
shantornhow did saturdays activities go?02:03
bkerensashantorn: Really good :) we waited a half hour for you :P\02:27
C_Smithquick question: does it matter if I use Kubuntu to be productive in the group?03:40
bkerensaC_Smith: Nope you can use whatever distro or variant of Ubuntu you so choose03:41
bkerensaIn other locos some people use Debian and even Fedora but they usually dual-boot to Ubuntu as well03:41
bkerensaKubuntu is a officially recognized ubuntu flavor03:41
C_Smithcool, thinking about setting up an openSUSE dualboot myself, both KDE.03:44
C_Smithbut my previous experiences with openSUSE are still heavy on my mind.03:44
C_Smithyay! found my Transflash (MicroSD) card!03:47
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
tgm4883 anyone know of a extension for gnome-shell to control google music?16:25
=== dgibbons_ is now known as dgibbons
bkerensatgm4883: thefinn93 likely does he loves Google Music16:32
Brian_HI use subsonic it's a pretty solid music server and has clients for iphone/android/desktop17:02
c_smithhopefully this version of Pidgin doesn't crash on me.21:50
c_smithso, how is everyone?21:51
tgm4883xchat FTW!21:51
thefinn93w00t xchat21:53
thefinn93that is me21:54
tgm4883<bkerensa> tgm4883: thefinn93 likely does he loves Google Music21:54
bkerensac_smith: Who uses Pidgin for IRC?21:54
thefinn93tgm4883, what was the context of that21:54
thefinn93oh wait i see21:54
tgm4883thefinn93, anyone know of a extension for gnome-shell to control google music?21:55
thefinn93yeah idk21:55
thefinn93i have Comca$t internet21:55
tgm4883thats helpful ;)21:55
thefinn93with a 250Gb cap21:55
tgm4883as do I21:55
thefinn93so i can't use Google Music21:55
thefinn93for fear of blowing that cap21:55
bkerensatgm4883 & c_smith: I think you guys got enough people in your neck of the woods to hold a Ubuntu Hour.... I know there is one or two other people out there21:55
tgm4883Apparently you download way more than I do21:55
thefinn93that includes uploading21:56
tgm4883thefinn93, :(21:56
bkerensatgm4883: I try and use as much bandwidth as possible21:56
thefinn93and Google Music is streaming, which is like downloading it *every time you want to listen to a song*21:56
thefinn93actually it is that, not just like that21:56
tgm4883I use it mostly for work/evo21:57
tgm4883I do have a local copy of the stuff at home21:57
c_smithbkerensa, apparently, I'm one of the few who use Pidgin for IRC.21:57
bkerensaman this channel is much more active these days21:57
thefinn93yeah i don't have a smart phone21:57
* bkerensa slaps thefinn9321:57
tgm4883smart phones FTW!21:57
thefinn93c_smith, yeah i used to use it but it kept freezing up on me21:57
bkerensaI'm getting a new smartphone next month21:57
bkerensalikely a Android or iPhone21:57
thefinn93sounds like it's replacing your old one21:57
bkerensanot sure which yet... I have an upgrade available21:58
thefinn93but that thing you have21:58
tgm4883<bkerensa> a Android21:58
thefinn93can barly cound as one21:58
thefinn93android phone21:58
thefinn93get it21:58
bkerensathefinn93: LOL why? WebOS is a smartphone platform21:58
thefinn93yes but that POS was not a smart phone21:58
tgm4883bkerensa, so is Windows Phone 7 Series21:58
* bkerensa might actually go iPhone 21:58
thefinn93me: "check the google map on your smart phone" bkerensa: "I cant it'll kill the battery"21:59
bkerensatgm4883: I know speaking of that Microsoft offered me one for free21:59
c_smiththe main reason, as I have said, that i use pidgin is because it's the only Linux IM program that has an Xfire plugin, and I have a lot of people I talk to on Xfire.21:59
bkerensathefinn93: What smartphone doesnt suck battery? Check reviews for android and iphones21:59
c_smithbrb, gonna restart PC.21:59
bkerensathefinn93: My palm is also overclocked22:00
thefinn93bkerensa, i am aware of that, but you can't do anything on it22:00
thefinn93ah that'd help22:00
bkerensaand it has nginx, sshd and many other things running22:00
bkerensaOptware for the win22:00
thefinn93so useful22:00
thefinn93i'll make sure to put nginx on my smart phone as soon as i get one22:01
tgm4883anyone going to UDS?22:01
bkerensanot this year22:02
bkerensaI'm waiting till its out of country again22:02
* bkerensa doesnt really wanna go to the midwest or east coast (wherever they are having it)22:02
bkerensaalthough I think they are planning for a West Coast location soon :)22:03
