
ali1234andylockran: the doctree on this html file is absolutely nothing like you said it was :(00:02
ali1234andylockran: this doesn't work but it is a start: http://paste.ubuntu.com/684832/00:12
ali1234andylockran: i think i said this before, but the formatting of the content is going to be the problem here, not malformed xml00:18
ali1234since all this stuff was entered manually into word and exported to html, the xml is going to be perfect. but the content will be full of errors that need manually fixing anyway00:19
ali1234which is why they hired someone to just copy paste and fix it all00:19
AlanBellmorning all06:24
hoovermorning all06:47
christelmorning tinkerbell, MooDoo07:05
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MooDoonot evil today christel07:07
christelno, incredibly well behaved!07:07
MooDoochristel: boring ;)07:07
christelany hatching yet? :)07:07
* AlanBell doesn't believe that07:07
MooDoochristel: monday at the latest07:08
christelMooDoo: *nod*07:08
AlanBellmy eldest was 13 days over in the end07:08
christelAlanBell: when are we pubbing next07:08
AlanBellchristel: good question, so we have the 17th all lined up in London07:09
AlanBellbut we should schedule the next one07:09
AlanBelland by 17th I clearly mean the 22nd07:10
AlanBellOctober 20th looks good for the second one07:11
AlanBellwhich might be the Farnborough area one07:13
AlanBellprince of Wales by Popey's house07:13
christeloooh you've moved it from the 17th07:13
AlanBellit didn't stay long on the 17th :)07:13
AlanBellmaybe Nottingham in November07:14
AlanBellMooDoo will probably be allowed out by then07:15
christel...or will he?07:15
* AlanBell heads off for breakfast o/07:16
MooDoochristel: depends if i get a pass :)07:23
christelmorning DJones07:24
DJonesHi christel07:25
DJones& MooDoo07:25
DJonesAny sign yet MooDoo07:25
MooDooDJones: nothing yet, but it's going to be no later than monday07:31
DJonesHeh, gives you chance to get the birthday out of the way tomorrow then07:31
* daubers needs to do some mqtt/arduino hacking for work 07:37
* hoover 's playing around with wuala after Randal's recommendation on g+... nice!07:54
Garyhoover: can you go clean my house, thanks08:10
bigcalmMorning peeps :)08:15
popeyMorning all08:16
JamesTaitMornin' all!08:17
MooDoomorning popey JamesTait08:18
MooDooffs why isn't single sign on letting me in .... grrrrr08:19
MooDooah  me being a pillock, that's what it is08:20
danfishmost excellent - I have a full 'pass' from the other half for the 22nd meetup in Londinium08:32
MooDoodanfish: you lucky lucky thing ;)08:46
danfishMooDoo: I'll drink a beer for you :D08:55
MooDoodanfish: thanks pal :D08:57
daubersdanfish: I can't make the 22nd :( Off to Birmingham for the day on the s4th so have no monies08:58
danfishdaubers: :( I'm sure there will be others09:12
daubersdanfish: Indeed. Readings already on the list and that's a 10 minute bus trip away \o/09:12
HazRPGI wish irssi-proxy showed the last set of highlights or lines.09:13
daubersHazRPG: If wishes where horses, we'd all be eating steak09:29
bigcalmCan I have horse steak?09:31
bigcalmI've had oxen, that was divine09:32
oimoneaten horse in russia..tasted like a chewy braised steak09:33
aquarius_HazRPG, not necessarily helpful, but bip does09:38
AlanBellooh quadrocopters09:39
danfishAlanBell: ooh - where, where? Me want quadcopter!09:43
AlanBellat the transfer summit thing09:44
danfishAlanBell: are they open source?09:45
AlanBella little I think09:47
smittixAnyone know of any Minecraft servers?09:50
MooDoosmittix: popeys09:53
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:53
gordNi how09:56
MooDoosmittix: join #ubuntu-uk-minecraft09:57
czajkowskiMooDoo: well????10:02
MooDooczajkowski: nothing at moment.  if nothing happens over the next 4 days, we're getting induced on monday10:02
czajkowskihave you made her eat lots of hot curries10:03
LaneyI wouldn't want to come out either10:03
Laneyhaving just missed summer10:03
MooDooczajkowski: yes and pineapple and other things to get her started10:03
AlanBelldanfish: it is open source10:09
danfishAlanBell: great - prob arduino controlled10:25
daubersHave been tempted to build a quadrocopter10:26
daubersbut suspect the idea wouldn't take off10:26
davmor2morning all10:26
davmor2MooDoo: you a dad again yet?10:26
dogmatic69daubers: ha... ha...10:27
* daubers gets his coat10:27
MooDoodavmor2: no, if nothing happens over next 4 days, induced monday10:27
bigcalmdaubers: I fear peeps ignored the joke to save your feelings ;)10:28
daubersbigcalm: Ah, being a machine, I don't have feelings anyway. And that makes me sad10:28
MooDoodaubers: ok delayed reaction, badum-tish!!!10:37
danfishdaubers: .......tumbleweed.......10:37
danfishI rather suspect that this platform may well get some daubers attention when released http://www.raspberrypi.org/10:38
davmor2danfish: I think you mean tumbleweed.popey.com10:39
danfishdavmor2: that's the one :)10:41
daubersdanfish: Depends on the final cost :)10:45
daubersdanfish: Also depends what the "general purpose I/O" things can be used for10:48
