
kieppiehi guys. I'm trying my darndest, but I'm just not getting into Unity. I'm looking for simple things, such as a tool to cutomize Unity (size, behaviour, opacity, etc) & my old apps on the bar. Are there any decent resources I can tap for this?03:39
kieppie& why would I want to use Unity & not just roll w Gnome Desktop 3? What will I be gaining?03:40
StravHi. I know the following question might have been asked a thousand times, but I never got the chance to read the design team's responses to much of the criticism that's out there. For instance. For a new comer, it now takes FIVE clicks to reach a given item from the accessories. How about being able to reposition the launcher bar on the desktop for those whom, being used to browse content from top-down and left-right, just see the04:39
Stravlauncher bar as a visual annoyance/distraction and would feel it's really less intrusive at the bottom of the screen? In all, is there some place where the design team give responses and perhaps even dialog with the feedback they had? (is it launchpad actually?)04:39
didrocksgood morning05:39
htorque_Trevinho: could it be possible that 2GiB total file size are a problem for the progress bar? it seems to work below that size (so if i copy two ubuntu cd images it works, if i pick three it fails). this is some weird bug. :-)07:09
htorque_Trevinho: i think i'm onto something here - i now can trigger the failing case with a single 3gb dummy file (dd if=/dev/zero...)07:16
htorque_Trevinho: it fails at 2147483648 bytes total file size, so it should be fixable by using different data types i guess :-)08:01
kamstrupdidrocks: do you fancy some releases today?08:27
didrockskamstrup: yeah, that didn't change while your were away for the 4 last months. Old good stories :-)08:27
kamstrupdidrocks: nice :-)08:27
kamstrupdidrocks: I already have https://launchpad.net/libzeitgeist/0.3/0.3.12 out08:28
didrockskamstrup: great!08:28
njpatelkamstrup, heads up, there are merge requests of mine for all the lenses08:37
njpatel(I fixed the apps lens one, I pushed to trunk by mistake too, hence diff = 0)08:37
njpatelkamstrup, did you have luck with the libunity upgrade? :)08:37
kamstrupnjpatel: yeah, it's still in my jhbuild branches though - coming in hot soon08:38
kamstrupnjpatel: right now I am just rolling releases of libzeitgeist and zg-fts08:38
kamstrupdidrocks: aaaaaand https://launchpad.net/zeitgeist-extensions/trunk/fts-0.0.12 hits the interblags!08:43
kamstrupnjpatel: while you're here (you are, right? :-)) the results view from the files lens is no longer dynamically categorized on a timeline... is that on purpose?08:44
* kamstrup kinda liked the old timeline view a lot08:44
njpatelkamstrup, Yeah, I believe that's what the specs said08:44
kamstrupnjpatel: bummer08:44
njpatelkamstrup, I think the filters are meant to cover that aspect now08:45
njpatel(we are missing some for O)08:45
davidcallenjpatel, kamstrup : about the filter widget, can filters be added dynamically? Let's say I want one to be visible only if Calibre is installed.08:45
didrockskamstrup: excellent!08:46
njpateldavidcalle, not dynamically, but they have a visible property I believe08:46
njpatelso, you can show/hide it08:46
davidcallenjpatel, nice :)08:46
njpatelthough I bet you unity isn't listening to that, it's an easy fix :D08:46
kamstrupnjpatel: which reminds me... someone needs to update the lens/places spec on the wiki (and prolly keep a copy of the Natty-relevant spec around)08:47
njpatelkamstrup, yeah, its on my tasklist for tomorrow's app devel thing08:49
njpateli have a rough-draft that I need to make nice08:49
kamstrupnjpatel: ah ok08:49
kamstrupnjpatel: otherwise the promise of some homemade tandoori chicken could persuade me... ;-)08:50
kamstrupah, fudge, now I can't stop thinking about tandoori chicken! :-O08:50
njpatelkamstrup, would happily provide said chicken anytime :)08:51
didrockskamstrup: do you have the list of fixed bug for fts (and libzg?)08:51
kamstrupdidrocks: should be on the release pages08:51
didrockskamstrup: you are doing your job too well (well, it wasn't for 0.10, so hence the question ;))08:52
kamstrupnjpatel: another thing!08:52
kamstrupdidrocks: much obliged08:52
njpatelkamstrup, ¬!08:52
kamstrupnjpatel: the lens-populate-on-startup-thinajigger branches08:52
kamstrupnjpatel: do they mean the lenses populate when they start?08:53
kamstrupnjpatel: i worry because i have taken some heat in the past where they did this08:53
kamstrupbecause it was a big hit on login08:53
didrocksis it me or LP is dead?08:54
kamstrupdidrocks: i definitely just got a lot of Ooops pages08:55
njpatelkamstrup, No, due to: 1. unity no longer creates the lenses on login, and 2. it requires the scope to have SetSearch(foo) on it done, which is done by Unity when we create the Dash (lazily)08:55
kamstrupnjpatel: and u2d behaves the same?08:56
Kaleonjpatel: I actually cannot seem to find which branch you meant yesterday by "Trevinho's panel-service branch"09:01
didrockskamstrup: I have zg crashing now09:05
njpatelKaleo, one sec09:05
kamstrupdidrocks: nooooo!09:05
didrockskamstrup: not sure if it's related to new libzg09:05
didrockskamstrup: uploading the info, one sec09:05
kamstrupdidrocks: zg should not be affected by new libzg09:05
didrockskamstrup: ok, another bug then : )09:05
kamstrupdidrocks: odd - i am dogfooding it here without any issues09:05
