
ScottKBarkingFish: How's it going?00:38
BarkingFishpoorly right now00:39
ScottKNeed assistance or still working through it?00:40
BarkingFishstill working through it, will need to sign off soon as it's aiming for 2am here00:40
BarkingFishi'll have one last go on scenic, then it's quits for the night00:40
ScottKdammit built on all architectures, so it's officially done. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/dammit/0~preview1-3ubuntu100:42
* BarkingFish grabs a can of welch's grape soda out of his usb fridge to celebrate00:43
BarkingFishScottK, Scenic failed to build again, missing libv4l-dev, and it's not installing with all the other depends. I've installed the local package for natty, and that's not doing it.00:55
ScottKAdd lib4l-dev to build-depends in debian/control00:56
BarkingFishone moment00:56
ScottKThen add a debian/changelog entry00:56
ScottKThen debuild -S (to make an updated source package)00:56
ScottKThen try to build that in pbuilder.00:56
* ScottK notices qtruby and goes to work on that.00:59
BarkingFishcan I just check, it's already at 1ubuntu1, moving it to oneiric, do I increment that to 1ubuntu2?01:00
BarkingFishthis will be my last try, it's gone 2am now01:01
BarkingFishScottK ^^01:02
BarkingFishI'll get this done, then I really have got to get to bed.01:05
BarkingFishI'll increment it anyway, just to test the build. if it's wrong, i'll fix it later :)01:09
BarkingFishOh ok01:09
ScottKdch -i should do that for you01:09
BarkingFishit did, but I wasn't sure if it was right or not, because it marked the change for natty :)01:10
ScottKIf you're on natty, building for natty is the debchange default.01:10
ScottKThe revision numbering heuristics are (generally) independent of the release.01:11
BarkingFishI have to change that once I'm doing the entry though01:11
BarkingFishi gotta admit, dch -i is easier than manually formatting the changelog :)01:12
BarkingFishit's picked up libv4l-dev this time01:12
BarkingFishi just saw the GET while it was building01:12
ScottKqtruby uploaded01:17
ScottKDoing perlqt now.01:19
BarkingFishanother failure. it's moaning about something else nwo01:20
BarkingFishconfigure: error: Not all gstreamer plugins installed01:20
BarkingFishmake: *** [debian/stamp-autotools] Error 101:20
ScottKProbably another missing build-depends.01:21
BarkingFishit's mentioning a missing plugin called v4lsrc01:21
BarkingFish!info v4lsrc01:22
ubottuPackage v4lsrc does not exist in natty01:22
BarkingFish!info v4lsrc oneiric01:22
ubottuPackage v4lsrc does not exist in oneiric01:22
BarkingFishright, I'm gonna sleep on this, Scott.  It's 2.22am, and frankly, I need to get some rest01:22
ScottKDoing smokekde.01:23
BarkingFishThanks for the help with dammit, I really appreciate getting my foot in the door :)01:23
ScottKBarkingFish: OK.  Have a good night.01:23
BarkingFishI will, don't you worry :P01:23
BarkingFishsee ya01:23
ScottKAnyone remember why we didn't package mobipocket?01:35
ScottKDoing kdeadmin02:14
ScottKDear apachelogger, please upload stuff after you wake up.02:19
ScottKDoing kdepim02:28
micahgScottK: I'm sure you're aware you have a bunch of arm failures for kde stuff02:56
ScottKIt's inevitable unless we want to wait the 12 hours it takes kde4libs to build on arm to upload the next package.02:57
ScottKSoyuz build-dep handling FTW.02:57
micahgah, it's archive skey02:57
ScottKDepends on how you look at it.02:57
ScottKI look at it as Soyuz being unable to handle common situations automatically and so it fails the build when it should really do better.02:58
micahgScottK: ah, it should be depwait, but it's not02:59
ScottKIt should more properly be bd-uninstallable, but that's not impelemented in Soyuz.03:00
micahgcouldn't you just depends on kdelibs5-dev >= VER instead of Breaks < VER? or it it not really a depends?03:00
ScottKIt would fall over anyway.03:00
micahgoh, there are multiple ones...03:00
ScottKOEM services doesn't need it, so it's not an LP priority for Soyuz development.03:01
micahgis there a bug filed at least?03:01
micahgthis is a common situation as you mentioned03:02
ScottKI don't know.03:02
ScottKI know that the Soyuz developers, back when there was such a thing, were well aware of it.03:03
