
joeleskomicahg: I'm wondering where the mercurial source tree is for the current seamonkey. It should be the same place as Thunderbird.06:08
micahgjoelesko: http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/comm-release/06:09
joeleskoThank you. Finally I see it. I think the wiki page needs to be updated.06:10
joeleskoHave to localized TB?06:12
micahgjoelesko: ?06:15
micahgjoelesko: our wiki?06:15
joeleskono, the Mozilla wiki pages for code are out of date. They kept pointing to the top branches06:16
micahgheh, yeah, well, this just started a few months ago06:16
joeleskoI think with the 2.2 I gave up looking for the repo and just grabbed the tar source files06:17
joeleskoI was wondering what happened, but no time to research06:18
joeleskoAre you using the new build system as firefox?06:19
* micahg doesn't understand the question06:19
micahgjoelesko: BTW, you need to mirror thunderbird, not firefox for the tarball creation06:20
joeleskoYou or chris told me to look at ~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head06:21
joeleskoI think I'm finding that out.06:22
joeleskoIs ThunderBird using the same type of system as Firefox?06:23
joeleskoIt used to rely on mozclient ( I think that is what it is called.)06:24
micahgjoelesko: yes, sorry, probably me, yes, it was converted at well, please look at lp:thunderbird06:28
micahgit should just be able to handle pulling the code from comm-release + mozilla-release whereas firefox just pulls from mozilla-release06:29
joeleskoWill do. I'm only about 15% into the firefox files and wasn't sure if FF had files in seperate repos like seamonkey used to, or still does.06:30
joeleskonow that's making more sense. I just pulled the comm-release and it looked a little light.06:32
joeleskoWhat were they thinking. I thought it was all going to be under one repo by now.06:32
micahgyeah, it's just mail, suite, calendar06:32
joeleskoAre you sure I can't just use the source tar files ;-) They are so easy to pull.06:33
joeleskoDo you keep the clone repors in the same place and just do a pull, or do you do an entire pull everytime you get-orig-source?06:35
micahgI do an entire pull, idk what chrisccoulson does06:36
joeleskothe lp:thunderbird builds the nightly?06:38
joeleskoSome comments in the branch.mk would be nice06:40
micahgjoelesko: yeah, that's trunk06:41
joeleskoWhat do you mean by trunk? Like the way SVN uses it?06:46
micahgjoelesko: sorry, comm-central06:50
micahgthunderbird nightly06:50
micahgjoelesko: I'm heading for bed, chrisccoulson should be on in 1-3 hours if you need something else06:51
joeleskomicahg: thanks for the help06:51
micahgjoelesko: anytime06:51
chrisccoulsonjoelesko, you might be better off looking at the thunderbird branch btw. that contains everything needed to create a seamonkey source tarball10:58
chrisccoulsonthere's a few reasons why we create our own btw:10:58
chrisccoulson1) We strip a lot of binary files from it10:58
chrisccoulson2) It's necessary for running nightlies10:59
chrisccoulson3) We merge all of the translation repo's in to it10:59
chrisccoulson4) We can create our tarball and start builds before that happens upstream10:59
chrisccoulsoni think that's it :)10:59
chrisccoulsonthis should work for seamonkey - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird-trunk.head/view/head:/debian/build/create-tarball11:03
chrisccoulsonexcept you want to drop "l10n/*/suite" from EXCLUDE, and add "l10n/*/mail" to it instead11:04
chrisccoulsonand you'd need to update ALL_LOCALES, SHIPPED_LOCALES and VERSION_FILE to their seamonkey equivalents11:04
chrisccoulsonwhich i guess is just s/mail/suite/11:05
chrisccoulsonand yes, i keep a local cache of all the repo's so that i don't need to pull the whole thing each time :)11:06
bhearsumm_conley_away: which Unity extension do i want when running the Mozilla-built Earlybird? Messaging Menu Integration?13:05
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, hi13:08
chrisccoulsonyou're not running the ubuntu-built earlybird? ;)13:08
chrisccoulsonit comes with that extension13:08
bhearsumi was, but i'm feeling like i should be dog-fooding the Mozilla stuff for awhile13:08
bhearsumheh, the Mozilla ones are really not great compared to the Ubuntu ones13:31
chrisccoulsonoh, how come?13:34
bhearsumwell, profile sharing between them doesn't seem to work - i got a session from months ago when I started our Nightly Firefox. Then there's unity/menu integration, which didn't seem to work at all13:35
chrisccoulsonwe actually change our nightlies to run in an entirely separate profile (and make it possible to run it alongside a build from any other branch too)13:36
bhearsumso that's a feature :)13:36
chrisccoulsonwe can make them co-installable then, and not interfere with each other :)13:36
chrisccoulsonwhich is how i work (i run beta / nightly alongside each other)13:36