njpatelKaleo, Unity side: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/indicators-redesign/+merge/70818 (changes panel-service) Unity-2d side: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity-2d/unity-core-indicators-revisited/+merge/7081909:06
kamstrupnjpatel: ok, I am approving and merging your initial-results branches, so I have a clean base to wreck some abi havoc on09:07
njpatelkamstrup, thanks dude09:07
kamstrupdidrocks: did you have a trace?09:07
didrockskamstrup: upgrading glib, making it crashing again before sending it09:07
Kaleonjpatel: thanks!09:08
didrockskamstrup: njpatel: seems it changes the indicator order? is there an UIFe?09:09
njpateldidrocks, it does, there will be if we approve it :)09:09
didrocksnjpatel: thanks dude, keep enough time for the doc team to approve the UIFe, as I won't be able to upload beforehand09:10
kamstrupkamstrup: I don't change no order! :-)09:10
didrockskamstrup: talking to yourself? :)09:11
didrockskamstrup: ok, seems I was triggering a crash you fixed in latest fts version and I indeed don't get it anymore09:22
kamstrupdidrocks: \o/09:27
didrocksnjpatel: kamstrup: can we have an early release of libunity with the ABI break please? that means more than ~13 packages to rebuild, so the sooner, the better :)09:27
kamstrupdidrocks: when you say "early" you mean like 23:54 tonight, right? ;-)09:28
kamstrupdidrocks: i'm on it right, now09:28
didrockskamstrup: yeah, contrary to 23:59 of course :)09:28
kamstrupdidrocks: yeah, that's waaaay past my bedtime09:28
didrocksheh ;)09:29
mhr3njpatel, give me a ping once you update that wiki page pls ;)09:34
njpatelmhr3, will do09:35
kamstrupmhr3: you know you can subscribe to Unity.* on the wiki right? ;-)09:38
mhr3kamstrup, to get more spam? :)09:38
kamstrupmhr3: you can haz spam!09:39
kamstrupread ALL the spam!09:40
htorque_hi all! libunity won't compile due to undeclared appinfo stuff09:48
htorque_(r71 that is)09:49
Kaleonjpatel: I'm having trouble testing the change to unity-panel-service, it crashes on me. I suspect I did not compile/launch it or its deps properly10:45
Kaleonjpatel: I bzr co lp:unity; bzr merge THE_BRANCH; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=UnityCore ./services/unity-panel-service10:46
Kaleonjpatel: does that make sense?10:46
KaleoTrevinho: ^10:47
Kaleoand then launched unity-2d-panel with your patch Trevinho10:47
KaleoTrevinho, njpatel: ignore the above; it works after rebooting10:52
Kaleonjpatel: are we going to merge10:53
Kaleonjpatel: are we going to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/indicators-redesign/+merge/70818 before the release today?10:53
njpatelKaleo, yes, I can merge it now10:56
njpatelgive me 10mins10:56
kamstrupnjpatel: am I screwing up, or are you only using libunity for tests?10:58
kamstrupin unity that is10:59
Kaleonjpatel: ok10:59
njpatelkamstrup, yeah dude, I told you about that :D11:02
kamstrupnjpatel: i know, don't i?!11:02
kamstrupnjpatel: i just couldn't recall if you used it in other obscure places11:02
njpatelkamstrup, tests/test_lens.cpp?11:02
kamstrup"places"... pun not intended11:02
njpatelkamstrup, ah, sorry :)11:02
njpatelkamstrup, I think that's it, let me check11:02
njpatelkamstrup, sorry, test_service_lens.c is the only one11:03
kamstrupnjpatel: coolio,already ported that one11:03
roignackamstrup, me and htorque_ got troubles compiling libunity and ~kamstrup/libunity/gi-friendly-api-tweaks11:09
roignacsee http://paste.ubuntu.com/685114/ for make output11:09
roignacany ideas?11:09
kamstruproignac: ah, that's the path of pain right now :-)11:09
kamstruproignac: i have an abi break in there that brings the world crumbling down :-)11:09
kamstruproignac: i am just hacking on the solution :-)11:10
roignacoh, ok. if some testing is required - feel free to ask11:10
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kamstruproignac: sure11:13
kamstruproignac: fudge... i think latest valac broke libunity... what does valac --version report to you?11:14
roignackamstrup, Vala 0.13.311:14
kamstruproignac: eeek, same as me11:14
kamstruproignac: you updated just today right?11:14
kamstrupor late last night or something11:14
roignacyeah, just before attempts to compile libunity =)11:15
kamstruproignac: hmmm... something is rotten here...11:16
njpatelkamstrup, use the 0.12.0?11:19
kamstrupnjpatel: I need an urgent sanity check here... is latest valax broken? I just checked out the libunity 4.0.0 tag and it fails to compile with same error as roignac reports http://paste.ubuntu.com/685114/ - can you confirm?11:19
njpateli've never got it compiling with 0.13.x11:19
kamstrupnjpatel: and we're not forcing valac-0.12 in the makefile or something?11:19
njpatelkamstrup, yeah, we spoke about this on your first day back, remember?11:19
kamstrupnjpatel: we did?! :-)11:20
roignacyeah, valac-0.12 compiles perfectly11:20
njpatelkamstrup, I think it's forced in the build-deps but, no, I must have forgotten to do it in configure.ac11:20
kamstrupnjpatel: ok, probably, we did, I forget11:20
njpatelyeah, you couldn't compile it :)11:20
kamstrupnjpatel: no - that was the tests that didn't run11:21
kamstrupnjpatel: that's what surprised me11:21
kamstrupnjpatel: i've compiled libunity a gajillion times the past days11:21
kamstrupnjpatel: with both valac 0.12 and 0.13 installed11:21
kamstrupnjpatel: but after today, not so much11:22
njpatelkamstrup, maybe 0.13 was fixed then?11:22
kamstrupnjpatel: and they just unfixed it then! :)11:22
njpatelkamstrup, one sec, let me try, I haven't updated11:22
