
test34ikonia is a kidop?01:22
ikoniatest34: is a time waste01:23
ikoniatest34: what version of ubuntu are you using01:23
test34ikonia, Does Ubuntu 11.10 use the UUID for /etc/crypttab ?01:23
ikoniatest34: I'm not discussing anything with you until you confirm what version of ubuntu you are using01:24
ikoniatest34: you've been confusing in #ubuntu+1 about what version you are using and for some reason refuse to confirm what you're using, which is because I believe you are trying to use #ubuntu+1 for non-development support01:24
ikoniaactually - I'm not intersted in silly games, I'm going to bed. You can stay out of the channel until I return in the morning01:25
ikoniagood night01:25
test34ikonia, fixing a bug would be development.. I'm using 11.04.. and if you confirm that 11.10 still use the parition name instead of the UUID inside the file /etc/crypttab the the bug must still exist01:26
IdleOnetest34: You were fully aware that #ubuntu+1 is for 11.10 you joined right after I told another user to go there to discus 11.10 and started asking for support for 11.04. Now I know you think how different can it be really be but there are significant changes in the dev version that may or may not have anything to do with the issues you are having in 11.04. Please use the appropriate channel for the version you are using.01:26
IdleOnebug fixes are a dev issue but not necessarily have anything to do with the dev version.01:27
IdleOneNow please use #ubuntu for support with 11.04 and you can return tomorrow and discuss with ikonia about removing the ban in +101:29
test34I only wanted to try to prevent someone else to experience this very important bug... but anyways have fun01:29
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:12
mneptokikonia: responding to name-calling with more name-calling is not productive.03:20
mneptokone man's opinion.03:21
rww04:43 < vibhav> he cant even understand subtle humour04:43
rwwoh gods, this is funny04:43
vibhavso where were we?04:46
rwwoh good, i thought i was going to have to do work04:46
elkyif he highlights me once more for no good reason, he's going to find himself banned from everywhere I can touch.05:02
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bazhangaxi93 seems to be offering suspect advice05:27
Myrttito sleep more or no..05:30
bazhangmore sleep is always a good idea05:31
elkyhappygolucky seems intent on annoying people07:44
rwwgiven #defocus, I am all kinds of unsurprised08:07
ubottuYes, join #ubuntu-release-party to celebrate!09:57
oCeanwhat's the !isitout supposed to be when it is not out yet?09:58
Tm_T"no, "it" is in" ?10:01
ubottuisitout aliases: outyet, isoutouyet, is it out yet, releasetime, isitoutyet, countdown-#ubuntu-release-party - added by LjL on 2008-10-30 01:48:02 - last edited by tsimpson on 2011-04-28 11:44:0710:02
jussi!no, isitout is <reply>no, not yet, way too early! :)10:06
ubottuI'll remember that jussi10:06
LjLi can't watch attentively, i'm testing my new Amiga (which is giving issues) :(11:11
ikoniaLjL: as in "new" or new old11:12
LjLikonia: new old, unfortunately... i should have bought a new one i guess. but this came with an accelerator card which i wanted. however, the floppy drive doesn't work, and that's a huge bummer :(11:15
ikoniaLjL: I lifted mine out of my parents loft a few weeks ago, I'm going to bring it home next time I'm up there11:15
LjLikonia: which model is it?11:18
LjLikonia: mine is an A1200 too, it's as new as an Amiga gets really :P11:19
LjLikonia: it's a good Amiga11:19
ikoniatrue, I've got a 500 somewhere that I bought a few years ago11:19
LjLikonia: does it have an HDD?11:20
ikonialittle internal one11:20
Myrttijust for the record, this sweat guy is creeping me out, he first sent me a memoserv message "pay your bills" (I do have an email saying it was him, and it has his hostname on it, even if he claimed on -offtopic that he didn't send any memoserv messages) and then aiming his weird (semi-?)sexual advances at me, believing I'm male11:20
LjLikonia: it's worth between 60 and 100 pounds with an HDD, fyi11:21
ikoniaI won't be selling it11:22
ikoniaI like it11:22
bazhangMyrtti, doubt he'll be around much longer, if the current path continues11:22
ikoniaI can assure you he won't11:22
Myrttialso, if it comes to arbitration of the issue later on, I already state I won't be available for it11:23
bazhangnow in #ubuntu11:28
ikoniasiletn, so no issue11:28
oCeanURineffe1tualOP (~happygolu@c-76-108-222-32.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu11:35
