
SoojinI have a bunch of !__ in my /media00:33
Soojinvery odd, I wonder if it's my corrupt usb stick that has gotten stuck in the media folder 3 times:)00:34
silverarrowany one who understand this error message ? http://pastebin.com/45EJRZb501:28
silverarrowI crashed01:48
lightawell silverarrow are you sure there some content at this place ?02:43
lightashouldn't your ppa have some name too ?02:44
silverarrowyou mean paste bin?02:53
silverarrowsorry, it's probably out dated now02:54
jmarsdensilverarrow: You apparently cut and pasted some lines into your source.list that had /usr/ppa-name/ in them... you are supposed to edit them so user and ppa-name are the actual user and PPA that you want to use :)02:57
silverarrowjmarsden: oh? I have too look into that03:02
silverarrowI crashed, everything froze, running too much at once03:02
silverarrowjmarsden: I am rather slow with these things03:02
silverarrowgetting a bit better03:02
jmarsdenThen stop doing that :)  The first 4 lines in http://pastebin.com/45EJRZb5 are because you didn't edit stuff you cut and pasted, as far as I can see.03:03
silverarrowhmm, probably what mucks up my update manager03:04
silverarrowjmarsden: I think I found a guide online for some stuff, and used terminal03:05
jmarsdenLesson #1: Don't type stuff you don't understand.03:06
silverarrowthat is how I get by some times03:07
silverarrowjmarsden, getting a bit better the last few weeks, but hard to get some stuff03:14
silverarrowI have to go, see you later03:15
jmarsdenOK... but learn that lesson.03:15
lightait's ok he'll learn in time I guess, did you manage to get the good url ?03:16
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jmarsdenlighta: Yes, the pastebin.com site worked for me that time.  Sometimes it is slow/unreliable.  paste.ubuntu.com works better for me.04:09
silverarrowwhen messing up adding repositories in terminal, how to fix it?05:26
M0himessing up = ?05:27
jmarsdensilverarrow: Remove the mess from /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*  carefully, and run sudo apt-get update05:28
silverarrowyes, I have done some amateurish copy and pasting,05:29
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: Hi05:29
silverarrowI should find a linux course or something05:31
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: Hi.  I didn't get as much time to spend on pcmanfm at the weekend as I wanted.  I think I duplicated the issue, but that's about as far as I got.05:31
jmarsdensilverarrow: Well, maybe... but for now, just use a text editor to undo the changes you made, and then run   sudo apt-get update05:31
silverarrowIdeally I should find someone who could look at my mess lol05:32
silverarrowI might learn something05:32
jmarsdenNo, you should try to clean up your own mess yourself first, it is only polite :)05:32
silverarrowyou are probably right05:32
silverarrowIf I only new what I'm doing05:33
jmarsdenClean up the mess, then ask here about what you really wanted to do with the extra repositories, and get advice before trying to add any more.05:33
silverarrowI am not allowed to run either of the commands you suggest jmarsden05:34
phillwUnit193: now issue ;up05:34
phillwUnit193: now ;lurk05:34
phillwand then issue ;part #lubuntu05:35
Unit193;part #lubuntu05:35
jmarsdensilverarrow: You were allowed to edit the files before, that is how you "made a mess", right?  So now you should have the same privs to fix the mess.05:35
silverarrowlurk, isn't that something you do behind a bush or a stone?05:35
silverarrowif you only knew jmarsden05:36
M0hiUnit193: Not Here and no plays05:36
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: Heard that is already 0.9.9 but not for lucid. It is possible to wait backport?05:37
jmarsdensilverarrow: Well, either that or your PC got taken over by some AI that now says "I'm sorry, I can't do that, silverarrow"? :)05:37
silverarrowI think I found a page on the web, and tried to follow the guide lines, but I did them wrong05:37
silverarrowterminal isn't always that friendly05:38
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: Yes, there is a 0.9.9.  I am not sure how easy a backport would be, but yes, if it is doable, that could be a good way to solve the problem.05:38
jmarsdensilverarrow: So you bookmarked the page, right?05:38
silverarrowluckily I was in xchat, and it stores some of the text05:39
silverarrowI should have it all,05:39
jmarsdensilverarrow: Modern browsers have bookmarks... when you find a page of interest, bookmark it :)05:39
silverarrowI manage to freeze the computer so a bit abrupt reboot05:39
silverarrowI do, !05:40
jmarsdensilverarrow: Then you know which page had the info on that you followed.  So go there, read it, and undo what you did.05:40
silverarrow you should see the wall near my desk, full of post-its with all kinds of stuff05:41
silverarrowall linux related05:41
jmarsdensilverarrow: Lubuntu has xpad for that.  Avoids wasting paper :)05:42
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
silverarrowback in a short while05:44
IAmNotThatGuyjmarsden: I do believe he also has the "history" tab to check the history :P05:45