roignackamstrup, one more error for gi-friendly-fixes-api-break. Here is the make output - http://paste.ubuntu.com/685177/11:24
njpatelkamstrup, okay, so I only had 0.12 installed, trying with 0.1411:24
njpatel(which is actually 0.1311:24
kamstruproignac: we can't really debug anything with a broken compiler :-)11:25
roignaci'm using valac-0.12 now11:25
njpatelkamstrup, which version of valac-0.14 do you have?11:25
kamstrupnjpatel: 0.13.311:26
kamstrupnjpatel: let me try and remove 0.1311:26
njpatelyeah, it breaks with the same version here11:27
njpatelworks fine with 0.12 (trunk)11:27
kamstrupnjpatel: SIGH. Ok, I can confirm it works when I remove 0.1411:29
kamstruproignac: ^^11:29
njpatelroignac, after you switch versions, you'll probably need to do a make clean and re-compile11:30
roignacdid that alsready, thanks. Seems thai mpris tests are broken by recent changes11:37
kamstrupnjpatel: we're actually using signal accumulators for the activation handling, right?11:37
kamstruproignac: yeah, known issue11:37
njpatelkamstrup, yea11:38
njpatelI figure, it should work11:39
kamstrupnjpatel: the "sources" and "active-sources" on Scope... What are they?11:40
njpatelkamstrup, what sources a scope represents i.e. "zeitgeist", "u1" and which ones the user has chosen that they want. It's not implemented on the UI side yet11:41
kamstrupnjpatel: ah11:42
njpatelkamstrup, that's a bad example, but scopes can actually represent more than one source, and we'll give the user the ability to choose between then11:42
njpatelbetter example: Gwibber: "Twitter", "Facebook" et al11:42
kamstrupnjpatel: right11:42
roignacyay! libunity compiled  - without tests, with valac-0.1211:45
roignacyet I just can't set filters11:45
kamstrupnjpatel: Filter.renderer_name is a string, shouldn't it be an enum like the CategoryRenderer?11:46
njpatelkamstrup, they are all strings internally, no one should be setting it outside of sub-classes11:47
njpatelis it not private?11:47
njpatelinternal I mean11:47
roignacnjpatel, could you please help with python lenses - http://paste.ubuntu.com/685196/11:47
kamstrupnjpatel: public11:48
roignacprops.filters is still empty after appending a filter11:48
njpatelkamstrup, that no good11:48
kamstruproignac: python lenses are not completely ready to run yet - that's what I am frantically hacking on :-)11:48
roignacyeah, just wanted to help with some quick testing11:48
roignaccompiled libunity from gi-friendly branch - still no luck to set filter11:49
roignacwill try categories also11:49
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njpatelKaleo, Trevinho merged the indicator branch!11:54
Kaleonjpatel: thanks I will approve the 2d one12:08
roignackamstrup, jfyi seems that Unity.Lens.props.filters has NoneType in python. the same for categories12:33
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kamstruproignac: that's exactly the problem I am resolving :-)12:49
roignackamstrup, cool! thanks12:49
kamstruproignac: I have it working locally here, but it's somewhat involved to right now, pushing branches for review in a sec12:50
roignackamstrup, could you please push it to gi-friendly-api-tweaks?12:58
kamstruproignac: problem is I am working on unity,libunity, and all 3 lenses at the same time here :-)12:58
roignacoh, I don't mean to rush12:59
roignacjust wanted to test this before appdev meeting13:00
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didrockskamstrup: is it intentional you didn't bump the soname?13:36
didrockskamstrup: and no .gir update?13:36
kamstrupdidrocks: I only do that on release normally13:45
didrockskamstrup: ok then, as long as you don't forgot :-)13:45
lucazadehi! how to try the new opengl backend in unity-2d? (enabling dconf option seems not enough)13:51
kamstrupdidrocks: i'll push it to the branch now then, just o make sure :-)13:57
didrockskamstrup: great :)13:58
didrockskamstrup: hum, thinking about it, if we don't rebuild right now with the new lib, it will still work for non dash-related stuff, like the launcher, isn't it?14:04
kamstrupdidrocks: right, the launcher stuff works - you just can't write lenses in Python14:06
didrockskamstrup: ok, so if all rdepends are not built right away, no need to be afraid14:07
kamstrupdidrocks: well - if they link to libunity they'd crash..?14:07
didrockskamstrup: hum? they will still link to libunity514:08
kamstrupdidrocks: or - maybe if they only use the launcher api they *might* live14:08
didrockskamstrup: on debian, when upstream is bumping the soname, we can install multiple libs14:09
kamstrupdidrocks: oh, right, so as long as libunity5 is around14:09
didrockskamstrup: it will be as long as we have apps using them :)14:10
kamstrupnjpatel, didrocks: attached a gwibber branch to https://bugs.launchpad.net/libunity/+bug/844779 as well14:21
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ubot5Ubuntu bug 844779 in libunity "Python PyGI support broken" [Undecided,New]14:21
didrockskamstrup: excellent!14:21
njpatelkamstrup, just testing everything together and then will approve it all14:21
kamstrupnjpatel: (i also pushed an underhand commit to the reviewed libunity branch, bumping the soname... just so we don't forget)14:23
njpatelif unity decides to build, i can test14:24
didrockskamstrup: hum, no gir change then?14:25
roignackamstrup, I get 'TypeError: Must be string, not ThemedIcon' on creating category for category14:25