ScottKDoing kdeaccessibility04:00
ScottKkdegames too04:07
wgrantScottK, micahg: Solving archive skew dependencies is not trivial.05:16
micahgwgrant: I have faith in you :)05:16
wgrantIt requires us to regularly load the indices and run a full apt resolver for every depwait build.05:17
ScottKHaving bd-uninstallable like Debian owuld help.05:17
wgrantAnd, well, there is no us any more.05:17
ScottKThat's the biggest problem.05:17
wgrantRight, same thing.05:17
wgrantDifficult for us, because we have so many more builds and many archives.05:17
ScottKSo just do it for the primary archive.05:17
wgrantThe primary archive?05:17
wgrantThere will soon be dozens.05:17
ScottKThe Ubunt uone.05:17
wgrantAn Ubuntu special case is unlikely to be prioritised.05:18
wgrantHowever, Ubuntu could do this through the API.05:18
ScottKYes.  I hear that supporting Ubuntu is a priority for LP, except when it actually requires something to be done.05:19
ScottK(not blaming you)05:19
wgrantHeh, indeed.05:19
ScottKWould it really be possible to achieve automatic retries of bd-uninstallable packages through the API?05:20
wgrantSure. There are API methods to identify failed builds, read logs, and retry builds.05:21
wgrantThen you just need to plug that into edos-debcheck or whatever Debian uses now.05:21
wgrantI wonder if that code is around somewhere.05:21
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scar[w]does kde4's replacement for kicker have a specific name? (wikipedia only shows plasma)07:45
agateauscar[w]: replacement can be called a "Plasma panel" I think08:19
agateauscar[w]: the panel being a container for plasma applets08:19
scar[w]thank you, want to used the correct terms when submitting bugs08:20
apacheloggerScottK, debfx: question: where do you track what is uploaded and what is not?09:35
debfxapachelogger: http://felix.fobos.de/kubuntu/kubuntu-buildstatus.htm gives you an overview09:42
debfxdidrocks: has micahg talked to you about the diginotar qt patch?09:43
apacheloggerwhy you no use software to track actual uploads?09:43
apacheloggernot landing in lp09:43
apacheloggeron a related note09:43
apacheloggerwhy you no use software  to upload all the stuff at once?09:44
didrocksdebfx: yeah, I already fixed it yesterday when I saw the blog post btw :) it will be in today's upload (just after unity-2d is uploaded)09:44
debfxah, great :)09:45
debfxapachelogger: if only all packages were properly reviewed09:45
apacheloggerintroduce a review state09:46
apacheloggerso one core-dev reviews, the other takes care of upload and rebuilds where necessary09:46
* apachelogger thinks a uscan'd list of core packages would also be good09:48
debfxapachelogger: I don't see the advantage of a batch upload. once you've reviewed a package you can just upload it10:04
apacheloggerexcept you need to update changelog, debcommit, build source package and upload source package10:06
apacheloggerthat said, of course the person doing uploads can go ahead and do reviewing should they run out of reviewed packags10:07
apacheloggermajor advantage is that reviewing can be done independently of whether we can upload or not10:07
apacheloggeri.e. reviewing can be concurrent with packaging AND uploading10:08
debfxwhen are you not able to upload packages?10:17
debfxdue to limited upload bandwidth?10:17
apacheloggerdebfx: for example, also when frozen, also when not everything is packaged yet10:24
apacheloggersome packager updates kde4libs -> core dev could immediately review while some packager continues with kdepimlibs10:25
apacheloggerwhen some packager is done and everything is tested some other core dev starts uploading kde4libs while core dev is still reviewing10:25
apacheloggerchances are that core dev will be done reviewing before some other core dev is done uploading10:26
apacheloggerso we'd have buffers on each side of the pipeline10:26
apacheloggerand reviewing would become a non-blocking task for the better part10:26
debfxyou can upload all of kde sc even when kdelibs isn't built yet10:27
debfxthey will just fail to build and we need a script to retry those anyway10:27
apacheloggerdebfx: not building!10:30
