
gentoo-intelitll be obvious if someone tried to wordlist you / whatever00:00
gentoo-inteldid it instantly shutdown or proper shutdown?00:00
g0dzillafirst time it instantly shutdown00:01
g0dzillaand second time it totally hanged!00:01
gentoo-intelcould be hardware00:01
djjonexi have a windows computer with bad hard drive but the restore partition is fine... how i can export that?00:01
gentoo-intelif it instantly shutdown00:01
crash1hdthank goodnes for ubuntu classic00:03
ChogyDandjjonex: maybe just copy all the files off the partition00:03
crash1hdwhich is faster dd or ddrescue?00:06
crash1hdor would the be about the same in timelength?00:06
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djjonexChogyDan: ill try copy from a live cd00:09
crash1hdikonia, thanks :)00:09
Malangcan you name any software for ubuntu for sql Vulnerability scanning?00:11
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hidnshadowsHey guys, i have a touchpad problem... I just booted up my computer, and the touchpad isnt workig. Is there any app or settig that will let me use keys as a pointer? Im on an iphone with an IRC client, thats how desparate I am00:16
Spliffysorry, had to dash off to put the baby to sleep00:18
rypervenchehidnshadows: You shouldn't need a touchpad to get into IRC.00:20
edbianMy baby has a 3Ghz processor00:20
phong_hi guys, i have question: how can you start an app as service ?00:21
ionitewhat does this means? Cannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend. Please close any other legacy packaging t00:22
phong_i want ubuntu to start with realvnc running00:22
ikoniaphong_: what application do you want to start ?00:22
crash1hdok is gddrescue gui based or still shell00:22
rampage73hidnshadows, what kind of laptop?00:22
phong_example:  blabla00:22
ikoniaphong_: you would need to run that in daemon mode and use an "init script" to start with upstart when the machine boots00:22
phong_ikonia, i'm noob show me00:22
phong_let say i have app name iis "blabla"00:23
rampage73hidnshadows, hp's have a button that disables the touch pad others have the same thing but with function keys like fn + f700:23
tanathanyone know how to determine which process a window belongs to?00:23
ikoniaphong_: it's quite complex, the easy cheeat would be to put it in the file /etc/rc.local00:23
YngviHey Guys!!00:23
phong_put what?00:23
ikoniaphong_: the startup options for vnc00:23
rampage73ikonia, just curious are you an acer iconia tab expert? if so I have a question00:24
ikoniarampage73: no00:24
tanathi got an error that says "error reading pidfile!" but i don't know what it's from...00:24
phong_ikonia, come on, that is a text file.. has the 'exit 0'00:24
rampage73ikonia, ok thanks00:24
phong_what do i put there?00:25
ikoniaphong_: correct, it's a text file, where if you put the startup options for vnc in, it will get executed at startup00:25
phong_put the path to it?00:25
ikoniaphong_: that works,00:25
phong_ok thanks00:25
billybigriggerwhere is epiphany's plugin dir? ie for libflashplugin.so00:26
rampage73anyone here know how to rotate the touch input on an acer iconia tablet? xrandr works for everything but the touch screen00:26
Stanley00billybigrigger: try locate libflashplugin.so00:26
ryis there anything better for a "remote" linux desktop session than vnc?00:26
xanguabillybigrigger: you can install flashplayer from repositories00:26
rampage73ry, nx? or nomachine00:27
edbianry: ssh (but it's command line)00:27
billybigriggerya i dont want to00:27
mr-smilehi alll!00:27
rampage73ry, nx uses ssh but is graphical00:27
edbianry: ssh -X is ssh but graphical00:28
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Yngviare you from guys?00:28
edbianYngvi: I am from a man and a women00:30
rampage73edbian, good one! lol00:30
tanathanyone know how to determine which process a window belongs to? i got an error that says "error reading pidfile!" but i don't know what it's from.00:31
edbiantanath: Where did you read this error?00:32
tanathedbian, popup error00:32
edbiantanath: Mhmmm, Kill some processes that you suspect might be it and wait to see if it closes00:32
tanathedbian, i have no suspects00:32
edbiantanath: What are you running?  Nothing?00:32
tanathedbian, popped up on login00:32
tanathedbian, only other clue is that gnome-settings-daemon isn't working00:33
tanathedbian, i suppose it could be that, but how can i determine if that's the case? there must be some way to determine which process a window belongs to00:34
edbiantanath: strange...00:34
YngviQual distribuição vocẽs usam?00:34
edbiantanath: you can start killing processes (listed in ps -e) and see which one makes the window disappear00:34
edbiantanath: For every processes (with a process id) there is a file that represents that process ID.00:35
tanathedbian, i killed gnome-settings-daemon (my only suspect) and the window is still there...00:35
edbiantanath: then IDK :(00:36
tanathedbian, and now it works, when i rerun it..00:36
vnhi, if I install Hardy Heron, can I still get packages such as phpmyadmin?  would it be only the most up to date version or I could get any? I'd need PMA 3.x before 3.100:36
rywould be nice if they made a vmware view agent for linux/unix00:37
sickn3ssQuick question, after I launch the Unity interface I still have the lower bar from Gnome, the one with the workspace switcher,etc.00:38
tanathi just lost my mouse for some reason... anyone know how to fix?00:38
ryso what kind of setup is required on either end to use ssh -X, and how does that compare to this "NX" .. and does NX refer to the "nomachine.com" software?00:38
=== kat is now known as newname
sickn3sshow can I get rid of that except deleting it ?00:38
ChogyDanvn: hardy heron is out of support.  It isn't updated anymore00:38
sickn3ssChogyDan, I use Ubuntu 11.0300:38
sickn3ssI just tried the Ubuntu "Classic" than came to Unity00:38
vnChogyDan: that's why I want it, it'd hold the package version I need00:38
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tanathis there something i can restart to possibly restore mouse control?00:39
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ChogyDan!eol | vn this might help you locate the old repos00:41
ubottuvn this might help you locate the old repos: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:41
ChogyDanvn: the link about upgrades00:41
ChogyDanvn: but you may want to just download the version you need from the website or something00:41
slideHow do I tell if a mount as been remounted ro after an error?00:43
vnChogyDan: thanks00:43
ionitehow can i install plasma netbook KDE?00:44
vnslide: maybe mount -l?00:44
slidevn, it just shows the settings, "/dev/sdc1 on /mnt/Movies-02 type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)"00:44
slidebut not whether it actually was remounted ro00:45
phong_ikonia, i got it to work00:45
phong_acutuall it is in the syyyyyyyyyystem menu00:45
xanguaionite: just select netbook mode, you can switch without log out00:46
hemiweiserI have a question, I am trying to use ndiswrapper to install a new driver for my intel ultimate n wifi link 5300 but my chipset doesnt match up with the one on the webpage I am looking at00:46
vnslide: this might answer your question : http://serverfault.com/questions/193971/determine-if-filesystem-or-partition-is-mounted-ro-or-rw-via-bash-script00:46
Gwildorhi guys, just wondering what are the chances of me getting exchange going on evolution.... all the forum posts im bringing up are from 200700:47
ionitexangua: i'm now on SC4.7 how do i select netbook mode?00:47
xanguaionite: that is something you should ask a kde user, nor a useless gnome user like me ;)00:47
xangua#kubuntu may helṕ00:47
slidevn, thanks yea thats why i wanted to know because i was getting errors trying to write saying it was read only =\00:47
slidejust looked in syslog and see a bunch of io errors00:48
xanguaGwildor: probably 0% or less; at least i couldn't00:48
BrandonBoltonHello all, has anyone managed to get Netflix to work on Ubuntu?00:48
Gwildorxangua, what i thought....all i really want is a 'real' terminal :(00:49
Gwildorxangua, guess ill keep loading vmware just to access a terminal00:49
jmsfnchGwildor: If you can hit your exchange account with OWA, you may be able to get it going on evolution. I managed it (somehow.... :S)00:50
hemiweiserI have a question, I am trying to use ndiswrapper to install a new driver for my intel ultimate n wifi link 5300 but my chipset doesnt match up with the one on the webpage I am looking at.  Does anyone know how to to this?00:50
Gwildorjmsfnch, yeah, im reading now about some MAPI plugins.00:50
jmsfnchGwildor: It's a messy game even with a windows box!00:51
Gwildorhear hear!00:51
dooglusdoes the mic work in flash for anyone?00:54
ionitexangua: what's the primary difference between gnome and kde?00:55
xanguaaaah....all the ui¿00:55
IdleOnethe primary difference is that they are different also this is not the proper channel to ask in.00:56
dooglustypically KDE has a lot of configurable options, whereas GNOME treats you like a child and gives you the settings it knows are best for you00:56
IdleOnesee !ot00:56
BrandonBoltonionite: That is like asking what is the different between English and Russian. It is different layouts and such.00:57
dooglusBrandonBolton: and the 'R's are backwards00:57
ioniteBrandonBolton: but gnome is said to be more restrictive?00:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:57
BrandonBoltondooglus: Plus, a little thing called Russian Reversal ;) ionite: That is true, Ubuntu in my opinion is child proof. That is why people say it is more user friendly.00:58
zetec452Hey, anyone tried out Ubuntu 11.10 yet?00:59
BrandonBoltonzetec452: It formatted my hard drive when I tried to upgrade to it.01:00
rwwzetec452: #ubuntu+1 for stuff about oneiric :)01:00
F1skrdoes anybody have an idea of where XChat stores configuration?01:00
wsbl-uhpd651zetec452: Have they worked out all the bugs yet with 11.10?  If not, better to wait until they do ...01:00
IdleOneF1skr: ~/.xchat201:01
Dr_Willisyou never work out all the bugs.. :)01:01
zetec452For a alpha build it seems solid. Upgraded my laptop from 11.04 to 11.10 and everything is running ok.01:02
zetec452GUI seems a little snappier too.01:02
test34ubuntu erased one of my partition when I rebooted.. I had the encrypted swap and one of my drive switch from /dev/sda to /dev/sdb and it started to use a data partition as a swap partition even if the partition type was not swap...01:02
IdleOnezetec452: discussion and some support for 11.10 is in #ubuntu+101:02
zetec452Oh, ok. Cheers. I'll hop over there.01:02
SchalaNext month I'm gonna miss the classic theme.... Unity's launcher is very inefficient right now in Natty01:03
Schalaand the mac-like menu bars01:03
tensorpuddingSchala: inefficient how?01:04
tensorpuddingwhen you know what you're looking for, it's even easier to find than before01:05
Dr_Willisi just use one of the classic type gnome menu indicator-applets or tools :)01:05
Schalawell before going back to classic I found myself having to type in search for apps I wanted to use, and I really hate pinning stuff to launchers... especially this one because it gives invisible icons when I try it01:05
jmsfnchWhen you don't know what you're looking for, it can be a bit of a mind game...01:06
Dr_Willissome apps launch oddly. so dont pin very well.01:06
tensorpuddingit's not a mind game01:06
Dr_Willisnoticed that with some java apps01:06
tensorpuddingit's just a bit more clicking01:06
Schalafunny... I'd assume this would make it easier01:06
wsbl-uhpd651I was wondering if someone could help me configure a 16GB thumb drive that I have been having issues with.  It's a PNY flash drive.  I can't copy-and-paste or save anything to it.  I don't think owner permissions for it are set.  How do I change this?01:07
Dr_Williswsbl-uhpd651:  what filesystem is on the thumbdrive?01:07
Schalafor me it just seems Unity did to Ubuntu what the Ribbon did to Windows menu bars01:07
zykotick9Schala, i like that analogy BUT your feelings about Unity or OT in this channel01:08
Schalawill there be like a Gnubuntu or something when Unity takes over entirely?01:09
Schalafor GNOME stuff?01:09
Dr_Willisunity runs on top of gnome...01:09
th0rSchala: I would expect xubuntu and lubuntu to continue, and you will probably be able to install gnome off them from the repos01:09
Schalahmm... well then will 11.10 allow disability of unity?01:10
ChogyDanSchala: there was a project for that on launchpad, but I dont know if it will gain traction01:10
zykotick9Schala, 11.10 won't have classic01:10
Dr_WillisSchala:  just selet somthing else at the Login screen.  one you instll somthing else. :)01:10
Schalasomething else being like... a different theme like KDE/Xfce?01:11
wsbl-uhpd651Dr_Willis: ext4, which is what is should be (ideally), right?01:11
Dr_Williswsbl-uhpd651:  when using ext2.3.4 or other fs that support linux permissions/ownership. you must chown/chmod the files the same asyou would on thehard drive.01:12
Dr_Williswsbl-uhpd651:  if your owner cant access the files. fix the ownership or modes.01:12
SchalaDr_Willis: do you mean like KDE or Xfce?01:14
maheshkHi all, meld is opening only when I use sudo with it. Why is that?01:15
=== Gremlin is now known as CheckMate21
CheckMate21Has anyone noticed that Firefox 6.0.2 locks up on facebook when using the new facebook status "where are you" feature? I am using Ubuntu as my operating system01:16
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Dr_WillisSchala:  or xfce, or windowmaker, or roll your own desktop as you want by making a custome .xinitrc or .xsession :)01:17
Dr_WillisSchala:  thers dozens of window managers out there. :)  and dozens of file managers.  and... so on.01:18
SchalaI'd probably mess that up heh01:18
Dr_Willistrivial to do once you learn the basics01:18
xanguaCheckMate21: i just saw a tweet about facebook sucking in chrome too01:18
SchalaI don't even know how to modify permissions for /var/www so I can put my web server to use01:18
Dr_WillisSchala:  short answer for that is.. you dont.  You use the groups feature to add the users you need to the right group to have permissions to alter those files01:19
CheckMate21xangua: this feature seems to be ok in Chrome oddly enough01:19
Schalahm ok01:19
Schalavia properties?01:19
Dr_WillisI see this 'how to i write to www' asked in here every so often. theres got go be  some info on it at the askubuntu.com and forums.01:19
Dr_Willisproperties? err. no01:20
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:20
CheckMate21xangua: you would think they are suing the same java codebase...which I am thinking the problem the problem is in java01:20
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silverarrowanyone clever with update manager?01:24
StRI'm just checking if someone reads me01:24
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...01:24
silverarrowhi str01:24
Schalaas for themes... uh.... how do I get like KDE? I don't exactly see how to do it via SW center01:24
StRnice...  Is just that the pple at #symfony were ignoring me01:25
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silverarrowany one who understand these error messages ? astebin.com/45EJRZb501:26
silverarrowsorry http://pastebin.com/45EJRZb501:26
mr-smileI have a problem with my printer: Fuji xerox P105b01:26
mr-smileI cant't use it on Ubuntu 10.1001:27
silverarrowmr-smile, ubuntu usually detects most printer brands?01:27
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mr-smilesilver: Ubuntu detected, but I can't see my printer in list!01:28
silverarrowmr-smile, hmm, maybe you are not going about it correctly ?01:29
silverarrowmr-smile,  are you printing from open office, or libre office, or something else?01:30
mr-smilesilver: I tried to find my printer but I can't see01:30
silverarrowlet me plug in mine.....01:30
nocilisI've never had a problem with Ubuntu printing, works better than windows01:31
mr-smileMy ubuntu detected printer, but I can't install driver01:32
mr-smileI'm using u 10.1001:33
mr-smilei don't like Ubuntu 11.0401:33
Pilif12pHow do I get GNOME 2 on 11.10?01:33
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ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:33
hack27trying to install niv dia driveer01:37
hack27but it said error:nivida needs to be in root01:38
zrutyHow can I upgrade my syslinux to a more recent version?01:38
princej88is there a channel on freenode where someone can answer questions about network switches. Never used one before.01:38
HisRoyalFreshnesHuge question01:39
rwwprincej88: try ##networking01:39
princej88aha thanks.01:39
BrandonBoltonHisRoyalFreshnes: What is your question?01:39
=== jelatta_away is now known as latta
HisRoyalFreshnesIt's all here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184002001:39
princej88okay so my router is running out of ports on the back and I have gotten a cheap five port switch.01:40
princej88Lets say I connect two servers to this switch. How would the ip addresses work for accessing each seperate one.01:40
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princej88like if I wanted to ssh into each server.01:41
soreauprincej88: I thought you were going to ask in ##networking..01:41
xanguaHisRoyalFreshnes: how about you uninstall it then01:41
princej88well one guy said ask. nevermind. off to ##networking01:41
HisRoyalFreshnesI'd love to01:41
Dr_Willisprincej88:  each machine gets its own ip. same as if they were connected to the router..01:41
HisRoyalFreshnesIf you could tell me how, I'll do it01:41
Dr_Willisthe switch dosent matter,01:41
znhprincej88, the router has a built in switch by adding a switch you have two :)01:42
soreauprincej88: Yea the switch should be transparent once you have everything connected correctly01:42
Dr_WillisHisRoyalFreshnes:  at least summarize the problem.01:42
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princej88Thanks @Dr_Willis . Let say I was port forwarding the port that the switch was connected to on the router. That should still work right?01:42
HisRoyalFreshnesDr_Willis: I lost most sound since installing ALSA via a script I found on the Ubuntu forum.01:42
soreauprincej88: yes01:43
Dr_Willisprincej88:  port forwarding goes to the ip# - the network hardware shouldent matter.01:43
=== jelatta is now known as jelatta_away
Dr_Williswireless, wired, whatever...01:43
Dr_Willisit should all be transparent to the software01:43
baratagnome-sudoku's very-hard-level contains errors that make some of its puzzle unsolvable01:43
=== jelatta_away is now known as latta
tx3as anyone ever messed with the samsung ubigate series routers?01:44
barataI already test it maybe 10 times with the same result ... it is unsolvable01:44
soreau! anyone | tx301:44
ubottutx3: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:44
=== latta is now known as jelatta
Dr_Willisbarata:  file a bug report?01:45
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:45
princej88Dr_Willis - that answered my question. Thanks. Just got a poweredge server that I am going to be setting up.01:46
tx3i have a problem with my samsung ubigate router, I am looking to grab password hashes out of the running config, is this possible?01:46
HisRoyalFreshnesI have a problem with sound, I running Ubuntu version 11.04.  When I try to play sound, I get the following output: no sound, but expected it to do sound01:46
bobweavertx3:  yes but..01:46
tx3bobweave: but...?01:47
silverarrowmr-smile: sorry, major crash here01:47
bobweaverHisRoyalFreshnes: paste.ubuntu.com  <--------terminal--------lspci -nn01:47
mr-smileoh, You're welcome01:48
HisRoyalFreshnesbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/684888/01:49
tx3eh disregard the ubigate question...01:49
tx3but im having trouble installing ubuntu.. it seems to lockup at the keyboard layout screen01:49
tx3has anyone ever had this problem?01:49
Schalaok I think I got the basics of chmod understood01:50
bobweaverHisRoyalFreshnes:  http://www.googlubuntu.com/results/?cx=006238239194895611142%3Au-ocqbntw_o&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8&q=8086%3A27d8&as_qdr=all&sa=Google+Search&lang=en#86601:50
Schaladon't understand it fully but I think chmod -R ugo+rwx will suffice.... my comp is a no-touch for other people anyway01:51
bobweaverHisRoyalFreshnes:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/167845   <----------------look like this ?01:52
ikoniabobweaver: can you stop with the <-------------------- stuff, post info,01:52
ikoniabobweaver: because it's not needed and not clear in everyones clients depending on the spacing01:53
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bobweaverI will only do when it applys and it will only be on -01:53
bobweaverI will only do when it applys and it will only be one -01:53
ikoniabobweaver: how about "don't do it"01:53
IdleOnebobweaver: one - should be fine01:54
bobweaverthanks IdleOne01:54
IdleOnebut please don't abuse it k :)01:54
ikoniabobweaver: if you say the persons name, and then give info, as I'm doing now, it's clear who it's for01:54
ikoniabobweaver: don't need this <----------------------- read this01:54
HisRoyalFreshnes bobweaver the guy's suggesting I kill puseaudio, right?  The problems started when I installed ALSA via a script I found on the forum, so I'm thinking that killing ALSA would be more helpful01:54
Dr_Willispulse audio runs on top of alsa.01:55
Dr_WillisKilling alsa = no sound.01:55
SchalaI think starting with 11.10 I'll use Kubuntu01:55
Dr_WillisHisRoyalFreshnes:  why did you mess with alsa in the first place?01:55
HisRoyalFreshnesAll I know is that it started with ALSA01:55
xanguaHisRoyalFreshnes: following ghides from 3 years ago is never any good01:55
HisRoyalFreshnesDr_Willis: trying to get pSX working, it's part of what it demands I have01:56
Dr_Williseven guides written for an earlier release is not a good idea.01:56
HisRoyalFreshnesI'm on PCXR now though, so that's not necessary01:56
Dr_WillisHisRoyalFreshnes:  alsa is allready there by default..  so the whole things sounds odd...01:56
HisRoyalFreshnesWould it help if I showed you where I got the script from?01:56
Dr_Willisthat script could have done all sorts of weird things. best bet would be to reinstall.  unless the script has some sort of undo option.01:57
HisRoyalFreshnesYou mean a complete wipe?01:57
Dr_Willisyou can always keep your home somewhere...01:57
Dr_Willisreinstall = reinstall the os...01:57
bobweaverwhat about adding the repo that action partnership wrote about ?01:58
HisRoyalFreshnesIt'd format before reinstalling, right?01:58
Dr_WillisHisRoyalFreshnes:  yes.. thts normally how its done.01:58
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Dr_Willisone of the many reasons to keep /home/ on its own partition. makes reinstalling easier.01:58
HisRoyalFreshnesWell mother fuck01:59
IdleOne!language | HisRoyalFreshnes01:59
ubottuHisRoyalFreshnes: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:59
tx3but im having trouble installing ubuntu.. it seems to lockup at the keyboard layout screen02:00
HisRoyalFreshnesDo you know how hard it is to start up Ubuntu as a Linux nub?02:00
Dr_WillisIts possible you might be able to fix your alsa issues.. but i doubt if anyone is going to spend a lot of time debugging what that scropt might have done..02:00
Dr_WillisHisRoyalFreshnes:  rather trivial really...02:00
HisRoyalFreshnesMaybe to you02:00
Dr_Willisyou are a 'nub' but you decided to use some script to alter a core part of the OS...02:00
Dr_Willisyou see the irony in that statement. :)02:00
IdleOneHisRoyalFreshnes: you made a rookie mistake, it happens.02:01
HisRoyalFreshnesNot irony, niavette02:01
bsmith093is there a way to check for personal info in my packet stream off my router using wireshark, or are packets unreadable to humans?02:01
bobweavertx3: you check md5sum ?02:01
=== bonhoffer_ is now known as bonhoffer
tx3ill double check02:02
stephenmac7I am having issues with /var/lib/dpkg/status:02:02
stephenmac7E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1) E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:02
stephenmac7I tried recreating it02:02
HisRoyalFreshnesDr_Willis: it's been suggested to me that I remove pulseaudio02:03
HisRoyalFreshnesWorth a shot?02:03
stephenmac7I tried apt-get clean02:03
OT_iuxhi everybody.... I've got a strange problem... I received a BMP file size about 14GiB, but my system memory is about 2GiB... is there any method that I can open ( or check part of) this file?02:03
stephenmac7I tried mv /var/lib/dpkg/sources-old /var/lib/dpkg/sources02:03
tx3bobweaver: the checksum was ok02:04
tx3i know, thats how i feel.. lol02:04
stephenmac7Anyone have any idea how to fix this?02:04
ChogyDanstephenmac7: sudo dpkg --configure -a      ?02:05
bobweavertx3: you try to reinstall ubiquity >02:05
bobweaverdont know if that will help ?02:05
bobweaverusb or cd tx3?02:05
tx3im trying a different image make..02:06
OT_iuxhi everybody.... I've got a strange problem... I received a BMP file size about 14GiB (satellile map), but my system memory is about 2GiB... is there any method that I can open ( or check part of) this file?02:06
hemiweiserCan anyone help me, I am trying to figure out why my wifi connection is so much slower on ubuntu compared to windows.02:06
stephenmac7ChogyDan: I think, in my hurry to fix it I destroyed sudo02:06
bobweaverhemiweiser: paste.ubuntu.com <- terminal <- lspci -nn02:07
speedxcoreHi, I'm looking for a good ftp-client?02:07
stephenmac7Nevermind... I think I destroyed the whole filesystem02:07
infobitspeedxcore, filezilla is goodone02:08
stephenmac7I'm going to reboot02:08
hemiweiserokay bobweaver it might take a while im on wifi right now, I can connect to a cord if i have to02:09
bobweaverhemiweiser: sounds like a plan :)02:09
infobitspeedxcore, here is the link http://filezilla-project.org/02:09
speedxcoreinfobit: Thank you, any other good options?02:10
hemiweiserbobweaver:  here is the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/684899/02:10
sparcCan I sign someone else's debs for them, if they havn't?02:12
qinOT_iux: imagemagick can cut or shrink it, it just will take more time.02:12
sparcand import the public key somewhere02:12
infobitspeedxcore, here is the link for more http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-ftp-clients-available-in-ubuntu-linux.html but i feel filezilla is all you need02:13
bobweaverhemiweiser:  I see this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/62126502:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621265 in Linux "Slow Wireless Connection in Intel 3945abg" [High,Confirmed]02:13
wsbl-uhpd651Dr_Wilis is no longer on here.   So can anyone help me change the ownership of my flash drive?  I enter "chown root ..." and then WHAT after root - to indicate / point to the flash drive?02:13
bobweaverbut that is a year old02:14
stephenmac7Okay... I fixed that sidetrack...02:15
hemiweiserok im trying to load the webpage, im about to go plug in my ethernet soon02:15
stephenmac7The output of dpkg --configure -a:02:15
stephenmac7dpkg: error: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for reading: No such file or directory02:15
OT_iuxqin: thank you... is that imagemagick same as the imagemagick window which pops when I type "display bigfile.bmp“ in x-terminal-emulator ?02:16
matt__hello, I have a simple question02:16
qinwsbl-uhpd651: sudo fdisk -l, use mount point, not /dev/sdb to chmod02:17
stephenmac7matt__ Ask away02:17
hemiweiserbobweaver: this only pertains to wifi right? because when I hook it up via an ethernet cord it works fine02:17
bobweaveryep \02:17
matt__Are there any problems with burning ubuntu to a DVD instead of a cd?02:18
hemiweiserokay thank you02:18
Jordan_Umatt__: No.02:18
IdleOnematt__: besides the waste of space no02:18
bobweaverhemiweiser: look at post 25002:18
FloodBot1UMT-Jose: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:19
qinOT_iux: Yes, i think display is part of imagemagick: http://www.imagemagick.org02:19
matt__Ok well I tried to burn a .iso to a DVD under Windows 7, and it said it burnt successfully but the cd didn't show up in the boot menu of my computer.02:19
urlin2umatt__, burnt as an image?02:19
stephenmac7matt__: With windows 7 or for windows 7?02:19
matt__with windows 7. and I burnt the .iso on the disc02:20
stephenmac7I'm still having issues with dpkg and would appreciate help02:20
matt__Specifically, I right clicked on the .iso file and clicked "Burn to Disc."02:20
=== Auriel_ is now known as Auriel
stephenmac7In windows 7 on in ubuntu?02:21
stephenmac7You said 'under Windows 7'02:21
matt__In windows 7.02:21
stephenmac7Oh, I see.02:21
qinOT_iux: There is also feh, it is easier, but somehow limited.02:21
stephenmac7matt__: Are you sure your drive can burn DVDs02:21
matt__Yeah. Im positive.02:22
urlin2umatt__, did you try a f12 tapping at poweing on to get a boot from menu?02:22
hemiweiserbobweaver: i click the link and all it does is bring me to a picture, i click the picture and it just brings me back to the redhate webpage.  Should i search for the file the link is refering to?02:22
bobweaverhemiweiser: yes02:22
matt__Yeah, I can get to the boot menu of my motherboard. But the only option there is Windows 7 (the disc isn't there)02:22
bobweaverhemiweiser: looks like alot of people have fixed with that02:22
stephenmac7urlin2u: Are you sure your computer supports boot from DVD?02:23
hemiweiserawesome, thank you much02:23
stephenmac7That was for matt__02:23
bobweaverhemiweiser: also see post 26502:23
matt__I don't know, it's a Mac -_-02:23
stephenmac7Hold down 'c' when booting02:23
matt__tried that.02:23
stephenmac7Do you have rEFIt?02:24
Jordan_Umatt__: Next time start with that information, they tend to be odd. There is a +mac iso specifically for intel macs.02:24
matt__That works with the official OSX install cd but not with the ubuntu one02:24
hemiweiserbobweaver: I have also been looking at this 3 page forum, do you believe this could fix it as well?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1756096&page=202:24
bobweaverhemiweiser: uname -a and also what ubuntu ?02:24
OT_iuxqin: feh shows :02:24
OT_iux$ feh bigmap.bmp02:24
OT_iuxfeh WARNING: couldn't open bigmap.bmp02:24
OT_iuxfeh - No loadable images specified.02:24
matt__@Jordan Sorry, will do. and @stephen yeah i've got refit installed02:24
stephenmac7matt__: 'c' or rEFIt?02:24
bobweaverhemiweiser:  I will look02:24
stephenmac7Jordan_U: Well, I have successfully used an AMD64 iso (regular) CD (not DVD) on a MAC02:25
stephenmac7using rEFIt02:25
bobweaverhemiweiser: chilli55 is a friend of mine and that is one smart dude when it comes to wireless02:25
matt__@stephen: I've got refit on here. Holding down alt or c does nothing02:25
matt__actually, I worded that wrong.02:26
hemiweiserokay awesome, i was trying to download it but my wifi was terrible, should i pase uname -a in pastebin?02:26
stephenmac7matt__: What are the options there in rEFIt?02:26
matt__Just booting into OSX02:26
stephenmac7matt__: Is your mac oldish or new?02:26
bobweaverg5 ?02:26
bobweaveribook ?02:26
Jordan_Ustephenmac7: It will fail with the normal Ubuntu iso because the normal Ubuntu iso has EFI support (yes, I said exactly what I meant): http://askubuntu.com/questions/37999/what-is-different-about-the-mac-iso-image02:26
stephenmac7Snow Leopard, Leopard, Tiger, or Panther02:26
matt__that's pretty strange02:27
stephenmac7Jordan_U: It didn't for me... iMac + Leopard02:27
stephenmac7...or Lion02:27
matt__but the thing is I tried to put the DVD with the *standard* ubuntu .iso in my desktop (which is a regular pc) and it still didn't work02:27
bobweavermatt__: slow down dont panic02:28
stephenmac7bobweaver: He shows no sign of panic :D02:28
Jordan_Ustephenmac7: Interesting. That would be good information for the Ubuntu developers to know. Is it a relatively new mac? What version of Ubuntu?02:28
stephenmac7matt__: You didn't answer my question: What model and what OS?02:28
matt__@Stephen: Sorry. It's a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard. So basically brand new.02:29
stephenmac7Jordan_U: iMac... not sure what exact generation/model and Ubuntu 11.04 (UNITY)02:29
Jordan_Umatt__: Did you burn the iso as am image or did you just burn a DVD with the .iso file as a file on that DVD?02:29
jmsfnchOT_iux: Have you tried slicing the file up? "head -c 10000 file > shortfile" and opening the smaller of the two?02:29
matt__@Jordan: I just put the .iso as a file on the dvd02:29
bobweavermatt__:  this is what I do when a cd wont work.make sure I an downloading the right version   look at md5sum # make sure it is good then burn a new one at slower speeds02:29
stephenmac7matt__: Have you tried your DVD on a regular computer?02:29
Jordan_Umatt__: That's not the proper way to make a bootable CD.02:29
matt__@stephen yeah it didn't work, and I think jordan figured it out02:30
OT_iuxjmsfnch: thank you, i'm now trying that...02:30
Jordan_Umatt__: Follow the instructions here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download02:30
stephenmac7matt__: It's done in the mac :)02:30
bobweavermatt__:  also with what everyone else is saying it is also good to look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM02:31
Jordan_Umatt__: And use this iso (If you want Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso02:31
stephenmac7matt__: I forgot you created your DVD/CD in Windows 7. Also, it would be nice if you stayed consistant about DVD and CD02:31
matt__Will do.02:31
stephenmac7matt__: Well, good luck.02:32
stephenmac7matt__: I was about to say it could have been a problem of the usage of the CD02:32
matt__@Jordan: Thanks, I feel like an idiot. :D I'll probably be back here later because there's no way in hell installing anything non-apple on a Mac will go smoothly02:32
matt__@stephen Thanks for the help man, ill probably be back soon read above ^^^ lol02:32
stephenmac7matt__: You're welcome :D02:33
wazHello ubuntu02:33
Jordan_Umatt__: You're welcome :)02:33
urlin2uhello waz02:34
stephenmac7matt__: Also, it's true that you're probably going to have issues. One of the most recommended ways (That I have found) to run Linux is mac is to use boot camp... even though it's for windows...02:34
stephenmac7Now! Onto my problems.02:35
snuxollh00k: you alive?02:37
h00ksnuxoll: yep. hello.02:37
msseverstephenmac7: For those who just arrived, cold you describe your problems?02:37
Jordan_Umacode1: stephenmac7: I would actually recommend against boot camp, it is not needed and creates ugly "hybrid mbr"s (which would be needed for Windows but aren't for Ubuntu and just make life difficult).02:37
snuxollh00k: could you whitelist me, evilGUI and a friend on your mc server?02:37
urlin2ustephen123, try sudo apt-get -f install02:37
OT_iuxjmsfnch,qin: thank you for your help... it might be impossible cause my memory is not enough... i thought i have to give up02:37
stephenmac7urlin2u: Are you talking to me?02:38
kapipiShould there be any visible sign of U1 bookmark sync running? I have it installed and set up but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.02:38
stephenmac7urlin2u: I'm not trying to install a package02:38
stephenmac7I never _didn't_ have the problenm02:38
stephenmac7Therefore I have no backups02:38
bobweaverstephenmac7:  dpkg is broken ?02:38
urlin2ustephen123, you ran dpkg --configure -a right02:38
stephenmac7bobweaver: Yes, it is.02:39
stephenmac7bobweaver: Since installation, that is02:39
bobweaverdeselect update     ?02:39
stephenmac7urlin2u: Tried:02:39
stephenmac7dpkg: error: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for reading: No such file or directory02:39
urlin2ustephen123, you might have stuck install pkgs try it.02:40
stephenmac7ls: cannot access /var/lib/dpkg/status: No such file or directory02:40
stephenmac7urlin2u: What?02:40
urlin2ustephen123, did you sudo the first command02:41
=== stephenmac7 is now known as mv
urlin2umv, have you been able to any updates since the install?02:43
jmsfnchOT_iux: What exactly are you trying to achieve?02:43
bobweaverstephenmac7_:  you try to reinstall is that an option ? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/dpkg/master/files/head:/debian/02:44
stephenmac7_bobweaver: It seems that I have missed a bit02:45
stephenmac7_My internet went out02:45
stephenmac7_Did you post anything since I asked: sudo dpkg --configure -a?02:45
kv-n nickky02:46
bobweaverstephenmac7_: sudo deselect update02:46
stephenmac7_bobweaver: Reinstall the whole OS?02:46
stephenmac7_bobweaver: I'll try02:46
placer14Hello all. Would anyone be able to help an intermediate user get their Broadcom 43xx wireless adapter working with ndiswrapper? Something seems amiss and I'm not technical enough to know what is wrong.02:46
bobweaverplacer14: lspci -nn | grep 14e402:47
bobweaverwhat is the part in red ?02:47
stephenmac7_bobweaver: sudo deselect update gives me a command not found thingy02:47
urlin2ustephen123, you will probably have to install dselect02:47
bobweaverstephenmac7_: arghh02:47
rectec794613Long poste incoming ;)02:47
rectec794613I got a real problem here guys. Hopefully the solution is just as real. I was changing some settings with the pulsaudio equalizer like I always do. But this time when I changed it, the audio completely stopped. The icon is gone from the tray, and when I try to go to sound preferences, it tells me "Waiting for sound system to respond". I've reinstalled both pulseaudio and the equalizer, and...02:47
placer1406:05.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4318] (rev 02)02:47
rectec794613...it didn't fix it. When I run pulseaudio from the terminal, I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/684919/02:47
FloodBot1rectec794613: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:47
placer14bobweaver: 06:05.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4318] (rev 02)02:47
bobweaverplacer14: you do not need ndiswrapper02:48
urlin2u!sound | rectec79461302:48
ubotturectec794613: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:48
placer14I've scoured ubuntu forums and I keep arriving at that driver.02:48
placer14b43 doesn't seem to work.02:48
bobweaverplacer14: paste.ubuntu.com <-lsmod<- terminal02:49
placer14this is an asus lappy and there's a hardware button to enable/disable the adapter which doesn't seem to do anything...02:49
placer14acer* lappy02:49
bobweaverplacer14: also a rfkill list all02:49
stephenmac7_bobweaver: What is the arghh for?02:49
stephenmac7_bobweaver: Am I doing something wrong?02:49
bobweaverstephenmac7_: :)02:49
rectec794613urlin2u: ok, but this all happened out of nowhere02:49
bobweaverstephenmac7_: do you have to install deselect ?02:50
stephenmac7_bobweaver: It seems02:50
urlin2urectec794613, you read both links in 1 min.02:50
rectec794613urlin2u: it would be nice if you could give me a specific page with the same issue and solution as the one i'm having02:50
thevinciexcuse me, I'm looking for some help updating GRUB to GRUB202:50
stephenmac7_Back to good old compile :)02:50
stephenmac7_...or I could reinstall the whole OS02:50
urlin2urectec794613, that would be nice now wouldn't it.02:51
bobweaverstephenmac7_: or replace dpkg ?02:51
stephenmac7_bobweaver: How?02:51
rectec794613urlin2u: I skimmed. don't blame me, I have no idea what my problem is02:51
urlin2urectec794613, what makes you think IO know one beyond the bots suggestions02:51
thevinciI've gotten as far as installing GRUB2 and it will chainload from GRUB to GRUB202:51
stephenmac7_bobweaver: This is for someone else, not me.02:51
stephenmac7_bobweaver: This computer is NOT mine02:51
thevincibut I want to get rid of GRUB(1) alltogether02:51
bobweaverstephenmac7_: clients ?02:52
urlin2uthevinci, whats the OS?02:52
thevinciUbuntu Hardy Heron02:52
stephenmac7_It needs to run smoothly or the person I'm doing it for (No, relatives) will hate linux, for he is already skeptical02:52
thevinciI've tried the command 'update-from-grub-legacy'02:52
urlin2uthevinci, end of life a waste of time unless that is your only choice.02:52
placer14bobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/684924/02:52
xanguathevinci: upgrade to lucid and you'll get grub2 ;)02:52
bobweaverstephenmac7_: did you look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/dpkg/master/files/head:/debian/02:52
placer14bobweaver: You are an animal, sir. Thank you for your help.02:53
stephenmac7_bobweaver: What about it?02:53
thevinciugh, I know, as well as the tabbed file browsing that I miss so much!02:53
urlin2uthevinci, the servers still covered though.02:53
stephenmac7_bobweaver: You want me to install it from source?02:53
thevinciI'm on an old a$$ laptop though02:53
rectec794613urlin2u: no offense, but could you please assist me in troubleshooting this so I can find out what page I need to devote my time to, instead of sending me generic sound troubleshooting links?02:53
bobweaverplacer14:  rfkill unblock all02:53
bobweaverstephenmac7_: if need be02:53
placer14bobweaver: Note that it had b43 and ssd loaded before I loaded ndiswrapper02:53
stephenmac7_I think it would be easier to reinstall ubuntu02:53
placer14bobweaver: Done. Should I reload b43 and ssd?02:54
=== stephenmac7_ is now known as stephenmac7
urlin2urectec794613, demanding from a user who has stated they don't know makes no sense.02:54
thevinciI had lucid on here for a little while, but it was pretty slow02:54
bobweaverplacer14:  sudo apt-get install b43fwcutter firware-b43-installer02:54
bobweaverplacer14: sudo rmmod ndiswrapper02:55
thevinciand I've tried updating from 8.04 to 8.10, but it can't find the server, can I skip 8.10 and jump right to 9.04?02:55
thevinciwithout a fresh install?02:55
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:55
bobweaverthen  sudo modprobe b4302:55
stephenmac7Did someone say something?02:55
urlin2urectec794613, took you a min tolook at the links chill out and adjust your attitude.02:55
IdleOnethevinci: you want to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:55
placer14bobweaver: Verify you meant sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer02:56
stephenmac7internet went out again...02:56
IdleOnethevinci: never mind me.02:56
rectec794613urlin2u: I'm lost.02:56
thevincithanks IdleOne, i've been there before though02:56
rectec794613urlin2u: my sound just quit for no reason, this has never happened to me before.02:56
thevincii can't remember the specific error I get though02:56
IdleOnethevinci: you can go from 8.04 to 10.04 LTS TO LTS02:57
stephenmac7bobweaver: I think I'll reinstall02:57
urlin2urectec794613, I have never had a sound problem, so I have no answers.02:57
stephenmac7I'll tell you what happens02:57
thevinciIdleOne: I'm just worried that my little Presario won't be able to handle 10.0402:58
IdleOnethevinci: why wouldn't it?02:58
thevinciCuz its an old laptop?02:58
m4xx__any ltsp folks in the house?02:58
blsh0pis there a program that will let me download windows programs02:58
blsh0pi want to download alice for ubuntu02:58
blsh0phow would i go about doing this02:58
IdleOnethevinci: ok, so no fancy 3d stuff but it should run fine02:59
thevinciIdleOne: My buddy convinced me that my laptop was running slow before (on 9.04) because it was a recent distro02:59
thevinciso I dropped down to hardy02:59
m4xx__i've got a full install in a chroot, when i run startx inside the chroot it doesn't capture the keyboard and mouse any ideas how i can achieve this?03:00
thevinciIdleOne: But what you seem to be hinting at is that the release version won't make it run slower unless I have uber fancy compiz settings?03:01
rectec794613well can somebody read this pastebin and tell me what they think? http://paste.ubuntu.com/684919/03:01
IdleOnethevinci: might be time to do a clean install, look into Lubuntu it is made for low power machines.03:01
blsh0pis there a program for being able to download windows programs for ubuntu?03:01
blsh0pi want to download alice for ubuntu, what prgram would allow me to do tha03:01
thevinci8.04 was a clean install.03:01
rectec794613all of these troubleshooting reccomendation imply that sound was never working before, but it was indeed working fine 10 minutes ago03:01
IdleOnethevinci: right, all the effects will slow it down but the default install shouldn't make it slower03:02
thevinciblsh0p: look for Wine03:02
thevinciIdleOne: hmmmm.... I always suspected that was the case...03:02
IdleOnethevinci: maybe look into Lubuntu03:02
thevinciIdleOne: Does that still use Gnome for a desktop?03:03
thevinciI could just research it on my own... lol03:03
bobweaverthevinci: it uses lxde03:03
IdleOnethevinci: it uses LXDE and yeah :)03:03
bobweaverdebian stays the same forever03:04
IdleOneexcept when it changes03:04
bobweaverIdleOne:  :)03:04
m4xx__anyone? :[03:04
rectec794613well I'll restart again and see if that won't fix it.03:04
thevinciIdleOne: Ok, yeah, I looked in to LXDE when I had lucid originally, felt too much like being in windows again... >:(03:05
IdleOnethevinci: unfortunately you have a low powered laptop, some compromises will have to be made.03:05
luc_hi ndoes anybody know  howto mount a iso image with gmount03:05
Stanley00luc_: why dont you use mount instead?03:06
thevinciIdleOne: I know, I know...03:06
luc_where is that at03:06
Stanley00luc_: like "mount /path/to/file.iso /mount-point -o loop"03:07
Stanley00luc_: just make sure you have "-o loop"03:07
luc_im new to linux03:08
paijem-cantiki'm too03:08
stevecamis it possible to have shared desktop icons when virtualizing and also have gnome manage my windows in the virtualizer?03:09
Stanley00luc_: well, do you know mount command?03:09
rectec794613no dice03:09
mike18this could be a terrible place to ask this, but not getting help in #curl or #RubyOnRails... i'm attempt to build a curl command that will POST with json and a file. my command is similar to this: curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://myurl.com -u user:pass -d '{"myjson":"json"}' -F "image=@testimage.jpg;type=image/jpeg" and i'm getting Warning: You can only select one HTTP request!. any ideas? i was able to POST in a similar fashing to a d03:10
Stanley00luc_: In that case, just right-click on iso file, and choose open with Archieves mounter ;)03:10
thevincirectec794623: try looking at your hardware drivers03:11
thevincisee if there is a restricted driver that got turned off somehow.03:11
placer14bobweaver: Hey, Bob. Great success! You are a gentleman and scholar.03:12
bobweaverno you are03:12
placer14No need to sling mud. Just be gracious and accept your appreciation.03:12
bobweaverplacer14: I am03:13
placer14Much obliged. Any way I can help you?03:13
rectec794613thevinci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/684935/ everything looks in order. don't know about the "is not ours" thing03:13
bobweaverI also think that he is a gentelman and a scholar03:13
rectec794613i can hear this: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav03:13
mike18looks like using curl -F and -d is my problem since they specify different HTTP request types. still trying to figure out how to curl and upload a file and some json data03:14
rectec794613thevinci: i think it's halfway fixed. I can hear sound again, but I can't change the volume03:15
luc_ok i tried that and i get a error03:15
bullgard4_'~$ which phpmyadmin' does not produce any output. What is the phpMyAdmin executable?03:15
datakidhola, running 10.04.03 am getting errors on apt upgrade on ldap? I've got smbldap set up, error is: Unknown value for slapd/dump_database: when needed03:15
datakidPlease report!03:15
thevincirectec794613: I think the 'not ours' bit might mean you're not root? idk, never seen that before03:16
bullgard4_datakid: What is the exact error message?03:16
bobweaverdatakid: could we see the whole error in ubuntu.paste.com ?03:16
rectec794613thevinci: idk I ran the command as root03:16
hexacodehey you guys...i did a sudo apt-get php5 and it says i have the latest one...i did a "service --status-all03:16
rectec794613thevinci: if theres a certain package for the sound manager I could give a go at reinstalling it03:17
hexacodeand i dont even see it03:17
Stanley00luc_: hmm, I think you should learn mount command then. can you open the terminal please?03:17
hexacodehow do i mak it run?03:17
hexacodei dont see it in /etc/init.d either03:17
thevincirectec794613: can u not change volume from the GUI? Do you have buttons on your keyboard for it?03:17
placer14hexacode: PHP doesn't run as a service.03:17
hexacodeplacer14 /etc/init.d03:17
placer14hexacode: It runs as a module for apache or lighttpd03:17
datakidbobweaver, bullgard4 http://paste.ubuntu.com/684938/03:17
placer14you would need to install the module for apache or run a script through the interpreter03:18
Stanley00luc_: now run sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom to create folder /mnt/cdrom03:18
wsbl-uhpd651qin: so after I run "sudo fdisk -l" in Terminal, what command do I enter in next to "use mount point"03:18
placer14what does `which php` respond with?03:18
bobweaverthat looks like an install or upgrade03:18
placer14or do php -v03:18
placer14and let me know what version you have03:18
rectec794613thevinci: the keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore, the only options i have when I click on the now-invisible volume icon in the tray are a grayed out "Mute" and sound preferences03:18
Stanley00luc_: then run sudo mount /path/to/file.iso /mnt/cdrom -o loop03:18