davmor2czajkowski: I thought that was on this channel :D  nevermind hey :)10:54
czajkowskidavmor2: hahah10:59
AlanBelldanfish: yeah it is arduino controlled they say11:18
AlanBelldaubers: they want the GPIO thing to have lots of connectors for interesting things11:18
AlanBellEben Upton who is the main driver of the project is a proper electronics geek11:19
gordgoing to google plus just makes me hungry since AlanBell started posting pictures of delicious looking food =\11:19
JGJonesIs it wrong to lust after the raspberry pi?11:20
czajkowskiJGJones: yes11:21
czajkowskiAlanBell: how was the dinner last night11:22
AlanBellit was worth dressing up for :)11:22
daubersAlanBell: Oooooh.... brains for a robot then :)11:27
AlanBelldaubers: one of the two they have is nearly autonomous11:28
daubersAlanBell: Robots?11:30
daubersI shall teach mine to feel love11:30
AlanBell!love #ubuntu-offtopic11:31
lubotu3AlanBell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:31
daubersThat or make it protect my house11:31
daubersAre they planning to move to Armv7 at some point?11:31
lubotu3Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.11:31
AlanBelldaubers: they would like to and have some thoughts around it11:32
daubersExcellent :) Could do some ubuntu-ey datacenter monitoring things with it too11:32
AlanBellpart of the trouble is that the v7 chips are packaged with smaller pin separations so need more expensive pcb technology and are fussier about power so need better regulation11:33
daubersHow long will debian be supporting the v6? Until they move to 3.0?11:35
AlanBellone more cycle I think11:35
AlanBellwhich could of course be a *long* time11:35
daubersheh :)11:38
dogmatic69is it possible to do rm /some/path/[regex|stuff]11:41
kvarleyIs it possible to use VirtualBox to play games? Trying not to name drop here, so like DirectX11 games?11:41
dogmatic69kvarley: minecraft works fine on ubuntu :)11:42
kvarleydogmatic69: I know :) I play it xD11:42
dogmatic69no need for a VM then11:42
kvarleydogmatic69: I want it for FPS games lol11:42
kvarley dogmatic69: I guess I should just try it out myself rather than asking lol11:42
dogmatic69kvarley: dont see why it wont work11:43
MooDookvarley: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/virtualbox-3-directx.html11:43
diplodogmatic69: You can do things like rm file[1-9].* or what ever i think11:43
dogmatic69x64 can be a pain and things like usb sharing.11:43
diploI quite often use find execing rm11:43
popeykvarley: i just dual boot to windows 7 to play games11:50
kvarleypopey: So do I, however I was just thinking how awesome it'd be to have it run virtually11:51
popeyi dont believe it's fast enough11:51
popeyor compatible enough11:51
diploJust read the someone has got onlive working under wine11:51
popeyyeah, thats an interesting project11:51
diploI really am debating about trying it11:51
diplonot sure if it's hit the uk yet though11:52
popeyit hasnt AFAIAA11:52
kvarleyPunkbuster is a real pain for playing games online through wine11:53
dogmatic69kvarley: maybe this is better for you http://synergy-foss.org/12:00
kvarleydogmatic69: That involves 2 systems tho12:02
MooDoocongrats czajkowski :)12:34
daubersczajkowski: Now employed?12:35
czajkowskidaubers: aye as of next wednesday I have a job12:35
daubersWoo! Watcha doing and for whome?12:36
czajkowskiPM work12:37
MooDooczajkowski: bangkok office?12:37
czajkowskinope you wee *mutter*12:38
MooDoolol ;)12:38
daubersczajkowski: Web design company?12:38
daubers(names a bit generic, site looks to be that way :) )12:38
czajkowskidaubers: digital agency kinda stuff12:39
MooDoolooks a well established company, marketing and stuff12:39
daubersczajkowski: Okies, that'll keep you busy12:39
Myrttican you rub some of your luck on me too, czajkowski12:40
czajkowskiMooDoo: taken me 4 months12:40
czajkowskiMyrtti: taken me 4 months12:40
MooDooyeah :S  but it's looking up now :)12:40
JGJonesHey...have anyone gotten Amazon Kindle working via wine? I have it installed...but it's not downloading any books :S12:44
oimonJGJones: u telling me that u can't connect a kindle to ubuntu?12:46
JGJonessorry...to clarify - Kindle for PC12:46
oimonmy missis wants a kindle , need to investigate12:47
MartijnVdSmaybe she said "cuddle" and you misheard?12:47
JGJonesThey're great for reading. Keep pinching my dad's whenever I visit12:47
diploJGJones: Can you not use Calibre ?12:48
JGJonesdiplo, I do...but I do have books in Kindle with bookmarks/notes12:48
JGJonesdiplo, main reason for Kindle - I read it on PC, phone and tablet - so it keep my progress in sync which I find useful12:49
JGJonesalthough I do have backup copies on Calibre :)12:49
nigelbNot Panicking Ltd is a win name for a company.12:54
nigelbEspecially one that's going to take care of H2G212:54
czajkowskihttp://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/09/08/rwc-warning/  You have all been warned12:59
JGJonesnot working tomorrow :D13:03
JGJonesmorning that is13:03
bigcalmczajkowski: and on twitter we have been warmed :D13:04
