
meirHi everyone .. still can not get TERMINAL even though I search for it as KONSOLE .. it berigs up konsole profile ..just a white blanl page ...00:04
janet2104hi there00:11
BarkingFishhi janet210400:12
meirAnyone knows how to get the Adobe flash player ?00:20
ionitewhat does this means? Cannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend. Please close any other legacy packaging t00:21
dthackerI'm reading mail in kontact.   When I click on a URL in an email, I open.....Winebrowser?   I've checked default application setttings and the radio button "open in an application based on settings" is checked.    Is that configurable in kontact?00:27
riffcompiz doesn't seem to be working on my gnome enviroment what do i need to check to find out why?04:27
romeushello :-)04:29
romeusI noticed that KDE 4.7.1 was released today and was wondering if there's a PPA for Natty available to give it a try?04:30
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amichairhttp://kde.org/info/4.7.1.php - links to kubuntu announcement, which mentions nothing of 4.7.107:10
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faLUCEhi, how can I say "hello world" with a command line?09:02
FanfareHi all! Is there a plasma(-netbook) channel ?09:14
FanfareQ: how to get plasma-netbook (0.2) in kubuntu (11.04)  with KDE (4.7.00) get to show contacts?09:28
James147faLUCE: echo "Hello world"  ...09:36
noaXessaaaaa.. xorg is driving me grazy.. cpu usage if no other open app is running 10-20%.. een if effects are disabled09:46
OerHeksnoaXess, why is that bad ?09:46
noaXesscause that can't be..09:47
noaXessOerHeks: what cpu usage does your xorg has.. if no programm is running?09:49
OerHeks12-20% ( Kubuntu )09:51
OerHeksrunning a Athlon II x2 3.0 Ghrz09:51
noaXessOerHeks: so.. it's hight, right?.. and if you have also newest firefox open with some tabs.. ff need also 20-30% cpu.. and whole system is slow.. grrr.09:56
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noaXessff6 has some performance problem. or uses to mutch cpu09:56
OerHeksnoaXess, same issue when you try Chromium ?09:57
noaXessOerHeks: i'm also on latest stabel kubuntu with kde 4.7.. maybe kde 4.7 has some problems too..09:57
noaXessOerHeks: you mean googles chrom?09:57
James147noaXess: not seeing any problems with 4.7 here09:58
OerHekswell, google's chrome is a fancy chromium with flash & IDnumber09:58
noaXessJames147: see here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27889109:58
ubottuKDE bug 278891 in widget-taskbar "a program closed after dragging to another desktop creates empty space on taskbar" [Normal,New]09:58
James147(though I am on arch... so kubuntus cant say the same for kubuntus version)09:58
James147noaXess: whats that have to do with xorg?09:59
noaXessJames147: :).. nothing real.. but a bug in kde 4.7.. and still not fixe din 4.7.1.. only to inform ;)10:00
James147noaXess: yes, there are still many bugs... but I am not seeing the xorg one here10:01
noaXessso.. lunchtime here ;).. see ya later..10:01
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stonemani have dell 5110 with kubuntu 10.04 and i have integrate  intel video card and NVIDIA GEFORCE GT 525m card... how to switch to nvidia.. ?? pls some help12:56
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AlexZionhi stoneman, so do you have an optimus system laptop ....13:02
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BluesKajHiyas all13:35
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mudassarHello people, please tell me a quick way to install video/audio codec pack in kubuntu 11.04 so that I never get a message of plugin needed or coded not supported etc15:18
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mudassarin firefox or in any place15:19
OerHeksmudassar, install Kubuntu restricted extra;s = codecs & multimedia tools15:20
mudassarplease tell me the command to do so15:20
Octodigithey folks :)15:20
mudassarsudo apt-get install ** ??15:20
OctodigitHas anyone here tried this and had success when it's done: http://www.mindwerks.net/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-natty-with-fglrx-and-2-6-39/ as I had similar issues after it, as before, and rolled it back.15:21
Octodigitmy mission is to be able to use compiz and fglrx together with the xorg in the current distros15:22
OerHekssudo apt-get kubuntu-restricted-extras15:23
OctodigitI'd like to be able to try Unity too out of curiosity, although it's not crucial15:23
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OctodigitOerHeks: me?15:23
OerHeksmudassar ^^15:24
Octodigitah, ok :)15:24
Octodigitso what's the story, is there no way of doing it? Is everyone able to do this and I'm behind the curve? Is it not supported?15:26
OctodigitI mean obviously it's no big deal if it's not, it just seems a bit of a mystery, and I've not really met anyone who knows so far :)15:26
Octodigitjust sort of... silence every time I try to strike up this question. For months really :)15:27
Octodigitah well, nvm, thanks anyway, folks.15:29
Octodigitstay groovy :)15:29
mudassarstill it did not run the video http://geo.tv/videos.asp?link=mms://wm.vitalstreamcdn.com/stream_geo_tv/ImportantEvents/Rain_OSRD_1200.wmv for me15:32