Stanley00luc_: replace /path/to/file.iso with your own path03:18
thevincirectec794613: and what are the preferences?03:19
hexacodeplacer14   no response03:19
hexacodefrom that which php03:19
fluffyHello, I'm looking for some support for a bcm431103:19
bobweaverdatakid:  that is also not the whole thing are you sure that that is not a install or upgrade ?03:19
bullgard4_datakid: This is an error, and you should report it to Launchpad.03:19
leftisthow can i switch to mono for vlc anyone?03:19
rectec794613thevinci: It gives me "Waiting for sound system to respond", remember?03:19
hexacodealso, i did a command line install of mod_php5 but it says its already nstalled and says php 5 is aleady installed03:19
leftistmy plug is screwed03:19
datakidbobweaver, that's an apt-get update; apt-get upgrade03:19
datakidwihtout the list of packages :)03:20
rectec794613thevinci: i think alsamixer works03:20
fluffyCan anyone help out with a wireless problem I'm having03:20
placer14hexacode: well, if you didn't install a zillion copies, sudo apt-get install php5 should do the trick for you03:20
bobweaverfluffy:  whats up03:20
urlin2ufluffy, have you looked here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:20
leftistanyone tell me how to switch to mono for vlc?03:20
placer14hexacode: What packages did you isntall via apt-get?03:20
hexacodeplacer14 it tells me its the newest version installed already03:20
datakidbullgard4, ok, tx03:21
rectec794613oh man busy day03:21
placer14do "sudo updatedb"03:21
placer14then "locate php" and see if anything comes out.03:21
hexacodeplacer14 php5   and libapache2-mod-php03:21
hexacodei already have apache going03:21
hexacodeso hats fine03:21
bullgard4_!deails | fluffy03:21
hexacodebut i cant get php running03:21
bullgard4_!details | fluffy03:21
ubottufluffy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:21
rectec794613fluffy: you also might want to read my tutorial here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183718303:22
hexacodethere a way to manually execute php placer14 ?03:22
hexacodejust to turn on the php process itself03:22
hexacodeso that apache can start communicating with it03:22
placer14sure, find where it lives and run it the interpreter directly03:22
fluffyrectec794613, Does that work with 11.04?03:22
leftistnobody is using vlc here? what the fuck03:22
hexacodeplacer14   that would be a whereis correct?03:22
rectec794613fluffy: it should. Modules are a kernel-level thing if i'm not mistaken03:23
thevincirectec794613: Yeah, try selecting alsamixer. right click on the sound icon in the tray>Open Volume Control>File>Change Device, and select the first one.03:23
thevincirectec794613: Unless thats what you have selected now?03:23
hexacodeplacer14 im going to try restarting my computer03:23
fluffyrectec794613, They are. Let me check. I've installed my wireless card on Ubuntu before, but it's just not taking with 11.0403:23
placer14hexacode: I doubt that will help much...03:23
hexacodei havent tried that old trick yet lol03:23
placer14if you can't find php, the computer probably won't either.03:24
Stanley00!cn | liran03:24
ubottuliran: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:24
cjsSo, I've seen some FF updates to remove some certs from the trusted list, but not updates for Chrome. Why is that? (I'm on 11.04.)03:24
placer14normally, I just install "phpmyadmin" package and that brings in all the dependancies to make apache configure and operate with PHP03:24
fluffyrectec794613, I'm looking at your page now.03:24
hexacodeplacer14 i found it but umm hold on lol03:24
rectec794613fluffy: well read it carefully, this is only sopposed to work with realtek/ralink cards, but it might work with others. even if it breaks something you can reverse it03:24
thetravjust made a fresh install of ubuntu 11 desktop, trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Sun_Java to install sun java, but apt-get can't find the package03:24
thetravis there another repo I need to add?03:25
fluffyrectec794613, Mind if I PM you?03:25
rectec794613fluffy:  go ahead03:25
Stanley00thetrav: why dont you search for java in Ubuntu Software Center?03:25
urlin2uwow  bcm4311 and a realtec fix, that will be a miracle.03:25
Stanley00thetrav: I think it's more easier ;)03:25
rectec794613you still here thevinci?03:26
thetravStanley00 searchign for java in the software center only provides openJDK03:26
thetravI require sun's JDK implementation03:26
thetravI was under the impression that the deb installers were available from compatible ubuntu repositories03:27
liranWhat do Chinese people have?03:28
urlin2uliran, what do you mean?03:28
thetravhas it been renamed to oracle java or something?03:28
placer14hexacode: Any luck. I'm headed out soon.03:28
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:28
liranMy English is not good03:28
xanguathetrav: sun/oracle java is now in partner repos03:29
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »03:29
thetravthanks xangua03:29
liranThis chat room want to know what it is. . . . .03:29
urlin2uliran, ubuntu supposrt03:29
Stanley00liran: then type /join #ubuntu-cn or /join #ubuntu-tw for support in chinese.03:29
liranWhere who you are?03:30
thetravstill unable to locate package sun-java-603:30
urlin2uliran, this is a english channel for ubuntu support, people all over the world are here.03:31
thetravtrying apt-get update03:31
gjlthetrav use synaptic03:31
xanguafrom a little blue doth called 'earth'03:31
thetravnope no good03:31
thetravsynaptic gives me the same / similar rsults to apt-get03:31
thetravunitheory, thanks, that got it03:31
xanguathetrav: did you run sudo apt-get update ¿03:31
xanguaafter adding partner repos *03:31
thetravxangua, that was indeed my problem, thanks for the help everyone03:32
=== jason_ is now known as jasef
liranNice to meet you this is my first time and communicate with foreign friends Oh03:32
xangualiran: this is not the place to make friends03:32
gjlthetrav  then download tarball fro inet03:33
liranI know I know I am also a fan of ubuntu03:33
jmsfnchxangua: like :)03:34
bullgard4_'~$ which phpmyadmin' does not produce any output. What is the phpMyAdmin executable?03:34
urlin2uliran, do you need help? If you want to chat there are people on #ubuntu-offtopic03:34
Stanley00liran: welcome to Ubuntu, but this channel is for supporting only, if you want make-friend, join #ubuntu-chat ;)03:34
tx3Question... I'm having trouble installing ubuntu.. i'm on a liveusb... it seems to be locking up after choosing forward on the keyboard layout screen.03:34
luc_command not found03:35
urlin2utx3, which release?03:35
michael_phi was is a mssh protocol and how do you use it for firefox if i want to listen to a live stream it says mmsh not found03:35
Stanley00luc_: mount command?03:35
michael_pwhat is03:35
tx3lol its BT5R1...03:36
tx3its built on ubuntu :)03:36
liranOh sorry I did not bother us any problems you continue to explore the issues now Oh I do not bother you!03:36
urlin2utx3, we don't support backtrack, basically.03:36
tx3i know that03:36
tx3but i saw people having the same problems on the ubuntu forums03:36
tx3so i figured id come here for a quicker response03:37
bobweavertx3: join blackbuntu  backtrack-linux03:37
urlin2u!backtrack | tx303:37
ubottutx3: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition03:37
luc_cant find command in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:37
Stanley00luc_: what exactly did you type in terminal?03:38
luc_mount command03:39
Stanley00luc_: all the line, please?03:39
orlokI have recently installed 10.04 LTS on my system after upgrading from an older version, and an X11 application forwarded over SSH hangs03:39
luc_what lines did u tellme some thing else  i get diss connected and had to relog on03:40
Stanley00luc_: oh, I see, the command to mount your iso is "sudo mount /path/to/file.iso /mount-point -o loop" not "mount command" ;)03:41
Stanley00luc_: replace /path/to/file.iso and /mount-point with your own path03:42
tx3bobweaver: do you use blackbuntu?03:42
luc_what is my own path03:43
Stanley00luc_: where do you store your iso file?03:43
urlin2uluc_, are you trying to mount the iso to boot?03:44
luc_  yes03:44
urlin2uluc_, try this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984703:44
variableon a Ubuntu 10.10 laptop I do not see System > Preferences > Mouse > Touchpad even though I have a trackpad.03:44
variablehow can I enable that setting?03:44
Stanley00urlin2u: ooops, he didnot say that in the first ;))03:45
luc_they are saved in home luc documents03:45
urlin2uStanley00, ihard to tell sometrimes. :D03:45
yebootI have a few problems03:46
Stanley00luc_: well, if you want to boot iso, see the link urlin2u gave you.03:46
yebootgnome doesn't start anymore, just crashes (but this isn't a problem, I use xfce now)  but what's the command to open the settings screen in gnome03:46
yebootI need to double check and make sure everything goes to alsa03:48
wsbl-uhpd651qin: are you still on, qin?03:48
luc_ok then but do you know anything about no sound on my comp using pci exp vid card with hdmi audio out to tv03:48
variableon a Ubuntu 10.10 laptop I do not see System > Preferences > Mouse > Touchpad even though I have a trackpad.   how can I enable that setting?   Do I need to something silly to tell ubuntu that I'm using a trackpad and not a normal mouse ?03:49
yebootI can't use a microphone, and I hear it through the speakers, anyone know how03:49
yebootI can figure out how to fix this03:49
yebootnvm, just how to figure out what's using the microphone03:49
urlin2uvariable, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/benjamin-gets-his-hands-on-the-apple-magic-trackpad/  maybe?03:51
variableurlin2u: not an apple one, but I'll take a look03:52
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variableurlin2u: its just a normal Touchpad03:52
urlin2uvariable, I will look on google for the one you have if you like.03:52
variableurlin2u: I already googled it, perhaps not by model name though03:52
* variable looks03:53
urlin2uvariable, I mixed up track with touch doh.03:53
variableurlin2u: actually, I did that first03:53
variableurlin2u: DV6T if it matters03:54
* variable is googling as well03:54
urlin2uvariable, hehe you had trackpod.03:54
urlin2uhave you tried the synaptics touchpad https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad03:55
variableurlin2u: normally I'd run X -configure, modify xorg.conf, and then restart X03:56
variablebut ctrl-alt-bkspc doesn't kill X03:56
liranjoin #ubuntu-chat03:56
variableso running X -config fails :-(03:57
variableliran: missed a /03:57
axi93I'm looking for a VOIP provider which supports SIP and fax. I want to use an adapter to hook up a traditional fax machine and phone. Does anybody have a suggestion on who to go with?03:57
=== gf3 is now known as jesus
=== jesus is now known as gf3
urlin2uvariable, I see problems with turning it i=odd then back on but Natty supposed works, post 10.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145734903:58
BakeRanyone know if theres a key combination to unmount a drive faster?03:58
wsbl-uhpd651Can anyone help me figure out why I cannot access copy-and-paste and save files to my flash drive.  It is already mounted.  Ubuntu just won't let me access and manipulate files within the drive.03:59
Shortstraw8I would like to install Vmware. I'm running 10.4 ubuntu and not sure the command from terminal03:59
Stanley00BakeR: you can make one if you like03:59
variableurlin2u: yes, I found that. My touchpad doesn't turn off because ubuntu does not recognize as a touchpad in the firstplace03:59
Stanley00BakeR: btw, I prefer right-click ;)03:59
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, is it a sd and hve you the switch off?04:00
Stanley00BakeR: try looking in keyboard shortcut config, I think04:00
wsbl-uhpd651I've tried "sudo chown root /dev/sdb1" and "sudo chown -hR root /dev/sdb1".  Either one should change ownership and allow me to interact with it normally ...04:00
wsbl-uhpd651urlin2u: what do you mean by "sd" and "the switch off" ???04:01
yeboothi my mic is not working at all04:01
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, gksudo nautilus and change the permission04:01
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, solid state?04:01
WHAT_UPwould brasero know how to handle burning WMAs to audio CDs correctly?04:01
variableurlin2u: what does ”i8042.nopnp” do as a linux kernel option. I found it as a possible solution04:02
wsbl-uhpd651urlin2u: OK.  That makes more sense.  So you were asking if it is was "in solid state"?04:02
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, flash drive is used on thumbs hd's and solid state cards, on this channel at times.04:02
Stanley00BakeR: eject, or safe to remove, or umount, etc...04:02
phenomGuys: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/57906904:03
BakeRStanley00 Thanks i look into it more later04:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531190 in upower (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #579069 upower (devkit-power) reporting bad data when AC cable is unplugged" [High,Triaged]04:03
phenomThat bug report was issued over a year ago, still no fix.04:03
BakeRcant find unmount in the list04:03
orlokAhh, its an X11 driver issue apparently04:03
wsbl-uhpd651urlin2u: yeah ... it's a thumb drive ... if that answers your question?04:03
BakeRi think i have to make one some how through that04:03
BakeR(eject) is for the disk drives04:04
phenomWhere can you go to complain about ubuntu not putting enough time in to fixing bugs it produces with every release?04:04
wsbl-uhpd651urlin2u: I accessed the thumb drive now in Nautilus.  I can access and manipulte stuff just fine it seems.  How do I change the permission now in here?04:04
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, I so it is just read it sounds like I thin you can change the permission from root nautilus, or pul the stuff off and reformat it.04:04
BakeRphenom i agree man04:04
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, right click permissions.04:05
BakeRbuggy buggy04:05
Stanley00BakeR: did you look for eject in keyboard shortcut?04:05
BakeRthey need to fix bugs not create more he he04:05
phenomEvery time I install Ubuntu, I get some often bad, bugs.04:05
BakeRyeah eject i think is for the disc drives04:06
Stanley00BakeR: If you want a stable system, use LTS instead ;)04:06
yebootcan anyone help me my microphone isnt working04:06
phenomBakeR, Don't listen to him hehe, I use LTS and still have all kinds of bugs.04:06
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)04:06
phenomStable and Ubuntu = oxy moron itself.04:06
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, go to files-media to get to the properties of that thumb.04:07
BakeRi think he was being sarcastic04:07
Stanley00BakeR: hmm, I mean, you can create a custom keyboard shortcut like "Ctrl+U" to run command "umount /media/mount" or some kind of that ;)04:07
yebootno one can help me04:07
phenomWhere do I go to report bugs that haven't been fixed in years? :)04:07
BakeRurlin2u what ubuntu are you on04:07
urlin2uBakeR, natty right now.04:07
BakeRwhere to find the unmount button to make my own key short cut04:08
urlin2uBakeR, not sure I understand.04:08
BakeRyeah tried it for about 1 day hated all the bugs with compiz04:08
K-Richproper bug filing is throwing a brick with a core dump printed out and attached thetough mark shutttleworths widow :P04:08
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
usr13phenom: Ubuntu is stable.  I don't know what your experience has been but I've been  useing it for a long time.04:08
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest45663
phenomusr13, I have been too. And every upgrade heeds more problems04:09
urlin2uthis is support not rant04:09
bullgard4_'~$ which phpmyadmin' does not produce any output. What is the phpMyAdmin executable?04:10
phenomusr13, Have you never had issues after upgrading?04:10
somsipbullgard4_: phpMyAdmin is a web app. It's not executable04:10
usr13phenom: I dono.  I've got a LTS machine that works great. My XYL has a 11.04 Laptop that is humming along just great.   Not sure what the problem is but I see a nice stable OS here.04:10
urlin2uphenom, I never upgrade I fresh install, it's faster and can be done with all the apps there.04:10
variableurlin2u: nope, didn't help04:10
BakeRanyone here having tearing effects under ubuntu with ati?04:10
usr13phenom: This LTS system started out as 6.0604:11
phenomI don't think I've ever gotten help here. Forgive me if it's interpreted as a rant. I'd consider it frustration.04:11
urlin2uvariable, can you just empty iy=t and format it?04:11
variableurlin2u: empty and format what ?04:12
urlin2uphenom, funny many get help here all the time I suspect your methods are flawed.04:12
BakeRwell i got a quick tip for newbs having a tearing look when moving wobbly window04:12
urlin2uvariable, the thumb04:12
variableurlin2u: what thumb? Wrong person / context perhaps?04:12
phenomI started using ubuntu because I was tired of configuring x/sound/wireless etc on Debian boxes etc. That's all I want it to do.04:12
phenomurlin2u, Probably because I know how to mount a harddisk.04:13
usr13phenom: This is a support channel and there are plenty of people here that are more than willing to share information.  Take it if it is useful.  That is all they can do for  you.04:13
phenomThis channel helps new linux users, and apparently leaves us old folk behind.04:13
variableurlin2u: I'm havign a touchpad problem04:13
variablephenom: state your problem. If someone knows the answer and wants to help they04:13
variablewill answer. Stop complaining. Thanks!04:14
urlin2uvariable, sorry mixed you up my bad :(04:14
usr13phenom: THey haven't left me behind.04:14
BakeRactiocparnsnip is always here a suppose and he has not ben much help04:14
wsbl-uhpd651urlin2u: thank you.  That did the trick.  I just set the permissions the same way for owner, group, and "others".  You really helped.  Now I can back up my important files without worrying about being able to access them on this thumb drive or not :)04:14
phenomvariable, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/579069 has been verified over a year ago, are we to see any resolution?04:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531190 in upower (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #579069 upower (devkit-power) reporting bad data when AC cable is unplugged" [High,Triaged]04:14
bullgard4_somsip: You have raised an interesting point, and I need to think longer about it. But your statement is not the whole truth. phpmyadmin is also a DEB program package contining a lot of files. One of its exectuable files is /usr/sbin/pma-configure.04:14
usr13phenom: I still ask questions and they still answer.  So....04:14
urlin2uwsbl-uhpd651, yay your the thumb person .:)04:14
somsipbullgard4_: I've never install it form a deb, so I can;t help you04:15
phenomEvery one of my bug reports, even when confirmed have never been fixed :P04:15
variablephenom: best to ask the developers of that particular package. I don't know what they will do.04:15
bullgard4_somsip: Thank you for your help.04:15
crash1hdhey all I have a few files on / (root) that I was wondering about and if they should be there? They all seem to be symbolic links to somewhere else to start I have cdrom initrd.img & initrd.img.old vmlinuz & vmlinuz.old xorg.conf.new (of these which are supposed to be there)?04:16
variableurlin2u: Any other ideas of how to get X to recognize the touchpad as well, a touchpad?04:16
variableI'm used to normal X configuration, not gnome / ubuntu / Linux oddities04:16
usr13phenom: From the above URL I see a line that says,  "Thanks! The workaround worked perfectly"   ???04:16
bullgard4_crash1hd: Please do not delet them!04:17
bullgard4_crash1hd: Please do not delete them!04:17
Stanley00crash1hd: They're the kernel image and initramdisk, so just leave them along ;)04:17
crash1hdI take it that you mean initrd and vmlinuz what about the .old files?04:18
phenomI have to admit, I imagined I'd have been asked to leave already. :)04:18
yebootI think my mic is in use04:19
wsbl-uhpd651urlin2u: "files-media" ???04:19
yebootI can hear it over the headphones04:19
wsbl-uhpd651urlin2u: And yes, I am the "thumb person" :)04:19
yebootit's stupid someone help04:19
phenomBut I do think,,, the best thing that could happen to Ubuntu in it's entirety, is have masses of users flood in here complaining of stability issues.04:19
usr13phenom: Folks on this channel are very tolerant as far as I can tell.04:19
Stanley00crash1hd: they're the old vmlinuz and initrd then ;)04:19
rwwI think the masses of users should file bug reports, the support helpers are not often developers ;)04:20
crash1hdStanley00, ok thanks :) so what about cdrom? (I no longer have a cdrom installed, but I might in the future is it needed?)04:20
usr13they are interested in sharing knowledge and I think that is important to most all linux users.  We are pretty darn sure that we have some really great software to work with and are hoping to work together to make it even better.04:21
Stanley00crash1hd: /cdrom is safe to delete, but it wont take too much space if you leave it there ;)04:21
crash1hdStanley00, Cool thanks :) you guys are as always very helpful :)04:21
Stanley00crash1hd: you are welcome ;)04:22
usr13and the perfect OS does not exist04:22
phenomPut stability first. If Ubuntu doesn't have the leverage to pressure upstream in to fixing their own bugs, then they should release the distro with the broken package. Is all. :P04:22
Dollzwhere to get xvid encoder ?04:23
Stanley00usr13: I think "th perfect OS for everyone" is more precise, Ubuntu is nearly perfect for me ;)04:23
usr13perfection - no, not really, but a very awesome system, that's what I have -  yes Stanley00  very nearly perfect IMHO :).04:24
Stanley00usr13: ;)04:24
axi93Ubuntu is a decent system overall. Hardly great in comparison to what it has the potential to be.04:25
crash1hdOk now I have to figure out how to safely get rid of all nvidia software on my ubuntu box (I upgraded the motherboard and the new video card is an ati so I no longer require the nvidia software)04:26
axi93Now... comparing it to the worst OS(s)... Microsoft/Apple.04:26
usr13maybe I'm a bit of an optimist but I prefer to see the glass as half full   (optimism is more fun anyway)04:26
usr13BTW, we should have this conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic (an under used and under appreciated channel).04:27
axi93usr13: i think the conversation died long before it started04:29
usr13axi93: You certainly have a right to your opinion.04:29
Dollzwhere to get an xvid encoder ?04:30
Suparianyone go to ross med school?04:30
variableurlin2u: I stopped gdm, created and edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:30
variablebut EHELP04:30
DollzSupari: no04:30
usr13variable: What's the matter?04:30
usr13variable: What video card do you have?04:31
variableusr13: X is detecting my mouse as a normal mouse, not a touchpad04:31
Dollzhow to put a program in the include path ?04:31
DollzI mean , when I type it name anywhere04:31
Dollzit opens04:32
variableDollz: shell specific option04:32
usr13variable: In what way is it malfunctioning?04:32
variableDollz: typically you add the directory to $PATH as a colon deliminated list04:32
SchalaHow do I remove dead links from my Applications menu?04:32
variableusr13: I'm not able to shut it off while typing, adjust sensitivity to touch, etc04:32
usr13variable: I think he is talking about a tarball04:33
Dollzvariable: should I type $PATH = $PATH+";new_location" ?04:33
variableDollz: colon, not semi-colon04:33
Dollzvariable: should I type $PATH = $PATH+",new_location" ?04:33
usr13variable: Oh yea, touchpads are touchy sometimes.04:33
variableDollz: *sigh* it depends on your shell04:33
georgeHey guys what exactly is the WSOD? cause i think my girlfriend's Dell Inspiron 14r might be affecting it04:33
Dollzvariable: bash04:34
variableDollz: on a POSIX compliant shell doing something like export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/dir"; will work04:34
crash1hdIs there an easy way to remove all nvidia software on my ubuntu box (I upgraded the motherboard and the new video card is an ati so I no longer require the nvidia software)?04:34
variableurlin2u: yes, its not detecting it as a touchpad04:34
* variable wants it to04:34
axi93crash1hd: you can probably search for nvidia and select the packages to remove either in the software center or synaptic04:34
georgeShe's using her laptop and her desktop slowly fades to white o.o04:34
yebootcan someone help me04:34
usr13Dollz: PATH=$PATH:/dir/dir04:35
axi93yeboot: just ask; if we know the answer we will04:35
variableurlin2u: use more quotes!04:35
georgeeverything goes white and then 5 minutes later its back 2 normal04:35
urlin2uvariable, I'm on the phone04:35
usr13Dollz: and then  export PATH04:35
Dollzusr13: thanks04:35
variableurlin2u: :-)04:36
usr13Dollz: What is it you are trying to add BTW?04:36
crash1hdaxi93, hmm ok I was kinda hoping there was something shell based cause when I do the package manager it seems to ask me if I want to remove things like ubuntu-desktop? which I worry about not sure what that is?04:36
Dollzusr13: a path to mplayer directory to run mencoder quickly04:36
crash1hdas well as nouveau firmware04:36
usr13Dollz: You know you can just do mkdir ~/bin  and put scripts there to your heart's content.04:37
axi93crash1hd: don't remove it if it says it is going to remove ubuntu-desktop. that is like everything. basically. not just the invidia packages.04:37
usr13Dollz: mplayer should already be in your path.04:37
usr13Dollz: How did you install mplayer?04:37
axi93crash1hd: hold on a second and i'll see what i can do to answer your question.04:37
Dollzusr13: from svn04:37
usr13Dollz: you didn't use the package manager?04:37
crash1hdaxi93, ok :) thanks04:37
axi93crash1hd: did you install additional drivers in ubuntu or are you using the free ones?04:38
Dollzusr13: I tried to install mencoder only using apt-get , but it installed an old version (2009)04:38
Dollzusr13: so , I got it from the source :) svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer04:38
Dollz+ ./configure make , and make install04:39
crash1hdtruelly I am not sure, there was a time where I was trying anythnig to get the nvidia drivers to work04:39
usr13Dollz: What version of Ubuntu do you have?04:39
Dollzusr13: 10.0404:39
yebootI can't get my microphone working other than directly using it as output04:39
variableurlin2u: thanks !04:40
StravHi. I know the following questions might have been asked a thousand times, but I never got the chance to read unity's design team responses to much of the criticism that's out there. For instance. For a new comer, it now takes FIVE clicks to reach a given item from the accessories, what the hell?. And how about being able to reposition the launcher bar on the desktop for those whom, being used to browse content from top-down and04:41
Stravleft-right, just see the launcher bar as a visual annoyance/distraction and would feel it's really less intrusive at the bottom of the screen? In all, is there some place where the design team give responses and perhaps even dialog with the feedback they had? (is it launchpad actually?, should these be filled as bugs?)04:41
=== paijem-cantik is now known as blackshirt
usr13Dollz: The version from the repository was not doing the job for you?04:42
usr13or did you try it?04:43
axi93crash1hd: i don't believe you can remove the Nouveau package. you can remove the unified NVIDIA drivers though...04:43
fluffyCan anyone help me with a BCM43xx issue04:43
crash1hdaxi93, ok04:43
Dollzusr13: didn't try it at all04:43
axi93crash1hd: maybe a better question is why do you want to remove these drivers?04:44
crash1hdaxi93, well I am no longer using an nvidia card04:44
crash1hdaxi93, and there is an option in the settings that makes reference to them04:45
axi93crash1hd: i wouldn't worry about it if it isn't negatively impacting you.04:45
usr13Dollz: mplayer is a very complicated suite of applications.  It is the swiss-army knife of video players. It is easy to isntall from the package manager and hard to install manually.   YOu should install from the repository and see if it functions properly.04:45
crash1hdaxi93, its not and i know I could just hide the menu item.  On that note when I do install the custom ati driver I get a warning about unsupported ati driver as a little image in the bottom right corner of the screen04:46
crash1hdso I was not sure if it was affected04:46
axi93crash1hd: you can disable the driver if you want to do that.04:46
Dollzusr13: but I think it's fine .. it didn't take 10 minutes to download and complie04:46
Dollzusr13: just 3 commands04:46
crash1hdaxi93, I have done that already (that removed the warning) and all seems to be working but I am not trying to do anything complicated either lol04:46
axi93crash1hd: go to system -> administration -> additional drivers (10.04)04:47
Dollzusr13: got no errors at all04:47
usr13Dollz: Well you should not have to alter your path to use it.  If you install it properly it will work.  No matter if you isntall from tarball or from package manager.04:47
usr13I'm going to be away from my terminal for a while....04:47
axi93crash1hd: i actually wanted to do what you are trying to do at one time to shrink the size of a ISO which contained a mini version of ubuntu. unfortunately the way things are packaged you just can't.04:47
Dollzusr13: hmmm , I hope this is the only problem :)04:48
crash1hdaxi93, ok :) makes sense the driver it wants me to use is the ATI/AMD prop.. FGLRX graphics driver04:48
crash1hdbut when I activate it I get the warning04:48
crash1hdwhich I have looked up and it tells me that the warning is bogus that it is verified (but couldnt find a way to get rid of it)04:49
xxzzhi, do i need to delete win re partition before installing ubuntu on laptop or it can stay there04:54
axi93xxzz: it can remain.04:54
xxzzaxi93, ty04:54
axi93xxzz: you can resize a windows partition usually and then create a new one in the free space. after which you can install to the new one and when the system boots you will have the option of booting either windows or ubuntu.04:55
xxzzi already have free space04:56
axi93then you are golden04:56
xxzzits just that i opted for custom patitioning and i didnt select not to create re, it normally puts that under C:04:56
xxzzloosing primary partition for something as stupid as that is not useful04:57
danidanthellow there04:57
MarcossA male told me recently that he paid an uncircumcised Woman $500 to defecate on his circumcised genitalia.04:57
MarcossI am still trying to wrap my brain around this.04:58
rwwMarcoss: We don't want to know.04:58
chalcedonycould anyone tell me how to copy one window and not my full monitor, in ubuntu 10.10?04:58
jetscreameralt+print screen?04:59
ewwwetc init.d networking restart is deprecated <---- what is this error all about? how i do resolve this?05:01
georgei dont want to bother anyone but my girlfriend's dell inspiron 14r is having an issue that randomly the screen starts getting white and then everything fades into the white and she says that it happens in Windows 7 too o.o05:01
jameswgoogle calendar integration with natty indicator?05:01
axi93george: take it to a repair shop05:02
talntid2inverter is doing dead05:02
georgeyea its likely that its a serious hardware issue05:03
talntid2when it does that, take a flashlight to it and see if you can see it.05:03
axi93george: well, it isn't terribly difficult to fix. you will probably be charged an arm and a leg to fix it though. i know i charge an arm and a leg.05:04
talntid2me too =P05:04
Peace_MakerHi all05:04
talntid2check the service tag on Dell's website, to check warranty status.05:04
talntid2you might be surprised.05:04
jameswtime zone on clock indicator-  does anyone know how?05:05
jameswhello Peace_Maker05:06
georgebut is this common on Dell hardware? ive read things online about this and all, now im never buying a Dell laptop xD05:06
axi93george: basically you need to order an card which usually goes in the screen. so... you'd have to pop off some little circles that cover the screws to get the screen off (under the circles are screws) and then the thing pops plastic piece around the screen pops off. toward the bottom there is a card usually. it just needs to be replaced.05:06
talntid2it's common on laptops. period.05:06
talntid2it's no more common on dell than anyone05:06
talntid2dell doesn't make their own screens. other companies do. and HP, dell, ibm, toshiba, etc... all use similar manufacturers.05:06
Peace_Makerguys I have some problem here :(05:07
axi93george: your best bet is to get a free software compatible laptop ....05:07
axi93george: thinkpenguin.com, maybe elsewhere although zareason seems to have backed out of supporting freedom.05:07
=== Dion is now known as Guest18208
Peace_Makeree intel (0) no kernel modesetting driver detected05:08
Peace_Makerwhat should I do?05:08
georgehm ok, ill tell my girlfriend this cause its her laptop, i own an HP Mini 210 :)05:08
ewwwetc init.d networking restart is deprecated <---- what is this error all about? how i do resolve this?05:09
Peace_Makerany help05:09
axi93george: not sure why unless you are going to convince her to buy something else. ... that you prefer. :)05:09
talntid2george, whats the service tag on that laptop? it is on the bottom of it05:09
Jordan_Uewww: sudo service networking restart05:09
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georgei dont have it, i can check it tomorrow05:09
axi93i can't believe i thought this hard drive case was bad all cause the hard drives didn't have partion tables i was inserting :)05:10
georgemy gf just needed to know what could be wrong with it thats all n_n05:10
talntid2check the warranty on dells website tomorrow :)05:10
Peace_Makeranyone can help me?05:10
ewwwJordan_U: restart: Unknown instance: <---- still an error05:10
axi93Peace_Maker: that depends on what the issue is05:10
georgewuts the prob Peace_Maker?05:10
Peace_Makeree intel 0 no kernel modesetting driver detected05:11
Peace_Makeri can't enter the gui interface05:11
georgehopefully axi93 knows, im still learning n.n05:12
Peace_Makerme too am still beginner05:13
georgewell im out, its 1:13am where I am xD05:13
georgebye guys, thanks for all ur help! :)05:13
Peace_Makerit's just 8.13 am05:13
georgeim in Puerto Rico btw05:13
axi93Peace_Maker: it has to do with your graphics05:14
ewwwomg, gays are meeting each other now05:14
axi93eww: what? where? i'm gay05:15
SpacewalkerMe too.05:15
AlessonZaireThings are getting pink05:15
danesis it possible to see what processes are being executed in the terminal? is there any command/05:16
Peace_Makerwhat should i do for fixing it?05:16
axi93Peace_Maker: aww there isn't anything to fix.05:16
axi93danes: ps -aux05:16
Peace_Makerso what :(05:16
axi93Peace_Maker: it is something to the effect that you lack 3d accelerated support for your graphics card under ubuntu05:17
albechdoes anyone know where to get information about the formatting of /proc/PID/stat files?05:17
axi93Peace_Maker: well, i guess if you want 3d support you should buy a free software compatible graphics card.05:18
axi93albech: google05:18
bigbangI am getting following error while installing zimbra desktop http://pastebin.com/0x4Nwtsg05:18
Peace_Makerlike what?05:18
albechaxi93, really? :p05:18
axi93albech: :) yea, that was funny.05:19
calmpitbullgood morning.....i have lost all my sound in ubuntu 11.0405:21
calmpitbullcan't get it work05:21
axi93calmpitbull: i know the answer to this problem. buy a free software compatible usb audio adapter. they are available from thinkpenguin.com and other fine stores! (although the others are harder to find... cause most don't clearly indicate it)05:22
calmpitbullaxi93: what????05:23
axi93calmpitbull: the other answer is revert your linux kernel version. not something i'd suggest doing... on any permanent basis.05:23
sweetandyI am using 11.04. I have a bcm4311 wireless card issue. The driver is properly installed and activated. There is a physical switch on the laptop to enable/disable the card. The indicator LED on the card does not switch from orange to blue when activated (unlike under all other distros I have run). No card activity is possible.05:23
axi93calmpitbull: you have a usb audio chipset that is a piece of junk...05:23
axi93calmpitbull: it shouldn't stop working just because your kernel updated or you upgraded.05:24
calmpitbullaxi93: what a fuck...05:24
calmpitbullaxi93: just shot up05:24
axi93calmpitbull: i just told you a second solution.... but as i said i wouldn't advise it.05:25
axi93sweetandy: broadcom doesn't support free software or linux well at all...05:25
sweetandyaxi93, that is very true, but I have used this card with GNU/Linux distributions for almost two years05:26
sweetandyI rarely use the WIFI, if ever, but I wanted to configure it with this new installation anyway.05:26
axi93sweetandy: support ends when broadcom says it ends... you are shit out of luck05:26
sweetandyThank you, I will keep that in mind.05:26
axi93sweetandy: good luck05:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:27
=== Guest12091 is now known as wheaties466
calmpitbullgood morning.....i have lost all my sound in ubuntu 11.0405:27
calmpitbulland i need help05:27
sweetandyaxi93, I did not choose this hardware, but I did choose this software. It bothers me that I must resort to non-free firmware. Your contribution to this conversation was nil.05:27
[[mandrix]]what's the device?05:27
axi93:) wow... someone actually thinks i'm a professional. always considered myself a hacker. not a professional.05:27
[[mandrix]]have you tried checking the devices?05:28
calmpitbulli did05:28
bazhangaxi93, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here05:28
[[mandrix]]i hope the real meaning of hacker not the media bullshit05:28
Myrttiseriously, mind your language, people - this isn't a Wild West saloon05:30
axi93Myritti: :) you are right. but lack of curse words really makes it difficult to communicate05:30
axi93:) should start an "adults" only chat05:32
nnullon irc? original thinking right there ;)05:33
calmpitbullcan somebody tell me if anybody else had a problem with sound after updat05:34
Dracarihow do i properly add my Wifi via wpa_supplicant? it uses symbols and #'s and it get errors from it when trying to add.05:35
Dracari(as in i got !,@, and ?'s in it. and i get bash errors.)05:36
user_@Dracari enclose in quotes?05:38
Dracari(i cant use anything Non bash-promt/terminal based as this is for adding a Wifi connection to XBMC-Live, (its underlying OS @tm is ubuntu 10.1)05:38
DracariUser_ i'll try that and comeback if that doesnt work.05:39
Dracaribut ... How do i close irssi?05:40
MyrttiDracari: /quit05:42
user_@Dracari "/exit"05:42
user_sans quotes?05:42
f4k3zis there someone from Costa RIca??05:42
=== root is now known as Dracari
Dracaristill catches on !on205:45
mat619Hi there. I got a VIA C3 machine at home on which Ubuntu refuses to install correctly - neither live-cd nor alternate installer work properly. I found an old harddrive with 9.04 on it, and it booted perfectly though! Now I'm thinking about upgrading the 9.04 to 10.04 LTS, to regain update support. Is that possible? I read some people had problems doing that?05:45
LSD`If I apt-get install ccache, is there anything more that has to be done to enable it? As in, can I compile stuff as I normally would and it'll kick in on its own or do I have to activate it manually as per various online docs I've looked at?05:45
Dracarii guess i cant use a Password w/ an ! in it in this manner ;-;05:46
dsnydersHi all!  What is a good program for ripping DVDs?  I want to play the files on my WD  TV  Live Plus box.05:46
user_hm, escape sequences for the troublesome character "!" would be another guess but I figured quotes would've taken care of it?!?05:47
bazhangdsnyders, ogmrip05:47
Dracarii dont want to Create an Virtual Interface on my DD-WRT router JUST for my XBMC-Live Wireless units.05:48
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades mat619 please see this05:49
dsnydersbazhang, Thanks.  I'll take a look at that.   I used to have a script that did an mplayer dumpstream, but I can't find it anymore.05:49
Dracariguess i'll nee dto create one.. thanks for the help though user_05:49
bazhangdsnyders, ogmrip has a load of nice preset options as to how you rip it (ie number of passes, for which device etc)05:50
user_tried, best of luck Dracari05:50
bazhangcalmpitbull, check in alsamixer that nothing is muted05:50
user_keep tinkering in the future wih it05:51
mat619bazhang: thanks, but I read that before. I know it IS possible, but my question rather is "would you recommend that" - bad choice of wording. can't write proper english before at least 2nd cup of coffee. :/05:51
mat619bazhang: I'm afraid that upgrading will kill proper support for my hardware, which seems to be troublesome considering no newer release than 9.04 would work with it. wonder why!?05:51
apleHow do I add something to my terminal? Like if I wanted to call /home/aple/MyApp from terminal like: "myapp newfile.txt". How would I do that?05:51
bazhangmat619, do you have a separate home partition; upgrades such work fine, as would a fresh install05:51
apleI'm creating a symlink to it, but I'm not sure how to make it part of my terminal path05:52
bazhangmat619, try a live cd with some bootoptions then05:52
bazhang!bootoptions | mat61905:52
ubottumat619: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.05:52
mat619aple: add /home/aple/bin or wherever you keep your app to your path variable05:52
dsnydersbazhang, my script wasn't very pretty.  It basically looped through 30 times, blindly trying to play each DVD chapter.  I'm sure OGMRip is a lot better.05:52
calmpitbullbazhang: i did yesterday and now i have speakers muted again,05:53
bazhangdsnyders, be certain to have libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org05:53
mat619aple: then when you call "myapp newfile.txt" the shell will look for an app by the name of myapp in all folders in $PATH, including the folder your app is actually in.05:53
calmpitbullbazhang: and when i put it on lauder nothing happens05:54
bazhangcalmpitbull, are you using something with WINE?05:54
aplemat619: Last time I did this, I was told to make a symlink. Is that not necessary?05:54
dsnydersbazhang, Thanks for that reminder.05:54
calmpitbullbazhang:what do u mean05:54
mat619aple: where is your app located and were you told to symlink it to?05:54
bazhangcalmpitbull, microsoft apps with WINE05:55
calmpitbullbazhang: no05:55
bazhangcalmpitbull, what is PCM set to in alsamixer05:55
bazhangcalmpitbull, down it to around 7005:55
calmpitbullbazhang:no what05:56
aplemat619: Well, I don't care about symlinking to be honest. I just want to add Sublime Text 2 to terminal so I can call it from terminal like: "st2 newfile.txt" or just open it with "st2"05:56
calmpitbullbazhang:now what05:56
bazhangcalmpitbull, try playing a test sound05:56
calmpitbullbazhang:can i open avi to test it05:57
aplemat619: /home/aple/SublimeText2/sublime_text05:57
bazhangcalmpitbull, sure, why not05:57
xxxguardianangelxxxguardianangel> hey all, anyone know how to fix gecko on a wine install?05:57
calmpitbullbazhang:still nothing05:57
bazhangxxxguardianangel, try #winehq after checking the appdb05:58
bazhang!appdb | xxxguardianangel05:58
ubottuxxxguardianangel: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:58
mat619aple: ah, now I see why you were told to create a symlink. If the executable file itself is called "sublime_text", and you want to call it with "st2", you need to create a symlink on sublime_text called st2. that would be step 1.05:58
apleHow do I name symlinks?05:58
xxxguardianangelbazhang, it has to be 1.3.9, the ubuntu repo has 1.2.205:58
mat619aple: second step would be to add /home/aple/SublimeText2/ to your path variable, so that the shell will search that folder for an app called "st2" when you call it.05:59
atari2600a+1 idlers are all being mute assholes, so I'll ask here05:59
atari2600aCan unity in 11.10 RE-ARRANGE WORKSPACES05:59
aplemat619: Last time I did it, I did it in a one-liner.05:59
atari2600ait's the only think setting me back from using it05:59
atari2600aotherwise I'm installing xubuntu05:59
atari2600aor kubuntu05:59
bazhangatari2600a, watch the language. this is the wrong place as well05:59
atari2600aI haven't decided whether my 4.0 wounds have healed yet05:59
mat619aple: ooff... good question. been a while since i last did that, something along the lines of "ln -s sublime_text st2" when you're in /home/aple/SublimeText2/.05:59
mat619aple: am unsure of the exact syntax though, you might want to look it up if it doesn't work.06:00
calmpitbullbazhang:any other ideas06:00
vingianhello all06:01
bazhangcalmpitbull, check in padevchooser for your sound device06:02
bazhang!info padevchooser | calmpitbull06:02
ubottucalmpitbull: padevchooser (source: padevchooser): PulseAudio Device Chooser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2ubuntu4 (natty), package size 19 kB, installed size 132 kB06:02
vingiani have an ubuntu desktop (10.10) & a 10.10 server however, when i type sudo apt-get install <pkg_name> I get tab completion to assist me on the desktop edition06:03
vingianhowever, in the server edition the tab completion doesn't work at all...06:03
vingianis there something different that needs to be done on the server? (missing packages perhaps?)06:03
glebihanvingian, do you have the bash-completion package installed ?06:04
dsnydersbazhang, Rip in progress.  No libdvdcss2 complaints.  Mind you, it's a small production run DVD, not likely to be region coded or encrypted in any way.06:04
xxxguardianangelbazhang: I'be been asking in there for the last hour06:04
vingianglebihan: i can check - however, its a default installation so it hasn't changed much - doesn't it get installed by default?06:04
mat619aple: check this for an explanation about how to set the PATH-variable to include /home/aple/SublimeText2/ - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables06:04
dsnydersbazhang, thanks for the pointer to OGMRip.06:04
glebihanvingian, not sure06:05
LSD`Are there any DVD Rippers for Linux that just decrypt the files and not want to immediately reencode the mto something else as part of the process?06:05
dsnydersg'night all!06:05
bazhangLSD`, to ISO, for example?06:06
vingianglebihan: the said package is installed06:06
mat619How can I check if a package is available in the repos of a now unsupported release? packages.ubuntu.com doesn't allow me to search old repos as far as I can see06:06
organikshow stable is 11.04 64bit on a usb?06:06
qinxxxguardianangel: 1.3 is in repos, natty's06:06
mat619whereas "search" means "hack something into a search box and press enter", not navigate through a folder structure frontend06:06
LSD`bazhang: no, to a collection of decrypted VOB files in afolder off the disc06:07
=== bl4ckcomb is now known as bl4ckcomb|bnc
xxxguardianangelqin, 2.6.32-33-generic #72-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 29 21:08:37 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux06:07
glebihanvingian, then no idea, sorry. I don't actuallly use bash06:07
bazhangLSD`, no idea, never tried it06:07
qinxxxguardianangel: Check version from natty (or oneiric) and see how bad looks dependencies, source is also option if you really need this particular version. You on lucid?06:09
aplemat619: ln -s .... didn't work and the doc doesn't say anything06:10
apleI think it had something to do with symlinking to /bin/ or something06:11
acalvohello, livecd freezes in a HP Pavilion G606:13
acalvono error messages, just hangs06:13
acalvousing ubuntu 11.04 livecd06:13
qinorganiks: It will strongly depend from quality of usb drive.06:13
urlin2u!details | acalvo06:13
acalvotried with noapic nolapic acpi=off vga=77106:13
ubottuacalvo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:13
urlin2uacalvo, how about nomodeset?06:14
usr13acalvo: memtest06:14
acalvoI have a problem with the Ubuntu Natty 11.04 liveCD. During the boot process, it freezes and the computer doesn't respond to any command. I expected it to start the desktop. I am using an HP Pavilion G606:15
acalvourlin2u, didn't try it06:15
acalvousr13, it's a new machine06:15
urlin2umd5sum? acalvo06:15
usr13acalvo: memtest06:15
acalvourlin2u, it boots with another computer06:15
apleAnyone know how to add Sublime Text 2 to Terminal?06:15
acalvousr13, the standard windows installation was running fine06:15
urlin2uacalvo, do you know the gpu?06:16
acalvourlin2u, going to check06:16
urlin2uacalvo, my guess is a nvidia card.06:16
acalvourlin2u, intel HD06:16
irc2samushello guys, I've set a keyboard shortcut to start the web browser but now it tries to open http://18154115/ whenever it starts, any ideas?06:17
urlin2uacalvo, lspci | grep VGA  will show the gou06:17
qinaple: Where do you keep binary, path, please.06:17
acalvourlin2u, I can't start the livecd06:17
irc2samusthe "open web browser" command seems to be getting wrong arguments (whetever it is)06:17
urlin2uacalvo, try the nomodeset if it is the gpu tthat should get you in.06:18
