
mhall119jono: sorry, had somewhere I had to be this evening01:24
dpmgood morning all05:50
nigelb*yawn* Morning06:01
dholbachgood morning07:09
dpmmorning dholbach :)07:18
dholbachhey dpm07:19
kim0morning all08:16
dpmheya kim008:18
popeyseems release and then uds comes round faster and faster each time!08:59
nigelbuds stuff is really early this time, that's all.09:00
dpmhey czajkowski :)09:56
czajkowskidpm: ello ello10:00
kim0jcastro: here ?12:49
mhall119nigelb: I think that's due to people requesting earlier confirmation about sponsorship, so they have more time to plan12:52
nigelbmhall119: I know. I was one of the people requesting that :)12:53
czajkowskihttp://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/09/08/rwc-warning/  You have all been warned12:59
cjohnstondholbach: did you get my email?12:59
dholbachcjohnston, yes13:02
cjohnstondoes that sound possible?13:02
jcastrokim0: looking for me?13:49
mhall119jcastro: so am I13:57
jcastromhall119: hey, you remember that screenshot of private meetings in summit?13:58
jcastrodoes that work?13:58
mhall119not in production yet13:59
mhall119but it works in trunk13:59
scott-workdholbach: hi, scott lavender here, i wanted to verify that an email i recieved actually came from you :)14:33
czajkowskihe signs off have a nice day!14:36
nigelbdpm: Hey, I won't be around for the start of UADW today.14:54
nigelbI'm off to meet a few friends for dinner. I should be back around the second session though14:54
dpmnigelb, no worries, I'll be there. Thanks for the heads up and enjoy your dinner :)14:54
dholbachscott-work, I guess so :)14:58
scott-workdholbach: just wanted to make sure because i hadn't applied and was slightly surprised by the offer :)15:00
scott-workhappy as well, of course :-)15:00
dholbachsomebody else nominated you then :)15:00
scott-worki shall reply shortly then, thank you15:00
scott-worki wish i could find out who so i could thank them ;)15:00
jonokim0, hey15:02
jonofree to chat?15:02
scott-workjono: i believe i'll make it to UDS-P, perhaps i should brush up on my metallica guitar work ;)15:06
jonoscott-work, absolutely!15:06
jonokim0, you there?15:07
czajkowskido we have a name yet for PP15:10
czajkowskiPee pee is all I cna say in my head15:10
czajkowski<-- spot the kid15:10
* Pici is rooting for Platypus15:11
czajkowskican we just have a normal name for once.......15:11
czajkowskimight help with credibility but also are able to say it15:11
jonoczajkowski, the name is currently being decided15:16
czajkowskijono: cool, isn't it usually out way before now ?15:23
jonoczajkowski, not usuallu15:23
czajkowskiah ok15:24
=== dpm is now known as dpm_
kim0jono: sorry I needed to buy some stuff15:51
jonokim0, we had our call scheduled15:52
kim0jono: I thought it's always tentative, unless you confirm it15:52
jonokim0, well, we usually use that slot if we dont get to speak earlier in the week15:52
kim0yeah .. We can do a late one today if you want15:53
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
scott-workpleia2: were you involved with the xubuntu website migration to wordpress?  i would like to explore doing the same for ubuntu studio16:04
pleia2scott-work: yep, I'm leading that up16:09
scott-workpleia2: do you forsee any roadblocks for ubuntu studio to do the same?  i believe we are even working some of the same people who helped create the xubuntu site16:10
pleia2scott-work: it wasn't too difficult, submit a ticket with canonical to get a staging site set up and then give them the bzr location for the theme and any plugins you wish to use, they will do a security review of them before putting them on the staging site (that's we're we are at now)16:10
scott-workpleia2: outstanding!  thank you for the information :-)16:10
pleia2once they approve your theme and plugins you can move your content over, then when you're ready to go live you tell them to flip the dns switch :)16:10
pleia2you probably do need to host your own to actually develop the theme, but I'm sure you can find someone to temporarily host it (I tossed the xubuntu one up on the ubuntu-owl.org server that I run)16:11
ejatthumb up16:12
scott-workthank you again pleia2 , i really do appreciate the information16:19
pleia2sure thing :)16:19
pleia2czajkowski: old board mailing lists shut down, woo! that was quick :)16:43
jonodholbach, can we have a quick call in 5m?16:54
czajkowskipleia2: I know!16:56
czajkowskipleia2: gotta love IS :)16:56
czajkowskipleia2: was last nights email resent to the one mailing list so the new folks got it ?16:56
czajkowskior will I just forward it on ?16:56
czajkowskipleia2: giving me action items I get em done swiftly :)16:57
