
dholbachgood morning07:09
angelabadgood morning07:16
ronin___dholbach: good morning07:34
dholbachhi ronin___07:35
* rextsai need help to review the patch for sru - https://launchpad.net/bugs/84211507:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842115 in libchewing (Ubuntu) "ibus-engine-chewing crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed]07:47
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jtaylorhow does security support for universe work?11:18
jtaylore.g. the bcfg2 security vurnability fixed in debian, there is no bug in ubuntu, will that be handled by some team?11:21
Laneynot really11:25
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jtaylorso how does one proceed in fixing this?12:09
LaneyI think there's a ubuntu-security-sponsors team12:09
Laneybut ask in #ubuntu-hardened how it works12:10
Davieyjtaylor: security raised that with me yesterday, there isn't currently a Ubuntu bug opened (last i checkd)12:13
Davieyjtaylor: so, if you want to raise a ubuntu bug, propose a fix via debdiff or bzr (set the pocket to $release-security).. i imagine it'll get uploaded today12:14
Daviey(sponsored by the security team as Laney said.)12:14
Davieyjtaylor: If you do that, you'll win the love of all BTW.12:17
nigelbYou forgot about the $beer bit.12:18
jtaylorI can do that, but what is a pocket?12:18
Davieyjtaylor: in debian/changelog, where you'd normally put lucid etc.. put lucid-security12:19
Davieytop line.12:19
nigelbjtaylor: This could be helpful -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures12:20
jtaylorthe package has a version in -updates in natty, should one base the fix on that or in the release version?12:21
Davieyjtaylor: BTW, Oneiric will also need a fresh merge.12:21
jtaylorah that is in the link, base on release12:21
jtaylorprobably a bit late for a merge12:22
Laneythe link says -updates12:22
Davieyerm, you probably want to base on -updates... depending on the nature of what is in -updates12:22
Davieyi'd be pretty suprised if you didn't want to base on -updates12:22
Laney"always base it on the latest approved version of the source package for the release in the archive"12:22
jtaylorreading is hard ._.12:23
Davieyjtaylor: nah, Oneiric can be merged.12:23
Laneynigelb: !!!12:23
Laneynigelb: I need you! And here you are!12:24
nigelbLaney: what did I do?12:24
Davieybah, sorry, it is a new upstream versin12:24
Laneyyou know cleansweep?12:24
Laneydo you run scripts for that on an ongoing basis?12:24
nigelbI started it, but it fell off my list due to lack of time.12:24
Laneyoh ok12:24
nigelbI wish there were more hours in a day.12:25
nigelbI started focusing on writing more code, mostly web related, so I had I had to refocus my priorities :(12:25
nigelbHowever, how can I help?12:25
jdstrand(that is the precise page to use)12:25
LaneyI was going to ask you to extend the script to notice patches which look like debdiffs and to automatically subscribe the sponsors12:26
jdstrand(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures#Preparing_an_update that is)12:26
nigelbLaney: AHHHH. The patch tagging scripts?12:26
Laneyi don't know :'(12:26
nigelbbdmurray runs scripts for those.12:26
nigelbAh, yes. I saw the discussion earlier about debdiffs and Launchpad12:26
Laneyanyway I got a list of all of the old stuff that we'll do something with12:27
Laneyfor new stuff we should just put it on the list automatically probably12:27
Laneyseems cleansweepish12:27
nigelbI can talk to brian and get you a script :)12:27
Laneyyou don't need to get me anything, just get someone to run it :P12:27
Laneyif patch_looks_like_a_debdiff { add_message_about_automatically_subscribing_sponsors(); subscribe_sponsors(); }12:28
nigelbLaney: Again, bdmurray is a neat target for that ;)12:28
* Laney assumes highlights have been appropriately issued12:28
nigelbMe too. Or else I'll grab him later when he gets online.12:29
nigelbLaney: will you be at UDS?12:30
Laneymost likely12:30
nigelbCould you bring up the challenges stuff that we failed to plan appropriately this time?12:31
