
brousch110" is a little too big for me though00:01
brousch1can't quite reach the middle letters on keyboard when held vertically00:02
jrwrenfor the osd key?00:04
brousch1yeah, i mean a 10" tablet00:04
Wolfgerparty morning11:27
rick_h_morning party11:30
WolfgerSo when do I make my first commit to github? I'm thinking... never. I don't want anybody to see how bad my code sucks. :-)11:41
brouschWolfger: don't worry, no one will see it11:43
brouschdamnit. i just discovered my shirt has a big grease stain on it11:43
Wolfgeryeah, that's my second thought11:43
Wolfgernobody cares enough to look at my code :-)11:43
rick_h_Wolfger: just go look around code first11:46
rick_h_then you'll feel better11:46
=== vanberge_idle is now known as vanberge
snap-lGid moaning12:14
snap-lWolfger: If you wait until your code is perfect, you'll never commit code12:15
snap-lThis is a fact12:15
rick_h_snap-l: http://search.cpan.org/~fxn/Acme-Pythonic/lib/Acme/Pythonic.pm12:20
brouschyeah. it's much better to release ugly code and then rick_h_ will fix it for you12:20
rick_h_hah, I've got some ugly code up there12:20
rick_h_I noticed I still had sendoff up there with packages on pypi12:20
rick_h_had to pull those down12:20
rick_h_though honestly I should ressurect that project12:20
snap-lrick_h_: Wow, that's... wow.12:20
rick_h_the way I ship files off to work stuff, pastebin, the s3 buckets on amazon12:20
rick_h_snap-l: yea, let's just say I didn't go starting any code reviews on there12:21
snap-lI think Perl needs those braces, but it's interesting that it's flexible enough to handle it without12:21
rick_h_oh, yea the perl thing is funny12:22
rick_h_"I want to do perl...but like python...but I don't want to use python"12:22
snap-lGet the worst of both worlds. :)12:22
WolfgerI can't imagine *wanting* Python whitespace conventions in Perl :-p12:28
rick_h_Blazeix: http://backbonetutorials.com is pretty cool12:59
rick_h_!@#$*$#@Y* NUKE NC!13:19
snap-lnot yet13:20
brouschall of it?13:20
WolfgerI am so glad rick_h_ doesn't have access to the big red button13:20
rick_h_yes, leave nothing behind!13:20
rick_h_new open beachfront property coming just as soon as the rads go down a few13:20
rick_h_"Rick, can we have a chat about how setup.py works?"13:20
rick_h_sure...30min later..."Oh, I completely missed that giant error message so I didn't understand how things work"13:21
rick_h_The next person that says "it outputs lots of stuff..." without saying wtf "Lots of stuff is" I'm going to shoot13:21
snap-lrick_h_: http://www.archive.org/details/Operatio195513:22
Wolfgerbut... isn't it your job to do their thinking for them?13:22
rick_h_well he gets an in freaking argument with me that "that's not what the tool is doing on my end...it's not doing that at all"13:23
brouschso he was right!13:24
rick_h_oh @#$#@%13:24
rick_h_but he doesn't say "hey, this is funny"13:24
rick_h_he says "Hey Rick, can you take some time to explain to me how this whole process works from top to bottom..and only after you spend all that time will I tell you the real issue is that the script your wrote for me don't work"13:25
rick_h_"and that only fails because I did stupid stuff I'm not supposed to do"13:25
snap-lAnd while you're at it, sudo make me a sandwich13:26
snap-lI'm going to scream.13:56
_stink_uh oh13:57
snap-lJust got a note from someone about what the savings would be if our customer took over the forum support that I do13:57
snap-lWell, the savings would be my salary, and any overhead associated with it13:57
_stink_what will they pay the inanimate object that will do the job instead?13:58
snap-lI swear, that's the most tone-deaf question someone can ask13:58
rick_h_damn, that's kind of for your boss...now you13:59
snap-lI'm pretty much my boss14:00
rick_h_and hey, while you're at it, could you head over to ATT and train the guy taking your place?14:00
rick_h_send him your scripts/test tools/etc14:00
snap-lMy original boss moved on.14:00
snap-lOh, gladly.14:00
rick_h_I thought you had the new chick lady14:00
snap-lI'll send them whatever they want14:00
snap-l(original boss)14:00
snap-lNew boss is more worried about positioning herself.14:01
snap-lGah, now they're asking me what I've been working on14:06
snap-lJesus, this is brilliant14:07