jmarsdenIAmNotThatGuy: well, maybe... if he rebooted the PC when it "froze" the history may not be intact...05:45
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: Cosmetic defect. lxdm the panel below the transparent. After login it is not possible to make lxpanel transparent.05:48
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: I'm not "really" an LXDE developer, I just help out sometimes :)  If the bug is still there in the current version in Oneiric, it's probably worth filing a bug report in Launchpad for it, including clear directions on exactly how to duplicate the issue.05:50
JohnDoe_71Rusjmarsden: sorry05:50
JohnDoe_71RusHere there are developers?05:51
IAmNotThatGuyhyperair: you work on lxde panel?05:51
hyperairIAmNotThatGuy: no i don't.05:52
hyperairIAmNotThatGuy: in fact, i don't work on any lx* stuff.05:52
jmarsdenJohnDoe_71Rus: There is a #lxde channel on oftc that is the official LXDE IRC channel, they are more likely to be there.05:52
IAmNotThatGuyhyperair: Okies. Or you know any -dev here?05:52
hyperairIAmNotThatGuy: nope. maybe gilir might know05:53
IAmNotThatGuyawwh He is not here05:53
jmarsdenIAmNotThatGuy: gilir and pcman are the two devs who bridge LXDE/Lubuntu the most.05:54
IAmNotThatGuyjmarsden: Just confirmed whether hyperair is doing some work or not and he still proves to be useless :P05:55
* IAmNotThatGuy hides05:56
hyperairIAmNotThatGuy: lol.05:58
JadedJacobIf I want to play DVDs on lubuntu, do I follow this guide?06:31
bioterroror you can: cat /dev/sr0 > movie.img and play it with vlc ;)06:32
bioterrorbut yes, no difference between lubuntu and ubuntu06:32
bioterrorsame packages, same methods06:32
JadedJacobOK, how do I install vlc ? update the package manager and then install vlc only? or do I need the pulse audio plugin as well06:32
bioterrorI've just made backups of my DVD's, but that's becouse I have two pairs of small hands in my home06:33
JadedJacobHow can I test if video acceleration is working in lubuntu?07:57
JadedJacobI'm running an ATI xpress 111007:58
bioterrorif glxgears gives you ~5000FPS ;)07:58
JadedJacobWhat is glxgears?07:59
JadedJacobAnd how about hardware decoding in flash player?07:59
JadedJacobHow about a wireless network manager for lubuntu.08:09
JadedJacobHow can I set that up?08:09
c933103Will the lubuntu 11.10 include Ubuntu software center?10:30
head_victimc933103: not by default, you can install it but they are working on a specific Lubuntu software centre to replace it while maintaining a low computing footprint11:46
c933103When would the lubuntu software center probably be available?11:47
Kurdistanc933103: it is avaible.11:48
Kurdistanbut you need to use PPA and maybe not rock solid yet.11:48
c933103Oic..thx for help.11:48
saganbyteHi there14:25
saganbyteI ve connected a monitor to my Lubuntu notebook. Out of the box, the display just doubles itself on the monitor. Is there some way I can have a twinscreen kinda thing?14:26
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_Emil_I keep gettin "Ssh exchange identification: Connection closed by remote host" when I'm trying to connect to the server. I tried google, but couldn't find a soloution. my hosts.deny/.allow exists but they are empty.19:20
_Emil_anyone has any idea on what's causing this or what to google for?19:20
bioterrorremote host doesnt like you19:21
_Emil_It's my schools server.19:21
_Emil_I can connect from my other computer.19:21
_Emil_is it possible to the server have blocked my ip??19:22
bioterrorcan you look for /etc/hosts.deny19:25
bioterrorif it has any lines?19:25
_Emil_it has some text, but they all start with #, I assume it's comments.19:26
bioterroryes, they are comments19:26
bioterrordoes /etc/hosts.allow has any lines?19:26
bioterrorthen the prolem must be in sshd configuration19:27
bioterroror something else19:27
bioterrorhard to say19:27
bioterrordoes your both computers come from same IP address, are they behind a NAT?19:27
_Emil_No the other computer is my home computer, this is my laptop connecting from another network.19:28
_Emil_none of them are behind a NAT.19:29
bioterrorhard to say what could cause it19:30
_Emil_is there something I can test? re-install,etc?19:30
bioterrorif you take your laptop to your home network, does it connect then?19:32
_Emil_Im to far away from home to try.19:32
bioterrorfor example atm. your host does not resolve when you connect to freenode server19:34
bioterrorif the server is configured to not allow hosts that does not resolve, it might drop connection19:34
bioterrorhard to say19:34
bioterrorbut I've never had any problem with ssh19:36
_Emil_is there any temporary soloution around this?19:36
_Emil_can I use some other program?19:36
bioterrorunles I have typed password 3 times wrong ;)19:36
_Emil_hehe ;)19:36
cricket42i don't know to install without GUI, so will my computer( my computer with this specs: 750mhz, 192mb sdram, 32mb vram?) support gui installation of lubuntu 10.10?20:07
KM0201cricket42: very unlikely though..20:07
cricket42okay... i tried bodhi linux and installer could not load...20:08
cricket42so should i try with lubuntu 10.10 or not?20:08