davmor2czajkowski: oh that reminds me how much did Ireland lose to England by recently?  /me runs for cover13:05
JGJonesBadly :D13:06
Laneydon't disconnect me :( :( :(13:07
JGJonesI'm thinking it might be New Zealand's chance to win as they've constantly been one of the best team to play.13:07
kazadeczajkowski: congrats on the job :)13:07
* popey wonders why rugby should not be confused with rugby13:09
czajkowskikazade: thanks13:09
MooDooJGJones: i'm thinking NZ too13:09
davmor2popey: Well rugby is a place where they make rugby cement and rugby is a game played with the wrong shaped ball :)13:10
bigcalmAlanBell: ping13:11
oimondisappointed that i need to install a binary blob for an hp printer :(13:12
popeyoimon: which printer?13:16
oimonHP P110213:16
oimonrequired hplip-gui package, then run hp-setup which downloads some blob13:17
oimonthe ppd file says "you need a blob"13:17
oimonapparently another free driver might work foo2zjs or something , but it's not standard in RHEL13:18
oimonubuntu seem to have it13:18
AlanBello/ bigcalm13:22
MooDoosmittix: i lost 5 hours the other night to it :)13:24
davmor2oimon: yeah you might need splix too (although that might just be a samsung laser printer thing)13:25
oimondavmor2: we no longer buy samsung printers because of the faff involved13:25
oimoni want to kickstart a PC and be done, no extra faff13:25
smittixMooDoo: Yeah I think it's going to be a long night.13:26
popeyshame no 1.8 today ☹13:26
davmor2oimon: mine works fine,  although talking to Big Ron last night we were joking about the fact that some of the cheapest, good quality drivers and prints are now from lexmark, who'd of thunk it?13:27
oimondavmor2: lexmark are forever on my blacklist! for EVER!13:27
bigcalmpopey: good job there is no 1.8 today otherwise no work would be done until next week13:27
oimontalking of blacklists, i'm just in the process of transferring VM junk mail into new envelopes without stamps so they have to pay surcharge13:29
oimonmight chuck some scrap metal in too13:29
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] RWC Warning - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/09/08/rwc-warning/13:31
JGJonesoimon - I second that. Lexmark is on my blacklist too :)13:36
diploI've thought about doing that with VM aswell oimon13:36
diploIntensity of mails has increased last few weeks13:37
oimondiplo: i spoke to them on the phone and they agreeed to stop spamming me...lasted 2 months13:37
oimonmaybe it never stopped :-S13:37
oimonone of my pet hates13:37
MyrttiI don't really mind binary blobs if it makes things work13:37
Myrttialthough, I've not had any problems or need of binary blobs with my Samsung MFP's13:38
oimonMyrtti: HP had a history of good opensource support. if their opensource support means using an opensource app to download a blob, its not good for my enterprise use since it increases the admin load13:40
Myrttioimon: yup13:40
popeysurely you can see where the blob went and deploy that?13:40
Myrttibut recently Samsung have made an effort of doing the reverse of that13:41
MyrttiI just plug my MFP in and it all works like in movies13:41
Myrttior as we Finns say, the proverbian train toilet13:41
The_FredHow do i share my internet connection (ppp) over wifi (wlan0) ?13:43
MooDooThe_Fred: what version you using?13:46
MooDoohave you read that?13:49
The_FredMooDoo, thankyou i'm reading that now13:49
MooDooyou're welcome13:50
hoovercheers all14:05
oimonrunning gnome-system-monitor gives the impression of high cpu usage, because running gnome-system-monitor uses a lot of CPU :-S fail14:08
Azelphuroimon old bug is old, have you updated since never? :P14:09
oimonAzelphur: on lucid14:09
* oimon will soon need a ppa for every application14:10
Azelphuror you could just update ;)14:10
oimondude, i haven't even rebooted for 50 days14:10
davmor2gord: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/844824 not good :(14:11
lubotu3Error: Bug #844824 is a duplicate of bug #842784, but it is private (https://launchpad.net/bugs/842784)14:11
oimoni'll update to the next LTS14:11
diploAzelphur: I still have it on 10.1014:12
Azelphur10.10 is ancient too14:13
diplonot tried on this machine with natty14:13
diploCant run natty on my pc14:13
diploSo no choice14:13
diploSpent 2-3 hours trying to get dual screens working and failed14:13
oimondiplo: even with gnome classic?14:13
diploYup, seems a GFX driver issue14:14
gorddavmor2, do you want to add a proper stacktrace? :)14:16
davmor2gord: that's everything that apport threw at it honest gov'nor all automated I only added the 2 lines of text as to what I was doing when it died on me14:18
gorddavmor2, might be fixed by tomorrow anyway, i changed that code14:19
davmor2gord: I'll keep an eye out on it, apparently the trace is correct on the bug mine got duped to14:22
shaunoI give up. linkedin, meet procmail.  grrrr.14:33
gordwould be neat if there was a terminal command to grep the previous output14:47
davmor2MooDoo: any news yet?14:55
MooDoodavmor2: i don't think anything will happen till monday....14:56
czajkowskiMooDoo: :(14:56
czajkowskicant you go for long long walks14:56