apacheloggerdebfx: packaging!10:30
apacheloggerlemme make you a graphic :P10:30
* apachelogger constantly gets distracted10:33
apacheloggergood lord kdeartwork is fat10:46
apacheloggerdebfx: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17X0nfJFv-bNCHI3GFYpta2Om3pCt3x15gMKxdwuI2SQ/edit?hl=en_US10:49
debfxyeah, I just think that not being able to directly upload after reviewing doesn't happen very often10:59
apacheloggerdebfx: so what is the workflow you have in mind?11:04
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debfxapachelogger: I think our current workflow is fine except that the wiki is a bad place to track who is working on what11:12
debfxbecause clicking the edit button, scrolling to the package you want and saving the whole thing is very inconvenient11:13
apacheloggerdebfx: but our current workflow is totally non-concurrent :S11:28
apacheloggerdebfx: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17X0nfJFv-bNCHI3GFYpta2Om3pCt3x15gMKxdwuI2SQ/edit?hl=en_US11:30
apacheloggereven the graphic shows why that is bad :P11:30
shadeslayerhallo everyone11:58
shadeslayeri won't be available for the next 10 days, should i like send a email to kubuntu devel? 11:58
bulldog98lp spams masivly I got ~200 mails of lp because of my packages11:59
bulldog98would make sense11:59
shadeslayerbulldog98: heh, say hi to rosseta 11:59
* bulldog98 wants lp to stop spaming each and everyone11:59
bulldog98shadeslayer: who is community council?12:08
* bulldog98 closes the poll12:10
nigelbbulldog98: You mean, who's in the community council?12:11
bulldog98nigelb: yeah, but  I already found the lp page12:11
bulldog98Riddell: do you have time for a meeting at 10 pm 13th of september?12:12
Riddellbulldog98: yes should be fine12:19
* bulldog98 finalises it than12:25
shadeslayerbulldog98: pad.lv/~kubuntu-council i think12:26
bulldog98shadeslayer: ?12:26
shadeslayerbulldog98: invite everyone who is in that team12:27
shadeslayerScottK: pokety poke12:27
bulldog98shadeslayer: you mean lp.net/~kubuntu-council i think :P12:27
shadeslayerbulldog98: copy paste that link into yer browser12:28
shadeslayerand see the magic12:28
shadeslayerpad.lv is the launchpad url shortner service thingy like bit.ly and goo.gl12:28
shadeslayerScottK: ever setup debian using the buisness card ISO ?12:29
* shadeslayer is lost in the setup12:29
ScottKshadeslayer: Nope.  Sorry.12:43
ScottKapachelogger: We've just been coordinating on IRC.12:43
shadeslayerScottK: ah alright12:44
ScottKdebfx: Did you make any progress with Quintasan_ on -runtime?12:45
ScottKapachelogger: Please do some uploading.  Everything to the left of pimlibs (except korundum and perlkde) is already uploaded.12:46
debfxScottK: yes, but it still needs fixing12:46
ScottKOK.  12:46
debfxthe install files need to be updated now that active is actually separated 12:47
ScottKAh.  Right.12:47
debfxhow did that even end up in the archive? 12:49
apacheloggerScottK: I did artwork and then ended up being busy with phonon stuff again12:49
apacheloggerit is madness really12:49
ScottKCome on, we need to get this done.12:50
* ScottK does marble12:54
shadeslayerbtw here's the qtwebkit log : http://cl.ly/1p1t411J2g0a2l1b0t1w12:59
ScottKNow libkexiv213:02
ScottKshadeslayer: We want to update, I'm reasonably sure.  Please make an FFe.13:02
shadeslayerScottK: right, but what all info am i supposed to provide, Riddell and apachelogger tested the package and they said the upgrade went fine, i'll also attach the qtwebkit log, anything else?13:03
ScottKBuild logs.  13:03
ScottKAny notable changes in the packaging.13:03
ScottKAlso noting that it fixes a beta 1 bug is good (Riddell's form thing)13:04
shadeslayerok, i'll file the FFe then13:04
ScottKapachelogger: I have to thank you for pointing out debcommit -r -R.  For once someone made a tool that actually does exactly what I want.13:05
ScottKshadeslayer: Can we have some bug numbers for bugs it fixes?13:34
ScottKNot sure if they actually got filed or not.13:34
CIA-63[klettres] Michal Zajac * 10 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu113:35
ScottKDoing kalgebra13:35
shadeslayerScottK: i think they're mentioned in the git log13:35
