
dpmandrejz, kelemengabor, I've got an Ubuntu App Developer Week at the time of our call today, would you mind moving it to tomorrow, same time? (I know I haven't sent the notes from last one, sorry. The last 2 weeks have been a bit crazy with developer.ubuntu.com)08:10
andrejzit's fine with me08:10
dpmcool, thanks. Let's see if it works for Gabor before I send the invitation08:11
kelemengabordpm: works for me too08:12
kelemengabordpm: also, if you send it out, please use the kelemeng at ubuntu dot com address08:15
dpmkelemengabor, ok, done08:17
andrejzdpm maybe you can send the notes please so we can do something about them untill tommorrow?08:24
dpmandrejz, it's a good point - I'll do my best. Next week will be better, but this week I'm still busy with UADW and developer.ubuntu.com08:25
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