roignacshould I restart unity after compiling and installing new libunity?14:25
njpatelkamstrup, http://paste.ubuntu.com/685316/14:25
kamstrupdidrocks: good catch I think we need to update that as well14:25
njpatelfuck off, music lens has album art14:26
njpatelsorry for swearing :)14:26
njpatelI am somewhat impressed that it two half sentences made a sentence, though14:27
njpatelkamstrup, didrocks works for me, approving the world14:27
didrocksnjpatel: how can you approve such a violent world? I'm disappointed of you!14:28
didrocksthat's because you swear, isn't it? :)14:28
njpatelI know, soooory14:28
njpatelokay, just waiting for kamstrup to propose his branch and then will approve it too14:28
didrockscan you propose kamstrup? (no pun intended :))14:29
kamstrupdidrocks: proposing my unity branch in 3 2 114:29
* njpatel refreshes frantically14:30
kamstrupnjpatel, didrocks: and lastly https://code.launchpad.net/~kamstrup/unity/gi-friendly-api-tweaks/+merge/7461414:30
njpatelkamstrup, approved14:31
* didrocks wants a libunity now14:34
didrockswant want want :-)14:34
didrocksnjpatel: FYI, I'm adding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/836274 to the list of bugs to fix, unity-2d has it and design acked it14:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 836274 in unity (Ubuntu) "Pressing alt on maximized window does show menu but not window controls" [Medium,Confirmed]14:37
didrocksnjpatel: will probably do it when I get a chance14:37
dakerhi guys i have a wired space here http://i.imgur.com/OnF70.jpg, is it a bug ?14:38
njpateldidrocks, why would it show the window controls?14:39
njpatelyou can't actually get to them14:39
didrocksnjpatel: yeah, I don't know, it's been acked by John, I can have a look with him14:40
njpatelyeah, next week, he's on hoilday I believe14:41
didrocksdaker: do you have a battery indicator?14:41
didrocksnjpatel: indeed, no hurry :)14:41
didrocksdaker: and are you on a laptop?14:41
dakerdidrocks, no it's a desktop(VirtualBox)14:41
didrocksdaker: hum, maybe you get the issue when the battery indicator doesn't show at all14:42
njpatelkamstrup, are you merging? It think it's time for release14:42
zniavregood afternoon14:42
didrocksI get the same with the bug where the battery doesn't show btw14:42
didrocksnjpatel: FYI ^14:42
dakerdidrocks, ah14:42
didrocksdaker: can you check if there is an unity bug about it, and if not, open one, please?14:43
zniavrejust a silly question , i can't use unity or gnome-shell (hardware too old) do you think indicator will work with gnome-panel (3.xx) before the final in october ?14:43
njpateldidrocks, erm, not sure it's a unity bug, is it?14:43
njpatelbut that's fine, will check it out14:43
didrocksnjpatel: if there is no battery indicator showing, I think the space between the indicator is still there14:44
didrocksnjpatel: that's what I see there14:44
njpatelinteresting....it can't find the icon, perhaps?14:44
didrocksnjpatel: I don't think that desktop should have an icon if they have no battery14:45
didrocksnjpatel: so I guess we are just drawing the spaces between the icons but nothing in between (my bet)14:45
dakerdidrocks, i think i should look for indicator-application bugs not unity bugs, right ?14:46
didrocksdaker: right, and maybe indicator-power as well14:47
didrockskamstrup: libunity tarball on the road?14:49
kamstrupdidrocks: oh, yes14:50
kamstrupnjpatel: I'll be releasing libunity, and files, and apps lenses14:51
kamstrupnjpatel: music as well, or is that lamalex?14:51
lamalexkamstrup, music is me14:52
kamstruplamalex: sweet14:52
njpatellamalex, cutting a release now, right?14:52
kamstruplamalex: did you see the branch I put up to update to newest libunity api breaks?14:52
lamalexwell, I wasn't.. but i can be14:52
kamstruplamalex: let me merge that branch, njpatel approved it14:53
lamalexgo for it homie14:53
lamalexthen i'll merge in the abstraction branch and release from there14:55
kamstrupdidrocks: https://launchpad.net/libunity/4.0.0/4.0.214:56
didrockskamstrup: excellentttttt14:57
didrockskamstrup: no tagging the branch or forgot to push a commit?14:58
kamstruplamalex: merged14:59
kamstruplamalex: you'll need latest libunity14:59
didrockskamstrup: no API change for python lenses? well, we can argue it wasn't working before :)14:59
lamalexkamstrup, k14:59
didrocks"ohno" kamstrup is back, post commit release bump again! :)14:59
jonowow, you Unity hackers have been busy today15:10
jonothat's a lot of merges :-)15:11
roignackamstrup, does unity-2d needs an update for gi-fixes?15:11
kamstruproignac: i don't think so15:13
didrockskamstrup: you are making the places… oupsss, lenses, releases now?15:14
roignackamstrup, unity-2d-places depends on libunity-core-4.0, not libunity =/15:15
kamstrupdidrocks: njpatel will do that for me... my house just got invaded - or else you can do them if you fancy :-)15:15
njpateldoing them15:16
njpatelunity takes so long to build I can do other releases in tandem :)15:16
didrockskamstrup: ok :)15:16
jonocool, so a new release in the distro today?15:17
kamstrupnjpatel: I forgot to bump libunity dep... if you haven't already rolled, you can add that and get a star from didrocks :-D15:17
didrocksahah, bumping dependency? does that still exist? :p15:18
didrocksjono: indeed15:18
kamstrupdidrocks: i'm still not fully back to my old battle form ;-)15:19
didrockskamstrup: but you post-bump the release number just to annoy me! I would prefer you would get rusty on this one! :)15:19
