
sagaciemailed isopogon to request a mailing list for the -au translation team but I'm not sure if he's still around :/00:32
head_victimsagaci: if you get no response I'd ask up the chain in -translators00:34
head_victimI think it's a useful tool for the group00:35
sagaciyep, I know you can already email directly the members but it'd be nice to have logs00:35
head_victimAnd be able to reply00:36
Nozyhi all00:38
NozyEither the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO 00:38
head_victimMorning Nozy 00:38
Nozyhas someone see this befor ?00:38
Nozyhi  head_victim00:38
Nozynice tag too00:38
head_victimNope, but then again I've never used eCrypt before00:38
Nozyits till nautilu00:40
head_victimSorry mate, I'm not sure00:50
head_victimejat: you pinged before?00:50
ejatyeah .. but .. its ok :) .. wanna ask ya about AU directory .. using flickr user id or group id :)00:52
head_victimOh on the loco?00:53
head_victimloco.u.c 00:53
head_victimhttp://idgettr.com/ is the only way I found out00:57
head_victimAnd on that note I'm off to do some work for the day. Cheerio01:05
carybSorry Jarod wasn't paying attn that would be fine, the last one I went to at the pankake manor it was hard for everyone to talk due to the table layout at the Brekky creek you could talk to everyone01:44
carybpancake lol01:44
head_victimcaryb: no worries, just trying to be as inclusive as possible. My current train of thought is 2 - 3 hour installfest at the edge then adjournment to local watering hole02:02
carybIs a install fest the right idea for a release party?02:09
head_victimNot sure, some people seemed to think wifi was a requirement and the use case I could think of for needing wifi was for installation. Unless I'm going completely down the wrong track here.02:10
carybI guess historicly we had it as a party, to celebrate the release of a new version02:12
head_victimI guess it comes down to would people want to spend 2 - 3 hours helping others install it and then another couple of hours at a pub02:14
head_victimIt would make the trip worth it for some I guess though if you're travelling a while02:18
carybmind you just because we did it that way doesn't make it right02:20
head_victimWe can separate the ideas to different days but then we risk fragmenting the support to run the installfest02:21
carybmy fear is that the party will turn into a major helpdesk exersize02:23
carybit would be a disincentive for those who work in IT when it would be just another day at the office, if you split it into 2 events one after the other we can chose either or events02:26
head_victimI guess if we postpone the installation festival it would also make it easier to promote to the general public02:26
carybI would happily come to a installfest tuition day that way you could find a venue like a high school hall 02:28
carybthats probably a 1/2 day event in itself02:29
head_victimI'm thinking we hold an instalfest at the state library at a later date, pick a pub or similar for the release party02:29
head_victimThe Edge does seem to be conducive to the environment, they will even help promote it on their website and noticeboards.02:29
carybcould you put up a poll for what folks want? then you can cater for the majority! my thoughts may not be the consensus02:31
head_victimAlready writing an email to the list ;)02:31
head_victimThanks for the thoughts though, I guess I hadn't really thought it through.02:40
head_victimDomestic duties call, catch you later.02:41
* gorilla is going on a rant... Dear firefox, please consider using the soundex algorithm for spell checking. it would probably work better than what you have. Thanks :-/04:04
redvilevening all..how do i disable compiz completely/permanently?08:44
head_victimredvil: usually better to fix whatever issues you're having with it08:47
head_victimBut if you want it disabled, what version of Ubuntu do you run?08:47
redvilhead_victim: im still using lucid08:50
head_victimAnd what's going wrong with compiz?08:51
redvili cant watch movies on vlc fullscreen mode..the screen just goes blank08:51
redviland my conky 'developed' a shadow on its edges...08:52
head_victimThe conky thing is generally pretty easy to fix, you sure the vlc is compiz related? Was it working up until recently?08:53
redvilthat's the thing..not sure if its compiz related..i just want to find out if it is08:54
head_victimAhh then that's easier.08:55
head_victimInstall compiz fusion icon08:55
head_victimIt allows you to quickly and easily switch between metacity and compiz08:55
redvilwhat's metacity?08:55
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redvilhead_victim: just found out metacity is already installed in my comp10:09
redvilhead_victim: do i need both compiz and metacity..or can i do without both of them?10:10
adhocredvil: you can do without compiz10:11
adhocredvil: you can run other window managers, like metacity but it really depends on what you want to do =)10:11
adhocredvil: are you looking to save a bunch of memory ?10:11
redviladhoc: it's just that i upgraded my vlc and now i cant watch videos on fullscreen mode and conky 'developed' a shadow on its edges10:12
head_victimredvil: have you installed the compiz fusion icon?10:13
head_victimThat allows you to swap between them easily10:13
redvilim not sure if i accidentally started any compiz/metacity features that made that happen10:13
head_victimIf VLC is what you upgraded it's most like that that is causing the issues10:13
redvilhead_victim: oops..havent done that yet..10:13
redvilim trying to revert back to the old vlc version..but can't seem to do it..one website suggested i should do it manually10:14
redvillet me get started on that fusion icon first..10:14
redvili just noticed i have two compizconfig settings manager...is that normal?10:20
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