
=== noy_ is now known as noy
=== Guest34932 is now known as Zic
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Sep  8 15:00:15 2011 UTC.  The chair is ogra_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:00
ogra_[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2011/2011090815:00
ogra_who is here ?15:00
* ogra_ fears only GrueMaster and me15:00
* rbasak is here15:01
rbasakDaviey: ?15:01
czajkowskime to watch ogra_ chair another meeting!15:01
* mrjazzcat lurks15:01
ogra_well, lets make this a quick one then, many team members are traveling (plumbers) or on vacation15:02
* cmagina waves15:02
ogra_#topic action items15:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: action items
ogra_there were none i could find on the wikipages15:02
ogra_eirther michael didnt update that or we had none :)15:02
* ogra_ just assumes the latter for now15:02
ogra_#standing items15:03
ogra_hmm, there are two persia items15:04
ogra_GrueMaster, any idea if he will work on them ?15:04
GrueMasterLet me look at them.15:05
ogra_hmm, i thought LTSP and NBD were assigned to me15:05
GrueMasterNot seeing any for persia.15:05
ogra_i wonder why they show up there15:05
ogra_GrueMaster, on the beta-2 page15:05
ogra_LUKS and LVM testing15:05
ogra_anyway, that seems all wrong all over15:06
GrueMasterRefresh or something.  I already completed the LVM and LUKS testing.15:06
ogra_[action] ogra to find out whats wrong with the tracker15:06
meetingologyACTION: ogra to find out whats wrong with the tracker15:06
ogra_BAH !!!!!15:06
* ogra_ kicks chroimum15:06
ogra_the url came out of the cache ... i'm on ubuntu-armel15:07
GrueMasterI'm looking at the same links.  You have the LTSP & NBD items.15:07
ogra_yeah, that looks better, sorry, my browser tricked me15:07
ogra_and imho it all looks fine15:08
* ogra_ moves on15:08
GrueMasterI'm not sure what to do for SELinux.15:08
ogra_#topic server status NCommander, Daviey15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: server status NCommander, Daviey
ogra_GrueMaster, given we generally treat it as a nice to have in ubuntu i think that could slip to P as long as apparmor is fine15:08
* GrueMaster will come back to WI issues in QA section.15:08
* rsalveti just noticed that the linaro related topic is not at the wiki15:09
ogra_do we have anything for server status15:09
ogra_rsalveti, feel free to add it :) just tell me when to reload15:09
rbasakWhat needs doing for ARM server and how can I help?15:09
GrueMasterrbasak: Mainly testing.15:09
ogra_rbasak, well, the gusy caring for it seem to not be around, but generally we can need help with QA and the like15:09
rbasakapart from testing is there anything else?15:10
ogra_there are so many server apps ...15:10
ogra_and while GrueMaster does an awesome job, he cant test all of it alone15:10
rsalvetiogra_: done15:10
ogra_NCommand1r, anything from you to add for the server topic ? (since you are around)15:10
ogra_doesnt look like15:11
rbasakSo to help with testing, I'll speak to GrueMaster about what I can do later shall I?15:11
rbasakOr if not, who?15:11
ogra_rbasak, well, generally we are all available in #ubuntu-arm in our awake hours15:11
ogra_lets carry that to there after the meeting15:11
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* ogra_ moves on15:12
GrueMasterrbasak: Take a look at http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/u/gruemaster.html and feel free to pull any open WI (just let me know which).15:12
ogra_#topic kernel status ppisati, cooloney15:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: kernel status ppisati, cooloney
ogra_hmm, neitrher of them is around15:12
ogra_rsalveti, any intresting kernel bits on your side we should know about ?15:13
* ogra_ saw someone is fiddling with sound stuff15:13
GrueMasterIt would appear that the USB SMP issue has been resolved.  I am doing testing on the new kernel now.15:13
ogra_Daviey, shoudl we re-visit ?15:13
rsalvetiogra_: sound should be sorted at the current omap 4 package15:13
ogra_rsalveti, including userspace ?15:13
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, someone updated the alsa ucm configs15:13
ogra_i think i read thats still missing15:13
rsalvetiogra_: will check what is needed to make it work later today15:13
ogra_thanks, if you need anything on our side feel free to chase me down :)15:14
rsalvetiogra_: and I'm now just waiting the TI update on the SGX side15:14
Davieyogra_: It really needs to be NCommander and GrueMaster providing an update.. I'm empty ;(15:14