brousch"I've been working on my resume because it's obvious you asshats are going to screw me!"14:09
snap-lWell, now it's come under question because of contract renewal. Customer thinks they can save money by doing it in house14:10
snap-lwhich they can, because they've pretty much killed any momentum for it by allowing marketing to sit on it14:10
snap-lApparently developers don't flock to web APIs like crackwhores looking for a fix.14:11
snap-lWho knew?14:11
snap-lespecially when they're mobile developers that can get the same, if not better results by using the tricks they honed for the past 10+ years.14:12
gamerchick02Sorry i missed the meeting yesterday.14:22
gamerchick02i completely forgot about it and went to the farmer's market.14:31
rick_h_farmer's market ftw14:33
gamerchick02it was good14:33
gamerchick02we got some sweet corn and cinnamon rolls.14:33
gamerchick02there's a bakery that has a table.14:33
rick_h_Blazeix: ping14:38
Blazeixrick_h_: yeh14:46
Blazeixer, hey, I'm dyslexic, apparently14:46
rick_h_hey, backbone.js question for you14:46
rick_h_trying to figure out how to add a tr to a table, but then reference it14:47
rick_h_messing with the view this.el14:47
rick_h_so trying to work out, if this.el = 'tr'14:47
rick_h_does it create a new tr then?14:47
Blazeixyes, I believe it does, so you could just append your cell elements to 'el'14:48
rick_h_ok, trying that atm, figuring out what to put intot he jquery template14:48
rick_h_what the el should be14:48
rick_h_and how to reference it after for events14:48
rick_h_and getting mixed up14:48
Blazeixso you'd give it a tagName and className14:49
Blazeixand then it constructs it, and puts a reference in 'el'14:49
Blazeixthen if you want to listen to events, you'd scope it by class14:50
rick_h_ah ok.14:50
rick_h_hmmm, so since the classname is based off the model, wonder how the order is working here14:50
Blazeixyou're doing a view per row, right? or is it a view for the entire table?14:51
rick_h_view per row14:51
rick_h_that's the old template where the tr got a class based on the model record14:51
rick_h_but that doens't then have el set to anything decent14:52
rick_h_yea, can't use the model to define the className14:55
rick_h_so if I leave that out, each row replaces the one before it14:55
rick_h_and I end up with the last row as the only row to the table14:55
rick_h_ah, can pass the className directory to the view constructor14:55
Blazeixso the first thing I'd try is removing the 'el' property, and replacing it with 'tagName':tr14:56
Blazeixthen removing the 'tr' from your template14:56
Blazeixthis.el then _should_ be the generated 'tr', which you can then set the class name from.14:56
rick_h_there we go14:56
rick_h_moved the model from the initialized, passed a {model:t , className:t.name}14:57
rick_h_and then set the tagname like you said14:57
rick_h_awesome, and events working14:58
Blazeixah, nice, from the parent view?14:58
rick_h_yea, just using events()14:58
rick_h_redoing my thing at work in backbone, porting the hand done events/models/etc into backbone14:59
rick_h_and mapping is taking a few14:59
rick_h_but starting to come together14:59
rick_h_yea, thanks for the help15:00
rick_h_the arrays of tutorials all do things slightly diff15:00
Blazeixyeah, i've been hanging out in #documentcloud, and the answer to "am I doing this right?" is always "does it work? then yes."15:02
rick_h_and hah15:03
rick_h_oops, hah15:03
rick_h_remembering to do .get() is killing me lol15:07
gamerchick02ugh. why do contract houses INSIST on "meeting" the candidate onsite before an interview?15:41
gamerchick02now I have to get up EVEN EARLIER and be down to Chrysler at effing 9:30 instead of 10.15:41
gamerchick02i didn't realize i needed to be baby-sat.15:42
rick_h_it's for your protection15:46
rick_h_can't have you making side deals and getting around things15:46
Blazeixit's actually a ruse so they can see what car you drive. That's Important.15:46
snap-lBlazeix: Yeah, they want to make sure you're not currently driving a Chrysler vehicle.15:47
snap-lso they can try to make a sale15:47
snap-lI have never seen a larger parking lot of Hondas and Toyotas in Michigan than when I worked for Chrysler15:47