pleia2doesn't look like he resent it, let me check the archives to be sure16:58
dholbachjono, ok16:58
pleia2czajkowski: nope, please forward it16:59
dholbachjono, hangout? skype16:59
jonodholbach, lets do slype17:00
jonoshouldnt take long17:00
jonodoctormo, around?17:06
dholbachalright my friends17:21
dholbachIndian food is waiting for me17:21
* dholbach hugs you all17:21
nigelbg'nite dholbach :)17:21
nigelbjcastro: hi17:21
nigelbjcastro: Can you point me to a unity guy for user days? DBO?17:22
jcastrowhich part of unity?17:22
pleia2or multiple unity people for multiple sessions :)17:22
jcastrodbo for launcher17:22
jcastronjpatel for lenses <-- important17:22
jcastrosince people can build lenses17:22
nigelbexcellent, I shall poke :)17:23
nigelbChinese food + ice cream  = awesmoeness17:23
Pendulumjono: are you around for a quick PM? (nothing serious)17:50
jonoPendulum, sure17:50
* jono is excited18:00
czajkowskijono: will you buy a pair ?19:01
jonoczajkowski, likely19:05
Pendulumjono: just one? :P19:05
jono...maybe two :-)19:06
czajkowskijono: will that be your first pair of shoes that are not flip flops :p19:06
jonoczajkowski, hah, no :-)19:06
jonoI wear normal shoes out in the evening19:06
czajkowskijono: please don't tell me crocks19:07
jonough, no19:07
mhall119I bet he wears those glove shoes19:07
nigelbYES! jono just admitted that flipflops are "NOT" normal!19:07
Pendulumczajkowski: jono would not go so low as to wear crocks (at least not in public)19:08
jonomhall119, hah, no chance :-)19:08
jcastrohe wears those weird leather shoes with the cropped toe19:22
jcastrothey were awesome in like 200519:22
* jcastro is fired19:22
jcastroleather shoes, shorts, and a shirt with a mech on it.19:23
jcastrowe should have a jono dressing contest at UDS19:23
jcastrodibs on the robotic snake!19:23
czajkowskijcastro: you just described sabdfl19:23
czajkowskiadd flowery shirts19:23
mhall119jcastro: I'm pretty sure that's only allowed after 2am on the closing night party19:23
mhall119when nobody is going to remember what happened19:23
jonojcastro, shoes with cropped toe?19:24
mhall119jcastro: you can bill it as "Garnish the Bacon"19:24
jcastrothey have the square front19:24
jcastroI recall making fun of them on at least 3 different continents19:24
jonoahhh right19:24
jcastrothough I wear toe shoes, who am I to judge19:24
* jono struggles to give a shit19:24
jcastroI made some custom orange and aubergine reeboks on their website19:25
jcastroand jill was like "really, 90% of your wardrobe are UDS shirts, and you want orange and aubergine shoes."19:25
jcastrorobbie gave me a bunch of his old ones, so I am rocking the "Package Selection and Defaults" shirt today19:26
jcastrolook what I've become.19:27
* czajkowski does the 1 more day to rugby dance :D 19:28
* mhall119 is wearing his UDS-N shirt from atlantic.net19:28
mhall119jcastro: are you going to bring Jill to our loco party?19:28
nigelbI wore my crew T-shirt today :)19:29
jcastromhall119: yep19:29
jcastrowhen is it?19:29
mhall119jcastro: the saturday after UDS ends19:30
jcastrooh yeah19:31
czajkowski8 locos so far19:31
jcastrowe're not planning until leaving till then, thanks for the poke, I wasn't even aware19:31
czajkowskicould do with a bit of pimpage19:31
mhall119jcastro: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-florida/1084/detail/19:31
jcastroi'm in!19:40
nigelbsaturday after uds ends?19:43
nigelbIsn't that hangover time?19:43
jonoczajkowski, would you mind taking a look at the most recent feeds on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoPortalFeeds and approving them and adding them?19:43
jcastrobest. ever.19:44
mhall119nigelb: usually that's jetlag time19:45
mhall119but for Florida, it's extended party time19:46
mhall119and BBQ time19:46
nigelbOnly jcastro would share on Google REader with the comment"This article is amazingly horrible.19:46
jcastrowhich one was it?19:46
nigelbDoes your iPhone service suck? Blame the city hall19:46
jcastrooh right19:47
czajkowskijono: sure what is (prt)19:47
jonoczajkowski, prt?19:47
mhall119at least, I assume that's his middle name19:48
czajkowskimakes perfect sense19:48
nigelbpaul-cribbing-tag ;)19:48
jonothanks czajkowski :-)19:49
czajkowskinigelb: he's not and if you notice he's not here any more19:49
jonomy next goal is to rope doctormo into helping write some code for the site19:49
czajkowskijono: no worries will look at it tonight tomorrow19:49
jonoand because doctormo is awesome, I am sure he will agree19:49
jcastrohe's also a new dad19:49
jonoczajkowski, tonight tomorrow?19:49
czajkowskijono: tonight/tomorrow19:50
czajkowskiworking on writing a training manual for someone atm19:50
jonoczajkowski, sweet19:50
jonono worries, thanks!19:50
