
tbocsman -> mean06:08
tbocsand what is it, then?06:09
awise12!sensors | mcl0vin06:09
ubottumcl0vin: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.06:09
Apletbocs: Like once I Super + W, is there a way to nav those without arrow keys?06:09
tbocsAple, you can set them up in compiz (ccsm)06:10
ApleEh, can't figure it out. Figured out how to decrease opacity of non-selected windows though so that's good enough06:12
ApleMan... such a cool ubuntu feature06:12
ApleAnymore cool things like this? :)06:12
cooldman69hey guys i just installed ubuntu server and i dont remember being prompted for a root password. what do i do?06:13
tbocsAple, there are shortcut settings there, in the application switcher or something06:13
mcl0vinThe script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, but upstart is not supported for Upstart jobs. ??06:14
tbocsbasically you can enable and disable things there and do fine tuning on the parameters while learning what they do ...06:14
awise12!sudo | cooldman6906:15
ubottucooldman69: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo06:15
cooldman69awise12: thanks i know sudo does that but i dont have the root pass. i was never prompted with it during install06:15
awise12cooldman69: sudo -i will get you #06:16
awise12cooldman69: you do have a nonroot user right ?06:16
cooldman69awise12: yes, sudo -i asks for the pass i might just reinstall06:17
awise12cooldman69: use your user pass06:17
Jordan_U!root | cooldman6906:18
ubottucooldman69: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:18
cooldman69awise12: wow that worked. i swear i tried it06:18
awise12cooldman69: sudo -i .... pass: youruser pass not the root dude06:18
cooldman69awise12: yeah i got it now thanks06:19
awise12cooldman69: no problem06:19
Apletbocs: Can't figure this mumbo jumbo out: http://tinypic.com/r/dha9z9/706:19
tbocsAple, what do you mean? can't change shortcut?06:21
DuncancamHas anyone experianced error 60 in the UEC - Error 60: server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none?06:23
DuncancamI seem to be getting it after a new install of 11.0406:23
mcl0vincan someone please help me get lm-sensors to work , i can't get it to work06:23
tbocsmcl0vin, well what do you mean by not working?06:23
Apletbocs: Just not sure what to change there. Lots of options that all look the same.06:24
tbocsAple, oh so you see for every one option there are three items, each of which refers to screen, mouse and keyboard.06:24
tbocsjust change the keyboard one06:24
tbocsclick on the little pencil right there and change. make sure there is no conflict between shortkeys06:25
ApleThe keyboard one for "Current Output"?06:25
mcl0vintbocs: Warning: the required module ipmisensors is not currently installed on your system. If it is built into the kernel then it's OK. Otherwise, check http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/Devices for06:25
mcl0vindriver availability.06:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:26
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com06:26
Apletbocs: Eh, it's no biggie really, I'm happy with just arrowing around. Super+W is awesome. Thanks. Lemme know if there are any other cool things like that I might be missing out on.06:27
tbocsmcl0vin, don't know. try installing xsensors and give a try?06:28
tbocsmcl0vin, just sudo apt-get install xsensors. should work06:29
sgo11hi, in the terminal/shell, how to login as postgres?  since postgres doesn't have a password. In opensuse, I used to su to root first, and then su postgres. but in ubuntu, it's no longer the case. thanks.06:30
tbocssgoll, you mean sudo?06:30
sgo11tbocs, I want to login as postgres. I don't mean sudo. thanks.06:31
mcl0vintbocs: but is there is an applet for it06:31
tbocsmcl0vin, that's an x-window application.06:33
awise12sgo11: sudo -u postgres psql template106:34
sgo11awise12, ok. thanks. so that means I can not login as postgres. everytime, i have to put sudo in the front....06:35
awise12sgo11: to install postgress see https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/postgresql.html06:35
sgo11awise12, I read that before. that is not what I normally did in opensuse. normally, I run all the commands with postgresql login session in a terminal. anyway, will use sudo then.06:37
KingGurkehey, so, i'm considering installing something from a tarball. i know that's not kosher. is there some way that i can see all the non-apt files on the system06:38
KingGurkeso if i need to remove it, it won't be too big a hassle06:38
PolahKingGurke: You can typically do "make uninstall" to revert, the same way you do "Make install"06:39
KingGurkePolah: right, but let's say i didn't have the original source around or something. is there a "show me alien files" command for apt?06:40
PolahKingGurke: I don't think so. If you install from source them all you have to do it hold onto it and you can do make uninstall if it's supported there. Or get the source again and rebuild it then do make uninstall. I'd advise looking for actual packages instead, from either official repositories or PPAs or standalone .debs06:41
KingGurkePolah: i'm having problems with the official release (plus it might be too old anyway). so compiling from source is probably my best option, i think06:41
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:41
KingGurkerww: ok, thanks, i'll give this a try06:43
satanrmwhat is a new window manager which will have a menu like gnome-panel in 2.0?06:44
satanrmthe newer unity and gnome 3 both are fail!06:45
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".06:45
Polahsatanrm: You can use GNOME3 when 11.10 comes out.06:45
rww!info gnome-session-fallback oneiric06:45
ubottugnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.90-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 144 kB06:45
PolahAlso, I just managed to hide my xchat menu bar and click straight through the box that popped up by accident, how do I get it back?06:45
satanrmthe session-fallback will look like gnome-panel?06:45
Polahsatanrm: Why not just used gnome2 though?06:46
satanrmi am thinking because ubuntu will ask me to upgrade later and i will have to use a shit unity or gnome 306:46
rwwsatanrm: yes, that's the point of it06:47
rwwwell, and also to be something the non-3D people can use06:47
satanrmrww: gnome 3 and unity both suck06:47
totemsatanrm, :D06:47
rwwsatanrm: yes, I heard you said that.06:48
sjihsWhich package contains the info documentation of gcov?06:48
satanrmfuture of linux is doomed prolly :P06:48
Polahsatanrm: You can always just reinstall gnome 2 and stick with it if it does force you to upgrade.06:48
rwwsatanrm: unlikely, but feel free to tell #ubuntu-offtopic your non-support predictions ;)06:48
satanrmwhen the stop releasing updates for gnome 206:48
totemsatanrm, or join ##club-ubuntu :D06:49
satanrmok :P06:49
mcl0vinhow do i install ipmisensors module please06:50
Polahsatanrm: That'll happen, but you might be lucky and it'll still work. You can switch to lxde which also has panels, or lxde, xfce, kde or any of the other few dozen that are out there06:51
satanrmi see06:51
satanrmi shall lookup lxde and xfce then06:52
satanrmfuture of gnome is doomed06:52
rwwsatanrm: again, offtopic predictions and comments to #ubuntu-offtopic, please.06:52
satanrmhow can i install lxde and replace gnome06:53
mcl0vinhow do i install ipmisensors module please <-- anyone?06:55
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
=== kay_ is now known as kay____
do0tbocs, It does not have some advance function but still it is good. I want to create some menu with various style such as flash menu.... Do you know any software for it?06:59
padi999When I use a "for" loop in bash, does it create the list of elements in the beginning or could it add elements that were later added? I.e. if I say: for i in *.mp3 and then inside have a creation of a new mp3, does this then go through the for loop too? recursion so to speak06:59
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makak
tbocsdo0, i don't think you have a chance for creating flash on ubuntu...06:59
do0tbocs, Simple menu will do.... too07:00
=== X_ is now known as FreeNET
tbocsdo0, i guess you will like html5 then ... or just some simple javascript07:00
Polahdo0: If it's for a website, using HTML and PHP would typically be better. You can middle and right click to open links in new tabs and windows and suchlike, not to mention you're guaranteed support on pretty much every browser07:01
do0tbocs, any tools?07:01
do0or kompozer will do ?07:01
padi999no programmers in here?07:01
tbocsanytools can do javascript ... | do007:01
Polahdo0: Any text editor you want to use07:01
tbocsjust copy the code into your editor and it will work ...07:01
Polahpadi999: I believe it continually reiterates until the first condition is not met, in your case until it fails to find any more *.mp3 filenames where it's looking. You can specify a loop with a specific list of files which you could get beforehand using find and piping the output somewhere. Have a look at this page: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/loops1.html07:04
=== dhruvasagar_ is now known as dhruvasagar
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:05
padi999Polah: So that would mean yes it is iterate recursively. Ok07:06
sgo11hi, how to check what services that is auto-start enabled in ubuntu? I used to use the command service/chkconfig in opensuse. thanks. but it does not exist in ubuntu.07:07
mcl0vinhow do i get the src from my current kernel please?07:08
sgo11just installed bum. it can show the services.07:10
sgo11but how to do it in command line without GUI?07:11
txadmIf someone could direct me to help or help me that would be amazing, I would like to set up my ubuntu as a web/ftp server.07:12
Polahmcl0vin: Take a look at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile07:13
Polahtxadm: As a LAMP server, Apache, PHP and MySQL?07:14
txadmPolah: Yes, just the basics (No email). But definitely Apache, PHP, and MySQL07:15
sgo11hi, which runlevel does ubuntu boot to for desktop and server? the file /etc/inittab does not exist. runlevel looks different to other linux.07:16
=== ericmuyser is now known as fr0stbyte
Polahsgo11: You can use the runlevel command to check what runlevel is currently active. I believe the default is 2 though.07:17
TechnicusHow can I connect with the remote desktop protocol, a Ubuntu Desktop to another Ubuntu Desktop that are sharing an internet connection with each other?  One machine has a wireless card and an wired card.  It connects wirelessly to a network then shares that connection with the wired adapter as an adhoc, and is wired to the internet port on a router.  The router is then wired to the other computer.07:18
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.07:18
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:18
Polahtxadm: There's a package that allows you to just select LAMP and FTP for a list and it install everything tou need for that, if you wait a few minutes I'll try to find that for you.07:18
sgo11Polah, thanks. it's 2. in opensuse, it's 5 for GUI. 3 for non-GUI. so the startup services will be defined under /etc/rc2.d then. thanks.07:19
mcl0vinPolah: how do i install ipmisensors this is the missing tube07:19
txadmPolah: Thank you :)07:19
Polahsgo11: With Debian and derivates 1 is single user and 2-5 are multi user and are identical07:19
sgo11Polah, thanks.07:20
Polahmcl0vin: sudo apt-get install ipmisensors, perhaps?07:20
bhaveshUbuntu 11.10 has GNOME 3 by default but not gnome 3? whats the difference between just GNOME3 and one with shell?07:21
laibooRichashi, thanks07:21
mcl0vinPolah: E: Couldn't find package ipmisensors07:21
Polahtxadm: dex_777 just told me the name of the package I was looking for. If you install tasksel and then run it with sudo you'll get a list, select "LAMP Server" with space and then hit enter and it should install apache2, php5, mysql-server and the apache modules needed for that. Then for FTP there's a myriad of programs you can use. There's vsftpd, proftpd, pureftpd, and lots more.07:23
Polahmcl0vin: the package is called ipmi-sensors07:24
Polahhmm, maybe not.07:24
txadmPolah: Ok, I will go boot my other computer into linux, brb. Thank you very much!07:24
BlackAssI have no keyboard/mouse to install ubuntu. How can i install it via network (vnc/ssh) or serial cable (rs232)?07:24
PolahIt's freeipmi-tools apparently, from an apt-cache search07:24
PolahBlackAss: You'd still need a keyboard/mouse to enter things even on a command line install07:25
mcl0vinPolah: i still cant get senesors to work07:27
BlackAssPolah, my laptop is connected with network cable to that PC. But that PC does not have any keyboard/mouse input. So i have to install using VNC/Serial cable.07:27
Polahmcl0vin: Can't help you any more I'm afraid. I don't know how to use that sensors package.07:28
NemieHi, I have a problem I haven't had before. I just installed a virtual ubuntu server and now it seems that apt doesn't work as it should. I have connection out to 'internet' and not just our internal network. I have tested this with ping and wget. Tho it seems that apt "can't get out". It can't find any packages or install packages. When I installed the server I only gave it a nic in the internal network and then it couldn't get out to 'internet'. Could this07:28
PolahBlackAss: Oh, I see. Well, you could boot a LiveCD/USB but I don't see how you'd be able to enable a remote desktop service without a keyboard or mouse initialliy.07:28
BlackAssPolah, yes exactly. I cant prepare a USB setup so that i can login from my laptop, VNC. How do i do that?07:29
mcl0vinBlackAss: use nx client07:30
mcl0vini love that thing07:30
PolahBlackAss: Oh yes actually if you customised the Live system then you could have it start up a pre-configured VNC server and connect to it07:30
Polah!remaster | BlackAss07:30
ubottuBlackAss: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility07:30
PolahOr even just the built in remote desktop07:30
PolahBlackAss: I don't see any other way to do it other than remastering the ISO with a suitable remote client to start up. It'd be fairly easy, just follow the preparation instructions and then install it as normal and configure after chrooting07:32
BlackAssPolah, thank you. Are they using Anaconda kernel argument in isolinux.cfg?07:32
rajeevscam i set a local repository for storing updates and using over a lan07:33
PolahBlackAss: I don't know what you mean by that. Remaster the CD involves loop mounting it on your current, running system then chrooting to modify it then generating a new iso and creating a LiveCD/USB from that07:34
canadacowAnyone had any success getting xrdp to work under 11.04?07:34
BlackAssPolah, Thank you, i am looking those docs, i have tried once like this, is this same with Ubuntu too? http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda_Boot_Options07:35
Polahrajeevs: Yes, it's possible to set up your own repositories. Take a search for a guide on how to set up your own apt repositories07:35
canadacowAll I get is a black screen.  This is using apt-get or the Ubuntu software center.07:35
mcl0vin"sudo /etc/init.d/module-init-tools restart"07:36
mcl0vin^ not workig for me07:36
PolahBlackAss: You shouldn't need to set any boot options to remaster the Ubuntu ISO. Just get the ISO, mount it as per the instructions, chroot and modify as you need i.e. adding a vnc server in your case and setting it to start on boot, then just regenerate the iso which it also tells you to do and create a LiveCD from it as you would do with the unmodified ISO.07:37
Polahmcl0vin: sudo service <servicename> restart07:37
Polahmcl0vin: You'd have to figure out what the service is called, freeipmi or something like that perhaps07:37
sgo11hi, for postgresql setup. in opensuse, i used to run initdb to create cluster. in ubuntu tutorial, it skips the initdb process. does it mean ubuntu postgresql installation created cluster under /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main automatically after installation? thanks.07:37
BlackAssPolah, fantastic thank you, much clear now.07:38
tabaxterCould someone help me with what I need to do if I am getting a 'Package in inconsistent state' error for a printer driver I downloaded from the brother website, but which I can't seem to fix by reinstalling/uninstalling in the software centre or through 'apt-get remove'07:38
mcl0vinPolah: how would i find that out07:38
Polahsgo11: You could take a look and see if it's there07:38
sgo11Polah, yeah, it is there after installation. but just want to make sure. I can not find any detail information regarding this on ubuntu manual/guide.07:39
Polahmcl0vin: service --status-all will give you a list of running services, have a look in there for the one that matches07:39
Polahsgo11: Could you not run the command yourself to be sure?07:40
tawtawwhen i start firefox nothing happends :/07:40
=== drmtech is now known as drms2
sgo11Polah, btw, does ubuntu have services command?07:40
tawtawit does not return me to the terminal or anything07:40
sgo11Polah, in sysvinit-utils package?07:40
Polahsgo11: There's service, to list running services and stop/start/restart them.07:40
Polahsgo11: and service creation and removal is handled by Upstart07:41
ziga555I have 1 question07:41
joseph777Does any body use Wubi?07:41
sgo11Polah, I used to using services in opensuse. it's a default command available after OS install. ubuntu doesn't have it by default. should I install sysvinit-utils for using it?07:42
ziga555what's is ubuntu?07:42
urlin2ujoseph777, very few on this channel whats up07:42
DeltaEpsilonwhat is the command to lock my screen?07:42
Polahjoseph777: We can help you with it, just ask your questions07:42
joseph777Nothing much, you?07:42
sgo11DeltaEpsilon, ctrl - alt - l07:42
PolahDeltaEpsilon: By default in gnome, Super+L (Windows Key+L)07:42
Flashtekq: If I wanted to setup Ubuntu 11.04 on a workstation, but setup RAID5 for the install target.. will the 'normal' install ISO facilitate this ?07:42
urlin2ujoseph777, not much are you having a problem?07:42
Polahziga555: It's an operating system based upon the Linux kernel, one of many operating systems also running on Linux.07:43
DeltaEpsilonthose two do not work07:43
Polah!ubuntu | ziga55507:43
ubottuziga555: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:43
sgo11DeltaEpsilon, ctrl+alt+l  do not work?07:43
ziga555fedora 16 is much better than ubuntu 11.1007:43
bazhang_ziga555, wrong place for that07:43
PolahDeltaEpsilon: I've noticed issues with them sometimes not working, try from your desktop or you can go to System > Log Out > Switch User, or if you have your indicator-me applet click that and then "Lock Screen". There's a panel applet you can add that provides a button to lock your screen as well07:43
Flashtekziga555, go use that then..07:44
Polahziga555: That's your opinion. 11.10 is also unstable currently.07:44
joseph777A fellow classmate tried to install ubuntu using "Wubi", the install and everything went fine but when he tried to boot into ubuntu he got this error message: On reboot I get the normal two options and choose Ubuntu. When it starts loading It pops up with an error saying "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitions menu".07:44
joseph777I am just curious of how to fix this.07:44
Flashtekjoseph777, use the partitions menu..?07:44
mcl0vinPolah: thank you man, i still can get "sensors" to work07:45
PolahFlashtek: It's wubi, there is no actual Ubuntu partition07:45
urlin2ujoseph777, take a look in the first post here.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919807:45
mcl0vinPolah: i am getting sleep and i will head to bed07:45
Polahmcl0vin: I don't know then, sorry. I can only recommend searching for a guide perhaps07:45
joseph777I know that.07:45
Polahjoseph777: Perhaps verify the md5sum of the iso?07:45
Polah!md5sum | joseph77707:45
ubottujoseph777: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:45
joseph777Thanks for your help you guys.07:45
bigeyeHi,  I have a question. I'm trying to swap the log file which is written continuously to other file. but after swapping(I used move command), the file can't be logged without restarting the daemon. What's wrong with it?07:47
Polahbigeye: Because you moved it and thus the logfile the daemon was writing to would no longer exist.07:48
DeltaEpsilonPolah, I am amazed why this problem isn't fixed yet. a broken basic feature of Ubuntu :-(07:49
DeltaEpsilonit is just unacceptable for a production OS07:50
PolahDeltaEpsilon, what problem?07:50
bigeyePolah: so, what can I do to continue the logging? Is it not possible?07:50
DeltaEpsilonPolah, that some times the shortcut key to lock the screen does not work07:50
PolahDeltaEpsilon, oh the Super+L. You could file a bug report for it.07:50
Polahbigeye: Yes, you can. Do     cp logfile logfile.old && cat /dev/null > logfile         that will copy the logfile to logfile.old and then write over the operating logfile to make it blank.07:51
Polahbigeye: There's also programs like logrotate which can be set up to rotate log files automatically, but my command can be used to do it manually07:52
urlin2uDeltaEpsilon, I have noticed that some key shortcuts need the desktop clicked first.07:52
PolahOf course, if you want to swap it out repeatedly every few hours or something then you'd have to set up a more complex bash script or use a program to increment a number like logfile.old.1, logfile.old.2 and so on, or just change the number in the cp command each time you do it yourself07:53
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txadmPolah, mind helping me a tiny bit more?07:53
Polahtxadm: Sure, just ask away07:53
txadmI succesfully ran your steps and installed the lamp server, but it is no where to be found, just wondering exactly how to run it? Heh.07:54
bigeyePolah: It works! thank you :)07:55
txadmPolah: I guess more-so what I am asking is like in XAMPP (LAMP-type server for windows) there is a central control panel to switch on and off mysql server, ftp server, apache server, etc. Is there anything to do so on this? Or is it just always running, and also where do you access the http file directory? These questions aren't really answered by the installation. Any help is appreciated :)07:57
Polahtxadm: Run sudo service apache2 restart  and then sudo service mysql restart, it should say something like "apache2 start/running"07:57
Polahtxadm: If tasksel did its job then they'll be services and will startup on boot, unless you tell your system not to.07:58
Polahtxadm: By default the web directory is /var/www, but you can add sites to apache to specify a different root web directory, or symlink /var/www elsewhere if you wanted07:58
txadmsymlink? I would like the folder to be on my desktop (eg: all http documents are viewable from my desktop)07:59
BlackAssIs there any Ubuntu Alpha release coming soon? (with latest kernel).07:59
urlin2uBlackAss, oneiric is beta 108:00
txadmPolah: Also, to make the apache server public, is there any portforwarding required? or any firewall type system I need to disable?08:00
PolahBlackAss: There's 11.04 beta 1 out just now, which you'll have to go to #ubuntu+1 for support with. It should be released as stable in October.08:00
BlackAssurlin2u, thanks08:00
oCeanBlackAss: alpha stages are done, it's beta already: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule08:01
jonteHey. I need some help with the synapse application launcher.. How do I enable the dictionary plugin? I have the gnome dictionary but synapse lists the plugin as "disabled" and I can't enable it. Ideas?08:01
urlin2uBlackAss, no problem it is 11.1008:01
Polahtxadm: I assume you're running your home computer? You'll need to forward port 80 for your web server and 21 for your FTP server08:01
txadmPolah: I have done this ( The web server works for me (even when connecting to my external ip instead of local network) but other users get "Server is taking too long to respond."08:02
BlackAssoCean, i was downloading 11.04. Fedora 16-Alpha kernel compared to Ubuntu 11.10 kernel almost same?08:03
BlackAssI had a hardware issue which does not work in Fedora. So i was thinking maybe latest Ubuntu must work.08:03
PolahBlackAss: Probably quite similar. Did you try various drivers for your hardware? i.e. compiled linux drivers, self-compiled from source drivers or windows drivers through ndiswrapper?08:04
BlackAssPolah, yes i tried from vendor. Blackmagic intensity pro and USB 3.0 intensity shuttle. None works in Fedora.08:05
PolahBlackAss: Well try ndiswrapper in Ubuntu and it might work08:05
PolahIn reality though if you exhausted all your options on Fedora then Ubuntu probably won't be much better, they are both using Linux, albeit perhaps different versions.08:06
BlackAssPolah, wow ndiswrapper special on drivers? Thats like life saving to me.08:06
Polahtxadm: I don't know about that. Perhaps try asking in #httpd08:07
wayne7What's the advantage of connecting to several servers at once with Smuxi chat?08:07
i42nDoes someone have experience with the newest Macbook Pro and running Ubuntu on it? Are the hardware components supported? In the internet I could found some videos which show Ubuntu installed on a Macbook Pro, but they don't describe "how good" it actually works.08:07
PolahBlackAss: Well, it'll allow you to use Windows drivers with Linux and the different kernel versions may result in a success08:07
Polahwayne7: Is that an IRC client?08:08
BlackAssPolah, thats genius wow, thanks a lot.08:08
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wayne7Yes, IRC.08:08
PolahBlackAss: Not guaranteed to work though. I think XP drivers typically are more successful though, try drivers for more recent Windows first though08:08
Polahwayne7: Probably to prevent netsplits. In a netsplit, a server of the network goes down and all the clients connected to that server get disconnected. By connecting to multiple servers of a network then if one of the connected servers go down the client is still connected to the network.08:09
erwtcan anyone tell me how to start avahi  manually on terminal08:10
wayne7Thanks much, Polah!08:11
BlackAssPolah, Do you think Ubuntu 11.10, will be able to recognize USB 3.0 ( http://www.kdenlive.org/sites/default/files/blackmagic.png ) ?08:14
bazhangBlackAss, #ubuntu+1 for oneiric support/discussion please08:14
BlackAssbazhang, thank you08:15
vehemothis it possible to use smplayer with mplayer2?08:16
osseHow can I enable the little pop-up that tells me the size of the terminal when I resize it? I've had it before08:16
auronandaceosse: it does that automatically under xfce08:19
PolahDo dropbox and ubuntu one conflict?08:19
vehemothI answered my own question08:20
diplocathello all08:25
durreI'm trying to set primary monitor in .xprofile and I do it like this: xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1680x1050 --rate 60 --left-of VGA1 --primary .. this command works when I use it in the terminal but not in xprofile. I put the file in my home folder. I changed with chmod to 777. what else?08:27
DeltaEpsilonhow do I reset the  gnome's settings?08:27
PolahDeltaEpsilon: Which settings? panel settings?08:27
DeltaEpsilonPolah, all settings08:29
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PolahDeltaEpsilon: Purge and reinstall. If you just want to reset your panels to the default then follow this:08:30
Polah!resetpanels | DeltaEpsilon08:30
ubottuDeltaEpsilon: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:30
Polahdurre: Perhaps take a look at this page; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:30
rbasakHello! Is Oneiric glib/gobject broken at the moment, or is it just me?08:30
Polahrbasak: #ubuntu+1 for Oneiric support. It's unstable and thus may not function properly.08:30
rbasakPolah: thanks08:31
vinaykolaHi guys08:32
ramukatkee :how can i create an offline repositories08:33
Polahramu: You'll want to look at apt-mirror for creating your own repositories based on the Ubuntu ones.08:33
urlin2uDeltaEpsilon, I'm seeing the second of the commands in  #4 on a web search. Use at your own risk http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/restore-default-gnome-settings-in-ubuntu-quick-tip/08:34
durrePolah: well, that's the guide I used08:35
Polahdurre: Oh, I see.08:35
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ramuPolah how can i update package info in offline pc?08:38
Polahramu: You can't without an internet connection or somewhere you can get the updated packages from08:38
ramu<Polah>i want to setup a local repository08:39
awise12!offline | ramu08:39
ubotturamu: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD08:40
Polah!mirror | ramu08:40
melteyhello :)08:40
ubotturamu: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:40
PolahHope that works08:40
PolahAh yes it does but that's not what I wanted08:40
melteyis this ubuntu irc channel? :)08:40
Polahramu: Yeah, you need something like apt-mirror to mirror repositories08:40
Polahmeltey: Yes it is08:40
melteythanks :)  Im here using terminal :D08:40
ramupolah see this link   -https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository08:41
bazhangramu, a single PC? use aptoncd08:41
bazhang!aptoncd | ramu08:42
ubotturamu: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline08:42
awise12!APTonCD > ramu08:42
ubotturamu, please see my private message08:42
rickup /msg NickServ identify08:42
bazhangrickup, no spaces before /msg08:43
rickupthanks bazhang08:43
ramubazhang>  see this link     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository08:43
Polahramu: So follow the instructions on that page then08:44
ramuPolah> i didnt understand the last line of that page08:44
Polahdeb file:///home/repository SuiteCodename main restricted universe multiverse  that one?08:44
PolahYou need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list (as root) and add that line to the end of it08:45
rickupI actually have (what should be an easy jquery question) if anyone is up for it...  I have a select box  <select id="edit-attributes-43" name="attributes[43]">   I need any .live or .bind or whatever to a.) reload the page or b.) clear or reset the form08:45
Polahor perhaps    sudo add-apt-repository file:///home/repository  would work08:45
Polahrickup: Not the right channel for that unfortunately08:46
ramu<Polah>how to login as root08:47
Polahramu: Use gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:48
urlin2uramu, for the sources list sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lis08:48
urlin2usudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:48
Polahor sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list    or any other editor you want. sudo for command line gksudo for gui08:48
Polahgksudo gedit /etc/aptsources.list08:48
Morgzanyone got any idea what this is, from syslog: http://pasteit.com/1215208:48
ramuPolah>yes i got it and now what i want to do?08:50
PolahMorgz: PHY is off of your network interface so I imagine it's an issue with your NIC or interface configuration08:50
Polahramu: Save it, and do apt-get update probably. Someone else might know better.08:51
Morgzcheers Polah08:51
buguldeyI have Lucid Desktop. It it possible to setup RAID on a *single* physical hard disk ("disk1")? I intend to create a RAID drive on it, then copy files from another disk ("disk2"), and then add disk2 to a RAID together with disk1. Is this possible?08:51
ramuPolah> no no what i want to change in that list?08:52
Polahramu: add the line from that webpage to the bottom of the file on its own line08:52
SockPantshi all08:53
DarkrSome of you are famous.  There is a Cody Simpson music video that shows a computer screen with #ubuntu on it.  =P08:53
ramu<Polah>will it womk08:53
Polahbuguldey: I don't believe so, you'd need both drives to create the array.08:53
Polahramu: Supposedly, I don't know exactly.08:53
DarkrClick the hires image there.08:53
Jordan_U!ot | Darkr08:53
ubottuDarkr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:53
jpdsDarkr: Dude.08:53
DarkrSorry, got disconnected.08:54
SockPantscan somebody explain stty, in particular what is the opposite of 'stty -icanon' or in what channel should i go to ask about this?08:54
theslaxhi all08:54
ramuPolah no it is not working08:56
Polahramu: I don't know then, sorry.08:56
buguldeyPolah: OK thank you! I will attempt though. :)08:56
Polahbuguldey: Be careful you don't format anything. Perhaps look up how to create a RAID array without reformatting or something, it may be possible.08:57
buguldeyPolah: Sure.08:57
urlin2uSockPants, http://www.computerhope.com/unix/ustty.htm08:57
ramuPolah>please say ?08:57
urlin2uSockPants, here is another. http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009604599/utilities/stty.html08:58
ramuhow can i updating package information in offline pc ?08:58
Polahramu: Like I said, I don't know.08:58
bazhangramu, aptoncd08:58
ramuhow can i updating package information in offline pc ?08:58
ramuhow can i updating package information in offline pc ?08:59
bazhangramu, I just answered you08:59
ramu<bazhang> will the keryx work09:00
bazhangramu, what is keryx09:00
ramu<bazhang>your head09:00
bazhangramu, have no idea what you mean.09:01
bazhangramu, aptoncd works, yes09:01
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ramubazhang i mean that i want to update package information09:01
bazhangramu, and I told you about aptoncd .09:02
urlin2uramu, check the bugs. https://launchpad.net/keryx09:02
bazhang!aptoncd | ramu please read this time09:02
ubotturamu please read this time: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline09:02
damo22aptoncd!!!?? COOL09:02
ramuubottu> what offline09:03
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:03
bazhangramu, you are simply repeating the same questions, ones that have been answered. please stop that.09:03
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ramubazhang>it doesnt works09:05
damo22it does works09:05
bazhangramu, you have tried aptoncd already? it certainly does work.09:06
kaihi folks09:10
bazhanghi kai09:10
kaiwhat package would I install on lucid to get an ECMA-script command line interpreter?09:11
kaiI can't seem to find spidermonkey09:11
damo22hang on youre looking for a spider thats a monkey?09:11
damo22theres your problem09:11
oCeandamo22: that's not helpful09:11
morthRevolution OS -movie worth watching?09:12
bazhangPyjamas Python-to-Javascript compiler kai ?09:12
bazhangmorth, offtopic here09:13
morthbazhang: sorry my mistake didn't notice i tabbed to this channel.09:13
damo22kai: kjs?09:13
bazhang!find spidermonkey09:13
ubottuFile spidermonkey found in libcoin40-dev, libcoin60-dev, libcoin60-doc, libjs-dojo-core, mongodb-dev, pyjamas-pyjs09:13
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kaidamo22: pardon? that's not a packaga name, is it?09:15
kaibazhang: I'm fine with javascript directly :)09:16
damo22kai: its part of kdelibs i think09:16
damo22kai: but it would not be an ideal solution for someone not running kde09:16
jinu_hai, I am using ubuntu 10.1009:18
kaidamo22: I'm mainly wondering what happened to the spidermonkey package09:19
jinu_But it not show the network interface09:19
penosjinu_: ive got ubuntu 11.0409:19
laiboowhich irc client are you use now?09:19
Skandex chat09:19
jinu_penos: i configured xen on this machine09:19
jinu_Ubuntu is working as dom0 for xen,but it not show the network interface, I have two network card09:20
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9.2/+bug/536950 kai09:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536950 in xulrunner-1.9.2 (Ubuntu) "Please bring back spidermonkey-bin package again" [Undecided,Won't fix]09:21
bazhangkai, there's a PPA in the link there09:21
indi_boyhi all09:24
wormihow would one prevent a virus from stashing itself in memory09:24
bazhangwormi, in ubuntu?09:24
wormiyes in ubuntu09:25
alex-What's wrong with Gnome 2?09:26
kaiman... that's one of the things I really dislike in ubuntu... a package is dropped without a replacement, you file a bug for it and the first thing is someone shouting at you for using it in the first place09:26
auronandacealex-: what do you mean?09:27
wormikai: who shouts at you? I want to get on the voip network09:27
alex-auronandace, why is unity the default interface?09:27
wormisend me invite09:27
auronandacealex-: ask the decision makers09:28
alex-auronandace, who are they?09:28
zHammeRzUnity is the big new feature of Ubuntu 11.  Brilliant design imo09:28
penoszHammeRz: at least they are trying to keep up with trends09:28
pksadiqWhy not gnome shell?09:28
auronandacealex-: gnome2 is being depreciated anyway (i use xfce so it's a non-issue for me)09:28
zHammeRzI like it because it feels like an operating system, rather than just another linux distro09:30
auronandacepksadiq: gnome3 will be supported in the next release09:31
penoszHammeRz: i got ya09:31
urlin2uhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/MATE  gnome2 fork09:31
pksadiqSure? So its good,but then why should the ubuntu developers spent time on unity while gnome shell is already avialable09:32
urlin2upksadiq, the info is on the web.09:33
auronandacepksadiq: so ubuntu stands out from the crowd, apparently they didn't like the direction gnome3 was going09:33
alex-auronandace, why is it depriated?09:33
oCean!offtopic let's move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please09:33
ubottuoCean: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:33
wormibazhang: yes ubuntu09:34
oCeanLet's move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please09:34
auronandacealex-: it is no longer supported by the gnome people (they are concentrating on gnome3)09:34
auronandaceyeah, this is getting offtopic09:34
cheenuam new to ubuntu09:38
cheenucan anyone tell me basic important ubuntu terminal commands???09:38
greenithi, is it possible to use lightDM in 11.04 like in 11.10 beta?09:38
greenitcheenu, commands for what?09:38
jrib!cli | cheenu09:39
ubottucheenu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro09:39
auronandace!terminal | cheenu09:39
ubottucheenu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:39
oCean!manual > cheenu09:39
ubottucheenu, please see my private message09:39
cheenui know some of the basic commands but still i am in need of using more commands09:40
engrxyzhow can i mount /var/lib/mysql to /mnt/backup...i am using lvm partition09:41
greenitcan i use LightDM in 11.04 like in 11.10?09:41
urlin2ugreenit, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM09:43
greeniturlin2u, thx09:43
dddbmtHi guys. What is a good mysql client for remote databases (SSH private key). I want a UI for administrating databases, sorta like phpmyadmin.09:44
damo22dddbmt: as far as im aware, you log in via ssh to a terminal first then run mysql to the server at localhost?09:46
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damo22dddbmt: or else you log in to mysql using a remote hostname/ip09:47
dddbmtdamo22, I'm not sure exactly what you mean? I'm looking for a graphical application with mouse control, not command line tool?09:47
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damo22dddbmt: im not sure what you mean by log into mysql using ssh public key unless you are have been granted permission to run mysql command line tool over your ssh session09:49
dddbmtdamo22, an application for administrating databases on several servers. An application on my local machine.09:49
dddbmtdamo22, it needs to be able to ssh connect to the servers with private key, since that's the only option for connecting.09:49
damo22dddbmt: im not sure thats possible with a gui tool, given the info you told me09:51
damo22dddbmt: are you able to ssh on command line to the server?09:52
wormibazhang: good question?09:52
dddbmtdamo22, yes - command line is no problem.09:52
ronin44dddbmt, maybe you can open ssh tunnel to forward the port of mysql09:52
damo22dddbmt: what actually occurs when you do this?09:52
ronin44check this out: http://www.whoopis.com/howtos/mysql_ssh_howto.html09:52
dddbmtdamo22, but only with private key - not password.09:52
damo22dddbmt: do you get the mysql> prompt?09:52
ronin44dddbmt, then you connect with phpmyadmin to your local port09:53
dddbmtdamo22, I get normal root access on remote machine. Can then login to mysql with password. (mysql -u<user> -p<pass>)09:53
damo22dddbmt: ah ok09:54
damo22dddbmt: maybe you can install a gui tool on the remote machine then09:54
bahamashello. anyone know why my terminal isn't automatically in emacs mode, and how i can fix this? i'm on 64-bit ubuntu 11.0409:54
damo22dddbmt: and forward the X back to your local machine (running linux i suppose?)09:55
dddbmtdamo22, there's no gui tool I can install on my own machine? (I have multiple servers to control, would rather just install once).09:55
szalbahamas: what terminal, and why should it?  (what is Emacs mode anyway?)09:55
dddbmtdamo22, yes - ubuntu 11.0409:55
dddbmtdamo22, I know there's an application for Mac called "Sequel" http://www.sequelpro.com/ - that does what I want.09:56
dddbmtronin44, would it still be possible for my webapplications on the server to acces the DB, with your solution?09:56
bahamasszal: what do you mean by "what terminal"? the terminal that you access by choosing the Terminal application from applications09:57
damo22dddbmt: can you log in directly to the mysql server from your local machine using the remote ip?09:57
damo22dddbmt: such as mysql -h<remote IP> -u<user> -p<passwd>09:58
bahamasszal: and emacs mode is a mode that enables some key bindings. for example, Ctrl-A takes the cursor to the beginning of the file while Ctrl-E takes it to the end09:58
ronin44dddbmt, i think so, but not 100% sure, what you do is just forwarding the port securely via ssh then you do normal mysql connection09:58
damo22ronin44's solution is good09:59
Skandeehello, any one knows  about a tournamet manager program?09:59
ronin44damo22, thanks09:59
dddbmtronin44, but where does the gui gets into the picture?10:00
dddbmtdamo22, ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on <IP> (111)10:00
damo22dddbmt: ok you need to read the man page of ssh for forwarding a port10:01
ronin44dddbmt, you connect with phpmyadmin to localhost:330710:01
ronin44or the port that you open for listening10:01
dddbmtdamo22, and the10:01
damo22dddbmt: it will involve you running a console program (ssh) and then doing what ronin44 said10:01
ronin44as the database is on your local machine, then it forwards it to the remote machine10:02
ronin44dddbmt, don't know if you saw this: http://www.whoopis.com/howtos/mysql_ssh_howto.html10:02