snap-lfew of the offshore developers bought Chrysler cars because they didn't want to take the hit selling it when they went back15:48
snap-lgamerchick02: Also, they want to make sure you don't clash with the decor.15:48
gamerchick02so i should dress in all grey with a grey hat then?15:49
gamerchick02because Chrysler is grey on the inside, unless they've changed since the last time i interviewed there15:49
snap-lgamerchick02: Nah, just dress in kid pictures and dead plants, and you should be fine15:50
gamerchick02oooh. good point.15:50
gamerchick02but i have no kids.15:50
gamerchick02and our plants are all living.15:50
gamerchick02good point.15:50
gamerchick02i drive a Mazda. i'd never get anything made by chrysler.15:50
gamerchick02and yes, mazda = ford, i'm aware. >_<15:51
snap-lI think they got sold off again15:51
snap-lAt least Land Rover and Jaguar did15:51
gamerchick02no, the ford fusion is a mazda6 and the ford focus is a 3i.15:51
gamerchick02land rover was a pos anyway.15:51
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
WolfgerChrysler isn't gray on the inside, but your soul will be...15:54
snap-lWell, it's that multicultural gray / mauve15:56
snap-lOk, I'm having way too much fun rolling this Zocchihedron around my desk15:57
snap-lpicked one up in OH for $.25 at a resale shop15:57
WolfgerI would have expected it to be a centihedron or some such15:59
snap-lIt's named for Lou Zocchi from Game Science (makers of fine dice)16:00
snap-lI also got some round D6 dice16:00
gamerchick02Wolfger, i worked for delphi. can't get much greyer.16:01
gamerchick02also, i'll be a CONTRACT. which gets about as much respect as a high school kid sweeping the shop floor.16:01
snap-lgamerchick02: Depends on the department16:01
snap-lalso, keep your badge in your wallet, and nobody knows the difference.16:02
gamerchick02yeah, but in general, contracts are shit on the ground.16:02
snap-lI felt like a real employee, save for "All Employee Meetings"16:02
Wolfgergamerchick02: I am a contract at Chrysler these past 10 years. I know.16:02
snap-lOnly if you let it16:02
snap-lYou're still a human being16:02
gamerchick02i don't really want to work there. i'd rather work for Piolax16:02
snap-lhttp://ubuntuone.com/22ecut5wZy5w1L1PtQjMzc <- Round D616:02
gamerchick02no call back yet, but there was a holiday recently.16:02
gamerchick02i hope to hear more by tomorrow or something.16:03
Wolfgersnap-l: I've seen those before. Nifty toy, but I wouldn't want to roll them with any frequency.16:03
snap-lThis one stops pretty well16:04
Wolfgersame with the zocchihedron, for that matter16:04
gamerchick02i'd love to be able to tell this contract place where to shove their low paying job with no benefits.16:04
snap-lIt's like rolling a golfball with shot to help make it stop16:04
Wolfgergamerchick02: they can shove it right up your bank account because you're desperate? :-D16:04
gamerchick02;) probalby16:04
Wolfgerso what/where are you applying?16:05
gamerchick02it's through RGBSI. product engineer job, essentially what i did at delphi but different parts, etc16:05
WolfgerWell, good luck. I'm surprised they're contracting that position16:06
snap-lWolfger: I'm not.16:06
gamerchick02at this point, i don't give a shit what department i'm in. they're "starting" negotiations at $25/hr, but i'm sure they'll just bump me down to $18/hr because i'm female.16:06
snap-lThey'd contract out their entire staff if they could.16:06
gamerchick02no shit, sherlock.16:06
Wolfgersnap-l: point16:06
Wolfgerbut the engineering jobs I thought were all unionized16:07
snap-lgamerchick02: Nah, They'll start you at $25, then take 3 years to give you a raise. ;)16:07
snap-lWolfger: Pfft16:07
snap-lUnions are toothless nowadays16:07
gamerchick02dude, i've never made more than $15/hr. i'll gladly take $25/hr16:07
Wolfgergamerchick02: If you get a raise in 3 years, you've been fast-tracked16:07
gamerchick02as long as i don't have to carry insurance, i'll be a happy little drone16:07
snap-lOh, sorry, right16:07
snap-lThey'll give you a pay-cut in 3 years.16:08
snap-lfor the good of the company.16:08
WolfgerI had my 10-year anni on June 1, and they are just now discussing my second raise.16:08