njpateldidrocks, https://launchpad.net/unity-lens-files/trunk/0.6.415:20
didrocksnjpatel: rock!15:20
kamstrupdidrocks: srsly?!15:21
kamstrupdidrocks: in the future i'll give you a window of 15 mins ;-)15:21
didrockskamstrup: yeah, because of you, I have to add <-r -2> for each merge in the packaging branch15:22
didrocks5 caracters! multiplied by the number of package15:22
didrocksmultiplied by the number of release week we have!15:22
didrockspoor fingers :)15:22
didrockskamstrup: heh, like "I'll shoot in 15 mins, run!"15:22
njpateldidrocks, https://launchpad.net/unity/4.0/4.14.0 tag you want is 4.14.2, I made a boo boo with 4.14.015:22
didrocksnjpatel: oh? so we are releasing 4.14.2?15:23
njpateldidrocks, yeah, just a point release15:23
didrocksah, but official milestone didn't change15:23
didrocksnjpatel: ok, great! :) no nux update ?15:24
didrocks(getting unity before nux, that's weird :p)15:24
njpateldidrocks, I gave you the nux URL, no?15:24
njpateldidrocks, https://launchpad.net/nux/1.0/1.8.015:24
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didrocksnjpatel: oh? think I miss it, and still don't see it, anyway, no worry, on it now :)15:25
njpateldidrocks, maybe I pinged you in my head?15:26
njpatelyou still should have listened!15:26
didrocksnjpatel: telepathy protocol doesn't work so well! quick a patch, patch! :)15:26
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njpateldidrocks, https://launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/trunk/0.4.415:29
njpatellamalex, you doing -music right?15:29
lamalexas we speak15:29
* didrocks can't cope with you, you are 3!15:30
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Andy80Kaleo: ping15:42
KaleoAndy80: pong15:45
Andy80Kaleo: I think I need your help to understand better the behaviour of mouse clicks in these two files: LauncherItem.qml and LauncherList.qml15:46
Andy80Kaleo: I've added a new property to manage the onPressed event of the mouse15:47
Andy80Kaleo: at the moment I'm able to make the icon menu appear just pressing (and keeping it pressed) the mouse button on an icon, but as soon as I move the mouse the menu is hidden...15:47
Andy80Kaleo: p.s: I'm working to this bug #68883015:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 688830 in unity (Ubuntu) "Select quicklist items with just one right click" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68883015:49
KaleoAndy80: what's your code?15:49
Andy80Kaleo: is divided in some pieces... I think I'll have to push my branch somewhere so you can see it, is it ok?15:50
KaleoAndy80: sure15:50
Andy80ok, just a moment..15:50
didrockslamalex: is the new music lens release ready?15:50
lamalexno i need to back something out15:51
lamalexit stopped working15:51
apinheiroTheMuso, could you take a look to this:15:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 844927 in unity "Change on the at-spi accessibility-toolkit can affect also Unity" [Undecided,New]15:52
apinheiroit is just to know if oneiric will include an at-spi2 version with that change15:52
Andy80Kaleo: ok, it should be here https://code.launchpad.net/~andreagrandi/unity-2d/unity-2d-bug-688830 if I've pushed it correctly15:53
didrockslamalex: I'll upload unity and everything in half an hour, that will make the current music lens breaking if there is no new release, maybe you can check with kamstrup or njpatel if the needed changes don't work?15:54
lamalexdidrocks, i got it15:54
lamalexpushing a rev no15:54
didrocksgreat :)15:54
lamalexman, annoying i can't really do any admin work on the music lens16:02
njpatellamalex, admin work?16:03
lamalexput tarballs up, release milestones16:03
lamalexthat stuff16:03
lamalexdidrocks, what do you need? just the tarball?16:03
didrockslamalex: yes please, just upload it to launchpad16:05
didrocksnjpatel: can we setup lamalex for his project?16:05
lamalexdidrocks, yah- i can't :P16:05
lamalexalso translations! i dont have these set up16:05
njpateldidrocks, lamalex, one sec16:05
njpatelwow, there is a lp.net/unity-music-lens16:06
njpatelthat was confusing!16:06
lamalexhah yes16:06
Andy80has anyone of you given a look at this my idea for the Unity dash: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg06534.html ?16:06
lamalexAndy80, really a design team issue16:06
lamalexwe just hack it16:07
Andy80lamalex: uhm.... don't they follow the Ayatana ML?16:07
lamalexthey do, but i don't think any of them are in here atm16:08
Andy80lamalex: ah ok :)16:08
njpatellamalex, try now16:08
KaleoAndy80: reading16:08
KaleoAndy80: (the code)16:08
lamalexwow look at me im a project manager16:08
lamalexmy wildest dream is true16:08
njpatelwith no power comes no responsibility16:09
didrockslamalex: my wildest dream will be from a tarball from you! :)16:09
didrockshum, the gwibber lens fix has been merged?16:10
njpatelno, no ken you you need to distropath I think16:10
didrocksok, adding the task for him to track + distro-patch16:11
didrocksoh, it's in gwibber directly?16:11
didrocksnjpatel: the upstream project is unity-lens-music, not music-lens16:12
didrockslamalex: before you upload to the wrong place (pun intended) ^^16:12
lamalexnjpatel, uh i still can't upload the tarball16:12
njpatellamalex, what does it say?16:12
lamalexdidrocks, i know: i created it16:12
KaleoAndy80: have you tried commenting the onExited handler in LauncherList.qml?16:12
didrockslamalex: njpatel is refereing to the other one :)16:12