dddbmtdamo22, there's no "real" application alternative to phpmyadmin. something that doesn't run in browser? I tried "MySQL administrator" - but I could only get it to connect through FTP.10:02
damo22dddbmt: i think the command is something like:  ssh -R 3307:<remoteIP>:3306 root@<remoteIP>10:05
dddbmtronin44, is it really just that. 3 steps?10:05
ronin44dddbmt, yes10:06
=== McPeter_ is now known as Noob`s
ronin44dddbmt, i just remembered smth, if somehow it does not work check your ip_forward like: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward10:10
ronin44dddbmt, it should be 1 to forward ip and you can change it with: echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward10:12
houdini_hello is some one available to help me (newb) getting an internal sata drive to work on xubuntu?10:20
damo22houdini_: is it plugged in?10:21
houdini_yes it is plugged in and the BIOS can see it10:21
damo22houdini_: then can you boot off a livecd?10:21
pr0tonhoudini_, boot into xubuntu10:21
houdini_I just completed a fresh installation. I have one 80 G hhd and a 1TB hdd. the system can not see the 1TB Hdd.10:22
houdini_the OS is on the 80 G hdd10:22
damo22houdini_: okay, can you open a console10:22
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damo22houdini_: type sudo fdisk -l10:23
houdini_console open10:23
houdini_sudo fdisk -l10:23
damo22houdini_: type it into the console not here10:23
houdini_i know sorry i did it10:24
houdini_info comes up10:24
damo22houdini_: okay do you get info about a 1TB drive?10:24
houdini_it sees the 1TB hdd10:24
damo22houdini_: okay do you have anything important on there?10:24
houdini_it is brand new nothing on it10:25
damo22houdini_: what kind of file system do you want on it? ext4?10:25
houdini_i suppose so????10:25
damo22houdini_: you need to paste the output of sudo fdisk -l to a pastebin service so i dont accidently tell you the wrong command10:26
houdini_you have lost me now... can I past it here?10:26
damo22houdini_: no go to pastebin.com10:27
damo22houdini_: it will let you paste and give you a link10:27
damo22houdini_: then you paste the link here10:27
houdini_ok hang on just setting up the paste bin....10:29
houdini_ok does this work?   http://pastebin.com/pJfeAHAW10:31
damo22houdini_: yes10:31
damo22houdini_: i am going to give you a series of commands you need to enter them into the console and press enter after each one10:33
emrhello i'm on maverick and i installed python2.7 however python -V giving me 2.6.610:33
damo22houdini_: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb10:34
houdini_waiting for command...10:35
damo22houdini_: c10:36
EvanescenceIs there some program can compress video ? I have a lot of videos. almost no disk space for store files.10:36
houdini_I got DOS compatability flag is not set10:36
wildbatEvanescence:  ffmpeg  mencoder10:36
Gredeusmaba stopped working for me on ubuntu using right click share install service and reboot.10:36
damo22houdini_: it should ask for primary or extended, hit p10:37
Lulz_тут по русски пишут?10:37
Evanescencewildbat: I saw ffmpeg's man page, but not find some options can compress video.10:37
SwedeMike!ru | Lulz_10:38
ubottuLulz_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:38
houdini_I got WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to10:38
houdini_         switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to10:38
houdini_         sectors (command 'u').10:38
houdini_P just gave me what is listed in the paste bin10:38
damo22houdini_: ahh crap sorry, hit q and quit10:38
wildbatEvanescence: you change the codec / bitrate / etc to do that .10:38
houdini_q done10:39
Evanescencewildbat: well,10:40
damo22houdini_: its difficult to remember the commands, i think its meant to be in this order "n<enter>, 1<enter>, p<enter>, enter, enter, enter, t<enter>, 82<enter>, p<enter>, and view the output10:41
Gredeuwhen i run smbtree from the smbclient package it doesn't list any information about my shared /home folder. testparm -s  however does return information10:42
damo22houdini_: try it again? "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb" then do the above10:42
houdini_after n i get extended or primary10:43
damo22houdini_: p10:43
houdini_partition number?10:43
damo22houdini_: 110:43
wildbathoudini_, damo22, y not just use gparted / Disk Utility ;p.10:43
houdini_1st cylinder?10:44
damo22houdini_: hit enter10:44
houdini_last cylinder10:44
damo22houdini_: hit enter10:44
houdini_back to command prompt10:44
damo22houdini_: t10:44
houdini_asking for a hex code10:45
damo22houdini_: 8210:45
=== nix is now known as Guest31828
houdini_back to command prompt10:45
damo22houdini_: t10:46
houdini_asking for a hex code again10:46
damo22houdini_: 8310:46
houdini_back to command prompt10:47
damo22houdini_: w10:47
houdini_syncing disks and back to $10:47
damo22houdini_: sudo fdisk -l10:48
damo22houdini_: should show the partition table of your 1TB drive to be valid now10:48
houdini_love the paste bin      http://pastebin.com/YDvf83p010:49
damo22houdini_: sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb110:50
damo22houdini_: only run that once now, dont run that again10:50
houdini_You are a genius!!10:51
houdini_I can now see it in the file system10:51
damo22houdini_: it will clobber your disk and format it as 1TB10:51
houdini_ok, thank you SO SO much!10:51
=== Guest31828 is now known as nixzhu
vadmesteHello everybody. How to get informations (package name, version, ...) about a deb file which is stored anywhere in the file system ?10:52
damo22houdini_: magic10:52
houdini_Thank you once again.10:52
damo22houdini_: yw10:53
damo22haha i cant believe i told him to use swap partition type10:54
damo22but i fixed it10:55
=== Mud is now known as Guest78168
callaghanvadmeste: I guess dpkg-deb -I filename (this is alarge i) might be useful...10:59
JoeR1I would like to know the command that is executed when I select "Empty Trash"10:59
xiaoyvadmeste, if the file is installed sudo apt-cache show namepkg10:59
xiaoyif you wonna ind it sudo dpkg -l | grep -i namepkg_or_some_part_of_the_name11:00
xiaoyapt-cache show works also if it's not installed :)11:00
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=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
mattebefore when i was useing linux it didn't work with voice calls on skype, anyone know if it do now?11:12
andrew_46matte: skype works fine here11:13
matteok ty11:13
matteis there a program inside ubuntu that you use or do you use it with wine?11:13
JoeR1matte, I have made voice calls with skype but it didn't work well, I cannot be sure if this was because of my internet connection or compatibility issues11:13
andrew_46matte: There is a native linux binary11:14
mattewhat does that mean?11:14
andrew_46matte: Means you do not need wine11:15
matteoh nice11:15
aciculaJoeR1: sometimes it takes a bit of time for me for the connection to get better11:15
aciculamatte: but yeah there is a skype application that works with ubuntu11:15
JoeR1acicula, In my case I suspect it was because my maximum downrate is 86k and that is only when the bandwidth gods are smiling11:16
* andrew_46 always prays to the bandwidth gods....11:16
JoeR1I need a GUI solution that can search for string values and report to me the files that contain those strings, any ideas?11:17
aciculaif by 86k you mean kilobit/s then yes that would cause poor connection quality or dropping altogether11:17
JoeR1indeed acicula That is what I meant11:17
aciculamatte: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype11:18
aciculathink its just a matter of enabling the repository in software sources and installing it11:18
mattehow about getting it from the software center?11:18
aciculayes  that also works just as well11:19
mattecool thanks11:19
JoeR1skype is canonical and can be installed with apt-get11:19
aciculayou may have to enable the canonical parter repository first in the software sources though, i think you can find it in one of the menus of software center11:19
JoeR1yes after the rep enabling11:19
aciculamatte: apt-get is just a shorthand notation, but it does exacytly the same as installing via the software center11:20
mouseI'm having trouble creating a bootable usb.  When I boot into the usb I keep getting the message: "Could not find kernel image: /isolinux/vesamenu.c32"  Googling has only shown fixes from 2008 that don't work today.11:20
JoeR1I take it then that no one has any suggestion for the GUI based script searching?11:20
JoeR1string serching rather11:20
Lockzi1What are the common reasons for why one network interface is not connectable when two interfaces are used? Both are said to be up, but the WAN interface can't be pinged from the outside...11:21
guckohi guys, how can I print the full path of a directory using terminal?11:21
x3qt0rDo I require a 64bit ubuntu for a PC with more than 4 Gb of ram?11:21
aciculaJoeR1: maybe a binary hex editor with search functionality? there used to be a desktop indexer tool as well, but its off by default11:21
mouseJoeR1, I've never used it but doesn't the basic search gui already have that feature?11:21
guckofor example, if I'm in a current directory I want like this: commanToShowPath ./dir11:22
aciculax3qt0r: it would be recommended11:22
afedergucko: for the current dir you can use 'pwd'11:22
x3qt0rokay =)11:22
aciculax3qt0r: but you do not lose memory by using 32bit or anything with the way its used11:22
mousex3qt0r, 64bit doesn't refer to the amount of ram but what processor you're using.11:23
Sidewinder1gucko, "pwd" I believe.11:23
guckoafeder: thanks11:23
x3qt0rSo whats the difference11:23
x3qt0roh , may be I misread it11:23
x3qt0rprocessor would be intel i711:23
JoeR1mouse, acicula Let me be clear, I do not know the name of the file I seek, I know a value and I wish to know what files contain that value11:23
jribgucko: try: stat -c '%n' DIRECTORY11:23
aciculax3qt0r: id go for 64bit, there are very few incompatibilities these days, 32bit is just still recommended because everything (used to) work with that11:23
aciculaand yes the short version is that its better then 32bit11:24
JoeR1And I have 39,000 files to serch in11:24
x3qt0rbetter in what sense11:24
greenmang0hi friends, i am using ubuntu maverick... i want to get back to default gnome/ubuntu settings.. what can be done for that?11:24
aciculaJoeR1: yeah that is what i understood, but wouldnt something like strings or hexdump command line tools be capable of doing just that?11:24
JoeR1acicula, I do not know, I will look into it.11:25
aciculaJoeR1: strings does just what it says on the box, finds strings in whatever you feed it, also grep or egrep might be of use to youj11:26
mouseJoeR1, I may not be understanding what you're asking but if go to places and search you'll pull up a search window and you expand the "select more options" and you'll see "contains the text" next to a box.  I think that's what you're looking for right?11:26
aciculaJoeR1: tracker is a tool that is used for indexing files and searching in them, but not sure if that is what you need11:26
x3qt0rSo whats the major difference11:27
x3qt0rin 32 bit and 64 bit that I will come across11:27
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yeatsJoeR1: if it doesn't have to be GUI, 'grep -R <string>' will do the job11:28
mousex3qt0r, 32 and 64bit is for 32 and 64bit processors respectively.11:28
secssinThere are heavenly man?11:30
* sipior raises his hand11:30
secssin真不容易- -11:31
aciculax3qt0r: unless you use obscure academic tool or large commercial software packages, none11:31
x3qt0rThen I shall stick to 32bit11:31
x3qt0rthat lappy comes with win7 64bit11:31
Sidewinder1!cn > secssin11:31
yeatshmm - is ubottu down?11:31
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:31
ubottusecssin, please see my private message11:32
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )11:32
Sidewinder1Woke up.11:32
aciculahonestly id check if you use either of the two and just check if they work under 64bit11:32
oCeanGiJoe: please stop that11:33
GiJoeon these nuts11:33
oCeanGiJoe: this is ubuntu support channel11:33
jinu_how to configure TPM on ubuntu 10.04 server?11:33
GiJoeI will destroy cobra!!!11:33
sipiorGiJoe: run along and play outside.11:33
oCeanGiJoe: once again, please stop that now11:33
GiJoeON these nuts11:33
JoeR1mouse, in you last message I think I did not understand the search method you proposed11:34
mouseNone of the bootable usbs I make are booting right.  When booting into them I'm getting the error: "Could not find kernel image: /isolinux/vesamenu.c32"11:34
mouseJoeR1, In your places menu do you see "search for files..."?11:34
JoeR1mouse, I do not appear to have a places menu11:35
yeatsgreenmang0: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/11:35
mouseJoeR1, In terminal type gnome-search-tool11:36
JoeR1It is installing, one moment mouse11:37
Dice-Manhow to set up quotas ?11:37
mouseJoeR1, You're installing gnome-search-tool or ubuntu?11:38
Dice-Mandisk quotas ?11:38
mouseJoeR1, And you're running a gnome session right?11:39
JoeR1mouse it is currently XFCE11:39
JoeR1I am running Xubuntu11:39
IdleOneDice-Man: see http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-disk-quotas-in-ubuntu.html the article is a little old but should still apply.11:40
mouseJoeR1, Ah in that cause you would probably have catfish or something of like.11:40
JoeR1yes, and catfish is awful11:40
mouseJoeR1, But gnome-search-tool will still work just fine.11:40
sshtrkhow can I set movie player to use x11 (xcb) output??11:40
JoeR1I am aware, I have been using it while we spoke11:40
JoeR1mouse, Also, I have yet to find a gnome tool that does not work and gnome components are running in the background of my OS11:41
sivakumarhai how to restore all the options in panle11:41
sivakumarsorry panel11:41
mouseJoeR1, Yeah gnome is quite compatible with xfce/openbox but I hear it's always had problems with kde.11:42
klingelbarthi, im ubuntu noob. i want to try the sysrq key. what should happen if i press alt+sysrq? on my system nothing happens...11:42
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Dice-ManIdleOne: i have an error :(11:42
Dice-ManIdleOne: you kernel propably supports journaled quota but you are not using it.Consider switching to journaled quota...etc11:43
sipiorklingelbart: generally another key is pressed in the combination. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key11:43
IdleOneDice-Man: there are millions of errors, which did you get?11:43
JoeR1mouse, oddly enough there are kde elements in here as well -  I did not see options to set case sensitivity is it automatically ignored?11:43
Dice-ManIdleOne: i received it when i launched the quotacheck -vagum cmd11:43
aciculaklingelbart: its not used  or enabled for normal operations11:43
mouseJoeR1, That's a good question.  I really don't know.  Like I said I never really use the string search feature.11:44
Dice-ManIdleOne: i didn't make a quota.group file because i think i don't need, i won't use quota for groups11:44
klingelbartacicula: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq then i get a 1. it is activated11:44
mc89__anyone know if its possible to set up a cron task that looks for new emails and if they contain an attachment it moves it somewhere11:44
tdnI am trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an older laptop which currently has 9.04 installed. However, it seems it cannot boot from the USB or the Ubuntu install cd. What can I do to fix this?11:44
JoeR1mouse, Very well, I shall hope that the string search is NOT case sensitive and that the files searched are not limited to certain formats11:44
aciculaklingelbart: that would suggest it is indeed11:45
sivakumarhow to restore panel i lost it11:45
IdleOneDice-Man: I'm sorry but I have never setup quotas before. maybe someone else here knows or perhaps #ubuntu-server can help you more.11:45
yeatstdn: did you enable USB boot in the BIOS?11:45
JoeR1mouse, I suspect this is just a GUI frontend for grep11:45
Dice-ManIdleOne: okay11:45
sipiormc89__: probably much easier to use Procmail or the like instead of a cron job.11:45
Dice-ManIdleOne: thanks11:45
klingelbartacicula: so under wich conditions will it be enabled?11:45
yeats!panels | sivakumar11:45
ubottusivakumar: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »11:45
mouseJoeR1, Oh I think I understand what you're saying.  Don't worry.  It's much more flexible than catfish.11:46
tdnyeats, yes. I also tried pressing F12 to get bootmenu and selected the USB drive as boot device. Also, I tried booting from the CDROM. It starts the CDROM, I can select language and then "Try Ubuntu without installing", but then the screen becomes black and nothing happens. Even after an hour.11:46
aciculaklingelbart: its normally used to recover a system if it hangs and what not, for example when working on things like kernel drivers, so you shouldnt have to deal with it as a normal user11:46
tdnI also tried selecting the "Install ubuntu without trying first"-option.11:46
yeatstdn: I would try the alternate CD11:46
yeats!alternate | tdn11:47
ubottutdn: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal11:47
tdnyeats, ok.11:47
aciculaklingelbart: which is why i assumed it would be off by default11:47
KnightmareHi, just installed 11.04 and I am getting no sound at all11:47
aciculaor recover, at least make it not die in a horrible way11:48
klingelbartacicula: ok, i misunderstood you11:48
andihow can i add the time widget to the app-launcher bar11:48
JoeR1mouse, There are some aspects of xfce that I enjoy but many of the default applications are just awful, Thunar sucks out loud next to Nautilus, catfish is horrible compared to gst and those are just the two I can think of right now11:48
awise12!sound | Knightmare11:49
ubottuKnightmare: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:49
mouseJoeR1, I agree with you on catfish.  I love xfce and openbox but searching does not need to be that complicated.11:50
JoeR1or limited11:50
andihow can i add applications to the dash board11:51
mouseandi, If you're talking about the gnome panels you can just drag and drop from the main menu.11:52
andimouse....talking about unity ÷)11:52
mouseOr you can right click a panel and click "add to..."11:52
JoeR1mouse perhaps you would be interested in hearing my overall goal (and possibly laughing at the amount of work I am putting into a cosmetic change)11:53
mouseandi, Ah if memory serves me right while the program is running you right click the icon and click something like "keep in dash" or something.11:53
mattehi feng11:53
xircxhi all11:54
andiah keep in launcher if the app is started11:54
mouseJoeR1, Sure in a pm of course.11:54
andiis there a way to let stay the task bar in unity on screen?11:54
xircxhows the linux ppl doing?11:54
mattedoing good ty and you xircx ?11:55
andii hate to waiting on it11:55
mouseandi, I don't understand your question.11:55
xircxim doing good, and will be even better in 1 hour lol11:55
mattelol waiting for a download?11:55
xircxnah i have 1 hour of work left XD11:56
andiin unity the left task bar(launcher) disappears after onleaving the mouse11:56
matteah, but atleast you earn money by the minute ;)11:56
andishould be stay on screen without disappearing11:56
xircxtrue true lol11:56
mouseandi, Oh do you mean it autohides?11:56
andimaybe, yeah11:57
andihow to swtich that off?11:57
xircxdisable autohide?11:57
mouseandi, http://maketecheasier.com/autohide-unity-launcher-in-ubuntu-natty/2011/04/2011:58
mouseI think that might help.11:58
andimerci, i will give it a try11:58
xircxnever used unity in ubuntu lol11:58
matteme neither11:59
xircxunity is a game engine right?11:59
mousexircx, Unity was used in the netbook remix for a long while.  I gave that distro to the tech handicapped.  ;)11:59
Morgzoh dear11:59
xircxor is there another open source program named unity lol11:59
billybigriggerxircx, your thinking unigine12:00
mattei am trying to confirm if i am going to switch to ubuntu or if it has not come to the point where i can fully use it with my games and windows apps that i use daily12:00
xircxah ok XD12:00
xircxi dont know much :P12:00
mattei want configurability and ubuntu has that and windows dont12:00
yeatsmatte: have you considered dual booting?12:01
mattei have but i am not keen on switching12:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.12:01
mattei am usally all over the place lol12:01
yeatsmatte: if your system has the resources, you can reinstall Windows in VirtualBox and just start it up when you need something that only runs on Windows12:02
xircxmatte you could also install ubuntu as a base OS and install windows inside VirtualBox12:02
matteyeah i been thinking that also12:02
i42nmatte: but windows only games won't run in virtual machine12:02
yeats(unless you're a gamer ;-) )12:02
xircxif you needed windows for basic programs12:02
matteso i have a lot more options today then i had 10 year ago when i tried :)12:02
mousematte, Games are the only reason I still have a windows partition.  Sad to say it but it's going to be a long while before things like portal 2 make their way to linux.12:02
kajinoi've to create a link to open a http stream directly in totem.. how i should set it?12:02
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:02
mattei'm a gamer also, but we'll see what i figure out, i installed some stuff like wine and so on that i will be testing today12:03
xircxMouse hows the over all Windows Game base for Wine?12:03
kajinomatte,  try playonlinux :D12:03
DasEimatte: do a dualboot12:03
matteyeah that's one of em i installed12:03
xircxPOL lol12:03
mousexircx, Honestly it's hit or miss.  Some run great and seamlessly while others crash and burn from the get go.12:03
kajinoDasEi, u're right :D12:03
mattemy games aren't that resource hogging so we'll see12:04
i42nmatte, that's not the point12:04
DasEimatte: ;9 pacman is fine, both wine n virtual12:04
xircxif your play'in pac man then you can use POL or a Virtual Windows12:04
AwesumBear_Finally, an active irc12:04
AwesumBear_Hello Everyone :D12:04
xircxhi awes12:04
coz_AwesumBear_,  hey guy12:04
Sidewinder1Mornin' AwesumBear_12:04
AwesumBear_So, what's ubuntu about ?12:05
kajinoi've to create a desktoplink to open a stream with totem.. how should i do?12:05
AwesumBear_Guess i'm going to have to google 'ubuntu'12:05
DasEiAwesumBear_: it's a linux based OS12:05
xircxubuntu is a free distro of Linux based off of Debian12:05
AwesumBear_LINUX ?12:05
* AwesumBear_ faints12:05
coz_AwesumBear_,   well its the #1  linux distribution... easy to use  and secure12:05
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com12:05
mattei play golfstar, diablo, wow, civ4 and minecraft hehe12:05
AwesumBear_Do i get banned if i say PC is better ?12:06
xircxThis is the "OH CRAP WHAT DID I DO" Chatroom XD12:06
mattethat's all i need right there hehe12:06
DasEi!linux | AwesumBear_12:06
ubottuAwesumBear_: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux12:06
coz_AwesumBear_,  no  because any PC  can run  ubuntu12:06
AwesumBear_Is it like Microsoft D:12:06
mattedid you buy another pc just for linux?12:06
AwesumBear_I don't understand all this technical stuff12:06
Sidewinder1PC=Personal Computer.12:06
coz_AwesumBear_,   place I would start is youtube   search for ubuntu12:06
gryHello. I am trying to run a gui app as another user. Per the manpage, I'm using `gsku -u username programname` - but it asks for my password and then says `Error: cannot open display: :0.0`. What am I doing wrong, please?12:06
DasEiAwesumBear_: as in os yes, as in configurable, way better12:07
kajinowhy nobody answer me on a simple question :P cmon :) i've just to create a link to open a stream with totem ^^12:07
coz_gry,   which app?12:07
AwesumBear_@mdtwiztid Windows is the only OS. Whats wrong with you all? Are you mad? ubuntu is a myth.  bigcheesy95 5 months ago 612:07
i42nkajino: sry no plan how to do that12:07
mattekajino: isn't it a guide on the net for it? (i don't know anything just suggesting)12:07
coz_AwesumBear_,   please,, if you are interested go to youtube and take a look,, also search for compiz  while there12:07
Sidewinder1AwesumBear_, Have a look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%2912:08
AwesumBear_I've seen ubuntu before12:08
coz_AwesumBear_, ` then search for compiz12:08
AwesumBear_I just never noticed it was ubuntu12:08
DasEiAwesumBear_: have that mind, but take that poll to #ubuntu-offtopic, this is an ubu-support channel12:08
AwesumBear_But, it doesn't matter, everything is in our windows now12:08
AwesumBear_The desktop has become a myth, unexplored for decades.12:08
coz_AwesumBear_,  go to both youtube and search for compiz and also the #ubuntu-offtopic channel12:09
dashingabhijeet<AwesumBear_> : Please join #Windows12:09
AwesumBear_D: Sorry12:09
AwesumBear_I was told this was the biggest #irc12:09
awise12kajino : what desktop manager do you use ?12:09
i42nAwesumBear_, nobody will try to stop you using windows. If you like it - use it.12:09
AwesumBear_That's why i joined12:09
AwesumBear_I know, i know12:09
MyrttiAwesumBear_: if you want to chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic or some other channel, this is strictly for Ubuntu support issues, not for general chat12:09
coz_AwesumBear_,  this channel is speicifically for ubuntu support  ,,, tech support12:09
AwesumBear_Oh sorry D:12:09
mattethe windows actually existed before windows itself :) cause it was windows already in dos :P12:09
kajinoawise12,  nautilus (ubuntu10.1012:09
wh1zz0AwesumBear_: Be carefu with compiz, you could make your machine unusable as combiz breaks unity12:10
AwesumBear_Ok, so where do i download ubuntu ? :D12:10
coz_well compiz will not break unity12:10
coz_AwesumBear_,    ubuntu.com12:10
AwesumBear_Oh ok, thanks :D12:10
matteor check the topic :)12:10
wh1zz0coz_: Actually, when I tried it on my last install I ended up doing an0other full install because my machine started misbehaving12:10
i42nit's all about experience12:11
wh1zz0Many things stopped working normally12:11
coz_wh1zz0,   mmm then you did something wrong,,, you should have met me in #compiz if there was that big of an issue12:11
dashingabhijeet!classic | dashingabhijeet12:11
ubottudashingabhijeet, please see my private message12:11
grycoz_: xchat12:11
wh1zz0coz_: Really?12:11
coz_gry,   well,,,  xchat you open with      xchat  from a germinal    not gksudo  xchat12:12
mattei am curious, what are the age of the people in here?12:12
coz_gry,   i meant terminal12:12
grycoz_: I want to open it as another user please.12:12
coz_gry,   no need for  "gksudo"12:12
coz_gry,  ah12:12
Myrttigry: why do you want it to open as another user then?12:12
coz_gry,  well if you are in that user account it would be the same12:13
i42nmatte, guess!12:13
AwesumBear_Sorry, [off-topic], but are there any bigger #irc channels than this ?12:13
coz_wh1zz0,  really  :)   compiz does not break unity12:13
MyrttiAwesumBear_: in this network, unlikely12:13
matte30+? :P12:13
gryMyrtti: The user has some different settings that I'm looking  to test.12:13
tsihi i got a prob12:13
mouseI may be wrong but isn't the command su <username> <program/file>?12:13
grytsi, which one?12:13
coz_wh1zz0,  unity is a plugin for compiz as well,,12:13
AwesumBear_Oh ok, i shall start using #ubuntu to fit in with the largest #irc server :D12:13
grymouse: No.12:13
tsisorry its my first time in chat12:14
grymouse: Not for GIU.12:14
coz_AwesumBear_,   that is awesome :)12:14
Ohkiehi. I'm trying to upgrade to the linux kernel from 2.6.39 using the instructions from: http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-04-upgrade-linux-kernel-to-2-6-39-0 but i don't seem to see the 39 linux headers in my package manager. Is it because im running Mythbuntu or am i doing something wrong?12:14
tsihi all12:14
AwesumBear_Ok, so someone explain differences between Windows and Ubuntu :D12:14
tsican i tell you my prob?12:14
mousegry, Oh I see you want the gui.12:14
wh1zz0coz_: To be honest, I followed a seemingly straight forward tutorial on youtube, then I started having issues, came here to ask but there wasnt any answer and I didn't want to keep repeating the question so I just re-installed..:/12:14
AwesumBear_I hear Ubuntu is very customisable12:14
i42ntsi: go for it12:14
coz_AwesumBear_,   go to #ubuntu-offtopic  and ask there12:14
Sidewinder1!ot > AwesumBear_12:15
ubottuAwesumBear_, please see my private message12:15
tsiok.i connect my usb mp3 stick in ubuntu 11.04 x32bit and i cannot delete any files12:15
wh1zz0coz_: All I wanted was the fireburn effect.. :P And so I installed compiz along side it's extraz, but things got really bad and mesmerized12:15
coz_wh1zz0,   understood,,  but  eventhough compiz /Unity are actually dependent on eachother ,, #compiz is the channel if you have speicific issues with compiz12:15
xircxtsi did you try from the terminal?12:15
coz_wh1zz0,   compiz is already installed on Unity  ,, Unity depends on compiz in order to run12:15
tsino i dont know how to do it12:15
wh1zz0coz_: Okie.. point noted, would ask in there if i decided to try it again12:16
i42ntsi: can you create new files? maybe your stick is write protected?12:16
coz_wh1zz0,  no need to install compiz  although there are extra plugins available12:16
coz_wh1zz0,  so if you have unity running right now,, you also have compiz running as well12:16
hacked_kernelis there a way to keep window controls always visible in Ubuntu 11.10 ?12:16
tsino i cant write12:17
Ohkiehey guys. am i missing something? ppa -> 2.6.39 but synaptic package manager cant see it?12:17
coz_hacked_kernel,   "window controls"  as in the buttons?12:17
wh1zz0coz_: Then why the sudo apt-get install compiz settings e.t.c12:17
hacked_kernelcoz_, yes12:17
=== daemoneye|away is now known as daemoneye
coz_wh1zz0,   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager    so that you have full control over compiz12:17
xircxtsi can you right click on your flash drive icon on the desktop and change permissions?12:18
Ohkiemy bad - just realised that the website says that ppa is down. is there anywhere else to get it from?12:18
coz_hacked_kernel,   open a terminal    gtk-window-decorator --replace & disown12:18
i42ntsi: does your usb stick have a little switch to turn write protection on and off?12:18
coz_hacked_kernel,  see if that brings back the title bar buttons12:18
xircx^^ lol12:18
wh1zz0coz_: Hmm, I see.. I was previously of the opinion that that was a fresh install of compbiz and the extra for enabling the extra effects12:18
coz_wh1zz0,  well.. compiz and unity can be considered, in a way,, one thing... in that you cannot run Unity without compiz unless you install unity2d12:19
grymouse: yes12:19
xircxima have to add this channle to my android12:19
tsino it hasnt12:19
Ohkieanybody? :)12:20
coz_wh1zz0,  and please dont rely on  youtube videos for compiz settings,, come to #compiz for that12:20
xircxtsi do you have read/write permission on your flash media?12:20
gryMyrtti: Do you have advice on this issue?12:20
tsihow can i check it xircx?12:20
wh1zz0coz_: Point noted.. Whew, now I can try again12:20
hacked_kernelcoz_,  there is no option about control buttons in the compizconf-settings-manager12:21
xircxright click it then open settings, look under the permissions tab12:21
coz_wh1zz0,  yep  and if you want the cube on Unity  I can guide you on that one as well,,12:21
wh1zz0coz_: I guess I can still get the elusive fire effects someday afterall12:21
tsino i cant change any permission from there12:21
xircxnewer ubuntu might have moved things.... im still use to the 9.XX version12:21
coz_hacked_kernel,   click on the window decoration plugin  tell me what is in the "Command" field12:21
i42ntsi: but that might be strange if you are using FAT32 or similar12:21
xircxcan you see what permissions you have though12:21
wh1zz0coz_: Let's hit it! Thanks.. I'm on compiz now12:22
coz_wh1zz0,   yep it works12:22
hacked_kernelcoz_, /usr/bin/compiz-decorator12:22
xircxyou may need to do a chmod to allow rw to it12:22
coz_hacked_kernel,  ok ,, although that should work,,, you can replace that with  gtk-window-decorator --replace12:22
Myrttigry: I've got a few theories but nothing that I'd be happy to give out, sorry12:23
tsiyes it is formatted on fat32..12:23
hacked_kernelcoz_, now i'm using the gtk-window-decorator btu the control button still not always visible, visible only when hovering12:24
coz_hacked_kernel,   which theme are you using?12:24
coz_hacked_kernel,  did you change the default system theme?12:24
hacked_kernelcoz_, ambiance12:24
i42nxircx, does fat32 support unix-like permissions? I don't think so.12:24
coz_hacked_kernel,  mmm  ok that is default12:25
xircxtis if you know your file path to your flash drive you can type ls -l "PATH to drive" and check permissions that way also12:25
tsino i dont12:25
coz_hacked_kernel,   I am going to let someone else take over on this one  for the moment,,, but w hich video card are you using?12:25
i42ntsi: normally it should be something like /media/53dfg34efg35t12:26
xircxso do a ls -l /media12:26
xircxthat will list all your devices12:26
hacked_kernelcoz_,Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM12:27
xircxif theres one that starts d--r--r--r theres a permissions problem12:27
tsiw8 i try to find the path name of my device12:27
coz_hacked_kernel,  mm ok  then I will definitly hand this over,, I am not up on all intel video issues  or which versioni number is more current,,so ask again  with the video card info as well12:27
xircxtis type "ls -l /media"12:28
xircxwith out ""12:28
hacked_kernelcoz_, thanks alot :)12:28
xircxshould show our flash drive12:28
xircxbut i have to go all. See you later12:28
hacked_kernelI'm using   "Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM" and Ubuntu 11.10 Beta,   how can I always keep the window controls buttons visible not when hovering??12:30
coz_hacked_kernel, oh!!! sorry  you are on 11.10 ,, that makes a difference,, go to #ubuntu+1  which is the official support for pre release versions12:31
i42ntsi: now you can type: cd media/920d-e78e12:31
tsiok w8...12:32
i42ntsi: then type: ls -l12:32
i42ntsi: that will show you your permissions12:32
coz_hacked_kernel,  there is likely a but  or issue with intel  on beta  so go there to see what's going on12:32
coz_hacked_kernel,  where you type here type   /join  #ubuntu+112:32
Sidewinder1!oneiric > hacked_kernel12:32
ubottuhacked_kernel, please see my private message12:32
tsilets do it again12:33
tsiwhat typing first?12:33
i42ntsi: see above12:33
tsibash: cd: media/920d-e78e: Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο αρχείο ή κατάλογος12:34
Sidewinder1Looks like Greek, to me.12:36
tsiyes it is no file/folder12:36
tdnI just tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS from alternate CD. I choose to use entire disk. When in comes to the step "select and install programs", it fails with the error: "installation step failed. You can try to run the step again from the menu or skip it." If I skip it, the next step is to install GRUB, which fails without the failing step done. What to do?12:36
mattewaaa what to do if wine decide i can't open a .exe file just cause it's being rude?12:37
DasEitdn: verified the iso ?12:37
tdnI see that it fetches files from 0 to 1014 or something... I think it fails at aroung 614 og 1014.12:37
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:37
tdnDasEi, yes. I did.12:37
DasEitdn: also the installers option ? and no netinstaller w/o internet ?12:37
tdnI checked in the console (Alt+F4) which package failed. It is: xfonts-mathml_4ubuntu1_all.deb.12:38
tdnDasEi, huh?12:38
tdnDasEi, I verified the md5sum of the alternate cd.12:38
tdnDasEi, which is the one I am using.12:38
tdnAs suggested in here an our ago.12:38
DasEitdn: and the installer itself has an option for verifying media, like the menubar install/repair..12:39
tsiis there any ubuntu channel from greece?12:40
tdnDasEi, can I get this package from elsewhere? I have an USB stick with the iso on as well. Can I mount this somehow? Or maybe change sources.list in the installer and have it fetch packages from the net?12:40
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes12:40
DasEi!gr | tsi12:40
ubottutsi: please see above12:40
tsiok sorry its my first time in chat12:41
ActionParsniptsi: np man :)12:41
tsithanx all12:41
tsisee you again12:41
dropmousehey all, I'm having a hell of a time installing ubuntu on thids new gateway netbook. wubi installer is fckd, and can't seem to boot to the usb...12:43
ActionParsnipdropmouse: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?12:43
dropmouseno, you suggesting i downloaded a insecure/malicious copy?12:44
dropmousefrom the anl.gov mirror?12:44
ActionParsnipdropmouse: no, I'm suggesting the data may have been damaged in transit over the web12:44
dropmouseoh, yes. I thought about  that too- im able to boot the usb on another machine12:44
ActionParsnipdropmouse: the source is completely irrelevant, as long as the file passes MD5 test then you can get it from ANYWHERE12:44
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, I think he/she also said something about wubi.12:45
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: can use wubi from the iso ;)12:45
dropmouseyeah, i understand that, thanks. but thats not my issue :)12:45
ActionParsnipdropmouse: until you verify the ISO any efforts could be for nought as bad data will nullify all attempts to recitfy12:45
DasEidropmouse: I had such issues, too , on one machine it boots, on another not, is the arch (32/64) right ?12:46
dropmouseDasEi: 64 bit12:46
DasEidropmouse: else try another iso (minimal, seerver, alternate..)12:46
tdnDasEi, I did not try to verify from the disk itself. If I have verified the iso as well as the md5sum of the burned CDROM afterwards, I cannot see why it should be different?12:46
DasEidropmouse: netbook is 64 bit capable ?12:47
DasEitdn: most common fault, bad burn12:47
DasEitdn: file might be allright, burning crashed /dirt etc.12:48
Sidewinder1tdn, Reburn at tha "slowest speed."12:48
dropmouseyeah,this gateway comes with a dual core Atom n57012:48
tdnDasEi, as I said, I have verified the md5sum of the burned cdrom. AFTER burning.12:48
DasEitdn: this is what cd's verfication checks12:48
tdnSidewinder1, nothing indicates a bad burn here.12:48
Sidewinder1tdn, It was just a thought, :-)12:49
ActionParsnipdropmouse: ok we'll assume the ISO is ok as you seem to not want to test it (even though it takes mere seconds). What happens when you boot the USB?12:49
dropmousedon't assume anything Parsnip- I'm downloading a MD5 Checker now12:50
dropmousewow, It';s too early for IRC- i'll get upset ;)12:50
ActionParsnipdropmouse: good, please MD5 test in future. It's important the data is pristine12:50
dropmousethanks for trying to help :)12:50
ActionParsnipdropmouse: hope it's ok, redownloading is annoying12:51
supNowsomeone help me please I've been in computer hell for a week!12:52
supNowI installed ubuntu and it took over my entire 2tb drive12:52
DasEidropmouse: geenrally torrents are best practice for fine iso's12:52
supNowwindows will not format it back to ntfs12:52
ActionParsnip+1 for torrents12:53
usr13supNow: Why not?12:53
supNowI used disk utility to format to ntfs and windows still won't install on it12:53
ActionParsnipsupNow: you can use the liveCD to resize the Ubuntu partition and make room for the Windows install12:53
dropmouseha, will remember the torrent piece. I've been really interested in trying xubuntu on this netbook12:53
usr13supNow: And how did ubuntu take over the "entire 2td drive"?12:53
dropmouseI want ubuntu but think gnome will be too much for my lil netbox here12:53
ActionParsnipsupNow: you will need to boot to liveCD after the install as Windows will blindly overwite the MBR with its own thing12:54
supNowActionParsnip: is LiveCD going to be different than the disk utility in ubuntu?12:54
usr13supNow: You can just use fdisk to remove the partitions12:54
ActionParsnipsupNow: the disk utility will be used, you need the liveCD as you cannot resize mounted partitions12:54
supNowwindows just says it's unable to use the drive.. I can delete the partition create a new one and click format from windoze cd but still says it can't12:54
usr13supNow: Which one is it? /dev/sdb  ?12:55
mongyActionParsnip, you think zsync would repair a download?  since it matches md5's and all of that other funky business12:55
usr13supNow: What kind of drive is it?12:55
ActionParsnipsupNow: alternatively you can use the Windows installer or liveCD to delete all partitions then install Windows to a portion of the space, then install Ubuntu to the free space12:55
supNowjust to throw it out I'm not on noob status so all common things don't seem to work... it is the WD 2tb EARS12:55
usr13supNow: What kind of drive is it? And which one is it?  /dev/sd?12:55
ActionParsnipmongy: I guess, you can also use torrents to fix it (as far as I know)12:56
supNowI have ubuntu on a 250gb now and am happy I'd like to put windows 7 on the entire 2tb12:56
ActionParsnipdropmouse: could use lubuntu, its a lot lighter12:56
supNowI will look up info gimme 1 minutes12:56
fleai dont normally use bug tracking... but am i reading this correct https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/43066  -- 2006-2011 ??  .. bug still present latest 11.0412:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 43066 in libwnck (Ubuntu) "Window list behaves bad when panel is vertical." [Medium,In progress]12:56
usr13supNow: We don't support windows installations here.12:56
dropmouseis lubuntu official yet?12:56
supNowI just need a format from ubuntuy that windows will accept, I'm not a windoze fan...12:57
tdnIs there a way to change the sources.list that the alternate installer uses so that it will get all packagres from HTTP mirror instead of from the CDROM?12:57
ActionParsnipdropmouse: from oneiric onwards, yes. I believe the other releases will be supported but not sure12:57
supNowvnc is too slow for me to use my home computer from work12:57
supNowon windows 7 remote desktop it was almost real time12:57
supNowI do design work...12:57
DasEi!minimal | tdn12:57
ubottutdn: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:57
supNowlet me get info on drive brb12:57
mattetake care all, i'll be back a bit laters12:57
ActionParsnipsupNow: what activities do you do on the remote system?12:57
supNowphotoshop etc.12:57
usr13supNow: Like I said, if you just delete all partitons, windows will format the drive as it sees fit.  sudo fdisk /dev/sd?12:57
ActionParsnipsupNow: really? yikes12:58
DasEisupNow: do a new parti-table w gparted from the 250 one12:58
supNowahh gparted!12:58