gamerchick02holy shit. but then again, you're male, so you will get paid more. (sorry, i'm grumpy. i didn't sleep well last night and i get a call today about having to be baby-sat at my interview... just puts me off on the wrong everything.)16:09
snap-lgamerchick02: You have to meet your new boss at some point16:09
snap-lAnd contracting houses are like dating services16:09
gamerchick02oh fuck me with a knife. i hate dating.16:10
snap-l"Matchmaker Matchmaker, make me a match16:10
snap-lfind me a find16:10
Wolfgersnap-l: s/dating services/pimps/16:10
gamerchick02hence, why i'm single.16:10
snap-lcatch me a catch16:10
gamerchick02YES PIMPS16:10
snap-lMatchmaker matchmaker make me a match16:10
gamerchick02my mom gets mad when i refer to them as pimps and me as a prostitute.16:10
snap-lgamerchick02: That's essentially what it is16:10
gamerchick02"you're better than that"16:11
gamerchick02actually, no, i'm not.16:11
snap-lJust tell her you're meeting your "John"16:11
snap-lThat'll put her right off16:11
gamerchick02i know, snap-l.16:11
gamerchick02it's not that much different, except i don't get paid as much. *ZING*16:11
gamerchick02i'm horrible.16:12
snap-lWell, and you get fucked every day as a contractor.16:12
gamerchick02Wolfger, my comment related to you getting paid more... sorry, didn't mean to make you mad.16:13
snap-lbut at least you get insurance for VD16:13
snap-lso it evens out16:13
gamerchick02"UGH, GIVE IT TO ME HARDER, UUUUUH"16:13
* gamerchick02 is HORRIBLE16:13
gamerchick02i use condoms.16:13
gamerchick02seriously, i'd rather be single at this point in my life... no guy to have to pick up after.16:14
gamerchick02but a job, i'd like that.16:14
gamerchick02i just hate that it's like dating. it's disgusting.16:15
snap-lIt's business.16:15
gamerchick02yes, please abuse me on the first date. since i've been dateless for the past 2 years, i will pretty much do whatever you want if you propose right now.16:15
snap-lAlso, business is like high school.16:15
Wolfgersnap-l: Too late... my bad behavior has already been encouraged, and I'm asking an artist friend of mine to design a t-shirt out of it.16:16
snap-lso you have that to look forward to as well. :)16:16
gamerchick02no shit. i got used to stinking of it when i was at Delphi.16:16
snap-lI think we need to start the IRC collective or something16:16
gamerchick02my problem? i hate politics (in all forms, national all the way down to office).16:16
gamerchick02i think i need to give up and start smoking weed on the couch.16:17
snap-lbecause we're clearly not employable. :)16:17
Wolfgergamerchick02: the comment only annoyed me because you're starting at $25 theoretically, and I make slightly under that *after* my first raise... But, different jobs, so different pay scales.16:17
gamerchick02wolfger, a guy in my position at delphi would have made $20.16:17
gamerchick02and he wouldn't have had admin assistant on his pay stubs.16:18
gamerchick02no, i'm not STARTING. at $25. they're starting negotiation at $25.16:18
gamerchick02which means i'll be closer to the $20 mark, and probably lower. since i'm female. and not worth more.16:18
gamerchick02and since i'll have to carry insurance thanks to 'bamacare, i'm sure my net will go down to probably something like $10/hr16:19
Wolfgerwell, IMO, you need to quit thinking that way. It may or may not be true, but if you are thinking that going into things, you're handicapping yourself16:19
gamerchick02perhaps, but ranting about it actually helps.16:20
gamerchick02i'm grumpy today.16:20
Wolfgerrant away then :-)16:20
Wolfgerbesides, what do I know? I'm just a man.16:20
gamerchick02feel free to beat me with pointy sticks, as i probably deserve it. especially today. i've been horrible to people in here.16:20
gamerchick02no, i count you as a friend. you know more than me. plenty more than me.16:20
* gamerchick02 hugs Wolfger16:21
Wolfgerhey, cut that out16:21
gamerchick02he he!16:21
WolfgerI can't beat you with pointy sticks if I'm being hugged16:21
gamerchick02true. but that was my point!!16:21
* gamerchick02 hugs everyone in here16:21
gamerchick02is anyone else in here looking forward to fall as much as i am?16:23
Wolfgerfall is here, weather-wise, and I am loving it16:23
gamerchick02as am i. cuddly sweaters! jeans! jackets!16:24
