
Kilosmornin superfly and others06:07
superflymorning oom Kilos06:07
* Squirm 's neighbour just started his helicopter06:10
SquirmI want a helicopter06:10
superflyhi Squirm06:11
Kiloslo Squirm kbmonkey 06:11
Squirmand there he goes06:13
kbmonkeyhello all06:14
superflyhiya kbmonkey06:15
Kilosgeex tara has had 22985 hits at youtube07:25
Kilosmy brat's becoming famous07:34
Kilosand i got her to open a twitter account07:48
Kilosfor the tweeters07:48
superflyKilos: you know, she could probably get a recording deal, just from that video07:57
Kiloshopefully superfly 07:57
* inetpro is the 1st follower of Tara-Lynn Sharrock on twitter08:17
inetprogood morning Kilos08:18
inetprooh and good morning superfly, and others08:18
sakhiMorning all08:32
nuvolariMaaz: last tweet by taralsofficial08:33
Maaznuvolari: "Hi everyone! This is me, Tara-Lynn Sharrock, from  X Factor 2011! I had to do TaraTLS because of the name limit. :)" 49 minutes and 48 seconds ago, http://twitter.com/TaraLSOfficial/statuses/11170628372752793608:33
superflyhiya inetpro08:43
Kilosmornin inetpro nuvolari 09:11
panphriedMaaz, coffee please09:15
Maazpanphried: There isn't a pot on09:15
panphriedMaaz, can I have some coffee? 09:16
Maazpanphried: Got it09:16
Kiloslo panphried octoquad 09:59
octoquadhey Kilos :)09:59
Kilosyou new here octoquad ?10:00
octoquadyeah, joined yesterday10:04
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za. tell us a bit about yourself10:05
Kilosnatty giving me a hard time. pidgin windows go blank if i open another workspace10:23
=== scar[w]_ is now known as scar[w]
scar[w]3 minor bugs the past 3 days14:45
* scar[w] is using oneiric14:48
Tonberry1 somewhat less than minor bug using natty14:52
Tonberryx server went mad14:52
scar[w]from lucid to oneiric (missed maverick and skipped natty)14:53
scar[w]I started the download for amd64 repos, making the internets slow for everyone. It should take about 5 days to finish14:54
Tonberrylets hope oneiric is a nice improvement over the mess that is natty14:55
scar[w]not sure about gnome/unity, but in kde the responsiveness of the desktop environment is spectacular15:01
Tonberrythe search system sane yet?15:02
scar[w]running Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945G drivers provided by Tungsten Graphics, Inc (VMware)15:02
scar[w](dis opensource)15:03
scar[w]Neopomuk is the indexing app in kde, never used it though. I'm an updatedb/locate person15:04
Tonberrybecause it consitenly breaks things with my pc if i enable it15:04
Tonberryat least up until natty15:04
scar[w]there's one guy in the office running natty, even his jabber stopped working. It randomly started "working" again, but now he has to initiate the chat session before he can reseve messages15:06
Tonberrydamn gprs15:09
Kiloswhew xchat took 30 mins to get in here15:25
KilosMaaz, coffee on15:25
* Maaz puts the kettle on15:25
superflyKilos: there's something funny with Freenode at the moment15:26
Kilosah ty superfly 15:26
Kilosi have installed maverick here again15:26
Kiloslooks like its the last ubuntu thats friendly to this type old pc15:27
Kilosoh my. peer back up to his tricks again15:29
Kilosname shoulda been murphy15:29
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:29
scar[w]hehe good one!15:30
KilosMaaz, ty15:30
MaazEnjoy Kilos15:30
marcogignore that :P15:32
* scar[w] waits for someone to try and ghost marcog15:33
marcoganyone with a password like that should not be on irc :)15:33
scar[w]i've got 10+ chars, still using plain text to auth though15:35
scar[w]interisting http://www.googlubuntu.com/15:45
Kiloswb superfly 16:48
superflythanks Kilos16:49
Kilosdid i tell you the natty update was for i686 machines and this is a i386. maybe that caused some probs as well as the 32m graphics card16:51
