
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
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dokorsalveti, janimo, ogra_ : bug 791256 ... somebody needs to attach all the object files and libs, like in bug 64112614:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 791256 in binutils "qt4-x11 version 4:4.7.3-1ubuntu1 failed to build on armel: assertion fail ../../bfd/elf32-arm.c:12008" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79125614:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 641126 in insighttoolkit "unresolvable R_ARM_THM_CALL relocation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64112614:08
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague
MrCurious_anyone know if raspberry Pi is arm8 or arm9?16:38
GrueMasterVery odd.  I am trying to update an SD on a panda that uses a usb drive for root (so mmcblk0 is not mounted), yet the system has issues when I swap SD cards.  Inserting a different SD gives me a "can't read superblock" error.16:51
GrueMasterdmesg is full of "error - 110" messages.16:52
GrueMasterpartprobe fails as well.16:54
ogra_GrueMaster, i would guess it was still mounted at removal17:37
GrueMasterNo, it isn't.17:37
ogra_not now, no17:37
GrueMasterI have been hitting this for a little while, thinking the same thing.  I have checked and rechecked.17:38
ogra_if flash-kernel was just fiddling with it or if there was a dangling mount that could happen17:38
GrueMasterFor some reason, the kernel isn't updating the partition table cache.17:38
ogra_i think we had an open bug about dangling mounts in flash-kernel17:38
GrueMasterI have tried it on a system that was sitting idle for over the weekend, after making sure SD wasn't mounted.17:39
GrueMasterIt is not a flash-kernel issue.17:39
ogra_try blockdev17:39
ogra_blockdev --rereadpt17:39
ogra_that operates closer to the kernel afaik17:39
ogra_alternatively you should be able to unbind the device17:40
ogra_thats like a forced SW unplug17:40
GrueMasterNope, just tried.  I/O error.17:54
GrueMasterNot really sure if it is a kernel bug or a u-boot bug.17:56
GrueMasterAs I see the same issue when doing netinstall over PXE boot (only using MLO/U-boot.bin on SD.17:56
GrueMasterAnd I can not figure out how to get iscsi rootfs to work.  That was the main purpose of this exercise.17:57
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== Lopi is now known as Lopi|idle
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1

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