gamerchick02i can hardly wait to pull out my long wool coat.16:24
rick_h_I want the rain to stop16:24
rick_h_must ride bike...16:24
rick_h_but +1 on the temps16:25
gamerchick02go out and start singing.16:25
gamerchick02i recommend a grey suit and fedora and an umbrella.16:25
gamerchick02and you'll need a lamppost.16:25
gamerchick02"Come on with the rain, there's a smile on my face"16:25
gamerchick02oh dear god, i think I've listened to that song too much when i can almost quote it word for word.16:25
gamerchick02oh, Gene Kelly, you will never know what you've done to me...16:28
snap-lI wish that some Apple engineer would take a picture of a bowel movement with an iPhone 5, and upload it to Flickr16:30
snap-lleave it not-private for about 5 hours16:30
snap-lthen make it private16:30
snap-lwatching the tech news sites wax poetic over a bowl of shit would be awesome16:31
snap-l"Look at the camera resolution"16:31
gamerchick02omg. snap-l that's awesome.16:35
gamerchick02http://feministing.com/2011/09/08/on-being-a-chef-a-woman-and-the-need-for-safe-spaces/ relevant to everyone.16:42
WolfgerMan, what is it with my mind today? First it was The Ramones, now it's offshore support's name. Kumar Kandregula.... Kandregula. OMG, I'm getting support from Count Dracula?!?16:46
snap-lWolfger: Maybe you should stop drinking at 10am16:47
Wolfgersnap-l: maybe I should *start* drinking at 10am16:50
gamerchick02lol @ wolfger.16:50
gamerchick02time for lunch. back later16:51
rick_h_Blazeix: I've got a property on a model that's a list. So model.triggers = [] is the default17:32
rick_h_and then I'm doing a "add_trigger" method to append to it17:32
rick_h_do you know of any way around .set({})17:32
rick_h_else I'll have to get it, append, and then reset it?17:32
BlazeixI'm just starting to look into that myself (that's why I was poking around the backbonejs-hierarchical library earlier)17:36
BlazeixSo far my models have been pretty simple, I don't really have a system in place that handles it17:37
rick_h_yea, I just pulled it, appended it, and put it back for now17:37
rick_h_I need to dbl check events now17:37
rick_h_if you .bind('change') several times does it overwrite or play nice and call multiple?17:38
rick_h_ah cool, does a list yay17:39
gamerchick02http://users.wolfcrews.com/toys/vikings/ relevant.17:53
rick_h_woot! it works, feature parity reached18:08
rick_h_love the model change events18:08
snap-lgamerchick02: Why?18:09
gamerchick02what? viking cats are always relevant18:09
gamerchick02not to this discussion, but to our lives.18:09
Wolfgerviking kittens are awesome18:10
gamerchick02i'm feeling better after lunch. the cobwebs are starting to go away.18:10
Wolfgersnap-l: because it rulez!18:10
gamerchick02my brain feels better now.18:10
gamerchick02i thought Wolfger would be in my corner. :-D18:10
Blazeixvikings are a metaphor for backbone.js, and kittens represent the MVC architectural pattern.18:12
gamerchick02i didn't know that.18:12
Wolfgerso backbone.js makes MVC awesome?18:13
Wolfgerwhat does the Led Zepplin tune represent?18:13
snap-lThat we're migrating to backbone.js in droves18:15
snap-lWe're immigrants from our other languages that have already been plundered and pillaged18:15
BlazeixI saw yesterday that both the new HTML5 pandora and the linkedin phone app are written in backbone. pretty cool18:15
rick_h_Blazeix: yea, it's more LoC than I had before, but love how the events are nice/grouped18:16
rick_h_the view/model is split18:16
rick_h_I could makes things better by doing collections, but skipped that for now18:16
Wolfgermaybe I just don't pay attention to web stuff anymore, but I haven't heard of backbone until.... uh... 2 minutes ago? :-p18:17
rick_h_what's awesome is it all just init's and it's all events after that18:17
rick_h_Wolfger: it's all the rage for the last 3wk18:17
Wolfgerso, like, forever in web terms :-D18:17
brouschWolfger: don't feel too bad. i do pay attention and heard about it 2 weeks ago18:18
Wolfger"you're still using what? That is *so* 4 weeks ago..."18:18
gamerchick02lol wolfger18:23
gamerchick02i hadn't heard about it, but then again i don't pay much attention to computer languages. I'm horrible, i know.18:24
snap-lI have turned on my Thinkpad's light (work thinkpad)18:24