czajkowskiscreen captures take sooo long19:51
czajkowskiwish teams would ue full name or all ISO19:54
Pendulumjcastro: wait, the baby was born?19:57
* Pendulum missed that announcement19:57
czajkowskiwhat baby ?19:57
czajkowskiwho had a baby ?19:57
Pendulumczajkowski: jcastro said that doctormo was a new dad19:58
nigelbPendulum: Oh. Looks like I did as well.19:58
PendulumI knew his wife was pregnant..19:58
jcastrosorry I didn't mean to imply it was born19:58
Pendulumah, okay19:58
jcastroand sorry don't mean to call him/she it19:58
Pendulumnew dad to me means "baby born", before it's just "father-to-be" ;-)19:58
jcastroI think it's close19:59
nigelblike, robert is a new dad :)19:59
jcastrofrom looking at the pics he put on g+19:59
jcastrolooks about ready19:59
nigelb"There's a nap for that". I really want to know where he got that one.19:59
czajkowskimhall119: ok adding urls to the portal is rather long winded trying to find teams20:02
czajkowskino way to search20:02
czajkowskismall print20:02
mhall119czajkowski: I think just sorting by teamname will help20:07
czajkowskiand if teams named themselves rather than the iso code life would be easier as well :/20:07
czajkowskiwhat do you do if there is no user listed ?20:07
mhall119unfortunately the Django admin give us 80% for free, and the other 20% takes an unreasonable amount of effort20:08
mhall119czajkowski: you can leave the user field empty20:08
czajkowskiah ok20:08
czajkowskiscreen captures area easier than this20:08
czajkowskiok why are the USA teams all not named ubuntu-US-State :/20:10
czajkowskiwhat is Ubuntu Michigan short?20:10
mhall119czajkowski: lack of adherence to the convention :(20:10
czajkowskiok well USA teams are getting an email this is crazy20:11
jcastroit's ubuntu-us-mi20:11
czajkowskimichigan, north and south carolina kentucky, califronia, etc all are not named correctly20:13
czajkowskiwell done florida :)20:13
czajkowskimhall119: don't kill me but I broke the LD ............20:16
czajkowskimhall119: http://paste.ubuntu.com/685549/20:16
nigelbczajkowski: You didn't20:18
nigelbthe machine has been having trouble today20:18
nigelbmhall119 and I just opened an RT with suggestions on what to do20:18
mhall119s/today/the last month and a half/20:20
* czajkowski hugs mhall119 20:20
jcastroensemble. summmit. ec2. m1.large.20:20
czajkowskiUSA naming has got to be fixed20:20
czajkowskifrigging nightmare20:20
nigelbjcastro: can you get than to happen?21:34
nigelbjcastro: summit on ec2 :)21:35
jcastrohah no way, I like my job.21:35
nigelbmhall119: ^21:35
jcastroI was just thinking out loud21:35
* jcastro whistles21:35
nigelbI thought out the exact same thing earlier to IS.21:35
nigelbjcastro: woah, open week time already?21:49
nigelbwhere'd this cycle disappear off to :/21:49
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
Pendulumnigelb: that's what I keep thinking21:53
Pendulummy current theory is an unknown black hole ;)21:53
nigelbeither than or my post-UDS lows lasted for 2 months21:54
mhall119nigelb: I like my job too22:57
nigelbmhall119: heh22:58
jcastrono surprises here23:38
jcastro"make it just like chrome"23:38
nigelb"There’s also a UDS Hangover which nobody "23:39
jcastroI think a bunch of his views are out of date23:40
jcastroif anything these days people go into UDS already knowing what they're going to work on, the UDS part is just the discussion23:40
jcastrobecause we're planning better as individual teams23:41
nigelbI'll agree to that23:41
nigelba lot of times we have precise things to talk about.23:41
nigelbWe just want to come to a conclusion on things that everyone has to acknowledge23:41
jcastrobut it's not like "welp, I have 4 weeks until UDS, I guess there's nothing to do!"23:41
jcastrothe true UDS hangover is thursday and friday23:42
jcastrobecause by tuesday you're already "full" for the next 6 months23:42
nigelbI'm full for the next 1 year :P23:42
jcastroWhat I want is 3 days of UDS23:42
jcastroand 2 days of hacking23:42
nigelbOH GOD YES23:42
jcastro"hacking" being working on WI, or skeleton plans23:42
jcastroso like 3 months later I'm not like "what the hell is this WI even supposed to mean?"23:43
nigelbIts a great idea especially when community + canonical + everyone else is there23:43
nigelbWhat better time to get down and cleanup your WI right there.23:43
nigelbEither that or we introduce hacking sessions interspersed with sessions23:43
nigelbBut that'd be a scheduling nightmare23:44
nigelb"We can't hack before we plan"23:44
* nigelb sleeps23:45
nigelbLaters everyone23:45
Pendulumnigelb: good luck with the sleep thing23:50
Pendulumjcastro: I like the 3 + 2 idea23:50

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