czajkowskihot baths14:56
czajkowskihot currys14:56
davmor2MooDoo: Saturday you mean right?14:57
MooDooczajkowski: doing all those now, just doesn'[t want to come out14:57
MooDoodavmor2: it's not wanting to come out, if nothing happens over the next four days it's coming out monday, don't want it this sat as it's jimmys birthday14:57
czajkowskiwould he not handle it ?14:58
MooDoobut thank you all for asking :D14:58
davmor2MooDoo: Think of the saving on party costs ;)14:59
czajkowskisaves relations having to make 2 vists i a matter of days14:59
czajkowskicoming to 2 birthdays in a matter of days14:59
davmor2MooDoo: you know it makes sense ;)15:00
MooDoodavmor2: it's not the same having a birthday on the same day, prefer them to have an individual one, although 18/21st in the same week will be fun :D15:00
MooDoothere you go lads, of to vegas with ya!15:01
MooDoonot that we know what we're having lol15:02
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Laneyis freenode broken?15:14
MooDooit was earlier, and looking at the quits and joins, then yeah :)15:14
Laneyaha, you can see this15:15
MooDoowasn't christel upgrading stuff?15:15
LaneyI just didn't see any messages for ages15:15
christelshe was!15:17
Laneystupid web logs aren't updating fast enough so I don't know what got through15:17
MooDoochristel: knew it, IT WAS YOU point point point15:17
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Laneywhy are ghosting & releasing two separate steps?15:18
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brobostigonanyone use mustard. and twitter isnt picking up new tweets.?15:20
MooDooonly use mustard on sarnies15:21
Laneygot mustard seeds in the cupboard15:23
brobostigonthe android app, but anyways, ok.15:23
MooDoobrobostigon: sorry :) alas no i don't use it15:23
brobostigonMooDoo: yes, that was self evidant from your first statement, :)15:24
bigcalmI like how WordPress keeps telling me that Chromium is out of date. Don't blame me, oh mighty WP15:31
oimonbigcalm: is it wrong?15:31
oimoni get that too15:31
oimoni think it's a bit "keen"15:32
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diploAnyone know much about cups  here ?15:55
oimonspecific to my organisation, but some transferable knowledge :)15:56
diploI've never used it15:56
diplo/var/cups/spool should empty after a job completes ?15:56
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oimonmine doesn't seem to diplo15:58
diplocupsd is using 50-60% cpu, wondering whether the 500 jobs in q were the issue15:59
diplodon't seem to increrase in there either15:59
diplo503 c* files15:59
oimonmaxjobs 500 ?16:00
diploI guess thats set in cupd.conf ?16:01
diploYeah it's set to 500as default16:01
oimonalthough i had a user that had an incorrect cupsd.conf and when i replaced it with the original one, his 100% cpu problem went away16:03
ikoniapopey: ping16:15
popeyikonia: pong16:18
ikoniapopey: is your FB account ok ?16:18
popeydunno, wassup?16:18
ikoniapast couple of weeks your account keeps posting that light sabre badminton game and telling me that you like it16:19
ikoniayou the video with the guys playing badminton with lightsabers16:19
ikoniasorry "the"16:19
popeynot me16:19
popeyi have not seen that16:19
ikoniahow odd, it's telling me you posted it and like it16:19
ikoniait's done it a few times over the last couple of weeks16:20
ikoniaI've marked it as spam, I'm looking for "undo" now16:21
ikoniahang on16:21
christelikonia <316:23
davmor2ikonia: you sure it's popey I've not had it16:23
ikonianot sure at all, but it's telling me popey is the guy who likes it16:23
ikonialet me just undo this16:23
* popey goes to a party with jelly & ice cream16:25
ikoniathat's the last post I saw from you properly, enjoy !16:25
ikoniaI can't see how to undo it so I can show it16:26
MartijnVdS"Sharing heaven"16:28
MartijnVdSthat can only be a spam application16:28
ikoniathat is the video that keeps getting posted16:28
MartijnVdSremove that app from your allowed apps list then :)16:28
ikoniait's not in it, I keep getting it from popey16:28
ali1234stop using facebook16:34
ali1234also, where's my linux version of after effects so i can make videos like that?16:35
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The_FredI've a problem with my wifi can anyone help?16:59
ali1234i could sell you some CAT516:59
The_Frednice offer, but i've no ethenet cards17:00
The_Fredthing is, when i do iwconfig i can see details about the card, but not in wicd17:01
The_Fredall i want to do is creat an ad-hoc network17:01
The_Fredthe wifi dongle is a RTL818717:08
jacobwif you can see it in iwconfig the driver for the card is probably loaded ok17:10
jacobwhave you tried using iwconfig to configure it?17:10
jacobwiwconfig wlan0 essid FOO enc BAR etc17:10
The_Fredjacobw, not yet, im read ubuntu forums to see if how to do it17:11
jacobw`man iwconfig` will be more helpful that the ubuntuforums17:12
The_Fredjacobw, thanks, looking now17:14
jacobwiwconfig wlan0 essid $ESSID mode ad-hoc ap  $MAC_ADDR key $WEP_KEY17:15
jacobwif your using WPA you'll have to use wpa_supplicant17:15