acalvourlin2u, going to check06:18
usr13irc2samus: What is the command in the keyboard shortcut?  You might try changing it to firefox google.com  or  firefox about:blank06:19
acalvourlin2u, still fails to start, but now it shows some errors06:20
apleqin: What's the binary? The file I'm trying to use in terminal is: ~/apps/SublimeText2/sublime_text06:20
usr13irc2samus: What is  18154115?06:20
acalvoit fails to "start to fallback the graphic devices"06:20
PupenoWhere does evolution stores its address book? I need to restore from backups?06:20
qinaple: One sec06:20
acalvoand it also shows "bad lun (0:1) bad target (1:0)"06:20
irc2samususr13, well the shortcut it's for the "Launch web browser" action on the "Desktop" section, I guess I could create a new shortcut and specify the command but It hought that would/should work06:20
irc2samususr13, regarding the number I've no idea06:21
apleMaybe I'm thinking of /usr/share .. :\06:21
macbookubuntui'm running 11.04 on my 4.5 year old macbook and i can't get a clear dual monitor picture when i hook it up to my 32" sony bravia hdtv. any hints?06:21
urlin2uacalvo, not beyond beyond those ides to be honest, you might google the computer model and ubuntu.06:22
usr13irc2samus: I don't either.  But it may be that firefox's start page has somehow gotten changed to that bogus ULR.  Did you check that?06:22
organiksand acalvo not live cd install06:22
acalvourlin2u, that's what I've been doing for the last hour06:22
urlin2unot sure beyond*06:22
acalvoorganiks, that what I must try now...06:22
acalvothanks guys!06:22
urlin2uTONGJI, any what?06:23
usr13irc2samus: What happens when you just run   firefox  from terminal?06:23
irc2samususr13, it was a possibility but it's not the case here, my guess is that the "Lauch web browser" action is passing some extra arguments06:23
qinaple: Does: cd ~/apps/SublimeText2/ && ./sublime_text starts application?06:23
TONGJIhave no idea for IRc06:23
urlin2uirc2samus, clean the cookis and cache, and backup.06:24
irc2samususr13, works fine from the terminal06:24
usr13irc2samus: That would be my guess, that the "Lauch web browser" action is passing some extra arguments.06:24
apleqin: Yes06:24
qinorganiks: ?06:24
rapecannonHey, anyone have CLI experience using screen?06:24
usr13irc2samus: See if you can cahnge those extra arguments.06:24
irc2samususr13, do you know where that action is specified? just curios06:24
usr13rapecannon: yea06:25
usr13irc2samus: No I don't.06:25
irc2samusrapecannon, I do, there's a channel for it too06:25
organiksusb install06:25
usr13irc2samus: I thought you did.06:25
irc2samususr13, ok thanks, I'll go with the new shortcut then and specify the command myself06:25
rapecannonirc2samus: There is? Fantastic. What's the channel?06:25
JadedJacobHi all.06:25
irc2samusrapecannon, #screen06:25
rapecannonirc2samus: simple as that? Lolz. To think I spent a few minutes trying to google for "screen irc channel"06:26
glebihanirc2samus, it's in the default applications settings : gnome-default-applications-properties06:26
JadedJacobI'm currently installing lubuntu, and I'm wanting to setup my machine so it can play dvds, divx/wmv and flash06:26
qinaple: In one line: cd ~ && echo "#!/bin/bash" > st.sh && echo "./apps/SublimeText2/sublime_text" >> st.sh && ./st.sh06:26
qinaple: Dice?06:26
JadedJacobI know how to setup flash, but not about codecs and dvd06:26
JadedJacobIs installing the codecs the same as it is on ubuntu pure?06:27
usr13!dvd | JadedJacob06:27
ubottuJadedJacob: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:27
irc2samusglebihan, I have gnome-default-applications-properties which opens the "preferred applications" and that does not show the actual command, just a dropdown to select the browser06:27
usr13JadedJacob: Yes, would be same.06:27
glebihanirc2samus, then check the value of /desktop/gnome/applications/browser/exec in gconf-editor06:28
qinaple: ups: cd ~ && chmod +x st.sh && ./st.sh06:28
irc2samusglebihan, nice tool :) unfortunately it shows just 'firefox' as the command06:29
irc2samus(the plot thikens...)06:29
boomernang00Hi, using ubuntu 11.04 64bit - how can i use custom mount points during the paritioning process in the install? It will only let me choose from a list of mount points06:29
apleqin: !/bin/bash: event not found06:30
apleqin: I did this the other night with someone in here and it was a lot simpler anyway. Something like a symlink to /usr/share06:30
xxxguardianangelqin, I wouldn't install something painfully annoying if I didn't need it that way06:30
qinaple: Add # in fron of !06:30
apleqin: I did06:30
reachingperfectihow can i find my server name and my name06:31
glebihanirc2samus, weird... Have you tried to change your default browser in order to see whether the behavior is specific to firefox ?06:31
JadedJacobsorry, I joined the ubuntu room, rather than the lubuntu06:32
vingianreachingperfecti: execute hostname at the prompt for your servername06:32
vingianreachingperfecti: & whoami for username06:32
irc2samusglebihan, it's the only browser I have installed atm but it's worth a try, let me install another and I'll reply back06:32
urlin2uJadedJacob, lubuntu is supported here as well.06:32
apleqin: It sucks because I specifically saved this easy one-liner in a .txt and then reformatted and forgot to back it up :)06:32
qinaple: if st.sh will work from ~ you can put it in $PATH, so it will be proper launcher.06:33
apleWhat's st.sh?06:34
qinaple: File you just created: ls ~06:34
apleAh, your one-liner works if I call the file like: "~/st2"06:35
calmpitbullbazhang: u sad to install what06:36
qinaple: ./st.sh (unless you changed name) or: bash st.sh06:36
reachingperfectivingian: ACTUALLY I WANT TO SHARE A FOLder with another ubuntu pc but not on a common LAN06:37
boomernang00Hi - am i able to create a custom mount point during the partitioning process of the install? (ubuntu 11.04.64bit)06:37
brad_Nobody has +v in #screen, I don't think.06:37
usr13reachingperfecti: nfs ?06:38
urlin2uboomernang00, like?06:38
usr13reachingperfecti: But not on a common LAN???06:38
reachingperfectiusr13: nfs means06:38
apleqin: Figured it out06:38
reachingperfectiusr13: yes not a comman LAN06:38
boomernang00urlin2u: like my second harddrive using mount point  /Downloads... It will only let me use pre defined mount points like /home and /var06:38
apleqin: ln -s ~/apps/SublimeText2/sublime_text /usr/bin/st206:39
apleNow I can call ST2 from terminal with just "st2"06:39
reachingperfectiusr13: me my friend lives 3 miles away06:39
usr13!nfs | reachingperfecti06:39
ubottureachingperfecti: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:39
hexacodeim getting a headache trying to install apache with php5, can someon ehelp?   i feel like ubuntu has changed something...i used to do a simple apt-get install apache2, php5, libapache2-mod-php5   and now it doesnt even work on ubuntu anymore06:40
qinaple: Looks ok06:40
apleqin: Now I'm an uber l33t hax0r :D06:40
apleThanks for your help06:40
sp4zhi all06:40
hexacodenot only has ubuntu changed things, but they took out the init.d daemon for php5 it seems06:40
usr13hexacode: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?06:40
irc2samusglebihan, I've installed Chromium it does not have the problem when set as the preferred web browser06:40
irc2samusonly Firefox :/06:40
hexacodeusr13 10.04 lts06:41
apleHow do I copy/paste from/to Win7/Ubuntu(virtualbox)?06:41
glebihanirc2samus, and the problem is still there when you switch back to firefox ?06:41
usr13aple:  to ____________?06:41
irc2samusglebihan, yes06:41
urlin2uboomernang00, you want it labled, it mounts through fstab.06:41
usr13aple: Oh well, I don't know.  Not sure, but I don't think you can.06:41
sp4zis there a version of ubuntu which doesn't come with extra apps installed (bloatware) all i really need is gnome, gedit, basic system apps etc06:42
usr13aple: Waht exactly are you trying to do?06:42
reachingperfectiusr13:thanks budd06:42
reachingperfectiubottu: thanks budd06:42
usr13reachingperfecti: NP06:42
urlin2usp4z, get the minimal.06:42
glebihanirc2samus, then it must be something with firefox settings... but I dont' see what it could be. Maybe you could try creating a new profile in firefox, define it as default and see if it's still the same06:42
usr13!ubottu | reachingperfecti06:42
ubottureachingperfecti: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:42
irc2samus:D sec I'll try06:43
sp4zurlin2u, sorry haven't had ubuntu for a while, could you be a little more specific?06:43
irc2samusglebihan, new profile, same issue :(06:44
urlin2usp4z, there is a minimal ISO net install you have more control look it up.06:44
sp4zurlin2u, cheers will do06:44
crimsonmaneis there a place to leave suggestions for ubuntu beta?06:44
irc2samusnow I'm really puzzled, that number doesn't even look like a PID or anything06:44
apleusr13: I'm trying to copy stuff either from or to, either Windows7 or Ubuntu(virtualbox) seamlessly.06:44
irc2samusand it's always the same, don't know if after a reboot it might change06:45
usr13!minimal | sp4z06:45
ubottusp4z: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:45
urlin2ucrimsonmane, #ubuntu+1 is the oneiric channel they may know.06:45
glebihanirc2samus, unlikely. Then again, all of this is very strange06:45
crimsonmanety urlin2u06:45
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usr13aple: Files?06:45
glebihanirc2samus, you may be better off just setting a shortcut to firefox instead of web browser06:46
irc2samusyeah, it's not a big deal I'll be using FF anyway06:46
irc2samusthank you guys!06:46
usr13aple: Not sure, but this looks interesting:  http://maketecheasier.com/share-files-in-virtualbox-between-vista-guest-ubuntu-host/2008/11/1206:47
usr13irc2samus: Are you in Unity?06:48
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irc2samususr13, yeah06:48
usr13irc2samus: And you just dont' want to use the mouse?06:49
apleusr13: Not files, just text Clipboard06:49
apleCtrl+C / Ctrl+V06:49
urlin2uusr13, old news sharing is easy in virtualbax.06:49
irc2samususr13, I barely do06:49
irc2samus(shortcut-to-command works perfectly ftr)06:50
usr13irc2samus: Are you running MS Windows via VirtualBox?06:51
usr13irc2samus: In other words, you've booted into Ubuntu and are running MS Windows via Virtualbox?06:51
urlin2uusr13, sorry mised that pointed at another.06:51
irc2samususr13, no, not at all06:52
nastjuidHey all, it seems like a long shot, considering googling hasn't turned anything up, but does anyone know where I might find a mirror for jaunty? for my apt sources?06:52
usr13irc2samus: How are you running it?06:52
irc2samususr13, I boot to it directly (you sure you don't mixed the conversation? I think there's another guy asking for VB)06:53
usr13Oh sorry06:53
irc2samusnp :)06:53
usr13that was for aple06:53
usr13I've got to go now anyway.  See you all later...06:53
urlin2unastjuid, can't find the end of life mirrors, what keeps you from just installing lucid or beyond?06:56
ronin___How can I get ubuntu 11.1006:57
ronin___I wanna test it?06:57
somsip!11.10 | ronin___06:57
ubotturonin___: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:57
nastjuidurlin2u: It's for my router/firewall. I've been using a script that I found called iptables-control for a long time. I tried to upgrade a ways back, but the script broke, and since it's my only NAT box for home, i couldn't have it down long enough to fix the script.06:57
ronin___I wanna fix bug06:58
ronin___If I can do it06:58
nastjuidurlin2u: I tried using the command line dist upgrade, but it said it can't upgrade using the cli. I plan on just writing my own script sometime in the near future, but I was hoping to hang onto the current system configuration for just a few more weeks06:58
somsipronin___: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu06:59
apleHow do I copy/paste text between Win7 and Ubuntu(virtualbox)?06:59
ronin___somsip: I read it, now i wanna download 11.10 and install it06:59
urlin2unastjuid, this might help. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:00
somsipronin___: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/07:00
nastjuidurlin2u: I was planning on just biting the bullet and doing it tonight, but wife is watching stuff on Roku player and I dare not risk angering she which cares for me.07:00
nastjuidurlin2u: thanks, I'll give it a read07:00
urlin2unastjuid, sounds like a plan don't irritate the ones you love any more than needed. :D07:01
mutley89aple: ctrl-c, then ctrl-v  works for me with xp in a virtualbox07:03
nastjuidurlin2u: IT'S A MIRACLE. THANK YOU!07:03
urlin2unastjuid, cool wasn't sure.07:04
getlikemeis there a way to recursively symlink a series of files in a folder?07:04
nastjuidurlin2u: well, it updated, so i'm still crossing my fingers07:04
getlikemei tried this 'ln -s /path/to/folder/*'07:04
getlikemeand it then it symlinks folder07:04
getlikemebut when i try adding to git, git apparently doesn't allow you to add files in the symlink folder07:05
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getlikemejust the symlink itself07:05
nastjuidurlin2u: yup, there it goes. old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ . Again, thank you, thank you, thank you07:05
nastjuiduntil next time, gentlepeople.07:05
urlin2unastjuid, your welcome. :D07:05
getlikemeso short of symlinking one-by-one, is there a way to symlink recursively all files in a folder?07:06
Lasersgetlikeme: Use a bash loop command -- That could work. (I don't know how myself).07:07
getlikemescrew it, i just did it by hand. enough bikeshedding already07:07
getlikemeor is it called yak-shaving07:07
ronin___somsip: THX07:07
getlikemeit's just 5 files dammit, no need for a for loop07:07
getlikemethx anyways, i guess07:07
somsipgetlikeme: I'd go with a short bash script. Apropos of: for file in path; ln -s path/$file $file07:08
somsipronin___: np07:08
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anth0nyso, considering changing my symbolic link "python" to run python2.7 instead of python2.6.  Will this cause my OS (ubuntu 10.04) to explode?07:22
itiliouswhat ports do i need open for hp printer drivers to work on ubuntu 10.10?07:22
jnsl_This is really driving me nuts, advice much appreciated! I need to convert flv files to: webm, ogv and mp4. So far i have installed Miro, which can convert from flv to mp4, but not the other two. On the web i read that miro can in fact convert to webm and ogv, so i guess i'am missing some codec's or something ?07:22
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ActionParsnipitilious: are you connecting to a network printer? Are you wanting to share a printer?07:23
aplemutley89: Win7 <-> Ubuntu(vb) copy/paste doesn't work for me.. :(07:23
itiliousi can only use it successfully when i disable firestarter,, i have already opened cups07:23
urlin2uitilious, install the driver.07:23
ActionParsnipjnsl_: look into mencoder and/or ffmpeg07:23
itiliousActionParsnip, i installed driver and connect via wifi to printer ok,,, only when firestarter is disabled though07:23
melleHi all, i saw that the Dell Vostro 3700 is ubuntu certified (http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201001-4961:201004-5579). Currently I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and hence, the NVidia card isn't working out of the box (got bumblebee though). Does Ubuntu 11.04 have the same problem? Or should I consider updating?07:23
jnsl_ActionParsnip has the same problem, no ogv and webm07:24
jnsl_err ffmpeg has *07:24
itiliousActionParsnip, i also opened cups port for firestarter but still hp drivers seem to need something else open because it still will not work when firewall is on07:24
ActionParsnipitilious: possibly 161427 and 137 UDP07:25
mutley89aple: there is an option on the virtualbox manager gui under the settings for each virtual machine, under general - advanced called shared clipboard, is this set?07:25
rwwmelle: given that there aren't any certification notes for 11.04, I'd consider updating07:25
ActionParsnipitilious: http://www.avgforums.com/viewtopic.php?p=62107:25
itiliousActionParsnip, 161427?07:25
ActionParsnipitilious: yeah, on seconds read, not quite right07:25
ActionParsnipitilious: could just cheat and allow the system to transmit and recieve ANY data on ANY port to and from the IP of the printer07:27
itiliousActionParsnip, so i need to add "161, 427" to my open port rule in firestarter?07:28
rockguy32I'm currently installing Windows 7 on my dual-boot Ubuntu/Windows machine. The Ubuntu hard drive is the boot drive and GRUB has not been touched by this installation (I have made sure of that). Although the boot option for Windows XP works fine to launch the newly installed 7, how can I change it so it says Windows 7 instead of XP in the list?07:28
itiliousActionParsnip, i did add the printer static ip and still it does not work07:28
ActionParsnipitilious: possibly, that link seems groovy though07:28
ActionParsnipitilious: your printer manual may tell you07:28
Phylockrockguy32 - did you update the grub file??07:29
urlin2urockguy32, it will be W7 the XP will be the hard one to boot I used easybcd to get it in the W7 bootmenu.07:29
rockguy32I was under the impression that this had changed with the new GRUB07:29
rockguy32Windows XP has been replaced by 7. 7 is launched by the XP option in the GRUB menu. It was an upgrade, not an additional installation.07:30
mellerww: thanks!07:30
Phylockrockguy32 - regenerate is maybe a better word, run "update-grub"07:30
urlin2urockguy32, W7 will take over the boot it may have xp already in its menu I had a W7 then XP actualyy.07:31
urlin2urockguy32, in other words you will see at grub Ubuntu and windows 7 when yo choose windows seven a boot for it or Xp will be next.07:32
rockguy32Windows 7 did not take over the boot. After it restarted to apply changes, GRUB came up just fine. My Windows installation is on an entirely separate drive from Ubuntu and GRUB is housed on the Ubuntu drive.07:32
rockguy32Windows XP is no longer there, as it has been upgraded to 7. The XP option in the list launches the 7 installation. I just want to rename it so it says Windows 7 instead of XP.07:33
urlin2urockguy32, I used easybcd to get the xp ion the W7 boot, you can run a bootscript for us to lok to see how the windows have intertwined the boot.07:33
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rockguy32Is the update-grub command still functional in the newest version of GRUB because I was under the impression it was replaced by something else.07:34
Jordan_Urockguy32: update-grub still works.07:35
rockguy32Ok, and will it detect that Windows XP is now called WIndows 7?07:35
Jordan_Urockguy32: It should, yes.07:36
urlin2urockguy32, if you run this script and pastebin the RESULTS.text we can see the MS boot. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/07:36
rockguy32I can't at the moment, it's finishing installation.07:36
urlin2urockguy32, it may be as simple as a update-grub though.07:37
rockguy32ok well I'll have to wait until the installation finishes and I can reboot before I get the chance to try.07:37
dr_willisif its just the grub menu itmes names thars wrong you can tweak that.07:37
rockguy32Well that was my original question.07:38
dr_willissee the grub2 wiki and firum posts07:38
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:38
stevethepirateHi, m4a's and flac's won't play on my clementine [0.7.1] even though I have the gstreamer ugly/good/bad plugins all installed.07:39
ActionParsnipstevethepirate: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?07:42
rockguy32Thanks, I think that cleared it up.07:43
zHammeRzI can pretty much play anything right through movie player lol07:43
zHammeRzand all I did was install was action mentioned when I installed Ubuntu1107:44
JadedJacobhow do i list which driver I'm using in ubuntu?07:44
ActionParsnipJadedJacob: for what device?07:44
JadedJacobI'm running a ATI Radeon Xpress 111007:44
ActionParsnipJadedJacob: sudo lshw -C display | grep -i driver07:44
JadedJacobsorry for my graphics driver07:45
ActionParsnipJadedJacob: :)07:45
codemagicianhow do I upgrade my version of python on my 10.10 server?07:45
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rockguy32How would one change the boot screen from Kubuntu to Ubuntu if one had already run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? I tried some program that was supposed to change it, but to no avail.07:46
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa07:46
IamTryingWhen i try to restart /etc/init.d/gdm restart or service gdm restart i get this output "$ service gdm restart07:46
IamTryingrestart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.39" (uid=1000 pid=1663 comm="restart gdm ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Restart" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))"07:46
FloodBot1IamTrying: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:46
ActionParsniprockguy32: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth07:47
dr_willisIamTrying:  you are ysing sudo with those commands?07:47
IamTryingdr_willis, stupid me, always the problem when you migrate from Fedora to Ubuntu thanks :)07:48
JadedJacobActionParsnip: Cheers man, It lists driver=radeon07:48
zHammeRzit's not a migrate, it's an upgrade :)07:48
JadedJacobI'm trying to setup this. I guess it's already sorted ?https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver07:48
ActionParsniprockguy32: afterwards, you will need to run: sudo update-initramfs -u07:48
rockguy32ok thanks.07:49
IamTryingEven restarting the GDM, i do not yet see my wallpaper is changed e.g: https://gist.github.com/120287207:50
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zrutyI got a live USB, but where can I find the USB drive itself after it starts up?07:53
urlin2uzruty, what are you trying ti do?07:55
zrutyurlin2u: I am trying to copy files to the live usb drive07:55
tatahow to install file with " .tgz" in lubuntu 10.4(ubuntu 10.4)07:55
ActionParsniptata: what is the name of the file?07:55
ActionParsniptata: there is no single answer to the question07:56
urlin2uzruty, when it is booted to the OS?07:56
ActionParsniptata: the file is a compressed archive, so could contain binaries or source code...07:56
jnsl_how can i convert a file from flv to ogv using ffmpeg without loosing quality ?07:56
jnsl_or mencoder07:56
zrutyurlin2u: Correct, the live OS07:56
tatafile is: via-xserver-86a-50283_src.tgz07:56
IamTryingSecond time restart gdm now i cant see my desktop anymore is this normal? e.g: https://gist.github.com/120287207:56
ActionParsnipjnsl_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98013407:57
urlin2uzruty, is it persistent?07:57
zrutyurlin2u: Yes it is07:57
ActionParsnipjnsl_: found that with zero effort07:57
ActionParsniptata: sudo apt-get install unp; unp  via-xserver-86a-50283_src.tgz07:57
jnsl_that will resolve in loss of quality07:57
ActionParsnipjnsl_: how do you figure that?07:58
tataok, now I try07:58
urlin2uzruty, if your in the booted OS it will save stuff, until you fill up the casper-rw, your question is a little confusing to me.07:58
ActionParsnip!find oggconvert07:58
ubottuFound: oggconvert07:58
ActionParsnip!info oggconvert07:58
ubottuoggconvert (source: oggconvert): convert media files to free formats. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 56 kB, installed size 644 kB07:58
jnsl_i compare the output, and the converted file has more pixelation, even though it a bigger file07:59
ActionParsnipjnsl_: try oggconvert07:59
zrutyurlin2u: it is a 80GB drive which I made live by Startup Disk Creator. It works fine and starts up in Ubuntu. Now I wish to copy files from the internal harddisk to the USB harddisk which should still have 79GB left over.07:59
ActionParsnipjnsl_: or READ the mencoder man page07:59
zrutyurlin2u: I can find the internal harddisk in nautilus, but not the 79GB on the live USB harddisk.08:01
urlin2uzruty, I believe it may show the other partition in computer or the home left panel, on the boted live not sure though.08:01
Giac0m0hi there08:01
Giac0m0is it possible to connect to your own ubuntu system without using the loop interface? I want my setup to think it is a connection comming from an external system08:02
zrutyurlin2u: That's my issue: I can not find it anywhere08:02
urlin2uzruty, the usb creator is for thumbs, I would have done a full install, on a partition big enough yo would be set then. As it is the casper-rw=persistent will fill up after awhile and can't be cleaned.08:04
zrutyurlin2u: Yes, but this suits my other purposes better. I think I found the partition... on /cdrom08:05
tataAction parsnip: terminal say: Cannot open: No such file or directory08:06
tatamy file is on hard disk08:07
ActionParsniptata: you need to change directory to the folder you downloaded the file to08:07
zrutyurlin2u: With nautilus however it seems not possible to copy files onto there though.08:07
kev009any opinions on zenoss vs opsview for monitoring?08:08
stevethepirateActionParsnip: yes.08:08
urlin2uzruty,  don't think that is the partion08:08
zrutyurlin2u: Have to do that as root, as the standard live ubuntuuser it does not allow writes to there08:08
ActionParsnipstevethepirate: install gnome-mplayer too, may help08:08
REK_007which folders do i backup in order to get back all the programs and their settings on the fresh setup ?08:08
stevethepirateActionParsnip: I have that also :)08:09
ActionParsnipREK_007: all the ones in $HOME (including hidden ones)08:09
stevethepirateI've been trololololoing asking on #clementine for ages.08:09
ActionParsnipstevethepirate: and w32codecs from medibuntu (I assume 32bit OS)08:09
REK_007ActionParsnip: deja vu back up has included all that do i need /etc or anything else ?08:09
ActionParsnipREK_007: not used it, so I can't comment. You'd have to check the backup scope08:10
zrutyurlin2u: I am pretty sure that it is the correct partition. I can see all live files and folders there.08:10
ActionParsnipREK_007: if you have any custom configs in /etc then yes, otherwise you'll be ok08:10
stevethepirateActionParsnip: 64-bit.08:10
urlin2uzruty, not sure to be honest, a hard way to do it it seems.08:10
REK_007ActionParsnip: included are home /var/cache /lib /lib32 /lib64 /etc08:10
REK_007so it will be ok i suppose08:10
ActionParsnipstevethepirate: then w64codecs08:11
REK_007i will get back all the installed softwares right ?08:11
zrutyurlin2u: Yes... it is a bit hard. Or rather I have to styart nautilus with sudo08:11
ActionParsnipREK_007: make sure the hidden folders from $HOME are in the scope08:11
stevethepirateHmm, I actually don't have gnome-mplayer; but I do have mplayer [base] - that ok?08:11
REK_007i dont want to spend hours again downloading the stuffs again and again08:11
REK_007made sure of that08:11
urlin2uzruty, gksudo08:11
zrutyurlin2u: Now I can put that in a startup script which will be remembered thanks to the persistency08:11
ActionParsnipstevethepirate: i guess, see f gnome-mplayer pulls in anything codec looking, otherwise you can cancel it. Apt-get will show you what it will install.08:11
ActionParsnipzruty: sudo is not suitable for GUI apps08:12
btarunnrhyvaa yota08:12
urlin2uzruty, you understand that the persistent will fill up and can't be cleaned after a while , and if you reomeve the csaper to get it to boot again you will just have a live cd loosing all the saves in the casper.08:12
REK_007ActionParsnip: cause am doing a new installation will it be any help if i mount root and home on different partitions ?08:13
JadedJacobI'm tring to setup wireless on my laptop. I have a broadcom card, I've setup the broadcom proprietary drivers, but I have no way to connect to my access point...08:13
urlin2uzruty, you can have as big a casper as you want all the other partion if needed.08:13
ActionParsnipREK_007: it can help with reinstalls, means that you can simply tell any new install to mount the old home partition as /home and the settings will stand08:13
REK_007ActionParsnip: so backup wont be needed in other words08:14
ActionParsnipJadedJacob: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see access points08:14
ActionParsnipREK_007: it is needed in case the drive dies, but in between reinstalls it will not be needed to restore settings08:14
REK_007JadedJacob: is your hardware recognized ?08:14
Giac0m0is it possible to connect to your own ubuntu system without using the loop interface? I want my setup to think it is a connection comming from an external system08:14
stevethepirateActionParsnip: Just doing an apt-get upgrade quick.08:15
stevethepirateActionParsnip: then I'll have a poke around; shot.08:15
JadedJacobi ran iwlist scan and it only reported lo and eth0 :(08:16
ActionParsnipGiac0m0: http://www.gotossh.com/  maybe08:16
zrutyurlin2u: Yes - but I prefer that the rest of the partition can also still be read without havinhg to startup in the live ubuntu. That way it can be a backup drive and data rescue drive in one08:16
REK_007JadedJacob: then your wifi might have not been recognized08:16
REK_007i did the same on my sister's laptop last week installed the driver did a restart and it worked like a charm :)08:17
cacti____i have lenovo with ATI 9802 on natty, but it always freezing everytime i load some applications, pls advise08:18
Giac0m0ActionParsnip: i was more thinking about a terminal command :)08:19
JadedJacobbut lubuntu found it as a 'broadcom sta wireless driver;08:19
ActionParsnipGiac0m0: could ssh via a proxy, or ssh to a friends system, then back to your system]08:19
JadedJacobUnder 'Additional Drivers' I mean08:19
ActionParsnip!broadcom | JadedJacob08:19
ubottuJadedJacob: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:19
urlin2uGiac0m0, your going to have to be more specific, there are a lot of variables and confusion in your question.08:20
JadedJacobcheers ubottu08:20
JadedJacobits a BCM4311 model08:20
dbuggerHey guys, Im trying to load a image as my GRUB bg, but it says it cant load because of the colors. Can someone tell me how should I configure them?08:21
codemagicianwhen installing 10.10LTS the version of Python appears to be v2.6.5  will it stay at this version even during an update of the server?08:21
Giac0m0urlin2u: i'm trying to see if my firewall is indeed blocking external connections on a specific port. i started a nc -l <port> and now i want to make a connection to see if my firewall is indeed working. But if i nc <myip> <port> execute the connection is accepted. And my guess is: it is accepting the connection because it is seen as a internal socket08:21
lapionanyone else having less memory leakage with the new hotmail page ?08:22
MrokiiHello. It seems that when I copy and paste something and close the app from which I copied, the content is forgotten sometimes. Is this a bug?08:22
ben_steincodemagician are you an ubuntu dev?08:22
codemagicianben_stein, i have ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop for development.  my server is 10.04LTS08:22
codemagicianben_stein, if my server version of Python is 2.6.5 I should not upgrade it right?08:23
ben_steincodemagician, i'm not sure08:23
lapionI used to have a passive firefox browser with only 3 tabs ( one of which hotmail ) grow to a staggering 1GB within 4 hours.08:23
codemagicianis there a command line tool I can use to check my install version on my ubuntu server?08:23
zHammeRzcodemagician, uname -a ?08:24
codemagicianthat only shows the kernel versions08:24
urlin2ucodemagician, lsb_release -a08:24
codemagicianurlin2u, ah this just what I needed08:25
ActionParsniplapion: which version of firefox?08:25
ActionParsniplapion: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc08:25
codemagicianUbuntu 10.04.3 LTS08:25
codemagicianlucid for me08:25
codemagicianso what I'm trying to find out, is will my python version stay the same08:26
codemagicianif im always on 10.04 LTS08:26
rumpe1codemagician, yes08:26
codemagicianwhat about if I do apt-get upgrade08:26
rumpe1codemagician, you get bugfixes/updates, but no "upgrade"08:27
codemagicianand that's because its a LTS ?08:27
rumpe1codemagician, no, it's in every version the case08:27
codemagicianrumpe1, so why is it called upgrade?08:27
rumpe1codemagician, that's a very good question :)08:27
ActionParsnipcodemagician: you may be a ppa with a newer version, pythin is a huge part of your OS so I personally wouldn't go messing with it08:28
lapionActionParsnip, all versions from 4.0 till 6.0.1 and now all of a sudden upon starting the browser I got kicked out of hotmail, the page wanted me to select between local/us msn page, and had to relogin, and now the growth has stopped.08:28
yaccAny ideas how to debug a kernel freeze? My PC does not have physical ttyS nor lp devices, so a simple serial console to another PC seems out. => after the freeze there is nothing in the logfiles, and the freeze is hard SysRq does not work.08:28
codemagicianActionParsnip, this was my concern08:28
codemagicianI assumed that the Python version would remain consistent through the lifetime regardless if I do an apt-get upgrade08:29
ActionParsniplapion: tried a vanilla mozilla profile?08:29
tataActionParsnipI:  do nothing, I am new with linux and I know nothing, thank you anyway08:29
yacccodemagician, an "upgrade" can be just a change in compilation parameters, to make things better (or more probably safer)08:29
ActionParsnipcodemagician: 12.04 is LTS, if you can hold til then you can instal that08:29
ActionParsniptata: well, what folder did you download the fie to?08:30
ActionParsniptata: use TAB to complete nicks ;)08:30
lapionActionParsnip, at all times I have 3 separate profiles active on the same machine, each with it's own hotmail account .08:30
yacccodemagician, or just compile your python into a private prefix :)08:30
codemagicianActionParsnip, I wrote a script on Python 2.7.1 on my desktop and it used functionality that wasn't available in Python 2.6.5 on 10.04LTS.  So I figure its safer to rewrite to work to 2.6.508:30
lapionActionParsnip, all of a sudden the problems stopped in all 3 profiles08:30
ActionParsniplapion: cool, I dont use firefox these days so can't really comment08:31
lapionActionParsnip, I even emptied my second profile recently...08:33
codemagicianis there a way to get a specific version of python installed alongside my current 2.7.1+ version on my desktop?08:38
apleHow do I get all dependencies with a package? Trying to get SVN and everything it needs08:39
ActionParsniplapion: as in renaming ~/.mozilla08:39
ActionParsnipaple: sudo apt-get -f install   will satisfy deps08:39
apleWhere can I find which packages are supported by apt-get?08:40
ActionParsnipaple: http://packages.ubuntu.com     or you can search with:  apt-cache search something08:40
yacccodemagician, what features in 2.7 did you use? *curious*08:42
codemagicianyacc, tarfile  filter callback08:42
bambanxhow can iniciate on console mode?08:42
lapionActionParsnip, as in removing all files from for example .mozilla/firefox/jcgoi3ss.debug/08:42
codemagicianyacc, I wrote my backup scripts on my desktop and on my server the filter param wasn't available until 2.708:42
ActionParsniplapion: try closing the browser the renaming ~/.mozilla  then rerun the browser08:43
yaccActionParsnip, you should be able to copy just the modules into a subdirectory of your project, and then use try: import tarfile except ImportError: sys.path.append("mysubdirectory")08:43
yaccActionParsnip, wrong destionation, sorry, was meant for codemagician08:43
yaccActionParsnip, anyway, any idea how to debug kernel lookups (where the whole PC freezes) that by default do not leave any traces in the log files?08:44
jincreatorHi, everyone. I have a question about some legals. Is it possible to sell not official(not from Canonical shop) Ubuntu CD with using name Ubuntu and using Ubuntu logo on it?08:44
lapionActionParsnip, the .mozilla dir is not the one for each profile.08:45
ActionParsnipjincreator: http://www.ubuntu.com/legal08:45
ActionParsniplapion: it stores all settings for Firefox and Thunderbird for the user08:46
lapionActionParsnip, .mozilla/firefox contains the profiles, and I have 8 of them each of whivh me a browser with it's own extra plugins fully separate profile.08:46
mc89__any GIT guis for ubuntu like tortoise GUI?08:46
devcalaisHow do I find my UUID for one of my partitions..?08:46
rwwdevcalais: sudo blkid08:47
devcalaischeers :)08:47
lapionActionParsnip, please dig deeper into firefox/mozilla info, the system is a lot complexer.08:47
lapion.mozilla-thunderbird is for thunderbird08:47
Lasers(or .thunderbird in some distros)08:48
urlin2udevcalais, sudo blkid08:48
lapion.mozilla/firefox/* contains separate firefox.08:48
lapionI have been using mozilla/firefox/seamonkey/thunderbird since '9808:49
devcalaisurlin2u: cheers!08:49
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jincreatorActionParsnip: Then is it possible to sell CD from ubuntu iso file, but not use Ubuntu's logo?08:50
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ActionParsniplapion: like I said, the .mozilla contains settings for both apps, the fact that it is stored in subfolders or sub-subfolders is moot08:50
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stevethepirateIs it possible to set [in Gnome3] a single image spanned across two backgrounds [or independant backgrounds]08:51
ActionParsniplapion: renaming the folder then rerunning the app will generate a vanilla ~/.mozilla folder, if teh browser behaves the same it is the application at fault. If it is fine then some addon or setting you have is causing the issue08:51
lapionActionParsnip, each profile has it's own folder containing it's own settings.08:51
ActionParsnipstevethepirate: Gnome3 isn't supported here08:51
ActionParsniplapion: yes but within .mozilla08:52
ActionParsniplapion: isn't it?08:52
lapionActionParsnip, I have several profiles and your advice would cut them all 8 off at the knees......08:52
ActionParsniplapion: they are all still stored within the sngle folder, hence me recommending to rename it08:53
yacclapion, you can also run firefox -P and create a new plain profile.08:53
lapionActionParsnip, yacc please stop reading hitwords and start reading the whole sentences written.08:54
ActionParsniplapion: try removing addons is all I can suggest. Firefox is an atrocious browser imho08:55
ActionParsniplapion: its a simple thing to test, renaming the folder, and it's easy to rename back. So it's worth trying08:56
pete_hey, I have a hard drive with the name "elements' and I want to rename it, without removing all the data08:56
pete_is this possible?08:56
ActionParsnip!label | pete_08:56
ubottupete_: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.08:56
lapionActionParsnip, if you actually read what I wrote you would know that the problem is solved.08:59
luna30#join eskizofrenia08:59
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faLUCEhi, how can I say "hello world" with a command line?09:02
OerHeksfaLUCE, >> echo "hello world"09:03
faLUCEOerHeks: speech09:04
LasersfaLUCE: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech09:06
dark_echoubuntu 11.04 freezes before logın screen shows up09:09
dark_echoi can see the mouse and move it but no logın screen09:09
fhenning09Anyone having a problem with dual booting like after I ran a repair to grub now it won't load the menu it just goes strait into ubuntu09:10
dark_echoi did an sudo apt-get update then the applications started to not opening09:11
dark_echofor example i was clicking the chrome icon but nothıng was showıng up09:12
dark_echosame as for aother applications09:12
dark_echoso i did a restart09:12
dark_echonow i am unable to see the login screen at all09:12
robinduckettdark_echo: an apt-get update would not break anything09:12
chalcedonydark_echo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167653909:13
dark_echochalcedony: checking it now09:14
dark_echoi have a fresh install from dvd btw09:14
faLUCEthanks Lasers09:14
dark_echonot updated from a previous version09:14
tomodachihow can one select a pre-created wireless profile in network-manager? I create it, but i dont see it from the drop-down list09:16
ActionParsnipdark_echo: if you run it from a terminal, you should get some feedback09:16
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fhenning09Dude this is getting aggrivating hell I hold shift and all I get is grub loading then a monitor mhz message then it boots right into ubuntu I'm about ready to throw it throw the window09:18
ewwwis there a way that can monitor or tracks down that accesses your servers coming from external sources or from the internet?09:19
dark_echoActionParsnip: running what from terminal ?09:19
dark_echoActionParsnip: i am able to log in via terminal right now09:19
ActionParsnipdark_echo: chromium-browser09:21
tomodachiewww: well there are several ways  you can use the command netstat -taupen , to see wich ports are actually open on your comp09:21
tomodachitcptrack  , to track current in use tcp connections09:21
ewwwtomodachi: how about knowing their ip addresses?09:22
dark_echoActionParsnip: i can only log in via console from recovery mode so no graphıcal interactıons09:23
dark_echochalcedony: so you' re suggesting installing the 11.04 again ?09:24
fhenning09Is there an app that I can install that will force grub2 to show at every boot?09:24
stevethepirateActionParsnip: Ok, but incase you cared - nitrogen works well :p09:24
ActionParsnipstevethepirate: I see, not heard of it (mental note)09:25
ActionParsnipdark_echo: did you install some proprietary video driver?09:25
dark_echoActionParsnip: nope, did apt-get update and installed postgresql-9.1 rc then restarted09:26
tomodachiewww: tcptrack will show you source and destination ip09:26
ActionParsnipdark_echo: i see, is it a server install (no X)?09:26
dark_echoActionParsnip: ıts my personal computer at work09:27
dark_echoActionParsnip:  so no serve rınstall dits desktop install09:27
ActionParsnipdark_echo: but would you normally have a desktop UI?09:27
ActionParsnipI see09:27
ActionParsnipdark_echo: then run:  less /var/log/Xorg.0.log   see what's going on09:28
ewwwtomodachi: thanks ill consider that09:28
tomodachiewww: just install it and try it out , Its as simple as pie09:28
fhenning09Is there an app that I can install that will force grub2 to show at every boot?09:29
dark_echoActionParsnip: there is a line that saying failed to load module "fglrx"09:33
dark_echomodeule does nor exist09:33
bukhi, quick advice,after setting  /etc/network/interfaces to static ip, need i do some restart of this device, chage what i did, did not show09:34
Snicksiefhenning09, you shouldn't install an app for that, you can just change that in grub2 itself, although i'm not sure where you should change that...09:35
OerHeksbuk, sudo service network restart / or the old way /  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart.09:36
fhenning09Well I got a question how can I determine what drive my mbr is located ?09:37
Snicksiefhenning09, http://maketecheasier.com/mastering-grub-2-the-easy-way/2009/11/19 >> below the /etc/default/grub header09:37
neil_I have a remote computer that was putting emails in /var/mail/root how do I get them sent instead to my mail box?09:37
OerHeksfhenning09, allways the first drive, sda109:38
belgianguyWhat's the easiest way to 'test HTTP handshakes' with a remote server, ssh?09:38
belgianguyI got as far as ssh <ip> -p <port>, but I don't know what to do next09:39
fhenning09I installed windows after ubuntu then just ran repair now it doesn't show a menu at all even on holding shift so trying to figure a way to get my partitions to list and the onlky solution I found thus far is burg so guess gotta know the right location to tell burg to install to for mbr09:40
OerHeksfhenning09, installing windows after linux, can mess up grub, or delete all linux partitions.09:41
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:42
fhenning09yeah it was just a quick go at but now trying to fix the fuck up and its been a bad assed nightmare09:43
fhenning09I mean I got grub back but it ain't allowing a menu for me to load into win 7 even though in the configuration files I can see win 7 partitions09:44
Snicksieyou should edit that in /etc/default/grub fhenning09 ;)09:46
Ollehbelgianguy: use telnet to test the ability to connect to a server. ssh expects a ssh secure handshake. telnet just connects and streams characters to/from the server.09:46
Ollehbelgianguy: http://www.anta.net/misc/telnet-troubleshooting/http.shtml09:46
belgianguyOlleh, thanks :)09:47
JadedJacobyou guys that are running dual/triple boots etc09:47
JadedJacobIf you already have ubuntu installed, for other distros do you setup grub in the "/" partition, but don't make any changes to the master boot record?09:48
fhenning09here take a look the rest is commented out09:49
fhenning09GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`09:49
FloodBot1fhenning09: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:49
fhenning09sry Floodbot qq09:49
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HiDeHohow is the latest ubuntu going atm09:50
JadedJacobfhenning09: was that for me?09:50
oCeanHiDeHo: beta? Discussion/help on 11.10 is in #ubuntu+1 channel09:50
HiDeHoi was put of by the inital change of desktop from gnome09:50
HiDeHonot after beta09:50
JadedJacobfhenning09 I'm feeling like throwing my computer at a wall09:51
HiDeHooCean: is unity any good09:51
oCeanHiDeHo: 'latest' stable is 11.04, currently 11.10 is in beta (release in a bit over a month)09:51
HiDeHoi heard to much flack so never tryed it09:52
LasersEnd of October, most likely? :)09:52
oCeanHiDeHo: it's good, but it's a matter of personal taste. Anyway this channel is for technical support. Discussion etc in #ubuntu-offtopic channel09:52
Ubberliskhello, someone know how to change display language for gnome?09:53
JadedJacobAnyone ever a setup a dual boot of Vista, Ubuntu 11.04 and another linux distro ?09:53
JadedJacobwhoops I mean a triple.09:54
Ubberliskwhy use another linux distro, they are all linux09:55
SimonJaihey guys, whgat is the "RECYCLER" folder?09:55
SimonJaiand "System Volume Information"09:55
JadedJacobCause I like to seperate KDE from XFCE09:56
JadedJacobWhile I try and learn the ropes.09:56
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Ubberliskah, in fact kde and xfce can coexiste09:56
JadedJacobI'm still new to this :)09:57
Fudgeis there a ppc channel for irc09:57
Fudgein regards to ubuntu09:57
Ubberliskbut you have to switch before log into GUI09:57
JadedJacobI'm setting up OpenSuse 11.04 as my 3rd OS09:57
Ubberliski love that raptile <3 SUSE09:57
ssamFudge, ubuntu-powerpc09:58
Fudgeill give a go samitheberber09:58
Fudgessam  :p09:58
ssamFudge, :-) it can be quiet though09:58
fhenning09think I got burg configured gonna reboot and c brb09:58
mangashi all, just a question, is there any active ubuntu server 8.10 repo available? is it possible to upgrade it to 9.10?09:58
JadedJacobthing is though. OpenSuse doesn't find the ubuntu install on the boot loader settings. :(09:59
mangaswithout reinstalling the server, of course09:59
ActionParsnip!eol | mangas09:59
ubottumangas: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:59
phantomeHi guys10:00
mangasActionParsnip, thanks :)10:00
fithaanybody can help me download this "http://dl.google.com/android/android…8-linux_86.tgz"10:01
phantomeI have a problem with mouse pointer. When I move it over anything that is an object (be it a button, item with tooltip or even when i simply scroll a page) the pointer disappears and I have to move it to reappear. This happens in both kde and gnome and with either nouveau, vesa, fbdev drivers. Any suggestions?10:02
krambiorixhi guys, how can i update gedit to v3?10:02
Lasersfitha: 404. That’s an error. The requested URL /android/android%208-linux_86.tgz was not found on this server. That’s all we know.10:02
Lasers!info gedit | krambiorix10:03
ubottukrambiorix: gedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.4-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 515 kB, installed size 1860 kB10:03
Laserskrambiorix: If your version is 2.30.4-2 -- Then you're on Ubuntu's latest package.10:03
krambiorixLasers, thx, i have 2.30.310:04
fhenningIt worked perfectly10:04
fhenningnow I got fixed what I aimed to now I gotta crash gnight all10:04
JadedJacob YUS! My triple boot is now complete!10:05
JadedJacobVista, Lubuntu 11.04, OpenSuse 11.0410:05
damo22why on earth would you want vista10:06
fhenningHell I got win 710:06
JadedJacobI wouldn't, I'm doing it for a friend.10:06
JadedJacobVista is $150 NZ10:06
fhenningAnyone here know whats going on with demonoid? I keep getting a redirect repeatedly10:08
damo22whats the benefit of triple boot you can only run a single os natively at a time10:09
sveinseWhere can I ask question about debhelper?10:09
fhenninganywhere u want to lol10:09
OerHeksfhenning, demonoid is not ubuntu-related support.10:10
phantomeany help with the disappearing mouse pointer?10:10
JadedJacobDamo22 for testing.10:11
JadedJacoband for fun :)10:11
belgianguyI must be doing somerhing wrong, in Windows I can connect to my server using PuTTy, Raw method, on an IP and port10:12
belgianguybut telnet just sits on 'Trying...'10:12
belgianguy(in Ubuntu)10:12
phantomebel are you using firewall?10:12
oCeanbelgianguy: telnet?10:12
oCeanbelgianguy: you should use 'ssh' to connect to the ssh server10:13