supNowI forgot about that apt12:58
supNowlet me try it!12:58
usr13supNow: But it shouldn't matter really, windows SHOULD see the drive, no matter what the filesystem.  You must have some sort of hardware configuration problem.12:58
usr13supNow: Again:  What kind of drive is it? And which one is it?  /dev/sd?12:59
usr13supNow: sudo fdisk -l   | pastebinit12:59
DasEiusr13: I remember there was specials with wd passports12:59
usr13DasEi: Sorry, I don't know anything about wd passprots.13:00
tdnDasEi, ok13:00
usr13enlighten me13:00
DasEiusr13: externals with a strange partiton type (extra functions, firmware) one had to re-table first13:01
usr13DasEi: Oh, well, I've never heard of such.  But he could easily wipe the MBR.  i.e.  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=51213:02
supNowgparted is reading it as ntfs after format I'm going to give it another shot... thanks for the help so far.13:02
DasEiusr13: then still needs new table, gparted way easier than mkfs13:02
supNowI am working on using ubuntu for everything, the vnc is the only part that doesn't work for me13:03
supNowit's just too slow13:03
supNowI used teamviewer which was much faster13:03
usr13DasEi: Correction  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=512 count=113:03
DasEisupNow: install ultravnc, third party13:03
supNowbut the colors are reduced13:03
supNowI have tried ultravnc chicken of the vnc real vnc and another mac program that connected called remote desktop13:03
usr13supNow: What is wrong with VNC?13:04
supNowthey all had noticable lag13:04
supNowwindows remote desktop lag is milliseconds13:04
usr13colors are reduced?13:04
DasEiusr13: this will just blank  it, neither set a table nor format it13:04
supNowI can't reduce colors below 24 bit and do design work13:04
usr13DasEi: exactly13:04
DasEiusr13: tightvnc and so on compress better13:05
supNowI am waiting for the day ubuntu has an option that does remote as fast13:05
usr13supNow: What VNC server and client did you use?  And was it from linux to ms or ms to linux?13:05
ActionParsnipsupNow: what OS is the system you are connecting to?13:05
supNowit was mac to linux13:05
usr13supNow: How fast is your network?13:05
supNowand at work it's the same13:06
supNowbusiness grade13:06
ActionParsnipsupNow: so the client is mac?13:06
tdnDasEi, trying the mini installer now. AFter selecting mirror it hangs...13:06
supNowI use the mac to connect to linux yes13:06
ActionParsnipsupNow: strange, so you run photoshop on Linux then VNC to use it on a Mac....13:06
ActionParsnipsupNow: are you serious...13:06
supNowI hate macs and the one I use is an imac... not sure how they expect me to do intensive programming and design work on that so I remote to my linux box which used to run mainly windows13:06
supNowActionParsnip: yes and no13:07
usr13supNow: I asked what client and server software you used..... ??????13:07
ActionParsnipsupNow: why not run photoshop on the mac?13:07
supNowI used mac to connect to windows to do designwork in photoshop and it worked perfectly13:07
DasEitdn : the download of iso ? your location ?13:07
supNowbecause macs are painfully slow and annoying and I use many programs that mac has no alternative for13:07
usr13supNow: If it worked perfectly, what is your question / problem?13:07
=== _ruben_ is now known as _ruben
supNowI wanted to replace the windows with linux completely but vnc didn't work out13:08
tdnDasEi, I downloaded the mini.iso from the link you providede. My location is Denmark.13:08
tdnDasEi, it uses dk.archive.ubuntu.com.13:08
supNowmy windows drive crashed and I wanted to try natty at the same time13:08
ActionParsnipsupNow: could try X forwarding via SSH, it's all I can suggest. Let me see how to make vnc faster, its a horribly old protocol13:08
DasEitdn: I gave you no link, but will in a -13:08
supNowI tried to use part of the drive but it installed on the entire disk13:08
usr13supNow: So you have a hardware problem with your HD.13:08
DasEitdn: natty ?13:08
supNowI'm gonna try the gparted partition13:08
tdnDasEi, well, you made ubottu give me alink13:08
usr13supNow: ?13:08
tdnDasEi, lucid (LTS)13:09
supNowI'll be back13:09
supNowI bought a new disk.13:09
ActionParsnipsupNow: could try freenx13:09
ActionParsnipvnc to use photoshop from a Mac, that'sbackward as I can think of13:09
DasEitdn: 32 ?13:09
tdnDasEi, 32bit yes13:10
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tdnActionParsnip, I think you can use photoshop via wine.13:11
usr13tdn: I understand that it does run ok under wine, but I've yet to try it.  I'm a gimp user, (and dont have photoshop).13:12
tdnusr13, ok13:13
usr13gimp works just fine for me.13:13
ActionParsniptdn: sure but to use it over vnc is not going to be great, and to have mac as a client when it runs on a mac...13:13
usr13and he said his network is 30m ?13:14
tdnActionParsnip, I agree, vnc would not be suitable for such an application.13:14
usr13my switch is 10/100/100013:14
DasEitdn: http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/lucid/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/mini.iso13:14
DasEierr powerpc, nnooope13:14
DasEitdn: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso13:15
usr13it's fast and I swear I can tell a difference even with the clients that have just 10/100 NIC(s)13:15
DasEitdn : in terminal : wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso13:15
tdnFrom: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso13:15
tdnI think that is the same URL that I used.13:15
tdnDasEi, yeah, same URL.13:15
tdn7b383bcf55f09b1bb7e6614ed6e67a0e  /home/tdn/COPY/mini.iso13:16
usr13and VNC works just fine for me.13:16
DasEitdn: so there you are, if that's what md5sum spits about that file13:17
fr0stedhey all, anyone use compiz here ?13:17
DasEitdn: the mini is a mini file, compared to the 700's standard, as it pulls from web13:17
usr13I use zipmoc13:17
ActionParsnipfr0sted: only recently, yes13:17
fr0stedi cant seem to find how to rotate the desktop ( cube ) pluing conflicts13:18
tdnDasEi, what do you mean "there you are"? Is the md5sum incorrect? What do you get?13:18
Nimeishey everyone, im need help regarding sed13:18
DasEitdn: md5sum /home/tdn/COPY/mini.iso   tells ?13:18
Nimeis*hey everyone, I need help regarding sed13:18
tdnDasEi, the above sum. 7b383bcf55f09b1bb7e6614ed6e67a0e13:19
DasEitdn: so iso is down fine13:19
DasEi=there you are13:19
tdnDasEi, yeah, I figured. But as I said, the installer hangs....13:19
usr13DasEi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes13:19
ActionParsnipfr0sted: try:  gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz     to set defaults, then rebuild13:19
DasEitdn: ah, so installer hangs, not d/l, use mainserver for basic install13:20
ActionParsniptdn: does the RAM test as healthy?13:20
NimeisHey, anyone good at sed here?13:20
tdnDasEi, ah, ok. Will try.13:20
usr13tdn: What does he have?  What ISO?13:20
tdnActionParsnip, not sure. Great idea. I will try memtest.13:20
tdnusr13, mini.iso, 386 alternate iso as well. Both lucid.13:21
tdnusr13, ans desktop lucid also13:21
DasEiusr13: td.. d/l mini.iso sucesfully and couldn't get denmarkserver in installer13:21
cyberfartI have a quick question. Can't I ssh from inside another ssh session? Never really needed it before, now I'm stuck13:21
tdnDasEi, tried using another mirror. That seems to work. At least it gets further this time. If this does not work, I will try memtest.13:22
DasEitdn: install with mainserver and check with repogen later once basics are installed13:22
tdncyberfart, you can.13:22
usr13DasEi: Did the checksum pass?13:22
DasEiusr13: y13:22
tdnusr13, yes.13:23
usr13cyberfart: Yes you can.  user@ip-address13:23
ActionParsnipcyberfart: sure, you can ssh leapfrog to as many servers as you want13:23
DasEitdn: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/13:24
usr13DasEi: In what way does the install fail?13:24
tdnDasEi, ah.13:24
DasEiusr13: seems probs with a local server, hung up there13:24
ActionParsnipcyberfart: you can also setup sshfs ounts between each and copy between the hops from server to server :)13:24
cyberfarttdn ActionParsnip : yes, I just tried on some other server, apparently I can.. but on this particular machine, it just hangs.. no response13:24
usr13DasEi: Oh, you are doing the mini install and it is not finding network connection?  Is that the problem?13:25
DasEicyberfart: scp is another way to copy between hosts13:25
DasEiusr13: apparently not, as other mirror seems to work (last info)13:25
cyberfartDasEi: thanks for the suggestion, I actually need to clone a HG repo13:25
tdnusr13, no, it gets network.13:25
DasEicyberfart: then rsync with ssh options might be the hit13:26
usr13DasEi: tdn Oh so he has his on mirror and is trying to use his own mirror and not outside?13:26
usr13*own not on13:26
DasEiusr13: seems first choosed either an unresponsive mirror or had connection issues13:27
NimeisA simple question: is there a way to use arguments only from a file using sed, like it is possible with grep?13:27
sipiorNimeis: yes, have a look at the "-f" switch.13:27
Nimeisthis refers to commands13:27
Nimeisnot arguments13:28
usr13DasEi: I'm afraid I'm not able to follow the discussion very well.  I should bow out.13:28
DasEiNimeis: you mean a file with commands for the altering ? it is13:28
zykotick9_Nimeis, if I had a sed problem/issue, I'd probably try asking in #bash (but put your issue in your question, all on one line, don't ask for sed help, just give your actual use line and what you're trying to do, them #bash people are pretty hard-core)13:29
NimeisI want to use one command refering to arguments kept in a file - line by line.13:29
ArthurHow can I open Root Folder? I installed a file there but I don't know the name of the program so I don't know how to open it after going to Root Folder in Terminal (I don't either now it's name) :/13:30
usr13cyberfart: Is "this particular machine"  ubuntu?13:30
cyberfartusr13: yes it is13:30
DasEiArthur: gksu /path/root/folder/file13:30
usr13cyberfart: Are you sure it has openssh-server installed?13:30
Nimeisok, thanks, ill switch rooms, bye13:30
zykotick9_Arthur, root folder?  which one?  / or /root13:30
DasEiArthur: gksu gedit /path/root/folder/file *, for editing a file13:31
cyberfartusr13: yes13:31
Arthurroot folder :/ it denies permission when I try to explore it13:31
Arthurand I don't know the name of the file T_T I just installed a folder in root folder and I don't know what's the name of the program in it13:31
usr13Arthur: sudo13:31
DasEiArthur: bader habit : sudo nautilus13:31
zykotick9_DasEi, don't use "sudo nautilus",  "gksu nautilus" if you must (still not a great idea)  Arthur13:32
DasEiArthur: become root and cd there, use nano and such, be carefull; sudo -s13:32
DasEizykotick9_: yep, not the preferred way13:33
zykotick9_DasEi, "sudo -i" is more typical13:33
zykotick9_DasEi, "sudo" with gui apps can be bad13:33
BluesKajHiyas all13:34
usr13zykotick9_: can be, but not always13:34
sipiorusr13: it really is best to assume the worst.13:35
zykotick9_usr13, there is no reason to use "sudo GUIAPP" anytime, there is gksu or gksudo for just that - it's always a bad idea13:35
learnerhi is there any free sms software for ubuntu?13:35
usr13zykotick9_: DasEi Any admin priviledged action could be dangerous.13:35
usr13zykotick9_: Yes, gksudo  You are coorect.  (SO say so.)13:35
ArthurThanks ^^ It finally worked with sudo nautilus. I just wanted to know the name of the program installed (since it had few numbers). Good luck :)13:36
DasEithe hammer opened the egg13:37
usr13I think it is probably to just use sudo for each individual admin action and use CLI tools as much as possible.13:37
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:37
usr13*probably [best]13:38
adminewbtrying here to diagnose a permissions problem accessing archive contents using mountavfs: what is that tool called that logs the details of system calls like stat()?13:38
sipioradminewb: strace?13:39
adminewbsipior thanks13:39
usr13adminewb: So what is the problem?13:39
dropmouseI think that this Gateway LT2805u just isn't supported by Ubuntu... Explains my problems...13:39
adminewbI can't copy the archive contents, but the only error message I get is permission denied13:39
adminewbthis is running it as "sudo cp ..."13:40
usr13adminewb: What type of file is it?13:40
adminewbRAR format13:40
[eXception]hi, the shell says:  /opt/cisco/vpn/bin/vpnagentd: No such file or directory   but the file is there.. how can this happen??13:40
adminewbI can see the content is there using ls, but can't read or stat anything13:40
zykotick9_[eXception], do you happen to run 64bit Ubuntu?  Use "uname -m" if you aren't sure.13:41
usr13"AVFS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, for details see the file COPYING"13:41
[eXception]zykotick9_> yes13:41
adminewbusr13, isn't that just the usual boilerplate for open source?13:41
usr13maybe so, but thought it worth consideration13:41
sipioradminewb: indeed :-)13:41
zykotick9_[eXception], try installing ia32-libs then try cisco again13:42
adminewbusr13, I have had better success with mountavfs prior to today13:42
[eXception]ok thanks13:42
adminewbwith another RAR no less13:42
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usr13adminewb: I shouldn't even be in the conversation, I don't have personal experience with avfs  Sorry for the interruption.13:43
[eXception]<zykotick9_>  212 MB :O13:43
ActionParsnipadminewb: do you have write access to the destination?13:43
zykotick9_[eXception], you need it to run 32bit programs...13:43
adminewbpersonally I'd be dumbfounded if I ever came across ANY software system developed by anyone which didn't carry some godawful disclaimers with it13:43
usr13adminewb: not with RAR anyway.13:43
usr13adminewb: true....13:44
dropmouselooks like my netbook just hates this usb install... Just says "Remove disks or other Media" press any key... does it not recognize this USB as bootable? damn Gateways13:44
adminewbActionParsnip, I think so, but it never gets to the writing stage13:44
ActionParsnipadminewb: do you have rar unrar p7zip-rar installed?13:44
Polahdropmouse: Have you looked in your BIOS settings to see if there's any alternate boot options?13:44
[eXception]works now <zykotick9_> thanks!!!13:44
dropmouseYes, It's attempting to boot from USB first... then HDD etc...13:45
zykotick9_[eXception], glad to help13:45
usr13adminewb: ActionParsnip Yea, that is what I thought at first.  Why not just unpack the files and work on them in their natrual state.13:45
adminewbActionParsnip I'll check but I think so13:45
learnerhi is there any free sms software for ubuntu?13:46
usr13just create another dir and unpack it all and do as you please with it.13:46
adminewbActionParsnip if I recall, I was having trouble doing a straight unpack of RARs, forget why13:46
usr13rar seems a bit flakey to me too.13:46
adminewbusr13 unfortunately true13:46
adminewbusr13 I wish the publisher would give up on this RAR nonsense13:47
anadonDoes anyone know how to reverse engineer/decompile a windows 3.1 program?13:47
usr13that may be why rar isn't more prevelant13:47
ActionParsnipadminewb: install unp and you can use it to extract any archive with one command13:47
zykotick9_usr13, adminewb from !rar in #debian "Roshal ARchive (RAR) is a proprietary archive format used mostly by 3l33+ war3z d00dz."13:47
sipioranadon: that's rather beyond the scope of this channel.13:48
adminewbzykotick9_ I'd need a translation of that leetspeek13:48
anadonsipior: which channel?  ##hacking ?13:48
usr13anadon: wine13:49
sipioranadon: not a bad place to start.13:49
anadonusr13: I'm not finding any wine channel13:50
adminewbActionParsnip I'll look for unp thanks13:51
usr13sipior: Well, he has the eyes of a lot of hackers here, so. (I understand why so many come here with questions that may be a bit uncateragized).13:51
ActionParsnipunp rocks13:51
ubottuanadon: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:51
Polahanadon, #winehq I believe it's called.13:51
PolahAnd I got beaten to it twice13:51
DasEiPolah: nvm, I'm off soon13:51
vivi`ddoes anyone know how to randomize banshee playback? is it just me or does banshee completely miss this important feature?13:52
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sipiorusr13: in case you missed it, that was a polite way of saying "off-topic here".13:52
Polahvivi`d: There's a shuffle button somewhere, it may be in one of the menus or you can enable it with Ctrl+S perhaps.13:52
usr13i know...13:53
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usr13this channel can only handle so much before it becomes illegible13:53
vividoh yea, its there but its pretty much crap13:54
zagabarI am trying to launch a binary that is dependant on libcxa.so.1 and I am not sure on how to make libcxa.so.1 being found by the program. I have put it in /usr/lib but I still get the folliwing error:13:54
zagabarshared object file: No such file or directory13:54
vividjust keeps playing the same song when i tell it to shuffle by artist. any suggestions to getting my entire playlist to be random?13:54
zagabarOh woops. This is the start of it: ./linuxjampded: error while loading shared libraries: libcxa.so.1: cannot open13:54
usr13zagabar: What is it looking for?13:54
usr13zagabar: (You may be able to use a symlink)13:55
zagabarThe manual of the binary I am trying to start tells me to put it in /usr/lib but I did that.13:56
usr13zagabar: And what binary is it?  Where did it come from?  (..questions that may give a clue as to what file(s) and file structure it is looking for)13:56
Atharva!virtualbox | Atharva13:56
ubottuAtharva, please see my private message13:56
usr13zagabar: find13:56
zagabarusr13: it is a binary for a gameserver. Jedi academy.13:56
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sipiorzagabar: what does "ldd <filename>" report?13:56
usr13zagabar: sorry, I don't know anything about gameserver. (Or jedi academy)13:57
michaelxqtrying to install jremcntl and ask for jre path. what should i type?13:57
zagabarsipior: http://pastebin.com/g67SWzPh13:57
Polahvivid: Is that one song the only song by a specific artist you have?13:57
zagabarusr13: thanks anyway13:57
adminewbActionParsnip p7zip-full package is installed, and it claims to support rar13:57
ActionParsnipadminewb: try installing p7zip-rar as well13:58
vividPolah, no, but i think i got it working by selecting "Fill by Song" at the bottom of the Play Queue pane13:58
flyanso many peple13:58
OpticalForceand Hai13:58
usr13zagabar: so it is looking for   libcxa.so.1  ?13:58
adminewbI can't find any such animal as p7zip-rar13:58
Polahvivid: I know Shuffle by song or whatever the choice is to just shuffle through all songs in the library works, or at least it did before I moved to rhythmbox13:58
adminewbas a separate package I mean13:59
learnerActionParsnip, xarchiver is another option.it supports rar13:59
zagabarusr13: Yup. I have the file and I tried putting it in /usr/lib but it still can't find it.13:59
ActionParsniplearner: not if you don't have the rar stuffs installed. a default xarchiver in a default install won't be able to handle rar (afaik)13:59
sipiorzagabar: try running "sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v"14:00
zagabarWhohoo, solved it! sipior: put it in lib3214:00
sipiorzagabar: yeah, that would certainly help.14:00
zagabarsipior: out of curiousity, what does that command do. List library symlinks?14:00
learnerActionParsnip, ok.then u can go for unrar14:00
adminewbI can't find any unrar package either :/14:01
sipiorzagabar: it rebuild the cache used by the resolver.14:01
adminewbActionParsnip are you sure unrar is an ubuntu package not debian or something?14:01
ActionParsnip!info unrar14:02
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:4.0.3-1 (natty), package size 104 kB, installed size 260 kB14:02
ActionParsnipit's in the multiverse repo14:02
adminewboh, so I have to include more repos14:02
usr13zagabar: It's kind of old, but:  https://lists.sdsc.edu/pipermail/npaci-rocks-discussion/2003-February/001349.html14:02
Polahadminewb: There is unrar and unrar-free. One is free, the other is not.14:02
adminewbok thanks14:02
PolahIsn't multiverse enabled by default?14:03
adminewbidk that I have a default set of repos14:03
michaelxqwhare is java directory?14:03
adminewbI tend to shy away from the nonfrees14:03
michaelxqwhere is java directory14:04
Polahmichaelxq: There is no "java directory". What are you specifically looking for?14:04
Polahadminewb: Get unrar-free then.14:04
adminewbunrar-free is installed as it turns out, it must have been giving me grief because of a 3.0 format rar, according to the description14:05
michaelxqPolah, i'm installing a program via terminal and asks "Enter jre (or jdk) path14:06
Polahmichaelxq: What program is it? Are you compiling from source?14:06
michaelxqPolah, JRemoteControl. I'm following installation instractions14:07
PsiKloPxI have a Microsoft Lifechat L3000 USB Headset on a laptop running natty. The headset works fine when using it but for some reason Ubuntu mutes both the headphones and microphone when the laptop has been asleep for very long. Any ideas?14:07
onryoI am on Debian 7 testing. There is a nice GUI log reader in Ubuntu. What is it called?14:09
onryohitting tail -f /var/log/xxx for every thing is .... sigh14:10
michaelxqPolah, found it. thank you :)14:10
ActionParsniponryo: debian may have different files, debian is also not supported here, ask in #debian14:10
adminewbPsiKloPx I have a similar, if not identical MS headset... didn't know you could get any linux driver to talk to it?14:10
Polahadminewb: You could always try a Windows driver with ndiswrapper14:10
DarsVaedaHow do I disable the "snap to edges maximize window" function in 11.04 with Gnome2?14:10
learneronryo, cat /var/log/xxx14:11
usr13zagabar: Doing google searches show hits about  libcxa.so  with dates of 2003     That is interesting.  (Mostly interesting because it is over 7 years old!)14:11
MahamedAny help in configuring grub bootloader??14:11
PsiKloPxadminewb: it worked out of the box for me. Didn't have to do anything...14:11
onryoActionParsnip, you dont have to be an asshole. I just asked a qustion about Ubuntu. What is the name of the GUI logger?14:11
usr13!grub2 | Mahamed14:11
ubottuMahamed: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:11
adminewbPsiKloPx singular14:11
IdleOneonryo: Please no cursing14:12
ActionParsniponryo: I'm not. I'm maintaining the channel policy14:12
Polahadminewb, that's also a fair point. Most headsets (microphone/headset jacked ones at least, maybe not USB) don't really require drivers14:12
PiciActionParsnip: his question is on-topic.14:12
ActionParsnipPici: ok14:12
ActionParsniponryo: my bad, I apologise14:12
Polahonryo: Any text editor. Assuming your logs are human readable like many logs are.14:12
ActionParsniponryo: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/11/ubuntu-tips-how-to-view-system-log-files-in-gui/14:13
Mahamedmany members of my family don't like lunx , so i keep windows alongside it, but i can't edit the bootloadr cos it is  hard14:13
adminewbPolah, it's a USB headset14:13
onryoActionParsnip, thx you14:13
ActionParsnip!info gnome-system-log14:13
ubottugnome-system-log (source: gnome-utils): system log viewer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu5 (natty), package size 236 kB, installed size 2060 kB14:13
ActionParsniponryo: simple websearching dude :)14:13
Picionryo: Its likely gnome-system-log, but if you prefer CLI, I like multitail.14:13
usr13onryo: tail -f works pretty well. I dono't know of anything that works better.14:13
Polahadminewb: Yeah that might explain why it needs drivers. Like I said, try a Windows driver through ndiswrapper14:13
Piciusr13: multitail is pretty neat14:13
MahamedIm using Fedora 15, becasue it has easy GUI app to edit it14:13
adminewbPolah good idea; hope it turns out to be so simple in practice14:14
usr13Pici: Tnx info14:14
PsiKloPxadminweb: it was a fresh install of natty on this laptop....from Win714:14
usr13multitail - view multiple logfiles windowed on console  ?14:14
adminewbPsiKloPx, that might make a difference; my installation is lucid 10.04.3 which may be not keeping up on drivers14:14
zell_Hi, I'm wondering whether somebody could give me a hand understanding some C code for an old exploit which I'm studying14:15
onryoPici thins is that I am setting up IP binding with my VPN using dynamic ip. Shorewells logs are not doing it =/ So I am doing tail -f /var/log/xxx for everything14:15
Coreyzell_: ##c14:16
zell_http://pastebin.com/1B9e4k2w  <-- It was patched back in 8.10, but I'm just trying to understand what look like environment vars down the bottom14:16
imarkanyone know if empathy has an irc room?14:16
ActionParsnipimark: #empathy probably14:16
zell_well it's kind of a linux problem corey14:16
Mahamedany experts on??14:16
zell_because it's related to a kernel exploit14:16
imarkactionparsnip; tried it, its there but very empty14:16
usr13onryo: So your question really should have been how to read realtime from more than one log file.14:16
PsiKloPxadminweb: yeah, good point. Natty recognized them straight away. Correctly identified in hardware. I just have to go into Sound Preferences and switch back to the headset and unmute the headphones and microphone every time.14:16
sipiorMahamed: easiest if you just ask your question directly.14:17
MahamedI did14:17
imarktrying to remove those annoying (user) joined the room messages14:17
Mahamedall i see is irrelevant replies14:17
ActionParsnipimark: #empathy channel on GIMPNet (irc.gnome.org)14:17
onryousr13 that part I can do. It is just that there are so many to read in real time and it would be more practical with a GUI14:17
KhaaLhey all, i think i have malware on my installation. Reaching the internet is very, very slow (most pings are dropping). other devices on the same network dosent have this problem and surfing within firefox with a new profile dosen't do much. What should i look for?14:18
zell_So does anybody know what "a@/d" is at least?14:18
Polahzell_: You'd be better asking in #programming.14:18
zell_okay, thanks14:19
adminewbPsiKloPx I'm guessing you need to dig into your sleep config settings to correct the mute problem, sorry I don't know particulars14:19
imarkthanks man14:19
usr13onryo: So, does multitail fit the bill?14:19
PsiKloPxadminewb: Thanks, I'll check them out.  Didn't think about that. Thanks for the help14:19
PolahKhaaL: The chances of that are quite slim. You can scan with ClamAV to check though.14:20
geof270_Mahamed, ubottu responed, also, be very careful Grub2 is difficult to edit correctly14:20
Sidewinder1KhaaL, I don't believe that it's a malware issue; you might have a look here to further investigate: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081214:20
imarkany suggestions for irc clients that integrate well with ubuntu?14:20
onryousr13, yeah I am looking at it right now. hmmm maybe just what I need14:20
zagabarusr13: Lol yeah. It is a really old game.14:20
PeterVenkmanGreetings.  Does someone have time to walk me through the settings for a microphone using Skype?  Xubuntu 11.04 clean install.  Logitech Quick Cam 9000.  Latest skype for linux installed.  Video works, microphone does not.14:21
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meighanhey guys14:22
meighanim new to ubuntu14:22
KhaaLSidewinder1: got any other concrete advice? I've looked through apt history log and resolv.conf, both look fine...14:22
imarkpetervenkman; is the microphone detected under the sound preferences?14:22
meighanhaving some problems with animations14:22
PeterVenkmanimark, yes14:22
usr13onryo: Yea, I just installed it and am trying to make out what it's telling me abt /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog at the same time....14:22
geof270_I'm having trouble with sound in Lubuntu 11.04. After I quit/stop an mp3, a clicking noise continues, even after killing process14:22
imarkpeterv: any other software that records audio installed?14:23
PeterVenkmanimark, thats where I believe the problem is.  I have internal and external mic settings listed.  I've tried combinations to see where the conflict is and have failed14:23
meighaneverytime i go change background image-visual effects and i try to choose one of those options it say The Composite extension is not available14:23
meighanany ideas14:23
onryousr13, you can configure that if you make a file called /etc/syslog.conf and make some rules.14:23
PeterVenkmanimark, no.  I have tried arecord with aplay and the testfile.out was silent14:23
Sidewinder1KhaaL, I've been using ubuntu since 2007 with no security issues whatsoever, so sorry, I don't have anything more concrete for you. :-(14:23
yeatsKhaaL: before going down the security hole, I would attempt to discover what the actual issue is - so far you know that pings are dropping and that you have a network problem, right?14:24
KhaaLSidewinder1: me too, but those old men who recieve ubuntu installations always find a way... :-)14:24
PeterVenkmanImark, the Skype client will only allow me to select Pulseaudio in the microphone options14:24
terr_I'm looking to bring up a new machine.  THis has an AMD athalon 2300 XP processor from what I can tell.  I've been trying to find some idea how fast it is and so far the bext bench I14:25
terr_ve found is from http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_lookup.php?cpu=AMD+Sempron+2300%2B14:25
terr_It seems it comes in on their chart areoun 339 and my old PIII tualitin comes in aorund 347.  Have I got the righ AMD cpu identified?14:25
KhaaLyeats: most of the pings yes, the network is very slow so it feels like something is hogging the bandwith - but that's just a guess14:25
yeatsKhaaL: you could try wireshark to see if you can discover what's happening to those packets14:25
grobda24How do I set pulseaudio to keep playing outside of X (say on user logout). Do I set it to run in daemon mode ?14:25
Sidewinder1KhaaL, Sounds like yeats is willing to help you. :-)14:25
usr13onryo: Oh, ok14:25
yeats!info wireshark14:25
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.6-1 (natty), package size 736 kB, installed size 1916 kB14:25
KhaaLyeats: good idea, installing it now14:25
KhaaLah, wireshark, long time no see...14:26
usr13KhaaL: Sounds like a network problem14:26
PeterVenkmanIs there a special channel for just sound or microphones for Ubuntu?14:26
Sidewinder1!sound | Peterman14:26
ubottuPeterman: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:26
DasEiPeterVenkman: no, but alsaproject is on the inet, also work through :14:27
DasEiah ^14:27
usr13KhaaL: Check your network configuration to see if there may be a problem there.14:27
onryoubottu is my life blood. Was wondering if you could use Wireshark just to monitor and not take a massive dump?14:27
ubottuonryo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
KhaaLusr13: i have checked resolv.conf, got more advice on where to check?14:27
adminewb!info p7zip-unrar14:28
ubottuPackage p7zip-unrar does not exist in natty14:28
usr13KhaaL: Is this a wireless or wired connection?14:28
adminewb!info lucid p7zip-unrar14:28
ubottu'p7zip-unrar' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable14:28
adminewb!info p7zip-unrar lucid14:28
DasEiPeterVenkman: mic is often muted per default, read given troubleshooting links, first make sure alsamixergui displays your chip correctly (hint for correct driver inkernel)14:28
ubottuPackage p7zip-unrar does not exist in lucid14:28
geof270_use rar14:29
KhaaLusr13: wireless which is running fine in the LAN14:29
DasEi!info unp | adminewb14:29
usr13KhaaL: did you see if you could ping the first nameserver on the list?  (From resolv.conf)14:29
ubottuadminewb: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre5 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 120 kB14:29
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PeterVenkmanDasEi, already did that.  Mic is on14:29
PeterVenkmanDasEi, I've been through the basic troubleshooting what google and ubuntu forums post14:29
DasEi adminewb: and then (unp) you still  need desired formats, aca p7zip-full ..14:29
usr13KhaaL: iwlist  (Note the signal report)14:29
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MonkeyDustPeterVenkman: you Dutch speaking?14:30
usr13KhaaL: iwconfig14:30
usr13sorry typo14:30
mdmkolbeI am running natty, but want to run a version of a package from oneric.  Is there a way to use the oneric repository for just one package?  (I checked the dependancies, it should be fine.)14:30
PeterVenkmanbut Dutch is a good mix of English and Deutsch14:30
adminewb!info p7zip-rar lucid14:30
ubottup7zip-rar (source: p7zip-rar): non-free rar module for p7zip. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 9.04~ds.1-1 (lucid), package size 54 kB, installed size 156 kB14:30
thingfishI installed the Oneiric Ocelot beta and much to my surpise I had full desktop effects right off the bat.14:30
thingfishit was cool14:30
PeterVenkmanBeen to amsterdam, found it easy to read Dutch14:30
yeatsmdmkolbe: you can try downloading and installing from packages.ubuntu.com - but I would caution against it ;-)14:31
oCeanPeterVenkman: please stay on topic14:31
DasEiPeterVenkman: mind your s-card is other hardware than your cam's mic14:31
PeterVenkmanDasEi, thats what I was thinking...I have two competing IRQs perhaps14:32
grobda24How do I keep mpd playing through pulse even when I log out of xorg ?14:32
adminewbp7zip-full installed already thanks14:32
PeterVenkmanDasEi, how to I get ubuntu to use the Logitech exclusively?14:32
imarkpetervenkman; have you selected audio output only for your speakers?14:32
thingfishdoes the Oneiric Ocelot beta include restricted drivers by default, or does it use some new method of providing hardware acceleration?14:32
KhaaLusr13: everything is working fine by itself for the moment14:32
usr13KhaaL: iwconfig  Check to see that you have correct essid and good signal report.14:32
imarkdefault behaviour selects analogue input/output14:32
PeterVenkmanimark, output is by default only the laptop speakers.  Yes14:32
KhaaLoh, signal is fine and SSID is correct usr1314:32
* KhaaL scratches head14:33
PeterVenkmanI have sound...I just can't record14:33
DasEiPeterVenkman: you should, corresponding rather; not at all but to check for unmuting, will have to switch that s-card first (klang/sound)14:33
PeterVenkmanarecord and aplay fail14:33
usr13KhaaL: How many on the WiFi ap?14:33
KhaaLusr13: two, none of them downloading anything big14:33
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imarkpeterv; does the input selection show sound when you select your webcam?14:34
PeterVenkmanDasEi, I have in the audio switches an internal and an external mic and capture option.  Is this what you are refering to?14:34
DasEiPeterVenkman: yes14:34
richthegeekhi - I need to flatten a part of a filesystem (that is, copy all files from X to a folder Y, recursively) ... how can I do this?14:34
KhaaLusr13: i suspect its my isp thats acting up14:34
richthegeekthoughts so far are 'find * -name '' | cp targetFolder' and something similar with "ls -R"14:35
DasEirichthegeek: rsync -Pr used as cp14:35
KhaaLsorry for wasting your time :-/14:35
susundbergrichthegeek: find command is probably what you want14:35
PeterVenkmanimark, yes.  Ubuntu recognizes the webcam and I have selected all switches concerning the mic and capture of the webcam on.14:35
usr13KhaaL: That is possible but...14:35
richthegeekDasEI: can you expand on that a little?14:35
mdmkolbeyeats: once I downoad the .deb file, do I use "dpkg -i" to install it?  Do I need to inform apt that the old version isn't used any more and I have a new version?14:35
grobda24richthegeek, I think there are a few example scripts out there for this ... search for bash scripts14:35
KhaaLusr13: but?14:35
usr13KhaaL: iwconfig | pastebinit   #and send resulting URL.  Let's have a look.14:35
imarkso the problem lies with the skype setup, sorry ive dont use skype :(14:36
susundbergrichthegeek: find command is probably what you want: find . -iname "my_pattern here" | xargs -i XXX "cp XXX my_target_dir/" or similar14:36
DasEirichthegeek: rsync -Pr /source/folder  /target/folder , safer to first sync, then remove old files (though rsync can do once , too); man rsync14:36
yeatsmdmkolbe: yes - 'sudo dpkg -i' - and APT uses dpkg to determine which version is newest14:36
PeterVenkmanImark, that's where I believe the problem lies.  How do I deselect Pulseaudio14:36
susundbergrichthegeek: and yes rsync is better if that can do what you want :)14:36
PeterVenkmanbut wait....its not just skype14:36
PeterVenkmanarecord and aplay testing does not work14:36
usr13KhaaL: and what is the wireless NIC?  lspci | pastebinit14:37
PeterVenkman #sound14:37
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DasEirichthegeek: rsync has a better/faster algo than cp and can resume as it can update (and also remove in one, if you know what you're doing)14:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:38
richthegeekDasEi: that doesn't look like it flattens? more that it just duplicates the folder structure..14:38
DasEi.. and shows progress, richthegeek14:38
BluesKajPeterVenkman, open alsamixer in the terminal , the F5 for all controls , setup capture and mics/mics boost and make sure there no mutes on(M)14:38
imarkcheck out this link specifically for skype help in ubunut https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SkypeTroubleshooting14:38
zell_no you wouldn't14:38
PeterVenkmanBluesKaj, done that14:38
DasEirichthegeek: flattens ? aka remove copied files ? read above14:39
richthegeekDasEi: as in move stuff from a/b/c.file and a/d/some.other to target/c.file and target/some.other14:39
PeterVenkmanimark  its not just skype.  Arecord and aplay produce no sound14:39
DasEirichthegeek: or do you mean compressing ?14:39
imarkwhich version of ubuntu?14:39
richthegeekso all files, regardless of path in the source, are just at the root of the target14:39
BluesKajPeterVenkman, got pulseaudio ?14:40
PeterVenkmanBluesKaj, yes14:40
DasEirichthegeek: you can either add files or whole commands14:40
PeterVenkmanin alsamixer I have both external and internal mic and capture on.14:42
PeterVenkmanevery input is on14:42
BluesKajPeterVenkman, then you'll probly need to diddle around with PA .. it can help , but in lots of setups it's a hinderance and basically just redundant , but that's my experience , your's may be different.14:42
PeterVenkmanBluesKaj, you mean the sound settings tab?14:43
DasEiPeterVenkman: another try to just get the functional test might be audacious14:43
DasEi!info audacious14:43
BluesKajtoo bad skype insist on PA14:43
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-1 (natty), package size 403 kB, installed size 1564 kB14:43
DasEi!info audacity | PeterVenkman14:43
ubottuPeterVenkman: audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.13-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 2421 kB, installed size 6364 kB14:43
grobda24Can someone please tell me how to play audio through pulse in a virtual console or when logged out of xorg ?14:43
BluesKajPeterVenkman, yeah , I guess ..been a while since I fooled with PA14:44
PeterVenkmanDasEi....its more basic.  I can not get arecord and aplay to work with the webcam microphone....no sound captured14:44
mattehi again14:44
PeterVenkmanThe video works fine...its the capture that does not want to play nice14:45
DasEiPeterVenkman: and chip displayed ? no hints in syslog  ( like unknown device..)14:45
govind__anyone tried the new beta?14:45
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:45
Kohelethgovind__:  yeah is crashes a lot but still ok14:45
matteif i have two devices for sound, how do i choose the other one? it only shows like it's available14:45
DasEigovind__: see above14:45
Kohelethalways send the report14:45
govind__great thanks14:45
KohelethInstalls fine14:46
LartzaLive DVD with multiple distributions?14:46
Obsidian1723hi all.14:46
PeterVenkmanDasEi, you mean lsusb?14:46
bonecrabcould someone help me with a battery issue on 11.4 using a 1005PE?14:46
Koheleththey seem to ahve probs with the upgrading part14:46
PeterVenkmanBus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:0990 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 900014:47
DasEiPeterVenkman: no, I wonder if correct kerneldriver/modul for that mic is loaded14:47
Obsidian1723Lartza: that'd be a huge iso. A DL-DVD only holds 8.5GB. If the average image is say 1-2GB, that's onloy a few.14:47
DasEiPeterVenkman: rather a goodie, checkaout :14:47
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:47
LartzaObsidian1723: Archlinux is around 178mb for netinstall, 640 for offline, ubuntu cd is around 700mb orr so?14:48
LartzaThat would be two with 3 gigabytes remaining14:48
bonecrabthe battery is not discarging when the adapter is plugged in but it won't charge either14:48
LartzaFor non dual-layer14:48
PeterVenkmanDasEi, good idea.  Let me see if the microphone component of this webcam is flagged14:48
DasEiPeterVenkman: sometimes recompiling alsa does the trick, if cam wasn't plugged at install and modules are missing, lookup  yourself both alsa and hcl14:48
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PeterVenkmanDasEi.  I could reinstall Xubuntu with cam plugged in as a last resort14:49
bonecrabpreviously I had win7 installed and reinstalling the battery driver made it work for some reason14:49
bonecrabanyone have any ideas?14:49
DasEiPeterVenkman: very last, common hw http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page14:50
richthegeekDasEi, susundberg: find . -iname '*' -type f -exec cp {} target \;14:50
rkhshmhi all14:51
KaereyWould anyone have any suggestions on an amazing looking UI for ubuntu on a tablet?14:51
Kaereyarm processor compatible14:51
rkhshmthis might sound awfully trivial but on 11.04 if there are many apps/windows open how do you go to the desktop in one click?14:52
usr13KhaaL: Is this system fully updated?14:52
KhaaLusr13: indeed. and it has the free b43 drivers, is bcmwl kernel source needed then?14:52
DasEirkhshm: use a dock or sth. else but unity, then have a desktop switch14:53
rkhshmDasEi: what dock?14:53
DasEi!dock | rkhshm14:53
ubotturkhshm: Ubuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.14:53
usr13rkhshm: If you are running full screen mode, I don't know.  But what do you need the desktop background for anyway?14:53
DasEirkhshm: in these docks can have a switcher between desktops, keep one empty , there you are14:54
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rkhshmusr13: sometimes certain things are downloaded to the desktop and its impossible to view them without closing every window14:54