GrueMasterCool.  Will keep an eye out for it on the next desktop image.15:14
=== Guest98499 is now known as Zic
rsalvetito see if we're still missing any related patch to make it work properly with latest kernel15:14
ogra_ac100 kernel is still pending an update to the latest tree tip btw15:15
ogra_(it carries the USB patch too, and apparently USB throughput went from 7M/s to over 20)15:15
ogra_any more stuff for kernel ?15:15
rsalvetiyup :-)15:15
rsalvetiogra_: nops15:15
ogra_Daviey, GrueMaster will give a QA update, does that suffice ? NCommand1r is on vac. he would give updates i fear15:16
ogra_#topic ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
ogra_ftbfs page looks good :)15:16
ogra_nothing pressing15:17
rsalvetinops, lot of help from folks to get the ftbfs related bugs fixed15:17
* ogra_ dug a bit into the vlc issues the last days ... that will be fixded once Qt is updated 15:17
dokoogra_, it's not complete ;)15:17
ogra_doko, according to nokia it is fixed in the version we plan to pull15:18
ogra_or is there anything required on the vlc side ?15:18
dokorsalveti, did you tag gcc ICE's too?15:18
rsalvetidoko: afaik, yes15:19
rsalvetiwill double check15:19
ogra_anything else for ftbfs ?15:19
dokorsalveti (and janimo): please open a gcc-4.x task for those too, and best attach the preprocessed source15:19
rsalvetidoko: sure, fair enough15:20
ogra_jani is on vacation15:20
ogra_like nearly everyone in the arm team atm15:20
rsalvetiinteresting time to have vacations15:20
rsalvetibefore the release hehe :-)15:20
ogra_well ... i'm not granting them, dont complain to me :)15:20
* ogra_ moves on15:20
rsalvetisure, just saying :-)15:20
ogra_#topic ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:21
ogra_failed today once again due to archive skew15:21
ogra_(ubiquity was just building on armel when the images attempted to build)15:21
GrueMasteryep, noticed.15:21
ogra_generally they should be fine15:21
ogra_ac100 has an issue with initrd size i hopefully have fixed now15:21
* rsalveti hates launchpad search15:21
ogra_oh, and ac100 is now semi official15:22
ogra_we can blog about it etc15:22
ogra_other than that, i'm a bit desparate with the mx5 images15:22
ogra_while i can finish the livefs building, i dont have the HW and no clue what code we need to make it bootable15:22
* GrueMaster wonders if they will happen this cycle.15:23
ogra_GrueMaster, i wasnt aware that jani is off this week15:23
ogra_that indeed puts us way behind15:23
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ogra_i would have needed him for finishing it15:23
GrueMasterWell, we "should" have had them shortly after the rally.  Just saying.15:23
ogra_we didnt have the HW at any place where someone had time to work on it15:24
ogra_it wont take more than one or two days to implement it ... effectively we only need to add the arch to the config15:25
rsalvetiogra_: what else is needed to publish images for imx53?15:25
ogra_buit it will need plenty testbuilds which is time consuming15:25
ogra_rsalveti, only the debian-cd bits and editing a config file for cdimage, we have the livefs builds ready15:25
ogra_its just the post-processing for u-boot or whatever bootloader15:26
rsalvetihm, ok15:26
ogra_mkimage calls etc15:26
rsalvetisounds like 1, 2 days of work15:26
ogra_irts really trivial if i have the HW15:26
ogra_1/2 day but 3 days for testbuilds etc15:27
ogra_which is mainly blocking due to archive skew15:27
ogra_i usually fix more archive skew than i actually do anything on the images if i need to testbuild :P15:28
ogra_thast all from me for images15:28
ogra_anything else ?15:28
=== noy_ is now known as noy
ogra_#topic QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)15:28
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
* ogra_ leans back15:28
GrueMasterStill being bogged down by bug 806751. With it, I have to manually create a netboot image to get through install.15:29
GrueMasteriSCSI working to a point.  Now blocked by bug 838809 (as are all other archs).15:29
GrueMasterAoE tested fine as remote disk.  No information on how to setup for diskless boot.15:29
ogra_hrm, where is the bugbot15:29
* GrueMaster wakes bugbot.15:29
GrueMasterubottu: hello?15:30
ogra_well, the first should be fixed if michael is back15:30
GrueMasterHeh, sure.15:30
* ogra_ just uses #ubuntu-arm's bugbot :)15:30
ogra_i doubt we have any initrd support for AOE booting15:31
ogra_so that should all be fine15:31
GrueMasterWell, other than those, I am still steamrollering through the server test workitems.15:31