njpatelno, no, I was just saying it's amazing it exists16:12
didrocksah ok :)16:13
njpatelI wonder if we can make them work on the main one16:13
lamalexnjpatel, there's just no link to release16:13
Andy80Kaleo: no, let me try16:14
njpatellamalex, which page?16:14
njpatelgive meh a link!16:14
=== Guest27664 is now known as kklimonda
njpatellamalex, are you in unity-team?16:16
lamalexcan i just u1 you guys this tarball for now so we can get the release out?16:16
njpatelyeah, send it to me16:17
lamalexnjpatel, no! i'm ot in unity-team16:17
njpatelbugt figure out if you are in unity-team or not, that's weird that it doesn't let you release16:17
lamalexsomeone removed me16:17
njpatellamalex, not even indirectly?16:17
lamalexi'm a "former member"16:17
lamalex no im indirectly a member16:17
njpatelwtf is going on16:17
lamalexmultiple times over16:17
Andy80Kaleo: tried right now. This is what happens: now the menu appears. If I move the mouse the menu is not hidden. For example clicking on Terminal icon I can mouve my mouse over the "New Terminal" caption, BUT releasing the click nothing happens. I need to release the button, move the mouse a bit and then click again to be able to execute "New Terminal"16:18
lamalexhm wait16:18
lamalexi am a member of subteams16:18
lamalexbut it also says You are a member of the team that owns this team. You are not currently an active member.16:18
njpatelurgh, just send over the tarball, we'll figure this out later16:20
KaleoAndy80: ok16:20
njpatellamalex, that's fine, it's what it says for me too16:21
ephanin 14.4.0 the buttons already show on Alt btw?16:21
lamalexnjpatel,  http://ubuntuone.com/6Jp2roUaptbPNEsANNqwLD16:22
lamalex0.1.4 tarball16:22
lamalexdidrocks, ^16:22
njpateldidrocks, lamalex https://launchpad.net/unity-lens-music/trunk/0.1.416:24
didrockslamalex: njpatel: thanks!16:24
lamalexok, im gonna go get a cup of cofffee16:24
lamalexbe back in a minute16:24
TrevinhoKaleo and njpatel: thank you for merging and reviewing my indicator patch... I spent some time on that, so I'm happy it's upstream ;)16:34
njpatelTrevinho, thanks for doing it, dude, it's awesome :)16:34
Trevinhonjpatel: it could be better, but I've done my best for not changing too much on the current APIs ;)16:34
njpatelTrevinho, :)16:35
KaleoTrevinho: thank you!16:35
njpatelTrevinho, what are you working on now?16:35
TrevinhoKaleo: anyway I've just forgot to add to the unity2d version the support for the object_removed signal (on removing indicator)... I don't recall if you alreaady supported it16:36
TrevinhoKaleo: anyway I could do that if you want (also if it's used only when the panel-service is hardly killed)16:36
Trevinhonjpatel: I've to finish the work I started with the top panel16:36
TrevinhoI hope to land some more fixes to it16:36
njpatelTrevinho, sweet!16:36
njpatelI'm going to add support for correctly icons/text in dash mode tomorrow, I hope16:37
Trevinhocool :)16:37
Trevinhonjpatel: then I guess I should finish some work over the window ordering, and if the times is enough work again on BAMF16:37
Trevinhothen, if you need something, I can do that! :)16:38
njpatelawesome :)16:38
KaleoTrevinho: I would be happy to have that16:38
njpatelWe should branch bamf and convert it to gdbus at some point, dropping the object stuff and just using a really fast array-of-structs instead16:38
Andy80is anyone working on the lightdm (is the name correct?) problem with cursor not showing in the password textbox?16:38
Trevinhonjpatel: ah... ABout bamf... My branch has been merged just on augh 28th, wile the last package has been built on aug 25th.16:38
njpateland make it async!16:38
njpatelTrevinho, oh, let me take a look16:38
Trevinhocould you release the new version?16:38
njpatelTrevinho, I'll make one now and ask didrocks to upload :)16:39
Trevinhocause it changes some things like removing/adding .desktop files in real time... so this could have effects on unity too16:39
TrevinhoKaleo: ok, I'll give a look to that too :)16:39
didrocksnjpatel: urgh, already ETOOMANYRELEASES there! :) but ok, an extra one :p16:40
didrocksis there a bug report that need to be fix released, and such?16:40
njpateldidrocks, haha16:42
njpateldidrocks, yeah, i'll do it16:42
=== seif is now known as seiflotfy
* didrocks is about to upload 400 Mg, my ISP will love me!16:44
njpateldidrocks, https://launchpad.net/bamf/0.2/0.2.9816:45
njpateldidrocks, fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bamf/+bug/67659316:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 676593 in bamf (Ubuntu) "Bamf doesn't recognize just installed applications" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 768636 in bamf (Ubuntu) "Adding desktop folder as a .desktop file folder" [Wishlist,Fix committed]16:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 771172 in bamf (Ubuntu) "BAMF doesn't consider desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:45
njpatelI wonder if it was distropatched?16:46
didrocksnjpatel: excellent, perfect!16:46
didrockslet me look16:46
didrocksno, last upload is the 25th16:47
njpatelokay, I gtg16:47
Trevinhodidrocks: yes, it was outdated... I checked :P16:47
didrocksnjpatel: see you! still at least one hour for me :(16:49
njpateldidrocks, yeah, sorry, so many releases today :/16:51
njpateldidrocks, would stick around if I could, but family have  cinema trip planned :)16:51
didrocksnjpatel: don't even mention the cinema! that's sooooooo mean :-)16:51
didrocksnjpatel: enjoy dude ;)16:51
