
\u03b5Ummm, how do I undo either unshelving or merging?02:37
\u03b5bzr unshelve slipped out of my fingers before I committed a merge02:37
spiv\u03b5: with a bit of difficulty :/02:39
\u03b5I begin to suspect that :-)02:39
spiv\u03b5: I think the simplest way is something like do the merge again in a fresh tree, then the diff between the two trees is the change you unshelved02:39
\u03b5good idea!02:40
spiv\u03b5: so perhaps make a fresh working tree, do the merge there, and commit it02:40
pooliehi spiv02:40
spiv\u03b5: then just just copy over the files from the other tree (or you might even be able to 'bzr merge --uncommitted' from it)02:40
spiv\u03b5: or something along those lines02:40
\u03b5I get the idea, thanks :)02:41
spivHi poolie!02:41
\u03b5yep, bzr got the hint with merge --uncommitted02:45
\u03b5well, thanks again02:49
MvGGood morning! I'm just thinking about bzr log and its --include-merges option. What it actually does is not so much about the merges themselves, i.e. the commits with two parents, but instead about the sidelines, i.e. the commits not in the left-parent-only mainline. So I wonder whether that option should be renamed to --include-sidelines, with the old name kept for compatibility but not advertised through help any more.05:22
MvGThe main reason I'm thinking about this is because I believe it would make sense to have an option --exclude-merges or --without-merges that would omit any merging commit, i.e. those commits that have two parents. The rationale being that usually the merges contain little actual modifications, whereas the non-merging commits contain the changes. So especially for a change log it would be useful to only have the non-merging commits to document what c05:25
MvGBut having two options, --include-merges and --exclude-merges, which don't do the opposite of one another and which are even expected to be used together would be very confusing indeed. And I believe that calling the two-parent-commits "merges" makes more sense than calling the sidelines "merges", so if you agree, I'd rather change the name of the current option.05:26
mlhoh! Et tu Spiv?06:41
mlhcongrats :-)06:41
vilaI'll freeze 2.4.1 today, if you have objections, yell ;)06:55
pooliehi mvg, vila07:34
vilahey !07:34
vilaoh, hi MvG !07:34
MvGHi there!07:34
pooliemvg i think the feature basically makes sense07:35
poolieof course for some branches of some projects, like bzr, everything will be a merge07:35
poolieyou could change it to --include-merged07:35
pooliethough perhaps a one-character difference is confusing in other ways07:35
MvGpoolie: I'd have it --include-sidelines by default, overridable.07:35
pooliei mean rather than 'sidelines' you could call them 'merged'07:36
MvGAh, sorry, my misunderstanding.07:36
MvGHmmm. Rather asking for confusion, without giving any benefits, as any form of backwards compatibility depends on no change at all.07:37
MvGSo if you have to change it, it doesn't matter by how much.07:37
MvGAnd I believe "sideline" is the well established bzr term for these things, right?07:37
MvGBy the way: can you reproduce bug #842695, or is there something broken in my local clone?07:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 842695 in Bazaar "log --include-merges apparently prints unrelated commits" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84269507:49
MvGIn other words, do you get the same unrelated commits, or do you get the ones I'd have expected?07:50
pooliewe do call them 'mainline'08:02
poolienot specifically 'sideline' that i've heard, or not so commonly08:02
pooliebut it's probably a pretty good name for it08:02
pooliemvg, so regarding bug 84269508:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 842695 in Bazaar "log --include-merges apparently prints unrelated commits" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84269508:06
pooliesorry, phone08:11
poolieso john seems to be saying that if you don't give --include-merges08:11
poolieit tells you about the nearest inclusive mainline commit08:12
pooliewhich i think is reasonable08:12
poolieotherwise --no-include-merges would tend to print nothing08:12
poolieit does mean it's more than just filtering though08:12
poolieso then there are two questions08:12
poolie- is it getting it wrong08:12
poolieand is a better behaviour possible08:12
jam2morning all08:31
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pooliejam, can pqm-submit work with a non-local source branch?08:44
vilapoolie: IIRC that's what spiv change was about months ago, --ignore-local and --public-location ?08:47
jampoolie: i've never tried the non-local thing08:48
jamI generally copy it and use --public-location08:48
jambut I think vila has a point08:48
vilapoolie: revno 61 in the pqm plugin08:48
jamif you --ignore-local it shouldn't care08:48