belgianguyphantome, no I don't think so, does ubuntu have it ?10:13
oCeanbelgianguy: yes, but default disabled10:13
belgianguyoCean, well it's not SSL, it's actually plain HTTP, but not on the HTTP port10:14
phantomei guess you are certain that you have installed sshd10:14
oCeanbelgianguy: why are you talking about putty then?10:14
phantomewait, are you trying to connect with putty to your http server?10:14
oCeanbelgianguy: putty is a client to connect to port 22 (ssh server)10:15
VxQeoCean: Windows Vista/7 doesn't have a telnet client installed by default.10:15
VxQePutty connects to anything.10:15
oCeanVxQe: yes I know10:15
VxQeIncluding telnet.10:15
oCeanbelgianguy: please explain what you are trying to do10:15
MonkeyDust!nl belgianguy10:15
MonkeyDust!nl| belgianguy10:15
ubottubelgianguy: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl10:15
belgianguy:) thanks, I'll explain10:16
belgianguyI'm running a WebSocket server on a port that is not 8010:16
belgianguyeg 9090, on a server called myserver10:17
belgianguynow this myserver is happy to respond if I connect to it using 'Raw mode' PuTTy on Windows10:17
MonkeyDustport forward 80 > 909010:17
belgianguyWebSocket is just HTTP with an upgrade10:18
belgianguybut the server is listening on 909010:18
belgianguyI can connect to it, and then just paste a custom made handshake, and it will respond10:18
belgianguybut I'm not versed well enough to do that in Ubuntu10:19
damo22belgianguy: so you want to connect to it via ubuntu?10:19
damo22belgianguy: telnet myserver 909010:20
belgianguythat gets stuck on Trying...10:20
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no_gravityHello Ubuntu! Im trying to run virtualbox inside a xen virtual machine :) virtualbox compaints that it cant find the kernel source. do you know how to install it? apt-get install WHAT?10:20
phantomebel without being sure, i think this is normal10:21
phantometelnet isn't raw10:21
belgianguyphantome, but is there a tool to use raw?10:21
phantometry connecting through your browser : http://myserver:909010:21
ephanIs there an Ubuntu channel for Translators?10:21
oCeanbelgianguy: try netcat:  /bin/nc myserver 909010:21
phantomeor putty for linux :D10:21
oCeanephan: #ubuntu-translators10:22
phantome(netcat is oneway communication)10:22
ephanthanks oCean10:22
oCeanphantome: sure, but you'd still get a response for a listening process10:22
oCeanphantome: oh wait, I see what you mean, not necessarily a response10:23
phantomebel in the web page of putty there is a version for linux10:24
belgianguyphantome, do'h should have checked that, thanks10:25
phantome(you have to compile it though:D)10:25
silareAnyone here know how to get Vietnamese Unikey working in Ubuntu like Windows does? I got a working Unikey (Ibus installed), but the typing doesn't work like the Windows Unikey. Are there differences? I'm trying to use Telex.10:25
belgianguynetcat doesn't respond btw, but Chrome connects to it, and then closes for an odd reason10:25
phantomebtw, anyone know how to solve the disappearing mouse problem in natty?10:26
belgianguyI think it's because 14+ support a different standard, so I wanted to try to what handshakes it would respond10:26
damo22belgianguy: doesnt the client need to listen on a port too?10:26
belgianguydamo22, in PuTTy (Windows) once established, I can send some text (request) to the text, and the response would be there in the same window10:27
ambro718Hi. I want to make some software of mine accessible to Ubuntu users by making a package. How exactly do I do that? How to I make that easily accessible to users?10:29
damo22belgianguy: should be able to use nc -l 9090 in one terminal and nc myserver 9090 in the other terminal and make sure you tell the server to use port 9090 to echo back?10:29
belgianguydamo22, I see, so it has a listener and a sending component10:30
MonkeyDustambro718: by making a PPA10:30
damo22belgianguy: sorry im not familiar with websocket though10:31
belgianguydamo22, it's HTTP in fact, with some extra fields, part of HTML5 :)10:31
ambro718MonkeyDust: thank you, I'll look it up10:31
cheenuhow to find a file in ubuntu via terminal???10:31
MonkeyDustbelgianguy: please join #ubuntu-nl10:32
zykotick9damo22, i wansn't sure what Websocket was either, good 'ld wikikpedia enlightened me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSocket10:32
damo22cheenu: find10:32
cheenudamo22, i know that....but how to make use of that command????pls tell me the syntax10:33
zykotick9cheenu, in addition to find there is locate or whereis depending on what you're looking for10:33
damo22MonkeyDust: his english seems pretty good to me10:33
zykotick9cheenu, "find / -iname FOO"10:33
cheenuzykotick9, i am looking for directories...10:33
nothingspecialcheenu: find ./ -name <name> -type f10:33
nothingspecialcheenu: in that case -type d10:33
zykotick9cheenu, name vs iname -- iname will be case Insensitive10:34
neil_I would like the email generated by internally (e.g. mdadm) to be forwarded to an inter-net email account.... how do I do this?10:35
cheenuok fine10:38
ActionParsnipquiet today10:39
kcm1700it's really so..10:39
lartzAny help, I just installed new Ubuntu. My computer chatters when processor is doing work10:42
lartzNo problem with Lubuntu10:42
lartzor Crunchbang10:42
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ActionParsniplartz: is the storage drive old?10:44
lartzhmm 3 years max10:45
ActionParsniplartz: hmm, should be ok. How much RAM do you have?10:45
ActionParsniplartz: that's plent. I thought you'd say 256Mb which would make your system use swap more and explain the noise10:46
lartzThis problem came with LTS version, no problem with 11.04 (Natty) version. Weird?10:46
lartzand that noise comes from speakers10:46
ActionParsniplartz: so where is the problem if it's not in 11.04?10:46
lartz10.42.2 LTS version10:47
ActionParsniplartz: then why not just use Natty...10:47
ActionParsniplartz: maybe the newer kernel makes things nicer for your hardwre10:48
lartzNo idea, I use that then. What difference betheen natty and lts version10:48
lartznatty works with me? 1.6ghz, 2gb ram and no idea about video card10:49
ActionParsniplartz: kernel version and some package versions10:49
damo22i have trouble with my sound on my mythtv box, it doesnt remember the mixer levels when i reboot10:50
BrainBug[BE]damo22, did you do 'alsactl store ' after settings are good? under the same user?10:50
ActionParsnipdamo22: could add a startup item to set the levels. You can control them with cli commands10:50
damo22brianbug yes10:51
damo22actionparsnip i hacked my rc.local to do sudo alsactl restore10:51
damo22but it doesnt work, however when i run rc.local manually it works10:52
neil_how do I setup postfix so I can email out of my computer?10:52
HemebondFirefox and other programs are using about 800MiB of memory and yet System Monitor says I'm using 1.6GiB of memory and 390MiB of swap. What. The. Heck.10:52
ActionParsnipdamo22: very strange, could add a startup item to your desktop session instead10:53
BrainBug[BE]damo22, try this: preferences -> startup application  ' /usr/bin/amixer -q -c 0 -- sset Master 40%10:53
ActionParsnipHemebond: can you pastebin the output of:  free -m10:53
Lasersdamo22: You put "sudo" in rc.local? -_-10:53
damo22lasers, no i went by memory, i dont use sudo there10:54
Lasersdamo22: Good. Just checking.10:54
ActionParsnipdamo22: you can add a startup entry to run rc.local   should be ok10:54
HemebondActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/685158/10:54
Lasersdamo22: Try "sudo alsactl store 0"10:55
Lasersdamo22: It's probably for nothing -- but 0 implies first profile.10:55
ActionParsnipHemebond: if you run: top    it should show the main culprits RAM use10:55
lartzokey thanks for help im going to try 11.04 now10:55
damo22Lasers: i have stored the state successfully because when i run sudo alsactl restore it comes good, but i want this to run automatically when i start my computer10:56
HemebondActionParsnip: VIRT?10:56
Lasersdamo22: You're almost there. You have to figure out how to make it work for your setup.10:57
damo22Lasers: my workaround is to bind one of my remote control buttons to run "/bin/bash /etc/rc.local"10:58
ActionParsnipHemebond: http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_top.htm10:59
HemebondActionParsnip: Hmm, it seems things do add up to 1.5GiB.10:59
HemebondI really do need to upgrade :-(10:59
cheenuzykotick9, : its not finding the directory but searched completely10:59
zykotick9cheenu, what command did you use?11:00
ActionParsnipHemebond: just use LXDE, you'll be ok. I use systems with less resources11:00
HemebondActionParsnip: That's true. I did try to install it once... (actually it might still be installed).. but I couldn't figure out how to switch to it.11:01
HemebondActionParsnip: It never showed up at the login window. I'm planning to re-install the OS some time.11:01
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ActionParsnipHemebond: oneiric is out soon ;)11:02
cheenuzykotick9, : find ./ cricket -type f...............where cricket is my directory to be searched11:03
HemebondActionParsnip: Yeah, I'm not sure if it will be Ubuntu this time :-(11:03
ActionParsnipHemebond: it's not always the answer11:03
zykotick9cheenu, "type f" ONLY looks for files, use "find / -iname cricket"11:03
zykotick9cheenu, also ./ means search for your present location and below ONLY11:04
bashelinaif you reinstall a new ubuntu system on the system partition.. and leave the home partiotion intact11:06
bashelinais it not nessesary to remove all confi dot files in home ??11:07
Hemebondbashelina: Not really, but it might help avoid problems.11:07
zykotick9bashelina, the .FOO_STUFF in home CAN cause issues (if it's different versions OR if there are configuration problems in your home settings)11:08
bashelinaHemebond, the new isntalled applications wont overwrite to old dot files right ?11:08
bashelinazykotick9,  so i should try to remove each one of them ?11:09
Hemebondbashelina: Not if they can use them. I usually restore application directories to retain application settings.11:09
zykotick9bashelina, ONLY remove them if there are issues11:09
HemebondBut I do it on a per-application basis.11:09
bashelinayep. ok thx guys i know what to do11:09
xfce_murdererhello. I can't run a file in the terminal, it's in current directory, the filename is 100% correct, and still I get no "command not found"11:11
qinxfce_murderer: chmod?11:11
danubwhats up everyone. anyone in here have experience with configuring a vpn client to use a cisco profile?11:11
zykotick9xfce_murderer, ./COMMAND11:12
mainemikeyeah, use openvpn11:12
mainemiketrying to use a .prf?11:12
ktwoany idea how to change wlan N to G (using  RTL8192CU module from realtek page, compiled module)11:12
danubxfce_murderer: you have to make sure its executable, then './' to tell it "look in the current directory for this program"11:12
mainemikeI had problems with import, so what I did was take the .prf, view with less...then take the group password hash, and use one of the many cisco password crackers to get the real password, then manually config a new connection11:14
danubmainemike: i dont know the network secrets though11:15
danubthere is my pass, the group pass, and a network secrets key.11:15
corehookhi all, how to enable my onboard wifi card ?11:15
corehookand DW-12611:15
corehookusb wifi card,11:16
xfce_murdererthanks, that helped. still, I'm trying to configure openvpn key maker according to instruction, but when trying to run vars i get " No /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/openssl-0.9.8.cnf file could be found" What is this?11:16
mainemikethat's okay - they're in the .prf.  The password(s) in the .prf are Cisco type 5 or 7.11:16
mainemikeYou take the hashed password and put it into one of the Cisco password cracker utils out there - there's alot of them11:16
corehook[ 3894.398237] brcm80211: fail to load firmware brcm/bcm43xx-0.fw [ 3894.398244] brcm80211: Failed to find firmware usually in /lib/firmware/brcm11:16
corehookwhy ???11:17
mainemikethink typically the .prf is a type 5 password11:18
ActionParsnip!broadcom | corehook11:18
ubottucorehook: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:18
openlinkhello, i'm using apache2 on ubuntu, i have delete by mistake the "sites-available" directory, someone can help me to recover it ?11:18
danubok, i will have to go look all this up. was hoping for a simple import but that doesn't look like its gonna happen lol11:18
openlinki have not a specific files, i just want to recover default one11:18
mainemikeBackTrack has Debian packages with Cisco password crackers in it.11:18
corehookthx, try11:18
mainemikeyou going to use OpenVPN?11:19
ActionParsnipcorehook: the firmware is proprietary, you need to install the tool to extract YOUR firmware from your system and the error will go11:19
danubmainmike, yeah i have that on a flash drive if i need to.11:19
mainemikedanub: Let me see if I can find you the original instructions I used to try to import a Win .prf into OpenVPN...there is a way...brb11:20
corehookwhere i can got MY firmware ?11:20
mainemikedanub:  sorry..it's not a .prf but a .pcf11:21
danubmainemike: yeah, i knew what you meant11:21
mainemikedanub:  you using OpenVPN or VPNC?11:21
danubeither/both. whichever will import i will use :P11:21
ActionParsnipcorehook: read the guide ubottu gave, it tells you the package you need to extract it11:22
Mananmy PC has 240mb ram, p3 processor and 16 mb video card. which ubuntu will suiteme??11:23
mainemikedanub:  more ?s - you using NetworkManager or traditional ifup/ifdown?11:23
ikoniaManan: you're really starting to move away from any modern software with that11:23
danubnetwork manager11:24
openlinkcan someone help me to remove completely apache and reinstall new one ??11:24
mainemikewhich ver of Unbuntu you using?11:24
damo22how do you configure wifi from command line?11:24
danubnewest version mainemike11:24
Mananmy PC has 240mb ram, p3 processor and 16 mb video card. which ubuntu will suite me??11:25
bazhangManan, someone just answered you11:25
damo22i used to use iwconfig but i cant seem to make it work with modern stuff11:25
ikoniaManan: I genuinly wouldn't advise trying to use that as a day to day desktop as you're moving away from modern software requirements quite a distance11:25
mainemikeokay, then you see on your menubar, your NM icon?  if you're wireless, should show signal strenght, if you're wired, should show a cable plugged into a jack11:25
danubmainemike: yeah.....?11:26
Mananyeah ikonia, but i want to use some linux..11:26
mainemikeright mouse click on it, go to VPN Connections11:26
mainemikeConfigure VPN11:26
damo22Manan, possibly damn small linux?11:26
mainemikethere's an import button...that can import most .PCF files11:27
Manandoes it support word processing, internet connection from mobile, ?11:27
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danubmainemike: i dont have that option11:28
mainemikewhich option?  VPN connections?11:28
damo22Manan: probably but it will be slow to multitask11:28
danubi went to the vpn, configure, but I don't see an import button. is it at the bottom? (reason i ask is that i am on a netbook and sometimes, windows are too big for me to see the buttons at the bottom)11:28
RedViperHi.  :D11:29
Manandamo22 is your name damodar?11:29
damo22MAnan: no11:29
mainemikethere should be 6 buttons on the VPN tab of Network Connections...Add, Edit, Delete, Import, Export, and Close11:29
bazhang!ot | Manan11:29
ubottuManan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:29
danubahh, ok, found it11:29
xfce_murdererI need help configuring easy-rsa in openvpn... when doing things as written in the manual, I get error " No /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/openssl-0.9.8.cnf file could be found"11:30
Manandamo22: features of DSL11:30
damo22Manan: google is your friend11:30
RedViperDoes any one know what the best media is in ubuntu? I want something besides Rhythmbox.11:31
bazhang!players | RedViper there is no best11:31
ubottuRedViper there is no best: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:31
Manandamo22 : will debian work fine?11:32
damo22RedViper: i use Aqualung because i like it as my jack enabled player11:32
RedViperbazhang: Which is the most popular?11:32
bazhangManan, this is ubuntu support only, try ##linux for general linux questions11:32
bazhangRedViper, ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots11:32
bazhang!best > RedViper11:33
ubottuRedViper, please see my private message11:33
damo22!best > damo2211:33
ubottudamo22, please see my private message11:33
mainemikexfce: get your answer?11:33
mainemikedanub:  did it work?11:33
ActionParsnip!player | RedViper11:33
ubottuRedViper: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:33
ActionParsnipRedViper: try a few, see which you lik11:33
zykotick9damo22, you can see factoids privately by using "/msg ubottu best"11:35
damo22zykotick9: ty11:36
awise12just a simple question, how to read windows help file without using wine ?11:37
sveinseIs this the right channel to ask debhelper questions?11:37
bazhangawise12, chm?11:37
awise12bazhang: *.hlp11:38
bazhangawise12, without wine, the forums search turns up nothing11:41
yaccWondering, if I underclock my CPU, should Ubuntu detect this, or will it display the nominal speed of the CPU?11:41
Stanley00sveinse: I dont know, what's your problem?11:41
openlinkcan someone help me to remove completely apache and reinstall new one ??11:41
awise12bazhang: ok... thanks anyway11:42
Stanley00openlink: how did you install apache before?11:43
mjrsoo, even x-swat fglrx seems to be broken for lucid with linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty. Is there a prepackaged and dkms-integrated solution _anywhere_?11:43
openlink<Stanley00> apt-get install11:44
ktwoany idea how to change wlan N to G (using  RTL8192CU module from realtek page, compiled module)11:44
sveinseStanley00: I'm trying to override_dh_auto_build  with  dh_auto_build --sourcedir=some/path as the makefile for build is not located in top-level source. dh_auto_build complains about invalid or non-existing path, but it does indeed exist11:44
awise12!apt-get | openlink11:44
ubottuopenlink: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)11:44
Stanley00openlink: then try apt-get purge and then apt-get install again...?11:44
ActionParsnipktwo: you may need an option on the module, if it doesn't work you will keep getting disconnected11:45
ktwoActionParsnip, do i have to recompile?11:45
RedViperIn GIMP, how do I make it print the whole page, and not leave white boarders?11:45
jpmhI have a new netbook - all seems to work well except it does not recognize the internal mic or the mic socket - what driver, or whatever do I need here11:46
BaribalI'm looking for an email client capable of showing rendered HTML mails. Both claws-mail and sylpheed didn't do that for me. Any recommendations?11:46
openlinkStanley00, ok will see11:47
ActionParsnipktwo: no, just add an option to the module when you load it11:47
ikoniaBaribal: thunderbird ?11:47
ikoniaBaribal: evolution ?11:47
ActionParsnipBaribal: thunderbird11:47
Stanley00sveinse: sorry, I haven't built app from source before...11:48
BaribalThanks, testing Thunderbird...11:48
openlinkStanley00, purge then install doesnt work11:49
ktwoActionParsnip, do u know how i can see a list of valid options i used "modprobe 8192cu" to load it11:49
Stanley00openlink: why not?11:49
ActionParsnipktwo: search online, you'll find it11:49
ktwookay ty11:50
openlinkStanley00, Syntax error on line 230 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: No such file or directory11:50
ikoniaopenlink: that file is missing11:50
openlinkStanley00, i have delete by mistake the "sites-available" directory from old installation11:51
openlinkStanley00,  even new installation doesnt recover it11:52
jacoi have a problem with dual monitor. the problem is that the two monitors are on when i boot the computer and that is because i have a problem when i try to configure the secopnd screen as a secon desktop......... ideas???11:54
Stanley00openlink: never used apache before, maybe you should looking at it manual...11:54
openlinkStanley00, i use it many times before, i never been blocked like this11:56
jacoi have installed an ati card11:57
Stanley00openlink: hmm, did you look at line 230, file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf?11:59
zykotick9openlink, you might want to try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache2"12:00
jacoplease help meee????12:00
ikoniajaco: with what ?12:00
openlinkStanley00, yeah : include "site-enabled"12:01
jacodual monitor12:01
jacoi havce readon12:01
jacoand whilt booting is two monitors12:01
jacoand now problem with second desktop12:02
openlinkStanley00, what should i do, i never user virtual hosts12:02
Lantiziahey does anyone think this PC with 11.04 on it --> http://goo.gl/aB4eH  would be fine at 1080 playback?12:02
openlinkStanley00, never used virtual hosts12:02
Johnny_GigglesActionParsnip: I tried to use shred but it only does files, not directories12:02
jacowhat i have to do to reconfigure this?12:02
jribopenlink: are you trying to reobtain the sites-available directory that you deleted through apt?12:02
RedViperIn GIMP, how do I make it print the whole page, and not leave white boarders?12:02
Stanley00openlink: sorry, I dont know about apache, you should ask someone else, sorry...12:03
dejwooHello guys, im bit new to ubuntu, i have dell 5110 which has geforce 525 on it, is there any way how could i get that card working??12:03
openlinkStanley00, ok12:03
zykotick9Lantizia, 1.6 GHz Atom with onboard VGA, I "personally" doubt it, but maybe12:03
RedViperdejwoo: System: Administration: Additional Drivers.12:04
jacoi have two monitors conected to my raedon vga card with the two of themn detected, the problem is the screen size...12:05
Lantiziazykotick9, dual core and 64bit though12:06
jacoi used xrandr --auto12:06
jacohelp help help12:07
Myrttijaco: try arandr?12:07
jacowhat command is to configure as it12:07
RedViperdejwoo: Does that help?12:08
dejwoo:RedViper i tried that, but after i activated driver, unity stopped working, switch to classic mode, in Add.drivers was that driver is active but not in use12:08
jribopenlink: are you trying to use apt to reobtain the sites-available directory that you deleted?12:09
dejwooRedViper: i heard that it might be problem of nvidia optimus, dont know how to work around that12:09
zykotick9Lantizia, ya my netbook has an atom n450, dual core 64 1.66Ghz - and it can't play 1080 video?  but I'm certainly not SURE about the one your checking out.  Good luck.12:10
Vinn0anyone awake?12:11
ActionParsnipVinn0: barely12:13
openlinkjrib, with apt-get install and purge doesnt work12:14
RedViperdejwoo: Try reinstalling it. I had that same problem myself. The other thing that might help is updates, I updated my computer and it was fine after that.12:16
dejwooRedViper: Okey gonna try it now12:17
airtonixopenlink: so did you bother to use --reinstall ?12:18
airtonixopenlink: or sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache212:18
airtonixopenlink: or even rm /etc/apache2 -rf && sudo apt-get purge apache2 && sudo apt-get install apache2 --reinstall12:19
RedViperdejwoo: Let me know on the out come.12:19
openlinkairtonix, no i will do it now12:19
dejwooRedViper: i have in AddDrivers 2 options, Nvidia current, and som Nvidia experimental 3D support, first i try that recommended12:19
bambanxanyone are using teamviewer on ubuntu 11 ?12:19
airtonixopenlink: apt won't replace files for a folder that exists if i remember correctly.12:20
Stanley00bambanx: I rarely use that...12:20
Stanley00bambanx: just use for support my friend's window :))12:21
airtonixopenlink: so if you remove the /etc/apache2 directory then you'll probably also want to re install any apache mods you installed12:21
RedViperdejwoo: Try the recommended first. If it doesen't work try the other. But you should normally stick with the recommended.12:21
dejwooRedViper: okey, gonna restart, so will see what happens with recommended12:22
gypsymauroI saw that ofteon on planet.ubuntu.org there are some screenshots like this one: http://victorpalau.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/final1.png wich software was used to do that?12:22
openlinkairtonix, yes apt doesnt remove files12:23
openlinkairtonix, i tried to remove manually, now i have another error : : 49: Can't open /etc/apache2/envvars12:24
airtonixopenlink: doing what?12:24
openlinkairtonix, i removed apache2 directory, i reinstall with --reinstall12:25
dejwooRedViper: Nope didnt work, im now in classic mode12:25
RedViperdejwoo: So is it working?12:25
openlinkbut apache2 still not exist12:25
openlinkairtonix,  but apache2 still not exist12:25
openlinkairtonix, i did "rm /etc/apache2 -rf" then "sudo apt-get purge apache2" then "sudo apt-get install apache2 --reinstall"12:26
dejwooRedViper: it keeps saynig This driver is activated but not currently in use12:26
airtonixopenlink: try normal install now12:26
dejwooRedViper: And unity wont work when i have nvidia driver installed12:27
RedViperdejwoo: Ok try updating, Thats how I fixed my problem.12:27
dejwooRedViper: trough update center?12:28
RedViperdejwoo: No, System: Administration: Update Manager.12:29
dejwooRedViper: no updates avalaible, yea i ment that12:29
openlinkairtonix, same error12:29
dejwooRedViper: no updates avalaible in update manager, says im up to date12:29
oCeanopenlink: I think you should purge apache2 and apache2.2-common completely12:29
dejwooRedViper: i might try that experimental driver..12:30
qinopenlink: Maybe: sudo apt-get install -f12:30
oCeanopenlink: first apt-get purge apache2 apache2.2-common12:30
oCeanopenlink: after that, use dpkg -l apache2 and apache2.2 common to check for install status12:30
RedViperdejwoo: Ok give it a shot.12:30
openlinkairtonix, i did "apt-get purge apache2 apache2.2-common", after i do apt-get install or dpkg... ?12:32
RedViperdejwoo: Any luck?12:33
Ntemisam facing a real problem on my laptop, cant boot any ubuntu i tried 10.4 11.04 etc all ends to freezes and shutdown12:34
dejwooRedViper: need to reboot to get that option so brb..12:34
openlinkoCean, after that i reinstall apache2 normally?12:34
oCeanopenlink: any output for dpkg -l |grep apache2 at this moment?12:34
NtemisAmilo M1420 centrino 2ghz with 2gb ram 2x1gb 9600 Pro latest bios v1.2612:35
NtemisWhat i must do to have ubuntu on it?12:35
EmulatedGeekWindows Server discriminates Ubuntu!12:35
openlinkoCean, apache2-utils and apache2.2-bin12:36
NtemisI have windows xp and they run fine, also i can install Vista but not Win7 it says not fully acpi complaint12:36
EmulatedGeekGot a Win2k8R2 server running DNS, everywhere it works, but Ubuntu clients can't even ping hostnames12:36
dejwooRedViper: installing now, see what we get12:36
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: there is an option for windows dns that says you must be a domain memeber to use the resolution, disable that option12:37
EmulatedGeekOn RHEL, Debian and Windows it works without a hitch12:37
lucas71hello everyone12:37
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: what does the windows domain logs show when the request hits12:37
lucas71i have a question, could you try to help me...?12:37
Ntemisany help guys12:37
oCeanopenlink: those are not the configfiles, I think you can try reinstalling now: sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2.2-common12:38
lucas71Ntemis, I need a help12:38
Ntemislol shoot12:38
sattu94lucas71: dont ask to ask, just ask.12:38
beastymorning all12:38
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: do you see the hit ?12:38
oCeanopenlink: after that, check to see if you have the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory again12:38
EmulatedGeekI can resolve the hostname, but I can't ping to it or browse to it12:38
openlinkoCean, yeah fixed :) thank you12:38
beastyi'm trying to figure out a way how i can manage to set a tri head with 2 video cards in ubuntu (nvidia)12:38
oCeanopenlink: yay!12:38
fastaDoes anyone uses Ekiga here, if so, please PM me.12:38
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: that's nothing to do with dns12:39
EmulatedGeekon RHEL it works out of the box, after I updated the DNS12:39
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: if you can resolve the hostname, dns is working12:39
openlinkqin, fixed, thank you12:39
dejwooRedViper: okey it looks like its working, anyway how to know for a sure that im using nvidia card?12:39
lucas71Ntemis, sorry I'm nooby on irc - i have very low volume in Nautilus preview, and I don't know which application is responsible for it12:39
EmulatedGeekso, why I can't do anything with the name on Ubuntu, while others work?12:39
Ntemisalso tried mint lxde 11 same thing12:39
EmulatedGeekpingin the resolved IP works12:39
Ntemisi tried failsafe12:39
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: open a terminal in ubuntu and type "nslookup $hostname" replacing the hostname with one of your machines hostnames12:40
Ntemisam on command prompt and when startx it crashes xorg12:40
EmulatedGeekyes, I have done that12:40
dejwooRedViper: Because only difference is that unity works12:40
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: ok, what happens12:40
Ntemissomething about cannot find screen12:40
EmulatedGeekand I can't ping the hostname12:40
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: tht's not what I asked12:40
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: I said nothing about ping12:40
EmulatedGeekbut pinging the resolved IP works12:40
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: ok - I'm going to stop helping you unless you LISTEN12:40
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: open a terminal in ubuntu and type "nslookup $hostname" replacing the hostname with one of your machines hostnames12:40
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: tell me the result you get back12:41
ActionParsnipEmulatedGeek: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf     delete ALL text and add this line:   nameserver     save the new file, close getit, then try the web. Is it ok?12:41
aeon-ltd!cn > nixzhu12:41
ubottunixzhu, please see my private message12:41
ikoniaaeon-ltd: no12:41
ikoniaActionParsnip: no12:41
ikoniaEmulatedGeek: do not do that12:41
ikoniaActionParsnip: how is that going to resolve his internal network12:41
sattu94!cn > sattu9412:41
ubottusattu94, please see my private message12:41
Ntemislucas71: you mean when you hover mouse on mp3 you want to listen to higher sound?12:42
ActionParsnipikonia: internal, not web?12:42
EmulatedGeekthe nameserver is allready on the right IP12:42
EmulatedGeekI think this is wrong channel anyhow12:42
lucas71Ntemis, yes, its exactly my problem12:42
Ntemisupper right corner you have sound bar to full?12:43
lucas71yes, besides, all other sounds are ok12:44
Ntemisopen terminal12:44
Ntemissudo alsaconf12:44
Ntemisor alsamixer12:45
Ntemisdont remember exactly12:45
lucas71alsaconf or alsamixer??12:45
Ntemiscommon guys give an old man a hand12:46
Ntemiswhat is it?12:46
PiciNtemis: alsamixer12:46
dejwooRedViper: okey it looks like its working, anyway how to know for a sure that im using nvidia card?12:46
Ntemisi was right ;)12:46
lucas71in alsamixer all tracks are very loud12:46
Ntemisthey have an x mark on them12:47
Ntemisin the lower part12:47
Ntemiswhere the square box is12:47
lucas71yes, I know it, but everything looks fine... :(12:47
RedViperdejwoo: Please tell me you have good news?12:48
Ntemiswhat is your sound card lucas?12:49
lucas71Ntemis another thing is I can hear the sound from eg mp3, but its VERY low volume12:49
RedViperdejwoo: So is it working?12:49
Ntemisupdate the alsa driver from ppa12:50
lucas71I have  onboard sound card, i dont remember exactly name of it...12:50
RedViperdejwoo: Have you got compiz installed?12:50
lucas71hmm... I didnt think about it Ntemis...12:50
lucas71probably yes, Realtek...12:51
Ntemisis either that or via12:51
Ntemiscmedia is dead :)12:51
Ntemisok listen12:53
dejwooRedViper in msg12:53
Ntemispick a different sound out put from the sound icon on the right12:53
oCean!who | Ntemis12:54
ubottuNtemis: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:54
Ntemisprobably this is your problem12:54
Ntemislucas71:pick a different sound out put from the sound icon on the right12:54
dejwooRedViper: whats compiz?12:54
srehi community friends. I have a problem that is probably my fault. I am to fast for my keyboard. when I type to fast the letters doesn't turn up on the screen. double letters like 'ee' or double backspace is the same. I can't remember doing any settings to get this delay. any suggestions on where to fix it. or get the default keyboard settings back ?12:54
Ntemisany help for me ppl?12:55
lucas71Ntemis, my english is too poor, so I didnt understandt the you last sentence... :(12:55
mr-smilehi all. I have a problem with my ubuntu 10.1012:55
xanguasre: tried keyboard settings¿12:55
mr-smileI can't log in Ubuntu12:56
srefeel stupid. but I can't find a solution for it. it's like slow keys have been enforced.12:56
Ntemislucas71: right click on sound icon on upper right and then settings and pick a dif output12:56
nightripehi people, how can i reinstall nvidia-xserver-settings for autodetection my screen ? Samsung syncmaster 2443, i can't get 1920 x 1200 resolution12:56
lucas71Ntemis, what you mean: "the sound on the right"? right of what...?12:56
g0thI use thunderbird and I would like to move all my filters to another account12:56
g0thhow do I do that?12:56
ikoniag0th: it's annoying you have to do it manually,12:56
g0ththe first account is for gmx, the second for gmail12:56
Ntemislucas71: upper right of upper bar on the screen12:57
g0thbut I have around 500 filters12:57
g0thsome very complicated12:57
ikoniag0th: I've got a request for a filter export to file option, but it's not been picked up12:57
g0thit must be possible12:57
g0thto do it manually12:57
g0thnot from the gui I mean12:57
ikoniag0th: no, it's not, hence why I have the feature request logged12:57
g0thmoving files/etc12:58
srexangua, I am able to adjust the key setting for repeat key. still a double tap doesn't show if I am normally fast12:58
ikoniag0th: the filters are not contained in a file12:58
g0ththe easiest would be if you could drag and drop12:58
g0thwhere are they?12:58
ikoniag0th: but you CAN'T12:58
stonemani have dell 5110 with kubuntu 10.04 and i have integrate  intel video card and NVIDIA GEFORCE GT 525m card... how to switch to nvidia.. ?? pls some help12:58
g0ththis is a serious pain12:58
g0ththis will cost me two days of work12:58
ikoniag0th: BanMeIfUsuckCock12:58
ikoniasorry, wrong buffer12:58
ikoniag0th: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/thunderbird-message-filter-imp/12:59
lucas71Ntemis, I have only analog stereo and headphones12:59
ikoniag0th: look at that, see if it works for you12:59
zapotahany idea why my ubuntu server fqdn doesnt resolve after i set a static ip on it even though the dns record is updated12:59
Ntemislucas71: search better you must have digital out someplace13:00
ikoniazapotah: how do you know the dns name is updated ?13:00
sreany way to get back the default keyboard setting. I feel this must be something hanging from earlier versions.13:00
zapotahits on a different server and the record points to a correct address13:00
ikoniazapotah: ok, so what is the fully qualified domain name of the machine13:01
mr-smileI only log in Ubuntu via Recovery Mode.13:01
xanguaikonia: shame on you, yo should kick yourself ;)13:01
mr-smileHow do I log in ubuntu?13:01
ikoniazapotah: if you type "nslookup zapoubuntu.zaponet.local" does it respond with an ip ?13:01
zapotahand the resolv.conf is set so that yes it does13:02
ikoniazapotah: stop the language13:02
lucas71I haven't...13:02
zapotahthe address has changed13:02
zapotaheven though the configuration is the same13:02
zapotahno additional interfaces have been configured13:03
ikoniazapotah: so you know it's resolving from that dns server, so you need to contact someone to find out why you dns server is wrong13:03
ikoniazapotah: make sure you don't have an entry in /etc/hosts13:03
lucas71Ntemis, i havent13:04
sreit's like quick double tap on a key isn't allow. like I need 1 second delay before the second keystroke for it to register.13:04
sreelse it's goog13:04
zapotahwhat should and shouldnt be in the hosts file13:04
ikoniazapotah: what ever you want, it's your machine13:04
zapotahyes but theres ofc the for the machine itself13:04
zapotahbut can that interfere with the name resolution?13:05
sreso. password will be pasword with my touchspeed13:05
ikoniazapotah: no, as thats localhost13:05
zapotahthought so13:05
ikoniazapotah: the issue is the server in /etc/resolv.conf - contact whoever manages that and ask them to fix your dns setup13:05
zapotahi manage it13:05
ikoniazapotah: then fix it13:05
jpmhwhat is an easy way to clone a working machine to another identical machine - they are both netbooks13:05
zapotahhave to restart the server13:06
zapotahor both13:06
icerootjpmh: a running machine?13:06
ikoniazapotah: don't have to restart anything13:06
zapotahand the dhcp which updates the a records13:06
stephenhhi, i've noticed the package names have for ubuntu packages, i used to use vmware-open-vm-tools-kmod-server and vmware-open-vm-tools-nox, have these been replaced by open-vm-tools?13:06
zapotahi can resolve windows server names no problem13:06
stephenhi asked in vmware and got pointed here13:06
stephenh(don't see how, since it's a vmware.com hosted repo)13:07
zapotahand my router and everything else13:07
zapotahjust not the ubuntu servers13:07
jpmhiceroot: yes - themachine I want to clone is the one that I am on right now13:07
ikoniazapotah: you just said you could resolve them13:07
daavisi allready installed ubuntu. is it possible to make 60gb partition for win7 with gparted? i can't resize hdd13:07
iceroot!clone | jpmh13:07
ubottujpmh: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:07
icerootjpmh: if you only want the same packages13:07
icerootjpmh: the other solution is to dump the hard disc e.g. with dd13:08
zapotahlets try from a different machine13:08
jpmhiceroot: seems the dd method would be better because I wuld get everything, correct?  And I do want AN EXACT clone13:08
zapotahi seriously dont get this13:34
zapotahi did nothing13:34
zapotahand now it works13:34
zapotahi checked everything from router dns conf and the dns server logs and the ubuntu server configurations and everything13:35
zapotahit works now13:35
BluesKajHiyas all13:35
RiceKingI <3 Ubuntu13:35
paljasWhich setting on apache 2.2 on ubuntu makes that php pages are interpreted13:35
paljaswithout the extension being given in the request? Can't find it in the13:35
vltHello. Can anyone give me an URL to an Ubuntu 11.04 32bit live CD image?13:36
lucas71how can I late start one of the modules??13:37
mongyjpmh, ok I think I found it..  boot clonezilla on 1 machine, select disk to disk clone, expert mode, and it tells you what to do.  might be what you want, hopefully13:37
necreolooking to reinstall ubuntu, shouldnt I better directly install the beta 11.10? and if so, maybe wait for beta2?13:37
xanguavlt: ubuntu.com13:37
xanguanecreo: oneiric is not supported here, but do as you wish13:38
vltxangua: This looks like an HTML page.13:38
BluesKajnecreo:  join #ubuntu+113:38
AFDI am trying to open PDFs on a remote Ubuntu machine using envince (or document viewer). When it tries to open you can see the app in the panel struggle before it gives up and dissappears... help troubleshooting please13:39
oCeanpaljas: it's the php5.conf in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled13:39
paljasoCean: there I have only matching extension to the handler. Not something like RewriteRule !\. - [H=application/x-httpd-php]  ?13:42
zapotahnow it doesnt work13:42
norcI have an OVH server with Ubuntu setup. When I install a standard kernel, remove the OVH kernel and run update-grub and then reboot - the server doesn't come back up again and needs reformating13:42
Pici!enter | zapotah13:42
ubottuzapotah: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:42
norcHow would I go about finding out what went wrong13:42
AFDany help with my PDF problem?13:42
zapotahifconfig -a shows that there is one zombie process13:42
vltWhere on ubuntu.com can I find an URL of an Ubuntu 11.04 32bit live CD image?13:43
lucas71how can I to late start sound modul  of tv card ??13:43
oCeanpaljas: I'm not sure what you're after. You could ask in #ubuntu-server channel, that's more server (and server-software) specific13:43
paljasoke thanx13:43
roguebot@vlt all images boot as live cd .. try any one13:43
vltroguebot: Where on ubuntu.com can I find an URL of any Ubuntu 11.04 image?13:44
BluesKajvit, if you can't find it then who's gonna hold your hand afterwards13:44
staszekbrak dzwięku w dell 62013:44
vltBluesKaj: afterwards?13:44
roguebothit download on main page itself.. it will ask whether 64 or 32 bit13:45
BluesKajafter you install13:45
Picivlt: http://releases.ubuntu.com/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Ubuntu/11.04/13:45
vltPici: 40413:45
BluesKajPici:  you're so kind :)13:45
Myrtti!pl | staszek13:46
ubottustaszek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:46
staszekjest dzwięk w słuchawkach brak w głośnikach13:46
w3bg33kI have a turnkey linux box setup to run Drupal in a VMware environment...the other day there was an issue with disk space, which to my knowledge has been resolved.  But, in the process the server was rebooted and is now coming up with this error:  http://www.hireawebgeek.com/lamp.jpg .  Any suggestions as to what the issue might be?  Is it possible to determine what the issue is from that message (it's a screenshot from the VM console)13:46
haivlt, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download13:47
oCeanvlt: once you start here http://releases.ubuntu.com/, you'll find your way to the actual download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso13:47
lucas71 how to late start sound modul  of tvcard ??13:48
vlthai: No URL there.13:48
vltoCean: Thank you!13:48
vltoCean: How did you find it? Or: how is anyone supposed to find that. Is there a link on ubuntu.com I missed?13:49
xanguavlt: the big orange download button13:49
oCeanvlt: do you see the big red/orange Get It button? (http://www.ubuntu.com/)13:49
oCean*Get Ubuntu actually13:50
vltxangua, oCean: I could see it but no URLs :/13:50
bittinwhats wrong if i get E: Unable to lock directory ?13:51
BluesKajvlt:  , you click on "Get Ubuntu " as oCean says13:52
oCeanvlt: all the downloads are at releases.ubuntu.com13:53
TheishiI am trying to use grep to parse an email, i have this string i want to search for '--f46d0447a27db0771e04ac5e4a62', and I am not sure how to tell grep that this is a string and not an option or a regular expression13:54
jribTheishi: grep -- '--f4...' file   should work13:55
shadow98hey guys when i minimize my window and bring back up the nomachine client it shows some of my local pc's windows in the background...13:55
shadow98i have to run mouse around the nomachine client window for it to redraw some of the remote machines desktop so that i can ues it13:55
Theishijrib: what does '--' mean? the end of arguements?13:56
jribTheishi: yeah13:56
alkafooTheishi: yes13:56
tsimpsonTheishi: also grep '\--f4...' would work13:56
alkafooand not just for grep, common convention among commandline apps13:56
Theishithanks alot13:57
vltBluesKaj: oCean gave me the URL I was looking for.  I just couldn't (and still can't) find it anywhere on ubuntu.com. Even after clicking "Get Ubuntu". What did I miss?13:57
Picivlt: sorry about my link, there seems to be some ipv6 name resolution issues right now.13:58
BluesKajvlt: http://www.ubuntu.com/download13:58
sysdocoops sorry13:58
vltBluesKaj: Ok ... and then?13:58
bhmHep, I'm running ubuntu 10.10 but am in need of software from 11.04, how do i upgrade the software centre without upgrading everything else? All i need is lyx 2.013:58
xangua!info lyx | bhm13:59
ubottubhm: lyx (source: lyx): document processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1~natty1 (natty), package size 4055 kB, installed size 10140 kB13:59
BluesKajvlt:  make your choice and click on it13:59
=== B0bby is now known as Genk1
john77Hi, guys. Is there any way to pin a launcher (main menu) on the top panel other than with right-clicking the panel?14:00
Picixangua: thats not really helpful.14:00
xanguaPici: well he is asking for lux 2.0 and it is already on natty14:00
john77For some reason my top panel does not acknowledge a right-click.14:00
B0g4r710.10 != natty14:00
bhmnatty only has 1.6.7 i need 2.0.014:01
xanguaooh that :S14:01
vltBluesKaj: I wantes a live CD so I chose the middle one: "Try it from a CD ...". Then what's next? Where's the URL?14:01
Picibhm: Package versions are not typically upgraded within a release unless they are in response to a security fix.  You might be able to find a PPA for lyx 2.0 though.14:01
xanguabhm: then compile it yourself or search a ppa at launchpad ;)14:01
B0g4r7I would try building it from the source myself.14:01
bhmno ppa's. would love to build from source myself but am stuck...14:02
bhmany guidelines?14:02
B0g4r7Ask more helpful questions.14:02
xanguabhm: you tell us, we are not magicians to know what you are stuck at ;)14:03
BluesKajvlt:  is there something wrond with your browser ?  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download , click on "start download"14:03
bhmhow do i build  lyx 2.0.0 from tar.gz and post it on launchpad as ppa14:04
vltBluesKaj: That won't give an URL, would it?14:04
Sidewinder1bhm, Perhaps this will get you rolling: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware14:04
bhmsidewinder1: thanks :-)14:04
B0g4r7Forget all that launchpad/ppa business.  Just download the source, compile it, and run it.14:04
vltBluesKaj: (The browser is Firefox on Ubuntu, btw.)14:04
BluesKajvlt:  you're on irssi , why ? you can't download with that14:05
Picibhm: This might be helpful: https://launchpad.net/~lopeztobal/+archive/maths?field.series_filter=maverick14:07
=== marlun_ is now known as marlun
bhmSidewinder: Shouldn't it be possible to run a sudo apt-get which pulls the lyx 2.0.0 from the 11.04 repo, even though I'm on 10.04?14:07
B0g4r7You're on 10.04?  I thought you were on 10.10...14:08
bhmsorry 10.1014:08
B0g4r7Sure, you can get the .deb from 11.04, but odds are it depends on some other packages from 11.04, which depend on some others, etc.14:08
Sidewinder1bhm, For that to work, I believe you'd have to have the 11.04 repos enabled; but that's just my guess.14:08
vltBluesKaj: I didn't understand your last question. How's irssi related to me being not able to find the download URLs anywhere on ubunti.com?14:09
yaccB0g4r7: Well, he can try to recompile it?14:09
xanguaSidewinder1: bhm mix repositories = bad idea14:09
B0g4r7yacc, yes, That would be my recommendation.14:09
Sidewinder1xangua, Agreed, but he/she did ask. :-)14:09
bhmok. Thanks for the advice. I do the compile and get on with it.14:11
Picibhm: did you see my link to the ppa?14:11
tx3Looking to grab password hashes from a Samsung Ubigate iBG1000... anyone familiar with them?14:12
Picitx3: This doesn't sound like an Ubuntu support question.14:13
dejwoohello, anyone know how to restore minimize,maximize and close buttons in ccsm?14:13
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B0g4r7tx3, those are usually stored in only a couple standardized places on posixy platforms.  Shouldn't be too hard to track down.14:14
Lulzjoin #lulzweb14:16
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rhubarbhello world14:22
B0g4r7Anyone care to recommend a decent alternative to Thunderbird (for email)?14:22
=== Guest9495 is now known as lucas71
B0g4r7I've stuck with Thunderbird for a while now, hoping it would mature, but even after some years it's still quite buggy.14:23
Soul_Sampleit's still way better than evolution, IMHO14:24
Theishianyway to tell awk, not to print ='s on overflowing lines?14:24
Theishiis there i mean14:24
Lynx_Hi all! I have a problem with apt-get update that is driving me mad. I get the error "GPG error: http://ubuntu.mirror.cambrium.nl natty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5" This seems to be very common, there are dozens of blog and forum entries. I tried all solutions, but so far with no result.14:25
alkafooB0g4r7: mature how14:25
Lynx_There must be a way to deal with this systematically and find the problem, can anyone help?14:25
IdleOne!badsig | Lynx_14:25
ubottuLynx_: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »14:25
B0g4r7awk | sed -e 's/=$//g'14:25
B0g4r7alkafoo: Like, get the more annoying bugs worked out.14:25
w3bg33kI have a turnkey linux box setup to run Drupal in a VMware environment...the other day there was an issue with disk space, which to my knowledge has been resolved.  But, in the process the server was rebooted and is now coming up with this error:  http://www.hireawebgeek.com/lamp.jpg .  Any suggestions as to what the issue might be?  Is it possible to determine what the issue is from that message (it's a screenshot from the VM console)14:26