The_Fredah! that could be the missing ingrediant : wpa_supplicant17:23
The_Fredi installed the wpa_supplicant gui, but ther eis no adapter to select!17:26
The_Fredon the current status tab is says: Could not get data from wpa_supplicant17:27
The_Fredgawd, there is a LOT of info to digest with man iwconfig....17:28
tonytigerWow wpa_supplicant17:28
tonytigerI haven't needed that since... well, since I switched to Ubuntu17:29
jacobwfor some reason he isn't using networkmanager17:29
The_Fredi did nt know if network manager was causing the problem, i think i'll remove wicd, and re-install the manager17:29
jacobwwhat happens when you try to connect with networkmanager?17:33
The_Fredjust re-installing it now17:34
The_Fredi've removed wicd17:34
The_Fredbut i'm not sure which network-manager packages to select in Synaptic17:35
The_Fredi guess i shoudl re-boot ...17:37
jacobwnetwork-manager and network-manager-gnome17:37
jacobwthere's no reason to reboot17:38
The_Fredah, ok that was just in time :-)17:38
The_Fredso,, how do i get to the network manager, theres nowt in my panel17:38
jacobwpress alt+f2, type `gksudo network-manager-gnome` and it should appear17:40
The_Fredlooks like i need a driver the wifi device...17:40
The_Fredspot on!17:40
The_Fredthat ran though, but i still dont see the manager icon... is that normal ?17:42
jacobwopen a terminal and run `lsmod | grep rtl818`17:42
The_Fredrtl8187                50680  017:43
The_Fredmac80211              205402  1 rtl818717:43
The_Fredled_class               2864  1 rtl818717:43
The_Fredcfg80211              126144  2 rtl8187,mac8021117:43
The_Fredeeprom_93cx6            1333  1 rtl818717:43
jacobwok, the driver is loaded.17:44
The_Fredcool, so now to try to set up the ad-hoc17:44
jacobwpress alt+f2, type `nm-applet --sm-disable` and the icon should appear17:45
jacobwi was wrong before17:45
The_Fredthats ok :-)17:45
The_Fredits complaing about some .service files17:46
The_Fredbut the applet is there17:46
The_Freda click on the applet revals a message: network amaner is not running... is that started with sudo network-manager restart?17:47
jacobwis network-manager installed?17:47
jacobwyou can check with `dpkg -l  | grep network-manager`17:47
The_Fredii  network-manager                       0.8-0ubuntu3.2                                  network management framework daemon17:48
The_Fredii  network-manager-gnome                 0.8-0ubuntu3                                    network management framework (GNOME frontend17:48
The_Fredii  network-manager-openconnect           0.8-0ubuntu2                                    network management framework (Openconnect pl17:48
The_Fredii  network-manager-openconnect-gnome     0.8-0ubuntu2                                    network management framework (Openconnect pl17:48
The_Fredii  network-manager-pptp                  0.8-0ubuntu3                                    network management framework (PPTP plugin)17:48
The_Fredii  network-manager-pptp-gnome            0.8-0ubuntu3                                    network management framework (PPTP plugin, G17:48
jacobwits installed17:48
The_Fredi cant it running tho...17:50
The_Fredi tried service network-manager start17:50
jacobwdoes the icon list any networks?17:51
The_Fredah, got it , need to be sudo ......17:51
The_Fredno networks listed17:52
jacobwrun `sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager start`17:54
The_Freddone :-)17:55
kvarleyMy CPU Clock Ratio is set to 22x but the CPU frequency is listed as 2.93 GHz, that's the stock speed. How do I increase the clock speed? Is that set with the QPI Clock Ratio?17:55
The_Fredbut there's no 'create network' option when i right-click the applet...17:56
jacobwcheck whether the icon lists any networks again17:56
The_Fredno networks, but there is a message : device not managed17:56
jacobwcheck whether the interface is listen in connection information17:57
The_Fredis that iwconfig or iwconfig?17:57
Azelphuryay, todays addition to the "Azelphur broke it" list is... ext4 I think? http://pastebin.com/kmfVpaPx17:57
The_Frediwconfig .... a clue i thingk : Power Management:off17:58
jacobwno, the problem is that the device managed by network manager17:58
The_Fredah, ok17:59
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The_Fredi've just checked my user account and i did/do have access to wireless.... just to make sure18:04
jacobwcheck if managed=false in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf18:05
The_Fredhmmm, the file is blank!18:06
jacobwdoes it exist? `ls /etc/NetworkManager`18:07
The_Freddispatcher.d  nm-system-settings.conf  system-connections  VPN18:08
The_Fredso no18:08
jacobwyou need to tell network-manager to manage the interface18:15
jacobwi can't remember how to do18:15
The_Fred__i've a new problem now...18:15
The_Fred__** (nm-applet:2723): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager.18:15
jacobwyou should add nm-applet to your session18:16
The_Fred__how do i do that?18:16
jacobware you using unity?18:16
The_Fred__imno sure, im on 10.04lts18:16