ogra_Daviey, what else do you want from GrueMaster ?15:31
GrueMasterOh, I also ran into a curious issue with SD cards that are used only for bootloader/kernel.  Seems that once they have been booted off of, they can not be removed from the system without the system going wonky.15:32
GrueMasterI.e. you can't swap SD cards and expect to be able to read them.  The kernel refuses to refresh the partition tables.15:33
ogra_yeahm, thats a very weird behavior15:34
ogra_and not easy to explain, did you talk to any bootloader guys (jcrigby, sakoman etc) ?15:34
GrueMasterNot sure if it is a kernel issue or a u-boot issue.  Kind of leaning to the u-boot, as I have seen this when doing netinstall over pxe, and only using SD for MLO/u-boot.bin.15:34
GrueMasterNot yet.15:34
ogra_would be intresting to know if it happens in the other case too15:35
ogra_i.e. with root on SD15:35
ogra_how do you copy the SD ? binary (dd) or do you format the vfat by hand etc15:35
GrueMasterWith root on SD it is bound to happen.  Linux doesn't like swapping out the rootfs.15:35
ogra_well, yeah for a comparison you would have to copy the rootfs too15:36
GrueMasterBecause of bug 806751, I have to manually format the SD.15:36
ogra_ah, indeed15:36
ogra_well, definitely worth filing a bug for ... even though i fear it wont be high prio15:37
GrueMasterAnd the netboot images are so off as far as CHS goes, that I have to completely blast the SD and repartition/reformat from a different system.15:37
Davieyogra_: Really, want to look at automating the tests15:37
GrueMasterI already have filed a bug on this.15:37
ogra_Daviey, well, implement kvm or libvirt support in arm kernels15:37
Davieyogra_: GrueMaster has done a nice job of creating some complex test cases which we would find useful on tadional arches aswell.15:38
ogra_seems our testsuites cant eat anything else15:38
Davieyogra_: But not much use, until ARM can be part of the automated testing infrastructure.15:38
GrueMasterDaviey: I am more than wanting to automate them.  Unfortunately, I have to do a ton of research for each test usually just to get them to work.15:38
ogra_Daviey, right, buit due to missing kvm its hard to automate them15:38
Davieyogra_: No, using linvirt and kvm is the wrong approach :)15:38
GrueMasterI agree with that.15:38
ogra_i think we should put the automating on our plate for the P cycle and move that stuff to generic qemu15:39
ogra_with a joined tream effort15:39
GrueMasterWe need to make sure all of our server tests can run on raw systems as well as kvm.15:39
Davieyogra_: The same functionality needs to be created external to libvirt to support it for bare metal15:39
ogra_GrueMaster, well, kvm is essential qemu with kernel support15:39
ogra_so it should be possible to switch to plain qemu15:40
Davieyogra_: it requires collaboration between the arm team, server team and QA.15:40
ogra_Daviey, i think thats a good P target :)15:40
ogra_hello ubott2 and ubottu15:40
ogra_bug 1234515:40
* GrueMaster will add a spec for joint collaboration.15:40
Davieyogra_ / GrueMaster: we'll need to get our thinking caps on for UDS.15:41
ogra_GrueMaster, hmm, that did come out differently than intended, but i wont complain15:41
rbasakWhat about the discussion about having nova support instantiating metal?15:41
ogra_Daviey, well, we have a wikipage to collect such stuff :)15:41
ogra_anything else for QA ?15:42
DavieyGrueMaster: I'm expecting QA to drive it, with you offering ARM guidance (and rbasak), with jamespage offering Jenkins help.15:42
GrueMasterSounds good.15:42
GrueMasterI have nothing else.15:42
* ogra_ moves 15:42
rbasakIf we want openstack support then it needs to be discussed at this upcoming ODS doesn't it?15:42
* Daviey dances15:42
Davieyrbasak: in part, yes15:43
ogra_#topic linaro (rsalveti)15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: linaro (rsalveti)
ogra_rbasak, i think the basics are there already15:43
rsalvetiupdated list for 11.09 https://launchpad.net/linaro-ubuntu/+milestone/11.0915:43
ogra_NCommander worked on getting LXC working on arm15:43
ogra_so openstack on top of that should not be to much work15:44
rsalvetiwe should be updating the linux-linaro packages at oneiric probably next week15:44
rsalvetiand hopefully trying a FFe for libjeg-turbo15:44
rsalvetiat least for universe15:44
ogra_what do we have to expect from the upstream sync of u-boot ?15:44
ogra_any possible issues15:45
rsalvetiogra_: we don't expect any major changes15:45
rsalvetijust basically syncing our own modifications15:45
GrueMasterrsalveti: Does the usb smp patch need to be applied to u-boot?15:45