B0g4r7For instance, it's quite often trying to synchronize IMAP folders from the server that I have told it not to.14:26
TheishiB0g4r7: yeah, what happens if the line already ended with an =, before awk?14:26
alkafooB0g4r7: bugzilla.mozilla.org ?14:26
B0g4r7Theishi: yeah, I gues that could be an issue...doh.14:27
Lynx_IdleOne: I tried that long ago, it still doesn't help...14:27
TheishiB0g4r7: it seems like an obvious problem, but i can't find anything in the man, or on google14:27
IdleOneLynx_: what happens when you run sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 437D05B514:29
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Lynx_IdleOne: key 437D05B5: "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" not changed14:30
IdleOneLynx_: now: sudo apt-get update14:31
spleenBonjour !14:32
IdleOne!fr | spleen Bonjour14:32
ubottuspleen Bonjour: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:32
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Lynx_IdleOne: No difference, still the same error. I've really tried these two steps like 15 times now...14:33
lucas71could you tell me how to late "listening" of line-in14:33
pejman1 14:33
bartmonHi! Is there a nice signal to send to Firefox to kill it via a shell? So it won't think it crashed?14:34
craigbass1976I believe I've installed JRE in wine.  Anyone know how to test it easily?14:35
rumpe1bartmon, kill firefox usually works this way.14:35
gumushi all14:35
ShogootAnyone that can help me with guake? I got the transparency set to 100% but the terminal show me the desktop backgroun dand not the webpage i got open.... I want to se the webpage as i type in guake :)14:36
gumusI can't see the files I extracted from .rar files although it says extraction successful. Can anyone help me with that ?14:36
ichhi guys14:36
bartmonrumpe1: Yeah, but kill actually means send a signal and bi default IIRC it KILLs. But there are other signals, SIGHUP, SIGTERM, SIUSR1...14:37
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Shogootgumus, they probbly extracted to a hidden folder, hit ctrl+H in the filemanager nautilus14:37
Guest25737I'm having a problem with GRUB, can anyone help me?14:38
gumusShogoot: nope.. Nothing happenned. I realized it's written on the title [read only] how can I get rid of that ?14:38
B0g4r7"The default signal for kill is TERM" sayeth the manpage.14:38
Shogootgumus, google "ubuntu chmod give access"14:39
IdleOneLynx_: you can try either method at http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-the-ubuntu-gpg-error-badsig.html14:39
lucas71Guest25737, whats your problem?14:39
bartmonB0g4r7: Thanks, memory corrected!14:39
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B0g4r7kind of funny that it's named kill then...heh.14:39
ShogootGuest25737, join #Grub14:40
RobinRallright, thx14:40
Paddy_NIHow do I search the entire root filesystem for all entires of "postler"14:40
gumusshogoot: the problem is that when I check the permissions I see that I can read & write ?14:40
Paddy_NIsome previous config must still be there14:40
BluesKajLynx_:  is it a ppa you have the trouble with, if so you can remove it at, gksudo nautlius /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:40
Shogootgumus, then its beyond my expertise14:40
B0g4r7Paddi_NI: find / | grep postler14:40
mneptokPaddy_NI: ls -Rla / | grep postler14:41
Paddy_NImneptok: :)14:41
Shogootell me how to late "listening" of line-in14:41
Shogoot<bartmon> Hi! Is there a nice signal to send to Firefox to kill it via a shell? So it won't think it crashed?14:41
Shogoot<craigbass1976> I believe I've installed JRE in wine.  Anyone know how to test it easily?14:41
Shogoot<rumpe1> bartmon, kill firefox usually works this way.14:41
FloodBot1Shogoot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:41
mneptokPaddy_NI: sudo updatedb && locate postler14:41
Shogoot<gumus> hi all14:41
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Paddy_NImneptok: Happy days mate.. I love that app but cannot get it to work correctly14:41
ShogootAnyone that can help me with guake? I got the transparency set to 100% but the terminal show me the desktop backgroun dand not the webpage i got open.... I want to se the webpage as i type in guake :)14:41
Lynx_IdleOne: I tried everything in the first 20 google hits for the error already :( That's why I'm trying to find out a way to go at this systematically, but I don't know enough about how apt-get and the key stuff works in the first place...14:41
mneptokPaddy_NI: which app?14:41
gumusshogoot: how can I remove openrar ? So that I can re-install14:42
Paddy_NImneptok: Postler14:42
mneptokPaddy_NI: never used it, and don't know what it does. :)14:42
Shogootgumus, go Application -ssoftware center and search for openrar14:42
Paddy_NImneptok: Oh sorry its the Elementary mail client14:42
Paddy_NImneptok: wonderfully minimal14:42
bartmongumus: Try sudo apt-get purge openrar && sudo apt-get install openrar14:42
BluesKajLynx_ , read my post above ...maybe you missed it.14:42
IdleOneLynx_: next thing I can think of is changing the mirror you use in Software Sources. besides that I have no idea.14:43
mbeierlAnother one of those... ubuntu/linux in business environment questions: is there an equivalent to the Microsoft Remote Desktop for Ubuntu?  VNC is generally given as the equivalent, but it doesn't work in my case as it forces the screen of the remote computer to become unlocked and open to anyone to view/access when connected remotely.14:45
smitpatelAfter I upgraded my ubuntu to 11.10 beta1 I am not able to see any UI at startup and I got this error msg in recovery mode :  "var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket connection refused". some please help me out14:45
mneptokmbeierl: ssh -X    :)14:45
hellmchello all .. im tryin Empathy, ..and list rooms is always blank14:45
mneptokhellmc: on a network as large as Freenode, the /list command is usually disabled.14:46
mbeierlmneptok: not quite... I'd like to continue to use the same applications that I left open.  For example, Eclipse - I leave work for the day and I'd like to pick up again from home without having to restart the IDE14:46
oCeanmbeierl: have a look at nomachine (remote access and desktop virt)14:46
oCeanmbeierl: exactly for that I use the nxclient from nomachine :)14:46
lucas71 could you tell me how to late "listening" of line-in??14:47
smitpatelAfter I upgraded my ubuntu to 11.10 beta1 I am not able to see any UI at startup and I got this error msg in recovery mode :  "var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket connection refused". what should I do now ?14:47
mbeierloCean: you use nx on the local box to talk to itself, or does it take over the display only when connected remotely?14:47
Lynx_BluesKaj: I missed it indeed. So I deleted all the files from that dir, there were to for a freenx repo. The error after apt-get update is still there though.14:48
Lynx_IdleOne: I changed the mirror a few times already. Thanks for you help though.14:48
oCeanmbeierl: at nomachine.com I downloaded the nxserver. I have several desktop apps running there, and from (various) clients I start nxclient to "re-attach" to the running applications14:48
oCeanmbeierl: running there means running at a server, not at nomachine.com :p14:49
mbeierloCean: of course.  I'm just slightly confused at how this works when I'm physically at the machine.  Is the display that is running the one and the same as the nx server?14:50
EtheraelSo I just cp -anxv'd over the content of my old disk to a new disk14:50
Etheraelit seems most things are working, however, a few things seem to be missing.14:50
Etheraelfor example, I had mysql, I don't anymore.14:50
lucas71 could you tell me how to late "listening" of line-in14:50
EtheraelI'm not sure why?14:50
Etheraelthe /var/lib/mysql is still there, but it is owned by 115:6 (and the /etc/passwd doesn't know those users)14:50
mneptokEtherael: cp is not a good backup tool. especially when it's invoked as a non-root user ;)14:51
oCeanmbeierl: well, I use it remotely, but you can also 're-attach' locally, don't know how to explain better - there's lots of info on the nomachine.com site14:51
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Etheraelmneptok, I invoked it as root14:52
EtheraelI only wanted some of the files on the old disk14:52
IdleOneoCean: I believe what he wants to know is if when he connects remotely will anybody sitting at the machine see what he is doing14:52
Etheraelmoved from a 500gb to a 120gb (hd to ssd)14:52
Guest43209hi all Q). What is the easiest way to build a custom Ubuntu removing some default apps and adding my own selection?, i have tried UCK and it fails to build a 10.04.14:53
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oCeanIdleOne: mbeierl sure, shadowing is an option also14:53
IdleOnembeierl: so, basically you can either connect to the machine and someone sitting at it will have no clue or you can share the desktop with nthem.14:54
RobinRas nobody is available in the GRUB section, I''ll post it here:14:55
RobinRI mainly work with Windows 7 but for some special stuff I use Ubuntu 10.1014:55
RobinRwhen I needed Ubuntu, I started it with the Ultimate Recovery CD14:55
RobinRbut as you might guess that sucks in the long run so I decided to install GRUB14:55
RobinRthe installation ended successfully but unfortunately the windows partition was set "hidden" afterwars, dunno why14:55
FloodBot1RobinR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
RobinRand I couldn't boot Windows anymore14:55
IdleOneRobinR: run: sudo update-grub14:56
skim1776how to install windows 7 as a second os? do I have to do some preparation before installation or disk partition and other things come while booting?14:56
d0pehello people14:56
MonkeyDustskim1776: windoze will overwrite your grub14:56
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skim1776MonkeyDust, so what should I do?14:56
Guest43209buy you can fix with live cd14:57
dr_willisskim1776:  tell the channel your current disk layout and setup14:57
ShogootAnyone that can help me with guake? I got the transparency set to 100% but the terminal show me the desktop backgroun dand not the webpage i got open.... I want to se the webpage as i type in guake :)14:57
Guest43209or make a backup of mbr then restore it!14:57
FloodBot1d0pe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
MonkeyDustShogoot: with Compiz it is the way you want it14:57
ShogootMonkeyDust, so install compiz you saying?14:58
MonkeyDustShogoot: yes14:58
MonkeyDustShogoot: Metacity shows the desktop background14:58
RobinRIdleOne: Thx, but apparently nothing changed, Windows still sits @ /dev/sda3 where it didn't work before :-/ I hope I don't have to reset Windows14:58
Guest43209if only you could reset windows lol14:58
asdjaputracould Ella be a replacement for Adobe Flash?14:59
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Guest43209dpkg --reconfigure windows lol14:59
RobinRI mean reinstall :P15:00
mbeierlIdleOne, oCean: sorry - afk for a minute.  Yes the idea is that I've got my regular desktop at work, I lock the screen and go home for the day.  Something comes up and I'd like to access the desktop remotely and continue working on the same programs/display as the local machine, without anyone physically at the computer being able to access the desktop or see what is being done.   I'm also trying to come up with a simple way of doing15:00
IdleOnembeierl: with nx you can do that. your message got cut off at " I'm also trying to come up with a simple way of doin"15:01
oCeanmbeierl: really, have a read at nomachine.com :)15:01
jpjpI have a gpg key assigned - the public and private both show when I do gpg --list-keys and --list-secret-keys - it lets me encrypt with -r and the user and sign with it - but when I try and decrypt it tells me: secret key not available - what am I missing here15:01
IdleOneRobinR: do you see an entry for Windows in /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?15:02
RobinRThere's this one: menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda3)" {15:03
RobinRinsmod part_msdos15:03
RobinRinsmod ntfs15:03
RobinRset root='(hd0,msdos3)'15:03
RobinRsearch --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set B056405A5640238615:03
FloodBot1RobinR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:03
RobinRchainloader +115:03
mbeierlIdleOne: ..trying to come up with a simple way of doing this for others who are looking at moving to linux on the desktop at work15:04
mbeierloCean: I am reading it, but without having the correct terminology down, it's not obvious that what I am attemping to do can be done.15:04
IdleOneRobinR: ok good. Now try rebooting and see if at the grub screen you can select windows and boot to it.15:04
bartmonB0g4r7: It's even stranger when issuing signals that don't end a process, like sudo kill -SIGUSR1 {procid of dd} which makes dd print out progress stats.15:05
asdjaputracould ella be a good replacement of macromedia flash?15:06
anatomistMonkeyDust, i installed compiz, where in there do i find metacity? even, what is metacity? :)15:06
RobinRIdleOne: it was selectable before, too. but it kept notifying "Error 0xc000000e - Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible."15:06
RobinRand didn't boot15:06
asdjaputrametacity is a wm15:06
Jordyecbuenas Amigos tengo una duda15:07
Jordyecinstale libreoffice15:07
OctodigitHi folks :) can't see any obvious reference to this anywhere - does Unity+Compiz+FGLRX work yet on Natty?15:07
IdleOne!es | Jordyec15:07
=== anatomist is now known as Shogoot
asdjaputraubottu, you there?15:07
IdleOneJordyec: entra por #ubuntu-es escribe /join #ubuntu-es15:07
bartmonmbeierl: There are session servers like nx-server, neatx, x2go. Running individual apps is also possible, easily made secure with ssh tunneling. You just tell ssh -X to enable X protocol forwarding and -C firefox to start firefox when connected instead of a shell15:08
Jordyecpero cuando imprimo me sale en el encabezado y pie de pagina hoja 1 y pagina 1 y etc y no se kmo sacar eso15:08
Jordyecxfa ayudenme15:08
Shogootasdjaputra, can you be more specific? wm?15:08
asdjaputraShogoot, window manager15:08
ShogootJordyec,  tienes que preguntar en el canal correcto. unete al canal ubuntu-es15:08
jessadoes anybody here use ubuntu on a netbook?15:09
asdjaputraShogoot, so it's a program that controls how will your window behave (apperance, movements, etc.)15:09
Shogootasdjaputra, how do i install that?15:09
Shogootasdjaputra, i thought compiz would do that anyways.... :)15:09
jessai have this problem because i work on a small screen sometimes the windows go off the screen and i cant use them15:10
phschwartzUsing useradd/usermod is there a way to set the users fullname? When you use adduser and go step by step you get to set the full name. I have a script that creates users using useradd and I want to set the full name also.15:11
mbeierlbartmon: thanks, but this is for resuming an existing desktop session.  ssh -X forces me to restart whatever program is running remotely in order to take over.  Think editing a document in Libre Office - I've left it open and unsaved when I left work.  Now I want to continue editing :)15:11
asdjaputraShogoot, metacity is default in gnome 2, idk about unity, but compiz is a replacement for metacity if you want decent awesomeness15:11
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ikoniaphschwartz: -C15:11
OctodigitOK, another tack: Has anyone tried this and had success when it's done: http://www.mindwerks.net/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-natty-with-fglrx-and-2-6-39/ as I had similar issues after this and rolled it back.15:11
Shogootasdjaputra, the thing is that whe i do system - pref- appareance idont get a visual effect tab...15:11
phschwartzikonia: -C with a capital C correct?15:11
usr13_jesse_: Does it seem like the screensize is set wrong for the monitor?15:12
ikoniausermode -c - it's lowercase, sorry15:12
BluesKajLynx_, I didn't mean for you to delete all the files from sources.list.d , just the ppas that were giving the gpg key errors15:12
asdjaputraShogoot, yes you could always install ccsm to edit that15:12
ikoniaor useradd -c15:12
asdjaputraShogoot, compizconfig-settings-manager15:12
OctodigitHi, I've just dies in the corner of the channel.15:13
ikoniaphschwartz: you can always do "man useradd" or "man usermod" for more info15:13
IdleOneRobinR: yeah, sorry. I don't have enough experience with grub to help you further.15:13
Octodigitdied, too :)15:13
RobinRokay, no problem15:13
OctodigitOK, another tack: Has anyone tried this and had success when it's done: http://www.mindwerks.net/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-natty-with-fglrx-and-2-6-39/ as I had similar issues after this and rolled it back.15:13
phschwartzikonia: ty, I took comment as a comment not the full name field.15:13
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OctodigitI'm curious to know whether anyone is able to use this distro with the ATI drivers, and unity, and have compiz work, as I'm MOL convinced that patch doesn't work15:14
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usr13_jesse_: xrandr  #Will show you screensizes you have to choose from.15:15
DazzledMy GNOME seems to have difficulties showing a (standard installed) theme15:15
Dazzledand reverts to some greyish looking theme15:15
Dazzledanybody know why it would do that?15:15
ActionParsnipDazzled: if you switch theme, is it ok?15:15
=== anatomist is now known as Shogoot
intgrHi, I already installed Ubuntu in a MD&LVM configuration, without a GRUB partition. When I do 'parted /dev/sda' and 'toggle 1 bios_grub' and try to install GRUB, will it corrupt the partition I already have?15:16
DazzledActionParsnip, no it stays greyish15:16
OctodigitRight, I will take that as a no, then.15:16
intgrIt doesn't help that the 'bios_grub' flag is not documented.15:17
usr13intgr: You said "GRUB partition".  Did you mean boot partition?15:17
Shogootasdjaputra, i cant see any option to enable transparecy15:17
DazzledActionParsnip, I tried loading UbuntuStudio, which is black by default, and the grey parts just stay grey15:17
intgrusr13: No. Apparently GRUB requires its own partition on a GPT-partitioned disk.15:17
kanylA harddrive only a few weeks old is reporting "65533 pending sectors", can i save i[Ct?15:17
asdjaputraShogoot, in compizconfig?15:17
OctodigitI will share the information if I get it working, probably on the forums. Thanks anyway, folks, at least you've tried to help during the past 5 months.15:18
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Octodigitlater :)15:18
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intgrThe installer only informed me after I had installed everything.15:18
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Calinoulol netsplit15:18
Calinouwas huge.15:18
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ActionParsnipDazzled: try one of the other themes. something you've never tried15:19
Shogootasdjaputra, yes. i whent to aditional driver and my driver says nvidia current, "this driver is activated but not currently in use .......15:19
intgrGrr fuck it, I'll just reinstall everything15:19
usr13!grub | intgr15:19
Piciintgr: Mind your language here please.15:19
asdjaputraShogoot, enable it furst15:19
intgrusr13: That didn't help15:19
asdjaputra!language | intgr15:19
Shogootasdjaputra, how?15:19
DazzledActionParsnip, it changes the dialog theme, but the taskbars don't change15:19
mang0How do I install the "global menu"? I'm doing this for fun: http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leopard/2008/07/23 and I've got to the bit where I have to install global menu, but it's not working :/ any ideas?15:20
usr13intgr: You may need to re-phrase your question.15:20
Octodigitcareful of swearing intgr - you will be ignored for, literally, months.15:20
DazzledSounds a lot like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178329015:21
kanylAnyone know a solution to this? http://flux.screenshots.se/kaptioncF3052.png15:21
asdjaputraShogoot, uh i'm afraid i have no clue of doing that15:21
intgrusr13: (1) I installed Ubuntu in a RAID+LVM2 configuration, with a single partition, on two 2TB disks. (2) When I got to the GRUB installation step, it tells me that "This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won’t be possible! grub-setup: error: Embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume"15:21
sinistradI have a raid set up on a non-root partition. I want to reinstall ubuntu to my root partition and then reconnect to the raid. Will that work, or will I run into problems?15:22
intgrSome articles on Google tell me that I need to do "parted /dev/sda set 1 bios_grub on", but then GRUB will just overwrite and corrupt my LVM partitions, right?15:22
Adamz irc.standbymechat.com15:22
asdjaputraAdamz, is that related to ubuntu?15:22
asdjaputrajoin/part flood15:23
alkafooasdjaputra: with a little join/part flood commentary on top =)15:23
Piciasdjaputra: freenode is having some issues at the moment15:23
asdjaputraalkafoo, :)15:24
asdjaputraPici, where can you get the server status?15:24
B0g4r7Ah, grub...15:24
alkafoonetsplits are fairly regular15:24
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alkafoonothing to worry about15:24
Piciasdjaputra: There was a global notice earlier.15:24
usr13intgr: Maybe it would help if you pastebin your partition table.    sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit15:24
PiciSeanmc98: What are you looking for?15:24
B0g4r7I hear that it's possible on some systems to flash grub into the bios itself.15:25
intgrusr13: I told you, I only have one 2TB partition and it starts at 1MB offset as usual.15:25
intgrOn each disk15:25
B0g4r7Is there a particular reason to be using gpt?15:26
sud0ipv6, cool15:26
mbeierloCean: sorry - I must be really dense, but I still don't see anything at nx for allowing me to remotely take over my existing desktop.  I've used nx for terminal services-style login before, where15:26
w3bg33kI have a turnkey linux box setup to run Drupal in a VMware environment...the other day there was an issue with disk space, which to my knowledge has been resolved.  But, in the process the server was rebooted and is now coming up with this error:  http://www.hireawebgeek.com/lamp.jpg .  Any suggestions as to what the issue might be?  Is it possible to determine what the issue is from that message (it's a screenshot from the VM console)15:26
mbeierloCean: where there's a headless machine that serves up logins, but that's not what I'm looking for here.15:26
ActionParsnipw3bg33k: how does it relate to Ubuntu?15:27
olga_help! no sound in xubuntu 1115:27
sinistradI have a raid set up on a non-root partition. I want to reinstall ubuntu to my root partition and then reconnect to the raid. Will that work, or will I run into problems?15:27
mang0!sound | olga_15:27
Picino bots folks.15:28
B0g4r7w3bg33k: It's reporting an IO error from sda...15:28
mang0Pici: ?! Why?15:28
Picimang0: because the netsplits killed the,.15:28
mang0olga_: Don't worry :<15:28
mang0Pici:  awww15:28
Piciolga_: Mind your language please.15:28
intgrusr13: Never mind, I'm already reinstalling15:29
olga_oh, sorry, so obsessive15:29
mang0olga_: If you're having sound problems, right click on the sound control in the menu panel, then check everythuing is okay15:29
redhareWhat is the name of the program i can download to see all my processes that are running when i' shift-alt-f1-6 ? not window(s) but the task manager that shows me my processes ? please help ... got a frozen buntu gui15:29
usr13intgr: Sorry....15:29
intgrusr13: Thanks for trying to help15:29
intgrusr13: This is pretty much it: http://www.shuvoovuhs.com/linux/grub-installation-issue-with-2-tb-hdd-gpt-requires-bios-boot-partition/15:29
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olga_nothing seems to be wrong15:30
redhareWhat is the name of the program i can download to see all my processes that are running when i' shift-alt-f1-6 ? not window(s) but the task manager that shows me my processes ? please help ... got a frozen buntu gui15:30
B0g4r7redhare, are you referring to the "ps" program, perhaps?15:30
olga_anyone can help me through teamviewer?15:30
redharenot sure ... it had more initials i remember15:30
B0g4r7It's installed by default usually.15:30
sinistradredhare, you can try "top" to see which processes are consuming your resources15:30
ActionParsnipolga_: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh15:31
sinistradredhare, you can try "ps -ax" as well15:31
redhareahh yeah i think that might have been it .. it's been so long since i worked with command line prompt15:31
redhare"top" doesn't seem to be it .. i can't "select the processes " with the arrow keys to choose what to kill etc15:32
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olga_ http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e8098646c9afe6af936e14510bbb7143c4a1506715:32
Myrttiredhare: htop?15:32
B0g4r7redhare, correct, top will not kill processes.15:32
B0g4r7Note the ID of the process you want to kill and then "kill ID", where ID is the processes ID number.15:33
redhareaye ... the program i remember i could access it on the cli and select my processes etc to kill15:33
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intgrHow large should the "BIOS boot partition" be on a GPT disk?15:33
sinistradredhare, you can select the process. when you see the PID you want to kill, hit "k" and it will ask for the PID that you want to kill. Mind you, this is within "top"15:33
redharehmm .. trying to install htop now but unsure if that is the correct one ... sorry for being so vague ...15:33
ambro718PPA Terms of Use: You will use your best efforts to ensure that you abide by these Terms of Use. In the event that you fail to make such efforts and Canonical or its affiliates suffers loss, you shall be liable to reimburse Canonical for that loss in its entirety15:34
fminai'm trying to run openbox but when i log out and click openbox for the WM it just loads nautilus any idea how to fix/stop that?15:34
ambro718What the hell is this?15:34
jpjpI have 100G unallocated on a drive - gparted shows me it - so I allocated it - it created it as requested - /dev/sda2 but when it tries to format it the system dies - tried ext3 and ext4 file systems - what am I missing here15:34
ActionParsnipolga_: http://pastebin.com/JVsQnHS0   should help15:34
B0g4r7jpjp "the system dies" is not helpful.  Be more descriptive pleasel.15:34
ActionParsnipolga_: also try adding:   options snd_hda_intel model=lenovo    to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf     and reboot to test15:35
Sam___Hi, my dad's not happy that Ubuntu will be safe to use over our home network; could someone please confirm for me it is safe? Thanks.15:35
olga_to try///15:35
mang0Sam___:  Why would it not be safe? becuase it doesn't have any antivirus programs?15:35
B0g4r7Safety is in the hands of the user.15:35
bambanxhow can i fix a broken package guys ?15:35
w3bg33kActionParsnip - It's a ubuntu distro that Turnkey puts out for a VM environment (an applicance per se)15:35
jpjpB0g4r7: screen goes blak - mouse cursor is there but does not move, caps lock lite does not toggle, basically dies15:36
sakjurSam___: Nothing is "safe".. But Ubuntu is probably more "safe" than windows since no-one would like to deliebretly crack into your system as a specific target..15:36
jpjpB0g4r7: also no disk activity15:36
B0g4r7jpjp, and you executed what command to cause this to happen?15:36
fminai'm trying to run openbox but when i log out and click openbox for the WM it just loads nautilus any idea how to fix/stop that?15:36
Sam___He seems to think that people will be able to access the network because the Ubuntu software is creating a gateway for people to access it.15:36
CoverSlideapt-get install clamav15:36
JokesonYou77Can anyone tell me where the xorg log files are kept?15:36
sakjurand most of the wide-spread viruses is for Windows15:36
redharehey guys .. thanks i think the HTOP worked .. was able to select one part of the mozilla to kill and it all crashed .. it showed 5 instances of firefox open lol ...15:36
jpjpB0g4r7: gparteded and then 'format to' option of that15:36
CoverSlide^ problem solved15:36
redhareu guys saved me . thanks ..15:36
FAMASwhy does not wine support windows installer?15:37
ikoniaFAMAS: ask wine developers15:37
ActionParsnipw3bg33k: i see15:37
IdleOneJokesonYou77: /var/log/15:37
ActionParsnip!appdb | FAMAS15:37
FAMASso this is not the place to ask?15:37
IdleOneFAMAS: #winehq15:37
sakjurSam___: Ubuntu will most probably not make your network MORE vulnerable..15:38
JoeyJoeJoI'm doing an apt-get upgrade and it's been stuck for about an hour at with this message: "Setting up libuuid1 (2.17.2-0ubuntu1.10.10.2) ..." Any ideas on how I can fix it?15:38
B0g4r7jpjp, I'm not too sure about the cause of that.  I would recommend trying the operating using the command-line tools.  'sudo mkfs /dev/sda2'15:38
sinistradredhare, if you run into another problem like that, you can run the command "killall mozilla" and it will kill all of the mozilla processes. I'm not sure if it will kill others though that depend on mozilla15:38
Sam___So basically, it's no different to Windows in network security?15:38
JokesonYou77thank you!15:38
fminai'm trying to run openbox but when i log out and click openbox for the WM it just loads nautilus any idea how to fix/stop that? do i have to remove nautilus?15:38
sinistradI have a raid set up on a non-root partition. I want to reinstall ubuntu to my root partition and then reconnect to the raid. Will that work, or will I run into problems?15:38
ActionParsnipSam___: its as secure as you make it, there is no blanket answer15:39
Sam___Okay, thanks for your help.15:39
sakjurSam___: Well, it's different; however - it's all about the user..15:39
B0g4r7sinistrad, that should work assuming you are using linux's normal software raid system (mdadm).  You can first boot from a livecd and tet to see if you can access the existsing raid.15:39
sinistradB0g4r7, Thanks. I should have thought of that! I'll test it out.15:40
jonyif I install XP after Kubuntu 11.04, the GRUB it will automatically add it in OS boot option menu?15:40
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fminaanybody got any ideas at all why it only runs nautilus?15:40
CoverSlidejony: actually, XP will uninstall GRUB, you'll have to reinstall it15:41
berefeiratrying to get rid of currently playing in the chat status when using banshee, anyone?15:41
usr13intgr: Did you see the section "15:41
jonyhoow can I reinstall grub?15:41
jpjphow do I tell ubuntu NOT to show the list of users at the login screen15:41
usr13intgr: Did you see the section "Creating a BIOS Boot Partition" on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS_Boot_partition ?15:41
jonyI suppose that I have V215:41
ActionParsnipjony: it will overwrite grub with NTLDR15:41
ActionParsnipjony: you will need to boot to liveCD and reinstate Grub to the MBR15:42
jonyit's a command in a terminal, that's all, or I must edit grub.cfg?15:42
jpjpB0g4r7: ty - that was a good idea - I now have a formatted partuition15:42
w3bg33kB0g4r7 - Ok.  Now, SDA would be what?  the hard drive?  An IO error, would that be just a communication error, as if it's not there?15:43
ActionParsnipjony: there are guides around the web#15:43
PehnepFor people here who are a bit more keen on hardware, I seem to get driver problems when I install my ATI Radeon HD series video card in the second PCI express slot instead of the first one, is there any way I could still configure it to work? It's been acting up ever since I first swapped, completely reinstalled the drivers and such as well.15:43
B0g4r7w3bg33k: Normally a hard drive, yes.  In a virtualized environment it may be something else, but to the virtualized OS it would appear to be a hard drive, yes/15:44
usr13intgr: I've not set something like this up so all I know is what I've seen in the last few minutes.  But they are calling it a "BIOS boot partition" and grub2 will use it in addition to MBR.15:44
ambro718Do I need a GPG gey to upload to PPA?15:44
usr13intgr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CreateBootPartitionAfterInstall15:44
B0g4r7For some reason it is not able to read from it.  The third from last line in the screenshot reports the error and the sector on which it occurred.15:44
usr13Looks like this is info you need  ^^^15:45
fminai'm trying to run openbox but when i log out and click openbox for the WM it just loads nautilus any idea how to fix/stop that? do i have to remove nautilus?15:45
arcaicoHello, I need to install modules kernel on /lib/modules.. anyone know which package I need to install?15:45
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ActionParsnipfmina: have you asked in #openbox too15:45
SiSu82is there a way to make all new files to a folder belong to a certian user? i now its chmod +s to make it belong to a group but cant find anything for users15:45
w3bg33kB0g4r7 - tyvm for the info.  i appreciate it15:46
JoeyJoeJoI'm doing an apt-get upgrade and it's been stuck for about an hour at with this message: "Setting up libuuid1 (2.17.2-0ubuntu1.10.10.2) ..." Any ideas on how I can fix it?15:46
usr13fmina: Isn't openbox a Desktop Manager?15:47
gulzaris it possible to have custom icon for pendrive similar to what we can do in WIDOWS with autorun.inf?15:47
fminausr13: its suppose to be a wm15:47
PehnepI've swapped ATI Radeon video card from the first PCI Express slot to the Second and have since have problems using it, how could I fix this?15:48
hiLohi ya'll15:48
ActionParsnipusr13: it can run without DE afaik15:48
B0g4r7"Openbox is a free window manager"... That doesn't sound like a click-to-launch kind of thing to me...15:48
mynameisdeletedI want a user to not be able to open a terminal but to be able to authenticate samba, smpt, imap, pop15:48
usr13fmina: Well, ok a window manager.  What does nautilus have to do with it?  Oh, I suppose it is supposed to have a different file manager? Maybe you've yet to install all of the software that comes with openbox?15:48
fminaActionParsnip: i think this is ubuntu related considering on other distros nautilus probably wouldn't be installed by default and it seems to be the ubuntu wm selector at the user screen not running it properly15:49
grumeteI'm really tired, ubuntu freezes up from time to time, and now it restarts suddenly, I don't know what's goin on, and it's pretty annoying. Any suggestions?15:49
usr13ActionParsnip: DE?15:49
mynameisdeletedI guess that can be set up in pam15:49
B0g4r7Pehnap: the usual remedy is to use aticonfig to write a new xorg.conf file.  "sudo aticonfig -f --initial --adapter=all"15:49
usr13too many acronyms, I can't keep up with them all.15:50
gulzar<grumete> same problem with me, I switched to Mint15:50
gulzar<grumete> 11.04 seems to be tooo unstable and buggy15:50
PehnepB0g4r7: Ah, thanks mate, let me give that a try.15:50
grumeteand how's it goint now gulzar?15:50
B0g4r7grumete: Sounds indicative of a hardware problem.  I'd look there first.15:50
B0g4r7Especially the power supply, as well as temperatures.15:51
adambfor i in 'find /tmp/session*' ; do rm -f $i; done --- "-bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long"  How can I delete them all?15:51
grumeteB0g4r7 I have a brand new lenovo z470, I buyed a couple months ago.15:51
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grumeteit runs neat on windows 7 also....15:51
B0g4r7Win7 runs fine you say?15:52
fminausr13: nautilus shouldn't be involved at all but you know when you login and click the WM to use, ubuntu gnome etc whatever, i click openbox and isntead of openbox all I get is a nautilus window taking up the whole screen and no way to close it15:52
gulzar<grumete> mint seems to be much stable and the future version 11.10 of ubuntu also seems to be good...atleast better than 11.0415:52
grumeteyes B0g4r715:52
grumeteruns just fine.15:52
mneptokgrumete: what CPU?15:52
grumetemneptok, lenovo z470, core i515:53
gulzar<grumete> with such a configuration you should not get problems... need experts here :)15:54
hiLoI have a question not exactly related to ubuntu, but maybe someone will help. Yesterday I downloaded file from internet and after that, I opened wireshark. There were packets sent between  my computer and a server in China... I'm in Europe right now. The protocol was just ICMP, but should I be worried? I have no idea if downloading the file is related (today, I ran it again and wireshark didn't detect anything).15:54
mneptokgrumete: very latest Sandy Bridge iteration. you may need to run a kernel newer than what the currently released Ubuntu has.15:54
B0g4r7grumetre, do you see any kind of error reported when the problem occurs?15:54
mang0okay guys, I'm trying to make my comp look like a mac for funsies, and I'm following this tutorial: http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leopard/2008/07/23 However, I've got to the part about "configuring the login screen", and you have to you to System > Administration > Login Window > Local tab. However, I don't have the Login window prefs, only Login screen, which doesn't have any tabs at all. Ideas?15:55
ActionParsnipmang0: whi9ch release are you using?15:55
usr13fmina: Ctrl-q  ?15:55
mneptokgrumete: look for a distro shipping at least 2.6.38, or run Ubuntu 11.10 or Debian Wheezy. they'll have newer kernels with better support for recent Sandy Bridge iterations15:55
grumeteso is it a kenel issue mneptok? sandy bridge iteration??15:55
mang0ActionParsnip Natty15:55
ActionParsnipmang0: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/05/gekosmac-gtk-theme-make-ubuntu-1104.html15:56
jollyroger_yeah china's after you man15:56
grumeteoh btw mneptok, 11.04 never detected my video card, something I forgot to tell you.15:56
gulzar<grumete> ummm have to wait for some time (2months)15:56
mneptokgrumete: i release a Linux distro today. next week, Intel announces an all new Sandy Bridge line, and commits support for it to the mainline Linux kernel for review. my distro is not going to work well on that hardware.15:56
john77 Hi. New to Ubuntu (11.04). Trying to pin Main Menu to top desktop panel, but accessing panel with mouse right-click is not working (works everywhere else...). Is there some other way to access the top panel?15:56
usr13fmina: lxpanel >15:56
B0g4r7My Natty install has 2.6.38-11...15:56
PicihiLo: icmp packets are pings.15:56
hiLojollyroger, I'm new to this, I just wanted to know something more.15:57
ActionParsnipmang0: more thorough : http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/05/07/mac-os-x-theme-for-ubuntu-11-04/15:57
B0g4r7Pici, an ICMP packet can be a part of a ping operation.  It can me other things too.15:57
hiLoso someone was pinging me, that's it?15:57
PiciB0g4r7: aye.15:57
mang0ActionParsnip: Thanks :)15:57
MonkeyDustmang0: try macbuntu15:57
mneptokgrumete: i am facing the same thing with an AMD Fusion E-350 platform. real support for it only landed in
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grumeteI see, well thank you very much for your attention mneptok, gulzar15:57
gulzar<grumete> any time15:58
hiLoB0g4r7 like what for example?15:58
mang0MonkeyDust: what's that?15:58
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grumetehey I'm gonna see if I can deal with a better kernel then.15:58
jollyrogerapologies hilo, i would also like to know what's being sent :) email me the packets for analysis?15:58
mneptokgrumete: not "better." just "newer."15:58
B0g4r7hiLo, I'm not that familiar with icmp...I believe a "fragmentation needed" request happens by ICMP, for example.  I think there are about 15 different types of ICMP packet.15:59
gulzar<grumete> for newer- little patience15:59
grumetehehe you're right mneptok.15:59
usr13fmina: is   - Xdg menu for OpenBox15:59
grumetealright fellas thank you again.15:59
hiLoI don't have it anymore. It said destination not reached (port closed) - something like that.15:59
albechhow can i tell if my cpu runs on sandy bridge?16:00
B0g4r7grumete, do you know what kernel you are running?  Natty should already come with 2.6.38...16:00
mneptokgrumete: Fedora 15 ships 2.6.38. try their LiveCD and see if that newer kernel helps.16:00
usr13albech: cat /proc/cpuinfo  maybe?16:00
jollyrogerhilo - ah okay, should have saved those packets, would be interesting to see what's being sent16:00
garymcAnyone advise as to why I have to start DHCP3-SERVER every time I restart the server16:00
B0g4r7'uname -a' should reveal your running kernal version.16:00
grumeteB0g4r7 lemmie see which kernel I'm using.16:00
garymci need help it getting it to start after reboot16:00
hiLojollyroger, you're right, next time I will.16:01
usr13grumete: Because it's not enabled ?16:01
grumetemneptok ok I'll check that out... it's just I always use ubuntu :)16:01
grumeteat least until now..16:01
albechusr13, cannot see it there.. lspci say: Host bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon 5500/Core i716:01
usr13grumete: The executable bit may not be set for it's script.16:01
jollyrogerhilo - i assume you're running ubuntu?16:02
mang0ActionParsnip: Is there no way to get to that Login screen thing though? I've done everything else, and I'm stumped at what to do with the login screen :/16:02
grumetemmh mneptok, B0g4r7 the kernel I'm using is 2.6.38-11-generic-pae16:02
hiLoJust so you know, yesterday I used a torrent site, now I remember I had another ip, that came all along from Syria ..... Well, that's what nslookup said. Ubuntu, indeed.16:03
mneptokgrumete: why a PAE kernel?16:03
ActionParsnipmang0: not sure16:03
jollyrogerhilo - ah with you now.... downloading from syria?16:03
mang0ActionParsnip: Ah, okay.16:03
grumetemneptok, to be honest, I just "run" everything the update manager shows me.16:04
CsJHUNhey every1 if some1 got a energy to help a newbie to set up mobilebroadband internet on my laptop under ubuntu 10.04 send me a pm, thx16:04
grumeteand that's the one I have.16:04
ActionParsnipmang0: could read the script and edit it a little so the bit runs with gksudo or similar16:04
B0g4r7PAE -- Physical Address Extensions.  That was needed for systems with > 4GB of RAM on 32-but architectures.16:04
ActionParsnipmang0: or conact the developer and ask16:04
mneptokgrumete: is this an x86-64 CPU? if so, why not just install the x86-64 version and remove the need for a PAE kernel?16:04
hiLono, no. I used the torrent site, but after I stopped downloading and shut down the torrent client, I had those strange ip's ICMP me.16:04
ActionParsnipCsJHUN: is it a USB device?16:04
zykotick9mneptok, ubuntu has been shipping PAE as default 32bit kernel for a while (haven't they?)16:04
ActionParsnippae is (ironically) default in Lubuntu16:05
CsJHUNActionParsnip :yes16:05
metacoderPeople, I trying to connect ADSL modem via USB. Please help. The hex ID I got by running 'lsusb' is  12a7:3160 Trendchip Technologies Corp.. Please help.16:05
mang0<ActionParsnip> mang0: could read the script and edit it a little so the bit runs with gksudo or similar -----What do you mean by that? Which script? :P16:05
grumetemneptok, what you said sounds logic, it's just that I have noe idea.16:05
webfactIs it a bullshit statement to say that an Ubuntu server has no root password? I mean, if sudo -s prompts you for a password, there must be a password right??!?!16:05
mneptokzykotick9: dunno. i use Debian. a default PAE kernel on x86 hardware seems, to me, to be somewhat of a bad idea. but i'm no kernel hacker.16:05
ActionParsnipCsJHUN: ok then have the device inserted and run:  lsusb    use the 8 character hex ID to find guides16:05
B0g4r7metacoder, now google for that device ID, or grep for it in the kernel source.16:05
usr13webfact: no16:06
ActionParsnipwebfact: no its not, use your normal user and use sudo16:06
jollyrogerhilo - Syrians want your computer ;)16:06
metacoderB0g4r7: Then what do I do? Please elaborate.16:06
zykotick9mneptok, well 3-6% slower is a bit of a draw back.  I run Debian as well.16:06
ActionParsnipwebfact: if you use : sudo -s    use YOUR user password16:06
Braber01does anybody know how to get a split screen in termnator?16:06
iheartubuntuis there an  IRC for oneiric questions?16:06
Piciiheartubuntu: #ubuntu+116:06
ActionParsnipiheartubuntu: #ubuntu+116:06
mang0Braber01 Termnator?16:06
mneptokgrumete: i would grab a Live CD of Fedora 15 (which you can be sure has 2.6.38 and is already released and considered stable). get the x86-64 version. boot it, run it. see wha'ppens.16:06
hiLojollyroger hehe, maybe, you never know...16:06
usr13webfact: Just like Desktop addition, the server install comes with root account disabled.16:07
webfactActionParsnip: The problem is someone borked the sudoers file, so the one account we were able to control the server with is now useless. Guy who set it up says there is no root password. I just dont understand how that can be.16:07
jollyroger+1 for terminator16:07
B0g4r7metacoder, hopefully that will give you an idea of what driver (kernel module) to use, or if one exists.16:07
ActionParsnipwebfact: then boot to liveCD and you can edit the file16:07
metacoderB0g4r7: Googling didn;t help much.16:07
CsJHUNActionParsnip how its help me if i know the hex ID of the device, i periovusly tried usb_modechange, but never got connection16:07
usr13*edition not addition16:07
ActionParsnipCsJHUN: you can use it to find guides online16:07
jollyrogerhilo - we would if we had the damned packets/bytes hahah16:07
ActionParsnipCsJHUN: often, simply installing usb modeswitch isn't enough16:07
webfactActionParsnip: Remote web server. Going to have to go into emergency mode in middle of night.16:07
mneptokgrumete: if Fedora's x86-64 2.6.38 kernel runs well, you can be fairly certain Ubuntu's will, too, once it is released.16:07
grumetemneptok: I'm gonna get that then sir.16:07
ActionParsnipwebfact: then tell your admin not to mess with the sudoers file16:08
mneptokgrumete: "sir" is my father. i'm either "hey you" or, if you know me, "yo jerkface."  ;)16:08
usr13webfact: Is it the sudoers file or /etc/group ?16:08
CsJHUNActionParsnip ok i will check it, im just tried a common solution, never tought there is a reaaal specific 1, maybe back from phone soon :) thx16:08
webfactusr13: They told me it was the sudoers file (Im not on site).16:09
jollyrogerHEY YOU!16:09
usr13webfact: Ok, just a suggestion.16:09
TheGoofI want to use my verison broadban modem16:09
TheGoofis there a driver-son for it?16:09
webfactActionParsnip: Id say he's learned now. On this root thing ... so the root account is disabled, but it still runs the processes, you just cant log in as root?16:09
webfactusr13: Thanks anyway16:09
ActionParsnipwebfact: correct, the account must exist16:09
B0g4r7root login is disabled by default, yes.16:09
webfactActionParsnip: Okay, got you. Thanks16:10
meta-coderB0g4r7: I was disconnected for a moment. Please reply again.16:10
JoeyJoeJoI'm doing an apt-get upgrade and it's been stuck for about an hour at with this message: "Setting up libuuid1 (2.17.2-0ubuntu1.10.10.2) ..." Any ideas on how I can fix it?16:10
B0g4r7The password sudo prompts for is your account password, not the root password.16:10
TheGoofi am not into anything but getting myu verizon modem up16:10
meta-coderB0g4r7: In 12a7:3160 I think 12a7 is the manufacturer ID, so should I grep only 3160?16:11
usr13webfact: Since you do not know for sure, you should ask.  (He may have enabled root account and that is why he changed sudoers.)16:11
fminausr13: its not even running openbox though, it just loads nautilus for some strange reason16:11
B0g4r7metacoder, I just said that hopefully that will give you an idea of what driver (kernel module) to use, or if one exists.16:11
ActionParsnipJoeyJoeJo: could kill the dpkg process and then run:  sudo apt-get -f install16:11
MonkeyDustJoeyJoeJo: restart the pc and choose Recovery in the grub, there, you can repair16:11
ActionParsnip!aptfix | JoeyJoeJo16:11
ubottuJoeyJoeJo: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:11
B0g4r7Yeah, I would grep for the two IDs individually.16:11
usr13fmina: What window manager is running?16:11
meta-coderB0g4r7: where is the kernel source?16:11
B0g4r7meta-coder, typically in /usr/src/linux if it's installed.  You can download kernel source from kernel.org.16:12
usr13fmina: You could do:  Ctrl-Alt-F6  and login and  pkill nautilis16:12
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hiLook, thanks guys, that was helpful16:12
fminaok ill try that16:13
meta-coderB0g4r7: If I find something by grep, then what should I do?16:13
jollyrogercya pura16:13
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webfactusr13: Can you explain that more. You think they _could_ have borked /etc/group and that that would have the same result (but perhaps be fixable)?16:13
vickHello. I have a user account on an ubuntu machine and i am compiling software that requires libcppunit, however it is not installed on the system. What would be the standard method to notify the (configure) that some of the libraries are installed in some directory like /home/me/opt/libcppunit ?16:14
wwmorganI added a repository with apt-add-repository, but it doesn't show up when I run apt-get update, and apt-get install doesn't see the software in the repo. Do I need to tell apt-get which repo to use?16:14
