
=== ibeardsl1e is now known as ibeardslee
snaili wish this men with odd shaped balls would get done playing19:55
* ibeardslee wonders what the shape of testicles has to do with anything19:57
ajmitchsnail: it's not like the streets are closed right outside your office, is it?20:13
ajmitchthe building that I'm in is just off the left of the frame20:14
snailibeardslee: that's the point, the shape of their balls is about the only thing that hasn't been packaged to advertisers and shoved down our throat every TV ad-break in the last six months20:18
snailajmitch: if it were, I'd get some time off20:19
ajmitchI'm not so lucky :)20:19
* ibeardslee has no tv, so has been 'missing out'20:20
ajmitchI've got a TV, it hasn't been plugged in for a couple of years20:20
ibeardsleewell actually I do have one, but it's used for DVDs .. reception is shite20:21
* ajmitch reads news online & still can't avoid the RWC20:21
ajmitchgiven that we've built a whole new stadium for it which I can see from the office, it's probably a bit hard to avoid it20:23
chiltswow, far too much talk for this early in the morning20:29
* chilts hands out slapped wrists20:29
ajmitchsorry, will shut up now20:32
chiltsnah, it's ok, you can carry on :)20:34
chiltsI was just messin' wit' yer head20:34
chiltsdon't you have any? :-p20:51
ajmitchdamn, can't get away from RWC even on planet ubuntu22:00

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