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey - since the messaging menu extension has mostly become your code, I've made you a reviewer too.  :)14:22
chrisccoulsonm_conley, oh, thanks :)14:22
chrisccoulsonm_conley, do you want to move it to https://launchpad.net/~extension-hackers too?14:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: oh, yes, that's a good idea14:23
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i was just thinking about that actually, as some people still think that we request attention for too many messages14:23
m_conleychrisccoulson: so perhaps we need finer grain controls - folder by folder?14:24
chrisccoulsonwhat do you think about dropping messages which have a Sender field, where Sender != From?14:24
chrisccoulsonthat would filter out most automated mail, like bug mail14:24
chrisccoulsonm_conley, the only issue with per-folder controls is that there's no reliable way to identify folders in thunderbird atm14:24
chrisccoulson(ie, there's no persistent URI for those)14:24
chrisccoulsoni think there's a bug for that somewhere14:25
chrisccoulsonm_conley, mozilla bug 67120514:25
m_conleychrisccoulson: are you sure?  I could have sworn that folders have URIs, or GUIDs or something14:25
ubot2`Mozilla bug 671205 in Database "Provide persistent unique folder ids for add-on developers, no need to manage rename/renaming and move/moving for folder-specific preferences" [Enhancement,New: ] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67120514:25
m_conleyhunh.  Go figure.14:25
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, but they don't persist across moves/renames14:25
chrisccoulsonso we're a bit screwed there atm :)14:25
m_conleyAhhhh, right14:25
m_conleychrisccoulson: Sender != From sounds like a good starter solution.  Do people who get tons and tons of bugmail use filters?  I wonder how easy it'd be to hook in a filter action that was "do not indicate".14:27
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, that would be another possibility14:27
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering if there is any other scenario where Sender != From14:27
chrisccoulsonafter looking through my inbox, it looks like that would catch all automated mails, which would be good :)14:28
chrisccoulsonbut i'm not sure if it would reject anything else14:28
m_conleyI usually ask bienvenu those questions - he's probably seen everything there is to see about mail headers, and their various permutations.14:28
chrisccoulsonit seems that people only really want the icon to turn blue for mail that's been directly sent to them from another real person14:28
chrisccoulsonwhich makes sense14:29
m_conleyI suppose, yes.  I'd hate to overlook a legitimate case though, where Sender != From.14:29
m_conleychrisccoulson: if you remember, maybe in a few hours, when bienvenu comes online, we can get his opinion.14:30
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i've just updated my local comm-central, and i can't get it to build :/14:38
chrisccoulsonmake[7]: *** No rule to make target `pldhash.c', needed by `pldhash.o'. Stop.14:38
chrisccoulsoni get that even after a clobber14:39
m_conleychrisccoulson: hrm...that's not good.  tbpl doesn't show any signs of major build breakages:  http://build.mozillamessaging.com/tinderboxpushlog/?tree=ThunderbirdTrunk14:41
chrisccoulsonm_conley, it's fallout from mozilla bug 675618, and all of our normal builds work too14:41
ubot2`Mozilla bug 675618 in XPCOM "Crash during startup on ARM when linked with recent GNU ld" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67561814:41
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure why this doesn't work though :/14:42
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should just rm -rf the whole repo and clone it again ;)14:42
m_conleychrisccoulson: oof14:42
m_conleychrisccoulson: well, if you must.  :)14:42
chrisccoulsonit might be faster than figuring out what's actually broken with it :)14:42
chrisccoulsonok, deleted ;)14:44
chrisccoulsonhuh? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79333365/Themes.txt14:55
chrisccoulsonthat's a bit strange14:55
chrisccoulsononly one theme, and it's not even active14:56
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* micahg hopes we have FF/TB 7 Final candidates for beta 216:08
chrisccoulsonhi joelesko17:53
chrisccoulsondid you see my responses earlier on?17:53
bhearsummicahg: when is the cut-off for beta 2?17:54
micahgbhearsum: sep 1517:54
micahgbhearsum: we can push that a little if absolutely necessary17:54
bhearsumprobably not :(17:54
bhearsumhistorically, we only build the RCs 5 or 6 days ahead of the release17:55
bhearsumwhich would be sept 21/2217:55
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseInterlock17:55
chrisccoulsoni added the mozilla dates to that now17:55