thefinn93the occupy wallstreet folks should buy a ton of these and all hold them when the cops come22:03
c_smithand I'm back, kernel was updated, so that was why I needed to restart.22:04
tgm4883c_smith, bip FTW22:04
tgm4883bkerensa, maybe in a year?22:04
tgm4883next UDS will be foreign22:04
bkerensatgm4883: idk I asked Jono when we could see one on the west coast and he said something about a possible bay area22:05
* bkerensa would love to see it in Portland which makes more sense for cost purposes22:05
tgm4883probably trying to hit up mountain view again22:05
bkerensaexpensive =/22:05
tgm4883c_smith, yep, bip22:05
bkerensawhy pay two times for venue in California when you can do it in Oregon cheaper22:05
c_smithwhat's bip?22:06
* tgm4883 shrugs22:06
thefinn93tgm4883, what does that have over, say, znc?22:06
thefinn93c_smith, bip appears to be an IRC bouncer22:06
tgm4883thefinn93, I've not used znc22:06
thefinn93i use it22:06
thefinn93it's nice22:06
c_smithah, i see.22:06
tgm4883I connect to it from home, work, phone22:06
thefinn93c_smith, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC_bouncer - that is what bip is22:06
c_smithnot of use to me22:07
tgm4883always have backlog22:07
tgm4883never logged off22:07
thefinn93also znc is extensible22:07
c_smithbrb, restarting pidgin for Xfire22:07
thefinn93aaannd that's what a BNC is for22:07
bkerensaznc is kinda shoddy imho22:08
tgm4883signon: Fri Aug 19 02:36:2722:08
tgm4883server was having some issues I guess22:08
thefinn93bkerensa, what do you use?22:08
bkerensathefinn93: I use znc because psybnc is to much to config for me :P22:08
thefinn93i see22:08
bkerensabut the buffer sucks on this and it keeps prefixing everything with +22:09
tgm4883I'd like something that places every time someone says my name into another window22:09
tgm4883something server side that is, not client side22:09
thefinn93that could be done22:10
thefinn93write an extension22:10
bkerensatgm4883: You looked so bored at global jam :P22:10
thefinn93i don't know C22:10
tgm4883bkerensa, I didn't really know what to expect, so I just sat back and watched22:10
tgm4883plus, I was actually doing bug work ;)22:10
bkerensawell I intended to break into groups but hella people didnt show and I was trying to give time and time was too short22:11
bkerensanext time I wanna make it like four hours and double the food and double the swag22:11
bkerensamaybe even a DJ :)22:11
thefinn93i approve22:11
tgm4883you should see if bdmurray is still willing to do  a bug talk22:12
* bkerensa pings bdmurray22:12
bkerensaIf he is willing I can setup a Ubuntu Hour22:12
bkerensaand there he is :)22:12
bkerensabdmurray: There is some interest for you to hold a bug talk :)22:13
* bkerensa would be interested22:13
tgm4883bdmurray, I know the offer was there in the past around gutsy time, but I didn't know if the offer stood22:13
bdmurrayI can still talk and still know about bug so ... yes! ;-)22:14
bkerensahmm maybe shirgall will come to Oneiric release22:15
bkerensaHe could tell us about his cool projects and pandaboards :)22:15
c_smiththere we go, had to compile the xfire plugin from source.22:17
bdmurraybkerensa: so I'm fairly flexible just let me know22:21
c_smithbdmurray, why do I recognize your handle from another Ubuntu room?22:22
c_smitheven i don't know XD22:22
bdmurrayc_smith: I'm in most of them ;-)22:22
c_smithah, ok,22:23
bkerensac_smith: bdmurray is the Ubuntu Bug Czar22:23
bkerensaand works for Canonical22:23
c_smithfor a second I thought I recognized you from Ultimate Edition stuff, but I don't believe that's you22:23
c_smithoh, cool! LD22:23
bkerensayep right now there are two Canonical employees who idle if we could get the rest who live in the area it might be nice :)22:24
bdmurrayI'm fairly certain they'd show up at a release party22:25
c_smithhrrrmmmm, libGL.so.1 looks to be here..... but my apps aren't detecting it. strange.22:26
c_smithbut I guess it's to be expected with beta versions! :D22:26
bdmurrayc_smith: oneiric? amd64?22:26
bkerensabdmurray: If they knew of it :P I have no way of summoning them heck I dont even know all of the Canonical employees you have hiding out here :D22:26
bdmurrayc_smith: did you setup multi-arch?22:27
bkerensaOneiric is buggy as it gets :P  but luckily all the bugs I'm finding are reported already22:27
c_smithwhat do you mean by that?22:27
c_smiththat could prove useful.22:28