jacobwopen system > preferences > session18:17
jacobwsorry, startup applications18:18
jacobwsee if network manager is listen18:19
jacobwi am watching the big bang theory18:20
tonytigerI seems such an old fashioned thing to have to do, rip out system packages to get something working18:20
tonytigerMaybe I've just been lucky but I've not had to fiddle with any hardware in a few years on Ubuntu to get it working18:21
jacobwyes, it seems that network-manager didn't work so he removed it18:21
tonytigerwhen it was really a driver issue?18:22
jacobwi don't its a driver issue18:22
The_Fredyes network manager is listed and ticked18:23
jacobwgood, it'll start when you log in.18:23
The_Fredbut i just saw: Wicd Network Manager Tray is also listed and ticked18:24
The_Fredwhich is odd because i removed wicd18:24
The_Fredi'm not sure whats going on now - i cant type in firefox... aaaarrrgg18:26
jacobwremove the wicd entry18:26
The_Fredyup - removed it18:27
jacobwpaste the contents of nm-system-settings.conf to18:27
lubotu3For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:28
The_Fredis that the same  directory as /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf ?18:30
jacobwsorry, yes.18:30
The_Fredcool, ok18:30
jacobwtrying changing managed=false to managed=true and running `sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart`18:35
The_Fredok, there wifi network thingy is swirling around18:38
The_Fredand i can now see networks listed18:38
The_Fredthank you for your help jacobw , im nearly done i think18:38
The_Fredjust to get this ad-hoc network set up and i can leave you in peace18:39
jacobwis nm-applet listing wireless networks now?18:42
The_Fredyes :-)18:43
The_Fredi'm working through this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html18:49
The_Fredbut the icon keeps spinning where i get to the part of 'connect to hidden wireless netwr'18:50
jacobware you creating or connecting to an ad-hoc network?18:50
The_Fredtrying to create18:50
The_Fredi cant complete the last step18:52
jacobwthe windows xp step?18:53
The_Fredno, the point where a connection is made to the hidden adhoc network18:54
The_Fredit wont connect to itself18:55
jacobwok, run `iwconfig` and see if the card is in ad-hoc mode18:56
jacobware you trying to share a wired connection?18:57
The_Fredi cant see any hint of it being in adhoc mode18:58
jacobwif so, set the network-manager mode to shared instead of ad-hoc18:58
The_Fredyes, i need to share my teatherd mobil (usb) over wifi18:58
The_Fredthe mobile is on via wvdial and has a ppp connection18:59
The_Fredok, in network connections i can see no option for shared, how do i set it via terminal?19:00
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jacobwsorry, ipv4 settings method shared to other computers19:02
The_Fredah ok , yes19:02
The_Fredits icon is swirling around again19:02
The_Fredi think i know why19:03
The_Fredon the man page it says    iwconfig eth0 mode Ad-Hoc19:03
The_Fredbut when i enter that in terminal it complains19:03
The_Fred SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not permitted.19:03
The_Fredwhen i try it with sudo i get  SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported19:04
The_Fredim wondering if this a 10.04 problem, because when i used the dongle on my 10.10 laptop it connected to my mates network no problem19:08
The_Fredfound it19:11
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 97322 in linux (Ubuntu) "rtl8187 module has no ad-hoc support" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:11
The_Fredguess i'll see how to implement the patch then...19:13
kvarleyHow can I monitor temperatures in Ubuntu? I would like something similar to SpeenFan19:13
The_Fredkvarley, look for the sensors program in ubuntu software center19:16
kvarleyThe_Fred: Ok, which is your preferred one?19:16
The_Fredi dont bother with any, my oc is very old and has no sensors19:17
The_Fred(circa 1996)19:17
kvarleyThe_Fred: I have got lm-sensors, however I am having trouble with the detection. I have seen a guide that says I should modprobe?19:18
The_Fredyea, soory i'm in th emiddle of something and about to shutdown, have a google search about it, but have your motherboard details for hand because each motherboard has different sensors (if any)...19:19
kvarleyThe_Fred: Ok, thanks19:19
j0nrhi folks19:30
j0nrAm really confused. I am on one computer inside my lan. There is one other computer in my lan running ubuntu server edition on a certain ip address. when I ssh that ip, it connects me to my external VPS!! eh?!19:31
j0nrinternally is the server... when I ssh I get prompted for my VPS which is external and completely unrelated... how can this be?19:31
kvarleyAnybody here know php?19:33
kvarleymarxjohnson: Can you spot why my backup script doesn't work? http://codepad.org/zKf2cuJn19:34
marxjohnsonwhen you say "doesn't work", what happens/doesn't happen?19:34
kvarleymarxjohnson: It stops half way through19:35
marxjohnsonhalfway through the php script or halfway through the tar command?19:35
kvarleyhalfway through the tar19:36
kvarleyon the server anyway19:36