nigelb(I won't be there. In person at least)12:31
Laneyi'll see what i can do12:31
Laneydholbach is better at Making Stuff Happen than me though12:31
nigelbWe can all always assign the action items to him :P12:34
jtaylorthere is no oneiric-security or?12:36
jtaylorfor that just oneiric as pocket?12:37
jdstrandjtaylor: just oneiric12:37
jtaylorhm apparently someone is already working on it lp:~gandelman-a/ubuntu/oneiric/bcfg2/deb64002812:49
jtaylorbut via merging => 3720 lines (+592/-2370) 52 files modified12:50
dholbachLaney, hm?13:04
nigelbdholbach: Re: Challenges stuff.13:04
jtaylorso branches made for all supported versions, that software sure is awful for that it is intended to run as root ...13:35
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bdmurrayLaney: hey there what do you have for me?14:28
ScottKjtaylor: Would you be able to have a look at Bug 818867?14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 818867 in python-numpy (Ubuntu) "numpy.distutils provides inaccurate system information for ubuntu-11.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81886714:29
Laneybdmurray: Just a proposal that requires a little bit of adjustment to your patch scanning script14:29
Laneybdmurray: if you detect the patch is a debdiff and the sponsors aren't subscribed (after some delay?), do it.14:29
bdmurrayLaney: okay, sounds good14:29
LaneyOne issue is that you can't tell if the sponsors are /intentionally/ not subscribed14:30
bdmurrayyou could see if they were unsubscribed though using the activity log14:30
LaneyI mean in an "oops, this isn't ready yet" way14:31
LaneyI assumed you'd use created_since or whatever to avoid looking at the same bug multiple times, but activity log works too14:31
jtaylorScottK: I'll have a look14:32
nigelbLaney: The pings worked :D14:32
bdmurrayyes, I use created_since14:32
ScottKjtaylor: Thanks.14:32
Laneythat's ok then14:33
LaneyI guess we'll see if it's a big problem in practice14:33
bdmurrayLaney: so you have some debdiff detection code then?14:36
Laneybdmurray: not really, I couldn't think of much better than looking for changes to debian/changelog in the attached patch14:36
ScottKLaney: I had an idea for a QA script that we could probably do through LP now ...14:37
bdmurrayLaney: okay that seems reasonable14:37
Laneyseemed OK in my scanning of old bugs though14:37
Laneyi.e. in the sample I looked at there weren't any false positives14:37
LaneyScottK: yeah?14:38
ScottKDuring the lucid cycle, cjwatson went through and found old merges (that, IIRC, had been pending review for a full cycle) and then we just sync'ed them on the theory that keeping up with Debian was probably better than leaving stuff unreviewed.14:38
ScottKIt ought to be possible to detect such packages now and make a list for review/sync.14:38
Laney"pending review" as in?14:39
cjwatsonI don't think we synced them all14:39
LaneyDebian > Ubuntu and Ubuntu changes?14:39
ScottKThere was a merge on MoM that no one had touched14:39
cjwatsonthere were definitely some in main that were just too scary to merege14:39
ScottKcjwatson: True.14:39
Laneyyou could do that with UDD or Launchpad14:39
cjwatsonMoM exposes JSON output14:39
ScottKSince you and tumbleweed seem to be on a role for this kind of stuff, it seemed like something that it might be worth setting up as a regular QA check.14:40
LaneyIn general I like the idea of lists-of-things-to-do, indeed14:41
Laneybut we could make MoM order by date?14:41
ScottKI don't know what MoM exposes in it's JSON.14:42
LaneyI was thinking of just fixing it to display this notion of priority itself14:42
Laneycare less about pinging the last uploader for merges not touched for a cycle or something14:43
Laney> 2 cycles, consider dropping the changes if they aren't serious14:44
* Laney shrugs14:44
ScottKSounds about right.14:45
nigelbwoah, how did that email get through to TB.14:47
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sorennigelb: Which one?14:51