* bkerensa goes back to watching bugs-announce22:29
c_smithI'm gonna try getting to the coffee shop which I'm told has wifi and is big enough to house member from the Willamette valley from the team tomorrow and see if we can use it.22:32
tgm4883bkerensa, did you advertise the bug jam to the PDX team?22:34
bkerensac_smith: Ask them if their java is open source22:34
bkerensatgm4883: PDX Team?22:34
c_smithnot sure what you mean.22:34
tgm4883bkerensa, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PDXTeam22:34
tgm4883they have a mailing list as well I believe22:35
c_smithbkerensa, is that a joke, or what? I feel I'm missing something there.22:35
tgm4883it appears their irc channel is empty though22:35
tgm4883not sure if they are still around22:35
bkerensatgm4883: I think thats abandoned I had e-mail them in the past and got no response... Dan was on there but to my knowledge that and PNW are ghosts22:36
tgm4883when we held the gutsy release party, a lot of people showed up because they were subscribed to their mailing list22:36
bkerensac_smith: They sell java... ask them if its open source ;0 yeah its a joke22:36
tgm4883probably true22:36
tgm4883java == coffee22:36
c_smithoh, I see.22:36
bkerensatgm4883: Ideally we will be rm'ing pdx and then PNW will become a joint collabo between Oregon/WA/Idaho22:37
tgm4883not Idaho22:37
tgm4883There are two things I don't like. 1) Bigotry, 2) people from Idaho22:37
bkerensaIdaho is a weird place... I lived in Nampa for a period of time and it was odd22:38
* bkerensa went to culinary school at Centennial in Nampa, ID22:38
tgm4883hmm, it's interesting what you learn when you go back and read beginning python books22:39
tgm4883I should be doing that!22:39
bkerensatgm4883: Well Idaho has a lot of bigotry I would say :)22:39
bkerensatgm4883: imho Idaho and Washington are the biggest strongholds of Bigotry in the region :D22:39
tgm4883we should just make them part of Oregon22:40
bkerensaIt seems like a lot of White Supremacy in Idaho and Washington22:40
c_smithbrb, gotta restart to kill wine,22:40
bkerensatgm4883: idk I have to talk to WA about it.... Council has me working with WA on PNW stuff22:40
tgm4883restart to kill wine?22:40
bkerensaterminal - killall22:41
tgm4883kill -9 wine?22:41
bkerensahe needs schooling ;) its ok he will learn22:41
tgm4883well crap22:42
tgm4883so I asked for time off for UDS22:42
bkerensatgm4883: Can I pm?22:42
tgm4883bkerensa, yea22:42
bkerensaBtw guys we will have a banner for events and booths soon Brian_H's company is sponsoring it22:55
Brian_Hwhoo whoo :)22:56
tgm4883perfect timing22:56
tgm4883I'm listening to some black eyed peas and they sang "woo hoo"22:57
tgm4883right as Brian_H did22:57
thefinn93what was that op business all about?23:01
Brian_Hhahah nice23:01
bkerensathefinn93: me anbd tgm4883 were testing access :)23:02
bkerensael_seano: Are you SeanR ?23:03
Gerty_Just moved to Eugene. Can anyone recommend an ISP?23:21
tgm4883Gerty_, you don't want Clear23:22
Gerty_Which leaves me with...23:22
tgm4883You apparently really only have 2 choices, CenturyLink and Comcast23:22
tgm4883cable vs dsl23:23
tgm4883Alan says he has comcast23:23
tgm4883I'm at work, so I'm polling my coworkers23:23
Gerty_I've heard comcast likes to up the price on you. Dunno anything about "centurylink"23:23
tgm4883they basically said No clear23:23
tgm4883centurylink is the new qwest23:23
tgm4883why the move to Eugene?23:26
Gerty_Tryin' to get leart.23:26
el_seanobkerensa: nope23:27
bkerensaHi Gerty_23:28
bkerensaGerty_: All ISP's generally up prices... Usually they offer you a initial deal but the contract allows them to hike after your initial price expires23:29
Brian_Hif you call them back and tell them you need the 6 month promo price again they generally give it to you :p23:30
Gerty_Heh heh. Worth a try.23:30
Brian_H"look man times are hard... going to need you to lower the price or I have to cancel"23:30
Brian_Hdo it myself every 6 mo :p23:30
Brian_Hheck I've even had the employees tell me to call back in 6 mo23:30
Gerty_That is good to know.23:31
Gerty_And which ISP is that?23:32
bkerensabrb xchat is acting up23:32
* bkerensa uses Comcast Business Class23:33
Brian_Hcomcast :p23:52
Brian_Hor verizon/frontier23:52
Gerty_tgm4883: So why does everyone hate Clear?23:54
thefinn93because it is terrible23:59
thefinn93slow speeds23:59

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