usr13webfact: Just look at /etc/group and see that the user is added to the groups it needs to be, especilly admin16:14
B0g4r7vick, this is often done by adding the path to /etc/ld.so.conf.  You might also have a look at the LDFLAGS env variable.16:15
B0g4r7and/or CFLAGS16:15
meta-coderB0g4r7: If I find something by grep, then what should I do? What modules and how?16:15
MonkeyDustwwmorgan: you have to apt-get update, first, to activate the new repo16:15
ActionParsnipwwmorgan: apt will look at the versions available and install the latest version available if it is newer than is already installed16:15
usr13webfact: If the other sysadmin decided to move to a root enabled system, there are a couple of things that he would logically change and /etc/group would be one in particular.16:16
ActionParsnipwwmorgan: which repo did you add?16:16
miazusr13: ok it does run openbox but that nautilus is going to come up every time, is there a way to stop that?16:16
B0g4r7meta-coder, note the file that the match was found in.  If it looks like a device driver file, that may be the one you want to load/use.16:16
B0g4r7Usually the module will be built with the same filename as the source file.  Look for it on /lib/modules.16:16
wwmorganI'm trying to upgrade to coffee 1.1.1 on 11.04, so I added gezakovacs/coffeescript. I ran apt-get update, but it's still installing the coffeescript from the OS repo16:16
B0g4r7Well, similar name.16:17
Detergentizerubuntu installer runs slow on amd16:17
meta-coderB0g4r7: how to load/use? Please help.16:17
dmtarmeyhello can someone tell me how to install seopowersuite iv downloaded folder SEO seopowersuite16:17
wwmorgan^ ActionParsnip, thanks16:17
webfactusr13: Well, the account we used to use for root access is in the adm and admin groups (and some others) but not root. That's no help to us is it?16:17
usr13miaz: There should be something like  "Startup Applications"  Look in there.16:17
B0g4r7Modules are usually loaded using modprobe.16:17
B0g4r7"sudo modprobe module_name"16:17
ActionParsnipwwmorgan: so if you run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gezakovacs/coffeescript    does it say it is unchanged?16:17
wwmorganActionParsnip: yes16:18
MonkeyDustwwmorgan: try sudo apt-get update16:18
vickB0g4r7, i will try with LDFLAGS and CFLAGS, i wouldn't have permission to /etc/ld.so.conf16:18
ActionParsnipwwmorgan: ok run:  apt-cache policy coffeescript    does the ppa show up16:18
B0g4r7meta-coder, I don't have all the detailed answers.  I'm just trying to provide some guidelines to point you in the right direction.16:18
Piciwwmorgan: That PPA doesn't provide any coffeescript packages for 11.04.16:18
B0g4r7vick: Cool.  also LD_LIBRARY_PATH is one more you may want.16:19
usr13webfact: Well, you could do  ls -l  /etc/group  and maybe determine from the date when it was last edited.  Also /etc/sudoers  You could also look at history to see what commands were issued previously, etc. etc.16:19
wwmorganPici: aha. That's probably what it is. ActionParsnip: yep, only the OS repo version shows up as a candidate16:20
dmtarmeydoes anyone use seopowersuite16:20
ActionParsnipwwmorgan: only goes up to maverick dude16:20
wwmorganthanks all. I'll look at a manual install16:21
mang0How do I install ubuntu-tweak? I've tried apt-get install, didn't work....16:21
ActionParsnipmang0: you'll need their ppa16:21
mang0ActionParsnip: Oh okay, thanks *goes to google*16:21
usr13webfact: But you 2 need to get together on this.  You can't keep doing and undoing configuration changes like this.  You need to sit down together and try and get on the same page.16:22
B0g4r7webfact, how was someone able to mess this system up?  That sounds like a problem you should address.16:22
usr13B0g4r7: haha.. yea, we both had the same idea at the same time.16:23
webfactusr13, B0g4r7 Actually I no longer work there. Guess the new guy was just trying some stuff out :S16:23
ActionParsnipmang0: no oneiric yet. Oh well16:23
B0g4r7lol.  Trying stuff out is not something that should be done on a production system.16:23
Steristquestion: why wont a 64bit installation of ubuntu run a 64bit exe under Wi.e?16:24
usr13webfact: Oh, I see. Ok.  Well hope you work it out, (AND get paid).16:24
mang0ActionParsnip: ?! I'm using natty....just found the page for install :P16:24
ActionParsnipSterist: i'd ask in #winehq16:24
ActionParsnipmang0: easy times, just like any other ppa16:24
webfactusr13: Negatory on the last part thats for sure. Thanks for the thoughts.16:24
mang0ActionParsnip: yeah :P16:24
a111Can someone load http://gewgle.in with firefox please? I need to get the user agent16:25
usr13oh well ....16:25
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igravyCan anybody tell me how to get intel ethernet driver for ubuntu 10.04 lts ?16:25
intgrusr13: Yeah, the Ubuntu installer can create this partition for me (if I ask for it)16:25
ActionParsnipigravy: probably already in the default install. Which intel ethernet chip is it?16:26
usr13intgr: Ok very well.  Good luck with it.16:27
igravyits new intel motherboard dh16 series16:27
ambro718I've uploaded a package to PPA, but there's no indication of it on the PPA web page. Is it just being built?16:27
MonkeyDusta111: done16:27
intgrusr13: Yeah it's installed and working now :)16:27
a111Thanks MonkeyDust16:27
ActionParsnipambro718: may take a while to show up16:27
usr13intgr: If not, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CreateBootPartitionAfterInstall16:27
usr13intgr: Ok good.16:27
ActionParsnipigravy: the board is of no value, we need the ethernet controller chip16:28
Synlucan someone help me? I would like to burn some linux's iso image on a DVD... can I run those image by boot?16:28
usr13intgr: Sorry, but I was totally in the dark on that issue.  I've yet to install on 2tb HD like that.  Good to know the issues involved though. I learned something there.16:28
ActionParsnipigravy: if you run:   sudo lshw -C network | grep -i product     one will be the ethernet chip, what is it?16:28
ActionParsnipSynlu: are you downloading the DVD ISO?16:29
intgrusr13: Yeah, the installer should warn me after partitioning, not before the last step :)16:29
usr13intgr: haha, yea, for sure.16:29
garymcI still cant get server to load dhcp3 after server reboot. Any ideas anyone?16:30
SynluI downloaded a CD ISO I think16:30
usr13intgr: Maybe something like a bug report should be submitted ?16:30
intgrusr13: Yeah probably16:30
ActionParsnipSynlu: I suggest you download and burn the DVD ISO (burn as slowly as possible)16:30
Synluah well I know... but if I write CD ISOs on a DVD, can I run them by boot?16:31
miazusr13: i got openbox and all that going i just still cant find how to stop nautilus from running at the start, it isnt in openbox autostart16:32
ActionParsnipSynlu: not done it personally, I'd imagine it's different16:32
auronandaceSynlu: yes, but is is a waste of a dvd16:32
SealedWithAKissI have Windows 7. I'd like to install Ubuntu alongside in a dual boot configuration. However, the installation wizard is only giving me two options. Use the entire disk (which will remove Windows 7) and manually specify partitions. Why isn't the install side by side option appearing?16:33
matrixiumnI am going to install ubuntu on virtual machine and I would like to know how to do this16:33
igravyActionParsnip: Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/sec) LAN subsystem using the Intel® 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller16:34
Synlusure thanks16:34
ActionParsnipigravy: ok now you have what it is, you can easily find guides16:34
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ActionParsnipmatrixiumn: install virtualbox or vmware, download ubuntu ISO, MD5 test ISO, use ISO in vm software16:35
ambro718when uploading a package to PPA, I see that I have to provide a distribution name in debian/changelog. But how do I enter multiple names?16:35
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usr13miaz: ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh   ?16:35
igravyActionParsnip: i don't have particular computer right with me its in my office so i had search in website16:35
matrixiumnok thanks16:36
miazusr13: yea its just autostart now but its empty16:36
usr13miaz: Interesting ...16:37
igravyGigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/sec) LAN subsystem using the Intel® 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller where will find driver for this ?16:37
zastaphwhen partitioning disks, if I choose encrypted LVM, is it the same result as using truecrypt on a whole partition?16:38
miazusr13: could the user selection screen be running it for some reason?16:38
usr13miaz: This may be a bit out-of-date, but it is claming that Nautilus is a background image?  or... ?  See: http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/84/using-nautilus-under-openbox/16:38
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usr13miaz: That would account for the fact that you can't close it.  It is just a background image ....?  Kinda weird but, oh well...16:40
ambro718I'm trying to package may program. I've added the debian/ folder to it. Now the original package has the debian/ folder. How do I build this?16:41
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ambro718"debuild" complains that it can't find the orig.tar16:41
auronandace!packaging | ambro71816:41
ubottuambro718: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:41
eXpl0it3rwhen I download anything on Ubuntu 10.04.3, the download goes at first fast and then falls down to zero, i've had that problem before, but can't remember what it was. Is there a solution to this?16:42
glebihanambro718, you can also ask for help in #ubuntu-packaging16:42
miazhmm let me try that usr13 that sounds like the problem16:42
ambro718I've managed to make a working package, but now I'd like to add the resulting debian/ folder into my original source, and I don't know how to make a package out of it.16:43
ActionParsnipeXpl0it3r: download using which application?16:43
eXpl0it3rdiffrent at the moment wget...16:44
eXpl0it3rbut firefox the same16:44
ActionParsnipeXpl0it3r: is apt-get the same?16:44
eXpl0it3ryep it just doesn't go down to zero, but just a few bytes per second -.-16:45
zonedcan someone give me the command to remove a user from a group?16:45
B0g4r7eXploit3r, do downloads work fine on other OSs?16:45
ActionParsnipeXpl0it3r: how do you get the web? Wired? Wireless?16:46
ActionParsnipeXpl0it3r: 3G?16:46
eXpl0it3rActionParsnip: Wireless -> router/gate -> router -> ISP16:46
B0g4r7If the physical layer is OK, that kind of thing can be caused by an MTU issue...16:47
ActionParsnipeXpl0it3r: tried a different wireless channel?16:47
zonedcan someone give me the command to remove a user from a group?16:47
Theishiis their an arugement that i can add to an echo command that will move to the 15th position of the current line?16:47
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B0g4r7MTU > MRU == bad16:49
eXpl0it3rsry did I miss anything, somehow lost connection?16:50
SealedWithAKissI have Windows 7. I'd like to install Ubuntu alongside in a dual boot configuration. However, the installation wizard is only giving me two options. Use the entire disk (which will remove Windows 7) and manually specify partitions. Why isn't the install side by side option appearing?16:50
eXpl0it3rActionParsnip: do you mean the channel which is given from the wlan access point?16:50
ActionParsnipeXpl0it3r: yes, it may be conflicting with others around16:51
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eXpl0it3rI had no problems under windows for one year now ;)16:51
Isennif I know the binary, how do i know which package it comes from?16:51
Isenni'v installed a package, and no i cant remove it cause i can't find it16:52
Isennbut i know the file16:52
PiciIsenn: dpkg -S /path/to/file16:52
Isennhmm not found16:53
Isennthat .deb file must have bugged16:53
PiciIsenn: Which package?16:53
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lnbtrying to install 11.04 i386 in remote virtualbox. Problem is, after it detects dvd, nothing happens on screen. Can press keys and they show up on a white line, but that's it. Any ideas I can try?16:54
B0g4r7eXploit3r, you can try adjusting your MTU downwards and see if that helps.  Also make sure you don't have ICMP blocked.16:54
lnbpress ctl+c and it restarts16:54
Theishimaybe i need printf, I have data i want printed out in two columns for easy reading, what is the best way to do this?16:55
Ristovskihello Im getting an error cp: cannot stat `/usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito': No such file or directory16:55
Ristovskiim trzing this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/make-a-usb-boot-cd-for-ubuntu-9-10/16:56
Jordan_URistovski: That guide is out dated.16:58
hostdreameven I'm using the http://pastie.org/2496275 as partition table in my preseed, I've the box asking me for the confirmation to write change to disk, how can I avoid this ? Can anyone help on this ? :)16:58
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scotty^Are there any plans to update the Ubuntu derivatives page at http://www.ubuntu.com/project/derivatives to include Lubuntu, given the Oneiric release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta1 ?16:59
Jordan_URistovski: You have a computer which can't boot from USB?17:00
RistovskiJordan_U : pls link to the new one?17:00
RistovskiIt cant17:00
zastaphduring installation I chose Encrypted LVM, now im asked if i want to encrypt my home directory.. wouldnt that be double encryption then?17:00
scotty^Also, does anyone have the link to the Ubuntu guide to reporting bugs upstream to GNOME?17:01
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SealedWithAKissWindow's is so much better than Ubunut. It makes me sick to think that this OS was even created *Violently vomits on Ubuntu developers*17:01
RistovskiJordan_U: so what shall i do?17:01
lnbgets to something like detecting pci cards, purple screen with white line at bottom appears and thats it17:01
Jordan_U!ot | SealedWithAKiss17:01
lnbwhat is it stuck on ?17:01
ubottuSealedWithAKiss: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:01
trismscotty^: this link? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/GNOME17:02
scotty^thanks trism17:02
RistovskiJordan_U: is there a new tutorial?17:02
RistovskiJordan_U: are you there?17:03
Jordan_URistovski: Do you have Ubuntu 11.04 available to work from?17:03
Jordan_URistovski: Please have patience.17:03
RistovskiJordan_U: Im on it now17:03
rokraI installed the 11.10 but the nvidia drivers are not available in the additionnal drivers , any ideas?17:03
RistovskiJordan_U: I have 10.04 though17:04
Jordan_URistovski: 11.04 is better.17:04
RistovskiJordan_U: I cant download so much17:04
RistovskiJordan_U: now can you help me please Ill have to go in 30 minutes17:04
Jordan_URistovski: I don't think a newer guide exists but I can guide you through a better way of doing it. If you need to leave in 30 minutes then it may be better to just do this another day.17:05
xangua!best | Ristovski Jordan_U17:05
ubottuRistovski Jordan_U: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:05
Jordan_URistovski: Why not just burn an Ubuntu LiveCD, why involve USB at all?17:06
xanguaRistovski: you can make a live usb with Unetbootin, just select the iso, the usb, done17:06
RistovskiJordan_U: nvm guide me pls17:06
RistovskiI did17:06
Ubuntu1Hello.  I have 11.04 installed and a few days ago it started giving me warnings when I ran sudo; "sudo: unable to resolve host stratus".  I've verified that /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname are correct and have rebooted the server just in case.  Still it gives me that error.  I checked online but haven't found an alternate solution.  Was wondering if anybody here could point me in the right direction.  Thanks!17:06
RistovskiI cant boot from USB17:06
Jordan_Uxangua: His BIOS doesn't support booting from USB.17:06
Ristovskiand theres no persistency on live cd17:06
RistovskiIm on Live cd ATM17:06
B0g4r7Ristovski: What are you trying to accomplish?17:06
xanguaRistovski: neither on live usb17:06
WalewTried unetbootin?17:06
WalewGuess its your bios then?17:07
Ristovskixangua : Im trying to make an boot cd so I can boot from usb17:07
scotty^Are there any plans to update the Ubuntu derivatives page at http://www.ubuntu.com/project/derivatives to include Lubuntu, given the Oneiric release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta1 ?17:08
os_ 17:08
Piciscotty^: You may want to consider filing a bug under the ubuntu-website project on launchpad with that bit of info.17:09
Piciscotty^: or, more-likely, it'll be changed when oneiric is released.17:09
B0g4r7More broadly, what are you trying to achieve?  Why do you want to boot from a USB CD or whatever you're trying to boot from?17:09
RistovskiJordan_U: will you guide me?17:09
Jordan_URistovski: Yes, I'm trying to think.17:09
RistovskiJordan_U: ok17:09
Jordan_URistovski: First I would recommend doing a normal install, not LiveUSB, to the USB drive if it's large enough.17:10
RistovskiJordan_U: I installed on SD card my USb was 2 GB it said its small17:10
Jordan_URistovski: Why do you want this persistant USB? You aren't going to be able to upgrade it like you would a normal install.17:11
RistovskiJordan_U: I dont have time for telling Im sick of it Im trying to boot it for 2 weeks17:12
Jordan_URistovski: What I'd like to walk you through will take me more than 30 minutes to prepare instructions for.17:12
RistovskiJordan_U: nvm Ill stay online just guide me17:12
mrgt_hey guys, I installed HPLIP (toolbox) to connect to my Printer (HP Photosmart C4780 wireless) and it seemed to find the printer but I can't print anything to it! I get an error - "Device communication error 5012". Anyone know what's going on ?17:13
Ubuntu1Hello.  I have 11.04 installed and a few days ago it started giving me warnings when I ran sudo; "sudo: unable to resolve host stratus".  I've verified that /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname are correct and have rebooted the server just in case.  Still it gives me that error.  I checked online but haven't found an alternate solution.  Was wondering if anybody here could point me in the right direction.  Thanks!17:14
RistovskiJordan_U: so how to make an boot cd to boot off USB?17:14
Jordan_URistovski: I need to leave. Sorry. Try asking in #grub how to make a boot CD that will allow you to access USB drives on a BIOS without USB support.17:14
zonedafter i set up my .htpasswd and .htaccess files, is there a configuration file i need to edit to enforce these/turn the protection on?17:14
xanguahttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/plop-boot-manager-lets-you-boot-from.html how about this Ristovski17:14
Ristovskixangua: Ill have a look17:14
Ristovskixangua: I dont have so many cds to burn...17:15
neil_mmrgt_ is it connected wirelessly?17:15
neil_myou got cups running?17:15
mrgt_I don't know..17:15
Jordan_URistovski: Plop should work.17:15
RistovskiJordan_U: dont have so many cds17:16
Ristovskialso theyre only CD/R nor RW17:16
zonedafter i set up my .htpasswd and .htaccess files, is there a configuration file i need to edit to enforce these/turn the protection on?17:16
xanguayou just said you wanted a way to boot usb from cd and now you say you don't have cd's......17:16
mang0Is it possible to change the login theme? Not just the wallpaper/icon, I've got that with ubuntu-tweak, but with the whole theme - buttons fonts etc. In older versions of ubuntu you could do this by going System -> Administration -> Login Window Preferances and then installing a theme. This window is no longer here, how can I install a theme?17:17
Picimang0: you can't.  GNOME changed how gdm worked in recent releases, and it no longer supports the themes for prior versions.17:17
neil_mmrgt_ make sure cups is running, that the printer has the necessary network information added in the menu, and that you have it pointing to the right URI17:17
neil_mi set my photosmart uptoday wirelessly because i was bored, went well but didnt know the address to point it to. had to google for the uri17:18
mang0Pici: :O! That seems like a very backwards step :/. Is there any way to install new themes? Rather than GDM? GTK maybe...? Or is it not possible at all?17:18
glebihanzoned, in order for the .htaccess file to be used, you have to use the AllowOverride directive in your virtualhost configuration. I suggest you ask in #httpd for more details17:18
neil_mand it worked after that :D17:18
zonedgelbihan: in #httpd they will just direct me to the apache basic auth page. it's not the same on ubuntu. there is no httpd.conf, for example.17:19
Picimang0: I vaugely recall that you might be able to setup a default gtk theme to take effect, but I don't know how to do that.17:19
glebihanzoned, the directives are the same17:19
Jordan_URistovski: Plop is definitely worth a CD to try. If it works (which it most likely will) it will be very flexible, allowing you to boot anything from USB rather than just a single live system decided at the time you create the CD (like the original guide you mentioned is limited to).17:19
Picizoned: They're just stored in site-specific files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/17:19
glebihanzoned, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html#allowoverride17:19
OogypoogyHoly hell. I rebooted my computer today and I cannot get ubuntu to boot. I get to GRUB and then afterwards a blank screen with the driver endlessly spinning17:19
OogypoogyBooting to LiveCD is not possible as it seems to stall on probing the harddrive17:20
mang0Oogypoogy: Have you got a LiveCD?17:20
SealedWithAKissI'm trying to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 in a dual boot configuration. However, the installation wizard is only giving me two options. The first being to use the entire disk (which will of course remove the Windows 7 installation) and the second being to manually configure the partitions (something I'm concerned about doing). Why isn't the option to install the side by side appearing?17:20
MonkeyDustOogypoogy: boot in Recovery mode17:20
MonotokoOogypoogy, remove the hard drive..?17:20
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: I've told you why it's not appearing17:20
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: about 15 seconds ago17:20
MonkeyDustOogypoogy: boot in Recovery mode and choose Repair17:20
OogypoogyI removed the harddrive, but that is the harddrive that has my installation17:20
OogypoogyHow do I boot to recovery?17:20
MonotokoI mean from the boot order17:20
MonkeyDustOogypoogy: it's in the GRUB17:21
Monotokoso it boots from LiveCD first17:21
mang0Pici: Aww, shame. Ah well :/17:21
Monotoko(in your BIOS)17:21
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OogypoogyMonotoko, I have the boot order set to boot from the LiveCD, it does boot from the LiveCD, but the LiveCD stalls on a blank screen while probing the drives17:21
gf45hello. i use ubuntu 10.10. when i start a guest session i cannot use my bluetooth-headset there. i can connect to it, but it is not showing up in the device list of the sound preferences. any idea how to use the bluetooth-headset in a guest session?17:22
OogypoogyNote that My windows installation also boots slowly as it has issues probing that drive - i physically removed the drive and Windows booted up at normal speed....17:22
MonotokoOogypoogy, it sounds to me like the hardware is screwed...how old is that drive?17:22
OogypoogyMonkeyDust, so when I get to Grub, do you know which  Function key to hit?17:22
SealedWithAKissHow do I go about creating unallocated space using the partition manager inside the Ubuntu installation wizard? Considering that Windows 7 currently takes up the entire disk?17:23
cage_raphelhello.. how to increase my brightness on my laptop screen.. i am running  10.04 LTS from my hdd17:23
OogypoogyMonotoko: Not that old. 2 Year. I am running right now on a USB puppy linux instance17:23
OogypoogyCan I post a pastebin of my Fdisk -l?17:23
MonotokoOogypoogy, your running on a USB puppy instance with the drive in?17:24
cage_raphelhello.. how to increase my brightness on my laptop screen.. i am running  10.04 LTS from my hdd17:24
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: you'll have to partition manually, shrink the windows partition and create space for ubuntu17:24
OogypoogyMonotoko, Yup.17:24
OY1Rcage_raphel, that's most likely not anything to to with Ubuntu per se. try Fn+ some key17:24
OogypoogyI was hoping to run some sort of diag on it.17:24
Nifelget inside in power managment17:24
MonotokoOogypoogy, awesome...go for it, and also try to see if you can get the SMART data from that drive17:24
kvarleyCan anybody help me with CPU overclock speed problems? I have posted details on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1123110617:24
SealedWithAKissikonia, can this be done inside the installation wizard? Or will I have to install a 3rd party partition manager?17:25
OogypoogyMonotoko, http://pastebin.com/d13XBHJz17:25
cage_raphelOY1R, fn+ .. ? i dont get u ?17:25
thomasj73'lo everyone17:25
gf45any idea about using a bluetooth headset in a guest session?17:25
OogypoogyThanks by the way for all your help guys. Much appreciated.17:25
ikoniakvarley: overclock speed problems ? can you explain briefly what you mean17:25
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: this can be done within the wizard17:25
os_   17:25
OogypoogySDB is my Linux drive.17:25
OY1Rgf45, > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21373117:25
OogypoogyNote, that I CAN get to grub. It just attempts to boot Ubuntu....I see the keyboard light up (installing drivers I imagine)...and then just endless drive light.17:26
kvarleyikonia: The overclocked speed which is set in the bios doesn't show in Ubuntu, not in the System Monitor or cpuinfo. I have run encoding and the cpuinfo only ever shows the cpu running at the stock speed.17:26
OY1Rcage_raphel, look at your keyboard it should have a Fn (Function) button17:26
MonotokoOogypoogy, as I can see...can you get the SMART data because it sounds like it might be failing...especially if it's slowing Windows down as well17:26
ikoniakvarley: as long as the bios shows it, that's the speed it's running at17:26
kvarleyikonia: How come Ubuntu and Windows don't show the overclocked speed?17:27
Monotokocan you get access to the files themselves from the pen drive or Windows?17:27
gf45@OY1R: thx, but this thread does not offer a solution to the problem17:27
OogypoogyHow do I get the SMART data? I know Ubuntu's disk utility has that function, but in Puppy?17:27
OY1Rcage_raphel, what's the make/model of your laptop17:27
ikoniakvarley: because they don't know about it17:27
kvarleyikonia: Surely cpuinfo should show the speed it's running at though?17:27
SealedWithAKissikonia, can you give me information that's more specific in describing the process of shrinking the Windows partition?17:27
ikoniaOogypoogy: ask in #puppylinux17:27
Oogypoogyikonia: ok17:27
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: the install gui in manual mode is quite intiuitive17:27
ikoniakvarley: no, not always17:28
kvarleyikonia: Ah ok, well I'll look into it some more but thank you for the information :)17:28
MonotokoOogypoogy, yeah...I'm not quite sure, feel free to PM me when you have the SMART data though17:28
SealedWithAKissikonia, well I'm using the GUI installer and have selected the manual option. Will I need to create a brand new partition table?17:29
ikoniaSealedWithAKiss: no, you will need to update it once the resize has been completed, but the tool will do that for you17:29
gf45using a bluetooth headset in a guest session -> any idea?17:32
cage_raphelOY1R, its compaq presario17:32
SealedWithAKissikonia, this wont be the first time I've wiped a Windows installation attempting to dual-boot alongside Linux. Can you be more specific about the exact steps I'll have to follow once I've selected manual partition, or point me to a reliable guide that I can follow?17:32
ikonia!install | SealedWithAKiss17:33
ubottuSealedWithAKiss: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:33
OY1Rcage_raphel, model ?17:33
cage_raphelOY1R, i am sorry.. i am a total newbie with linux.. could u pls help me how i shoudl use the function keys17:33
cage_raphelOY1R, compaq presario v3702 AU17:33
OY1Rcage_raphel, the fn botton is not os related you can read about it in the manual for the laptop17:33
jgcampbell300hello, I hope someone can help. I am looking for a very fast solution. I need to be able to plug a usb stick into a computer and it needs to clone SDA to SDB and shut computer down on completion . Again I am looking for free and a system that can boot clone shutdown very fast ... any suggestions?17:34
ikoniajgcampbell300: just use a udev event trigger17:34
cage_raphelOY1R, ok thank u17:34
OY1Rcage_raphel, try fn+f9 and fn+F1017:35
jgcampbell300ikonia, thank you i will read up on this... do you have any links handy ... if no i will just google it17:35
ikoniano links17:35
thomasj73Kind of off topic, and perhaps not for this chan, but which desktop environment is going to give me the best performance?  ( Brnd new to Ubuntu/deb)17:36
cage_raphelOY1R, that did not work :(17:36
ikoniathomasj73: depends on many things,17:37
OY1Rcage_raphel, oh well i dont know then.17:37
cage_raphelOY1R, bro.. i found it17:37
OY1Rcage_raphel, yea u might try in the bios17:37
OY1ROk nice.17:37
MonkeyDustthomasj73: depends on what you want to do17:38
cage_raphelOY1R, something told me that it can be something to do with the power management thing17:38
thomasj73ikonia, currently on KDE4, I've used Gnome3 and Unity, all of which seem very 'bloated' was looking for something much more sleek17:38
ikoniathomasj73: try the others then17:38
cage_raphelOY1R, and when i checked in power management.. i found that brightness was set to 0%.. i increased to 100%.. it looks perfect now17:38
MonkeyDustthomasj73: try Lubuntu17:38
cage_raphelOY1R, i am so happy that u made me think and get this resolved..17:39
thomasj73MonkeyDust, Thank you, I'll look into it, I used to use Enlightenment on slackware but that was years ago and am not even sure it's still avail17:39
Guest95388Q). Has anyone managed to get UCK to work for 10.04.03 LTS or should i use the 10.04.0 iso17:40
ikoniaGuest95388: 10.04.03 is just a point update17:40
JanhouseCan anyone suggest some tray notification tool for rss feeds?17:41
B0g4r7You can run twm if you want really lightweight and fast, but, uh...your eyes will suffer.17:41
Guest95388i know ikonia, only i dont seam to be able to get UCK to produce a working iso, there is no desktop only shell?17:41
B0g4r7I just use Ubuntu's "classic desktop", whatever that is.  Unity doesn't agree with me.17:42
MonkeyDustJanhouse: I use Liferea17:42
gisliUnity is a load of **** and so is gnome 3. Waiting for someone to fork old gnome and keep it going.17:43
JanhouseMonkeyDust, something lighter17:43
F1skrim following this guide: http://banshee.fm/contribute/write-extensions/, when i get to "make run" i get an error something like this: "make: *** No rule for creating goal 'run'. Stop." (translated from danish) what could be wrong?17:43
gislixmonad, awesome, openbox :monkeydust17:43
B0g4r7Really, what were the unity designers thinking?  "Let's make all the menus live in the top bar, and be hidden until yo mouseover the area"  WTF17:44
gisliF1skr: try sudo!!17:44
ikoniaF1skr: why are you trying to compile bashee17:44
ikoniathere is no target as "run"17:44
ikoniaB0g4r7: control the language17:44
OogypoogyMonotoko, Sorry for the silence... got a call17:44
gislisorry...didn't read the whole line. Ignore my advice F1skr17:44
OogypoogyMonotoko, Monkeydust: is there an fsck or fdisk command I can use here in puppy to try and repair the ubuntu drive?17:45
B0g4r7Also "let's do away with the tree-structured 'start menu', and make the user have to know and type the name of the program they want to run".17:45
ikoniaB0g4r7: do you need support with something ubuntu releated or are you just ranting ?17:46
B0g4r7Ranting right now.17:46
ikoniaB0g4r7: then stop. Now.17:46
ikonia!topic > B0g4r717:46
ubottuB0g4r7, please see my private message17:46
Oogypoogyikonia: I think you misunderstood me. I was asking about a universal command that I could run to fix my ubuntu installation17:46
OogypoogyI just happen to be booted into puppy right now.17:46
ikoniaOogypoogy: you're using puppy - #puppylinux is the place to get help for puppy commands17:46
lnbwhen configuring file systems manually for install, does / have bootable flag on or /boot ?17:46
Guest95388Q). anyone recommend a channel for UCK discussion17:46
MonkeyDustOogypoogy: boot in Recovery mode and choose Repair17:46
ikonialnb: don't worry about the bootable flag17:46
lnbi thought it has to be set17:47
ikonialnb: yes17:47
theperfectpunki am trying to execute this command17:49
=== Cain is now known as Guest16069
theperfectpunkrepo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git17:50
theperfectpunkthis is what i am getting17:50
theperfectpunkTraceback (most recent call last):17:50
theperfectpunk  File "/root/bin/repo", line 603, in <module>    main(sys.argv[1:])17:50
theperfectpunkFile "/root/bin/repo", line 570, in main    _Init(args)17:51
theperfectpunkFile "/root/bin/repo", line 184, in _Init    _CheckGitVersion()17:51
theperfectpunkFile "/root/bin/repo", line 213, in _CheckGitVersion17:51
theperfectpunk    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)17:51
glebihan!paste | thepeon17:51
ubottuthepeon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:51
theperfectpunkFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 672, in __init__  errread, errwrite)17:51
glebihan!paste | theperfectpunk17:51
ubottutheperfectpunk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:51
inphernalHello, I need help fixing my graphics problem. I can only boot into 11.04 through recovery mode and the failsafex option. I have an Intel Mobile 4 chipset. It was working fineuntil an update some time ago17:51
cage_rapheltheperfectpunk, are u using CENTOS?17:51
theperfectpunkno i'm using ubuntu17:52
cage_rapheltheperfectpunk, are u using CENT OS?17:52
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theperfectpunkif i copy paste the whole thing i might get kicked17:52
cage_rapheltheperfectpunk, pls use pastebin17:52
glebihantheperfectpunk, that's why you should use pastebin17:52
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theperfectpunkhow to use it17:53
cage_rapheltheperfectpunk, http://pastebin.com/17:53
glebihantheperfectpunk, read up, ubottu gave you links17:53
MonkeyDusttheperfectpunk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:53
cage_rapheltheperfectpunk, u can use http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:54
masterchiefDoes anyone know if there's a fix for APCI? I can't check my battery status, and it's nerve wrecking.17:54
inphernalHello, I need help fixing my graphics problem. I can only boot into 11.04 through recovery mode and the failsafex option. I have an Intel Mobile 4 chipset. It was working fineuntil an update some time ago17:54
theperfectpunkhere it is17:55
theperfectpunkcan anyone tell me a solution?17:55
theperfectpunki need a solution for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/685469/17:57
B0g4r7theperfectpunk, maybe ask in #android?17:58
theperfectpunkits just a simple repo syntax problem17:58
theperfectpunknothing related to android17:58
theperfectpunki think the syntax is incorrect, that's why the error17:59
B0g4r7You can run the command using strace.  Maybe that will provide some more clues.17:59
B0g4r7If you can sort through all the output.17:59
theperfectpunkhow to do so?17:59
theperfectpunkand what's strace17:59
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B0g4r7strace command args17:59
B0g4r7It prints all system calls made by the process being traced, and their args and such.18:00
jribtheperfectpunk: what is this "repo" program?18:00
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mang0Is there a way to move these: http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/thfo0aos/Selection_009.png to the other side of the clock? They are the menu bar icons....18:00
theperfectpunkits the cyanogenmod repo18:01
masterchief@mang0 right click, move, I think?18:02
mang0masterchief: I thought that too, but it's not an applet. I get the application menu; RMB - opera = Open new tab etc18:03
mh`hey, is it normal that unity works so slow in Natty?18:03
inphernalHello, I need help fixing my graphics problem. I can only boot into 11.04 through recovery mode and the failsafex option. I have an Intel Mobile 4 chipset. It was working fineuntil an update some time ago18:03
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bil21alhow to get command on sudo service codding ????18:04
jribbil21al: I don't understand your question.  Can you rephrase it?18:04
StarminnAlright, some weird things are suddenly happening with my system. First off, whenever my system goes into power save mode (after the screensaver shuts off and the monitor goes blank) I cannot resume. (Ubuntu 10.10, 4GB of RAM, 2GB of swap, the session doesn't exceed the swap when this happens, grepping for my video card I get "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]")18:05
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bil21aljrib: i want to say that a command which we use in terminal,,how can i  get full command on that codding   for example sudo apt-get .......  so from where i can study about that ???18:06
jribbil21al: you're looking for documentation?  Do you know about man pages?18:07
RoastedSo I have an Ubuntu laptop that I want to demolish. What's the most efficient way to accomplishing this and destroying all data on it? I would assume rm -rf / ??18:07
jribbil21al: or do you want to read the source code?18:07
MonkeyDustRoasted: give it to my ex girlfriend, she can destroy any system on any pc18:07
RoastedMonkeyDust, lol. good call.18:07
bil21aljrib: yes i m a it student and knw about source sodding18:07
ZenMastaput it in a wood stove18:08
jrib!source | bil21al18:08
ubottubil21al: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:08
RoastedMonkeyDust, this is my old work PC. I'm leaving here after tomorrow. I have mys tuff backed up and all.18:08
masterchiefmang0 I'm not sure then. I know it's like a notification area, but I'm not sure how to move it. It was easy in older editions, but I'm not sure now though.18:08
RoastedI just need to nuke the data. Not the physical laptop, guys. :P18:08
RoastedI figured it'd be fun to do an rm -rf and watch the system slowly crumble.18:08
B0g4r7Roasted, the thorough way is to boot from something else and overwrite the entire hard drive.  "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb", or similar.18:08
mang0masterchief: Shame :<18:08
Roastedbut I wanted to make sure I was doing it in the right place. I would assume / would be fine?18:08
MonkeyDustRoasted: there's /dev/random line or so18:08
RoastedB0g4r7, oooo, I forgot about that18:08
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B0g4r7I guess you could do that without booting from something else too.18:08
RoastedB0g4r7, I have a usb flash drive for 10.04. maybe I'll do that.18:08
B0g4r7Be interesting to see what happens.18:08
ZenMastayou try shred yet?18:08
RoastedB0g4r7, I think I'll do both.18:09
RoastedB0g4r7, my idea for kicks, and your idea for pure sterilization.18:09
B0g4r7You can use /dev/urandom to make it a bit more interesing.18:09
RoastedB0g4r7, during my idea or your idea?18:09
MonkeyDustB0g4r7: that's it18:09
Roasteddd if=/dev/urandom?18:09
B0g4r7As an input for dd, instead of /dev/zero.18:09
eXpl0it3rso does anybody know why my downloads start fast and then slow down to (nearly) zero (Ubuntu 10.04.3)?18:09
Roastedwhats the difference from urandom and zero?18:10
B0g4r7urandom is pseudo-random values.  zero is, well, always zero.18:10
jribRoasted: take a wild guess from the names :D18:10
masterchiefmang0 have you asked the forums yet?18:10
Roastedjrib, well, I figured it would be random data vs 0'ing out the drive. But I wasn't seeing how that would make it more interesting?18:10
masterchiefmang0 they can pretty help you out of anything and everything.18:10
mang0masterchief no, I though I'd come here first, as I had irc open. Then google, then forums :P18:10
jribeXpl0it3r: I'd guess that's a question to ask your ISP18:10
masterchiefmang0 good priority list lol18:11
B0g4r7If you're ultra-paranoid about someone trying to recover the data, writing random data will make it harder than writing all zeros.18:11
jribRoasted: ask whoever said it would be more interesting I suppose18:11
StarminneXpl0it3r: Some ISPs (suchs as Comcast) have speed boosts for the first "x" amount of data, then it slows back down.18:11
eXpl0it3rnope it's just on my pc under ubuntu 10.40.0318:11
mang0masterchief hehe, it's always worked for me in the past ;)18:11
eXpl0it3ryesterday with ubuntu 11 it work fine and on windows no problems whatsoever18:11
RoastedB0g4r7, naw I'm not paranoid over it. I just wanted to do a basic erase and walk away.18:11
masterchiefmang0 how long have you been using Ubuntu?18:11
B0g4r7Cool.  Yeah, either option should work fine.18:11
RoastedB0g4r7, I wonder how long this will take on a 160gb drive.18:11
B0g4r7It could take some time.  I would guess at least 30 minutes.18:12
mang0masterchief: About six months now, I think.18:12
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masterchiefmang0 natty?18:12
eXpl0it3rI'm connecting over WLAN, but like I said ubuntu 11 and windows don't show any problems on the SAME notebook... :/18:13
B0g4r7eXpl0it3r, have you tried adjusting your MTU downward?18:15
mang0masterchief yeah :)18:15
eXpl0it3rit's set to auto18:15
bil21alis ubuntu operating system source code is available ???18:15
bil21alany where18:15
eXpl0it3rwhat number would be a good one?18:15
B0g4r7I would try 20 bytes less than the current value.18:16
masterchiefmang0 I just installed 10.04 last night... *sigh* I didn't realize that 10.04 wasn't the latest.18:16
B0g4r71500 is usually the default, so maybe try 1480.18:16
eXpl0it3rbil21al look in the paketmanager18:16
mang0masterchief: hehehe, you want 11.04 ;)18:16
bil21alwhere it present  eXpl18:16
MysterytrainI'm looking for a bandwidth throttling tool, for ftpserving. any suggestions?18:16
MonkeyDustMTU higher than 1492 is unstable (1492 = 1500 - 2^3)18:17
angelicaldumbhello , ive tried to install ubuntu 11.04 on an usb pen drive but i had no success. it gets freeze at motherboard logo. i tried to found grub.lst but i havent found it, what can i do?18:17
bil21alwhere it is present in system ??? eXpl0it3r18:17
OY1RMysterytrain, > http://www.ubuntugeek.com/use-bandwidth-shapers-wondershaper-or-trickle-to-limit-internet-connection-speed.html18:17
AntonisHello folks. I have created a launcher executing a bash script I have written. I have added the launcher on the gnome-panel, how can I change the launcher icon from within the code? is it even possible+18:17
Mysterytrainthanks OY1R18:18
OY1RMysterytrain, how it's what you need18:18
chrome_I receive this error while executing a program: "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" what should I do?18:18
B0g4r7bil21al, you can download the kernel source code from kernel.org.18:18
eXpl0it3rB0g1r7 nope doesn't work, links are kinda dead18:18
eXpl0it3ror were a few hours ago18:18
masterchiefmang0 Mm... I'm not sure. I heard it from a friend that 10.04 is better. So... that's what I'm going to stick with.18:19
B0g4r7eXpl0it3r, the MTU adjustment didn't help, you're saying?18:19
MonkeyDust10.04 is an LTS, 12.04 will be the next LTS18:19
eXpl0it3rB0g4r7 no kernel.org links are dead18:19
* OY1R always goes for LTS18:19
B0g4r7wat?  That's kinda rare...18:19
eXpl0it3rcan't even reach the site, do you?18:20
B0g4r7Oh my, yeah, DNS isn't even resolving it.18:20
B0g4r7I'd better start panicing.18:20
mang0masterchief: How better?! imo 11.04 is nice :3. Also, you have the option for the new unity gui, or the old gnome gui. I use gnome cuz I don't like the unity one, but hey :)18:20
eXpl0it3rhacked again? xD18:20
StarminnAlright, some weird things are suddenly happening with my system. First off, whenever my system goes into power save mode (after the screensaver shuts off and the monitor goes blank) I cannot resume. (Ubuntu 10.10, 4GB of RAM, 2GB of swap, the session doesn't exceed the swap when this happens, grepping for my video card I get "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]")18:21
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OY1RStarminn, have a look at http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-suspend-and-hibernation-problem-for-laptops.html18:22
eXpl0it3rokay adjusting MUT didn't help... any other ideas? -.-18:23
mang0Hm, what's the "super" key?18:23
StarminnOY1R: It's a desktop.18:23
Starminnmang0: The "Windows KEy"18:23
mang0Starminn: thought so, wasn't sure. Thanks :)18:23
OY1Rmight be useful nevertheless18:23
teddyroosebeltis there any financial software that runs in a terminal window (like the stores use these days) available?18:24
RB2_notebookQuick question... I'm moving to a new machine. I had a drive with Windows 7 and I installed a second drive that already had Ubuntu 10.04 on it. I did the install of 11.04, told it to wipe out the existing ubuntu and do a fresh install.18:24
OY1Rlotus 12318:24
RB2_notebookIt appears to have gone correctly, except now I get an error 15 from grub18:24
KentI have a dictionary in PDF format that I would like to convert to the old classic fortune program, so that, each time I log in a dictionary entry pops up18:25
RB2_notebookIf I set the Windows drive as the boot device, it comes up fine. But, not when I set the boot drive to the new Ubuntu install.18:25
masterchiefI saw Backtrack 4.0 running in a console window in Ubuntu on a Hak5 video... how would I do that myself?18:25
getlikemehi, is there a way i can mnt and install from an iso without a flashdrive or cd/dvd?18:25
KentThe PDF is in text, so it won't need to be OCRd18:25
teddyroosebeltwas that to me OY1R ?18:25
bil21alb0g4r7:  kernel.org google search opps google chrome cant founf it18:25
matrixiumnit didn't boot :<18:25
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OY1Rteddyroosebelt, well i just remember lotus 123 was a huge hit back in the days for financial stuff it ran on c64 and lots more :P18:26
eXpl0it3rbil21al which OS are you on?18:26
teddyroosebeltOY1R, oh great, ty ill check it out18:27
matrixiumnI used UNetbootin and it didn't boot to get rid of all of the stuff do I just delete it?18:27
bil21alubuntu eXpl0it3r:18:27
OY1Rteddyroosebelt, it is OLD, like 70's18:27
eXpl0it3rwhich ubuntu?18:27
OY1Rteddyroosebelt, it's a spread sheet program kinda like excel18:28
teddyroosebeltOY1R: its a start :] i just need it for personal financial basically.18:28
OY1Rteddyroosebelt, why not openoffice or libra office ?18:28
angelicaldumbwhen installing ubuntu to an usb drive which mount point should i choose? and which device for boot loader installation?18:28
teddyroosebeltOY1R, id rather it be terminal based. I like the look and feel of such stuff. i know home depot uses genesisX but couldnt find the software18:29
rigvedangelicaldumb: mount point is /dev/sdb or whatever is the one for your usb device. the bootloader also goes to that same /dev/sdb.18:30
ActionParsnipangelicaldumb: the bootloader will go on the usb, you will need a partition for / and one for swap18:30
rigvedangelicaldumb: sorry,mount point is /18:30
B0g4r7bil21al, kernel.org seems to be having some problems today.  Try again later or tomorrow.18:30
ActionParsniprigved: /dev/sdb is a block device, not a mount point18:31
OY1Rteddyroosebelt, have a look at > http://cafeninja.blogspot.com/2010/06/sc-command-line-spreadsheet.html18:31
angelicaldumbActionParsnip , thanks let s see if i can handle it18:31
ActionParsnip;) nice save18:31
rigvedActionParsnip: yes, i corrected myself earlier. mount point is /18:32
Galvatronangelicaldumb: SWAP is unnecessary unless you have less than 1280MB of RAM and/or use things like hibernation.18:32
ShogootIs the /var/log directory protected and inly reacheable from root?18:32
ActionParsniprigved: hence 'nice save'18:32
rigvedActionParsnip: :)18:32
ActionParsnipShogoot: it should be readable by users afair18:33
fadaxI have  a win7 computer which was working fine a few days ago but is now unable to startup (doesn't even get to the win7 loading screen). I thought maybe it's a hard disk problem and so wanted to check the hard disk. I have a ubuntu liveCD so thought it would be good to try and check the disk from here. How would I do that once I've booted into the liveCD? Thanks for any help18:33
GalvatronShogoot: No. You don't need root permissions to read the contents.18:34
teddyroosebeltOY1R, looks nice.. thanks18:34
ShogootActionParsnip, ok. im connected to a remote server, i guess the admin has it locked down18:34
compdocfadax, boot it, and open the disk utility18:34
B0g4r7fadax: there is a handy program called "badblocks" for doing this.18:34
RB2_notebookI ran boot-repair with the default option,but it appears it made Windows 7 very unhappy. LOL18:34