usr13I think that is part of the advantage of unity, you just switch from one window to the next, no need to go to the desktop because it is just eye candy anyway.14:54
usr13rkhshm: I see.... (I use ~/Download14:55
usr13rkhshm: Just go to the filemanager14:56
rkhshmusr13: yes I'm a kernel engineer and i can do that.. What about others using/sharing the same desktop?14:56
usr13What does "PITA" mean?14:56
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joelrany suggestion on why i can't install gcc-4.4 on natty?14:56
rkhshmi cannot ask them to go to ~/Downloads or filemanager when they wont know what the heck they are doing? :)14:56
joelrit says it's the latest version, although i have 4.5 installed. uninstalling 4.5 does not install any files when i try 4.414:57
Sidewinder1usr13, Pain In The...14:57
rkhshmi feel there needs to be a simple button anywhere to get to the desktop14:57
usr13Sidewinder1: ?14:57
rkhshmperhaps in the next release14:57
joelrand i need to use 4.4 for compatibility with gnat-ada14:57
derp52Hey guys, under additional drivers I installed the NVIDIA driver but it says: "This driver is activated but not currently in use."14:57
Obsidian1723larryone: true, there are some smaller distros out there like that.14:57
Sidewinder1usr13, Didn't you ask what PITA meant?14:58
larryoneObsidian1723, ???14:58
usr13rkhshm: Sidewinder1 I mostly use xfce nowdays, so I'm not real up on Unity functionality.14:58
Obsidian1723sorry, wrong person.14:58
usr13Sidewinder1: haha ok... sorry14:58
larryone=0) ok14:58
Sidewinder1usr13, Wow, for a minute I thought it was me. :-)14:58
DasEiderp52: log out of x , run nvidia-xconfig14:59
usr13BUT... I've moved around in Unity enough to see the beauty of it.  Seems realitively simple and intuative to me.14:59
derp52DasEi: What will that do?14:59
usr13No, it's just me.  I'm pretty dinse actually14:59
dropmouseu guys think i'll be able to run most gnome-made apps in xfce ? like i can run kde apps in gnome?15:00
dropmousei'm thinking of getting xubuntu15:00
IdleOneall apps should work fine15:00
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usr13dropmouse: xfce is a lot like gnome15:01
usr13just a little less feature rich or....15:01
usr13not sure how to put it.15:01
sdhhsgh not so fancy15:02
DasEiderp52: reconfigure your xorg to use the driver15:02
usr13yea sdhhsgh15:02
bnalohimHi everyone, I have a problem with network connection, im in a school with edubuntu 11.04  and all the comuters have  Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)...15:02
dudedo i have any problems when i go with Z68 Chipset and Ubuntu using intel gpu inter?15:02
usr13bnalohim: So what does yours have?15:02
bnalohimI have no network connetion15:03
usr13bnalohim: So what does yours have?15:03
usr13bnalohim: What is your NIC?15:03
derp52DasEi: How do I log out of X?15:03
usr13bnalohim: ifconfig15:04
KhaaLusr13: after installing bcmwl-kernel-source, no wifi networks shows up in network manager15:04
usr13bnalohim: Do you have one?15:04
usr13KhaaL: It is a laptop, right?15:04
bnalohimi mean... I am a teacher in the school, someone resently installed edubuntu but network stoped working15:04
KhaaLusr13: indeed15:04
usr13KhaaL: Do you have a switch someplace that toggles the WiFi device off / on?15:05
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usr13KhaaL: What type of AP is it?  (What frequency?)15:06
alecjwhi, how can i disable compiz in the newest beta ubuntu? i want metacity back15:06
usr13KhaaL: What is the make/model of the AP?15:06
KhaaLusr13: yes, and the card is on. AP is a cable modem.15:06
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usr13KhaaL: So is it 2.4GHz ?15:07
irulehi, after installed 11.04 I followed a few websites titled "what to do after install 11.04", and now I have a weird white desktop background that covers my gnome desktop background selected inage, I can xkill it but there is no message with its name and it restarts right away, any ideas?15:07
philinuxalecjw: Your better off posting here.  http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=40315:07
KhaaLproblem is that it wasnt the right package to install, *no* APs show up at all usr1315:07
philinuxalecjw: Or in here #ubuntu+115:08
Obsidian1723irule: why did you install 11.04?15:08
KhaaLusr13: i am removing this package, will reinstall the old driver15:08
bnalohimusr13: the network was working on ubuntu 9.04, after the isntallation of 11.04 it stoped working... i find out that Ubuntu was loading the wrong driver so I changed it, still not working.. what do you recomend?15:09
usr13lspci -nn |grep  Broadcom   #Show is what it says.15:09
alecjwmeh, metacity --replace seemed to fix it15:09
alecjwcomputer runs a lot faster now15:09
Obsidian1723bnalohim: who are you asking?15:09
usr13bnalohim: Are you same as KhaaL ?15:10
bnalohimObsidian172: enyone who wants to help me15:10
KhaaLusr13: ? no, bnalohim is not me15:10
usr13bnalohim: What is your NIC?15:10
Obsidian1723bnalohim: my advise is: If you are running Ubuntu on your main PC, use the LTS version only. The mid-releases are great for testing, but unstable.15:10
usr13KhaaL: bnalohim  sorry, I got confused15:11
KhaaLusr13: tis ok ;)15:11
adminewbbnalohim, no offense, but I hope English is not your classroom language15:11
usr13Obsidian1723: What do you mean mid-releases?15:11
KhaaLusr13: btw, after removing bcwml kernel source package the wifi card got back up15:11
usr13Obsidian1723: Do you mean point-releases?15:11
DasEiderp52: ctrl+alt+F215:11
Obsidian1723The non-LTS versions releases every 6 mo0nths, 9.04, 10.10, 11.04 11.1015:11
Obsidian1723they are betas for the next LTS (12.04)15:11
usr13KhaaL: But did you reboot after installing the bcwml kernel and it did not work?15:12
KhaaLusr13: yes15:12
Obsidian1723code changes daily in them. Its in flux far too much to be stable.. Plus, the LTSes are pulled from debian-testing whereas the mids are pulled from debian-unstable.15:12
bnalohimadminewb: you are right, im from ecuador,..15:12
itiliousanyone else having issues with firefox bookmark toolbar icons scrolling like a marqee after the recent updates?15:12
usr13KhaaL: I would give you two pices of advice, (take your pick).  1) Try 11.04  2) Use a different NIC15:13
meighaneverytime i go change background image-visual effects and i try to choose one of those options it say The Composite extension is not available15:13
meighanany ideas?15:13
Obsidian1723usr`no, point releases are fine, as those are always LTS.. ala 10.04.1, .2, .3, and .415:13
adminewbbnalohim glad your students are better served15:13
dudedo i have any problems when i go with Z68 Chipset and Ubuntu using intel gpu?15:13
KhaaLusr13: 11.10 beta is on the way, just for the hell of it. thanks again for your help15:13
Obsidian1723I would never use a non-LTS version for anything but testing out new features and only on a spare PC, but thats me.15:14
bnalohimusr13: what is a NIC?.. if im wright it is a Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)15:14
PolahObsidian1723, code hardly changes "daily" in non-LTS releases. A few packages may be updated every few days with small fixes, generally not anything functionality breaking though15:14
ben_steinwhat is the difference between apt upgrade and apt dist-upgrade15:14
dudeben stalin: thats self explanatory15:14
Obsidian1723Polah: I'm simply saying that the non-LTSes arent as stable.15:15
dudeben_stalin: dist upgrade upgrades to a higher version like from maverick to natty15:15
usr13KhaaL: You have 10.04 right?  And the NIC? what is it?15:15
ben_steindude, that's what it sounds like, but it doesn't seem to do that15:15
dudeyou have to do that15:15
usr13bnalohim: Are you connecting to wired network?15:15
majestaticthis is very big canal :)15:16
PolahObsidian1723, Yes, but they're hardly unstable. LTS releases are called long-term because they're designed to be stable, i.e. primarily for uses where absolute stability is a requirement like servers. For a typical desktop, non-LTS releases are perfectly suitable.15:16
bnalohimusr13: yes15:16
bastidrazordude: it does not. dist-upgrade upgrades all the packages to the latest available in the repositories of your release.15:16
usr13bnalohim: The RTL8111/8168B should work fine15:16
Polahdude, ben_stalin: No it doesn't.15:16
usr13bnalohim: Check the cable.15:16
dudesudo apt-get install -f15:16
ben_steinbastidrazor so then what is the point of just using "upgrade"15:17
usr13bnalohim: What do you see in the network manager?15:17
dudesudo apt-get update15:17
PolahThat is, it doesn't upgrade to the next release. bastidrazor explained anyway15:17
bnalohimusr13: it works in a ubuntu 9.0415:17
dudesudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:17
Obsidian1723Polah: we'll have to agree to disagree. I dont find instability acceptable..and again, non-LTSes are pulled from debian-unstable15:17
KhaaLusr13: bcm431815:17
bastidrazorben_stein: if some packages are held back for whatever reason, dist-upgrade will bypass it and upgrade it anyway15:17
usr13KhaaL: Does this pertain?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/51137915:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511379 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "Jockey fails to install Broadcom STA wireless driver (BCM4311)" [High,Triaged]15:17
Obsidian1723Polah: it's called "debian-UNSTABLE" for a reason... that being, it's unstable :)15:17
usr13KhaaL: Oh15:17
bastidrazordude: rather..^^15:17
dudewell ubuntu is unstable too15:18
KhaaLusr13: hmm, how so?15:18
ben_steinbastidrazor right now just kernal packages are being held back, but they are flagged as "security updates"15:18
ben_steinbastidrazor so should i use dist-upgrade, or just ignore the held back packages15:18
rk1routerhow to install ipkg15:18
Obsidian1723dude: I've never had any issues with the LTS versions.15:18
bastidrazorben_stein: upgrade will not install them, dist-upgrade will.15:18
dudeobsidian1723: then try new hardware on it!15:18
opeisSI have installed LAMP. /srv/http/ does not exist. /var/www/ does not exist. How do i find out what my http server root is  ?15:18
rk1routerhow to install ipkg-build15:18
bnalohimusr13: it sais in spanish "dispositivo no gestionado" is think that means device not managed15:19
ben_steinbastidrazor thanks, but why are some packages held back, there must be a reason15:19
Obsidian1723dude: I have. my boxes are custom built. I change out hardware if needed.15:19
bastidrazorben_stein: if the kernel updates have something you need then install them if not there is no real reason to15:19
dudeObsidian1723: try z68 chipset with pre 2.6.39 kernels15:19
ben_steindist-upgrade has broken some packages for me before15:19
PolahObsidian1723, yes, but that's unstable releases. I'm talking about stable releases, i.e. 11.04. 11.10 is unstable and yes, I wouldn't recommend using that until it is released as stable. But non-LTS releases, excepting alpha/beta/soon-to-be-released next versions, are NOT unstable, they just aren't designed to be used without upgrading for several years like LTS releases.15:19
bastidrazorben_stein: i do not know.15:19
PolahopeisS: How did you install it?15:19
rk1routerany one please help me, how to install ipkg-build in ubuntu15:19
dudeObsidian1723: i hate that you have to add manual ppa, they should add an option for actual kernels at least in backports of LTS!!!!15:19
opeisSPolah, I downloaded a vmware image with everything already installed. It's a package by bitnami15:20
Obsidian1723Well, every non-LTS release I've used, Ive had problems with, even on clean install, and on different hardware.15:20
Obsidian1723dude: agreed there :)15:20
bastidrazorrk1router: ipkg-build does not exist in natty15:20
PolahopeisS: I can't really help you with any images for a LAMP server you got. I'd advise reinstalling through apt or tasksel15:20
dudea LTS without kernel backports is not a LTS for my opinion, thats ignorance per excellence15:20
opeisSPolah; I can connect to the web server fine,15:20
usr13KhaaL: Without more info from you about it I can not determine what else to do.  Just not sure about that one.  I see a lot of discussion on the internet about it, which leads me to believe that particular card is problematic, but other than that I dono. Look at http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/96787-bcm4318-ubuntu-feisty.html15:20
opeisSPolah; But i have no idea how i can change the index.php15:21
opeisSBecause i dont know where it is15:21
usr13!es | bnalohim15:21
ubottubnalohim: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:21
lokodomainhey peeps anyone know how mv a subdirectory up one level...?15:21
opeisSlokodomain: cd ../15:21
usr13bnalohim: Is your native language spanish?15:21
PolahopeisS: Search for the file "index.html", wherever that is should be your web root. perhaps look at the documentation of the image you found, it may say where it i.15:21
KhaaLusr13: i will look at it, thanks again for all your time. it helped a lot to ventilate what i thought was wrong too. Much love!15:21
dudemy native language is Hopi15:22
kwrigh01@find garwood fire15:22
opeisSThank you Polah15:22
dudesad, no native american language for ubuntu15:22
Obsidian1723dude: you must be in the SW US eh?15:22
bastidrazorrk1router: pkg-build does though..it can be found in dpkg-dev15:22
lokodomain@opeisS yeah but how to move all the files as well15:22
matrixa1England and USA, two countries separated by a common language15:22
zell_how do people learn kernel programming?15:23
bastidrazordude: join a loco group and help translate.15:23
zell_some people just have way too many hax15:23
Obsidian1723I dont think that all native american languages have a written format, Isn't Cherokee unwritten/oral only?>15:23
fr0sted_anyne use logic stduio 9 ?15:23
dudezell: they sit in a prison and doing some code lines15:23
Polahlokodomain: From the directory that the subdirectory is in: mv <subdirectory> .. will move it to the directory above the directory you run the command from. Is that what you want?15:23
yeatsObsidian1723: all ubuntu releases are pulled from debian-unstable, even LTS - FYI15:23
Obsidian1723yeats:  source ?15:24
usr13bnalohim: You still there?15:24
rk1routerbastidrazor: it is saying already installed15:24
lokodomain@polah    yeah thats right15:24
rk1routerbastidrazor: Than also I am getting error15:24
usr13yeats: Really?15:24
Obsidian1723yeats: http://www.wikivs.com/wiki/Debian_vs_Ubuntu#Ubuntu_LTS_.28Long_Term_Support.29_Releases15:25
Obsidian1723yeats: read that.15:25
yeatsObsidian1723: "Ubuntu packages are based on packages from Debian's unstable branch": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#History_and_development_process15:25
dudeyeah i grew up in pruitt igoe, st. louis15:25
Obsidian1723Each Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) release will initially be based on the Debian Testing branch.15:26
PolahObsidian1723, I find the line "Essentially, an Ubuntu LTS release is made in the same way as a non-LTS release, except that it will be kept stable and supported for a lot longer," relevant to our previous discussion (:15:26
bnalohimusr13: I am15:26
lokodomain@polah    sudo <mv /var/www/testsite/folder> var/www/testsite15:26
Obsidian1723Ubuntu Releases (non-LTS)15:26
Obsidian1723These releases are based on the Debian Unstable branch, and are made every six months (although every fourth release becomes an LTS release, see below).15:26
usr13yeats: Did you miss the part where it says "based on"15:26
yeatsObsidian1723: ah - my mistake15:26
* yeats did not know that ;-)15:26
zagabarHmm, I am trying to use a couple of bluetooth headsets with ubuntu. Connecting through a bluetooth dongle. The device is automatically set up and everythign looks good and it works except that the sound is laggy as! Anyone knows how to debug this?15:27
Obsidian1723Polah: It makes a difference. "essentialy the same" is not "the same as"15:27
bnalohimusr13: Yes it is... in #Ubuntu-es i have no answers15:27
Obsidian1723Something similar to something else is not exactly the same as it, else it would be thesame and not similar to it.15:27
Obsidian1723huge difference15:27
opeisSPolah, turned out to be in /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/15:27
PolahObsidian1723, yes but it's essentially, as in the difference isn't that big. Also Debian testing still isn't stable.15:27
Obsidian1723Polah: debian-testing is more stable than debian-unstable is.15:28
usr13bandicoot: Well, you will have to help me out here, my spanish is not up to par.15:28
s093294i made a little opencv c++ app, when I run it i get : rror while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.2.3: cannot open shared object file15:28
Obsidian1723thus, my point15:28
Obsidian1723LTSes are more stable than non-LTSes are.15:28
Polahlokodomain: You want to move the contents of /var/www/testsite/folder    to /var/www/testsite?15:28
dudein 100 years you may speak chinese and spanglish in the usa15:28
usr13bandicoot: If there is a DHCP server running on the network, it should pick it up.  What happens when you do dhclient eth0 ?15:28
Obsidian1723Now debian-testing isnt as stable as debian-stable is, and that is where Ubuntu SHOULD pull from, but doesn't.15:29
Obsidian1723but thats another story.15:29
PolahObsidian1723, not necessarily. Supported for longer and perhaps a bit more stable, but not guaranteed to be MORE stable, just maintained as stable for longer.15:29
dudehola how are you, i got headdolors15:29
bandicootusr13: what>15:29
Obsidian1723Nothing is guarentteed, and never said it was... I said that the LTSes are more stable than the non-LTSes are, that's all.15:29
teemperor@s093294 is opencv-package installed?15:30
Obsidian1723I see mpre problems with the nons than I do the LTSes.15:30
usr13!ot  | dude15:30
ubottudude: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:30
dudei am looking for a beavis and butthead gnome3 theme15:30
usr13bandicoot: sudo dhclient eth015:30
Syrinx_PriestAnyone happen to know if there are IRC commands to disable the join/leave messages?15:30
PolahAnyway, non-LTS isn't exactly unstable to the point where it will spontaneously break under more situations.15:30
s093294teemperor, i would think so, compiled it and i have the libopencv_core.so.2.3 in my /usr/local/lib folder15:30
yeatsSyrinx_Priest: which client?15:30
Obsidian1723Polah: its still to unstable for me. That's why I run CentOS, Ubuntu LTS and Debian15:31
usr13dude: You wont find it here15:31
Syrinx_PriestYeats: AndChat for Android15:31
Obsidian1723dude: try gnome-look.org15:31
usr13Syrinx_Priest:     /help ignore15:31
PolahObsidian1723, I don't know exactly what you're doing that would define any non-LTS as unstable. I've never had any issues with stability on a non-LTS release, the only times my system has malfunctioned is when I've caused it to do so.15:32
Polahdude: gnome3 isn't properly working in 11.04 yet. You'd be lucky to get it working.15:32
edbianPolah: Well if you expect the machine to be stable when the user does nothing then every OS is stable15:33
Obsidian1723Polah: I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary.15:33
fr0sted_anyne use logic stduio 9 ?15:34
PolahObsidian1723, well then how is your system so unstable as to not manage to handle ordinary task?15:34
Sidewinder1!gnome3 > dude15:34
ubottudude, please see my private message15:34
edbianObsidian1723: non-LTS are known to be not-as-stable.  What is the issue you're having?  Maybe we can recommend a fix or a workaround15:34
dudei know about gnome315:34
Obsidian1723Polah: you can run DVL if you want to, your box. I'm just saying, that unless someone wants to be a dev or tester, using non-LTSes isn't recommended (at least by me) for anyone but experienced users.15:34
moorequick question, folks... when setting a wallpaper in oneiric, scale and span do the same thing; shouldn't span make it fit the screen?15:34
dudebut unity will be removed in oneric15:34
Obsidian1723edbian: no issue. Im all good. just talking in general is all.15:35
Obsidian1723edbian: thanks for the offer of help though :)15:35
edbianObsidian1723: I think if people REALLY want stability they should use centOS or Debian.  Ubuntu (LTS or otherwise) is fun and has new software all the time.  The price for newer software is stability unfortunately.  But I think most people run the latest release and I think that's normal.15:35
dudegnome3 is stable enough for production15:36
bnalohimI need some help, I have 8 computers running edubuntu that really need internet connection!!, I followed this post http://blog.grumblesmurf.org/2011/05/fixing-realtek-networking-on-ubuntu.html but I have no luck, any ideas?15:36
Polahdude: Oh, is it working decently now? Last I heard a couple of weeks ago people were still having problems with it.15:36
Obsidian1723edbian: I do run Debian, CentOS, and Ubuntu LTS, though my router runs pfSense, which is FreeBSD based.15:36
bnalohimin this launchpad bug report it  sais that the fiz is released...https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57325915:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573259 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Ubuntu 10.04 makes RTL8111/8168B network card unusable until cold reboot" [High,Confirmed]15:37
dudeiuse  smurfbuntu on my laptop, a modified mint with gnome215:37
edbianObsidian1723: :D15:37
bnalohimbut i dont know haw to get it working15:37
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edbianPolah: dude fedora uses gnome3 by default.  It is known to break things in 11.0415:38
Obsidian1723edbian: yeah, many DO run the latest and greatest, which is often why these irc channels are filled with broken non-LTS help requests. Not saying if they ran LTS that there wouldnt be issues, just less of them.15:38
Polahedbian: Ah so it does still break things with Ubuntu.15:38
Obsidian1723again, experienced users, testers, etc, should run the latest, imho.,15:38
Obsidian1723newbies dont run Arch either, nor should they15:39
kkulhavyHi I tried to install Ubuntu on my computer15:39
PolahObsidian1723, the default option on the download page is 11.04 hence why most people get it. Most issues are just people wondering how to do things or configure something, or hardware problems like wireless drivers.15:39
kkulhavySQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block 288520d6, size c65a15:39
kkulhavyubiquity bus error core dumped15:39
kkulhavyAn error occured during installation of this Package15:40
Obsidian1723Polah: yeah, I know. Cano0nical pimps the latest version vs thestable one.15:40
Polahkkulhavy: seems like an improper burn or a corrupt ISO.15:40
edbianPolah: Last I heard.15:40
kkulhavyI have problems with this MD515:40
PolahObsidian1723, like I said, it IS stable, just less-so than the LTS15:40
kkulhavyI tried to MD5 sum the CD directly and always get different MD5 even when I try again15:40
moorekhulhavy +1 on bad iso download15:40
edbianObsidian1723: Newbies should run ubuntu non-LTS and arch so that they get good with linux :)15:40
Obsidian1723Polah: if it is less stable than the LTS, which is what I've been saying, then you agree with my point.15:40
kkulhavyWhen I compare the two files with binary editor, they are identical except there is a block of zeroes appended to the official iso15:40
kkulhavyand this block of zeroes is missing on the CD15:41
PolahObsidian1723, I agree that it may be more stable, I'm just saying that the non-LTS releases aren't exactly unstable.15:41
Obsidian1723edbian: you'd make a noob do a getnoo install, wouldnt ya?15:41
kkulhavyAnd its the same even if I repeat the burn15:41
kkulhavyCould it be the problem?15:41
Obsidian1723Polah: if they are less stable, then that is too unstable for me.15:41
edbianObsidian1723: gentoo has stellar documentation.  I wouldn't make them but I'd encourage the decision to learn :)15:41
Polahkkulhavy: If the md5sum si different that means the ISO is incomplete or corrupt. Redownload the ISO and then reburn the disc or recreate the LiveUSB15:41
Obsidian1723edbian: true that....15:41
Obsidian1723I remember when I first started using Linux....15:42
kkulhavyPolah, OK first I will recheck if the ISO I downloaded has the md5sum from the website15:42
Polahkkulhavy, you said already checked. It won't change if you do it again.15:42
edbianObsidian1723: we're offtopic :(15:42
dropmouseweird: I'm looking at the official specs site for this netbook, it says 64 bit dualcore Atom, but it's running 32 Bit Windows 7... That's why my usb boots haven't been working15:42
Sidewinder1!hashes | kkulhavy15:42
ubottukkulhavy: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.15:42
Obsidian1723edbian: ok.15:43
dudei started 1985 with gui15:43
Polahedbian: Of course not, we're discussing the stability and thus level of support necessary for LTS or non-LTS releases. Our conversation is related to Ubuntu support (:15:43
edbianPolah: well he brought up when he first started using linux :)15:43
Obsidian1723dude: well, on PCs, I started in 1978...15:43
Obsidian1723on UNIX.15:43
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, My advice is to verify with md5sum; upon completion of that reburn the CD at the slowest speed.15:43
dudestill some ds9 characters here?15:43
Polahdropmouse: 64-bit processors can generally run 32-bit systems with few problems. Making it on a 32-bit Windows shouldn't affect the creation of the LiveUSB15:44
Polahedbian: I don't see what you're talking about, totally on topic here (;15:45
edbianPolah: ha ha :)15:45
kkulhavyOK I verified Desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso 8b1085bed498... and that's identical with the official MD5 sum on Ubuntu webpage15:45
kkulhavySidewinder1, how do I find out the slowest speed?15:45
dropmousePolah, I'm having trouble booting 64-bit Ubuntu (xubuntu)15:45
dropmousefrom a usb...15:45
Polahdropmouse: What trouble exactly? It just refuses to boot? Have you verified the md5sum of the ISO first?15:46
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, Whatever burning program should allow you to adjust the burn speed.15:46
dropmouseI'm redownloading it on another ubuntu machine so I can check the md5...15:46
* Obsidian1723 asks if anyone here has ever used Zorin OS?15:47
bastidrazorkkulhavy: 4x is probably the slowest available to most burners15:47
bnalohimanyone wishing to help a bit? students really need interent connection... computers with ubuntu 9.04 work and computeres with edubuntu11.04 dont... they all have Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)15:47
kkulhavySidewinder1, I use cdrecord, speed=0 makes 48, speed=1 makes 8x so I hope 8x is correct15:47
dropmouseis there a built in md5 checksum in Ubuntu?15:47
Polahdropmouse: You can't boot Windows to check?15:47
Deathvalley122|2does anyone know how to remove the gnome desktop on ubuntu server 10.04.3 sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop* doesn't work cause the desktop is still there after words15:47
Polahdropmouse: yes, md5sum <file>15:47
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dropmouseWith out installing anything for the checksum?15:47
Polahdropmouse: Nope, just run md5sum <file> and it'll generate it for you. If you want to check on Windows instead then you need to get some things I think.15:48
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, I never used cdrecord; just set it to the slowest speed that it allows; then go get some milk and cookies. :-)15:48
Polah[dEviL-bOy], you get a B+.15:49
bastidrazor[dEviL-bOy]: rodrigo?15:49
napsterI've installed LAMP server15:49
napsterinstalled a test index.php too, but I get 404 error15:49
napsterwhat to do?15:49
kkulhavyCan I throw the faulty CD away? Is it sure its corrupt?15:50
usr13napster: Where did you install index.php ?15:50
Polahkkulhavy: If your ISO was corrupt then that disc will be unusable properly, unless it's rewriteable in which case you can reuse it15:50
napsterusr13: /var/www/index.php15:50
kkulhavyPolah, my ISO has the correct checksum15:50
Polahnapster: what address are you accessing it from in your browser?15:50
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, If you're sure it's corrupt and NOT re=writeable, toss it.15:50
usr13napster: And where does the config file say it servs to?15:51
kkulhavySidewinder1, its not rewritable, I am not sure if its corrupt15:51
yeatsDeathvalley122|2: try 'sudo tasksel' and unclick ubuntu-desktop15:51
napsterusr13: Which config file I should check?15:51
Polahkkulhavy: Oh, well seeing as it fails then I'll go for a disc error, burn another disc then15:51
kkulhavyDuring installation it says SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page... ubiquity bus error core dump15:51
Polahnapster: Did you configure any sites in Apache?15:51
adminewbbnalohim, are you using wired ethernet connections for all students? Are they notebook computers?15:51
yeatsDeathvalley122|2: unselect, rather, not "unclick"15:51
kkulhavydoes this message mean the disk is corrupt?15:51
Polahkkulhavy: That means it's failing to read from the file that holds the filesystem on the disc.15:52
Obsidian1723kkulhavy: use unetbootin to put the iso to bootable usb. try that.15:52
usr13napster: I always use symlinks.  i.e. mkdir www ; sudo ln -s www /var/www/MySite15:52
Polahkkulhavy: So yes, it's an incomplete burn or corrupt or damaged.15:52
magnetoI'm trying to share out on my local network my ubuntu desktop using RealVNC server in order to see the desktop on my Windows XP box via RealVNC. I downloaded RealVNC Linux version and installed it to /usr/local/bin but get a vncpasswd: error while loading shared libraries: libstdC++-libc6.2-2.so.3i cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. I don't know if using RealVNC server on ubuntu is the correct server to use. If it is t15:52
magnetohen is there anyone out there who has done this before? If not how can I share out my ubuntu desktop so I can see it from Windows XP?15:52
napsterusr13: I didn't get you15:52
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Sidewinder1kkulhavy, If the ISO was corrupt (non-matching md5sum) and it's not rewriteable; it's trash.15:53
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PolahDo Dropbox and Ubuntu One conflict? I have a two symlinks, one for Ubuntu One and one for Dropbox pointing to the same location. Dropbox syncs but Ubuntu One claims to without doing anything to the files.15:53
napsterPolah: not yet, I'm trying to test the installation using a test php file15:53
* kkulhavy takes scissors and scrapes the silver layer through radially15:53
Polahnapster: Ah, if you try to access http:localhost do you get the 404 error?15:53
usr13napster: httpd.conf15:53
usr13napster: Where did you point your browser when you got the 404 error?15:54
napsterPolah: er, actually its a remote server, and I access it using its ip http://IP/15:54
napsterusr13: let me check15:54
Polahnapster: Oh, my mistake. I'm just used to being trying to run Apache locally. Try http://IP/index.php if you're not already doing that.15:55
usr13napster: What OS is the remote server running?  ( lsb_release -a )15:55
yeatsmagneto: this may help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html15:55
imark_whats everyones favourite irc client?15:56
kkulhavyI can't hear anything from my "DVD R/RW RW DVD+R DL compact disc [ReWritable] Ultra Speed" during burning is it OK/15:56
imark_cant find one i like15:56
Deathvalley122|2yeats: that didn't help15:56
napsterusr13: And, where it should be normally?15:56
Deathvalley122|2it's still there15:56
Polahkkulhavy, if you're using a slow speed then it won't be as loud as if you were using a faster spped15:56
kkulhavyBut the hard disk lamp burns continuously and cdrecord says start in 0 seconds and didnt return to commandline15:57
Polahimark_: There's lots. Pidgin, Empathy, Xchat, Xchat GNOME, Irssi and probably a lot more. Pick one, try it out and if you like it, keep it.15:57
adminewbbnalohim, still there?15:57
napsterusr13: ubuntu 10.0415:57
imark_polah: im trying a few trying to get some opinions, im using xchat now15:58
yeatsDeathvalley122|2: that should've worked - not sure what to suggest (besides manually tracking down the dependencies and removing)15:58
imark_polah: are there any dedicated irc clients that integrate into ubuntu's chat menu?15:58
kkulhavyThe ISO has 718583808, and cdrecord says "Total bytes read/written: 718583808/718583808", does it mean now I should be able to read 718583808 bytes from /dev/cdrom?15:58
* Obsidian1723 uses Konversation15:58
Polahimark_: That menu at the top right? That's Empathy.15:58
* FreeNET is away: No.Hacking.No.Cracking.No.Fucking15:59
Polahor Pidgin if you're using 10.04 or before I believe.15:59
Obsidian1723yeah that will work too Polah15:59
imark_polah: yeah but empathys irc support is very poor, was looking for one as good as xchat that has ubuntu chat menu support15:59
* Obsidian1723 asks if anyone here has ever used Zorin OS?15:59
adminewbbnalohim, it was unclear whether you're actually using wired ethernet in your class16:00
adminewbbnalohim are they notebook machines?16:00
imark_im using 11.1016:00
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PiciObsidian1723: How is that related to Ubuntu?16:00
Obsidian1723Pici: Zorin OS is an Ubuntu-based distro16:00
Polahimark_: You could try installing Pidgin and removing Empathy. Also, 11.10 is unstable so anything you find might not work.16:00
kkulhavyIs this correct? dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=350871 of=/dev/stdout | pv > cdrom_image16:00
PiciObsidian1723: We do not support unofficial variants of Ubuntu here.16:01
* FreeNET is back (gone 00:02:05)16:01
kkulhavywhere 2048*350871 is exactly the size of the *.iso file16:01
Obsidian1723Pici: You asked how it was related, and I didn't ask for support. I asked if anyone here has ever tried it.16:01
yeatsimark_: no need to remove empathy if installing pidgin, FYI16:01
imark_polah: 11.10 is really good, but i mean empathy has always sucked for irc16:01
Polahkkulhavy, you want to use dd to write the contents of the cd to a file?16:01
PiciObsidian1723: Well for discussion, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place to be, you may also consider asking in ##linux16:01
vubuntor722i want to help16:02
kkulhavyPolah, yes16:02
jasefHey, don't suppose anyone knows how to move the control buttons (minimize, maximize, close) to the right hand side on a maximized window in 11.04? I've already managed to do it for the non-maximized ones, but maximized ones don't seem to respect /apps/metacity/general/button_layout in gconf-editor16:02
Obsidian1723Pici: so you can't discuss any Ubuntu-based distro, except Ubuntu in here?16:02
imark_mainly you cant remove the joined/left the room messages and they take about 2/3 of the screen at any given time16:02
vubuntor722to install http://openvswitch.org/16:02
PiciObsidian1723: #ubuntu isn't for discussion, it is for support.16:02
Polahdd if=/dev/cdrom bs=350781 count=2 of=cdrom_image16:02
PolahWill take two blocks of 350781 and write to cdrom_image, where you run the command from16:02
kkulhavydd: Lesen von „/dev/cdrom“: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler16:02
vubuntor722can u help ?16:02
kkulhavyWhich means in German I/O Error16:03
Polahkkulhavy, is that the right device for your CD drive? For instance mine is /dev/sr0 if I remember correctly.16:03
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kkulhavyI don't know if /dev/cdrom is the right device for my CD drive. How do I find it out? It read 718520320 bytes instead of 718583808, which is 63488 bytes short.16:04
kkulhavyI don't have /dev/sr016:04
adminewbbnalohim, if your students each have their own ethernet cable for internet use, it makes sense to talk about the model of ethernet NIC and drivers and such. If not, we're probably looking at a wireless config issue.16:04
Sidewinder1vubuntor722, Have you fully read: http://openvswitch.org/support/   ?16:04
bnalohimadminewb: yes, they are wirled ethernet16:04
Polahkkulhavy: Try /dev/sr0 instead16:04
kkulhavyI don't have /dev/sr016:05
Polahmount -l will give you a list which should include any CDs mounted when you run it.16:05
knightstalkerHello,any reason to use Propriety Graphic driver when nv driver(The default one) is running unity perfectly?16:05
magnetoyeats: I'll give that a try, thanks.16:06
Polahknightstalker: Better 3D support for some applications and perhaps better general performance.16:06
jasefPolah, -.- why do I always think of the hard way to do it? :P I was about to suggest 'cat /etc/fstab | grep /mnt/cdrom'16:06
kkulhavyPolah, nothing about cdrom in that list16:06
Polahjasef: I don't think that would show it. My fstab has no entry for my cdrom, they just get automounted when I put one in.16:07
kkulhavyBasically how do I make some program read at least the amount of bytes from CD-ROM that is in the *.iso image?16:07
bnalohimadminewb: ok... the NIC is a Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)... it was using a r8169 driver, but i read that it was wrong so i changed it to a r816816:07
adminewbbnalohim how did you go about changing driver?16:08
Polahkkulhavy, it probably won't be called cdrom look for the location that matches, i.e. /dev/blah on /media/cd or something, where you have it mounted.16:08
jasefPolah, Oh... didn't think of that, can't exactly test right now, on an eeepc with no optical drive atm.16:08
bnalohimi read this post.. http://blog.grumblesmurf.org/2011/05/fixing-realtek-networking-on-ubuntu.html16:08
knightstalkerPolah,and,to revert back to nv driver,all I need to do is to backup current xorg config and restore it later?16:08
delinquentmeim having a real pebkac moment ... and really hating how my thumb grazes the touchpad as im typing .. im wondering if there is any software for ubuntu that happens to be able to effectively decipher what are actual touches and directions with the mouse pad .. from the random finger and palm grazes while typing16:08
ct529hi guys. I have done goolging and so forth, but what is the application for editing AVCHD videos under UBUNTU?16:09
kkulhavyOK I found /dev/hdc now I should try if it reads more bytes than from /dev/cdrom?16:09
Polahknightstalker: To revert you could use modprobe to change it and edit your xorg or the easier way would be to disable/remove it in jockey-gtk. Installing it that way would be easier too.16:09
ct529I have tried Kino, but it does not.16:09
Polahkkulhavy: If it matches the mount point of your CD then it's probably the right one, try that.16:09
kkulhavyI tried dd /dev/cdrom - short count. cat from /dev/cdrom - the same short count. Now I am trying dd from /dev/hdc16:10
Polahknightstalker, just run Jockey, select the driver if it's there, click Enable and you'll have to download it then reboot, to disable it it's just the same except it'll say Disable instead of Enable16:10
Sidewinder1ct529, ffmpeg perhaps?16:10
kkulhavydd from /dev/hdc: short count. And that is burned on the minimal speed.16:11
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knightstalkerPolah,will do,Jockey failed to Enable my driver last time though,I forced nvidia to reconfigure my xorg.conf via terminal =),not that it matters much because Jockey did the hard part16:11
jasefAnyone know how to change the button layout for maximised windows in Unity?16:12
adminewbbnalohim it happens I have an almost identical ethernet device; could you do lspci -nn -vv on the same one to see what its Vendor/Product IDs are? these are a pair of hex numbers with colon ':' between16:12
kkulhavyWhat do I have to do that all the iso is read from the CD-ROM, including last 63488 bytes?16:12
bnalohimadminewb: I follow the readme and run the  ./autorun.sh from the package downloaded from the realtek site16:12
bnalohim adminewb: I added the r8169 to the blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf16:12
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adminewbbnalohim sounds correct so far16:12
RobinJcan someone help me? the services i've got running on my ubuntu server are not reachable from out of the network16:12
kkulhavyShould I append 63488 zero bytes and burn again?16:13
Obsidian1723RobinJ: which services?16:13
yeatsdelinquentme: there should be an option to "disable while typing" in your mouse/touchpad settings16:13
RobinJObsidian1723: ftp, ssh, minecraft16:13
kensumjasef; go to appearance and customize choose the window border tab and choose one that is what you are looking for .16:13
RobinJwinecraft's gpt the highest priority16:13
Obsidian1723is the ftp deamon and openssh running currently?16:13
RobinJObsidian1723: no idea, works form my laptop16:14
Obsidian1723sudo service ssh status16:14
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RobinJObsidian1723: anyway, the minecraft server has highest priority to me, as the ftp and ssh only should be used within the lan ;p16:14
engrxyzhi, i have a strange problem. when i do "apt-get install mysql-server-5.1, it says nothing that mysql can be installed...any tips please16:14
RobinJif they're unreachable, they cant be hacked :p16:14
RobinJengrxyz: try just mysql-server16:15
jasefkensum, all of the themes I try still have the controls on the left, despite being pictured with them on the right16:15
adminewbbnalohim when you want to check if you're loading correct drivers for a given PCI device, it's good to be aware of the PID/VID values, which are what the kernel uses in matching drivers to hardware16:15
Obsidian1723RobinJ: look for the minecraft daemon whatever it is and see if it's running, then, you'll need to open any needed ports in iptables.16:15
RobinJit is running, im seeing the output over ssh16:15
RobinJnot ufwd? :p16:16
Obsidian1723ufw lacks options compared to iptables16:16
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.16:16
delinquentmeyeats, noper =[ ubuntu 10.04?16:16
bnalohimadminewb: I didnt find what you asked for... http://pastebin.com/WQcpbtx116:16
adminewbbnalohim also note that I've not had ethernet trouble with this lucid 10.04.3 installation which loads the r8169 kernel module. Apparently things are different if natty wants a different module.16:16
terr_I have d/l'd kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso and I'm ready to burn it to a cd (if this one even works!) and I want to create a bootable USB - HOWEVER - on this machine (debian sarge) I cannot access the USB stick - likely because of an old device driver.  I think what I should be able to do is create a boot image from the .iso which can next be put on the local lan (TFTD?) and maybe I can boot from there.  any ideas how?16:16