ScottKshadeslayer: Yes, but no one will go back and close them based on that.13:35
shadeslayerah, you mean launchpad bugs13:35
shadeslayeri'll have a look13:35
shadeslayermost of them seem to be related to arora13:35
ScottKapachelogger: Suitably magical.  I'll try that too.13:41
bulldog98we need to get the rekonq beta into oneiric13:55
bulldog98I can do the stuff tomorrow if needed, but I won’t have time today13:56
ScottKshadeslayer: ^^^ opinion?13:56
ScottKbulldog98: What's their schedule for a final release?13:56
shadeslayerbulldog98: please make sure that it works with the webkit from my ppa13:56
bulldog98ScottK: ask in #rekonq13:56
bulldog98shadeslayer: it does, since I use that :)13:57
ScottKbulldog98: If you want it in, that's information that'll be needed.13:57
shadeslayerespecially stuff like flash, rendering of sites like youtube, ubuntu.com, kubuntu.org, kde.org etc13:57
bulldog98shadeslayer: I don’t use flash, but you can do a git clone kde:rekonq and build and test13:58
shadeslayeri already use trunk rekonq in neon ;)13:58
shadeslayerand it wfm13:58
ScottKbulldog98: To get an upgrade this late in the cycle, someone will have to be found to do that kind of testing on it.13:59
bulldog98ScottK: the problem is my internet speed, but I can do that stuff14:00
ScottKbulldog98: Excellent.14:00
bulldog98ScottK: I’ll do that tomorrow, since I have to go in about 30min14:01
shadeslayerScottK: do you by chance have a machine running debian sid?14:02
ScottKshadeslayer: Not at the moment.  I generally do stuff in a chroot on an Ubuntu system.14:02
ScottKWhat do you need?14:03
shadeslayerScottK: a sources.list for upgrading to debian sid14:03
ScottKYou can get that by loging into a pbuilder chroot.14:03
kubotuScottK meant: "You can get that by logging into a pbuilder chroot."14:04
shadeslayerlooks like this : http://paste.kde.org/119503/14:04
shadeslayerah ok14:04
ScottKThat looks right.14:05
ScottKshadeslayer: What's up with the indi-apogee package in Ninjas?  There's nothing private about it, so please either delete it or copy it to a public PPA.14:17
shadeslayerScottK: that package needs sponsoring/uploading14:23
ScottKDoing korundum.14:23
shadeslayershould i put that that on revu?14:23
ScottKshadeslayer: OK.  How about copy it to staging.14:23
ScottK(or your PPA)14:23
shadeslayeri'll copy it to my ppa14:23
ScottKThen delete it from Ninjas please.14:24
shadeslayerScottK: done14:27
bulldog98shadeslayer: I’ll try that tomorrow14:32
shadeslayerbulldog98: also try commenting on a bug in staging.launchpad.net14:32
ScottKdoing perlkde14:42
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
* ScottK notices no one else is uploading and pokes at apachelogger, Quintasan, and debfx (although if they are still sorting -runtime, that's no doubt more important)14:47
ScottKLooking at webdev14:48
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micahgdebfx: didrocks already had the patch :)15:22
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ScottKsdk now.15:36
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
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ScottKDoing gwenview16:19
ScottKNow konsole.17:17
* ScottK sighs at the lack of participation.17:17
ScottKapachelogger: dchr is nice too.17:18
shadeslayeralright guys, cya in 8 days :)17:24
yofel@_@ - core crash17:38
didrocksScottK: sorry, the unity-2d releases is segfaulting, and no more dx guys, I'll have to delay the Qt upload for tomorrow18:03
didrockssorry again, but EINMIDDLEOFTWOTEAMS :-)18:04
ScottKWe're still uploading KDE 4.7.1 (since no one is helping me), so it's fine.18:05
ScottKI'd rather finish that first anyway.18:05
didrocksScottK: urgh, good luck with that!18:08
ScottKOnly 33 packages to go.18:09
yofelScottK: I'll upload wallpapers and artwork if you didn't yet18:14
ScottKapachelogger managed to upload artwork.18:15
ScottKI think wallpapers still needs doing.18:15
yofelah, he didn't update bzr though18:15
yofelright, artwork is up18:16
ScottKyofel: Almost all the ovals to the right of libkipi need uploading: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/DependencyGraph18:17