kahenDoes anyone know how to make it such that external NTFS drives are automatically mounted with the 'noexec' option? I'm sick and tired of 'ls' always showing every file as green because it thinks that everything on the disk is executable18:34
ActionParsnipfadax: id start with a memtest which is available at the earliest stages of cd boot18:35
kubanc_anyone know why my printer wont print fonts e,č,š ?18:35
fadaxok I'll try running badblocks. will it still work fine since my hard disk is in NTFS format which is different to ubuntu's disk format?  ActionParsnip well I already ran memtest for a while, and it didn't find any problems with the RAM18:36
ActionParsnipkahen: you can add a udev rule, or add an entry for the partition in /etc/fstab with the options you want. There may be other fixes, those are 2i can think of18:36
B0g4r7fadax, all badblocks does is check for media defects on the device being tested.  It won't care what is on the device.18:37
fadaxok thanks,I'll try and run that then18:37
fadaxby the way, does liveCD use the hard disk at all?18:38
B0g4r7fadax, you'll basically want to boot, determind the name of the device to test (usually /dev/sda or maybe /dev/sdb), and run 'badblocks -vv /dev/sda', substituting the correct device name if it differs.18:38
writtenhi, if i drag&drop a desktop icon to the unity launcher there is no icon and "label empty". how to fix this?18:38
B0g4r7A livecd should not touch the hard drive unless you ask it to.18:39
ActionParsnipWritten is it one from dash?18:39
fadaxB0g4r7 ok I see, thanks18:39
ActionParsnipWritten: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc18:39
writtenAccidus2, it's the Terminal (gnome-terminal) app. output from lsb_release -sc -> natty18:40
writtenActionParsnip, , it's the Terminal (gnome-terminal) app. output from lsb_release -sc -> natty18:40
ActionParsnipWritten: where are you dragging the icon from?18:41
muktiHas anyone here setup thinkfan on a Thinkpad T420?18:41
writtenActionParsnip, from the desktop18:41
fadaxhmm actually I can't seem to boot from the liveCD. It booted to the Welcome menu and then I clicked "Try Ubuntu" but it hasn't moved for over 5 minutes. (just stuck on the busy cursor)18:42
ActionParsnipWritten: did you make it yourself?18:42
fadaxdoes that indicate a hardware problem?18:42
writtenActionParsnip, positiv18:42
ActionParsnipWritten: what if you drag from dash?18:43
triorieelIs there a gui top search for wireless networks in the area?  just something basic like windows has for connecting to them18:43
writtenActionParsnip, from dash to unity laucher or to desktop?18:44
B0g4r7What does it mean when Ubuntu desktop shows a tiny blue triangle in the upper left corner of the screen, by the menu?18:44
ActionParsniptriorieel: could use: sudo iwlist scan     in terminal if nobody replies18:44
ActionParsnipWritten: dash to unity18:45
writtenActionParsnip, nothing happens :(18:45
triorieelActionParsnip, I have done that already but it doesn't seem to specify encryption type...I was looking for a gui solution possibly by the clock if lucky18:45
=== llutz_ is now known as llutz
ActionParsniptriorieel: iwlist does show encryption18:46
triorieelActionParsnip, sry, your right on second look18:46
ActionParsnipWritten: drag the icon, press Alt+F2 and run: unity --replace    wait for the desktop to settle, does it appear?18:47
ActionParsniptriorieel: coolio ;-)18:47
writtenActionParsnip, yes, appears now :)18:48
writtenActionParsnip, is this permanent then?18:49
ActionParsnipWritten: yay!18:49
triorieelActionParsnip, fyi, I just found wifi-radar and it looks like what I want18:49
ActionParsnipWritten: should be. It was there, just needed to reload config to show it18:50
writtenActionParsnip, okay. one more question. in the unity dash, can i add some command line option to e.g. terminal18:50
writtenlike to add --window --maximize18:50
ActionParsniptriorieel: cool, I've always used the command, easier to explain in irc text world18:51
m-station_mikehello to every one18:51
m-station_mikecan somebody to help me with a problem i have with sound and mouse in ubuntu 11.418:51
fadaxB0g4r7 I ran fdisk -l and I have three devices /dev/sda1 2 and 3..18:51
ActionParsnipWritten: i believe you'd edit the file in /usr/share/applications but there may be a sleeker way18:52
fadaxis the one with the most blocks likely to be my win7 device?18:52
kunwon1in 11.04 how can i get rid of the IM and messaging menus from the top bar18:52
fadaxdev/sda3 has the most blocks18:53
RealAndyPidgin to GoogleTalk gives me this error, any ideas? proxy: Connected to talk.google.com:443. proxy: Connection attempt failed: Connection refused18:55
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kunwon1what is the bar at the top of the screen even called18:56
kunwon1taskbar? panel?18:56
BarkingFishRealAndy, Are you behind a firewall or anything?  Sure you've got 443 open?18:56
RealAndyBarkingFish: i have no firewall, but is there a way to check if 443 is open?18:57
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B0g4r7fadax, you want to check the whole device.  Just /dev/sda.  sda1, sda2, etc represent partitions on that device.18:58
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kunwon1okay i'd like to remove the IM menu and the mail menu from the panel and i can't find any way to customize the panel at all18:58
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mdx_anyone using fluxbox and know an easy way to connect to internet? My settings are correct but im not seeing where to hit "connect"18:58
BarkingFishnot sure, give me a second RealAndy18:58
=== Marmite is now known as Windows
BarkingFishRealAndy, you might even need to port forward it through your router, but you can check here - http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/18:59
BarkingFishit shows your ip address, just type in the port number and hit check, it will tell you if the port is open or not18:59
fadaxB0g4r7 oh right ok I see. I'm running the badblocks test now. by the way I mounted the disk from the livecd and was able to browse my windows 7 files (documents etc). doesn't this mean that the hard disk is probably alright?19:00
RealAndyBarkingFish: yeah it says 443 is closed19:00
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BarkingFishdo you know how to configure your router? if you have no firewall, maybe the router is blocking it19:00
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BarkingFishsome routers, like netgear and linksys, have an internal firewall19:01
B0g4r7fadax, it means that it's at least partly working.  If badblocks doesn't find any errors then you have some other problem, most likely software.19:01
mrgtokay, still having an issue with this. Getting an error when I try to add my printer - error 5012. Tried adding it with HPLIP19:03
mrgtit can find the printer but it's not able to print anything19:03
writtenActionParsnip, thanks ;-)19:05
RealAndyBarkingFish: yeah i don't know about routers, but AIM, Yahoo and MSN work ok, it's just googletalk19:06
fadaxok thanks B0g4r7, looks like it's not finding any problems. i'll probably just end up reinstalling windows7 then19:06
muktiHas anyone here setup thinkfan on a Thinkpad T420?19:06
BarkingFishmrgt, there is information about this on the launchpad - apparently, the shorthand version of that error, error 12, is that you need to most likely be a member of either the scanner or the lp group in order to get stuff printing.19:07
BarkingFishmrgt: https://answers.launchpad.net/hplip/+question/3700219:07
BarkingFishjust to verify this, mrgt - can you open up a terminal, and at the prompt, type groups  and hit enter please.  Pastebin the output if it's over 2 lines :)19:09
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PolahIs there a fix for 2.6.38 power issues, or are they fixed in 2.6.39 or later and would I have to upgrade?19:09
mrgtgrahame adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare19:10
Guest20249hey i have a probleme19:10
BarkingFish!details | Guest2024919:10
ubottuGuest20249: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:11
muktiDoes anyone use any fan control programs, or any other programs to keep a laptop cooler?19:11
Guest20249i can't install a bittorrent (software)19:12
PolahGuestt20249: Ubuntu comes with Transmission by default which is a p2p client19:12
rusty149Guest20249: Are you trying to install a specific one? If not Transmission is very good.19:13
Guest20249so what i do19:13
Guest20249i can't install  by torren t in the computer wwith back track version19:14
=== Dion is now known as Guest84487
reachingperfectihow to know if i have encrypyed my home dircetory19:15
rusty149Guest20249:  Do you mean the BackTrack distro?19:16
[twisti]hello, i run ubuntu 10 lts and would like to make sure that this is the proper way to install sun java, could anyone confirm ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java19:16
zastaphI can't copy paste into ubuntu server running in virtualbox.. probably because it doesnt have X?19:16
BarkingFishrusty149, I think he's left.  He's not tabcompleting here.19:16
faz_[twisti], i switched from open-jdk to sun-jdk on ubuntu 11 using that method and it worked for me.19:17
rusty149BarkingFish: OK, that was confusing.19:17
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[twisti]sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found19:17
B0g4r7zastaph, do you have virtualbox additions installed in the guest OS?19:17
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B0g4r7You will probably need that for clipboard integration to work.19:17
BarkingFishrusty149, i didn't see him go as I have xchat set to not show joins and parts, but he didn't show in my tabcomplete list, so I assume he's gone.19:18
zastaphb0g, yes I do19:18
B0g4r7Hm, I dunno then.19:18
reachingperfectihow to use private folder in ubuntu 11.04 for encryption19:18
zastaphbut I followed this guide, dont know if it was correct: http://mylinuxramblings.wordpress.com/2010/06/03/installing-virtualbox-guest-additions-on-ubuntu-server-10-04/19:18
bobweaverreachingperfecti: you use true crypt at all ?19:19
rusty149zastaph: you are right you need an X environment to copy/paste. You can use redirection  >> to copy output to a file. e.g dmesg >>out.txt19:20
zastaphrusty, sure but i mostly need host to guest19:20
reachingperfectibobweaver: it fAILS IB UBUNTU 11.0419:20
bobweaverreachingperfecti: or easy cyrpt19:21
reachingperfectibobweaver: it fAILS IN UBUNTU 11.0419:21
rusty149zastaph: Assuming the host has an X environment, then output into a shared folder then work as normal from the host.19:21
zastaphrusty, host is windows :p19:21
bobweaverreachingperfecti: I knowv19:22
bobweaverreachingperfecti: tha is why I ask about truecrypt first19:22
rusty149zastaph: What is the VM software19:22
zastaphrusty, virtualbox19:22
rusty149zastaph: You can setup a Shared folder through VirtualBox.19:23
Picireachingperfecti: drops the caps please.19:23
reachingperfectibobweaver: sorry19:23
reachingperfectifor the caps19:23
rusty149zastaph: Then just open that file in Windows19:23
zastaphrusty, yes.. but i think this process is longer than simply typing the links :)19:23
reachingperfectibobweaver: can u  help me set up truecrypt19:23
bobweaverreachingperfecti: YAPET ?19:23
rusty149zastaph: Yes not a convenient solution but for large output it works well19:23
bobweaverreachingperfecti:  you try -> http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/06/install-truecrypt-in-ubuntu-1104-natty.html19:24
reachingperfectibobweaver: me trying19:25
steelraptordoes anyone know why an FTP user that is in the same group as www-data is creating folders with 1001 owner/group instead of 33 owner/group?  This in on an apache server in the srv/www/site/public_html19:25
Hyperbytesteelraptor, man usermod.  See the -g option, it sets the primary group, which is the group that files created are placed under.19:26
bobweaverI need help with making ppa I am real confused about making a .deb package19:27
HyperbyteAlso, you can force to use the same group as the directory, by using chmod +s on the directory19:27
bobweaverI have ppa set up19:27
HyperbyteFinally, 33 is a system group, you shouldn't use that.  Create a different group for apache and your user to share.19:27
steelraptorthank Hyperbyte, so you think its just that the files are dropping down to my users group instead of the www-data group?19:27
BarkingFishIs there any way to check for errors in downloading packages from your pools please?  I've got one failing to download, and it's driving me gaga.  I want the sun-java6-jre (6.26-1natty1) and my system keeps giving me the error that it's failing to download.19:27
bobweaverall the pgp keys have been signed along with ubuntu code of conduct also ssh19:27
steelraptorok Hyperbyte, imma see if that helps, thanks ^-^19:28
bobweaverI think I made the ppa I just dont know how to make .deb files to up load to ppa19:28
Hyperbytesteelraptor, personally, I'd go with option #2 and #3.  Create a new group, put apache + user on it, and set chmod +s on the files directory.19:28
bobweaverlike how about a kdm file ?19:29
dino___can i just lurk around for a while :D19:29
bobweaverso stuff that is all ready made in my computer how do I make into ubuntu package ?19:30
steelraptorHyperbyte, I like the options, very clean ways to do it, plus its for a production server so its gotta work well, its just it aint my server lol19:30
reachingperfectibobweaver: thanks a ton i wasted 3 hours trying to make it work :D thnaks thanks thanks19:31
kyle__Any gotchas for using checkinstall on a modern ubuntu installation?19:31
=== critical is now known as iCritical
iCriticalIs there a way to install Ubuntu 11.04 and 7 x64 side by side with AHCI mode on? My bios doesn't allow me to change the mode, but when I try to install ubuntu alongside 7 x64, it sees the 320gb drive as 320gb of free space19:31
Hyperbytebobweaver:  Google for 'making deb packages'.19:31
bobweaverHyperbyte: I have bro19:32
iCriticalThe partitions aren't found, and it only gives me the option to format the entire drive, rather than to install side by side.19:32
bobweaverI am just confused19:32
bobweaverthat is all19:32
bobweaverreachingperfecti:  glad to here that it worked out :)19:32
erikSlostcan anyone help me modify my prompt in my .bash_profile19:32
Hyperbytebobweaver, I know that's not really an answer, but there do seem to be excellent guides out there.19:32
Jordan_UiCritical: That probably means that your partition table is invalid. Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?19:32
bobweaverHyperbyte:  you got a real good link for that not launchpads19:33
Hyperbytebobweaver, perhaps you should follow one, see how far you get...  this one, for example:  http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/Linux-For-Devices-Articles/How-to-make-deb-packages/19:33
venik212I cannot get Java to work with the Opera browser19:33
iCriticalJordan_U: uhh, i can't at the moment, as I'm on windows :p19:34
venik212It works fine with Chrome and Firefox but not with Opera19:34
Hyperbytebobweaver, or this:  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/19:34
iCriticalbut it doesn't matter what way its partitioned19:34
bobweaverI mean I try to google     inurl:ubuntu   intext:making debian package kit19:34
Jordan_UiCritical: Can you boot from the Ubuntu liveCD then run "sudo parted -l" and pastebin the output?19:34
iCriticalyeah give me a minute19:35
Hyperbytebobweaver, just type 'making deb packages'.  Nothing else.19:35
kyle__bobweaver: Have you considered using checkinstall?19:35
venik212any ideas on how to get Java to work with Opera?19:35
bobweaverkyle__:  no never heard of it19:35
erikSlostany clue how to add the machine name and operating system to a terminal prompt?19:35
ubuntubeginner31hey can someone help me with a code?19:36
ipohow to install my language in ubuntu?19:36
ubuntubeginner31in terminal.19:36
ipoubuntubeginner31, bash script?19:36
kyle__bobweaver: It's a system to turn your custom build into a package, so you can remove it and install it elsewhere with ease.  Very useful.  IT doesn't do everything the official build system does, like dependencies, but for many things it's awesome, and much _MUCH_ easier.19:37
* RB2_notebook shakes his fist at UEFI19:37
bobweaverkyle__:  thanks bro :)19:37
bobweaverHyperbyte:  thanks to you also :)19:37
ubuntubeginner31well i downloaded some gradients to make a website with with gimp, and I need to copy all the ggr files from one directory to my usr/share/gimp/2.0/gradients directory, only that directory needs root access.19:38
ubuntubeginner31And I have no idea what command I need to put into terminal to get this right, I've tried googling but I can't figure it out.19:38
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bobweaveranyothere tips on making debian packages19:39
j0nrAm really confused. I am on one computer inside my lan. There is one other computer in my lan running ubuntu server edition on a certain ip address. when I ssh that ip, it connects me to my external VPS!! eh?!19:39
j0nrinternally is the server... when I ssh I get prompted for my VPS which is external and completely unrelated... how can this be?19:39
bobweaverany other* tips on making debian packages19:39
B0g4r7Every time I make a new Firefox window, it is created "maximized" (on natty).  Is there an easy way to change this behavior?19:39
Hyperbyteubuntubeginner31:  su19:39
nathanelhello guys! need help on making a symlink for two different targets in two different directories19:39
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ubuntubeginner31ok but what about the copy command, can someone direct me to a template that will explain how to copy files from one directory to another?19:40
rumpe1ubuntubeginner31, enter in terminal "gksu nautilus" for filemanager with root-access19:40
B0g4r7ubuntubeginner31, man cp19:40
erikSlosti need help modifying my terminal prompt, anyone?19:40
rumpe1ubuntubeginner31, but be careful19:40
Hyperbyteubuntubeginner31, sure.  type 'man su'  and 'man cp'  in your terminal.19:40
Jordan_UHyperbyte: Ubuntu uses sudo, not su, for running commands as root.19:40
=== DaGeek247 is now known as Guest34641
HyperbyteJordan_U, there's no su at all?19:41
Jordan_UHyperbyte: There is no root password.19:41
Jordan_U!root | Hyperbyte19:41
ubottuHyperbyte: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:41
bobweaverJordan_U: Oo19:41
B0g4r7ubuntubeginner31, 'sudo' may also be of interest19:41
_Emil_I keep gettin "Ssh exchange identification: Connection closed by remote host" when I'm trying to connect to the server. I tried google, but couldn't find a soloution. my hosts.deny/.allow exists but they are empty.19:41
HyperbyteJordan_U, my Ubuntu asked me to set a root password during install.  Edubuntu actually.  Never knew it's not set by default?19:42
_Emil_anyone has any idea on what's causing this or what to google for?19:42
nathanelhello guys! need help on making a symlink for two different targets in two different directories...19:42
Jordan_Unathanel: What is your end goal?19:43
HyperbyteJordan_U, interesting link, just skimmed over it.  Good to know. :)19:43
nathanelmaking a single link for ibus-anthy.png that directs to both faenza and faenza-dark19:43
Jordan_UHyperbyte: I would be very surprised if Edubuntu asked you to create a root password by default.19:44
szerfi like to to be able to start linux after installing windows19:44
jribnathanel: ln -s TARGET NAME19:44
szerfwhat can i do19:44
Jordan_Unathanel: A single symlink cannot have multiple targets. What is your end goal?19:44
HyperbyteJordan_U, I think it did.  But then again, the machine is an LDAP client.  It should have a root password.  But I could be remembering wrong.19:44
nathaneli need simultaneous targets.. is that even possible?19:44
iCritical_Emil_: are you using ssh keys?19:45
jribnathanel: what do you expect that to do?19:45
ziikutvmy flash is pissing me off can you guys help? The videos lag.. sometimes the flash shows up as black.. youtube videos sometimes play but u see black and hear everything..19:45
ziikutvmost of the times they crash if im running two windows that both has flash on it..19:45
ziikutvhelp me pls :(19:45
usr13_Emil_: Is the ssh server running on the host?19:45
ubuntubeginner31Thank you all for your help on the command  I needed.  I used rumpel's suggestion and just opened the directory in root via using the gui.19:45
szerfcan anyone help me ?19:45
_Emil_I have friends who can connect to it.19:45
nathanelhave the proper embedded link to each theme on theme change for the ibus-anthy indicator19:45
iCritical_Emil_: try re-doing the keys19:46
_Emil_How do I do that?19:46
jribnathanel: you're going to give more details as I am still unsure of what you want to accomplish19:46
filipcan I see somethe commands on IRC?19:46
iCritical_Emil_: connect to ssh using the -vv switch19:47
filipplease? anyone?19:47
B0g4r7filip, I did not understand your question.  Can you rephrase it?19:47
nathanelibus-anthy has its indicator icon located in /usr/share/ibus/anthy/icons/ibus/anthy.png, since there can only be one ibus-anthy.png, i am trying to link multiple status icons to that same file ( fanza/status/ and faenza-dark/status)19:48
w30filip, try /help19:48
iCritical_Emil_: pastebin it19:48
angelicaldumbhello there, i tried to install ubuntu 11.04 using mount point / (or \ , not sure) and sdb to boot loader. right now system passes motherboard logo but get stuck in a flashig cursor screen. in the grub-menu.lst file is only mentioned memtest86+ but no sda (usb device). what can i do?19:49
usr13_Emil_:  http://edoceo.com/notabene/ssh-exchange-identification19:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:49
Jordan_Unathanel: *why*? Please explain your end goal. http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#goal19:49
ziikutvcan anyone pls help19:49
jribnathanel: yes, but WHY19:49
nathaneli would like anthy to use the faenza status icons for ibus-kbd status when activated or deactivated and keep theme consistency (its a fix)19:50
usr13ziikutv: What version of Ubuntu do you have?19:50
_Emil_thanks I will look into it.19:50
Cyrax5Currently I'm using Metacity as my window manager. Is it possible to have transparent window borders using Metacity?19:50
usr13ziikutv: lsb_release -sc19:50
jribnathanel: this is an ibus-anthy configuration question19:50
* [DeVil-BoY] greetins19:50
nathanelno.. a faenza icon theme symlink question19:50
rumpe1angelicaldumb, flashing cursor before or after grub-bootmenu?19:51
alkafooCyrax5: just borders, or window contents as well?19:51
Cyrax5Just the borders19:51
angelicaldumbrumpel , i guess it is before19:51
ziikutvusr13: Natty.19:51
nathaneland an ubuntu one also since i do not know how to symlink multiple file to a same target or single target to multiple files... would that be a 3-way link?19:51
Jordan_Unathanel: Please read http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#goal I am still not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but I am fairly sure it can't be done with symlinks alone.19:52
alkafooCyrax5: surely somehow... but you'd probably have to dig into GTK+ themes to figure it out19:52
alkafooCyrax5: unless just using a translucent PNG works19:52
Picinathanel: I'm confused. Are you trying to point 2 symlinks at the same file? or point 1 symlink to two files?19:52
jribnathanel: this is not possible.  Give up on this idea. You need to just ask the actual question regarding ibus-anthy and icons19:52
Cyrax5alkafoo Where are the pictures for the window borders located?19:52
nathanel1 symlink to two files19:53
nathaneli want anthy to use faenxza.. not the ugly icon provided19:53
alkafooCyrax5: in a theme file/dir somewhere19:53
usr13ziikutv: Which flashplayer plugin did you install?19:53
alkafooCyrax5: finding out what theme you're using would be the first step19:53
ziikutvusr13: how can i findout19:53
ziikutvthere is a command for it19:54
venik212I discovered that I had to remove the IceTea plugin, and now Java works in Opera19:54
venik212Thanks for the help19:54
Picinathanel: A symlink is like a shortcut.  You can't point it to two files simultaenously.19:54
nathanelok.. understood19:54
usr13ziikutv: Go into Synaptic Package manager and search for flashplayer and see what it shows.19:54
nathanelany way to trick the ibus-anthy.png in doing so by some sort of 3-way link?19:55
MAREK_BENC_NetBHi people, i'm making a bootable USB stick with LiLo, and it prettymuch already works, there is one thing. I wanna make a 'image=' to chainload the 1st harddrive. Can someone help me? (This is my current .conf file: http://pastebin.com/UrCKJrRu)19:55
usr13ziikutv: or just install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound19:55
alkafooMAREK_BENC_NetB: why lilo...19:55
usr13ziikutv: (If it's not already installed)19:55
rumpe1nathanel, if all the files are equally linked to the target, how should the application now, which one it should take?19:56
MAREK_BENC_NetBalkafoo: Because it's Cool?19:56
ziikutvhave flashplugin-installer and nofree19:56
rumpe1nathanel, you have to re-link externally with or script or something19:56
varikonniemiis it possible to enable alt-tab from inside games19:56
alkafooMAREK_BENC_NetB: but it isn't19:56
varikonniemii feel kinda restricted when it does not work19:56
Picinathanel: what does the application currently point to when it comes to icon files?19:56
jribnathanel: ok  I'm trying to understand better what you are asking: is your issue that you sometimes use the faenza theme and sometimes you use the faenza-dark theme?  Furthermore, you want the ibus-anthy icon to be a faenza icon when you have the faenza icon enabled.  But if you change your theme to faenza dark, then you want ibus-anthy to have a faenza dark icon?19:56
usr13ziikutv: Ok well uninstall it and go and find Adobe Flashplayer in the Software Centre19:57
Picinathanel: forget my question, jrib asked it better.19:57
nathanelthe application, by default uses the icon located at /usr/share/ibus-anthy/icons/ibus-anthy.png19:57
MAREK_BENC_NetBalkafoo: I shiched from GRUB and now use it as my Main Bootloader. It's a hell better than GURB (For me)19:57
nathaneljrib: exactly19:57
usr13ziikutv: Once you get it installed, you will have to restart Firefox for the change to take effect.19:57
Picinathanel: there are ways to specify within an icon theme if you'd like to prefer an icon over another... let me see if I can find the theme I modified...19:58
varikonniemiso no clues how to enable alt-tab in ubuntu?19:59
angelicaldumbhello there, i tried to install ubuntu 11.04 using mount point / (or \ , not sure) and sdb to boot loader. right now system passes motherboard logo but get stuck in a flashig cursor screen. in the grub-menu.lst file is only mentioned memtest86+ but no sda (usb device). what can i do?20:00
dRbiGdoes anyone have any problems with installing 11.04 from alternate image under x64?20:01
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usr13varikonniemi: Are you on Natty?20:01
varikonniemii get to tty20:02
varikonniemibut can i have another x runnign?20:02
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dRbiGi have some dependency issues and can't install desktop :S20:02
varikonniemior launch the game to another x?20:02
varikonniemilike ctr-alt-f720:02
nathanelis that done through the index?20:02
h00kdRbiG: sudo apt-get update before you start installing20:02
varikonniemino wait f820:02
varikonniemif7 is current20:02
zykotick9dRbiG, what package name are you trying to install?20:03
dRbiGzykotick9: ubuntu desktop from the tasksel, i've checked the debug console and it fails on pulseaudio20:03
zykotick9dRbiG, ok, i had a different issue in mind.  Best of luck.20:04
cricket42what linux to install on my computer with this specs: 750mhz, 192mb sdram, 32mb vram?20:04
alkafoocricket42: not Ubuntu, anyways20:04
alkafoopossibly Lubuntu20:04
zykotick9cricket42, you could try lubuntu if you wanted20:05
cricket42lubuntu 10.10 or lubuntu 11.4?20:05
Jordan_U!bootinfo | angelicaldumb20:05
ubottuangelicaldumb: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:05
Picinathanel: Hmm.. Looks like ibus-anthy doesn't ship icons in the right place.  I don't think index.theme can manage icons that aren't in /usr/share/icons/20:05
alkafooa box that old might cost you more in comparatively poor energy efficiency than it would to buy a new box20:05
ubottuBoot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:05
cricket42i don't know to install without GUI, so will my computer support gui installation of lubuntu 10.10?20:05
varikonniemiyou can chose in the install menu20:06
Jordan_Uangelicaldumb: Please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces.20:06
KM0201varikonniemi: why don't you just use 11.04?, and second, what are your specs?20:06
varikonniemii use20:06
varikonniemiwhat are you refering to?20:07
angelicaldumbJordan_U , where do i run that script?20:07
KM0201cricket42: : why don't you just use 11.04?, and second, what are your specs?20:07
KM0201sorry varikonniemi20:07
varikonnieminp i got it20:07
zykotick9KM0201, cricket42 stated above: 750mhz, 192mb sdram, 32mb vram?20:07
KM0201zykotick9: eh, wasn't paying attention, he's in #lubuntu now.. :)\20:08
angelicaldumbJordan_U , never mind i got it20:08
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LasersAnybody here use RSS client? What do you use it? I just wanted to know the available options, not polling for the best. :)20:08
zykotick9KM0201, well, that' probably the best *buntu spot for him ;)20:08
KM0201zykotick9: sure sounds it..20:09
muktiWhy would a program be listed in /etc/init.d even though it is not installed on my machine?20:09
alkafoomukti: if you uninstalled it, maybe20:09
zykotick9mukti, what program?  was it ever installed?20:09
varikonniemiwhat is the ctrl-alt-f8 called?20:09
muktii don't believe it was ever installed. It is hdapsd20:10
usr13zykotick9: http://lubuntu.net/20:10
varikonniemiso i know how to google how to start a new x there20:10
grillermowhere can i find the python binaries, i have installed python2.5 python2.6 python2.7 i want to change the default20:10
muktizykotick9, alkafoo : I don't remember installing it, but I was going to. Should I do anything about the file (/etc/init.d/hdapsd) before installing it?20:11
zykotick9usr13, ?  It wasn't me that was looking for lubuntu - they've already left20:11
angelicaldumbJordan_U , im not able to access my usb pen drive install, im running the live cd is it BootInfo ok to use this way?20:11
nathanelany way to trick the ibus-anthy.png in doing so by some sort of parallel file link?20:11
Jordan_Uangelicaldumb: Yes.20:11
nathanelor in-theme spec?20:12
zykotick9mukti, i have no idea what hdapsd is - so I personally have no recommendations20:12
alkafoovarikonniemi: a new X will start on the next number after your initial X, which is 8 for most people20:12
BiKER-JENSsome apache2 shark online ?20:12
Picigrillermo: They are in /usr/bin/  , please keep in mind that many Ubuntu things use python, and you are better off either explicitly calling the version of python that you need or by specifying it in your script shebang as /usr/bin/env python2.6   (or whatever version you want).20:12
BiKER-JENStryingen to make a .htaccess in /var/www but it dosent respect my file20:13
alkafoovarikonniemi: X will call it :1 (counting from zero)20:13
grillermoPici: oh ok, thanks20:13
muktizykotick9: its a hdd monitor that will automatically park disk heads if the laptop falls or slides20:13
varikonniemii got it with startx -- :220:13
grillermoPici: i'll leave it like it is20:13
varikonniemithere is no unity though20:13
waynesup room20:13
waynehow are ya'll20:13
varikonniemialkafoo, it is at f8 with :220:14
BiKER-JENShaving troubles with apache2 :(20:14
varikonniemif7 is the one system boots with20:14
zykotick9mukti, interesting - old-school hd parking went away a long time ago :)  But I suppose if this program works, it would be good for laptops.20:14
alkafoovarikonniemi: interesting; either your system is foreign to me, or you did something to make 0 or 1 frozen for this session =)20:14
ohhhhhhhhhhwhat is the prefered way to disable ipv6 without touching grub config?20:15
* alkafoo used to park in DOS20:15
muktiI don't know if it works or not, I just thought it might be a good idea on my laptop lol20:15
PiciBiKER-JENS: your site config needs to specify AllowOverride all20:15
varikonniemii thought ubuntu x starts always in f720:15
zykotick9ohhhhhhhhhh, i think you need to touch grub - i believe it requires a kernel parameter these days20:15
varikonniemithe guide i followed said :2 starts it in f820:15
varikonniemiand it did20:15
stowodahi, how to kill a programm? I tried: killall name and kill ID, but nothing works..20:15
NovidadesUbuntuola galera !!20:15
NovidadesUbuntualgum brasileiro?20:15
varikonniemikill -9 ID20:15
nathanelPici: no?20:16
BiKER-JENSPici: is it /etc/apache2/site-avalible default20:16
nightrid3rstowoda: kill -9 ID20:16
zykotick9stowoda, or killall -9 PROGNAME --- BUT only after you've tried a normal kill/killall20:16
stowodavarikonniemi, nightrid3r thx20:16
PiciBiKER-JENS: Check whatever you have in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/20:16
NovidadesUbuntuqueria convida-los a conhecer o http://novidadesubuntu.blogspot.com20:16
NovidadesUbuntuqueria convida-los a conhecer o http://novidadesubuntu.blogspot.com20:16
varikonniemiwhere can i look up the different kill switches?20:16
Picinathanel: There is no such thing as a symlink that points to more than one file, or any else like that.20:16
varikonniemii only know that -9 is the most powerfull20:16
Picivarikonniemi: man kill20:17
nightrid3rvarikonniemi: man kill20:17
stowoda:) exaile is dead now20:17
iCritical-Jordan_U: I'm on ubuntu now, what output did you want?20:17
Jordan_U!bootinfo | iCritical-20:17
ubottuiCritical-: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:17
iCritical-sudo parted -l ?20:18
iCritical-was it?20:18
Jordan_UiCritical-: Sorry, yes. I had you confused with someone else.20:18
iCritical-sec ill pastebin20:18
BiKER-JENSPici: I've got 00-default20:18
PiciBiKER-JENS: then you need to modify that.20:18
BiKER-JENSin this there more places with "Allowwrite None"20:19
iCritical-Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/FKPB9TmL20:19
PiciBiKER-JENS: change it to All20:19
BiKER-JENSokay :p20:19
Jordan_U!br | NovidadesUbuntu20:20
ubottuNovidadesUbuntu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:20
BiKER-JENSPici: Do I have to restart Apache2?20:20
PiciBiKER-JENS: restart or reload, yes.20:20
DollzI've a directory path set in include path , but when I type cat 'file_name_in_that_directory' from anywhere , it tells me>>  cat: file: No such file or directory20:21
PiciDollz: $PATH only cares about executables.20:21
iceman2160hello, I need support learning how to configure from scratch a Huawei USB 3G modem, Network Manager does a GREAT job, but I need to know where can I fing the configs created, could anyone helo, I would really appreciate20:21
iceman2160I must be able to configure a connection from CLI20:21
Dollzooh , so how hw to fix nthis20:21
Jordan_UiCritical-: You definitely have an invalid partition table. Are you sure that it was most recently GPT? It looks like you at one point had a valid GUID Partition Table, then made an msdos partition table using a tool that didn't properly remove the GPT signature. Meaning that the most recent partitions would be those as defined by the msdos label.20:22
iCritical-I'm not sure20:23
Jordan_Uiceman2160: Are you aware of "nmcli"?20:23
iCritical-Should I just wipe it all?20:23
PiciDollz: what are you trying to accomplish?20:23
Jordan_UiCritical-: If you don't want to preserve any of the data, sure.20:23
waynedoes anybody hear play Dopewars20:24
iceman2160Jordan_U: never heard of it, I will STFW right away, and come back if I got any questions, I need to make the device work not really on Ubuntu, but if I manage to figure it out, I could use it on any distro; thanks20:24
iCritical-well ive backed most things up20:24
BiKER-JENSPici: FUCKING THANKS.. I've blind the hole evning :-)20:25
iceman2160Jordan_U: Many thanks, mate, so this is what I've been missing20:25
Jordan_U!language | BiKER-JENS20:26
ubottuBiKER-JENS: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:26
BiKER-JENSsorry ;-)20:26
BiKER-JENSjust happy20:26
a111how do I connect to a 64 bit wep network in Ubuntu 11.0420:29
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joepahow do I make ubuntu hibernate instead of suspend on laptop lid close in oneiric/unity?20:30
joepaI used to be able to do this from gconf20:30
mephist0how to set DNS manually? cant find good tutorial. please20:30
Triscar0top - 22:29:52 up 6 days,  7:14,  2 users,  load average: 1.02, 0.92, 0.8020:30
Triscar0Tasks: 102 total,   1 running, 101 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie20:30
Triscar0Cpu(s): 30.5%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 68.2%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  1.0%si,  0.0%st20:30
Triscar0Mem:   2061652k total,  1061780k used,   999872k free,   159736k buffers20:30
Triscar0Swap:  1489912k total,        0k used,  1489912k free,   719328k cached20:30
Triscar0is this bad? (sorry flood=)20:30
FloodBot1Triscar0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:30
pepo087italian support?20:30
a111mephist0, /etc/resolv.conf20:31
zykotick9mephist0, /etc/resolv.conf perhaps20:31
pepo087damn i'm banned20:31
a111joepa, power settings20:31
Myrtti!it | pepo08720:31
ubottupepo087: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:31
pepo087maybe a proxy solve my problem....ok thnx but i'm banned =)20:31
GhostWolfhi i have an issue, im trying to connect to my windows vista laptop with ubuntu, i believe i have file sharing enabled on the vista laptop, but whenever i go to network and the workgroup which is mshome i get this error. Unable to mount location: failed to retrieve share list from server20:31
n00buntuNLgood evening y' all20:31
mephist0a111 zykotick9 thanks. /etc/resolve.conf actualizes to old settings every time i try apt-get update20:32
wayneDoes anybody here play DopeWars20:32
w30mephist0, Google has a dns howto forall OS's for  there dns numbers; just google for their public dns20:32
joepaa111: I don't see an option for what to do on lid close in power settings. is it somehow hidden? all I see is "suspend when inactive..." and "when power is critically low..."20:32
mephist0w30 thanks . will check20:32
waynehow do I improve battery life with Ubuntu 10.1020:33
a111joepa, search for power management in unity20:33
robin0800_joepa, install gnome-tweak-tool its in there20:33
happi am new to ubuntu and want to contribute how to start?20:38
Pici!contribute | happ take a look20:39
ubottuhapp take a look: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu20:39
GhostWolfi aslo have another question, in the guess its called the nautilus file manager, is there a way to copy a file to the /usr/ folders or does it always have to be done in terminal using sudo?20:39
chalcedonyi upgraded ubuntu to 10.10, now my firefox is giving me errors on gmail about cookies. how can i fix that?20:39
happhow to make a compiler in c ?20:39
ohhhhhhhhhhchalcedony: #firefox20:40
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zykotick9mephist0, FYI i believe NetworkManager will overright resolv.conf (when it wants to), there should/might be a way to set DNS in N-M.  Good luck.20:40
chalcedonyohhhhhhhhhh, they say since it's a Unbuntu version of firefox i have to solve it here20:40
robin0800_GhostWolf, you can do alt+f2 then gksudo nautilus to have a root file manager20:41
Triscar0 load average: 1.22, 1.09, 0.93, i run zoneminder on a singel core cpu and its alway around 1 load average, is that really bad?20:41
chalcedonyoh wow20:41
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ohhhhhhhhhhchalcedony: yeah, but thats really weird. just reinstall firefox you wont lose settings20:41
chalcedonytoday it works!20:41
HET2what do i do if dist-upgrade is stuck at rebuilding software catalgue :o20:41
ohhhhhhhhhhchalcedony: clear cookies, cache etc next time. and check cookie settings ..20:41
LordDeathhi everyone20:41
B0g4r7hi doctor nick!20:42
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chalcedonythank you ohhhhhhhhhh :)20:42
LordDeathis there a website where I can see the version of single packages?20:42
LordDeathfor 10.04 lts20:42
PiciLordDeath: http://packages.ubuntu.com or via http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/20:43
LordDeathwhat about the partner repo?20:44
Matth1a3i'm trying to do ./bitcoind -datadir=1 listtransactions | jsonTOCSV.py > transactions.csv and get 'command not found' in terminal. any ideas? I have also tried the same with ./jsonTOCSV.py and I get 'permission denied'20:45
=== daniel__ is now known as pack3754
alkafooMatth1a3: is 'bitcoind' in the currently directory (pwd), is jsonTOCSV.py in your path?20:46
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mephist0zykotick9 thanks a lot. Unfortunately no N-M. base system text mode. I can ping but cant resolve anything.20:47
MyrttiMatth1a3: have you set jsonTOCSV.py as executable?20:48
Matth1a3bitcoind and jsonTOCSV.py are both in the current directory (in a folder on the desktop) and I have no idea if jsonTOCSV.py is in my path (new to ubuntu/linux)20:48
Matth1a3Myrtti: not sure, how would I do that?20:48
MyrttiMatth1a3: chmod +x jsonTOCSV.py20:48
GhostWolfok i really need help with this issue, i don't know if its something i need to do with vista, i have enabled file sharing on vista, and im using right now on this pc ubuntu 11.04, i have  a vista laptop, i am able to get to the name of the laptop, and see the folders than can be shared, when i click on a folder it i get this error, Unable to mount location: Failed to mount Windows share20:49
alkafooGhostWolf: check user20:49
Matth1a3Myrtti: thanks20:50
GhostWolfalkafoo, what you mean check user?20:50
GhostWolfi have done everything i should on vista laptop to enable the file sharing20:50
GhostWolfi even googled on how and i did exactly everything i need to do20:50
alkafooIIRC you need to specify a user name that is present in the Windows installation20:50
GhostWolfum never had to do that with xp.20:51
MyrttiMatth1a3: does it work now then?20:51
GhostWolfvista is the only time i ever see an issue of connecting even when i used xp to try to connect to vista for file sharing20:51
=== Nach0z_ is now known as Nach0z
josheee12hey guys.  the only way i can get ubuntu running as it should is if i run in failsafe mode.  what do?20:51
usr13josheee12: What's happening?   No screens found?20:55
josheee12usr13: it drops straight to shell20:55
usr13josheee12: What do you have installed?20:56
josheee12i know it's not an issue with x because of failsafe mode20:56
usr1311.04 Ubuntu?20:56
varikonniemiis oneiric in such shape it could be switched to in everyday use?20:56
josheee12yes, 11.0420:56
usr13josheee12: So it just boots to terminal mode?20:56
josheee12no, it attempts to run gnome, gnome crashes and drops to terminal20:57
usr13josheee12: Did you run updates?20:57
josheee12i just went through the battle of attempting to get gnome3 working, which didn't work out well, so i switched back to 2.20:58
usr13did gnome2 run?20:58
josheee12before gnome3?  perfectly20:58
usr13josheee12: Oh, yea, that's what I meant.20:59
zykotick9josheee12, packages don't downgrade easily - you may have to reinstall, unless someone has a real fix20:59
IdleOnereinstall is probably best bet20:59
KrayZhi all, howto mount a floppy drive from livecd... i need to load a raid driver during install21:00
josheee12zykotick: i have a full gnome2 desktop running fine if i use failsafe.  why would that be if i couldn't downgrade?21:00
usr13josheee12: How about xfce4 ?   Wanna try that?21:01
zykotick9!tab > josheee1221:01
ubottujosheee12, please see my private message21:01
zykotick9josheee12, i don't have any suggestions for you, hopefully someone else does.  Good luck.21:01
muktiThis may be a "stupid" question; but, could I cause any problems by making a backup file and leaving in /etc/? I want to backup /etc/modules (as /etc/modules.bkp) and leave it in /etc. Would this cause any problems?21:02
josheee12zykotick9: thx21:02
illsciIs there a way to see what versions of a packages are available on a remote apt repo?21:02
zykotick9illsci, have you added the repo already?  if so, you can use "apt-cache policy foo" to see what versions are available, and from where21:03
illscihttp://dev.zenoss.org/deb/dists/main/stable/binary-i386/ has many versions of zenoss-stack21:03
illsciand I want to install 3.1.021:03
illscibut its not working... I was doing apt-get install zenoss-stack=3.1.021:03
illscihmmm... yeah that only shows 3.2.0 but 3.1.0 and all the previous versions are available at that url....21:04
illsciIs there a way to get apt to see them and allow me to install that specific version21:04
zykotick9illsci, could you just download the version on want and install it with dpkg?21:06
illsciyeah... I know :)  I want apt to do it though21:06
illscior to learn how to make it do it21:06
primedeathI was wondering if anyone here knows of a program that can do multiple persistent USB Bootable distros?21:07
BiKER-JENSfirewall solution for a ubuntu server - what to do ? whats 'easy' ?21:08
usr13BiKER-JENS: http://www.smoothwall.org/ http://ipcop.org/21:11
zykotick9BiKER-JENS, usr13 FYI smoothwall is a Distro, it doesn't run on Ubuntu21:12
=== pepo087 is now known as Pompeo
usr13zykotick9: Yes I know.21:13
pepo087Enter text here...ss21:13
W3ird_N3rdcan totem-video-thumbnailer somehow be setup to only thumbnail files that were modified more than a minute ago?21:14
W3ird_N3rdI hate looking at a CPU-hogging process that's hopelessly trying to thumbnail a video that I'm encoding or recording :P21:14
usr13BiKER-JENS: I assume you are interested in firewall for security purposes.  Right?21:14
goudkovhi guys. i'm running lucid on a netbook and can't install the fonts. i tried placing them in .fonts and in /usr/share/fonts/truetype and ran fc-cache -f.  but when i start firefox, it uses old fonts. even though checking with strace it does open the correct font files.21:14
BiKER-JENSusr13, yeah21:15
goudkovis there a setting that overrides the font order?21:15
pepo0872Enter text here...nymous21:15
rwwpepo0872: something we can help you with?21:16
tcuphi how do you manage security certificates in midori and epiphany browsers. there has been no update to block the certificates. i downloaded the epiphany extenision to manage certificaets but when i click on it nothing happens. do you know how i can manually manage them?21:16
tcupi want to bloack the diginotar vertificates21:16
usr13BiKER-JENS: Then place a good firewall server between it and outside.21:16
BiKER-JENSis not a option21:17
BiKER-JENShave to have a software firewall on the box21:17
[Ex0r]Is there somebody here who can help me get wpa2 configured on ubuntu cli ?21:17
BiKER-JENSto control open ports21:17
pepo0872i have this version of grub 1,98 in my ubuntu 10-4 and i can't istall theme for my grub or some wallpaper can u hep me?21:17
pepo0872i make the debian theme configuration file21:17
pepo0872but it doesn't work =(21:17
tcupoh im using ubuntu 11.0421:18
=== eddymarley is now known as ]-[EDDY]-[
usr13BiKER-JENS: On the server itself, the best security feature is to not have unused apps installed.  In other words, uninstall any server software that you do not run and use.21:18
Dragon64Biker have you tried UFW?21:18
=== pepo0872 is now known as Pompeo
usr13BiKER-JENS: You can write your own firewall script.  See: http://www.malibyte.net/iptables/scripts/fwscripts.html21:19
=== pepo087 is now known as Pepsii24
Pompeocan u help me man==???21:20
usr13BiKER-JENS: If you have it connected directly to internet, change that first off and place a stand alone firewall between it and the outside.21:20
usr13That is key21:20
DaVampshey all.. can anyone suggestion a media player that will play local music as well as icecast / shoutcast and other online radio stations21:20
muktihow do I load a kernel module?21:20
Dragon64DaVamps -- use VLC21:21
zykotick9mukti, "modprobe foo"21:21
W3ird_N3rdmukti, modprobe?21:21
zykotick9mukti, "lsmod" to confirm it's loaded21:21
W3ird_N3rdmodprobe -r to remove it21:21
DaVampsDragon64, does it work any better on ubuntu then it does in windows?21:21
usr13mukti: modprobe - program to add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel21:21
alkafooDaVamps: it should work fine on Windows, too21:21
zykotick9W3ird_N3rd, that won't always work...21:21
muktiokay, thanks21:21
Dragon64dont know, never had an issue in windows21:21
Dragon64with it21:21
muktiI'll read the manpage so I know what I'm doing lol21:21
W3ird_N3rdloading won't always work either zykes-21:21
W3ird_N3rd* zykotick921:22
Dragon64but it was originally built for Linux21:22
DaVampsalkafoo, i wish it did. it crashes on my win 7 ulti machine21:22
zykotick9W3ird_N3rd, true ;)21:22
LordDeathlucid has only zarafa 6.4 in its repos :(21:22
Dragon64yeah, I have never had a crash in linux21:22
DaVampsi'll try it out.. thanks21:22
IamTryingUbuntu 11.04 the thing that we have "gconf-editor" GUI, How can use that same functionality from my terminal when i am connected via SSH?21:22
[Ex0r]Does anyone here have a guide to setting up wpa2 on ubuntu ? (I dont have a gui, so it all has to be done from cli)21:22