vilaarf, and this revno introduces a StackedConfig in pqm-submit... jelmer, yet another use case for stacks08:50
Riddellso do we have a shiny new PQM?09:22
pooliehi jam, i'll try to reply about metadir/colo stuff later09:29
pooliei'm inclined towards having it in trunk though09:29
pooliebut i'll try to explain this09:29
poolieor to catch you to talk about it09:29
vilaRiddell: not yet, mthaddon is working on it, auth issues (see #launchpad-ops)10:00
MvGpoolie: Sorry, read your reply only now. Wrt bug 842695: when listing mainline commits only, it is doing the right thing. It is only when including sidelines that it somehow selects completely wrong commits, which apparently have nothing at all to do with the path specification given as an argument.10:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 842695 in Bazaar "log --include-merges apparently prints unrelated commits" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84269510:09
MvGI guess it's somehow related to the fact that the dir was once a separate branch which was later joined, but that in itself isn't enough for a test case reproducing this.10:10
jelmervila: I'm not opposed to stacks, I like them. I don't see the use case for a stack registry yet though10:11
vilajelmer: right *yet* is probably the key word here ;)10:11
vilajelmer: liaise with mthaddon if your current pqm submission fails or exhibit any weird behavior, you're on the new pqm \o/10:44
jelmervila: I can tell, it's fucking quick10:58
vilajelmer: and that's without /tmp as tmpfs nor --parallel :-D10:59
mthaddonit's succeeded11:03
mthaddonI'm about to go to lunch, but after lunch will get tmpfs set up and log syncing sorted11:03
jelmermthaddon: Thanks *very* much for setting that up!11:04
mthaddonyou're welcome11:04
mthaddonnow if launchpad would just update https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev ....11:04
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vilamthaddon: bzr missing tells me jelmer's patch has landed11:22
jelmeryeah, Launchpad has now picked it up as well11:23
MvGjelmer: is the fix for bug 842993 a real bug fix or rather an improvement?12:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 842993 in Bazaar "reconfigure silently ignores one of two requests" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84299312:23
MvGSinde when does bzr accept translations on lp? Thinking about doing a bunch of German ones...12:35
RiddellMvG: since yesterday12:36
RiddellI haven't made an announcement yet12:36
Riddellbut go ahead, it would be good to have a real language to test with, and keep an eye out for problems which can be reported to me12:37
MvGReasonable positions for line wraps are hard to decide in the LP UI with its variable-width font for the translation boxes...12:44
MvGFixed width for both original and translation and boxes at 80 cols would be better.12:44
MvGAh, as I'm not an official LP translator, I can only make suggestions, but they don't count as translations, even in the absence of official translations. Well, so be it.12:48
RiddellI was strongly advised to set that else the quality of translations is very poor12:49
RiddellI'm sure it can be hard for you to join the translations team12:49
Riddellyou could also just translate the .pot file directly12:50
jelmerMvG: either way, it's a good change :)12:57
jelmerMvG: I'm not sure if it should be for IMPROVEMENTS or BUG FIXES, up to you12:58
jelmerhow upset were you when it didn't do what you expected ? :)12:58
MvGNot at all upset about it not doing the stuff I wanted, but rather annoyed about it not printing any warning. After all, I expect commands to either succeed ot tell me about it. Pushed it as a bug now.13:01
MvGRiddell: Joining the team isn't an option, otherwise I'd feel obliged to do more translations than I can reasonably afford. I'd rather write useful apps in that time.13:03
MvGI won't do a full translation of bzr for the same reason, but will see how far I get.13:03
MvGjelmer: do you need another merge proposal to merge the release notes from lp:~gagern/bzr/bug842993-reconfigure ?14:11
jelmerMvG: please14:11
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lamalexhey guys,  i can never remember the syntax for doing this.. i want to revert out a single revision that is not HEAD17:10
lamalexit's not just bzr revert -r 36 is it?17:10
lamalexgiven rev 36 is the one i want to pull out17:10
Peng  To remove only some changes, without reverting to a prior version, use17:11
Peng  merge instead.  For example, "merge . --revision -2..-3" will remove the17:11
Peng  changes introduced by -2, without affecting the changes introduced by -1.17:11
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pooliehi all22:46
Noldorinhey jelmer23:13

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