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (aSphincterBanzMe)11:43
ikoniahow tedious11:43
bazhangback again in -ot11:51
topyliagain, ~beefy@c-76-110-80-206.hsd1.fl.comcast.net (banned)11:56
elkyI think we can safely temporarily ban *.hsd1.fl.comcast.net12:03
ikoniacool, I'll shink the ban I've just placed down12:03
tsimpsonelky: /who only shows people you share channels with, as everyone is +i by default on freenode12:04
elkytsimpson, yes, temporarily12:05
Myrttitsimpson: it is still a good representation of the percentages we are talking about12:05
tsimpsonall I said was /who only shows people you share channels with12:06
tsimpsonie, not really representative of the network user base12:07
elky3 in #ubuntu, 1 in ##php12:07
ikoniaI'll remove the ban in a few minutes12:07
Myrttino hurry...12:07
ikoniawell, I don't want people who try to join to get "you are banned"12:08
topyliwhat about this guy joining from in.comcast.net? bad luck or...12:08
ikoniabad luck I feel12:09
Myrttithe only people coming from florida with comcast is sweat12:09
Myrttiin my lastlog of the past 24h or so12:09
ikoniabut my eyebrows also went up12:09
elkyi think floridans tend to go with bell12:09
ikonia13:10 -!- jpmh [~chatzilla@c-98-245-172-142.hsd1.co.comcast.net]12:10
ikoniathat's him I think12:10
ikonia12:36 -!- happygol1cky [~happygolu@c-98-254-178-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has12:10
ikoniajoined after the last happygol1cky kick12:10
ikoniaprobaby trying a different client has he was changing idents earlier12:11
elkynote the .co.12:11
Myrttihe would have already joined -ot12:11
Myrttias I said, the only people coming from florida with comcast is swear12:12
ikoniaI missed the co12:12
ikoniaI'll remove the ban, see if it's ok now12:12
MyrttiI doubt it is but who knows12:12
ikoniawell, I'll just put it back if he comes back and leave it longer12:13
elkyif you're concerned, set the channel to muted, op up12:13
ikoniahow wrong could I be12:13
jussiikonia: that ban is broken - you forgot the *.12:14
ikoniadid I, oops12:14
elkyniko, how many online from the 98 range for .hsd1.fl.comcast.net?12:15
ikoniawell spotted12:15
ikoniait's not just 98, he was 78 a few minutes ago12:15
elkylikewise 7812:16
ikoniacomcast appears to be a bit more random12:16
elkyyeah, but if it's possible to do a temp kline, it's worth trying at least :P12:16
elkyhe'll lose interest sooner if he can't connect to the network12:16
elkyalso, s/78/76/12:18
ikoniahe's still sat there as BanMeIfUsuckCock12:24
elkymeh. past pumpkin time. ciao.12:27
Myrttielky: nini loverly12:29
* Pici waves12:29
bazhang<EmulatedGeek> Windows Server discriminates Ubuntu!12:36
bazhangin #ubuntu12:36
ikoniaI am getting fedup of actionparsnips random and sloppy advice, he's changed, it's garbage now12:42
ikoniawell BanMeIfUsuckCock is still sat waiting for the ban to be removed12:48
Picifyi, I'm seeing some issues with releases.ubuntu.com via ipv6, just in case we get any weird reports in #u13:54
ikoniaPici: are you on v6 ?14:05
Piciikonia: my linode is, and I'm tunneling through it.14:05
ikoniavery cool14:06
mneptok23:27 <+bazhang> axi93 seems to be offering suspect advice14:11
mneptokdon't believe them! don't believe them! don't get bitten twice! you got some sus-sus-SUS-pect advice!14:11
mneptokMyrtti: kyllä!14:17
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ikoniaremoved the florida ban in -ot15:28
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mneptok11:01 < SealedWithAKiss> Window's is so much better than Ubunut. It makes me sick to think that this OS was even created *Violently vomits on Ubuntu developers*17:04
mneptok11:03 [Freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from SealedWithAKiss: xchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu17:04
mneptokirony overdose. i'm off to the bank.17:04
rwwwell of course, you have to test something to be able to violently throw up on it17:05
ikoniaI can't be bothered with letting these idiots play games, they know it's not how you behave with people, so can go elsewhere17:06
PiciJordan_U: Its not really helpful to shoo trolls into -offtopic :/17:07
Jordan_UPici: Sorry, somewhat distracted at the moment. Did they actually continue on there?17:08
Piciyes, was kicked, but just came back17:08
Doomtron_Hello, I'm banned at #ubuntu-br because of flood, but I someone banned me when I wasnt in the channel and now Idk if I get ban because of a flood that I did at, more or less, 3a.m (by the way the 3 peoplethat was in there was laughing) or another flood, that I dont remeber to another flood.17:58