KM0201cricket42: i would use 11.04, but.. have you considered the mini-iso?20:08
KM0201assuming you have a high speed internet connection, its not that difficult20:09
cricket42yes i have it..but my computers are in different rooms20:09
cricket42so it will be difficult20:09
KM0201how do you figure it'll be difficult?20:10
KM0201you don't have near enough ram for any sort of GUI install.20:10
KM0201cricket42: :) doesn't tell me how it will be difficult.20:10
cricket42i installed mandrake 9.0 few years ago with gui install...i taught it will be difficult cause i will need insturctions from internet20:11
cricket42and i will have to go from room to room every minute20:11
svkoskindebian-installer is quite usable20:11
KM0201cricket42: every module?...   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp20:11
svkoskinjust use arrow keys instead of mouse20:11
KM0201cricket42: scroll down to where it says "advanced users"./20:12
cricket42sounds okay20:12
bioterroryou press few times enter and it's installed :D20:12
bioterrorno big deal with text mode installer20:12
KM0201debian would work to, but.. it's not quite as friendly as Ubuntu, IMO.20:12
bioterrorif you're going to use whole disk for example20:12
cricket42i have prepared 6gb ext3 and 450mb swap partition20:13
cricket42is it enough?20:13
bioterror450MB swap when you have only 192MB of RAM20:13
KM0201cricket42: you can just let the installer do all that, by telling it to takeover the whole drive.20:13
cricket42i have some data i want to keep on third partition (ntfs)20:14
bioterrorif you dont browser much internet, it can be enough20:14
cricket42what u think, will i be able to watch youtube on that computer?20:14
KM0201cricket42: then you'll have to do an advanced install, so that you don't format the ntfs partition20:14
bioterrorcricket42, no you're not20:15
KM0201but it sounds ike you're making this way harder than it needs to be.20:15
cricket42that's because i had troubles thees days with that computer cause my optical device(pioneer 115d) made me trouble and i needed 3 days to figure out, that problem is in it -.-20:16
cricket42and cause of old bios i had to use cd with some program that allows me to boot from usb..that's way i am scared cause of installing any linux on that computer :(20:17
cricket42i forgot to say that i have separated gpu from motherboard(GeForce mx 200) i will try gui installation and if it fails i will do minimal installation20:21
bioterrorflashes from the past :)20:22
bioterrorI had too MX20020:22
jeffcutsingercricket42: the "text-mode" installer really isn't that hard to use. It uses the console, but it draws a GUI on the console.20:35
jeffcutsingerOh, sorry, missed the middle part there.20:36
silverarrowdoes anyone know of desktop background can be changed like usual in lubuntu?20:53
silverarrowfirefox is not working20:53
silverarrowso no wall paper in lubuntu possible?20:56
silverarrowI swear I used to have that20:57
cricket42_i couldn't installed 10.10 gui installation so i decided to install lucid puppy..tnx for helping22:17
mewayhow do I make a link ?22:52
mewayshortcut link22:52
Soojinright click :)22:54
Soojinjust like in winblows22:55
Soojinor thats just with apps in the start menu , usually i just take copy on stuff thats in folders.22:56
Soojinor now i'm tried22:57
* Soojin goes to sleep ;)22:57
mewaySoojin: no no you can't just right click22:59
Unit193meway: The Lubuntu FAQs can be found at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ and should provide you with the info you need22:59
mewayfck it I will just ln -s it23:00
Unit193Hey, keep it family friendly23:00
mewayUnit193: nothing about links there so I'm not being friendly -.-23:00
Unit193Did you see this? It's about the same, just change a few options"How can I create a shortcut on the Desktop"23:02
mewayits not the same23:02
Unit193Ok, what type of link and where do you want to put it?23:02
mewayand in a folder23:03
mewaythats not the ones the real file is23:03
mewayI got it, thanks for trying to help lol23:04
mewayI do appreciate it don't get me wrong. :/23:04
Unit193"shortcut link" also don't help much :P23:04
mewayln -s path/to/were/you/put/eathena-data/ <FileNameHere>23:05
mewaythats what I will use :/23:05
mewaysorry the eathena-data23:05
mewayI meant to put23:06
mewayln -s path/to/were/you/put/original file/23:06
Unit193Alright, I think someone made a patch to pcmanfm for making that type, but I don't remember :P23:06
mewaywhat happend to nautilus?23:16
Unit193That's Ubuntu, Lubuntu doesn't have it, we have PCManFM23:17
jeffcutsingerIt's an apt-get away though.23:26
tomeoHas anyone else had problems with lubuntu freezing at boot?23:30
Soojinhmm interesting , the lubuntu wallpaper resize option made the OS crash and go to that screen you usually see when you boot up lubuntu where you see some daemon being started and stuff.23:48
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=== nikserw is now known as szczur
KM0201Soojin: if you choose "fill with background color only" it does... it has for a while23:56

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