ScottKI've been deleting stuff from ninjas as it's uploaded, so anything still there is fair game.18:17
yofelScottK: I hacked a branch overview together a short while ago that I was looking at just now http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/bzrstat/18:18
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdeartwork] Philip Muškovac * 120 * debian/changelog releasing 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu118:19
yofelrefreshes every ~10m18:19
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-wallpapers] Philip Muškovac * 13 * debian/changelog releasing 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu119:05
Quintasanoh yeah19:20
QuintasanScottK: Fixing runtime19:21
Quintasandebfx: ping19:21
ScottKThat's critical.19:21
Quintasandebfx: http://paste.kde.org/119599 <- any other files that are missing?19:22
Quintasanrbelem: ^ you forgot to remove active files from the "classical" kde-runtime.install19:23
QuintasanOh wait, now that parallel building works I can build the crap out of it19:23
debfxQuintasan: yes, I'll fix it19:24
Quintasandebfx: I can just push it now19:24
Quintasandebfx: Or well, I won't get in your way, if there is anything else wrong, let me know19:25
* Quintasan cries from joy19:26
QuintasanIT'S ALIVE19:26
CIA-130[klettres] Michal Zajac * 10 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu119:28
* Quintasan forgot to push19:29
* Quintasan looks at kstars19:29
QuintasanActually not19:29
QuintasanScottK: Care to do kstars?19:30
ScottKQuintasan: Not now.  Doing $WORK and fixing a security bug in quassel19:30
ScottKBTW, anyone using a quasselcore: If it's crashing, disable CTCP until you get the fix.19:30
QuintasanScottK: Hmm, I'll do it then, it's just uploading that takes TIME19:31
Quintasanyofel: ^^19:31
ScottKYes, but you can prepare the next one while that's uploading.19:31
yofelQuintasan: kstars: can do if you want, quassel: I already patched my core19:32
BarkingFishScottK, what is the procedure for rebuilding and fixing a package which has a missing build depend, when it's already published and in use by people?  Can the package still be updated to ensure the depend gets installed at the same time?19:33
Quintasanyofel: Cool, please do kstars19:34
ScottKUsually what causes this is that some other build-dep used to depend on the missing one and so it worked before, but only because of the indirect connection.19:34
ScottKSo making a new revision that adds it explicitly and updating the package is the general solution.19:35
QuintasanBarkingFish: If it's in oneiric then you just update it and ask someone to upload it, if it is in natty or older then you will have to do what we call SRU19:35
BarkingFishgreat, I've got one I need to rebuild, since it's a pain in the backside.   Sweethome3d needs the sun-java6-jre, but it doesn't install it when you install the program, but it doesn't install it if it doesn't find it19:35
BarkingFishQuintasan, It's in natty19:35
QuintasanI think it's SRU then19:35
yofelBarkingFish: it doesn't work with openjdk?19:36
BarkingFishyofel, no19:36
Quintasandebfx: Actually there is another missing file ->http://paste.kde.org/11961119:36
BarkingFishIt specifically asks for the sun java6 jre19:36
QuintasanBarkingFish: Wait, it's not a missing build-depend, it's a missing Depend :)19:37
* yofel wonders what'll happen when we stop having sun-java in the archive...19:37
yofelwell, partner19:37
QuintasanBuild-Depends are installed when (obviously) building the source code and Depends are installed when the user wants to install the software we package19:37
* Quintasan would actually name the field Runtime-Depends19:38
debfxQuintasan: yep, I've uploaded runtime19:38
BarkingFishQuintasan, sorry, my mistake.  Either way, what do I do with it?19:38
QuintasanBarkingFish: Well, you need to update the packaging, submit a SRU bug to Launchpad with a debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-sru I believe19:38
QuintasanBarkingFish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:39
yofelBarkingFish: also, it has to be fixed in oneiric before you do the SRU19:39
Quintasandebfx: Thanks!19:39