kvarleylocally on my lamp server it won't generate a tar19:36
marxjohnsonare you just calling the script it from the shell?19:36
kvarleymarxjohnson: It's running on cloud hosting. I upload the php file via ftp, then I go to the php file in my browser which starts the script.19:37
kvarleymarxjohnson: I want it to generate a tar of certain folders with a filename of the current time and date from strftime, am I doing the concatenation right?19:38
marxjohnsonyou don't need the dots in the strftime argument unless you want them in the filename19:38
kvarleymarxjohnson: I do want those in the filename =)19:39
marxjohnsonok cool19:39
marxjohnsonthen yeah the concatenation's ok19:39
marxjohnsonother things to check:19:39
kvarleymarxjohnson: Other things to check?19:40
marxjohnson1) Tar is installed on your server 2) The user that the webserver runs has access to run tar 3) the user can write to the directory where you're trying to create the archive19:40
kvarleymarxjohnson: Ok, I have had the script working before I put the time and date in the filename is all. So maybe it doesn't have strftime?19:41
marxjohnsontry just echoing $backupcommand rather than passing it to system19:41
marxjohnsonsee what you get19:41
kvarleymarxjohnson: Ok, thank you, I'll do that now19:42
kvarleymarxjohnson: yes it works, however it stops after the first folder name19:43
kvarleymarxjohnson: I specify after the tar.bz2 for it to do "plugins/ templates/" and it doesn't do templates19:44
marxjohnsondo you have shell access to the server?19:45
kvarleymarxjohnson: It's on rackspace. No but it supports tar and untar19:46
marxjohnsonhmm I can't see anything wrong, seems to be a problem with the tar command rather than the PHP19:47
kvarleymarxjohnson: Ok, that's what I thought too, thanks for the confirmation =)19:47
marxjohnsonyou could try seeing what system() returns19:47
marxjohnsonmight be giving you an error19:48
kvarleymarxjohnson: How can I see that?19:48
marxjohnsonecho system($backupcommand);19:48
marxjohnsonmight get more output using exec() instead of system()19:49
kvarleymarxjohnson: So the command will still run but it will tell me what goes wrong?19:49
kvarleymarxjohnson: Doing echo exec gives me one file output, that file is the last file it does in the plugins folder, maybe it's that one file which is a problem?19:50
marxjohnsonah sorry, shell_exec()19:53
marxjohnsonshoulg give you the full output19:54
marxjohnsonexec only gives the last line19:54
kvarleymarxjohnson: It just stops again at the end of the last folder19:55
marxjohnsonno error messages?19:55
kvarleymarxjohnson: No but it works if I remove the strftime thing19:57
kvarleymarxjohnson: Is there a way to run a system command and wait for it to finish then rename the tar ?19:57
kvarleymarxjohnson: How do I wait for the system command to finish?20:01
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marxjohnsonthe next line won't run until it does20:01
kvarleymarxjohnson: hmm20:02
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marxjohnsonshouldn't do anyway20:02
kvarleymarxjohnson: So the tar script I thought was working actually isn't, it just gets further20:02
kvarleymarxjohnson: Well thanks for all the help, I shall have to investigate tar on the cloud and check it actually works before blaming php xD20:02
marxjohnsonalright no worries20:03
kvarleyIt's command line issues20:08
kvarleyThe command doesn't even work on my systsem20:08
kvarleyIt does the first folder and then stops20:08
MonsterKilleris the command "runlevel" meant to return the current runlevel?20:12
daubersMonsterKiller: read "man runlevel" that'll tell you20:13
MonsterKillerbecause runlevel return "unknown" and the system isnt starting anything when it boots20:14
MonsterKillerfrom ps -aux i get: init, vzctl:ttyp0, -bash and ps -aux20:15
tonytigerhi zleap20:39
zleapsorry was playing with google earth20:39
tonytigerMonsterKiller: I think runlevel doesn't really apply for systems using "startup"20:39
zleapi think i need more fonts installed or something20:39
MonsterKillerim not using startup20:39
MonsterKillerwell, i dont think so20:40
tonytigerMonsterKiller: what release of Ubuntu are you on?20:40
MonsterKillerbut re-installed the OS now xD so its working20:40
MonsterKillerrunlevel works now i did a re-install20:40
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MonsterKillerthe only thing i can think that did it was when i changed the autostart option for webmin using webmin20:41
MonsterKillerthats the only thing i changed really20:41
tonytigerHmm, I meant "upstart" not "startup"20:41
AzelphurAnyone know a good place to get a huge desk for my quad monitor setup? :p20:45
AzelphurMy current desk is a bit on the small side and getting old, want something new that's nice and sturdy20:46
zleapnot sure20:46
zleapi use 2 filing cabinates and a piece of kjitchen work top works very well20:46
Azelphur(By getting old, I mean it's older than I am)20:47
zleaphow old are u then20:47
zleapthe depth of kitchen work top seems pretty good  too20:47
Azelphuryea, my desk is deeper than that I think20:48