sorennigelb: Oh.14:51
sorennigelb: That one.14:51
tumbleweedand it's certainly worth posting the list of merges which haven't happed in a cycle (but that probably should bave been done after DIF / right after FF)14:52
nigelbsoren: heh,yeah. That one :)14:52
cjwatsonnigelb: I approved it because it was the easiest way to reply to it14:52
nigelbThat makes sense :)14:52
nigelbYou need to get it hit your inbox before you can reply.14:52
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jtaylorScottK: forwarded a patch for the numpy issue, but its every ugly, don't know if there is a better way to do it: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=64094016:53
ubottuDebian bug 640940 in python-numpy "python-numpy: numpy.distutils not multiarch aware" [Normal,Open]16:53
ScottKWhat did morph have to say about it after he noticed multi-arch was in Debian too?16:53
ScottKbarry: You might want to look into ^^^.16:53
jtaylordidn't anwser anymore16:54
jtaylorbtw enable worked around this issue in -216:54
ScottKOK.  About par for the course.16:54
jtaylorsync requested, but for normal use cases its harmless due to indirect links16:54
ScottKWe should fix it in the right place.16:54
jtaylorif morph doesn't react apply that ugly patch to ubuntu?16:57
ScottKI'd like barry's opinion.16:59
jtaylorbarry mentioned some python bugs for this issue, but numpy has its own distutils16:59
jtaylorso it needs fixing there, and that requires a sane way to get the triplet (maybe provided by python itself)17:00
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ashamsHello Guys,20:54
ashamsI'm Fixing this bug and it's my first one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnomebaker/+bug/81836420:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 818364 in gnomebaker (Ubuntu) "typo in description" [Wishlist,In progress]20:54
ashamsShould I fix for Natty or Oneiric?20:54
jtaylorfirst oneiric, then older releases20:54
ashamsjtaylor, Hi, thanks for answer20:55
ashamsbut there's no pkg for Oneiric20:55
jtaylorthis is to avoid forgetting to solve it in the development release and the introducing a regression20:55
jtaylorhm then I guess fixing natty is fine20:55
jtaylorbut then make sure you forward the fix upstream (should that still exist)20:56
ashamsjtaylor, Would you check after me, if there's a pkg for oneiric, sorry I'm brand new: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnomebaker20:57
jtaylorashams: it was removed a long time ago in debian, and also in ubuntu as far as I can tell21:01
ashamsjtaylor, so no need to fix?21:02
jtaylornot really21:02
jtaylorespecially a typo is not worth the effort21:02
jtayloralso it would have to be a stable release update which are usually not done for typos21:02
jtaylorsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:03
jtaylorashams: see http://harvest.ubuntu.com/ for some other simple to fix bugs21:04
ashamsjtaylor, Yeah, that's why I was asking, it's not worthy an SRU21:05
ashamsbut can't I upload it as a Oneric release21:05
jtaylorno the package was removed for a reason: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=59089021:06
ubottuDebian bug 590890 in ftp.debian.org "RM: gnomebaker -- RoQA; obsolete, dead upstream, unmaintained, doesn't work with current kernels" [Normal,Open]21:06
jtaylorif you want to keep it you would have to take over the maintenance in debian + fix the bugs it was removed for21:06
ashamsjtaylor, but it was working fine with Ubuntu till 2011-07-30 atleast, when the user reported the bug?21:08
jtaylorapparently it did not work in debian, and had no active maintainer21:10
jtayloryou can maintain it in ubuntu alone but apparently nobody wanted to do that either21:10
jtaylorremoval of a package where there are better alternatives is preferable to a package rotting in the repository with no care21:11
jtayloreven if it does work for some21:11
ashamsjtaylor, yeah, seems to21:12
ashamsjtaylor, Thank you very much21:12

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