
BiosElementHowdy folks01:55
BiosElementLong time no IRC. >.>01:55
BiosElementI'm epic fail when it comes to remembering to setup IRC again01:55
BiosElementReminds me, got a few sysadmin jobs if anyone is looking for low pay but awesome hours ^_^01:56
dzhoso, is there an OLF irc channel15:01
Cheri703don't think so15:06
Cheri703since there's not *actual* internet access there, except for booth folks15:06
canthus13there's wireless, if you know the pass. :)16:39
dzhoI meant, for now16:40
dzholike, to hang out a bit beforehand16:41
dzhodo we know how cell data access is in the venue?16:41
thafreakit's on a diff irc network16:41
thafreakoftc.net i think16:41
dzhojust googled that up, thanks16:42
dzhoI recognize Nivex and paulproteus as nicks there, that's it16:42
canthus13dzho: depnds on the cell network.16:43
thafreakanyone test the oneric desktop images yet?16:43
dzhocanthus13: it usually does ;-)  I've got tmo for my n900 and I think we still have a good bit left on the VZW usb prepay dongle we got to take on vacation last week.16:44
dzhoif "it depends" is true, one or both will work.  If neither will work, it really doesn't depend--it isn't available.  (I mean, I suppose AT&T or Sprint might have some exclusive deal for stuff actually *in* the convention center)16:45
canthus13dzho: iirc, Cheri703's worked for tethering last year.16:46
Cheri703low service though16:47
thafreaki think sprint had shitty service...when I had a sprint dongle in the past16:47
thafreaki think tmo atleast gets service though16:47
canthus13my sprint cell did fine last year.16:49
canthus13...I think.16:49
thafreakmight have just been a crappy dongle i had ;)16:49
dzhoI registered and am strongly leaning towards attending but still I chance I won't make it.16:49
jacobi'll have some wifi tethering available on an as-needed basis16:51
jacobit's out-of-contract, though (rooted tether), so don't do anything that will cancel my data plan. ;)16:52
dzhojacob: good to hear.  I think I'll be fine with the combo above.  Who's your provider?16:53
jacobverizon. it's on a thunderbolt with unlimited data, and I haven't had problems using a lot of it in the past16:54
jacobother than the occasional 4g modem overheat :P16:54
jacobin general, though, the convention center is a good wireless barrier, so don't expect too much. i'm hoping that LTE will have better coverage this year, though16:56
dzhooh, yay, murph will be there17:14
thafreakwell, my ltsp server has xubuntu and lubuntu installed, so i can pick between them :)17:28
thafreakseems unity-2d still doesn't work in a KVM vm...17:32
thafreakhow am i supposed to test...use REAL hardware? bah, so 2000's17:33
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Guest46011Hi how is it going?18:39
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