superflysomeone found a bug in the IRC software and there were 200 odd of us in the software's channel were being attacked16:51
Kilosoh my goodness16:51
superflyKilos: no, all machines since about 2000 are 686's16:51
Kilosa bug or a cracker16:51
Kilosim sure this is a 138616:51
Kilosfirst p4 to come out16:52
Kilosanyway i back on maverick and will play natty on a small drive16:53
Kilosi tried to install maverick on another partition and did something wrong. screen went black so wiped and clean installed16:54
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:14
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:14
Kilossuperfly, sorry to worry you. doesnt a firewall srtop attacks from irc18:15
Kiloslo inetpro the tweeter18:16
superflyKilos: no18:16
Kilosoh my18:17
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:18
Kilosfirst time i have seen that message19:07
Kilosdunno if you guys see nickserv messages to me19:07
Kilosi just been authenticated as me19:07
Kilosthe reason corrie never gets here is cause he is tweeting all the time19:08
Kilosgoogle boot-repair for ubuntu maverick19:16
KilosMaaz,  google boot-repair for ubuntu maverick19:17
MaazKilos: "Boot-Repair : YannUbuntu" https://launchpad.net/~yannubuntu/+archive/boot-repair :: "Development PPA for Boot-Repair : YannUbuntu" https://launchpad.net/~yannubuntu/+archive/boot-repair-dev :: "PPA packages : YannUbuntu" https://launchpad.net/~yannubuntu/+ppa-packages :: "Boot-Repair - Simple tool to repair frequent boot problems | Ubuntu ..." http://www.ubuntugeek.com/boot-repair-simple-tool-to-repair-frequent-boot-problems.html ::19:17
Kilosthat is a very kiff tool guys. worked like a bomb19:18
Kiloshi maiatoday het jy gaan kyk my meisiekind19:32
maiatodaywat gaan kyk Kilos?19:33
Kiloshoe sien sy19:33
Kilosyou missed out?19:34
Kilosi thought the whole world saw it before me19:34
* maiatoday is comphewsed19:34
Kilosthats my baby19:35
maiatodayit's downloading19:37
maiatodaywow Kilos19:39
maiatodayjust heard the opening notes, you must be so proud19:39
maiatodayshe doesn't miss a beat and she doesn't even look nervous19:42
Kilosand as the song progresses she just gets better19:42
maiatodaythose judges are falling of their seats19:42
Kilosyeah they were shocked cause whitney is a hard act to follow19:42
maiatodayshe has such range and control wow19:43
maiatodaywhat happens next19:45
Kilosaw thats the sad part19:45
Kilosno one is allowed to say what happens till they have actually aired the show over there19:46
Kilosit has all been recorded19:46
Kilosbut tween us she didnt get her visa to the states for the next round19:47
maiatodayok you are sworn to secrecy, they will kill you if you tell :)19:47
Kilosi see you dont read blogs19:47
maiatodaynah don't have time19:47
Kilosi blogged and when tara saw it she said change it please19:47
Kilosxfactor say they will sort it but wont be done in time for next round19:48
Kilosbut i thought i would share that with you all19:49
Kilosi am very proud and hope to meet her in person soon19:49
Kiloswe pidgin all the time19:50
maiatodayI just caught up with the blogs quickly19:50
maiatodayWell I am sure Tara will have some other opportunity she deserves a break with a voice like that19:51
Kilosthe judges said she can come in from the third round next year19:51
Kilosronan keating and that girl from spice girls say they cant lose a voice like that19:52
maiatodayWell it's a good thing I popped in otherwise I would never have know about Tara, thanks Kilos19:54
maiatodayand on that note bye all19:55
KilosMaaz, tell maiatoday thank you very much19:56
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell maiatoday on freenode19:56
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:06

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