ogra_whats that android components for ubuntu ?15:45
rsalvetiGrueMaster: not that I know15:46
ogra_adb shell ?15:46
rsalvetiogra_: yup15:46
rsalvetifor u-boot, we may need a package update for blaze15:46
GrueMasterPXE on more platforms interests me.15:46
rsalvetijust saw sebastian posted some patches for fixes15:46
ogra_how about multiarch ? any breakage we need to be prepared for ?15:47
* GrueMaster would like to see omap first, then others (mx53, etc).15:47
rsalvetiogra_: not atm, just small bug fixes15:47
rsalvetifor major changes we're just pushing to debian15:47
rsalvetito sync at P15:47
ogra_thats a good idea15:47
Davieybug 827705 seems to be a linaro task, how is that going?15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 827705 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "PXE boot requests non-standard config filename" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82770515:48
* ogra_ hopes asac will hold a talk at UDS "what is star rating" :)15:48
rsalvetiand we'll have gcc-linaro packages too, but not for oneiric15:48
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rsalvetithat's all from my side15:49
ogra_any comment for Daviey ?15:49
rsalvetilet me check15:49
ogra_seems lool alerady added a patch15:49
rsalvetiI think that's fixed already15:50
rsalvetiwill check15:50
ogra_yeah, likely slipped the papaerwork15:50
loolI did, yes15:50
ogra_doesnt sound like it would boot with that bug still in place15:51
loolI sent it to upstream and to John; I think it's in?15:51
rsalvetiI think so, will check with john15:51
GrueMasterShows as Fix Committed as of 8/1815:51
ogra_GrueMaster, not in ubuntu15:51
ogra_but i think thats just an oversight15:52
GrueMasterIn u-boot-linaro.15:52
rsalvetiyup, seems to be in15:52
ogra_great, can someone close it15:52
ogra_Daviey, you happy ?15:52
GrueMasterI can close it.15:52
rsalvetiubuntu is using the latest tag already15:52
* ogra_ thought so15:53
ogra_i wonder if we should just drop the upstream/downstream distinction for linaro packages that fully live in ubuntu anyway15:53
GrueMasterWhat about the u-boot and u-boot (ubuntu) tags?  Isn't that an old tree?15:53
ogra_seems to add confusion15:53
GrueMasterOk.  Marked them as invalid, and marked Linaro U-Boot & u-boot-linaro (ubuntu) as Fix Released.15:55
ogra_anything else ?15:55
Davieyogra_: over the mon15:55
* ogra_ moves then15:55
ogra_#topic AOB15:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
* ogra_ has nothing15:55
ogra_anyone ?15:55
ogra_sounds like not ...15:56
ogra_going once15:56
ogra_going twice15:56
* GrueMaster remains silent.15:56
ogra_sold to the man with the funny hat15:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Sep  8 15:56:35 2011 UTC.15:56
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-08-15.00.moin.txt15:56
ogra_grr, i make the same typo *every time*15:56
ogra_thanks everyone15:56
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pedro_time for the meeting?17:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Sep  8 17:03:07 2011 UTC.  The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:03
bdmurrayThe agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting17:03
bdmurray#topic Updates of action items from previous meeting17:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Updates of action items from previous meeting
bdmurrayThere are a couple of things relating to test cases:17:04
bdmurraybdmurray tag bugs with 'TEST CASE' in description testcase17:04
bdmurraybdmurray recommend people modify description with 'TEST CASE' words if steps to reproduce exist in bug description or in comments17:05
bdmurrayI've done neither of those but still can.  Do we think they are still a good idea?17:05
pedro_i think so, yes17:06
bdmurrayokay, lets carry those over then17:06
bdmurrayand I'll do them asap ;-)17:06
bdmurraythen we have "bdmurray to recommend that auto bug modifiers not incomplete bug reports that have been triaged as triaged is a state settable only by people who know what is what"17:07
bdmurrayI've spoken with the people I know running bug bots so that is done17:07
charlie-tca+1 to TEST CASE17:07
bdmurraycharlie-tca: I get it ;-)17:08
bdmurrayand finally "hggdh to review all bug workflows that result with an "Invalid" status and see if using "Incomplete" makes more sense and email bugsquad regarding results"17:09
hggdhstill do be finalised17:09
bdmurraydo you need some help?17:09
hggdhnot right now -- I just need to get on it 100%17:10
bdmurrayhggdh: okay got it17:10