gamerchick02oh dear god, that cake smells good.18:24
snap-lPartially because it's dark, and partially because I can18:24
gamerchick02my mom's making a spice cake for the burrito dinner tomorrow.18:24
gamerchick02you have a light on your computer?18:24
gamerchick02how epic.18:24
snap-lYes, yes I do18:24
snap-lit's the answer to the Mac backlit keyboard.18:25
gamerchick02but... my mom's making a spice cake!18:25
Blazeixhm, can you control that light from software? it'd be interesting to hook it up to libnotify :)18:25
gamerchick02i have no light on my computer. *sadface*18:25
gamerchick02ooooh. that would be cool!18:25
snap-lBlazeix: I wouldn't see why you couldn't, but I don't know how18:25
BlazeixI think I have that light on my lappy, too. I think it's been turned on once, maybe.18:26
snap-lI think it's part of the T series18:27
snap-lthere's a keypress that might turn it on under Linux18:27
WolfgerBlazeix: and the answer is, yes you can. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkLight18:27
snap-lhonestly, I never tried when I had Ubuntu on this machine18:28
BlazeixWolfger: nice18:30
snap-lOK, I really love King Crimson's Vroom album18:31
rick_h_Blazeix: yea, there's a pidgin plugin to do it18:33
rick_h_so that it blinks that light whenever you get a message18:33
Wolfgerwould be annoying if you're working in the dark with your light on and it starts blinking, though18:34
rick_h_meh, I used it for new messages long ago18:37
snap-lyou'd know you had a message. :)18:37
rick_h_now my laptop is docked so I don't see the light anyway18:37
rick_h_bwuhaha, showed the boss the backbone stuff and now it's going to be class time18:37
WolfgerI sense more quality time with NC in your future18:38
rick_h_he rose up again earilier "how come this command doesn't work? It says it cannot find a _build directory?"18:38
rick_h_"do you have the default sphinx _build directory?"18:38
rick_h_"no, I tell sphinx I don't want one, I like it this way vs default"18:39
gamerchick02sphinx_build? for real?18:39
rick_h_well...ima guess that's the problem18:39
rick_h_now, _build is the dir that sphinx creates if you go defaults18:39
rick_h_he was mad my script failed because he didn't use the defaults18:39
gamerchick02when I think of sphinx, i think of the stone cat things in Egypt.18:39
rick_h_heh, no, sphinx the python documentation tool18:40
gamerchick02:) very cool.18:43
rick_h_cat people :P18:43
gamerchick02i'm allergic. the only reason i say that is because of Nile. the sphinx is one of our unofficial symbols.18:44
gamerchick02but i do love kitties! too bad i'm allergic to them. i'd probably have one.18:45
WolfgerI'd be happy to give you one18:45
WolfgerI'm down to 3, and one of them I don't much like18:46
Wolfgerand I think it's safe to say we'll probably never have another cat after these 3 pass.18:46
rick_h_worst mistake ever18:46
WolfgerI've had some really cool cats. Still have one of them. But they are so hit-and-miss, and having cats and dogs in the same house is just insane18:47
Wolfgerand when we get fleas... bathing cats is total bloody suckage18:48
gamerchick02oh no!18:48
gamerchick02maybe if i get one of these jobs i'm in for and move, i might take you up on that offer18:49
WolfgerThe one I'm trying to get rid of is ridiculously affectionate.18:49
gamerchick02down to 3? how many did you have, wolfger?18:49
gamerchick02oh, sounds cute!18:49
snap-lI love cats.18:49
WolfgerLike, force herself on you affectionate. Which is why we don't like her18:50
gamerchick02oh. well, i'd need to take some time and meet the cat first.18:50
gamerchick02like sit on your computer? or something?18:50
WolfgerWe had five, a couple of them passed away, and then we rescued a couple from a friend's house when her dog mauled one of them.18:50
gamerchick02eep. sounds like you've got a good kitty heart! :)18:51
Wolfgerand one more passed, and we found a home for one of the rescues18:51
Wolfgerso... down to 3, hoping to get down to 218:51
gamerchick02well, if i end up getting one of these jobs, i'll have to take a look.18:52
gamerchick02you have a dog too? some cats and dogs get on really well.18:52
WolfgerThat would be great!18:52
snap-l"Keep on Rotting in the Free World" by Carcass18:52