BluesKajmudassar, you need the wndows media plugin wmv , I beleive15:36
jonyif I install XP after Kubuntu 11.04, the GRUB it will automatically add it in OS boot option menu?15:37
mudassari following this but still did not work http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Windows%20Media%20Player%20plugin%20with%20Firefox15:43
mudassarsomething is installed but it does not play any video15:45
mudassarit worked now15:46
BluesKajjony, no grub will need to be reinstalled15:46
jonyI have grub v2, right?15:46
BluesKajjony, if you're  on anything newer than 9.04, yes15:49
jonyhoow can I reinstall it?15:50
jonyI boot the live cd, and then?15:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:50
jony11.04 is my v15:50
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FK_Kinghello every one.. i want to contribute to kde.. want to do any open source project that uses cpp/c ... can any one involve me16:58
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BarkingFishevening guys, got a package failing to install - I'm trying to add the sun jre to my system, and kpackagekit is failing it.19:20
BarkingFishnot a very descriptive error, but it shows something is wrong, clearly - subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 219:21
BarkingFishpackage is sun-java6-jre-6.26-1natty1 (i386)19:22
James147BarkingFish: try sudo apt-get install -f19:30
BarkingFishJames147, I'll look at rebuilding the package I need it for, since the package is dependant upon having the sun-java6-jre installed for it to run19:32
* [DeVil-BoY] greetins19:50
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afiefWould it be better to upgrade to the kde 4.7 PPA or Kubuntu 11.10 beta at this point in time?20:40
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meirhello everyone22:13
meiranyone .. I can not find Terminal for some reason , even when I search for konsole  it will bring up just a white box .. how do I resolve this isssssue .. anyone ?22:15
OerHeksmeir gnome-terminal = kde-Konsole22:17
meiranyone .. I can not find Terminal for some reason , even when I search for konsole  it will bring up just a white box .. how do I resolve this isssssue .. anyone ?22:21
OerHeksmeir gnome-terminal = kde-Konsole22:21
OerHeksi just wonder why you won't get prompt22:22
meir_OerHeks... did not work for me    kde-konsole22:31
OerHeksno, open Alt + F2 : konsole22:31
OerHeksthe previous post was to show difference in naming22:32
meir_OerHeks: thank you .. however , I tried that too , it gets me to a white box .. no luck22:34
afiefI take it he's saying that he tries to report problems, but apport disappears halfway through after he enters his password(into gksudo?)22:40
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OerHeksthat could be, if the prompt to execute a command shows up, i understand this does not happen at all.22:42
OerHekswhat does .xsession-errors show when attempting to start konsole:22:43
OerHekspaste large textfile in paste.ubuntu.com22:44
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transformersWHERE IS A GIRLS IN THIS CHAT?22:48
OerHekshi transformers, welcome and please check wine HQ database how to install windows games22:48
transformersOER HEKS Hi thanks22:49
transformersOer Heks i used playOnlinux22:50
transformersin moscow deep night hello world22:51
transformers2 days later i would create web site with magic photo kubuntu23:00
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kayshaBonjour à tous23:15
kayshahum, je cherche à rejoindre un chan pour discuter de SQL, pourriez vous m'aider ?23:16
kayshaJe ne connais absolument pas IRC :s23:16
BarkingFish!fr | kaysha23:17
ubottukaysha: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:17
markithi, I've an acer aspire 5920 laptop, seems to work but keyboard is set to "numeric" behaviour, like when you have "blue FN" pressed... any idea?23:17
markita sort of "FN lock"23:17
markitfound, stupid me23:22
markit(was block num set, that in normal pc is fine, not in laptop)23:22
transformerskaysha hello i`m george23:25
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transformerskaysha  Bonjour! Bonjour de la Russie ! Mon nom est George nous allons être amis et communiquer, si vous ne faites pas attention, nous vous parler bientôt sur Skype ou écrire des lettres à l'autre par courrier. Moi je veux ouvrir une boutique sur le développement du projet Kubuntu en Russie, près de la ville de Moscou de 30 ans. Caixa que je suis comme les jeux informatiques, j'aime les fleurs et les chiens. Je compose belle23:52
transformersmusique à la guitare électrique. Un énorme blagodprnost′ programmeurs Ubuntu pour la possibilité de jouer de la guitare au moyen d'un ordinateur (projet Rakarrack)23:52
transformersJe peux faire du site web. Je serai heureux de nouvelles connaissances et amis, j'aime du groupe Queen et rêve de s′ezdit′ en Suisse. Je veux aider aux travaux du Kubuntu Forum en Suisse.23:52
FloodBotK1transformers: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:52
transformersi do not flood ! i used bing translater for french23:53
transformerswho plays on electric guitar and love kubuntu let`s be friends ))) my mail qroom@mail.ru23:58

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