Obsidian1723ufw isn't the same as iptables16:17
bnalohimadminewb: that is the lspci -nn -vv for my NIC16:17
kensumjasef; lush, marples and others will work. I am using the equinox series of themes and boarders.16:17
RobinJObsidian1723: how do i allow any connection on port 9032?16:17
Obsidian1723and GUI front ends lack options when compared to the command line counterpart.16:17
adminewbbnalohim, yes [10ec:8168] is what I was looking for, line 116:17
Sidewinder1terr_, Did you md5sum the ISO?16:17
Obsidian1723RobinJ: You need to open that port on iptables by adding an input line.16:17
RobinJehwhat? :p16:18
terr_Sidewinder1: not yet.  how di I do that?16:18
RobinJthis sounds compliucated xd16:18
Sidewinder1!md5sum | terr_16:18
ubottuterr_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:18
Sidewinder1!hashes | terr_16:18
ubottuterr_: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.16:18
kensumjasef; you can go to gnome-look.org and get new gtk2 themes. you will need to enable natuilus-elementary to use gtk3 themes16:18
bnalohimadminewb: ok... so i suppose changing the module was a mistake... but in a natty fresh installation network was not working...16:18
terr_I know what they are... just never done them in the last 5 years16:18
tdnI have just installed Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 with minimal cd. When I boot up after installation screen is black. Nothing happens. I am guessing it is a problem with X. How to fix it?16:19
ct529Sidewinder1: is it a AVCHD editor? I had not realised .... can I do nonlinear editing with it????16:19
bl4ckcombtdn, read your logs via another tty?16:19
adminewbbnalohim, googling linux pci drivers 10ec:8168... it's unclear yet which driver it really wants16:19
RobinJObsidian1723: how do i do all that? :p16:19
Sidewinder1terr_, That's the first step; if the ISO isn't absolutely perfect, no sence proceeding.16:19
tdnbl4ckcomb, I have tried Alt+Ctrl+F1..6, but nothing happens.16:19
Obsidian1723sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 9032 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name MCRAFT --rsource16:20
bl4ckcombthen your problem is not X16:20
Obsidian1723sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 9032 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 8 --rttl --name MCRAFT --rsource -j DROP16:20
FloodBot1Obsidian1723: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:20
bnalohimadminewb: in this bug report answer #46 and others report they still have the problem in 11.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57325916:20
tdnThere is a lot of disk activity during startup, so I guess *something* is happening in the background.16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573259 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Ubuntu 10.04 makes RTL8111/8168B network card unusable until cold reboot" [High,Confirmed]16:20
RobinJwow compilcated xd16:20
adminewbbnalohim, when you did the fresh natty install did you note which driver it had been loading?16:20
tdnI also see the Ubuntu startup logo.16:20
Obsidian1723change eth0 for wlan0 then16:20
RobinJObsidian1723: both of them or only the second one?16:20
jasefkensum, Thanks. Will go and download some themes to test now16:20
Layke2Last week I borrowed a USB drive from someone. A 500GB one. I then connected it to my desktop and transfered a few files. But now the drive is only recofnised on Linux, and not on a Windows installation. How can I resolve this?16:20
Layke2When the drive is connected it says that it is not formatted.16:20
ct529Sidewinder1: I have used it in the past, but I thought it was just a toolkit16:20
Sidewinder1ct529, I'm not certain, you'll have to check it out; I only suggested it since no one else was answering.16:20
adminewbbnalohim and where did you discover that r8169 was no longer the right one?16:20
Obsidian1723but you will also want to make it persistent too RobinJ16:20
bl4ckcombLayke2, format it as ntfs16:21
tdnLayke2, install ext2fs drivers for windows. Google ext2 windows.16:21
pooltablehi i am testing lubuntu 11.10 i just installed firefox but in is on the beta version 7.0 i want 6.0.1 installed how do i downdrage change it ???16:21
Obsidian1723iptables forgets on reboot16:21
RobinJcan i just dump it into rc.local? :p16:21
kkulhavyI see the Ubuntu ISO is longer than 650MB and shorter than 700MB16:21
Polah!upstart | RobinJ16:21
Layke2Okay, so I can fix it by installed ext2 on the windows machine. (The drive was originally always used on Windows though)16:21
ubottuRobinJ: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:21
kkulhavyCould it be the problem? I don't know how large the CD-ROM media are.16:21
Layke2@ tdn16:21
Polahkkulhavy: Why are you trying to get this disc image anyway?16:22
Sidewinder1ct529, There's also deevede or something like that but I don't know if it'll fit your needs, either.16:22
kkulhavyPolah, I want to install Ubuntu16:22
tdnLayke2, try.16:22
kensumjasef; http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/04/12-things-i-did-after-installing-new.html  you can find some ideas here and help.16:22
Obsidian1723RobinJ: PM?16:22
Polahkkulhavy: You won't be able to install from an image of the disc on your drive.16:22
Layke2Okay thanks.16:22
mcl0vingood morning , i need someone to help me with lm-sensors please, i can get it to work16:22
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, CdDs are usually 700 meg., I believe.16:23
kkulhavyAha I misunderstood16:23
Polahkkulhavy: Anyway, isn't that the disc that appeared to be corrupt?16:23
Sidewinder1CDs, even.16:23
oCeanpooltable: discussion/help on beta in #ubuntu+1 channel16:23
kkulhavyI want to get the image because I want to know if its burned correctly16:23
Polahkkulhavy: You won't be able to tell from looking at the image. You'll probably be missing several pieces of data in several places.16:23
Polahkkulhavy: I think it's fairly safe to assume the disk is damage or it was not burned properly, seeing as your ISO is complete but the install fails.16:24
Polahpooltable: Did you add any repositories after installing?16:24
adminewbbnalohim, judging to http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/R8169.html it's not apparent that you should have changed driver module for natty; maybe we should look at dmesg output related to when the driver loads16:24
adminewbjudging by* rather16:24
kkulhavyPolah, how do you mean I won't be able to tell if CD-ROM s burnet correctly from looking at the image I saved from it?16:25
pooltablepolah no16:25
bnalohimadminewb: in some post in the internet... when i had r8169 connection did't work and there was nothing on the ubuntu aditional drivers program... now that i changed the driver appears in aditional drivers, and it sais it is active a used16:25
pooltablepolah ok how do i change the desktop image ??16:25
Polahpooltable: On Lubuntu? I don't remember how, sorry.16:25
pooltablepolah yes16:26
oCeanpooltable: please stop asking here if it's 11.10 you're using16:26
pooltablei ment firefos is on beta on my seft lubuntu16:26
adminewbbnalohim ok then how about pasting output from "ifconfig eth0" on a working machine, and one that doesn't work16:26
kkulhavyNow I wrote on a CD-ROM whis is labeled 700MB16:26
kkulhavyand the result is the same16:27
Polahkkulhavy: The ISO is correct but the install fails because it can't read the filesystem correct, that implies that the disc was not burned correct or is damaged. Just burn a new disc, there's no need to check it by getting the image.16:27
terr_Sidewinder1:   Is there a very simple way to comp the two strings?16:27
bnalohimadminewb: what sould i look for in the dmesg?16:27
Polahpooltable: Do sudo apt-cache policy firefox and pastebin it please.16:27
kkulhavy63488 bytes are missing16:27
tdnI have just installed Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 with minimal cd. When I boot up after installation screen is black. Nothing happens. I am guessing it is a problem with X. How to fix it? bl4ckcomb, I have tried Alt+Ctrl+F1..6, but nothing happens. I have tried booting up in recovery mode and selecting failsafe X. This gives me a login screen.16:27
Sidewinder1terr_, I don't know; I'm sorry. :-(16:27
kkulhavyPolah, I burned already about 5 disks from the same ISO16:27
kkulhavyThey all contain 63488 bytes less than the ISO16:28
terr_Sidewinder1: well I can copy to a pair of files and use comp16:28
Polahtdn: The minimal ISO has no GUI, you'd need to install X. Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and see if it gives you a command line16:28
bl4ckcombtdn, if it gives you the login screen, then skip to another tty and read the logs16:28
kensumtdn; try at the grub screen , go to options and add "nomodeset"16:28
terr_Sidewinder1: anyways... md5 is fine16:28
Polahkkulhavy: Wow, really? Are you sure the discs are large enough?16:28
kkulhavyHow do I burn a CD-ROM of the Ubuntu image and be sure its correct?16:28
Polahkkulhavy: Do you have flash drive? Try a LiveUSB instead.16:28
kkulhavyPolah, there is "700MB" printed on the disk, and according to wikipedia, it has more capacity than is the size of the ISo16:29
bl4ckcombkkulhavy, there is no certainty that the cd-rom is still correct after the last check you do :)16:29
Sidewinder1terr_, That's usually what I do, open any text editor and copy/paste one below the other; if there's a discrepancy, it'll jump out at 'ya.16:29
tdnPolah, as I said, I have installed Ubuntu *Desktop* 10.04, so I have X.16:29
adminewbbnalohim: enter "dmesg | less" or sudo it if it gives you grief about privilege; then type '/eth0' to scan for the place of concern16:29
kkulhavybl4ckcomb, how do I check if CD-ROM is burned correctly?16:29
tdnPolah, minimal installer gives the option to install debian desktop via network.16:29
terr_bl4ckcomb: then we should create a way to verify it.  Talk about crapola.  read after write has been here for 40 years!16:29
bl4ckcombtdn, as we said, skip X and read your logs in another TTY16:29
mcl0vincan someone please help me with lm-sensors16:29
tdnPolah, ctrl+alt+f1 does not work (as described)16:30
ct529Sidewinder1: thanks a lot16:30
jstooneHey everyone! I'm having a bit of trouble when it comes to fstab, and adding my sda6 which i want to mount at, let's say: /jstoone. pasta: http://www.paste.ubuntu.com/68266416:30
terr_Sidewinder1: should be able to type: string comp blah blah16:30
ben_steintdn you must hold ctrl and alt while pressing f116:30
Sidewinder1terr_, Sounds about right, but I'm horrible at cli, I'm so used to gui.16:31
adminewbbnalohim probably you'll want to compare the working to the non-working dmesg output for the eth0 interface, paste both if you can16:31
matteterr_: are you having trouble?16:31
jstoonejstoone: And when i try to "mount -a" is says "no directory". Plus on boot it says, "error when trying to mount /jstoone"16:31
tdnben_stein, I know. I did. And it did not work.16:31
Polahtdn: Oh, my mistake. I don't really know then if you have it installed. Do you get a signal to the monitor?16:31
bnalohimadminewb in dmesg it seams eth0 gests up and down...16:32
tdnPolah, it is a laptop. There is signal, I guess. Just black screen.16:32
bl4ckcombtdn, switching to another TTY also doesn't work when you're in failsafe mode?16:32
ben_steintdn, that's strange16:32
Polahtdn: Ah, I don't know if laptops display the "No signal" image or black something like on separate monitors16:33
tdnbl4ckcomb, I will try.16:33
tdnbl4ckcomb, it works. However, from failsafe X, I can just start a terminal.16:34
adminewbbnalohim, my system's message log makes a poor point of reference, since my ethernet's enabled by not connected; please paste both your logs to compare.16:34
bnalohimadminewb do you want me to pastebin the entire dmesg? or just the fractions that got "eth0" in it16:34
bl4ckcombtdn, doesn't matter, read the logs16:34
adminewbbnalohim if you're confident you can trim off the chaff without losing eth0 related things, go ahead, otherwise do all of dmesg for working v. non16:35
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Polahtdn: Looking at ubuntu-desktop I don't see X server in it's dependencies16:35
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atulHi, newbie question : what happen when we delete files and folders. As I know it just deleted the soft links and over ride the data but I need more deteail info16:36
pooltablehere http://paste.ubuntu.com/682669/16:37
oCeanpooltable: as I told you, 11.10 is beta version. Support in #ubuntu+1 only16:37
tdnLog is here: http://p.adora.dk/P2147.html16:38
Polahatul: When you delete a file the data remains but pointers to that data are removed. If you use rm then the pointers are removed, if you delete it via desktop environment then they'll typically go to your trash and you can restore them or delete them permanently later.16:38
adminewbbnalohim, also, we're probably be better off letting the pastebin expire at some point16:38
pooltableocean sorry16:38
pooltablepolah ask16:38
tdnPolah, I do not know if minimal installer uses the ubuntu-desktop package only when selectin ubuntu desktop.16:38
bobedoes anyone know what ubuntu version jolicloud 1.2 is based on?16:39
Polahtdn: Me neither, but I don't see it as a dependency so it may not be installed.16:39
bnalohimadminewb I cant manage to copy the entire dmesg in the terminal.. how do I do it? mean while... this is the ifconfig eth0 for the edubuntu 11.04 with the  r8168 driver http://pastebin.com/EgTPdKzv... ill post you the working 9.04 in a sec16:39
atulPolah : Thanks for info, but when we add new data it will override and this override operation keeps going on so doesn't it some where makes problem16:39
terr_matte: ya!  I have to dance around some potholes and want to do a standard installation but I've got some broken stuff here!  I can't access the USB from the Debian machine because its old and I think the driver need to be upgraded and what I want to do is a clean install on my shuttle which has no boot devices otehr then network or USB16:40
bobedid anyone actually read my qestion?16:40
mattesounds like a breeze then hehe16:40
tdnPolah, it is. Otherwise I would not be able to start X in failsafe :)16:40
mattei would help you if i could you know16:40
tdnbl4ckcomb, is that the log you mean?16:41
terr_matte: Sidewinder1 so I d/l's the .iso and I can burn it to a cd.   (maybe if the CD on this old puppy even works!)  or I can expand it into a directory and maybe set up a net boot.16:41
Polahtdn: You can actually start it? Are you on the recovery console, I think that's provided by the kernel rather than X.16:41
tdnPolah, recovery, yes.16:41
tdnPolah, no. Not the X part of it.16:41
bobewhat happens if i do startx in terminal when im already in xmode?16:41
tdnPolah, I am in recovery. I chose to start failsafe X.16:41
tdnPolah, and it works.16:41
PolahOh I see.16:42
oCeanbobe: please have some patience16:42
bobeok oCena16:42
matteit is those md5 checksum that prevent files go bad when you download it (i think it's called that) but that doesn't gaurantee that the hd got bad sectors afterwords you know16:42
Sidewinder1terr_, If you're gonna burn it on an old CD recorder, probably wouldn't hurt to clean the recorder, if you have one of those cleaning disks, lying around.16:43
bl4ckcombtdn, dmesg and /var/log/messages16:43
Polahbobe: Nothing, it won't let you since it'll already detect you're in an X session, or should do. Also, don't think you're being ignored because you weren't answered within about four and a half seconds.16:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:43
matteor that the burner fail to do it's job or the program16:43
bobethx Polah16:43
Polahmatte: md5sums don't stop files from "going bad" during download, they just allow you to verify the integrity of the file after download.16:43
chaoshaxI am using curlftp to mount a ftp folder, should changes be instantaneous?16:43
bobeit might be my connection speed...16:43
matteokay my bad, after you download hehe16:43
mcl0vincan someone please assist me with sensors-detect and tell me what i am doing wrong http://paste.ubuntu.com/682678/16:44
chaoshaxBecause I have created a folder, it comes up with ls16:44
mattebut you get my point anyhow16:44
chaoshaxHowever when I access from another ftp it has not changed.16:44
chaoshaxAny ideas?16:44
Polahbobe: Yeah, might be. You shouted "ignored!!!" only a few seconds after your message came through, to me at least.16:44
terr_matte: Sidewinder1 one way around this is to u/g the usb-uhci.o16:44
terr_matte: Sidewinder1 no cleaning disks.  I never use it.  Havn't used it in years16:44
chaoshaxShould changes to a mounted ftp folder be instant?16:45
bobeanyway im sorry.... just in a bit of a bad mood...16:45
chaoshaxAnyone know?16:45
Sidewinder1!unetbootin | terr_16:45
ubottuterr_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:45
bobewho asked what they're doing wrong?16:45
matteisn't it a net boot installer for ubuntu?16:45
terr_there should be a utility to walk two directories and confirm they match16:45
mattejust like it is for debian16:45
bobemcl0vin: try cancel the check up: Trying family `National Semiconductor'...16:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:45
mcl0vinbobe: you mean to say no16:46
bobeyes try cancel that process16:46
Polahterr_: There is: diff16:46
chaoshaxI have mounted a ftp folder using curlftp, should changes be instant as they are not changing from another client but when I ls they have.16:46
terr_Polah: that will comp files.  I'm talking a whole directory and possibly go into tar and zip formats too16:47
Polahchaoshax: Perhaps the second client is not updating until told to, hence it will show the same thing until it checks again (i.e. through ls) and finds otherwise16:47
bobedoes anyone know some virtual router programs for linux?16:47
chaoshaxPolah, It's filezilla ..16:48
glebihanterr_, diff compares directories too (not inside archives though)16:48
chaoshaxPolah, works now :D16:48
Polahterr_: Directories are just special types of files. diff -a dir1 dir216:48
chaoshaxI even disconnected an reconnected, weird.16:48
Polahchaoshax: Magical fairies doing their magic (:16:48
mcl0vinbobe: i am not able , it still show16:48
terr_Polah: never looked for that.  Good to know.  That can be used then to confirm a CD is burned correctly16:48
Kaereywhat's a good looking netbook/tablet gui for an ubuntu installation on a TouchPad?16:49
terr_can I expand a .iso into a directory?  As it would live in the CD16:49
slck-oKaerey: Unity16:49
Polahterr_: Actually, you don't need the -a option. terr_: Perhaps, it might not work with an ISO, you might have to extract it and then diff that directory and the mount point of the disc16:49
Polahterr_: give it a try with the iso first, it'd be nice to know if that works. If not then just extract it to a directory and do it again16:50
terr_Polah: are you telling me I can loop back mount an .iso16:50
Kaereyslck-o unity-3d won't load on the touchpad. and the 2d version also throws a lot of errors.16:50
Polahterr_: Or you can loop mount it, that would work too. mount -o loop16:50
adminewbbnalohim, here's my output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/682684/ you might use it to guide your own copy / paste from the unabridged log16:51
slck-oKaerey: then I don't know....I think you should ask google then 'coz I really don't know any other one16:51
terr_Polah: give me the command for say this .iso:  I've not done a loop back mount this century  kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso16:51
Polahterr_: mkdir iso && sudo mount -o loop file.iso iso16:52
PolahFrom the directory your iso is in.16:52
Polah!es | lamorochita16:53
ubottulamorochita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:53
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tdnbl4ckcomb, dmesg: http://paste.adora.dk/P2148.html   messages: http://paste.adora.dk/P2149.html16:54
slck-oKaerey: there's also lxde and xfce, they're pretty much light16:54
dbcI'm running Natty and I need to install a newer version of something. (The newer version is in Oneiric if that helps.) Specifically I need Coq 8.3 pl2. How can I install it?16:54
=== startrekrules is now known as ben_stein
Polahdbc: Look for a PPA or standalone .deb for it.16:55
Kaereyslck-o yeah I've gotten those to work, but they are pretty bland and boring Was looking for something a little more exciting16:55
Kaereynetbook-launcher-efl works as well16:55
PolahKaerey: You can customise them you know16:55
terr_Polah: cd iso16:56
terr_Polah: opps16:56
terr_Polah: ya - worked.  beautiful16:56
dbcOkay. And then use dpkg, or what?16:56
terr_Polah: now who wanted to know if the burned CD is valid?  ans:  do the loopback mount and use diff.16:57
Polahdbc: If it's a PPA, apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade, if it's a deb you can use dpkg -i or run it through the software centre16:57
KaereyPolah: no i didn't know. I'll have to look into that more.16:57
Polahterr_: Very good point, I think he left though.16:57
terr_Polah: well I don't do installs very often.  But this is good stuff to know.16:58
PolahKaerey: I'd recommend lxde since it's probably the lightest of the common environments, and then change it pretty much however you like.16:58
tdnbl4ckcomb, what do you make of it?16:58
bl4ckcombtdn, I'm not reading any problems... strange16:58
kadobanhow would i change the keyboard layout for the login screen, and possibly also the one used for boot time cryptsetup?16:58
kadoban(i want to use dvorak)16:58
terr_Polah: for the CD to be bootable it must have the MBR written.  In the .iso where would this be?16:59
terr_cd .disk16:59
tdnbl4ckcomb, yeah.16:59
Stealth_Creationwant to know how to run a script or tool from anywhere, without of course being in the directory of the script or tool16:59
Polahterr_: Ooh, boot track on CDs. No idea where the part of the ISO that gets written there goes16:59
bl4ckcombtdn, is this the first ubuntu install on that laptop?16:59
Polahterr_: Oh, conveniently named [BOOT] (:17:00
kadobanStealth_Creation: put the directory containing the script/tool in your $PATH environment variable.  what is the directory, i can give you the line to add to the .bashrc file17:00
PolahIt has an image of something in there, no idea what. Perhaps GRUB or some basic bootloader.17:00
terr_Polah: I see no [BOOT]17:00
ben_steinecho $PATH17:00
Polahterr_: What version do you have?17:01
terr_Polah: I see .disk and boot and boot contains some grub stuff17:01
Stealth_Creation@kadoban :~/Android SDK/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools17:01
bertfoHi I am trying to upgrade to the latest version of request-tracker from rt3.8 (which is what is in apt) i was wondering if there is another repository anyone knows of that may have the latest version of request-tracker17:01
Polahterr_: Ah, boot then. I'm looking at an 11.04 ISO here so maybe they changed it since whatever yours is for.17:01
terr_Polah: I d/l'd kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso17:01
Stealth_Creation@kadoban however there are several tools that I would like to run from that directory without having to cd everytime I start up my IDE17:01
tdnbl4ckcomb, no, it had 9.04 before. But that is unsupported now, so I am installing 10.04 LTS on it.17:01
PolahOr Kubuntu might use a different structure for their ISOs17:01
terr_Polah: we shoudl still be able to find it.17:02
kadobanStealth_Creation: yes, you only have to do it once per directory, and it'll be permanent, one second, let me test how to do it with spaces in the directory17:02
bl4ckcombtdn, did you plug it into the matrix while installing?17:02
Stealth_Creation@kadoban escape them with \17:02
bl4ckcomberr... the internet17:02
Polah Oh, you mounted the iso17:02
Stealth_Creation@kadoban before the space17:02
PolahNo, wait. You don't have boot and etc and suchlike do you?17:03
jpmhI have a new netbook - loaded ubuntu all GREAT except ubuntu is not seeing the internal microphone, mic jack nor camera.  What am I missing here17:03
xanguaStealth_Creation: this is not twitter, no need for the @ ;)17:03
Stealth_CreationI have never been good with editing PATH variables though.17:03
tdnbl4ckcomb, I allowed it to install updates via the net, yes. The minimal iso is not worth much if it cannot install packages from network.17:03
terr_Polah: maybe k3b piddles it.17:03
xanguajpmh: worked on the live cd¿17:03
tdnbl4ckcomb, are you thinking security breach? The machine has no listening network services and is behind NAT.17:03
bl4ckcombtdn, right... didn't capture that 'minimal iso' part earlier17:03
xanguabertfo: search it yourself on launchad or compile ;)17:03
Polahterr_: If you just burn the ISO using a conventional disc burner then it should put everything in the right place for it to work17:03
jpmhxangua: never thought to try that - hold a moment - while I boot the live cd17:04
kadobanStealth_Creation: okay, so this works (near the end in your .bashrc file in your home directory): export PATH=$PATH:"~/your directory here"17:04
bertfoxangua: launchad ?17:04
bl4ckcombtdn, not sure. I never had this problem and since booting in failsafe mode works I suppose it could grab at least some packages from the inet17:04
terr_Polah: that's not going to help me much.  The target machine lacks a CD and fdd.  Has only USB and network17:04
xangua!ppa | bertfo17:04
ubottubertfo: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa17:04
kadobanStealth_Creation: and then you need to log out and in for it to take effect17:04
Polahterr_: Oh. There's a USB creator in the ISO, or there is for me at least17:04
terr_I might be able to set up a net boot for it but its been years since I did that too!17:05
Polahterr_: Unless, are you actually trying to install from your current system17:05
Stealth_Creationthanks, trying it out now17:05
PolahWithout a CD or USB?17:05
jpmhxangua: no - camera etc are not there with the live cd either17:05
terr_Polah: now we get the next catch 22!  I can't access teh USB stick on this puppy since its debian sarge and the divice driver usb-uhci.o is likely in need of an upgrade17:06
Polahterr_: Do you want to overwrite your current system or install on a second partition?17:07
xanguajpmh: seems bad, tried lates version of ubuntu¿17:07
Sidewinder1Who woke-up the floodbots?17:07
ex-demonнарод помагите с проблемкой в панелях гнома17:07
terr_Polah: I don't even know if the burner on this machine works!  I had to use a manual eject wire to open it.17:07
BlouBlou!ru | ex-demon17:07
ubottuex-demon: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:07
terr_Polah: nother machine.17:07
Polahterr_: By "manual eject wire" you of course meant a bent paperclip (:17:07
terr_Polah: I'm leaving this puppy as it is.17:07
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natasha-how to check ubuntu live cd for errors if it doesnt boots well? (i have windowsxp)17:08
Polahterr_: Easiest route may be to upgrade that USB driver, or try anyway and make a LiveUSB17:08
Sidewinder1Good afternoon natasha-17:08
Polah!md5sum | natasha-17:08
ubottunatasha-: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:08
tdnbl4ckcomb, how can I investigate it furtther?17:08
terr_Polah: I actually have a professional prick for it.  I own optical drives too... Fujitsu 3.5 opticals and panasonic PD and 2.6 GB SCSI 5.25" from the 1990's17:08
Sidewinder1natasha-, If the Live CD boots, there should ba an option to check it from the initial menu.17:09
Polahnatasha-: md5sum your ISO and verify it matches the ones provided on those web pages and then if it does, check your CD by holding Shift during boot and selecting "Verify Disc Integrity". If the md5sum doesn't match, then your ISO is corrupt and the disc isn't useable either.17:09
tdnbl4ckcomb, I have access to the terminal as root, so I should be able to debug and install things.17:09
terr_Polah: I could boot from a SCSI device except there is no SCSI in this machine.  But its in the bios17:09
PolahSidewinder1: that menu doesn't show by default, you have to hold shift (or apparently in some cases, esc17:09
natasha-Sidewinder1 it doesnt boot17:09
natasha-Polah i have a live cd. no iso17:09
bl4ckcombtdn, I'ld just try a new install if you haven't tried that17:10
Polahterr_: A professional pin for opening disc trays. I'm sure paperclips are more cost effective (:17:10
bindinatasha-: did you burn it your self?17:10
Polahnatasha-: How did you get the LiveCD then?17:10
Sidewinder1Polah, Thanks, I forget.17:10
terr_Polah: came with the drives.  I cleaned out Fujitsu!  No kidding.  Bought about 30 of them.17:10
Sidewinder1natasha-, WSounds like you'll need to download a new ISO, md5sum it; then burn at the slowest speed.17:11
terr_Polah: I use to be a dealer... opticals and 3480/3490/3590 tape drives... the ones that cost $13,000 each17:11
tdnbl4ckcomb, hmm... Ok. I was hoping it would be possible to fix it afterwards. I am pretty sure I will have the same problem again after reinstall, as I had the same problem when booting from the desktop CDROM.17:11
natasha-Polah can you elaborate. how to md5sum? and should i hold shift key when live cd boots. what will it do?17:11
terr_Polah: all that stuff is obsolete unless I can find a USB/SCSI interface17:11
Sidewinder1!md5sum | natasha-17:11
ubottunatasha-: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:11
Polahnatasha-: Those pages ubottu linked you to will tell you how to md5sum your iso. md5sum your iso first since if that comes out wrong then we can guarantee the disc won't work.17:11
tdnbl4ckcomb, the desktop CDROM has X as well. It just gives black screen. So I tried the minimal cd to get the non-X installer. It worked, I installed the system, but now it seems that X does not work in non-failsafe mode.17:11
Sidewinder1!hashes | natasha-17:11
ubottunatasha-: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.17:11
natasha-bindi no. i purchased it from market17:11
bl4ckcombtdn it can always be fixed, but the time investigating and fixing it will be much greater than a reinstall (even with downloading a new iso)17:12
bindinatasha-: you purchased a free live cd? :p17:12
terr_natasha... md5sum should be built inad and you type md5sum blah.iso17:12
natasha-bindi and i burn some other too. but they also dont work. every cd has diff kind of error17:12
Polahterr_: Sell them in another decade as antiques, of course.17:12
natasha-Polah i purchased17:12
terr_bindi: hell I sold free live CD's... was a fund raisor and I told them this is free but you can make a donation to your cause and not waste time.  I sodl a lot of them.17:13
Polahnatasha-: Ah, from the Ubuntu store? In that case, just put the disc in, hold shift when the little keyboard and man pop up and then scroll down the menu and select "Verify Disc Integrity" or "Check Disc" or something along those lines.17:13
natasha-bindi ya17:13
terr_Polah: they are worth money!  We have warehouses of data recorded on old media.17:13
PolahLiveCD used to be free until the release of 11.04 didn't they?17:13
Sidewinder1Polah, I think you're right.17:13
terr_Polah: how hard do you think to recompile usb-uhci.c ?17:14
natasha-Polah ya ya... the man and keyboard appears at boot it they dont go away.. :) they keep staring for an hour... last time i had 1 hr patience..    bindi Sidewinder117:14
terr_Polah: will it even run on a 2.4 kernel?17:15
tdnbl4ckcomb, yeah, sure. However, what makes you think it will work with reinstall? I mean, this is already a completely fresh install, and X did not work in the desktop installer cd either.17:15
Polahterr_: Will what run on a 2.4 kernel? Ubuntu?17:15
tdnAll updates are installed.17:15
terr_Polah: usb-uchi.o  (new driver)17:15
natasha-i just ran instal inside windows. and is stuck too. in the middle. Polah17:16
Polahterr_: Oh, I've absolutely no idea.17:16
terr_Polah: kerenl sees the USB however no dirver claims it.17:16
bl4ckcombtdn, maybe your cd was corrupt?17:16
terr_Polah: I think I'd have to stand on my head for that!17:16
Polahnatasha-: Hmm, I can't help you with installing through Wubi if it fails, I've never used it.17:16
chaoshaxShould you install graphics drivers on a headless server?17:16
natasha-Polah ok17:17
Polahchaoshax: No need if there's nothing to display it on.17:17
terr_chalcedony: IMHO yes.17:17
tdnbl4ckcomb, no, I checked both the iso md5sum as well as the cd itself.17:17
tdnbl4ckcomb, http://paste.adora.dk/P2151.txt <- This is from grep EE Xorg.* in /var/log17:17
terr_chalcedony: you might move the boot device to something with a head one day17:17
chaoshaxPolah, Meh would it not changing the fan speed though?17:17
natasha-Polah are there any other options.. at live cd boot.  may be i want to see the command line instead of keyboard and man image. i want to see whats happening and where it gets stuck?17:17
Polahchaoshax: Well, actually, generic basic drivers if you ever need to attach a KVM17:17
chaoshaxI forgot it's passibe :p17:17
adminewbbnalohim, been looking at the launchpad bug link you posted earlier17:18
Polahchaoshax: If it's headless, I imagine you'd only have integrated graphics on it as a backup just in case a KVM is needed because it's inaccessible through SSH or similar.17:18
bnalohimadminewb hi again, wireless went down in the school17:18
Stealth_Creationkabodan: Works like a charm, many thanks17:18
adminewbbnalohim when you looked through the thread there, were your symptoms in agreement with most of those there?17:18
idefixI would like to know how you can make an indent in justified text in the OpenOffice.or Writer...17:18
bl4ckcombtdn, what graphics card do you have?17:18
adminewbbnalohim so wireless gives access to your whole class?17:19
tdn00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated17:19
Polahnatasha-: Hmm, I don't know. Can you boot into the live session at all?17:19
dbc@kadoban, just setting my default layout to Dvorak under keyboard preferences made the login screen read passwords in Dvorak. Don't know about the crypt thing.17:19
idefixI would like to know how you can make a small corner off justified text in OpenOffice.org Writer17:19
bnalohimadminewb no.. they are wired, i was in my laptop17:19
kadobandbc: hmm, wonder why it didn't for me17:19
natasha-Polah i can.17:19
bnalohimadminewb now the strage thing is that wrigt now i am booted in edubuntu live cd17:20
Polahnatasha-: So where does it fail, in the installer?17:20
natasha-Polah but i cant go further than the image of keyboard and man17:20
adminewbwhich is natty release?17:20
dbc(by "default layout" I mean I moved Dvorak to the top of the list)17:20
Polahnatasha-: That's not the live session, that's mid-boot.17:20
kadobandbc: oh, i'm in kubuntu, that's probably why...should have mentioned that, probably important17:20
natasha-Polah it doesnt fails. it just keeps  that picture17:20
dbcAh. Sorry then. Best of luck.17:20
natasha-Polah ya. maybe. iam not tech17:20
bnalohimadminewb it is the same cd that after installation ended in a no network connection17:20
Polahnatasha-: It might be a bit slow, put the disc in and reboot and then give it a couple of minutes to boot up.17:20
adminewbedubuntu natty may give proper wireless drivers for your laptop, no relation to the r8169 business on ethernet17:20
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tdnbl4ckcomb, you think this is related? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes17:21
Polahnatasha-: CDs are a lot slower to load than hard drives, especially if they're older.17:21
anthony_anybody know how i can make sure all my sound drivers are up to date?17:21
natasha-Polah i gave it an hour17:21
adminewbbnalohim in the launchpad discussion though, there seemed to be much coverage of how cold or warm reset would correct a symptom where people couldn't connect. ring any bells?17:22
anthony_I play  a video game in wine, and when i go to mozilla and browse a bit, i come back to the game im running in wine with no sound17:22
anthony_quite annoying17:22
terr_Polah: here is an option for me... not a great one.  But might work.  I cna xfer that .iso to a mac running snow leopard.  It might have viruses.  from there maybe I cna use dd to create a boot USB.  Issue is DD from what file?17:22
SerythGuys, I want to begin to code a bot for IRC, but I don't know what programs I need in ubuntu, any ideas?17:22
Polahnatasha-: Oh. Well, either your optical drive is failing, try loading or installing something off a different disc in Windows and see if that works. If it does then your disc may be nonfunctioning and you might be able to return it to Canonical for a replacement.17:22
natasha-Polah ok.17:23
tiffanyI have a mac address whitelist on my network, and I need to get the mac address in ubuntu. It's not showing up in ifconfig because the network connection is not open. It's a wireless card.17:23
bnalohimadminewb i tried both in the edubuntu 11.04 computers with no luck... if read also that pluging and unpluging the network cable eventualy make network work...17:23
adminewbbnalohim it also occurs to me, that you may need to use a flash memory device or the like, to transfer your pastebin text from a machine that's isolated from any network17:23
Polahterr_: It's possible to make a bootable CD by writing an ISO to a disk with DD, but I don't know how I'm afraid.17:24
tiffanyseryth, you can try python and twistd17:24
anthony_How do i check what sound drivers i have17:24
adminewbbnalohim tried both of which?17:24
Serythtiffany I'm learning python, what's twistd?17:24
anthony_in ubuntu17:24
bnalohimadminewb cold and warm reset17:24
tdnbl4ckcomb, the wiki page mentions different workarounds as well as a GTT patch. I am not sure which of these "solutions" are recommended. How do I see that?17:24
tiffanyIt's an event based network thing I think, I've used irclib before but I've found people writing bots using twistd17:24
adminewboh yes17:24
tdnAlso not sure which one of the steps in GTT patch I should do?17:25
adminewbbnalohim so are you saying that futzing with the network cable doesn't help either (per some reports in launchpad)17:25
* Alex0258778 AEELE17:25
tiffanyterr_: polah: I think I've written a few DVDs using dd if=somefile.iso of=/dev/cdrom17:25
bl4ckcombtdn, recommendations are less important than working stuff. I'ld say: TIAS17:26
bl4ckcombgotta go though (dinner time)17:26
Sidewinder1Seryth, This might be helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19629917:26
tiffanyanyway can anyone tell me a way to get my mac address? :x17:26
bnalohimadminewb i havent done that that... the problem is that i have 10 computers17:26
tiffanysearching around has been incredibly useless17:26
bnalohimadminewb i have installed edubuntu in two17:26
Polahanthony_: lspci -vnvn will show drivers for hardware. Look through it for sound/audio and the "kernel driver:" entry for them17:26
tdnbl4ckcomb, TIAS?17:26
Polahtiffany: Does that make it bootable though?17:26
terr_tiffany: Polah  more likely  dd if=somefile.iso of=/dev/usbdriveblah17:27
bnalohimadminewb all have  the same NIC, and it is strange that even in the live cd it works, but when i install it it dosnt17:27
adminewbbnalohim anyway the purpose here was for diagnostic data, not yet to the point of fixing the edubuntu natty installations; did you manage to transfer some text from a net-unworking installation, its ifconfig and dmesg content?17:28
tdnbl4ckcomb, I am trying the first thing on the page now. It is installing a custom kernel. Will this stop working next time there is a kernel update?17:28
bnalohimadminewb the pastebin I gave you was form a unworking installation17:29
tiffanypolah: An ISO is, as far as I've found, a raw strip of data from a disk17:29
adminewbbnalohim am I understanding, that edubuntu live natty is able to do ethernet, where installing the same system (i.e. nonlive) on the same machine can't?17:29
tiffanyI think it does17:29
Polahtiffany: Yes, they are disc images.17:29
slinzexwhen Im in Eye of GNOME, an image viewer, I cant delete files .error: can't acces trash17:29
terr_does anyone use OpenBSD?  I have it running on a machine which likely has a working USB.  I don't know the equivalent of the modprobe for OpenBSD and I don't know what the device would be.17:29
bnalohimadminewb thats wright.. im naw at the same live cd that installed the unworking edubuntus.17:29
Polahterr_: You could give your plan a try, move it to your mac and then write it with dd like tiffany said.17:29
VincentvandenBergood evening17:30
tiffanyAll of the disk burning tools I've used had some kind of dd that they used17:30
tiffanyand that was it17:30
bertfoxangua: could not find it on launchpad, what is compile?17:30
terr_Polah: I can move it to my webserver running OpenBSD also.17:30
adminewbbnalohim well that is peculiar, maybe the blacklisting and such can still contrive to explain it... ?17:30
xangua!compile | bertfo17:30
xanguainstall manually17:30
ubottubertfo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall17:30
Polahterr_: If you wanted, sure.17:30
bnalohimadminewb this is the ifconfig and the dmesg of the actual working live cd http://paste.ubuntu.com/682702/17:31
bertfoxangua: ahh i see, that looks like my last option.17:31
bnalohimadminewb i posted the information of a computer whit the driver changecd17:31
bnalohimadminewb  *changed17:31
Polah                                                             17:32
adminewbbnalohim the end of the bug report thread you cite was in July, hmm17:32
adminewbthey claim that a fix has been published, but some uncertainty persists17:33
Sidewinder1bertfo, If you're not familiar with compiling, in addition to the link xangua/ubottu gave you, this might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware?highlight=%28%28CompilingEasyHowTo%29%2917:33
bertfoSidewinder1: i am familiar with compiling software, but the problem is i have an instance of rt3.8 i am currently using in production. this version was installed from apt. upgrading from source to rt4 is already giving me some problems, dependency failures for software i have installed, etc.17:34
adminewbbnalohim, is it possible that your symptom relates to power management settings in the BIOS, which affect different releases different ways?17:34
bnalohimadminewb i dont know, hows that posible?17:35
Sidewinder1bertfo, OK, sorry I misunderstood. Guess I been on here too long; time for a break. :-)17:35
bnalohimadminewb I havent entered the bios, do you think I should?17:36
dbcI found a .deb and tried dpkg -i and got error messages, starting with "dpkg-deb (subprocess): short read on buffer copy for failed to write to pipe in copy".17:36
adminewbbnalohim, not if it's unfamiliar17:36