WolfgerI am down to 4 dogs18:52
gamerchick024 dogs. wow!18:52
gamerchick02you've got a zoo!18:52
WolfgerThe cats and the Great Dane get along great.18:52
gamerchick02not as bad as my friend's daughter Amy. they have goats, cats, a dog, and chickens now18:53
WolfgerThe 3 basenjis have a high prey drive, though, and chase the cats.18:53
gamerchick02yes, they live on a farm18:53
gamerchick02snap-l, there's a band called Carcass?18:53
Wolfgerbig dogs > little dogs18:53
snap-lgamerchick02: there's bands called much worse.18:54
gamerchick02i know.18:54
gamerchick02some bands don't make sense with their name.18:54
snap-lBring Me the Horizon18:54
snap-lSuicide Silence18:54
snap-lhate those names18:54
gamerchick02strange names.18:54
snap-lApparently a hot topic exploded in Germany19:14
snap-ljrwren: Reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS-gGYaA8F0&ob=av3e19:16
jrwrenhaha, me too.19:19
jrwrensadly, Monday nights at necto is more like the former than the latter.19:19
snap-lYeah, I can imagine19:19
jrwrenyou just reminded me that SP Rabies is only 3 yrs away in my playlist :)19:20
jrwrenerr... 5 hrs... I guess I'll get to it tomorrow.19:20
snap-lMan that's a major playlist.19:21
snap-lhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL7T3apuzQU&feature=BFa <-The Afternoon cries for Metal19:28
gamerchick02the afternoon cries for metal?19:44
brouschsnap-l: don't you use blender? this looks up your alley http://ht.ly/1eBkpk20:05
TeamXlinkWow, its amazing the up time of computers that people have.20:09
TeamXlinkIf anyones on the grlug mailing list, you should read the "Moment of Silence" thread it is amazing, the archive of it is here: http://shinobu.grlug.org/pipermail/grlug/2011-September/thread.html (I would link directly to it, but it isn't in one link.)20:10
TeamXlinkThis was something someone said:20:11
TeamXlink"Phil - that is funny you bring up that story. IBM iSeries/AS/400/i5 sales/service/administration people used to (and maybe still do) tell a similar story about a AS/400 that was dry walled into a closet for years... only to be found when they needed to do a system upgrade."20:11
TeamXlink./end quote20:11
TeamXlinkThat is amazing to think a computer being dry walled in a closet still running for that long!20:12
gamerchick02whoa. and i shut my laptop off at night.20:12
gamerchick02so it's only uptime is like 8-12 hours at most.20:12
_stink_does a linode count?  i'm not exactly responsible for the power and stuff... but 266 days20:13
_stink_not that it's a contest.20:13
TeamXlinkI currently run a Linux dedicated erver running Warsow (Before that it was Quake 3), and its uptime is until our power goes out.20:14
brouschTeamXlink: Ben Rousch started that? I hate that guy. Fuck him right in the neck.20:15
TeamXlink./me doesn't think its good to hate yourself, if I understand this correctly.20:16
* TeamXlink doesn't think its good to hate yourself, if I understand this correctly.20:17
TeamXlinkAt school today we had to do a pretest on the computers in Civics class. and I noticed that in the lab we were in, it didn't have Microsoft Office.20:17
TeamXlinkIt had OpenOffice.20:17
brouschit wasn't meant to to turn into a uptime penis measuring contest, but such things usually end up that way20:17
brouschwhat scool?20:18
TeamXlinkEast Kentwood High School20:20
TeamXlinkm not sure if its on all of the computers in the school but it was on the ones in that lab.20:20
brouschTeamXlink: did you know there's an active grlug irc channel?20:22
TeamXlinkNo, I didn't20:22
* TeamXlink goes to set that one up to autojoin as well.20:23
snap-lbrousch: The Blender Game Engine has been a part of Blender since the 1.x series20:24
brouschso use it!20:25
brouschand the python3 scripting engine20:25
jrwrenbrousch: I don't think Bob Kline has his numbers right :)20:29
brouschjrwren: don't go there. BK is special20:30
tyrokHi!  Heard about the channel and thought I'd drop by.20:42
=== vanberge is now known as vanberge_idle
snap-lHave I mentioned lately that I really hate SOAP and XML?21:05
snap-lShitty Object Assinine Protocol22:40
widoxvisiting our old madison heights caribou this evening23:43
snap-lOh, nice23:43
gamerchick02lol snap-l23:45

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