Doomtron_Sorry my english17:59
Doomtron_So, how can I discover who banned me, and the reason of the ban? The ops let some comment for the ban ?18:00
ikoniaDoomtron_: the channel #ubuntu-irc contains the ops you need to speak to18:16
Doomtron_ikonia: ok18:18
genii-aroundCould someone please tell me my last two disconnection strings? Quassel kept crashing...20:44
Picigenii-around: Read error: Connection reset by peer20:45
genii-aroundPici: Thanks!20:45
h00kMyrtti: It's okay, I lubs you anyway.20:46
mneptokMyrtti: have you taken up archaeology?21:02
mneptok(sorry, "physical anthropology")21:02
Myrttidepending on the definition21:03
mneptokMyrtti: i ask because you mentioned "Presario"  ;)21:05
Myrttioh that was a mispaste from #xubuntu21:06
mneptokyes, but a Presario? really? is this still 2011?21:06
charlie-tcaXubuntu users have older computers, sometimes21:07
rwwolder computers that are powered by mice in wheels21:08
charlie-tcaI suppose he would laugh at my Micron PII, too :)21:08
* Myrtti nods21:08
MyrttiI've got a new computer powered by mice21:08
Myrttiwell, "new"21:08
charlie-tcahuh, me too21:08
MyrttiMPC-L Viglen21:08
mneptokcharlie-tca: would you like me to boot my Mac Quadra 605 (68040 at 25Mhz) that runs OpenBSD? ;)21:09
popeyI must take that off hilight21:09
charlie-tcaI have a nice, almost new, PIII here21:09
Myrttipopey: you do21:09
rwwpopey: hrm?21:09
charlie-tcamneptok: not familiar enough with mac systems, but going by the speed, it seems a bit slow to me21:09
mneptokcharlie-tca: c1993 hardware21:10
Myrttirww: MPC-L Viglen21:10
Myrttiit's like marmite to popey21:10
MyrttiMARMITE I tell you21:10
charlie-tcaheh, I was right! At least mine is about 199621:10
mneptokcharlie-tca: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_Quadra_60521:11
* rww assumes it's some computer from before he was born, wanders off21:11
charlie-tcahehe, it is a bit old for me. I need things that don't need a ppc port, at least21:12
charlie-tcaI do have an older 386-25 here, complete with the monitor, though21:13
charlie-tcaI haven't decided what to do with that one, yet21:13
mneptoki am about to get on my motorcycle, drive across the Rio Grande to Intel's Rio Rancho fab, and punch someone in the head for this iwlagn regression.21:57
IdleOnedon't forget your passport22:00
rwwmneptok is illegal in 13 states22:00
IdleOneand 2 provinces22:00
rwwand Australia22:02
IdleOnenobody wants to go back to Australia22:02
mneptokrww: IdleOne already said "provinces," which covers Aussie, whether or not they want to admit it. >:)22:03
mneptok(and the Rio Grande in Albuquerque is 100% US on both sides)22:03
rwwI'm too used to calling them "convic... *dodges rocks from elky*22:03
IdleOnemneptok: cover your arse and bring the passport22:05
mneptokrww: speaking of convicts, this commercial almost makes me want to try the game - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCuh5mh6lVc22:05
* rww has no youtubes access22:05
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cwillu_at_workquick question:  what's the policy general regarding people asking about btrfs?  is there any?23:53
cwillu_at_workin the sense of "things often recommended but known to cause problems"23:53
mneptokcwillu_at_work: BTRFS is an install-time supported filesystem23:54
mneptokthus, it is a supported package23:55
mneptokthe big caveat is the same one that goes along with LUKS and cryptfs. "Put it on /boot and you're asking for problems."23:55
rwwand as with other occasionally-problematic things like Wubi, some people choose not to support it. that is fine. complaining at length about it (for example) would be offtopic and not fine.23:55
cwillu_at_workokay, can I provide you some information about that then?23:56
* cwillu_at_work follows btrfs development very closely, and has used it extensively for a few years now23:56
cwillu_at_workbecause calling it "supported" is causing people to misconstrue the stability23:56
cwillu_at_workpower cuts can and do cause unmountable filesystem (although it's expected that the upcoming fsck will be able to recover), there are BUG_ON's which are known to be triggered unnecesarily (which will kill the system if used for the installation target)23:58
mneptokcwillu_at_work: this is better raised as a packaging and "this is included in Main?!?!?!" discussion than an IRC editorial issue.23:59
cwillu_at_workmneptok, I didn't realize it was actually listed as a supported target23:59
mneptok!info btrfs23:59
ubottuPackage btrfs does not exist in natty23:59

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