micahgbhearsum: I thought the plan for the release train was 2 weeks before17:55
micahgfor the final beta which should be the final build17:55
bhearsummicahg: not that i've ever heard17:55
bhearsumthat's not how it's ever worked out, at least :(17:56
micahgright, which is frustrating for me doing stable release testing17:56
micahgbhearsum: we can ship a beta in beta 217:56
micahgwe'll throw the final beta in17:56
micahgafter beta 2, we'll upload the release build which should be what we release oneiric with17:56
bhearsumrealistically, i don't think the final beta will be until the 19th or 20th17:57
bhearsumthat sounds fine to me17:57
* micahg should really let chrisccoulson say all this since he'll be doing the work :)17:57
bhearsumhehe :)17:57
chrisccoulsonhah, i'm on vacation by the 27th ;)17:57
bhearsumoh, also FYI: December 20th is in theory the scheduled release date for Firefox 8, but given how close that is to holidays, we might do something different there17:58
chrisccoulsonalthough, i'll still be hanging around to handle the release around then17:58
micahgright, but the final build will be available the week before, if it misses you, I'll take care of it17:58
chrisccoulsonbut i really won't be around during the following week17:58
bhearsumit hasn't been figured out at all, just wanted to give you guys a far in advance heads up17:58
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah, i can't imagine anyone will want to do a release on 20th december :)17:58
chrisccoulsoni certainly won't be around then ;)17:58
micahgchrisccoulson: are you gone for 1 week or 2?17:58
chrisccoulsoni will probably be drinking mulled wine somewhere by december 20th17:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i'm away for 2 weeks17:59
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, well, I guess I'll be taking care of any final RC bugs then :)17:59
chrisccoulsoni'll be back just in time for the archive to open up for p18:00
micahgheh, I'll be off on release day18:00
chrisccoulsoni can't believe it will be UDS again in a few weeks18:09
chrisccoulsonlooking forward to actually seeing some sun :)18:09
bhearsumis London's summer over already?18:11
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, i live in birmingham, which is even worse than london18:12
chrisccoulsonthe sky is perpetually gray here ;)18:12
bhearsumnorth of London?18:12
* bhearsum looks at a map18:12
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm a couple of hours north of london18:12
chrisccoulsonit even stays miserable during the winter. whilst other parts of the country get nice, festive snowfall, it just carries on raining on birmingham ;)18:14
bhearsumwow, i didn't realize Manchester was so far north either18:14
bhearsumoh, nice :)18:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, i actually fly to orlando from manchester18:15
chrisccoulsoneven though i live 15 minutes away from birmingham airport18:15
bhearsumis birmingham not an international airport?18:15
chrisccoulsonit is, but it doesn't fly to any good destinations. so, everytime i fly from birmingham, i need to get a connecting flight somewhere18:16
bhearsumyeah, that sucks18:16
chrisccoulsonit's not so bad travelling in europe, but i'd rather not have to deal with connecting flights when i travel to the US18:16
bhearsumi avoid connecting flights whenever possible18:17
bhearsumthe next Mozilla get together is in San Jose, but i'm flying to San Francisco and taking the train the rest of the way so that i get to avoid Chicago and/or Denver18:17
chrisccoulsonhow long does the train take?18:18
bhearsumoh, probably 1-2h18:19
chrisccoulsonah, that's not too bad18:19
bhearsumeven if it took twice the time i'd probably do it, just because it's more relaxing18:19
chrisccoulsonjust long enough to fall asleep for a bit :)18:19
* bhearsum continues to stare at the UK map to figure out where EPL teams actually are18:20
bhearsumi seriously thought they were all around London :P18:21
chrisccoulsongenerally, most things are around london ;)18:22
chrisccoulsonor, at least south of the north circular18:22
* micahg wonders what bhearsum has against Chicago...18:22
bhearsummicahg: nothing against Chicago, lots against flying and airports :)18:24
bhearsumi went all the way around the world in april/may, i'm avoiding any extra miles in the air that i can18:24
dino___hi guys19:18
micahghi dino___19:36
dino___hi :)19:38
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dino2this name is slightly better.19:39
dino2is this channel strictly regarding mozilla security bugs or in general all of the bugs related to mozilla?19:39
micahganything related to Mozilla in Ubuntu19:40
dino2that is great.19:40
dino2but well i am booted into my windows 7. i will check out the bugs when i boot into 11.10 :)19:48
dino2and will happen in the morning D:19:49
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