Azelphurmy current one20:48
zleapi guess it depends on how much space you have / need20:48
Azelphurhave lots, need lots more :P20:50
zleapnot really sure, how many monitors u got20:53
zleapah 420:53
zleapso you need em all from 1 pc20:53
zleapthe super- tab combo is cool for task switching20:56
MonsterKillerokay so, after installing 146 updates on the vps i get the problem where the runlevel stuff breaks. nothing runs on startup and runlevel returns unknown21:06
MonsterKillerso one of the updates breaks it21:07
MonsterKilleranyone know what could cause that to happen and if there is a way to fix it without re-installing everything?21:08
MonotokoMonsterKiller, have you tried to boot into recovery mode?21:24
MonsterKillercan you even do that on a vps?21:25
MonsterKilleris there a certain file that sorts/determins the runlevel to use on boot? maybe that gets corrupt by an update21:26
MonotokoI don't even think Ubuntu uses runlevels anymore...you can do it with a VPS that runs in XEN, which provider are you with?21:28
MonsterKillerits 10.04.121:30
MonsterKillerubuntu version21:30
MonotokoI haven't ever used OpenVZ...but it should allow you to do it21:30
Monotokoand it hasn't used runlevels since 8.04 I don't think21:30
MonsterKillerwell, whatever is doing it, its got to be one of the updates because it works fine before i install them21:31
Monotokoas I say...you need to get into the recovery console to work it out...21:32
MonotokoI wouldn't go near that company with a 6ft pole myself21:32
Monotokoafter dealing with indian VPS companies a few years back21:32
MonsterKillerlol, im just doing this for someone21:32
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simonhasithow do I stop joining this channel?21:52
simonhasita 1st and last question..21:52
popeysimonhasit: probably an option in your irc client21:53
simonhasityou would think21:54
MonsterKillerlook at your auto-join list?21:54
simonhasiti'll do that21:56
AlanBellsimonhasit: are you using xchat?21:56
simonhasitYes I am21:57
AlanBellin the server definition I think it will be trying to join #ubuntu-GB21:57
AlanBellfor the "Ubuntu" server21:57
simonhasitso what do i need to do?21:58
AlanBelledit-preferences, networks, Ubuntu Server, edit, user and channels tab21:58
simonhasitI'm seeing an autojoin this channel option.. dude you rock :) lol.. i'm out of here22:00
bigcalmNice to have you with us for a time22:01
simonhasityou guys suck! ;)22:01
* MonsterKiller sucks pen22:01
MonsterKillerindeed we do22:01
simonhasitnow  dont want to close my window incase I miss something22:02
AlanBellhttp://ubuntu-uk.org/happy-hour/ where should the next happy hour be I wonder22:02
popey\o/ Prince of Wales!22:03
AlanBelldone :)22:03
simonhasitthe prince of wales is up in here!22:04
AlanBell20th October?22:04
MonsterKillerlol happy hour22:05
simonhasitit's september 9th22:05
MonsterKillernot for another hour22:05
simonhasiti won't tell you what happens then.22:06
popeyAlanBell: good for me22:07
popeyweek after release22:07
AlanBellmight even have CDs22:07
christeli shall come join you22:09
simonhasitdid we all die?22:10
simonhasitI'm gonna watch Joey and Melissa .. I guess its the same thing22:11
simonhasitsabrina!? :) all I'm gonna say!22:11
simonhasitFallen so far22:12
popeyAlanBell: nice spot of html there22:12
ali1234random people adding me on google+ why?22:30
hamitronlove you ;)22:33
hamitron"I got more friends than you"22:33
Guest87485ali1234, my guys, google told them to add you, the whole suggestion thing, least thats the only sense i can make of it22:39
Guest87485oh i'm a guest22:39
Guest87485yay me22:39
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ali1234your guys?22:40
ali1234your guys are following me?22:40
gordmy guess22:40
ali1234i'm sorry i was so harsh on unity22:40
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ali1234i find it a bit worrying that people look at the list of suggestions and think "well, i've no idea who that person is, but google says i should add them, so i better add them"22:45
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ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Developer Survey Report and Next Steps - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/08/ubuntu-developer-survey-report-and-next-steps/23:31
AzelphurWhat would be a good proxy/encryption/tunneling type thing to set up on my server? The use case is bypassing throttling/QoS done by ISPs for games23:34
AzelphurIt would need to be publicly acccessable23:35
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ali1234page 18 on that report is amusing ^23:53
ali123425/30 ubuntu developers do not use the forums23:54
ali1234can't say i find this shocking23:54
ali1234wait hang on, these charts don't add up23:55
ali1234maybe it is meant to be 25%23:56
hamitronI'm not a dev, but I know I am bad at checking forums23:57
hamitronIRC is more my style23:57
hamitrondifferent people like different methods23:58
nucc1is there an off-topic version of this channel?23:59

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