CIA-130[parley] Michal Zajac * 18 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu119:40
BarkingFishok yofel, so in which order do I go about this?  I need to get the source for it, but do I fix it and package it for oneiric first, then fix natty, or what?19:41
BarkingFishAlso, what exactly do I fix, since it's not a build-depend19:41
yofelfirst devel release, then stable19:41
yofelBarkingFish: you add it to the Depends: of the binary package19:41
yofelalthough I'm not too sure about java stuff19:42
BarkingFishwhere am I likely to find that in the source tree?  19:42
BarkingFishoh ok then19:42
QuintasanBarkingFish: also, join #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-devel19:42
Quintasan#ubuntu-packaging is also good place to hang out19:42
ScottKBarkingFish: What package are we talking about?19:44
QuintasanScottK: sweethome3d19:44
QuintasanWhere the hell is bulldog9819:44
QuintasanHe was supposed to delete his branches which we merged19:44
QuintasanParley uploaded19:45
BarkingFishScottK, sweethome3d19:46
BarkingFishlast release was sweethome3d_3.1+dfsg-1ubuntu119:46
ScottKIf it really needs sun java, it needs to get moved to multiverse.19:47
yofelQuintasan: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/+activereviews doesn't show any 4.7.1 stuff from him anymore19:47
BarkingFishScottK, ok, well I'm rebuilding it for oneiric now, will debdiff it and put it up for review, then rebuild it for natty once I know it's ok19:48
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kstars] Philip Muškovac * 6 * debian/changelog relasing 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu119:49
yofelbah, typo19:49
* Quintasan goes to bed19:54
QuintasanOn a second thought. I'll upload one more thing19:55
* Quintasan takes kturtle19:55
yofelkstars up19:56
CIA-130[kturtle] Michal Zajac * 12 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu120:02
Quintasankturtle up20:03
* Quintasan goes off to bed20:03
QuintasanGood night20:03
* debfx takes kdenetwork20:06
debfxQuintasan: interesting, kde-runtime ftbfs on the archive buildds but builds fine locally20:38
debfxPatch kubuntu-mobile-04-Ported-the-new-plugin-system-to-active-development-4.patch does not remove cleanly (refresh it or enforce with -f)20:38
DarkwingDuckHey Riddell20:49
=== Linkmaster_ is now known as Linkmaster
BarkingFishI've got to find some way of patching pull-lp-source so it doesn't keep printing those +++ signs while it's downloading stuff22:35
BarkingFishit's got to the stage with some packages where I have to minimise konsole while I'm doing it22:35
yofelBarkingFish: I think /usr/share/pyshared/ubuntutools/archive.py line 312 is to blame for the dots (and the while loop it's in)22:39
BarkingFishwhat I want to do is basically add a command line option, like --hide-progress or something, just to switch off those crosses and their annoying nauseating repetitiveness22:40
yofelwell, pull-*-source just use  pull() from the SourcePackage class in ubuntutools22:41
yofelso you'll have to add it there22:41
BarkingFishsurely a progress counter like [50%] or something like that would be easier22:41
BarkingFishand less dangerous22:41
yofelcurrently it looks like they download the files in 10KiB chunks and print a dot for each chunk o.O22:42
yofelwhich is crazy if you download something like oxygen-icons...22:42
BarkingFishyeah, or the entire sun-java6-jre22:43
BarkingFishwhich filled 12 screens with nothing but ...22:43
yofelwell, start by filing a bug against ubuntu-dev-tools22:44
* yofel is off to bed, good night22:48
BarkingFishScottK, hi if you're about.  Just a quick note on one of the rebuilds against oneiric, plee-the-bear is physically beyond help.  I just tried to build it, it got to 16% and stopped dead - so many errors in the code I can't even begin to number them all.  At first glance, I'd declare this "life extinct".23:03
BarkingFishI've got I'd say, probably in excess of 40 compile errors just in the first 16% of the build23:03
BarkingFishyofel - instead of filing it as a bug, I've started off by asking it as a question on the launchpad, as it says these can be turned into bugs later.23:08

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