lamalexdidrocks, did the upload for the music lens go ok?16:52
didrockslamalex: not yet uploaded dude, unity is still building, and I need to build unity-2d then16:53
Trevinhodidrocks: thank you for bamf and the nautilus merge ;)16:53
didrocksTrevinho: yw ;)16:53
didrocksthanks for the patches!16:53
lamalexdidrocks, ok16:56
lamalexlemme know16:56
TrevinhoMh, I suggested to jaytaoko to try some crashing code and now it's no more on IRC... What have I done?!? :D17:01
jonoCimi, ping?17:07
Cimijono: yup17:08
jonoCimi, howdy!17:08
Cimi:-) hi jono17:08
jonoCimi, quick q: can we expect darkened toolbars in LibreOffice for 11.10?17:08
ronocseb128, will you take a release from me in a bit17:09
Cimijono: no, and I am scared of doing such changes on apps that do not follow standard theming17:09
jonoCimi, gotcha17:09
jonoI figured that would be the case17:09
ronocor who should i pester in Ken's absence17:09
Cimijono: the main issues could be dark/on/white colors17:09
Cimiwhite on white etc17:09
jononp, I just wanted to check in17:09
seb128ronoc, can do17:09
jonothanks Cimi17:09
Cimino worries jono, yw17:09
ronocseb128, ok cool is one hour okay ?17:09
ronoci want to finish up a little branch17:10
ronocseb128, ta17:10
didrocksargh, unity FTBFS…17:18
didrockshum, no it's unity-2d17:18
didrocksKaleo: still around?17:18
sbtesmspillaz, any chance this will get fixed before 11.10? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/73299717:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 732997 in unity "Cannot open a window that starts iconified" [Low,Confirmed]17:20
Kaleodidrocks: show me :)17:20
sbteotherwise I have to submit a critical patch for emesene17:20
didrocksKaleo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/685446/17:23
didrocks(sorry, trying to switch between metacity and compiz which doesn't want to stop…)17:23
dbarthjjardon: ping?17:27
didrocksKaleo: let me check something17:27
jjardondbarth: pong17:28
dbarthjjardon: hi17:28
dbarthjjardon: do you have news about the eds bug that spams the bus?17:28
didrocksKaleo: I had a local installed of unity, maybe pkgconfig took this one and don't leak the new libunity API?17:28
didrockslet me try to clean that17:28
dbarthi'm not seeing the bug on the unity-foundations list17:28
dbarthdidrocks: btw, c-p-m is rebuilding with the grid fix17:28
dbarthshould be ready and tested for you tomorrow morning17:28
didrocksdbarth: great!17:30
jjardondbarth: not yet, I still cannot reproduce it all the time. And I was fixing other bugs meanwhile17:31
didrocksKaleo: yeah, false alarm, it's ok now. Now that unity moved some files in the local/manual installed, it puzzled my clean script before release I guess. Sorry for the noise :)17:31
jjardondbarth: bug I get more info today from pitti, so I'll try again tomorrow17:32
dbarthjjardon: ok17:36
dbarthjjardon: fyi, i'll put the bug on the radar by adding it to the unity-foundations priority list17:36
dbarthjjardon: here now https://launchpad.net/unity-foundations/+milestone/oneiric-beta-217:37
dbarthjjardon: thanks; keep me posted17:37
jjardondbarth: ok, ping me if you have any other special bug to fix17:37
jjardondbarth: sure, will do17:37
* didrocks reboots on unity-2d17:38
didrocksKaleo: at runtime, I get the unity-2d-places crashing though17:42
didrocksthe rest seems ok (apart from indicators just appearing on one monitor, which is an issue with 3D too)17:43
didrocksKaleo: FYI, I didn't upload anything. I pushed it to the ubuntu-desktop ppa18:25
AlanBellgord: did you get anywhere with bug 739812?18:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73981218:43
kklimondahey, is there anything I could do to make using fullscreen terminal under compiz/unity with nvidia blob bearable?19:30
Andy80Trevinho: thanks for IrcCkoud invitation, but if I want to connect to FreeNode I need to pay 3$/month :P19:52
TrevinhoNo Andy80 you don't19:53
TrevinhoI'm using it for 4-5 months19:53
Trevinhowithout spending a cent19:53
Andy80Trevinho: read this https://irccloud.com/#?/upgrade19:53
TrevinhoI know Andy80, but it works anyway19:53
Andy80ah sorry it's free because it's still in beta19:54
Trevinhoyes... I guess it's that19:54
Trevinhohowever try it if you want, it's cool.19:54
Andy80ok, I'll give a look, thanks :)19:54
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TrevinhoI mean, I've a window on a secondary screen, should it show window buttons, title and menus in the same screen, isn't it?21:25
Trevinhosince in the current trunk the menus are placed on the first screen (consider as first the left-most) and not shown at all (also if they are there, in fact clicking the menu shows)....21:26
htorqueTrevinho: hey! i guess you were too busy to look at bug 841609 again? if i'm not mistaken this is a simple case of data type overflow.21:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 841609 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Progress bar overlay not working" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84160921:57
Trevinhohowever I don't looked to that21:58
Trevinhohtorque: That could be possible21:58
Trevinhobut, It could be possible21:58
Trevinhoin fact, to report the size there I use doubles, but since because already nautilus was using them.21:59
Trevinhoso, I would have used something like size_t or long unsigned int, but I just keept the typing that nautilus already used21:59
htorqueyeah, that's why i'm wondering why it's working in nautilus. but 2 GiB being the first bad total file size...21:59
