
Unit193Having fun with your yoyo?00:34
linuxman410anyone one here00:39
linuxman410wrst u here00:40
linuxman410cyberanger u here00:42
Unit193Well, they are all here, just maybe afk00:42
linuxman410Unit193 i guess you are here00:43
Unit193linuxman410: Naaa, I just respond only when I'm gone :P00:43
linuxman410Unit193 yeah rite00:44
linuxman410Unit193 i stopped using lubuntu found a major flaw00:45
Unit193Well, what you think it was?00:46
linuxman410Unit193 i installed it on my netbook and went back a month later and it will not let me login and i wrote down my username and password so i know it is right00:47
linuxman410Unit193 that has happen 3 times on 3 different machines00:49
Unit193Ummm... You must be doing something wrong then... I've installed it many times with no issues and I've never heard of it before00:49
Unit193Howdy orangeninja!01:29
orangeninjaany of you guys familiar with Strong VPN or Hide My Ass Pro VPN?01:29
orangeninjaUnit193: !!!!!01:29
Unit193orangeninja: What' ya looking to do?01:30
orangeninjaAhhh,  really just have a VPN for public wifi spots and to hide hostname in other IRCs I happen to go to here and there.01:31
orangeninjaI am a noob, but I figured pay for BNC might as well pay for VPN.01:31
Unit193Cloak and SSH for stuff...01:31
orangeninjatried a couple of free BNC and got rejected.01:31
Unit193I think you confused VPN for VPS?01:32
orangeninjamaybe.... I just figured if I coonect to IRC network through vpn it will hide real hostyname01:32
orangeninjaand I could use VPN for WiFi spots and crap too.01:33
Unit193Ah, then you are correct01:33
orangeninjahell I don't know. It could be a big waste of money too. VPNs range from $55 - $90 a year01:34
linuxman410orangeninja i use puppylinux live cd at public hotspots01:35
orangeninjayes good idea. I could take a bootable CD or USB for that type of thing01:36
Unit193SSH tunneling is a good idea...01:37
orangeninjayeah. I connected SSH from my laptop to this desktop running irssi but could not remeber how to pull up this terminal.01:42
orangeninjaProbably need to /exit and reconnect in screen or byobu01:42
orangeninja^^ local01:43
wrstlinuxman410: !!!01:48
wrstwhere you been?01:48
linuxman410wrst around why01:48
wrstjust hadn't seen you in a while linuxman41001:49
linuxman410wrst my job went from partime to full time01:49
wrstlinuxman410: that's good i would think?01:50
linuxman410wrst oh yeah its good just alot more time at work01:50
wrsthopefully more money for more projects :)01:51
linuxman410wrst i am using puppy linux now there is a whole bunch of different versions of it01:51
wrsthaven't tried it in a while, i'm running arch still and ubuntu 11.10 beta 101:52
linuxman410wrst i stopped worring about ubuntu my hardware is too ol01:53
wrstthey have really improved unity linuxman410 and with unity 2d you get the same experience with old hardware01:54
wrstmore or less the same experience01:54
linuxman410wrst i have one machine that runs ubuntu and i use it every now and then01:55
wrstits all good its all linux01:55
linuxman410wrst i am trading a netbook for a laptop01:56
wrstcool linuxman41001:57
linuxman410wrst i have a old asus eeepc 701sd trading for dell x300 laptop01:57
linuxman410wrst with puppy i do not use the harddrive i use live cd and when i reboot everything is gone01:59
wrstyeah I've used it a few times you can save the settings if i remember correctly to the HDD?02:00
linuxman410wrst yeah but i never do that02:00
wrstahh ok02:00
linuxman410wrst puppy is real handy for public hotspots02:01
wrstI bet02:01
linuxman410wrst that way i do not worry about them stealing information02:02
cyberangerlinuxman410: what's up02:05
linuxman410cyberanger nothing much how are you02:05
cyberangernot bad, but the flooding has caused some havoc here02:06
linuxman410cyberanger lot of damage there02:08
cyberangernot too much, but enough to be lending a helping hand to fix02:10
linuxman410cyberanger i got a good deal on a asus eee pc 701sd and i am trading it for a laptop02:17
wrstok so unity is pretty good except the "snap" feauture that pale orangish box that blinds you is a little silly02:51
cyberangerlinuxman410: cool03:11
linuxman410cyberanger got it for 32 bucks03:13
Unit193Friend at Ubuntu Hour got a quadcore 4G ram desktop for $30USD (Shipping)03:13
linuxman410Unit193 what is Ubuntu Hour03:14
chris4585so I'm playing with the beta, and I'm just kind of blown away by how Ubuntu's appearance is so nice now compared to even last release10:23
chris4585the titlebars appear to be a lot more sharp, and I love that10:23
wrstchris4585: i agreee they have done wonderful work10:28
chris4585yeah, what I've seen from the reviews don't even do the real thing justice10:29
chris4585right now I'm really impressed with just the beta10:29
chris4585its even -gasp- working with my nvidia card on my laptop10:29
wrstchris4585: I am too I may use Ubuntu more now11:47
wrsthowdy average_guy14:00
average_guyHi wrst. What's up wit you?14:01
wrstjust work average_guy, you?14:01
average_guyI'm trying out debian/xfce today14:01
wrstcool average_guy14:02
average_guyseems faster then xubuntu14:02
wrstaverage_guy: yes from my understanding vanilla xfce is quick but the ubuntu patched version is somewhat bloated14:03
average_guyyeah, I've heard you talk about it, so I decided to try it out today.  Couldn't get arch to cooperate..14:05
wrstaverage_guy: with arch you must read and follow every word of the documentation :)14:06
average_guyoh, i know wrst, I was lurking on you and xpistos yesterday14:11
wrstha ha yeah average_guy but its great if you want a highly customized distro, but Unity in 11.10 I'm way impressed14:13
pace_t_zulumorning ubuntu-tennessee14:46
cyberangermorning everyone14:56
wrsthowdy cyberanger, pace_t_zulu14:57
pace_t_zulumorning cyberanger and wrst14:57
wrstwb pace_t_zulu19:07
cyberangerlong day for anyone else?21:30
Unit193Had to help my other sister move bed/dressers/bookcase21:31
cyberangersounds like fun21:52
Unit193I'm sure you had more :P21:53
cyberangerUnit193: maybe22:11

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