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xanguadbc: a deb of what¿ better install from repositories ;)17:36
Polahdbc: dpkg -i file.deb?17:37
adminewbbnalohim if you've gotten practiced in changing or just looking at BIOS settings, probably nothing to worry about17:37
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trojanspikeHi , Im looking for a good DEV note pad editor , PHP, HTML etc,, also something for connecting to server.. any suggestions?17:38
bnalohimadminewb I can somehow manage it17:38
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th0rtrojanspike: nedit?17:38
bnalohimadminewb im in a bios now, do you think there is anything relevant to my problem?17:39
dbcPolah I did sudo dpkg17:40
adminewbbnalohim, could be; power management seems to be implicated for some people reporting. check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/573259 poster #3217:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573259 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Ubuntu 10.04 makes RTL8111/8168B network card unusable until cold reboot" [High,Confirmed]17:40
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Polahdbc: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/.deb17:40
dbcsudo dpkg -i coq_8.3.pl2+dfsg-1_i386.deb17:40
dbcYeah, I did that.17:40
trojanspikeoh god ,, nedit is kinda back in the dark ages17:41
adminewbbnalohim, in some cases people had to remove the plug from the wall, or at the other end (pull battery too for notebooks) and wait a few minutes to restore order17:41
CWFlinkadvice: migrate from ubuntu on win7 file to hard partition?  pros/con?  migrate files, settings etc?17:42
adminewbare any of these symptoms familiar to your case?17:42
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th0rtrojanspike: then use one of the other suggestions17:42
bnalohimadminewb i have tried the cold reboot with no luck, but mayebe i was impatient17:43
bnalohimadminewb i have just unpluged one of the computers17:43
adminewbbnalohim it's a long thread, but have you found anything in there that clashes with your circumstance, as if the bug they describe is not yours?17:44
trojanspikethere was only 1.. bluefish looks good tho.. just need something to connect to a servernow17:44
dbc(xangua: I'm trying to install a newer version than Natty has. Coq 8.3 pl2.)17:44
adminewbbnalohim the configurations they relate vary some so it's hard to make out whether the thread itself is coherent17:45
ben_stein1Renkor, it's an african american greeting, it think it means "what up homies"17:45
bnalohimadminewb it seams the same... but the diference is that in my case the computer detected the NIC, i even had a ip in the ifconfig...17:46
bnalohimadminewb but in the icon it said device not managed17:46
adminewbyes it seems strange, if you get assigned an address you expect to be live17:46
mistermochahelp! installing on a ubuntu lucid linode from packages and stuck on where the right place is to put my slapd.conf file... running the ldapsearch namingcontexts test to see if I get any response and no success17:47
bnalohimadminewb the problem is that now i can not know because i changed the driver...17:47
adminewbit does seem odd too though that they'd assign you the last address at the very high end of the range17:47
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bnalohimadminewb maybe i should have changed the driver, I didt reed a dmesg of an unworking computer with the original driver..17:49
bnalohimadminewb now im going to install edubuntu in this computer to see that17:50
Renkoralguien ha probado la 11.10?17:50
Sidewinder1!es | Renkor17:51
ubottuRenkor: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:51
kkulhavyHi I managed to install Ubuntu17:51
jpmhmy netbook does not see the internal mic not the mic jack - what do I need to add17:51
kkulhavybut after login I got emptz workspace where I could onlz move mouse around17:51
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, Congrats!!17:51
kkulhavyI switched Nvidia to ASUS video card and it fixed.17:51
slinzex when Im in Eye of GNOME, an image viewer, I cant delete files. error: can't acces trash17:51
kkulhavyI like the look and feel of ubuntu17:52
Renkorok, thx17:52
kkulhavyreminds me the shiny glossy touchscreen phones17:52
Sidewinder1De nada.17:52
photonHow can I create custom Ubuntu Live CDs?17:52
jpmhphoton: remastersys17:52
adminewbbnalohim if you're still in a BIOS screen somewhere, you might try the Wake On Lan trick they describe in post #3517:52
photonjpmh: thanks17:53
kkulhavyI had problem with verifying the CD-ROM and colleague told me some secret trick that if I press shift during CD-ROM bootup I get a menu with verify integrity option and that passed.17:53
bnalohimadminewb Im pluging in a wireless card in the unworking computer (with changed driver) to see if an kernel actualisation changes something17:54
SavageWolfI apparently don't know how to use GPG key thingies...17:54
KBmehi, can anyone tell me how to change language settings in the console please?17:54
Sidewinder1!remaster | photon17:54
ubottuphoton: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility17:54
zooppHello, might someone have any idea why like 70% of the times I boot up my system, the wifi card doesn't pick any access points (there are constantly about 15 APs in my area)?17:55
photonSidewinder1: thanks17:56
zooppTo fix it I have to reboot until it starts receiving info about APs17:56
Sidewinder1photon, My pleasure.17:56
SavageWolfIf you encrypt a thingie with your private key, will that allow people to know it was you, and if you encrypt using your public key, only you can read it?17:56
adminewbbnalohim I'm going to have to leave soon, sorry; maybe you can find another linux networking channel that's less specific to ubuntu. Then you'd want to get more specific info about which kernels you're running that work or no.17:57
photonSavageWolf: there's #crypto if you don't get a sufficient answer here.17:57
bnalohimadminewb it is a good idea, do you know one?17:57
adminewbcould try ##networking17:58
bnalohimadminewb ok, thak you for all the help17:59
jeffcutsingerSavageWolf: essentially you are correct, but it is typically called signing when you do it with a private key.17:59
kkulhavyI had Debian and Java didnt work in Firefox. So I reinstalled with Ubuntu and now it works :)17:59
bnalohimadminewb you really give me hope, i was kind of desperate17:59
adminewbyes well we covered some data points if nothing definite was determined :/ good luck17:59
SavageWolfAnd public keys are spread everywhere with a system like DNS?18:00
PolahSavageWolf: You hold only your private key and you distribute your public key I believe. Then you encrypt with your private key and the recipient can decrypt with your public key. You can also just sign with your private key which isn't encryption but just a way of verifying who it came from (because only you should have your pviate key)18:00
goerIs 'Splashy' same as Plymouth? or does it have advantages? (I like scrolling progress feedback!) Would I have to uninstall Plymouth first to use Splashy?18:00
PolahSavageWolf: No, although you could do that if you wanted, but it would mean anyone with it could decrypt messages they come across that are encrypted with your private key.18:01
wildc4rdevenin all18:02
albechany news if 11.10 will force us to run unity or can we still get the good ol gnome2?18:02
* Sidewinder1 Is glad kkulhavy Is having a successful day with ubuntu. :-)18:02
albechim not quite ready for unity or gnome3 for that matter18:02
kkulhavySidewinder1, thanks, but almost wasnt18:02
SavageWolfI heard 11.10 will drop Gnome 2, but I'm not so sure....18:03
kkulhavyI felt really powerless after I logged in and got only empty screen with cursor18:03
albechim still on 10.10 for that same reason18:03
kkulhavyWould be nice if a popup came up "now your Ubuntu is going to screw up. Please replace your nVidia card with an ASUS card and reboot"18:04
as2000Lovin 11.1018:04
dori922ive just installed Ubuntu Server, thing is it uses the full disk for partition #1... is there anyway to make this partition smaller?18:05
Barridusdoes ubuntu now not allow notification icons from apps that aren't included with it?18:05
as2000That is why I use a old 20gb hard drive for server18:05
rumpe1dori922, sure... boot from live-medium and shrink the partition/add partitions/whatever...18:05
dori922rumpe1:  whats live medium?18:05
rumpe1dori922, any other linux, which doesn't run from the partition you want to modify.18:06
SavageWolfA live CD is a disk that lets you try or install Ubuntu.18:06
kkulhavyI tried to make account on Ubuntu One and it asked me for confirmation code sent by email18:06
zagabarMy bluetooth headset is laggy in ubuntu. Where can I start debugging that? Google didn't say much about it.18:06
albechas2000, i tried the beta from yesterday and it not yet convinced that unity is ready for prime time :(18:06
kkulhavybut the email didnt contain any confirmation code, instead it said someone is trying to reset my forgotten password or what18:06
rumpe1albech, it's still beta and off-topic18:07
stevechi, i'm trying to use /etc/environment to set a variable "export ARCHIVA_BASE=/var/archiva". when I run a script as my user, it picks up the variable, howerver, when i sudo, the variable is blank how can i get scripts run as sudo to pick up the variable?18:07
dori922rumpe1: so install a linux distro, partition a segment of the drive for server, install, delete first distro and use server to partition from free space?18:07
cobalt237Has anyone seen issues since the last update where many chrome pages have become unresponsive?18:07
jribstevec: read sudo's man page18:07
dori922no way to do it just from server?18:07
albechrumpe1, it applies to 11.04 as well, so barely off-topic i guess18:07
rumpe1dori922, you can boot a setup medium from usb/cd and use the partition manager from that18:08
jribstevec: if you can be more specific about what you are trying to do then I may be able to provide more specific help18:08
rumpe1albech, saying, that a beta version looks not ready, is redundant :)18:09
albechrumpe1, was referring to unity in general (11.04)18:09
albechrumpe1, i know that betas arent quite ready ;)18:09
rumpe1albech, no, you weren't and i won't say anything more. -> off-topic18:10
stevecjrib: i'm trying to install archiva, i'm following the directions here http://archiva.apache.org/docs/1.3.5/adminguide/standalone.html to separate base from install18:10
jribstevec: how do you start archiva?18:11
stevecthere is script file that is used to start archiva, i've added an echo to see what it thinks ARCHIVA_BASE is, it's blank when I sudo. Looks like i should be using -E? Is there a way to set a global environment variable?18:11
stevecjrib: there is a "Running Archiva" section on that link, I'm running "sudo bin/archiva start"18:12
dori922rumpe1:  thanks :D ill try that18:13
jribstevec: well you can configure sudo to allow that environment variable, or you can just call "sudo ARCHIVA_BASE=whatever bin/archiva start" (I think)18:14
ethanedgardoes anyone know how to connect to connect to the internet using e1718:15
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x3qt0rI have installed mathematica718:17
x3qt0rbut it aint working18:17
x3qt0rlike its not starting18:17
x3qt0rthe installation was done fine.18:17
x3qt0rI dunno whats the problem18:17
jrib!mathematica | x3qt0r18:17
ubottux3qt0r: For help installing Mathematica on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mathematica18:17
jribx3qt0r: check there18:17
x3qt0rah! ok18:17
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )18:17
stevecjrib: how do i configure environment variables to be available for sudo without flags? the problem is if that script doesn't pick up the variable, it just uses installation directories, so if someone restarts without the -E flag or adding the variable to the command, it will create a bunch of stuff i dont want18:18
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steveci thought /etc/environment was the place to create global variables, is there another file i should be using?18:19
jribstevec: look at env_check and env_keep options18:19
jribstevec: /etc/environment is the place.  But sudo sanitizes the environment for security reasons18:19
bfriwhere is the best place to start learning web design/web hosting?18:20
jribstevec: man sudoers  is where you can read about configuring sudo by the way18:20
albechbfri, those are two very different things18:20
x3qt0rI think I have to reinstall everything18:20
bfrialbech i know which would be better to start with18:21
bfridesign right?18:21
albechbfri, depends if you are technical or creative by nature18:21
bfrialbech well im creative but need the technical side18:22
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oCeanbfri: this channel is for ubuntu technical support only. Maybe try #ubuntu-offtopic18:23
bfrioCean well thats just it i want to do it on linux OS server18:24
F4k3zHi, can any1 help me compiling my intel graphics driver?18:24
oCeanbfri: and?18:24
bfriocean ok ill look there18:25
maheanuuIaOrana Ia Oe, Happy Labor Day to all the 'muricans out there18:27
maheanuuI am having a problem with Lubuntu that is common to Ubuntu or so I have been told.18:28
F4k3zany1 available who can help me? :(18:28
maheanuuF4k3z, whats your problem18:29
kadobanF4k3z: it's generally better to just ask your question.  there's many people here18:29
alpha--after updating ubuntu the keyboard layout indicator is gone from the panel18:30
alpha--how to fix this?18:30
x3qt0rThe geek version of working out is trying to install a non-linux software/hardware on a linux system.18:30
krys_This chat is too fast for me, bye18:30
Quutarif i have an advanced question about windowing using ubuntu... would this be the right channel to ask in?18:30
F4k3zokie kadoban :) here i go... i am trying to compile my intel graphics driver in order to get HDMI working properly, for sending audio/video tru it.. but i am not able to compile.. i am newbie and still fighting with it :(18:30
mrdebyes Quutar18:30
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F4k3zi am confused on what are the steps to compile..18:31
Quutari have been trying to setup a linux machine that has two monitors such that the user interface is complatly restricted to one monitor, while the second is accessable by mplayer2... such that the mouse, and no UI elements can make it to that second monitor18:31
kadobanF4k3z: you tried and got an error, or weren't able to try? also, that sounds hairy for a beginner, are you following directions from somewhere?18:32
QuutarI have yet to get that to work...18:32
F4k3zyeap i followed the ones in the intel site. this site> http://intellinuxgraphics.org/build.html18:32
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F4k3zi downloaded everything but i am just Guessing what commands to use cause i have never used them :(18:33
F4k3zwhen i do ./autogen.sh it shows a lot of info.. but at the end it shows: dri2proto2.6 required..18:33
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F4k3zi downladed that this(dri2proto) but not sure what to do with it. :(18:34
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Quutarin a perfect world, i want to run the 10.04 netbook remix UI on one monitor, and have the second monitor dedicated to just mplayer output18:35
Sidewinder1F4k3z, Have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware?highlight=%28%28CompilingEasyHowTo%29%2918:36
maheanuuI installed Lubuntu to my daughters old tower yesterday and all was well until I started installing all the bells and whistles and I got the following warning   (Process:229) : GLib - WARNING **: getpwuid_r () failed due to unknown user id (0)18:36
maheanuuI am of the understanding that this is a common Ubuntu problem????18:36
F4k3zthatnks sidewinder1 checking it right now18:37
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Sidewinder1F4k3z, My pleasure. :-)18:37
maheanuuI had downloaded and installed HP all in one drivers and was in the process of bringing up skype when the fit hit the shan18:37
dbcOkay. So I'm running Natty and I need to install Coq 8.3pl2, which is in Oneiric but not in Natty. I downloaded a .deb file from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coq/8.3.pl2+dfsg-1/+build/2514119 and tried installing it with sudo dpkg -i . I got an error message saying "dpkg-deb (subprocess): short read on buffer copy for failed to write to pipe in copy". Thoughts?18:37
conathanHello, I was wondering if it was possible for gcc to link to an alternative libc.  I am using glibc 2.14 on my home system (lfs), but attempting to make an executable that would run under glibc 2.13 (Ubuntu 11.1018:37
PatrickCI'm having issues with wubi.. it doesn't see the iso that's in the folder with it18:38
user01hi is it there a way to change applications places system on the gnome menu to icons that take up less screen real estate?18:38
PatrickCI'm trying to do an offline install18:38
th0ruser01: right click on them and choose properties I think18:39
tdnHow do I change system language (menus and the like) to Danish? I would really like to do it from command line if possible. And for all users.18:39
user01th0r, there is properties option18:39
user01th0r, just edit menus18:39
PatrickCnot sure why wubi is failing. its worked before18:41
PatrickCwindows xp SP3*18:41
urlin2uPatrickC, take a look in this thread main post really. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919818:42
stevecjrib: thanks, env_keep did it18:42
PatrickCurlin2u: I didn't see anything relevant in that post....18:44
urlin2uPatrickC, so what are more symptoms since wubi does not see the ISO, does it even boot?18:47
PatrickCwindows boots fine after I try and use wubi18:48
PatrickCbut I don't have an ubuntu option, or even a bootloader18:48
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Dollzjust installed ubuntu server , I don't know what to do18:49
urlin2uPatrickC, is this a fresh install, and is Wubi in the C partition?18:49
PatrickCwubi is in a folder in the C18:49
PatrickCand yes, a fresh install18:49
Dollzwhy can not I use apt-get to search for packes ?18:49
Dollzpackages *18:49
Linux000Dollz, what happens when you try?18:50
ben_steincan you please tell me what port 631/tcp open  ipp is for18:50
kernelpanicker`my desktop stopped receiving usb keyboard input, so ctrl-alt-F1'd over here, what can I do to try to resolve the issue?18:50
Dollz apt-get search E: Invalid operation search18:50
jayson_rDollz: try apt-cache search :-)18:50
x3qt0rkde messed up my second screen18:50
x3qt0rnow it has two screens on one screen18:51
DollzOh ok , I used to yum search ..18:51
x3qt0rof different resolutions18:51
urlin2uPatrickC, so is there a reason why you would not do a regular install, as wubi is for a try out?18:51
kernelpanicker`I mean I alt-F1'd18:51
Dollzjayson_r: doesn't work !18:51
danubhey all. I have an acer aspire 1 laptop. it comes with a built in memory card reader. Now I would have imagined that plugging in a card to the reader would auto-mount just like when i plug in my cellphone, but it's not automounting. How do I force a mount of the memory card?18:51
PatrickCurlin2u: I want to use wubi. I don't want to re-partition18:51
ben_steinhow secure is a computer running ubuntu that is up to date and has no open ports? how easy would it be for a hacker to get access to my user or root account?18:52
Dollzapt-cache is not working ?18:52
jayson_rDollz: do you get an error? what package are you searching for?18:53
x3qt0rKDE is not able to detect my second monitor in the settings wizard18:53
jayson_rDollz: try an apt-get update first to refresh your repositories18:53
x3qt0rbut is displaying on it weirdly18:53
Dollzjayson_r: ehm , I was opening another window18:53
x3qt0rhow do I get it fixed18:53
Dollzjayson_r: for another server18:53
urlin2uPatrickC,  seems counter productive but that is your choice of course. Since wubi is a try out setup there is really very little support, that thread though if you post a bootscript may be the best, or just run a new install.18:53
Dollzjayson_r: sorry, it works fine :)18:53
jayson_rDollz: cool18:54
danubben_stein: depends on how motivated the hacker is. as long as you aren't running unnecessary services and have strong passwords, you will be safe.18:54
PatrickCurlin2u: ok..18:55
Dollzdanub: me too :) , I'm running unmanaged servers , with no firewalls ,, and no anything18:55
w30ben_stein, it depends on what you are doing; if you are controlling centrifuges, well.....18:55
Dollzdanub: should that be ok when the system is up2 date18:55
F4k3zSidewinder1 i tried the info in that link, but when i type make i thing it doing nothing :S18:55
danubnow if that computer is worth alot of money to be hacked (has lots of credit card numbers, SS#, information that sells on the blackmarket readily) then you might have some very motivated people who will find a way18:55
Obsidian1723PatrickC: Why not just install Ubuntu to replace Windows or at least run a dual boot system?18:56
fiberI have a quick question... with hotkeys I can change the volume, but I can't go past 100% (although if I go into sound preferences, I can go past 100%).  Then, once higher than 100%, the hotkeys will only lower the volume, not raise it... is there an option in gconf or somewhere where I can change this behavior?18:56
Dollzdanub: ?18:56
ivette2new to ubuntu here!18:56
ivette2a friend recommend me this chat18:57
ivette2first time here18:57
danubDollz: normally, being up to date will save you from most hacking attempts operating system wise. if you have other services running (mysql, apache, webmin, etc) your only going to be as secure as those services18:57
urlin2udanub, is it a soild state like a sdhc?18:57
Obsidian1723Dollz: and having properly configured iptables18:57
Dollzthank you danub18:57
ivette2i have the new macbook air and i just install linux debians18:57
danuburlin2u: its a sd card18:57
ivette2can someone helps please18:57
danubivette2: this is ubuntu, not #debian18:58
Dollzivette2: I want to help , but I'm new as you18:58
ivette2omg okk18:58
ivette2thank you!!!!18:59
Sidewinder1F4k3z, This on might be a little easier to understand: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo18:59
danubyour welcome ivette218:59
urlin2udanub, I have a aspire 1 d250, it is sporadic but works best with card formatted with gparted, and plugged in at boot with fat partitioning, ntfs seems to work pretty well.19:00
danuburlin2u: works fine when im in the windows partition, but i can't even get it recognized in ubuntu19:00
Sidewinder1F4k3z, Looks to me like the final step is to "sudo checkinstall 'filename'".19:00
F4k3zSidewinder1: actually i followed that one, at the end of the step 2, it says run "make" command. but when i run it, it dows nothing19:01
F4k3zit does something, but i dont understand it :(19:01
urlin2udanub, I would reformat it, it may have firmware that is causing this, look on the web for info on the card and linux/ubuntu.19:01
Sidewinder1F4k3z, I'm nowhere near an expert, far from it, but are you sure you were in the correct directory?19:02
F4k3zyeap, i am, i just typed  ./configure19:02
F4k3zand it does something, and then i type make19:02
F4k3zbut i dont understand what it shows19:02
Sidewinder1!pastebinit | F4k3z19:03
ubottuF4k3z: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:03
ubunwhats better- install ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop and using samba to share files and printers? (i dont need it for dns, php or anything like that)19:03
Sidewinder1F4k3z, With that, perhaps someone more knowledgeable can help you.19:04
F4k3zokie thanks, i am typing now and installing thanks man19:04
danubcan't format just yet. gotta get the pictures I took this weekend off of it. I'll just boot into windows and copy the pictures. I don't want to change the formatting because I don't know what formatting the canon camcorder uses. If it aint broke, don't fix it :)19:05
ubunwhats better- install ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop and using samba to share files and printers? (i dont need it for dns, php or anything like that)19:06
ben_stein /exit19:07
Sidewinder1F4k3z, You need to precede with "/"19:07
jribubun: do you want a gui?19:07
danububun: go with desktop if your not familiar with command line. samba isn't going to care if you run with server or desktop19:07
OhGodWhatTrying to install Ubuntu on laptop. Hit run from USB, then presented with black screen filled with code. Get a lot of "can't execute" strings and no init found. Getting [hardware error]: machine events logged. What the hell is going on?19:08
ubunjrib: ... well idk... i want a central place to save files music and printers, danub: im willing to learn the command line for samba, but idk how complicated it would be for me with no gui.19:09
ben_steini wish people knew the difference between your and you're, plus their, there and they're19:09
jribubun: idk means go with desktop :D19:09
jribben_stein: i wish people read irc topics :D19:09
urlin2udanub, probably has cannon firmware I would leave it as you suggest, this is information that you should include as you would know rather then just a sd cared.19:10
danubben_stein: it's not that i don't know the difference between them, it means i'm too lazy to speak with proper grammar when the shorthand "internetese" speak works just fine19:10
ubunjrib: oh and the thing is that it is the machine im trying to go with is a Server machine. HP proliant19:10
ben_steindanub of course, i was joking, i do the same ting all the time19:10
Dollzguys , wget is not working ? is it called another thing in ubuntu or I need to install it ...19:11
DollzI hate to ask dump questions19:11
OhGodWhatOh now my screen went black. Is this normal?19:11
danuburlin2u: didn't think it was the cards problem. normally, i have no issue with sd cards. But since I have never actually used the memory reader on the linux side, I wasn't sure if it was working properly or not19:11
OerHeksDollz, wget should work fine19:11
Dollz-bash: wget: command not found19:11
yeatsDollz: try installing it19:12
danubDollz: 'which wget'19:12
Dollzis there many of it ?19:12
danubsee if it is installed, if not 'apt-get install wget19:12
danubnope, there should only be 1 wget. don't know if it's part of the core install though19:12
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Dollzdanub: now you can be sure that it is not :)19:13
danubI would have imagined it was, but ::shrugs:: been a while since i did a complete install19:13
tcupive been having a huge problem since i tried to reformat a usb stick a few days ago.19:13
urlin2uDollz, past the address you're trying to wgwet19:13
OhGodWhatCan somebody please help me, please? I'm not very good when it comes to this stuff...19:13
tcupi have a persistent nonexistent generic- xd/sd/ms drive showing up in disk utility and udisks19:13
Dollzdoes that make a difference ?19:13
tcupi cant eject it19:13
Sidewinder1!ask | OhGodWhat19:14
ubottuOhGodWhat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:14
danubSidewinder1: he did, you missed his question19:14
yeatsOhGodWhat: did you md5sum the .iso file?19:14
tcupand since this has appeared i can't make live usbs and it persists through three totally fresh installs of ubuntu19:14
urlin2uOhGodWhat, what release is it?19:14
Dollzwget is working now ! :)19:14
danubit was referring to him trying to install from usb, but only getting a black screen with code and errors about machine errors logged19:14
OhGodWhatAnd I just followed the instructions on the site, I didn't do anything else.19:15
Sidewinder1danub, Won't be the first time; sorry OhGodWhat19:15
ben_steineveryone's using gnu/linux these days19:15
yeats!md5sum | OhGodWhat19:15
ubottuOhGodWhat: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:15
tcupthe udisks dump shows that /dev/sdb is where this imaginary device is located19:15
yeats!hashes | OhGodWhat19:15
nullisnilHi folks, does someone know a tool to see what program spins up a hdd - tried powertop, but it looks like it does not show everything19:15
ubottuOhGodWhat: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.19:15
tcupas dows the disk utility window19:15
urlin2uOhGodWhat, tap the shift key when powering on if you get the try, check disc....etc hit f6 choose nomodeset and boot.19:15
tcupi really don't know what to do19:16
Dollzsorry , is there a quick way to untar this file.tar.bz2 ? or do I need to install other thing ?19:16
danubOhGodWhat: what yeats is trying to get at is that it looks more like your image (the thing you burned to USB) is bad/incorrect. so he is having you do a check to see if the files are good or not. if they aren't you "reburn" it again and try again19:16
tcupeven after doing clean installs i can no longer make live usbs since this generic drive appeared19:16
tcupdev/sdb doesn't show up in gparted19:16
KhisanthDollz: tar -jxvf file.tar.bz219:16
OhGodWhatOkay, thanks. I'll try that then.19:17
danubDollz: tar -vzf $filename should do the trick i think19:17
tcuponly in udisks19:17
Dollzthanks guys19:17
danubor what Khisanth said (trust his judgement/memory more then mine :P)19:17
tcupdoes anyone know how i can erase this nonexistent disk drive at /dev/sdb19:18
danubtcup, have you tried 'sudo umount /dev/sdb'?19:18
tcupi did a memory check and there is no problem19:18
tcupit says when i do the umount that there is no device19:18
Khisanthdanub: -z is for gz :)19:18
danubKhisanth: wasn't her filename .gz?19:19
danubahh, damnit19:19
danubsmall laptop screen ;)19:19
Khisanthbut on "recent" tar you don't even need to specify19:19
urlin2utcup, have you tried the disk utilty to unmount?19:19
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tcupwhat umount responds with is /dev/sdb not mounted19:20
tcupnot option is given to umount only reformat19:20
urlin2utcup, so is it showimg in disk utility or gparted?19:20
tcupits showing in disk utility19:20
danubok, this unity layout... me no likey. so i'm off to fix that lol. good luck all19:20
tcupnot gparted19:20
tcupnor in fdisk19:21
urlin2utcup, showing mounted in disk utility?19:21
tcupyes mounted in disk utility19:21
F4k3zSidewinder1 or any1 can take a look at this and le me know what the problem is?19:21
urlin2utcup, what happens if you just pull it out and plug it back in?19:22
tcupshows up in udisks --dump19:22
tcupshould i pastebin an image?19:22
tcupat one point i uninstalled desktop and did a a killall for udisks19:23
tcupnothing changed19:23
tcuplike i said even doing a clean install on harddrive changed nothing19:23
tcupi can no longer make bootable usb disks19:24
urlin2utcup, do you have access to a windows setup?19:24
tcupive never experienced anything like this19:24
tcupnot on the ubunntu computer19:24
tcupbut yes i do19:24
urlin2utcup, plug it into a windows set up and format it, your methods of a clean install make no sense the usb is the problem.19:25
tcupno its not19:26
tcup4 usb sticks have been ruined19:26
tcupthey are all corrupted and can not be reformatted19:26
tcupi tried to on windows set up already19:26
skandee_hei, do anyone knows about a writer program for terminal?19:26
tcupthe one that caused this was brand new19:26
urlin2utcup, that makes no sense either ubuntu does not break sticks.19:27
tcupand it ruined trusty ones some as old and working just fine over four or so years19:27
yeatstcup: that would point to something being wrong with your hardware - not the drives or Ubuntu (IMHO)19:27
urlin2utcup, but they do break.19:27
tcupyou think its the motherboard?19:27
tcupthe memtest was fine19:27
sw0rdfishskandee_, if you're talking about a terminal based text editors then there are: nano & vim <--- well the most popular atleast :)19:28
ccookeAnyone been able to successfully install on a Dell l702x (XPS 17)?19:28
auronandaceskandee_: do you mean a text editor? if so try nano19:28
tcupi dont understand how it happened though while i was using this usb stick19:28
tcupits so weird19:28
skandee_sw0rdfish, thanks19:28
tcupi had zero issues before this19:29
tcupthis comp is only a few months old19:29
yeatsccooke: why don't you let us know what's wrong and someone may be able to help19:29
urlin2uccooke, look on the web bro. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175379919:29
F4k3zHi, can somebody help me understand what this info means?19:29
yeatstcup: perhaps a problem with the BIOS?19:29
ccookeIt seems Natty at least is unable to get to the desktop (live CD or after it's installed), but the (graphical) installer works fine19:29
ccookeyeats: I was typing :-)19:29
dudhello dudes and stuff19:29
dudis htere a way to start a process with low priority?19:29
tcupurlin2u, you think it's the motherboard?19:29
ccookeurlin2u: yeah, that's likely part of the problem. But I can't actually get to a working *shell*19:30
ccookeurlin2u: even using init=/bin/sh on the kernel command line fails, because the initrd loads the graphics driver and... black screen.19:30
urlin2utcup,  I wouldn't know.19:31
ccookeif I let it boot normally, I get GDM loaded, log in... and I get a mouse pointer and a desktop forever19:31
tcupand urlin2u could u explain why the disk shows up on disk utility and not gparted19:31
sw0rdfishskandee_, sure thing :)....and nano is more beginner friendly :D19:31
tcupif it is a hardware problem wouldnt it appear in both places?19:31
urlin2uccooke, do you know the GPU19:31
maxagazhtop says my swap is used by 0/0MB, it seems I have no swap, but still fdisk tells me I have a swap on /dev/sda6, what's wrong with my system ?19:31
tcuplike i said this is a problem i have never seen before19:31
urlin2umaxagaz, look in fstab and see if the uuid is correct.19:32
yeatsF4k3z: that doesn't look like an error to me - just normal 'make install' output - what's not working?19:32
ccookeurlin2u: if I could get a console, I could find out the exact model. Since I can't, I can tell you it's nvidia something and *might* be an optimus one. I'd found the link you gave me previously, but... well, can't check19:32
F4k3zyeats: once i do that make install. should the program be installed isnt it?19:33
yeatsccooke: try a liveCD?19:33
dudrandy mandy?19:33
urlin2utcup, you know of the dropdown in gparted to see different discs right?19:33
ccookeurlin2u: I'm just doing a reinstall, changing the only extra variable I have (encrypted home), just in case. But since the install CD can't display a desktop either...19:33
F4k3zor should i perform another command to complete installation>?19:33
tcupyes i do19:33
tcupits /dev/sdb not thre19:33
ccookeyeats: The liveCD works to install, doesn't display a desktop if I try that19:34
yeatsF4k3z: 'make install' is usually the last step - have you tried running the program?19:34
maxagazurlin2u, I just checked uuid with ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ for the swap, it's the same as in /etc/fstab19:34
yeatsccooke: ah19:34
ccookeyeats: and console screens don't work once the X driver has loaded.19:34
maxagazurlin2u, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2011-09-05 22:44 9f112289-3b60-4ffb-88bf-e47320d873cf -> ../../sda619:34
urlin2uccooke, do you get a grub menu, choose recovery and failsafe at the first gui this is a lowgraphic boot once in update/upgrade and look in additional drivers.19:34
ccookeso I can't get at a console that way, liveCD or installed19:35
maxagazurlin2u, UUID=9f112289-3b60-4ffb-88bf-e47320d873cf none            swap    sw              0       019:35
King-CG'day folks19:35
ccookeurlin2u: recovery boots to a black screen, no menu19:35
F4k3zyeats: i tried, but it does not appears to be installed.. cause it is a dependenci of another program i am trying to install, and once i tried to install that other program it ask me for this one(dri2proto) and i cannot continue19:35
bobiI have a prob with apache. I cannot. a19:35
King-CI'm having some trouble with a repository that won't update. Wine is stuck at version 1.3.22 supposedly from the PPA. But the latest version on the PPA is 1.3.27, and my system won't update to it.19:36
urlin2uccooke, is ubuntu the only install if so tap shift at boot to get the grub menu, this is a install right?19:36
tcupon gparted it only says i have deev/sda19:36
yeatsF4k3z: what's the main program you're trying install?19:36
F4k3zintel graphics driver19:36
urlin2utcup, you know of the drop down in gparted right?19:36
bobiwebsite i get asked a usern/pass19:36
tcupcat etc/fstab same thing no dev/sdb19:36
F4k3zyeats: i have installed dri2proto 2.3, but the new driver requires version dri2proto 2.619:36
urlin2utcup, you don't want the thumb in fstab19:37
ccookeurlin2u: I'm sorry, that wasn't clear. Ubuntu is the only thing installed19:37
yeatsF4k3z: are you installing this because something isn't working? or just to try out a newer version?19:37
tcupwell since this sdb never goes away i thought it might be there19:37
urlin2utcup, you know of the drop down in gparted right?19:37
tcupbut its not appearing in gparted19:37
tcupin the drop down19:37
urlin2uccooke, you need to tap a key to get the grub menu on a only install.19:38
ccookeurlin2u: yes, I've been there.19:38
yeats!it | xfce19:38
F4k3zmy HDMI port is not working fine :( i need audio/video tru it, but my actual driver is not working accordingly and also not reconigzing my TV appropiate resolution19:38
ubottuxfce: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:38
urlin2uccooke, where?19:38
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bobiapache asks me user and pass when i try to access website from outside lan. Helpp19:38
BluesKajccooke, hold the shift key down after the bios screen til the grub menu appears19:39
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tcupthe drop down i assum you are telling me about is the one in the upper right hand corner19:39
urlin2uccooke, can you get the grun menu and choose the recovery option?19:39
tcupand no its not appearing there19:39
ccookeurlin2u: yes. As I said, it boots to a black screen19:39
guntbertbobi: and it doesn't do that when you acess it from your own hetwork?19:39
ccookeurlin2u: I do not get the recovery menu19:39
ccookeurlin2u: I tried the obvious things before coming here :-)19:39
BluesKajccooke, read my post above19:40
urlin2uccooke, so you never have seen the grub menu, what release is this?19:40
ccookeBluesKaj: ... I don't see the relevance19:40
BluesKajyuo will19:40
tcupdo youhave any idea what i could do besides umount to remove this nonexistent drive19:40
urlin2uccooke, if your card is nividia you need a nomodeset boot, from the kernel line or a fialsfe from the recovery.19:40
ccookeurlin2u: No, I've been into the grub menu, I've attempted to boot the recovery option, and that boots to the point where the initrd loads the graphics driver and then the screen goes black and stays black19:40
stowodahi there.. sometimes I have to restart ubuntu because it dont show up my flash drive or usb hdd. is there a way to avoid restarting the whole system to make my external hdd work?19:40
tcupif its hardware fine19:41
stowodarestarting usb or sth?19:41
tcupbut anymore troubleshotting tips19:41
ccookeurlin2u: Ah, now that's new19:41
BluesKaj!nomodeset |ccooke19:41
ubottuccooke: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:41
majorastrohelp where to get netbook version off ubuntu19:41
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urlin2uccooke, are you reading at the first gui if you use the arrow keys to go down the list to failsafe option use it.19:41
majorastrowhere can i get netbook version ubuntu19:42
tcupive just learned you can't delete sys/devices folders19:42
urlin2umajorastro, not available anymore19:42
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BluesKaj!netbook | majorastro19:42
majorastrothats crappy19:42
urlin2umajorastro, the ubity desktop works well.19:42
BluesKaj!info netbook | majorastro19:42
ubottumajorastro: Package netbook does not exist in natty19:42
yeatsmajorastro: you can install the 10.04 netbook version - supported through 2013 ;-)19:43
w30majorastro, I use Lubuntu on my netbook; it's lightweight and ubuntu based19:43
majorastrolubuntu is it better thw win 719:43
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majorastrois it snappy19:43
stowodanoone can help ? :(19:44
w30majorastro, definately19:44
urlin2umajorastro, that is a question that is not answerable, it is a user needs.19:44
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urlin2uw30, that is a personal opinion, not a support answer.19:44
majorastrothanks i will search things out19:44
yeats!details | stowoda19:44
ubottustowoda: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:44
w30majorastro, it saved my HP Mini; it was worthless with X19:44
King-CHey folks, can anybody help me with a repositories problem?19:45
majorastrook I will try stuff19:45
majorastroyou;re talking abiut lubuntu19:45
yeatsmajorastro: in this channel, most are going to tell you that anything is better than Win7 ;-)19:45
urlin2uKing-C, what is the problem?19:45
blahblahblahHas anyone tried to get Ubuntu to dual boot with Windows XP? I can't get it to work19:45
King-Curlin2u: Wine won't update, even though the repo has a version 5 places ahead of the one I've got.19:46
urlin2ublahblahblah, many have and suceeded.19:46
tcupso i looked there is no dev/sdb listed in gparted19:46
stowodaaehm, ok, ubottu : sometimes when I plug in my external hdd or my flash drive, it does not appear in /media/... , after a reboot it works always.. what else do You need?19:46
King-Curlin2u: I need version 1.3.27, and mine won't update beyond 1.3.2219:46
urlin2uKing-C, never use wine, sorry19:46
tcupwhat were you checking by having me check again19:46
Sidewinder1blahblahblah, Been doing that since 2007.19:46
King-Curlin2u: I think it's a problem with apt.19:46
majorastrodoes the desktop0 version work good with netbook19:46
BluesKaj!grub | blahblahblah19:46
ubottublahblahblah: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:46
King-CThe repo has packages way ahead of the ones mine updated to.19:46
majorastroI mean ubuntu desktop19:46
blahblahblahurlin2u, I've tried running the installer, but I only get error messages.19:47
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stowodaubottu, yeats : lsusb says: Bus 002 Device 008: ID 067b:3507 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL3507 ATAPI6 Bridge19:47
ubottustowoda: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:47
stowodaou :)19:47
w30urlin2u, in my opinion it's a support answer19:47
Sidewinder1blahblahblah, This will give you a step by step how-to: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php19:47