DaVampswasnt sure if there was soemthing else as good or better then vlc..21:23
tcupis there a way to manage security certificates in epiphany or midori? i can't find any info on this for ubuntu natty. there is info for 10.04 and 10.10. it's weird21:23
DaVampsnot that vlc is bad, but my win7 issue made me a little worried bout using it in ubuntu21:23
zykotick9IamTrying, do you want to set gconf variable from cli?  there is "gconftool-2 --set ..."21:24
toyman61Ubuntu 10.04: No sound. ubuntu-bug audio tells me that "PulseAudio seems to have crashed. Do you wish to report a bug?". Alsamixer starts as it should, but no sound. Menu choice System/Preferences/Sound tells me "Waiting for the sound system" then exits... What do I do ?21:24
Dragon64should be fine. If you are looking for a media manager, I think rythmbox will do all that also21:24
IamTryingzykotick9, oh ic thanks a lot, exactly that i mean.21:24
usr13toyman61: uninstall pulseaudio21:24
zykotick9toyman61, that's poor advice from usr13...21:24
DaVampsdragon64 rythmbox has the same functionality as vlc?21:24
toyman61<usr13> I have tried to uninstall pulseaudio using Ubuntu Software Center, and then reinstall it. Still no sound..21:25
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Dragon64It has more, it is more of a manager, rather than just a player, but it does not play as many different file types without help21:25
usr13toyman61: alsamixer21:25
DaVampsDragon64,  will it play aac streams21:26
toyman61<usr13> alsamixer starts as it should, and seems OK.21:26
Dragon64there are many different managers out there, they all have streengths and weakness's21:26
Dragon64if you install the proper codecs21:26
Dragon64 they are available in some of the gstreamer packages21:26
DaVampsit does come prepackaged with it21:26
RB2_notebookUnbalanced action groups, expect badness... that's quite re-assuring.21:26
toyman61<usr13> Uninstall and reinstall alsamixer ?21:26
alkafooDaVamps: not VLC's fault, I assure you21:26
Dragon64ubuntu restricted extras should have most of the codecs you need21:26
DaVampsalkafoo, i'm pretty sure its not either ..21:26
usr13toyman61: NO, run alsamixer and see that nothing is muted or turned down etc.21:26
tab1293does anyone have a rtl8188ce wireless card?21:27
DaVampsDragon64,  so use the package manager to find the proper codecs?21:27
usr13toyman61: and see that the correct sound card driver is loaded. etc.21:27
Dragon64yes, in fact depending on which ones you need rythmbox should prompt you21:27
alkafooDaVamps: VLC should come with all you'll want21:27
alkafootab1293: what if anyone has?21:28
Dragon64both are good, depends what your needs are21:28
DaVampsalkafoo, awesome.. i installed vlc thru package manager.21:28
usr13tab1293: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1604101&page=521:28
DaVampstruly basic audio enjoyment, and radio station monitoring.21:28
tab1293alkafoo, i need help finding the correct driver for the the 3.0 kernel21:28
usr13tab1293: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?21:29
DaVampsi run my own shoutcast radio. and relay it to a icecast on my local network. so it will be used to verify everything is running properly21:29
Dragon64try both, see which one works best for you. Linux - Choice21:29
DaVampsdragon64 much agreed, and FREE choices at that21:29
DaVampsdragon64 do you happen to have a program for havin ubuntu run as my handyman lol21:30
toyman61<usr13> As far as I can see all drivers are loaded and the correct soundcard has been chosen. How can I quickly verify this ?21:30
DaVampsto do dish, laundry, rolling my smokes,21:30
Pooky1Hi guys, I have big trouble with ubuntu. I get fatal error and then after reboot, there is problem with .ICEauthority which can't be fix by chmod, there is also "usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 has quit with state 256" error and I can't get it work. I google some answer, bat still nothing usefull21:30
Dragon64give it a year or two ;)21:30
DaVampsya. who knows they might be able to actually get it to run humanized bots21:31
Dragon64Pookyl can you boot to a command line and rename .ICEauthority ?21:31
usr13toyman61: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp21:31
usr13Ctrl-c  to stop it21:31
Pooky1Dragon64 i try it21:31
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Pooky1done, i try reboot21:33
toyman61<usr>:  cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp -> Status: bash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy21:33
DaVampsoh Dragon64 one more question. do you know of a package for audio streaming that works like Sam Broadcaster?21:33
[Ex0r]anyone please?21:33
toyman61<usr13> cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp -> Status: bash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy21:33
darkknightczhi, is it possible to make redirect from http://domain.tld:1234 to https://domain.tld:5678 ?21:33
Dragon64im not familiar with Sam Broadcaster21:34
[Ex0r]is there like a cli script I can run to set it all up?21:34
Dragon64dont do much streaming here'21:34
DaVampsahh kk21:34
BiKER-JENSit's not and option to but something in front of the server, I need to all the port control directly from the server21:35
DaVampsi'm still learning alot bout linux and ubuntu so questions come in like rain21:35
Dragon64darknightcz, are you running a webserver that needs re-direct?21:35
Dragon64DaVamps, keep asking, thats how you learn21:35
beachedhello, anyone willing to try and help me with an ssh problem21:35
usr13toyman61: lsof |grep snd21:35
BiKER-JENSI have startet with a ubuntu server without anything installed and then manuel installed lamp, rtorrent, avalanche-rt,vsftpd and calmav thats it21:35
DaVampsDragon64, and so far, most here have been very helpful and friendly21:35
BiKER-JENSnow i want to control so only the ports ness. is open21:36
BiKER-JENSbut I gues that iptables is my only option or?21:36
Pooky1Dragon64: nothing, now is there just ubuntu default screen...it's meaby becouse i change autologin to show normal login window, bat nothing change with rename .ICEauthority21:36
beachedI installed openssh on this box and was able to connect from internal boxes but not external21:36
Dragon64Pookly - So it didnt crash then?21:37
beachedI opened up port 22 on my router and forward it to my ip21:37
beachedand now am able to ssh from external boxes but no longer am able to ssh from internal boxes21:37
sunicebeached try nmap -Pn <your ip> and see if the port is actually open21:37
usr13beached: try using the outside IP21:38
beachedit is21:38
beachedand i have had a few people log on from other states21:38
beachedwith success21:38
BiKER-JENShmm I think the build in ufw i'll try21:38
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beachedand I have tried ssh 192.168.1.xxx as well as the external IP21:39
beachedfrom the internal box without prevail21:39
Pooky1Dreagon64: i didn't crash before, when i have autologin option enable, it show two errros - ICEauthority and the library and let me to go some gui, then give me error "Nautilus can't access folder USERNAME" and "Thunderbird profile can't be load" and don't let me do almost anythink, there was default desktop (no unity) and no apps there, also no follder access. I get in prefences and change autologin to normal, and now it just freeze on screen bat did'nt crash21:39
Dragon64k one sec21:39
Pooky1Dragon64: there is also some think, i can't change password in user (i found it in some online topic)21:39
Dragon64Pookyl what prompted this? did it work previously for you ?21:40
Dragon64IE: what changed?21:40
nsd_Any FVWM users here that might know a style setting to disable that window that shows the size of a window when you're resizing and the position when you're moving?21:41
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zykotick9beached, "grep ListenAddress /etc/ssh/sshd_config" is it commented out? OR does it have an IP there?21:41
sunicebeached: can you telnet to the port from the internal computer?21:41
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Pooky1Dragon64: well now i password change works, before it wrote somethink about "Invalid security token"21:41
Dragon64well thats a start21:42
Dragon64Pookyl - Did you try to chown your home directory?21:42
Pooky1I hope so21:42
toyman61<usr13> My system rebooted when I tried to kill a process... :-(.  Now the sound system works as it should. Thanx!!!21:42
Pooky1Dragon64: i do not, bat i check permission and it seems fine.. bat i will check it again21:43
Dragon64everything should be owned by you21:43
alkafoonsd_: #fvwm21:43
DaVampsDragon64, how well does ubuntu use ipv6?21:43
nsd_alkafoo: I'll try there then, thanks21:43
beachedzylotick9 I have this as my addresses21:44
beached#ListenAddress ::21:44
zykotick9!tab > beached21:44
ubottubeached, please see my private message21:44
Dragon64DaVamps, dont use it myself, but I think it is ready for it21:44
zykotick9beached, that's fine, it's commented out (as it should be, in your case)21:44
Pooky1Dragon64: permission is good21:44
Dragon64DaVamps https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv621:45
Pooky1everythink is owned by me21:45
Pooky1and there is now no error, should i look some log?21:45
beachedzykotick9, i don't see why opening a port on my router would effect internal21:46
Dragon64Pookyl -- try .xsession.errors21:46
hack27the terminal seems to be stuck on the top left side21:46
zykotick9beached, it shouldn't... sorry i have no other suggestions/ideas...21:46
hack27cant see the min and x button and cant move it21:46
beachedits ok21:47
beachedill keep googling it21:47
Dragon64Pookyl  - Also, try creating a second account and log in to it. this will tell us if it is a system wide issue, or something specific with that user account21:47
[Ex0r]lol, nice21:47
[Ex0r]ubuntu directs you to a site to download new wirelessdrivers, but the website is no longer in service21:47
Pooky1Dragon64: there is some progress, it wasn't just screen there works keyboard shortcut so i can open terminal window and normal apps21:47
Pooky1in .xsession-erros is nothink importent21:48
escott[Ex0r], if you are being directed to an outside sight it is because ubuntu is legally prohibited from distributing the code. if you can find the new location of the code you can file a bug to update that program21:48
escott[Ex0r], kernel.org is down temporarily because of an attack on it21:49
Dragon64Pookyl - create a second account, tell me how it works21:49
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DaVampsDragon64, thanks for the site, do you suggest using IPv6, or is it more so a dead fish until its used globally?21:49
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newerthherohi, how do i add a directory to the include directory?21:50
RadicalShopHi ?21:50
thomasj73Ubuntu Natty, E17 Shell, can't get wifi working (Works in all other shells).  I have searched google but I am no finding anything that helps :(21:50
Dragon64DaVamps -- Exactly. Ubuntu should use ip6 quite nicely, but nobody uses it really. Still not sure now21:50
newerthheroi'm trying to compile source code21:50
escottDaVamps, more than likely your ISP doesn't support ipv6 for you, but thats the first place to check21:50
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Dragon64If you want to make it available great, but don't expect much use of it21:50
Pooky1Dragon64: how can I logout from gnome session using console?21:51
Vamps-Ubuntuok.. more so a dead fish then anything21:51
hack27i cant move the terminal21:51
hack27seems to be stuck21:51
Dragon64Pookyl try killing the gdm process21:51
escotthack27, you don't have a window manager running. you need to start metacity or fvwm or whatever wm you want to use21:51
urlin2unewerthhero, it takes a person knowing and willing to help.21:52
urlin2uhack27, can you move it if you press the alt key.21:52
escottPooky1, gnome-session-quit should work. or killall gnome-session or service gdm restart21:52
Vamps-Ubuntuhack27,  those are desktop manager that give you a GUI21:52
IamTryingWhere do you put the xorg.conf file settings? like want to include dpms false e.g: https://gist.github.com/120486421:52
* thomasj73 hates being a noob21:52
hack27is like stuck on the ubuntu bar21:53
Pooky1Dragon64: well i login in another account and it is the same and also mouse stop working..21:53
hack27i cant see the x button21:53
escottIamTrying, first you have to generate an xorg.conf usually by running Xorg -configure and then copying the file from /root to /etc/X1121:53
urlin2uhack27, does any other app ?work21:53
thomasj73hack27, were you playing around with Compizconfig?21:53
IamTryingescott, ic, thank you21:54
muktiDo I reload a kernel module with modprobe?21:54
thomasj73Is there a way to do, erm, like, ifconfig wlan0 -auto? or something like that?21:54
escottmukti, rmmod modules name; lsmod make sure it isn't loaded, modprobe module_name21:54
zykotick9IamTrying, i believe the command you need is "X -configure" and Xorg needs to be stopped before you run that "sudo service gdm stop" would stop GDM21:55
escotthack27, you probably want to undo whatever the last change you made in ccsm, or nuke your compiz settings. something you did is incompatible with unity21:55
muktiescott: thanks21:55
urlin2uhack27, do you have htop installed21:55
Dragon64pOOKYL-- OK then this is a system wide issue, not limited to local account21:55
Dragon64not sure where to look next for this one21:55
hack27i have compiz but i didnt enable nuttin21:56
thomasj73escott, compizconfig is EVIL! nuked my Unity second day, haven't been able to use it since21:56
hack27i dont have htop21:56
Pirolocitohello all21:56
mongyhack27, unity --reset21:56
Dragon64Pookyl -- You still havent told me what changed. Did this ever work before?21:56
IamTryingzykotick9, ok thanks a lot21:56
mrgthave ubuntu on virtual box and am having real problems printing anything! I installed HPLIP and it was able to find the printer but I can't get it fo print anything. Get the error 2015 - anyone able to help?21:57
hack27unity --reset21:57
newerthherohow do i do this then?21:57
hack27where in the terminaL?21:57
mrgt* 501221:57
Pooky1Dragon64: everythink works fine before, there was crash when i play Warcraft 3 on wine21:57
ironchewnewerthhero: Are you compiling somebody else's code that just requires libraries you don't have?21:57
escottmrgt, usb support in virtual box is only available with the paid version21:57
mongyhack27, yeah21:57
ironchewSynaptic typically takes care of that.21:57
newerthheroi have both the code and the libraries21:57
newerthherobut the code doesnt see the .h files21:57
mrgtIt's a wireless printer though?21:57
Pooky1Dragon64: it crash with fatal error and i must force reboot it21:57
ironchewDid you get the libraries with apt-get or Synaptic?21:57
newerthherowhen i copied them to the exact folder the code is it still doesnt see them21:58
newerthherono, just copied manually21:58
zykotick9escott, incorrect!  VBox 4+ has USB support, and they've merged the OSE/PUEL versions with 4 as well.21:58
newerthherothe files didnt get copied though21:58
newerthheroonly stupid link files21:58
propmanescott: usb is available with the free edition21:58
newerthheroit said that21:58
newerthheroi'm a windows long time user21:58
ironchewnewerthhero: I would suggest downloading the library with apt-get or Synaptic package manager, because it automatically sets that stuff up.21:59
newerthheroi know in windows you only add the include directory21:59
newerthheroyea i tried that but couldnt find it21:59
escottzykotick9, ok. thanks didn't know that21:59
ironchewWhat's the library called?21:59
newerthherois there a file where all the locations listed?21:59
newerthheroits several files21:59
Dragon64Pookyl -- what lead up to the crash? What were you doing?21:59
newerthheroassert.h math.h21:59
newerthheroandroid sdk related21:59
syrinx_priestHi all... trying to remember the name of an CLI app that shows you which programs are using the network and their usage.21:59
beachedzykotick9, any chance u can pm me?21:59
sir_tyrionIs there any real good reason to upgrade to latest distro from 10.04 LTS Desktop edition?22:00
syrinx_priestIt's not in Ubuntu by default22:00
escottsyrinx_priest, ntop and many others22:00
urlin2umrgt, this version has usb, it's free, the not freee is a misnomer.22:00
newerthherono reason22:00
newerthheroi know22:00
sir_tyrionfyi i hate new interface22:00
newerthherothats why22:00
newerthherocant i just add that folder to the path?22:00
beachedi ignor unity22:00
urlin2umrgt, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads22:00
Pooky1Dragon64: i minimalize the game...bat it crash meaby 3 times before, i don't pay atention to it22:00
newerthheroim on ubuntu 10.1022:00
syrinx_priestescott: ntop, that was it... much obliged!22:00
newerthheroand im not upgrading to 11.0422:00
newerthheroor 11.1022:00
cheakoHello, what determins the initrm built in /boot?  I have a handful of un-installed kernel versions taking up precious space.22:00
hack27nuttin i remove compiz22:00
MonkeyDustsir_tyrion: in a few months, the new LTS appears22:01
sir_tyrionCoolio, sticking with 10.0422:01
hack27menu doesn;t show on the application like ubuntu software center22:01
ironchewnewerthhero: The whole SDK has it's own /include directory and compiler, right?22:01
newerthherohow do i add that folder to the inculde?22:01
Dragon64maybe its a problem with your video22:01
Dragon64no clue on that one really -- sorry22:02
escottcheako, there is an initrd for each kernel listed in /boot. you can use dpkg to remove specific kernels and initrds that are not needed22:02
cheakonewerthhero: -I22:02
urlin2u!tab | newerthhero22:02
cheakoescott: The kernels are removed, but the initrds are recreated any way.22:02
Pooky1Dragon64: i think this too, bat can't find nothing about it. Now it just look, like there was off the "controls" of gui in ubuntu22:02
newerthhero!tab |22:02
newerthherowhat is that?22:02
urlin2unewerthhero, tab the nics please. :D22:03
Pooky1Dragon64: there works apps, keyshortcut alt+tab etc bat no visible sidebars of unity22:03
Pooky1Dragon64: there is also no option in login screen, there is just "Default " and "recovery console"22:03
IamTryingzykotick9, I ran this, just to make my concept clear bit confused said failed, did it really worked? So my file should be /home/sun/xorg.conf.new for use case? e.g: https://gist.github.com/120486422:03
beachedanyone know a little somthin about ssh tunneling22:04
escottcheako, im not following. when are they being recreated22:04
newerthheroi dont get it22:04
newerthheroim wasting my time22:04
urlin2unewerthhero, tyoe a few letters of the nic of who your talking to hit tab to auto complete it comes up red for them and we know who your talking to.22:04
newerthheroi dont remember who was helping22:04
newerthheroi just need to add a folder to the include path22:05
cheakoescott: During kernel instalation or whenever kernels are built.22:05
newerthherothat way the code will see the .h files22:05
cheakoerr, initrd.22:05
escott!anyone | beached22:05
zykotick9IamTrying, "Configuration failed" doesn't sound good!  Sorry I've never seen that fail before, not sure what to recommend.22:05
ironchewnewerthhero: Alt+F2, type in "gksudo nautilus"22:05
IamTryingzykotick9, no worries thanks a lot.22:06
newerthheroironchew: ok, and?22:06
ironchewYou'll have to enter an administrator's password, and then you can add folders anywhere.22:06
escottbeached, ask your question...22:06
newerthheroi tried that22:06
newerthherowhen i copy the files22:06
newerthherothe files arent copie22:07
newerthheroironchew: no files copy22:07
escottcheako, when you dpkg -l "*linux*" are the old kernels listed22:07
newerthheroironchew:  only some broken files22:07
beachedhow would i allow someone to tunnel their traffic through my comp remotely22:07
ironchewnewerthhero: An error box pops up that says the transfer wasn't successful, or something like that?22:07
cheakoescott: No.22:07
newerthherono, files copy22:07
newerthherowithout error22:07
cheakoescott: Thus I'm asking where is this list generated from?22:08
escottcheako, and if you remember the initrd from /boot it later gets recreated?22:08
newerthherobut it's like 1kb files22:08
newerthheroironchew: 1kb files22:08
escottcheako, s/remember/remove22:08
cheakoescott: Correct.22:08
newerthheroironchew  : cant i just add the folder to a path?22:08
ironchewnewerthhero: Oh, you mean for executing a program without navigating to that path?22:08
ironchewnewerthhero: You can edit the $PATH variable in Bash.22:09
newerthheroironchew: kinda, you know the output when typing export on terminal?22:09
cheakoescott: In other words "update-initrd -k all -c" will create initrd for images no-longer installed.22:09
n00buntuNLHello guys. I want to buy a commercially available Antivirus+Firewall for Ubuntu .. Any suggestions?22:09
newerthheroironchew: yeah, how do i add that include directory in $path?22:09
cheakoescott: and the drive(small boot partition) fills up.22:09
urlin2un00buntuNL, you can get avast, and bitdefender for free.22:10
ironchewnewerthhero: path=$path+"[NEWDIR]"22:10
beachediptables and avg22:10
cheakoescott: It's 100MB.22:10
ironchewnewerthhero: I'm a bit rusty with my bash skills, so that may not work...22:10
bindin00buntuNL: you know the antiviruses for linuxes are mainly for scanning infected windows files22:10
escottcheako, check in /etc/initramfs-tools22:10
bindin00buntuNL: so not really useful if you just use ubuntu22:11
escottbeached, http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html the hard part is not the ssh command itself but making sure they can connect to your system22:11
n00buntuNLurlin & beached & bindi > Which ones do you prefer? (both AV & firew.) --- well i do want one, am a bit paranoid :)22:11
bindin00buntuNL: also what do you need a firewall for? everything is closed unless you open something intentionally. if you're behind NAT too, that's a firewall for you22:11
beachedescott, may I pm you?22:11
escottbeached, sure22:11
cheakoescott: find and grep turn up zilch for a handful of test strings...  2.6.22  searching just for 22 and then the 2.6 part if too many matches.22:12
ironchewnewerthhero: path="$path [NEWDIR];"22:12
n00buntuNLbindi > I'm a noob who tends to open things he doesn't know sh*t about :)22:12
muktidoes anyone have any good tools for laptop battery power management?22:12
newerthheroironchew: without +=22:12
escottcheako, /var/lib/initramfs-tools/kernel-version then22:12
urlin2un00buntuNL, I have avast and bitdefender to use on my W7 setup. The paranoia will destroy yah.22:12
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cheakoescott: Yeah, I just found this with strace.22:13
escottmukti, powertop22:13
ironchewnewerthhero: I just gave an example for appending a string to the PATH variable. I'm sure there's more than one way to do it.22:13
crisscis there a way to bring a graphical process to the foreground using terminal?22:13
robin0800_escott, you have to purge the configurations as well ubuntu-tweak can do this22:13
cheakoThere they are.22:13
muktiescott, will I be able to manage power settings with that, or does it only allow me to view what is using the battery?22:13
cheakoText files contaning a long hex string(likely an md5) and an initrd name.22:14
n00buntuNLthanks for the suggestions guys22:14
escottmukti, i guess im not sure what you mean by manage power settings. powertop will suggest things you can do to reduce power usage and can automatically apply them22:14
muktiescott, okay22:14
newerthheroanyone know how to use export?22:15
newerthherodidnt work22:15
newerthherothat path=$path22:15
cheakoescott: Yay!  Removing these files worked.22:16
executionistI installed ubuntu along side win7 on this pc, after the installation reboot the pc boots directly into win7 any ideas?22:16
Guest40186Hello people, i would like to have some help connecting my xubuntu with a new digital camera22:16
Guest40186I have just bought a digital camera (Sony DSC-W550) but no support for it, the cd that camed with the camera is for windows and cant find any usefull help on the web22:16
Guest40186Executionist did you installed linux on a second hard drive ?22:17
executionistyep, attached a spare one22:17
Guest40186could be the bios, you need to change the startup boot disk on it22:17
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ironchewnewerthhero: export path="$path [NEWDIR];"22:17
Guest40186just have to reset your pc, and change the settings of it22:18
executionistwont ubuntu rewrite the mbr of the win7?22:18
executionistregardless of which partition i install it on?22:18
escottexecutionist, not necessarily. it will set the mbr of the disk what has the /boot partition, but if that is boot disk 2 then it wont be loaded22:19
Guest40186i guess it does, but i never tryed win7 with ubuntu22:19
zykotick9Guest40186, i'm assuming that plugging it in doesn't show as a drive?  AND http://www.gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/support.php doesn't show your model.  Good luck.22:19
newerthheroironchew: do i need to reboot?22:19
executionistk, lemme see what the first boot option in bios22:19
ironchewnewerthhero: No, a reboot isn't needed.22:20
Guest40186humm... Ok thanks for the help zykotick922:20
zykotick9Guest40186, lol, what help?  sorry.  good luck man.22:20
Guest40186Thanks any way22:20
urlin2uGuest40186, I see no actual support hard to say really, many that are though. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:21
Pooky1guys, how is name default ubuntu enviroment? is it unity?22:22
zykotick9Guest40186, if i where you however, I'd give gphoto2 a try.22:22
Guest40186Cheers urlin2u, well im gonna contact the Sony support and hope for the good... Hope i dont have to install win once again...22:22
zykotick9Guest40186, or invest in a card reader that supports Sony's cards22:23
Guest40186i was thinking on that :) (SD Cards) , thanks very much for all the tips Zykotick922:24
Dragon64Guest40186 -- when you plug in the camera to the pc do you see any mention of it if you type dmeg at the command line?22:24
Dragon64sorry thats dmesg22:24
zykotick9Guest40186, wow you have a Sony that uses SD cards.  That surprising, but makes thing a bit easier.22:24
daniel__where can i download ubuntu drivers for amd gpu?22:25
zykotick9daniel__, they're built in22:25
daniel__6xxx series mobile22:25
zykotick9daniel__, sorry - ignore me22:25
daniel__well i get crash22:25
daniel__when i open catalyst22:25
alkafooPooky1: the uppermost assemblage is called Unity, yes22:26
daniel__when i open catlyst center it says no graphics driver installed22:26
zykotick9daniel__, gpu != cpu, my bad.  ATI good luck.22:26
Pooky1alkafoo: how can i reinstall it? in my login manager missing this option...is there only "Default user" "recovery console" and "Unity 2D"22:27
urlin2udaniel__, this might get you orientated. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver22:27
zykotick9Pooky1, what version of Ubuntu are you using?  "lsb_release -sc" will give codename22:27
Pooky1zykotick9: natty22:28
zykotick9Pooky1, ok, but though with the Unity2D you might be using +1.  Good luck.22:28
newerthheroim using 10.1022:29
newerthheronot downgrding to 11.04 /11.1022:29
daniel__how do you give in commands?22:29
Pooky1zykotick9: I'm not shure if i understand..22:29
zykotick9Pooky1, sorry, I suspected you might be using 11.10 which isn't supported in this channel, but you're all good! sorry to bother you.22:30
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Pooky1it's fine, i just really stuck22:31
alkafooPooky1: I can conceive of ordinary Unity being disabled if you don't have a suitabale graphics device22:31
Pooky1alkafoo: there was crash and fatal error in ubuntu which include .ICEauthority...after some changes i was able to login in and install unity 2D which seems to be working fine, so i supouse i can reinstall unity too22:33
daniel__do you need anything for switchable graphics to work?22:34
escottdaniel__, there are a couple projects for different vendors. vga_switcheroo for ati and ?bumblebee? for nvidia22:35
soybeananyone here use FreeCAD?22:37
soybeanI can't get the units to change and its driving me crazy22:37
zaspazhello ppl22:37
keyboardtalkcan I download ubuntu via bittorrent?22:38
zykotick9keyboardtalk, yes www.ubuntu.com22:38
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, yep link are at the ubuntu website.22:38
zykotick9keyboardtalk, specifically http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt22:39
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berefeirahas anyone used hdparm to reset their ssd?22:41
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syrinx_priestHi again... anyone know how to set a port range to be closed in GUFW?22:44
escottberefeira, you probably need to be more specific about what exactly you reset22:45
Cr3alanyone interested in helping me fix up my first html site? I validated it through W3 and need a bit of help fixing minor errors22:45
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escottsyrinx_priest, by default they will be closed22:45
berefeiraescott: I have eeepc1000H, I want to install Natty but need to wipe/restore to default beforehand22:45
soybeanlooking for freecad help changing units lol22:45
Pooky1guys, what things should i backup for reinstall?22:46
urlin2upooky, you want a clone or home saved with your stuff?22:46
escottberefeira, why would you need to use hdparm to do that? wouldn't you just repartition?22:46
zykotick9soybean, have you tried in #freecad22:47
Pooky1I think clone22:47
berefeiraescott: from what I understand there is degradation, you can clear the blocks to get all space/speed back22:47
urlin2uPooky1, I use clonezilla22:47
soybeanclonezilla is super easy to use22:48
soybeanAnyone good with FreeCad?  Can't change units, the dialog for it is grey'd out.  wtf??22:48
urlin2uPooky1, http://clonezilla.org/22:48
Pooky1well it just clone disk?22:48
urlin2upooky!disc or partitions22:48
urlin2uPooky1, disc or partitions22:48
Pooky1well i hope for somethink, which some my settings and be able to return them to new install22:49
escottberefeira, ie this device doesnt support TRIM. i'm sure you can do something with hdparm on certain devices to mark all blocks as unused, but I don't know what it would be. alternately you could write 0s to every sector of the disk and accomplish the same thing22:49
antidis there a repertory of possible fixes for the 'BusyBox' 'error' ?22:50
urlin2uPooky1, clonezila is just a snap shot, you can use others to list the installed apps for reinstall.22:50
escottantid, what busybox error22:50
berefeiraescott: thats it, to make it look like unused blocks, writing zeros is the first part of that, then you can hdparm to unused blocks22:51
antidwhen I try to install ubuntu, after the loading splash screen i get to a "BusyBox" and "(initramfs)"22:52
antidI found a 41-pages long thread about it on ubuntuforums. seems to have started at 8.0422:52
Pooky1ok thnaks for help guys22:52
arooni-mobilehelp;  my ubuntu t420 my microphone doesnt seem to be working.  running ubuntu 11.0422:52
Pooky1i wille somehow sole it22:53
Pooky1or just broke this computer with hammer..22:53
berefeiraescott: i got it, cache page loaded, save this for future reference, thanks for your thoughts and help :)22:53
escottberefeira, i think what you want is --trim-sector-ranges22:53
Cr3alam i suupose to use the <font. tag instead?  of <h1 align="center" style="font-family:arial">22:53
zykotick9Pooky1, is your current install perfect?  If not, then you probably don't want to clonezilla it!22:53
berefeiraescott: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ytumYIWynbMJ:https://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ATA_Secure_Erase+https://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ATA_Secure_Erase&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&ie=UTF-822:53
antidIndeed, pooky1, "never trust a computer you cannot throw out a window"22:53
Pooky1zykotick9: my install is now broken22:53
berefeiraescott: step 3 of the link is what i was looking for22:53
zykotick9Pooky1, then clonezilla is NOT a good option22:54
Pooky1i know22:54
Pooky1i try fix it22:54
Pooky1bat meaby i must reinstall22:54
zykotick9!clone | Pooky122:54
ubottuPooky1: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:54
escottantid, there are a lot of possibilities, can you describe the hardware a bit22:54
antidwhich piece22:54
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Pooky1zykotick9: so this save all settings and packages?22:55
newerthherowhy did ubuntu change to unity in 11.04?22:55
zykotick9Pooky1, NO - just your installed package list22:55
newerthheroand wayon  is it called?22:55
DaVampsWinbecause unity will be the new lay out for ubuntu22:55
urlin2unewerthhero, yes, but therre is the classic desktop as well22:55
zykotick9Pooky1, backup your Home directory and any files you may have changed in /etc22:55
newerthheroDoes the old desktop use X?22:55
newerthheroany disadvantages ? i've been reading people saying they dont like the new 11.0422:56
DaVampsWinubuntu classsis is just as it states.. the classic look of ubuntu22:56
urlin2unewerthhero, yhey all do choose classic at the login, after choosing the user name22:56
escottnewerthhero, wayland is not in ANY system yet. its a few years out at best22:56
Pooky1zykotick9: nothing else?22:56
zykotick9Pooky1, ANYTHING else you need!22:56
urlin2unewerthhero, please tab22:57
escottantid, anything > nothing22:57
newerthherourlin2u: escott, what's better in unity?22:57
newerthheroover X?22:57
DaVampsWinthe progression of classic to unity is much like that of win 95/98 to XP22:57
newerthherounity replaces Xorg, right?22:57
Pooky1zykotick9: thanks i still try fix it, bat totaly will make backup this importent files...22:57
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.22:57
urlin2unewerthhero, you will have to look for yourself we afre suport not IMHO.22:57
keyboardtalkzykotick9: all of the bittorrent links are broken.22:58
* Pooky1 tired....solve this stupid think for 3 hours...22:58
zykotick9keyboardtalk, working here?  good luck.22:59
keyboardtalkzykotick9: dang22:59
Pooky1how is can be there 1400 users and nobody write anythink?22:59
zwickbecause other people type things like "anythink" lol23:00
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zykotick9Pooky1, this is a busy channel - debian has 1000+ users and probably 1/2 the chatter23:00
newerthherothe stupid code still doesnt see the h. files23:00
newerthheroim giving up on this23:01
angelicaldumbhello there, i ve installed ubuntu 11.04 into a n usb pen drive but booting get stuck on a flashing cursor screen. anyone know what to do?23:01
Pooky1zwick: give me a rest...i almost sleep on keyboard23:01
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urlin2ukeyboardtalk, the torrents work what torrent app are you using, here they are   http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt23:01
K4kHi, has anyone seen a solution to the wake from suspend issues with the Asus eee 1215 series netbooks?23:01
keyboardtalkzykotick9: urlin2u: I managed to download the .torrent files from another machine. The one I'm currently using gives me an "Object not found" page23:02
Zi-hi, somebody can help me to fix a wifi driver on ubuntu 11.0423:02
urlin2uangelicaldumb, at powering on tap the space key, at the gui tap f6 choose nomodeset and boot in.23:03
K4kZi-: what is the model of the wifi card or do you know what chip it's using?23:03
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, which is it the torrent app?23:03
antidescott...idk...intel pentium4 3.06ghz, ati radeon chipset, an hp "Asterope-GL8E (RC410-M)" motherboard, sata hard disk,LightScribe dvd drive...23:04
angelicaldumburlin2u , i ll try , thanks23:04
antid(integrated graphic card)23:04
escottantid, and no message as to why it drops you to busybox?23:04
Pooky1zykotick9: on zf chanel is meaby 200 user max, and there is very intesive chat23:05
antidno, it just does. like the majority of posts on that forum thread23:05
zykotick9Pooky1, zf?  what's that?23:05
antidbut i had to boot with "noapic" for it to get anywhere23:05
Pooky1zykotick9: zend framework23:05
escottantid, do you know how to manually mount a partition or fsck a partition?23:06
keyboardtalkurlin2u: http://i.imgur.com/LQAni.png23:07
antidi know that the ubuntu live cd provides some sort of partition manager, but idk what you mean by manually or fsck23:07
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, use a actual torrent like deluge, and get the links from the page I posted.23:08
escottantid, when you are in the initrd you should check the output of "mount" and see if the the / partition is mounted, and if it is mounted rw or ro. if it is mounted ro you can fsck the partition by "fsck /dev/sda#" and finally try to mount -o remount,rw that partition23:09
keyboardtalkurlin2u: That is a link from the page you posted.23:09
zykotick9keyboardtalk, MS obviously doesn't want you to get Ubuntu torrents ;)23:09
keyboardtalkzykotick9: apparently23:09
escottantid, that would be one common reason you get dropped into initrd is if the root partition cannot be mounted or cannot be mounted rw23:09
escottantid, if the problem is some kind of kernel oops (which is suggested by your need to use noapic) you could try other options like nomodeset23:10
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, down load the torrent link install a actual torrent app like deluge, something is breaking in yoiur approach the torrents work.23:11
antidescott, i tried messing with some commands when i get to busybox but it either does nothing or tells me that it has no root to this or that directory (as i don't have it installed...?)23:11
tim__nick timothy23:12
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UnknownEditionPerchè è così lento a scaricare l'OS?23:12
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, or just use the browser download on a browser.23:12
escottantid, the initrd is a very simple, and very limited memory only filesystem that gets replaced once your real hard drive is loaded and initialized. if that harddrive cant be accessed you get stuck. so thinks like "bios raid" or a weird sata driver, or a corrupt filesystem etc23:12
escottantid, s/thinks/things.... will get you stuck in initrd23:13
urlin2uUnknownEdition, English?23:13
escott!it | UnknownEdition23:13
ubottuUnknownEdition: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:13
avid_userI am only getting black screen whenever I play a video in vlc/movie player. If I put anyother window above the video or right click then only the overlapped portion of the video becomes visible.23:13
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keyboardtalkurlin2u: I have a torrenting app. I am able to download the torrent on a remote server. But I cannot download the torrent file on my local machine. I am wondering why I get redirected to an object not found page23:13
UnknownEditionI think that is italian channel...23:13
UnknownEditionWhy is so slow speed of download ubuntu os?23:14
UnknownEdition20 kb/S23:14
andrewSwhat is the console command to check the IP address of a url please?23:14
escottandrewS, dig or ping23:14
qinandrewS: nslookup, whois23:14
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, not sure, this is basic stuff as far as getting a torrent running, and not the #windows chanell dfor fixing it.23:14
urlin2uUnknownEdition, your provider, it should be very fast, try the torrent.23:15
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urlin2uUnknownEdition, if your downloading on a Ubuntu machine change the mirror.23:16
keyboardtalkurlin2u: all the more reason to wipe windows I guess23:16
UnknownEditionCon you give me torrent url for 11.04?23:17
qinkeyboardtalk: Have you tried to save file.torrent and add manualy to client?23:17
urlin2ukeyboardtalk, a OS is a OS you wont get any anti ms here from me even though I'm a full open source user, brand loyalty is so unenlightening23:17
ZombieRameni'm having problems encoding a file i made in glc, as described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=182851323:17
rwwUnknownEdition: 32-bit or 64-bit?23:18
UnknownEditionI found it...23:18
armourI am looking of something program on ubuntu or distro that can do same things as exinda appliances. Anyone got any ideas_23:18
avid_userI am only getting black screen whenever I play a video in vlc/movie player. If I put anyother window above the video or right click then only the overlapped portion of the video becomes visible.23:21
zykotick9avid_user, do you have mplayer installed?  try "mplayer -vo x11 FILE.FOO" and see if it show right away.23:22
urlin2uavid_user, have you installed the restricted-extras vlc should work but those extras should help.23:22
tomeoIs it possible to extract a sound driver from ubuntu and install it on crunchbang?23:23
zykotick9tomeo, ask in crunchbang support, as it's not supported here.23:24
BarkingFish!crunchbang | tomeo23:24
ubottutomeo: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition23:24
tomeookay :( thanks23:24
UnknownEditionNow i've w7, so can i have it and ubuntu, and decide what os to use?23:27
avid_userzykotick9: mplayer worked. What can be the problem?23:28
zykotick9avid_user, try "mplayer -vo xv FILE.FOO" now23:29
avid_userzykotick9: same problem.23:29
zykotick9avid_user, SO the problem is XV you need to change any media player you want to use AWAY from using XV23:30
YounderMy USB devices will not  automount23:30
sagacihuawei 3g wireless fixed due to patch, glad it got fixed23:31
escottYounder, make sure they are not listed (by uuid usually) in /etc/fstab23:33
crash1hdit seems that I am having an issue of too many open files with deluge23:33
Younderescott, they are not23:34
Aszurom_I have an ATI 6950 card, and I installed the catalyst drivers when 11.04 prompted for them.  I'm noticing that dragging windows isn't glassy smooth like they should be, and video playback in vlc player is desyncing audio and generally choppy.  Clues?23:34
crash1hdI was informed to up the ulimit but when I run ulimit it says unlimited how can I raise it above unlimited?23:34
ichbinderhello. How can I disable the prompt asking whether I really want to shutdown and instead shutdown directly? Tried searching the forums, but all I found was this outdated information: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1160118 at least I don't know where to click.. ^^23:34
avid_userzykotick9: Thanks a lot :)23:35
zykotick9avid_user, glad to help23:35
escottYounder, and are you a member of plugdev23:36
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robin0800_ichbinder, ubuntu-tweak can disable these I think23:37
ichbinderrobin0800_: you mean ltsp-manager? that's all synaptic finds for ubuntu-tweak23:38
zykotick9ichbinder, ubuntu-tweak is unsupported, and NOT in the default repo23:39
ichbinderzykotick9: ah, okay...23:39
ichbinderzykotick9, robin0800_: there is no simple way to disable this? I mean, not even using bash + sudo? :D23:39
ichbinderI just can't find anything on that topic... :-/23:39
zykotick9ichbinder, sorry, I don't know a way.  Good luck.23:40
ichbinderand it seems like it was easily accessable before...23:40
ichbinderzykotick9: thanks!23:40
robin0800_ichbinder, ubuntu-tweak no as its unsuported you will have to google for it23:40
ichbinderrobin0800_: hm, kay... will check it out but don't really want to install unsupported stuff just to disable that prompt. ^^ But thanks! :)23:41
kolixHey guys23:41
kolixI'm running into a DNS problem23:41
ichbinderthanks... I might be gone in a second, will try my power button. ^^ thanks for help!23:41
FluffyMittensOfDHello, I'm looking for some help on getting madwifi-ng drivers installed23:42
kolixI bought a domain name, have DNS hosting and I'm trying to forward my domain to my ip23:42
kolixfor this, i set up an A record, correct?23:42
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zromaynnow, this is awkward, can anybody tell me if is there any command to list how many files and directories there are within a directory23:42
HaikuUsergirl on the chanel ?   :)23:42
zromaynhello, i've tried ls -la but i dont want to list them all, just list the number of them23:43
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IdleOneHaikuUser: this is a support channel not a dating site.23:43
exutuxzromayn: wc -l23:43
dr_williszromayn:  you might need to make up a little script to handle the task exactly how you want.23:43
dr_williszromayn:  ls | wc     :) perhaps for a starting point.23:43
dr_willisI thought ls gave a count.. at the end23:44
zromaynexutux: let me try that23:45
zromayndr_willis: i'll keep that in mind23:45
exutuxzromayn: ls | wc -l23:45
Aszurom_ah, I think I got it... had to go into openGL and disable vsync23:45
dr_willisfind (options)23:45
dr_willisfind (options)  | wc -l      :)23:45
FluffyMittensOfDCan anyone help me with getting wadwifi-ng installed?23:45
FluffyMittensOfDNobody can help?23:47
dr_willisif any one could they would have said so23:47
dr_willisnever used madwifi - so no idea on anything about it.. You could give more details as to the issue.23:47
BarkingFishFluffyMittensOfD, what is the problem with installing it?23:47
dr_willis!info madwifi-ng23:47
ubottuPackage madwifi-ng does not exist in natty23:47
FluffyMittensOfDBarkingFish, I'm trying to get a persistant ubuntu 11.04 going Trying to get apps like aircrack on it23:48
qinzromayn: With hidden it is more tricky, but similar to: n=1; for i in * ; do echo $n $i; let n++; done23:49
dr_willisso... you have debs for madwifi-ng? or what exactly? theres most likely some redone ubuntu variants with cracking tools and others allready included.23:49
thomasj73Wow, Natty is QUICK with E17 Shell!23:49
FluffyMittensOfDdr_willis, Event not found23:49
dr_willisFluffyMittensOfD:  !whatever are BOT commands...23:49
dr_willisFluffyMittensOfD:  or in bash . they are bash history event commands.. they are not bash 'commands'23:50
FluffyMittensOfDdr_willis, sorry, my brain has been wracked with getting it installed23:50
BarkingFisha quick search of aptitude doesn't reveal that we have madwifi23:50
d1kbls -1 | wc -l files in a directory or folder  all files in the current working directory find . -type f | wc -l23:50
FluffyMittensOfD!info madwifi-ng23:50
battlehandsIm running the latest 32 bit version of ubuntu, and the bar that has things like: firefox, folder, ubuntu software center, ect... will not hide when Im not mousing over it.  This problem has only been happening today.  Before today, when I wasnt mousing over the bar it would automatically hide.  Can someone help me?23:50
ubottuPackage madwifi-ng does not exist in natty23:50
BarkingFishI can find aircrack-ng, but not a madwifi package23:50
* dr_willis dosent even knoow what madwifi-ng is.23:50
BarkingFish!info madwifi-ng maverick23:50
FluffyMittensOfDBarkingFish, I know, I already tried apt-get23:50
ubottuPackage madwifi-ng does not exist in maverick23:50
exutuxdr_willis: they are wifi drivers23:50
dr_willisor wny its needed.23:51
wayne_hello all how are you today23:51
escottBarkingFish, you aren't going to get much help on injection attacks here23:51
dr_willisexplains why its not in the default repos. :)23:51
escottdr_willis, standard atheros drivers cannot inject23:51
FluffyMittensOfDescott, I'm trying to just install madwifi23:51
dr_willisseen some penetration testing/alternative ubuntu vairants with such tools. so theres most likely repos/ppa's with the stuff.23:52
escottFluffyMittensOfD, yeah but your reason for installing ng is to run aircrack meaning you want to inject... so please go somewhere else23:52
BarkingFishescott, I'm not the one who wants the info. If I'm not supposed to be helping with it, I apologise - I'll leave it alone.23:52
escottBarkingFish, its ok... and sorry about the confusion. its just better to keep that questionable stuff off the channel if possible23:53
FluffyMittensOfDescott, I'm just trying to get a persistant flash going. Thats all. Where should I go then23:53
escott!backtrack | FluffyMittensOfD23:53
ubottuFluffyMittensOfD: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition23:53
BarkingFishI have absolutely no idea what aircrack is, escott - all I was doing was helping to find a relevant package - I had no idea it *was* questionable :)23:53
exutuxFluffyMittensOfD: #madwifi23:53
FluffyMittensOfDI'm running ubuntu 11.04.23:54
dr_willisFluffyMittensOfD:  if you want a pentration testing disrto. theres several mentioned at -> distrowatch.com23:54
kolixhey can anyone help with this dns problem?23:54
escottFluffyMittensOfD, try backtrack.23:54
d1kbBacktrack is the best distro for penetration testing. Aircrack is a packet sniffer. Both are to be used with caution. If you cant even install them leave it to the experts23:58
sam555hello all!23:58
anadonhey, how do I get apt to download the source code?23:58
sam555how does one check the log on a corrupted hard drive?23:59
rww!source | anadon23:59
ubottuanadon: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html23:59
exutuxd1kb: if you know how to do it, you don't need to use particular distros23:59
escottsam555, you mean recover the ext3/ext4 logfile? with fsck23:59
anadonrww: thanks!23:59

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