hggdhand thank you :-)17:10
bdmurray#topic Mentorship program discussion17:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Mentorship program discussion
bdmurrayI haven't been keeping a good eye on the mentorship program but it seems to have stagnated is that a fair statement?17:12
pedro_seems so, i haven't seen much emails on that17:12
hggdhyes. I have not seem much happening there; I am considering running a query on each one of the current mentees to see what they had done17:12
hggdhMy feeling is most of them are lurking -- they want it, as long as it automatically lands on them, and do all17:13
hggdhfrom most of them I have not seen much...17:14
hggdh(except, as far as I can remember, trinikrono17:14
bdmurrayPersonally, I still feel like we had good success looking at people who were active on bugs and recruiting them into bug control as opposed to just asking people to join an amorphous mentoring program.17:14
hggdhI agree17:14
hggdhitis time to consider closing the mentorship, I thnk17:15
bdmurrayHow do other people feel about this?17:16
pedro_perhaps a good discussion for UDS? :-)17:16
hggdhpedro_: yes, I agree17:16
hggdhbdmurray, charlie-tca, micahg ?17:16
hggdh(or anyone else?)17:16
charlie-tcaI agree17:17
bdmurrayI say +1 for discussing it at UDS but we should get some mentee input before that17:17
charlie-tcaThat would be good, too17:17
bdmurraysomebody should email the mentorship group mailing list and see what's up17:17
hggdhI will do it now17:17
micahg+1 for closing the specific program, maybe a note about general mentoring that happens in #ubuntu-bugs17:19
bdmurrayand when I say what's up I mean what are you looking for from the program and what kind of mentoring are you looking for17:19
bdmurray#action hggdh to email mentorship group alpha with questions regarding value of the program and what mentees are looking for17:19
meetingologyACTION: hggdh to email mentorship group alpha with questions regarding value of the program and what mentees are looking for17:19
bdmurray#action bdmurray to create spec for UDS P regarding mentorship program17:20
meetingologyACTION: bdmurray to create spec for UDS P regarding mentorship program17:20
bdmurray#topic Open Discussions17:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Open Discussions
bdmurrayIs there anything anybody would like to discuss or announce?17:22
* hggdh just notes an email has been sent to the mentorship ML requesting feedback17:27
bdmurrayOkay then, thanks everyone17:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Sep  8 17:27:28 2011 UTC.17:27
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-08-17.03.moin.txt17:27
hggdhthank you bdmurray17:27
micahgthanks bdmurray17:27
charlie-tcabdmurray: thank you for chairing17:28
* pitti waves18:00
mdzhi pitti18:01
cjwatsonI'm here, but this has turned out to overlap with dinner so I'm IRCing from my phone18:01
czajkowskicjwatson: someting up with your mail just got it 9 times..18:02
cjwatsonhas Mark said whether he's attending?18:02
pittikees and Keybuk excused themselves18:02
mdzsabdfl is supposed to chair but hasn't shown yet18:02
pitticjwatson: he ponged a few hours back, he didn't say anything that he wouldn't18:02
cjwatsonczajkowski: I think you might find they were all slightly different18:03
czajkowskiout of 11 9 were very similar....18:03
cjwatsonthe brainstorm mails?18:03
pittione still had "TOPIC", the others were different18:03
cjwatsonlook more closely - they were to different people18:04
cjwatsonand slightly different subjects18:04
cjwatsonpitti: yes, I followed up to correct that18:04
czajkowskishall go back to reading just the first paragraph of each looks similar , sorry.18:04
pittiotherwise, brainstorm review is going on well, no new community bugs, and I didn't spot anything new on the list18:04
cjwatsonand nominations in progress18:05
pittithe TB reelection seems to be in progress, too18:05
cjwatsonany current members not standing for reelection, out of interest'18:06
* pitti reapplied18:06
cjwatsonas did I18:06
cjwatsonso I guess we have no business to conduct?18:10
pittiseems so; Mark didn't mention anything to me either18:10
pittiso, I guess we can officially call this a day?18:16
cjwatsonI guess so, quiet week :)18:17
pittiso, good night everyone!18:17
cjwatsonhave fun at Plumbers18:19
broderpitti, are you at plumbers?18:25
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sabdflhello all, sorry to be late18:31
sabdfloh bollocks, mdz, just saw your ping18:32
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