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urlin2ublahblahblah, how many partitions are on the HD now and is there any unallocated space?19:48
blahblahblahSidewinder, thank you. I will check that out.19:48
stowodayeats, have You red what I wrote to ubottu ? :D19:48
urlin2uw30, really, your that stupid19:48
Sidewinder1blahblahblah, Make sure you md5sum the ISO before burning.19:48
ccookeurlin2u: Nomodeset gets me a shell at least. Thanks!19:48
stowodayeats,  sometimes when I plug in my external hdd or my flash drive, it does not appear in /media/... , after a reboot it always works ..19:48
ccookeurlin2u: I can manage anything from there :-)19:48
yeatsstowoda: yes, I read it19:49
urlin2uccooke, cool run the update and upgrade and lookin in additional drivers.19:49
King-CCan anybody help me with an apt problem?19:49
stowodayeats, what to do? what else is restarting during a reboot that is concerning usb ?19:49
BluesKajccooke, update-grub after editing , you should get a login after that19:49
remko_can anybody help me with postfix or sendmail?19:49
tcupurlin2u u asked me a question and never followed up on it19:50
stowodayeats, maybe I could restart it manually without rebooting.. If I knew what.19:50
yeatsstowoda: my suggestion would be to open a terminal and do 'dmesg | tail' when the USB doesn't work - that should give you clues19:50
tcupim not quite sure what you wanted19:50
guntbertKing-C: just ask your real question please19:50
tcupi see you are incredibly busy..lol19:50
urlin2utcup, I was just making sure you new of gparteds dropdown, otherwise it seems to be a mystery to me.19:51
tcupahhh ok19:51
tcupit seems to be a mystery to everyone19:51
tcupthis computer is BEING QUARATINED19:51
w30urlin2u, and in my opinion Windows 7, XP, and Vista should be uninstalled on any computer and installed with Ubuntu19:51
stowodayeats, thats the output: http://nopaste.info/e95d7ee28e.html19:51
tcupi filed a bug report with udisks19:52
King-Cguntbert: Ok. I have a custom repo for wine, which has it at version 1.3.27. Mine won't update past 1.3.22. It behaves as though I have the latest version.19:52
tcupbutno one responded yet19:52
urlin2uw30, excellent in your opinion. :D This is a support channel though.19:52
tcuphappy day19:52
FloodBot1tcup: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:52
guntbertKing-C: did it ever work?19:52
remko_how do ik have to config postfix?19:52
King-Cguntbert: Yes, it seemed to in the past. I usually had the latest version within a few hours of release.19:53
yeatsstowoda: my next step would be to google the "unable to read config index 0 descriptor" error and see if anyone has seen it before19:53
guntbertKing-C: first step: sudo apt-get update (in terminal)19:54
King-Cguntbert: One second, will do.19:54
tcupif floodbot1 were human,             d toooo.19:54
stowodayeats, I am doing that right now.. thx.. hoped You would know about that issue19:54
King-Cguntbert: Done.19:54
tcupyikes that was typo. flood too if hardware was failing everywhere19:54
yeatsstowoda: nope ;-)19:55
stowodayeats, ok, thx so far, will try to track it down with google19:55
King-Cguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/682821/ This is what I got.19:55
guntbertKing-C: and now open your favourite package manager - I suggest synaptics, and look for the package19:55
w30urlin2u, I support and advocate getting Ubuntu installed and Windows removed on all computers but realize it's not possible; some people need Windows19:55
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King-Cguntbert: It's showing, with version 1.3.26 active, green says mark for reinstallation. Weird, because when i go to use Wine, it indicates version 1.3.2219:56
guntbertKing-C: sorry, I see several "ign" lines there but I don't remember if they show a problem (I think not)19:56
urlin2uw30, excellent, you know a OS is a OS, answering that any is better then the other overall is not responsible, and this is OT.19:57
King-Cguntbert: Ubuntu-wine should be the relevant repo, indicates hit.19:57
guntbertKing-C: not quite: Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_IE19:58
King-Cguntbert: Hm. wonder why it's done that.19:58
guntbertKing-C: I don't remember either - but anyway synaptic says 1.3.26 in installed, is 1.3.22 installed too?19:59
F4k3zHi, again :(  i need to install my intel graphics driver, but getting an error (a different one now) here is the info> http://paste.ubuntu.com/682829/ can someone advised me :(19:59
NewFriend001If I dualrun Ubuntu and Vista, will it make my computer go slower?19:59
King-Cguntbert: How would I check this? Winecfg reports it's version as 1.3.2220:00
urlin2uF4k3z, what makes you think you even need to?20:00
F4k3zurlin2u: need HDMI working properly, right now is not working20:00
King-Cguntbert: Wine --version reports wine 1.3.2220:00
guntbertKing-C: no, I meant in synaptic - search for wine20:00
King-Cguntbert: The only wine packages synaptic reports are version 1.3.26 . Playonlinux is also installed. Would this package it's own version of wine?20:01
yeatsKing-C: what does 'which wine' say?20:02
urlin2uF4k3z, what is the card?20:02
King-Cyeats: /usr/local/bin/wine20:02
yeatsKing-C: so you installed from source at one point?20:02
F4k3zurlin2u i have a intel 965 card, i think is called x310020:02
yeatsKing-C: the repo-installed version will be /usr/bin/wine20:03
King-Cyeats: Possibly. I had some trouble patching something in once, as far as I was aware, nothing got installed, but I could be wrong.20:03
guntbertyeats: good catch :)20:03
yeatsguntbert: thanks - I helped somebody else with the same issue a few days ago ;-)20:03
King-CGreat! Thanks. So, how would I re-point the wine alias to the correct version?20:03
King-Cyeats: How would I get it to use the correct version?20:04
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guntbertKing-C: first, try /usr/bin/wine --version20:04
urlin2uF4k3z, this is mine works perfectly with stock drivers. Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller   if you want actually find the card run this  lspci | grep VGA20:04
King-Cguntbert: wine-1.3.2620:05
Kohakuthere's a lot of people in here so I'm gonna say AMD stored the dirt3 keys as plaintext, works on steam http://www.touhouradio.com/dirt_3_keys.txt20:05
yeatsKing-C: probably something with 'sudo update-alternatives' - not sure though20:05
F4k3zurlin2u: this shows mine> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c)20:06
nessonicif I use the dd command "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb" to clone a drive for further restoration, will it wipe /dev/sdb? I try to append /dev/sdb with /linuxdisk.img and it doens't work20:06
guntbertKing-C: it is not a question of correct alias - you either have to remove /usr/local  from your path or call wine explicitly with /usr/bin/wine or remove the other installation completely or ...20:06
F4k3zurlin2u: but i dont get audio tru HDMI or actually HD playback is not working either :(20:06
King-Cguntbert yeats Thanks for your help, I think I can fly from here :D20:07
guntbertKohaku: keep to the topic20:07
ScuniziJust installed a new gigbit router.  Wife's win machine shows connection at 1 gig.  Mine ubu10.10 using network manager still shows 100Mbs.  How do I actually tell what the connection speed is to the router?20:07
guntbertKing-C: you're welcome :-)20:07
yeatsKing-C: great - good luck20:07
anonissimusScunizi: manually set the speed on your eth adaptor20:08
Scunizianonissimus, via bios? or in a .conf file someplace?20:08
urlin2uF4k3z, you might try posting on the Ubuntu forums as well, I realize your trying to install a driver there I'm really no help.20:09
guntbertnessonic: if you want to keep a part of sdb you need --skip ....20:09
anonissimusScunizi: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-change-the-speed-and-duplex-settings-of-an-ethernet-card/20:09
F4k3zurlin2u: that's ok., thanks man!20:09
anonissimusScunizi: that will allow you to troubleshoot and or set the speed20:10
Scunizianonissimus, super.. thanks .. I'll read up a bit20:10
haledhow do I restart X on natty?20:11
guntbert!x | haled20:11
ubottuhaled: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:11
urlin2unessonic, so what is it you're actually doing?20:12
anonissimushaled: in keyboard settign you can enable x to listen for ctrl alt backspace20:13
ScuniziI'm having issues connecting to mirrors.us.kernel.org when updating.. anyone else?20:13
yeatsScunizi: try another mirror?20:13
Scuniziyeats, yea.. I'll have to i guess20:14
BluesKajScunizi, 404 errors ?20:14
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Dollzshould I get a file with the  .deb or .tar.gz ?20:15
ScuniziBlueEagle, no Idea.. I was doing an update from cli and when it got to that mirror it just sat there.. waited about 1 minute then Ctrl+c to get out of the process.20:15
Dollzor both are same20:15
pnjhHi all, I like ubuntu but it has a LOT of things I don't need, so after spending quite some time removing it all, I now have the system I want, is there any way I can take a "snapshot" of my system "as-is" and turn that into an ISO for future installing (heaven forbid I should need to)20:15
Scunizipnjh, you can always start with a minimal install and then just add what you want.20:16
urlin2upnjh, clonezilla20:16
F4k3zurlin2u: do you get HD playback working fine? with integrated drivers? is it laggy/ choppy video?20:16
urlin2upnjh, oh a ISO, sorry20:16
nessonicI have two 80GB hdds that I use, one is windows the other linux. The windows drive is deafly quiet, while the linux one makes that ugly noise when moving the disk. Both are SATA, and since I use linux for common browsing, etc., I'd like to "switch" the data on each20:17
tensorpuddingpnjh: i think you can use dpkg --get-selections and have it include packages that were deinstalled20:17
scorchgeekI would like to make a nice listing of all the files in my home directory sorted by date last modified...so I have "ls -lRt ~ | less". But this groups the directories together, so I get a list of all the files in ~/code by date last modified, then a separately sorted list of all the files in ~/documents, etc. Is there an easy way to have ls output a single list instead?20:17
guntbert!software | Dollz20:17
ubottuDollz: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:17
urlin2uF4k3z, not really per-say, what is your ram?20:17
pnjhScunizi: I don't get that option (11.04 cd) just boots straight into the desktop, then the only option is via the menu "install to hard disk" which gives the dumbed down installer, I'd love to be able to access the old debian one (squeeze I think?)20:17
remko_how to config postfix?20:17
duddo you use smurfbuntu?20:18
F4k3zurlin2u: 3gb ram, but i have win7 dual with ubuntu, and win7 works great playing HD files even tru hdmi port, but ubntu seems not to get it fine :(20:18
BluesKajpnjh, alternate install maybe ?20:18
dudremko: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/20:18
guntbertdud: tis channel is for ubuntu support only20:18
urlin2uF4k3z, I'm not realy any more then a plug and player in that area so I wouldn't really know what I'm missing20:19
dudguntberl: are you ignorant?20:19
dudthis is the best howto on the net20:19
pnjhBluesKaj: I wasn't aware there was one. Will have a look thanks :)20:19
BluesKaj!alternate > pnjh20:19
ubottupnjh, please see my private message20:19
F4k3zurlin2u: i c :(20:19
urlin2u!ot | dud,20:19
ubottudud,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:19
dudit is for ubuntu20:20
pnjhThanks for that!20:20
BluesKajpnjh, np :)20:20
Scunizianonissimus, will ethtool override network-manager?  In the past when trying to set a static IP address I've always had to uninstall NM to be able to manually configure the connection.20:21
urlin2udud, it has to actually be ubuntu for support, we don't make the rules but that is what they are.20:21
anon1Hey I am trying to enable compositing on ubuntu with an nVidia Corporation NV42 [GeForce 6800 XT] (rev a2) I have installed the recommended driver which worked until I boot my computer up today only to find compositing disabled and jockey says "driver is activated but not currently in use" can anyone help me?20:21
anonissimusScunizi: no idea I just google-fu ed that for you20:21
anonissimustry and see20:21
dudfirst read the page, then criticize me20:21
dudor something20:21
dudEasy to follow howto on setting up a mail server with unlimited users and domains, with IMAP/Pop access, anti-spam, anti-virus, secure authentication, encrypted traffic, web mail interface and more.20:22
dudBased on an Ubuntu distribution platform, but instructions are distro generic. Examples are run on Amazon AWS ec2, but only for demonstration purposes.20:22
Scunizianonissimus, gotch-ya.. most likely it's not since NM isn't reporting the newly set connection speed..20:22
anonissimusF4k3z: try enabling x for showing your windows, I had problems as well with opengl rendering20:22
urlin2udud, nobody is criticizing you, but following the topic run /topic  and adjust your adtitude.20:23
F4k3zanonissimus: i am a newbie so not sure what you mean :( where do i enable x?20:23
BluesKajanon1 , which nvidia driver is installed ?20:23
dudhe ased how to configure postifx20:23
dudit was totally topic20:23
guntbertdud: we were not talking about your postfix link :)20:24
ScuniziHow do I restart my network services?  sudo service network(ing) restart and sudo /init.d/network(ing) restart don't seem to be doing it.20:24
dudabout what? about the big lebowski?20:24
nessonicScunizi I believe it should be sudo /etc/init.d/etc.20:24
anonissimusF4k3z: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance20:24
nessonicI guess etc. is a bad shortener there, "sudo /etc/init.d/network(ing) restart"20:24
anonissimusBluesKaj: if that was to me, no ati drivers installed20:25
maxagazmy computer gets hot very quickly, but it's a brandt new one (vaio core i5, 4 cpu, 4gb ram), can i do something to improve this, as well as the battery (which cannot last more than 1 hour) ?20:25
duddo not make my bunghole angry please20:25
oCeandud: please move on20:25
BluesKajanonissimus, no it was to anon120:25
urlin2udud, if you would tab the nics it will be easier to follow your rhetoric20:25
Scunizinessonic, yes.. /etc is needed.. network and networking still not doing anything.20:25
F4k3zanonissimus: thanks i am going to check that.20:25
anonissimusmaxagaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement read up in here20:26
heedlyIS there anyway to unbind the Alt+F1 keys from the unity bar?20:26
dudyes press ctrl alt backspace heedly20:27
BluesKajanon1 , to find which driver is installed ,  dpkg -l | grep nvidia20:27
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pnjhHmm another question while it's fresh in my mind :) ... I always use XFCE, never gnome, if I install ubuntu, then install xfce, everything is fine, if I install Xubuntu, the sound drivers are different and cause problems, if I install pulse audio (which I understand is default in ubuntu with gnome) to try and fix this, the issue remains, any ideas?20:27
anonissimuspnjh: do a basic install without desktop manager, manually go from there20:28
heedlydud: didn't seem to do anything20:28
Myrttidud: behave20:28
nessonicheedly: have you tried changing keyboard shortcuts in system settings?20:28
dudcheck the layout tab20:28
dudlayout tab options20:29
BluesKajpnjh, try it without pulseaudio20:29
heedlynessonic: Well I assigned new ones20:29
riyonukHello all! Just installed Wubi, had it install the latest alternate CD, and when I went to login to Ubuntu, it's all black (but I can hear the login screen, and I even logged in, cause I hear the login chime). What gives? :/20:29
urlin2uheedly, you can change key short cuts in keyboard, and probably compiz as well.20:29
=== adrian is now known as Guest74531
Guest74531How do i install the XFCE Desktop in terminal without installing Xunbuntu20:30
duddid i do that?20:30
pnjhanonissimus: I'm hoping to try that now, just downloading the alt cd20:30
nessonicheedly: odd, I deleted the shortcut as well as tried changing it, continues to keep it20:30
usr13Guest74531: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop   #I think20:30
urlin2uriyonuk, choose the recovery option the failsafe in the first gui, if you get the desktop update/upgrade then look in additional drivers.20:31
dudwhats hte release name for 12.4?20:31
Myrttiusr13: er, no20:31
pnjhguest74531: sudo apt-get install xfce4 (meta package for xfce lightweight desktop environment)20:31
usr13Guest74531: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  ?20:31
nessonicheedly: if you don't already have ccsm installed, get that, then go under ubuntu unity plugin and change the shortcut theirin20:31
nessonicworks after that20:31
riyonukurlin2u: alright, cool :p20:31
Myrttiusr13: er, no to that too20:31
Guest74531Many Tnaks20:31
scorchgeekI would like to make a nice listing of all the files in my home directory sorted by date last modified...so I have "ls -lRt ~ | less". But this groups the directories together, so I get a list of all the files in ~/code by date last modified, then a separately sorted list of all the files in ~/documents, and so on. How can I get a single list instead? (I'd like the list to have the full paths in it somewhere, too.)20:31
usr13pnjh: Oh, ok20:31
dudpink panther?20:32
oCeandud: what?20:32
dudthe release name of 12.420:33
oCeandud: this is technical support, please stay on topic20:33
Sidewinder112.4 My vote is for Pesky Penguin. ;_020:34
heedlynessonic: thanks20:35
heedlyit was super annoying, now it's all good20:35
F4k3zi have a question, what program you guys use for mkv playback? HD20:36
anon1BluesKaj, Hey not sure which  piece of information is relevant  in the dpkg output, paste bin http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iJ2AJNfS20:36
BluesKajanon1, your driver is 270.41, but I think the newewr 280.13 will run on your grfx ...hang on , lemme check20:39
urlin2uF4k3z, do you have vlc installed?20:39
usr13scorchgeek: ls -ltR ~ | less gives   gives full path to each batch of file.  Do you want full path for each file?20:39
pnjhBah my memory is shot, could anyone remind me where packages are kept (from synaptic not websites)20:39
F4k3zurlin2u: yes i have, but that one actually does not work for me, there is a huge lagg between audio and image.20:39
jribpnjh: /var/cache/apt/20:40
F4k3zurlin2u: i am using gnome player right now, is the only one that works a little better. :(20:40
jribpnjh: /var/cache/apt/archives/20:40
pnjhjrib: Thankya muchly *tips hat*20:40
scorchgeekusr13: no, it only gives the full path via a part like /home/soren: and then the list of filenames. I want to a) have the full path listed in *each entry*, b) not have those /path/to/file: entries so that the list can be sorted as one instead of as several groups of directories20:40
antidis anyone familiar wit a 'not syncing: io-apic+ time doesn't work' error message whne installing ubuntu?20:40
antidwith* timer* when*20:41
Sidewinder1F4k3z, I think Totem will play MKVs but I'm not sure; been a while since I've seen one (no pun intended).20:41
F4k3zurlin2u: no prob, i will try that one! :) thanks20:42
antidi'll try 10.04 with a usb. (i only have 1 blank cd left & they are more expansive than dvds!! grr)20:42
usr13scorchgeek: You want full path for each file?20:42
Sidewinder1F4k3z, Yes, vlc too.20:42
scorchgeekusr13: yes20:42
urlin2uF4k3z, I have some videos I have had to convert to mp4 with handbrake to sync.20:43
jpmhI have a netbook with integrated mic - it seems that 10.4 does not see it - why not20:43
KPGIs there a way to disable USB ports outside of a machine's BIOS possibly via a live CD running Ubuntu if the BIOS does not provide the option to disable the available USB ports?20:43
BluesKajanon1, yes the 280 driver is what you should use , is it listed in the jockey ?20:44
scorchgeekusr13: would find maybe work better? I don't have much experience with it20:44
pnjhhmm can only open my .iso image with "read only" privaledges, need to add some packages so I can access them offline after installing20:44
foundithi all, i'm on ubuntu 10.04, seeing load average of about 6. the system monitor tool at the top of the screen shows cpu alternating between 50 and 100%, although htop and top each show normal cpu usage levels.20:44
mega2on ubuntu server 10.04 when i plug something into a usb port how do i know which usb it is connect to20:45
founditthis typically only happens after about 24 hours.20:45
Dinux17 how can I run a non-linux kernel with GRUB2?20:45
akzakA question about Ubuntu, RAID, Samba, and network drives: 11.04 desktop box with 3ware RAID card, I can typically use the array as /media/library, but, after restart, (1) I can't see "library" inside /media via remote shell (2) my Windows box can't map the network drive to \\server\library and (3) I can't see "library" inside /media via local shell.  I do see the folder/drive icon for "library" in the Places section of the GUI file exp20:46
founditbut happens consistently.  i.e., every morning i'll arrive at my box to find that high of a load average.  i've just been rebooting it and going about my business, but i'd like to solve this issue.20:46
urlin2uDinux17, like what kind and what OS?20:46
anon1BluesKaj, The only other driver listed in jockey is the (173) and one labelled "Experimental" I see no version number on the other 2#20:46
Dinux17urlin2u, some hobby OS project20:46
niko90here only ubuntu ?20:47
Sidewinder1foundit, Sometimes my sys mon. (the graph in my upper panel) is bogus, by that I mean flat out wrong. Fortunately it doesn't happen that often.20:47
urlin2uDinux17, can you be more vague?20:48
mega2on ubuntu server 10.04 when i plug something into a usb port how do i know which usb it is connect to20:48
szalniko90: whole sentences?20:48
Dinux17urlin2u, think of it like Minix20:48
Dinux17when I pass the kernel name it just says: invalid magic number20:49
usr13Dinux17: This is minix20:49
urlin2umega2, lsusb20:49
qwazWhen I put scripts in my rc.local file they do not run. But when I make scripts and set them up in /etc/.init.d they work great. What could be the problem?20:49
MyrttiDinux17: this isnt grub support channel...20:49
yeats!it | niklas20:50
ubottuniklas: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:50
yeatsniklas: sorry - meant for someone else :-/20:50
Dinux17Myrtti, no but the GRUB channel is little empty20:50
jribqwaz: how are you determining they do not run?20:50
mega2thanks urlin2u20:50
MyrttiDinux17: patience is a virtue20:50
aLeSDhi all20:51
usr13Dinux17: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-documentation.en.html20:51
urlin2umega2, your welcome.20:51
aLeSDalex@midge:~/bin$ sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun20:51
aLeSDupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for mozilla-javaplugin.so.20:51
BluesKajanon1, well , if you feel adventurous you could download from here , http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-280.13-driver.html . and install it20:51
aLeSDsomeone know why ?20:51
Dinux17usr13, looked there many times20:51
usr13Dinux17: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LILO.html20:51
usr13Dinux17: Basically it's going to be pretty much like your entry for the Ubuntu kernel, just another one.20:52
Sidewinder1!pm | foundit20:52
ubottufoundit: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:52
BluesKajanon1, that's the 32 bit version , there should be a 64 bit available as well20:52
Dinux17usr13, yes but I cannot use the 'linux' command to load the kernel20:53
founditsorry, i'm a irc n00b.20:53
anon2BluesKaj, Sorry had to reboot20:53
usr13Dinux17: What do you mean?20:53
Dinux17usr13, GRUB1 (or the prev version) used this: kernel /boot/kernel20:54
BluesKajanon2, are you 32 or 64 bit ubuntu ?20:54
anon2BluesKaj, I enabled the Experimental 3D Driver in jockey but forgot to deactivate the current one so doing that now... 64 bit20:54
usr13Dinux17: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Install-Strategies/x349.html20:54
Dinux17usr13, now when I do this: linux /boot/kernel is simply says that the kernel isnt linux20:54
urlin2uDinux17, it looks to be unix, the #freebsd channel might have some hints, as the lilo link may.20:55
usr13Dinux17: http://wiki.minix3.org/en/UsersGuide/MultipleOperatingSystems20:55
chaospsychexis there a way to upgrade to 11.04 without installing gnome 3 ?20:55
guckohi guys, how can I run a command in the background, so when I close my terminal, it doesn't exit or stop?20:55
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x3qt0rMy second monitor owrks very well (in dual monitors mode) on ubuntu, but not on kubuntu  (10.04)20:56
usr13Dinux17: Looks like you use chainloader20:56
Dinux17usr13, bsd has its own bootloader which i can chainload20:56
jribgucko: command & disown, OR nohup command, OR screen command, OR tmux command20:56
founditanyone know what i can do to solve this? (high load average, htop says little cpu usage, on ubuntu 10.04)20:56
urlin2uchaospsychex, gnome3 is a install yes.20:56
urlin2uchaospsychex, at this point though.20:56
guckojrib: how to close it after?!20:56
BluesKajanon2, here's an alternative proprietary driver from nvidia that is listed as working on your grfx card, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-280.13-driver.html20:56
chaospsychexi'm not understanding you20:56
chaospsychexi asked if there was a way to install 11.04 WITHOUT installing gnome320:57
jribgucko: depends how you started it20:57
chaospsychexwhat do you mean by 'gnome3 is a install yes' and 'at this point though' ?????????20:57
urlin2uchaospsychex, at this point gnome3 is not part of 11.04 at all.20:57
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chaospsychexi mean ubiquity then20:57
urlin2uchaospsychex, or at all, do you mean Unity?20:57
guckojrib: I have a server, and I want to run a java program from the terminal, then logout from the session and I want the program to keep running20:57
guckojrib: any idea how to start, end it?20:58
Dinux17usr13, any possibility to boot iso from GRUB?20:58
yeats!classic | chaospsychex20:58
ubottuchaospsychex: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".20:58
jribgucko: use screen or tmux20:58
yeatschaospsychex: that's the best you can do with 11.0420:58
sudiptahow to know what graphics card I am using via command line???20:58
mongyDinux17, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860420:58
jribsudipta: lspci | grep -i vga20:58
anon2BluesKaj, I'm going to see how it behaves with just this experimental one just to see what happens when I reboot20:59
x3qt0rjrib, KDE4.6 doesnt detect my second monitor20:59
founditSidewinder1, just saw your msg... any idea?20:59
urlin2uchaospsychex, I would not upgrade, if it was me, save the installed packages and do a fresh install, unless you have a seperate home.20:59
x3qt0rwhich worked fine in ubuntu(gnome)20:59
anon2BluesKaj, Odd that nvidia still use xorg.conf20:59
x3qt0rin multi monitor mode20:59
Dinux17mongy, thx20:59
x3qt0rany idea how to resolve it?20:59
Sidewinder1foundit, I have no clue; sorry. :-(20:59
sudiptaI am using nVidia GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS] ....and the latest nVidia driver does not support it....any idea?21:00
founditok thx.21:00
urlin2uurlin2u, sorry I meant do a fresh if you have a separate home.21:00
Sidewinder1foundit, I just wish I coulda' been more help.21:00
terr_does anyone know how to manually copy a live boot .iso to a USB stick?21:01
BluesKajanon2, yeah, did you run sudo nvidia-xconfig21:01
sudiptaI am using nVidia GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS] ....and the latest nVidia driver does not support it....any idea?21:01
x3qt0rterr_,  use the USB bootable CD maker21:01
x3qt0ror whatever its called21:02
founditSidewinder1, no worries.  I actually enjoy trying to track down problems; I only came in here because I my box is so locked up that I couldn't even download iostat.21:02
urlin2uterr_, unetbootin21:02
Sidewinder1!unetbootin | terr_21:02
ubottuterr_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:02
urlin2uterr_, not manual but do you need to.21:02
x3qt0rAnyone? Help me!21:02
radenim at runlevel 5 when i telinit 3 nothing happens ?21:02
Sidewinder1foundit, An invaluable resource is ubuntuforums.org, if you're not in a big hurry.21:02
urlin2u!help | x3qt0r21:03
ubottux3qt0r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:03
x3qt0rI did ask21:03
terr_x3qt0r: urlin2u Sidewinder1 I can't run those utilities.  I need to do this either in OSX snow leopard or OpenBSD.  I've looked and these utils assume things which don't exist21:03
founditSidewinder1, i've done some browsing through there, and will go back.  btw do you know why, on some posts, it tells me that access is restricted or i don't have privileges to view the post or something like that?21:04
x3qt0r@ terr_21:04
terr_x3qt0r: what's your question... I didn't see it... to busy reading docs21:04
sudiptaI am using Ubuntu 11.04 with nVidia GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS card.With the latest nVidia driver can not able to start unity,however 170 driver somehow manages it...any idea????21:04
Sidewinder1terr_, Sounds like your problem/goal is rather esoteric, sorry I can't be of further service. :-(21:04
x3qt0rmy second monitor cannot be detected when I use kubuntu21:05
x3qt0rbut can be detected and well set up using ubuntu21:05
terr_Sidewinder1: I'm negotiating about potholes created by dead HW and old device drivers.21:05
urlin2uterr_, https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3072165?start=0&tstart=021:05
Sidewinder1foundit, Because they are archived posts; ie: form a while ago.21:05
usr13sudipta: Sounds like something's broke in the latest nVidia driver.21:05
terr_x3qt0r: hang on.  I think I have that solved.21:05
x3qt0rah cool21:05
BluesKajsudipta, open a terminal and run. sudo nvidia-xconfig21:06
founditSidewinder1: ah.  is there something I can do to gain access?  or are they old to the point where they're typically not going to be useful?21:06
sosaitedI recently added a few rules in iptables for IP forwarding and masquerding, and rebooted the system afterwards. I just looked at the current rules and this caught my eye http://paste.ubuntu.com/682871/ . What exactly does this mean?21:06
sudipta<usr13>yeah,I guess it does.....any idea how to fix it21:06
Sidewinder1terr_, Not a good combination.21:06
founditsudipta: i think i might also be having an nvidia driver problem21:06
urlin2uterr_, here are others http://tinyurl.com/425p4gr21:06
sudipta<foundit>I have found that my card is 'blacklisted'....why is that?21:07
founditsudipta: i just set up an nvidia 8400 gs card. since then i've been experiencing really high load average on my box.21:07
terr_urlin2u: trying to get x3qt0r going and this is scrolling off to fast!  hang on21:07
Sidewinder1sudipta, If it's "black-listed", that's certainly not a good thing.21:08
BluesKajsudipta, you should be running the nvidia 280.13 driver with that card , you can download the proprietary driver here , if you feel adventurous , http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-280.13-driver.html21:08
terr_x3qt0r: following are some config lines for /etc/X11/XF86Config-421:08
BluesKajsudipta, and if you're running 64 bit21:08
terr_x3qt0r:         FontPath        "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"          FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"      # MicrosoftCoreFonts21:09
founditsudipta: not sure what that means.  i'm kindof a n00b myself.  could it have something to do with the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file?21:09
terr_x3qt0r: tell me where there is a pastebin21:09
urlin2uterr_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:10
founditis it possible to install iostat without getting it from apt?21:10
kuduSep  5 16:03:00 techessentials postfix/smtpd[16419]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail-iy0-f175.google.com[]: 550 5.1.1 <openglobe-c@lists.techessentials.org>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<joegazz84@techessentials.org> to=<openglobe-c@lists.techessentials.org> proto=ESMTP helo=<mail-iy0-f175.google.com>21:10
x3qt0rXF86Config-4 << this doesnt exist21:10
kuduhow to fix?21:10
x3qt0rin my X1121:10
kuduSep  5 16:03:00 techessentials postfix/smtpd[16419]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail-iy0-f175.google.com[]: 550 5.1.1 <openglobe-c@lists.techessentials.org>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<joegazz84@techessentials.org> to=<openglobe-c@lists.techessentials.org> proto=ESMTP helo=<mail-iy0-f175.google.com>21:10
Sidewinder1Bye kudu..21:11
kuduSidewinder1, ?21:11
Sidewinder1Jokeing, sorry.21:11
Sidewinder1Side go for laugh, no get..21:12
terr_x3qt0r: I'm trying to post now.  has to be some sort of config21:13
sudipta_<BluesKaj>is it not in the repo yet???21:13
x3qt0rI am not going to fiddle with my xorg.conf file21:13
kuduSep  5 16:03:00 techessentials postfix/smtpd[16419]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail-iy0-f175.google.com[]: 550 5.1.1 <openglobe-c@lists.techessentials.org>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<joegazz84@techessentials.org> to=<openglobe-c@lists.techessentials.org> proto=ESMTP helo=<mail-iy0-f175.google.com>21:13
founditis it possible to install iotop without getting it from apt?21:13
x3qt0rcoz the monitors work great on ubuntu21:13
x3qt0rthe problem is with KDE4.621:13
jribfoundit: of course but why would you21:13
urlin2ufoundit, why?21:13
BluesKajsudipta_, take a look  , but if jockey doesn't list it then I doybt the driver is in the repos21:14
BluesKajerr doubt21:14
DeltaEpsilonhow do I uninstall Kubuntu from my Ubuntu system?21:15
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome21:15
xanguaDeltaEpsilon: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-dektop21:15
xanguaooh uninstall :P21:15
urlin2uDeltaEpsilon, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop21:15
founditjrib, i'm trying to diagnose a high load average on my box, tried to run apt-get install iotop but the process seems to be somehow stuck.21:15
sudipta_<BluesKaj>BTW....what is meant by my card is blacklisted?21:15
founditjrib: or just taking a super-long time21:15
terr_x3qt0r: urlin2u I think there is an issue with this firefox version.  I know I can't D/L with it so I use wget.  Seems it will not U/L now21:16
founditurlin2u, jrib, does this work for aiming a message at more than one person?21:16
sudipta_<Sidewinder1>what is blacklisted mean?21:16
BluesKajsudipta_, your card isn't black listed but perhaps certain drivers might be21:16
KrazyKrivdaI ran `sudo apt-get install hibernate` and hibernate no longer works for me.  What is the default hibernate I shuold use for 11.0421:17
urlin2ufoundit, yep21:17
Haematomais there anyway I can permanently add functions to shell?21:17
sudipta_<BluesKaj>yeah...it might be....what does ir mean exactly?21:17
urlin2ufoundit, tab each nic.21:17
jeeves_mossis there an easy way to send an e-mail from a predefined e-mail account (on the local server), but to have the body of the e-mail pulled from a txt file?21:17
Haematomalet's say I write a function in BASH, and I want it to be in the command library for every new shell instance i open21:18
founditurlin2u, not sure if you saw my reply but i'm trying to diagnose high load average, and 'apt-get install iotop' is taking forever.21:18
founditurlin2u, 'tab each nic'?21:18
founditurlin2u, what does that mean?21:18
urlin2ufoundit, not sure on your problem the tab will complete a nic.21:18
exutuxjeeves_moss: install sendEmail it's easy21:18
Sidewinder1sudipta_, I believe it simply means that there have been problems with that particular hardware. Drivers, stability, etc.21:18
founditurlin2u, got it, thanks. so how do i install iotop without apt-get?21:19
jeeves_mossexutux, ok, I'll google.  will it allow me to make it a cron job?21:19
exutuxjeeves_moss: sure21:19
terr_Sidewinder1: x3qt0r urlin2u I can't upload with konquerer either.  How come I can't paste to the pastebin.  This is so simple!  Its just an HTML get21:19
Sidewinder1foundit, Go to their site download and install? But do that at your own risk. :-)21:20
exutuxjeeves_moss: it has a simple man can help you21:20
terr_td> <input type="submit" value="Paste!" /> </td>  Why won't that work?21:20
founditSidewinder1, why 'at my own risk'?  what's the risk?21:21
Sidewinder1foundit, Simply that it may not work to your satisfaction; better to use those that are included in repos., etc.21:22
asdasodequ29e812do you like Unity?21:22
founditSidewinder1: got it, thanks.21:22
chaospsychexhow do i install KDE? once i install it can I choose between gnome and kde at login?21:22
chaospsychexi am currently using gnome on 10.1021:22
xanguachaospsychex: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop21:22
urlin2uchaospsychex, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  yes choose at login.21:23
cbx333anyone here know anything about ureadahead - my packfiles are only 600K, so why does ubuntu take 10seconds during ureadahead according to bootchart?21:24
cbx333this machine used to boot really fast21:24
Sidewinder1terr_, Did you really mean "upload"? Not download.21:25
terr_Sidewinder1: meant U/L21:25
aciculacbx333: 10 seconds to boot?21:25
zarusIs there an app that can lock down a specific program for a set amount of time? Like, say, firefox or chromium?21:25
terr_x3qt0r: use wget from here:  www.onon.org/XF86Config21:25
cbx333acicula: no it adds 10seconds to boot21:25
cbx333it used to boot in about 10-15 seconds21:26
founditif 95% of my cpu time is spent in wait, i assume that means i have an i/o problem, correct?21:26
cbx333now it takes 3421:26
aciculawhat kind of packfiles do you mean?21:26
cbx333in /var/lib/ureadahead21:26
terr_damn war planes are blasting over my house!21:26
terr_THink they'd have something better to do.  Is the USA attacking Canada?21:27
aciculacbx333: its reading in files for precaching21:27
cbx333i thought the packfile was where it stored the pack21:27
aciculafoundit: or just a badly programmed program21:28
aciculafoundit: but heavy disk io can do that21:28
founditacicula, suggestions for further investigation?21:28
terr_x3qt0r: did you find the XF86 config?  Its what I use21:29
founditacicula, i did recently install an nvidia 8400 gs graphics card, and the problem seemed to start around then.21:29
aciculafoundit: dunno if that would be related21:29
aciculacbx333: it seems to be doing just that yes21:29
Sidewinder1!es | Rafa_21:29
ubottuRafa_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:30
=== Rafa_ is now known as Guest26943
cbx333but acicula why is it taking 10seconds to read 600K21:30
aciculacbx333: dunno, is the pack file some metafile or something?21:30
founditacicula: ok anything else i should check?21:30
cbx333acicula: no idea :)21:30
aciculafoundit: what process is in wait state21:30
aciculacbx333: try disabling ureadahead/removing the pack file and see if it boots any faster?21:31
aciculacbx333: if its slow in loading its because its either a lot of data, or a lot of small reads21:31
reesefrancishi. I've tried setting the default font to Segoe (the Windows 7 one, much better for reading imho), but I'm not getting the same result. Anybody did the same operation successfully?21:31
aciculaassuming its just the io thats holding things up21:32
founditacicula how do i check that?21:32
cbx333acicula: but that kinda goes against it doesn't it....i mean the pack file is supposed to be one large file isn't it?21:32
cbx333so it's easy to read in21:32
=== _PaoloRotolo_ is now known as PaoloRotolo
cristian_cI've got a keyboard called Media Wireless Desktop by Labtec. I tried to set the keyboard shortcuts directly from the Applications-> Settings-> Xfce4 settings manager -> Keyboard-> Applications shortcuts. I clicked on Add and for example I typed the command 'evolution'. I pressed Ok and then the system asked me to type the key on the keyboard.21:33
aciculacbx333: idk ,the man page wasnt explicit on that point, try google?21:33
cristian_cIn this case the key was correctly recognized as XF86Mail and has been included in the list of shortcuts. But if I press the mail key, it always happens the same problem, that instead of opening evolution, the pc goes into stand-by. Is anyone able to understand what the problem is due? I even tried keytouch editor and it recognized the keys.21:33
cbx333acicula: ko21:33
cristian_cBut after setting up the keyboard with keytouch, if I press the 'mail' key, the PC goes always on standby for no reason21:33
terr_Sidewinder1: all I need to figureout how to create that bootable USB is to find the name of the file which contains the 2nd stage of the Ubuntu boot for X86.  This is what Grub needs as well.  In fact if I point the 1st stage of the boot loader at grub I should be done!  Except that its necessary to ask grub to run in Openbsd!21:34
aciculafoundit: the same way you are determining the processor is in wait state a lot?21:34
aciculaterr grub second stage files are under /boot/grub, about 1.44mb of em21:35
kem0oanybody here???21:35
zHammeRzkem0o, around 1500 people lol21:35
Sidewinder1terr_, Can't do anything the easy way, can you? :-)21:37
aciculaterr_: grub boots before openbsd21:37
Sidewinder1terr_, However, once you've accomplished it think how loud you'll cheer.21:37
ubunhow do you install a tar.gz or bz? i searched but i cant get anything yet still looking.21:38
Sidewinder11558, to be exact.21:38
jribubun: what program do you want to install exactly?21:38
Dr_Willisubun:  thats just an archive.. it depends on whats in it,21:38
terr_I've set up muiltiboot before.21:38
Sidewinder1terr_, With multiple *nix OSs, broken hdw.? If so, you 'da man. :-)21:39
terr_I'm just trying to figure how I can harness the OpenBSD "installboot" scripts/programs to do this.  They do the exact same thing as linux does or any other O/S its just I can't find where the 2nd stage is on the ubuntu liveCD21:39
ubunjrib: it is v4l-dvb. (for cctv capture card bt878 geovision gv 600)  Ubuntu site says this at this site. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaGeovision21:40
aciculathe second stage files are dropped in /boot when you run the grub tool to setup the bootloader21:40
Sidewinder1terr_, I wonder if there's a grub channel?21:40
aciculathey are copied over from /usr/share/grub/ i think21:40
terr_Sidewinder1: I set up multiboot with MsDOS (about 3 versions) and NT3.51, NT4.0 and two versions of OS/2 along with redhat all under LiLo then installed VMWARE as well!21:41
