
* czajkowski does the I GOT A JOB DANCE 10:09
slashtomwell done!10:17
ebelczajkowski: Congratulations!10:17
slashtomwhat's the job?10:17
czajkowskiproject manager ealing with develoeprs getting stuff in on time10:21
czajkowskifor codegent.com10:21
czajkowski4 month contract10:22
czajkowskibut means back working10:22
czajkowskibetter salary than last job and dublin job10:22
czajkowskiso happy10:22
slashtomin london still?10:24
czajkowskiclapham common10:25
czajkowskiso 20 min on the northern line from here straight out10:25
slashtomshame, we want you back in dublin10:25
ebelcool cool10:26
tdr112great stuff czajkowski10:51
slashtomtdr112: any news with your job situation?10:53
tdr112my boss is coming back tomorrow , so i hope no more late nights11:11
slashtomgrand, you must remind him that developers are scarce and that there are plenty of other opportunities available11:22
czajkowskitdr112: whats the issue with the job ?11:23
tdr112czajkowski: lots of late nights , very late nights , and all nights11:30
czajkowskitdr112: ahhh so not goo11:31
czajkowskiis it a start up company or something11:31
tdr112na its just a small place 4 people11:31
czajkowskihttp://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/09/08/rwc-warning/  You have all been warned12:59
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