Trevinhohbowever htorque that bug has been closed since it was related to rendering22:00
Trevinhobut please open another one about the size issue22:00
TrevinhoI had no time to work on that yesterday22:01
Trevinhobut it's in my queue22:01
htorqueyeah sure, it's no show stopper for sure ;-)22:01
Trevinhohowever, I need to try with bigger files22:01
Trevinhohtorque: about secondary screens... could you test me unity with another screen?22:01
Trevinhocause I'm getting some bad, bad issues22:01
htorquedd if=/dev/zero of=dummy.fail bs=1073741824 count=2 -> copy to wherever you like22:02
Trevinhook, thanks... Just put that on the bug :)22:02
htorquenot easy, i just can hook up my notebook to a TFT22:02
Trevinhomh, ok... Don't worry...22:03
Trevinhohowever, maybe it's better if you open another bug, instead of re-using the same... but it's not a problem22:04
htorqueTrevinho: i already set it back to fix released and am opening a new one22:06
TrevinhoOk, nice.22:07
htorqueTrevinho: want do you need tested with a secondary screen? maybe this would be a good time to test my display port cable ;-)22:07
Trevinhohtorque: menus and indicators22:08
Trevinhothey seem to be broken22:08
TrevinhoActually I don't know which should be the wanted design...22:09
Trevinhobut, I guess that menus should display on the screen where the focused window is22:09
Trevinhowhile the indicators should stay always on the left-most screen (also if I'd put them on the right-most :P)22:09
htorqueok, i will try (if i get it working at all ;-)). bug 845188 is the  new one.22:11
TrevinhoBut on my test, the menus are shown always on the left-most screeen, and22:11
Trevinhowhen a window is on a sccondary screen then their menus are still on the primary screen but not shown at all. They are there just because on click they appear (but flickering)22:12
TrevinhoToo lazy to build a link... #845188 :D22:12
htorquebug 84518822:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 845188 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Unity launcher progress bar not working for file sizes >= 2GiB" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84518822:13
TrevinhoOk, thanks ubot5 :D22:13
htorquehe was gone, lazy bot22:13
htorque_Trevinho: indicators are on the primary display, and menus only show up if the window is on the primary display (the primary display being my laptop on the _left_ side)22:20
Trevinhohtorque_: that's wrong... I guess, isn't it?22:22
TrevinhoAnd, do they show correctly? I mean, no flickering when open....22:22
htorque_Trevinho: as a multi-monitor user i'd sure like to have the menus where the window is, yeah. :) no flicker here.22:23
Trevinhohtorque_: this scenario22:23
Trevinhotwo windows, one per screen22:23
Trevinhothe left (main) screen has the focus22:23
TrevinhoI mean, the window on the left display22:23
Trevinhohowever.... In that case, the menus are shown and works exactly like if there were just one display22:24
Trevinhoisn't it?22:24
TrevinhoOk... Now give the focus to the window on the second (right) monitor.22:25
Trevinhowhere are their menus?22:25
htorque_i get the window title and the window buttons, but no menus at all (on no display).22:25
TrevinhoOk, that's a bug.22:26
Trevinhothe same I had22:26
Trevinhohtorque_: however, if you go on the panel-menu area on the laptop screen... click there and... magic!22:26
Trevinhoa menu should pop-up22:26
Trevinhoalso if nothing is shown22:26
htorque_do you also have a glitch with the top panel where 1px of the wallpaper would shine through at the top?22:27
Trevinhomh, htorque_ I've closed now my vbox session with two monitors (the only way to test I've here :P)22:29
Trevinhoso I can't check22:29
Trevinhohowever that menu bug must be fixed22:29
htorque_yeah, definitely! just got another bad one... a modal dialog of chromium popped up on the other display. :-/22:32
htorque_Trevinho: that's the panel issue i had: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/282510.png - top-most pixel of the panel isn't drawn (but the menu highlight works)22:34
=== Guest87485 is now known as gord
htorqueTrevinho: that panel thing is from unity (bug 845205) - the bad thing: this means unity crashed when i attached the second display. :(22:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 845205 in unity (Ubuntu) "Top panel not aligned correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84520522:44
TrevinhoOk, nice htorque22:49
Trevinhohowever now I can't debug that in the right way.. So I should ignore it22:50
Trevinhohowever, the menu thing is evil22:50
Trevinhohave you reported or found something similar (I don't)?22:50
htorquei'll have a look22:51
Trevinhothere's something related to Evolution22:51
Trevinhobut here the problem is present everywhere22:51
htorqueand it's a pretty old bug report22:56
htorquenope, i haven't found anything, but i can confirm what you are seeing (tested with two gedit and two gnome-terminal windows).22:57
TrevinhoReport it if you want I'll confirm23:06
htorqueTrevinho: will do, just a moment23:09
htorqueTrevinho: bug 84521223:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 845212 in unity (Ubuntu) "Multi-display: Application menu only showing on primary screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84521223:14
Trevinhothanks htorque23:16
htorquenp. bed time, cya! ;-)23:16

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