terr_Sidewinder1: that was 1998.21:41
urlin2uubun, tons of info on the web, here is one http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/compile-install-tar-gz-tar-bz2-files-ubuntu-linux/21:41
terr_Sidewinder1: I haven't done it since!21:41
Sidewinder1terr_, Sounds like to do what you want you need to get down and dirty with GRUB.21:41
KrazyKrivdawhat is the command to hibernate your computer in terminal?21:41
jeeves_mossis there an easy way to send an e-mail from a predefined e-mail account (on the local server), but to have the body of the e-mail pulled from a txt file?21:41
terr_Sidewinder1: I can't run grub that I know of!  I have only an OpenBSD with a working USB.21:42
Sidewinder1terr_, Well good luck, I'm certainly pullin' for 'ya but we need to move on as this is kinda' OT.21:43
urlin2ujeeves_moss, like a mail server?21:43
terr_Sidewinder1: I'd have to install the device driver for Debian Sarge in this machine to use the USB stick!  I've done that too... in openBSD when I rebuilt the initrd files for a newer version of OS and that was a bitch because the disks were SCSI and the kernel was panicing21:43
Sidewinder1terr_, Other than GRUB, that is. :-)21:43
ubunurlin2u: i read on one site, that you need build-essential to do this. (./configure, make,)21:43
founditacicula, i'm determining that the processor is in wait a lot by just looking at the first part of the output from "top"21:43
founditacicula: are the processes that are in wait status the ones marked with a 'D' in top?21:44
terr_If I know what file holds the 2nd stage bootloader I should be able to copy it over and point the 1st stage at it.  Its got to be obvious in the .iso21:44
urlin2uubun, wha are you trying to install?21:44
urlin2uthe app21:44
ubunurllin2u: v4l-dvb, but the site was just giving a general idea of how to do any. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-source-files-in-ubuntu.html21:45
Sidewinder1ubun, I bet you're trying to get a TV board/usb configured, correct?21:46
aciculafoundit:              'D' = uninterruptible sleep21:46
ubunsidewinder1: its a security camera card. so yeah21:46
aciculafoundit: if a process is stuck in that for a long time then thats not very good21:47
aciculafoundit: but it all depends on what kind of process/hardware/workload you have21:47
founditacicula: how long is a long time?21:50
Dollzhow to unpack .deb files?21:51
=== evilfuchs is now known as Fuchs
KrazyKrivdaI'm running 11.04, and i did `sudo apt-get install hibernate` and now hibernate broke.. How can I fix21:51
reesefrancishow can I change the font settings for the pages displayed in firefox? the normal font settings don't change anything21:51
Dr_WillisDollz:  why do you need to? You can examine the contsnts with 'mc' file manager. and prob. other ways..21:51
DollzDr_Willis: I'm logging in using ssh21:51
DollzDr_Willis: and I'm new to linux as well21:52
Dr_WillisDollz:  why do you need to extrct a .deb ? You an install and run mc from  the console. it works very well over ssh..21:52
DollzDr_Willis: hmm , I thought I can find a tar inside it , because uploading it to webmin gives an error : webmin-virtual-server_3.87.gpl_all.deb : Not a valid module file : tar: This does not look like a tar archive tar: Skipping to next header tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors21:53
foundithow do i tell which processes are in wait state?21:53
bl4ckcombreesefrancis, there is a #mozilla or #firefox room21:53
bl4ckcombfoundit, ps, top, ...21:53
auronandace!webmin | Dollz21:54
ubottuDollz: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.21:54
founditbl4ckcomb, using top right now but not sure what to look for21:54
Dr_WillisDollz:  you really shouldentbe using webmin on ubuntu.21:54
Dr_WillisDollz:  and i dont  know why you are uploading a .deb to webmin..21:54
jamessuck it queers21:55
=== james is now known as Guest50385
DollzDr_Willis: oh , I had cpanel on centos , but when I changed to ubunto , it didn't work , and now I can not even use webmin ?21:55
DollzDr_Willis: it's a moduel21:55
Dollzmodule called virtualmin21:55
Dr_WillisDollz:  a modle in a deb. should be installed like any other .deb i imagine.21:55
Dr_WillisDollz:  its best to forget webmin even exists... it has issues.21:55
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).21:55
Guest50385i like cpanel21:56
Guest50385i dont see whats wrong with it21:56
Dr_Willisthe BEST would be to learn to configure stuff as you n eeded withoug any special front ends.21:56
Dr_Willis!info cpanel21:56
ubottuPackage cpanel does not exist in natty21:56
Dr_WillisNever heard/used cpanel.    webmin has had issues in the past..21:56
jnsl_is there a commandline to check the version of php running?21:56
founditwhat do i look for in top to see which processes are in wait state?21:56
DollzDr_Willis: that will take me enormous amount of time to learn and apply21:57
exutuxjnsl_: php --version21:57
DollzDr_Willis: I'm interested in running websites , not administrating them :)21:57
jnsl_sweet thank you21:57
exutuxjnsl_: or dpkg -l | grep php21:57
reesefrancisbl4ckcomb, yes, but there's a way to change this via the os settings.. and I can't find it21:57
Guest50385I find ubuntu frustrating21:58
Guest50385my  $100 mouse doesnt work with it21:58
DollzGuest50385: there is no mouse for $!0021:58
jnsl_exutux can you tell me how to upgrade php to latest as well?21:58
hendrixskiWhat is the name of that mode in Tomcat (or Jetty) where it automatically recompiles your code changes and redeploys itself?21:58
founditshould any of the following processes not have state 'D' in top? kjournald, flush-8:16, update-apt-xapi, dpkg21:59
exutuxjnsl_: you need reinstall it from source....or wait normal ubuntu upgrades22:00
Guest50385look up22:00
urlin2uSyrinx_Priest, see you are you in the temple. :D22:00
FloodBot1Guest50385: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
bl4ckcombfoundit, there is a gui tool called latencytop22:00
jnsl_duh ok ty22:00
bl4ckcombwhich may be more suitable for your problem22:00
DollzGuest50385: there is not !22:00
bl4ckcombor perhaps iotop is sufficient22:00
bl4ckcombreesefrancis, you mean the X settings?22:01
Guest50385This is my second day with linux and i fail to see what's so great about it22:01
Guest50385but I suppose i will learn22:01
zykotick9_Guest50385, here is a pastebin of the webmin factoid from #debian http://paste.ubuntu.com/682903/ read until the quote.  It's really not a good idea to be running it.22:01
urlin2uGuest50385, two days lol.22:01
djbosmahi guys22:02
djbosmacan someone offer me some support22:02
bl4ckcombGuest50385, 48 hours or a few hours, allocated in 2 calendar days?22:02
BarkingFishGuest50385, I failed to see what was so great about it until I figured out what I was doing and then it all clicked. You'll get used to it :) Welcome to the fold.22:02
urlin2udjBoLoN, ask your question , not can anyone help me.22:02
BarkingFishThat was 11 years ago22:02
djbosmadj bolon ?22:03
djbosmaits bosma22:03
djbosmanot anyone can help ME ?22:03
djbosmawhat's with your english22:03
urlin2u!ask | djbosma22:03
ubottudjbosma: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:03
djbosma!ask djbosma22:04
FloodBot1djbosma: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:04
bl4ckcombstop failing, start asking22:04
djbosmawell, should I do it hire22:04
djbosmaSo... I'm using WINE and why I can't install nfs:mw22:05
urlin2udjbosma, "well, should I do it hire" right after you pulled the English card.22:05
djbosmaits an populair game22:05
Dr_Willisdjbosma:  see the wine app database.22:05
bl4ckcombnfs is a file system22:05
djbosmaalright guys22:05
ProphetZJava is hosed, what can I do?22:06
reesefrancisbl4ckcomb, yes. from within firefox, I can't change anything, so it must be a KDE setting22:06
bl4ckcombreesefrancis, then ask #kde?22:06
bl4ckcombProphetZ, you're the fuzzy type, are you?22:06
reesefrancisbl4ckcomb, in gnome there's the same font settings dialog as in kde, so this is maybe ubuntu related22:07
ProphetZFuzzy? I'm a bit fuzzy on how to get this plugin working.22:07
djbosmaHow can I configure an dns server ?22:07
bl4ckcombreesefrancis, I doubt they are the same. then again, I wouldn't know since I can't remember when I used KDE22:07
Dr_Willis!info bind22:07
ubottuPackage bind does not exist in natty22:07
Dr_WillisHmm.. what is the name - ive rarely needed to use bind.22:08
ProphetZBeen round and round between Sun's test page, their (outdated?) instructions, and Ubuntu support forums & I've successfully stopped any of them from working. :/22:08
hexspritehi, if i want to completely disable (but not remove) a user account... should passwd -l <user> followed by usermod -e 1 <user> suffice??22:08
bl4ckcombProphetZ, ok, I'm getting ' ProphetZ is trying to get a Java plugin working ' in my glass bowl. now, what is this plugin for or where do you want to get it working?22:08
bl4ckcombhexsprite, afaik userdel will suffice too22:10
monstroHi everyone, I would like to know about how to calculate the ideal partition size. I have a 320GB hard disk and I need the /, /home, swap. What should be the ideal partition size?22:10
bl4ckcombI didn't read that well enough22:10
hexspritebl4ckcomb: ;) i just want to make sure they cant ssh in but leave their stuff aronud in case i want tor estore it later22:11
bl4ckcombhexsprite, you can disable the shell too22:11
ProphetZAh, specifics: Java web apps weren't working in Firefox on Ubuntu 11.04, so I ran a test and Sun's page didn't like the ?OpenTea? version installed by default, recommending an update. After much hassle, I now seem to have Open Java and Sun Java both with no functional Firefox plugin.22:11
bl4ckcombmake it /bin/false22:11
zul__who can help me in a  git push error?22:11
bl4ckcombor /usr/sbin/nologin22:11
DollzDr_Willis: please help22:11
bl4ckcombProphetZ, have you tried sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre icedtea6-plugin22:12
urlin2uDr_Willis, bind922:12
Dr_Willismonstro:  totally depends on what you do with the system.  10gb is good for  most people for /  - but i always set mine to be at least 20gb.22:12
Dr_WillisDollz:  with what exactly?22:12
majorastrook guys i installed ubuntu on my netbook22:12
DollzDr_Willis: after following the instructions of zentyal , and sudo apt-get install zentyal .. it says : E: Unable to locate package zentyal22:12
ProphetZNo, since that was originally in place by default, I'll try now...22:12
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Dr_Willis!info zentyal22:12
ubottuPackage zentyal does not exist in natty22:12
newerthheromy ubuntu drive is now almost full, but i have only installed some programs22:12
Dr_Willis!info ebox22:12
ubottuebox (source: ebox): Zentyal - Core. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.16-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 666 kB, installed size 4040 kB22:12
Guest50385is there anything like Autodesk Maya22:12
urlin2umajorastro, what version?22:12
Guest50385that can be run on linux22:13
Dr_Willispackage name seems to be ebox still Dollz22:13
bl4ckcombnewerthhero, what does df -H say?22:13
DollzDr_Willis: Oh .. they need to update their manual then22:13
newerthheroone moment plz22:13
urlin2unewerthhero, how big are the partitions setups?22:13
majorastrovideo is more choppy the win 722:13
newerthhero/dev/loop0 is 17gb22:14
newerthherosays 14gb used22:14
newerthheroi have other drives22:14
Guest50385hey can anyone recommend a program like maya for linux22:14
newerthheroi dont know how i used up 14gb already22:14
urlin2umajorastro, happens have you installed the restricted-extras?22:14
newerthheroive only been using ubuntu some days22:14
gimpy1305So i installed lxde on Ubuntu 10.04.2 and I have to issue a "startx" to get a GUI.  How do I make X start on boot?  I tried making lxdm start on boot (update-rc.d) but that didn't help.22:14
majorastronope why should i22:15
bl4ckcombGuest50385, http://baltazaar.wordpress.com/2009/03/19/installing-maya-2009-64-bit-on-linux/22:15
newerthhero/dev/loop0              18G    14G   3.3G  81% /22:15
newerthheronone                   784M   238k   784M   1% /dev22:15
newerthheronone                   790M   254k   789M   1% /dev/shm22:15
newerthheronone                   790M    95k   790M   1% /var/run22:15
newerthheronone                   790M      0   790M   0% /var/lock22:15
newerthhero/dev/sdb1              321G   264G    57G  83% /host22:15
FloodBot1newerthhero: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:15
Dr_Willisgimpy1305:  if you installed lxdm or any other *dm it should set itself to start at boot by default.22:15
Dr_Willisgimpy1305:  and with upstart i dont think the update-rc.d stuff works like it should.22:15
majorastrodo the restriced extra improve performance22:15
urlin2umajorastro, the resticted extras are codecs, ms fonts, it helps.22:15
gimpy1305Dr_Willis: It doesn't.  I installed the lxdm package and it doesn't start on boot.22:15
majorastrook I will lo22:15
bl4ckcombnewerthhero, use a pastebin22:16
Dr_Willisgimpy1305:  look in /etc/init/ for a lxdm.conf file22:16
gimpy1305Dr_Willis: Sorry, lxde package...not lxdm22:16
Guest50385Come on there has to be something like maya for linux22:16
urlin2unewerthhero, how would we know loo on the domputer and find the mass.22:16
Dr_Willisgimpy1305:  perhaps you should install the lubuntu-desktop package. it maybe some config files got missed22:16
ProphetZThe apt-get reported that it's already installed.22:17
bl4ckcombGuest50385, http://lmgtfy.com?q=linux+maya+alternatives22:17
zHammeRzGuest50385, http://alternativeto.net/software/maya/?platform=linux22:17
zykotick9_gimpy1305, the easiest answer is to install some DE to handle login/autologin22:17
zHammeRzbl4ckcomb, LOL!22:17
gimpy1305Dr_Willis: Ugh, big package but I'll try it.22:18
bl4ckcombok, that's enough spoon feeding for one day. good night all.22:18
newerthherois there a program to know how much HD each directory is occupying?22:18
urlin2ubl4ckcomb, lol22:18
newerthherolike on windows?22:18
zHammeRznewerthhero, du -cs /<path/to/dir>22:18
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Dr_Willisgimpy1305:  theres other login managers in the repos...22:19
ProphetZOpenjdk 6 and icedtea 6 plugin are already installed. Java isn't working in Firefox yet...22:19
zHammeRznewerthhero, from a terminal command prompt I should have added22:19
urlin2unewerthhero, disk usage analyzer22:19
Dr_Willis!info slim22:19
ubottuslim (source: slim): desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-8ubuntu1 (natty), package size 755 kB, installed size 1424 kB22:19
mongynewerthhero, there is the disk analyzer app also22:19
zykotick9_newerthhero, I like "du -sh *" in a terminal22:19
newerthherowheres disk analyser?22:19
urlin2unewerthhero, in the menu22:20
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ubuntu2I'm having some trouble with grub22:21
ProphetZGot it!22:22
ubuntu2was wondering if anyone here could help or point me somewhere that could22:22
zykotick9_ubuntu2, ask - try to be specific, and all on one line22:23
majorastrowhat restriced codecs improve video performance on netbook22:23
urlin2uubuntu2, boot proble?22:23
zykotick9_majorastro, that's really two issues - ubuntu-restricted-extras and/or medibuntu's repo22:26
ProphetZUpdate to Java 6 Update 27, which path do I use in cd <Firefox installation directory>/plugins ?22:26
ubuntu2Yes boot problem, I have no bootmenu.22:27
ubuntu2Ubuntu installed side by side with win7 on same HD22:27
zykotick9_majorastro, but codecs are unlikely to "improve" video playback usually, they won't play at all if you're missing the codec22:27
ubuntu2but boots straight to win7 with no menu22:27
urlin2uubuntu2, at all what do you see?22:27
urlin2uubuntini, I see did you install with a usb?22:28
urlin2uubuntu2, sorry look above22:28
ubuntu2yes I did22:28
majorastrook yes cpu is slow on netbooks video and sound is there i wont need to get any codecs22:28
urlin2uubuntu2, plug the thumb in and see if you get a grub menu, you probabaly put grub on the thumb.22:29
urlin2uubuntu2, use the channel no pm;s22:29
ubuntu2The usb is in now I'm on live22:29
urlin2uubuntu2, run this script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/22:30
urlin2uubuntu2, if you have two HD's the grub bootloader may be in the other one, you can move it above the other in the bios.22:32
gimpy1305Dr_Willis: Still no automatic GUI with lbuntu-desktop22:32
gimpy1305Dr_Willis: I do see "start: Unknown job: S20lxdm" on startup, but that is linked to the correct script in /etc/init.d22:33
ExodusAnyone using gnome-shell on Oneiric atm?22:34
Dr_Willisgimpy1305:  check /etc/init/   most serices are upstart controlled these days.. or as a dirty work around. put 'service lxdm start'  in /etc/rc.local22:35
Sidewinder1!oneiric > Exodus22:35
ubottuExodus, please see my private message22:35
urlin2uExodus, yes, #ubuntu+1 is your destination22:35
Abad__I got a question (new user)22:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:35
gimpy1305Dr_Willis: Looking at the script I think the empty /etc/X11/default-display-manager was the problem but still nothing.22:36
ubuntu2Having trouble running the script :\22:36
z3ro3xOn a fresh install of 11.04 I never selected the option to encrypt my /home/"user" account when creating the account.  I decided to test it by creating a new account with the GUI in System -> Administration.  When creating a new account the option for encrypting that account's home wasn't presented as an option.  I had to install ecryptfs-utils.  The account is now created with an encrypted /home.  I'm still logged on my old non encryp22:36
z3ro3xted account right now.  My question is, does this encrypt the /swap as well or will I need to do that separately?22:36
idkfawin32I'm wondering how I can fix this, on my Gateway p7805u I installed ubuntu, One problem I'm noticing is my mouse will freeze for a half a second every 7 or 8 seconds22:38
idkfawin32looking further I noticed the cpu bumps up for a second when it happens22:38
idkfawin32PCLinuxOS does the same exact thing(I was considering switching if it fixed the problem)22:38
idkfawin32Idk where to look for the answer really22:39
idkfawin32Idk if the problem is in X or what. I know that it isn't a Gnome or KDE problem(Happens in both)22:39
idkfawin32For the record, I'm using an external mouse(USB)22:40
tmusIs there a known issue with fglrx in Oneiric lately? I just upgraded my natty laptop to Oneiric, and fglrx just won't load properly - I constantly end up with radeon loaded22:41
ubuntu2urlin2u, I use 'sudo bash ~Desktop/boot_info_script.sh' and it tells me no such directory22:41
Sidewinder1idkfawin32, I guess you've played with the settings in System-->Preferences--> Mouse, to no avail.22:41
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  it would be ~/Desktop/22:41
mongyz3ro3x, there is an ecrypt-setup-swap command22:42
Dr_Willisubuntu2:  and may be best to use the full path not the ~ shortcut22:42
mongyz3ro3x, sorry "ecryptfs-setup-swap"22:42
ProphetZOK I'm stuck in a loop here. Java says to update to Java 6 update 27, but when I finish the process Java still doesn't work in Firefox and says I need a plugin!22:42
idkfawin32Sidewinder1: I actually haven't, but I'm not really sure what I would change, I'm thinking it might not be mouse related since the cpu jumps22:43
urlin2uubuntu2, you need the script unpacked and on the desktop.22:43
ubuntu2Got it running had to use full address22:44
urlin2uubuntu2, put it on the desktop and copy and paste the command22:44
z3ro3xmongy, Just curious but if I had chosen to encrypt my home during the install process would swap have been encrypted?  I'm just wondering if there's a difference to using ecryptfs-setup-swap post install and encrypting home from the start.22:44
urlin2uubuntu2, cool,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:44
mongyz3ro3x, no, just home22:44
mongyz3ro3x, you are better off using full drive encryption in the alternative installer22:45
mongyz3ro3x, but there is the ecryptfs-setup-swap command that will do swap for you.22:45
mongyz3ro3x, as you say, after the fact.22:45
ubuntu2No idea why it says there are two win7s and one xp partition22:47
mongyubuntu2,  win7 has 2 by default22:47
Dr_WillisWin7 likes to have its own version of a boot partion. and the install partition22:47
w30idkfawin32, watch top and maybe tail -f /var/log/dmseg22:48
idkfawin32I tried that22:48
idkfawin32but I just realized it could be processor speed jumping22:48
idkfawin32gonna figure out how to turn off speedstep22:49
mongyidkfawin32, edit /etc/init.d/ondemand and change the line with ondemand to performance22:50
mongyidkfawin32, if you dont want any stepping that is.22:50
akashaahi, my .profile is not sourced when I open a terminal, and even when gnome starts. Where should I put my stuff to have a properly set up environment? (I would like to get python's virtualenvwrapper sourced at startup or at least in terminals)22:51
jribakashaa: how are you determining this?22:52
silverarrowI have a update manager crisis in lubuntu. It has gotten stuck, can it be killed in terminal?22:52
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jribakashaa: (by the way it should be sourced when you login but not when you open a terminal)22:52
idkfawin32mongy:thank you :)22:52
zul__who can help me to solve a stupid error in git?22:52
idkfawin32mongy: thank you*22:52
urlin2uubuntu2, put grub2 in the sdb mbr you also have two swaps. Put the sdb first in the bios if not already, or is not a slave. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB222:53
jribzul__: just ask your question.  But if it's git-specific, you should try the git channel instead22:53
akashaajnb:  if I run source .profile, the virtualenvwrapper commands become available, but they are not available without source-ing22:53
jribakashaa: pastebin your .profile please22:53
zul__when I try to push a file committed I get this error: Total 15 (delta 10), reused 0 (delta 0)22:54
zul__error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects22:54
zul__fatal: failed to write object22:54
jribakashaa: in the mean time, can you tell me 1) how you login and  2) What version of ubuntu this is?22:54
ubuntu2urlin2u, only one HD shows up in my bios - the other is a old IDE slave that only has music on it.22:54
MoMoWhat config file do I put a command in that I want to run on startup?22:54
MoMowithout logging in22:54
jribMoMo: what sort of command?22:54
zul__ I use git22:54
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jribMoMo: what is synergyc?22:55
urlin2uubuntu2, since windows is booting I would just use easybsd, you have a cracked set up to be honest.22:55
silverarrowI have a worrying trouble with update manger it is stuck, can it be killed some how?22:55
Dr_WillisSYnergy client - synergyc - the server is syngerys :) i belive.22:55
mongyto use a mouse/keyboard over network. nice app22:56
Dr_WillisMoMo:  you would want synergyc ran by the users X session.  im not sure it can work without X running first.22:56
ubuntu2urlin2u, I don't understand how it got like that.. the only thing that should be on there is win7 and 30gb partition for ubuntu22:56
jribMoMo: from the project's site: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/autostart.html .  But these instructions seem to only run synergyc on login...22:56
ubuntu2I don't know where xp and the 4 other partitions came from22:56
urlin2uubuntu2, 2 W7 is one is a bootpartition, one is C22:57
MoModisregard the fact that it is synergyc -- the question still stands22:57
urlin2uubuntu2, er XP22:57
ubunwhen i try to make and make install this is what i get can someone HELP please??? http://paste.ubuntu.com/682939/22:57
jribMoMo: there are several ways.  And which one you should choose depends on the program22:57
akashaajnb: http://pastebin.com/HKt2ZGNd22:58
MoMojrib, sure -- which one do you perfer ...22:58
jribMoMo: it is not a preference issue.  It depends on the program.22:58
urlin2uubuntu2, either vista or W7 looks like Vista22:58
silverarrowurlin2u: , are you good with udate manager?22:58
test34ubun, try to install the linux-header packer for your kernel version22:59
MoMojrib .. consider it a simple script22:59
urlin2usilverarrow, never use it.22:59
test34ubun, try to install the linux-header package for your kernel version22:59
ubuntest34: how do i find my version22:59
gimpy1305How would I automatically start a program (such as xbmc) in Lubuntu?  I have it set to log in directly now I just need it to start an app after logging in.22:59
MoMowill rc.local work?22:59
silverarrowurlin2u: I can't close it. I am afraid I will not be able to boot when I power off the compter?22:59
test34ubun, uname -a22:59
usr13ubun:  sudo aptitude install build-essential23:00
Dr_WillisMoMo:  i think synergy needs to be ran with X going..23:00
jribMoMo: anyway, I would head the recommendations of the synergyc documentation I linked you to.  But if you insist, you can start programs at boot (without needing a user to login) by: 1) using /etc/rc.local, 2) writing a sys-v-init script, 3) writing an upstart script, or 4) using @reboot in a user's crontab23:00
MoModisregard i said synergy23:00
ubuntest34: thanks usr13: ill try that too.23:00
Dr_WillisMoMo:  any X app would not work from rc.local, everything in rc.lcoal is ran by root, not a specific user (but thats doable) and would not have the proper rights to connect to any X display.23:01
usr13ubun: What exactly are you trying to compile?23:01
urlin2usilverarrow, the update manager? if broken more likely a pckg lock.23:01
MoMoDr_Willis: your wrong .. thanks anyhow23:01
usr13!source | ubun23:01
ubottuubun: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html23:01
jribMoMo: Dr_Willis is not wrong, he is right...23:01
Dr_WillisMoMo:  what part is wrong? try disabling the X loginmanager and do it all from console..23:01
georginiogrhello from greece23:01
monstroWhat should be the Ubuntu version for the CPU AMD C-50 series ? The 64 bits version is correct?23:01
MoMojrib: - i put this in rc.local -- synergyc --daemon --name right  ... it works fine23:02
jribMoMo: ok23:02
silverarrowurlin2u: is there a away about it?23:02
Dr_Willisive not used synergy2. only the older synergy.23:02
StrangeCharmhow can i download a flash video?23:02
ubunusr13: im trying compile bttv driver for video capture cards23:02
urlin2usilverarrow, I never use it, so why it wont close it wont close I have no idea.23:02
usr13StrangeCharm: Look for it in ~/.mozilla/firefox/what-ever-your-profile-is/Cache23:03
GleimSomeone knows why i get the msg error: not assignment before grub appears? I can enter on partitions, but dunno the origin of the error.23:03
urlin2uStrangeCharm, FF addon video downloadhelper.23:03
Dr_WillisGleim:  befor grub? that would be from the bios.23:03
usr13StrangeCharm: Catch it just as it's finished downloading.  ls -ltr  till you see it's stopped23:04
silverarrowurlin2u: thanks, I shall have to hope someone clever enters the lubuntu room23:04
GleimDr_Willis and u know what should i change?23:05
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GleimThere is no devices like pendrives connected.23:05
Dr_WillisGleim:  no idea.   its possible its some grub related message. but ive never seen it befor. I would have to suggest hitting up google for the exact error message.23:05
w30StrangeCharm, video download helper is a Firefox plugin that allows that for Firefox23:05
usr13StrangeCharm: cp ~/.mozilla/firefox/what-ever-your-profile-is/Cache/what-ever  ~/videos/what-ever-YOU-like23:06
GleimDr_Willis i checked before entering here ;<23:06
urlin2usilverarrow, you can install htop and kill it23:07
silverarrowurlin2u: I have htop23:08
urlin2usilverarrow, does it show there?23:08
StrangeCharmusr13, is there a way to get a flat view of that directory (& all subdirs) in nautilus?23:08
silverarrowurlin2u: I thought i was a cpu-memory monitor?23:08
bx-ghhow can I get in touch with a linux kernel dev23:08
usr13StrangeCharm: I dono....  Never tried.23:08
urlin2usilverarrow, shows processes with options.23:08
usr13StrangeCharm: CLI is quicker/easier23:09
urlin2usilverarrow, f3 search f9 kill then het enter23:09
usr13if you know how to use the tab and up-arrow keys...23:09
Dr_Willisbash history feature and replacement - is handy.. :)  use of !whatever inbash..23:10
usr13(I think I'm about to learn something...)23:11
StrangeCharmusr13, yes, but i don't get thumbnails in the cli. how would you suggest identifying my needle in that haystack23:11
usr_hello, I need some help here. I am trying to untar a file into a formated flash drive as ext3 as root after executing sudo su but I got this error message: Cannot change ownership to uid 0, gid 0: Operation not permitted. What can I do?23:11
usr13ls -ltr23:11
usr13It's going to be at bottom23:11
usr13whatch it grow23:11
silverarrowurlin2u:  and I  might survive a command like that?23:11
usr_Do I need to change permissions to the tar file? what can I do to uncompress it?23:12
Dr_Willisusr_:  well for starters. you should learn to use 'sudo -i' not 'sudo su'  -23:12
usr13but don't wait too long, a bunch of decoys will be thrown in at the last minute or two most of the time.23:12
urlin2usilverarrow, it just kills the update manager if it is running and that line is highlighted.23:12
Dr_Willisusr_:  and why are you using root to extract the file?23:12
usr_becuse it says in the instructions23:13
urlin2usilverarrow, not running as in downloading just not closing.23:13
Dr_Willisusr_:  dosnt make much sense...23:13
ubuntu2urlin2u, okay I ran boot repair - will see if that works brb23:13
usr13and it's usually finised just before the GUI indicator says so.23:13
usr_Dr_Willis, "Download and extract the root filesystem tarball onto the new ext3 partition as the root user, not just sudo."23:13
Dr_Willisusr_:  your normal user can extact stuff to any dir theyhave permission/ownership of.. what IS the archive anyway?23:13
silverarrowurlin2u: it happened when i was in settings, marking of for "proposed stuff", and major mess23:14
usr_Dr_Willis, I am trying to reinstall archlinux in a pogoplug  ->  http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv6/pogoplug-provideov323:14
Dr_Willisusr_:  ah. somthing weird then. :)23:14
urlin2usilverarrow, hehe.23:15
Dr_Willisusr_:   try switching to root via sudo -i, not sudo su, for starters23:15
=== xtc is now known as Guest8180
usr_Dr_Willis, ok :)23:15
usr_Dr_Willis, what is the difference between sudo su and sudo -i?23:16
Dr_Willisuser01:  sudo su is wrong.... :)23:16
Dr_Willisand reduntant. and can setup the wrong env settings23:16
usr_Dr_Willis, didn't work :(23:16
Dr_Willishit up google for 'ubuntu root shell right way' and theres other reasons.23:16
Dr_Willisusr_:  you sure its a ext3 filesystem on the flash?23:17
silverarrowsorry, misposting23:17
usr_Dr_Willis, I can uncompress in my hard drive but not to the flash drive23:17
Dr_Willisusr_:  last i saw an error similer to that. was when trying to extraxct stuff to a vfat/ntfs23:17
usr_   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System23:18
usr_/dev/sdg1               1        1020     3857609   83  Linux23:18
urlin2usilverarrow, in the search function type the app name23:18
Dr_Willissee if you can make a file on the  device and see if you can chown it. usr_23:18
usr_Dr_Willis, I think it is an ext partition, is it?23:18
Dr_Willisusr_:  see what mount says about it23:18
silverarrowurlin2u: tricky23:19
Dr_Williscould be theres some weird mount option going on.23:19
usr_how can I "chown it"23:19
usr_Dr_Willis, I can make files and folders23:20
Dr_Willisusr_:  who owns the files? see if you can chown it to be owned by user 0     sudo chown root foofile23:21
simplebluehow can i change the amount my mouse scrolls when i use the mouse scroll button23:21
Dr_Willisuser 0 = root23:21
simpleblueright now my mouse is scrolling more then a page at a time23:21
usr_chown: changing ownership of `ArchLinuxARM-oxnas-latest.tar.gz': Operation not permitted    :(23:22
Dr_Willisusr_:  whats the output of  'ls -l Arch*'23:23
usr_Dr_Willis, -rw-r--r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 133111080 2011-09-05 18:00 ArchLinuxARM-oxnas-latest.tar.gz23:23
Dr_Willisusr_:  sysadmin? whos that. :)    You are on ubuntu right now?23:23
usr_Dr_Willis, yes, sysadamin is me23:24
simplebluenobody knows how to change the mouse scroll wheel settings?23:24
urlin2usimpleblue, mouse23:24
Dr_Willisusr_:  ok. what an odd user name. :)   see if you change permissions on it with  chmod 777 ArchLinux*23:24
simpleblueurlin2u, i don't see it in the mouse settings23:25
silverarrowurlin2u: I killed of pidgin ?23:25
exutuxusr_: is that tar on the cdrom maybe?23:26
urlin2usilverarrow, you search, if the app is highlighted then and only the do you kill.23:27
usr_Dr_Willis, nope, same thing. I tried chmod 777 Arch... and it didnt reply a thing. I tried chown on it but didnt work. And no, it is a file. I can untar it in my system but cannot do it on the flashdrive nor can copy all untar'd files to the drive23:27
Dollzcan I run an iso using ssh with no cd drive23:27
Dr_WillisDollz:  what do you mean by 'run' an iso?23:27
usr_exutux, it is a file23:27
Dr_WillisDollz: you can Mount an iso file to a directory and access its contents23:27
DollzDr_Willis: trying to install zyental with the iso option23:28
urlin2usilverarrow, logout man and get it over with, the update manager will not break your boot.23:28
exutuxusr_: well but that file is in your hardisk on in some cdrom?23:28
kadobanssh (out to another box) keeps hanging eventually, and doesn't notice it's not connected anymore.  is there some setting that will fix that? i've connected to this same server before without this issue, so i assume it's on my end23:28
Dr_WillisDollz:  no idea what 'the iso option' means.23:28
DollzDr_Willis: installer CD23:28
silverarrowurlin2u: so I am worrying for nothing?23:28
Dr_WillisDollz:  perhaps its time to start from the begining and tell the channel what you are doing.23:28
exutuxDollz: mount the iso il loop23:29
usr_what I did to format my f;ashdrive was just fdisk /dev/sdg; d; 1; p; n; p; 1; <enter>; <enter>; p (to check); w;23:29
urlin2usilverarrow, yeah, probably but you mentioned other factors that seemed to coincide with the freeze that shouldn't have.23:29
usr_Am I missing something?23:29
exutuxusr_: fdisk doesn't format, just create partitions23:29
Dollzwhen I tried to install ebox-all as advised , I got this err , E: Unable to locate package ebox-all23:29
exutuxusr_: sudo mkfs.extr /dev/sdg123:30
Dollzand when : apt-get install ebox-egroupware  ebox-egroupware : Depends: ebox (>= 2.0) but 1.5-0ubuntu1 is to be installed                    Depends: ebox-mail (>= 0.12) but it is not installable                    Depends: ebox-webserver (>= 0.12) but it is not installable23:30
=== puff` is now known as puff
silverarrowurlin2u: here it goes23:30
usr_exutux, do I need to unmount the usb drive?23:30
urlin2usilverarrow, hang on camper, lol23:31
Dollzsame with sudo apt-get install “^ebox-.*”23:31
Dr_WillisDollz:  whens the last time you did a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' ?23:31
exutux!ebox | Dollz23:31
ubottuDollz: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).23:31
DollzDr_Willis: 2 minutes ago :(23:31
urlin2uDollz, look in synaptic to see if it is even there.23:31
Dr_Willissounds like thers some package version/conflicts going on23:31
DollzDr_Willis: I get some errors when I update ,  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/zentyal/2.0/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/zentyal/2.0/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found23:32
urlin2uDollz, only one downloader open at a time as well.23:32
DollzDr_Willis: they told me to put that in /etc/sources.list23:32
Dr_WillisDollz:  you are using ppa's that may not be correct.  You only need the ppa;s if you must have the latest versions.23:32
Dr_WillisDollz:  and it looks like those ppa's are broken23:32
Dollzdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/zentyal/2.0/ubuntu lucid main23:33
Dollzppa ?23:33
exutuxand maybe isn't for your surrent ubuntu version?23:33
Dollzmy version is 10.1023:33
exutuxcurrent* grrrrrr23:33
Dr_Willis http://ppa.la <------------- notice the ppa :)23:33
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101023:33
Dr_WillisSo it looke like you need to removce those ppa lines and use the ones in the normal repos.23:33
exutuxbetter way23:34
silverarrow1urlin2u: I booted fine23:34
urlin2usimpleblue, this might help  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto#imwheelrc23:34
silverarrow1urlin2u: thanks23:34
usr_exutux, I got this error while creating a partition: WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.23:34
usr_The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at23:34
usr_the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)23:34
usr_Syncing disks.23:34
Dollzok i will try that now23:34
urlin2usilverarrow1, cool :D23:34
simplebluethanks urlin2u, checking link..23:34
ansak-oneposturlin2u, just thought I'd get back to you...23:35
ansak-oneposturlin2u, (I was having grub problems)23:35
exutuxusr_: umount it23:35
silverarrow1urlin2u: I was a bit worried there, a bit flushed really23:35
urlin2uansak-onepost, whats up boot repair?23:35
exutuxusr_: oh well you need a reboot after mkfs23:35
ansak-oneposturlin2u, I did figure out what I needed in the moment, but I'll have to do some more grub-grubling to REALLY fix things23:35
urlin2usilverarrow1, a cloned OS wil fix that.23:35
ansak-oneposturlin2u, boot -fixing, yup.23:36
usr_exutux, why is that? the kernel need to be reloaded?23:36
exutuxusr_: yes23:36
ansak-oneposturlin2u, I needed to have my current CentOS partition working while I got the Ubuntu partigion going and I did get back to that point23:36
exutux01:34 < usr_> The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at23:36
silverarrow1urlin2u: I panic when puters  will not boot23:36
ansak-oneposturlin2u, the key was using the CentOS disk in repair mode and re-GRUB-ing hd(0,0) to point there.23:37
urlin2uansak-onepost, eeww grub legacy :D23:37
ansak-oneposturlin2u, thanks for the pointers, though. I may not be where I want to be yet but I appreciated the reference to the boot script23:37
ansak-oneposturlin2u, yup23:37
urlin2uansak-onepost, the script help, good luck.23:37
ansak-oneposturlin2u, This'll probably be somewhere in grub-land, but I really need to have both worlds working until I eventually cut over.23:38
ansak-oneposturlin2u, and I like closing loops. thanks again...23:38
urlin2uansak-onepost, no problem :D23:38
=== bjv is now known as Guest25323
Guest25323the third dialog of this installer: http://get.qt.nokia.com/qtsdk/Qt_SDK_Lin32_online_v1_1_3_en.run  causes my entire display to seize up, and unity-window-decorator to segfault23:41
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
Guest25323afaik this is just a normal gtk application..23:42
Guest25323i can install the qt-sdk from repos just fine, but that one does not seem to include the 'update' functionality to install new plugins23:43
urlin2uenggellus, you have a problem?23:43
simpleblueno luck with the mouse23:44
simplebluemaybe will be fixed in 11.1023:44
chaospsychexis there a FLASH IDE for linux ?23:46
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:46
PerfieMThan answer me23:46
w0_hi.  when I press ctrl-alt-f[whatever] to open up a terminal, the resolution is messed up and doesn't show the whole screen if that makes sense.  anyone know where I should start to troubleshoot this?23:47
PerfieMCam: I wish I was as smart as yew23:47
EvilOnePerfieM - tell your friend to ask in #ubuntu-ops23:47
CamIt takes talent ;)23:47
* Cam won't even bite that last grammar error.23:47
skinnypup_Anyone have miro 4.0.3 working in 10.04 ? Miro doesn't seem to know that i have flashplugin installed.23:47
szalw0_: in the Grub by choosing an appropriate resolution -> see 'GRUB_GFXMODE=' in /etc/default/grub and run 'sudo upate-grub' after changing anything there23:48
Guest25323any ideas why a GTK application would be crashing unity-window-decorator?   https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/84223423:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842234 in unity "qtsdk installer crashes unity-window-decorator" [Undecided,New]23:48
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szalqtsdk is a Gtk app?23:49
Guest25323i suppose it is,23:49
Guest25323the installer23:49
w0_szal: I appreciate it!! lemme see what I can do! ;)23:50
Guest25323*i ran the installer from command line to see if there was any error output (there wasnt), but it did spill out a bunch of GTK messages23:51
Guest25323"(Qt_SDK_Lin32_online_v1_1_3_en.run:9311): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap","23:51
skin1980hi all... someone here use ubuntu ? :P23:52
chaospsychexthat's the best question i have ever heard in here23:52
Logan_!anyone | skin198023:52
ubottuskin1980: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:53
szal.oO( tonight is the night of the trolls, as it seems.. )23:53
w0_szal: cool found the spot in in the config file and changed it from #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 to GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080 then ran sudo update-grub ... tryin ctrl-alt-f1 gives me the same problem .. do I need to reboot?23:53
=== EvilOne is now known as KindOne
szalw0_: yes23:53
w0_szal: sweet.  brb23:53
szalw0_: and remove the hashtag in front of the line, otherwise it won't do anything23:54
skin1980need help if someone can.... i cannot use usb tethering with my android phone (running GB) anyone have the same issue?23:54
lightacan someone help me configure a chrooted ssh env ? I think I did all change but I can connect trought ssh with that user23:54
skin1980[  175.292091] usb 2-1: bad CDC descriptors23:55
Guest25323nope, no android here.23:55
skin1980under win7 it works23:56
Guest25323hm, i guess unity-window-decorator does not technically segfault23:57
Guest25323until after i kill -9 the installer23:57
=== X_ is now known as FreeNET
Guest25323everything certainly does go 100% unresponsive, though, - the moment i click 'next'23:57
saquibi tried teethering on 10.10 .. it  works fine android 2.223:57
skin1980saquib, me too... the problem is GB23:58
antidanyone familiar with  'not syncing: io-apic + timer doesn't work" error on install?23:59
chaospsychexwhy is it that when i do 'sudo apt-get upgrade python' it doesn't find an upgrade? i have 2.623:59

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